Download maps on ancient history. Story

), for which, in record time, he created a selection of maps illustrating the entire history of Belarus. Texts were requested from the authors, I drew up maps, but then there was red tape with the publication for a year and a half, or even more. My natural desire was to place, as it seemed to me, unclaimed cards somewhere else. And such an opportunity appeared. True, some of the maps had to be removed (not the entire period was needed), and some (on the history of Russia and Ukraine) had to be revised. This is how a series of maps appeared for the “General History of Russia”, published thanks to the enthusiasm of Andrei Gordienko.


I won’t tell you how long it took me to get paid at least something for these cards; this, in principle, doesn’t characterize me very well, especially since at first I refused the fee altogether. I will also not judge the content of the book. I made the maps without relying on text, so they can be regarded as separate independent works. As I already wrote, some of them (the history of Belarus) in a slightly modified form were eventually published in the strange publication "Belarus: People. State. Time", some were transferred by me from large wall maps, the rest - from prepared maps for school atlases etc. Thus, some (apparently most) can already be seen on my website. However, I will repeat the entire selection separately.

There is one more annoying point. In the map relating to the history of Russia in the period of the mid-16th - early 17th centuries, the title from the following map (mid-17th - 18th centuries) remains. It so happened that I made the second map earlier, but when preparing the first one I forgot to replace the title. This is how this error ended up in the publication. No one edited the maps and did not notice my mistake. Pay attention to this.

Yes, I completely forgot. In this book I wrote a section dedicated to the Time of Troubles in Russia. If you are interested, you can take a look.

Slavs in the early Middle Ages. VI–IX centuries // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 64–65.

Ancient Rus' in the 9th – early 11th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 96–97.

Appanage Rus' in the second half of the 11th – early 13th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 128–129.

The Mongol invasion of Eastern Europe // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 160–161.

The growth of the Moscow principality at the end of the 13th - beginning of the 16th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 192–193.

Russia in the second half of the 16th – early 17th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 224–225.

Russia in the middle of the XVII – XVIII centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 256–257.

Principalities on the territory of Belarus in the 11th – early 13th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 288–289.

ON in the middle of the 13th century. – 1430 // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 320–321.

ON in 1430–1548 // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 352–353.

ON in the second half of the 16th century. Education of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 384–385.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 17th century. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 416–417.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the end of the 17th - first half of the 18th century. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 448–449.

Sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1992–1795 Inclusion of Belarusian lands into the Russian Empire // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 480–481.

Galicia-Volyn principality in the first half of the 13th century. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 512–513.

Ukraine as part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth at the end of the 16th – mid-18th centuries. // General history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 18th century / Ed. prof. O.A. Yanovsky. – M.: Eksmo, 2008. – Between s. 528–529.

Hello, dear friends! Today we will continue to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history, and today we will move away from some theoretical materials and tasks and begin to talk about the materials required for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam, third-party knowledge, and I will also teach you how to solve history tasks with a map) I’ll say right away that The material in this article and the following will be based on the most frequently asked questions, so perhaps at some points you will be able to recognize yourself.

Do you need to know all the dates from pocket reference books and textbooks?

Often, people write to me with the question: “Ivan Sergeevich, I began to teach the 20th century and in textbooks I see a similar picture, what should I teach in order to write a test, because besides the last century there are still periods that require attention and give up all your strength I can’t work purely with Soviet history?!”

So, I answer for everyone) In fact, several years ago FIPI published a mandatory list of dates and events necessary for writing an examination paper. Now, for some reason, these materials are not included in the packages with the demo version, which is why such a fuss arises, but inquisitive and curious children =) provided that they look into the materials of past years for expert commissions, they will find this list. This year at the CPC this document was recommended to us as didactic material and accordingly I am sharing it with you, here it is:

There is almost everything you need to know regarding the chronology of events... regarding dates, the exception, it seems to me, is the only revolutions of 1905-1907 / 1917, otherwise this table is complete and reflects all the events that need to be taken into account for successful performing Unified State Exam tests in history.

How to work with a historical map?

It’s also a “sore topic,” even though I have posted the material in the form of cards in the public domain, the children are perplexed: “How can I even work with this?” I'll explain :)

First of all, go to this article and download a package of maps to your computer. Then, if you are too lazy to delve into the Unified State Exam reference books of past years and a ton of related information, download this selection:

  • Basic historical maps for completing tasks No. 29-32

Bank of tasks on the historical map: 1200 tasks:

How to work with this? I warn you, it is recommended to start this “procedure” only for those who already know something about history, and for the guys who follow our lessons, you should not read this paragraph further, and for those who are already sort of in the subject, download the document for yourself, it contains all the tasks with a map of the Unified State Exam options from previous years. There are about 1200 tasks, don’t download from your phone, everything will hang 😀

Workshop on card analysis

Here you are presented with a contour map, which you need to print and fill out accordingly; if this is not difficult for you, proceed to map No. 2. If you successfully complete all the cards and fill out approximately 70% of the information on them, you can begin working with the bank itself, provided, I repeat, that you also have knowledge of the course in your head.

What to do if everything is bad?))) Information from geography lessons from the maps presented above is ENOUGH for successfully writing any history test! The conclusion is obvious - teach, dear friends! Sit down. you print out tens of these cards, find the location of each object on the Internet, sketch it, eventually memorize it, then take a second card and try to fill it out as a memory, there are mistakes, no problem, check, correct, take card No. 3 and so on.. At the same time, you will improve your geography and cure cretinism, and then proceed to the bank

Clear strategy and solutions for business leadership symbol with a straight path to success as a journey choosing the right strategic path for business with blank yellow traffic signs cutting through a maze of tangled roads and highways.

Task one

What to do with it? Take the first 4 cards - 20 tasks, take a piece of paper and decide based on your knowledge (I warned you)

How to solve such tasks?? Instructions “for the little ones” using the example of a real CMM task :)

So, before us is some kind of “mess” according to, I’m sure, 80% of the readers of our site) Let’s see what’s here and how... first, I’ll give a clear algorithm of actions when working with tasks of this type:

1. Look at the map legend and use it to identify key points
2. Find (if any) the date on the map
3.1. In the case of an obvious location on the map of some kind of war/campaign/movement, select “reference points” to identify the event
3.2. In case of explicit definition of any borders, pay attention to: border territories / the name of our state on the map (this can help with determining the period) / other unnatural objects (any arrows and dots)

We follow the algorithm:
1. Look here, this plate is called the “map legend”, what can we extract from it?

  • Here Rus' is shown during the period of fragmentation, because keyword - PRINCIPALITY
  • Borders don't give us anything yet...
  • But let’s pay attention to the siege of cities, the cities were besieged:

Kozelsk will clearly say something to smart boys and girls, but we have a few more points))

Point 2. Let's try to find dates on the map...bummer, there is no such thing 🙁 It's sad, let's move on ((

Point 3. Let's try to select control points based on arrows on the map. Which side are the troops coming from? And you will find out the answer only after the advertisement... just kidding 😀 From the East, of course!

Let's group: the siege of Kozelsk, Kolomna, Suzdal, a visit to Moscow that is clearly not for tea, troops are coming from the East - of course this is Batu's campaign against Rus'!

Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number “1”.

  • Here only knowledge of those same contour maps will help you... Suzdal was part of the Vladimir-Suzdal Kingdom, which is not on the map. It is logical that Vladimir is hiding under “1”.

Write the number that indicates the capital of the land where a republican form of government existed during the period of this campaign.

  • This is purely knowledge of the map and the course of past lessons from our website; smart children will immediately name Novgorod and, based on their knowledge of the contour map, determine point “2”

Another tip is to pay attention immediately to task 32, since there you can find “answer options” for working with this task.

Profile task with map

Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct? Choose three judgments from the six proposed.
1) the conquerors invaded Russia in winter - this may also give you an idea :)
2) none of the cities captured by the conquerors withstood the siege for more than one week
3) the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram, lasted about three years - as if it didn’t work either :/
4) one of the consequences of the events indicated in the diagram was the beginning of the fragmentation of the Old Russian state - well, nothing will help us here:/
5) as a result of the events indicated in the diagram, the Russian lands became dependent - this may give you an idea :)
6) the commander whose campaign is indicated in the diagram is the founder of the state - the founder of the state is either Rurik or Oleg, this is nonsense, since the period of fragmentation, accordingly, there are no options for work other than the Horde Khan Batu

As you can see, only 3 events fit together at one time, the rest are somehow chaotically scattered throughout history, which should not happen, so also keep in mind the “lifebuoy” option No. 32

Similar materials

Old Russian state

862/882 - 1132/1240

1. How many tribal associations lived on the territory of the future Kievan Rus?

2. Tribe indicated by number (1)

3. City (2), founded on the land of the glades.

4 . It went from the Baltic Sea across the Neva to Lake Ladoga, along the Volkhov River to Lake...?..., and from there up the Lovat River to its headwaters, here the ships were dragged to the headwaters... ? …. and descended along it into the Black Sea. What is it about?

5 .Choose the correct judgments:

A. Slavs belong to the Indo-European language group.

B. Tribes: Chud, all, Karelians belong to the Eastern Slavs.

V. The most ancient gods of the Eastern Slavs were Perun, Veles and Mokosh.

D. Slash-and-burn agriculture was widespread among the Eastern Slavs

E. The descendants of the Eastern Slavs are Russians, Ukrainians and Bulgars.

1. Slavic tribe that lived in this city.

2 . Which legendary prince was called to this place?

3. What form of government was typical for this city?

4.Choose the right judgments :

1) Unlike other Russian lands, a national council was rarely convened in this city.

2) During the period of political fragmentation of the Russian lands, strong princely power was established in this city.

3) It was in this city that Prince Yaroslav the Wise built the St. Sophia Cathedral in honor of the victory over the Pechenegs and the Golden Gate.

4) During the Mongol-Tatar invasion it was destroyed to the ground.

5) From 1113 to 1125, Prince Vladimir Monomakh ruled in the city.

6) The city shown on the plan was annexed to the Moscow State in 1478.

1 . What is the name of the path marked on the map?

2. Name of the prince who took control of this trade route

3 .Write the number indicating the city, which in Rus' was called Tsargrad

Choose three judgments from the six proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) this trade route was the most important in Europe during this period

2) The main trading partner of Rus' during this period was Byzantium

3) Since the beginning of the 10th century, Russian princes have been making military campaigns against Byzantium

4) the main allies of the Russian princes at the end of the 9th and beginning of the 10th centuries were the Pechenegs

5) The main export items were incense and fruits

6) the population of Ancient Rus' paid tribute to the Grand Duke for the protection of the trade route

1 . What phenomenon is shown on the map?

2 . What time did this take place?

3 . In 964 Svyatoslav “went to the Oka

river and the Volga, and met …….(1and

imposed tribute on them."

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. The occurrence of this phenomenon was

associated with the spread of power

Rus into part East Slavic

tribes .

B. Annual tour of the subject

population ("people") by Old Russian

princes, boyar-voivodes and their

warriors in the 10th-13th centuries. with the aim of

feeding and collecting taxes.

B. The first uprising in 945 among

Slavs are associated with the collection of tribute.

G. Svyatoslav the first of the Russian princes

managed to streamline this system,

introducing churchyards and lessons.

D. Collection of tribute from Slavic subjects

tribes were produced by princely

officials - Baskaks

1 .Name the prince of Rus' who made this campaign to Byzantium?

2. “It’s as if the Greeks had heavenly lightning and, releasing it, burned us; That’s why they didn’t overcome them.” What do these words from the chronicle say?

3. Indicate the number of the city whose inhabitants killed the prince in 945.

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. The above-mentioned prince, according to the chronicle tradition, is the son of Oleg the Prophet.

B. He became the first Russian prince named by name in non-Russian sources.

B. During the next campaign in 944, the Byzantine emperor, warned in advance, sent ambassadors with rich gifts to meet the Russian army that had already reached the Danube and thereby paid off.

G. This prince died during Polyudye at the hands of the glades.

D. The treaty of 944 formulated a provision on mutual military assistance between the Russian Grand Duke and the Byzantine kings

1.What century do the events depicted on the map belong to?

2. Identify the missing person in the sequence of princes: Rurik-Oleg-Igor-Olga-……..Vladimir-……Izyaslav.

3. With which country (number 1) did Prince Vladimir sign an agreement in 985?

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. The Khazar Kaganate was defeated by Svyatoslav.

B. City indicated by number 2 - this is Pereyaslavets.

IN. Turkic tribes that threatened Russian lands from the end of IX to 1036 - Pechenegs

D. This map relates to the history of the Moscow kingdom

D. Prince, whose campaigns are depicted on the map, received the nickname Wise.

E. This prince died during his return from a military campaign at the hands of the Pecheneg prince Kurya.

1 .What natural phenomenon for feudal states is depicted on the map?

2. What centuries in Russian history does it cover?

3. Where (1), when and by whom were the words spoken: “Why are we destroying the Russian land, bringing quarrels upon ourselves? And the Polovtsians are plundering our land and rejoicing that we are torn apart by internecine wars. From now on, let us unite sincerely and protect the Russian land, and let everyone own his fatherland"

4.Choose the correct judgment:

A. The collapse of the Old Russian state was facilitated by the division of lands and endless strife between the princes.

B. In the 30s. XII in the Kiev land began to disintegrate into independent political entities - appanages. By the middle of the 12th century. there were 50 of them.

B. Of the large number of sovereign lands into which the Old Russian state broke up, the largest were the Vladimir-Suzdal, Galician-Volyn principalities and the Kiev principality.

D. The form of power in the Novgorod land was a republic, where even real politics were determined by the powerful Novgorod boyars and a strong veche

1 . Whose campaigns are depicted on

2. Name the state ,(1)


after his trip.

3.Name the number that

designated city, which is the prince

I wanted to make it the center of my land.

Name this city.

4. Which of these statements is true?

A. War with Byzantium in 971

ended with the victory of Rus'.

B.K princedom (3) based

after the conquest of Taman

peninsula given by the prince is called


V. This prince remained until the end

pagan, explaining that a Christian is not

D. He arranged management in a new way

state: he put the son of Yaropolk on

reign of Kiev, Oleg - on

Drevlyanskoye, Vladimir - on


D. After his death the first

internecine war in Rus'.

The period of political fragmentation of the Old Russian state.

(Apartment Rus')

XII-XIII centuries


2. Which principality is hidden under the number? 2.

3. Name the princes of this principality.

4. What event is represented by the arrows?

5. Which of these statements are true:

A. Among the factors that caused the collapse of the Old Russian state was the system of subsistence farming.

During this era, the Principalities pursued their own foreign policy and entered into treaties with foreign states. V. Thanks to this phenomenon, internecine wars stopped in Rus'

G.Rus emerged from this state earlier than all other countries.

D. The result of this phenomenon was the weakening of the country's military potential.

1. Name the principality shown on the map north of the Smolensk principality.

2. Which city is indicated by number 1?

3. What form of power was characteristic of this principality?

4.Choose the correct judgments:

A.N The national assembly that decided the main issues of this land is called vira.

B. The prince, whom the city residents expelled in 1136, was called Mstislav Vladimirovich

B. In the XII-XIII centuries. in this principality the princes changed 68 times

G. This form of government was characteristic of Pskov.

D. The freedom of this land was eliminated only under Ivan IV.

E. During the period of greatest development, it reached north to the Bering Sea, and in the east it spread beyond the Ural Mountains. Covered almost the entire modern north-west of Russia.

1.What military event is shown on the map?

2. Whose (number 1)

In battle, remaining on the right bank of the river in a fortified camp.

3 .To whom did the Polovtsian Khan Kotyan turn with the words “And if you don’t help us, we will be cut off today, and you will be cut off in the morning.”

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. Batu Khan was at the head of the Mongol-Tatar troops.

B. In this battle, the Mongol-Tatar troops were commanded by experienced

commanders Subedei and Jebe.

D. Only a tenth of the Russian army returned from the battlefield.

D. The Mongols did not shed a drop of blood of the Russian princes - the princes were crushed under the boards on which the victors feasted

E. After this victory, the Mongol-Tatars invaded Rus' and, having devastated it, returned home

1. Write the name of the commander who carried out the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram

2. Write the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number “1”.

3. The city called m/t "evil city"

4. Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct:

A) conquerors invaded Rus' in winter

b) none of the cities captured by the conquerors withstood the siege

more than one week

V) the campaign, indicated by arrows on the diagram, lasted about three years

G) one of the consequences of the events indicated in the diagram was the beginning

fragmentation of the Old Russian state

d) as a result of the events indicated in the diagram, the Russian lands became dependent

e) the commander whose campaign is indicated in the diagram is the founder of the state

1. Where and in what

took place this year

this battle?

2. The country whose



borders of Rus'.

3. Who in 1710

memory of this

founded in battle

mouth of the Black River

in St. Petersburg

Alexander Nevsky


4.Choose the correct judgment:

A. Novgorod prince during this battle “left a trace of sharp

his spear..."

B. Having defeated the Swedes, Russian troops stopped their advance to Ladoga and

Novgorod and thereby prevented the danger of coordinated actions by Sweden and

Orders in the near future.

V. The Russian victory in this battle was achieved by numerical superiority.

D. However, due to the fear that after the victory the role of the young prince in the conduct of affairs

may increase, the Novgorod boyars began to plot all sorts of intrigues for the prince, and the prince

went to his father.

D. This prince went to the Golden Horde in 1262 to Khan Berke with gifts to appease him.

1. What is the name of the great battle of the 13th century shown on the map?

2. When did it take place?

3. The name of the prince with whom this battle is connected.

4.Choose the correct judgments:

A. The Russians fought with the knights of the Livonian Order on Lake Ilmen.

B.B The military order of the troops of the German knights was called a wedge.

IN. In this battle, the young prince used a new military stratagem - an ambush regiment.

G. After the Russian victory, the order's ambassadors solemnly renounced all encroachments on the Russian lands that were temporarily captured by the order.

D. In 1938, Sergei Bondarchuk shot the feature film “Alexander Nevsky”, in which the Battle of the Ice was filmed

1. With what people


2. Founder of this

3.Which country


4.She was

captivated by data

people in 1211-

4. Years of conquest

by this people

5. Indicate the figure indicating the city of Kievan Rus that did not pay tribute to the conquerors.

6 . Choose the correct statements: As a result of the invasion of Rus'

A.there was an alienation of Southern and Southwestern Rus',

B.accelerating the formation of an aristocratic republic

V. many monuments of spiritual and material culture were destroyed.

G. the majority of the population of Rus' died;

D.most of the land was not damaged.

E. Rus' retained its statehood and culture.

The rise of Moscow, the unification of Russian lands.

End XIII-XV I centuries

1. What process does this map characterize?

2. Name the first Moscow prince and the year the principality was separated from Northeast Rus'.

3. Who and when spoke with the words: “Know that you will have neither a veche bell nor a mayor, but there will be one sovereign power, as in the country of Moscow”?

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. Moscow’s main rival in the struggle for unification is at No. 9.

B. In Southwestern Rus', the collection of Russian lands was carried out by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which reached its maximum territorial expansion by the end of the 15th century.

The Principality of Moscow under Ivan III increased 6 times.

D. The annexation of lands took place only by military means.

D. Of great importance in the unification was the transfer of the residence of the patriarch from Byzantium to Moscow, which turned into the spiritual center of the revived Russian state.

1. Name the Moscow prince who made this campaign.

2. Indicate the number that indicates the location and name of the battle.

3 . When did this great battle take place?

4. Choose the correct judgment:

A. To strengthen Moscow under this prince, it was built

white stone Kremlin

B. Before this famous battle, two battles took place on the Kalka River (1377) and on the City River (1378)

V. The main rival, the Prince of Tver, gave many of his “wars” to the Moscow prince.

G. Before the great slaughter, the young Moscow prince received a blessing from Abbot Sergius of Radonezh.

D. In 1382, Tokhtamysh led a campaign against Rus', trying to restore tributary dependence.

1. Name the opponents

commanders participating

in this battle.

2. Famous duel battle

Tatar………with monk……….

3. About what military trick

the Moscow prince says

Tatar phrase “young with

we fought, but goodness

(best, oldest) preserved"

4.Which army is indicated

5. Choose the right ones

judgments: As a result of this

A. military and political

the dominance of the Golden Horde was

suffered a serious blow.

B. Moscow was assigned

organizer meaning

reunification of Russian lands

IN. Mongol-Tatars defeated

Moscow victory

G. The yoke was finally lifted

Golden Horde

D. Payment has been stopped

Moscow tribute to the Golden Horde.

5. Name literary

monuments about this event.

1. During the reign of which Russian prince did these events take place?

2. What name did this event receive?

3. Give the date of the event.

4. Khan of the Golden Horde, who did not agree with the loss of power over Russia.

5. Choose the correct judgments:

A. This historical event took place on the territory of the Moscow Principality

B. The campaign of the Khan of the Great Horde was caused by Moscow’s refusal in 1476 to pay an annual tribute to the Horde

IN." Standing" put an end to the Mongol-Tatar yoke. G The Moscow state became de facto sovereign.

D.This event caused the collapse of the Golden Horde

1. During the reign of which prince, the cities indicated on the diagram by the numbers “1” and “2” became part of the unified Russian state.

2. In what years were they included?

3. Name the wife of the Novgorod mayor, who organized the opposition of the Novgorodians to Moscow.

4.Choose the correct judgment:

A. Tver was annexed as a result of the war

B. The Moscow prince promised not to involve Novgorodians in service on the southern borders

V. In 1489, Western Siberia, a remote land beyond the Volga, was annexed to the Russian state.

The Principality of Moscow under this prince was increased 6 times.

D. In 1478, this great Moscow prince was crowned king.

E. The campaign marked in black was made in 1480 by Khan Mamai.

1. Name the king who made this campaign.

2. In what year and from what city was it committed?

3. Name the fortress (1), built in 4 weeks, which served as a stronghold for the Russian army to conquer this city and khanate.

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. The young tsar was also pushed to war with Kazan by economic reasons, primarily the desire to freely carry out trade along the entire space of the Volga route.

B. The city was taken during the first campaign of the young king.

G. The capture of the city put an end to the existence of the Kazan Khanate as an independent state.

1.The plan of which city is shown on the map.

2. What was the name of the last khan, the Kazan Khan, whom the king called upon to enter his service, becoming his vassal and subsequently captured during the storming of the city.

3. Which judgments regarding these events are correct?

A. To conquer the capital of the Khanate, a series of military campaigns were undertaken: the first two of them were not successful;

B. In 1559, the Moscow Tsar besieged the capital of the Khanate for the third time;

B. After the explosion of the city walls with gunpowder planted in secretly made tunnels, the city was taken by storm, a significant part of the population was killed, and the city itself burned down;

D. As a result of the events indicated in the diagram, the Khanate ceased to exist, and a significant part of the Middle Volga region was annexed to Russia, as a result, prerequisites arose for the development of the Volga region by Russian settlers, further advancement to the Urals and Siberia

D. One of the consequences of the events indicated in the diagram was the beginning of the fragmentation of the Golden Horde;

E. In memory of the capture of the capital and the victory over the Khanate, St. Basil's Cathedral was built on Red Square in Moscow.

1. Write the name of the war, the events of which are reflected on the map.

2. The name of the city in which the punitive campaign of government troops was carried out, accompanied by massacres at the height of this war.

3. The number that designates the “unofficial capital” of the state after the Tsar’s departure from Moscow in 1564. At the initial stage of the war.

4. Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct?

A . Russia won this war

B . The war ended with the signing

Yam-Zapolsky and Plyussky


B. During the war, the government lifted restrictions on the right of peasants to move to another

D. Russia’s enemy in this war was Sweden.

D. During the war, a new state was formed, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

E. The war took place during the final period of the formation of a unified Russian state.

1. During the reign of which prince

did these events happen?

2. “Velmi is courageous, and

humane, and visionary, and

I am satisfied with all wisdom,

flat-faced, black-haired,

middle age, and

flat and broad-shouldered.” About whom

these words?

3. What years were they in?

lands annexed

Western Siberia?

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. This Cossack expedition to Siberia was equipped by the Demidov merchants.

B. Cossacks had to protect the towns of Russian merchants from predatory attacks from

side of the Siberian Khan Kuchum.

V. In 1585, a Cossack ataman drowned in the Chusovaya River during a battle.

D. The campaign of Ermak’s Cossack squad created favorable conditions for joining

Siberia to the Russian state

D. The world's first linear icebreaker was named after him.

1. What is the name of the period in history whose events are depicted on the map?

2.With whose death is the crossing of the Rurik dynasty connected?

3. Name the first elected king, during whose reign False Dmitry I appeared.

4. The name of the Polish king (2), who aspired to the Russian throne.

5. What movement is shown by number (1) and whose names is it associated with?

6.Choose the correct judgments:

A. False Dmitry II received the nickname Uglichsky.

B. TO The Ostroma peasant who accomplished a feat in the name of the Russian people was called Ivan Susanin

B. The state numbered 4 is Norway, which invaded our country under the Treaty of Vyborg

7. Which Russian city (3) remained in Polish hands under the Deulin Agreement?

8 .When and what kind of peace was signed with Sweden?

1. What historical event relates to this card?

2. Name the chronological framework of this struggle. Who led this movement?

3. City (1), where on January 8, 1654 the Rada spoke in favor of Ukraine joining Russia.

4.Choose the correct judgment:

A. This event dates back to the reign of Peter I.

B. In 1943, an order was established in the USSR in honor of the person who led this movement, which was awarded to the commanders and soldiers of the Red Army.

V. As a result of this war, all of Ukraine was included in Russia.

G. The largest battle took place near Poltava.

1. Name the chronological framework of this historical event.

2. What are the reasons for this war?

3.Which coalition opposed Sweden?

4. Identify the city hidden under No. 1.

5. Name and number of the city where the general battle took place?

6. In which city was the peace treaty signed?

7 .Choose the correct judgment:

Following the war:

A. Estland, Livonia and Ingria, part of Karelia passed to Russia.

B. Russia received a large indemnity

IN. Finland returned to Sweden.

G. Russia pledged to pay Sweden 2 million rubles in silver as compensation for the acquired territories.

D. The cities of Narva, Yam, Koporye and Yuryev were given to Sweden.

E. Russia has established maritime trade with Europe.

AT 8. In what battle was an order given that required the soldiers to fight not for Peter, but for “Russia and Russian piety...”

AT 9. Name the date of this battle

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Name the war during which this battle took place

1) the army of King Charles XII was so drained of blood that it could no longer conduct active offensive operations

2) Ukrainian Hetman Mazepa assisted Peter I.

3) during the battle, Peter dressed the experienced soldiers in the uniform of the young ones. Karl, knowing that the form of experienced fighters is different from the form of young ones, led his army against the young fighters and fell into a trap.

4) Charles XII and Mazepa managed to escape, the Swedish king hid in the territory of the Ottoman Empire

5) Russia lost this battle due to lack of artillery.

6) in the battle the Swedes lost over 11 thousand soldiers. Russian losses were 2 times less.

Q8.Name the war to which this naval battle relates?

Q9.What year?

this happened

naval battle?

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Name the location of the battle

AT 11. Choose three correct judgments

1. One of the commanders in the battle was Admiral General Count F.M. Apraksin

2. This battle was the first major victory of the Russian regular fleet.

3. The battle took place near Grengam Island

4. The victory provided Russia with freedom of action throughout the Baltic Sea

5.Russia used a steam fleet in this battle

6. The battle took place in 1720.

In this battle, Schoutbenacht Pyotr Mikhailov proposed to build a portage (a wooden flooring to transport part of the fleet across the narrow isthmus of the peninsula, for which, after the victory, he was promoted to vice admiral.

Who was hiding under the name Pyotr Mikhailov?

Q8. Under what name did this war enter Russian history?

AT 9. The surname of the statesman who received the honorary title for the annexation and development of the territories indicated on the diagram by the number “2”.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. The name of the state, Russia's main enemy in the war, whose government was called Porta.

AT 11. Choose three correct propositions:

1) As a result of this war, Russia lost the territories shaded in the diagram.

2) The beginning of this war became a pretext for stopping the activities of the Statutory Commission

3) After the end of the war, Russia became an empire.

4) The peace treaty that ended the war, the events of which are indicated in this diagram, was signed in the city marked with the number “1”.

5) The consequence of the war, the events of which are depicted in this diagram, was that Russia gained access to the Black Sea.

6) Participants in the events of this war were A. Orlov and P. Rumyantsev.

Q8.Name the monarch during whose reign the war took place, the events of which are indicated in this diagram.

Q9. Determine the chronological framework of this war.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. What was the main cause of the war?

Q10. Choose three correct judgments:

  • During the war, the Russian army under the command of Rumyantsev and Suvorov defeated Turkish troops in the battles of Larga and Kagul.
  • The Russian fleet under the command of A. Orlov and G. Spiridov struck

defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Tsushima Strait.

3. In 1774, the Ottoman Empire signed the Kuchuk-Kaynardzhi Treaty with Russia

4. As a result of the war, the Crimean Khanate formally gained independence under Russian protectorate.

5.Turkey conquered the northern coast of the Black Sea

AT 8. Write the name of the monarch during whose reign the war took place, the events of which are indicated in this diagram. AT 9. Name the dates of this war.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Name the city marked with number 2, o

which they said: “It would be more likely for the Danube to flow backwards and the sky to fall to the ground than to surrender...”

AT 11. Choose three correct propositions:

1. The consequence of this war in 1783 was a manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

2. The main military battles took place on the Crimean peninsula.

V. In this war, the Russian fleet was commanded by Admiral F. F. Ushakov, who won a victory at Kaliakria (1791).

  • Peace following the war was signed in the city indicated on the diagram by number 3.
  • As a result of the war, the shaded territories went to Turkey.
  • In the battles of Rymnik, Kinburn and Focsani, A.V. became famous. Suvorov
  • Austria was Turkey's ally in this war

AT 8. name the process that this map characterizes?

Q9. What are the dates for these actions by European states?

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Name the countries that participated in these actions?

1. These events relate to the reign of Catherine II.

2. The suppression of the Polish uprising of T. Kosciuszko in 1794 was led by M.I. Kutuzov.

3. Western Belarus, Lithuania, and Courland went to Russia in 1795

4. As a result of these events, the independent state ceased to exist

5. The territories that became part of Russia in 1795 were granted a Constitution.

6. After the Treaty of Tilsit in 1807, all these territories gained independence.

Q8.Name the exact date of the beginning of these military events. Name the emperors who wage war against each other.

Q9.Name the commanders of the Russian army hidden behind the numbers 1 and 2.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Violation of what condition of the Tilsit Peace became the main reason for the war?

Q11. Choose three correct judgments:

1. The retreating Russian armies managed to meet in the city at number 3.

2. The Emperor of the Russian Empire issued an order to protect Moscow by all means and forces.

3. Napoleon called M.I. Kutuzov "The Old Fox of the North".

  • The end of the war was announced in November.
  • The war lasted more than a year.
  • Two hordes on the monument “Grateful Russia” in Smolensk symbolize two Russian armies

  • 1 . Name the place where this battle took place. Give it a date. 2. What fortification was built before the Battle of Borodino in the center of the position of the Russian army 3. Name the commander of the fortifications who heroically defended the left flank and was mortally wounded in this battle. 4. For which battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 M.I. Kutuzov received the rank of Field Marshal 5. Name the battles, the military governor of St. Petersburg, mortally wounded on Senate Square by the Decembrist Kakhovsky.
  • 1 . Name the place where this battle took place. Give it a date.
  • 2. What fortification was built before the Battle of Borodino in the center of the position of the Russian army
  • 3. Name the commander of the fortifications who heroically defended the left flank and was mortally wounded in this battle.
  • 4. For which battle of the Patriotic War of 1812 M. I. Kutuzov received the rank of Field Marshal
  • 5. Name the battle, the military governor of St. Petersburg, mortally wounded on Senate Square by the Decembrist Kakhovsky.

1.Which road did the Russian troops retreat along after leaving Moscow?

2. For what purpose did Kutuzov carry out the “Tarutin maneuver”? Name the cities (identify the numbers) of the cities that Kutuzov protected by carrying out this maneuver?

3. Name the number that represents the city that changed hands 8 times.

4. What battle is this memory talking about: “Everything was mixed up in a desperate fight... A bunch of people were lying around in the snow. But we knew that they would not reach the bridges; to do this, they would have to walk over our bodies, killing us to the last.” When did it happen?

5. Which temple was erected in Moscow in honor of the victory over Napoleon. Call him an architect.

6. Who led the diplomatic mission that Napoleon sent to Kutuzov in Tarutino with the words: “ I need peace, I need it absolutely at all costs, save only honor »

IN 1. What war does this card refer to?

AT 2. Who commanded the Russian fleet in this battle? When did it take place?

AT 3. Why is it called the “swan song” of the sailing fleet?

AT 11. Choose the correct statements:

1 The battle went down in history as the Battle of Tsushima

2 The battle ended with the destruction of 15 out of 16 Turkish ships, and the Russian fleet had no losses in ships.

3 . The victory served as a reason for England and France to enter the war with Russia.

4 . After this battle, naval tactics and shipbuilding around the world changed

5. The commander of the fleet was Admiral Nakhimov

AT 8.What military events

described on this map?

AT 9. Against a coalition of which countries?

Russia had to fight?

AT 10.Name the supreme

commander in chief in this war

AT 11. Choose three correct propositions:

1. The defense of the city, indicated by the number 1, lasted 900 days.

2. The leaders of the defense of this city were admirals Nakhimov, Istomin and Kornilov.

3. On September 8 (20), 1854, in the battle of Alta, the allies defeated the Russian army, which was trying to block their path to Sevastopol

4. The last and most fierce battles took place on Mamayev Kurgan.

5. The city was taken by the allies only as a result of the sixth assault.

1.What name did this war get?

2.What event was the reason for the start of this war?

3.Name the emperor who ruled during the war.

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A. Russia sought to secure its southern borders, ensure its influence in the Balkans and establish control over the Black Sea straits of the Bosporus and Dardanelles

B. Combat operations took place in the Caucasus, in the Danube principalities, in the Baltic, Black, Azov, White and Barents seas, as well as in Kamchatka

B. Under the terms of the Peace of San Stefano, the Black Sea was declared neutral (that is, open to commercial and closed to military vessels in peacetime), with Russia and the Ottoman Empire prohibited from having military fleets and arsenals there.

AT 8. Name the date of the war and the countries between which this war took place.

AT 9. The unresolved issue of what caused the war on Russia's part?

AT 10 O'CLOCK. What is the name of the mountain pass in Bulgaria through the Balkans, which was of great strategic importance during this war.

1. The generals of the Russian army who distinguished themselves in this war were Skobelev and I.V. Gurko.

2.Only the blockade of Plevna under the leadership of Totleben led to its fall in November 1877.

3 The most fierce battles took place near Sevastopol.

4 .According to the peace treaty, Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania received complete independence.

5 .Under pressure from England, France and Austria-Hungary at the Paris

Congress revised the results of the peace treaty.

6. Peace was signed in the city indicated by the number 1.

1. Name the main reason for this war

2. What years does it cover?

4. Determine the correct judgments:

A. The defense of Port Arthur lasted from July to December 1904.

B The commander of the Russian army was A. Menshikov.

IN. The main battles took place near Liaoyang, Mukden, and Shahe.

D. Under the terms of the Treaty of Portsmouth, Japan received the Liaodong settlement with Port Arthur.

E . Russia lost South Sakhalin and was forced to pay a large indemnity

1. What kind of military

actions are depicted

on the map.

2. Determine the main

the reason and reason for this

3. Between which military units

turned around in blocks

fighting. Name it

countries of each block.

A.The war became protracted.

B. From the Russian side, the war was fair.

IN. The outstanding commanders in this war were Gurko and Skobelev.

G. In 1915, the Russian army waged offensive battles and occupied Poland and Warsaw, Lithuania, and Western Belarus.

D. As a result of the Brusilov breakthrough, the Russian army threw the enemy back 120 km and destroyed 1.5 million enemy soldiers.

E. Russia emerged from the state of war on March 3, 1918 by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, under the terms of which it paid 6 billion marks of reparations plus payment of losses incurred by Germany during the Russian revolution - 500 million gold rubles.

D. L.D. Trotsky achieved the signing of this peace.

Soviet republic


1 .The name of the period of national history, the events of which are depicted on the map.

2 .Define the chronological framework of this event.

3 .What events are shown on the map.

4.Choose the correct judgment:

1). The main goal of the Polish leadership was to restore the country within the historical borders of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1772

2) The Red Army was assisted by its allies in the First World War.

3) The period of the war indicated on the map includes the passage through the Sivash Bay.

4) In the west, the Red Army is fighting against the troops of General N. Yudenich.

5) The war ended with the signing of the Brest-Litovsk Peace Treaty in 1918.

6) The Red Army troops in the south were commanded by M.V. Frunze, and Belaya - Wrangel.

1. Name the period in the history of Russia to which the events depicted on the map ___________ belong.

2. During the events depicted on the map, Operation “Storm ______” was carried out

3. Name the commander of the Southern Front of the Red Army ______________

4. Select three correct judgments

1) The annexation of the peninsula to Russia occurred in 1783.

2) The offensive of the Red Army began at the end of October 1919.

3) The Russian army was commanded by General Denikin

4) During this operation, the English Channel was crossed

5) These events are associated with the end of hostilities in the European part of Russia.

6) During this operation, the Turkish Wall was stormed

1. The stamp depicts the events of the Civil War

2. The stamp depicts the commander of the Southern Front, M.I. Frunze

3. The stamp was issued to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the events in 1942.

professional Bolshevik, leader of the first Soviet created during the first Russian revolution

1.What war does this operation belong to?

2.Name of the commander-in-chief of the White Guard troops who reached the line indicated on the diagram by the number “2”.

3. The city, designated by the number “1” and which was the goal of the campaign of the White Guard troops, whose actions are shown in the diagram.

4. Which judgments related to the events indicated in the diagram are correct?

1) Significant damage to the rear of the White Guard troops, whose actions are indicated in the diagram, was caused by the army of N.P. Makhno.

2) After the defeat of the White Guard troops, whose actions are indicated in the diagram, their commander emigrated from Russia.

3) During the period of events indicated in the diagram, the Bolsheviks pursued a new economic policy.

4) The Commander-in-Chief of the White Army, whose actions are indicated in the diagram, had the title of Supreme Ruler of Russia.

5) The White Guard Army, whose actions are indicated in the diagram, received weapons and ammunition from the Entente countries.

6) In the course of subsequent events that occurred immediately after those indicated in the diagram, the Whites managed to capture the city of Tula.

1. Determine what phenomenon

shown on the map.

2. Expand the main content

this plan.

3. What event was supposed to

the offensive will end.

4 . What is blitzkrieg?

5.Which sea is hidden under the number 1.

6 . Determine the correct judgments:

A.Participated in the war against the USSR

Finland, Germany, Italy,

Hungary, Romania.

B. Implementation of this plan

IN. For operational management

The State Defense Committee was created, headed by Zhukov.

D.The Battle of Moscow disrupted

implementation of this plan.

E. At the first stage of the war

the Soviet command chose

offensive tactics.

J.V.Stalin became the Supreme Commander-in-Chief during the war

1 .Determine the date of this

historical event.

2. Code name for this operation.

3. Commanders on both sides

in this battle.

entered….. ……….

5. Determine the correct judgments:

A. The goal of the offensive was

capture of Moscow before the offensive

Mozhaisk defense line is created

“Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat-

behind Moscow" is G.K. Zhukov.

D. Had great political significance

D. Famous 316th Rifle Division

Commanded by General I.V. Panfilov

Soviet troops (more than 1 million soldiers and


E. The victory of the Red Army near Moscow marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the Second World War.

1. When the counter-offensive of Soviet troops began near Moscow.

2 .Which fronts took part in the liberation of Moscow?

3. Which front near Moscow was commanded by G.K. Zhukov?

4. Determine the correct judgments:

The result of the December counter-offensive:

A. liquidated directly

great threat to the capital of the USSR

B. the first major defeat of the German army in World War II was inflicted

IN. the myth of invincibility dispelled

fascist army

G. The Red Army wrested the initiative from the enemy and created the conditions for launching a general offensive.

D. Japan, true to its obligations, entered the war against the USSR on the side of Germany

E. During the battle of Moscow, partisan Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya showed exceptional courage.

1. Determine the name and date of the event on the map.

2 .The name of the German operation to capture and destroy the city.

3. German general who commanded the German army.

4. Choose the correct judgments:

A . The defense of the city was entrusted to the 62nd and 64th armies.

B.U order No. 227 adopted in July 1942, the main requirement of which was “Not a step back!”

V. Fascist troops were unable to break into the city.

D. For the counter-offensive, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command created the South-Don, Steppe and Stalingrad fronts.

1.When did the offensive begin near this city?

2. Name the operations of the Red Army, as a result of which a radical turning point in the war began.

3.Name the city (number 1) where on November 23, 1942, as part of Operation Uranus, the ring closed around the 6th Army


4. Determine the correct judgments:

A. As a result of the operation, 330 thousand German soldiers and officers were surrounded.

B. According to rough estimates, the total losses of both sides in this battle exceed two million people

V. During the battle, Mamayev Kurgan passed from hand to hand several times.

D. Army Group Don, created by the Wehrmacht under the command of Manstein, unsuccessfully attempted to break the blockade of troops surrounded in the city

D. Because of this victory, Japan entered the war against the USSR on the side of Germany.

1. Code


of this military operation.

2. Determine the chronological framework of this operation.

3. Who owns the following strategic plan: “It would be better if we exhaust the enemy on our defense, knock out his tanks, and then, introducing fresh reserves, by going on a general offensive we will finally finish off the main enemy grouping.”

4. Determine the location where the famous tank battle took place.

5. The names of which famous Russian commanders were given to the operations of the Red Army, as a result of which the Oryol and Belgorod-Kharkov groups were defeated.

6. What is the main result of the counteroffensive at Kursk?

7. In honor of the liberation of which cities, on August 5, 1943, the first fireworks display of the entire war was given in Moscow?

1. The beginning of hostilities, indicated on the map by arrows.

2. Indicate the name of the city indicated on the diagram by the number “1”.

3. Indicate the name of the river indicated on the diagram by the numbers “2”.

4. Choose three correct judgments:

A. The diagram shows Operation Bagration.

B. The events indicated in the diagram occurred after the meeting of the leaders of the Big Three powers in Crimea.

B. The events indicated in the diagram led to a radical turning point during the Great Patriotic War.

D. The events indicated by arrows in this diagram lasted about six months.

D. With the end of hostilities indicated in the diagram, World War II was not yet over.

E. One of the fronts of the Red Army that participated in the events indicated in the diagram was commanded by G.K. Zhukov.

1. Name the city number 2 (Shlisselburg)

2. What is the name of the commander of the Leningrad Front during this operation?

3. Name the country whose troops took part in this operation on the side of Germany

Which three statements are correct?

1. The blockade of Leningrad was broken in January 1944.

2. The blockade was lifted during Operation Iskra in January 1945.

3. The blockade of the city lasted 900 days

4. The Leningrad and Volkhov fronts took part in the operation to lift the blockade.

5. The coordination of the actions of both fronts was carried out by representatives of the Supreme Command Headquarters, Marshal of the Soviet Union K. E. Voroshilov and Army General G. K. Zhukov. 6. During the operation to lift the blockade, the German Army Group Center was severely defeated

1. Military-political bloc, which in the mid-1960s. included the countries shaded in the diagram.

2. A country (number) that has never been part of a military bloc.

3. The name of the leader of the USSR, under whom Soviet troops were introduced into the country indicated on the diagram by the number “3”.

4.Choose the correct judgment:

1) This military-political bloc was created at the end of the Second World War.

2) This diagram reflects the split of Germany into two states.

3) The diagram shows all the countries that chose the socialist path of development for the period of the mid-1960s.

4) All countries indicated by numbers on the diagram were liberated by the Red Army during the Second World War

5) Currently, there are both military-political blocs that opposed each other during the period shown in the diagram.

6) This diagram characterizes the international situation that developed during the Cold War.

Story. Cartographic training. A guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Markin S.A.

R. on D.: 2016. - 159 p.

The manual is intended both for secondary school students when preparing for the Unified State Exam in the course of national history, and for teachers of general education institutions when organizing the study of this course, its repetition and generalization. The manual includes maps and assignments for them on all periods of Russian history, which will help students systematize their existing knowledge and, if necessary, fill in any gaps in a timely manner.
The manual is a universal aid in the process of developing and improving students’ basic cartographic knowledge, which will ensure successful passing of the Unified State Exam in history.

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Size: 45.6 MB

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Section 1. Recommendations for completing tasks on the ability to work with a historical map, diagram (B8, B9, BIO, B11)
Section 2. Training tasks
Topic 1. History of Russia from ancient times to the middle of the 9th century
Topic 2. Rus' in the second half of the 9th - early 11th centuries
Topic 3. Rus' in the 11th - first third of the 12th century
Topic 4. Russian lands in the first third of the 12th - first third of the 13th centuries
Topic 5. Rus''s struggle with foreign invaders in XIII-XTVBB
Topic 6. Rus'’s struggle for unity and independence in the KhSU-XV centuries
Topic 7. Russia in the 16th century
Topic 8. Time of Troubles (1598-1613)
Topic 9. The reign of Mikhail Fedorovich (1613-1645)
Topic 10. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-1676)
Topic 11. The reign of Fyodor Alekseevich (1676-1682) and Sofia Alekseevna (1682-1689)
Topic 12. Reign of Peter I (1689-1725)
Topic 13. Russia in the era of palace coups (1725-1762)
Topic 14. Russia during the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796) and Paul I (1796-1801)
Topic 15. Russia during the reign of Alexander I (1801-1825)
Topic 16. Russia during the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855)
Topic 17. Russia during the reign of Alexander II (1855-1881)
Topic 18. Russia during the reign of Alexander III (1881-1894)
Topic 19. Russia during the reign of Nicholas II (1894-1917)
Topic 20. The Great Russian Revolution (1917-1922)
Topic 21. USSR during the period of the new economic policy (1921-1928)
Topic 22. USSR during the period of industrialization (1929-1941)
Topic 23. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Topic 24. USSR during the period of post-war restoration of the national economy (1945-1953)
Topic 25. USSR during the “thaw” (1954-1964)
Topic 26. USSR during the period of “part” (1964-1984)
Topic 27. Perestroika in the USSR (1985-1991)
Topic 28. Russian Federation » 1991-2014.
Topics 29. Economic development of Russia in different periods
Answers to training tasks.