Social surveys in an educational institution. Examples of questionnaires compiled by students

In 2013 The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) presented data on how Russians think about the prestige of higher education and how they would react to their child’s desire to receive a higher education.

The results of an all-Russian survey on education conducted by VTsIOM show that the prestige of higher education is constantly growing. Today, obtaining a higher education is more prestigious than in 1999 (78% versus 62%). Young people (87%), middle-aged people (82%), people with secondary specialized education (81%) and highly educated people (92%) are more convinced of the prestige of higher education than others. 13% of respondents do not consider education prestigious or not prestigious. And another 9% believe that it is not a matter of prestige. All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion / VTsIOM (network resource) -

The vast majority of Russians have a positive view of their family members, especially children, receiving higher education (91%). Only 1% of respondents would not approve of their relatives receiving higher education. The more educated the respondent, the more often he supports the decision of young family members to obtain higher education. Among people with incomplete secondary education, 90% of respondents would like to see their children become scientists, and 92% of those with higher education would like to see their children become scientists. Civil servants (98%), housewives (96%) and military personnel (95%) perceive higher education for their children most positively. This is least attractive for workers (76%) and students (78%).

As for the state of education, according to a survey conducted in 2012, respondents most often assessed the state of affairs in the field of education in their region as negative (35%) or satisfactory (34%), and only 5% said that education in their region is in good condition.

In accordance with social media monitoring conducted by the Social Networks agency, the majority of bloggers (62%) assess the state of Russian education negatively. Positive assessments are given by 20%, neutral - 18%.

The state of education is one of the most discussed issues in social resources (31%). The greatest attention of bloggers is drawn to government policy in this area (42%). In addition, the problems of corruption in education (18%), its low quality (15%), fake scientific degrees (10%), qualifications of university graduates (8%), and the outflow of young people abroad (7%) are discussed.

In April of this year, the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research conducted a survey on the value of higher education in the eyes of young people. Russian youth aged 16 to 21 took part in the survey.

The results of a sociological study allow us to say that the prestige of education and its value among young people is quite high.

Of the respondents, 16% are studying at school, 59% are studying at a university, 18% are working, 7% are neither studying nor working. A quarter of students rated their studies as “excellent”, half are studying well, and another quarter are studying satisfactorily. 75% of the total number of students stated that they enjoyed the learning process.

Also, 90% of students at the school expressed a desire to continue their education. Of those survey participants who do not study but work, the majority stated that they do not have the opportunity to continue their education. Moreover, given such an opportunity, they expressed a desire to continue their education.

All respondents, except those who do not study, said that education would help them in life.

It is interesting that those who study at a university also have parents with higher education. The parents of working respondents in most cases do not have higher education.

All respondents were completely unanimous on the issue of education of their future children - all participants in the sociological study want to give their children the opportunity to get a good education All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion / VTsIOM (network resource) -

In recent years, intra-university institutional research has become a common practice for leading universities in Russia. The results of surveys of students, as well as applicants and graduates, provide rectors with grounds for making certain decisions. However, institutional research has its own characteristics at each university.

Experience of the Ural Federal University

At UrFU, student research was first carried out eight years ago; for this purpose, special divisions were created - first the quality management department, and in 2010 - the strategic development and marketing department. They are assisted in conducting surveys by student government bodies, primarily the UrFU Students' Union. In fact, the students themselves perform the functions of interviewers in most cases.

The first study that started it all is the so-called “satisfaction monitoring”, in which all students participate. They are asked questions related, first of all, to everyday life: what they lack in the university infrastructure, how life is in the dormitory, whether the food is good in the canteen. In addition, as part of the monitoring, they are asked about the quality of teaching and the assistance that the university provides to students in finding employment in their specialty. If it turns out that the students are dissatisfied with something, the university management takes action if possible.

The second study, which was launched in the past academic year, monitors the career and educational trajectories of undergraduate and graduate students. The Center for Internal Monitoring of the Higher School of Economics helps our Ekaterinburg colleagues in carrying out that part of it that is dedicated to undergraduate students. Students, for example, are asked whether they combine work with study, whether they want to do science, and if they want, what they need for this.

UrFU, like many other universities, holds a teacher competition, which is also considered a type of student survey. Any student can vote for any teacher, regardless of the institute, in three categories: “Best Lecturer”, “Fascinating with Science” and “Best Teacher of the Institute” (the sum of two nominations). Each student has a certain number of points at his disposal: bachelor - three points, master - five points. They can be used both in one nomination for one teacher, and in different nominations for different teachers.

The university often conducts one-time surveys devoted to certain nuances of student life. Topics and specific questions are determined by departments involved in strategic management and the educational process, as well as student government bodies, who ensure that as many students as possible participate in these surveys. Thus, students were recently asked what forms of scientific work they were interested in. As a result of this survey, a student club was opened, where students can communicate via Skype with Russian and foreign scientific luminaries.

Students are also asked questions related to everyday life. “Once, answering questions about the quality of work in the canteen, students wrote that on the price tag for each variety of pies it is necessary to indicate not only the price, but also the name of the filling, because a meat pie and an apple pie look the same,” says a marketing specialist at the Strategic Management Department. development and marketing of UrFU Anastasia Sushchenko. “Of course, this omission was immediately corrected.”

Another group of surveys is dedicated to freshmen who have just entered UrFU. They are asked questions about their first impressions of the university to understand how easily they adapt.

UrFU also conducts research on applicants. First of all, this is a monitoring study of applicants in the Ural region. They are asked questions about choosing a university, how to prepare for admission, and what USE scores they expect. In addition, surveys of UrFU applicants are conducted directly during the admissions campaign - about their wishes for their future place of study, what kind of education they consider to be high-quality, about the criteria for choosing a specialty, and more.

Experience of Novosibirsk State University

Unlike UrFU, a huge university created by merging universities, at NSU, a relatively small university, there is no need for frequent mass surveys of students. Problems associated, for example, with the work of canteens or conditions in dormitories, become known from private requests from students. And there is no separate department at NSU that would specialize in conducting intra-university institutional research.

However, the functions of such a unit are partially performed by the Department of General Sociology of the Faculty of Economics, headed by Tatyana Cherkashina. This year, the department began conducting university-wide monitoring of the quality of teaching: students from different faculties are asked how they evaluate specific courses, what they like or don’t like about teaching, and based on the results of monitoring, decisions are made to adjust educational programs. Since the university is closely connected with the institutes of the Novosibirsk Scientific Center, part of the monitoring issues concerns the integration of science and the educational process.

One of the department's projects is a study of graduates of the sociology department. Many universities are thinking about the need for such research, but few are moving from words to action. At NSU, it is somewhat easier to conduct such research, since the graduating class of sociologists is small, and many of the department’s former students maintain connections with their alma mater. Recently, a study was conducted on the career trajectories of sociology graduates - in the entire history of the department there were about 500 people, and many were found through friends and social networks, and a quarter of them participated in the survey. The researchers were interested in whether graduates find jobs in their specialty and what the labor market is like for graduate sociologists.

Methodological recommendations for conducting a survey of secondary vocational education students, taking into account various spheres of their life. The generalization of the presented material is based on a small work experience. The manual contains an appendix - material that can be used as a handout or in an online version.



GBOU SPO RK PLTT “Applicant, student, graduate...”


GBOU SPO RK "Petrozavodsk Forestry Technical College"

"Applicant, student, graduate..."

sociological survey - from work experience

Kalyakina A.V., teacher,

Egorova G.M., senior teacher

Petrozavodsk, 2015

  1. Introduction.
  1. Life activities of participants in the educational process at the technical school
  1. Introduction.

Questionnaire , like observation, is one of the most common research methods in psychology. According to the form of the survey, it can beindividual or group, when a significant number of people can be interviewed in a relatively short time. Questioning happens full-time and part-time - in the form of a postal survey; survey through a newspaper, magazine, computer network. Questionnaire - main toolsurvey and is a sociological document containing a structurally organized set of questions, each of which is related to the objectives of the studyresearch .

There are three main type questionnaires used in psychology:

questionnaires , composed of direct questions and aimed at identifying perceived qualitiessubjects . For example, in a questionnaire aimed at identifying the emotional attitude of schoolchildren to their age, the following question was used: “Do you prefer to become an adult now, right away, or do you want to remain a child and why?”;

questionnaires selective type, wheresubjects For each question in the questionnaire, several ready-made answers are offered; The task of the subjects is to choose the most appropriate answer. For example, to determine a student’s attitude towards various academic subjects, you can use the following question: “Which of theeducational subjects - the most interesting?” And as possible answers, you can offer a list of academic subjects: “algebra”, “chemistry”, “geography”, “physics”, etc.;

scale questionnaires ; When answering questions on scale questionnaires, the subject must not only choose the most correct of the ready-made answers, but analyze (evaluate in points) the correctness of the proposed answers. So, for example, instead of answering “yes” or “no”, subjects can be offered a five-pointscale answers:

5 - definitely yes;

4 - more yes than no;

3 - not sure, don’t know;

2 - no more than yes;

1 - confident No.

Between these threetypes no questionnaires exists fundamental differences, they are all just different modifications of the methodsurveys . However, if the use of questionnaires containing direct (and even more so indirect) questions requires a preliminary qualitative analysis of the answers, which significantly complicates the use of quantitative methods for processing and analyzing the data obtained, then scale questionnaires are the most formalized type of questionnaires, since they allow for more accurate quantitative analysis of survey data.

This manual contains questionnairesthree types with the possibility of face-to-face and, using the capabilities of modern Internet resources, correspondence survey.

Indisputable dignity The method of questioning is to quickly obtain mass material, which allows you to trace a number ofgeneral changes depending on the nature of the educational process, etc. Disadvantage The questioning method is that it allows revealing, as a rule, only the very top layer of factors: materials, using questionnaires and questionnaires (composed of direct questions to subjects), cannot give the researcher an idea of ​​​​many patterns and causal dependencies related to psychology . Questioning is a means of first orientation, a means of preliminary reconnaissance. To compensate for the noted shortcomings of questioning, the use of this method should be combined with the use of more meaningful research methods, as well as conducting repeated surveys, masking the true purposes of the surveys from the subjects, etc.

The questionnaire has a certain structure , where the important elements are:introductory part, passport, main part.

Introductory part . The design of the questionnaire should begin with the title page, where the name of the questionnaire must be indicated, reflecting the topic or problem of the survey, the place and year of issue of the questionnaire, as well as the name of the organization conducting the survey. The introductory part usually briefly explains the goals and objectives of the survey, its significance and prospects for using the results. The rules for filling out the questionnaire are also explained here; it must be indicated that the survey is anonymous.

Some rules for filling out and registering answers can be placed separately, in the text itself, consisting of individual questions in the main part of the questionnaire. For example, this could be an indication of how many answer options can be selected for a particular question (“Please select one answer” or “Check all that apply”).

"Passportichka" consists of questions relating to the socio-demographic and other characteristics of the respondent himself. As a rule, it is placed either at the beginning of the questionnaire or at its end and in the latter case ends with an expression of gratitude to the respondent for participating in the survey. Some researchers believe that a “passport” at the very beginning of the questionnaire can cause distrust in the sociologist and doubt about the actual anonymity of the survey and, accordingly, affect the sincerity of the answers. At the same time, placing the “passport” at the beginning of the questionnaire is justified psychologically, since it allows you to gradually increase the complexity of the questions.

Main part The questionnaire consists of questions related to the goals and objectives of the study, as well as the procedure for filling out the questionnaire. The order of questions, their wording, and graphic design are of great importance. Questions and answer options, as a rule, are proposed to be highlighted with font, number, and frames. The text of the questionnaire is usually adapted taking into account the level of culture and education of the respondents. It is possible to use diagrams and graphs that can activate the attention of survey participants.

As a rule, the text of any questionnaire ends with an expression of gratitude to the respondent for participating in the survey.

  1. Conducting research: goals, methodology.
  1. Internal and external motivation of students to study at a technical school.

Target : determination of internal and external motivation for learning in an educational institution.

Testing can be carried out with the help of one of the projects of the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education.Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education ( ) was founded in 2002 and currently has more than 150 employees. In the course of its activities, the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education cooperates with educational institutions of the Russian Federation, as well as countries of the near and far abroad.Since October 2010, the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education has been a full member of the International Association for Educational Assessment(International Association for Educational Assessment ).

The main activities of the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education:

  • “Diagnostic Internet testing of first-year students”,
  • “Internet simulators in the field of education”,
  • testing within the framework of the projects “Federal Internet Examination in the Sphere of Vocational Education (FEPE): Competency-Based (FSES) and Traditional (GOS-II) Approaches",
  • “Online exam for bachelor’s/specialist degree graduates”,
  • organizational, technological and methodological support for Open International Student Internet Olympiads, etc.
  • preparation of information, analytical and monitoring reports based on the results of Internet testing of students

Testing is carried out on the website of the Research Institute for Monitoring the Quality of Education using ready-made tests. To conduct testing, it is necessary to register students, obtain logins and passwords for each. The system will automatically summarize the results and save them on the website in your personal account. Diagrams reflecting the results of motivation diagnostics show the percentage of students in the selected group who have different levels of development of motives that make up internal and external motivation to study at a technical school.

Characteristics of internal motivation for learning,

related to educational activities and their content

Intrinsic motivation are:

  • dominant motives for admission:interest in the profession; desire to obtain higher education; desire to engage in the business chosen for the future profession; desire to become a highly qualified specialist;
  • (broad educational and cognitive motives and motives of self-education): the desire to use acquired knowledge in one’s life, to successfully continue studying in subsequent courses, to study successfully; the desire to acquire deep and lasting knowledge, receive intellectual satisfaction, participate in competitions and olympiads in the subjects studied;
  • relevant professional motives:the desire to achieve social recognition and respect; desire for self-realization, desire to continue education; self improvement; the desire to achieve success in professional activities, to build a successful professional career.

Characteristics of external motivation for learning, not related to educational activity and its content, but conditioned by external factors and circumstances

External motivation are:

  • dominant motives for admission: free admission, low tuition fees; family traditions, the wishes of parents; advice from friends and acquaintances; prestige, authority of the educational institution and department; the desire to live a carefree period of life; accident; reluctance to join the army; desire to get married; desire to obtain a diploma;
  • actual teaching motives(narrow educational and cognitive motives): the desire to keep up with fellow students, fulfill training requirements, achieve the respect of teachers, be an example for fellow students, avoid condemnation and punishment for poor studies; desire to receive a scholarship; the desire to be constantly ready for the next classes, not to neglect the study of academic subjects;
  • irrelevant professional motives: the desire to achieve the approval of others, to have a guarantee of stability; the desire to get a well-paid job, work in government agencies or in private organizations; get a leadership position.

The following levels of motive development are identified:

―very high (very high motivation);

-high (high motivation);

―medium (moderately expressed motivation);

―low (weak motivation).

  1. Modeling and construction of an educational system.

Target: determining the level of satisfaction of participants in the educational process with their life activities in the educational institution.

In the late 1950s - early 1960s. in the USA and England a newdirection in pedagogy - technological... Pedagogical technology is understood as a system of interconnected actions of a teacher, aimed at achieving diagnosed targets, highly cost-effective and manageable, facilitating the planned and consistent implementation of the designed process . Pedagogical technologies are used both in teaching and education. Any pedagogical technology involves the use of a certain set of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity, which are interconnected in a chain of sequentially performed actions.

At one of the stages of modeling or adjusting the educational system, it is expected to diagnose the level of satisfaction of participants in the educational process with their life activities in the educational institution. To do this, you can use simple survey forms, by summarizing the results of which you can obtain information about the state of affairs in the team. When summing up the results of the survey, it is possible to conduct a repeated clarifying survey in order to detail the results obtained. For example, students in study groups with average scores can be asked to answer questions like: “What would you like to change for the better in the life of the technical school?” The questionnaire is anonymous.

  1. Questionnaire for students (questionnaire - scale).

A survey of 1st-4th year students to determine the degree of their satisfaction with various aspects of student life at the educational institution. During the survey, please rate the statements on an increasing scale from 0 to 4 (4 – completely agree, 3 – agree, 2 – hard to say, 1 – disagree, 0 – completely disagree). The questionnaire is anonymous.

3 and above – high satisfaction rate, between 2 and 3 – average, 2 and below – low.

1) I go to study in the morning with joy

2) I’m usually in a good mood at college

3) our group has a good class teacher

4) you can turn to our teachers for advice and help in difficult life situations

5) I have a favorite teacher

6) in a group I can freely express my opinion

7) I believe that the educational institution has created conditions for the development of my abilities

8) I have favorite disciplines

9) I believe that the educational institution truly prepares me for independent life

  1. Questionnaire for teachers (questionnaire - scale)

A survey of teachers to determine the degree of their satisfaction with various aspects of professional activity in an educational institution. During the survey, please answer the questions and reflect on what could help improve working conditions and improve the educational system. The questionnaire is anonymous.


More yes than no

Hard to say

No more than yes


2) What do you value most about your educational institution? What needs to be preserved and made a tradition?

3) What do you dislike most about your educational institution?

Completely satisfied


Hard to say

Not satisfied

Not satisfied at all

Completely satisfied


Hard to say

Not satisfied

Not satisfied at all

  1. "I am a graduate" (questionnaire – scale, questionnaire with a direct question)

online version of the questionnaire

Questionnaire for fourth year technical school students.

Target : to determine the degree of student satisfaction with the organization of educational and extracurricular activities at the technical school from the position of a graduate.

Students are asked to rate the proposed statements on a five-point scale. The questionnaire is anonymous.

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5


  1. “It’s important to me in life...” Value guidelines of a modern teenager.

Target: identify the value guidelines of a modern teenager.

At the Moscow University for the Humanities, a sociological study is conducted annually - about 20 questions.“So, in the value world of young people, patriotism ranks on average 17th out of 20! And on the latter there is such a concept as “conscience”. True, at the top there are worthy universal values: such as family, friends...” . Under the influence and on the basis of this article, as well as taking into account the work plan of the GBOU SPO RK PLTT, a questionnaire was compiled covering four main areas of a young person’s life.

Questionnaire for students (questionnaire - selective).

  • I do not smoke
  • Doing sports
  • I live as I want
  • I study “satisfactorily”
  • Study well"
  • I study with interest
  • I study as much as I can
  • select 2 items:
  • Important to me
  • I participate as much as I can
  • Indifferent
  • Other
  • The main values ​​in life

  1. Practical part. From work experience.
  1. Motivation diagnostic results

first-year students to enter a technical school

1st-2nd year students (17-20 years old) from all departments of the technical school took part in the testing. The survey was conducted in person and in absentia.


The diagram shows the results characterizing the level of development of the dominant motives for admission, componentsEXTERNAL MOTIVATION to learning.

Dominant motives for entering UZ

  1. Modeling and construction of an educational system.
  1. Life activities of participants in the educational process in an educational institution.

"I am a graduate"

Students of the graduating groups of the technical school were asked to answer a number of questions in a questionnaire covering various spheres of life in the educational institution. It was necessary to evaluate the provisions on a five-point scale. The diagram shows the result of an online survey of one of the groups. The first number is the question number, the second is the number of those who gave the maximum score.

  1. “It’s important to me in life...” Value guidelines of a modern teenager.

A pilot face-to-face survey was conducted among 1st-3rd year students in order to identify their value orientations in modern life. The survey results are presented using the example of one of the 1st year groups.

  • Health
  • Teaching


The results of the survey showed that for a modern teenager, yesterday’s 9th grade school graduate, today’s 1st year student, FAMILY, FRIENDSHIP AND HEALTH are important. This resonates with the first question: most students go in for SPORTS. With satisfactory or good academic performance, socially significant activities are important for adolescents. However, such universal human values ​​as conscience and compassion occupy a middle position, which will be reflected in the further adjustment of the educational system.

Annex 1

  1. Methodological material. Application forms.

Questionnaire for students.

A survey of 1st-4th year students to determine the degree of their satisfaction with various aspects of student life at the educational institution. During the survey, please rate the statements on an increasing scale from 0 to 4. The questionnaire is anonymous.

4 – completely agree,

3 – I agree,

2 – hard to say

1 – I don’t agree,

0 – completely disagree

1) I go to school in the morning with joy ____

2) I’m usually in a good mood at the technical school ____

3) our group has a good class teacher ___

4) you can turn to our teachers for advice and help in difficult life situations ___

5) I have a favorite teacher ____

6) in the group I can freely express my opinion ____

7) I believe that the educational institution has created conditions for the development of my abilities ____

8) I have favorite disciplines ____

9) I believe that the educational institution truly prepares me for independent life ____


______________________ (educational institution), 20__

Life activities of participants in the educational process in an educational institution

Questionnaire for teachers

A survey of teachers to determine the degree of their satisfaction with various aspects of professional activity in an educational institution. During the survey, please answer the questions and reflect on what could help improve working conditions and improve the educational system. The questionnaire is anonymous.

  1. Do you like the educational institution where you work?

Yes More yes than no Hard to say

No more than yes No

  1. What do you value most about your educational institution? What needs to be preserved and made a tradition?
  1. What do you dislike most about your educational institution?


4) How satisfied are you with your relationships with colleagues?

Not satisfied at all

Completely satisfied Satisfied

Hard to say Not satisfied

Not satisfied at all

6) How do you imagine your educational institution?


7) The main goal of your educational institution is...


8) What would you suggest introducing newinto the work of your educational institution, so that it is a pleasure to teach and study there?



______________________ (educational institution), 20__

Life activities of participants in the educational process in an educational institution

Questionnaire “I am a graduate.”


Please spend a few minutes of your time filling out the following questionnaire. Rate the provisions on a five-point scale.

  1. organization and conduct of educational work in the educational institution as a whole

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Organization and conduct of training and production practices

1 2 3 4 5

  1. material and technical base for educational and extracurricular work

1 2 3 4 5

  1. level of information support for organizing and conducting educational and extracurricular activities

1 2 3 4 5

  1. students' readiness to live and work in modern conditions

1 2 3 4 5

  1. fairness of the system of rewarding students for active participation in extracurricular activities

1 2 3 4 5

  1. class teacher's job

1 2 3 4 5

  1. work of student public organizations

1 2 3 4 5

  1. the influence of students' opinions on the planning and organization of extracurricular activities

1 2 3 4 5

  1. How can you improve the organization of educational and extracurricular activities at a technical school? Your wishes:



______________________ (educational institution), 20__

“It’s important to me in life...”

Value guidelines of a modern teenager.

Questionnaire for students.

Questioning of 1st-4th year students to determine their value orientations. During the survey, please determine your attitude according to four positions. The questionnaire is anonymous.

  • Health (healthy lifestyle) select 2 items:
  • I do not smoke
  • I don't drink alcoholic drinks
  • Doing sports
  • I live as I want
  • Teaching (attitude to learning) select 2 positions:
  • I study “satisfactorily”
  • Study well"
  • I study with interest
  • I study as much as I can
  • Socially significant activities (how active the student is in social life)select 2 items:
  • Important to me
  • I participate as much as I can
  • Indifferent
  • Other
  • The main values ​​in life(rank in order of importance from 1 to 10)

E.N. Stepanov “To the teacher about the educational system of school and class”: educational and methodological manual. - M.: TC Sfera, 2008. pp. 73-75

Magazine “Students. Dialogues about education", No. 1 2014, article "Be yourself", Rector of Moscow State University, Doctor of Philology, Professor I.M. Ilyinsky, p. 3

The multifunctional youth center "Chance" conducted a sociological study on the topic "Attitude of young people to the field of education"

Date: October-November 2017.

Number of respondents: 500 people.

Age of respondents: from 14 to 30 years.

The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%.

Young people's attitude towards education

We invite you to get acquainted with the opinion of young people about the field of education - for your attention the results of the study “Attitude of young people to the field of education” conducted by the MBU MMTS “Chance” in October - November 2017.

To begin with, we found out whether higher education is necessary in modern society. It turned out that the majority of respondents (73%) believe that today a person needs higher education. Of these, 32% of young people claim that without higher education they cannot find a decent job or become a qualified specialist. The most widespread opinion has become that many graduates do not meet the required level of education. This position is shared by 41% of the younger generation.

Then we decided to analyze the opinion of young people regarding the quality of education in our country. To do this, we offered them a series of judgments. As a result, the majority of respondents (29%) expressed their agreement that good and high-quality education can be obtained at universities located in large scientific centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). According to one-quarter of young people, high-quality higher education can be obtained in in Tolyatti.

In the final block of questions, we set ourselves the goal of learning in more detail about the professional orientation of young people. We were able to find out that the main criteria for professional choice for young people are high wages (56%) and interesting work (53%).

Concluding our research, we wanted to find out which specialties, in the opinion of the younger generation, are more in demand in the labor market. During the analysis of the data obtained, information technologies (IT specialists, system administrators, engineers) came in first place - 62%.

The sociological survey was conducted in October-November 2017 by the MBU MMC “Chance”. 500 people, aged from 14 to 30 years old, were surveyed in the city. Tolyatti. The statistical error does not exceed 3.5%.

For more information, see the research note below.

Diagram No. 1 “Indicate your gender”

500 respondents took part in the study. Among them, 48% were men (241 people) and 52% women (259 people)

Diagram No. 2 “Indicate your age”

By age, respondents were divided into the following groups: 14-18 years old – 60% (300 people), 19-23 years old – 29% (145 people), 24-30 years old – 10% (55 people).

Diagram No. 3 “Indicate your social status”

1. Studying – 379 respondents (78% of respondents).

Schoolchild – 222 respondents (46%)

College student – ​​54 respondents (11%)

University student – ​​103 respondents (21%)

2. I work – 96 respondents (20%)

I work in the service sector – 63 respondents (13%)

I work in the manufacturing sector – 33 respondents (7%)

3. I study and work – 107 respondents (22%)

4. Other – 7 respondents (1%). Among the answers there are such as: I don’t work, I don’t study and I don’t work.

Diagram No. 4 “Do you think a person needs higher education?”

Personality is formed in the process of socialization. As is known, the process of socialization is inextricably linked with training and education. These tasks of the younger generation are solved in the educational system of society.

As society develops, significant changes occur in the education system and in the inclusion of young people in the educational system. In this regard, we decided to find out the opinion of young people about the need to obtain higher education in modern society. It turned out that the majority of respondents (73%) believe that today a person needs higher education.

Of these, 32% of young people claim that without higher education they cannot find a decent job or become a qualified specialist. The most widespread opinion has become that many graduates do not meet the required level of education. This position is shared by 41% of the younger generation. 10% of respondents believe that higher education is most likely unnecessary. They note that many employers look at human qualities, and not the presence of a “crust”.

9% of respondents agreed that education in the modern world is needed only to get a “crust.” The least common opinion was that today’s higher education “does not reach” the required level and that one needs to study on one’s own. This option was chosen by 7% of respondents.

Diagram No. 5 “Indicate your motives for obtaining higher education”

The role of higher education for young people can be judged by what motives motivate the younger generation when receiving it. It turned out that the majority of young people assign a practical function to education and highlight such motives as becoming a specialist in a certain field” - 50%, “getting a well-paid job” - 42%.

The desire to gain new knowledge and self-development when receiving education is guided by 35% and 34% of respondents, respectively. 1/5 of the respondents in this situation were influenced by the demands of their parents and the desire to obtain a diploma of higher education. For 15% of young people, higher education, first of all, gives them the opportunity to leave and live in another city.

A small number of respondents see higher education as an opportunity to avoid serving in the armed forces (7%) and not to work during their studies (6%). 1% of respondents offered their own options. Among them: “get a different type of education,” “no motive,” “I don’t need education.”

Diagram No. 6 “What education do you consider sufficient for yourself?”

The attitude of young people towards the field of education is also indicated by the level of education they consider sufficient for themselves. It turned out that more than half of the respondents (70%) consider higher education sufficient for themselves (57%).

Among them were those who consider higher education abroad (13%). 18% of young people want to stop at secondary vocational education (college, technical school, college), and 11% want to go to secondary education (grades 9-11).

1% of young people offered their options. Among them: “several higher educations”, “secondary vocational education, but if necessary, get a higher professional education”, “higher bachelor’s + master’s”, “self-education”.

Diagram No. 7 “Do you think there is a need for postgraduate education (master’s, postgraduate, doctoral, advanced training)?”

Postgraduate professional education is a program based on the research work of a specialist with higher education, aimed at increasing the level of preparedness. We decided to find out from young people how they feel about postgraduate education and whether they consider receiving it necessary.

The data obtained indicate the high role of postgraduate education for modern youth. Thus, the majority of respondents (64%) believe that it is necessary.

Of these, 19% chose the answer “yes”, and 45% - “rather yes than no”. 28% and 8% of young people answered negatively to this question, choosing the answers “rather no than yes” and “no”, respectively.

Diagram No. 8 “Are you studying at the moment?”

During our research, we wanted to find out how many young people are currently studying in educational institutions.

It turned out that the majority of respondents (78%) are currently studying. Only 22% of young people do not study.

Diagram No. 9 “If you are not studying and are not going to study, then why?”

Since among the respondents there were those who are not currently studying, it was important for us to find out what the reasons were.

We found that the main reason is that survey participants have a higher education (52%). 12% of respondents reported that it was difficult for them to combine work and study.

For the same number of young people, financial conditions are an obstacle to obtaining higher education. 8% of young people either do not have enough time to get an education or their age does not allow it.

6% of respondents note that they do not study and do not intend to study due to the lack of incentive to do so. It is worth noting that among the younger generation there were also those who cannot study due to health conditions (2%).

Diagram No. 10 “Which of the following statements do you most agree with?”

Currently, the question of the quality of modern education in Russia is becoming increasingly relevant. The quality of education is usually understood as the demand for acquired knowledge in specific conditions of its application to achieve a specific goal and improve the quality of life.

The quality of education can be determined by a number of characteristics:

It should provide significant potential for further social mobility;

Provide conditions for comfortable living;

Provide good material equipment for the educational process;

Have sufficient financial resources;

Have a decent teaching staff;

Meet consumer needs; etc.

In this regard, we decided to find out the opinion of young people regarding the quality of education in our country. To do this, we offered them a series of judgments. As a result, the majority of respondents (29%) expressed their agreement that good and high-quality education can be obtained at universities located in large scientific centers of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg). This is followed by the judgment that high-quality higher education can be obtained at all universities in other cities (Samara, Kazan). 26% of respondents agreed with this.

According to ¼ of young people, high-quality higher education can be obtained in Togliatti. It is worth noting that among the respondents there were also those who spoke in favor of education abroad. They believe that good and high-quality education can only be obtained abroad (17%). Among the youth there were those who expressed their personal opinions on this matter. The answers were as follows:

- “depends on the person”, “if there is a strong desire, a person will study everywhere, regardless of whether it is the capital or the province”;

- “The university does not give knowledge, it gives the skill “to be successful always and everywhere.” Teaches you how to spin. In the future, these skills helped me a lot in my work”;

- “a good and high-quality higher education can be obtained in those universities that provide better preparation for this specialty,” “not in every city you can get a high-quality education in a specialty, for example, marketing. And it’s not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg that you can get a high-quality education. Every city has a profession that is best taught in that city”;

- “can be obtained through self-study.”

Diagram No. 11 “Is it possible in our time to earn a decent living without having a higher education?” As you know, a qualified specialist has the opportunity to earn good money.

However, today only a few, upon graduating from university, manage to find a job in their chosen specialty. In this regard, it was important for us to find out whether it is possible in our time to earn a decent living without having a higher education.

We found that only a small part of respondents consider higher education a necessary condition for making good money. The remaining 83% of young people agree that in our time, higher education is not necessary to receive a decent salary.

Diagram No. 12 “What is most important for you when choosing a profession?”

In the modern world, young people very often have problems with self-determination. Both in terms of future profession and life goals in general.

When modern youth are faced with choosing a profession, this choice is influenced by many factors. Our goal was to find out which factors primarily influence the younger generation when choosing a profession.

We were able to find out that the main criteria for professional choice for young people are high wages (56%) and interesting work (53%).

Good working conditions are a priority for 36% of respondents. Factors such as opportunities for professional growth and diversity, creativity were noted by 24% of survey participants. For 1/5 of those surveyed, the first priority when choosing a profession is the opportunity for career growth. Such criteria as a flexible schedule and prestige of the profession were identified by 12% of young people each, and benefits for society by 11%. It turned out that the least significant factor in choosing a profession for the younger generation is social guarantees. This option was chosen by 9% of respondents.

Diagram No. 13 “What factors influence (influenced) your professional choice?”

In addition to the above criteria for choosing a profession, we have identified another group of factors influencing the professional choice of young people.

Parents were chosen as a factor influencing the choice of profession by 42% of respondents. This is followed by the education system (30%) and the territorial location of the educational institution. The rating of the educational institution influences ¼ of the respondents, and the media influences 1/5. Friends were the least influential in this regard (8%).

8% of young people offered their options.

Among them, many highlighted their personal opinion. There are also options such as interest, quality of knowledge gained, free training, familiarization with the profession and department before entering a university.

Diagram No. 14 “Do you think it is difficult for university graduates to get a job?”

In modern society, there is an opinion that it is quite difficult for university graduates to get a job. We decided to find out from young people whether this is really so.

It turned out that the younger generation agrees with this statement. Thus, the majority of respondents (41%) were in favor of the fact that employers are looking for workers with experience, and 35% believe that many employers do not want to spend a lot of time and money on staff training.

Approximately ¼ of the survey participants have a different opinion.

In their opinion, getting a job immediately after graduating from university will most likely not be difficult, since many employers are happy to hire young specialists in order to gain knowledge and modern approaches to work.

It is important to note that only 1% of respondents believe that graduates will easily be able to find any job that interests them.

Diagram No. 15 “What, in your opinion, first of all helps to get a good job?”

During our research, it was important to analyze those qualities that primarily help to get a good job. It is noteworthy that more than half of the respondents (57%) consider connections and acquaintances to be the main condition in this situation. The next most popular criterion among young people was a high level of education and qualifications.

This option was chosen by 51% of respondents. Work experience is noted by 39% of young people as a necessary condition for employment. Further, respondents chose such options as having a current specialty (28%) and willingness to work with full dedication (26%).

The least popular qualities, according to the younger generation, were discipline and diligence (19%) and initiative and enterprise (18%).

Diagram No. 16 “What specialties do you think are more in demand in the labor market today?”

Concluding our research, we wanted to find out which specialties, in the opinion of the younger generation, are more in demand in the labor market.

In the course of analyzing the data obtained, we obtained the following results: information technologies (IT specialists, system administrators, engineers) took the first place - 62%, followed by ecology and medicine (professionals in the field of nanotechnology).

In third place was the specialty of construction (architecture, design) (23%). Economics and jurisprudence were mentioned by 1/5 of the respondents. The least popular specialties in the labor market, according to young people, are hotel services, tourism (9%) and banking, marketing (6%).