School jokes and gags for elementary school. Very funny jokes about school for children that will make you cry

The funniest jokes will bring you to tears, the latest jokes are the best on the Internet today.
The teacher says to the student:
- Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!
Do you mean father?
- No, grandfather.
I want to show him what mistakes his son makes in your homework.

Economic university.
There is an exam in progress.
Student voice:
— Tell me, don’t you give discounts to birthday people?
Teacher, in all seriousness:
- Of course I do!
I can throw off a couple of points!

One teacher complains to another:
- Well, I found the class stupid.
I explain the theorem to them, but they don’t understand.
I explain for the second time,
- Do not understand.
I explain for the third time,
I already understood it myself, but they still don’t understand.

In a classical literature lesson.
- Who can give an example of a language that no one speaks today?
Yo which is the foundation of other languages?
- XML.

The funniest school joke of the day

The student does not understand at first, but then gets used to it.

The teacher conducts an experiment with electricity in the second grade.
Mounts some kind of circuit on the table.
A voice from the back desk:
- Won’t he fuck?
Yes, it seems like it shouldn’t.
- Who said?!

- Children, what is five times five?
Children in chorus:
- Seventy!
Well, what are you, children!
- Five and five will be 25, well 26, well 27,
At most 28, but not 70!

At school the teacher tells the children,
Stand up for those who think they are fools.
Only Vovochka gets up.
- Do you consider yourself not a distant person?
- No, it’s just somehow inconvenient that you’re standing alone!

The teacher speaks to the student's parent.
- You know that your son knows a lot of indecent songs.
Student's father:
- Is he singing them?!
- No, he whistles.

The teacher asks Vovochka:
—Who is Evgeny Onegin?
Don't know.
- And Chatsky?
Don't know.
- So, that means you don’t know anyone here.
Why no one?
— For example, I know Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris, Michael Jackson.
And with this knowledge are you going to live in Russia?
- Where is it?

Mom, everyone at school teases me for being greedy!
- Well, tell me their names!
If you give me a hundred rubles, I will tell you all of them!

Vovochka returned from school.
Parents open the diary:
In it, the two is crossed out and there is a four.
- What is it?
Vovochka answers:
— The teacher said:
Anyone who wants can fix it.
- I corrected it.

Dad, why is the ellipsis only three dots?
- Because son, three is already a lot!
The schoolboy was happy:
- Yes?!
Then watch!
And he takes out a diary with solid C's.

Short jokes about school and teachers are decent

To help children grasp everything on the fly, teach them on the plane.

The school director says to the head teacher:
– Maybe we should open a smoking room at school?
Children smoke anyway.
- What for?
Let them smoke in the school bar!

The director introduces the new teacher to the class:
- Children, this is your new teacher.
I hope you enjoy it.
- Yes, the figurine is okay.
Director proudly/
- I chose it personally!

At a math lesson.
The teacher asks Vovochka a question:
- Vovochka, if three kilograms of apples cost thirty rubles,
What do you need to do to find out how much one kilogram costs?
He, without hesitation, answers:
- Look at the price tag!

In a Georgian school:
- Vano! Tell me, how much is two times two?
Your desk neighbor suggests:
- Sam!
- Sam.
- Wrong Vano.
Sit down, two!
Vano sat down.
A moment later, a quiet groan is heard.
- What's the matter, Vano?!
Vano wipes the dagger on his sleeve:
- Killed the Brahun!
- You'll kill me again, you viganya from class!

Judging by teachers' salaries, our government consists of vindictive losers.

The most golden time of any person is the time of studying at school. This includes meeting new people, studying the world around us, and preparing for future adult life. Therefore, it is not surprising that various jokes about school, students and teachers appear.

School is a second home

Funny people don't appear by chance. After all, each class has its own “Vovochka”, its own “fat trust” and “nerd”. Being different from others makes them an object of ridicule from other children. And the teacher, who looks like a scientist, with glasses and a folder under his arm, also becomes the butt of jokes. Let's take a closer look at what the funniest jokes about school are.

Children's pranks

In every class there is sure to be someone who likes to make fun of their classmates or teachers. There are even films where very funny jokes about school are described. Pranks include placing thumbtacks on the teacher's or another student's chair, smearing the board with soap, giving a classmate a bottle of sparkling water, shaking it vigorously beforehand, and so on. In the first case, for some it will be very funny, but for others not so much. In the second case, the teacher will not be able to write anything on the board, in the third, someone will be hit by a large carbonated wave right on their face. A very popular joke is when students tell the teacher that his entire back is white. A teacher who knows how to accept such humor will, of course, laugh it off himself. Well, if he is not a fan of such pranks, then the schoolchildren might get caught.

Short funny jokes about school

Jokes can be both long and short. For example, one short expression can make listeners (readers) laugh a lot. Here are some of them:

  1. The rubber ball was still flying through the window of the director’s office, meanwhile the children had already hidden.
  2. The school year is like pregnancy: it lasts nine months, and toxicosis begins in the second week.
  3. Studying at school is a sentence to an eleven-year regime without the right to early release. The supervisors are the principal and teachers.
  4. A student comes home from school and joyfully shouts to his mother: “Mom! Today you’re lucky - we only got reading.”
  5. The teacher told the parents to cut their son’s bangs, otherwise she wouldn’t know his face.
  6. School meeting - entry is free, but exit is allowed only for a certain amount.
  7. Homework done. The mother is hoarse, the son is roaring, and the neighbors have learned the multiplication table.
  8. Due to the lack of books on anatomy, the Minister of Education approved the hole in the wall of the bathhouse as a subject for its study.

Vovochka is the main character of jokes about school

Anyone knows who Vovochka is. This is a typical schoolboy who doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t listen to adults, is a bully, lazy and a loser. At the same time, he always has witty answers to the teacher’s questions. Such a character is very necessary in funny jokes about school for children. Thanks to him, children begin to understand what they shouldn’t be. That is, such jokes about school are instructive.

  1. The teacher asks Vovochka why he was late. The answer was shocking. The boy said he was attacked and his homework books were stolen.
  2. To the question of which five years of her life Vovochka considers the happiest, the answer was received: studying in the first grade.
  3. Vovk got a bad mark. The father went to find out why. The teacher says that the boy did not do it himself, but copied it from his neighbor at his desk. Indeed, we checked both notebooks. Both answered the first question correctly, and both answered the second question incorrectly. The father is indignant that this is quite possible. The teacher showed the third question, to which the girl answered that she did not know. And Vovochka wrote: “Me too.”

Jokes lift your spirits

There are too many hectic days and various problems in everyday life. Therefore, it is not surprising that people are drawn to jokes and humorous programs. The subject matter varies. But it is jokes about school, short or long, that are perceived with warmth and nostalgia for school life. Every adult has their own memories of their school days.

In addition to the usual jokes, there are jokes about school in the form of skits. They will cheer you up and allow you to relax both soul and body. Let's look at some of them:

  1. One schoolboy tells another that he doesn't believe the earth is round. The explanation is simple: otherwise the sea would have completely splashed out.
  2. During a lesson on the surrounding world, the teacher asks to explain why it snows in winter and not in summer. One of the students says: “If it snowed in the summer, it would melt.”
  3. The Russian language teacher asks the children: I work, you work, she works - what time is it? “Heavy,” one of the guys answers.
  4. A second grader comes home. His mother takes his diary to check. There she discovers a "deuce". It has been crossed out and corrected to a “four”. The mother begins to scold the schoolboy. And he calmly replies: “The teacher told us that we can, if we wish, correct a bad grade to a good one.”
  5. The American delegation came to the Russian school to exchange experiences. One of them asks: “Do children use computers at school?” “Of course,” the teacher answers. Everyone enters the office. There are six computers on the windowsill. The teacher gives the task to Petrov: “Petrov, take two computers and put them on the table. How many computers are left on the windowsill now?

Exams are a special topic

Exams are the time when the fate of students is decided. Therefore, it is not surprising that jokes also appear about this period. There are especially many interesting statements about the Unified State The following selection about it:

  1. One student who passed the Unified State Exam asks another: “Were you able to answer all the questions?” He answers that no. “What do you hope for then?” The second answered: “For chronic flat feet or poor vision.”
  2. Some of the test takers suggested that the Unified State Exam should have items like those in the program “Become a Millionaire”: help from the audience, calling a friend, or 50/50. In extreme cases, the opportunity to pick up the certificate.
  3. About those who do not have an education, we can now say that they are “victims of the Unified State Exam.”
  4. After passing well, some people need to be given an “Atistat on Middle Abrasion.”
  5. Children used to be frightened by Babai, now from the very first grade they are frightened by Egei.
  6. Every student deep down dreams that the one who invented the Unified State Exam will be killed.
  7. Baba Unified State Exam is a scary character.
  8. To find out how lucky you are, you need to give answers at random in the Unified State Exam.
  9. I wonder what it will be like for the Minister of Health to be treated in a village hospital? Will the Minister of Education be able to pass the Unified State Exam himself?
  10. A monkey escaped from one circus and accidentally ended up in the office where they were taking the Unified State Exam. Choosing answers at random, she entered Moscow State University to study.

There is also such a sign when a student taking an exam must be strongly cursed. Supposedly this will help pass it. A joke on this topic: one student passed the exam with a bad mark and came home complaining to his parents that they didn’t swear at him much. They immediately corrected themselves and scolded him severely.

Diary entries

In addition to jokes about Vovochka, about exams, and so on, jokes about school include various inscriptions in students’ diaries. Some of them are quite funny and absurd. Below are a few options:

  1. “For days now he’s been throwing dead cockroaches at his classmates.”
  2. “There is no diary” (the absurdity was that this was written in the diary itself).
  3. During a geography lesson, apparently, the child could not remember his address; the teacher wrote the following inscription: “I forgot where he lives.”
  4. “Criticizes the furniture in the English classroom” (the critic is growing up).
  5. The student had apparently seen enough thrillers or action films. In his diary there is an inscription: “I convinced my classmates to go down to the bunker.”
  6. "He comes in through the window." On this inscription the student himself wrote below: “Coming out through the wall.” (Apparently a fan of the film “The Chronicles of Narnia”).
  7. The girls are no better: “She acted like a dog and was gnawing on a bone.”
  8. “I made eyes at my classmates.”
  9. “I farted in front of the whole class.”
  10. “I went to the toilet and came back drunk.” (Someone at school has a cafe instead of a toilet).
  11. “Brought a homeless man to class.” (Compassionate student).

An endless number of such examples can be given. It’s strange that this is all true, and sometimes teachers themselves become the object of ridicule. Let's take, for example, a physical education or labor teacher.

"Worker" and "athlete"

  1. On the first of September, all teachers receive a bouquet of flowers, and the Trudovik receives a “Bouquet of Moldova.”
  2. The athlete commands: “Inhale, exhale! Ugh, Anton, you’re breathing through the wrong hole again!”
  3. Physical educator: “Who smokes?” Sees three raised hands. “So, we’ll smoke, and the rest will be five laps around the stadium!”


Of course, there are a lot of funny jokes about school (short or long). The reason is that school time is the most wonderful and fun time for everyone, without exception. Funny stories happen in every class. They are similar to each other and at the same time different from each other.

School life will always be invented. After all, this is what brings students and teachers together. Without funny stories, school itself would be boring and monotonous.

In a math lesson, the teacher explains the condition of the problem: “The staircase of a house under construction has five flights, each of which consists of 20 steps. How many steps do you have to go up to get to the top floor?
“That’s it,” the student answers.

In gym class:
- So, boys, which one of you smokes? Dont lie! So... that means you and you... I see... So, this is it: you and I will smoke, the rest will take five laps around the stadium.

One boy kept writing the word “went” with an “o” (poshol). The teacher forced him to stay after class and write this word 50 times to remember it.
The boy did everything as the teacher ordered. When leaving home, he left her a note:
“I wrote the word “went” 50 times and _went_ home.”

One boy wrote a story: “An Unsuccessful Hunt.”
One uncle went hunting. And he drowned. But his dog doesn't. She was shot.

One teacher complains to another:
- Well, the class was stupid for me. I explain the theorem to them, but they don’t understand. The second time I explain, they don’t understand. I explain it for the third time - I understood it myself, but they still don’t

Oleg came to school very pale.
-Are you sick?
- asked the teacher.
- No, my mother just washed me yesterday.

Father conducts explanatory work
-How can you laugh at teachers like that?
- Well, dad!
- well, nothing!!!
- Well, dad, she told us to make sure she didn’t scream, so we put a rag in her mouth.

A first grader begs a high school student:
- Give me 10 kopecks! Well, give me 10 kopecks! That:
- Leave me alone. And then he thought, took out a ruble and said:
- Okay, here we go. Probably mine is running around like that somewhere too...

A first grader comes to a school supply store and asks:
- Auntie, do you have glue for 1st grade?
- No, boy.
- What about circled notebooks?
- In what other circle? Also no.
The citizen standing behind speaks angrily.
- Boy, don’t fool the seller and don’t waste people’s time.
Girl, show me the globe of Ukraine.

The first grader came home sad. Mother asked:
- What, did you get a bad grade again?
“Yeah,” the schoolboy sighed heavily, “I wish I could retire soon.”

Before September 1, a mother irons her seven-year-old son's white shirt and trousers - getting him ready for school. He looks at his son, and he sits kind of sad and quiet:
- Don’t you want to go to school, son?
- No, I want to.
- Why are you so sad then?
- How can I not be sad: tomorrow I go to school, then to college, then to the army, after the army I get married...
- So what?
- When will we live?

The computer science lesson is coming to an end.
- So, let's finish everything!
And immediately turn the switch down - grunt!
Students: - We didn’t survive!!!
The teacher, having softened, turned the switch back:
- Okay, save...

Late in the evening the boy comes up to his father and asks:
- Dad, what’s next, Luna or New York?
- Son, you are already big and you should be ashamed to ask such stupid questions. Look out the window and look at the sky. What do you see there?
- The moon.
- That's right, do you see New York anywhere?
- No,
- So draw the appropriate conclusions

Physics teacher in 7th grade:
“We live on one side of the Earth and see one side of the Moon, and Americans live on the other side of the Earth and see the other side of the Moon.

A new literature teacher comes to class and says:
“Whoever uses obscene words or spoils our speech will get punched in the face without any fuss!”

The son comes home from school and says to his father:
- Dad, today I took the old lady across the street.
- Well done, son! Here's some candy for you. The next day the son comes with a friend.
“Today, the two of us moved an old lady across the street.”
- Well done boys! Here's some candy for you. Two days later, my son brought a whole class.
“Today we moved the whole class to an old lady across the street.
- Why are there so many of you?
“Yes, the old lady resisted.”

Young parents accompany their son to school. New uniform, ironed collar, flowers. After school, parents can’t wait, looking out the window. After school, the son runs home, throws his briefcase and says:
“Why didn’t you tell me right away that these bagpipes were for ten years?”

Conversation between two schoolchildren:
- Did you go to this terrible picture alone?
- Yes one.
— Was the cinema crowded?
- Actually, yes, but under the chair where I was hiding was empty.

Today a new girl came to class, so I put a frog in her backpack!
- And what did she tell you?
- O-la-la! Mercy side, mon cher! Fantastic!

My son is a bad student and always insists that the teacher is picking on him.
Finally, father and son went to school. The father asks the teacher:
- Why are you picking on my son?
- Am I being picky? He doesn't know anything. Here, look. What is three times seven?
- Do you see, dad? He starts again.

The son, gloomy and serious, comes up to his mother and says:
- Mom, I have a test tomorrow!
- Don’t worry, baby, we’ll repeat everything now. Well, tell me the capital of Germany?
- The capital of France?
- Berlin. Mom, let's do something more difficult.
- The capital of Poland?
- Berlin.
- How smart you are, Adolf!

High school students have a math test. There is silence in the class. Suddenly the door opens, and a disheveled toddler shouts right from the threshold:
- Guys! Why are you sitting here, they brought beer to our buffet!

English lesson. The teacher asks the students:
- Ivanov, do you speak English?
- FAQ?
- Sit down, 3.
- Petrov, do you speak English?
- FAQ?
— Sit down, 3
— Sidorov, do you speak English?
— Yes, my teacher, i "m good speak English.
- FAQ?!

The old teacher died and went to hell.
A week later the Chief Warden of Hell comes to him and says: Sorry, please, there was a mistake.
You're supposed to be in heaven.
No, sorry, I’m fine here too, the teacher answers.
After school, hell seems like heaven to me.

Biology lesson.
- Ivanov, name me two wild animals.
— Tiger I don’t remember
- Do not you know. Sit down, deuce.
- Petrov, name me three wild animals.
- Tiger, lion, mmm
- Do not you know. Sit down, deuce!
- Katzman! Five wild animals!
- Two tigers and three lions!

History lesson.
Teacher: - Ivanov, who took Ishmael?
Ivanov is scared: “I didn’t take it!”
Maybe it's Petrov?
The teacher indignantly tells the head teacher about this conversation.
The head teacher calms her down: “Why are you so worried?”
These are children: they will play and give back!
The teacher goes to the director and transfers the conversation with the head teacher to him.
The director listened to her carefully and suddenly asked: “What class was it?”
- 5th "B".
- No, they won’t give it up!

Mathematics lesson in a Georgian school. Teacher:
- Who knows how much three times three will be? Petrov!
- Nine!
- Sit down, two! Ivanov!
- Nine...
- Sit down, two! Gogi!
- Sam, teacher!
- Yes, somewhere like that - sam-vosem...

The student was late for class.
Teacher: - Vanya, why are you late?
- Mom lost a ruble.
- What do you have to do with it?
- And I stood on it.

The student opens the textbook and sees a photo of a kangaroo.
- Yes, whatever you say, Australian grasshoppers are larger than ours.

A biology teacher talks about an insect that lives only one day.
A voice from the back desk: “Here’s a lafa!”
Birthday of a lifetime!

A botany teacher asks a fifth grader: “How do plants reproduce?”
- Plants?
I just don't know about them...

The teacher reprimands the class attendant: “Again, the board is dirty, the rag is dry, and there’s dust on the globe,” he pointed his finger.
“It’s not dust,” the duty officer objected.
“Where you have your finger is the Sahara.”

A geography teacher comes to the doctor.
- Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated? - he asks.
- Leg.
- Where?
- Northeast of the heel...

The teacher says to the student:
- Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!
- Do you mean father?
- No, grandfather. I want to show him what gross mistakes his son makes in your homework.

The teacher asked the class a task:
- If five flies land on your desk and you kill one of them, how many will remain?
- One, the rest will fly away.

The mathematics teacher, looking at the student’s notebook, was shocked by the intricate calculations:
- One of us has gone crazy, Sidorov!
The next day, Sidorov places an envelope on the table.
- What's in it? - asks the teacher.
- Certificate that I'm not crazy.

The music teacher says to the student:
“I’m warning you that if you don’t behave properly, I’ll tell your parents that you have talent.”
A teacher in a natural history lesson asks the son of a naval sailor: What are the names of creatures that feel equally at home on land and at sea?
The teacher explains to the students the rules of good manners:
— A man always goes up the stairs before a lady. Do any of you know why?
“Because the lady probably doesn’t know what floor he lives on.”

Short jokes about school are read very quickly, but, nevertheless, they are just as funny as all the others. The school theme is very fun in itself. After all, memories of childhood and school life bring a smile to many of us. In short jokes about school you can recognize yourself, your friends and remember all the cute pranks that happened at school.

Brevity is the sister of talent - this proverb has long been known. Therefore, to come up with short jokes about school, you need to have incredible talent. There is a lot in this topic. Take it for example - although they are not so short, they are no less funny.

I'd like a double whiskey, please.
- Girl! This is the school cafeteria!
- Oh, sorry, I got lost in thought. Compote, please...

Your son is very weak in geography!
-Doesn't matter! You can't go far with our income...

No one has ever died from knowledge. Although the skeleton in the biology classroom is alarming.

Sidorov! Write legibly! - the teacher says sternly.
- Yes? Maybe you will also say: “write without errors”?!

Leaving the lesson, the boy Fedya slammed the door so hard that Vasya, who was sitting on the windowsill, also left the lesson.

Dear students, I know that during lessons you send text messages to each other, because no one just looks between their legs and smiles...

Class teacher:
- The topic of the next lesson is “The structure of the human brain.” Bring a hammer, chisel and brilliant green with you tomorrow.

After spending a long time on Odnoklassniki, the teacher at school automatically gave everyone a “5+” and drew hearts in her diary.

Physical education teacher:
- Like going to a physical education lesson, everyone without a uniform! And when walking around the area, everything is in Adidas.

The son of a bell ringer at a church school pulls the pigtails of 7 girls at the same time.

At school they gave grades for the quarter, the child, looking into his mother’s eyes, said: “The main thing, mom, is that we be healthy, right?”

The Ministry of Education officially approved the topic of the essay: “HOW I SPENT THE END OF THE WORLD.”

School graduation every year becomes more and more like Paratroopers' Day.

A new decisive step by the Ukrainian government aimed at protecting motherhood and childhood: pregnant schoolgirls were allowed not to take exams.

The boy who learned to kiss on tomatoes, out of habit, ate

“Are you late again, baby?” – said the cleaning lady and affectionately slapped the schoolboy in the face with a rag.

Exam. Literature.
Question: The first female pilot in Russia?
Answer: Baba Yaga!

The basic rule of the Russian language.
If you don't know how to write "here" or "here" - write "here".

A conference of mathematics teachers ended in a fight. Something wasn't shared.

Parents at the family council:
- Son! We all start a new life on Monday! I'll stop losing weight, dad will stop smoking. And you?
- I can quit school...

Russian language lesson:
- Sidorov, what consoles do you know?
- Playstation3, Nintendo Wii, Xbox360...

Do you have higher education? Or even two?
Do homework with a 4th grade student using modern textbooks - feel like an idiot!

A Russian language teacher, checking children’s essays on the topic “How I spent my summer,” gave not “3”, “4” and “5”, but 18+, 16+...

Physical education teacher Sidorov still believes that after the number “4” comes the number “finished.”

Students remember nothing better than the mistakes of their teachers.

On the program "The Smartest" to the question - "carrots, onions, potatoes, Lexus, what's extra?" - fifth-grader Izya answered “carrots, onions, potatoes.”

The school principal catches a guy smoking in the toilet:
- Which class?
Guy blowing smoke rings:
- Bourgeoisie!

It seems that those who write school textbooks do not do homework with their children.

From the Russian language textbook for the second grade: Constructing sentences; (What) (who) led us into this (what) forest?

On the literature exam:
- What can you say about the heroine of the novel?
- How did you know?

A first-grader walks to school for the first time past a kindergarten. Behind the fence, preschool children are playing in the sand. He approached them, looked, and sighed:
- I would love to join, but my education and age do not allow it.

The schoolchildren wrote a dictation. When Alla Grigorievna was checking the notebooks, she turned to Antonov:
- Kolya, why are you so inattentive? I dictated: “The door creaked and opened.” What did you write? "The door creaked and fell off."

Based on the grades in the school magazine, it is easy to determine each teacher's monthly cycle.

How do you know the Armenian language so well?
- Our English teacher at school was Armenian.

Respect your parents. They graduated from school without Google or Wikipedia.

Young mother before September 1st:
- Phew, it seems like I bought everything for school: an ABC book, notebooks, pens, valerian, a belt...

The longest sleep recorded in a history lesson,
the student fell asleep in the 15th century and woke up in the 18th.

In gym class:
- So, boys, which one of you smokes? Honestly! Dont lie! !! So. .. means you.. and you. .. Clear. .. So, it’s like this: you and I will smoke, the rest will take five laps around the stadium.

At school, a physical teacher and a Trudovik got into a fight at graduation. Trudovik won, because karate is karate, and a hammer is a hammer.

The teacher’s entry in Daria Dontsova’s school diary: “I prepared a report on biology. I've been reading this for three weeks now. I hope the killer is not a zebra..."

A boy with the last name Goagramakiskikiryan very rarely comes to the board...

If you decide to gather your classmates for the 25th anniversary of graduation, you don’t need to look for them all, find one - the last bad student and hooligan, and he will find everyone else through his deputy channels...

A technician who has worked at a school for 20 years can hit a moving target with a rag from a distance of 50 meters.

Those who finish school don't laugh at the circus...

One of the most unprofitable mistakes in the life of a school teacher is having a birthday during the summer holidays.

A New York teacher earns more than a Moscow teacher, but he cannot live on his salary in Moscow.

The Russian language teacher was checking the essay and saw an error in the phrase: “Experience in life comes with reptiles,” but then she thought about it and decided not to correct it.

3000 year. Russian language lesson.
- And remember, children, the main rule of punctuation: there is no comma after an emoticon...

We were taught black accounting from school, when they said: “We write one, two in our minds!”

In Moldovan schools, at parent meetings, the phrase “Let’s chip in for repairs” causes general laughter.

The schoolboy found a million bucks and handed them over to the police. The sobbing mother insisted that she was proud of him.

Went to an alumni reunion, 20 years after graduation. All evening the song from the movie "Mary Poppins. Goodbye" was spinning in my head: "Thirty-three cows, thirty-three cows..."

At one time, we threw a wet rag at recess. I’m sure there is now a special program for iPhone for this.

The morning after graduation, the parents again found their son in the cabbage.

My husband is 40 years old, and in Odnoklassniki his classmates are 25-30... Lord, how difficult it was for him to study!

To help children remember the multiplication tables better, it was decided
print it on packs of light Marlboro.

New cigarettes especially for schoolchildren! "Parental Meeting", now with a belt flavor.

It's the cool 17-year-old freshmen who shout loudest about the stupid 16-year-old schoolboy.

At the first lesson after the May holidays, the Trudovik announced that he would give an “A” to the one who would saw the quietest...

Modern literature lesson at school. Teacher:
- And now, children, let’s write comments on “War and Peace”...

In Armenian schools, classmates pull girls' mustaches.

Do you like going to school?
- Yes, but these hours between walking are the most disgusting.

The teacher said that he would let us go early. But they didn’t let us go...

Why are there lessons at school and couples at the institute?
Yes, because they study at school, but they sweat at the institute!