Scotland training. Education in Scotland for children, schoolchildren, students

The UK is the best place to learn English. And Scotland is one of the best options. Studying English in Scotland involves constant communication with native speakers. These are both teachers and local residents. Schools offer quality programs for those who are planning to move to this country or want to study. Studying a language in Scotland is one of the most effective options.

English courses in Scotland will help even those who don’t know it at all to understand English; special programs have been developed for beginners. You don’t have to worry about understanding the information, because Russian-speaking teachers can help you with this.

Learning a language in Scotland involves becoming familiar with the classic version of British English. This means that your pronunciation will be clear and correct. English language courses in Scotland will help you be more successful in work, study, and also improve your speech when communicating with foreigners. The only thing you need to take care of is obtaining a visa and choosing a school with the desired program. And they will help you with this LogosStudyGroup!

Teaching English in Scotland is carried out using specially developed programs and time-tested methods. There are directions with different intensity and duration. The main ones:

  • English for beginners ( Beginners ). The program allows you to learn English from scratch, even if there is no language practice at all.
  • Business course. You can learn English in Scotland on your own, when at work you constantly need to deal with foreign partners and documentation in English. You can send a whole group of employees for advanced training.
  • Exam preparation program. The English School in Scotland helps prepare applicants for entrance exams. Test assignments are being worked on IELTS , if you want to study in the UK, USA, Canada and other countries. The programs are also good for students.
  • Intensive English. Intensive language courses in Scotland are an opportunity to quickly improve your English, start speaking more confidently, and gain a lot of knowledge.

An English language school in Scotland will be useful not only for those who learn the basics of the language. Russian teachers also often need similar courses. This is a worthy advanced training; upon completion of training, a certificate is issued. It will be especially useful for private teachers. By studying English in Scotland, you can adopt many effective techniques that will be practiced when teaching Russian students.

Choosing the right school

Choosing a School is quite difficult. You can learn the language anywhere in Scotland. There are decent options in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling and other cities. Company LogosStudyGroup for a long time provides the opportunity to easily go to a good school. We know all the intricacies and will help with paperwork. We provide consultations and select the best option.

How much do the courses cost? It all depends on the specific school and program. For those who want to learn English in Scotland, the cost of a 2-week course will be around £600. The price is also affected by the inclusion (if possible) of food and accommodation.

Do you want to know English at a more advanced level? It is better to do this in the UK, in his homeland. And Scotland is a great choice!

Features of the education system in Scotland

Independent schools in Scotland differ from educational institutions in other historical provinces of Great Britain in their slightly modified education system. Despite the similarity of mentality and approaches to the educational process, Scotland stands out for several non-standard solutions in this area. And its most striking feature was the introduction of innovations against the backdrop of deep respect for centuries-old Scottish traditions.

The Scots, having become part of the United Kingdom, chose to maintain the traditional education system, as well as the name of the educational stages and exams. Differences in the names of these stages have become a distinctive feature between the two systems. Thus, the English Key Stages in primary and secondary schools in Scotland are called National, GCSE exams, which are included in the certificate of secondary education - Standard Grades, AS exams (for the first year studying under the A-level program) - Highers, and A2 exams (respectively for the second year of study) - Advanced Highers.

The fundamental difference between the Scottish educational system and the English one is that its curriculum includes more subjects. At the Highers stage (first year of A-level), Scots study 4-6 subjects, while in English there are only 3-4. This helps to increase the level of general erudition of Scottish schoolchildren without prematurely imposing on them a narrow specialization.

Another difference between the Scottish education system and the English one is that you can enter university immediately after Highers (first year of A-level), and it is not at all necessary to complete the Advanced Highers program (second year of A-level). Thus, Scottish students finish school a year earlier, but their university studies last a year longer than the English - not three years, but four.

To be admitted to most Scottish universities, an applicant must successfully pass at least four Highers exams, but to enter particularly prestigious faculties or universities with a higher ranking, you must provide the results of five Highers exams.

It is characteristic that in the first year of a Scottish university the curriculum also includes a greater variety of subjects. This increases its general educational potential and makes it less focused on narrow subjects than English.

The final year at a Scottish school - Advanced Highers - is in many ways similar to the second year of A-levels. Here they also study 3-4 subjects: they either continue to study the same ones as in Highers, or start new ones. But unlike the English, the Scots pay more attention to preparing for university. The A-level program also provides for partial study of the material on your own, but in Advanced Highers much more attention is paid to this. In particular, the program includes: writing coursework, projects and essays; students can undergo practical training in some disciplines, learn to independently conduct research, analyze and prepare written work at the university level. The Advanced Highers program is considered more complex than the A-level - accordingly, its graduates receive a higher UCAS score. ( What is the UCAS tariff?)

For example, a grade A in the Scottish system is “worth” 10 points more than the same grade in the English system. Due to reforms in the education system and the constantly changing A-level program, the assessment rate may also change. You can check this on the UCAS website ().

The difference between the two systems is simple.

Scottish version: finish the Highers program - go to a Scottish university - study there for 4 years.

English version: complete the full Advanced Highers program - go to university - study for 3 years.

But graduates of the Advanced Highers program who choose a Scottish university have the opportunity to enter the second year immediately.

To summarize, it is worth remembering: the one-year Advanced Highers program is the same as the first year of a 4-year study at a Scottish university. The question is where the student would prefer to take it: at school plus 3 years at the university or at the university for a full 4 years.

Nota bene to parents: Having chosen a Scottish school for your child, do not worry whether he will later be accepted into an English university - all British graduates have equal opportunities. Moreover, as we have already substantiated, a graduate of a Scottish school even has a slight advantage compared to a graduate of an English school.

Thus, when choosing between England and Scotland, pay attention to just one aspect: how the child will get to the place of study in the changeable Scottish weather. Regarding logistics: understand all aspects of Scottish airports. As for the weather, although the weather in Scotland is less predictable than in England, its vagaries are fully compensated by the picturesque nature, clean air and incredible beauty of this ancient country.

There are several reasons.

Unique nature. High giant mountains, lakes, untouched forests, endless fields and cliffs, from which a picturesque view of the sea opens, amaze you with their beauty to the core.

Mild climate. There are no sudden weather changes in Scotland, so foreigners feel quite comfortable here.

Increased level of hospitality. The Scots are very welcoming people. This is manifested in the attention of teachers to students, the care of curators for children and the attitude of ordinary citizens towards foreigners. They are ready to reveal all the best facets of their country to visitors.

Special atmosphere. For those who prefer peaceful tranquility and serene solitude, Scotland is the best choice. Residents were able to preserve their unique national flavor and identity here. Ancient castles and palaces, unusual streets create an unrealistically fabulous atmosphere.

English courses in Scotland for students and adults

Basic. Aimed at developing 4 main language aspects - listening, grammar, reading and speaking. Based on the intensity of classes, there are two types of courses - Vacation and General English. The first involves 20 English lessons per week, the second - 27.

Intensive. Includes 35 lessons per week. Eight of them are aimed at developing special skills. This could be learning English for business or the political sphere.

Preparation for exams. At the end of this course, students successfully pass the FCE, CAE and CPE tests. The training lasts at least 10 weeks.

Training courses in Scotland for children

Vacation programs in the country are available for ruffed grouse aged 8 to 17 years. The standard course of study includes 20 English lessons per week. The Medieval Scotland program also provides an introduction to the history and traditions of the country.

The entire system of Scottish education can be described as flexible, because from an early age the child has a choice in everything regarding the number of years to gain knowledge, study disciplines and specialties, directions, etc. There are a countless number of secondary and higher institutions in the country, where they receive high-quality knowledge and certification documents of the European level, which are welcomed by the majority of employers. The system can be classified into several mandatory stages:

  • Preschool preparation (with the development of basic school knowledge)
  • Junior school where students will spend 7 years of their childhood
  • Secondary educational institution - a school where you can earn, subject to successful completion of the course of study, a certificate for admission to specialized educational institutions
  • Secondary school with in-depth preparation for Higher (examination required for admission to universities)
  • A specialized institution that provides students with excellent specialized training and the possibility of future admission to a huge number of local higher educational institutions
  • Higher educational institutions that teach subjects in all areas of science
  • Postgraduate education where you can improve your skills and deepen your subject knowledge

We will talk about all the many levels and variations of study in Scotland below.

Early childhood education in Scotland

There is no kindergarten, in the standard sense, in this state. But there are preparatory courses where kids are taught perseverance and basic knowledge in various sciences and manifestations of creative activity. They attend such establishments from 3 to 5 years old.

Primary and secondary education

It takes students 7 years to complete primary school in Scotland (school age ranges from 5 to 12 years), which is unusual for Russians. The marking system here is similar to the Russian one, only the designation is not digital, but alphabetic (A-5, E-1). Knowledge control is carried out using tests on knowledge of basic sciences for junior grades. At the age of 11-12, schoolchildren move to secondary school, where they have to study for 4 to 6 years. The first four years are the mandatory minimum required for everyone. It is at this time that you need to pass examinations, after which certificates of secondary education are issued. 15-year-old students are divided into two groups - those who have chosen a specialized education, and those who need to pass the Higher examination tasks for admission to universities.

From 16 to 18 years of age, schoolchildren “absorb” knowledge that will be useful for successfully passing 5-6 examination papers and obtaining the long-awaited and honorable “higher certificate” - it will be required when entering Scottish Higher Educational Institutions. At the end of the so-called “sixth year” of study, a certificate of certification is issued, which is favorably regarded by all higher institutions of the United Kingdom.

Private schools

Secondary education in Scotland is free for citizens of the country (sponsored by the Department and numerous educational councils). But there are a number of non-state schools where both local residents and foreigners can study intensive general education methods. Such institutions include the Edinburgh School, intended for boys, and the school named after. St. George, which accepts only girls within its walls. The distinctive features of these educational institutions include:

  • A rich subject study program
  • Development and intensive realization of creative potential in children
  • Almost round-the-clock daily activity, including a variety of sightseeing and thematic excursions, numerous clubs, classes, courses
  • Personal education, which in the future becomes a powerful basis for the characters of students

Students here spend their free time from studying self-improvement in various areas. General education and creative clubs, sports sections - all classes are conducted to maximize the potential and abilities of each student.

Education for children and teenagers during holidays in Scotland

Two schools (Mary Erskine and St. Leonard) provide a vacation educational and entertainment course for children. Length of stay - from two seven days to a whole month. During this time, schoolchildren can expect a schedule full of excursions and interesting activities. During their vacation, children get acquainted with the culture and sights of picturesque Scotland, study English in depth, and communicate with peers. At the end of studying the program, final tests are always carried out, after successful completion of which a certification document is issued. The cost of studying in Scotland under this program depends on the type and duration of residence in the country and ranges from 200 to 500 thousand rubles per month. There is a unique chance for your child to move into a family or residence.

Professional education

There are 43 specialized institutions successfully operating in the state, many of which cooperate with universities. This means that each student, if desired, can continue to receive a specialized education at Higher Educational Institutions - Universities after receiving a special college education, and he will have a shortened course (admission immediately to the 2nd or even 3rd year of study). The education system in Scotland is similar to the Russian one (in colleges) - you can choose one of many areas and study it intensively for several years. After the 1st year of study, a Higher National Certificate is issued, and after the second - a diploma. The requirements for students in Scottish educational institutions are high, which is why the documents they issue are valued by employers in well-known companies around the world.

Higher education in Scotland

Further study programs after secondary school or college in Scotland are flexible, i.e. it is possible to choose the form of training and courses (even individual programs are compiled). Basic training takes 4 years, after which the student is awarded a bachelor's degree. The next year is spent completing a bachelor's degree with honors. By the way, some universities provide an industrial form of training, which involves intensive practice, which is especially valued by many employers as a kind of work experience.

The student population in Scotland is multinational. The majority of students here are local residents, as well as visitors from the UK, but there are also a lot of foreigners (about 10-15%). Admission conditions for foreign citizens are democratic - college and school diplomas are often accepted as part of the entrance documents. International students need to take Foundation or A-Level courses - most colleges offer these programs. Some universities are also ready to provide their own training courses, but further admission to this institution is often a prerequisite.

Higher education programs are always paid, both for Scottish citizens and for foreigners. Some universities offer local residents an educational course on deferred payment, i.e. the student will pay for his studies after graduation if his salary is above 21 thousand pounds (per year). If the bachelor's salary is lower, then you will not have to pay for your studies. By doing this, Universities emphasize their “status” and the quality of education (after all, this is what is valued by the largest companies).

Postgraduate education

In Scotland, it is possible to take an intensive course to upgrade your degree to a Master in one year - this is an excellent solution for urgently improving your qualifications. For those wishing to gain in-depth knowledge, a three-year course is offered, upon completion of which a doctorate degree is awarded.

The Chancellor company offers a wide variety of educational programs. Language training in Scotland is available for both beginners and those who are improving their knowledge. For this purpose, educational institutions provide basic and intensive programs, as well as courses on specialization and interests. Training can be completed at international centers, camps, schools and colleges. There are different educational institutions for each age group.

Usually foreigners receive education in Scotland in institutions specially created for them. Children most often come to language camps on vacation. Adults attend various courses throughout the year. All language schools have created conditions for the most effective educational process. Chancellor's specialists will help you choose the most cost-effective study program in Scotland, taking into account your needs.

English in Scotland

The training programs for foreigners are based on traditions and modern methods of national education. Highly professional teachers work with students. Lessons take place in equipped classrooms. English courses in Scotland are an opportunity to learn the language in a natural environment and get to know a new country well. Schools have created favorable conditions for recreation and sports.

Studying in Scotland invariably offers a rich cultural programme. During English courses at any time of the year you can visit ancient castles or attend exciting sports competitions.

Studying English in Scotland: main programs