Social and personal significance of education. The learning process is an important component of human life

In the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” education is characterized as a purposeful process of education and training, focused on the interests of the individual, society, and state.

First landmark- personal. It is based on the recognition of man as the highest value, and the right to education as one of the fundamental rights of the individual.

Thinkers and public figures from different eras and nations have described a number of factors of the personal significance of education. Let's name some of them.

Education is what makes a person strive to develop and apply his abilities. In scientific literature, education is often characterized as a process of pedagogically organized socialization - development and

Self-development of a person throughout life in the process of assimilation and reproduction of the culture of society.

Education provides a person with a system of knowledge and skills necessary for successful activities in various spheres of life. Nobel Prize laureate Zh. I. Alferov noted: “An economy based on knowledge-intensive technologies makes the life of a huge number of people much more interesting, because they have to solve very complex problems,” this “stimulates the development of education, encourages people to learn, since knowledge becomes a true source of well-being - both for the individual and for society.”

Education introduces an individual into the cultural life of mankind and introduces him to the main fruits of civilization. It serves as a necessary basis for understanding and mastering political, economic, legal, and artistic culture.

Education helps an individual more accurately navigate the difficult conditions of modern life, determine his civic position, get to know his homeland and be its patriot.

One of the indicators of the personal and social significance of education is human intellectual capital. Economics defines this concept as capital embodied in people in the form of their education, qualifications, knowledge, and experience.

The more significant such capital, the more significant are usually the labor capabilities of workers, their labor productivity, productivity and quality of labor. In a number of countries, the level of education directly affects the level of intellectual activity, career advancement, earnings and, consequently, the social status and dignity of a person, satisfaction with the well-being of oneself and one’s family.

In our country, unfortunately, human education is still far from being fully accompanied by well-being. Quite the opposite: often low-skilled work is paid better than activities that require thorough knowledge. This obvious absurdity is being overcome extremely slowly, especially in organizations funded by the state budget.

Second landmark- social, education in the interests of society and the state is organically interconnected with the personal, because the main wealth of society is people. Scientists say: the development of each individuality undoubtedly contributes to social development; in a general sense, the development of society is equivalent to the development of the individual. If society creates opportunities for individuals to develop

In the end, this inevitably leads to the development of society as a whole.

In most countries, education is considered the greatest value of every nation and world civilization. Concern for education is declared a priority (but the priority is not always realized). There is a growing understanding in society that fundamental and comprehensive education contributes to the full functioning of all aspects of social life, the development and implementation of policies for stable social development.

Education has a positive effect on social processes; a well-educated person knows better and more accurately implements laws, strives to prevent possible conflicts, protect himself and his loved ones from dangerous shocks, and is aware of the important advantages of evolutionary development.

The role of education is great in strengthening and functioning of a democratic society and the rule of law. It promotes the education of civic consciousness, helps people consciously approach the assessment of the basic documents of various parties and determine their attitude towards their policies.

Education serves strengthening national security our country. In this regard, we note several provisions.

Education promotes environmental safety. Educated people not only raised their voices in defense of nature, but also organized, with the huge participation of young people, a mass movement that spanned the entire world to prevent environmental disasters.

Millions of highly qualified specialists capable of innovation, primarily technological, strengthen economic security states. These people improve production, bring it to the level of world standards, conduct business correctly in harsh market conditions, and strengthen the country's competitiveness.

We emphasize that education contributes to the preparation of scientific and engineering personnel, ensuring the modern level of various spheres of production, including military equipment serving the protection of the state.

For implementation military-technical potential Highly qualified personnel are also needed. The role of education is essential in the formation of personnel of the Armed Forces. The officer and general corps trained in civilian and military educational institutions can solve the most complex tasks of strengthening the country's defense capability. Defense capability largely depends on the level and quality of education of soldiers and junior commanders.

Composition. All is not well here. Special
units (missile forces, submarine fleet) are equipped
people with a sufficient educational level.
However, other parts experience difficulties due to the fact that
education of people joining the army by conscription,
sometimes does not meet the requirements of military service. Pre
overcoming this difficulty also requires improving the quality
va of knowledge obtained in educational institutions.
| “The goals of education are closely related to the goals of life given,
I of the new society. Life determines education, and the reverse - >
j but, education affects life.” ;

1 S. I. Gessen, Russian teacher (1870-1950)


Let us remind you: “tendency” is a synonym for the words “direction of development”, “inclination”, “aspiration”.

Home, permanent trend brilliantly formulated by Pushkin’s line: “... in enlightenment to be on an equal footing with the century.” In order to become worthy of the 21st century, education must (as stated in the Law “On Education”) be adequate to the world level of general and professional culture. At the same time, theoretical and practical germs of a tendency to “work ahead” are emerging, to prepare people, especially young people, for industrial and social innovations, which will undoubtedly mark the coming century.

The goals of education in a number of countries (including the European Union) are based on four basic principles set out in the documents of the International Commission on Education for the 21st Century. They also characterize trends in the development of education. These trends take into account world experience, are based on an analysis of reality, and meet the modern and future demands of a changing society, today's and tomorrow's needs, and human interests.

The first principle is learn to know acquire knowledge and ability to learn. The growth of world scientific information, doubling every 10-15 years, its rapid partial obsolescence, social development, which opens up new opportunities for economic, political, social activity, require a combination of broad general cultural knowledge with a deep understanding of the continuously developing sciences, mastering ways of independently acquiring knowledge.

In the context of the transition to a post-industrial, information society, this principle is embodied in two tenets:

Dents: bringing to the fore in the educational process not only the formation of knowledge, but also mastering the methods of independent work to acquire it; the growing importance of the general cultural aspect of education, the combination of fundamental professional training and mastery of humanitarian knowledge.

Second principle - learn to do, learn to work, acquire not only professional qualifications, but also competence, which is the basis for the competitiveness of graduates of educational institutions.

Let us remind you that the term “competence” has several meanings. In general terms, competence is defined as knowledge and experience in a particular field of activity. Professional competence is a range of problems related to the profession in which an individual has knowledge, life and educational experience sufficient to solve practical and theoretical problems.

In legislative acts on education, in the practice of educational institutions, especially professional ones, there is a significant a tendency to strengthen the practical orientation of education, achievement of professional competence by graduates. It is precisely this that is the basis of the competitiveness of the worker and the organizer of production. Let us note that the main reason for numerous production failures, accidents, and catastrophes is most often the lack of competence of workers and managers of various ranks.

Third principle - learn to live together, coexist, cultivate the ability to understand other people and nations; develop knowledge about their history, traditions, way of thinking, respect their values. We must realize the dependence of people on each other; this will help overcome obstacles to the development of civilization. People must learn to jointly design their personal and collective actions for a reasonable and peaceful resolution of emerging conflicts. This is how it is determined the trend of increasing the role of education in the formation of civic qualities of an individual, one of which is the awareness of the need to establish loyal relations between social groups, peoples, and states. In international and national documents on education, more attention than before is paid to the development of norms of social behavior, critical and creative thinking necessary For functioning of a democratic society, for cooperation in productive solutions to domestic, interstate, and global problems of our time. The trend under consideration manifests itself, in particular, in increasing the importance of upbringing

Tolerance as a quality of culture (moral, legal, political).

The fourth principle, as it were, summarizes the educational orientation of the three previous ones. The principle is formulated as follows: learn to live in order to promote the development of one's own personality and be able to act with independence, independent judgment and personal responsibility. This is about trends in increasing the role of education in revealing the creative potential of the individual, in mastering it in ways of independent life creativity, formation of life positions and prospects.

One of the key trends is the transition to practice continuing education.

The idea of ​​continuous education as a process covering a person’s entire life goes back to the teachings that arose in ancient times about the continuous spiritual improvement of a person, his upbringing as a member of society and the state.

Developing these views, the Czech thinker and teacher J. A. Komensky (1592-1670) in his works presented a holistic picture of the education and self-improvement of a person throughout his life.

In the 20th century continuous education began to be considered not only as an idea, but also as a part of educational practice, aimed at a person’s mastery of sociocultural experience using all parts of the educational system.

The development of lifelong education has become a global trend since the second half of the 20th century, and at the threshold of our century, as stated in UNESCO documents, it acquired key importance. This is due to the scientific and technological revolution, the transition to a post-industrial society, when science, technology, technology, culture began to be updated with unprecedented speed, and many new professions appeared. The processes of globalization and the growing importance of interstate production, technical, and cultural ties have required a significant part of the population to expand their cultural horizons and master foreign languages. Continuous education began to fulfill the tasks of not only professional development of workers, but also increasing their general cultural level.

The changing essence of lifelong education is evidenced by the replacement of the formula “education for life,” which asserted that the education received is sufficient for a lifetime, with the provision “education throughout life,” which asserts the need for lifelong education. This confirmed the popular wisdom: “Live forever,

Always learn." The remarkable theater figure and teacher K. S. Stanislavsky (1863-1938) wrote: “Every day on which you have not supplemented your education with at least a small, but new piece of knowledge for you, consider it fruitless and irrevocably lost for yourself.”

The development of lifelong education contributes to the spread trends in improving general education. It is general education that helps people better understand each other, coordinate their actions, and gives the individual a holistic picture of the world, including the foundations of culture, understanding the place and role of the individual in this world, in culture.

General educational problems began to take their rightful place in universities, lecture halls, and the media. General education is facilitated by visiting museums, exhibitions, and tourism.

General education (as well as other forms of education) is beginning to be seriously promoted information technology, computerization of educational institutions, implementation distance learning, the use of which will soon become a sustainable trend.

Among the functions of lifelong education there are compensatory (filling gaps in basic education), adaptive (operational training and retraining in a changing social and industrial situation), developmental (satisfying the spiritual needs of the individual, the needs of creative growth).

An essential element of lifelong education is self-education: purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself; acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc.

> The role of employee training in the development of an organization

The role of employee training in the development of an organization

“If you think learning is expensive, try to find out how much ignorance costs.” - Robert Kiyosaki (American businessman)

Personnel are one of the most important resources of every organization. Well-trained employees can significantly increase the level of profitability of an organization, and in modern business conditions only organizations with high income can survive. Therefore, every HR manager strives to ensure that only professionals work in his team.

Today, management is well aware of the role that employee training plays in the development of the organization. The incompetence of employees and their reluctance to work will ultimately affect the quality of teamwork on projects and profits. In order to get full performance from your employees, you need to train them well. Personnel training and development allows an organization to increase the level of business profitability by increasing the efficiency of teamwork, the value of specialists, as well as their professional level. During the training process, employees will be able to develop the effective communication skills necessary to establish good relationships with partners and clients.

Training is necessary even if the manager is completely satisfied with the efficiency and quality of teamwork in the organization. After all, in order to achieve success, you need to constantly move forward, look for new opportunities for the development of the organization and be able to quickly adapt to changing business conditions. Investments in staff training help the manager to flexibly respond to business requirements and effectively manage the organization.

However, for employee training to be truly effective, they must themselves recognize that they need it. Employees must have strong incentives to learn to their full potential. Therefore, the HR manager must help employees understand the importance of training and explain how it will benefit them. Experienced and proactive employees who are building a career are ready to constantly work on themselves in order to achieve better results. But other employees need to be stimulated. By using a variety of staff motivation methods to encourage proactive employees who want to gain new knowledge, the manager will show them that learning is not only useful, but also profitable.

In an organization where employees are constantly learning, managers spend most of their time achieving consistency in team work on projects. Since during the training process each employee develops a different system of thinking, new approaches to work are developed. In this case, we should not forget that even a highly qualified professional cannot handle the entire project alone. In this regard, the manager in the process of personnel management faces the task of team building.

The “Simple Business” project management system will provide the manager with tools for setting project tasks, planning work, business communications, monitoring intermediate and final results, which will help him unite employees with different mindsets into one team to work collectively on the project. At the same time, the manager has the opportunity to use different views on the task.

During collective work on the project, employees will be able to acquire new knowledge and develop useful practical skills in their professional field. Learning through teamwork will allow them to effectively achieve their goals in various business situations.

Provide your employees with learning opportunities and they will show their limits. Only training and experience can make a person rich and successful.

There is a proverb: “Live forever, learn forever.” And even those who try in every possible way to refute this opinion, not wanting to comprehend everything new, understand perfectly well that it is learning that helps to strengthen oneself in this world and achieve one’s goals and heights.

The learning process is a system studied by a special science - didactics. Among its main tasks is consolidation of the data already obtained about this process, as well as further study of its nature and the learning process as an integral system is a set of several interrelated, complementary stages. Professor at Canadian Ryerson University Peter Urs Bender, while studying the learning process, identified the following most important stages:

The learning process begins from the moment a person is born. At first it is based on sensations and sounds, and then gradually becomes more complex, allowing the small child to gradually grow up, moving onto the next step in life. Throughout his life, a person is in a constant search for new information, new interesting facts and discoveries. Interest in everything around you allows you to occupy a certain social unit, find your calling and pass on your life experience to those to whom it can be useful.

Factors influencing the learning process are very diverse. They are not only social, but also political and economic in nature. The education of children begins in the family, and the further formation and development of a person depends on the attitude towards this in the family. The school learning process is the most important; how correctly it is organized determines how students perceive the world around them, study science and apply the experience gained in life. School is precisely that important stage of life that gives a person the basic skills that allow, upon graduation, to decide on a profession and for future life. If we talk about political and economic factors, the learning process largely depends on how much attention the state pays to this process, as well as the extent to which it finances it. Also, the learning process largely depends on the health of a person. As a rule, in sick people, the motivation to learn sharply decreases, and disturbances in the functioning of indicators such as memory, attention, and concentration are observed. And finally, an important factor influencing the learning process is a person’s own attitude, because, according to Ryerson’s Peter Urs Bender, only desire and desire can give impetus to knowledge.

Personality is a specific person with individual psychological characteristics.

Socialization of personality– human development in interaction with the outside world.

Its components: development, education, education, personality formation.

Thus, the social and personal significance of education lies in the fact that the learning process is the most important condition for the socialization of the individual, the integration of individuals into social groups, into society as a whole.

In the information society, the role and importance of lifelong education is increasing.


    Social studies: 10th grade: textbook for general education institutions: profile level / ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, A.Yu. Lazebnikova, N.M. Smirnova – 5th ed. – M., 2011. – P. 7 - 290.

Topic 1.2.Introduction to sociology

Study questions

    Sociology as a science.

    Social structure of society.

    Economic institutions of society.

    Socialization of the individual.

    Family and marriage as social institutions.

    Ethnic diversity of the modern world.

    The role of law in the life of society. Legal culture.

    Deviant behavior, its forms and manifestations.

    The role of religion in the life of society.

    Social problems of modern Russia.

      Sociology as a science

In the broadest sense, sociology is a science that studies society as a form of joint human activity.

But other sciences also study society.

Sociology is the science of society as an integral system, of the laws of its functioning and development.

The word “social” means the totality of social relations, i.e. relationships of people to each other and to society.

The social is understood as the result of the joint life activity of people, which manifests itself in their communication and social interaction, during which social relations are formed.

      Social structure of society

Structure is understood as a set of interconnected elements that make up the internal content of an object.

Social structure is a set of interacting social groups, statuses, roles, institutions and relationships between them.

Basic elements of the social structure of society

1. Social groups.

Social group– any set of people identified according to socially significant criteria (gender, age, nationality, profession, place of residence, income, power, education, etc.). Each social group has its own social interests.

Young people as a social group (16–30 years old) play a special role in the life of society.

Other social groups:

People of the city and countryside;

Marginalized groups;

Socio-demographic groups (youth, women and men, older generation);

National communities (nations, nationalities, ethnic groups).

2. Social status– a certain position in the social structure of a group or society, connected with other positions through a system of rights and obligations.

3. Social role– a model of behavior focused on a given status (social roles in adolescence).

4. A social institution in a broad sense is a set of norms, rules of behavior in a certain sphere of human life (political, economic, social, legal, family institutions, science, education, culture, religion, etc.).

      Economic institutions of society

The economic sphere of society is the most important. It includes the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goods and services.

Economic institutions– these are the norms and rules by which its participants interact and carry out economic activities.

These include institutes:




Financial and credit;

State regulation of the economy, etc.

The level of economic development has a direct impact on the social structure of society, the quality and standard of living of the population.

Economic activity also creates the material basis for the development of culture.

In turn, the level of cultural development has an inverse effect on the economy.

Economics and politics

    Politics is a concentrated expression of economics.

    Politics cannot but take precedence over economics.

The sociology of labor in the Russian Federation is based on the system of social partnership enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

      Socialization of the individual

Socialization of personality is the development of a person in interaction with the outside world.

Its components: development, education, training, personality formation.

Factors of personality socialization



    Social factor.

Mechanisms of personality socialization

    Traditional– a person’s assimilation of knowledge, norms and rules of behavior, views that are characteristic of his immediate environment.

    Institutional acts in the process of human interaction with the institutions of society.

    Stylized operates within a certain subculture, incl. youth subculture.

    Interpersonal acts in the process of human interaction with other people.

    reflective associated with a person’s internal dialogue.

Social control, which is based on social values ​​and norms, plays an important role in the socialization of the individual.

The process of personal socialization is based on a twofold basis:

1) the impact of the team and the leader on the individual;

2) self-realization of the individual, which presupposes self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-determination, freedom and responsibility of the individual.

The process of socialization of the individual goes on continuously from the moment a person is born. At the same time, self-knowledge begins with self-recognition, distinguishing oneself from the outside world.

The importance of education lies in the fact that
that education is needed to realize its necessity

Nowadays, quotes and pictures are very fashionable that diplomas are created only to cut sausage with them and yesterday’s C student can easily become a millionaire without special knowledge.

I, as a person with two higher educations, can easily prove that this is not so :).

To begin with, it is important to remember that education is not only the crust that you receive at an institute or school, but also the entire learning process. These are the books you read, term papers and dictations, films and facts. This is what gives us the opportunity to write words without errors, tell exactly where the Eiffel Tower is and answer questions in a simple crossword puzzle.

I have never seen a single employer who hired a person just for his beautiful eyes. Everyone wants the secretary who serves coffee to graduate from a university, and the cleaning lady who takes out the trash from the office to at least graduate from a technical school. Nobody wants to hire you just because you're talented. Give everyone documentary evidence of your talents, even if your certificate shows straight C’s.

Education is very important for every person. Without knowledge of languages ​​you cannot fly abroad, without knowledge of marketing you cannot “sell” your resume in the HR department, without mathematics you cannot cope in the supermarket.

We use our knowledge every day and don't even notice it. We read signs at airports, frantically remembering what Mary Ivanovna said, we catch familiar words in the texts of foreign performers and try to sing along to the rhythm.

Thanks to your studies, you make acquaintances and connections, get a job, move in society, and improve your personal life.

Why is education so important for everyone? Why should a girl have a diploma of secondary specialized or higher education? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • This is a way to make money. It doesn’t matter that you graduated from the Faculty of History and work in an office as a translator. You were hired for your knowledge of the language, but no one would have hired you without a diploma from ANY university.
  • Independence. Work, in turn, gives you a feeling of confidence and, over time, independence. You can afford to buy things and go on vacation. For a woman, independence is no less important than for a man. Because there is a husband today, but not tomorrow. And your salary is always with you :).
  • You don't have to answer to anyone.
  • Opportunity to travel abroad for other work. It is unlikely that your candidacy would be considered if you only had a school certificate in your pocket.
  • The development of mental abilities is another important element that we must remember.

Rave:). Not all of us were born Steve Jobs or Einstein. Most people are unremarkable and do not have particularly outstanding abilities. That is why they need to always strive for self-development and constantly improve their skills.

The sad fact is that people who dream of a diploma do not even try to get it honestly. Many students pay money to take exams, receive diplomas, and then cannot get a job simply because they lack knowledge and skills.

There are many good professions without the need for higher education. I will tell you in my next article about which areas are currently developing intensively and where to go to study!