Comic lessons for homecoming evening. Competitions for Homecoming Evening

The main thing for a person is not money, but, naturally, happiness. Therefore, if a person is an elder, then the world is already turned upside down for him, sorry, upside down. And then, when the only one who is unknown will be white, so he, the only one who is unknown, will already be like a pockmarked one!
Film "Chasing Two Hares"

The article is primarily devoted to carrying out alumni meetings. However, it can also be useful in preparing for other events related to learning - various holidays at school, international student day (November 17), Tatiana's day (January 25 - traditional Student Day in the CIS countries), "slide", the end of the exam, sessions, ... Oh, how many reasons can students alone find! 🙂

Many of us are graduates of at least one educational institution - school, school/college, university, etc. And this means that from time to time the most active among us ask ourselves the question - how to gather people, whether it is necessary to prepare entertainment or do without it, and in general - is it worth dealing with this issue or maybe, well... - let others do it?

I think we should start with the last, most important question on this list - “To be or not to be?” On the one hand - why Me? After all, I, too, have a lot of worries and troubles of my own... But on the other hand, think about the fact that if each of us shifts the worry of organizing the meeting to others without making our contribution to its preparation, the meeting will never take place. This doesn't mean you need to take on all the worries yourself. The main thing is to organize the process. Think about how to fairly distribute responsibilities among party participants. For example, some are engaged in notifying graduates, others are engaged in finding a suitable institution and renting transport (if necessary), others are preparing an entertainment program (including music and photos), etc. and so on.

An example of an excellent organization of a meeting for me is the meeting of graduates of our university group (10 years). My classmate Zhenya took over the main organization, for which we all bow to him and thank him. About a month before the meeting, he compiled a list of our classmates with contacts (phone, e-mail, skype), which he collected with our help, as well as thanks to the presence of social networks in our lives. I created a group on Odnoklassniki, in which we collectively discussed where, how and when we would meet, and also unanimously convinced those who were intractable to go to the meeting. As a result, it was possible to gather most of the graduates - many came from other cities and even countries.

Now about the entertainment. If you wish, you can come up with a huge variety of options to diversify the meeting. As one of the options, I can suggest having a fun nerd party. You don’t need to worry about a suit for a long time: boys put on a checkered shirt, suspenders, glasses, comb their hair neatly, girls wear short dresses, braid their hair or just tie bows and that’s it – the image of a diligent (or almost diligent:)) student is ready!

A good option for entertainment at an alumni meeting can be in the form of a comic exam. It is suitable for both a nerd party and simply to liven up the atmosphere. To do this, you need to come up with a series of fun questions, print them out and cut them up. Each participant draws a ticket and answers it. Any questions of a personal nature such as “What have you achieved in life?”, “What position do you hold?” etc. and so on. are strictly prohibited.

Here is an example of comic exam cards for meeting classmates:

Ticket No. 1
Discipline: Biology

Does it belong to the legume family?

a) SpongeBob
b) Bob Marley
c) Beans
d) Beavers

Ticket No. 2
Discipline: Mathematics

What is 2*2?

a) We didn’t go through this, we weren’t asked this
b) Feelings suggest that 4
c) 100 pounds 5
d) The question is complicated, I can’t calculate it without a calculator

Ticket No. 3
Discipline: Literature

What is the name of the famous work by A.S. Griboyedov?

a) Happiness comes from the mind
b) Woe from mind
c) Woe from lack of intelligence
d) Happiness from an overabundance of the mind

Ticket No. 4
Discipline: Literature

Can you name the killer Mumu?

a) Fredy Krueger
b) Rodion Raskolnikov
c) Janitor Gerasim
d) Chikatilo

Ticket No. 5
Discipline: Chemistry

Who invented the periodic table

a) Michurin
b) Krylov
c) Mendeleev
d) Pavlov

Ticket No. 6
Discipline: Physics

Name the famous physicist?

a) Marilyn Manson
b) Mike Tyson
c) Isaac Newton
d) Sergey Shnurov

Ticket No. 7
Discipline: Geography

Largest ocean?

a) Quiet
b) Loud
c) Noisy
d) Inaudible

Ticket No. 8
Discipline: Physics

The most popular ball game in the world?

a) Baseball
b) Football
c) Handball
d) Letterball

Ticket No. 9
Discipline: English

How to translate "girl" into English?

a) E table
b) E pensl
c) Dude
d) Girl

Ticket No. 10
Discipline: Anatomy

A person is 70% composed of:

Officially, alumni meetings are held on the first Saturday of February, but each class/group may have its own traditions - some celebrate in the spring, some in the summer, some at the first call, and some do not attend such events at all...

I think many will agree with me that the older we get, the harder it is to “raise” us. This is understandable, because each of us becomes overwhelmed by everyday worries, over time our social circle changes, and meeting former classmates no longer becomes as desirable as at the beginning. Don't be a snob and a bore, find opportunities to meet with your old friends and acquaintances. Come to the meeting in a good mood, have a blast and you will become several years younger, you can be sure of it!

Have fun and unforgettable meetings! 🙂

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Physical education lesson scenario.
For each correct answer - a token, at the end a summing up, presentation of medals!
Teacher: Hello dear graduates! I'm your new teacher. My name is__________
- Using modern super-innovative technologies, I have developed a multi-integrated lesson using physical education and music lessons. The topic of our lesson: “School day"
- What do you think we will do today? Students:...(answer)
Teacher: Yes, of course, and the main goal of our lesson is to get a good mood and a boost of energy for the whole year. And for this we need:
- a sea of ​​imagination, a bowl of skills, is everyone ready?
Teacher: And let's start our lesson with the most interesting thing, with a warm-up. And so you now carefully execute the commands:
- Class, level up, at attention, at ease!
- Class right, left, around - 2 times. March in place with your left foot, stand in place 1-2.
Teacher: Yes, you did this task very well, but now you are given a very difficult task. To start completing the task, pay for the first and second. The first number is 4 steps forward, the second one is in place. The first number is all around.
Now listen carefully: you need to line up in ranks according to the size of your legs, starting with the smallest one who is faster. Ready, march.
- by hair color, starting with the lightest;
- by eye color, starting with the darkest;
- across the width of the shoulders, starting with the widest;
- by the number of hairs on the head, starting with the hairiest.
Teacher: It’s very nice that today there are smart students in our lesson. Well, now it’s not enough - an outdoor game. We will all now line up in one line, according to height. And you will carry out the tasks that I will show, and I will say something else, whoever makes a mistake takes a step forward, and at the end of the game, we will see who is the most attentive. The one who remains in place will be the most attentive. Ready, let's start.
- I say (hands to the sides), show (hands on the belt),
- I say (hands up), show (hands down),
- I say (tilt to the left), show (tilt forward),
- I say (hands on the belt), show (hands on the shoulders),
- I say (sit down), show (jump on one leg)
- I say (lean forward), show (turn around)
- I say (hands behind the head), show (arms along the body).
Teacher: Well, you are just great. And here’s another interesting game: “Throw, catch, tell me which one.”
Let's all stand in a circle, I will throw the ball and name the object. Having caught it, you throw it back, calling what it is. For example, mom is kind, the ball is rubber.
It is advisable not to repeat adjectives. Ready, let's start.
Teacher: Well, now, the most interesting part of the lesson is the musical part. You and I will do a musical warm-up, try to repeat after me the movements to the music.
Music is playing.
Teacher: You worked a lot today and some of you showed excellent knowledge and now we will sum up the results and present medals. Presentation of medals according to nominations.

Fun lesson

Teacher: Dear Guys! So the long-awaited day has come... You, your mothers and fathers, your brothers and sisters have been waiting for it for a long time...

Look how brightly the sun shines today, how many flowers and smiles there are around, and all this is for you. Now you are not just girls and boys, from today you are students...

Do you remember these words?

With these words eleven years ago I began your first lesson in my life. How quickly time flies on the school clock (referring to the clock on the blackboard).

Remember the yellow autumn,

When you came to first grade,

And the first autumn bell rings

It rang for the first time for you.

Your mothers straightened your bows,

Tears falling from my eyes,

You dreamed of studying with excellence,

And me?... And I just believed in you.

Thank you very much, dear guys, for being kind and sincere.

Thank you for being able to listen, understand, please, love and simply for being my students... I also learned a lot from you...

I will forever remember you today - happy, beautiful, grown-up, confident, and I will also remember you like this:


- Today we welcome 11th grade. It's their last call day. School years are behind us. There are exams and graduation ahead. We wish everyone good luck, good grades, and a great mood. Do you remember how your school life began?

The music of the song “What they teach at school” sounds


How many times have you dreamed about first class?

In September the dream came true.

In the morning we put on our uniforms,

We took new briefcases

And we went for the first time

To our school

To first grade!


Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Your hand is still in my hand

Your teacher.


It happens your first

Your own memorable class!

Students (in unison ):


1. One simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

When you were seven years old.

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

2. To one simple school,

Or maybe not school,

Or maybe not simple

Your mothers brought you.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought you anyway.

3.You stood for half an hour,

Or maybe they didn’t stand

With Portraits, with flowers,

Under the sun and in the shade.

Or maybe not your class,

Or maybe not to school

They brought you anyway.

Yes, once you sat at these desks for the first time, and the hands of the school clock froze at the very first division (the clock hand is placed on the “Start” division)…

Do you remember what your first morning at school was like?

Which fairy-tale characters were waiting for you in this class?

What were your favorite lessons? Why?

What interesting stories happened to you in elementary school?

Teacher (against the background of a lyrical melody, moving the clock hands in accordance with the meaning of the poem)

You can remember for a very long time with a feeling of tenderness and tenderness what happened in this class when you were kids... But it’s time for us to hurry. Do you hear the clock striking? They are counting down the last minutes of your school life...

The clock is fast, its pace is inexorable,

It is impossible to slow down their arrows.

How long the school journey seemed

And everything about him seemed so complicated.

But first class is a thing of the past,

You have attained wisdom and knowledge.

At the “Farewell to the ABC” holiday I looked at you

And I thought: “They have become very big.”

The second grade also flew by like a bird,

And only the hours of those days were noticed,

We had so many interesting things to do,

And you decorated things with yourself.

There was a third grade, a fourth grade changed the spring,

I think that he left good things in his memory,

Together we learned to be friends, create, dream,

We learned a lot of rules.

And here is the final final milestone;

Invisible arrows ran by...

I look at you now and say:

I can't believe it! What adults you have become!

Teacher: Today we have a test: mini-lessons, a fun competition.

Teacher: Guys, let's remember what lessons we had?

Literacy training.

The first lesson is reading and the Russian language.



At first we didn’t know the letters

Mothers read fairy tales to us.

And now we read for ourselves -

Fairy tales have become friends with us!


Reading is a wonderful lesson!

Whether this story is silent,

We teach them, they teach us.


And dad was surprised:

“After all, you read a funny

story and didn’t even laugh!”


The letters dazzled in my eyes.

It's not like laughing here

It was time to cry.

First I'll learn to read,

And then I’ll laugh!

11th graders: Come up with a rhyme for the words:


Come up with a couplet...Who can do more in one minute?

3rd graders Guess the fairy tale.

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy.

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I wish I could eat a pie! (Masha and the Bear)

Our girl is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,

She's shedding tears, poor thing. (Snow Maiden)

There is no river, no pond,

To drink water

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Russian language.


You will be a great student,

If you start writing with a capital letter,

And take it into account

End the sentence with a period.


I really want the guys

Grow up quickly...

We already know how to speak

Find the accent.

    Find a word that cannot be hyphenated:

    Mark sounds in words with colored dots:

    3rd grade -JULIA

Grade 11- long-necked

Game "One-many"

3rd grade:raft-...(RAFTS)

I1 class:bridge -...(BRIDGES)

3rd grade:hand -...(HANDS)

I1 class:flour -...

3rd grade:window -... (WINDOWS)

II class:movie -....

3rd grade:Greek -... (GREEKS)

II class:person people)

Find a new word in the word (one at a time)

3rd grade:dew - wasp, sneak - food, fluff - shock

I1 class:trouble - food, luck - country house, fisherman - fish.

3rd grade clap when they hear the sound “A”

11th grade claps if they hear the sound “E” (there is no such sound) stomp if they don’t hear “A”


Teacher: In what lesson did we learn to count, solve problems and examples?

The second lesson is mathematics.


Both beautiful and strong

mathematics country.

Work is in full swing here:

everyone is counting something:

How much coal do blast furnaces need?

How about chocolate for the kids?

How many stars are there in the sky?

And freckles on your noses?

So that as a doctor, a sailor

or become a pilot

First of all, we must

know mathematics.

And there is no profession in the world...

Notice, friends,

Wherever we need it


Exercise 1. Puzzles with numbers:

O 5 (again)

40 A (forty)

3 BUNA (tribune)

1 OKIY (lonely)

KO 100 CHKA (bone)

PO 100 VOY (guard)

Who can count faster by showing the numbers in squares?


G. Ostera

3rd grade : If baby Kuzya is weighed together with his grandmother, the result will be 59 kg. If you weigh grandma without Kuzya, you get 54 kg. How much does Kuzya weigh without his grandmother? (5 kg)

I1 class : Pupils of one school make sure that water is not wasted, and therefore

half of the students at this school come to school with unwashed faces. The other half comes with unwashed hands. How many students are there in this school?
if every day 290 boys and 46 girls come with unwashed faces?
290 +46=336 336x2=772

3rd grade : The wolf invited 3 piglets, 7 kids and 1 Red to his birthday

A cap. How many delicious guests did the wolf invite to his birthday?

(11 guests)

I1 class : The speed of an arrow fired from the bow of Ivan Tsarevich is 50 km/h.

The arrow flew to the Frog Princess in 2 hours. How many hours will it take Ivan the Tsarevich to get to his bride if his speed is 5 km/h?

50 * 2 = 100 km 100: 5 = 20 h

Before we find out what happens next, let's play! I offer a fragment of the game "Ustamimbaby"

Guess what it is: Everyone loves them... . Everyone eats on them... When everyone indulges. . . Both adults and children have them. . . . This is when they sweep erasers across the floor. .

When it starts, everyone flies out screaming, and when it ends, they fly back in... . (turn)

I'm announcing a change.Game "Dwarves - Giants"

If I say “dwarfs,” the third graders stand in a circle holding hands.
If I say “giants” -11th graders
(Who is faster?)

Exercisegets more complicated: listen to music and command.

If first-graders are lined up in a circle, the giants run, crossing the circle under the kids’ gates and vice versa. The music stops and the gates slam shut. Those who are trapped take their seats.

You will relax, and the first graders will sing ditties.


1. We are seven-year-old boys, 3. We have lessons every day, 6. Vasya was late for school,

2. We will overcome all sciences, 11. We are already finishing first grade, 12. We will rest during the summer,

13. We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us.

7. Trained monkeys 8. We asked Ring: 9. Once upon a time, teacher Lyuse

Olya saw it. - Where did you get the two? He explained that knowledge is light.

10. Lena finished her work 4. I learned to distinguish 5. Dad solved a problem for me,

The exam is a joke for graduates.

We repeat together at the end of each line: “And me!”

Parents and first graders help!

Today I woke up... (And me!)

I washed my face... (Yay!)

I brushed my teeth... (Me too!)

I had breakfast... (Me too!)

I went to school... (Me too!)

I saw a dog on the road... (Me too!)

Laughed at her antics... (Me too!)

I watched a bird on a branch... (Me too!)

The bird looked like a crocodile... (And me!)

Teacher: Also, please accept a parting gift from me and my current students.
Childhood toys.



Do you remember me? I'm your Malvina!
You loved to play with me as a child:

Animals were sculpted from plasticine

And together we learned to dream...

When you leave childhood, it’s time to leave,

But just promise me now

That in your dreams you will return to me

And still believe in good fairy tales.


The ball is red, yellow, blue.

How you chased me!

You smacked me with your hand,

Sometimes he stomped his feet,

But I forgave you everything,
I didn't feel any pain.

You grew up with me

And he became a great athlete!

Don't forget me

Score goals more accurately!



Then you will be magical

Everything around seemed

Hero from good books

Your true friend.

I am Aibolit from a fairy tale,

There is a lot I want to say today:

Believe in goodness as before

Always be brave

And it will be so beautiful

Your path to adult life.


I'm your magic pencil

You took me in your hands more than once,

And came to life on the sheet

Your dreams in all their glory.

Don't forget about me

Create masterpieces of adult life!



I'll tell you in your ear -

I am Indirochka's toy.

When you were naughty or very sad,

Mom brought me to you.

You pressed me tightly to your cheek,

The comb flashed in your fist.

Forgetting about everything, you smiled at me,

I stayed with you for many years.

But why is your vision now clouded?

Tears sparkle in your gray eyes.

Just like when I was a child, now I’m with you again,

Go into a great life with a light soul.


You really loved to play with boats,

Streams were represented as seas.

Today it's time to sail away from childhood

Your frigate is at the pier.

I’ve come to see you off into adulthood.

The sailor from that toy yacht.

Fearlessly, like in childhood, swim only forward,

The cards are already prepared...


I am Chapi, a stuffed dog.

My mistress Zubova Katya.

We had a good time spending time with her,

She knew how to make loyal friends.

She rocked me, always caressed me

And she never offended me.

I wish Katya to maintain her loyalty to her friends,

To be just as sweet and caring.


You are like a warm summer fairy tale:

Just as bright, just as light...

No, no, Zhuldyz doesn’t have tears in her eyes right now,

This is a crystal morning dewdrop.

Do you remember me? I'm your parrot

You held me in your little fingers.

I sorted through the fluffy feathers,

I scratched my teeth with bright rings.

I'm flying to another little girl,

But I remember you, my dear fairy!

Teddy bear:

I'm your favorite bear.

From the country where I live

You have grown a lot. And today

I’m taking you from childhood...

Give warmth to others, let it

It flows from the heart,

And may your soul

She remains the same kind.

The wooden horses galloped away,

The paper steamers sailed away.

We know

What about the first failure?

It's just worth it

You just have to look back.

Steamboats from childhood will return to you...
(“By the train,” as at the beginning of the performance, the toys leave).


In life 11th grade

We're seeing you off now.

And we give you goodbye

Our little one's order.

We understand perfectly

Your difficulties now.

Outside, spring is in full swing,

But you have exams.

The coolness will attract you,

The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.

Don't give in to temptations -

You are now graduates.

Within the walls of the school you managed

A lot to understand.

We would like to answer you

All exams are A's.

We sincerely wish

You should go to college,

Take it with you to college

Your strong friendship,

Because a friend will help

Both in study and in battle.

Final exam coming soon

The time is approaching.

We sincerely wish

- Here, at the very last division of the dial, the hands of our school time stopped... They did not stop for long, just for a few minutes, to give you the opportunity to say goodbye to your first class in your life, your first desk, your first textbook, your first teacher ...Remember this moment... The arrows froze at the “Start” mark, from here you successfully launched into the amazing Land of Knowledge eleven years ago, from here you will now enter an independent adult life! Let these little talismans protect you in it.

Presentation of medals graduates, in the form of sailboats, with the words:

Let only complete calm

The seas greet you

Let your names

The Earth will be glorified!

(A verse is sung to the melody of the song “Don’t Cry, Alice”

That's all,

That's all,

Breaking up is always hard...

Knowing that he will no longer be there.

Don't cry, children,

You have matured.

The holiday has arrived

Don't cry, children,

The stars have gone out,

And looks out the window

First in life

Adult is your dawn.

Teacher: Your last lesson is over. And now, as then, many years ago, I believe in you! You will certainly succeed! All the best!

(A verse is sung to the melody of the song

"Wooden horses", music. M. Minkova, lyrics. E. Shim).
The wooden horses galloped away,

The paper steamers sailed away.

You are from childhood, running away without looking back,

Everything you need and don’t need has been forgotten.

We know

What about the first failure?

It's just worth it

You just have to look back.

Wooden horses will gallop towards you,

(A verse is sung to the melody of the song

"Wooden horses", music. M. Minkova, lyrics. E. Shim).
The wooden horses galloped away,

The paper steamers sailed away.

You are from childhood, running away without looking back,

Everything you need and don’t need has been forgotten.

We know

What about the first failure?

It's just worth it

You just have to look back.

Wooden horses will gallop towards you,

Steamboats from childhood will return to you...

(A verse is sung to the melody of the song

"Don't cry, Alice"

, music A. Derzhavin, lyrics. S. Kostrova)

That's all,

That's the end of my sonorous childhood.

That's all,

Breaking up is always hard...

To part with the memory of a miracle,

Knowing that he will no longer be there.

Don’t cry that your childhood is over / 2 r.

Don't cry, children,

You have matured.

The holiday has arrived

And there is no return to childhood.

Don't cry, children,

The stars have gone out,

And looks out the window

First in life

Adult is your dawn.

A verse is sung to the melody of the song

"Don't cry, Alice"

, music A. Derzhavin, lyrics. S. Kostrova)

That's all,

That's the end of my sonorous childhood.

That's all,

Breaking up is always hard...

To part with the memory of a miracle,

Knowing that he will no longer be there.

Don’t cry that your childhood is over / 2 r.

Don't cry, children,

You have matured.

The holiday has arrived

And there is no return to childhood.

Don't cry, children,

The stars have gone out,

And looks out the window

First in life

Adult is your dawn.

13. We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that you clap for us.

7. Trained monkeys 8. We asked Temochka: 9. Once teacher Lere

Maya saw it. - Where did you get the two? He explained that knowledge is light.

And now she boys Kolya gloomily answers: Lucy went to bed in the light,

Trained at school. – There aren’t enough A’s for everyone! And I woke up - there was no knowledge!

10. Kristinana finished her work 4. I learned to distinguish 5. Dad solved a problem for me,

Today is ahead of schedule. Dollars and lira. Helped with math.

I braided two braids. Apparently, I need to go. We then decided with my mother.

In just three lessons. To big bankers. Something he couldn't decide.

1. We are third-graders, 3. We have lessons every day, 6. Vasya was late for school,

We love to jump and play, We sculpt, we paint, we craft, But he won’t say that he overslept.

And we promise to study We study numbers and letters Just now, as luck would have it

At "4" and at "5"! And we speak beautifully. It dawned very late.

2. We will overcome all sciences, 11. We are already finishing third grade, 12. We will rest during the summer,

We will succeed, the hours have flown by, we will gain strength.

Because with us And now with us, guys, And in early September

Our mothers study. Summer holidays. We'll come back to you again.

Song (music “Plastel.crow”)
1. One simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

When you were seven years old.

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

2. To one simple school,

Or maybe not school,

Or maybe not simple

Your mothers brought you.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought you anyway.

3.You stood for half an hour,

Or maybe they didn’t stand

With Portraits, with flowers,

Under the sun and in the shade.

And to the school where your class was,

Or maybe not your class,

Or maybe not to school

They brought you anyway.

Song (music “Plastel.crow”)
1. One simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

When you were seven years old.

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

2. To one simple school,

Or maybe not school,

Or maybe not simple

Your mothers brought you.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought you anyway.

3.You stood for half an hour,

Or maybe they didn’t stand

With Portraits, with flowers,

Under the sun and in the shade.

And to the school where your class was,

Or maybe not your class,

Or maybe not to school

They brought you anyway.

Song (music “Plastel.crow”)
1. One simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

When you were seven years old.

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

2. To one simple school,

Or maybe not school,

Or maybe not simple

Your mothers brought you.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought you anyway.

3.You stood for half an hour,

Or maybe they didn’t stand

With Portraits, with flowers,

Under the sun and in the shade.

And to the school where your class was,

Or maybe not your class,

Or maybe not to school

They brought you anyway.

Song (music “Plastel.crow”)
1. One simple fairy tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

When you were seven years old.

Or maybe eight

Or maybe six years

We won't elaborate.

2. To one simple school,

Or maybe not school,

Or maybe not simple

Your mothers brought you.

It was an autumn day,

Or maybe not autumn,

Or maybe he wasn't standing

They brought you anyway.

3.You stood for half an hour,

Or maybe they didn’t stand

With Portraits, with flowers,

Under the sun and in the shade.

And to the school where your class was,

Or maybe not your class,

Or maybe not to school

They brought you anyway.

How many times have you dreamed about first class?

In September the dream came true.

In the morning we put on our uniforms,

We took new briefcases

And we went for the first time

To our school

To first grade!

Do you remember it was around

A sea of ​​colors and sounds.

From mother's warm hands

The teacher took your hand.

He put you in first grade

Solemn and respectful.

Your hand is still in my hand

Your teacher.

Everyone has one time in their life

It happens your first

Your own memorable class!

And the first textbook, and the first lesson,

And the first floody school...

At first we didn’t know the letters

Mothers read fairy tales to us.

And now we read for ourselves -

Fairy tales have become friends with us!

Reading is a wonderful lesson!

There is a lot of useful information in each of the lines,

Whether this story is silent,

We teach them, they teach us.

I read the story for the first time.

And dad was surprised:

“After all, you read a funny

story and didn’t even laugh!”


Reading is hard work

The letters dazzled in my eyes.

It's not like laughing here

It was time to cry.

First I'll learn to read,

And then I’ll laugh!

The coolness will attract you,

The greenery of the forest, the smooth surface of the river.

Don't give in to temptations

You are now graduates.

In life 11th grade

We're seeing you off now.

And we give you goodbye

Our little one's order.

We understand perfectly

Your difficulties now.

Outside, spring is in full swing,

But you have exams.

Within the walls of the school you managed

A lot to understand.

We would like to answer you

All exams are A's.

We sincerely wish

You should go to college,

May the last bell ring, the school bell

Became the first step into life.

Take it with you to college

Your strong friendship,

Because a friend will help

Both in study and in battle.

Final exam coming soon

The time is approaching.

We sincerely wish

No feathers or fluff for you! (together)

Both beautiful and strong

mathematics country.

Work is in full swing here:

everyone is counting something:

How much coal do blast furnaces need?

How about chocolate for the kids?

How many stars are there in the sky?

And freckles on your noses?

So that as a doctor, a sailor

or become a pilot

First of all, we must

know mathematics.

And there is no profession in the world...

Notice, friends,

(Song being played)

In a big hot air balloonIn a big hot air balloon

You and I will take our more friends,To stay longer, because it’s more fun with them.

In a big hot air balloonTangerine colorIn a big hot air balloonTangerine color

Be prepared, we will fly for a very long time,We will sing millions of songs from above.You and I will paint the sky bright blue,To stand out favorably on it.

In a big hot air balloonTangerine colorYou and I will remember our childhood!In a big hot air balloonTangerine colorWe will meet you this summer!

In a big hot air balloon!

    Teacher's opening speech.

As soon as the night covers,And sleep tiptoes into the headboard,You leaf through your memory, remembering what happened,What you want to return to with love.

Like a white dance, thoughts flow smoothly,And a childishly cute image is born in them:The teacher, the school... everyone is laughing,I want to be with them, regardless of age.

My city of childhood, good dreams and fairy tales,Told by the mysterious taiga,I grew up here, and it's clear without clues:We are connected with you forever and ever.

School years... Bells for lessons and breaks, the way to school and home, A's and D's, successes and failures, joys and sorrows, comments and gratitude in the diary, school friends, first love, hopes... So the years of childhood flew by unnoticed , adolescence, youth. And now, behind the doors of the school, a new world opens, full of successes and mistakes, ups and disappointments, joys and sorrows. But for a long time I will continue to dream about the pages of the problem book, the classroom, school desks, teachers, friends...

And it’s so nice to visit again this cloudless childhood home, where you were loved, where you learned to live, think, search..., so nice to say again: “Hello, school!”

1 student: One hundred thousand newly opened roads,Believe me, they will never replace youAlone, past everyday life and worriesLeads you to the walls dear to your heart.

2nd student: One hundred thousand new, brightest meetings,The ones you can't escape fromThey won’t replace you, no matter what,One, but long-awaited meeting with childhood.

3 student: One hundred thousand new, very different eyes,Those that you have already met in life,You will not be replaced by those who were the first timeThey saw you off from school with hope.

4th student: And no matter how much fate throws you,On the way what and what gave,We promise to always remember youLooking forward to a wonderful meeting with childhood.

    Main part.

Teacher:Final exams are ahead, followed by graduation. And then a completely different, new life will begin. Don't let the unknown scare you! There are only new beginnings and new victories ahead!And I want to take you back in time and teach you a childhood lesson.

We are going on a trip to childhood in a hot air balloon, but in order for it to take off, you need to pass a review test. Ready?

    Container with philosophical content. (Barrel of Diogenes)

    A place where smart people won't go. (Mountain)

    The first cash advance to a future Nobel laureate. (Scholarship)

    A mathematical sign that has proven itself on the positive side. (Plus)

    Science-based emptiness. (Vacuum)

    A child who goes to college instead of kindergarten. (Prodigy)

    Purposeful segment. (Vector)

    Free sound producing device. (Mouth)

Teacher: While we get to the first station, listen to a story about a boy, and maybe you will see yourself in it.

5th student: Once a first-grader boy,Coming home from school for the first time,The parents asked: “How are you doing?Did you like your first class?”“I liked it, but these are all details,” The son sarcastically responded to his parents,So why didn't you tell me right away?And why, answer me, have you been hiding all your life,That as many as ten go to school

6th student: A ten passed faster than fairy tales.The boy didn’t have time to look back - And there is no longer a teacher’s hint,And the chalk was erased to the last crumb.The earth's mountains were handed over to teachers, The celestial Andromeda nebula, The spiritual appearance of Uncle Chernomor, Pants from the Pythagorean theorem And Archimedes, who displaced water.

Teacher: So, we arrived at the first memory point, which is called “Mathematics”.

Now I will ask you problems. Be careful and follow the rule: If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just raise your hand!!! And for correct answers you will receive stars!

    Andryushka put the toys in two rows:

Next to the nesting doll is a teddy bear,

Next to the fox-bunny with a scythe, followed by a hedgehog and a frog.

How many toys did Andryushka place?6

    How many tails do seven cats have?7

    How many fingers do 20 boys have?100

    How many ears do three old ladies have?6

    How many ears do five babies have?10

    Seven candles were lit, two of them went out. How many candles are left?2, the rest burned down

    One corner of the table was cut off. How many corners does the table have left?5

    A pair of horses ran 20 km. How many kilometers did each horse run?20 each

    What is heavier than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of gold?=

    Find the extra number 63,45,18,53,72.53 because the sum of all digits is 9, and 53 has 8.

Well done, you have successfully completed your first task.

And now the next task: we need to help the squirrel collect nuts. But nuts are not simple, but mathematical. Every nut is a question that needs to be answered. Ready?

1 nut: the result of the action of addition. (sum)

2 nut: name of the component of the multiplication action (multiplier)

3 nut: a figure obtained by the intersection of two straight lines (angle)

4 nut: how to find the minuend? (add the subtrahend to the difference)

5 nut: what is greater than 10 dm, 1 m or 100 cm? =

6 nut: name all the types of nuts for the squirrel (walnuts, almonds, coconut, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine)

What's at the end of the page?

Decorating the entire notebook,

What can you be proud of?

Well, of course, number 5!

Teacher: well, we’ll move on. The next memory item is “Reading”. Until we get there, let's listen to a fairy tale.

Hello, my friend!
Today I will tell you a small but very instructive fairy tale. On the outskirts of a big city there lived a small but very proud school. And then one day little stupid kids came into it. Why small and stupid? Because they came to school! Well, since they came, they had to learn. They studied, studied, and learned to the point that they became big, big, smart, smart. In general, they are ripe.
Then the teachers began to pull them out of school. Some for the sides, some for the ears, and some for a fee. They pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out! Because the kids no longer wanted to leave school. Because smart kids understand that you can’t leave school. All life is a school.
Well, that's the end of my little fairy tale.

The next point of recollection is reading. Today in our reading lesson we will get acquainted with the fairy tale “Turnip”.True, this time the text of the work acquired a new poetic form. But the heroes of the story have not changed at all(turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse - give words to the heroes) . Children draw lots.


Grandfather planted a turnip,I watered it with fertilizers,The sun began to get hot,Turnip began to grow up.

So she grew up;And she said:"Both on!"Grandfather took the bitAnd I thought: “Here we go!”

Grandpa called Grandma here,Grandma shouted:“Insolent!”Turnip again:"Both on!"Grandfather replied:“Wow!”

He grabbed the turnip tightly,He pulled as hard as he could.

But without my grandmother I made a mistake.She replied:“Insolent!”

I tried, but I couldn’t,Immediately she called her granddaughter.She is smart beyond her years:“I didn’t hire you!”Turnip is shocked: "Both on!",Grandfather too:“Wow!”Everyone slept with the grandmother,She barely said:“Insolent!”The granddaughter doesn’t care about dramas:“I didn’t hire you!”They pull - You can’t see the turnips -They need to call Zhuchka.The bug is happy to help them -Answers:“I wouldn’t mind.”But again it didn’t work out.This is where the Cat came in handy."No problem",- She saidAnd it became the end of the chain.No result to be seenYou need to call the mouse.The mouse had a simple answer:“Dudes, there is no market!”The turnip moans:"Both on!"Grandfather in ecstasy:“Wow!”Almost hit grandma in the eyeYes, of course: “Insolent!”Super - replica for the ladies:“I didn’t hire you!”The poor bug can't bear it anymore,But through clenched teeth:“I wouldn’t mind.”The cat pulls:"No problem",He doesn't risk anything.The mouse pressed a littleAnd, pleased, she said:“Dudes, there is no market!”- Here's Turnip for lunch!

I think that any theater for young spectators will be happy to hire you.

Well, we move on. And while we get to the next point, we’ll have a physical session with Mickey Mouse.

(Physical minute)

And we arrived at the next memory point “Russian language”. Let's remember what an adjective is?

Write 20 adjectives on the board.

Your first class teachers sent you an email. But the virus ate the adjectives. It's good that you know what it is. Let's restore the letter and find out what they wrote to you.

And______________ our graduates!
We, _____________________ teachers of our __________________ school, are now experiencing the most __________________ feelings. The _____________moment of _________parting is near. We believe that you will go out into __________________life and become ______________________, __________________ and ____________________ people. You have received ________________ knowledge, _____________________ skills, in general, __________________ the basics for _____________________ start. All of you

awaits ________________________ happiness and _______________________ success. And we will always remember you as _______________________ children in whom we invested our whole __________________ soul.
______________________ you are welcome!

Student 7: The time for farewell is approaching.How many years and winters have passed?
The school education process is over,
Childhood today will melt away like smoke.
The girls have become so beautiful:
It is impossible to take your eyes off them.
If only you were always happy,
Great paths are open to you in life.

8th student: The boys are all adults, no doubt
You have matured and are unrecognizable.
Lord, give these children luck,
So that they don’t know adversity and grief!
Our dear, good, glorious!
We are parting, but we will remember more than once:
How funny you were as kids,
And now you are leaving us!

Teacher: Well, you and I have arrived at the final destination of our journey of memories - technology. Remember what you did on technology in elementary school? Today in class we will be constructors. You will find out what we will do from the riddle.

For him, his home is
This is our airfield.
He's come a long way
To get some rest.
And when he rests,
Will take flight again.

Teacher: Let's say you are a pilot, the plane is flying from Moscow to New York.

The distance is 3000 km. The height is 11.440 m. There are 926 passengers on board. How old is the pilot?

-So, here are the leaves in front of you. We need them to make our plane.

(children make airplanes under the guidance of the teacher)

-These are not ordinary planes, this is a message. I ask you to write your first and last name on them and wishes to all the students and teachers of our school. Let's glue them to the heavenly spaces. It's time for us to land these planes on the ground.

    Lesson summary.

9 Student: When the heart is lonely, sad,
And sometimes I want to cry -
You agree sit quietly
And open the forum in Odnoklassniki.

Leafing through page after page,
Having read the poems and wishes,
You will suddenly understand that the “sadness” in your soul has melted.
And the melancholy slipped out the door.

Student 10: It’s so good that this page exists:
Where can you open your soul to a friend,
He will silently listen to everything and quietly say:

“Well, you know, everything happens, you need to move on with your life!”

And, despite the difficulties -
Be grateful to fate.
It's good that there is a page on the Internet,
Where there is no place for sadness and longing!


Engineers, pilots, poets,

Teachers, turners, doctors...

Scatter around the world quickly,

Select keys to professions.

Good luck guys, fly away!

A great life awaits you ahead!

Just never forget school

And those who prepared you for the flight!

Good luck to you, peace, kindness and happiness,

Dear graduates!

The song “Last Call” is performed

The spring wind is going crazy
Warm nights.
You answered the main question,
School behind us.
The day of memories is full,
All friends are with you!
You feel and know
What's behind you!


Last call, simple tears.
We give roses to teachers,

You know, you understand, you see.
Everyone who was with you -
They'll run away from each other
A new world will be opened.
All textbooks have been handed in,
You take the photo.
First holidays
You miss everyone...

Last call, simple tears.
Adult life has replaced school dreams.
You’re a little sad, you’re a little worried!
Last call, simple tears.
We give roses to teachers,
And yet it’s difficult to forget, not for a year or two...

Last call, simple tears.
Adult life has replaced school dreams.
You’re a little sad, you’re a little worried!
Last call, simple tears.
We give roses to teachers,
And yet, school, we will love you...

On stage is the Agent and the tied up school principal.

Agent: Name?

Director: Bayarak basic secondary school.

Agent: Date of birth?

Director: 1942.

Agent: Place of birth?

Director: Bayarak village, Belozersky district, Kurgan region.

Agent: Social background?

Director: From commoners.

Agent: First teacher's name?

Director: Menshchikova Feoktista Nikonovna.

Agent: How many directors have there been during the existence of the school?

Director: I...

Agent: What is school like today?

Principal: The school today has 41 students, 12 teachers and 10 school staff.

The school principal speaks.

2 presenters take the stage.

1 – What is happening in the world?

2 – It’s just spring. And there will be an evening of school friends.

1 – Just spring? Just a school friends' night out? Are you sure?

2 – Yes, I’m sure. I already heard the school doors creaking, and soon the cheerful school bell would ring!

1 – And what will happen after all this?

2 – There will be a lesson.

1 – Will there be a lesson? What's just one lesson?

2 – No, a lot, a very long school road awaits us.

1 – Dear graduates, today we invite you to one school day at your home school!

The bell rings for class.

Math lesson ( Annex 1)

The classes of 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 are invited to attend the mathematics lesson.

  1. How many grandchildren do you have at your graduation?
  2. How many people were you in 1st grade and how many in graduation?
  3. There are 11 kids sitting in the sandbox. 9 kids are making Easter cakes, and the rest are hitting each other with scoops. How many kids hit each other with scoops?
  4. In one apartment, the criminals stole one right slipper and two left ones, and in another - only one right one. How many pairs of slippers were stolen by the criminals in both apartments?
  5. One grandfather was hunting cockroaches in the kitchen and killed five and wounded three times as many. The grandfather mortally wounded three cockroaches, and they died from their wounds, and the rest of the cockroaches recovered, but were offended by the grandfather and went to their neighbors forever. How many cockroaches have gone to your neighbors forever?
  6. Baba Yaga has 3 warts on her nose, and Koshchei the Immortal has 6 more warts. How many warts are there on the nose of Koshchei the Immortal?
  7. How many holes will there be in the oilcloth if you pierce it 12 times with a 4-tooth fork during lunch?
  8. There were 47 flies having fun in the room. Uncle Gosha opened the window, waving a towel, and drove 12 flies out of the room. But before he could close the window, 7 flies came back. How many flies are having fun in the room now?
  9. The goat Lyuska gored the fence, which was supported by 7 posts. 3 posts fell along with the fence, and the rest were left hanging out on their own. How many columns stick out on their own?

Russian language lesson

(Appendix 2)

Graduates of 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982 are invited to the Russian language lesson.

  1. How many vowel letters “A” are there in the name of the subject “Russian Language”?
  2. Name your favorite school subject.
  3. Telegram text
    (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ graduates! We, who follow you, are very glad that you are like this (2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And on this (3) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day, taking this (5) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opportunity, we want to tell you that such (6) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ people as you are not that much on this (7) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ earth. We hope that your (8) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ life will be (9) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. And every (10) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ year this (11) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day you will gather in such a (12) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ company.
    Traditionally, we wish you (13) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ health, (14) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ happiness, (15) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ years of life!
    (16) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ generation!

Biology lesson

(Appendix 3)

We invite the class of 1983, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1989 to attend a biology lesson.

  1. How many biology teachers did you have during your studies?
  2. Which section of biology did you enjoy most? Why?
  3. Place organs on the human body (heart, spleen, brain, spinal cord, right kidney, left kidney, appendix, kneecap, gall bladder, rectum).

History lesson

(Appendix 9)

Graduates of 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 are invited to the history lesson.

  1. Do you remember who tied your pioneer tie?
  2. What were you thinking about, what were you striving for when you were 16 years old?
  3. Are your children different from you as children?
  4. What do you think is the funniest graduation in the history of the school? Prove with examples from school life.

Music lesson

(Appendix 5)

We invite students from the class of 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 to take a music lesson.

  1. What did you want to become when you were in school? Has your dream come true? (telegram from 1997 graduates read out) ( Appendix 10)
  2. What kind of music was played at school discos?
  3. Guess the song based on a few lines:
    – soon I will join the Komsomol (School years)
    – this country is always in the heart (Don’t twist the colorful globe)
    – the era of bright years is approaching (Soar with fires)
    – about the verb and about the dash (They teach at school)
    – for some reason they began to load more and more of us (Or maybe there will be more)
    – remember the song, quail, quail (It’s fun to walk together)

Big change (

game with spectators)

Dear graduates, what are the names of your classmates? Enter these names in order into the text of the prepared prediction. It will turn out funny and fun. And the text could be something like this (the so-called surnames are written in the spaces left):

"Today everyone will say more kind words ______________________________

Today everyone will sing more than ________________________________________.

Everyone will dance more _____________________________________.

Everyone will laugh loudest _____________________________________________

He will tell a funny story from school life.

And __________________ will give the school _________________________ a thousand rubles.

He will gladly give you his TV.

In the summer he will come to help with repairs ______________________________

The most beautiful today is __________________________________________.

The most shy person today is __________________________________________.

The most cheerful person today is _________________________________________________.

In an hour, ________________________________ will say that he (s) is the coolest.

After an hour and a half, ______________________ will say that he sneezed on everyone.

And _____________________ will say a wish to everyone present

Geography lesson

(video tour of the school)

Graduates of 1998, 1999, 2000 are invited to the geography lesson.

  1. How many class teachers have you had during your studies?
  2. Who was your favorite teacher?
  3. Comic geography quiz:

– Which peninsula complains about its size? (Yamal)

– Name the city that crawls. (Uzhgorod)

– Which country occupies the largest area? (Russia)

– Which lake in Russia can you buy bottled in a grocery store? (Lake Baikal.)

– Which lake is admired in the theater (Swan Lake)

– Which state can you wear on your head (Panama)

– Which of the two mountains is higher: Everest or Chomolungma? (These are different names for the same mountain)

– Which island, having lost a letter, becomes a geometric figure (Cuba)

– What peninsula of our country is named after the back rows of desks in the classroom? (Kamchatka).

Physical education lesson

(comic acrobatic combination performed by boys)

For the physical education class, please take the class of 2001, 2002 and 2003.

  1. What sports did you like to play in physical education lessons?
  2. Have you gone hiking? What did you usually cook?
  3. One person from each episode spins a hula hoop (men), and women jump rope, whoever does it longer.

Foreign language lesson

(Appendix 6)

We invite graduates of 2004, 2005, 2006 to attend a foreign language lesson.

  1. What language did you study at school? What date is it today? What is your name?
  2. How many foreign languages ​​and which ones were taught at our school?
  3. Name 1 word in each of these languages.

Literature lesson

(Appendix 7)

For a literature lesson, we invite you to attend the class of 2007 (11th grade), 2007 (9th grade), 2008 (11th grade), 2008 (9th grade).

  1. What is your favorite work read in literature class?
  2. What topic did you write your essay on? exam?
  3. Poem reversals

– You hate my cow (I love my horse)

– The vegetable gardens are sown, the flower beds are in clothes (The fields are compressed, the groves are bare)

– I’m standing at the wide-open window of a dry room flooded with light (I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon)

– Once the eagle stole a circle of sausage from the eagle (God somehow sent a piece of cheese to the crow)

Proverb reversals

– Happiness moves in heaps (Trouble does not travel alone)

– Baldness – male disgrace (Braid – girlish beauty)

– Hid that it’s algae, get out of the aquarium (Called yourself a milk mushroom – get into the back)

Call to the director

(Appendix 8)

The school day has come to an end, the lessons are over, but not everything went smoothly today... It was noisy during recess, they answered poorly in class... And today the youngest graduates - 2009 and 2010 - are called into the principal's office.

  1. Why and how many times were you called to the director's office?
  2. What would you do if you became a school principal...
  3. Your plans for the coming decade.
  4. I, a graduate of the year 200... in the face of my senior comrades, solemnly swear:
    - to carry the memory of those who taught me and with whom I studied throughout my life;
    – to always be honest and principled, humane and fair, as I was taught at school;
    - carry high the banner of your native school, protect its honor;
    – never stop there, constantly expand your knowledge, remember the wise precepts of our mentors.
    May everything that is planned come true, today and forever.
    I swear!
  • There are holy pages in the history of the school,
    We will always be rightfully proud of them.
    But, of course, there were emergencies and oddities,
    The participants are also unlikely to forget them.

– Dear graduates, we invite you to turn the pages of the school album.

– Dear ones, our former children,
How are you living now?
Almost all over the world
Life has scattered you.

– The school gave you an inheritance
Your very first lesson.
And pioneer childhood,
And a Komsomol badge.

- This is where you learned to work,
Learn books and life.
My favorite teacher was here
And the teacher is like a mother.

– There were hikes and rest,
Holidays and evenings.
The first breaths of lovers...
Everything felt like yesterday.

– The school lives without aging,
New children are growing up.
Here they will be warmed with a smile,
They will lead you into life by the hand.


  1. Graduation ceremonies and last calls: grades 9 and 11 / Compiled by O.E. Zhirenko. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. – 128 p. (To the class teacher)
  2. Last call No. 3, 2007
  3. Scenario for school holidays / Comp. N.N.Romanova. – M.: LLC “TD “Publishing House World of Books”, 2005. – 400 p.
  4. Encyclopedia of collective creative activities (Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers of the Kurgan Region. - Kurgan, 2006. - 64 p.