Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia announces enrollment of students


The former head of the Saratov Law Institute (SJI) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Sinyukov, lost his position at the beginning of last year. But the police general’s work in this educational institution is still alive. So, at the end of the past year, the deputy head of the university for logistics, Konstantin Gusev, who had a criminal record behind him, on which he wore the shoulder straps of a police lieutenant colonel for almost 5 years, disgraced himself with his dismissal.

Gusev came to law enforcement from the armed forces. And maybe he didn’t even come, but fled, persecuted by justice. After all, on July 28, 2005, after his dismissal from the army, the Orenburg Garrison Military Court found policeman Gusev guilty of fraud (Part 3 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and unauthorized abandonment of duty (Part 4 of Article 337 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The lieutenant colonel shared the dock with two of his accomplices Sergei Pankratov And Alexander Sobolevsky.

Idle warrior

Briefly their story goes like this. In 2003, fellow soldiers, inspector-auditors Gusev and Sobolevsky, were sent by their superiors to military unit 92190, stationed in the city of Buzuluk, Orenburg Region, where Pankratov served as assistant commander for financial and economic work. The first two had to check the financial and economic activities of the latter. It would seem that it was like a classic: nothing foreshadowed trouble. But, having met, the officers seemed to become so friendly that they decided to swindle the army and at the same time the Motherland out of almost half a million rubles. No, like the ensigns in the jokes, the would-be warriors did not trade weapons. They falsified documents so that they repeatedly received compensation for other military personnel for clothing, daily allowances, travel allowances, etc. Having worked hard, Gusev, among other things, decided to take a vacation on his own. Without formalizing a break from work, the lieutenant colonel and his wife drove off to a resort in Gelendzhik, where, as the judge put it in the verdict, “ spent time idly, taking a break from service».

The officers would have served in this way if their colleagues from the investigative agencies had not intervened, intent on putting the trio behind bars. However, a judge with a promising surname Strakhov showed a logically inexplicable leniency towards them, finding them guilty, but imposing a fine on each of them, not exceeding 100 thousand rubles.

So, apparently without experiencing fear, Gusev did not admit guilt, and therefore, probably, decided that the court verdict could not become an obstacle in his police career. Surprisingly, it seems that Sinyukov, the head of the SUI, held a similar point of view, where Gusev worked as deputy head of the financial and economic department during the trial. How else can we explain the fact that the general did not fire the criminal policeman, as required by law? We don’t think that the lieutenant colonel could have hidden a dark spot in his biography from the university administration.

Medal for the accident

Subsequently, this impunity of Gusev almost developed into a new criminal case. Having put on a police uniform, the lieutenant colonel fell in love with driving his car on the sidewalks. The trouble did not take long to arrive: on January 29 of this year, on Sokolova Street, two pedestrians found themselves under the wheels of Gusev’s car. Moreover, by an evil irony of fate, both were off-duty city traffic police officers: Alexander Elsesser And Yulia Ivenskikh. In general, the scandal could have turned out loud, but at the cost of efforts unknown to us, the punishment for the reckless driver was limited to administrative liability, i.e. - a fine.

And then a new strange thing happens to Gusev. Current head of the institute Valery Nazarov represents a lieutenant colonel for the position of nomenklatura of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - deputy head of the SUI for logistics. In addition, he is applying for a state award. Consequently, the Moscow generals were deceived by their local colleagues - they did not tell about Gusev’s act. After all, an administrative offense is a serious obstacle to recruitment into law enforcement agencies, and even more so to such a high position.

What the university management kept silent about was not ignored by a city deputy with police roots. Vladimir Koldin. True, the people's representative's appeals to the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not bring the desired result for a long time. What is noteworthy is that the generals there recognized that Gusev had committed an administrative offense, but did not see this as any obstacle to the appointment of a lieutenant colonel to the position of nomenklatura of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And they completely turned a blind eye to Gusev’s criminal record. The deputy managed to expel the erring police officer from the institute only after a repeated appeal to President Dmitry Medvedev: on December 1 of this year, the deputy head of the SUI for logistics was dismissed from the authorities, as the deputy head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said in his response Igor Amelchakov, « in connection with the entry into force of a court conviction" It took almost 5 years to understand this.

Who is next?

Although, most likely, the high-ranking police authorities were well aware of the dark spots in Gusev’s biography. But why didn’t they take any measures? The law enforcement officers involved in this publication categorically refused to comment to the Fourth Estate correspondent.

We would like to remind you that the ex-head of SUI Sinyukov was dismissed by the president Vladimir Putin, most likely due to falsification of the award sheet for awarding him the honorary title “Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.” By the way, this story was also made public by Deputy Koldin. So it turns out: such dubious people as Gusev are beneficial to dubious bosses like Sinyukov?

It is worth noting that after this scandal, the ex-head of SUI took the chair of the regional Minister of Culture. What were the governor's reasons for appointing Sinyukov to this position? Pavel Ipatov and deputy chairman of the regional government in charge of the social sphere Natalya Starshova- we can only guess. Did they really find a like-minded person in the former law enforcement officer? Or an accomplice? One thing is clear - the system does not abandon its own.

But someone must be punished for the fact that the convicted Gusev wore police stripes unhindered for almost 5 years. And, I think, we first need to look for them in the law school itself, where principled employees are being persecuted today. For example, Deputy Head of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law and Organization of Crime Investigations Sergei Bandurin. It was he who first pointed out Gusev’s criminal past. Today, by hook or by crook, they are trying to get the highly professional teacher Bandurin out of the university where he has been working for almost 15 years: they are sending letters to the president on his behalf, issuing illegal reprimands, etc. There is an opinion that the current head of the SUI, Nazarov, may be behind the persecution of the unwanted policeman.

The Saratov Military Institute is the center of future military personnel and defenders of the Fatherland. How did the history of this educational institution, famous throughout Russia, begin?

Historical information

The Saratov Military Institute can boast of a long history, during which it changed not only its name, but also its organizational structure and quantitative composition. The only factor that could not be influenced was the high level of teaching and training of professional personnel. The official history of the institute began in May 1932 (previously it was called the 4th Border Guard School). Already in 1934, the first commanders who graduated from the infantry department were released. Three years later, the school was reorganized into a military school, which in 1973 was already a higher school, and in 1997 it became a military institute. Starting from the first graduates, to this day the institute has graduated more than 36 thousand trained officers. In 1938-1939, students of the institute fought with Japanese samurai near Lake Khasan, and in 1940 - with the White Finns. The students of the institute brought a lot of glory to their educational institution during this period of time.


The first invasions of Adolf Hitler's troops were bravely taken on by the institute's students D. Rakus and A. Lopatin. Both officers became posthumous Heroes. During this war, 20 cadets of the Saratov Military Institute received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Many were awarded orders and medals for their fortitude. In their native educational institution, the names of these people are engraved on a memorial plaque in gold letters. During the war, the institute continued to train young people, with a total of 23 graduates. About 6 thousand officers went to the front.

Post-war time

In 1947-1949, cadets and officers of the Saratov Institute actively fought against nationalist formations in the Baltic states and Western Ukraine. In August 1996, the educational institution was named after F. Dzerzhinsky. The war in Afghanistan could not pass by the graduates of the Saratov school. Many cadets and even teachers were participants in the military conflict. Also, graduates of the institute participated in the operation to eliminate the consequences after the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, students and teachers did not always see eye to eye and often fought on opposite sides of the barricades (Yerevan, Baku). From 1993 to 1995, officers of the Saratov Institute ensured public order in Vladikavkaz. Thousands of graduates of the institute were involved in ensuring law and order in the Chechen Republic. Some of them died and became heroes for their homeland.

Present day

Today, the Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops produces specialists who know their job very well and perform worthy service in different parts of Russia. Many cadets rise to the rank of general. Graduates of the institute are one of the main pillars of the Russian Federation in the fight against terrorism and crime, ensuring the rights of the population in “hot spots”. In 2002, the Saratov Military Institute received a commemorative Pennant of the Minister of Internal Affairs for its enormous contribution to the education and training of qualified military personnel. In 2008, the educational institution received the Battle Banner. In 2012, the guests of the institute were an invited commission from Belarus and a delegation from the French gendarmerie. In 2015, the name “Krasnoznamenny” was returned to the educational institution. In May 2017, the Saratov Military Institute turns 85 years old.

Basic information

The Saratov Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a federal government military educational institution of the Russian Federation. The founder and owner of the educational institution in one person is the Russian Federation. The functions of the founder are assigned to the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops. The institute is open every day from 8.00-18.000 (13.00-15.00 break), except weekends. There is an information website of the institute on the Internet.


The Saratov Military Institute offers applicants to study at the following levels of higher education:

  • Specialty

Duration of training - 5 years full-time. To enroll in this level of education, you must provide a document on secondary general (special) education. Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet served in the state military service (16-22 years old), people who have completed military service and men who are performing military service under a contract can apply. Admission of applicants is carried out on a competitive basis. According to professional selection, an applicant must undergo a full medical examination and be fit to perform his duties due to health reasons, undergo a psychological examination and be morally stable, pass a physical fitness exam and successfully pass the EGE.

  • Bachelor's degree

Duration of study: 5 years, part-time. The training program includes military internships, classroom and independent studies. There are 5 main departments involved in training.

Technical base

The educational and material base of the institute is constantly being improved. The head of the military institute decided to gradually modernize the training process for promising development in the future. To rationally organize the learning process, the Saratov Military Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs uses buildings and premises with a total area of ​​67,089 square meters. m. Today, the institute has 66 classrooms for teaching specialized subjects, 4 lecture halls, 2 laboratories, a printing house, a center for automated control systems and a television studio. To ensure a progressive learning process, more than 600 units of computer equipment and about 15 multimedia projectors are used. The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has a field educational and material base, which is located at a distance of 25 km from the educational institution itself. It includes a training shooting range, a central management post, a shooting camp, a hall of the airborne assault department, a training center, an engineering camp and a tactical unit change camp. There is also an artillery and grenade launcher town, and places for radiation, chemical and biological protection. There is also a psychological protection strip, a communication area and a communication field.

Admission of applicants

The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia invites everyone to study. Choosing a professional occupation is the most important decision for every person, but for a man this step predetermines his entire future life. It is very important to find an activity in which you can realize your potential and benefit your homeland and society. The profession of an officer is not suitable for everyone, because it requires the presence of many qualities, such as responsibility, readiness, self-control. This work will require a lot of time and effort, and will also make the man obligated to defend his homeland. A military man stands firmly on his feet, he is always confident that he can protect himself and his loved ones.

The Saratov Military Institute of Internal Affairs guarantees its graduates full support, a diploma of completion of training, training in driving a car, guaranteed employment and a decent level of remuneration. Service in the ranks of the Russian army will require a young man to have excellent health, deep knowledge and a high level of physical fitness.

Next year the Saratov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be disbanded. This information was confirmed by the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Saratov Region, Sergei Arenin, at a press conference held yesterday. Already this year the enrollment of students at the educational institution will be reduced. The disbandment is associated with the optimization of the number of police personnel, which is taking place as part of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Observers predict a decline in the quality of police personnel in the region.

As Alexey Elatontsev, deputy head of the institute for work with personnel, explained to Kommersant, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is currently being optimized, its completion date is January 2012. Today, in addition to the Saratov Institute, there are 10 more educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the country. The Samara branch of the SUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was reduced last year. According to the plan announced a year ago by the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Rashid Nurgaliev, only 9 specialized educational institutions should remain. The Saratov university was also disbanded.

“Currently, there has been no official act on the liquidation of the university. However, this option is being considered,” noted Mr. Elatontsev. He also confirmed the information that this year a restriction has been introduced on the admission of applicants from other regions of the Russian Federation. Residents of the Saratov region will not yet be affected by the innovation.

As for those cadets who are already studying at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the event of disbandment, all will be given the opportunity to complete their education at other universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most likely, they will be transferred to the Volgograd and Nizhny Novgorod academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as to the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Which specific educational institution the cadets will be sent to depends, according to the deputy head of the institute, on their specialization. “Not a single cadet will be fired; the Ministry of Internal Affairs treats qualified personnel very carefully,” assured Alexey Elatontsev. According to him, when the Samara branch of the institute was closed last year, all students were sent to the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Last September, one of the oldest police universities in the country celebrated its 85th anniversary. Today, it offers education in the following specialties: “law enforcement”, “jurisprudence”, “forensic examination”, at the faculties of training scientific and pedagogical personnel, retraining and advanced training. About 5 thousand cadets study at the university. Among the teachers there are 15 professors.

Commenting on the future of the institute’s employees, the head of the regional police department, Sergei Arenin, assured that “no one will be thrown out onto the street.” The Lieutenant General of Police noted that some of the SUI employees, after recertification, will be recruited to continue serving in the police. Similar universities are closed in Elabuga and Krasnodar. The base of the Saratov Institute will most likely be transferred to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, but the police have not yet announced what it will be used for.

The president of the Saratov State Academy of Law, Fedor Grigoriev, believes that due to the closure of the institute, the region will lose highly qualified personnel in the field of “expert forensics.” “We created this university from scratch, it was one of the best police institutes in the country, and it’s a shame that it will be closed. But this is the president’s decision, there is nothing to add here,” commented Mr. Grigoriev.

“I believe that the university should not be closed. If the president is talking about reducing the number of lawyers, then it is necessary to disband alternative institutions and law faculties in non-core universities,” says Alexey Kuznetsov, chairman of the interregional bar association of the Saratov region. According to him, the loss of qualified operatives and forensic experts, who are trained in the Suit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, may turn out to be irreparable. “It’s sad that we don’t need such specialists,” summed up Mr. Kuznetsov. According to the chairman of the bar association, in the absence of a specialized university, the quality of police personnel in the region may sharply decline.