Sinkwine on the topic of local conflicts in space. Rules for writing syncwine

"What is conflict? The reasons for its occurrence"

Prepared and carried out

educational psychologist Chernyakova M.Yu.

2014-2015 academic year

Target: Form an understanding of the nature of conflicts

Tools: Paper, markers, paper pads, stickers, white sheets for snowflakes, small basket

Organizing time

Greetings. Information about yourself.

“I -..., I love...”

Participants are invited to talk about themselves and their hobbies.

Main part

1. “What is conflict”

Participants are asked to write down definitions of conflict (“Conflict is...”) on small sheets of paper. After this, the sheets with answers are placed in an improvised “conflict basket” (box) and mixed. The presenter takes turns taking out pieces of paper and reading out what is written, pinning the pieces of paper on the board. In this way, we can come to a definition of the conflict.

Conflict is a contradiction, a clash of opposing views, interests, points of view, and forms of behavior. A disagreement between people, fraught with serious consequences for them, difficulties in establishing normal relationships.

If conflict is food, what kind?

And if transport, what kind?

Conflict is an animal...

A plant that looks like conflict -...

If conflict can be colored, then what color?

Conflicts have two sides - negative and positive. Conflicts in life are inevitable if people have their own position and are not mindless performers. There are no conflicts only when all people are the same, like robots: they think the same, feel the same, live without quarrels. It must be remembered that on almost any issue, different people have different views. People are different! These differences are natural and normal.

2. Determine the causes of conflicts in your microgroups.

Bottom line: - so, what leads to conflict? (inability to communicate, inability to cooperate and lack of positive affirmation of the other’s personality. It’s like an iceberg, a small, visible part of which – the conflict – is above the water, and three components are under the water.)

3. « Proverbs about friendship" continue the phrase and think about whether you agree with the statement: if “yes,” stand next to the card with the word “YES,” if “no,” stand next to the card with the word “NO.” If you find it difficult to answer, there is a card with a “?!” sign, but this card can be used no more than 2 times!:

-Don’t have 100 rubles, but...
- An old friend is better...
-If you don’t have a friend, look, but...
-A friend gets to know...

-The one who is your friend is the one who shares your troubles, not the one... (who just celebrates with you)

- Friendship is friendship, but tobacco... (apart)

Which proverb is not a statement about true friendship?

4. A conflict situation, and especially with a friend, always causes unfavorable emotions, a bad mood... and this, unfortunately, can lead to other conflicts. Let's remember the statement “If you want to solve a problem, change your attitude towards it.” So…

"Change of Accents"

Think of a not-so-severe conflict or minor problem and write it down on a piece of paper in one sentence. Then, instead of the consonants used in this sentence, insert the letter "X" and completely rewrite the sentence.

Read the result in a circle, without naming your problem: (for example: hoheha....)

Question: What has changed?

"A or B"

Divide into pairs, take seats opposite each other, and decide who will be A and who will be B in each pair.

Think of one long word or two-word phrase. Now A, on the count of three, they begin to quickly and loudly repeat their invented words... And now group B does the same... I ask you to answer the questions:

- Was it easy to understand what your comrades were saying?

-What feelings did this polyphony evoke in you?

5. Analysis of situations.

Everyday situation for everyone:

c) You were sold a defective product. You noticed a marriage at home. What will you do?

You saw that not only do we react differently in different conflict situations; Even in the same situation, our reaction may be different.

6. Exercise “Answer with a smile.”

You can get around the conflict if you respond with a smile. People with a sense of humor rarely conflict, and if they do argue, it is always pleasant, with a joke, a smile (not with sarcasm, evil irony, but with a kind, witty joke).

Let's play out a situation where you need to smile, joke, and prevent an argument from becoming a conflict.

Situation: On the bus, you accidentally stepped on the foot of the person standing next to you. Your actions?

7. Exercise “Snowflakes”. Its algorithm:

    Silently take the piece of paper.

    Fold it in half.

    Tear off the top right corner.

    Fold in half again.

    Tear off the upper right corner again.

    Fold in half again.

    And tear off the upper right corner again.

    Unfold the piece of paper and show your “work of art” to your classmates.

Reflection .

Notice how different your snowflakes turned out! Although a clear algorithm of actions was given. Why did this happen? (Children's answers).

And if all snowflakes were the same, the world would be boring and unchanged. So conflicts play a vital role in the life of an individual, the development of a family, the life of a school, any organization, state, society and humanity as a whole. To some extent, they are even necessary for the development of the situation and relationships, for the growth of the individual, otherwise stagnation may occur.

8. Compose a syncwine on the topic “Conflict”:

Line 1 – defining wordCONFLICT

Line 2 – two adjectives;

Line 3 – three verbs;

Line 4 – statement (phrase of four words)

Line 5 is a synonym for the defining word.

9. Summing up the lesson, reflection:

Today we talked about what accompanies us throughout our lives, from the moment of birth to old age - we talked about conflict. And what changes it will make in our lives, how it can influence it depends only on us. And we also talked a little about this today. If you are interested in this topic and want to learn how to properly resolve controversial situations, I invite you to further classes and will be very glad to see you!

If this topic is relevant to you and you learned a lot today,On the command “three-four” you will raise your thumb; if not, then lower your thumb down. And so “three - four”


Test “Do you know how to control yourself in a conflict situation?”

1. Can you break dishes in a fit of rage?

A. Yes, it is possible.
B. Well, if you provoke me, then absolutely.
V. No, this will only worsen the situation, and it’s a shame for the dishes.

2. Discussions in which participants have different opinions...

A. Not needed.
B. Unfortunately, they are necessary.
B. They don’t give anything.

3. Two friends started a heated discussion.

A. I will stay away.
B. It will entertain me.
B. I’ll try to be a mediator.

4. What do you think about the saying “The smartest one always inferiors”?

A. Nonsense is an excuse not for the smart, but for the weak.
B. Such tactics can save many nerve cells.
Q. Before you give in, you need to think things through.

5. Your friend has been very irritated for several days.

A. I’ll ask what happened.
B. I will ask him (her) to be restrained.
B. I will avoid communicating with him (her).

6. At the next table in a cafe, someone makes tactless remarks about you.

A. I will fight back.
B. I will move to another table,
Q. I don't care.

results. Calculate the number of points using the table.

6-9 points

You attach great importance to the harmony of relationships and therefore try to resolve conflicts peacefully. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Sometimes a “thunderstorm” is needed to defuse the atmosphere.

10-14 points

You never give in to provocation, and therefore it is almost impossible to get angry. Before starting an argument, you always try to assess the situation. If a quarrel breaks out, you maintain enviable composure.

15-18 points

In any situation, clarity is most important to you. And you will achieve it at any cost, sometimes even through conflict. And, of course, sometimes you can be too emotional.

SINQWAIN is a five-line verse
The ability to summarize information, to express complex ideas, feelings and perceptions in a few words is an important skill. It requires thoughtful reflection based on a rich conceptual stock.

A cinquain is a poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in brief terms, which allows you to describe or reflect on any occasion.
The word cinquain comes from a French word that means five. Thus, a cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines. When you introduce students to syncwines, first explain to them how such poems are written. Then give some examples (below are some syncwines). After this, invite the group to write several syncwines. For some people, writing syncwines will be difficult at first. An effective means of introducing syncwines is to divide the group into pairs. Name the theme for the syncwine. Each participant will be given 5-7 minutes to write a syncwine. Then he will turn to his partner and from two syncwines they will make one, with which both will agree. This will give them the opportunity to talk about why they wrote and re-examine the topic critically. In addition, this method will require participants to listen to each other and extract ideas from others' writings that they can relate to their own. Then the whole group will be able to familiarize themselves with paired syncwines. If overhead projectors are available, it is useful to show a couple of syncwines. Each of them can be represented by both authors. This could spark further discussion.

Synquains are a fast and powerful tool for reflecting, synthesizing and summarizing concepts and information. It is important to do these exercises systematically, purposefully and with clear pedagogical goals.
When this is done, learning and thinking become a transparent process accessible to everyone. There will be no mysterious or subtle processes that only those who are lucky will be able to notice. When processes become transparent, students not only learn content, but also learn how to learn.

Cinquain is a poem consisting of five lines in which a person expresses his attitude to a problem.

The order of writing a syncwine:

  • The first line is one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine.
  • The second line is two adjectives characterizing this sentence.
  • The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.
  • The fourth line is a short sentence in which the author expresses his attitude.
  • The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings, associations associated with this concept.

Examples of syncwines

Cold, indifferent
Looks out, looks out, gets ready
Shoots accurately without hesitation

Sharp, cruel
Squinting, he takes aim - he needs to be in time
Your path is death

Young, tired, sharp

Suffering, killing, thinking

War be damned!


Thoughtful and faithful.
Reject, prefer.
Complex and important to me.

Complex, necessary.
Do, think, weigh.
Everyone needs it.

Free, responsible.
Does, indicates, decides.
Life is a series of choices.

Responsible and honest.
Think about it, decide.
There is always a choice.

Installed and tough.
They control, they restrain, they allow.
They follow me everywhere.

Necessary and obligatory.
They regulate, restrain, help.
They take care of every person.

Terrible, irreconcilable.
Destroys, insults, kills.
Often unavoidable for me.

Difficult and insoluble.
Destroys, spoils, kills.

Private, unpleasant.
Litters, angers, divides.
Can't live without him.

Private, public.
To provoke, irritate, quarrel.
Conflicts in life cannot be avoided.

Inevitable and obligatory.
Pursues, demands, forces.
Lies for my actions.

Civil, criminal.
Overtakes, limits, forces.
All actions must be answered.


Important and necessary.

Sorts, reconciles, helps.

Plays on my feelings.


Old and strong.

Respect, understand, appreciate.

We are of the same blood - you and me.

“Conflicts in the field of management” - The concept of organizational and managerial conflict. No. Conditioned by both objective and subjective circumstances. Conflicts between political and state-administrative (group and individual) subjects (structures). Reaction to a conflict situation. Classification of types of public administration.

“Conflicts” - Define the concept of conflict. Goal: You: a). don't interfere; b). speak briefly; V). actively interfere. Take courage if circumstances require you to speak out on principle, regardless of faces. Rules for writing syncwine: Henry Taylor. You: a). indifferent; b). don’t hide your annoyance; V). I'll lose my mood for a long time.

“Social conflict” - Basic social processes. Types of conflicts. Basketball match. Conflict resolution – changing conflict behavior, ending the incident. Conditions for conflict resolution. By areas of activity: Economic Political Ideological Ethnic Religious Household, etc. 8. Does not apply to methods of resolving social conflicts... a) ignoring b) mediation c) arbitration d) compromise.

“Human conflict” - step 9 Assessing the motives of the parties. Intervention by third parties. Objective factors of conflicts. Forms an attitude towards the acceptability of violent actions. Interactionism role conflict. Joint decision. Loss of motive to fight. Causes of conflicts. Then comes leveling, or adaptation.

“Conflicts between people” - Competition Avoiding conflict Cooperation Adaptation Compromise. Conflict management. Basic forms of human interaction. Dysfunctional (destructive). The main causes of conflicts. Methods for resolving organizational conflicts. Commitment to conflict. Structural. Common purpose and needs for belonging to a group.

“Conflicts at school” - Understanding by members of the pedagogical council of the main causes of conflict situations. Discussion of the draft decision of the pedagogical council. Result from the group: 3-4 typical conflict situations that I would like to sort out. Work in groups. Conclusion. Speech by O.Yu. Pshenichnaya “Creating a teacher’s information environment.”

There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic