Scenario for a fun September 1st for elementary school. Knowledge Day in Primary School

Day of knowledge in elementary school. Holiday scenario

Scenario "Hello, school!"

Elena Dmitrievna Storozheva, teacher-organizer, Leninskaya Sanatorium Boarding School, Perm Territory, Leninsk village
Description of material: Scenario "Hello, school!" designed for primary school age (7-11 years). This material will be useful for teachers of after-school groups, class teachers, teachers, teacher-organizers.
Purpose of the event
- opening of a new academic year, motivation for a responsible attitude to learning.
- develop students’ communication abilities;
- to cultivate moral values ​​and respect among schoolchildren for each other, for teachers, parents and others;
- instill love and respect for the school and its traditions;
Characters: Mind, Reason, Emelya, Pike (voice-over), three little pigs, presenter.

Equipment: musical equipment with recordings of school songs and anthem, pig costumes, fish (model), typewriter, cards with numbers, Emelya costume

Progress of the event:

Voice-over: Go west, my friend,
And then to the east,
Then turn north
And a little to the south.
Then you are without a mistake
And certainly on time
You will find the kingdom
Unprecedented sciences.
Presenter: Good morning, dear guests, teachers, students and dear parents! Good - not only because of the clear weather, but above all because of the good it brings us.
The month of September is the month of starting school, new encounters with the vast world of knowledge that teachers are ready to open to you. Good mood to you - both to those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday.
There are so many of you guys!
Both girls and boys!
We'll count you now.
And we will know everything about you.
There are countless of us at school!
Second graders, are you here? (Here!)
So we will be friends!
Third graders, are you with us? (With you!)
And the fourth, as always,
Are you happy about the new meeting? (Yes!)
Well, third grade, why are you quiet?
Have you lost the habit of studying?
This, brothers, is not a problem!
Do we all want to learn? (Yes!)
Somewhere nearby, second class-
Very nice guys!
At school you always
Is life good? (Yes!)
The fourth grade is not easy,
It's almost graduation.
Give us your word of honor?
Are you ready for the test? (Yes!)
Hey graduates, get up!
Answer in unison!
Receive in exams
What will we do? Only... (Five!)
All the teachers are here -
Your best friends.
Hey, come on, kids,
Let's shout "Hurray" to them all!

(Mind and Reason come out)
Mind: Hello, Mind!
Mind: Hello, Mind!
Mind: How is your health?
Reason: That's right, Godfather!
Mind: Hear what? What news?
Reason: Mind and reason are now in honor
You will make friends with us -
So you won't get lost anywhere!
The mind will warm you in the cold,
Reason will provide lunch and dinner.
Mind: With dexterity and eagerness
We can handle any job
With us, grief is not a problem!
Our friendship is forever!
Reason: Yes, summer is's time to get to grips with the problem! Look how many recruits we have! And they all want to learn. The time has come to start studying, winning, reaching new heights.
Mind: Does everyone want to learn? Guess which fairy tale there were two intelligent brothers. There was a third with them - a fool, a liar and a windbag. Well, what was his name? That's right, Emelya!
(Emelya comes out) Song: On the Russian stove Emelya to the river....
Emelya: He won’t be sick
Who goes for brushwood in the morning?
And who sits at home and looks out the window?
He won’t even lift his bones from the bench!
Stove, stove,
Give me a place!
Give me some warmth in your corner!
Reason: Eh, Emelya, Emelya, you idle and idle talker!
Emelya: Here! And so all my life! That is OK! Now I’ll warm up a little, dry my felt boots, and go get some water! And when I start scooping it up, I’ll pull out the Tsar Pike! She will ask me: “Let Emelyushka go free, and I will fulfill all your wishes.” Now my life will go completely different - according to Pike’s command, according to my desire! This is how things are done! Otherwise everyone is a fool and a fool! Should I go get some water?
(leaves, returns with a bucket, there is a pike in the bucket)
Emelya: That's the thing!
Look, pike!
I'll brew my ear!
Pike: Don't cook me, don't cook me! I'm an old fish, not tasty, I smell like mud!
Emelya: Wow, what a talkative fish we caught!
Pike: That's it! Who will talk to you fool besides me?
Emelya: I’ll eat you now!
Pike: Don't eat me, little one! I will bring you happiness, I will open new horizons in life.
Emelya: What are the horizons, toothy one?
Pike: And such. This is who you are today? An uneducated person. And I’ll get you into a good school. You will read, write, learn to read and write.
Emelya: I don’t like all this! Let's do better as before. At the behest of the pike, at my will!
Pike: Well, as you wish!
Emelya: Now I’ll think about what I should ask this fish?

(Um comes out)
Mind: Well, Emelya, he just doesn’t want to study! And a new academic year is starting at our school. How many interesting discoveries and meetings with your favorite teachers await you!
Ved: Dear guys! Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on the new school year!
Teacher is an expensive word
In that word there is warmth and light,
And today on this holiday
We give you a bouquet of flowers!
(flowers are presented to the music)
Emelya: Listen, Um! Who are these big smart people?
Mind: These are our respected teachers!
Emelya: How wonderful! But all these little men, who are they?
Mind: And these are inquisitive students.
Emelya: Why are these little men big, but those are very small?
Mind: Little ones also want to learn.
Emelya: This is great! So small - and they’ve already arrived at school! Aren't they afraid?
Mind: Let's ask them! Well, little people, do you want to learn?
Emelya: Okay, I’ll think about it: should I study or warm myself on the stove?

(three little pigs come out)
Ved: Hello, piglets, why are you so sad?
1st pig: My name is If-if.
2nd pig: My name is Af-af.
3rd pig: My name is Oof - Oof.
Together: The letters in our names were stolen from us.
1st: On the way, Emelya met us and said that some fish ate our letters. He says he will return them if the guys play at the holiday.

(the game is played: “Evaluations”. Cards with numbers are laid out: 5,4,3,2
Children run in circles to the music, the music stops, and the corresponding marks are drilled)
(piglets sing a song and dance)
1. I am a pig and you are a pig,
We are all brothers pigs
Friends have given us back
Letters in our name
We are sitting on benches
We’re hurrying to see you at school, friends,
Ay-lyu-li, ay-lyu-li,
We are hurrying to see you at school, friends!
2. The children and I will go to school,
Let's learn all the letters
Let's learn and understand everything
Let's read books!
We will read books,
Let's write correctly
Ay-lu-li, ay-lu-li
Let's write correctly!

Ved: For a first grader there is no more important day
When he enters the classroom smiling,
And he looks bolder today
And he is becoming an adult now!

(first graders go on stage to the music)

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school, here comes the school
He is calling us again.

Somewhere my favorite ball is sleeping,
Everyone is a student again.
The problem maker smiles,
And the fives are waiting for the diary.

We don't go fishing.
The call is ringing.
Goodbye, jump rope,
Forest, clearing, stream.

There’s a new backpack behind me,
There are five lessons ahead.
Hello school, hello school!
No more time to play!
Vedas: First-graders will be led to the land of knowledge by their first teacher - Natalya Viktorovna Tarasova!
(word to the first teacher)
Ved: Do you want to study at our school? But first, take the test. Let's see how friendly and smart you are! They will ask you questions, and you will all answer together in unison. Agreed?!
Children: Yes!
Host: Who did you buy the backpack for?
Children: For me!
Host: Is there a blush on your cheeks? Who?
Children: I have!
Presenter: The school will be decorated for the holiday. For whom?
Children: For me!
Children: For me!
Presenter: Everything that is at school, everything that is in the classroom - for whom?
Children: For me!
Host: And you came at dawn for the first time,
Like all other children in first grade!
Here are the bells during recess - for whom?
Children: For me!
Presenter: Is there a computer in the classroom - for whom?
Children: For me!
Host: There the teacher is waiting for an answer - from whom?
Children: From me!
So you need to learn this way,
So you have to work hard
So that people don’t feel ashamed – for whom?
Children: For me!
Ved: We accept you into our friendly family!

Emelya: Will you take me with you?
Children: You, Emelya, don’t be cunning,
Return the letters to the piglets as soon as possible!
Emelya: Oh, are you still thinking? Then, at the command of the pike, in my opinion, come here, bake, so that I can lie on you!
(a large car drives out, Emelya gets in)

Emelya: (sings): What miracles! A stove on wheels is coming!
Without a motor, without a horse! It's going to bake in broad daylight!
Can your first-graders count?

Ved: Everything I see in the yard
Everything I see on the way
Children: I can, I can
Count to ten.
Ved: I'm going with my mother to the zoo
And I count everyone.
A porcupine runs by
Children: That's it.
Vedas: An owl cleans its feathers,
Children: That's two.
Ved: The third was Wolverine,
Children: And the fourth is a turtle.
Ved: The gray wolf went to bed,
Children: That's five.
Vedas: Parrot in the thick foliage,
Children: He is the sixth.
Ved: Here is the elk calf next to the elk,
Children: It will be seven and eight. Nine is a hippopotamus:
Ved: The mouth is like a grandmother's chest of drawers.
A shaggy lion walks in a cage,
Children: He is the last, he is the tenth.
Emelya: Well, it’s decided! I am going to school! Where is my pike lady?
(Emelya runs away, the piglets run in)
1st: We will now conduct tests to test your knowledge.
2nd: Over the summer, everyone probably forgot what they taught you at school?
3rd: How many tails do six cats have?
1st: How many noses do eight dogs have?
2nd: How many ears do two old ladies have?
3rd: How many fingers does the boy have?
(Emelya comes out with Shchuka)
Emelya: Lady Pike, send me to science!
Pike: At the command of the pike, at your will, go, Emelya, to school!
If you want to be a student, sit down with a primer.
Once you overcome science, you won’t regret it!
Ved: Well, Emelya, go to first grade!
(all participants leave)
Mind: Here you will be taught many wisdoms:
Solve problems, write correctly.
Mind: They will teach you not to be afraid of difficulties.
And read smart books.
1st pig: And everyone should learn to take care of themselves
2nd pig: Collect your briefcase, braid your hair.
3rd pig: We believe that everything will work out for you,
Together: Good afternoon! Bon Voyage!
Ved: Now it’s time to ring the bell, to begin our school year!
The right to make the first call is given to Nikita Tomilin, a 4th grade student, and Diana Gordeeva, a 1st grade student.
Let this call resonate in every heart. Leninsky sanatorium boarding school begins a new academic year!

The first of September is Knowledge Day. Scenario for primary school students

The progress of the holiday

Teacher. Hot fine days

We flew by like a cheerful stream. You are now students. Goodbye, summer!

Hello school!

Dear Guys! Today you are crossing the threshold of school for the first time, setting off on an exciting, albeit sometimes difficult journey - a journey to the Land of Knowledge. You will not find this country on any globe or map. You will have to discover this country with the help of teachers. It depends on you who you will become in this country: know-it-alls or know-nothings.

I sincerely want Knowledge Day to be the most desired holiday of the year for you. After all, on this day new hopes and plans are born. Someone promises themselves to study only “good” and “excellent”... Someone dreams of enrolling in a football or basketball section in order to eventually become an Olympic champion. Yes, this is a day of big plans and expectations. Let them come true!

Why, why do you want to study?

The children answer.

Teacher. You need to know a lot and work hard to become a worthy citizen of your homeland. Every person, citizen is a piece of our society, our Motherland. What is the name of the country in which we live? There is probably no more beautiful country on earth than Russia, with its majestic forests, endless wide fields, blue rivers, and its invincible people. Russia is proud of its people, its students. Many of them are known throughout the world. These are Russian commanders, writers, artists, scientists, musicians, athletes, and politicians. Name some names.

Children name the names of famous people.

Teacher. What is the name of the capital of the Russian Federation? Moscow is our hometown. The most beautiful. Founded in 1147, Moscow has witnessed many historical events. She welcomed the world's first astronaut. What is his name? What do you like most about our city? Where do you like to relax and take walks? Who determines the beauty of our city? The life of a city and a country depends on people and their work. You can make our country even better and happier by acquiring knowledge at school. Wait a minute, I hear some noise. What is this?

The brownie appears.


I am a brownie

School is my home,

I'm putting things in order here.

I watch every little thing,

I'm storing chalk for you.

I check every class.

I'm trying an omelette in the kitchen,

Deep at night in the office

Director I'm coming

And I'm sitting at the computer.

Yes, my life is stormy and interesting, because I am not a simple brownie, but a school one: I love to study and communicate. How I missed you all summer! But now, in September, the fun begins again - you are all gathered, ready to celebrate the new school year. Welcome! You probably already realized that you ended up not just in a school, but in a wonderful, wonderful school! Now I suggest you go on a trip. Go!

Brownie. So we arrived at the first station, which is called Mathematical. Its residents love to ask mathematical questions. Let's try to answer them.

Measure seven times, and... cut once.

Mind is good, but... better.

What number is included in the title of the fairy tale about piglets?

How many heroes are there in Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess”?

How many legs does an octopus have?

What is the shortest month of the year?

What marks does the teacher give to the student for his answer in class?

Count in unison from 1 to 10 and back.

Children answer questions.

Brownie. All questions have been answered, now we move on. We arrived at Zagadochnaya station. Residents of this station ask riddles to guests.

If you sharpen it,

You can draw whatever you want

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?

Children. Pencil.

White hare in a black field

Jumped, ran, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare?

Children. Chalk.

If you give her a job,

The pencil was in vain.

Children. Rubber.

Who walks with a bag of books

Going to school in the morning?

Children. Student.

Birds sat on the pages,

They know true stories and fables.

Children. Letters.

Who is smarter than everyone else in the world?

Who knows and can do everything,

And at any free hour

Who will teach us everything?

Children. Book.

Now I'm in a cage, now I'm in a line.

Feel free to write on me.

You can also draw.

What am I?

Children. Notebook.

There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of agile guys there.

They write and count there.

Draw and read.

Children. School.

Kolya and Lena are having fun -

This means...

Children. Turn.

The long-awaited call was given -

It's over...

Children. Lesson.

I love directness.

I'm straight myself.

Make a straight line

I help everyone.

Children. Ruler.

Brownie. Now I propose to play the game “Say the Word.”

So, let's start a game -


Children. Kangaroo.


Hurry up and sit in a circle


Children. Turkey.


We have no time for games at all,

Answered for everyone...

Children. Tiger.


Children. Wolf.


I'd better leave, -


Children. Cockatoo.


And I already galloped, -

The coward barked...

Children. Jackal.


It's a pity we didn't have to play, -

He hummed sadly...

Children. Elk.

Children name literary heroes.

Brownie. Dad...

Children. Carlo.

Brownie. Cat...

Children. Leopold, in boots, Matroskin.

Brownie. Grandfather...

Children. Frost, Mazai.

Brownie. Woman...

Children. Yaga.

Brownie. Uncle...

Children. Fedor, Styopa.

Brownie. Crocodile...

Children. Gena.

Brownie. Postman...

Children. Pechkin.

Brownie. Doctor...

Children. Aibolit.

Brownie. Red...

Children. Cap.

Brownie. Koschey...

Children. Immortal.

Brownie. Fly...

Children. Tskotuha.

Brownie. Vinnie...

Children. Pooh.

Teacher. You made a fun trip with Domovoy. I hope you will find it just as interesting to study at our school!

Holiday "September 1st!"

Purpose of the event
- opening of a new academic year, motivation for a responsible attitude to learning.
- develop students’ communication abilities;- to cultivate moral values ​​and respect among schoolchildren for each other, for teachers, parents and others;- instill love and respect for the school and its traditions;

LEADING : Good morning, dear guests, teachers, dear parents! Today - September 1, 2015 - is the day of the beginning of studies, new meetings with the vast world of knowledge. Good mood to you - both to those who came here for the first time, and to those who spent so many interesting and useful years in our school. Good luck to all guests and participants of our holiday!

1st: The morning is warmed by the autumn sun,
The day begins bright and clear.
We are a little sad when we say goodbye to summer,
But we joyfully whisper: “School, hello!”

2nd: Hello, teachers and classmates!
Hello, everyone who came to visit us!
There are many of us at school, we are very different,
But together, friends, we feel good!

3rd: To school, to school - the morning calls,
To school, to school - the wind sings.
The lesson will be interesting
Be happy all year!

LEADING : September 1 is the first day of school for all schoolchildren, but there are also special girls and boys among us. These are our first graders. 3 first-graders will cross the threshold of our school. And we gladly accept them into our large, friendly family. Let's greet them with friendly applause.

Allow the ceremonial line dedicated to the Day of Knowledge to be considered open!

The first time you came to school,
For the first time in first class.
Everything is new for you today,
Everyone is worried about you!
Dear kids
We know you were prepared!
Tell your poems
You're already tuned in!


We are very big now
We came to school.
And now no one will say
That we are kids.

I looked in the mirror for a very long time
I looked at myself,
I kept wondering: when
I managed to grow up!
Yesterday there was a little robber,
And now I’m an adult, a schoolboy!

I told my sister “don’t be bored”
And I gave all the dolls to her.
“You can’t go with me,
We need to grow up a little!”

ALL (in unison):

We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!


Who knows what they teach at school? (Children give their answers.)
- That's right, at school they teach you to write, and read, and draw, and be friends, and respect each other, and many other good and useful things.
- What is the name of the room you are in? (Class.)
- Look around you. What a beautiful and cozy office awaits you.
- I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you. From year to year we will come to this class and try to keep it as clean and cozy.

And the “yes-no” game will help us do this.
Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.
1. Will we enter the classroom in dirty shoes? (No.)
2. Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)
3. Can I write directly on the walls? (No.)
4. Do I need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)
5. Do you need to fight during recess? (No.)
6. Is it possible to be late for class? (No.)
7. Shall we try to study well? (Yes.)

There is a knock on the door, the postman hands a letter to class 1 “B”.
- Guys, who do you think this letter is from? (Children give answers.)
- And a letter from the dense forest from Baba Yaga, I wonder what she writes?
- Shall we read it? (Children – “yes.”)

The teacher reads:

“Children, hello!” It's me!
Your grandmother Yaga!
I am writing a letter to you,
It will reach you soon.
I have a question
You should all sit down,
Why do you go to school?
Isn't it better for all of you?
Come visit me
Let's have fun!
Koscheyushka and I will sing
And let's chew toadstool.
I agree with you -
Why do you need these vowels?
Some drums
Also unstressed.
I'll teach you to call names,
Snitching, it hurts to fight
Why do you read books?
You're just straining your eyes.
This school is a disaster
No good.
And why go there?
Just wasting time.
The teacher is teaching you
He will ask you a lot, torment you.
I love twos
I’ll teach you how to receive them.
I wrote what I wanted.
I sent you a letter.
I won't go to bed now
I will be waiting for you all to visit.
To each of you I personally
I will hand you a beautiful sign:
“I don’t want to study!
I'm flying to Baba Ezhka,
I will live in a swamp
And I’ll forget about work.”

Guys, which of you wants to live in a swamp and remain illiterate, without true friends, without this wonderful school? Nobody!? I am glad that you all decided to study at our school, in this class.

You already know and can do a lot, and now you have to pass the first school exam, but don’t worry, I’m sure that you will all cope with it. Please remember how many petals were on the magic flower that fulfilled any desire? That's right, 7, and today this flower is a seven-flowered flower here and on each of its petals there is a task for you.

(Children approach the flower and “pluck” one petal at a time.)

1. Exam on fairy tales. From which fairy tale are the words:
“I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather,
And I’ll leave you, hare, even more so”?

“I was once a strange, nameless toy”...

2. Who could write these lines:

1. If you are walking across a field and find money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (Fly Tsokotukha)

2. We, all three cheerful brothers, hasten to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Study better, and then you will be able to build the same strong house of stones as our brother Naf-Naf! (Three piglets)

3. Do not run around the class during breaks, otherwise you may accidentally break a vase or drop a golden egg. And then I will have to hatch a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (chicken Ryaba)

4. Congratulations to all first graders! I wish you to gain wisdom and definitely learn to read. And when Papa Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to the puppet theater, which I really regret. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio)

5. I also dream of going to school like you! If I had been at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, especially, tell him where my grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. Guess the riddle.

1. There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it;
They write and count there,
Draw and read! (School).

2. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
Because I... (notebook)

3. I am black, red, yellow, blue,
With filling in the middle.
I am friends with a sharp sharpener,
And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)

4. How boring, brothers,
Ride on your back
You don't respect
Somehow you throw
Week after week...
This is a complaint... (briefcase)

5. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

6. I love directness
And it's straight.
Make a straight line
I help people. (ruler)

4. Crossword.
1. This bird counts down the years. (Cuckoo.)
2. This bird is swimming in the pond. (Duck.)
3. This bird can pinch. (Goose.)
4. It’s annoying, like... (Fly.)
5. It stings painfully, but not the bee. (Wasp.)

5. Mathematics exam.

5 children come to the board and are given cards with numbers: 5, 3, 1, 7, 9.
You need to stand in a row in order of decreasing numbers (descending).

6. Literary reading.
Children come out and recite previously learned poems.

1st. They bought me a new uniform,
They handed me a brand new briefcase,
It contains a pencil case, an album, notebooks,
Everything is perfect!

2nd. I really want to study
I promise not to be lazy
And always by seven o'clock
I'll wake up on my own!

3rd. Parents, don't worry
Grannies, don’t be afraid for us!
We want to promise you:
We will only study with an “A”!

7. Music exam. The song “What They Teach at School” is performed

1. Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook

Subtract and multiply
Don't hurt kids

2. Add two to four,
Read words syllable by syllable
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Love good books
And be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Love good books
And be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

3. Find East and South,
Draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
And never be confused
Islands and cities
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
And never be confused
Islands and cities
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

4.About the verb and the dash
And about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
To be firmly and firmly friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
To be firmly and firmly friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Well done, you answered all the questions correctly and completed the tasks of the little flower - the seven-colored one, and now it’s time to take an oath to the students and be faithful to this oath.

1. Always come to class for the first lesson
Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

2. Be active and relevant in class,
Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

3. To become literate and smart,
We will learn to read and write. (We swear!)

4. Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks
Always keep in perfect order. (We swear!)

5. Become good friends, become faithful,
Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

6. And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies
We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

Well done guys, you all passed the “entrance exam”.

Well, now, the most important school tradition - our first-graders will ring the bell for the first time this year! Yes, you heard right - all together!

Let these bells be a talisman for you! Save them and someday you will take your bell to the line dedicated to the last ringing! Happy start of the new school year everyone!

And now congratulations to the parents and guests!

Goals: creating a festive atmosphere, introducing children to school.

formation of educational motivation and desire to learn;
development of a culture of communication and mutual understanding;
education of universal human values.

posters for September 1;
whatman glue;
flowers and leaves made of colored paper;
crossword on the board
High school students escort first graders to class to the music “What They Teach at School,” children sit at their desks, and parents act as guests.

Teacher: Guys, today you have an amazing and unforgettable day - you have crossed the threshold of the class in which you will study for the first time.

Here it is autumn. Hello school! (SLIDE)
The cheerful bell rang,
And you entered for the first time
To a bright and spacious classroom!
What is needed here? Don't be lazy
And study diligently
To know about everything in the world
And get straight A's.

Who knows what they teach at school? (Children give their answers.)
- That's right, at school they teach you to write, and read, and draw, and be friends, and respect each other, and many other good and useful things.
- What is the name of the room you are in? (Class.)
- Look around you. What a beautiful and cozy office awaits you.
Angelina Frolova’s dad, Stepan Nikolaevich, helped me make it so beautiful. (certificate).
- I think that studying in such an office will be very pleasant for all of you. From year to year we will come to this class and try to keep it as clean and cozy.

And the “yes-no” game will help us do this.
Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.
1. Will we enter the classroom in dirty shoes? (No.)
2. Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)
3. Can I write directly on the walls? (No.)
4. Do I need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)
5. Do you need to fight during recess? (No.)
6. Is it possible to be late for class? (No.)
7. Shall we try to study well? (Yes.)

There is a knock on the door, the postman hands a letter to class 1 “B”.
- Guys, who do you think this letter is from? (Children give answers.)
- And a letter from the dense forest from Baba Yaga, I wonder what she writes?
- Shall we read it? (Children – “yes.”)

The teacher reads:

“Children, hello!” It's me! (SLIDE)
Your grandmother Yaga!
I am writing a letter to you,
It will reach you soon.
I have a question
You should all sit down,
Why do you go to school?
Isn't it better for all of you?
Come visit me
Let's have fun!
Koscheyushka and I will sing
And let's chew toadstool.
I agree with you -
Why do you need these vowels?
Some drums
Also unstressed.
I'll teach you to call names,
Snitching, it hurts to fight
Why do you read books?
You're just straining your eyes.
This school is a disaster
No good.
And why go there?
Just wasting time.
The teacher is teaching you
He will ask you a lot, torment you.
I love twos
I’ll teach you how to receive them.
I wrote what I wanted.
I sent you a letter.
I won't go to bed now
I will be waiting for you all to visit.
To each of you I personally
I will hand you a beautiful sign:
“I don’t want to study! (SLIDE)
I'm flying to Baba Ezhka,
I will live in a swamp
And I’ll forget about work.”

Guys, which of you wants to live in a swamp and remain illiterate, without true friends, without this wonderful school? Nobody!? I am glad that you all decided to study at our school, in this class.

You already know and can do a lot, and now you have to pass the first school exam, but don’t worry, I’m sure that you will all cope with it. Please remember how many petals were on the magic flower that fulfilled any desire? That's right, 7, and today this flower is a seven-flowered flower here and on each of its petals there is a task for you.

(Children approach the flower and “pluck” one petal at a time.)

1. Exam on fairy tales. From which fairy tale are the words: (SLIDE)
“I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather,
And I’ll leave you, hare, even more so”?

“I was once a strange, nameless toy”... (SLIDE)

2. Who could write these lines:(SLIDE)

1. If you are walking across a field and find money, then do not rush to buy a samovar, as I did. Better buy a new interesting book. (Fly Tsokotukha)

2. We, all three cheerful brothers, hasten to congratulate you on the beginning of the school year. Study better, and then you will be able to build the same strong house of stones as our brother Naf-Naf! (Three piglets)

3. Do not run around the class during breaks, otherwise you may accidentally break a vase or drop a golden egg. And then I will have to hatch a new egg, not a golden one, but a simple one. (chicken Ryaba)

4. Congratulations to all first graders! I wish you to gain wisdom and definitely learn to read. And when Papa Carlo gave me the alphabet, I exchanged it for a ticket to the puppet theater, which I really regret. Take care of your textbooks! (Pinocchio)

5. I also dream of going to school like you! If I had been at school, I would have learned that the Wolf is a cunning predator, and you should never talk to him and, especially, tell him where my grandmother lives. (Little Red Riding Hood)

3. Guess the riddle.(SLIDE)

1. There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it;
They write and count there,
Draw and read! (School).

2. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line,
Feel free to write on me
You can also draw
Because I... (notebook)

3. I am black, red, yellow, blue,
With filling in the middle.
I am friends with a sharp sharpener,
And I’ll depict what I want. (pencil)

4. How boring, brothers,
Ride on your back
You don't respect
Somehow you throw
Week after week...
This is a complaint... (briefcase)

5. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, erasers, paper clips, buttons,
Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

6. I love directness
And it's straight.
Make a straight line
I help people. (ruler)

4. Crossword.
1. This bird counts down the years. (Cuckoo.)
2. This bird is swimming in the pond. (Duck.)
3. This bird can pinch. (Goose.)
4. It’s annoying, like... (Fly.)
5. It stings painfully, but not the bee. (Wasp.)
6. (Children help the teacher write in the letters, “tell” him.)

5. Mathematics exam.

5 children come to the board and are given cards with numbers: 5, 3, 1, 7, 9.
You need to stand in a row in order of decreasing numbers (descending).

6. Literary reading.
Children come out and recite previously learned poems.

1. We used to be kids,
We went to kindergarten with you,
We are seven years old, we have all grown up,
And we've already started first grade.

2. Moms were very worried
Grandmothers did not sleep at night,
Dad told me five times:
“How can we not be late?”

3. To school so as not to oversleep,
We had to get up at 7 o'clock,
Brush your teeth, wash your face,
Dress, braid.

4. The whole house was walking around,
The first grader is now in it.
You know this, friends,
Responsible mission!

5. They bought me a new suit,
They handed me a brand new briefcase,
It contains a pencil case, an album, notebooks,
Everything is perfect!

6. I turned seven years old this year,
Now I'm big, I'm going to study,
Mom was getting me ready, in a hurry,
I bought a beautiful uniform for my daughter.

7. I really want to study
I promise not to be lazy
And always by seven o'clock
I'll wake up on my own!

8. Parents, don't worry,
Grannies, don’t be afraid for us!
We want to promise you:
We will only study with an “A”!

7. Music exam. The song “First-Grade” is performed by pre-prepared children

First-grader (SLIDE)

First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.
Yesterday I was just a child,
There's nothing you can do about it.
They called you a preschooler,
And now they call me a first-grader.
First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.
Everything is in exemplary order so far,
And not a single question arose.
There is not a scribble in the notebook,
The diary is as clear as the blue sky.
First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.
Let worries fall on your shoulders,
But should you be sad about them?
From Monday to Saturday
You will gain knowledge.
First grader, first grader,
Today is your holiday!
He is serious and cheerful -
First meeting with the school.

Well done, you answered all the questions correctly and completed the tasks of the flower-seven-color student, and now it’s time to take the oath of a first-grader and be faithful to this oath all 4 years of study.

1. Always come to class for the first lesson
Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

2. Be active and relevant in class,
Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

3. To become literate and smart,
We will learn to read and write. (We swear!)

4. Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks
Always keep in perfect order. (We swear!)

5. Become good friends, become faithful,
Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

6. And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies
We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

Well done, guys, you all passed the “entrance exam” and from today you can consider yourself real schoolchildren. In honor of such an important event in your life, I give you medals as a souvenir.

And now your parents must pass the exam. Let's see how they cope. (SLIDE)

What great guys your parents are! Correctly composed phrases

I write a little
And now I’ll read it to you
A short story in verse,
Take it as a command.
This is what I want to say to parents:
It's difficult to raise a child now.
You need to know a lot for this
You need to love him and understand him.
How to praise him, how to scold him,
Seriously or humorously talk to him,
You should always help children
Get them ready for school every morning.
Give good parting words on time,
Read them a bedtime story.
And on the weekend, take the whole family for a walk,
To communicate with your child.
Everyone attends great meetings,
If possible, do not skip them.
And most importantly, without a doubt,
I wish you all great patience.
My words so as not to forget
I would like to give you a reminder.

(Presenting memos.)
- The students took an oath, the parents too, now it remains for me, your teacher, to take an oath. This is my teacher's oath:

I swear:
This is how I will teach your children,
So that they can learn a lot.
Do not offend your students
Boys, girls - help everyone.
Don't have favorites in the class,
Children are equally loved.
Teach everyone to read and write,
Be friends with each other and write poems.

Dear children, dear parents and guests, I thank everyone for participating in our first day of school, thank you for the beautiful flowers and offer to “plant” your own flowerbed in the classroom. On your desks there are either flowers made of colored paper or leaves made of green paper, on the board there is a sheet of Whatman paper, it is painted greenish, let’s, together with your parents, glue the flowers and leaves onto Whatman paper and see what comes of it. (The glue is prepared in advance on the board on the table.)

This is what a bright flower bed we have, I wish you all the same bright life in our wonderful school and in our wonderful class.

Our first day of school is coming to an end. Your parents have prepared helium balloons for you. You can take them home.


Target: opening of a new school year, motivation for a kind and good attitude towards school and learning.

Presenter 1: Good morning, girls and boys!

Presenter 2: Good morning, dear parents!

Presenter 1: Good morning, our dear teachers!

Presenter 2: So the mischievous summer has ended, and with it such short holidays have rushed away.

Presenter 1: Today is the beginning of a new school year!

Presenter 2: Today is the day of meeting school friends after a long separation.

Presenter 1: Let's greet 4th grade, 3rd grade, 2nd grade with thunderous applause!

Presenter 2: To our youngest,

To our first graders

The holiday is dedicated!

Greet our first-graders with thunderous applause.

First graders enter.

Presenter 1: What calendar year is it now? Last year we talked a lot about what this year was dedicated to. Please remember!

Presenter 2: Yes you are right! This year is dedicated to astronautics!


Presenter 1: Dear guys, what is the most important holiday for you? (Children answer). I sincerely wish that after your birthday, Knowledge Day will be the most desired holiday of the year for you. After all, on this day new hopes and plans are born. Someone promises themselves to study only “good” and “excellent”. Yes, this is a day of big plans and expectations. Let them come true!

Presenter 2: And now for you a mental exercise!

Here, guys, is the book house,

It's very interesting.

There are books and magazines here

There is a lot of new knowledge in them. (Library)

This place is very tasty

Stop by if you're sad.

There are gingerbreads, cookies,

Waffles, buns with jam. (Dining room)

Dumbbells, ball, jump rope, pole -

There is always everything for sports here.

Come and get busy

And don’t be shy about records. (Gym)

This strict office

Everyone in our school knows.

In every school - it’s no secret -

It is especially important for everyone. (Director's office, teachers' room)

1 presenter. Dear children, dear parents, teachers, guests of our holiday! Earning the title of student of our school is not so easy. To become a real student, you need to complete various kinds of tasks and pass difficult tests.

Therefore, we are now starting tests for our first graders.

To arrange tests,

I will give the children 2 tasks.

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

The child is polite and developed

He says, when meeting, ... (hello).

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

We say: Excuse me, ... (please).

Both in France and Denmark

In parting they say... (goodbye).

Well done boys! I see that you have already learned a lot.

Test two “School Rules”

2 presenter. Why do children go to school? Are there any rules there? What school rules do you know?

I have a chest in my hands, in it there are cards on which the school rules are written. Your task is to draw a card from the chest and read it (if the children do not yet know how to read, the presenter helps them). Paste the necessary rules on the poster, and tear up the rules that are not suitable for school and throw them in the trash. Yes, and don't forget to explain these rules to me .

Rules written on cards:

    Don't be dirty.

    Don't be offended, don't snitch, don't tease.

    Say more often: “Let’s be friends, let’s play, let’s go home together.”

    Never open doors with your foot.

    Never open a textbook with dirty hands.

    Come to school with lessons unlearned.

    In the dining room, take food from your neighbor.

    During breaks, fight, scream, rush through the corridors.

    Never say hello to anyone at school.

    During class, listen carefully to the teacher and do not distract your neighbor at your desk.

    Don't be late for school.

    Write neatly and beautifully in your notebook.

    Draw on your desk, break school furniture.

    During class, interrupt the teacher and talk out loud.

    Call and insult your classmates.

    If you want to leave class, ask the teacher's permission.

Rituals of initiation

1 presenter. Dear first graders! Now you will go through the rituals of initiation into disciples. Your senior comrades will help us with this.

1 ritual “Cleansing the head from bad thoughts”

Please rise from your chairs. Then bring your hands to your head and scratch your head with both hands, and then “throw off” what is stuck to your fingers - all the bad thoughts, bad mood. And repeat this several times. Your head will become bright, clear, and your thoughts will become kind.

Ritual 2 “Tasting the elixir of attention and memory”

This “elixir” can be any sweet drink. It is dripped from a pipette onto the tongue of each student.

2 presenter. For the next ritual you will need to open your mouth. Now the assistant guys will drop the elixir of attention and memory into your mouth. After all, attention and memory are the main qualities necessary for successful study.

Ritual 3: Rubbing in the balm of zeal

Such a “balm” can be a piece of ordinary chalk.

1 presenter. And now our assistants will pass a magic balm over your palms. Your task is to rub the stuck white powder over your palms. Whoever rubs it more thoroughly will study harder.

2 presenter. Well, you have gone through the initiation rituals. Now let’s check how our magic remedies work. We will play a game of attention. I will ask, and if you agree, answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” If not, clap your hands.

Who is a cheerful band

Going to school every year?

Which one of you keeps things in order?

Books, pens and notebooks?

Which one of you is a kid?

Walking around dirty from ear to ear?

Who flies forward so quickly

What does the traffic light not see?

Who knows that the red light is

Does this mean there is no move?

Who is not afraid of frost,

Does he skate like a bird?

Which one of you comes to class?

An hour late?

Who homemade their lesson

Executes on time?

Which one of you doesn't walk around gloomy?

Loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you, I want to know,

Loves to sing and dance?

1 presenter. We invite you to play the game “Say the word.”

(girls shout “girls” if they talk about them, and boys shout the word “boys”, “boys” if they talk about them).

Desks and books are friends in the world,

Towns and cities are friends.

Girls are friends, boys are friends.

Laughter and smiles always make friends.

Do girls know how to be friends with boys?

They play with dolls and bears,

Of course, just...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

They tie bows for themselves

From different films, of course...

To measure your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

They chat for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

2 presenter. Dear first graders! And now you have to take the very first solemn oath of your life as a first-grader.

Student's oath.

We swear to everyone to try to be healthy,
It's okay to go to school.
We swear!

We swear that I will try very hard
Don't fight with my friends anymore.
We swear!

I swear to be a raised child,
Don't run around the school, but walk.
We swear!

And if I break my oath,
Then I give away my baby tooth,
Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,
And I won't play on the computer!
We swear!

I will always be a perfect child,
And I will never forget my oath.
We swear! We swear! We swear!

1 presenter. Dear first graders! Listen carefully to what a good student should be like. So, the commandments of the disciple.

The disciple's commandments

Get up together every time

When the teacher enters the classroom.

A desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk slimly

And behave with dignity.

Don't talk in class

Like an overseas parrot.

If you want to answer, don’t make noise,

Just raise your hand.

The teacher will ask - you need to stand up

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

Presenter 1. According to good tradition, the first bell in the new school year calls for a Knowledge lesson. He invites all the children to a huge and mysterious world - the world of Knowledge. It reminds us that everyone who crosses the school threshold today has become a year older. For you, fourth graders, this school year is your last year of elementary school.

Presenter 1: And now the floor is for you, fourth graders.

1) that was 3 years ago,

We are the same as now

With a crowd of kids

We came to school for the first time.

We've grown up a little now.

We won't get much back

School will open the door to life for us

Will show you the right path.

2) Today is a festive hour!

We congratulate you on the holiday

Friends and girlfriends met again,

We'll probably tell each other a lot

About what we will see, where we have been,

And what happened to whom while we were resting

3) Come to discoveries and knowledge sooner

The team of teachers will help us

For them, teachers, the most important milestone

Our guys, success in your studies.

4) We send words of congratulations to the parents,

Happy holiday to you, happy first day of school

We hope during the school year

Together we will overcome adversity.

5) First graders on this day

We send congratulations.

They have studies ahead of them, worries behind them.

And today on this day,

Solemn and bright

You, kids, will accept gifts from us for everyone.

Fourth graders give gifts to first graders.

Leading. Dear guys, you have passed all the tests successfully and are now ready to accept the responsible title of students of our school!

The solemn moment of presenting certificates of conferring the honorary title of a student of the Konevskaya school, as well as the “first brick”, is coming. From this day you begin the construction of a building of 11 floors - classrooms. For construction to proceed successfully, you need a “first brick”, keep it, and your Palace of Knowledge will grow.

Presentation of the “first brick”

Ved. The kitten will grow up to be a cat
The same as everyone else in the world.

The chick will turn into a bird,
The same as everyone else in the world.

And children read, and children dream,
And even their moms and dads don't know
What the children will become and grow up to be.

Presenter 1: Our holiday has come to its finale! We wish everyone a happy new academic year!

Health, success, don't sleep in the morning

Without deuces, without sadness, without sadness and loss

Finish the school year

Everything will come true, believe me!

Presenter 2: Happy holiday, dear friends!

Presenter 1: Good mood to all of you!

Presenter 2: Good luck in your work and studies!

Presenter 1: See you again.