The most inexplicable events in history. Mysterious, unsolved cases from life

Many believe that humanity is suffering from a strange species amnesia. We have certain facts about our past that tell us how long our species has been around, when we emerged from caves, acquired speech, created the first tools, and when the species with which we shared this planet became extinct. And we accept these facts as an immutable truth, despite the fact that some of them began as stories, which were later confirmed.

However, various native tribes still have beliefs that run counter to official science. And although scientists claim that these legends are only artistic works of folk craftsmen, every day we see how various myths are embodied in reality. For example, what do you say about stories about " big white bear"living in the highlands of China?" Fiction", people said, until a French missionary brought his skin. Bam! - the mystical animal became the familiar big panda. Then scientists say that they have records that state with one hundred percent certainty which species have become extinct, and - bam! - in 1938 they caught coelacanth in the ocean, which, according to them, disappeared from the face of the Earth as much as 66 million years ago.

15. Indus civilization

At first, the existence of an unknown ancient civilization on the territory of modern Pakistan was not taken seriously - rumors and rumors. And then in 1842 some archaeologist reported that he had found some ruins. This discovery was not paid attention to until 1856, when, during the construction of a railway, the remains of a hitherto unprecedented civilization were unearthed. Now, after multiple archaeological expeditions, we have learned quite a lot about the Indus civilization. The artifacts found indicate a high level of development of those who lived here in 3300 BC. society.

The main difficulty faced by scientists is the impossibility of deciphering their language. Although the Harrapan writings are incomplete, scholars unanimously believe that the Harrapans had a language, and based on the available evidence, it was written. However, this is a controversial point, because it would mean that the Hindus mastered writing before anyone else who lived in this area. Also, some artifacts hint at the possible use of printing, and if this is confirmed, then the Indian civilization will be 1500 years ahead of the Chinese in terms of development.

14. History of the Olmecs

The mysterious Olmec people are said to have lived somewhere in what is now Mexico in 1100 BC, making them the oldest Central American civilization. Until the early 1990s, little was known about them, until a group of local residents from the city of Veracruz unearthed well-preserved stone slabs covered with ancient writing - far more ancient than anything found before. It became the greatest archaeological find. Scientists studied the inscriptions on the stone and made some amazing discoveries. Firstly, the artifact belonged to the mysterious Olmec civilization. Further, the experts concluded that the text was so well structured that it had all the hallmarks of meaningful sentences, error corrections, and even poetic lines. Moreover, the nature of the marks suggests that this tile is private." copy"of the specified text. If this is true, then there must be more different" documentation", records, trade routes or even ancient literature waiting for Columbus!

The only negative is the inability to decipher the Olmec language. It is unlike any previously discovered American writing system. Without a document like the Rosetta Stone from Egypt, it is almost impossible to understand this ancient people. For researchers, this task is similar to the study of the Indus civilization, only worse. And although the found tablet is so far the first and only document on the North American continent, experts are confident that the Olmecs could write complex stories, detailed reports and even a religious calendar with detailed descriptions of traditions. We have yet to find out what happened to this civilization after 300 BC, and this may be one of the greatest historical discoveries of the near future. It is worth noting that the Olmecs are included in the ranking of 10 mystically vanished civilizations.

Probably almost everyone has heard the legend of King Arthur - the knight who pulled a sword from a stone that no one else could lift. Some desperate romantics believe that Arthur is a real person, and based on knowledge, we cannot completely deny this. It is known for certain that in life there really is a sword in the stone - maybe it became the source of inspiration for the legend?

The real sword was found in the chapel of Monte Siepi in the Abbey of San Galgaro, located in Tuscany, Italy. The story goes that Saint Galgano Guidotti began his life as an evil and cruel knight. In 1180 he met the Archangel Michael, who told Guidotti to give up his sinful life and follow the path of God. At first he refused, but then he passed through Monte Siepi - then just a rocky hill. A voice from heaven called to him, saying that now is the time to change. The knight replied that it was the same as " cut the rock with a sword".

And to show the impossibility of the request, he plunged his sword into the stone. And instead of breaking, the blade entered the cobblestone. Not believing what had happened, he fell to his knees and began to pray at this very stone as at the altar from now on. About a year later, Galgano died and was canonized in 1185 by Pope Lucius III. The church was built around that very sword in stone. True, it is now covered with a durable plastic case so that no one would try to become the king of England.

One of the most controversial artifacts is the Sealand skull. It was found in 2007 in Elstykke, Denmark, while replacing pipes. At first, no one paid much attention to it, but later, in 2010, it was examined at the Veterinary College of Denmark and... Researchers could not determine whose it was, since it did not match any species known to science. This skull has raised many questions that scientists cannot answer, but some of them are trying to get complete information about the artifact. Paleontologists believe that this is the skull of some kind of mammal, possibly a horse, however, a more detailed study showed that the owner of the skull does not fit the Linnaean taxonomy. Radiocarbon dating carried out at Niels Bohr University in Copenhagen showed that the unknown specimen lived sometime between 1200 and 1280 BC.

Further excavations at the site of the find, unfortunately, did not yield anything interesting. It's a pity, because the skull is quite an interesting looking one: Compared to the human skull, it has many noticeable differences. For example, the eye sockets of the Sealand specimen are much larger, deep and rounded and extend more to the sides. In humans, the eyes are set in the center. His nostrils, like his chin, are narrow, but overall the skull is larger than the average human. The surface of the skull is smooth, which scientists see as an adaptation for survival in low temperatures. Based on the size of the eyeballs, scientists believe that the Sealand specimen was nocturnal. But what kind of creature is this? Alien? Or some previously unknown subspecies of people? We must hope for the results of future studies.

11. The German submarine UB-85 was sunk by a sea monster

During the First World War, there was a story about a German submarine, which, according to legend, was attacked by a sea monster, which is why it could no longer go to depth. We are talking about the submarine UB-85 and its commander Günter Krech. In April 1918, a British patrol ship approached a submarine that was on the surface. The Germans immediately surrendered. The ship's captain, Günther Krech, was interrogated and spoke about this strange incident.

At night, the submarine surfaced to charge its batteries. And suddenly she was attacked by a strange creature, which, according to Krekh, had a small head and fangs that glistened in the moonlight. The huge monster tried to tilt the ship, but the crew managed to scare it off with rifle and machine-gun fire and prevent further damage. Actually, this is why the Germans were unable to go deeper and escape from the patrol vessel. As a result, various reports stated that the submarine either sank or was destroyed by a British patrol.

The submarine and its history have become part of sea legends. It was believed that no such ship existed until a Scottish cable-laying contractor found something similar to the legendary UB-85 in the North Sea while laying a power cable in October this year. Acoustics showed that the ship did not suffer serious damage. It is planned to conduct further research to find out what happened to the submarine. Could she really have been attacked by a sea monster?

Another controversial artifact is the Manx penny. This coin was found on August 18, 1957 in an archaeological quarry while researching American Indian culture near Brooklyn, Maine. As many as 30,000 magnificent artifacts have been discovered, but especially notable among them is one that does not belong to Native American culture - the Manx penny. Some researchers consider it a fake, others - evidence that Europeans came to this continent in pre-Columbian times.

Scientists argue about the origin of this coin. It was definitely not made by the American Indians, and some even believed that it was brought over from England in the 12th century. Later studies claim that the artifact is of Scandinavian origin and was made in the 11th century. The University of Oslo confirmed that similar coins were in circulation in Norway in 1060-1080 BC. Now the Manx penny has ended up in the National Museum of Maine, whose authorities remain silent and cannot officially confirm either the origin or even the authenticity of the artifact. This unusual find will torture the minds of scientists for a long time - how many are there still and how did they get here?

Historians claim that the first human civilizations began building villages, farming and temples only in 8000 BC, but is this really true? This surprising discovery challenges established views on anthropogenesis. The discovery took place in 1994 in the rural area of ​​Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. At the top of the mountain range there are more than 200 large stone pillars up to 18 meters high and weighing about 20 tons each. They are arranged in a series of twelve rings with images of various animals. The find is dated 12,000 BC. Yes, this Turkish altar is thousands of years older than Stonehenge! It may even be the oldest place of worship in the world.

Various evidence indicates that the site was built by ancient nomadic hunter-gatherers who had not yet mastered agriculture. Modern science believes that at this level of development, people still knew nothing about the complex symbolic systems, social hierarchy and division of labor - necessary prerequisites for the construction of this gigantic temple of 89,000 m2. Religion would have been expected to emerge after humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry, but this find may suggest otherwise.

Thus, the question arises - maybe the need for construction was the reason why people settled down, began to build communities and began to look for a constant source of food, which is how they invented agriculture? If so, how did the ancient nomads do it? How did they manage to do this thousands of years before anyone else? And finally, what kind of people are these and where have they gone? Archaeologists cannot yet give an answer.

8. Did people live side by side with dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, millions of years before humans first appeared. And in this case, it is very strange that scientists find artifacts with amazingly accurate images of dinosaurs, as if painted from life. Example? Built in the 12th century, the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia. On one of the walls is carved a detailed image of a stegosaurus, despite the fact that the first recorded fossil remains of these reptiles were found only in the early 19th century. And how did ancient artists manage to depict extinct lizards so reliably?

Another example that baffles archaeologists is the stones from the city of Ica. According to the documents, they were found in Peru, in a cave near the above-mentioned town. Peruvian archaeologist Professor Javier Cabrera received these mysterious artifacts in 1961 as a gift. Taking a closer look at the stone, he discovered an image of an ancient fish that had gone extinct millions of years ago, according to official sources. The discovery amazed the professor so much that he decided to find out more about it. The drawing was made on a piece of andesite - a dark gray/black volcanic rock, very durable and difficult to work, especially with primitive tools of antiquity.

Fossils found in the same area confirm that the recovered artifacts are millions of years old. Professor Carbera collected several hundred stones from caves in Ica and found on some of them images of living brachiosaurs, tyrannosaurs and triceratops, and on another - a predatory dinosaur devouring an ancient aborigine. Radiocarbon dating is not the most accurate method, because sometimes dinosaur fossils are too old to extract any information from them... So maybe people really found ancient dinosaurs, as these artifacts say?

Many different publications rang about the Crimean pyramids found in 1999 by Vitaly Gokh, who retired from the Soviet Army thirty years ago. Having retired to the reserve, he began research activities that led him to the Crimean Peninsula, where an amazing discovery occurred. Goh suggested that if there are flooded villages in the Black Sea, then there must be other ancient buildings. But the region is simply a storehouse of archaeological treasures of various cultures - ancient Greek, Roman, Ottoman and others.

Being an engineer by profession, he knew how to use instruments operating on the principle of magnetic resonance, and decided to test his hypothesis. And it was confirmed. Goh found an area of ​​seven limestone-built pyramids located along the southern shore of the peninsula. The largest of them was 45 meters high with a base length of 72 meters and had a truncated top, like the Mayan pyramids. And all seven buildings form a straight line running from northwest to southeast. Goh claims that there may be as many as 39 pyramids underwater.

In his opinion, these are the most ancient structures on Earth, built back in the era of dinosaurs. However, before rewriting history, many more excavations and studies of various documents will have to be done - most scientists believe that Goh’s hypothesis has nothing to do with reality, and his find may be much younger. Fortunately, a Russian researcher is already looking for funding for further development of the pyramids found.

Well... Strictly speaking, the Salzburg Cube is not a cube at all, which is why it is sometimes called the Wolfsegg Iron Nugget. This interesting artifact was found in 1885 near Wolfsegg am Hausruck in Austria. They say that this interesting egg-shaped object was found by a miner while extracting coal for a steel foundry. The find was covered with potholes and a deep groove surrounding it, had sharp edges and weighed about 800 grams with dimensions of 6.6 x 6.6 x 4.7 cm. Chemical analysis showed that " egg"consists of alloy steel with the addition of nickel and carbon, and the absence of sulfur showed that it is not pyrite. By all indications, it was a man-made product, machined from a single piece of iron. And everything would have been fine, but the artifact was found in coal deposits 20 years old -60 million years. That's the problem!

And how could such an intricately decorated piece of iron appear millions of years before the official appearance of people? Scientists have been struggling with this mystery for more than a hundred years. Some scientists believe that the artifact is a fake, others that it is a gift from guests from outer space, and others claim that it is a meteorite. For many years, the Salzburg Cube moved from one research center to another, but now this mysterious object is located in Austria, in the Regional Museum of the city of Voecklabruck.

5. Who is this “Abominable Snowman”?

"Abominable Snowman", or Yeti, is Bigfoot's colder brother. He is also the most unsolvable cryptozoological mystery. Many witnesses, large footprints and blurry video footage have led people to think that something is going on in the Himalayas. And, it seems, one British geneticist even knows What. The researcher's name is Dr. Brian Sykes, and he is a professor of genetics at the University of Oxford. In 2013, he completed the decoding of DNA samples believed to belong to the Yeti. In particular, one of the hairs was found in the western Himalayan region called Ladakh, and the other - from the state of Bhutan, which is approximately 860 km from there.

The Ladakh sample was taken from the mummified remains of an unknown creature killed forty years ago by a local hunter. The second hair is a single hair found 10 years ago in a Bhutanese bamboo forest during the filming of a documentary. Professor Sykes compared the DNA samples with those stored in a worldwide repository of genetic samples from various creatures - including extinct ones - GenBank. The researcher thought that here he could find similar samples. And the result amazed and greatly puzzled him.

The scans showed that both samples matched the DNA of an ancient polar bear whose jawbone was found in Norway. The age of the bone is approximately 40-120 thousand years. Sykes says this is precisely the period when polar and brown bears became two different species. Perhaps the Yeti is a subspecies of brown bears descended from a polar ancestor! Really" abominable snowman“Finally identified? Dr. Sykes is confident that both hair samples from different parts of the Himalayas belong to the same animal. Additional research and expeditions will be needed to confirm that it is the source of the legends about Bigfoot.

4. Where did the Egyptians get cocaine from?

Not wanting to risk my reputation because of " cocaine discoveries", the scientists commissioned an independent laboratory to conduct the same tests on several mummies. The results were confirmed: the mummies were simply stuffed with cocaine and tobacco. And German scientists began to study more and more mummies, and found traces of tobacco in almost a third of them, and inside the mummy of Ramses II (the same one known from the biblical story " Exodus", about Moses and the Ten Commandments) there were tobacco leaves and a petrified tobacco beetle! And this is not a joke. It seems that Ramses II was a heavy smoker. But where did the ancient Egyptians get such substances? After all, there are no records of the Egyptians traveling to unknown distances, and There is also evidence of the use of these drugs, and it seems that scientists will not solve this puzzle any time soon.

3. "Giant Code"

Codex Gigas, which is translated from Latin as " Giant book" - no more - the largest ancient manuscript in the world. According to historians, the book was written in the 13th century in a Benedictine monastery in the Czech city of Podlazice, then during the Thirty Years' War in 1648 it was captured by the Swedish army and is now in the National Library of Sweden in Stockholm This tome was made from more than 160 animal skins and can be lifted by two people.

The book contains the complete text of the Vulgate - the generally accepted Latin translation of the Bible by Blessed Jerome of Stridon - as well as many other works in Latin, including " Jewish antiquities"Josephus, a collection of works of Hippocrates on medicine, " Czech Chronicle"Kozma of Prague," Beginnings"Isidore of Seville. In addition, there were texts for exorcism rituals, magical formulas and descriptions of the Kingdom of the Lord. And of course, a full-size image of Satan, because of which the book was called " Devil's Bible".

Legend has it that the monk who wrote this book made a deal with the Devil after he was sentenced to be embedded in a wall alive. Thanks to Satan, who left his portrait on the pages of the Bible, the monk managed to finish the book in one night. Researchers who examined the book concluded that the writing in the book was quite uniform and clear, as if the book had actually been written in a very short time. However, this is impossible, because you would have to write continuously for five whole years in a row. Scientists generally believe that this code required over thirty years of work on it. However, we must remember that some monks could receive punishment in the form of copying sacred texts. The skill and perseverance with which this was accomplished cannot be seen now... Or maybe there really is evil spirits involved here?

2. Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

The discovery of pyramids in Bosnia could become the greatest archaeological discovery in Europe. According to the statements of Dr. Semir Osmanagic, head. Department of Anthropology at the American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the discovered pyramid may be the oldest man-made object on Earth (however, this title may also go to the Crimean pyramids). Dr. Osmanagic discovered it back in 2005, when he was passing through the city of Visoko. The mysterious hill stood out from the surrounding landscape, which attracted the attention of the anthropologist.

The structure is called the Pyramid of the Sun and Moon and its height is 220 meters, which is much higher than the Pyramid of Cheops in Giza. And the most amazing thing about the Bosnian pyramid is that it is directed north with an error of only 12 arc seconds. Too precise to be a mere coincidence, since the Great Pyramid of Giza has exactly the same exact location. The Cheops Pyramid is located at the intersection of the longest parallel and the longest meridian, that is, exactly above the center of mass of the Earth. Moreover, the edges of its base are located exactly along the cardinal points. The location is too precise to go unnoticed. And then suddenly there is a similar pyramid. How did this happen? Was there really a connection between two ancient civilizations? It will take years to answer a question that may change official science forever.

1. "Big Bowl"

Fuente Magna, a large stone vessel similar to a tub or bowl, was found in 1958 by an unknown farmer near Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. The artifact was subsequently sent to the La Paz Museum of Precious Metals, where it remained for almost forty years until two researchers tried to study it. The vessel has beautiful engravings of animals and inscriptions in Sumerian cuneiform. And this raised many questions. How could an artifact with Sumerian cuneiform writing end up in the Andes, since there are thousands of kilometers between them? Archaeologists are trying to decipher ancient writings, but they have no idea what type of cuneiform was used.

Ancient cuneiform specialist, Dr. Clyde Winters, argues that the bowl may be of ancient Sumerian origin and is similar to artifacts found in Mesopotamia. He also notes that a similar cuneiform script was used 5,000 years ago by the ancient peoples of the Sahara: the Dravidians, Elamites, and even the early Sumerians. All of these civilizations formed in Central Africa before desertification began in 3500 BC. Dr. Winters translated some of the writings, and their meaning surprised many.

The bowl was a ritual libation vessel in the name of Ni-Ash, the Sumerian goddess of fertility. Niya is a Sumerian transcription of the name of the Egyptian goddess Neith, who was worshiped by many peoples who formed in Libya and parts of Central Africa. The found vessel allows us to build new hypotheses about the previously undiscussed connection between the Sumerians and Bolivians.

Mysterious finds of archaeologists, which may indicate the life of disappeared highly developed civilizations. The level of technology available to them is simply amazing.

When it comes to strange, seemingly inexplicable things, ghostly anomalies that have no scientific or other sound explanation, we attribute mysterious and even magical qualities to these things. I would like to present to you a list of 10 strange, unsolved cases from life, for which no one has found an explanation.

10th place. Coal poltergeist

January 1921

When purchasing coal for his fireplace in winter, Mr. Frost from Hornsey (London) had no idea how dangerous this purchase was and how much trouble coal, which seemed ordinary at first glance, could bring. After the first portion of solid fuel was sent into the fireplace, it immediately became obvious that it was somehow “wrong”. Hot coal pebbles exploded in the furnace, thereby destroying the protective grate and rolling out onto the floor, after which they disappeared from sight and appeared only in the form of bright sparks in another room. The matter did not end there. The Frost family began to notice strange things in their house; knives and forks were floating through the air, as if they were in outer space. The unusual and frightening phenomenon was witnessed by Reverend Al Gardiner and Dr. Herbert Lemerle.

There were several versions regarding the devilry happening in the Frost house. Skeptics attributed all the blame to the sons, who allegedly decided to play a prank on their parents. Others were sure that these were the tricks of miners who mixed dynamite with coal (this version was later verified and refuted). Still others believed that the raging spirit of the dead miners, resting in the coal and disturbed by the Frosts, was to blame.

The latest news available about the Frosts is disappointing. On April 1 of the same year, five-year-old Muriel Frost died, allegedly from fright at seeing a poltergeist. Her brother Gordon was so shocked by his sister's death that he was hospitalized with a nervous breakdown. The further fate of the family is shrouded in mystery...

9th place. Rain of seeds

February 1979

The coal incident is not the only curiosity in England. For example, in 1979 it rained seeds in Southampton. Seeds of watercress, mustard, corn, peas and beans fell straight from the sky, covered with an incomprehensible jelly-like shell. Amazed by what he saw, Roland Moody, who was in his home mini-conservatory with a glass roof, ran out into the street to get a better look at what was happening. There he met his neighbor Mrs. Stockley, who said that this was not the first time that something like this had happened last year. As a result of the seed rain, Moody's entire garden, as well as the gardens of his three neighbors, were covered with seeds. The police were unable to find out what was causing the strange atmospheric phenomenon.

The unusual rain repeated several more times, after which it did not occur again. Mr. Moody alone collected 8 buckets of watercress on his property, not counting the seeds of other plants. He later grew them into watercress and claimed that it tasted excellent.

One of the episodes of the series “The Mysterious World” by Arthur C. Clarke, aired in 1980, is dedicated to this incident. There is still no adequate opinion regarding the strange rain.

8th place. The mysterious death of Netta Fornario

November 1929

The main character of the next strange story is Nora Emily Edita "Netta" Fornario, a writer who considered herself a healer, a resident of London. In August or September 1929, she left London and went to Iona, an island off the west coast of Scotland, where she died under mysterious circumstances. Among the versions of her death are mental murder, heart failure, and the action of hostile spirits.

Arriving on Iona, Netta began exploring the island. She traveled during the day, and at night she looked for traces of the spirits of the island, with whom she tried in every possible way to contact. Her search lasted for several weeks, after which, from November 17, her behavior changed dramatically. Netta hastily packed her things and intended to head back to London. She told her friend, Mrs. McRae, that she had been telepathically wounded after receiving messages from other worlds. It happened at night, so Mrs. McRae, apparently looking at the healer’s luxurious silver jewelry and fearing for her health, persuaded her to hit the road in the morning.

The next day Netta went missing. Her body was later found on a “fairy mound” near Loch Staonaig. The corpse lay on a cross made of turf, was completely naked under a black cloak, covered with scratches and abrasions. There was a knife nearby. The legs were beaten and bloody as a result of running over rough terrain. It is unknown whether Netta was killed by a maniac, died from hypothermia or by an absurd accident. Discussions on this matter have not yet ended.

7th place. Fireman poltergeist

April 1941

After finishing breakfast, farmer William Hackler, a resident of Indiana (USA), went outside to get some fresh air. After leaving the house, he felt that his clothes smelled of smoke. Without paying much attention to this, he went to the barn. A few minutes later he returned back to the house, where we discovered a fire in the bedroom (the house was without electricity) - the walls were burning. The local fire brigade quickly arrived on the scene and put out the fire. But this was only the beginning of a difficult day for the Hacklers...

Immediately after the fire truck left, a mattress in the guest room caught fire. The source of the fire was located directly inside the mattress. Fires occurred in various places (including under the cover of the book) and rooms throughout the day. By evening, the number of fires extinguished reached 28. Having played enough, the fiery poltergeist no longer bothered Mr. Hackler and his family. They, in turn, demolished the old wooden house and built a new one in its place, made of non-combustible lumber.

6th place. Third Eye

November 1949

Students from one of the universities of South Carolina in the city of Columbia (USA) were returning from the theater on Longstreet late at night. At one point, they froze in place, colliding with a strange man in a silver suit, who then moved the cover of the nearest hatch and disappeared into the sewer. From that moment on, the strange man received the nickname “sewer man.” A little later, this “character” again made his existence known, but in a more terrible incident. In April 1950, in one of the alleys, a policeman noticed a man near a pile of mutilated chicken carcasses. It happened in the dark, the policeman pointed a flashlight in the direction of an incomprehensible object, and was stunned when he saw a man with three eyes. The third eye was located right in the center of the forehead. While the policeman came to his senses and called for reinforcements on the radio, the mysterious creature disappeared from sight.

The third meeting with the “sewer man” took place in the 60s in the tunnels under one of the universities. Afterwards, the tunnels were carefully examined, but no clear evidence of the existence of a three-eyed man was found. Who or what is he? Human? Ghost? Alien? Nobody knows, but random meetings continued until the early 90s.

5th place. Connecticut stiletto

February 1925

For months, women in Bridgeport, Connecticut, have been terrorized by a "phantom stiletto" that strikes the chest and buttocks before disappearing in an unknown direction. The victims of an unknown, but very real criminal, were 26 individuals, whose bodies felt all the pain and torment from the powerful blows of a sharp weapon.

The attacker did not adhere to a specific type of victim; the women were chosen spontaneously and by chance. While the victim screamed in pain and came to, the criminal quickly ran away, not allowing himself to be identified. Police investigations led nowhere; the identity of the “stiletto torturer” was never identified. In the summer of 1928, the attacks changed dramatically and were never repeated. Who knows, maybe the maniac got old and began to suffer from artosis...

4th place. Electric girl

January 1846

Do you think people "X" are a fiction? You're wrong, some of the characters are very real. At least one. A fourteen-year-old resident of La Perriere in Normandy began to frighten her comrades with unusual abilities: when people approached her, they received an electric shock, chairs moved away when she tried to sit down, some objects flew into the air as if they were light and weightless floats. Angelina later received the nickname "electric girl."

Not only those around her, but also the girl herself suffered from the unusual abilities of her body. She was often tormented by convulsions. In addition, by attracting various objects to herself, Angelina received painful injuries. The parents considered their daughter possessed by the devil and took her to church, but the priest convinced the unfortunate people that the reason for their child’s abnormality lay not in spirituality, but in physical characteristics.

After listening to the abbot, the parents took their daughter to the scientists in Paris. After examination, the famous physicist Francois Arago concluded that the girl’s unusual qualities are associated with electromagnetism. Scientists offered Angie participation in research and tests that were supposed to make her normal. In April 1846, a few months after the start of the program, the “electric girl” said goodbye to her amazing abilities forever.

3rd place. Another fire poltergeist

January 1932

Housewife Mrs. Charlie Williamson from Blandenboro (North Carolina, USA) was terrified when her calico dress burst into flames for inexplicable reasons. At this point, she was not standing near a fireplace, stove or other heat source, and she was not smoking or using any flammable substances. Luckily, her husband and teenage daughter were at home and ripped off her flaming dress before it caused burns to the unfortunate woman.

Mrs. Williamson's adventures did not end there. That same day, the trousers in her closet burned to the ground. The ordeal by fire continued the next day, when in the presence of witnesses, for unknown reasons, the bed and curtains in another room caught fire. The spontaneous combustion continued for three days, after which the Williamsons surrendered to the unknown elements and left the house. The home was inspected by firefighters and police, but no cause was identified. On the fifth day, the fires stopped on their own and no longer disturbed the owners of the house. Fortunately, no one was hurt by the fire.

2nd place. Blind reading

January 1960

Let us immediately note that we are not talking about blind people who learned to read special books by moving their fingers along the bulges on paper, but about a completely ordinary girl, sighted and healthy. Margaret Fus's uniqueness was that she could read ordinary books blindfolded. Her father called this phenomenon psychic vision through the skin. He himself taught his daughter this incredible skill and hastened to prove the uniqueness of the method to scientists.

In 1960, Mr. Foos arrived with his daughter in Washington DC to participate in scientific research. During the experiment, psychiatrists put “foolproof protection” over Margaret’s eyes—a tight bandage. For the purity of the experience, the father was taken to the next room. Blindfolded, using only her fingers, the girl was able to read the pages of the Bible, kindly provided by scientists. After that, she was asked to play checkers and recognize different pictures, which Margaret successfully completed.

Despite the fact that the girl managed to pass all the tests, psychiatrists could not explain how she managed to do this. They insisted on their own, arguing that it was impossible to see without eyes, that what was happening was a deception.

1st place. Ghost Sniper


For two years, a mysterious "ghost sniper" terrorized the residents of Camden, New Jersey. The first incident occurred in November 1927, when Albert Woodruff's car was fired upon. The car windows were riddled with bullets, but the investigation did not yield any results - not a single cartridge case was found at the scene. Later, two city buses, house windows and storefronts were damaged by mysterious shelling. As in the first case, the perpetrators and the shell casings were not found. The good news is that no one was harmed by the actions of a ghost or a real criminal.

The mysterious sniper was active not only in Camden; residents of the cities of Lindenwood and Collingswood in New Jersey, as well as Philadelphia and Pennsylvania suffered from his tricks. Most often, the victims were private cars and urban transport (buses, trolleybuses), and residential buildings. In only one of many cases, the witness heard shots, but saw nothing and no one.

The attacks stopped abruptly in 1928. Later, people suffered only from abnormal imitators who wanted to act as the famous "ghost sniper."

Conspiracy theories? What theories are true, it’s just that governments keep it secret from us, scientific researchers are deceivers, and the media manipulates us - this is what millions of people all over the world think. They truly believe even the craziest conspiracy theories. Want to know which ones? Read our 20 incredible conspiracy theories and laugh heartily.


1. According to the most incredible theory, the entire 2000 years of Christianity were based on lies. Jesus had a wife and they had a child. It’s just that the Apostle Peter could not come to terms with this and did not want to agree to equality of the sexes. That's why we have what we have. The mystery of Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus, as well as their child, we will never know. Although, as you know, her descendants are members of the Merovingian family. Ask Dan Brown... (Pictured: Alexander Ivanov’s painting “The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection,” 1835).
2. According to another crazy theory, Hitler survived World War II... in a basement. The murder of the Fuhrer was only a cover for his disappearance. At first he fled to Barcelona, ​​from there he moved to South America, and then to Antarctica. He was hiding in a secret base, which is located under the ice, with his closest employees and planning a grand return. It was! Proof? Just a year ago, in Antarctica, in the images available on Google Earth, strange pits were visible that were very similar to the entrance to the base... (Photo: Das Bundesarchiv/CC BY-SA 3.0 DE).
3. The death of Princess Diana touched people all over the world. However, the behavior of members of the royal family in the first days after the accident caused more comment than the tragedy itself. The aura of mystery, scraps of information and attempts to cover up the circumstances of the death of Princess Diana led to the fact that strange conspiracy theories began to grow like mushrooms after rain.

One theory suggests that the royal family was responsible for the accident. "This is murder!" - as the father of the princess's lover, Mohammed al-Fayed, believed for many years. He claimed that Princess Diana was pregnant at the time of the accident, which was allegedly unacceptable for the royal family because the child's father was Muslim. Supporters of this theory believe that the autopsy results were falsified, and the British secret intelligence service, MI6, was involved in this tragedy. (Pictured: Princess Diana's last post).

4. Aliens have infiltrated the ranks of the governments of various states and rule the world. Reptilians, or large scaly lizards from outer space, have mastered the art of secretly changing their appearance and transforming into humans. The most famous reptilians are US President Barack Obama, Queen Elizabeth, billionaires Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg... There are few of them, but they all rule over us. They communicate telepathically. We all work for them and, alas, we cannot reveal them. There is no hope for us... (Photo:
5. The shadow government of the world, the Illuminati, the Freemasons... No matter what they are called, one thing is for sure, they rule the world. Democracy is just opiate for the people, an illusion of influence on reality. For hundreds of years we have been ruled by the chosen ones. Now it has become easier for them to cope with their task: they control our minds with the help of pop culture. Their goal is secret power. They will never come out of the shadows. (Photo: Qz10/Wikimedia Commons).
6. It's not just the dark side of the Moon that is shrouded in mystery. Also, the landing itself still raises great doubts and even disbelief. Did a person really set foot on this silver ball?

Or was the landing just a production at a film studio in Hollywood? Why are there no stars visible in the photo? How does the American flag miraculously flutter when there is “supposedly” no wind on the moon? You can continue asking questions like this ad infinitum. To this day, many people believe that the moon landing never actually happened. (Photo: Neil Armstrong/NASA)

7. Probably everyone has heard about the famous Area 51. It is there that the United States hides the truth about UFOs from the whole world. This area contains the corpse of an alien found in the wreckage of a crashed flying saucer in Roswell. Various secret experiments are carried out on it. You will not find this area on maps, nor can you find it on Google Maps.

Nothing is known about Area 51 except that it exists - this was confirmed in 2013 by the CIA. Currently, due to the fact that Base 51 has become too famous, it has been disbanded and many small centers have been created located throughout the United States. (Photo: Jim Trottier/CC BY-SA 2.0).

8. It seems that everything has been known about the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. However, many Americans still have doubts. Maybe these were controlled explosions? Could this be a conspiracy between the intelligence services and the army, designed to create a pretext for starting a war? In conspiracy theories, anything is possible. Many believe that it was not planes that crashed into the towers, but missiles with holograms of planes. (Photo: Michael Foran/CC BY 2.0).
9. Although scientists claim that global warming is a fact and that human activity has become the main cause of climate change, which can have catastrophic consequences for all of us, many are still convinced that this is fiction.

Well, who wants to believe that humanity itself can lead to the destruction of the planet. This is not true! People are so small, but the Earth is huge. After all, we are like ants in an anthill. How can we influence the functioning of the entire planet? This is impossible, unproven and unlikely. Many people think so... (Photo: Brocken Inaglory/CC BY-SA 3.0).

10. One of the conspiracy theories did not spare even the great Shakespeare. Many are sure that he did not exist. And if he existed, he certainly could not have written such great works, since he was an uneducated simple man (especially since nothing is actually known about his life). What is the probability that such a person could become the author of great plays, poems and sonnets? Someone else had to write them. The question is who? Well, for example, Francis Bacon... (Photo: portrait of William Shakespeare by an unknown author).
11. After reading this material, the origin of man will no longer be a mystery to you. We were created by aliens! This is confirmed by ancient rock paintings, as well as paintings on temples and tombs.

The aliens arrived in large flying saucers and landed in places that were marked by pyramids around the world. During the landing, all the dinosaurs were killed, then the aliens created us humans and... flew away, ceasing to be interested in us at all. That's exactly how it happened! (Photo:

12. Mysterious crop circles. They appear mainly in the USA and for good reason. Everyone knows that the United States is the main target of aliens. Mysterious crop circles do not appear there on their own. “Someone” makes them. The most likely explanation is, of course, that aliens use their spaceships to mark certain places and transmit messages. Can any amateur farmers do this? (Photo: Jabberocky/Wikimedia Commons).
13. The famous “contrails” or “chemtrails” do not allow anyone who believes in conspiracy theories to sleep peacefully. The trails in the sky left behind by planes are supposedly harmful to health. The authorities do this purposefully to control the population by poisoning small groups of people over and over again. This phenomenon, of course, has a scientific explanation, but lovers of conspiracy theories have their own truth. (Photo: Arpingstone/Wikimedia Commons).
14. Soon all people on Earth will be implanted with microchips. In this simple way, governments will know literally everything about us. They will be able to learn about our habits, monitor us, and diagnose diseases before we feel the first symptoms.

And the electrical impulses sent by the chips will control our actions. How will we install these chips? It’s as simple as that, every person visits a doctor at least once in their life, and that’s where these devices will be implanted. Information about us is already being collected, and we don’t even know that we are just a number in a giant database... (Photo: Amal Graafstra/CC BY-SA 2.0).

15. Did the Titanic sink? Many believe that this huge ship did not sink at all. How can you believe that it was just an accident? For such a ship to simply break apart from hitting a piece of ice? No, it wasn't the Titanic. (Photo: F.G.O. Stuart/Wikimedia Commons)
16. Conspiracy theorists believe that eugenics and genetics have a hidden purpose, namely the creation of human slaves. Governments and industry need people who will not think, but will only do what they are programmed to do. It’s very convenient when people don’t think about anything and don’t protest, right? Genetics and eugenics will help them with this. (Photo: Christoph Bock/CC BY-SA 3.0).
17. Contact with aliens has long been established. NASA has been communicating with aliens for years, but is keeping this information from us all. Because we could take advantage of the inventions of extraterrestrial civilizations, and this is unprofitable for the ruling circles. (Photo: NASA).
18. Many Americans hate their president for implementing health care reform or Obamacare. Fans of conspiracy theories believe that this was done for a reason. Obamacare will secretly help kill people who are over a certain age (experts say after 67). That is, Obamacare is nothing more than a tool for controlling the US population. (Photo: Larry Downing/Reuters)
19. Lee Harvey Oswald, of course, did not assassinate US President John F. Kennedy. The shooters were either Russians, or Cubans, or the mafia, or even Vice President Lyndon Johnson. There are so many inconsistencies and uncertainties about the tragic events of that day and the several that followed that this is the most popular conspiracy theory to this day. (Photo: Walt Cisco/Dallas Morning News)
20. Do you think you have free will? You can’t even imagine how wrong you are... Back in the 50s, it became known about subliminal methods of influencing a person’s subconscious. Do you think you're just watching TV? No, no, all television programs use the so-called 25th frame, invisible to the naked eye, which influences mass consciousness, manipulating us and forcing us to believe what the authorities want. (Photo: Glogger/CC BY-SA 3.0).

People all over the world are witnessing strange and sometimes inexplicable paranormal phenomena. Our country is rich not only in natural resources, but also in strange places and mysterious phenomena. Today I will tell you about 11 of the most interesting and famous of them.

Meeting of astronauts with a UFO

The pioneers of space exploration had a hard time: the technologies of the beginning of the space era of mankind left much to be desired, so emergency situations arose quite often, like the one that Alexey Leonov encountered when he almost ended up in outer space.

But some of the surprises that awaited space pioneers in orbit were not related to the equipment at all. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit spoke about unidentified flying objects that appeared near earthly spacecraft, and scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok said that during his stay at the Salyut-6 station in 1981, he observed a bright luminous object the size of a finger rapidly encircling the Earth in orbit. Kovalenok called the crew commander, Viktor Savinykh, and he, seeing the unusual phenomenon, immediately went to get a camera. At this time, the “finger” flashed and split into two objects connected to each other, and then disappeared.

It was never possible to photograph it, but the crew immediately reported the phenomenon to Earth.
Sightings of unknown objects were also repeatedly reported by participants in Mir station missions, as well as employees of the Baikonur Cosmodrome - UFOs appear quite often in its vicinity.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

On February 15 of this year, residents of Chelyabinsk and surrounding settlements observed an extraordinary phenomenon: a celestial body entered the Earth’s atmosphere, which was 30 times brighter than the Sun when it fell. As it turned out later, it was a meteorite, although various versions of the phenomenon have been put forward, including the use of secret weapons or the machinations of aliens (many still do not exclude this possibility).

Exploding in the air, the meteorite split into many parts, the largest of which fell into Lake Chebarkul near Chelyabinsk, and the remaining fragments scattered over a wide area, including some regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. According to NASA, this is the largest space object to fall to Earth since the Tunguska bolide.

The “guest” from space caused quite significant damage to the city: the blast wave broke the glass in many buildings, and about 1,600 people received injuries of varying severity.

The series of “space” adventures for Chelyabinsk residents did not end there: a few weeks after the meteorite fell, on the night of March 20, a huge luminous ball hovered in the sky above the city. It was observed by many townspeople, but there is no exact explanation yet of where the “second Sun” suddenly appeared, especially at night. However, some believe that the ball arose due to the reflection of city lights on specifically located ice crystals in the atmosphere - that night Chelyabinsk was covered with thick cold fog.

Sakhalin monster

The remains of an unknown creature were found by Russian army personnel on the coast of Sakhalin Island in September 2006. In terms of the structure of the skull, the monster is somewhat reminiscent of a crocodile, but the rest of the skeleton is completely unlike any reptile known to science. It also cannot be classified as a fish, and the local residents to whom the soldiers showed the find could not identify it as any creature living in these waters. Remains of animal tissue were preserved, and judging by them, it was covered with wool. The corpse was quickly taken over by representatives of the special services, and its further study took place “behind closed doors.”

Now most experts are inclined to believe that these were the remains of some kind of cetacean, according to some versions - a killer whale or a beluga whale, but others object that the creature differs in its skeleton from both of them. An alternative to the “accepted” point of view is that the remains belonged to a prehistoric animal, which were probably still preserved in the depths of the World Ocean.

Seeing off the mermaid

Mermaids are one of the main characters of Russian folklore. According to legend, these spirits living in reservoirs are born as a result of the painful death of women and children, and rumor says that meeting a mermaid does not bode well: they often seduce men, luring them into the abyss of a lake or swamp, steal children, They scare animals and generally behave in a manner that is not very decent. According to tradition, in order for the year to be successful and fertile, villagers brought various gifts to the mermaids, sang songs about them and held dances in honor of these restless souls.

Of course, now such beliefs are not nearly as widespread as in the old days, but in some parts of Russia rituals associated with mermaids are still held. The most significant of them is considered the so-called Rusal Week (also known as Trinity Week or Farewell to the Mermaid) - the week preceding Trinity (50th day after Easter).

The main part of the ritual is the making and destruction of a stuffed mermaid, accompanied by fun, music and dancing. During Rusal Week, women do not wash their hair to protect themselves from perfume, and men carry garlic and walnuts with them for the same purpose. Of course, at this time it is strictly forbidden to go into the water - so as not to be dragged away by some bored mermaid.

Russian Roswell

The military missile range near the village of Kapustin Yar in the north-west of the Astrakhan region is often found in reports of the most strange and inexplicable incidents. Various UFOs and other curious phenomena are observed here with amazing regularity. Because of the most notorious case of this kind, Kapustin Yar received the nickname Russian Roswell by analogy with the city in the American state of New Mexico, where, according to some assumptions, an alien ship crashed in 1947.

Almost a year after the Roswell incident, on June 19, 1948, a silvery object shaped like a cigar appeared in the sky above Kapustin Yar. On alert, three MiG interceptors were scrambled into the air, and one of them managed to shoot down a UFO. “Cigar” immediately fired a certain beam at the fighter, and it crashed to the ground; unfortunately, the pilot did not have time to eject. A silvery object also fell in the vicinity of Kapustin Yar, and was immediately transported to the test site bunker.

Of course, many have repeatedly questioned this information, but some documents of the State Security Committee, declassified in 1991, indicate that the military more than once saw something above Kapustin Yar that does not yet fit into the framework of modern science.

Ninel Kulagina

During the Second World War, then Nina Sergeevna Kulagina served as a radio operator in a tank and participated in the defense of the Northern capital. As a result of her injury, she was discharged, and after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, she got married and gave birth to a child.

In the early 1960s, she became famous throughout the Soviet Union as Ninel Kulagina, a psychic and owner of other paranormal abilities. She could heal people with the power of her thoughts, determine color by touching her fingers, see through fabric what was in people's pockets, move objects at a distance, and much more. Her gift was often studied and tested by specialists from various institutions, including secret scientific institutes, and many testified that Ninel was either an extremely clever charlatan or actually possessed anomalous skills.

There is no convincing evidence of the first, although some of the former employees of Soviet research institutes claim that when demonstrating “supernatural” abilities, Kulagina used various tricks and sleight of hand, which was known to the KGB experts investigating her activities.

Until her death in 1990, Ninel Kulagina was considered one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century, and the inexplicable phenomena associated with her were called the “K-phenomenon.”

Dragon from Brosno

Lake Brosno, located in the Tver region, is the deepest freshwater lake in Europe, but it is known throughout the world mainly because of the mysterious creature that local residents believe lives in it.

According to numerous (but, unfortunately, not documented) stories, an animal about five meters long, resembling something like a dragon, was seen in the lake more than once, although almost all observers describe it differently. One of the local legends says that a long time ago, the Tatar-Mongol warriors who made a halt on the shore of the lake were eaten by the “dragon from Brosno”. According to another story, in the middle of Brosno one day an “island” suddenly appeared, which disappeared after some time - it is assumed that it was the back of a huge unknown beast.

Although there is no reliable information about the monster supposedly living in the lake, many agree that some strange things do sometimes happen in Brosno and its environs.

Space Defense Forces

Russia has always sought to protect itself from all possible external (and internal) threats, and more recently, the defensive interests of our Motherland include the security of its borders. To repel an attack from space, the Space Forces were created in 2001, and in 2011, the Space Defense Forces (SDF) were formed on their basis.

The tasks of this type of troops include mainly organizing missile defense and controlling the military satellites that coordinate it, although the command is also considering the possibility of aggression from alien races. True, at the beginning of October of this year, answering the question whether the East Kazakhstan region is ready for an alien attack, Sergei Berezhnoy, assistant to the head of the Main Test Space Center named after German Titov, said: “Unfortunately, we are not yet ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations.” . Let's hope the aliens don't know about this.

Ghosts of the Kremlin

There are few places in our country that can compare with the Moscow Kremlin in terms of mystery and the number of ghost stories that are found there. For several centuries it has served as the main citadel of Russian statehood, and, according to legend, the restless souls of the victims of the struggle for it (and with it) still roam the Kremlin corridors and dungeons.

Some say that in the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great you can sometimes hear the crying and lamentations of Ivan the Terrible, atoning for his sins. Others mention that they saw the spirit of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the Kremlin, three months before his death, when the leader of the world proletariat was seriously ill and no longer left his residence in Gorki. But the most famous ghost of the Kremlin is, of course, the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who appears whenever the country is in for a shock. The ghost smells cold, and sometimes he seems to be trying to say something, perhaps warning the leadership of the state against mistakes.

Black Bird of Chernobyl(although not Russia, it also deserves attention)

A few days before the infamous accident of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, four plant employees reported seeing what looked like a huge dark man with wings and glowing red eyes. Most of all, this description is reminiscent of the so-called Mothman - a mysterious creature that allegedly appeared repeatedly in the city of Point Pleasant in the American state of West Virginia.

The Chernobyl plant workers who met the fantastic monster claimed that after the meeting they received several threatening calls and almost everyone began to have vivid, incredibly scary nightmares.

On April 26, the nightmare happened not in the dreams of the employees, but at the station itself, and the amazing stories were forgotten, but only for a short time: while they were putting out the fire that raged after the explosion, survivors of the flames said that they clearly saw a 6-meter black bird that flew out from the clouds of radioactive smoke pouring out of the destroyed fourth block.

Well to Hell

In 1984, Soviet geologists launched an ambitious project to drill an ultra-deep well on the Kola Peninsula. The main goal was to satisfy scientific research curiosity and test the fundamental possibility of such deep penetration into the thickness of the planet.

According to legend, when the drill reached a depth of about 12 km, the instruments recorded strange sounds coming from the depths and most of all resembling screams and moans. In addition, at great depths, voids were discovered, the temperature in which reached 1100 °C. Some even reported a demon flying out of the well and a flaming "I Win" sign appearing in the sky after eerie screams were heard from a hole in the ground.

All this gave rise to rumors that Soviet scientists had drilled a “well to hell,” but many of the “evidences” do not stand up to scientific criticism: for example, it is documented that the temperature at the lowest point that the drill reached was 220 °C.

Perhaps, David Mironovich Guberman, one of the authors and managers of the Kola superdeep well project, spoke best about the “well”: “When they ask me about this mysterious story, I don’t know what to answer. On the one hand, stories about the “demon” are bullshit. On the other hand, as an honest scientist, I cannot say that I know what exactly happened here. Indeed, a very strange noise was recorded, then there was an explosion... A few days later, nothing similar was found at the same depth.”

This list includes the most famous “mysteries of the century,” from stones sliding across the desert to incomprehensible underwater sounds, which people still managed to solve.

Richard III's grave found

The remains of Richard III, the last English king to die in battle, have been discovered under a car park in the British city of Leicester. It was one of the most amazing archaeological finds of recent decades.

Source of the Nile

This may seem too obvious, but even an answer like “Lake Victoria” was not so easy to get. It took the use of the most modern technologies to obtain a final solution, because the true location of the source of the Nile remained a mystery for a long time.

Why is the temperature of the “solar atmosphere” higher than the surface temperature of the Sun?

The answer sounds too scientific, however, one way or another, the mystery was solved in 2009 thanks to a study by a group of European scientists. They managed to find an explanation for the fact that the temperature of the solar “atmosphere” reaches several million degrees Celsius, while the surface of the sun is much “colder” - only 5 thousand degrees Celsius. The answer is that it is the magnetic field that is the source of energy that causes solar flares and coronal plasma ejections.

Finding a flooded

The discovery of the sunken ship in 1985, more than 70 years after the disaster, was completely accidental and can only be explained by the greatest luck of the researchers.

Loch Ness monster

After decades of countless controversy and speculation, the photographer behind the world-famous original image of the Loch Ness Monster recently admitted that it was a hoax.


For centuries, humanity considered Troy a mythical city and the Trojan War mostly a legend. This was the case until the self-taught German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann discovered the remains of an ancient city, also called Ilion.

"Magic" circles in the Namib Desert

For a long time, people associated this phenomenon with everything from radioactive radiation to space aliens. Only relatively recent studies have led to the final conclusion that the “culprits” of such a long intrigue are... termites! (However, there are other explanations that we wrote about earlier)

The fate of Martin Bormann

One of the top leaders of the Nazi Reich has not been found since World War II, despite an intensive search around the world. According to the most famous version, he managed to escape retaliation and hide somewhere in South America, of which there was numerous evidence that was circulated in the press for many years. However, in 1999, his corpse was found in an unmarked grave, not far from the bunker where Hitler committed suicide.

“Fish flatulence” instead of Russian submarines

In the 1980s, Swedish naval sailors discovered underwater sounds of unknown origin. Many experts attributed them to Russian submarines threatening the free world. The solution caused an explosion... of laughter - the source of the mystical underwater sounds turned out to be the secretions of digestive gases from aggregations of fish. The Swedes were subsequently given the so-called Ig Nobel Prize.

Tutankhamun's tomb

A story reminiscent of the “Trojan” was associated with this most “popular” ancient Egyptian pharaoh. Before the discovery of the completely untouched tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings in 1922, it was the subject of countless legends and hoaxes.

Eternal Roar

When researchers from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration discovered a low-frequency sound of unknown origin in the summer of 1997 in the South Pacific Ocean, its origin was initially attributed to some mysterious, incredibly large and loud animal. Later, however, most scientists agreed that this Roar (The Bloop) was caused by the movement of ice masses.

Why do corals pulsate?

The pulsation of coral colonies remained an impenetrable mystery and the subject of much speculation for several decades of the last century. This movement could not be explained by any pressing need. In the end, scientists were able to establish that in this way the corals maintain a low oxygen content in the surrounding waters and thereby attract a certain type of migrating seaweed, which forms the basis of their nutrition.

In what direction does the Earth's core rotate?

For a very long time, scientists could not understand how the solid inner core of our planet rotates in one direction, while the liquid outer core rotates in another. Researchers from the University of Leeds in the UK recently finally found the answer: the reason lies in the “equally opposite” interaction of near-Earth magnetic fields.

Do women blush in the dark?

This question may seem stupid to you, but even Charles Darwin tried to answer it. After all, if you think sensibly, in the dark it is impossible to see whether she has turned red, and if you turn on the light, then what happens next will no longer happen in the dark, regardless of the result. Fortunately, German researchers came up with the idea of ​​​​using special cameras that react to thermal radiation to put an end to painful doubts. Yes, women blush in the dark, how!

Antikythera Mechanism

The fact that this ancient Greek “computer” was probably used for navigation purposes was known for a very long time (since the device was discovered precisely among the wreckage of a ship). But the fact that a device of a comparable level of complexity was next built by people only a thousand years later is indeed hard to explain.

Causes of stomach ulcers

For many years, the pharmaceutical industry made very good money selling anti-stress drugs to treat stomach ulcers. This continued until Australian scientists discovered that ulcers are often caused by a bacterial factor and are very easily cured.

The nature of absolutely black bodies is inexplicable within the framework of classical physics

Classical physics states that an ideal black body in a state of thermal equilibrium will radiate an infinite amount of energy. This is inconsistent with what actually happens in the real world. To explain this phenomenon, the laws of quantum mechanics were required.

Sliding stones

In case you're not aware, in various deserts around the world there are rocks that "glide", meaning they move on their own. After several experiments, this effect received the following explanation: the movement of stones is most likely caused by wind and the presence of ice on the desert surface.