Scenario for the Victory Day holiday in elementary school. Song "Sing about peace"

“Scenario for the Victory Day holiday in elementary school


If they say the word "Motherland"

Immediately comes to mind

Old oak, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

A modest birch tree by the river

And a chamomile hillock...

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

A joyful, cheerful melody sounds. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people).

(Listov, P. Arsky tango “In Chair Park”)

(artillery connonade sounds, children look at each other in fear, then run away)

Reader: Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,

And people went to bed peacefully the night before.

But in the morning the whole country already knew

That a terrible war has begun.

Presenter: At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell our people about this just war children and grandchildren to remember.

Reader: The war has passed, the joy has passed,

But pain calls to people:

"Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

Let her memory be true

They keep about this torment,

And the children of today's children,

And our grandchildren's grandchildren.

Presenter: War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

Reader: Get up, people!

Hearing the cry of the Earth,

The soldiers of the Motherland have gone to the front.

Their sons were with their fathers,

And the children walked the roads of war.

Soldiers went into battle across the Dnieper and Volga,

They fought for their native Soviet land,

For every city, every village,

For everything that grew on my land.

For a child's smile, bright class,

For peace, for the happiness of each of us.

Presenter: War is 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

Reader: The beauty that nature gives us,

The soldiers defended themselves in the fire,

Became the last point in the war.

Without losses there is neither a company nor a platoon,

Well, those who survived,

May day of forty-fifth year

They saved it for their grandchildren.

Let history scroll back

Their legendary pages

And the memory flies through the years,

Leads again into campaigns and battles.

Presenter: War... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - this is if you count in a straight line.

Doesn't seem like much, right? By plane it takes about 4 hours, but by dashing and on your belly - 4 years 1418 days.

(Song “Great-Grandfather”)


When fireworks thundered from one end to another.

Soldiers, you gave to the planet

Great May, victorious May.

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military firestorm

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle.

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with victory,

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth.

("Dark night")

Leading. Many families have preserved soldiers' triangle letters, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, and brothers. They wrote that they would return home only with victory.

At the front, soldiers fought for every inch of their native land, for their father’s house, for their relatives and friends!

And between the front and the rear there was field mail, triangles of letters, as if with thin threads connecting what the ruthless war had torn apart.

Reader: Front-line letter, don’t be silent, tell me

About the cruel war and about the time

How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,

How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.

The children of our school wrote letters to their great-grandparents. I want to read one of them.

Presenter: Soldiers of the defunct war... It is difficult to find words worthy of the feat that they accomplished. Their fate cannot be measured by the usual measure, and they will live forever - in the grateful memory of the people, in flowers, the spring glow of birch trees, in the first steps of children on the land that they defended.

Reader: How many of those heroes there were

Whose names are unknown.

I took them with me forever,

To your unknown land, war.

Reader: They fought selflessly

The last cartridge was saved,

Their names are carried by the wind,

The sad wind of that war.

Leading. The woman-mother bore the greatest burden of the war on her shoulders.

Women of the formidable forties saved the world. Defending their homeland, they went into battle with weapons in hand, fought with the enemy in the sky, bandaged the wounded, carried them out of the battlefield, joined the partisans, stood at the machine, dug trenches, plowed, sowed, raised children...

Reader: Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

It fell on women's shoulders!..

That morning I said goodbye to you

Your husband, or brother, or son,

And you and your destiny

Left alone.

Leading. About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means that every fourth resident of the country died.

Reader: War - there is no crueler word,

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word

In the melancholy and glory of these years.

And on our lips there is something else

It can't be yet and no.

Presenter: In Moscow, at the Kremlin wall, at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame always burns. The words are written there: “Your name is unknown, your feat is not forgotten.”

Reader: We are here with you not because the date

The memory burns in my chest like an evil shard.

To the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Come on holidays and weekdays.

He protected you on the battlefield.

He fell without taking a step back.

And this hero has a name -

The Great Army is a simple soldier.

Host: And our soldiers have always shown mercy and humanity!


It was at dawn in May.

The battle intensified near the walls of the Reichstag.

I noticed a German girl

Our soldier on the dusty pavement.

She stood at the post, trembling,

Fear froze in the blue eyes,

And pieces of whistling metal

Death and torment were sown around...

Then he remembered how, saying goodbye in the summer,

He kissed his daughter

Maybe this girl's father

His own daughter was shot...

But now, in Berlin, under fire,

The fighter crawled and, shielding him with his body,

A girl in a short white dress

He carefully took it out of the fire.


How many children have their childhood restored?

Gave joy and spring

Privates of the Soviet Army,

People who won the war!

And in Berlin on a holiday

Was erected to stand for centuries,

Monument to the Soviet soldier

With a rescued girl in her arms.

He stands as a symbol of our glory,

Like a beacon shining in the darkness.

This is him - a soldier of his native state -

Protects peace throughout the world!


Victory! How did you get it?

How did you get there?

There were wounds and fatigue,

And scars on the chest of the earth.

Armor in deep dents,

And given the roads traveled,

And orders on tunics,

Where the sweat mercilessly burned through the fabric.

Mass graves, in which

Friends are lying dead.

"Song of Victory"

Leading. On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!


The sun is shining on Victory Day

And it will always shine for us.

Our grandfathers were in fierce battles

They managed to defeat the enemy.

The columns are marching in an even formation,

And songs flow here and there,

And in the sky of hero cities

Festive fireworks are sparkling!

(“My grandfather went to war”)

Leading: Let there never be war!

Let the peaceful cities sleep.

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests ring out

And may the years pass peacefully,

Let there never be war!

Host: Between battles, when the soldiers were resting, artists came to them to give performances. And often, in order to raise the morale of the fighters, ditties were performed for them (children sing ditties).

We will sing ditties for you,

Let the cannons thunder in victory.

You defended freedom

The Fritzes dashingly drove them all away.

We are grateful to you, grandfathers,

That you have reached Victory.

On the Dnieper from fear, brothers,

The fascist began to disguise himself.

Garny bast shoes and cap,

Well, a typical Belarusian.

Belarusian, I called out,

He answered me: ya, ya!

Like along the river, along the Dvina,

The Krauts were sailing on a log,

How they were given a mortar,

Only the bots swam.

The Krauts crept quietly, quietly,

In the forest in the middle of the night.

All my socks are already wet,

We thought they would get through.

The partisans did not sleep

Everyone's teeth were counted.

They drove the Fritzes through the forest like that,

Even the hares laughed.

Having seen the Soviet army,

Hitler started to run.

I ran to the forest near Grodno,

And he climbed a tree.

Our grandparents

They fought until Victory.

So we're live

They sang about love and peace.

Like along the garden, along the river

Fritz trousers are everywhere.

It was the Krauts who ran away

Directly to Mogilev.


For the sake of happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,

Let there be no war on the planet

Everyone (in unison).





Let the sun drown the whole earth in its rays!

Everyone (in unison).

Let be!


Let the peaceful stars shine above her!

Everyone (in unison).

Let be!


Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!

Guys (in unison).

Let be! Let be! Let be!

Reader: We are studying in school,

Growing poplars

We love nature -

Forests and fields.

Any path in life is open to us,

Under a calm sky

We want to grow.

Reader: Homeland

We take an oath!

We swear on our lives

To the fallen heroes:

What the fathers didn’t finish singing

We'll finish our singing!

What the fathers did not build

We will build it!

("Victory Day")

Reader: Spring has come and Victory Day

The whole country welcomes us again.

Cannonade has not been heard for a long time,

But that war is not forgotten.

Heavy fighting near Brest

And a retreat to Moscow.

Defeat of the enemy at Stalingrad

Victory is the first sprouts.

Spring of Victory, thunder of fireworks

And tears in the eyes of the soldiers.

How long have we waited for Victory?

And the May holiday parade.

At the front and deep in the rear,

Victory was forged by all the people.

Not everyone returned from the battlefield,

Their feat lives in memory.

Veterans go into eternity

But we will keep it forever.

Immortal is your great feat

And we will never forget.

Several million children died and suffered during the war. The worst thing is when innocent children die.

(Song “No to War”))

Reader: Bright memory

To those who are not there!

Who hasn't met

Peaceful Dawn,

Through the cannonades

Through hunger

Through fear

Proudly Victory

Carried on his shoulders.

Reader: God!

Give me health

To those who are alive

After the massacre,

Came back home!

To you, veterans,

Near and far...

Low bow

To the very ground!!!

Presenter: (The presenter brings the globe into the center of the hall.)

Look how small the globe is, and there is room on it for people, fish, forests, and fields. We need to take care of this fragile planet, it is our home.

Reader: Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird with the sky,

Like the wind with the meadow,

Like a sail with the sea,

Grass - with rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us.

The sun has freckles, the sun has toys,

He doesn't need machine guns and guns.

It dreams of happiness and dances,

Paints smiles of flowers on the asphalt.

This good sun will not set,

Which is called the childhood of the planet.

Dance "Friendship"


    developing interest in the historical past of our country;

    fostering a sense of patriotism and citizenship;

    fostering a sense of gratitude towards those who died during the Great Patriotic War and the surviving veterans and people of the older generation.

    promote the development of creative abilities and cognitive interests of students.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop, stereo, screen.

The school assembly hall is festively decorated with balloons, and there are drawings on the walls on the theme of the holiday. Veterans are invited to the celebration. In the hall are elementary school students, teachers, and parents.

Children (students of 1st "A" class) play on the stage: a ball, a bicycle, a scooter, a jump rope, dolls. Cheerful music is playing. Gradually, the music fades away, the children freeze (on the screen there are frames of the presentation, see Appendix 1) and Levitan’s voice sounds, announcing the beginning of the war, then the song “Get up, huge country.” The children leave the stage.

Pupils of grade 4 "B" come out and act out the skit "Seeing off to the front." In the background, the guys depict: a mother feeding her son pies, girls dancing to the accordion, a young father admiring his newborn child, the commander writing something on a tablet. Readers line up in a column on the left and right.

Student 1.

"War" - there is no harsher word.
“War” - there is no sadder word.
In the melancholy and glory of these years.
And on our lips there is something else
It can’t be yet, and no.

Student 2.

From the endless Siberian plain
To Polesie forests and swamps
The heroic people rose up,
Our great Soviet people.

Student 3.

He came out, free and right,
Responding war to war,
Stand up for your native state,
For our mighty country!

Student 4.

Our grandfathers and fathers went to the holy war, boys and girls of the forties left, our peers left.

Enters the stage nurse girl.

I left my childhood for a dirty car,
To the infantry echelon as a nurse,
I came from school to damp dugouts,
Because the name is closer than Russia,
I couldn't find it!

The march “Farewell of the Slav” sounds, the future fighters line up and leave the stage.

Readers (students of grades 3 “A” and “B”) come onto the stage and line up in 2 lines on the steps of the stage. On the screen are frames of the presentation.

Student 1.

Reading books about war
It was as if we were at war ourselves,
And with our hearts we went to such distances,
Where tanks melted in fire.
It was as if we were taking risks ourselves.
Among the burning cities,
It was as if we were repeating ourselves
Deeds and exploits of the fathers.

Student 2.

It is sacred for us to protect the Fatherland
Experienced warriors to match.
But only to become a soldier,
There is a lot to experience.

Student 3.

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once.
Once in reality and many times in a dream.
Who says that war is not scary?
He knows nothing about the war.

Student 4.

There were battles at sea and on land,
Shots roared all around.
Singing the song "Katyusha"
Near Rostov, Kursk and Orel.
Raised the spirit of Soviet soldiers,
She sang a victory march, a battle march.
And she buried her enemies in the grave
Under the great Kursk Bulge.

Student 5.

Through blood and sweat, through fire and water,
Through the smoke of fires, through the stench of corpses,
Defending the right to freedom,
Russia, your soldier, walked towards victory.

Student 6.

And she didn’t break her heart, she didn’t ruin her
And the war did not corrupt their souls.
Apparently superhuman strength
It was given to him, a Russian soldier.

Student 7.

Did they fight well or badly?
Let descendants argue heatedly,
But what power was destroyed?
Turning to full shoulder.

Student 8.

The old fires were smoked away,
The old forts were shot down.
And long ago my comrades
Cast in noble bronze.

Student 9.

And when the long journey comes to an end,
I repeat these words as a commandment:
"Rus is alive!"
Everything else will follow.
The main thing, soldiers, Rus' is alive!

Student 10.

The whole planet saw
In clouds of fire and smoke -
Your glory is immortal
The will is indestructible.

Student 11.

Your strength is steel
Moved like an avalanche
Along the banks of the Danube,
Through the squares of Berlin.

Student 12.

You were on fire,
You slept in the snowdrifts,
Many have grown old
Many died in the field.

Student 13.

Much is now a memory
Can't restore.
A new day is coming
The old one will live with glory.

Student 14.

The war did not teach you how to love,
It was impossible to cool the heart.
The cute appearance warmed me in the dugout -
Wives, mothers, fathers, friends.

3rd grade leaves the stage, 4th "A" grade comes out and performs the song "In the Dugout". A soldier writes a letter, a nurse bandages a wound, food is cooked over a fire, a soldier cleans his weapon. At the end of the song, all participants line up, put their hands on each other’s shoulders and sing “I feel warm in a cold dugout from your unquenchable love” and leave the stage.

3 readers come onto the stage and line up in one line near the left curtain. On the screen are frames of the presentation.

Student 1.

In the name of the Fatherland -
In the name of the living -

Student 2.

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war and honor the memory of the fallen. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations.

Student 3.

Even then we were not in the world,
When fireworks thundered from one end to another.
Soldiers, you gave to the planet
Great May, victorious May!

The readers leave. Children of class 2 "A" perform a waltz to the music "Spring of '45".

The dancers leave, the readers come out of the right wing and line up.

Student 4.

People waited 1418 days for this holiday. The Great Patriotic War lasted for so many days. Soviet soldiers marched thousands of kilometers, liberating our country and European countries from the Nazis.

Student 5.

1418 fiery days and nights are not forgotten.
And suddenly the sky became brighter.
The news came to us: “Victory!”
And there are no battles, and there is no war.

Student 6.

Victory! Glorious victory!
What happiness there was in her!
May the sky be clear forever,
And the grass will turn green!

The readers leave, and the whole hall sings the song “Victory Day”.

Children of grade 2 "B" come onto the stage with flowers and line up on the steps of the stage. On the screen are frames of the presentation.

Student 1.

We are happy to greet you,
Those left to live, veterans.
The fire in your hearts has not gone out,
The wounds have not yet healed.

Student 2.

You've walked the hard way,
Throwing down the enemy like a snake,
So that the clear sun later
It got up, cherishing us with affection.

Student 3.

Let the volleys of fireworks thunder,
Let the wars of the earth subside,
Let dreams not disturb the soldiers,
In which the fire burns.

Student 4.

We are glad that you survived
In the endless bustle of the world.
May your dreams come true
My heartfelt bow to you.

Children present flowers to veterans.

Pupils of grade 4 "B" come onto the stage, line up in two lines on the steps of the stage and read poetry. On the screen are frames of the presentation.

Student 1.

You deserve Peace on Earth,
To love, create and live under the skies,
The whole planet is floating on a ship
Under your sails.

Student 2.

You deserve Peace in your soul,
Peace in the family and respect from above,
Thank you, we are no longer afraid
Nights under the father's roof.

Student 3.

You deserve Peace in the ranks of soldiers,
That they did not return, having fallen on the battlefield,
And their mothers still don't sleep
And they wait for their sons, whispering prayers for them.

Student 4.

You deserve Peace in the hearts of people,
Bow to you, who have conquered time,
Smiles, laughter and happiness of all children -
Reward for a defeated beast.

Student 5.

You deserve the world to flood the fire,
Divorced by the "Brown Plague"
And for centuries the descendants were given a reservation
On the Path of Freedom, blazed by you.

Student 6.

You deserve Peace by correcting death,
That death that remains to live forever,
And human memory is a whirlwind,
It makes us kinder and more humane.

Student 7.

Over 25 million people died during the war. This means that every eighth resident of our country died a heroic death.

Student 8.

Millions of people languished and died in death camps, died unconquered, with firm confidence in the victory of their mother Motherland.

Student 9.

Through the centuries, through the years -
About those who will no longer come
Never -

Student 10.

A minute of silence is declared in honor of all those who died during the Second World War.

The beats of a metronome can be heard.

Student 11.

As long as hearts are knocking -
At what cost
Happiness has been won

Student 12.

Millions of people died so that there could be peace on Earth. That’s why your heart aches so much when you hear reports of wars, even regional ones.

Student 13.

We need peace on the blue planet!
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Don't remember, don't think about the war.

Student 14.

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it -
We need peace forever! Forever!

Pupils of grades 1 "B" and 1 "C" come out to the ground (flowers and balloons in their hands) and sing the song "Let there always be sunshine" by L. Oshanin and A. Ostrovsky.

\ Documentation \ Scenarios for school holidays

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Scenario "Victory Day" (for elementary school)

Developed and sent a script for Victory Day: Tsitsilina Tatyana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Lyceum No. 90, Krasnodar E-mail of the author: [email protected]

A joyful, cheerful melody sounds. Children play, read books, jump, play with toys, whisper (5-6 people). Everyone else stands near the chairs.

Student (in the middle of Hall).

If they say the word “Motherland”, an old oak tree, currants in the garden, a thick poplar tree at the gate immediately spring to mind. By the river there is a modest birch tree and a daisy hill... And others will probably remember their native Moscow yard. The first boats are in the puddles, The clatter of feet with a skipping rope, And the loud, joyful whistle of the large neighboring factory. Or the steppe red with poppies, golden virgin lands... The homeland can be different, but everyone has the same one!

Recording "Holy War".

The children stand in a semicircle, some in caps, a nurse, holding letters behind their backs.

Leading. At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of their homeland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell our children and grandchildren about this just war so they will remember.


1. On the first day of the war they were 17-20 years old. Of every 100 children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of 100! Here it is, war!

2. War means 1,725 ​​destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages in our country. War means 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.

3. War is 900 days and nights of besieged Leningrad. This is 125 grams of bread per day. These are tons of bombs and shells falling on civilians.

4. War means 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like you.

5. War... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total: 2600 km - this is if you count in a straight line.

6. Doesn't seem like much, right? By plane it takes about 4 hours, but by dashing and on your belly - 4 years 1418 days.

7. People died, did not spare their lives, went to their death to drive the Nazis out of our land. Here, for example, are 28 Panfilovites. They did not allow any of the 50-odd enemy tanks to reach Moscow. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us.” While defending the capital, almost all the soldiers died, but they knocked out 50 fascist tanks.

8. During class we learned about the Belarusian village of Khatyn. It was like this: on March 22, 1943, the small village of Khatyn was surrounded by the Germans. Soldiers broke into peasant huts and threw people out into the street. Residents were herded into a barn. It became more and more crowded inside. Mothers tried to calm their children, but they themselves could not hold back their tears. There were many large families in Khatyn. For example, the Baranovskys have 9 children. Novitsky and Iotko had 7 each. And 19-year-old Vera Yaskevich rocked her seven-week-old son in her arms. They pushed the old men into the barn with rifle butts. The punishers lined the barn with straw, doused it with gasoline and set it on fire. They were burned alive. Many tried to escape from the fire. In vain! The SS men calmly, without fail, shot them with machine guns. For 149 residents of Khatyn, this day was the last. 75 children were martyred.

9. There was a war. These yellowed triangles are proof. These are front-line letters. My great-grandfather wrote them... to my great-grandmother... When he went to the front, his daughter had just been born. He asked in a letter: “Does my daughter coo?” He never managed to see his daughter. My great-grandmother received only a funeral.

Leading. Many families have preserved soldiers' triangle letters, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, and brothers. They wrote that they would return home and only with victory.

Children they read out lines from family letters from the front.

Leading. The woman-mother bore the greatest burden of the war on her shoulders.

Soldier 1 (writes a letter) .

I know you have anxiety in your heart - It’s not easy to be the mother of a soldier! I know you keep looking at the road. Along which I once left. I know that the wrinkles have become deeper and the shoulders have become a little slouched. Today we fought to the death, Mom, for you, for our meeting. Wait for me, and I will return, Just wait!

Soldier 2(unfolds the letter and reads it).

Hello, dear Maxim! Hello, my beloved son! I am writing from the front line, Tomorrow morning - back into battle! We will drive out the fascists. Take care, son, mother, Forget sadness and sadness - I will return with victory! I will finally hug you. Goodbye. Your father.

Soldier 3(with candle).

My dear family! Night. The candle flame is trembling. This is not the first time I remember how you sleep on a warm stove. In our little old hut, Which is hidden from view by the forests, I remember the field, the river, Again and again I remember you. My dear brothers and sisters! Tomorrow I’m going into battle again For my Fatherland, for Russia, which is in dire trouble. I will gather my courage and strength, I will beat the Germans without pity, so that nothing threatens you, so that you can study and live!

Dance "Cranes".

Leading. Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, orderlies, intelligence officers, and signalmen. Many soldiers were saved from death by gentle, kind female hands.

Nurse (a girl in a headscarf with a red cross, with a bag).

Guns roar, bullets whistle. A soldier was wounded by a shell fragment. My sister whispers: “Come on, I’ll support you, I’ll bandage your wound!” - I forgot everything: weakness and fear, I carried him out of the battle in my arms. There was so much love and warmth in her! My sister saved many from death.

Leading. About 40 million Soviet people died. Can you imagine what this means? This means 30 killed per 2 meters of land, 28 thousand killed daily. This means that every fourth resident of the country died.

I ask everyone to stand up. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of the feat of the Soviet soldier. Let's honor the memory of all those killed with a minute of silence.

A minute of silence.

Song "Eternal Flame".


We are here with you not because the date, Like an evil fragment of memory, burns in the chest. Come to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on holidays and weekdays. He protected you on the battlefield. He fell without taking a step back. And this hero has a name - the Great Army, a simple soldier.



The sun is shining on Victory Day and will always shine for us. In fierce battles, our grandfathers managed to defeat the enemy. The columns march in an even formation, And songs flow here and there, And festive fireworks sparkle in the sky of the hero cities!

Song "With Grandfather to the Parade!"

Let there never be war! Let the peaceful cities sleep. Let the piercing howl of sirens not sound above my head. Let no one burst a shell, Let no one shoot a machine gun. Let our forests ring only with the voices of birds and children. And may the years pass peacefully, May there never be war!

Song "Singing about peace."

Dance "Childhood".

The war has passed, the joy has passed, But the pain calls out to people: “Let us, people, never forget about this. Let the faithful memory of it be kept, of this torment, And the children of today’s children, And our grandchildren’s grandchildren.

Children throw balloons with paper doves on them to the music.


Literature used:

  • 1. Newspaper "First of September. Elementary School" (Supplement to the magazine "Elementary School") No. 13/2003, p. 13.
  • 2. Poems by Tatyana Sharygina.

The end of the script for Victory Day for primary school.

Holiday scenario: “We will never forget the day the war ended”


Formation in pupils of a high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland;

Formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland.


Nurturing patriotic feelings, developing cognitive interest and love for the Motherland, familiarizing with the historical and cultural heritage;

Fostering a sense of respect and gratitude for the participants of the Great Patriotic War for their feat, loyalty and devotion to the Motherland.

Decor: the stage is elegantly decorated with garlands of multi-colored balloons and flowers.

The song “Cranes” sounds. J. Frenkil, lyrics. R. Gamzatova. Children take the stage. The presenter reads the words to the music.

Leading: 68 years have passed since that victorious spring: we rejoice at peace on earth, we grieve for the dead. We will never forget the courage of the soldiers who gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of the Soviet Motherland. The memory of the victims will be eternal! But each of us will shudder when we hear again for the first time those terrible phrases that strike right in the heart: “Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks. We are conveying an important government message. Citizens and women of the Soviet Union! Today, June 22, 1941 at 4 o'clock in the morning, without any declaration of war, the German armed forces attacked the borders of the Soviet Union."


War - there is no crueler word.

War - there is no sadder word.

War - there is no holier word.

In the melancholy and glory of these years,

And on our lips there is something else

It can't be yet and no.


Wherever you go or go,

But stop here.

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are - fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd,—

Remember forever: here lies

Your very best friend.

For both you and me

He did everything he could:

He did not spare himself in battle,

And he saved his homeland.

Kamila: During the war, over 11 thousand Soviet soldiers became Heroes of the Soviet Union. Among them are pioneers Marat Kazei, Zina Portnova, Valya Kotik, Lenya Golikov. Many pioneers were awarded medals and orders.

Children sing the song "Song about Pioneer Heroes." Music A. Pakhmutova, Sl. N. Dobronravov.

A thunderstorm roared over the earth,

The boys grew manly in battle...

People know: pioneer heroes

/Remained in service forever! -2 rub./


They walked through the storm,

They walked through the wind

And the wind saved a song, a song:

And there are no other roads!”

They march in the parade

Equalizing the invisible row,

Right flank in each squad

/The hero guys are worth it! -2 rubles/


We are in life, my friend and peer,

Let's go along the path of heroes.

We will remember their exploits like a song,

/And we’ll finish it ourselves! -2 rub./


“We have one, only one path - to victory!

And there are no other roads!”


So that there is a Fatherland

Strong as granite -

Army dear

Standing at his post.

Azat: During the harsh days of the war, children stood next to adults. Schoolchildren earned money for the defense fund, collected warm clothes for front-line soldiers, worked in military factories, were on duty on the roofs of houses during air raids, and gave concerts to wounded soldiers in hospitals.

S. Zilya:

We were ten years old then

We remember the night of the war:

There is not a light in the windows,

They are darkened.

Who lived only ten years,

Will remember forever

How, after extinguishing the trembling light,

There were trains.

Troops were transported to the front in the darkness

Children - to the distant rear.

And the train at night without a whistle

I left the stations.


And from sea to sea

The Bolsheviks rose up.

And from sea to sea

Russian regiments stood up.

We stood united with the Russians

Belarusians, Latvians,

people of free Ukraine,

both Armenians and Georgians,

Moldovans, Chuvashs -

all Soviet peoples

against a common enemy

everyone who loves freedom

and Russia is expensive.

Leading: In the occupied territory, the Nazis created concentration camps in which thousands of old people, women, and children died.


The great hour of reckoning has come,

The great day of the earth has come,

When Soviet soldiers

The Soviet border has been crossed.

A menacing avalanche broke out

Steel infantry and vehicles.

Swiftly, uncontrollably

With one thought - to Berlin.

Leading: Near Leningrad, on the spot where the Red Army stopped the fascist hordes in the fall of 1941, there now stands a monument. There is an inscription carved on it: “This time has left us forever and remains with us forever.”


From the endless Siberian plain

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose up.

Our great Soviet people.

He came out, free and right.

Responding with war to war.

Stand up for your native state,

For our mighty country.

Crushing iron and stone,

He mercilessly struck down the enemy.

Victory banner over Berlin -

He hoisted the banner of his truth.

He walked through fire and water,

He did not stray from his path.

Glory, glory to the heroic people,

Glory to the Red Army!

Leading: And now it has come, This great long-awaited day - Victory Day! People waited 1418 days for this holiday. Soviet soldiers walked thousands of kilometers liberating our country from fascism.