Synonyms for the word speak in book speech. Synonyms for "talk"

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to apostrophize someone, babble, babble, drum, bass, babble, talk, chat, mutter (to oneself), rave, throw, mumble (under one's breath), gurgle, drill, babble, be in shock, (be, be) a sign, babble, (screw, paste, utter, drop) a word, go into (details, reasoning), conduct (conversation, conversation, speech), broadcast, ornate, master the language, (grumble, mutter) (through teeth), insert, reprimand , give out, squeeze out, express, utter, blather, babble, verb, say, swallow sounds, drive (blizzard, text), bend, talk nonsense, bullshit, grumble, drone, drone, drone, drone, (hold, lead) (speech, word), prove, hammer, murmur, bend, speak (teeth, with whom), stutter (about what), pour out (like a nightingale), notice, declare, signify, go (without restraint), to expound, to utter, to express, to express oneself like pulling a collar on a horse with tongs, to scribble, burr, porridge in the mouth, croak, quack, babble, sculpt, pour water into the mill, babble, babble, blurt out, say, thresh, grind, procrastinate, to mumble, mumble, hint, not let a word be said, not master the language, talk (nonsense), bore, exchange words, let slip, turn to someone, explain, orate, respond, chip away, let go, parle, talk over, talk over, chew, exchange words, sing, squeak, squeak, weave, repeat, talk, confirm, show, flog, sentence, preach, pronounce, pronounce, preach, blow bubbles, develop a thought, spread containers, rant, talk, open your mouth, spill like a nightingale, go broke, open its mouth, crucify, spread, tell, reason, dissipate, dissolve, stretch (words), cut, resonate, drop, chop, testify, tell, creak, interview, report, speak, break with (language), pour out, lisp, yelp, ramble, chatter, repeat, text, shadow, talk, talk, push, interpret, sharpen the lasses, interpret, wag your tongue, babble, yap, pull, certify, point out, mention, assert, fenebotate, fifekt fiction, gush, squish, grunt, zinc, zinc, slurp, scratch (tongue), chirp, mumble, mumble, lisp, whisper, grunt, slap, scald, rustle, chirp, tongue itches. Ant. keep silent

What's happened SPEAK, SPEAK this is the meaning of the word SPEAK, origin (etymology) SPEAK, synonyms for SPEAK, paradigm (word forms) SPEAK in other dictionaries

+ SPEAK- T.F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative

Don't claim what you don't know. What are you talking about (bringing)? He spoke very sympathetically about this project. “He is only zealous to talk and talk.” Salt. “How many times have I stuttered to tell him from afar to forgive me...” Ven. His tongue itches (wants to speak). Much has been said, but little has been said. Speak eloquently, eloquently, fluently, smoothly. “He just flared up, and he went off without restraint.” Makarov. // Explains in all languages, speaks all languages. She babbles somehow in French. They started shouting in Tatar. Speak to someone, address someone, apostrophize someone. He speaks as if he were grunting (like dragging a collar on a horse with pincers), he drawls slowly, drawls out his words, mumbles. “We now,” he boomed with a sad, mocking tone, “can say that we have lost everything except honor.” Pisemsk. ..

Cm. talk, assert

took up the tug, don’t say: not hefty, it was said, in other words, a master of speaking, without saying a bad word, there’s nothing to say, there’s nothing to say...



To express, to utter, to expound, to express, to say, to utter, to pronounce, to say, to say, to reason, to interpret, to affirm, to repeat, to repeat; rant, resonate, develop a thought, spread, go into detail (reasoning), orate, orate, hold (conduct) a speech (word), preach, speak, broadcast; drum, jabber, rave, babble, babble, mutter (to oneself), grumble through teeth, whisper, mumble, pull, mutter through teeth; to make noise; screw in (paste in) a word.

It rolled off the tongue. You shouldn’t even mention it, open your mouth, or make a sound; he did not utter a single word, did not utter (did not drop) a word. He doesn't let anyone say a word. Speak without hesitation, without beating around the bush, directly (Prot.). .

Don't claim what you don't know. What are you talking about (bringing)? He spoke very sympathetically about this project. “He is only zealous to talk and talk.” Salt. “How many times have I stuttered to tell him from afar to forgive me...” Ven. His tongue itches (wants to speak). Much has been said, but little has been said. Speak eloquently, eloquently, fluently, smoothly. “He just flared up, and he went off without restraint.” Makarov. // Explains in all languages, speaks all languages. She babbles somehow in French. They started shouting in Tatar. Speak to someone, address someone, apostrophize someone. He speaks as if he were grunting (like dragging a collar on a horse with pincers), he drawls slowly, drawls out his words, mumbles. “We now,” he boomed with a sad, mocking tone, “can say that we have lost everything except honor.” Pisemsk. ..

See talk, assert

took up the tug, don’t say: not hefty, it was said, in other words, a master of speaking, without saying a bad word, there’s nothing to say, there’s nothing to say...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999 .


to apostrophize someone, babble, babble, drum, bass, babble, talk, chat, mutter (to oneself), rave, throw, mumble (under one's breath), gurgle, drill, babble, be in shock, (be, be) a sign, babble, (screw, paste, utter, drop) a word, go into (details, reasoning), conduct (conversation, conversation, speech), broadcast, ornate, master the language, (grumble, mutter) (through teeth), insert, reprimand , give out, squeeze out, express, utter, blather, babble, verb, say, swallow sounds, drive (blizzard, text), bend, talk nonsense, bullshit, grumble, drone, drone, drone, drone, (hold, lead) (speech, word), prove, hammer, murmur, bend, speak (teeth, with whom), stutter (about what), pour out (like a nightingale), notice, declare, signify, go (without restraint), to expound, to utter, to express, to express oneself like pulling a collar on a horse with tongs, to scribble, burr, porridge in the mouth, croak, quack, babble, sculpt, pour water into the mill, babble, babble, blurt out, say, thresh, grind, procrastinate, to mumble, mumble, hint, not let a word be said, not master the language, talk (nonsense), bore, exchange words, let slip, turn to someone, explain, orate, respond, chip away, let go, parle, talk over, talk over, chew, exchange words, sing, squeak, squeak, weave, repeat, talk, confirm, show, flog, sentence, preach, pronounce, pronounce, preach, blow bubbles, develop a thought, spread containers, rant, talk, open your mouth, spill like a nightingale, go broke, open its mouth, crucify, spread, tell, reason, dissipate, dissolve, stretch (words), cut, resonate, drop, chop, testify, tell, creak, interview, report, speak, break with (language), pour out, lisp, yelp, ramble, chatter, repeat, text, shadow, talk, talk, push, interpret, sharpen the lasses, interpret, wag your tongue, babble, yap, pull, certify, point out, mention, assert, fenebotate, fifekt fiction, gush, squish, grunt, zinc, zinc, slurp, scratch (tongue), chirp, mumble, mumble, lisp, whisper, grunt, slap, scald, rustle, chirp, tongue itches. Ant. keep silent

Dictionary of Russian synonyms.


1. express, explain; to express oneself, to speak (outdated)

/ too much: rant, spread (decomposition)

/ a lot and eloquently: to rant, orate (decomposition iron.); spill (or to fill) with a nightingale (decomposition joking And iron.); to ruin, to ruin, to dissolve (simple iron.); floridate (outdated book, Now iron.)

/ quickly, smartly: to scald (simple)

cm. Also

2. pronounce; blather (simple neglected); utter, broadcast (outdated, Now joking And iron.)

/ casually: notice, drop, throw

/ interrupting someone else's speech: insert; screw in (decomposition)

/ What -l. unexpected, inappropriate: let go (decomposition); break off, bend, give out (simple)

/ nonsense: fence, weave, carry (decomposition); grind (simple)

Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. - M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 .


Ch. nesov.




Explain yourself

speak a foreign language (to one degree or another))






express thoughts orally)








Breeding containers

Sharpen the laces

Tongue scratching

Wag your tongue

Carry on a conversation

Have a conversation

Talk over



communicate with someone verbally)







Dictionary of Russian synonyms. Context 5.0 - Informatics. 2012.


See what “talk” is in other dictionaries:

    TO SPEAK, to say what, speeches, to say, to broadcast, to utter, to babble, to rant, to babble, to gold, to talk, Vologda. talk, pronounce words; express your thoughts; communicate through oral speech, the gift of speech. | Narrate, write in an essay, in a book... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    SPEAK, I say, you speak, not true. 1. without additional use, master oral speech. The child begins to speak in the second year from birth. He doesn't speak from birth. || Be able to use spoken language in any language. I speak fluently... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SPEAK- Talking in a dream with an invisible face - in reality you can lose a close friend as a result of sudden death. Talking to the dead means danger awaits you, and illness awaits your loved ones. Talking to a fool means becoming a victim of a hoax... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

    SPEAK, ryu, rysh; renny (yon, ena); imperfect 1. To be proficient in oral speech, to be proficient in some form. tongue. The child does not speak yet. G. in Russian. 2. what, about whom (what) and with the conjunction “what”. Verbally express thoughts, communicate. G. the truth. G. slowly. G. with a big... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    speak- To speak, this verb can be either transitive or intransitive, that is, it can be followed by a noun (He spoke a lie), or it may not be (He spoke for a very long time). It seems simple. And this verb would not have made it into our... ... Dictionary of Russian language errors

    speak- (not) say a bad word verbalization (not) say a bad word verbalization nonsense speak verbalization stupidity speak verbalization stupidity say verbalization says voice action, subject speaks male voice action... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Verb., nsv., used. max. often Morphology: I say, you say, he/she/it says, we speak, you speak, they speak, speak, speak, spoke, spoke, spoke, spoke, speaking, speaking, spoken, speaking; St. say 1.… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    Ryu, rish; spoken; ren, rena, reno; nsv. 1. Use, master oral speech; have the ability to speak. The child begins to speak in the second year of life. Teach Mr. * He fished for thirty years and three years and never heard a fish speak... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

to express, to express, to set out, to express, to say, to pronounce, to pronounce, to say, to tell, to reason, to interpret, to affirm, to repeat, to repeat; rant, resonate, develop a thought, spread, go into detail (reasoning), orate, orate, hold (conduct) a speech (word), preach, speak, broadcast; drum, jabber, rave, babble, babble, mutter (to oneself), grumble through teeth, whisper, mumble, pull, mutter through teeth; to make noise; screw in (paste in) a word. It rolled off the tongue. You shouldn’t even mention it, open your mouth, or make a sound; he did not utter a single word, did not utter (did not drop) a word. He doesn't let anyone say a word. Speak without hesitation, without beating around the bush, directly (Prot.). Wed. . Don't claim what you don't know. What are you talking about (bringing)? He spoke very sympathetically about this project. “He is only zealous to talk and talk.” Salt. “How many times have I stuttered to tell him from afar to forgive me...” Ven. His tongue itches (wants to speak). Much has been said, but little has been said. Speak eloquently, eloquently, fluently, smoothly. “He just flared up, and he went off without restraint.” Makarov. // Explains in all languages, speaks all languages. She babbles somehow in French. They started shouting in Tatar. Speak to someone, address someone, apostrophize someone. He speaks as if he were grunting (like dragging a collar on a horse with pincers), he drawls slowly, drawls out his words, mumbles. “We now,” he boomed with a sad, mocking tone, “can say that we have lost everything except honor.” Pisemsk. Prot. . Wed. . See talk, assert || took up the tug, don’t say: not hefty, it was said, in other words, a master of speaking, without saying a bad word, there’s nothing to say, there’s nothing to say