Samara Institute of Communications and Telecommunications official. Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics

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Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 16:00

Latest reviews from PGUTI

Ekaterina Ivanova 13:26 07/05/2013

I entered the academy in 2005, then it was called PGATI, but I already graduated from the university, which is very nice! I got admitted very easily based on the results of the Unified State Exam into the specialty Information Systems and Technologies. Only math scores were taken into account. 20 places were provided on a budgetary basis. And I was one of them without paying a penny. It is possible to pass all exams and tests yourself, and often you only need to attend lectures. I studied diligently all 5 years and received a red diploma...

Maxim Cherepovets 21:15 06/02/2013

I am a 4th year student at PGUTI. In general, I like the training. There is no particular workload, like, for example, in the "air scythe", but they undoubtedly put knowledge into our heads. I am studying the specialty Computer Science and I will say right away that education in the IT field in “communications” is quite unique. Those who have studied will understand.

I came here absolutely by accident. When I was an applicant, it was possible to apply to absolutely all universities for all specialties. That's what I did (well, not for everything, of course, but for many...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics"

Branches of PSUTI


No. 02138 valid indefinitely from 05/17/2016


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for PSUTI

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)6 7 7 7 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study61.01 59.94 60.45 61.86 58.59
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget64 63.48 63.61 65.16 60.48
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis55.71 53.62 55.95 58.33 55.99
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled42.77 42.66 39.51 41.35 40.09
Number of students3874 4151 4364 4635 4717
Full-time department2405 2506 2403 2592 2679
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural1469 1645 1961 2043 2038
All data

The Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics is known in the world as one of four Russian centers conducting scientific research and large-scale training of specialists in the areas of telecommunications, radio engineering, computer science and economics.

The Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics was created on the basis of the Kuibyshev Polytechnic College of Communications. The choice of location of the university is not accidental - the city is located in the center of the Volga-Ural region and the university trains specialists for the republics and regions of this large region.

PSUTI implements a flexible multi-level education system - from training a skilled worker to a doctor of sciences. Training is conducted on a state budget and contract basis. Educational programs are varied, both in areas and specialties, and in forms and terms of study. Engineers are being trained in a shortened period of study on the basis of secondary vocational education, as well as economists and engineers with a second higher education are being trained.

The university includes the Samara College of Communications, Orenburg branch.

The university's scientific schools are well known and recognized. A source of pride are the scientific journals published by the university - “Infocommunication Technologies”, “Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Engineering Systems”. These journals are included in the List of leading scientific publications in which the main results of dissertations for the scientific degree of candidate and doctor of sciences should be published.

The university pays great attention to intensifying the research activities of students and increasing the efficiency of student scientific developments. Several scientific mini-structures operate on the basis of the university:

  • student cell of the PSUTI International Society of Optics and Photonics (PSUTI SPIE Student Chapter);
  • accelerator within the IT club of PSUTI;
  • algorithmic programming;
  • use of 1C accounting;
  • Internet Marketing;
  • telecommunication networks and devices;
  • business management (training teams to participate in online games (business simulators);
  • management of information systems development.

Students annually participate in scientific and innovation programs, including “UMNIK”, “START”, etc. In addition, the university annually allocates funds and holds innovative development competitions for graduate and undergraduate students.

The student IT field is actively developing. The university is a platform for traditional annual student competitions such as the open championship “Build a Computer”, the open championship of the Volga region in sports programming, Olympiads in infocommunications, etc.

Under the guidance of the teaching staff of PSUTI, students fill out applications for participation in international, all-Russian and regional competitions, and also make presentations at scientific and practical conferences, seminars, take part in olympiads, youth forums and summer schools: youth forum of the Volga Federal District "iVolga", "HackDay", "IT-breakthrough", the international Olympiad in the field of information technology "IT-Planet", the international scientific and practical conference Plekhanov Readings, the Volga region championship in sports programming and many others.

The university cooperates with foreign universities, institutions and companies. Today, more than two hundred foreign students and graduate students study at PSUTI.

The university also cooperates with many foreign companies: NetCracker, Siemens Enterprise Communications, CISCO, Huawei, D-Link, alt-Linux, Alcatel-Lucent, etc. PSUTI has 7 authorized training centers of these companies. Students are trained on equipment donated by companies to the university. In addition, PSUTI graduates have the opportunity to receive a European Diploma Supplement.

PSUTI has a modern educational and scientific base: three educational buildings in Samara, dormitories, computer centers, concert and sports halls, and a sports and recreation camp. A number of secondary schools have opened specialized classes that guide their graduates towards obtaining a professional education at a university.

Upon completion of their studies, university graduates are in demand on the labor market, many of them have gone on to significant scientific and industrial careers.

High employment results for university graduates are achieved thanks to:

  • scientific and practical seminars "Young specialist - Company. Search for reciprocity";
  • job fairs;
  • career days;
  • excursions to enterprises;
  • exhibitions of modern telecommunications equipment;
  • competitions “Step into the profession”, “Be the first”, etc.

More details Collapse

In modern life, every person has to work with a huge amount of information. To store, use, and analyze it, various programs and equipment are used, which are periodically updated and improved. The emergence of new information and electronic technologies indicates that the industry associated with them is rapidly developing and is experiencing a shortage of qualified specialists. The training of such personnel is carried out by the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTI), located in Samara.

Where it all started

In the 50s, in connection with the beginning of the country's development, one of the pressing problems was the shortage of engineering and technical personnel. To solve this problem, educational institutions began to open. One of them was the Kuibyshev Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (modern Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics). It was opened for the purpose of training personnel for broadcasting, television, radio and wireline communications networks.

The first intake of students was carried out in 1956. 200 people entered the university. They did not have to choose a department, since at that time the institute had only one structural unit - “Radio communications and broadcasting”. The educational institution did not have its own building. Classes were held at the local communications polytechnic.

Development period analysis

More than 60 years have passed since the founding of the university. Throughout this period it developed:

  • new faculties, departments, and specialties were opened in its organizational structure;
  • new forms of education have appeared (except for full-time education) - correspondence, evening, distance learning;
  • a training complex was built;
  • research work was actively carried out;
  • educational activities were improved taking into account the requirements of the time.

The name of the university changed several times. In 1991, the city of Kuibyshev, in which the university operated, was renamed. He became Samara. In this regard, the educational institution was renamed the Volga Region Institute of Informatics, Radio Engineering and Communications. In 1998, the university became the Academy of Telecommunications and Informatics. In 2008, the educational institution was given its current name.

University today

The Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics today is one of the largest higher educational institutions in the region. PSUTI is located at the address: Lev Tolstoy Street, 23. The university is of interest to applicants because it offers the most modern programs. Thanks to the education received at the university, you can find work both in Russia and abroad, because the industry for which specialists are trained at PSUTI is rapidly developing throughout the world.

The interest of applicants is caused by the high demand for graduates in the largest companies in Russia. Specialists who have received knowledge and a diploma at PGUTI are invited to work at Beeline, Megafon, MTS, RosTelecom, Russian Post, banks, insurance companies, and research institutes.

Getting to know the university through the admissions committee of PSUTI

The Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics has a huge number of advantages that distinguish it from other higher educational institutions in the region. It is impossible to list all the positive aspects in booklets, so if you want to learn as much as possible about the university, you should contact the admissions office.

This structural unit stores all the information that is important for applicants:

  1. Information about the teaching staff. According to admissions officers, about 260 people organize the educational process at PSUTI. Of these, 75% are holders of academic degrees and titles.
  2. Information about the features of training, the practical orientation of this process. Members of the admissions committee note that the university strives to provide its students with the necessary practical knowledge and skills. To do this, he regularly invites leading specialists and heads of infocommunication companies to classes.
  3. List of available faculties and specialties at PSUTI. When getting to know a university, applicants strive not only to evaluate all its advantages, but also to choose the structural unit and educational program they like best. Persons wishing to obtain higher education are offered 4 faculties - telecommunications and radio engineering, basic telecommunications education, information systems and technologies, and distance learning.

Faculty of Telecommunications and Radio Engineering

All of the above structural divisions were not created at the same time. The oldest of them, and therefore the most experienced in training qualified personnel, is the Faculty of Telecommunications and Radio Engineering. It was formed in 1961. The division was called the Faculty of Telephone and Telegraph Communications. Its main task was to train wire communications specialists.

Today, the faculty at the Volga State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTI) trains various specialists. Here is a list of directions and specialties:

  • "Information Security" (bachelor's degree);
  • "Radio Engineering" (bachelor's degree);
  • “Infocommunication communication systems and technologies” (bachelor’s degree);
  • “Information security of telecommunication systems” (specialty);
  • “Radio-electronic systems and complexes” (specialty).

Faculty of Basic Telecommunications Education

This structural unit of the Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics dates back to 1996. It began to function at the university in the form of a general engineering faculty. It received its modern name a little later. Its goal was to teach junior students the basic disciplines necessary to understand core subjects.

Today, the faculty also teaches various disciplines. First and second year students of some areas study here general humanities, general mathematics, general technical and natural science subjects. There is also one direction in which from I to IV courses you can study only at the Faculty of Basic Telecommunications Education - “Optoinformatics and Photonics”.

Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies

This faculty appeared in the organizational structure of the educational institution in 2000. It was created on the basis of a previously operating department - the Faculty of Economics, Telecommunications and Informatics. There are quite a few areas offered at the undergraduate level:

  • "Computer technology and information science."
  • "Applied Informatics".
  • "Information systems and technologies."
  • "Software Engineering".
  • “Administration and mathematical support of information systems.”
  • "Innovation".
  • "Intelligent systems in the humanitarian sphere."
  • "Management in technical systems."
  • "Management".
  • "Public Relations and Advertising."
  • "Journalism".
  • "Business Informatics".

At the faculty, students receive the most current knowledge and skills, because the structural unit has a modern material and technical base. Educational laboratories and specialized classrooms are equipped for classes, a course and diploma design room for writing student papers, and a research laboratory for development work.

Faculty of Correspondence Studies

The most modern structural unit at the Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics is the Faculty of Correspondence Education. It offers unusual ways for many to study educational material and evaluate existing knowledge. Necessary books and manuals are provided on electronic media. Tests and tests in subjects are taken on computers.

The only disadvantage of the faculty of distance learning is the availability of a small number of educational programs. Not all areas and specialties that exist at the university are offered here, because most of them can be fully mastered only on a full-time basis. At the correspondence faculty, applicants can choose “Infocommunication communication systems and technologies”, “Computer engineering and informatics”, “Information systems and technologies”, “Applied informatics”, “Business informatics”, “Advertising and public relations”.

Passing marks at the university

In some areas and specialties at the Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics there are budget places. Not all applicants understand how they are distributed among applicants. And this is done very simply:

  • at the end of the admissions campaign, a list of applicants is compiled;
  • applicants are ranked in descending order of the sum of the results of entrance examinations (or the Unified State Exam) and points for individual achievements;
  • applicants from the top of the list are enrolled in free training based on the number of places.

In order to enroll in a budget-funded place, you need to pass the Unified State Exam or entrance exams very well and achieve a passing grade. At PSUTI in 2017, this indicator was highest in “Software Engineering” (191 points), “Information Security of Telecommunication Systems” (190 points) and “Information Security” (188 points). The lowest values ​​were recorded in “Radio Engineering” and “Infocommunication Communication Systems and Technologies” (153 points in both directions).

About the university

In the fifties, a state program for creating a radio and television network was developed in our country. Personnel support for this program was supposed to be solved not only by expanding the three existing communications institutes (Moscow, Leningrad and Odessa), but also by creating three new institutes: in Tashkent, Novosibirsk and Kuibyshev. The Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (PGUTI), which was previously called the Kuibyshev Electrotechnical Institute of Communications (KEIS), the Volga Region Institute of Radio Engineering and Communications (PIIRS), made the first intake of students in 1956 to the only faculty of RADIO COMMUNICATIONS and RADIO BROADCASTING. The institute was organized on the basis of the Kuibyshev Electrical Technical College of Communications (Order of the USSR Ministry of Communications dated January 4, 1956 No. 24 on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 18, 1953 No. 1291), whose director V.F. Poltavtsev served as acting rector of the new institute for a year. In 1957, the head of one of the largest radio centers in the country, Associate Professor S.L. Sluginov was appointed rector of KEIS and headed the institute for 25 years. From 1982 to 1988, the institute was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor V.K. Morozov, from 1988 to 2001 Professor Honorary Rector of PSUTI V.B. Vitevsky. Currently, the rector of the university is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Andreev.

The choice of location for the new university was not accidental. Firstly, the city is located in the center of the Volga-Ural region and the university was supposed to train specialists for the republics and regions of this large region. Secondly, during the Great Patriotic War, large communications enterprises and, in particular, radio centers were concentrated in Kuibyshev, where highly qualified specialists from Moscow and other cities of the country worked.

The leading universities of the country with a related profile - Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa - helped significantly in terms of personnel. It was from there that a galaxy of highly qualified, energetic teachers came to KEIS - P.D. Berestnev, A.T. Balanov, A.I. Rynda (Department of Radio Receiving Devices), Ch.G. Pasternak (department of television), E.Yu. Sheredko, D.D. Klovsky (Department of Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering), V.P. Pukkin (department of communication lines), N.V. Reshetnikov (department of automatic telecommunications), N.E. Suslov (Department of Multichannel Telecommunications).

The first 150 radio engineers scattered throughout the country - from Leningrad to Kamchatka, from the North to the Black Sea. Professor A.I. put a lot of effort into their preparation. Rakov, associate professors R.N. Khoreva, A.A. Shishkin, teachers S.F. Karavaeva, N.P. Ovchinnikova, N.M. Chistovskaya, R.A. Goncharova, L.I. Korablina and others. Subsequently, other faculties were opened, focused on training specialists in the field of telecommunications, radio engineering, computer science and economics.

Currently, the Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics is known in the world as one of four Russian centers conducting scientific research and large-scale training of specialists in the areas of telecommunications, radio engineering, computer science and economics. It includes the Samara College of Communications, Stavropol and Orenburg branches. PSUTI implements a flexible multi-level education system - from training a skilled worker to a doctor of sciences. Training is conducted on a state budget and contract basis. Educational programs are varied, both in areas and specialties, and in forms and terms of study. Engineers are being trained in a shortened period of study on the basis of secondary vocational education, as well as economists and engineers with a second higher education are being trained.

PSUTI has a modern educational and scientific base: three educational buildings in Samara, dormitories, computer centers, concert and sports halls, and a sports and recreation camp. In a number of secondary schools, specialized classes have been opened, in the city. In Uralsk and Syzran there are lyceums of the "Teleinfo" association, which direct their graduates to receive professional education at the university.

The image of a university is primarily determined by its graduates. Many university graduates have gone on to distinguished scientific and industrial careers. They successfully solve problems of telecommunications and computer science in positions from Deputy Federal Minister of Communications of Russia to heads of large enterprises. A number of graduates became famous scientists - these are professors, doctors of technical sciences V.A. Andreev, A.G. Glushchenko, B.I. Nikolaev, Yu.M. Sdobaev, A.I. Tyazhev, V.G. Khromykh, O.N. Maslov and others.

Invaluable assistance in training highly qualified personnel for PSUTI - candidates and doctors of sciences - was provided by universities of a communications profile: Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa. A number of brilliant scientists from these universities: Aizenberg G.Z., Chistyakov N.I., Shakhgildyan V.V., Zelyakh Z.V., Grodnev I.I. and many others passed on to their students - graduates of KEIS and PSUTI - the spirit of search and constant focus on achieving high scientific results.

Currently, the university employs more than 200 teachers. Among them, more than 30 have the highest qualifications - academic degrees and titles of doctors of science and professors, and more than 100 - candidates of science and associate professors. Scientists of the institute have achieved famous results in the theory of radio and optical communications, in the field of digital signal processing, in the creation of gyromagnetic devices and television equipment. Together with the Samara Industrial Scientific Research Institute of Radio (SONIIR), PGUTI developed the scientific foundations of electromagnetic ecology and created state methodological documents for calculating sanitary protection zones of radio-emitting means. University scientists have discovered unique phenomena during the propagation of radio waves in the three-centimeter wave range. The results are recognized by specialists from more than a hundred countries around the world.

PSUTI operates postgraduate and doctoral studies. There are two dissertation councils for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences in five scientific specialties:

01.04.03 - radiophysics;
05.12.04 - radio engineering, including systems and devices for radio navigation, radar and television;
05.12.13 - systems, networks and telecommunications devices;
05.12.07 - antennas, microwave devices and their technologies;
05.13.13 - telecommunication systems and computer networks.

University scientists receive invitations and actively participate in international symposia and business forums, republican and industry conferences, seminars and meetings, make presentations on current issues in the development of science and technology in the field of telecommunications, as well as other related industries. The average annual number of participants in scientific events is more than 150 people. Periodicals are regularly published. Together with the Volga Region Association of Telecommunications and Informatics Engineers "Teleinfo" the scientific and practical journal "Telecommunication Field of Regions" is published, accredited by the Deutshe Telekom AG corporation; together with the Samara State University of the Ministry of Education of Russia - the scientific journal "Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Engineering Systems", included in the list of publications recommended for the publication of materials of doctoral dissertations; together with the scientific and public organization - the Academy of Telecommunications and Informatics - the magazine "Informatics, radio engineering, communications - a collection of works by Volga region scientists." Based on the results of research work over the past 3 years, 23 monographs, 26 textbooks and teaching aids have been published, and 18 patents for inventions have been received. Including monographs by V.A. Andreev: “Theory of electromagnetic influences between communication circuits”, O.N. Maslov: “Electromagnetic safety of radio-electronic equipment”, V.G. Kartashevsky and others: “Mobile communication networks”, B.Ya .Lichtzinder: "Intelligent communication networks", Yu.M.Sdobaeva and V.P.Kubanova "Fundamentals of electromagnetic ecology"; textbooks D.D. Klovsky et al.: "Theory of electrical communications", B.S. Ivanova et al.: "Fundamentals of the economics of telecommunications (communications)"; textbooks: A.I. Tyazhev: “Fundamentals of control theory and radio automation”, A.I. Breus and others: “Electronics”.

Students at the university departments actively conduct scientific research; their works have been awarded diplomas from the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation, as well as regional competitions for the best student works.

As part of the TACIS program, the Samara Regional Telecommunications Training Center (SRTTC) has been created at the university and has been successfully operating for more than 12 years. Students are offered both practical and theoretical courses: digital networks and switching systems, installation and measurements of electromagnetic cables, construction and operation of fiber-optic communication lines, mobile communications, radio relay and satellite communication systems, management and marketing in telecommunications, electromagnetic ecology, accounting accounting and finance, English, etc.

Samara College of Communications PGUTI is one of the most famous secondary specialized institutions in Russia. This is a large center for training mid-level communications specialists; they train here for secondary vocational education programs in the same areas as at the university, and also train postal specialists.

In collaboration with the companies Siemens, Ericsson, RON-Telecom, VEF-KT and others, modern educational laboratories for the study of electronic switching and digital transmission systems have been created with the help of the Teleinfo association. We are talking, first of all, about the transfer to the academy of equipment EWSD, DRX-4, Kvant-E and a PC complex with training programs on switching technology.

The Academy is fueled by the intellectual energy of its young people and establishes a variety of creative contacts with its graduates. A number of graduates now head large communications enterprises such as JSC Svyazinform: S.L. Elkin (Samara), A.S. Karyukanov (Ulyanovsk), V.M. Ledkov (Kaluga), A.Ya. Ufimkin (Chelyabinsk), A.N.Zinoviev (Orenburg), V.F.Lyulin (Nizhny Novgorod), S.M.Fomichev (Izhevsk), G.P.Brusentsev (Ivanovo), V.I.Rybakin (Perm), Yu.N. Lepikhov (Tula), V.N. Shevnev (Ryazan), V.B. Ufimov (Elista). A.I. Polnikov - executive director of OJSC Svyazinvest (Moscow). Many university initiatives are actively supported by our graduates - the head of the city of Samara G.S. Limansky, the Deputy Federal Minister of Communications, State Secretary N.F. Pozhitkov, who heads the board of trustees of PSUTI, which includes the heads of the largest telecommunications enterprises in the Volga region and the Urals.

In order to promote the latest technologies on the Russian communication network, forming dynasties of telecom operators, PSUTI, together with JSC Svyazinform of the Samara region and other organizations, created the Volga Region Association of Telecommunications and Informatics Engineers TELEINFO. The international Samara telecommunications symposiums, held on board comfortable Volga liners, are very popular among telecommunications operators in the Volga region and the Urals, as well as among well-known foreign manufacturers of telecommunications equipment. Eleven such symposiums have already taken place. The public Academy of Telecommunications and Informatics contributes to the release of the creative potential of scientists and specialists, the introduction of new technologies, and the implementation of federal programs, such as “Electronic Russia”. ATI members actively participate in the development of concepts for the development of communication networks in Russia and individual regions, in the implementation of new technology on existing networks.

Signalmen from Samara, the Volga region, and the Urals, many of whom graduated from PSUTI, in our difficult times find extraordinary solutions and not only increase the volume of communication services, but take their quality to a new level. The foundations of intelligent networks are laid, modern digital stations are put into operation, and radiotelephones and pagers become available. The Internet and many new radio broadcasting stations and television channels appeared.