Back to school soon. Activities for children on a school theme

Lesson for children 6-7 years old "Soon to school"

This lesson is conducted by a teacher-psychologist as part of developmental classes with a subgroup of 6 children of senior preschool age.
Goals and objectives:
development of cognitive activity
developing children's interest in learning at school
developing the ability to interact in a group of peers
development of cognitive processes

Equipment: projector, screen, prepared individual tasks for children.

Pupils enter the psychologist's office, on the door of which there is a mailbox.

Teacher-psychologist: “Guys, we have received this mailbox, and in the future we will receive letters from graduates of our kindergarten who are already studying at school. All this is to help us prepare for school and find out what tasks await us there!”

“Before we look at what task our school friends have prepared for us, let’s remember what we will need when we go to first grade?!”(Children's answers).

We sit down on the carpet, on the pillows. A picture appears on the screen with images of school supplies.

Teacher-psychologist: “Guys, look carefully at the picture and remember what is shown here.” The picture is replaced by a similar one with the absence of several objects and the addition of others. Children must remember and explain what has changed? Next is the following modified picture. The image on the screen changes 6 times to give each child the opportunity to answer.

Teacher-psychologist: “Well done! You and I have trained our memory and now we can easily learn the chant, which we will repeat in our future classes.”

We will write numbers and count, count, count!”

(The last line may change according to the next exercise)

Option 2
“Soon we will go to school, we will gain a wealth of knowledge,
And in order for us to be smart and study well, we, friends, have to work hard:
We will name the letters and write, write, write!”

Option 3
“Soon we will go to school, we will gain a wealth of knowledge,
And in order for us to be smart and study well, we, friends, have to work hard:
We will solve problems and answer questions!”

Teacher-psychologist: “Guys, let’s look into our mailbox and start completing the tasks prepared for us. I invite you to the table».
Each one has letters drawn on a piece of paper. Assignment: circle consonants with a blue pencil, vowels with a red pencil. And write a number next to it: how many letters are red and how many are blue!

Teacher-psychologist: “You have all completed the task, I suggest you sit in a circle on the carpet and play the game “Compliment.” I invite each of you to tell each other about his strengths, which will definitely help him do well in school and cope with all assignments. I’ll start: Kolya, you’re very attentive...” Children pass the ball to each other in a circle, accompanying this with compliments.

Teacher-psychologist: “This concludes our lesson! It was a pleasure to work with you! Until the next lesson! "


Educational area: Cognitive development.

Lesson topic:"Soon to school."

Target: development of cognitive activity, creativity and interpersonal interaction skills with peers and adults.

Educational objectives: teach children to listen and hear others. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Developmental tasks: develop logical, imaginative, creative thinking, imagination, auditory, visual memory, attention and speech of children.

Educational tasks: Encourage children to have kind feelings towards each other.

Preliminary work: Reinforcing the material covered.

Equipment: demonstration material in the form of slides, colored paper, photographs of children, flannelgraph, two briefcases, school supplies, toys.

Guys, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, smile and remember our poem - greeting:

In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Together we will be very friendly

Answer questions

We all want to do

We all want to know a lot.

Children: Perform actions according to the text.

Guys, we have guests today, let’s greet them, smile and give them our good mood.

Guys! Let's remember what you were like when you came to kindergarten?

You were so small. Every year you grew up and are now in the preparatory group. Why do you think our group is called preparatory? What are we preparing for?

(Photos are attached to a flannelgraph.)

Children: Children look at their photographs.

That's right, well done, we are getting ready for school!

Guys, pay attention to the slide, what do you see? (Slide No. 1.)

Children's answers…………

That's right, this is school, and you will all go to school in the fall.

Now I suggest you play school?

Heroes appear: Dunno and the girl Masha. They come in and argue about the benefits of school. Masha wants to convince Dunno that it is necessary to go to school and that it is very interesting and educational. That's why they came to the kindergarten to find out from the children what they thought about this.

Guys, look who came to us?

But it seems to me that our guests have a problem, why are they arguing?

The teacher asks Dunno and Masha a question

What is the dispute about?

Masha: “Dunno doesn’t want to go to school, and therefore we would like to ask the guys, what do you think, should we go to school?

Dunno: “How do you know, you weren’t there.

Masha: “Guys, let’s now check if you know anything about the school, if you can solve the riddles.”

1. I carry a new house in my hand,

The doors of the house are locked.

The residents here are made of paper,

All terribly important. (Briefcase.) (Slide No. 2.)

2. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,

Be able to write on them,

You can also draw.

I call myself...(Notebook.) (Slide No. 2.)

3. My wooden box

I put it in my briefcase with me.

This box is very small

It's called...(Pencil case.) (Slide No. 2.)

4. In a snowy field along the road

My one-legged horse is rushing

And for many, many years

Leaves a blue mark (Pen.) (Slide No. 2.)

5. Black Ivashka,

Wooden shirt.

Where he leads his nose,

He puts a note there. (Pencil.) (Slide No. 2.)

You see, Dunno, our kids, even though they weren’t at school, still guessed all the riddles. Guys, what can you call all the objects in one word? (Slide No. 3.)

Well done! Dunno, did you know that all these objects can be called in two words?

Dunno: “no.”

Masha: “Who can tell me where they put the grades?”

Masha: “That’s right, a diary.” (Slide No. 4.)

Masha: “Guys, let’s play the game “assemble a briefcase”, divide into teams, whose team quickly and correctly assembles the briefcase, then they win. (Children compete.)

Do you know that not only grades are put in the diary, but homework and the name of the lessons are also written down.

Dunno: “Lessons, what kind of word is this?”

Listen to Dunno carefully.

A lesson called mathematics. In this lesson you will learn different figures, counting and solve interesting problems.

Dunno: “What’s interesting here?”

Guys, what figure do you think is the odd one out here? (Slide No. 5, 6, 7.)

Children respond based on the signs.

That's right, well done!

Masha: “I have prepared very interesting problems for you, let’s try to solve them?”

Masha: “1. The mouse has two ears. How many ears do two mice have? (4.) (Slide No. 8.)

2. Five puppies played football, one was called home. He looks out the window, counts, How many of them are playing now? (4.) (Slide No. 9.)

3. The apples in the garden are ripe. We managed to taste them: Five rosy, liquid ones, Three with sourness. How many are there? (8.) (Slide No. 10.)

Masha: “What great fellows!”

Guys, please tell me what does mathematics teach us?

It's called Russian Language.

Dunno laughs and says: “It’s like all their tongues are showing!”

No, in the Russian language lesson they learn to write and speak correctly. Guys, let’s say together a quatrain with different intonations: “The bull is swinging.”

And now I would like to know how erudite you are:

Kind angry

Healthy - sick

Strong - weak

Clean - dirty

Full - hungry

Good bad

Brave - Cowardly

Well done everyone!

Masha: “You see, Dunno, how much fun it is at school!”

Dunno: “Yes, it’s even very fun!”

Masha, why do you think we need physical education?

Masha: To be healthy, strong, resilient and get a boost of energy.”

Dunno: “How does it feel to get a boost of energy?”

Masha: “And you Dunno, repeat after us!”

Guys, let's get up and march in a circle, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four turn to the right around you and jump, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, turn to around to the left and jump. Walking in circles. We line up in three columns, and go out one by one from the column and sit on the chairs (Slide No. 11.)

Dunno rummages through his briefcase and takes out the ABC.

Guys, what do you think this is and why?

Masha: “Do you know what sounds there are?” (Slide No. 12.)

Well done!

Guys, please choose two-syllable words. (Slide No. 13.)

Well done!

Dunno: “It’s really interesting how, I’ll still go to school, but I always have to think, maybe I can build a paper airplane and fly a little?

Of course you can make something. And since it’s spring in our yard and there are streams everywhere, let’s make an origami boat (I show the sequence of execution).

Well, will Dunno be interested in school?

Dunno: “Very!”

Guys, what did you like today? Will you go to school?

The children answer.

A child recites the poem “What is school”

School is a bright house,

We are studying, we will be in it.

There we will learn to write,

Add and multiply.

We learn a lot at school:

About your beloved land,

About mountains and oceans,

About continents and countries;

And where do the rivers flow?

And what were the Greeks like?

And what kind of seas are there?

And how the earth turns.

The school has workshops...

There are countless interesting things to do!

And the call is fun.

This is what “school” means!

Presentation is possible.

Subject: Back to school soon.

Target: activate and expand children's vocabulary on the topic.



Clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about school, school supplies, and the organization of educational activities;

Introduce children to the names of some school supplies and lessons.

Correctional and developmental:

Practice agreeing nouns with cardinal numbers in Vin. P.;

Practice using nouns husband. and wives kind;

Practice using future tense verbs;

Practice composing an IPP with the conjunction SO;

Train the ability to select synonymous words and generalizing words for nouns;

Prevent dysgraphia;

Train the skill of reading words consisting of letters of different fonts;

Prevent postural disorders;

Develop verbal and logical thinking;

Develop visual and auditory perception;

Develop attention;

Develop memory;

Develop gross and fine motor skills.


Cultivate a desire to study at school;

Foster respect for the profession of teacher and educator;

Develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences.

Equipment: isographer “School”; alien toy; briefcase; plastic bag; ruler, notebook (2 pcs.), pen (3 pcs.), eraser, colored pencils (5 pcs.), Primer (textbook), pencil case, toy, candy, mug, disk; a picture with noisy images of school supplies; alien letter; Crosswords.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment (2-3 min.)

Children enter the speech therapy room and take their seats. The speech therapist invites them to solve the isograph:

Guys, look at the picture. What is drawn here? (House)

But this is not an easy house. Find the letters that are hidden here, make a word out of them, and then you will find out what we will talk about today! (School)

That's right, today we will talk about school. An unusual guest came to our lesson - the alien “Yo-25”. (The speech therapist shows the alien toy.) He wants to know about our earthly school. Shall we tell him? (Yes)

And whoever behaves well and answers questions correctly, after class I will allow him to play with him.

II. Main part (20 min.)

1. Conversation about school.

Why do you think children go to school? (to study, to be smart, then to master your favorite profession, etc.) Explain the proverb: Learning is the path to skill.

What are the children who go to school called? (Male and female gender: student - student, schoolboy - schoolgirl, student - student)

Which class will you go to? (In 1st grade) What will they call you when you come to school? (girls - first graders, boys - first graders)

What grades will you study for? (On 5s) What will they call you? (boys - excellent students, girls - excellent students)

Guys, tell me how to behave in class? (listen carefully, complete tasks, sit correctly at a desk- the speech therapist offers to show the children how, etc.) What to do during recess? (play, relax, run, etc.)

2. Game “Collect a briefcase”.

Guys, Yo-25 wants to tell his alien friends about our school and show what things are needed at school. Let's help him! I brought a whole bag of different things, and you must determine whether they are needed at school or not. If needed, then why? But where are we going to put all this stuff? (Into the briefcase - The speech therapist takes out the briefcase and shows the children.) What else can they be worn in? (in a satchel, backpack)

Then the children come up one by one, take an item(s) from the bag, say whether this item is needed or not needed at school, why it is needed, and put it in the briefcase, voicing their actions. For example, these are colored pencils, they are needed in order to draw. I put 5 colored pencils in my briefcase.

Thank you for helping the alien pack his briefcase. Now let's remember what we put in the briefcase? (Children remember)

What can you call all these items? (School supplies)

3. Physical education minute. (flexion and extension of fingers)

Seven nights and days in a week

We have seven things in our portfolio:

And a ruler and a notebook,

There is a pen to write with,

And an elastic band to make stains

She cleaned it carefully.

And a pencil case and a pencil,

And the Primer is our friend!

4. “What will we learn?”

Guys, who raises children in kindergarten? (teacher) Who teaches children at school? (teacher - teacher)

In kindergarten you played a lot, drew, sculpted... Soon you will go to school. I wonder what you will learn there? Tell our guest about it.

In which lesson will you learn to draw? (We will learn to draw in art class) ...Learn to read, write, sing, solve problems, play sports, learn a foreign language, etc.

5. “What is useful where”

The speech therapist hangs a picture with noisy images of school supplies on the board, invites the children to find them on it and say in which lessons this or that thing might be useful.

6. Physical education minute. Children walk in a circle one after another, imitating the voiced movements.

You and I will go to school,

We'll take the backpack with us,

At school we will write,

Do physical exercise,

And work and try.

III. Summary of the lesson (2-3 min.)

Well done, E25 really liked your story about school. He even wrote a letter to his distant planet, but the computer crashed and the letter was slightly broken. Help the alien correct his mistakes!

Hello aliens! I want to tell you about the earthly school. School starts here on January 1st. Children who study at school are called teachers, and adults who teach them are called students. During school lessons it should be noisy and fun, and during breaks all children should sit quietly and listen to the teacher. There are many different lessons at school: reading, physical education, eating candy, playing with dolls. Album, pencil, pen, textbook - all these are children's accessories. I really liked it here. Bye!

Guys, for you, as for future schoolchildren, Yo-25 has prepared a gift crossword puzzle. (Homework from the alien: solve a crossword puzzle on a topic you have studied.) Now you can play with the alien.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary general education

school No. 2" Nizhnekamsk

Adapted program for preparing future first-graders.

The program was developed by a primary school teacher of the highest qualification category, Zh. M. Shimina.

Explanatory note

At the age of 6-7 years, children are preparing to go to school. In preschool institutions, they attend special classes that allow children and parents to understand what knowledge, skills and abilities the child will develop at school. In fact, in the senior group, the child is prepared for school. However, based on many years of practice, it has been established that when a child comes to school, he feels insecure and constrained. Therefore, teachers of future first-graders are also involved in preparing a child for school. In addition, it is well known that currently the number of children attending preschool institutions, which provide the necessary preparation for school, has decreased.

School preparation classes can be organized before the start of the school year at the request of parents of future first-graders, held once a week, at a time convenient for children and parents. It is desirable that the classes are conducted by the teacher who will subsequently teach the children attending these classes, and that the classes are held within the walls of the school that the parents have chosen for their child for further education. This will greatly facilitate the child’s psychological adaptation to school.

The proposed program is designed for 27 lessons (during the school year from November to May, 4 lessons per month, 1 time per week) and provides classes that create the necessary conditions for the child’s successful entry into school life.


    adapt preschool children to school.

To achieve the main goal, a number oftasks :

    Prepare children for the leading activity of a schoolchild - learning;

    Adapt children to school life;

    Show the importance of school activities for future life activities;

    Introduce various forms of working on objects, objects, numbers and words.

Subject of the program: - development of children's cognitive processes.

The choice of this subject of study is due to the close interaction between pedagogy and psychology. During the lessons, individual and collective diagnostic tasks are provided, allowing the teacher and psychologist to get a complete picture of the development of cognitive processes in future first-graders.

Methods and forms:

The program includes the most effective methods and forms of organizing work with children, selected from a variety, taking into account age characteristics.




    demonstration of samples;


    heuristic conversation.

Forms of work:


    a game;


    individual sessions.

In this program, the classes are based on preparatory work in the main subjects provided for in the primary education program: initial mathematical knowledge, basic reading, speech development and preparing the hand for writing. Each lesson lasts 1 hour with a 10-minute break every 20-25 minutes and, along with knowledge of the subjects and the development of general educational skills, involves mandatory health-improving physical exercises, ophthalmic pauses and finger gymnastics. The distribution of time in class by subject is given approximately, since there is no subject differentiation as such. The subject included in the system of each lesson is related in content to others and smoothly transitions from one to another. Classes are structured in such a way that written tasks alternate with oral ones. The basis for written assignments in preparation for mathematics and preparing hands for writing are taken from the series of workbooks “School for Preschool Children.” The work is carried out either on the notebooks themselves, or for each child a photocopy of the worksheet intended for this lesson is made. It is not necessary to take all the material offered for the lesson. The scope of tasks depends on the preparedness and abilities of the children. Tasks marked with an asterisk are suggested to be completed at home under the guidance of parents.

It is also recommended, after training sessions with a teacher, to conduct classes with a speech therapist and psychologist according to specially developed programs (classes can be alternated: 1 week - speech therapist, 2 week - psychologist, etc.). These classes are no less important, because after the initial diagnosis, it is possible to identify some children who need special classes with specialists.

Specifics program is that children attending the proposed preparation classes will:

Elementary mathematical concepts are formed,

    develop the basic mental processes necessary for learning at school,

    primary reading instruction.

For this purpose, the content of the classes partially includes educational material from the first academic quarter of the first grade. This guarantees that children, future students, will be able to demonstrate a high level and speed of perception of educational material within the allotted period. In the future, when teaching, this will help the teacher plan individual tasks and implement a differentiated approach. This program follows the principles of gradualism, consistency, accessibility, integrity, active approach, age-specific and individual approach. It can be used for children who do not attend kindergarten.

The program provides for the development of mental processes: the ability to think logically, the ability to act in the mind, remember, attention and imagination develop. These skills will not only provide the foundation for learning language and math skills, but will also provide the foundation for knowledge and ability development later in school. Having mastered the listed qualities, the child will become more attentive, learn to think clearly and clearly, and will be able to concentrate on the essence of the problem at the right time. It will become easier to study, which means the learning process will bring joy and pleasure.

Approximate subject content:

In classes to prepare for mathematics, the main place is given to the development of mathematical abilities, abstract logical thinking, skills of intellectual methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, integration, classification, orientation in space and time. By the time children enter school, they should have developed elementary mathematical concepts. Children should have quantitative and ordinal counting skills within the first ten. This program contains a wide variety of tasks aimed at developing the above, offered in a playful form accessible to a 6-7 year old child. In addition, by attending classes offered by this program, a preschooler will get acquainted with geometric shapes, learn to compare objects in height, width and length, distinguish the shapes of objects, navigate in space and on a sheet of paper, learn to compare the numbers of the first ten with each other, get acquainted with numbers, basic mathematical signs, learn to solve simple examples of addition and subtraction. Regular classes will help improve attention, develop fine motor skills and coordination of the child's movements.

The development of movements is often considered as one of the components of a child’s physical readiness for school. Indeed, the arm muscles must be strong enough and fine motor skills must be well developed so that the child can hold a pen and pencil correctly and not get tired so quickly when writing. The tasks offered by this program represent the first stage of preparing a 6-7 year old child for writing. These are tasks for shading, coloring, drawing patterns in cells, tracing contours and other exercises aimed at developing initial graphic skills and correct hand placement. The tasks are offered in increasing order of difficulty. In addition, the future first-grader must develop the ability to carefully examine an object, a picture, and highlight its individual details. These skills are often already possessed by 4-5 year old children. However, you should pay attention not to individual movements of the hands or eyes, but to their coordination, which is also one of the important components of school readiness. In the process of studying, a child often simultaneously looks at an object (for example, at a blackboard) and copies or copies what he is currently looking at. That is why coordinated actions of the eye and hand are so important; it is important that the fingers “hear” the information that the eye gives them. This program provides tasks for the development of these processes. Important to remember that the development of fine motor skills stimulates the development of intellectual abilities in general, and graphic exercises should not be neglected - these tasks will help the child not only learn to write, but also prepare in general for school.

In classes on speech development and primary reading instruction, attention is paid to the development of intelligence, enrichment of active vocabulary, the formation of communication skills, the ability to correctly construct sentences, and the development of phonemic awareness, which contributes to more successful schooling in the future. Reading training is carried out according to the ABC book by N. S. Zhukova.

Work on the proposed program involves the joint activities of the teacher, the child and his parents. The teacher guides the child, explains the educational material and teaches how to correctly perform routine mechanical work aimed at developing a particular skill. The parents' task is to organize daily 10-15 minute lessons at home, reinforcing what the child has learned in class. Only the joint activity of the teacher, the child and his parents will give the necessary result and facilitate the child’s adaptation period at school.

Contents of the course being studied

    Let's get acquainted.

Meeting children. Disclosure of the goals and objectives of the course, content of the program. Determining the level of preparedness of children.

    Classes on socialization of children, trainings.

Psychological preparation of children for the changing lifestyle caused by schooling.

Practice: game trainings.

    Preparing your hand for writing.

Classes to develop fine motor skills, finger games.

Practice: graphic exercises, drawing with fingers objects, figures, animals, birds.

    Formation of phonemic perception.

Activities aimed at developing phonetic perception and hearing, which provide preparation for learning to read. Getting to know the sounds of the Russian language and the letters of the Russian alphabet. Syllable reading.

    Fun math.

Classes to develop spatial imagination. Familiarity with figures, numbers, the ability to correlate numbers and figures. Solving simple problems.

    Development of cognitive psychological processes.

Classes on the development of cognitive psychological processes (logical thinking, memory, attention, imagination).

Upon completion of the course under this program, children must master the following knowledge and skills:

    For the subject "Introduction to Mathematics":

    Fluency in the sequence of numbers from 1 to 10. Knowledge of the place of the number 0 in a series of numbers.

    The ability to count objects and establish the serial number of each object in a given group in the specified counting order.

    Conscious understanding of how each number in the series of numbers from 1 to 10 can be obtained: by adding 1 to the previous number or subtracting 1 from the next number when counting.

    Ability to read numbers and relate each number (printed and written) to the corresponding number of objects. Write these numbers.

    Ability to compare numbers using signs "<», «>», «=».

    Solid mastery of all cases of the composition of the numbers of the first ten from two terms.

    Ability to read simple mathematical notations of the form: 1+1, 3-2, 2+3

and so on. and relate such entries to a specific illustration. The ability to solve relevant problems based on complete subject clarity and write down their solution.

    Ability to distinguish basic geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

On the subject “Preparing the hand for writing”:

    Ability to sit correctly when writing and hold a pen correctly.

    Ability to navigate in a notebook, have the concept of “working line”, “auxiliary line”.

    The ability to “copy” various letter elements and patterns according to a model.

    The ability to hatch the contours of objects in a given direction, with lines of various configurations.

3. For the subject “Speech development\primary learning to read”:

    Have an understanding of a syllable, word, sentence, text.

    Ability to construct a sentence and coherent test.

    The ability to divide words into syllables, find a stressed syllable in a word.

    Know the letters A, O, X, S, M, U, R, Sh, s, L; be able to read letters and words with them.

    Be able to arrange a series of pictures in order.

    Be able to compose a coherent story based on a plot picture.

To implement the program, it was developededucational and methodological






Speech development

( - A story about yourself. Rules of conduct at school.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Direct and reverse counting. Comparison of objects. More, less, equal.

25 min.

Preparing your hand for writing

Orientation in the notebook. Point, straight line, slanted line.

20 minutes.

Speech development

Sounds and letters. Word. Offer. Text.

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Right, left, top, bottom.

20 minutes.

Preparing your hand for writing

Graphic dictation.

10 min.

Speech development

Work on a plot picture.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number. Number.

20 minutes.

Preparing your hand for writing

Copying a pattern from the board.

20 minutes.

Speech development

Syllable. Dividing words into syllables.

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Orientation in time. Name of days of the week, months of the year. Their sequence.

20 minutes.

Preparing your hand for writing

Graphic dictation

10 min.

Speech development

Domestic and wild animals.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and digit 0.

25 min.

Preparing your hand for writing

Straight lines in different directions. Hatching with vertical lines.

25 min.

Speech development\primary learning to read.

Plants and animals. The letter a.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 1.

25 min.

Preparing your hand for writing

Smooth lines. Straight inclined. Hatching with vertical lines.

25 min.

Classification of objects according to essential characteristics. Letter U.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 1. Consolidation. The concepts of “more”, “less”, “the same”.

25 min.

Preparing your hand for writing

Smooth and straight lines. Outlining the cells. Hatching with vertical lines.

25 min.

Speech development\primary learning to read

Marine life. Letter O

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 2. Composition of number 2. Comparison.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Straight slanted lines. Hatching with vertical lines.

25 min.


- Speech development\primary learning to read

Types of plants. Classification of plants according to essential characteristics. Letter M.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 2. Consolidation.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

25 min


- Speech development\primary learning to read

Work on a plot picture. Letter S.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 3. Composition of number 3.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Smooth and straight lines. Hatching with vertical lines.

25 min


Kinds of sports. Learning to connect letters.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 3. Consolidation. Preparation for the introduction of geometric shapes.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Smooth and straight lines. Hatching with horizontal lines.

25 min


- Speech development\learning to read.

Compose a story based on a series of pictures. We read letters, we read syllables.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 4. Composition of number 4.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Shrinking and increasing figures. Hatching with oblique lines.

20 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Classification of objects according to essential characteristics. We connect letters, read syllables.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Numbers1-4. Consolidation.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Trace objects without lifting your hand from the sheet. Hatching with horizontal lines.

20 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Arranging a series of pictures in order. Compiling a story. We read the syllables.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 5. Composition of the number 5.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying a pattern from a sample. Hatching with oblique lines.

25 min.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Professions. We connect letters, read syllables.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 5. Consolidation.

25 min.

- Preparing the hand for

Copying patterns according to the sample.

20 minutes.


Hatching with horizontal and vertical lines.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Work based on a plot picture. Let's learn to connect letters again.

10 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 6. Composition of number 6.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Completing the drawing of an object picture according to the model. Circles and ovals. Hatching with oblique lines.

25 min.


- Speech development\learning to read.

My four-legged friend. We read together.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Numbers1-6. Consolidation.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying patterns by cells, patterns from ovals. Hatching with oblique lines.

20 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Fruits and vegetables. We read together.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 7. Composition of number 7.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Completing half of the proposed drawing. Hatching with oblique lines. Patterns in cells.

25 min.


- Speech development\learning to read.

Work based on a plot picture. We read the words.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 7. Consolidation.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying a picture by cell. Patterns of semi-ovals. Hatching with horizontal lines.

25 min.


- Speech development\learning to read.

A funny incident from life. Letter X.

15 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 8. Composition of number 8. Geometric shapes.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying patterns according to the sample. Hatching with horizontal lines.

20 minutes.


We read syllables, words, sentences. Making sentences about your favorite toy.

15 minutes.

- Introduction to mathematics

Arithmetic sign "+". Solving examples.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying geometric shapes according to a sample. Hatching with oblique lines.

25 min.


- Speech development\learning to read

Letter R. Work based on a plot picture.

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number and figure 9. Composition of the number 9.

25 min.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Coloring according to instructions. Hatching with horizontal lines.

15 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read

Forest inhabitants. Reading words with learned letters.

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Arithmetic sign “-”. Solving examples.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Copying a picture by cell. Hatching with vertical lines.

20 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read

Letter Sh. Work based on a plot picture.

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

Number 10. Composition of number 10.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Completing the second half of the drawing according to the proposed model.

20 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read

The happiest day of my life. Comparative analysis of sounds[s], [w].

25 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Numbers of the first ten.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Coloring according to the suggested instructions. Copying sample patterns.

15 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read

Letter Y. The concept of "rhyme". Game “Say the Word.”

25 min.

Introduction to Mathematics

Solving examples of addition and subtraction within the first ten.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

15 minutes.


- Speech development\learning to read

LetterJI. Conversation “Where I would like to spend the summer”

20 minutes.

Introduction to Mathematics

The concept of “chain of examples”, solution of “Chains” of examples.

20 minutes.

- Preparing your hand for writing

Coloring by design. Hatching in different directions.

20 minutes.


    Gavrilina S. E., Kutyavina N. D., Toporkova I. G., Shcherbinina S. V. Workbooks from the “School for Preschool Children” series:

    "Learning to count." - M: ZAO "Rosmen - Press", 2006. - 24 p.

    “Preparing your hand for writing.” - M: ZAO "Rosmen - Press", 2006. -24 p.

    Zhukova N. S. Primer (a manual for teaching preschoolers to read correctly). - M: “Eksmo”, 2005. - 95 p.

    Kovalko V.I. School of physical education. - M: “VAKO”, 2005. - 204 p.

    Uzorova O. V., Nefedova E. A. Finger gymnastics. - M:ACT- Astrel, 2003. - 127 p.

    Zhikalkina T.K., Game and entertaining tasks in mathematics, 1st grade. -M: “Enlightenment”, 1989.-45 p.

    Lazurenko L.V., Entertaining materials for mathematics lessons in grades 1 - 2. - Volgograd: TeacherACT, 2005. - 95 p.

    Zaitseva G. A., Mathematics 1st grade, lesson plans 1 hour - Volgograd: TeacherACT, 2003. - 111 p.

    Volina V.V., Russian language. We learn by playing. - Ekaterinburg: ARGO Publishing House LLP, 1996. - 494 p.

    Koshelev I., Inhabitants of the sea. - M.: Avanta +, 2003. - 184 p.

    Akimushkin A., the world of animals (birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles). - M.: “Thought”, 1989. - 463 p.

    Gavrilova S.E. Collection of tests “Is your child ready for school”

    Adzhi A.V. “Notes of integrated classes in the preparatory group of kindergarten”

    Series of 1000 games. Publishing house "Rosmen": "Smart Games"

    Series of 1000 games. Publishing house "Rosmen": "Games with a pencil"

    Obukhova L.A. "How to read well"

    Khatkina M.A. ABC "Games, tasks, stories, poems"

    Gavrina S.E. “Learning to understand each other”

    Sergeeva T.F. "Mathematics for preschoolers"

    Gerasimova A. “Tests for preparing for school”

Software :

When preparing children for school, the programs recommended by the FES of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation were used: Comprehensive programs: “Preparing for school” - authors: N.A. Fedosova, T.S. Komarov, “Program of education and training in kindergarten” - edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova, “Childhood” - authors: V.I. Loginova, T.I. Babaeva, N.A. Notkina.

Includes sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 722.
All sections | Back to school soon. Activities for children on a school theme

Open lesson with children of the preparatory group “Cheburashka goes to school” according to the program “From birth to school” Abstract classes in the preparatory group. Complies with the Program "From birth to schools» 2nd week of May Cheburashka goes to school Goal : Improve phonemic awareness. Learn to perform sound and syllabic analysis of words, development of coherent speech. Throughout classes...

Additional general developmental program of social and pedagogical orientation “Getting ready for school” Municipal budget preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 3 of the city of Lebedyan, Lipetsk region Adopted at a meeting of the pedagogical council of MBDOU d/s No. 3, Lebedyan, Lipetsk region Minutes No. Approved by the head of MBDOU d/s No. 3, Lebedyan, Lipetsk region....

Back to school soon. Activities for children on a school theme - The fairy tale “How Kolobok went to school or Kolobok’s new adventures”

Publication “The fairy tale “How Kolobok went to school or new adventures...” Everyone knows the fairy tale about Kolobok, but today I want to tell you the continuation of this fairy tale. The continuation was invented by me. In this tale I will tell you about how Kolobok went to school. Everyone knows that in the fairy tale Kolobok was eaten, but in my story he was made anew. And Kolobok asked:...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Consultation “10 reasons to send your child to a music school”“Why teach children music?” - a common question that parents ask themselves, but never doubt that the child must be taught to read, write and count. I would like to remind you that since ancient times three signs have been known to mankind - a letter, a number, a note! It's clear,...

How to prepare your child for the music school exam When a son or daughter turns 5-6 years old, most parents take the child to some clubs, sports sections, or choreographic studios. Or to a music school. Often the choice depends on simple chance: a music school not far from home or friends take their...

Consultation “The idea of ​​a school that teaches you to come up with ideas” THE IDEA OF A SCHOOL THAT TEACHES TO COME UP WITH IDEAS Anting Valentina Germanovna, primary school teacher at Nizhnesuetukskaya Secondary School of the Russian Federation, Ermakovsky district E-mail: [email protected] Today, changes are occurring very rapidly in our society, which, in their...

Back to school soon. Activities for children on a school theme - Lapbook “We’re going to school soon”

Lapbook “We are going to school soon” In connection with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in a preschool institution, educators are faced with the task of finding new non-standard forms of interaction with students. The teacher must show mobility, variability and creativity in choosing educational...

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group of 6–7 years old “Composing a story based on the painting “To School” Summary of educational activities for the development of speech in the preparatory group of 6-7 years Compiling a story based on the picture “To school” Oksana Shubenkina Objectives: - coherent speech: learn to compose a plot story based on a picture, using previously acquired plot building skills (plot, climax,...