The social essence of a person is determined by his needs for security, self-realization, suitable housing, and understanding. The social essence of man is determined by his need for

Part 1

1.Which of the listed human needs is determined by his social essence?

    In rest 2) in food 3) in creativity 4) in procreation

2. Find a concept that generalizes other concepts:

1) synthesis 2) abstraction 3) inference 4) thinking 5) comparison

3. Creative activity is distinguished from other types of activity by:

1) conscious nature 2) use of various means 3) novelty of results 4) ability to plan

4. Are the judgments about the activity correct?

A. Cognitive activity is typical only for children and youth.

B. People begin to take part in labor activity upon reaching working age.

1) only A is true 2) both judgments are true

3) only B is true 4) both judgments are incorrect

5. Tatyana is reading a book. The subject of this activity is

1) Tatyana 2) book 3) reading 4) information

6. Ivan solves a math problem. The means of this activity are:

1) Ivan 2) task 3) calculator 4) mathematics

7. What distinguishes play from work?

1) presence of rules 2) obtaining a practical result 3) development of the subject’s abilities 4) conditionality of the actions performed

8.What distinguishes communication from other activities?

1) interaction of several subjects 2) focus on information exchange 3) long duration of time 4) use of non-verbal means

9. The qualities of a person that ensure his success in a certain field of activity are:

1) needs 2) abilities 3) goals 4) means

10. Carrying out reforms related to the expansion of state influence on business is the activity of:

1) prognostic 2) social-transformative 3) cognitive 4) value-orientation

    Read the text below, each position indicated by a different letter. Write down a number next to the letter that expresses its character:

(A) Interest is a person’s purposeful attitude towards any object of his needs. (B) Some are interested in sports, others - art, others - travel. (B) Unfortunately, there are many people who are busy only solving everyday problems. (D) It is very important that parents from early childhood encourage the child’s activity in realizing his interests. (D) Implementation - implementation, implementation of any plan or idea.

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

    Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

Forming in activity ………..(A), consciousness is manifested in activity, in behavior. The very fact of awareness of one’s activities changes …………..(B) its course, and thereby its course and character. Activity ceases to be a simple set of responses to ……………..(IN); the laws to which it obeys go beyond the limits of physiology alone.

Human behavior includes ………… (D) more or less conscious actions or actions. Conscious action differs from reaction in a different relationship to …………. (D). For a reaction, an object is only an irritant, i.e. external cause or push. Action is a conscious act of activity. The reaction is transformed into conscious action as ………… (E) is formed.

  1. Public relations

  2. Subject consciousness

  3. External stimuli

  4. Personality


3.You have to prepare a detailed plan on the topic “Human Activity”. Make a plan, two or three points of which should have sub-points.


    Concept of activity

    Activity structure

- an object

- needs, interests, motives

- methods and means

- result

3) types of activities

- Communication

- educational

4) the difference between human activity and animal activity

5) freedom and responsibility in human activity

January 11, 2017

The social essence of a person is determined by his needs for very important life components, without which none of us can normally, fully exist. It is customary to highlight a few of the most important ones. And they should be given special attention.


The social essence of a person is determined by his needs for security. This also includes the need each of us experiences for stability, protection, and also freedom from chaos, various anxieties and fear. We also all need a certain structure, order and law.

A person living in a stable and peaceful society is not afraid of being threatened by frost, heat, predators, criminals, tyrants. This is called a favorable environment. In it, people do not feel threatened - just as a satiated person does not feel a craving for food.

But there is another meaning. The social essence of a person determines his needs for normal, safe work. Everyone wants to get a job at an enterprise that provides its employees with social guarantees, insurance, pays salaries without delays, and rewards them with bonuses. A job that allows you to not have to live from paycheck to paycheck and that gives you the opportunity to save money is also a means of ensuring security in its own way.


This is another important topic. The social essence of a person determines his needs for self-realization. And this is the highest need according to Maslow’s pyramid.

It is important for every person to feel fulfilled, useful and successful. He must feel useful and valuable. Every person who has succeeded as an individual has a goal. And not just one. Having achieved what he wants, he feels satisfied because he realizes his capabilities, abilities and talents, directing them towards getting what he wants.

If a person does what brings him joy and pleasure, he is on the right path. The strength to implement your ideas seems to come out of nowhere, but does fatigue seem pleasant? He does what needs to be done. Does the activity bring fruit and benefit? Do you want to grow, improve, and is it possible? The desire to devote time to your chosen activity does not fade, but only intensifies? This means that a person is engaged in his own realization.

There are many different examples related to this topic. A person can be successful, rich - with a multimillion-dollar fortune and an international business. But if everything he spends his time on exhausts him, and in the depths of his soul there lurks a desire to do something else, even if it does not bring wealth, he does not feel satisfied. And he needs to realize himself in something else - in something that can make him truly happy and contented.


In addition to the above, the social essence of a person determines his needs for suitable housing. Your own square meters, landscaped for life - this is what absolutely every person needs. At home we relax, feel comfortable and protected. And the need for housing is not even social, but rational. Because every person should have a place where he could return.

But the social essence of a person also determines his needs for benefits that will allow him to feel like a full member of society. Is there a difference between living in a well-appointed, comfortable, modern apartment with all the amenities or living in a crooked temporary hut with a toilet on the street? Both one and the other are housing. Another question: the residents of which one feel better? The answer is obvious. And that's why benefits are important. Their presence affects a person’s moral state. Everyone should be happy, and the material component plays an important role in this.


Of course, the social essence of a person is determined by his needs for understanding, love, recognition, support, respect and everything else that implies close relationships between people. There are, of course, individual cases - we are talking about people who are comfortable alone. But most often a person feels happy when there is someone in his life with whom he can talk for hours, share ideas and thoughts, receive support, and see initiative in return.

There is a double relationship mechanism at work here. A person likes to feel needed and loved by someone, and he likes to have someone for whom he has the same feelings. It's a kind of partnership. Very helpful and positive. After all, we are all members of a single society. And it’s much more comfortable to exist in it if you maintain positive contact with others.

First write down the number of the task (26, 27, etc.), and then a detailed answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete tasks 26-31.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private property rights to economic resources plays an important role. In various eras of history, small-scale commodity farms created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic signs of competition, balance of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself...

The market is a universal system for using limited resources. Limited resources do not allow the production of all types of consumer goods that people need. Minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies are limited. The resources of the earth are also limited. And not only in the sense of the boundaries of the earth’s land or the geographically designated territories of individual states. The land is inherently limited in the sense that each section of it at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the mining industry, or for construction. The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed differently. Along with those who consider the market system to be the most effective economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Critics of the market, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate and does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

According to the book “Economic Theory” / Ed. V. D. Kamaeva. M„ 2003. P. 47, 50

Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

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The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) the role of private property in the formation of market relations;

2) the market as a system for using limited resources;

3) market economy: pros and cons.

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the identification of additional semantic blocks.

What three characteristics of a market system are indicated in the text?

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The correct answer should indicate the following features of a market system:

1) competition;

2) balance of supply and demand;

3) freedom of pricing.

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The answer should indicate the following manifestations of the limitations of land as an economic resource:

1) the limits of the earth's land;

2) the limits of the territories of individual states;

3) the inevitability of using a specific piece of land at a time in only one capacity.

These manifestations can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.

List four types of resources that are limited in the text. What type of resource is not mentioned? Using a specific example, show the limitations of this type of resource.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) four types of resources are listed: minerals, capital, knowledge and information, land;

2) an unmentioned type of resource is indicated - labor;

3) a specific example shows the limitations of this type of resource: a person can work for a limited time, employment in one area excludes his work in other areas.

The limitation of labor as a resource can be shown in another

From your history course you know that in Russia after the revolution of 1917, industry was nationalized. This marked the beginning of the liquidation of the market economy in the country. Give the position of the text in which this dependence is expressed. Based on historical and social science knowledge, indicate one of the features of the economic system that established itself in the country in the 20-30s of the 20th century.

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The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the provision of the text is given: “The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself”;

2) one of the features of the command economic system is indicated:

In modern conditions, large transnational corporations occupy increasingly strong positions, this indicates the ineffectiveness of the free competition market today;

The market leads to sharp social stratification in society;

in case of disagreement with this. that the market system is imperfect.

it may be stated that

Many of the command-and-control countries have switched to a market economic model;

The market economy constantly pushes the manufacturer to improve product quality and introduce technical innovations.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

1. The social essence of a person determines his need for

1) suitable housing

2) self-knowledge

3) physical activity

4) self-preservation

2. Are the following judgments about the manifestation of the individual and social in a person true?

A. Individual and social in man are the result of biological evolution.

B. Individual and social development of a person are in no way connected with each other.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect

3. One of the features that distinguishes play from work is

1) action based on rules

2) the presence of an imaginary environment

3) implementation by a team of people

4) pursuit of the goal

4. Cognition as opposed to communication

1) is a manifestation of human activity

2) allows the use of speech (verbal forms)

3) promotes personal development

4) can be customized

5. Types of activity characteristic only for humans include

1) catering

2) education of offspring

3) changing the conditions of one’s existence

4) collective interaction

6. A popular writer is working on a new detective story. What type of activity does this example illustrate?

1) inventive

2) economic

3) spiritual

4) social

7. Carrying out reforms related to the expansion of state influence on business is an activity

1) prognostic

2) socially transformative

3) educational

4) value-orientation

8. A form of human activity aimed at transforming the surrounding reality is

1) need

3) goal setting

4) activity

9. What distinguishes human activity from animal behavior is

1) creating an ideal image of the expected result

2) use of objects given by nature

3) appropriate activity

4) search for means to satisfy needs

10. Construction of comfortable and safe housing is an example of activity

1) material and production

2) prognostic

3) value-oriented

4) socially transformative

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1. The social essence of a person is determined by...

06.12.2016 at 23:44

In his story “Return” A.P. Platonov writes about the difficult psychological consequences of the situation in which many families found themselves who experienced the joy of meeting their fathers.

"Now Ivanov returned and looked at them, again getting to know each one as if he were a relative who lived without him in melancholy and poverty." Of course, the front-line soldier had almost forgotten his family in 4 years. He never expected that he was now the main owner of the house -his twelve-year-old son Petrusha, and Nastenka does not recognize his father at all. Moreover, a certain Semyon Evseich helped the family in his absence, which made Ivanov jealous. During the war, the man changed, became tough, even cruel. And it was strange for him to feel the love of his family again.

War changes every person, some for the better, some for the worse. It’s scary when a fighter becomes crusted with soullessness—and soullessness is necessary when you have to kill other people. But this soullessness, indispensable in war, haunts peacetime life! And only the affection, tenderness and care of loved ones - family, children, friends - can melt this icy shell. Love is the best plaster for mental wounds, without which participation in war is indispensable.

This is exactly what Platonov’s story “Return” taught me

5 marks

To bookmarks

06.06.2014, 16:19

1. The social essence of a person determines his need for
1) suitable housing
2) self-knowledge
3) physical activity
4) self-preservation

2. Are the following judgments about the manifestation of the individual and social in a person true?
A. Individual and social in man are the result of biological evolution.
B. Individual and social development of a person are in no way connected with each other.
1) only A is correct
2) only B is correct
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

3. One of the features that distinguishes play from work is
1) action based on rules
2) the presence of an imaginary environment
3) implementation by a team of people
4) pursuit of the goal

4. Cognition as opposed to communication
1) is a manifestation of human activity
2) allows the use of speech (verbal forms)
3) promotes personal development
4) can be customized

5. Types of activity characteristic only for humans include
1) catering
2) education of offspring
3) changing the conditions of one’s existence
4) collective interaction

6. A popular writer is working on a new detective story. What type of activity does this example illustrate?
1) inventive
2) economic
3) spiritual
4) social

7. Carrying out reforms related to the expansion of state influence on business is an activity
1) prognostic
2) socially transformative
3) educational
4) value-orientation

8. A form of human activity aimed at transforming the surrounding reality is
1) need
2) motive
3) goal setting
4) activity

9. What distinguishes human activity from animal behavior is
1) creating an ideal image of the expected result
2) use of objects given by nature
3) appropriate activity
4) search for means to satisfy needs

10. Construction of comfortable and safe housing is an example of activity
1) material and production
2) prognostic
3) value-oriented
4) socially transformative