Magnesium compounds in nature. What food sources does it contain? Why is a lack of magnesium in the body dangerous?

The science that studies these elements is chemistry. The periodic table, based on which we can study this science, shows us that there are twelve protons and neutrons contained in a magnesium atom. This can be determined by the atomic number (it is equal to the number of protons, and there will be the same number of electrons if it is a neutral atom and not an ion).

The chemical properties of magnesium are also studied by chemistry. The periodic table is also necessary for their consideration, since it shows us the valency of the element (in this case it is equal to two). It depends on the group to which the atom belongs. In addition, with its help you can find out that the molar mass of magnesium is twenty-four. That is, one mole of this metal weighs twenty-four grams. The formula of magnesium is very simple - it does not consist of molecules, but of atoms united by a crystal lattice.

Characteristics of magnesium from the point of view of physics

Like all metals, except mercury, this compound has a solid state of aggregation under normal conditions. It has a light gray color with a peculiar shine. This metal has quite high strength. The physical characteristics of magnesium do not end there.

Consider the melting and boiling points. The first is equal to six hundred and fifty degrees Celsius, the second is one thousand ninety degrees Celsius. We can conclude that this is a fairly fusible metal. In addition, it is very light: its density is 1.7 g/cm3.

Magnesium. Chemistry

Knowing the physical characteristics of this substance, you can move on to the second part of its characteristics. This metal has a medium level of activity. This can be seen from the electrochemical series of metals - the more passive it is, the more to the right it is. Magnesium is one of the first on the left. Let us consider in order what substances it reacts with and how this happens.

With simple

These include those whose molecules consist of only one chemical element. This includes oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur, and many others. First, let's look at the interaction with oxygen. It's called combustion. In this case, an oxide of this metal is formed. If we burn two moles of magnesium, while spending one mole of oxygen, we get two moles of oxide. The equation for this reaction is written as follows: 2Mg + O 2 = 2MgO. In addition, when magnesium burns in the open air, its nitride is also formed, since this metal simultaneously reacts with nitrogen contained in the atmosphere.

When three moles of magnesium are burned, one mole of nitrogen is consumed, and the result is one mole of nitride of the metal in question. The equation for this kind of chemical interaction can be written as follows: 3Mg + N 2 = Mg 3 N 2.

In addition, magnesium can react with other simple substances such as halogens. Interaction with them occurs only if the components are heated to very high temperatures. In this case, an addition reaction occurs. The halogens include the following simple substances: chlorine, iodine, bromine, fluorine. And the reactions are named accordingly: chlorination, iodination, bromination, fluorination. As you might have guessed, as a result of such interactions one can obtain magnesium chloride, iodide, bromide, and fluoride. For example, if we take one mole of magnesium and the same amount of iodine, we get one mole of iodide of this metal. This chemical reaction can be expressed using the following equation: Mg + I 2 = MgI 2. Chlorination is carried out according to the same principle. Here is the reaction equation: Mg + Cl 2 = MgCl 2.

In addition, metals, including magnesium, react with phosphorus and sulfur. In the first case, you can get phosphide, in the second - sulfide (not to be confused with phosphates and sulfates!). If you take three moles of magnesium, add two moles of phosphorus to it and heat it to the desired temperature, one mole of phosphide of the metal in question is formed. The equation for this chemical reaction is as follows: 3Mg + 2P = Mg 3 P 2. In the same way, if you mix magnesium and sulfur in equal molar proportions and create the necessary conditions in the form of high temperature, we obtain the sulfide of this metal. The equation for such a chemical interaction can be written as follows: Mg + S = MgS. So we looked at the reactions of this metal with other simple substances. But the chemical characteristics of magnesium do not end there.

Reactions with complex compounds

These substances include water, salts, and acids. Metals react differently with different groups. Let's look at everything in order.

Magnesium and water

When this metal interacts with the most common chemical compound on Earth, oxide and hydrogen are formed in the form of a gas with a strong, unpleasant odor. To carry out this type of reaction, the components also need to be heated. If you mix one mole of magnesium and water, you get the same amount of oxide and hydrogen. The reaction equation is written as follows: Mg + H 2 O = MgO + H 2.

Interaction with acids

Like other reactive metals, magnesium is capable of displacing hydrogen atoms from their compounds. This kind of process is called In such cases, metal atoms replace hydrogen atoms and a salt is formed, consisting of magnesium (or another element) and an acid precipitate. For example, if you take one mole of magnesium and add it to two moles, one mole of the chloride of the metal in question and the same amount of hydrogen are formed. The reaction equation will look like this: Mg + 2HCl = MgCl 2 + H 2.

Interaction with salts

We have already described how salts are formed from acids, but the characterization of magnesium from a chemical point of view also implies consideration of its reactions with salts. In this case, interaction can only occur if the metal contained in the salt is less active than magnesium. For example, if we take one mole of magnesium and copper sulfate, we get the sulfate of the metal in question and pure copper in an equal molar ratio. The equation for this type of reaction can be written as follows: Mg + CuSO 4 = MgSO 4 + Cu. This is where the restorative properties of magnesium come into play.

Application of this metal

Due to the fact that it is superior to aluminum in many respects - it is approximately three times lighter, but at the same time twice as strong, it is widely used in various industries. First of all, this is the aircraft industry. Here, magnesium-based alloys occupy first place in popularity among all materials used. In addition, it is used in the chemical industry as a reducing agent to extract certain metals from their compounds. Due to the fact that when burned, magnesium produces a very powerful flash, it is used in the military industry for the manufacture of signal flares, flash-noise ammunition, etc.

Getting magnesium

The main raw material for this is the chloride of the metal in question. This is done by electrolysis.

Qualitative reaction to cations of a given metal

This is a special procedure designed to determine the presence of ions of a substance. To test the solution for the presence of magnesium compounds, you can add potassium or sodium carbonate to it. As a result, a white precipitate is formed, which easily dissolves in acids.

Where can this metal be found in nature?

This chemical element is quite common in nature. Almost two percent of the earth's crust consists of this metal. It is found in many minerals, such as carnallite, magnesite, dolomite, talc, and asbestos. The formula of the first mineral looks like this: KCl.MgCl 2 .6H 2 O. It looks like crystals of bluish, pale pink, faded red, light yellow or transparent.

Magnesite is its chemical formula - MgCO 3. It is white in color, but depending on impurities, it can have a gray, brown or yellow tint. Dolomite has the following chemical formula: MgCO 3 .CaCO 3 . It is a yellowish-gray or mineral with a glassy luster.

Talc and asbestos have more complex formulas: 3MgO.4SiO 2 .H 2 O and 3MgO.2SiO 2 .2H 2 O, respectively. Due to their high heat resistance, they are widely used in industry. In addition, magnesium is part of the chemical composition of the cell and the structure of many organic substances. We will look at this in more detail.

The role of magnesium for the body

This chemical element is important for both plant and animal creatures. Magnesium is simply vital for the plant body. Just as iron is the basis of hemoglobin, necessary for animal life, so magnesium is the main component of chlorophyll, without which a plant cannot exist. This pigment is involved in the process of photosynthesis, during which nutrients are synthesized from inorganic compounds in the leaves.

Magnesium is also very necessary for the animal body. The mass fraction of this microelement in the cell is 0.02-0.03%. Despite the fact that there is so little of it, it performs very important functions. Thanks to it, the structure of such organelles as mitochondria, which are responsible for cellular respiration and energy synthesis, is maintained, as well as ribosomes, in which proteins necessary for life are formed. In addition, it is part of the chemical composition of many enzymes that are needed for intracellular metabolism and DNA synthesis.

For the body as a whole, magnesium is necessary to take part in the metabolism of glucose, fats and some amino acids. Also, with the help of this trace element a nerve signal can be transmitted. In addition to all of the above, sufficient magnesium in the body reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart attacks and strokes.

Symptoms of increased and decreased content in the human body

A lack of magnesium in the body is manifested by such main symptoms as high blood pressure, fatigue and low performance, irritability and poor sleep, memory impairment, and frequent dizziness. You may also experience nausea, convulsions, trembling fingers, confusion - these are signs of a very low level of intake of this microelement from food.

A lack of magnesium in the body leads to frequent respiratory diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular system, and type 2 diabetes. Next, let's look at the magnesium content in products. To avoid its deficiency, you need to know which foods are rich in this chemical element. It is also necessary to take into account that many of these symptoms can also manifest themselves in the opposite case - an excess of magnesium in the body, as well as a lack of microelements such as potassium and sodium. Therefore, it is important to carefully review your diet and understand the essence of the problem; this is best done with the help of a nutritionist.

As mentioned above, this element is the main component of chlorophyll. Therefore, you can guess that a large amount of it is contained in greens: celery, dill, parsley, cauliflower and white cabbage, lettuce, etc. Also, many cereals, especially buckwheat and millet, as well as oatmeal and barley. In addition, nuts are rich in this microelement: cashews, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, and almonds. Legumes such as beans and peas also contain large amounts of the metal in question.

A lot of it is also found in algae, for example in seaweed. If these products are consumed in normal quantities, then your body will not lack the metal discussed in this article. If you do not have the opportunity to regularly eat the foods listed above, then it is best to purchase nutritional supplements that contain this microelement. However, before doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor.


Magnesium is one of the most important metals in the world. It has found wide application in numerous industries - from chemical to aviation and military. Moreover, it is very important from a biological point of view. Without it, the existence of neither plant nor animal organisms is impossible. Thanks to this chemical element, the process that gives life to the entire planet is carried out - photosynthesis.


Magnesium- the twelfth element of the Periodic Table. Designation - Mg from the Latin "magnesium". Located in the third period, group IIA. Refers to metals. The nuclear charge is 12.

Magnesium is very common in nature. It occurs in large quantities as magnesium carbonate, forming the minerals magnesite MgCO 3 and dolomite MgCO 3 ×CaCO 3 . Magnesium sulfate and chloride are part of the minerals kainite KCl × MgSO 4 × 3H 2 O and carnallite KCl × MgCl 2 × 6H 2 O. The Mg 2+ ion is found in sea water, giving it a bitter taste. The total amount of magnesium in the earth's crust is about 2% (mass.).

In its simple form, magnesium is a silvery-white (Fig. 1), very light metal. In air it changes little, since it is quickly covered with a thin layer of oxide, protecting it from further oxidation.

Rice. 1. Magnesium. Appearance.

Atomic and molecular mass of magnesium

The relative molecular mass of a substance (M r) is a number showing how many times the mass of a given molecule is greater than 1/12 the mass of a carbon atom, and the relative atomic mass of an element (A r) is how many times the average mass of atoms of a chemical element is greater than 1/12 mass of a carbon atom.

Since magnesium exists in the free state in the form of monoatomic Mg molecules, the values ​​of its atomic and molecular masses coincide. They are equal to 24.304.

Isotopes of magnesium

It is known that in nature magnesium can be found in the form of three stable isotopes 24 Mg (23.99%), 25 Mg (24.99%) and 26 Mg (25.98%). Their mass numbers are 24, 25 and 26, respectively. The nucleus of an atom of the magnesium isotope 24 Mg contains twelve protons and twelve neutrons, and the isotopes 25 Mg and 26 Mg contain the same number of protons, thirteen and fourteen neutrons, respectively.

There are artificial isotopes of magnesium with mass numbers from 5 to 23 and from 27 to 40.

Magnesium ions

At the outer energy level of the magnesium atom there are two electrons, which are valence:

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 .

As a result of chemical interaction, manium gives up its valence electrons, i.e. is their donor, and turns into a positively charged ion:

Mg 0 -2e → Mg 2+ .

Magnesium molecule and atom

In the free state, magnesium exists in the form of monoatomic Mg molecules. Here are some properties characterizing the magnesium atom and molecule:

Magnesium alloys

The main area of ​​application of metallic magnesium is the production of various light alloys based on it. The addition of small amounts of other metals to magnesium dramatically changes its mechanical properties, giving the alloy significant hardness, strength and corrosion resistance.

Alloys called electrons have especially valuable properties. They belong to three systems: Mg-Al-Zn, Mg-Mn and Mg-Zn-Zr. The most widely used are alloys of the Mg-Al-Zn system, containing from 3 to 10% aluminum and from 0.2 to 3% zinc. The advantage of magnesium alloys is their low density (about 1.8 g/cm3).

Examples of problem solving


Magnesium is a silvery-white shiny metal, relatively soft and ductile, a good conductor of heat and electricity. Almost 5 times lighter than copper, 4.5 times lighter than iron; even aluminum is 1.5 times heavier than magnesium. Magnesium melts at a temperature of 651 o C, but under normal conditions it is quite difficult to melt it: when heated in air to 550 o C, it flares up and instantly burns with a dazzlingly bright flame. A strip of magnesium foil can be easily set on fire with an ordinary match, and in an atmosphere of chlorine, magnesium spontaneously ignites even at room temperature. When magnesium burns, it releases a large amount of ultraviolet rays and heat - to heat a glass of ice water to a boil, you only need to burn 4 g of magnesium.

Magnesium is located in the main subgroup of the second group of the periodic table of elements D.I. Mendeleev. Its serial number is 12, atomic weight is 24.312. The electronic configuration of the magnesium atom in the unexcited state is 1S 2 2S 2 P 6 3S 2; The electrons in the outer layer are valence; therefore, magnesium exhibits valency II. Closely related to the structure of the electronic shells of the magnesium atom is its reactivity. Due to the presence of only two electrons in the outer shell, the magnesium atom tends to easily give them up to obtain a stable eight-electron configuration; Therefore, magnesium is chemically very active.

Magnesium oxidizes in air, but the resulting oxide film protects the metal from further oxidation. The normal electronic potential of magnesium in an acidic environment is -2.37V, in an alkaline environment - 2.69V. Magnesium dissolves in dilute acids in the cold. It is insoluble in hydrofluoric acid due to the formation of a film from MgF 2 fluoride, which is sparingly soluble in water; almost insoluble in concentrated sulfuric acid. Magnesium dissolves easily when exposed to solutions of ammonium salts. Alkaline solutions have no effect on it. Magnesium is supplied to laboratories in the form of powder or strips. If you set fire to magnesium tape, it quickly burns with a blinding flash, developing a high temperature. Magnesium flashes are used in photography and in the manufacture of lighting flares. The boiling point of magnesium is 1107 o C, density = 1.74 g/cm 3, atomic radius 1.60 NM.

Chemical properties of magnesium.

The chemical properties of magnesium are quite peculiar. It easily removes oxygen and chlorine from most elements, and is not afraid of caustic alkalis, soda, kerosene, gasoline and mineral oils. Magnesium almost does not interact with cold water, but when heated, it decomposes with the release of hydrogen. In this respect, it occupies an intermediate position between beryllium, which does not react with water at all, and calcium, which easily interacts with it. The reaction is especially intense with water vapor heated above 380 o C:

Mg 0 (solid) + H 2 + O (gas) Mg + 2 O (solid) + H 2 0 (gas).

Since the product of this reaction is hydrogen, it is clear that extinguishing burning magnesium with water is unacceptable: the formation of an explosive mixture of hydrogen and oxygen and an explosion may occur. You cannot extinguish a burning magnesium with carbon dioxide: magnesium reduces it to free carbon -4e

2Mg 0 + C +4 O 2 2Mg +2 O+C 0,

You can stop the access of oxygen to burning magnesium by covering it with sand, although magnesium interacts with silicon (IV) oxide, but with significantly less heat release:

2Mg 0 + Si +4 O 2 =2Mg +2 O+Si 0

This determines the possibility of using sand to extinguish silicon. The danger of magnesium catching fire during intense heating is one of the reasons why its use as a technical material is limited.

In the electrochemical voltage series, magnesium is significantly to the left of hydrogen and actively reacts with dilute acids to form salts. Magnesium has peculiarities in these reactions. It does not dissolve in hydrofluoric acid, concentrated sulfuric acid, and in a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids, which dissolves other metals almost as effectively as aqua regia (a mixture of HCl and HNO 3). The resistance of magnesium to dissolution in hydrofluoric acid is explained simply: the surface of magnesium is covered with a film of magnesium fluoride MgF 2, insoluble in hydrofluoric acid. The resistance of magnesium to sufficiently concentrated sulfuric acid and its mixture with nitric acid is more difficult to explain, although in this case the reason lies in the passivation of the magnesium surface. Magnesium practically does not interact with solutions of alkalis and ammonium hydroxide.

There is no surprise in this reaction. This reaction is essentially the same as the reaction of metals displacing hydrogen from acids. In one definition, an acid is a substance that dissociates to form hydrogen ions.

When magnesium is heated in a halogen atmosphere, ignition occurs and halogen salts form.

The cause of ignition is a very large heat release, as in the case of the reaction of magnesium with oxygen. Thus, when 1 mole of magnesium chloride is formed from magnesium and chlorine, 642 kJ is released. When heated, magnesium combines with sulfur (MgS) and nitrogen (Mg 3 N 2). When pressurized and heated with hydrogen, magnesium forms magnesium hydride

The high affinity of magnesium for chlorine made it possible to create a new metallurgical production - “magnesium” - the production of metals as a result of a reaction

MeCln+0.5nMg=Me+0.5nMgCl 2

This method produces metals that play a very important role in modern technology - zirconium, chromium, thorium, beryllium. A lightweight and durable “space age metal”, almost all titanium is obtained this way.

The essence of production boils down to the following: when producing magnesium metal by electrolysis of a melt of magnesium chloride, chlorine is formed as a by-product. This chlorine is used to produce titanium (IV) chloride TiCl 4, which is reduced by magnesium to titanium metal

Ti +4 Cl 4 + 2Mg 0 Ti 0 +2Mg +2 Cl 2

The resulting magnesium chloride is again used to produce magnesium, etc. Titanium-magnesium plants operate on the basis of these reactions. Along with titanium and magnesium, other products are also obtained, such as bertholite salt KClO 3, chlorine, bromine and products - fiberboard and xylitol boards, which will be discussed below. In such complex production, the degree of use of raw materials, the profitability of production is high, and the mass of waste is not large, which is especially important for protecting the environment from pollution.


Magnesium is used in the form of metal plates for corrosion protection of marine vessels and pipelines. The protective effect of the magnesium “protector” is due to the fact that an electrical circuit is created from a steel structure and a magnesium protector (magnesium is to the left in the electrochemical voltage series than iron). The magnesium protector is destroyed; the main steel part of the structure is preserved. In metallurgy, magnesium is used as a “deoxidizer” – a substance that binds harmful impurities in molten iron. The addition of 0.5% magnesium to cast iron greatly increases the ductility of cast iron and its tensile strength. Magnesium is also used in the manufacture of some galvanic cells.

Magnesium alloys play a very important role in technology. There is a whole family of magnesium alloys with the general name “electron”. They are based on magnesium in combination with aluminum (10%), zinc (up to 5%), manganese (1-2%). Small additions of other metals give the “electron” various valuable properties. But the main property of all types of “electrons” is their lightness (1.8 g/cm3) and excellent mechanical properties. They are used in those branches of technology where lightness is especially highly valued: in aircraft and rocket engineering. In recent years, new air-stable magnesium-lithium alloys with a very low density (1.35 g/cm3) have been created. Their use in technology is very promising. Magnesium alloys are priced not only because of their lightness. Their heat capacity is 2-2.5 times higher than that of steel. Equipment made of magnesium alloys heats up less than steel. An aluminum alloy with a high magnesium content (5-30%) is also used. This “magnalite” alloy is harder and stronger than aluminum, and is easier to process and polish. The number of metals with which magnesium forms alloys is large. From the diagram illustrating the Hume-Rothery rule, the amazing feature of magnesium is clear that it does not mix in the melt with its neighbor, beryllium, which is close in position in the periodic table. Due to the strong difference in interatomic distances, magnesium does not form alloys with iron.

Among the oxygen compounds of Mg, magnesium oxide MgO, also called burnt magnesia, should be noted. It is used in the manufacture of refractory bricks, because its melting point is 2800 o C. Burnt magnesia is also used in medical practice.

Interesting magnesium silicates are talc 3MgO*4SiO 2 *H 2 O and asbestos CaO*MgO*4SiO 2, which have high fire resistance. Asbestos has a fibrous structure, so it can be spun and made into protective clothing for working at high temperatures. Magnesium carbonates and silicates are insoluble in water.

Interest in magnesium and alloys based on it is due, on the one hand, to a combination of properties that are important for practical use, and on the other hand, to large raw material resources of magnesium. There is a wide scope of use of magnesium and magnesium alloys with special chemical properties, for example, in power sources and for protectors when protecting steel structures from corrosion.

In the CIS, as well as abroad, there are large reserves of magnesium mineral raw materials, convenient for its extraction. These are deposits of solid salts containing magnesium, as well as brines from a number of salt lakes. In addition, magnesium can be extracted from seawater. Thus, magnesium does not face the problem of depletion of raw materials, which is becoming increasingly important for many other industrially important metals. Although magnesium is one of the main industrial metals, its production volume continues to be noticeably inferior to the volume of aluminum and steel production.

A certain orientation in the needs of industry for magnesium is given by considering its production and consumption in developed capitalist and developing countries. After the Second World War and until the beginning of the 70s of the 20th century, there was a continuous increase in the production and consumption of magnesium, then it stabilized. The largest producer of magnesium in capitalist countries is the USA, whose share in total production is slightly more than 50%.

Structural magnesium alloys are just one, and not the largest, area of ​​application of magnesium. Magnesium is widely used as a chemical reagent in many metallurgical processes. In particular, it is used in ferrous metallurgy for processing cast iron for the purpose of desulfurization. In general, in recent years there has been a tendency to expand the use of magnesium as a chemical reagent. A significant amount of magnesium is used to produce titanium, and it is necessary to look for ways to increase the efficiency of its use for these purposes. There is also significant interest in magnesium and its alloys as hydrogen batteries.

There is a certain prejudice against magnesium alloys on the part of consumers regarding their fire hazard, low corrosion resistance, and increased sensitivity to stress concentrators. This prejudice must be overcome. At the same time, work should be continued aimed at improving the performance characteristics of magnesium alloys, in particular at increasing their corrosion resistance.

Magnesium was first discovered in the region of Thessaly, Greece, and named Magnesia. It is the third most abundant metallic element in the earth's crust, but is rarely found in its pure form due to the fact that it easily forms bonds with other elements. Magnesium metal was first obtained from its ore in 1808 in small quantities by Sir Humphry Davy, and industrial production first began in 1886 in Germany.

Magnesium is the lightest of all commonly used structural materials, with a density of 1.7 g/cm3 (106.13 lb/cu ft), about one-third lighter than aluminum and titanium, and one-quarter the density of steel. Despite this advantage, primary magnesium production in 2012 was 905 thousand tons, only 2.5% of primary aluminum production (45.2 million tons) and 0.06% of raw steel production (1546 million tons). However, the production volume of magnesium is greater than that of titanium (211 thousand tons).

Small additions of magnesium to aluminum impart fire resistance and strength. Magnesium's affinity with sulfur makes it indispensable in the production of certain grades of raw steel. With the help of magnesium, titanium metal is also reduced from titanium tetrachloride in the Kroll process, and very high-quality cast iron is also obtained. Together, these four areas accounted for 61% of magnesium consumption in 2012. Thus, despite its relative status as a minnow in the materials production mix, magnesium plays a central role in the manufacture and use of competing metal products.

Magnesium supplies

Global production of primary magnesium, according to Roskill estimates, increased from 499 thousand tons in 2002 to 905 thousand tons in 2012, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%. Production of the primary metal magnesium is limited to ten countries.

China continues to dominate the production of primary magnesium metal. The country produced more than 730 thousand tons of metal in 2012, and its share that year accounted for more than 75% of the total supply. In China, however, there has been a shift in production. Abundant and cheap gas as a by-product of coke production prompted magnesium producers to turn their attention to Shaanxi province in search of higher profits. This has forced some traditional magnesium provinces to struggle with competitors, and overall the Chinese magnesium industry has a capacity utilization rate barely above 50%. In addition, there has been industrial consolidation in China, with eight Chinese manufacturers now among the top 10 global manufacturers.

Despite recent efforts by the Chinese government to consolidate the industry, most Chinese manufacturing capacity is still scattered in relatively small plants, with consolidation largely occurring at the corporate level. Eight Chinese companies are in the top 10 global suppliers in terms of capacity, which each exceeds 50 thousand tons per year, although only five of them produced more than 30 thousand tons in 2011, and one closed in 2012.

The number of companies with capacity below 50 kt, and production much less than 30 kt, is unknown, but Roskill estimates the number at around 50. Collectively, these small plants accounted for about a third of global capacity in 2012.

Source: Magnesium Metal: Global Industrial Markets and Prospects 2012, Roskill Information Services Ltd.

Despite several plant closures in the run-up to the 2008/09 recession, particularly in Canada, production in the US, Russia and Israel has since increased, albeit largely meeting demand from the growing titanium metal industry. Recycled magnesium production is more evenly distributed around the world, with the US still the number one recycler. New primary magnesium plants opened in Malaysia and South Korea in 2010, and Iran was due to follow suit in 2013. The expected launch of the Qinghai Salt Lake electrolytic plant in China, with a capacity of 100 thousand tons per year, may also change the balance of power in China in the short term.

The main producers of primary magnesium outside China are VSMPO-Avisma and the Solikamsk magnesium plant in Russia; US Magnesium in the USA; Dead Sea Magnesium in Israel; Ust-Kamenogorsk titanium-magnesium plant in Kazakhstan; Rima Industrial in Brazil; CVM Minerals in Malaysia; Magnohrom in Serbia; and POSCO in South Korea.

Recycled magnesium from recycled magnesium alloys, and as a component of recycled aluminum alloys, is an important source of supply, particularly in the US, where it accounts for about half of the total supply. It has much less significance in other places. Global capacity and production of secondary magnesium (excluding aluminum alloys, which form a feedback loop) is estimated by Roskill at more than 200 thousand tons per year, with about 40% of capacity concentrated in the United States.

The majority of international magnesium trade is exports from China, which accounted for half of raw magnesium exports (99.8% Mg raw magnesium exports in 2012. This material is primarily imported by Canada, Japan and Europe. The American market is protected from Chinese imports by high anti-dumping duties, and the country's magnesium comes from Israel, or is domestic primary and secondary production.International trade in raw magnesium fell from about 500 thousand tons in 2007 to 305 thousand tons in 2009, according to Global Trade Atlas analyzed by Roskill. , grew to 480 thousand tons in 2011, but fell slightly in 2012.

About 50 thousand tons of waste and scrap were sold in 2012 (compared to 62 thousand tons in 2007), mainly exports from Canada, Germany and Austria and imports to the USA, Czech Republic and Hungary. In addition, approximately 110 thousand tons were sold in 2012 in the form of sawdust, shavings, granules and powder, with mainly exports from China and imports to Germany, Turkey and Canada. Finally, 37 thousand tons of forged products were sold in 2012 (compared to 46 thousand tons in 2011), and these were mainly exports from China, Austria and Germany, and imports to Taiwan, New Zealand and the UK.

Magnesium demand

Global apparent consumption (production + import - export) of magnesium reached 1050 thousand tons in 2007, an average annual growth rate of 8% compared to 630 thousand tons consumed in 2001. Consumption of primary magnesium metal fell by 7% in 2008 and a further 15% in 2009, falling below 690 thousand tons, as the global economic crisis led to a significant decline in demand for magnesium-containing products.

However, the market recovered, exceeding 2007 levels in 2011 and showing a new peak in demand in 2012. Recycling of magnesium has further increased consumption, with total magnesium consumption exceeding 1 million tons in 2007 and 1.1 million tons in 2012.

China dominates global consumption with 340 thousand tons in 2012, 33% of the total. Other major markets for magnesium are North America (23% of global consumption) and Europe (18%). Russia and Japan are also large consumers, together accounting for 12%.

Historically, aluminum alloys have been the primary application of magnesium worldwide, although in 2012, magnesium consumption in this end use and magnesium consumption in die casting alloys were equal, with each application accounting for approximately 365 k. tons, or 33% of total consumption. The packaging industry is the largest market for magnesium in aluminum alloys, followed by transportation, construction and consumer durables.

The automotive industry is by far the largest consumer of cast magnesium components. Magnesium alloy die casting is used for bodies, assemblies, brackets and other components for all layers of motor vehicles. The average magnesium use per vehicle in 2012 was 2.3 kg, with some models reaching 26 kg. Magnesium is used in the manufacture of die-cast housings for communication devices (such as mobile phones and smartphones), laptops, tablet computers and other electronic equipment. This is the second largest use of cast magnesium, after automobiles.

Titanium sponge (i.e., raw titanium metal) production was the third largest use of magnesium, accounting for approximately 123 kt or 11% of total global consumption in 2012, and desulfurization became the fourth largest use, with volume 119 thousand tons in 2012. The use of magnesium in steelmaking has decreased in recent years due to the global economic crisis and the resulting slowdown (or decline) in steel production in many countries. On average, approximately 50 g/t steel is used worldwide.

Source: "Magnesium Metal: Global Industrial Markets and Prospects 2012", Roskill Information Services Ltd.

Magnesium is also used in other applications, for example, as a spheroidizing modifier for cast iron and as cathodic protection, a method of preventing corrosion by forcing all surfaces of a metal structure to be cathodes through the provision of external active metal anodes. Roskill estimates that magnesium use for these two applications was around 65 kt and 60 kt in 2012.

While rising vehicle production in some regions has boosted consumption since the 2008/09 slump, the market has been somewhat held back by lower European vehicle shipments. However, as a result of pressure from reducing emissions, growth in the use of magnesium in the transportation sector continues to outpace the use of the metal in traditional materials such as steel, and the injection molding market is forecast to grow 6-7% per year until 2017 . In aluminum alloys, magnesium is used primarily in packaging, and this market continues to show strong expansion due to economic growth in developing countries.

Lighter vehicle weights and China boost magnesium demand

Roskill estimates that magnesium consumption reached a new peak in 2012 at 1.1 million tonnes, with demand increasing by 5.5% per year over the last decade. The largest magnesium consuming industries remain the die casting industry and aluminum alloys, each accounting for a third of total consumption. The transportation industry is the largest consumer of castings and the second largest consumer of the metal, after packaged aluminum-magnesium alloys.

The magnesium industry is benefiting from growth in automotive production, led by China, as well as rising vehicle magnesium consumption as manufacturers strive to meet government emissions reduction targets and rising fuel costs impact consumer purchasing trends. Continued weight loss efforts mean that magnesium intake will continue to rise by at least 5.0% per year until 2017. The use of magnesium in cast parts is likely to grow faster, at 6.5% per year, but the market will be held back by lower growth rates in steel desulfurization and spheroidizing annealing.

Growth in Chinese consumption has more than offset the slight decline in the rest of the world since 2007, and Asia accounted for 43% of the global total in 2012, up from 35% five years ago. North America accounted for 20% of consumption and Europe 15%. India and South Korea have shown strong consumption growth over the past five years, but from a low base in volume terms, while consumption in Russia has almost doubled due to increased titanium production. Asia, more specifically China, will continue to show the fastest growth in magnesium demand on a regional basis until 2017.

China dominates global supplies, but domestic competition is often overlooked

Primary magnesium production continues to be dominated by China, which Roskill estimates accounted for 75% of global production in 2012. Russia and the US together represent another 16%, followed by smaller producers Israel, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Serbia and Ukraine. Malaysia and South Korea have entered the market in recent years, albeit on a small scale, but that and some limited expansion of existing operations have done little to dilute China's growing share. Secondary magnesium, the production of which in 2012 amounted to 211 thousand tons, comes mainly from casting scrap. North America is the main source of recycled magnesium, followed by Europe, as these regions continue to be large consumers of magnesium-based products.

China's leading position in primary magnesium production reflects the domestic availability and low cost of ferrosilicon and energy (in the form of coal, coke and electricity), which are the main components of the energy-intensive, thermal pidging process of obtaining the metal. However, faced with rising energy prices and government pressure to reduce emissions, Chinese magnesium companies have invested in streamlining the process to reduce costs. Although China is often viewed as a single entity for magnesium supply, competition in the domestic industry has also increased greatly due to the recent increase in the availability of coke gas, as a result of domestic production shifting to Shaanxi province, which has limited growth in Shanxi and Ningxia provinces, and in resulting from production losses elsewhere.

Low capital costs in the transition from bench-scale plants mean that moving domestic production from province to province is relatively simple, but leads to significant capacity growth. Roskill estimates Chinese primary capacity at 1.3 million tons, but of this only 0.8-0.9 million tons are in use; the remaining capacities are mothballed or uneconomical. This trend led to the closure of at least one major manufacturer in China in 2012, as well as industry consolidation.

Despite price competitiveness and excess capacity in China, a new 100,000-ton electrolytic plant in Qinghai province, due to open soon, could further transform the domestic landscape. Several companies using new processes or variations of existing electrolytic and thermal methods also continue to explore the possibility of primary magnesium production in other countries, especially Australia and Canada. However, until these projects can compete with Chinese production costs and be economically viable at current and projected magnesium prices of $2,500-$3,000/t, China looks set to gradually increase its market share as demand increases.

Magnesium prices

There are no platforms for trading magnesium in the world and therefore, in most cases, contract terms are negotiated directly between producers and consumers. However, a large volume of Chinese material is sold on a spot basis by traders and Chinese manufacturers to the European, Japanese and domestic markets. The main market prices for magnesium are therefore Chinese domestic and export prices for the 99.8% Mg purity metal, and European ex-Rotterdam warehouse prices. Some magnesium supplies occur outside of China's trade with other countries, but they form a smaller part of the overall open market.

Increased demand, particularly in China, led to rapid price increases in the fourth quarter of 2007 and the first half of 2008. At their peak in the first half of 2008, prices rose above $6,000/t FOB China for 99.8% pure magnesium ingot. In subsequent years, prices retreated to lower levels, driven by reduced demand due to the global economic crisis, although they remained higher than before the 2007/08 peak. The removal of the 10% export duty on Chinese shipments at the end of 2012 caused a ripple effect on both European and Chinese export prices, driving prices to $2,500-$3,000/t FOB China from 2013. Due to anti-dumping duties on Chinese material, magnesium is sold at a premium in the US.