The most mysterious and inexplicable cases of disappearances (20 photos). Awards have found a hero

Over all times, the crowns of nature have accumulated many amazing stories about themselves. Some of them are truly frightening, others are alarming, and others amaze and even inspire achievements. So what situations that happened to people in different eras have the right to be called the most extraordinary of all?

Among the amazing stories about the lives of people side by side with wild animals, the story of Marina can be considered almost the canonical embodiment of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan stories.

Chapman, then a little 5-year-old girl, ended up in the Colombian jungle in the 50s of the last century. She ended up in impassable forests because she was kidnapped and then, for some reason, left there by unknown men. Soon the baby was found by a group of monkeys. Its representatives began to show a benign interest in a larger, but still similar individual. The girl quickly got used to it and became part of the community: she began to move on all fours, steal food, look for fleas and, if possible, make some sounds.

After 5 years, Marina accidentally exposed herself to poachers, who immediately decided to make money from the young creature and send her to a brothel. However, due to her age, Chapman only performed the work of a maid there. Then the girl’s bitter fate continued with beatings and imprisonment in the mafioso’s house, where she found herself after escaping from a brothel. Soon justice prevailed, and Mowgli found good people. One of the women became her adoptive mother.

Today Marina lives in Bradford, UK, with her husband and children. She again mastered human speech and even learned to be a chef. However, the amazing story from her life still reminds us of itself. For example, Chapman can still confidently move on all fours, climb trees and give a tough fight.

Bird child

The next amazing story from life will also be dedicated to the baby, only it is no longer 50, but more than 280 years away from modern times. In 1735, the German Schmidt family from the small town of Tauha was preparing for the birth of their 4th child. The couple, 28-year-old Johanna-Sofia and 38-year-old Andreas, not only did not expect to face premature birth at 8 months of pregnancy, but also to see what it would bring with them...

The baby that emerged combined the features of a human and a chicken. The strangeness of the phenomenon was further enhanced by the fact that all the previous offspring of the couple were absolutely normal and healthy. Gottlieb Friederici, who published the work “The Rarest Human Monster,” once took on the task of explaining this amazing case; it was he who preserved the baby’s body in alcohol, which then ended up in the Waldenburg Museum in Germany. However, even today, progressive doctors and researchers have not been able to identify the nature of the appearance of such a creature and find in history other examples of people with a cleroid-shaped skull, the absence of ears, an underdeveloped lower jaw, an abnormally sized heart and long fingers ending in claws. Scientists were only able to establish the gender of the bird child, who brought another mystery into this life - it was a girl.

Three-eyed patient

Some amazing incidents from life can bring a lot of inconvenience to the main characters. For example, once in China, doctors discovered a 25-year-old man with 3 eyes. For all time, humanity has encountered such precedents only 3 times.

An additional eye, uncharacteristic for ordinary people, was located on the young man’s temple on the left side. The eye included all the necessary elements: eyelid, pupil, lacrimal gland and even the brow ridge. But he also had one significant drawback - he could not see anything at all, and also significantly worsened the vision of his “partners”.

Blood that conquers poison

The next amazing and incredible story will also be associated with the inexplicable characteristics of the human body, but in this case you will need to move to India. Today it is home to Singh Abu, who has earned the nickname "Lord of Snakes", although he could also be dubbed "Lord of Death". The fact is that this man experimentally found out: the bites of crawling dangerous viper not only do not kill him, but even make him stronger!

Research has found that Indian blood has an unusual composition that breaks down poison and then turns it into useful nutrients. This is truly amazing, but the liquid circulating in the circulatory system of the Lord of Snakes does not belong to any group known today (0, A, B, AB). Singh-Abu decided to turn the lucky break into a business and make a living from his uniqueness: he is currently showing people performances where he walks barefoot on a reptile-infested floor and performs various tricks with them.

Tears made of plastic

And here is another story that is considered one of the most amazing not only in North Africa, where the phenomenon girl Hanuma lives, but throughout the world. How many people have cried at least once in their lives? Of course, there are many. However, the main character of this story is not familiar with tears in the usual sense.

The baby grew up as a non-capricious and obedient child, so her parents did not immediately notice her peculiarity. Only when the girl matured enough to help her mother with housework did the couple realize how different she was from the rest. One day Hanuma was cutting an onion when suddenly hard grains like beads fell from her eyes. This amazing case would have remained the property of the North African family if its head had not decided to use beautiful and easy-to-cut crystals in his jewelry work. Stories about beautiful jewelry began to pass from buyer to buyer, until the product was purchased by a researcher interested in its composition. He found out that the main element, namely Hanuma's tears, is a special type of plastic, the manufacturing method of which is still unknown to the world.

Scientists have still not been able to explain this amazing story. The most interesting and joyful thing is that the “grains” falling from the eyes do not interfere with Hanuma in real life. They already harden on the eyelashes, do not stick to the skin, do not spoil vision and do not cause pain.

Funny incidents and coincidences

Among the most amazing stories from life are not only those that can cause bewilderment, but also those that simply make you smile. Here are some of them:

  • After landing on the surface of the Moon in 1969, American Neil Armstrong immediately said the phrase: “I wish you success, Mr. Gorski!” Once upon a time, while still a boy, the future astronaut witnessed a quarrel between a couple living nearby. During the showdown, Mrs. Gorski blurted out that the neighbor's shooter would rather fly to the moon than her husband could satisfy a woman.

  • A phenomenal incident happened in 1965 in a village in Scotland. Residents gathered at the local cinema to enjoy the film "Around the World in 80 Days". At the moment when the frame showed the sending of the balloon and the cutting of the rope, the audience heard a roar. It turned out that exactly the same ship had landed on the roof!

  • In 1966, a 4-year-old boy named Roger Losier nearly drowned near Salem, USA. He was noticed in time and pulled out of the water by the brave Alice Blaze. In 1974, Roger, without knowing it, repaid the debt to the savior, namely, in the same place, he saved from death a man who turned out to be her husband.

In the life of every person, there have probably been cases that are difficult to explain from the point of view of common sense. You are reading a book and listening to music at the same time. And suddenly the words in the book and in the song coincided. Whether this is accidental or not is difficult to explain, impossible to understand. Or even more mysterious. You are holding the phone in your hands and are about to make a call. And suddenly there is a counter call from the person whose number you just wanted to dial. I will tell you about some cases for which I have no explanation.


I loved listening to my father's stories about the war. He was a great storyteller. His stories were replete with surnames, first names, regiment numbers, home airfields, and call signs. He talked about the war as if it happened to him yesterday. My father always gave the positions and names of the people he talked about. “Foreman Borsteiko Andrei was our gunsmith in the squadron... Or. ... And the chief of finance of the regiment, senior lieutenant Grisha Khamzin, looked after our nurse Polina. In the summer of '43, she was killed by shrapnel during a raid on our airfield in Manevichi..."

Being in his ninth decade of life, he easily talked about the Il-2 aircraft, remembered all its modifications and the nuances of controlling this aircraft. I was especially struck by little things in his stories that no one else would have paid attention to:
-...General Rokossovsky treated everyone to cigarettes. They were in his silver cigarette case. The cigarette case is engraved with an inscription and a star, and at the bottom right is the date: May 1935. The cigarette was a full cigarette case. I didn't smoke, but I took a cigarette. It was pleasant: from the Rokossov cigarette itself...
Or from his stories:
-... And suddenly the Polish woman brings out the samovar. I looked - ours, Russian. From the Nizhny Novgorod Fair of 1902. He also, you know, has medals from exhibitions engraved in a row. And from London 1895, and from Berlin 1898... Six medals in total...

One day there was a conversation about arming aircraft crews.
- We always flew with pistols. Orders and medals were required to be removed before departure, but this did not catch on. So they flew, sparkling with medals. The cap was given to the aircraft equipment for storage, the headset was put on the head and off we went. But the gunners on the IL-2 flew with machine guns. You never know...
- Did you have a Nagan?
- I have? No. All crews were armed with TT pistols. Good car. I had a brand new one, made in 1940. Gray blued, becalite cheeks, beautiful and shoots well.
- Do you remember the number? – I asked my father.
- Certainly. TK 7771. Easy to remember. TK is like ToKarev, and the number is generally memorable. I flew with him throughout the war. Sometimes, having nothing better to do, he shot at cans. Nice gun. Reliable and pleasant in the hand. And it’s easy to put the safety on: pull the trigger a little, there’s a barely audible click and the gun is on safety. And it’s even easier to remove the clip – you press the button and it pops out. We just need to have time to catch her...

That spring marked 67 years since the end of the war. There were fewer and fewer veterans left. A few years ago my father passed away into Eternity. I went to visit my former colleague in the Arctic. He hasn't served for a long time. He turned his apartment into a museum: orders, medals, ancient broadswords and checkers, German machine guns, Soviet PPSh and PPS hung on the wall, pistols hung in holsters.
With interest I held a pre-war Nagan in my hands. It was slightly shabby, but serviceable and functional. A friend’s son, a Kiev businessman, enthusiastically said:
- This is the so-called MMG - that is, a mass-dimensional layout. The real pistol was cleverly and quietly rendered unusable. You see: special bushings are inserted into the channels in the drum. You can’t put a cartridge in there anymore, but here, below, a laser has made a very thin cut in the barrel bore. So it is impossible to shoot from it. But the thing is real and looks beautiful. I can get you any MMG pistol. For money, of course. They are sold in special stores. I agreed.

A week later, a friend’s son brought me a teteshnik. I gave him the money, thanked him, we drank a cup of tea and he left. I turned the pistol over in my hands, made a few clicks, pulled back the bolt frame, put the safety on, took aim, again pulled the trigger several times - everything worked smoothly, as it should be with a combat pistol. The teteshnik smelled almost imperceptibly, but pleasantly to any military man, current or former, of gun oil. The pistol number was stamped directly above the cheeks of the handle. I looked at him and the hair on my head began to move. I clearly saw the pistol number: TK 7771 - ToKarev three sevens, one. I was dumbfounded. The heart stopped, the vision became black and white, the fingers on the hands weakened - the pistol hit the polished board of the table heavily.

I fell into a chair. “This can’t be…” - pounded in my brain. My heart was pounding like crazy. Carefully, I made my way to the bathroom and put my head under the icy stream of water. It became easier. Then I slowly walked up to the table, turned on the table lamp and carefully took the gun in my hands. I looked again at the number and year of the pistol. It was my father's gun. This is his number. My father had a phenomenal memory, which he inherited from me.
That evening I didn’t let go of my father’s gun until midnight. I have compiled an approximate chain of possible movement of the pistol. After the war, the corresponding order of the Minister of Defense established the requirement to hand over the pistol to the weapons service when an officer is transferred to a new duty station. The pistol changed hands for some time, then PM pistols began to arrive to replace the TT. The old pistols were handed over to an artillery weapons depot. There it lay until the time when it became fashionable to render old weapons unusable and sell them to anyone at exorbitant prices.

I now keep this pistol as a memory of my hero - my father. Sometimes I don't believe in the possibility of such a coincidence. Then, with excitement, I once again take the pistol out of the holster and look at the number. No. This is him - ToKarev, three sevens, one...

My son's wife is a gift from fate. Beautiful, slender, fair-haired charmer. My wife and I immediately liked her - calm, unfussy, reasonable. Her son dotes on her. He likes to repeat - he chose it himself! And he got married while he was a cadet at an aviation school for pilots. And the future wife was barely seventeen. I don’t understand how he chose, but in any case it was an excellent choice. The daughter is already 9 years old, the son is almost a year old, they live in perfect harmony and cannot get enough of each other.
Yulia comes from a family of workers at the St. Petersburg shipyard. She is not spoiled by expensive gifts, restaurant delights and other attributes of a beautiful, modern life. My wife and I always enjoyed giving her expensive gifts. Not out of chic and ostentatious opportunity to surprise, but simply as a gift for the love, care and decency that we saw in her attitude towards her husband and family.
In the summer we went by car to my wife’s homeland, in the Chernigov region. There are good places there. Magical. There are forests all around, the beautiful Desna River is nearby, the water in the well is already sweet, the apples in the garden are the size of a small melon, the strawberries are the size of a fist, lard... what can I say. Paradise. Eden. Pampas. Volnitsa.

That morning, my son and Yulia went to Desna on their own, my granddaughter Arishka had a stomach ache and my wife and I stayed at home. The children returned in the evening, their faces blacker than night. Julia, tearful, could not speak from excitement. The son clearly, in a military manner, reported:
- We lost the gold. We forgot to take everything off at home, came to Desna, took off and hung all the rings, earrings, a pendant on two chains with gold crosses on Yulin’s ring with a diamond, and Yulia fastened them to her in her robe pocket with a pin. We were getting ready to leave, but there was no gold. There is a pin, but no gold.
- Someone attached legs to your gold. “I had to look around,” I told my son.
- Yes, dad, we were alone. There is no one around. And the robe hung under the umbrella. And there was no one around. Well, Yulia was not far away in a dressing gown... And they searched everything there... They didn’t find it.

The wife went to calm Yulia down, and we, as befits men, turned the conversation to a more important topic. We started talking about fishing. We agreed to go together early tomorrow morning for the morning bite. We started the car, went to a pig farm to get some worms, had dinner and went to bed. Our girls talked for a long time about something while sitting on the veranda.
We arrived at Desna just as it was just beginning to dawn.
- Where were you yesterday? - I asked my son.
- To the right of the ferry. Three kilometers. There is a sandy beach there, it’s right next to Maiskoye, the village is like this...
- I know. We will now turn left from the ferry and there we will throw our donks under the cliff. There, in the pools, along the shore, you can try it with a fishing rod.
We stopped in a small clearing surrounded by huge, two-girth willows. We took out all our fishing gear and went down the cliff to the river. Slowly, without fuss, they threw donks with feeders with skill. Then they also slowly took out the fishing rods, baited the hooks and the fishing began. Zhenya ran to the car - he brought two folding chairs, we sat down, lit a cigarette and began to wait.

Apparently, they had caught fish in this place before us. The place was well trodden down; near the water there were flyers stuck in the sand for setting up fishing rods. Five minutes passed. It didn't bite. I took out my knife, long, made of good Solingen steel, with a handle made of multi-colored rubber. Between our chairs I started digging a hole for the bulls. I had only thrust the blade shallowly into the compacted sand when we immediately heard a quiet ringing sound. The blade struck metal. Zhenya looked at my work with interest. The blade bent slightly and I pulled out a chain from the sand on which rings, earrings and a ring were attached. It was gold lost yesterday five kilometers from here. Zhenya suffered from tetanus.
I picked up the find and washed the sand from the gold in the river. Then he handed it to his son.
- Yours?
- Ddd-ah... - Zhenya had no voice. The eyes were bulging and resembled lotto barrels.

Fishing didn't go well that morning. All our thoughts, conversations and reflections were focused on our find. We didn't find the answer. We arrived home by lunchtime. We told our girls about the find. To the surprise there was added fear, elements of mysticism and magic. We couldn't find the answer to one question: how could gold that was lost yesterday end up in a place where it shouldn't have been today? We looked at all possible options, including the most extravagant and absurd ones, but we never found an answer. A few days later, all the rings, chains and crosses, pendant and ring were consecrated in the village church. Subsequently, no mystical phenomena occurred to them.

Initially, I planned to tell four cases of unknown events that happened to me or before my eyes. The third case is about a pilot who ejected over the Laptev Sea. They searched for him, but found only a rescue boat. And after some time, he was accidentally seen alive in Moscow, then, together with his wife, he was met at Lake Issyk-Kul and at the Baku-Krasnovodsk ferry crossing.
And the fourth case is completely from the category of “This cannot be, because this can never happen.” I won’t even make a hint about the fourth case, so as not to convince everyone of a lie and so that you don’t doubt the state of my brain convolutions and psyche...

But very often I wonder, how do such cases still happen? Who is their author and performer? For what purpose is this happening? Is all this really an accident and a simple coincidence in a heap of absurdities, entropy errors, time dilation for some and an increase in the speed of light for other objects? Or have we already arrived at the possibility of telekinesis? I don't know the answer. I would like...

How often do you come across unusual people in your life? Do you often see amazing things or witness paranormal phenomena? Most likely, like us, no. But today is exactly that rare case. Read more...

Miracles, anomalies, unusual creatures - all this and much more attracts human attention. Scientists name reasons that are completely different from each other. Some insist that in this way a person affirms his true high existence, the only correct and thorough rational education, without flaws or deviations. Others talk about satisfying curiosity, inquisitiveness, which, in turn, also originates in the depths of the subconscious. Well, today let us adhere to the fact that a person, interested in the mysteries of this world, strives for its knowledge and new discoveries.

Now let's ask ourselves a question: how often do you witness paranormal phenomena in your life? Most likely no. Most often we have to read about such anomalies, watch videos, and so on. Of course, we will not be able to provide you with the opportunity to see with your own eyes all those whom we will talk about, but we will tell you all the most amazing things. So, here are 8 of the most unusual deviations in the world, of course, all of them are real life stories.

1. The man who doesn't feel the cold

Wim Hof, a Dutchman, amazed the whole world with his extraordinary ability - insensitivity to cold! His body does not suffer and does not undergo changes from the extremely low temperature for the human body. He even put nine world records.

In 2000, Wim Hof ​​swam 57.5 meters in 61 seconds. At first glance, nothing amazing, but if you do not take into account the fact that this swim took place under the ice of a frozen lake in Finland. True to tradition, he was wearing only warm leggings and knee socks.

In 2006 he conquered Mont Blanc wearing only shorts! The following year, he tried to conquer the dream of all climbers - Everest, but he was prevented ... by frostbite on his toes, since he again climbed the mountain in only his underwear. And yet he does not lose hope and faith, continuing his attempts.

In 2007, the Dutch Iceman amazed everyone and ran half the marathon distance (21 km) barefoot in the snow and wearing shorts. His route took him beyond the Arctic Circle in Finland, where the snow temperature did not exceed 35 degrees below zero.

In 2008, Vim broke his own record for staying in a transparent tube filled with ice. Previously, he managed to stay there for about 64 minutes. Now a new world record has been recorded - 73 minutes!

For scientists, the Dutchman remains an unsolved mystery. Many believe that Vim has such an innate ability, but the latter denies this in every possible way. In many interviews, Hof says that this is only the result of hard training of body and spirit. But when asked about revealing the secret, “The Ice Man” remains silent. One day in a chat he even mentioned a glass of Bacardi. But still, after a while, he revealed the secret of his success: the fact is that he practices the Tummo tantric system, which in fact no one except monks uses.

In any case, such an ability is the fruit of long training, endurance and fortitude, which can only be envied and admired.

2. The Boy Who Never Sleeps

Have you often been overcome by the desire to get rid of the need for sleep? It would seem that this is just a waste of time, and in the end, every person, on average, spends one third of his life simply SLEEPING! But nevertheless, this turned out to be vital for the person himself: the fact is that insomnia over the course of a week activates irreversible consequences in the human body, and after two weeks death is inevitable.

But imagine that some people have fulfilled the dream of many and have not slept for 2-3...years!

One of these phenomena was a baby named Rhett. A seemingly ordinary boy, he was born in 2006 into the family of Shannon and David Lamb. A constantly active and inquisitive child, like all children his age. But when the time comes for daytime and night sleep, he still remains an active and awake tomboy. He is already seven years old, but he still hasn’t slept a wink!

This boy stumped the best doctors in the world who had the opportunity to examine him. No one has been able to explain this deviation. But over time, it became clear that the boy had a displacement of the cerebellum and medulla oblongata, which leads to irreversible consequences. This pathology has already been called Arnold-Chiari disease. The fact is that Rhett’s cerebellum is pinched in the very place that is responsible for sleep and the normal functioning and renewal of the body.

Today we have only been able to establish this unusual diagnosis, which does not bode well, but there is no sign of evil yet. So we will consider that the boy is even lucky - how much he can do in his life, accomplish new things!

3. Girl allergic to water

Man, as you know, consists of 80% water. Our life activity is connected with water like nothing else. This is our source of life, health, harmony. But imagine if you are allergic to water! How many of the usual processes associated with this life-giving liquid will be suspended?

It is this kind of illness that Ashley Morris, a girl from Australia who is allergic to water, has to put up with and get along with. Imagine that she endures discomfort even when she sweats! And the most depressing thing is that this pathology is not congenital.

Until the age of 14, the girl lived and enjoyed life like an ordinary Australian teenager. And then she fell ill with seemingly ordinary tonsillitis. Then the doctors prescribed her medications with large amounts of penicillin. It was large doses of this antibiotic that awakened the allergy to water.

This is an extremely rare disease that affects only about five people in the world, including Ashley. Life doesn't end there, and Morris shows an even greater zest for life. Despite the fact that she is strictly forbidden to come into contact with water for more than a minute (neither you take a bath or shower, nor a swimming pool), she discovered some of the delights of this state. Her boyfriend, taking care of her in every possible way, protects his beloved from washing dishes and laundry! Ashley also pampers herself with new acquisitions using the money she saves on swimsuits and bath accessories.

4. The Girl Who Can Only Eat Tic Tacs

And again, remember your childhood desire to eat only sweets and chewing gum... Unfortunately, Natalie Cooper, an eighteen-year-old Englishwoman, has long forgotten about these dreams. She would love to eat bacon and eggs or pumpkin soup, but her stomach won't. The girl can only eat Tic-Tac mints.

Doctors examined the girl many times and did not find any pathologies in the stomach or throughout the digestive tract. But for inexplicable reasons the girl gets sick from everything except 2-calorie pills.

And yet Natalie has to eat, because otherwise her body will not receive energy, which will lead to the inevitable. Doctors have designed special tubes through which Natalie’s body receives the daily dose of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances directly.

Because of this, the girl can neither work nor study, as she is constantly dependent on this procedure, but her family and friends do not lose hope. Natalie herself dreams of going to university in the future, getting a good job and eating more than just the already hated pills.

5. The musician who constantly hiccups

Exactly! You can imagine how funny this is, but still unfortunate. Chris Sands is 25 years old, a successful young musician who, leading an active lifestyle, did not even suspect that such an unusual fate awaited him.

It started in 2006 when he had hiccups for about a week, but soon stopped. But in February of the following year she returned almost forever! Since then, the guy has been hiccupping every two seconds.

Doctors say that this looks like a violation of the gastric valve, which is not yet possible to restore.

6. A woman with an allergy to hi-tech

And this is simply a brilliant solution for parents if their children cannot tear themselves away from computers, phones and TVs. But no matter how funny it is, Englishwoman Debbie Bird is not laughing at all. The fact is that she has a pronounced allergy to all kinds of electromagnetic fields (any close contact with technology instantly causes a rash and swelling of the eyelids in the girl).

Having become accustomed to such an illness, Debbie and her husband find some advantages: for example, they will protect their health from the harmful effects of electronics, and they will be able to devote the time saved on all kinds of watching movies, TV series, playing games on the phone, chatting, etc. each other.

7. The girl who faints when she laughs

Here's the problem: you can't even tell her a joke, and noisy company is not for her. Kay Underwood loses consciousness even when she's angry, scared, or surprised. She jokingly says that people, having learned about this peculiarity of hers, immediately try to make her laugh, and then, for a long time, not believing that the lifeless girl lying in front of them fainted. Kay says that somehow she is whole I lost consciousness 40 times a day!

On top of that, the girl is narcoleptic, which is no longer uncommon in the UK, where more than 30 thousand people suffer from this disease. This means that a person can fall asleep at any second of your life. In general, Kay has a hard time, so enjoy every opportunity to laugh without consequences at a good joke.

8. A woman who never forgets anything

How would we need such an ability at school or university - a truly brilliant anomaly!

Jill Price, an American, is endowed with an extraordinary ability - she remembers everything, absolutely everything that happened in her life, all her events. The woman is 42 years old, and if you ask her what happened to her on this very day twenty years ago, she will tell everything in such detail as if it happened five minutes ago.
A scientist from the University of California even gave a special name to this phenomenon - hyperthymestic syndrome, which translated from Greek means “supermemory”.

Previously, only one example of such a manifestation of abilities was known, but soon five more people with similar memory were found in the world. Scientists have not established the cause of this disorder, but they were able to see some similarities between all the patients: they are all left-handed and collect television programs.

Jill Price herself began writing books, where she mentions long days of depression due to the fact that she cannot forget the bad things that happened to her.
But she also admits that she could not refuse such an ability.

5. Carlos Camejo

Carlos Camejo was 33 years old when he was pronounced dead after a high-speed collision on a Venezuelan highway and taken to a local morgue. At the same time, his wife was informed of her loss and asked to identify the body. Doctors at the morgue were preparing to autopsy Camejo when they realized something was wrong—the cut began to bleed. They began to stitch up the body, and at that moment Camejo woke up, later stating that the reason for this was unbearable pain. Soon after, his wife arrived to identify the body and was overjoyed to find her supposedly dead husband alive.

4. Erica Nigrelli

Erica Nigrelli, an English teacher from Missouri, was 36 weeks pregnant when she suddenly felt sick and lost consciousness. Her husband Nathan, a teacher at the same school, called 911 saying she was having a seizure. Colleagues began performing CPR and used a defibrillator in an attempt to restart her heart. Emergency personnel soon arrived on the scene and took Erica to the hospital, where doctors stopped performing artificial respiration to perform a caesarean section and save the baby. They then told Nathan that his wife had given birth and died, but after giving birth, Erica's heart began beating again. She was kept in a medically induced coma for five days and was found to be suffering from a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, which required a pacemaker. Erica and her daughter Elania are alive and well.

3. MaNdlo

In March this year, a prostitute from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, died while she was "doing business" with one of her clients. Authorities arrived at the hotel where she worked to retrieve the body. A crowd of onlookers gathered to watch and while police were placing her body in a metal coffin, she came back to life and screamed "You want to kill me!" Naturally, the sight of the woman noisily jumping out of the coffin after returning to life shocked many in the crowd. People began to run away in panic. MaNdlo was driven home by one of her colleagues while her client quietly slipped out of the hotel room after the police left. It is not reported whether he received a discount or not.

2. Li Siufen

When a person is 95 years old, probably no one is very surprised if he or she dies (although it is still very sad, of course). And when someone dies, everyone usually expects him to stay dead. And when this man has been dead for six days, you definitely think he's going to stay dead. So Li Siufen was 95 years old when her neighbor found her motionless, lifeless body in her bed, two weeks after suffering a head injury. After a neighbor, Mr Kinvan, tried and failed to wake the woman, she was placed in a coffin, which remained in her home until the funeral so that friends and family could visit and pay their respects. The day before she was due to be buried, Mr Kinvan came to her home and found an empty coffin.

Mrs. Siufen apparently took the expression “return to life” too literally. She woke up, got out of the closed coffin and went to the kitchen to cook. And although everything seemed to end quite well, how would this story turn out if the granny woke up and discovered that, according to Chinese tradition, all her property had been burned? There are even wishes in the spirit of “Congratulations for not dying!” sounds pretty insincere.

1. Lyudmila Steblitskaya

Lyudmila Steblitskaya is another example of someone being declared dead, placed in a morgue, only to be later found alive. But what distinguishes her from another lover of sleeping in the morgue, which we have already mentioned, is that she spent there not 21 hours, but three whole days.

In November 2011, her daughter Nastya went to the hospital to visit Lyudmila and was told that she had died that day. The morgue was already closed, it was Friday, and this meant that Nastya would not be able to see her mother until Monday (apparently in Russia no one dies on weekends, knowing that morgues are closed). Upset, Nastya began to prepare for the funeral, deciding to do it on Monday. All this cost about $2,000, and 50 people were supposed to attend the funeral. But when Monday came and she arrived to pick up the body, the woman told her that she had just spoken to Lyudmila. Nastya followed this woman into the bedroom, and, seeing that her mother was alive, threw her bag and ran out of the room screaming. Hospital management declined to comment on the incident, but Lyudmila was told that she had, in fact, been at the morgue all weekend. And even though she now had to work to pay off the money borrowed for the funeral, Nastya was very happy that her mother was back. As soon as I recovered from the shock, of course.

Well, about a year after that, Lyudmila again turned out to be dead within a few hours, after which she came back to life again. Apparently, the next time she dies, everyone will wait about a week to bury her. Just in case.

Many scientists and religious leaders are still arguing over whether a person’s destiny is predetermined or whether he chooses his own path. These 10 stories tell us that even when death seems inevitable, there is always a chance to stay alive. These are simply incredible stories of miraculous salvation.

1. A model whose body is supported by 11 metal rods

Charming model Katrina Burgess survived a car accident that left her with a broken neck, back and ribs. She also injured her pelvis, punctured her lungs and suffered numerous other injuries. Her body is held together by 11 metal rods and countless screws, which is sure to give her some problems when going through metal detectors at airports. The day after the accident, doctors inserted a rod into the girl's left thigh from her foot to her knee. It is held in place by 4 titanium studs. A week later, 6 horizontal rods appeared in Katrina's body, which should support her spinal cord. After another week, a titanium screw attached Katrina's neck to her spine. Katrina Burgess was able to live without painkillers only 5 months after the accident. Today she is a famous model.

2. The climber who cut off his own hand

Aaron Lee Ralston born 1975 a mechanical engineer by profession and a mountaineer by vocation, he was forced to amputate his right hand, which was pinched by a boulder, in order to free himself. The accident occurred in Utah (USA), in April 2003, while mountaineering in Canyonlands National Park. A 300-kilogram boulder fell on the climber’s right hand and pinched it. Going up the climb, Ralston did not tell anyone about his plans and route, so he knew that no one would look for him. For 4 days Aaron lay near the stone. Then he ran out of water and had to drink his own urine. Aaron carved his name into the canyon wall (with the date of his supposed death) and made a farewell recording on his phone camera. Then the realization came that there was nothing to lose and the climber decided to fight. Aaron with a sharp movement tried to remove his hand from under the stone. But at the same time he broke his arm. With a dull knife, he cut through the skin, muscles and tendons, thus separating the arm from his body. After this, Aaron was able to climb down the 20-meter wall and began his path to salvation. Fortunately, tourists met him, they fed and watered Aaron, and also called rescuers, who took the climber to the hospital and found his severed hand. The hand was later cremated. Some time later, Aaron Lee Ralston wrote the book “At a Hopeless Situation,” in which he described what happened to him. A film was later made about this story.

3. Mexican revolutionary who survived the shooting

On March 8, 1915, Wenceslao Moguel, who fought on the side of the revolutionaries, was captured and sentenced to death without any trial. The revolutionary was put against the wall, and a volley was heard from the firing squad. Wenceslao received 9 bullet wounds, including one from a control shot fired by an officer to the head at point-blank range. The soldiers left, rightly deciding that the revolutionary was dead. But Wenceslao woke up, was able to get to his people, and after that lived a long, restless life. But a photo of Wenceslao Moguel in 1937 shows the scar left by a test shot on an NBC show called Believe It or Not?

4The Woman Who Gave Birth During Brain Surgery

24-year-old Yekaterinburg resident Yulia Shumakova was taken to the hospital in critical condition after she suddenly lost consciousness after returning from work. Julia was 32 weeks pregnant. An examination revealed a lump in her brain, which was the cause of the attack. The patient was given a disappointing diagnosis; people with this disease die in 96% of cases before even reaching the hospital. Doctors decided to perform brain surgery and perform a caesarean section at the same time. There was practically no chance. But, to the surprise of the patient’s relatives and the doctors themselves, both mother and child were able to survive.

5The Music Teacher Who Survived Many Accidents

Croatian music teacher Frank Selak is perhaps the luckiest man in the world. The train Frank was riding on derailed and fell into the icy water. His bus overturned. The door of the plane the teacher was flying on was blown off. Two cars burned while Frank Selak was driving. In addition to everything, while driving along a mountain road, Frank lost control and his car fell into the abyss. The driver himself fell onto a branched tree and watched his car fly another 100 meters down and its explosion. It would seem quite enough to simply survive all these misfortunes, but Frank Selak also won $1 million in the lottery.

6The Man Almost Cut in Half by a Train

This accident occurred in June 2006 to Truman Duncan, a switchman at a railroad yard in Cleburne, Texas. He was riding a trolley to a repair dock, but slipped and fell on his front wheels. Truman tried his best to keep himself from falling onto the tracks under the wheels of the trolley, but instead was pinned between the wheels of the carriage. In this position, the trolley dragged him 25 meters, cutting the switchman’s torso almost in half. He was able to call 911 and waited for help for 45 minutes. Truman underwent 23 surgical operations and lost his right and left legs, pelvis and left kidney.

7. The woman who survived a plane crash due to a lightning strike

What do you think is more life-threatening: being struck by lightning, falling out of a plane, or trudging through a tropical forest for 9 days with numerous injuries? High school student Juliana Koepke went through all these misfortunes and survived. On December 24, 1971, LANSA Flight 508 (Peru) was caught in a thunderstorm and struck by lightning. At that moment, the plane was above the tropical forest at an altitude of three kilometers. The plane fell apart. A row of seats, to one of which Juliana was fastened, collapsed into the forest 3 kilometers from the main scene of the accident. The remaining 92 people on that ill-fated flight died. The girl herself claimed that the row of seats rotated during the fall, like a helicopter blade, which probably slowed down the speed of the fall; in addition, the seats fell into the dense crowns of trees. After falling from a 3-kilometer height, Juliana had a broken collarbone, a severely scratched arm, her right eye was swollen shut from the impact, and her entire body was covered with bruises and scratches. But, fortunately, there were no injuries that interfered with movement. Juliana's father was a biologist, she had been with him in the jungle many times and had an idea of ​​how to survive in the forest and get out of it. Juliana was able to get food for herself, then found a stream and went down its course, hoping in this way to get to the river where she could meet people. After 9 days, she came across fishermen who saved the girl. The case of Julian Koepke formed the basis of two films. After her adventure, Juliana herself was not turned away from living nature and she became a zoologist.

8. Earthquake victim spent 27 days under rubble

Khalid Hussain, a 20-year-old farm worker, was buried alive under the rubble of his home in the October 8, 2005 earthquake. Wooden and brick fragments pinned him in a very uncomfortable position; only his arms could move a little. Both hands continued to make involuntary digging movements even after his rescue, which makes it possible to understand the horror that the person buried alive experienced. Khalid was accidentally discovered only on November 10, that is, almost a month after the earthquake. His right leg was broken in several places.

9. A child with a rare tumor who happened to be born twice

Keri McCartney was four months pregnant when doctors discovered a dangerous tumor the size of a grapefruit on the baby's body, which was interfering with the baby's blood circulation and weakening his heart. The doctors decided to try to save the child. Doctors at the Texas Fetal Surgery Center opened the mother's womb and half removed the fetus to remove the tumor. The operation was performed very quickly, after which the fetus was placed back. The baby survived and the next 10 weeks of Keri's pregnancy passed without complications. In due course, Keri McCartney gave birth to a daughter, who became a twice-born child.

10. Airplane passengers who lived in the winter mountains for 72 days after it crashed

Uruguayan Airlines Flight 571 (also known as the "Miracle in the Andes" and "Andean Disaster") crashed in the Andes Mountains on October 13, 1972. There were 45 people on board, including rugby team players, their families and friends. 10 people died immediately, the rest had to survive for 72 days in the mountains with virtually no food or warm clothing. The surviving people were forced to eat the meat of the dead; it was well preserved in the cold. Only 16 passengers managed to beat death; the rest died from hunger and an avalanche. After the surviving passengers of Flight 571 heard on the radio that their search had been stopped, two of them, without mountain equipment, clothing or food, went for help and 12 days later stumbled upon people. The surviving passengers were rescued on December 23, 1972. A book was written and a movie was made about the heroism and will to live of the passengers of Flight 571.