Download the script for the Day of Remembrance of the Repressed. Scenario of the rally for the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

Scenario "Day of Remembrance of the Repressed"
Throughout the entire event, fragments of documentary chronicles are shown on the screen, photographs of the repressed are projected, and screensavers on the topic are projected.

Mountains bend before this grief,

The great river does not flow

But the prison gates are strong,

And behind them are “convict holes”

And mortal...deadly melancholy.

For someone the wind is blowing fresh,

For someone the sunset is basking -

We don't know, we're the same everywhere

We only hear the hateful grinding of keys

Leading: On October 30, Russia celebrates the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression.
Repressions began immediately after the October Revolution of 1917. At the same time, not only active political opponents of the Bolsheviks, but also people who simply expressed disagreement with their policies became victims of repressions. Repressions were also carried out on social grounds (against former police officers, gendarmes, officials of the tsarist government, priests, as well as former landowners and entrepreneurs).

The most severe repressions were those of Stalin's times, carried out in the USSR in the 1930s - 1950s and usually associated with the name of I.V. Stalin, the de facto leader of the state during this period.
Leading: On April 25, 1930, by order of the OGPU, in pursuance of the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR "Regulations on forced labor camps" dated April 7, 1930, the Administration of the camps was organized. In November 1930, the name GULAG began to appear (the Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps of the OGPU). Gulag camps were scattered throughout the territory our country.

The date of this memorable day was chosen due to the fact that on October 30, 1974, political prisoners of the Mordovian and Perm camps went on a hunger strike to protest against political repression in the USSR and against the inhumane treatment of prisoners in prisons and camps. Since then, Soviet political prisoners annually celebrated this day with a hunger strike, calling it the Day of Political Prisoners. There are known cases when other convicts supported them. Since 1987, Political Prisoner's Day has been celebrated with demonstrations taking place in Moscow and other cities of the USSR.
2.Slide"Prison Window"

On October 30, 1989, demonstrations took place in dozens of cities from Kaliningrad to Khabarovsk, and in Moscow, about 3 thousand people with candles in their hands lined up in the form of a “human chain” around the building of the KGB of the USSR. When the participants of this action went in a procession to Pushkin Square with the aim of holding a rally, they were brutally dispersed by riot police.
Leading: On October 30, by resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, since 1991, the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression has been celebrated in Russia.
Today, the number of victims of political repression throughout the history of the formation of the Russian state has reached about 800,000 people. This figure includes not only those who became victims of political repression, but also those who suffered from the repression of loved ones and relatives, were deprived of a normal childhood in a full-fledged family and lost hope for love, reciprocity and respect from others.
Leading: It is very difficult to say today exactly how many people have suffered from the cruelty of politicians and new transformations in the country. An accurate calculation is practically impossible here. After all, many political cases opened against people were strictly classified, carried out without unnecessary attention, or even completely absent.
Approximate estimates of the number of innocently repressed citizens, whose cases were simply fabricated and used to intimidate the public, number in the millions.
Leading: The Law on the Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression acquitted more than 600,000 political prisoners out of 800,000. The number of those rehabilitated included such famous personalities as Rudolf Nureyev, Patriarch Tikhon, scientists and researchers, members of the Menshevik Party and others.

Monuments to victims of political repression, annually on October 30, attract large crowds of people who come to honor the memory of the innocent dead. Annual rallies are held.
2.Slide"Prison Window"
- Everyone,

who was branded under Article fifty-eight,

who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,

who by court, without trial, by special meeting

was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,

who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,

Our tears and sorrow belong to them, our eternal memory!
^3.Slide"War", the melody sounds
Leading: Many severe trials, sacrifices, and hardships befell our country in the 20th century. Two world wars and a civil war, famine and devastation, political instability claimed tens of millions of lives, forcing the restoration of the destroyed country again and again.
Leading: But even against this background, political repression became a terrible page in our history. Moreover, the best of the best, who never even dreamed of fighting against their people, were humiliated and destroyed. Thousands of engineers, hundreds of thousands of tortured, shot, murdered party members, millions of peasants who were victims of dispossession, marshals and generals, scientists and poets, writers and artists who were truly devoted to the Motherland. Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. And what is most tragic is that the system initially struggled with

completely innocent people, inventing enemies for themselves, and then destroying

4.Slide"Archival documents"

Chopin's melody "E minor" sounds
There were no friends in the Gulag,

And there were prisoners of different stripes:

From criminals and executioners,

And slandered in vain.
To be corrected by labor

They were driven to Siberia in stages, across fields.

Frost, hunger, fire

Their willpower was killed.
Half-dead "goons"

Waste stuffed into the mouth,

At the mine and logging site

They served their hard time.
And rest was unloading

70 kilo bags,

And death is malicious, not in Russian,

I was waiting on the lookout: who else?
^ 5.Slide. "Gulag camps"
The sadistic overseer beat until he bled,

He had a blast.

They were jealous of those who died

That his death was easy.
Suspected of espionage

In the betrayal of imaginary enemies,

And they even tried to turn

All in a herd of shriveled slaves.
At night rats clung to my ears,

In the hospital there is a groan, a rotten stench,

And the doors to the morgue are always open,

Everyone was accepted there.
Buried in the same grave

Or buried in the snow.

In the Gulag even children were baptized,

Those who were born in prison.
Prayers alone saved

And souls... souls of mothers,

Soaring under the skies...

And people's sense of humor.
Talents were also kept there,

There was no peace for the mind.

Without being offended by the state,

They were looking for their Star there!
The same prisoner, no doubt,

He was almost a fellow countryman,

We understand it was painful...

Sorry everyone, Rauschenbach!
^ 6.Slide. "Arrest"

Leading: Today is the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression, as confirmation that nothing is forgotten - neither a high feat, nor a vile betrayal, nor a black crime. It is the sacred duty of the state to return their good name to all innocent victims.

In our village live people of a family who were subjected to repression during the war. People who survived these terrible and difficult years.

Our guest today is: (list, brief information about several repressed).
^ 7.Slide"Flowers"
Leading: Our generation does not know the tragedy that you experienced. Therefore, we have many questions.

Study questions:
- How did the years of repression affect your family?

What did your family members endure during that tragic time?

Were you rehabilitated?

If so, how did you get the unjust sentence overturned?

Has your good name been restored?
Today they came to congratulate you:

Yakushova L.G. - Chairman of the Council of Deputies.

Galych T.V. –

And the children of our school have prepared gifts for you.

Students give gifts.
8. Slide. “Prison”

Leading: Nowadays we know incredible numbers of people executed, repressed, imprisoned, and scattered in orphanages.

Only according to incomplete data their number exceeds ten million people. The system fought against completely innocent people, inventing an enemy for itself, and then mercilessly destroyed these people. Eternal memory to those who died innocently.
9.Slide."Burning Candle"
And according to good tradition, I ask you to honor all the victims of Stalin’s political repressions with a minute of silence. (Minute of silence.)
The poems of Viktor Gadaev do not need comment. They are a call to action:
Will all this really happen again on the planet?

My tongue goes numb here, but I want to scream.

Look, people, look at both,

Now everything is answered

For a life!

You guys will soon enter independent adult life. You must do everything possible to ensure that both the future of Russia and its present are bright and joyful, and that the life of every Russian is worthy. And so that you are a generation that keeps in your heart the memory of the tragic past, loving your Motherland.
10.Slide"Basket of flowers",

The song “Clouds in Blue” is playing
Leading: We lost millions of people in the war with our own people. And they almost lost themselves. But it’s never too late to stop, think, call on history, conscience, memory for help!
11.Slide"Letters from the Repressed"


(Three girls come out: History, Conscience, Memory.)
Conscience. But was everyone really silent at that time, not noticing absolutely nothing?
Story: No, no and NO! Many spoke and wrote, and they faced the fate of many who died in that terrible time.
Memory: A real civil feat is the “Open Letter to Stalin” of a man who was rehabilitated only in our days. For reading his letter to Stalin he was expelled from the party.
Story: Fedor Fedorovich Raskolnikov - hero of the Civil War, journalist, diplomat, citizen.
Memory: August 17, 1939
(Music from the song “Moscow in May” sounds.)
(Conscience, Memory, History and 10th grade students “in a chain” read a letter from F.F. Raskolnikov to I.V. Stalin.)
Story: Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence states:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: All men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Conscience: We must always remember this. And not only remember, but also do everything in our power to ensure that this crazy, terrible time never happens again!
^ Memory: And it depends only on us!
History hides its loose ends:

They will hide, cover and quietly rejoice.

But what the fathers hid in the water

Children fish it out and publish it.

The experience of history showed her:

You hide - you don’t hide,

You drown - you don’t drown,

Whoever ordered this,

You don’t slow down the mystery, you rush it.
^ 12.Slide “Rejected applications for clemency”
Chopin's "E minor" sounds

...And both these and those were silent
And taught the children to be dumb,
Otherwise - to Solovki for a year,
Otherwise, no trial, no trace...
At night-midnight a “funnel” drove up,
And neither God nor the devil helped.
The lips of the slain are silent,
No grave for you, no cross.
13. Slide"Birch"

Musical number: Song “Birches”

A poem sounds

Anatoly Zhigulin, who went through Stalin’s camps:
How did this happen
I can't understand
I'm walking under escort
Getting stuck in the snow.
Not in German captivity,
Not over black ash.
I'm walking along the Soviet route,
On the beloved land.
14. Slide"Flowers"
Leading: The judgment of history... But in fact, it never took place. Not said

the whole truth about the methods and forms of repression; the good name of millions of citizens convicted not only for political reasons has not been returned. History cannot be corrected; the only thing that remains is to restore justice and legality, so that not a single event, not a single date, not a single fate is forgotten.
Leading: We are glad that you are with us, because life is beautiful and continues, surprising with its versatility. Every day brings the joy of meetings, many of which are unforgettable and remain in the memory for a long time. We really hope that our meeting will leave good and bright memories for all those present.
Musical number. Song “Corner of Russia”

With all our hearts we wish you

May your sky be clear

The star of joy does not go out,

And all the sorrows and hardships

They will disappear forever.

Over the years, without question,

We wish you with all our hearts

Health and health again

And life, good and big!

G: And now we invite all guests to our hospitable dining room. All the best to you!

SCENE 1. 001. The music “Requiem” is playing. 1 Mountains bend before this grief, The great river does not flow But the prison gates are strong, And behind them are “convict holes” And mortal melancholy. For someone the wind is blowing fresh, For someone the sunset is basking - We don't know, we're the same everywhere We only hear the hateful grinding of keys Yes, the soldiers' steps are heavy. They rose as if to early mass, They walked through the wild capital, There we met, more lifeless dead, The sun is lower and the Neva is foggy, And hope still sings in the distance. The verdict... And immediately the tears will flow, Already separated from everyone, As if with pain the life was taken out of the heart, As if rudely knocked over, But she walks... She staggers... Alone... Where are the involuntary friends now? My two crazy years? What do they imagine in the Siberian blizzard? What do they see in the lunar circle? To them I send my farewell greetings. (A. Akhmatova “Requiem”) 2 . Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression- takes place in Russia and other former republics of the USSR annually on October 30 , since 1991. 3 . It was such a terrible time.The enemy of the people was the people themselves.Any word, any topic...And according to the stage the country... forward!But we remember! Now we know.There are bans on everything, a seal on everyone... The crowd of people was driven along the stage,To make it easier to manage... 4 . It was not by chance that October 30 was chosen by the President of the Russian Federation as the Day of Victims of Repression: 19 years before, this day was chosen, if you like, by God. On this day in 1972, Yuri Galanskov died in a Mordovian camp, having received a sentence for his protest against the imprisonment of Sinyavsky and Daniel, writers convicted of publishing their stories abroad.


Two years later, in October 1974, a group of Galanskov’s convicts managed to convey to the public a proposal to celebrate this day throughout the world as the Day of Political Prisoners.Political Prisoner's Day was marked by one- and two-day hunger strikes in the Mordovian and Perm camps, as well as in the Vladimir prison.

6 .

At the same time, on October 30, A.D. Sakharov and the initiative group for the defense of human rights in the USSR organized a press conference.


It was when I smiled

Only dead, glad for the peace.

And swayed with an unnecessary pendant

Leningrad is near its prisons.

And when, maddened by torment,

The already condemned regiments were marching,

And a short song of parting

The locomotive whistles sang,

Death stars stood above us

And innocent Rus' writhed

Under bloody boots

And under the black Marus tires...(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)

8 .

What is repression?This is when the government punishes people for some of their actions against it - right?


Meanwhile, the overwhelming majority of those whom we remember today did not even think about any actions against the authorities.

(Participants in the memorial evening stand on stage and, after pronouncing the names of the repressed, turn their backs to the audience and leave the price. ) -Not a thousand engineers arrested in connection with the “Shakhty case”; -not the hundreds of thousands of party members tortured, shot, killed in 1937–1938, who naively believe that they are the mind, honor and conscience of the era, because they are building a bright future for all working people; -nor the millions of peasants who believed in the “new economic policy” announced in 1921, and who, 7 years later, found themselves victims of the “policy of eliminating the kulaks as a class.” -Neither the marshals and generals fought against the authorities - Tukhachevsky, Egorov, Blucher; -no poets - Gumilyov, Smelyakov, Zabolotsky; -nor artists - Ruslanova, Dvorzhetsky, Mikhoels; -nor the future head of the Soviet space program Korolev; - nor the aircraft manufacturer Tupolev; -not the geneticist Vavilov; nor the physicist Rumer, -neither the astronomer Kozyrev nor the historian Gumilyov; -nor many, many others. Video fragment of the documentary film “Stalin. Repression." from 30 sec to 2:01


Slide “Letters from the repressed”

against the background of music student reads excerpts from letters from prisoners, “M. Tariverdiev” sounds in the background - Two IN Cafe


May 15, 1938
“My dear Anechka, Lorochka and Lyalechka!
Yesterday we were brought to Kotlas. We are now at the transit point of the Ukhtapechora NKVD camp. From here they must be sent to a place where they will have to serve out their long term of camp imprisonment. When and where the shipment will take place is unknown.. What kind of work you will have to do is also still unknown...”
July 8, 1938
“.. I am writing from the Ustvymlag transit point.
They brought me here the day before yesterday, and from here they will take me further to Zheldorlag. It seems that this will be the last stage of our journey to the place of our imprisonment... My whole soul, my whole spirit is only you, my dears. Don't forget your poor daddy... Be healthy.
I kiss you deeply, deeply. Your father" The music stops abruptly 11. Memorial Day... A sad, mournful day, When a shadow falls over the whole world Old times, cruel and bloody, Under the signs of shame, but not glory. Remembrance Day - the dead, fallen, victims, What torment, having innocently endured, They laid their heads in ditches and were not inveterate, And their souls are floating somewhere in heaven Well, the bodies disappeared forever, Without the right of correspondence, without a trace, To where only their memory can reach them, And your conscience will beat tirelessly. Fragment of the video film “Women of the Gulag”


12. No, and not under an alien sky,
And not under the protection of alien wings, -
I was then with my people,
Where my people, unfortunately, were.
(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)
13. These are lines from Anna Akhmatova's Requiem.During the terrible years of the Yezhovshchina, she spent seventeen months in prison lines in Leningrad. One day someone “identified” her. Then the woman standing behind her with blue lips, who, of course, had never heard her name in her life, woke up from her characteristic daze and asked her in her ear (everyone there spoke in a whisper): Can you describe this? And Akhmatova said:Can. 14. I learned how faces fall, How fear peeks out from under your eyelids, Like cuneiform hard pages Suffering appears on the cheeks, Like curls of ashen and black They suddenly become silver, The smile fades on the lips of the submissive, And fear trembles in the dry laugh. And I’m not praying for myself alone, And about everyone who stood there with me, And in the bitter cold and in the July heat Under the blinding red wall.(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”) Slide "Father's Arrest" ? the melody performed by Clayderman sounds From the memoirs of the daughter of the professor, head of the department at Kazan University, Galina Tarasova.

My father was arrested on the night of January 26–27, 1937. The days of bewildered silence and fear have come. Every night they took away one of the neighbors. Our yard is empty, no kids. They stopped coming to our house. Neither my mother nor my brother and I believed that our father was guilty. In March, the director called my mother and offered to leave work of her own free will. We had absolutely nothing to live on. On the night of August 20-21, my mother was arrested. When she was arrested, she was told that she did not need to take anything with her. So in prison she ended up wearing only a summer dress, but in the camp she went barefoot. Kind people shared their clothes with her when she walked along the stage, barely alive.

For two years she did not know where her children were or what was happening to them. Mom will sit in the corner of the cell, look at the constantly burning light bulb and remain silent. My brother and I were sent to an orphanage.


15. In quantitative terms, the peak of repression occurred in 1937-1938, when in two years 1.3 million people were convicted under the well-known Article 58 (“counter-revolutionary crimes”), of whom more than half were executed. During the Stalin years, about 60 peoples were repressed. This is two million 463940 people, of which 655674 are men, 829084 are women, 970182 are children under 16 years of age.

16. Sentence…

And the stone word fell

On my still living chest.

It's okay, because I was ready

I'll deal with this somehow.

I have a lot to do today:

We must completely kill our memory,

It is necessary for the soul to turn to stone,

We must learn to live again.(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)

17. Against the background of music from the movie "Gladiator"

They took you away at dawn

I followed you, as if on a takeaway,

Children were crying in the dark room,

The goddess's candle floated.

There are cold icons on your lips,

Death sweat on the brow... Don't forget!

I will be like the Streltsy wives,

Howl under the Kremlin towers...(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)

18. I've been screaming for seventeen months,

I'm calling you home

I threw myself at the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror.

Everything's messed up forever

And I can't make it out

Now, who is the beast, who is the man,

And how long will it be to wait for execution?

And only dusty flowers

And the censer ringing, and the traces

Somewhere to nowhere.

And he looks straight into my eyes

And it threatens with imminent death

A huge star.(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)



Rehabilitation of victims of political repression began in the USSR in 1954. In the mid-1960s, this work was curtailed and resumed only in the late 1980s. The Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression in Russia was first celebrated in 1991 in memory of the hunger strike of camp prisoners in Mordovia, which began on October 30 in 1974year.Several years ago, the President of Russia and the government of the Russian Federation adopted and are implementing resolutions aimed at supporting victims of repression, and created special commissions for the affairs of those rehabilitated.


Once again the funeral hour approached.

I see, I hear, I feel you:

And the one that was barely brought to the window,

And the one that does not trample the earth for the dear one,

And the one who shook her beautiful head,

She said: “Coming here is like coming home.”

I would like to call everyone by name,

Yes, the list was taken away, and there is no place to find out.

For them I wove a wide cover

From the poor, they have overheard words.

I remember them always and everywhere,

I won’t forget about them even in a new trouble,

And if they shut my exhausted mouth,

To which a hundred million people shout,

May they remember me in the same way

On the eve of my memorial day.

And if ever in this country

They are planning to erect a monument to me,

I give my consent to this triumph,

But only with the condition - do not put it

Not near the sea where I was born:

The last connection with the sea is severed,

Not in the royal garden near the treasured stump,

Where the inconsolable shadow is looking for me,

And here, where I stood for three hundred hours

And where they didn’t open the bolt for me.

Then, even in the blessed death I am afraid

Forget the rumble of the black marus,

Forget how hateful the door slammed

And the old woman howled like a wounded animal.

And let from the still and bronze ages

Melted snow flows like tears,

And let the prison dove drone in the distance,

And the ships sail quietly along the Neva.(A. Akhmatova “Requiem”)


who was branded by Article fifty-eight,
who even in a dream was surrounded by dogs, a fierce escort,
who in court, without trial, by special meeting
was doomed to a prison uniform until the grave,
who was betrothed to fate with shackles, thorns, chains,
our tears and sorrow, our eternal memory!

Minute of silence

Instrumental music is played before the rally begins.
The monument is covered with a cape, microphones are installed in front of the memorial (1 for the honorary presidium, 2 for the presenters).

With music in the background:
HE A person's life is only a moment
In the boundless time of the universe,
And only in the memory of the living
She becomes incorruptible.

SHE And our spirit, continuing to live,
It will flow into grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
And it will never end
The connecting thread of centuries...

HE The fate of the Russian people has always been difficult. Much has befallen our compatriots: the glory of liberators, the slander of neighbors who have forgotten their gratitude, and the horrors of a totalitarian system that destroyed hundreds of thousands, millions of its most active, talented, extraordinary, innocent citizens.

SHE Twenty years have passed since the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Rehabilitation” and the publication of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression.” Having appeared in the early 90s of the last century, these most important documents in the history of our country marked the beginning of the active implementation of many years of plans and aspirations of the progressive Russian public to restore justice to those who innocently suffered during the years of Stalin’s repressions.

HE It is difficult to overestimate the scale of the tragedy that the period of the cult of personality brought to our people. This tragedy is not a reason today for disbelief in the bright ideals of the future. It is our great pain and a bitter historical lesson that requires analysis, a serious political and moral assessment necessary for the renewal of society.

SHE Dear Belgorod residents! The Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression in Russia is a reminder of the tragic pages of the country’s history, when thousands of people were subjected to repression, accused of crimes, sent to forced labor camps, and deprived of their lives.

HE From the first days of the entry into force of documents on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, work began actively to restore justice and the good names of those affected in these difficult years.

SHE The process of rehabilitation of people continues today.

This is everyday, noble work to restore historical justice in relation to ......., who became innocent victims of Stalin's repressions, work to create a multi-volume Book of Memory.


(according to the protocol part)

SHE Today, ... October, in ........ a memorial complex in memory of the victims of political repression will appear.

It is symbolic that this monument will be unveiled in the Park......, which is a historical place.

HE During the Great Patriotic War, mass executions and burials of more than two and a half thousand ……… were carried out on the territory of ……..

SHE After the war ……. The park retained its name for many years. In 1995, a memorial sign to the victims of fascism was erected here and the park was named "".

HE The floor is given to _______________________________

(according to the protocol part)

SHE The idea of ​​the memorial and its implementation belong to ……….

HE Mass political repressions in the Soviet Union are one of the most tragic phenomena of the 20th century.

The universal task today is to preserve the historical memory of the innocent victims of political repression.

Preserving the memory of them, restoring their names and destinies is the duty of living generations...

SHE We invite the sculptor _______________________________________________________ to the microphone
(according to the protocol part)

HE The honorary right to open a memorial composition in memory of the victims of political repression is granted to: _______________________________________________________
(An instrumental melody plays and the cape is removed from the memorial.)

HE May there never be more victims,
And repentance will take place in Russia,
Free Russia without shackles
Let him strive for truth and justice.

SHE Dear friends!

We must always remember that the Soviet period was marked not only by heroic pages of history that we can be proud of, but also by very bitter and tragic ones.

HE We must carry their memory in our hearts and pass it on to the next generation.

This is needed not only by the rehabilitated people and their relatives.

This is necessary for society as a whole to learn from history and not repeat its terrible mistakes.

Post Views: 2,064


The presented work is dedicated to the tragic date - the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression. The history of our region is inseparable from the history of our country. Everything that happened in Russia always affected and resonated in our small homeland. Stalin's mass political repressions of the last century were no exception.

The work should help students in civic development, in understanding the need to take into account the experience and mistakes of previous generations, in nurturing love for their small Motherland, in their understanding of the historical and cultural values ​​of their people.

Explanatory note.

The homeland begins with your native land, where you were born and raised, where your people have lived for many centuries. The concepts of homeland and native land are inextricably linked and sacred for every person. The need to introduce children to the history of their native land is obvious. This is what helps to educate a true patriot, to form love and affection for their small homeland. Such feelings need to be formed from childhood. And for this, the child needs to open his eyes to the world around him, to bring the objective environment in which he lives closer. Teach in a new way, look at your village, its streets, houses, lift the veil of the past. Teach to be surprised, admire, empathize, preserve memory. The main task of the teacher is to develop in children a sense of being a citizen of their country, a person who can not only appreciate the spiritual and cultural values ​​and historical experience accumulated by humanity, but also strives to multiply them and learn from the mistakes of the past. The point should not be about imposing certain cultural patterns on a person, but about creating adequate conditions in which knowledge, values, and patterns will be “appropriated” and “experienced” as one’s own achievements and discoveries.

Target: nurturing interest in the history of one’s region.


  • Cultivate respect and kind attitude towards people around you.
  • The development of civic qualities, a patriotic attitude towards Russia and one’s land, the formation of a personal and value-based attitude towards one’s native land, the awakening of active love for one’s native place of residence;
  • Formation of tolerance and tolerant behavior in a multi-ethnic, multi-confessional region;
  • Formation of the ability and readiness to use local history knowledge and skills in everyday life; a vision of their place in solving local problems today and the issues that will face them in the future.

Terms of sale: presence of a multimedia projector, music center

Destination: students from grades 5 to 11.

Throughout the event, presentation slides are shown on the projector and music is played.

1. presenter:- The history of Russia is full of true greatness. We are proud of the military and labor glory, scientific and cultural achievements of our ancestors, who gave their strength, talents, courage to Russia, and many were sacrificed to its history.

October 30 is celebrated as a day of remembrance for victims of political repression. This memorial date was established not by the state, but by the prisoners of the political camps themselves. The decision of the Supreme Council of Russia dated October 18, 1991, which included it in the state calendar, only gave it an official character.

1. “Siberia... is a colossal prison”, written in the 19th century. The first governor of the Yenisei province A.P. Stepanov.

And until 1917, our region was known in the Russian Empire as a place of political exile. But the worst glory is associated with the 20th century. From August 23, 1937 to June 15, 1938 alone, 11,620 people were shot in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. 5439 were sent to camps.

Death sentences were carried out every day. in just one day - March 20, 1938, 121 people were shot in the region (SHOW LIST)

2. Almost all large construction projects in the Krasnoyarsk Territory stand on the bones of prisoners. In 1935, the creation of camps in the region began. And the first of them was Norillag. The maximum number of prisoners was 72,490 people on January 1, 1952.

Hundreds of thousands of prisoners were kept in Kraslag, Norillag, Gorlag, Yeniseistroy and other camps. Construction No. 503 was underway in the region - the construction of the Salekhard - Igarka railway, popularly better known as “Stalinka”, and later “Dead Road”. Construction was carried out at an accelerated pace and was controlled by Stalin. Prisoners worked in forty-degree frosts in winter and in swamps and swampy areas in summer. The maximum number of prisoners was 29,126 on January 1, 1950. After Stalin's death, construction was closed.

From the memoirs of K.K. Khodzevich, a former Gulag prisoner.

The first reader reads

I was taken to the Stalinist stand where the Igarka-Salekhard railway was being built. Several tens of thousands of political prisoners were thrown there, where arbitrariness, unsanitary conditions, diseases of jaundice and scurvy, and night blindness reigned. The man was seriously ill, he couldn’t get up and go to work, and he was treated like this: from the bunk to the BUR (high-security barracks), from there he didn’t come out alive. Or the patient was pulled from the bunk, tied with a rope by the legs, and dragged on horseback to work... the next year in the summer, the supply of food was not abandoned, and in the winter the rivers stood up, famine began, people were exhausted, they could not go to work, many could not stand on feet, died in the barracks. The living did not immediately report the dead, the dead fed the living with the meager gruel that was still owed to them... the corpses were thrown into trenches that were dug under the barracks in the summer, or even buried in the snow...

2. During these same years, 500,000 special settlers were exiled to the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Among them were Volga and Ukrainian Germans, Pontic Greeks, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Ukrainians, Finns, Circassians, Poles, Belarusians, Russians, Kalmyks... According to statistics, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranked 3rd in the Soviet Union in terms of the total number of exiles, and in terms of the number of exiles - repeaters - first. The press of those years was a continuous howl: “shoot”, “destroy”, “eradicate”; spy mania was intensified, denunciation was encouraged.

The NKVD took the expression “eradicate” literally. The entire family of the arrested person was repressed. There were detailed instructions on this matter.

The second reader reads

What a devilish power

They are driven in formation to nowhere

In the fields of resigned Russia

They will disappear forever.

Remember, my friend is a witness,

What terrible things

They go - they wander in this wide world,

And the bells are ringing loudly.

And is it really God's will?

Blessed this hell

Where the light of freedom will not help

And there is no way back to the truth?

T.V. Ryannel 1937

The third reader reads

From the memoirs of A.K. Leitis. About the fate of repressed Latvians.

Our family was deported to Siberia in 1941. We lived and worked in the Zavodsky chemical forestry enterprise in the Nizhneingash district.

Absenteeism to work was punishable by non-delivery of a bread ration and twice a day of soup. This brew consisted of water, seasoned with flour and one teaspoon of vegetable oil.

We lived in log barracks, several families together.

There was no medical care here. There were no medications, they treated as best they could and knew. During the child's illness, mothers were not released from work. Hunger and disease were constant companions of the exiles. The smallest and weakest died in the first winter.

1. And how many peasants were taken “from Siberia to Siberia” during collectivization!

In total, 1,497 farms were dispossessed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Carts, trains of veal wagons, and barges arrived, taking the Siberian peasantry to the taiga, where cold, hunger and hard work awaited them. Special settlements were created for exiles. The peasants tried to resist. In the Minusinsk district alone there were 273 protests that were brutally suppressed. The most significant was the uprising in the summer of 1931, which engulfed the Dzerzhinsky, Abansky and Kansky districts. The peculiarity of the uprising was that it was led by former Red partisans.

2. As throughout the country, most of the repressions in the region were unfounded. By 2002, 40 thousand people had been rehabilitated in the region.

1. When the situation in the country began to change in the mid-50s and the exiles had the opportunity to return to their homeland, many of them remained in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Now the fates of these people are inseparable from the history of Krasnoyarsk.

2. The repressions did not spare the native Krasnoyarsk residents - scientists, doctors, musicians, peasants, workers, managers at all levels... In the 30s, most of the orchestra of the city theater named after. Pushkin, the leaders of the Yenisei River Shipping Company died. At the same time, the “geologists’ case” was fabricated and the founder of the Stolby Nature Reserve, A.L., was sent to Vyatlag. Yavorsky. The terrible figure - 60 thousand convicted on false charges - should not be forgotten!

1.Here are the names of just a few of them:

Erdman Nikolai Robertovich, writer, playwright, served exile in Yeniseisk in 1933 - 1935. Co-author of scripts for the films “Jolly Fellows”, “Volga-Volga”.

Olga Stefanovna Mikhailova, soloist of the State Bolshoi Academic Theater, Budyonny’s wife.

Georgy Stepanovich Zhzhenov, actor.

Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, Archbishop Father Luke, surgeon. He served exile in the Krasnoyarsk Territory twice. During his second exile at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he sent a letter asking him to be used in his specialty to help the wounded. He was made the chief surgeon of two evacuation hospitals, and he saved the lives of many wounded. In 1996 he was canonized as a locally revered saint.

2. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Maksimova, wife of the legendary Soviet intelligence officer Richard Sorge. Arrested in 1942, she was sent into exile to Bolshaya Murta, where she died.

Anna Vasilyevna Kniper, was with Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak in recent days. She was arrested six times; on the last, sixth arrest, she served exile in Yeniseisk.

The fourth reader reads

I can’t accept it for half a century,

Nothing can help

And you keep leaving again

On that fateful night.

And I am condemned to go,

Until the deadline passes,

And the paths are confused

Well-trodden roads.

But if I'm still alive

Contrary to fate, only like your love

And the memory of you.

1. Nikolai Nikolaevich Urvantsev, geologist, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences.

One of the discoverers and researchers of the Norilsk ore field. Arrested in 1937. Sentenced to 10 years. He served his sentence in Norillag.

Nalbandyan Ashkhen Stepanovna mother of Bulat Okudzhava. After the second arrest she was exiled to Bolshoi Ului.

Robert Aleksandrovich Shtilmark, writer, journalist, diplomat, military officer, reconnaissance company commander. At construction site No. 503 he wrote the famous adventure novel “The Heir from Calcutta.”

Sergei Lvovich Sedov, son of L.D. Trotsky. Exiled to the Krasnoyarsk region. Shot in 1937 in Krasnoyarsk.

Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, historian, writer. Son of Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilev, two of the most famous Russian poets. He served time in Norillag. Anna Andreevna dedicated her poem “Requiem” to him:

The fifth reader reads

I've been screaming for seventeen months,

I'm calling you home

I threw myself at the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror.

Everything's messed up forever

And I can't make it out

Now, who is the beast, who is the man,

And how long will it be to wait for execution?

And only lush flowers,

And the censer ringing, and the traces

And he looks straight into my eyes

And it threatens with imminent death

Huge star

2. “New life” has begun in our then Udereysky district since the 30s of the last century.

In those years, part of the deported population from the Volga region and the Central Black Earth region arrived in the region. The labor of the deportees was used in the gold mines. Among those expelled in the 1930s. residents of Ingermanland, or in Russian Izhora (the territory between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga) were also V.P. Anonen and T.V. Ryannel. After the division of Poland between the USSR and Nazi Germany in 1939, deported Poles began to arrive from its territory. As a result of the deportation of 1942, the Pontic Greeks who lived in the southern Kuban, who fled the genocide in Turkey to Russia at the beginning of the century, ended up in the region.

1. The repressions also affected many Krasnoyarsk residents. Among them are prominent scientists, writers, musicians and peasants. With the beginning of collectivization and the deportation of kulaks, peasants from the right bank of the Yenisei, Kansky, Minusinsk districts and Khakassia became forced residents of the region.

2. The Krasnoyarsk Territory ranked 3rd in terms of the number of exiles in the country; 20 percent of the volume of industrial production was accounted for by GULAG organizations. In the area, the camps were located along the rivers Indygly, Uronga, Oslyanka, in the village. Kirovsk.

1. It is impossible not to recall at least some of the repressed who were in exile with us. A.S. Stepanov, I.N. Ufimtsev, V.B. Lyubimov, V.G. Batalin and several other clergymen (the youngest - 56 years old, the eldest - 69) were serving exile in the region on charges of anti-Soviet agitation. They shot everyone. The exiled author of twenty books and 200 articles lived in Belsk, later a doctor of art history, laureate of the State Prize G.K. Wagner, an album of watercolor works of which is kept in the Motyginsky Museum of Local Lore, the Aktionovs, whose works you can now see. In the village of Yuzhno-Yeniseisk there were highly qualified doctors G.N. Soloviev, E. Buchholz, S.P. Kandelaki.

2. Sergei Petrovich Kandelaki.

General practitioner. Graduated from the Tbilisi Institute, Faculty of Medicine. He was family friends with Bukharin. In 1948 he was exiled to Yuzhno-Yeniseisk.

Toivo Vasilievich Ryannel.

Born on October 25, 1921 in the village of Tozerovo, Leningrad Region, into a Finnish peasant family. In 1931, the family was exiled to Siberia for eternal settlement in the Udereysky district. With the permission of the commandant's office, in 1939 he entered the Omsk Art School, but did not graduate because the war interfered. In 1946, the first exhibitions of his works took place. 1948 - joined the Union of Artists. In 1957, his paintings won success at the All-Union art exhibition. Now lives and works in Finland. His works are at many art exhibitions in Russia, European countries, and in private collections.

Veza Johann Pavlovich ANONEN, born in 1924.

Born in the village of Vappulo, Leningrad region. In 1931, the family was exiled to the Uderiysky district in Yuzhno-Yeniseisk. Graduated from South Yenisei Secondary School.

Graduated from the Pedagogical Institute in absentia. He worked at Motygino Schools as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Honored Teacher of Russia.

1. Anatoly Dmitrievich Kleshchenko, born in 1921.

The son of an icon restorer, Anatoly was born in the village of Pareiki, Yaroslavl region.

At the age of eleven he escaped to America and ended up in a gypsy camp. His father found him and took him to Kyiv to study the art of icon painting. Having lost his parents early, Anatoly Dmitrievich was brought up in the family of the learned secretary of the Pushkin House, B.I. Koplan.

He started writing poetry early. He was accepted into the literary association "Rezec". He published his first poems in 1937.

Exiled to Motygino. In 1939 he was admitted to the Writers' Union, after exile - again in 1957 at the request of A. Akhmatova, B. Likharev, A. Chivilikhin.

The following lines belong to him:

The sixth reader reads

Planks are nailed to the stakes


Last names are not written - number.

They died without throwing a pick,

In the quarry, on the track, in the trench

Rough pellagra of the collar

Scratching on the neck.

Killed while escaping, smitten with scurvy -

Forever... waiting for freedom.

2. This year, 2008, a monument to the Victims of political repression was erected in Motygino.

3. In the early 30s. The deportation of residents of Transbaikalia begins. Some of them ended up in the lower Angara, in our then Udereisky district: in Rybnoye, Tatarka, Motygino, Zaitsevo, Yuzhno-Yeniseisk, Mashukovka, the other part was immediately sent directly to the gold mines of the region. The family of Afanasy Evgenievich Lapshakov, who was born in the village of N. Tsasuchey, Olovyanensky district, Irkutsk region, was also deported. The family was large - 10 people. They huddled in a small house with only two windows. There were 3 cows and three horses. For some reason, the authorities considered this family to be kulak and decided to expel them. A.E. Lapshakov was only 8 years old at the time of his deportation in 1931. So this family from Transbaikalia ended up in our, then still Udereisky district. The Lapshakov family was settled in Tatarka. A.E. completed four years of school. Lapshakov in Tatarka (he studied in the winter and worked on a collective farm in the summer), fifth grade in Maklakovo and studied for another two years in Slyudrudnik. After that, he entered the Yenisei Pedagogical School, where he stayed for two years. In 1942 he went to the front. Participated in the Battle of Stalingrad on the Kursk Bulge. He was seriously wounded and then sent home. He also knew other repressed people who lived in Mashukovka. As a cultured and pleasant person, he remembers Karl Arnoldovich Lintin, a Latvian by nationality, who was once a corps commander in the army of the famous civil war commander I.P. Uborevich. Uborevich himself died as a result of repressions in 1937. After his arrest, others followed - his colleagues, comrades, such as K.A. Lintin. Karl Arnoldovich, while in exile, worked as the manager of a technical warehouse.

4. Evgenia Tolubyaka, a Moscow artist who worked as our club manager. He, like some other exiles, played in performances staged by director and projectionist Alexander Matveev.

Several times a month, Mashukovka played its own small orchestra. It was created and also played by exiles - the Singer brothers (one of the brothers played the pipe, the other played the button accordion), the Lithuanian Remus (played the violin), Nikolai Basov (played the drum).

Lithuanian Ivo Vabalas sang arias from operas very well. Ballerina Ada Bormotova led a dance group. Alexey Mikhailovich Zolotnitsky, who had previously managed the Kremlin garage, worked as a mechanic in Mashukovka.

The exiled Ilya Markovich Mlodek, who previously held the position of chief of police of the city of Minsk, worked as a foreman in the forest.

Elizaveta Ivanovna Kuzmenko, exiled along with her husband as an employee of the Leningrad regional party committee in connection with the famous Leningrad case, sang excellently.

2. Vasily Vasilyevich Yanov was born in 1897 in the village of Bolshaya Rechka, Zhizdrinsky district, Kaluga province (now within the city of Kirov, the regional center of the Kaluga region). In his youth, he read books by L.N. Tolstoy and became a follower of his religious and philosophical teachings. In many ways, this predetermined the course of his future life, which ended in 1971 in the village of Mashukovka, Motyginsky district.

In 1949, repeated arrests of former political prisoners began; the usual punishment for non-existent crimes was, again, exile to Siberia. Among the “repeaters” was the Belarusian writer B.M. Mikulich, this time unable to return home...

The seventh reader reads

In memory of B.M. Mikulic

Only time sometimes ascends to the throne,

He was born in Bobruisk and took a dashing sip:

I was left without parents early.

But Mikulich did not turn away from the path of good deeds,

I tried to live and be useful to the fullest.

When he was fifteen, his story was published,

And others were born.

Writer's work, instead of childish pranks,

He opened it, and people were amazed.

“Our Sun”, “Outskirts”, “Friendship” - the result,

These stories are in books. Read!

But a merciless rock is flying over Russia!

Don't dream of a bright destiny.

Autumn of '36... There was a false denunciation...

Charge along with arrest.

The brutal interrogation continued for almost a year,

And the prison was a living place.

- You are a Trotskyist! You are a pest!

You are a Polish spy!

It's a pity - youth will disappear without a trace!!!

How many thoughts did he change his mind in despair,

How I wanted to smile victoriously!

At trial they promise to reduce the entire sentence,

Half: - Blame! Help us!

Boris knew: slander is a sinful vice,

How can you live after this?

He refused to be at odds with his conscience,

Sentence: ten years! Without freedom...

And the trials began, as if in hell,

And the vaults of difficulties are unimaginable...

But he survived everything! Back home again

Feeling the charm of a fresh shirt.

He, trained by the complexity of life itself,

He carried book lines to readers.

And without grieving at all about your past,

I was in a hurry to write without straining:

“A Tale (And Let It!) For Yourself” appears,

But people need to read it too!

All in dreams, all in worries, the flight does not go away,

Remembers: time flies so quickly...

Like a shot that destroyed everything:

How rich in space our Krasnoyarsk region is!

How much blood and sweat has been shed...

Mashukovka. Siberia. Lespromkhozovsky "paradise".

And work, work, work...

Only time sometimes ascends to the “throne”,

And fate is also to blame for this.

He leaned exhaustedly onto the control table...

There is pain in the heart! Paralysis. Death. Foreign land.

05/26/2007 Nikolay Vershinin

3. Boris Mikhailovich Mikulich was born on August 6, 1912 in the city of Bobruisk, Mogilev region of Belarus, into a family of doctors. Mikhail Vikentievich died when his son Boris was only seven years old. A little later, the mother also died. Their children inherited only books, which were carefully collected and read voraciously in this family.

4. B. Mikulich started writing early, when he was in second grade. He wrote poetry, together with his classmates he organized and edited the magazine “Krok” (“Step”), acted in amateur performances, and voraciously read classics and contemporaries. In 1927, after the death of his mother, the future writer had to earn his living by working in the library. in the same year, the first story by Boris Mikhailovich “Mironichyn Kurgan” appeared in the newspaper “Kamunist”. After this, Mikulich’s name appears on the pages of the capital’s magazine “Maladnyak”, in the newspaper “Chervonaya Zmena”, in the almanac “Uzdym”, in literary supplements and in district and republican newspapers. In addition to stories, he wrote reviews and critical articles.

3. In 1930, the young writer’s talent was noticed and he was included in the editorial staff of the district newspaper “Kamunist”. He moved to Minsk, studied at the pedagogical institute in the creative department, at Literary courses in Moscow (1934-1935), and worked in a publishing house. In 1932, his stories “Our Son” and “Ukraine” were published, dedicated to the lives of young people who came to the construction sites of the first five-year plan.

4. In 1934, Boris Mikhailovich became a member of the Writers' Union of Belarus and the USSR. As part of the traveling editorial staff, he lived for months with the concerns of work teams. On Komsomol vouchers he went to the sowing season, participated in collectivization and grain procurements. He wrote essays, stories, reports, and put forward pressing issues in print. By 1936, he had already published seven fiction books.

3. On November 26, 1936, he was arrested and groundlessly accused of participating in a Trotskyist organization, spying for Poland (which was not later confirmed), and publishing counter-revolutionary fiction.

4. At the trial, Mikulic was promised a reduced sentence for admitting guilt, to which he refused. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. In 1937, B. Mikulich was transferred from Belarus to Mariinsk, Novosibirsk region, and in 938 to Reshety, Krasnoyarsk region.

3. These ten years left in the memory of Boris Mikhailovich prisons, stages, camps, hunger, cold. All this undermined his health but could not force him to quit writing. In 1943 he was transferred to the category of exile. In 1946, at the end of his prison term, Mikulich went to Ashgabat to visit his older sister, where he wrote the first part of the historical novel “Advechnae”. In 1947, the writer returned to Belarus. At this time he writes a lot, but he is not published. Working in the Bobruisk city library, he persistently and painstakingly collected material about the activities of the anti-fascist underground during the Great Patriotic War.

4. In April 1949, he was arrested again and exiled to Siberia “for eternal settlement in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.” The writer’s place of exile was determined to be Mashukovka, a small village then belonging to the Taseevsky district. Boris Mikhailovich was not the only exile here. B. Mikulich in Mashukovka worked as a dispatcher in the office of the timber industry enterprise, and played in an amateur theater, which was organized by the repressed.

3. He lived in a small house on Naberezhnaya Street, where he returned after a hard day and sat down to write manuscripts again. In 1950, Boris Mikhailovich married teacher Maria Ivanovna Smelyakova. Maria Semyonovna herself was born into a family of “enemies of the people” exiled to Siberia from Belarus. Smelyakova’s first husband left her with her young son after he was refused admission to the party because of his wife’s kulaks. He dedicated his poems to her:

The eighth reader reads

All worries are gone

And, curled up like a cat,

You fell asleep on the bed

Opening your sweet mouth slightly.

I left carefully

The door did not creak at the same time...

Finally I found

What the poets raved about!

Let it dawn on your forehead

Dreaming is easier than laughing.

I took away your warmth

With him, even hyus is not a hindrance.

Sleep my snub-nosed animal

Gain strength and affection!

I'll go back to our corner

The one that is better than the best fairy tale...


The first reader reads

Let them say that if people

They fell on you and me,

Then God will punish us

To the very crack of the grave.

I have a vague idea of ​​God

I don’t stop fighting with people...

Give me your hand, lean on me. Road

We have a hard time with you.

There will be steep slopes and clouds pushing

Swamps, abyss... No problem!

Look into my eyes. And in an instant

The silent password: - Do you believe it? - Yes!

And if the heart beats in the heart,

Hand in hand, eyes in eyes,

Happiness, my friend, will smile on us,

Even though the wind rips and the thunderstorm hits.

4. At home, the writer made outlines for his new novel about the timber industry enterprise. In this work, he was going to talk about what he had experienced, about the humiliations and insults suffered during the years of exile. In addition, he kept diaries and corresponded with friends and sisters...

The second reader reads

from Boris Mikhailovich’s letters:

We live in the wilderness, on the banks of a huge tributary of the Angara - on the Tasei River, 120 km away. from the regional center and 250 km. from the railway. Taiga, taiga! Everything is harsh and rough, but one could live if it weren’t for the billions of tiny midges that eat up all living things. People wear mosquito nets, smear themselves with tar... it gets into their ears, gnaws their skin, blinds their eyes... We have a club, a poor one, I took part in amateur performances, but due to the fact that I work 12 km away. from Mashukovka, I’m behind, and I’m not the same age anymore...

I work as a garage accountant, tinkering with reporting on mechanisms, with orders for turners, mechanics, etc. Boring stuff! Our club is small, our library is even smaller. Once a year some crew from the regional concert bureau will wander in, but they compensate for our boredom with cinema (we have our own apparatus)... This year they started construction: they are building a house for us, but for now we live in one room: me, my wife, 2.5 -year-old son Zhenya (my weakness!). Then, according to the plan, my trip to the regional center for medical treatment, and then to buy a radio (this is our dream).

... We live on the banks of a huge tributary of the Angara - Tasya. In summer, this river is the only tolerable way of communication with the world. The village is large - there are already about 550 workers, a power plant, a car park, a sleeper factory, a seven-year school, and a lot of construction is underway. Starting from the new year, obviously, we will break away from the timber industry enterprise and become an independent unit, then Mashukovka will become the “center”. There is an estimate (400 thousand) for the construction of a club, a hospital and a radio center. Now there is no hospital, but we listen to the radio, whoever has receivers. It’s Masha’s and my dream to have a 250-ruble receiver, but for now there are many other holes. The only bad thing is that my health is bad and my wife is having a hard time with me.

... And I can also tell you some very unpleasant news: on August 6th I turn forty years old!.. of which 15 I almost did not live, but existed...”

The third reader reads

And one more letter, written by him a year before his death, this time to someone who could change the writer’s life, recognize his innocence, justify him...

So, the time has come again to remind us of our existence and of the historical injustice that must ultimately be corrected.

A former Belarusian writer, author of several books, is addressing you. In the twenty-fifth year of my life, at the end of 1936, I was arrested in Minsk, accused of belonging to a counter-revolutionary organization, and then sentenced under Article 58 - 10 -11 to 10 years in the camps. Suffice it to say that neither in 1937... nor later did I consider myself guilty of the crimes attributed to me.

…1/9 – 1947. The Supreme Council of the BSSR cleared my criminal record... the end of April 1949 I was arrested again....six months later, by decision of the Special Meeting, I was sent to a settlement in the Krasnoyarsk Territory “for counter-revolutionary nationalist activities.” And now for four years I have been in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Taseevsky district, in the village of Mashukovka.

When will this end? For fifteen years now I have been enduring suffering and humiliation - for what? For trumped-up crimes, for which I have already been punished with ten years in the camps, I am exiled to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is narrowed down not even by the region, but only by one village, from which we can only leave for the regional village of Taseevo, and then with the permission of the commandant’s office... Essentially , this is the same camp, only without a fence and towers - something like a penal unconvoyed business trip. Volumes could be written about this.

I don’t beat myself in the chest and don’t repent, I have nothing to repent of, except for one thing – that my life was not cut short. But even the MGB workers are powerless in this last matter... I don’t repent, but I honestly say: give me and my family the opportunity to live, let me work honestly, but without looking back. I ask again: when will this stupid and evil joke with an imaginary counter-revolutionary end?

B. Mikulic." 10.5.53.

September 23, 1955 The Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the Byelorussian SSR ... DECIDED:

Resolution of the Special Meeting of the USSR Ministry of State Security dated September 3, 1949 on the exile of B.M. Mikulich. to cancel the settlement in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and stop further proceedings in this part.

3. Surely, Boris Mikhailovich would be glad to learn about such a decision in his case. But the “stupid and evil joke with the imaginary counter-revolutionary” did not end here either - by the time of his acquittal, he had been dead for almost a year and a half. He died right at his desk in the taiga Siberian village of Mashukovka, far from his Belarus, on June 17, 1954, at the age of 42.

4. In 1959, the writer's Favorites was published. It continued to be published in the 80s and 90s.

3. In 2002, a tombstone monument to B. Mikulich was unveiled in Mashukovka.

The fourth reader reads

At the Mashukovsky churchyard.

Where Taseyeva struggles in the mud,

Mashukovsky churchyard is visible to everyone.

A modest monument at the grave,

Dates, inscription: “Mikulich B.M.”

From Bobruisk to the taiga,

It's also unexpected

Didn't come, but was exiled by force

Representative of writing souls.

A lonely pier is a grave,

There is a place for us to grieve innocently.

After all, three months was just not enough

To live until the cherished freedom.

The state has forgiven the “sins”,

Don’t hold on to suffering now...

The undeserved mistake was forgiven,

And the price for all this is life!

Ninety-five years old

And until our days. Here is the anniversary!

The time has come to awaken,

We look at the past more boldly.

Let's stand, be silent, remembering

Belarusian. Is it his fault:

Life - the road could be different,

But this is how it turned out!

4. This cannot be forgotten, it must be remembered so that this never happens again... That’s why we have gathered today...

  1. Rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression.

  2. Rehabilitated citizens and their relatives, students and teachers of Municipal Educational Institution No. 15, deputy of the Yaroslavl Regional Duma, representatives of the administration of the city district of the city of Rybinsk, representatives of the Department of Education of the administration of the city district of the city of Rybinsk.

  3. Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region

  4. 30.10.2013

  5. Foundation stone in the Perebory microdistrict of Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region

  6. Department of Education Administration of the urban district of Rybinsk, MUK KDK "Perebory", Municipal Educational Institution No. 15 named after N.I. Dementieva.

  7. On October 30, 2002, next to the narrow-gauge railway along which the trains with prisoners arrived, a multi-ton granite block with a memorial plaque was installed - the Foundation stone of the monument to the fallen prisoners of Volgolag. The memorial plaque on the stone reads: “This stone is the beginning of a memorial to the victims of Volgolag.” Every year, on the eve of the day of remembrance of victims of political repression - October 30, a rally dedicated to this day is held in Rybinsk, next to the Mortgage Stone. Among its participants, as a rule, are those who went through Stalin’s camps. There are 6 such people in our city. Our school is one of the initiators of the installation of the Foundation Stone. School students prepare a speech at the rally, memorable gifts for participants, booklets, lay flowers, and are engaged in landscaping the area around the Foundation Stone.

^ SCENARIO of a rally dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression

"37 - Peak of Terror"

10.50 – formation of the delegation from school No. 15 of the Perebory microdistrict at the Foundation Stone

11.00 Meeting with rally participants. They go to the places assigned for them to the sound of the hammer hitting the bell.

^ Performance by the club-museum “Izyskatel”

Today, even if sad, has allowed people who are directly or indirectly related to this date – “Day of Remembrance of Political Repression” – to come together.

Russia will cry, and grieve for one thing,

That we were all mowed down into this land en masse.

Even the Almighty forgot our names.

We have only one plain, bottom and top.

And ravines and floodplains and wilderness...

And... Russia doesn’t remember how they loved her

On October 30, on this day, rallies are held throughout Russia to remember those who innocently suffered during the years of repression. In the 30s, our district became a place of exile for people. For 18 years, my native village was surrounded by barbed wire. It was not even indicated on the geographical map. It was called the capital of Volgolag.
2 reader

On the day of remembrance of those innocently killed,

Those who died at the hands of executioners,

To his call, deaf, soulful

Thousands of people come.

They stand with lit candles.

And everyone is somewhere far away in their thoughts,

Only by eyes filled with tears,

You can understand them, how difficult it is for them.

In the 1930s, our native village of Perebory became an island of captivity. Our fellow countrywoman Zoya Mikhailovna Krylova wrote poems about these terrible times.

That fateful time has not been forgotten.

It is still in people's memory,

When the Russian land was covered

A shameful network of terrible camps.

And the city of Rybinsk was no exception.

In the quiet old area of ​​Perebor

Suddenly he grew up like a ghost,

A spiky, intimidating fence.

The sea splashed on their bones here.

The Rybinsk hydroelectric power station lit up.

Many years at the cost of human grief

The Land of Soviets was driving progress.

The recently deceased Kim Vasilyevich Katunin, with whom our museum had a strong friendship since 1995, lived with this pain. He is a witness and judge of the terrible era of Stalinist repressions. Kim Vasilyevich, without going too far, told how the death conveyor worked in Volgolag. How the overseers mocked him when, during a search, they discovered his poems on sheets from under paper bags. A miracle happened - these poems were preserved and in the mid-90s were returned to Kim Katunin from the archives of the Yaroslavl Department of Internal Affairs. Kim Vasilyevich himself was rehabilitated only in May 1956.
Reader 4

I wandered through Soviet prisons,

Giving vent to dark thoughts and tears...

I looked at the world with bitter bewilderment,

Not even believing my own eyes.

On the bunks at night, thinking - sighing,

I didn't understand anything around...

And in the morning in the feisty face of a spinning

I recognized my country with fear.

Through a long row of security officers' offices,

Through a continuous series of insults

I was coming to you, my country of the Soviets,

Which I wasn't to blame for.

I was condemned, like many in the barracks:

I went to prison for a couple of bold words,

For a couple of daring frank thoughts,

For the slogan against the ruling elite.

It was my fault that the truth was the uterus

I couldn’t hide it, I couldn’t hide it in my soul...

I went to prison for hating order,

To the order that did not allow us to live...

The sad statistics are:

The most tragic year in the history of Volgolag was 1942, when 16,704 people died here.

According to various sources, a total of 120–180 thousand people died in Volgolag
- We ask expedition commanders of detachments and representatives of delegations to lay flowers at the Foundation Stone
Laying flowers at the Foundation Stone


Pupils with banners - portraits of former prisoners of Volgolag - line up

When funeral candles burn,

And the hall fell silent in a moment of sorrow

I think I'm here for this meeting,

The souls of our relatives are flying together.

They cry out to us while we still live,

And it seems we hear this voice:

“Dear ones, become kinder, better,

Light the candles, remember us"
Prisoners of Volgolag at different times were:

  • ^ Natalya Ilyinichna Sats
Founder of the world's first children's musical theater, the world's first woman - opera director, theater figure, writer, teacher. In Perebory she founded a theater called the "Dramazhazorchestra", the basis of which were captured Polish musicians

  • ^ Sergei Ernestovich Radlov
World-famous director, student and associate of Meyerhold. In Perebory he organized a theater called the “Jazzband of Enemies of the People”

  • ^ Anna Dmitrievna Radlova
Poetess of the Silver Age. She died in Volgolag, was buried at the Alexander Cemetery

Stars will fall, people will fall,

Everything will tremble before him,

People won't find their way to their loved ones,

To the dead and to the poor living.
Fall to the ground, repent, praying,

And don't hide your face."

The black earth listens to the complaint.

I remember the words by heart.

A sharp cry rolls across the world.

Cry, repentant Rus'.

  • ^ Nikolai Mikhailovich Yakushev
Famous Rybinsk poet

  • Alexander Vladimirovich Evsyukov
Naval officer who planted the flag on Wrangel Island in 1924

Speech by rally participants

The floor is given…..


Hundreds of archival files, monuments and people who witnessed those events remind us of the difficult, bloody pages of the history of our Fatherland. Let us also remember this. The main thing is to prevent a repetition of these events in our history.

Health to everyone, peace and tranquility. In memory of today's rally, all participants are given commemorative booklets.

The meeting is closed. Thank you all for your participation