See what "Imperial Cult" is in other dictionaries. Official Cult of the Imperial City - Imperial Cult Imperial Cult walkthrough

Cult of Emperors

Since ancient times, the power of Roman magistrates and officials had a certain sacred character; they received powers on the basis of the “sacred law”. But over time, the sacredness and inviolability of the magistrates was lost. The natural filling of this ideological vacuum was the cult of the Roman emperors, which manifested itself in various forms. However, it should be said right away that Rome was characterized by the deification not of a specific person, but of the powers of power themselves.

This was started by Julius Caesar, who, however, did not deify himself, but implanted the cult of Venus the Progenitor, from whom descended the Julian family. Julius Caesar was ranked among the gods by his successor Octavian, who also established the worship of his personal genius in Rome. The genius of Octavian Augustus was declared a national deity, during oaths his name was mentioned next to Jupiter, and sanctuaries of the Genius were built in the quarters of Rome. Even a special board of Augustals was formed to monitor the practice of worship. Over time, sanctuaries of Augustus himself appeared in the provinces - with his highest permission.

The deification of Augustus was facilitated by his images. Thus, one statue depicted Augustus barefoot, like the Greek gods, another represented him sitting in a pose imitating the famous statue of Zeus by Phidias.

The successors of Octavian Augustus, who did not have his merits and influence, supported the imposition of the cult of the emperor, which was supposed to give authority to their power, taking into account the fact that there was no completely legitimate way to transfer supreme power in Rome.

A holiday dedicated to the grape harvest. Artist L. Alma-Tadema

The cult of emperors took shape gradually. All emperors were posthumously counted among the host of gods if they were not forcibly removed, like Nero or Caligula, or did not commit crimes during their reign that were particularly serious from the point of view of their successor.

One way to honor emperors was to combine celebrations in honor of local gods and Roman rulers. Temples were also dedicated jointly to some god and emperor, for example, Mercy and Caesar. In Greece, in some cities, the cult of the emperor was combined with the cult of the patron god: in Ephesus the emperor was revered together with Aphrodite, in Miletus - with Apollo. In Egypt, statues of emperors were placed in temples of Egyptian gods. Images of emperors were carried through the streets during any celebrations. Portraits of emperors wearing a radiant crown were minted on coins as the embodiment of the Sun.

Over time, the imperial cult transformed from personal deification into the cult of the bearer of power as such, and Augustan temples began to appear everywhere. With the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, this phenomenon intensified: the imperial power itself began to be considered sacred, received from God.

Venus gives armor to Aeneas (fragment). Artist N. Poussin

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Purpose of the Imperial Cult

The Imperial Cult brings divine revelation and consolation to the distant provinces of the Empire. The cult includes followers of the Nine Divines: the aedron of Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, Julianos and the cult of Talos. Priests of the Imperial Cult serve all of the above deities in holy places throughout Vvardenfell.

Tenets of the cult:

We acknowledge the divinity of the Nine: Akatosh, Dibella, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Stendarr, Kynareth, Julianos and Tiber Septim.

We honor nine virtues: Humility, Inspiration, Piety, Work, Compassion, Justice, Ambition, Learning and Courtesy.

Our Emperor is the defender of the Faith, and the Empire is the product of divine providence.

We provide assistance and support to all citizens in need.

We serve the Emperor and the Empire.

The Imperial Cult considers the lives of the nine Divines to be models of virtue. Each of the Nine is an example in a certain aspect of life. These are the simplest provisions of our doctrine: help each other and protect each other. The stronger a person is, the richer he is, the more he should help others and protect them. This is the first duty of every cult member to others. But besides this, we must also help everyone else. We also say: “Do not harm one another.” It is forbidden to attack another cult member, and of course it is forbidden to kill another cult member. It is prohibited to steal from another cult member, openly or secretly. It is prohibited to infringe on the private property of another cult member. Violation of these rules entails exclusion from the cult.


Any good and honest believer can join the imperial cult. To join, we ask for a one-time payment of 50 drakes. After this, payment is needed only to use our sources of healing and blessing - these are purely symbolic contributions, the proceeds of which help us spread the cult of the Nine among the poor. Those wishing to join the Imperial cult in Vvardenfell can contact our mentors.


Those wishing to achieve certain positions in the Cult of the Nine must devote their time to serving the cult, they must improve their professional skills and abilities. Only the most worthy will be able to rise to high positions in the imperial cult. To serve the Nine Gods, a believer must cultivate fortitude. Respect the magical arts, especially the schools of Restoration, Mysticism and Witchcraft. Those who try to avoid bloodshed and enter the battlefield without armor, armed only with blunt weapons, are valued above all else. The cult also values ​​Enchantment and diplomacy skills in its followers.

Imperial Cult Ranks

  1. Layman
  2. Newbie
  3. Converted
  4. Servant
  5. Adept
  6. Follower
  7. Summoner
  8. Theurgist
  9. Primate

Service Opportunities

Secular healers collect ingredients for healing potions and give them to the sick and wounded, and also distribute them among the needy. This is difficult and sometimes dangerous work, but the spiritual rewards from it are great. Secular healers only need the skills of good wanderers. They have to stay out of trouble, so they don't have to know martial arts. Alms collectors receive alms from believers. We need alms to multiply good deeds. Almoners who have collected significant sums for their service can rise through the ranks of the Imperial Cult. They must wander through cities and villages. They must have the talent of persuasion, as well as understand trading matters. Collectors with personal wealth will be able to better serve the cult. The caretakers of holy places - altar sergeants - maintain the existence of such places, convey messages and parcels, and sometimes accompany priests and healers on dangerous events. This route is ideal for brave, free-spirited travelers. They must serve the Nine Gods with weapons, armor and spells. Newcomers are given easy tasks at first, but later they may be required to perform the highest martial arts. Serving the Oracle is the most difficult of the cult's services. Only the highest-ranking members of the cult can serve the Oracle, as this requires the experience and courage of truly legendary heroes.

Relation to other cults of Vvardenfell

The Imperial Cult has a fairly close relationship with the Imperial Legions, as well as friendly and mutually beneficial relations with the Imperial guilds - especially the Fighters and Mages guilds. We are also closely associated with House Hlaalu, which supports the Emperor and the Empire. While we cannot condone the Thieves Guild, we do honor its dedication to the Emperor and the Imperial cult. The Imperial Cult respects the high moral principles of House Redoran and the Morag Tong. We understand our differences regarding Divine Inspirations. We do not condone the heretical beliefs of the Ashlanders, nor the inhuman rites of the Telvanni. The Imperial cult does not approve of slavery; we look forward to the day when it is outlawed in the Imperial Provinces. We also absolutely do not accept the lifestyle of the wild and greedy members of Camonna Tong. We look upon the exploitation of the poor and weak with great disapproval. Historically, our relationship with the Tribunal Temple has been difficult and unfriendly. We accept the deities and saints of the Temple, but we cannot agree that she considers only her faith to be the only one, and our gods as unfaithful.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Imperial Cabinet
  • Harem-i Humayun

See what “Imperial Cult” is in other dictionaries:

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The Cult of the Empire is a religion that came to Morrowind from Cyrodiil. The cult preaches the worship of the Nine: Akatosh, Zenithar, Dibella, Mara, Stendarr, Arkay, Julianos, Kynareth and Talos. If you are Attractive, have Willpower, are skilled in Speech, Enchantment, Mysticism, Conjuration, Restoration, are proficient in the use of Blunt Weapons, and know how to dodge blows in combat (Failure Combat), you can join the ranks of the lay members of the Ebonheart Chapel by paying a small contribution of 50 septims.

Fundraiser - Path of Zenithar (Iulus Truptor)

ATTENTION: all tasks related to collecting money can be completed right on the spot by giving the required amount from your wallet, but is it really interesting to skip quests?

1) Collecting donations in the Skyrim Mission

The first task is, as always, the simplest. You need to collect donations from the Skyrim Mission (in Ebonheart). The minimum donation amount is 100 septims. On the spot, talk to everyone you find in the Mission, and if they treat you well, you will receive 270 septims. You can give only 100 to Iulus, and consider the rest as your salary.

2) Collection of donations in the Argonian Mission

The Argonian Mission is also located in Ebonheart, near the Skyrim Mission. It will be more difficult to collect donations here. Nobody will want to pay you. Explore the Mission's basements. Wow, they're hiding runaway slaves here! Now talk to Im-Kilay, mentioning runaway slaves in the conversation. As a result, you will receive 200 septims, 100 of which must be given to Iulus.

3) Raising donations in Ald'Rhun

This task is already more serious. We need to collect donations in the city of Ald'Rhun. You don’t even have to approach the local population, that is, the Dunmer, because they pay to the Tribunal Temple. Here is a list of those who, with a good attitude, can pay:

Aengoth the Jeweler ("The Rat in the Cauldron")

Yak gro-Skandar ("Rat in a Cauldron")

Toad Tongue ("Rat in a Cauldron")

Cyenne Sintiv (under Scar - Alchemist)

Codus Kallonus (bookstore)

Malpenix Blonia (Redoran Council Estate)

Percius Mercius (Fighters Guild)

Baradras (Fighters Guild)

Edwina Elbert (Mages Guild)

Erranil (Mages Guild)

Taurion (Altmer walking around the city)

From all of them you will collect 200 septims.

4) Special outfit

You will be asked to get a special shirt with a black camisole. You can buy it from the tailor Falanamo in Caldera.

5) Cyrodilic brandy

Now you have to run around the taverns of Balmora and beg for 5 bottles of Cyrodilic brandy. Start with Eight Plates. There will be no problem here and you will be given one bottle. Now to the “Happy Prison”. Raise your relationship with Benunius Agrodilius above 85, or you'll get a bottle of vulture instead of brandy. Now to the “Council Club”. The owner of this inn is Radish, so if you want, you can skip talking to him (he will give you a bottle of brandy, only with a ratio above 90!), and head straight to the South Wall. Bakola Closius will give you a bottle, hinting that the Council Club recently received a shipment of Cyrodiil Brandy. Go to "Council Club". Break open the door in front of the stairs leading to the bedrooms and search the drawers. In one of them... there are 5 more bottles of brandy. That's it, you can return to Ebonheart.

6) Cunius Pelelius

The task, in fact, is to collect a donation from the above person. Kunius Pelelius can be found in Caldera (Government Building) But there is one problem: Kunius does not want to pay under any circumstances. Talk to the orc gro-Baglar (here) He will tell you that Kunius owes everyone in Caldera, and in order to pay off, he steals ebony. Enter the Caldera Ebony Mines. Here, talk to any slave. Everything fits, which means the orc didn’t deceive. Now you need to take the true ledger (Odral Helvi's chest) from his personal chambers in Caldera. That's it, go blackmail Pelelius. As a result, you will receive 3 pieces of raw Ebonite.

7) Collection of donations from the Eastern Imperial Company (EIC)

Go to the VIC office in Ebonheart and talk to the manager. He will say that VIC is ready to pay, but the money allocated for donations was stolen by a former employee of Mossanon (Altmer). You will be asked to find Mossanon and return the money (3000 septims). Talk about Mossanon with all VIC employees. You learn that the Altmer often used the services of the Guide of the Mages Guild Vivec (Alien Quarter). From the Guide you learn that Mossanon traveled mainly to Sadrith Mora. In Sadrith Mora, talk to any Altmer, and he will lead you to Volmini Dral. There you will find the ill-fated worker. He will repent and give away the remaining money (2500 septims). Return to the manager of the VIC, and he will happily give out 1000 for donations.

This is the last task of the fundraiser.

Lay Healer – Path of Mara (Sinolian Tunifus)

1) Swamp reed

You need to collect 5 portions of swamp reeds. For this quest, Sinolian will give you a Strength Increase Potion. Swamp Reed can be collected from Balur Salvu, whose farm is located on the road from Pelagiad to Vivec. Give him the potion you received from Sinolian. Balur will allow you to collect swamp reeds from his "plantation" and give you a book on alchemy.

You will be sent to Gnisis for musk (you need to collect 5 portions). Sinolian will also ask you to take 4 health restoration potions to the priest of the Imperial Cult in Gnisis (orc). Collect musk from musk points. Now go to the orc (inside the wall of Fort Darius) and give him the potions. For this you will be taught one of four spells of your choice (restoring strength, restoring will, restoring speed or restoring luck). For completing this task you will be rewarded with the Apprentice's Retort and a book with recipes for simple potions.

3) Willow anther

You will be sent to the gro-Bagrat plantation (north of Vivec) to collect five "portions" of Willow Dust. As a reward, you will receive a potion to cure paralysis.

4) Scribe jelly

You need to get 5 servings of scrib jelly. Scribes are found in all egg mines, and sometimes they are found just on the road. Reward - Apprentice's Alembic.

5) Cork roots

As you can guess from the task, you need to get cork roots (yes, yes again 5). Cork grows in abundance around Vivec (walk from Ebonheart to Vivec on foot) The reward is potions for treating common illnesses and restoring health.

6) Rat meat

Bring Tinifus 5 pieces of rat meat. Go ahead into the Vivec sewers. Reward: 2 books on unarmored combat.

7) Netch skin

Tinifus's last task: to obtain netch skin for him. Netches are found throughout Morrowind, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Altar Sergeant – The Way of Stendarr (Kaie)

1) Alabaster Chapel Bowl

An Altmer named Cariarel, recently cured of Swamp Fever by the Cult, stole a valuable item from the chapel - the Alabaster Thicket. Kaye will ask you to return the cup.

After talking with any Altmer, you will learn that Cariarel lives in Gnaar Mok. It is useless to talk to him: he does not admit that he stole the cup. We'll have to break into his house. In one of the barrels you will find the desired bowl. As a reward you will receive 3 Scrolls of Divine Intervention.

2) House with a ghost

Kaye will send you to Caldera. There, in Nedelas's house, a ghost nestled. Talk to Nedelas himself, and he will give you the key to the house. Go down to the basement. So it turns out there is a real crypt here! Kill the ghost of Galos Heleran. As a reward from Kaye, you will receive 2 scrolls of Golanar's labyrinth of perception.

3) Witch of the mine

The witch Telsa Dral and her two bodyguards are hiding in the Asha Akhhe mine. Vase's task is to kill them. Reward: 200 septims and a fire stone.

4) The Lost Pilgrim

One of the Cult's pilgrims disappeared several years ago. He is most likely dead, but the Cult asks you to find an item in his memory. To make your work easier, Kaye will give you a ring of Finding Magic (when used, it marks enchanted objects on the map). Above the entrance to the cave of Mount Kand (near Molag Mar), among the stones you will find the skeleton of a pilgrim. Take from him the staff (Silver Staff of Shame - artifact), belt and amulet. If you want to keep the staff for yourself, you will have to part with the belt and amulet when completing the quest.

5) Visions of Okur

Kaye will direct you to the Argonian Okur, from Hla Oud. She will tell you that she recently had a vision of the ghost of a certain Julliel, who was killed by bandits. Okur will say that in order to repose the spirit of Julliel, she must return her amulet, which was taken by the bandits. They are hiding in the Yasamsi cave (near Hla Oud, in the swamp). Kill all the bandits and take the Julliel amulet from the body of Ralos Othrenim. Take it to Okur, and she will complete the ritual that will put the ghost of the unfortunate woman to rest. As a reward from Kaye - scrolls of summoning a fire atronach, hellfire and the fifth barrier.

Oracle Quests (Lalathia Varian)

The Oracle's tasks are quite vague, so before completing quests you should consult a scientist (Lalam Dredil. in Ebonheart, next to Vedam Dren) and a scout (Nalasa Sarothren, Vivec, Hlaalu settlement, Elven Nations tavern)

1) "Ring in the Dark"

The Oracle will tell you about his vision about the Ring in the Dark. Talk to the scientist, and he will tell you about Nammu Cave, which is on the East Coast. In the cave you will meet bandits, one of whom (Galmis Dren) will have the required ring. In this cave you will meet a Redguard named Jon Hawker. Under no circumstances kill him! Give him the Scroll of Divine Intervention, for which you will be given Zenithar Gloves.

2) Apostle's Boots

The Oracle had a vision of boots that would allow whoever wore them to fly - the Apostle's Boots. Talk to the scout or scientist, and the location of the Dunmer fortress Berandas will be marked on your map. The fortress is full of Daedra, so be prepared. In the lower dungeon, fight the Winged Twilights and take the Boots. But don't rush to leave. Use the Apostle Boots and levitate upward. On a ledge in the rock stands the Breton woman Ama Nin, “kidnapped” by the Winged Twilight. Give her the Scroll of Divine Intervention and as a reward you will receive Mara's Skirt and Blouse.

3) Rescue of Adusamsi. Ice Blade of the Monarch

The Oracle will direct you to the Rotheran Fortress (in the north, in the Shigorath region) to rescue Adusamsi from the hands of the slave traders. In Rotheran, it turns out, fights are organized between slaves. Kill the slave traders. On the bodies you will find Adusamsi's ring, Adusamsi's mantle, the keys to the slave cells of Rotheran and the Ice Blade of the Monarch (a very powerful sword, one of the best in the game). You will find Adusamsi herself in one of the slave cells.

4) Scrolls of Furious Fire

The Oracle will tell you that from her last vision she learned about the existence of especially powerful (no, not nuclear warheads) scrolls - the Scrolls of Raging Fire. These scrolls are kept by the admirer of Mehrun Dagon, the sorcerer Karekalmo. Karekalmo himself lives in the Daedric sanctuary Ashalmimilkal (West coast, near Hla Oud). Please note that Karekalmo and his assistant Meriaran are very strong opponents, so it is better (if possible) to use the Invisibility spell and slip past the Altmer unnoticed (This option is also better because you will not kill Karekalmo himself; this is important for those who are (or will become) a member of the Morag Tong and have not yet completed the quest “Karekalmo’s Ultimatum”) So, having made your way (or cut through) through the Altmer sorcerers, you will reach a room with an open ceiling. . Levitate upward. Here lies someone's corpse, and next to it is the scroll you need.

5) Skull Crusher

This time the Oracle's story will be rather vague. You should contact a scout for advice. He will direct you to the Daedric sanctuary of Anudabi, which is near Sadrith Mora. Alas, the entrance to the sanctuary is blocked - you need to look for another way. There is one in the Omaren ancestral tomb. After exploring the ruins, you will come across a room with a chest suspended above the lava (Halbongard Forge). The chest contains the treasured hammer (the coolest hammer in the game!)

This concludes the Oracle's quests.

So, today we are talking about Morrowind walkthrough for the Imperial Cult. This is by no means the same as the Tribunal Temple. If the Temple can be described as protectors, then the Imperial Cult is more like comforters. The difference is about the same as between an Inquisitor and a Pastor. The cult tries to convey the light of faith to everyone who can. And it is also something of a charitable organization. They worship eight Aedra gods. The main characteristics that are needed for Cult members are Attractiveness and Willpower. Advancement in the cult involves the development of these characteristics. Therefore, if you do not plan to develop them, then it is better not to take part in the Imperial cult. If you are satisfied with the requirements, then go ahead. Start the walkthrough. To do this, we will go to Ebonheart and go to the Imperial Chapel. It’s best to immediately mark it there, since almost all quests will be given to you by characters from this chapel. Well, shall we begin?

I think we'll start with the simplest thing. In the Imperial Chapel we go to Sinnolian Tunifus. The first task he will give is to bring him 5 units of swamp reed, which can be collected at Balur Salvu's farm. And Comrade Sinnolian will give him a potion that urgently needs to be delivered. Okay, let's go to him. To get there, head to Pelagiad. From there - to the southeast. You don't have to walk very far, literally across a body of water.

When you find him, ask him to teach you something. And he will give you the book "Pie and Diamond". I think it won’t be superfluous on the farm. Now you can collect reeds from his garden. Have you collected it? Great. Now you can follow the mark to Sinnolian and turn in the task to him. He will give us several health restoration potions and give us the title of Novice. Great. We have started a morrowind walkthrough for the Imperial Cult. Shall we continue? Then go ahead.

The second thing Sinnolian asks us to do is to bring him 5 servings of musk. Okay, let's go to Gnisis, especially since we also need to give the local chaplain Ogrul a health restoration potion. When you arrive in Gnisis, talk to local resident Abishpool Shand. He will tell us that Musk can be found in such white mushrooms that look like a barrel. They are behind him. Collect 5 pieces of musk there and go to Fort Darius and find Chaplain Ogrul. He will take the potion that was given to him and offer us to restore something. Great, task completed. Now you can safely return to Sinnolian and report on the completion of the task. He, a kind soul, will immediately give us promotions to the rank of Convert. Great, keep it up. Take the next task.

The third task is to find him 5 willow flowers. However, I suggest you immediately stock up on everything you need to complete the remaining tasks of Sinnolian. So, you will need:
- 5 willow flowers. Can be found at any alchemist.
- 5 servings of scriba jelly. You can knock it out from scribs, or you can also buy it from alchemists.
- 5 cork roots. You can find it almost anywhere there is a swamp. Or, again, from the alchemists.
- 5 pieces of rat meat. Pick up from any rats or alchemists
- 1 piece of netch leather. Kill any of the flying ones - and the skin is yours. Or - on the way to the Alchemists
When you have collected everything you need, go to Sinnolian and talk to him a lot, a lot. When you give him everything, ask for a raise. In general, he promoted me to the rank of Adept.

Now it's time to work for the local fundraiser, Ilus Truptor. Donations, of course, go to a good cause. The first thing he will ask is to go to the Skyrim Mission in Ebonheart and collect donations for the poor there. Our goal is 100 coins. But, if you work hard, you will collect about 250 coins. The Skyrim mission is located near the Six Fishes tavern, so you will find it very quickly. When you collect the required amount, return to Ilus Truptor and give him the money you earned. By the way, you can make yourself proud by saying that you collected twice as much as planned. This, of course, will increase his attitude towards you, and will also help with promotion in rank. After completing this mission, I was given the title of Adept. Great. Are you ready to continue? Then go ahead. Morrowind passage for the Imperial Cult does not stand still.

The second task for the fundraiser, who we temporarily work for, is to go to the Argonia Mission. It is located near the Skyrim Mission, so finding it is not difficult. There we need to collect the same 100 coins. When you go there, start begging everyone... But you don’t have to grovel, because only the head of the Mission will give you money. But there is a way out other than to report your money. You can go down to the very basements of the Mission and talk to the runaway slave. She will pay us another 100 gold, so we will again collect twice as much money and can go with a report to Ilus Truptor. Now, he can reward you, but there is no point in asking for a promotion, since he will not give it to you. It's still early for us. So let's move on to the next task.

Ilus' third task is to collect donations for the Pied Butterfly Legion's fort. Well, then, let's go to Ald'run. Start begging for money from everyone. We need to collect 200 gold. But if you try really hard, you can get twice as much, you know. When you have the required amount, return to Ebengard and report to Ilus Truptor about the successful completion of the task. I want to tell you a secret that you could not run around collecting all these donations, but a real gamer would never do that. .. This is a crime! Well, it doesn’t matter, in any case, when I completed these three quests, I was awarded the title of Challenger, isn’t it?

The fourth task is to bring Ilus Truptor the necessary shirt and camisole, red and black. Okay, no questions asked. We go to Caldera and find the tailor Falanamo, who is located near the Caldera Mages Guild. Talk to him. You can simply buy the necessary shirt from him, or you can raise his attitude towards you to the maximum and talk about “shirt and camisole”. Then he will give us 2 simple shirts that we need. One for us. One for Ilus. How caring, though. Well, it doesn’t matter, it’s time to return to Ilus with the shirts. Naturally, he will thank us and give us a very interesting book that will improve your abilities. Great, thanks to him. But we won’t say thank you for something that doesn’t give you a raise. No problem, let's take the next task.

The fifth task from Ilus is to bring him 5 servings of Corodile Brandy. You can find him in Balmora, in three bars. Happy Prison, Southern Wall and Council Club. You can beg, or you can buy. The first thing I did was go to the Council club and immediately bought myself 5 pieces so as not to be humiliated by begging. We are not alcoholics, we also have to beg for drinks. So, collect the required amount and go to Ebonheart to Ilus with a report. If you don’t know yet, then I’ll tell you one thing. Scrolls of Divine Intervention take you directly under the Imperial Chapel. Although, if you made a note there, you don’t have to waste the scrolls. Will be useful in the future. Well, we only have 2 tasks left from collecting donations, so let’s not delay and start completing them.

Ilus's penultimate task is to collect 500 coins to donate to widows and orphans. We go to the Government Hall and talk with Kunius Pelelius about these promised 500 coins. But, bad luck, Kunius will complain that he doesn’t have money and refuses to pay. And talk, for that matter. Nothing, we talk to the orc Olumba. Which will tell us that Kunius is a bastard. Well, yes, we ourselves understood this. But there is also information - he steals from the ebony mines of the Caldera. Well, let's visit these very mines. They are located just beyond the mountains, next to the Caldera. Remember the Fighters Guild quest related to this mine? That's where we need to go. Talk to the slaves about Kunius, and they will tell you that Kunius wanders the mine at night and steals ebony. But there is also some secret accounting book that reflects his theft. Great, let's go to Kunius's personal chambers, where we will find a locked chest with a book. Okay, now go to Kunius and show him your unexpected find. He will be upset and send you ebonite, which you can sell and earn the amount we need. Did you earn it? Great, let's return to Ebonheart with a report to Ilus.

And Ilus’s last task is to beg 1000 gold coins from the head of the Eastern Imperial Company, Tsanctunian Ponius. Money is needed to organize the Imperial Cult of the Ashlanders. The company's office is located on the main square of Ebonheart. Come to Ponius and talk about money. But Ponius will complain that recently a certain Mossanon stole the entire cash register and ran away. Well, what do you mean, let’s find a thief for him. Questions of the local population will show that Mossanon was often seen in the Vivec Mages Guild. They will also tell us that this thief has a girlfriend from the Telvanni house, but he is hiding her. I wonder if the girl agrees to hide? Well, let's fly to the Vivec Mages Guild. The Guild Guide will tell you that she recently teleported Mossanon to Sadrith Mora. Well, then let's go there. The guide from Wolverine Hall will tell you that Mossanon lives with Volmini Dral. Leave Wolverine Hall and go to this sweet couple. Talk to Mossanon and listen to his love story. So be it, let them live. Take 2500 gold from him and go to Ebonheart, to Ponius. When you return the money, Ponius will be happy and give you the promised thousand gold. Great, it's time for us to return to Ilus and report on the completion of the task. And Ilus will reward us with a new title - Theurgist. Great, we only have a little time left.

Now we go to the Oracle, Lalatia Variant. These are the most profitable tasks, because here we will receive many artifacts. The first thing she will ask is to swear an oath to the Oracle. Well, you yourself wanted this, so we take an oath. And she will immediately give us the first task. We need to find the Wind Ring artifact. Well, let's listen to his message. Like any oracle prediction, it is very vague. Well, let's go to Llaalam Dredil, who stands in the building of the Chambers of the Supreme Council, so that he can explain to us the meaning of the prophecy. She is there next to Duke Vedam Dren, so you won’t get confused. He will tell us that the oracle's prediction is about the Nammu cave. You can get there from Sadrith Mora if you go west.

Did you get there? Great. Proceed according to the scheme known to you - come in, clean out, stock up. When you have the ring, return to the Oracle. She will leave a ring for us as a gift. Great, take on the next task.

The second prophecy of the oracle concerns the Apostle's Shoes. After listening to the vague prophecy, we go to Llaalam and ask him to explain to us where this place with the hidden shoes is. It turns out that this is the Berandas fortress. The best way to get there is from Gnisis, if you go straight to the south. The fortress is marked on the map, so don't get lost. Go inside and clear the entire area. After overcoming many trials and going through many traps, you will find a skeleton in Dwemer boots, which are the ones we need. Take them and return back to the Oracle. She will say that she had a vision that she needed to keep the shoes for herself, so rejoice. Some of the best boots are now yours. After this task, I was given the title of Primate, which is the highest rank in this cult. But I still decided to complete the remaining tasks and get the artifacts that would be given for them.

So, the third prophecy concerns the Ice Blade of the Monarch. The blade is located in Rotheran, a fortress west of Dagon Fel. Come in and clean it up. From the one who owns the monarch's blade, take the ring with the Divine Intervention spell and give it to one of the slaves, the high elf Adusamsi Assurnarairan. She will immediately run away, and you will complete the task. Of course, it is possible, and even necessary, to search everything in this fortress. When you're done, return to the Oracle with a report. Naturally, she will leave the blade to you as a gift. Well, do you still want to continue? Okay, I’ll tell you about the next prophecy.

The fourth prophecy concerns the Scroll of Raging Fire. You should take revenge on two sorcerers Karekalmo and Merriaran. You can find them south of Gnaar Mok, on one of the islands, in the Daedric sanctuary of Ashalmimikal. Kill everyone, take the scroll and return to the Oracle.

The fifth and final prophecy concerns the Skullcrusher Hammer. So, to determine the exact location of the hammer, you will have to look for the Dunmer who could do it. But you don’t have to suffer, but immediately go in search of the Ancestral Tomb of the Omarens,

I would like to dedicate a series of articles to various religions and cults in video games. In modern society, problems of religion are widely discussed and hardly anyone is left indifferent. But we will be interested in gaming cults and idols. And I would like to start my series of articles with one of the most famous religions of the virtual universe - the Imperial Cult, also known as the Cult of the Emperor from the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

The Imperial Cult is the only state religion of the Imperium. Adherents of the Cult worship the God-Emperor, an immortal entity and the savior of all mankind. The Emperor personifies the Father, Protector and God for each of the people. It is known that the Emperor is a historical figure, and not a figment of the imagination. He was born on Earth in the eighth millennium BC and is the fruit of the group reincarnation of shamans of that time. To save the growing humanity from the attacks of the demons of the Warp (aka the Immaterium, an alternative dimension consisting of pure psychic energy, also a local source of magic), they decided, at the cost of their lives, to reincarnate together into one soul placed in one body, and called him the New Man . Thousands of shamans, sacrificing themselves at the same time, were able to concentrate the energy of their souls to create a cleansing fire, which passed through the Immaterium and merged into one soul, and a year later the Emperor was born. His psychic powers were so great that he became immortal. The emperor grew, and his power grew with him. He traveled a lot, taught people and gave them his wisdom. It is believed that it was the image of the Emperor that was reflected in the myths and religions of our time. But as his powers grew, so did the need for help, and the Emperor decided to become the intercessor of all mankind.


The Cult of the Emperor has the greatest power and influence throughout the Imperium, and any heresy in the direction of the Emperor is severely punished. Mankind's boundless faith in the power of the Emperor helps fight all dangers, be they orcs, Warp demons, necrons or other aggressors.

The main relic of the Cult is the Golden Throne, on which the Emperor himself sits. The fact is that after the events of the Horus Heresy, a civil war that claimed the lives of trillions of people, the Emperor sacrificed his immortality to save humanity, and the Golden Throne was created especially for him - a biomechanical life support system. Although the Emperor's body is slowly decaying, his mind is fully functional and resides within the Warp, aiding his journey through it. The throne is located deep underground on Terra (formerly known as Earth), inside the Imperial Palace, in a place called the Sanctum Imperialis, where Mount Everest used to be. The essence of the Core on which Tron's life support system is based is unknown, so repairing Tron's systems is not possible. The core was found by the Emperor himself and was originally used to create portals, but the events of the Horus Heresy radically changed things. It should be said that if the Golden Throne fails, the Emperor's mind will no longer be able to help humanity, and it is believed that after this, humanity is doomed to death, although some believe that this event, on the contrary, will save people from the forces of Chaos.

The Emperor's Body on the Golden Throne

Thus, the Imperial Cult is one of the strongest cults in the gaming universe. Fearless Space Marine troops under the banners of the Imperium and with the name of the God-Emperor on their lips are eager to fight for the salvation of humanity, and their sincere and endless faith in the just cause and the teachings of their master gives them enormous strength. But other interesting teachings, religions and beliefs deserve your attention. Write in the comments what cult I should write about next time, and I will definitely do it. I welcome any adequate criticism. Sanij Ishihara was with you, and may the Emperor's will be done!