What goals and objectives should you start the new year with for successful self-development? Is it worth making plans for the year? What is important to know when setting goals for the New Year. Brightness of life, impressions

Plans for the New Year- this is a tradition, everyone dreams of waking up on January 1st and radically changing their lives, fulfilling their cherished dreams - learning to sing, dance, drive a car, play sports, succeed in business. How to make a plan and move towards your goals so that your dreams become reality?

In the article, we will consider the rules for constructing a self-development plan for the year, the main points, how to correctly implement goals, and make fundamental changes in life?

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So, a little more and the new year 2018 will begin, wonderful holidays, gifts, New Year's dreams and plans await everyone, we will again strive to change everything and live consciously, achieving success. The development plan for the next year will help to structure thoughts, fantasies, and determine priorities in all areas of life, because harmony is needed for happiness.

To begin with, you should think about what your plans are for the new year, what is going well in life, and what areas you need to pay special attention to, write general wishes for your own life, and later structure your ideas by area:

  • Development of the spiritual component— work on character, the ability to live with gratitude to people and life, to believe in the best. show love and kindness to others. To improve your life, you need to be a person worthy of happiness and love, success.
  • Personal development— you need to decide on your own purpose, goals, mission, what motivates you, makes you want to move forward, what results have been achieved, what you need to strive for for further growth. Determine program points for study and implementation - time management, finding ways to self-motivate.
  • Health promotion- health status affects a person’s effectiveness in life - aspirations, desires, achievements. Without a good state of mind and body, it is impossible to live to the fullest, to enjoy and gain joy from life, to overcome difficulties, and to move towards goals. This is an important point of the program - to treat chronic diseases, strengthen general tone - go to training, start doing exercises.

Plans for the New Year must necessarily include the area of ​​health as a fundamental and priority.

  • Love and personal relationships— it is difficult for a person to feel happiness without a loving partner, harmonious and warm relationships. A self-sufficient person can be alone for a long time and feel comfortable, but it is nature’s nature to create couples and families. It’s worth thinking about your personal life - is everything good, what to work on, how to improve relationships?
  • Realization in career, business- any person realizes his or her own potential in work, creativity, and business. Is the field of activity suitable, are you happy with everything, what would you like to do, how to achieve the desired result? There is an expression: “If you don’t like a place, change it.”

The difficulty is different - it’s difficult for people to decide to change. While we are writing down wishes, a letter to Santa Claus, without logical analysis. All dreams have the right to be voiced. In life, everything we believe in is possible.

Plans for the new year are a list of internal desires.

And the fulfillment of desires is determined by the person himself - determination, desire, perseverance.

  • Financial questions— we analyze situations with financial support, income, expenses, determine whether there is satisfaction, what to work on. It is important to understand what the reason for the expenses is - perhaps it is worth reviewing the expense items, and then consider increasing income. It can be helpful to learn how to save, reduce your credit card usage, or pay off debt. Set specific goals, specifying amounts and deadlines. Next, we think about ways to implement the assigned tasks.
  • Adding bright colors— it would be nice to find hobbies, hobbies that stimulate development, give strength for life, and inspire new achievements. Think about what you have always dreamed of - playing the guitar, singing, oriental dancing, doing yoga.

Now there are plenty of opportunities to realize your potential and discover new abilities. The main thing is to realize: everything can be learned at any age. The main thing is the presence of desire!

Plans for the New Year are like a seven-flowered flower, which we draw ourselves and then implement. All components, petals, are important; without one part, there will be no beauty and harmony of life. All seven spheres of life are necessary for a person equally.

What plans have you set for next year, what have you dreamed of for a long time, but did not dare to implement? Perhaps it’s time to act more decisively, take responsibility for life into your own hands, and attract fortune? She tends to help active and determined individuals.

It is convenient to write down the tasks of the new year in 7 sections, adding micro-goals, aspirations, and intentions for the next year under each. It is convenient to structure goals for the new year in the form of a table, place sections, areas of life at the top, 12 months on the side, distribute tasks according to deadlines throughout the year, what needs to be done first, what is acceptable later.

How to set goals for the new year correctly and effectively?

We offer basic rules for setting goals:

  1. The goal must be important to the person who plans to implement it, and not come from relatives and friends, otherwise consciousness will resist and slow down the implementation of the idea.
  2. The goal must be formulated in specific units of measurement: earn the following amount..., lose weight by... kilogram.
  3. Goals should be set realistic, it is possible to gradually increase volumes, increase sales or profitability, an increase of approximately 50% is quite achievable, 2 times - perhaps, 10 times - unlikely if the inheritance does not help.
  4. Be sure to write down your goals and constantly re-read them., adjust as necessary.
  5. Goals must be achieved consistently, starting with the most important, key ones, on which the implementation of the rest depends, often finances or health.
  6. Having determined the sequence, we look for ways to achieve the goal, write down all possible ways, means, choose the most suitable ones, take action, monitor the results every week, or better yet, draw up an action plan for every day and summarize the results in the evening.
  7. It's important to find motivation, why you need to realize your goal, what prospects will open up, benefits, opportunities, interest yourself as much as possible. A person has the opportunity to become the master of his own life or to go with the flow all the time. What do you choose?

Goals before the new year help set the course of movement, turn on the internal autopilot, and adjust the flight path of life. A person determines his own life; it is useful to accept this truth for new achievements in life.

It’s not difficult to make a plan for the next year, there are several ways - a table, a circle of life divided into sectors, you can determine the names yourself, write down the main tasks for each item next to it, then determine the priority and order of implementation.

It is important to think through your plans for the next year down to the smallest detail - vacation time, where to relax, how much money to raise, key events, activities, goals.

Achieving the objectives depends on attention to the following aspects:

  • understanding the importance and priority of tasks;
  • setting time limits for each item;
  • Do you plan to carry out tasks yourself or will you need assistants, associates, mentors;
  • what knowledge is needed to carry out tasks, how to obtain the necessary information?
  • Are there any possible obstacles on the way, how to neutralize them?
  • how to make the plan as realistic and effective as possible?
  • How to stay motivated throughout the year? Set intermediate goals, small rewards for yourself, try to encourage and praise yourself for every action that brings you closer to your goals;
  • Believe in your own strengths, everything is in the hands of a person, so you should never give them up. Gradually, even a daring and complex plan can be brought to life, the main thing is faith and desire.

It helps to realize goals for the new year and a visual representation of achievements; it is useful to use visualization every day to tune the subconscious to the desired wavelength, to make it a person’s assistant.

Plans for the New Year are not a fairy tale for adults, but a clear picture of life, which is created by one’s own efforts. You should not rely on fortune, better understand your goals and strive in the direction of your dreams, luck always helps those who are going. A person who is aware of his needs and aspirations is more likely to take advantage of the chance of fate than one who does not think about the prospects of life.

Goals before the new year are a natural process, we take stock, think about the future, can we take control of life, change its course in the new year, what has been successful and what needs to be worked on? How can we make the plan work in our favor? How to implement it correctly?

From dreams to goals, how to make changes in life?

We often promise to change everything, to start a new life next year, but what happens next? A month passes, enthusiasm fades, what is the reason? People are afraid to make changes in life; they are accustomed to the usual way of life - work, relationships, way of life. Not everything is good, but a bird in the hands is better... Yes, habitual thinking, but life goes on, dreams remain unfulfilled.

And if we believe, dreams can come true, everything is possible in life, and the main wizard is the man himself! You only need to take an important action - set a goal and say: this is not a dream, but the meaning of life! The main rule is from small to complex, it is important to start acting, take a step towards fate, then it will be easier.

So, the new year is the beginning of a new life, let’s consider the basic rules for achieving goals in the new year:

  1. Don't be afraid of difficulties— often in the process of achieving goals you have to communicate with people and receive refusals (hiring, sales). We understand the truth: quantity develops into quality, experience comes with time, high results are also a consequence of hard work.
  2. Develop confidence- it is important to understand the reasons why you deserve an improvement in the situation - a new position, an increase in salary, income, cost of services, to understand the main advantages over other applicants and competitors.
  3. Divide and rule— it is worth breaking down complex tasks into small, probable and achievable ones with less effort. It’s easier to get the final result by overcoming small obstacles, stages, and rising higher.
  4. Maintain motivation- it is worth remembering the benefits of achieving the goal, the advantages, writing it down, re-reading it daily, mentally praising for actions in the right direction, placing pictures of your future life in a “wish album” to maintain enthusiasm and striving forward.
  5. Having a sense of purpose- is largely determined by the motivation and support of others, it is useful to communicate with positive people, learn from their example, study the history of successful people, and learn from life experience. Enthusiasm is transmitted along with pessimism; be careful in choosing close people; if there is a lack of understanding, it is easier to implement plans on your own, and seek help and support from specialists in the right fields of activity.

Plans for the new year will become real life, thanks to the aspirations and desire to achieve your goal.

We looked at the main points that contribute to moving forward - overcoming fear, finding faith and a burning desire to achieve what you want. Perseverance helps plants grow even through asphalt, and helps people accomplish incredible things. Have you already decided what goals to set for the new year?

You can change your life only gradually, building a bridge to your dreams, and now to your goals.

New Year, the goals and objectives of each person are different, united by the desire for the best, for a happy and fulfilling life. Changes are possible - gray everyday life will be filled with bright colors if there is desire and faith.

Human possibilities are limitless, only we limit our own potential, all people are unique - they have special abilities and talents. It is useful to develop them, to look for new facets of personality. There is an important understanding - a person independently creates his own destiny, and not circumstances, politics, economics, and so on. Complaining is the lot of the weak; strong people live and succeed in any situation, they always look for a way out and find it.

To achieve your goals, it is useful to develop the psychology of a winner. It all starts with thoughts, inner beliefs. Say: “I can do this” - learn to play the guitar, sing, write books, take photographs, be a businessman, etc. Or maybe. You have already mastered many skills, you just need to learn how to use your abilities and achieve success!

Paint a picture of your own life - set goals and make your most incredible dreams come true!

Brian Tracy is a famous windbag, or self-development coach. His typical exercise goes like this: write down a goal, make a plan, take action. No one would ever think of doing that :)

Usually, his stories are related to some American university with an incomprehensible study, then he voices his “expert” thoughts and gives primitive recommendations. Brief example:

Brian Tracy on the 10 Goals Method:

You need to write down 10 of your goals in life for the coming year. If you could only achieve one goal, what would it be? Make a plan, lists of future obstacles, required skills and knowledge.

They say the 10 goals technique is “simply amazing.” Sometimes people achieved 5 goals in a week.

The sight of a Macaque with a banana near the volcano is simply amazing!

Brian Tracy gives exercises for primitive people with primitive goals. A little personal experience in goal setting will show you all the “expertise” of it.

This method is suitable for purposes like: “Wash socks”, “Call mom”, “Finally take out the beer bottles”. So, of course, you can achieve even 7 out of 10 goals in a week. And for the rest of the “next year”, collect new bottles and hide dirty socks.

If you don’t have experience planning your personal life, you need to urgently develop it so as not to remain a naive victim of “experts.”

Personal life planning experience

The main reason why most people don't set goals is the lack of experience in achieving them. They didn’t teach me at school, my mom and dad didn’t tell me. Business coaches force you to set goals, but they have developed a persistent habit of resisting development.

Then personal growth “experts” appear with magical techniques that give amazing results without leaving the computer. They can say whatever they want, because their listeners will not check a word or complete the exercises. They won't do anything. And the “expert” will become an expert.

The sorcerer of personal growth.

Lack of confidence in their strengths and abilities makes people only talk about their goals and never write them down. It's safer to forget your goals than to see untouched lists. Living with goals is not safe for a weak psyche.

The experience of planning your personal life will help you organize it, give you a sense of your strength and strengthen your self-confidence. Planning your personal life is the best way to increase self-confidence and self-esteem.

Your goals for the coming year

If this is your first experience and it’s difficult for you to assess your strengths, I recommend choosing easier goals. It’s better that you complete them in a month, then make a new list for the rest of the year. Each new plan will be more thoughtful, and with well-chosen goals.

To create a list of goals, I recommend doing the 100 desires exercise, selecting 5-10 desires from them. It is better to set not final goals, but a series of intermediate, simple and achievable goals. Instead of “Create your own business,” set goals: “Choose a niche for a business,” “Create a website,” “Write 10 articles,” “Learn SEO.”

It is very important that the first attempts to live with the prescribed goals are successful. Once again, I highly recommend making a simple plan to start with, even a list of tasks.

First, a simple plan.

To warm up your imagination and memory, study the examples below - lists of goals for the year by area of ​​life. Additionally, explore the lists: 20 goals, 25 goals, 50 goals and 100 goals. Make yourself a list of goals that will change you over the course of the year.

10 goals for work and career

  1. Take a course in a related specialty.
  2. Explore career options.
  3. Read 12 books on work.
  4. Switch to management with the help of coaching.
  5. Get a promotion at work.
  6. Agree with management on an additional area of ​​responsibility.
  7. Perform more complex work tasks.
  8. Change job.
  9. Determine the range of professions for a new career.
  10. Organize your own enterprise, or choose a direction to search for free niches.

10 life goals for health

  1. Remove 10 unhealthy foods from your diet in a year.
  2. Get a health consultation.
  3. Do 12 massages.
  4. Consultation with an osteopath.
  5. Try 5 new types of massage.
  6. Run a record distance for yourself, plus 5–10 km.
  7. Find a sport to practice regularly 2-3 times a week.
  8. Fast for one day.
  9. Undergo an unconventional health practice.
  10. Take meditation and relaxation courses.

10 shopping goals

  1. Consult with a stylist and make purchases with him.
  2. Assess the profitability of buying real estate in your city.
  3. Do not make emotional purchases for a month, buy in 3-10 days.
  4. Buy a MacBook and/or iPhone.
  5. Buy a toy from childhood memories.
  6. Give a “soulful” gift to a friend.
  7. Buy a toy for your adult self.
  8. Buy a cup, draw a smiley face on it and give it to a colleague.
  9. Take a weekend tour.
  10. Wear new things in the store after purchasing.

10 goals for the year for personal growth

  1. Read Thinking, Fast and Slow.
  2. Study material from a point of view that you do not accept.
  3. Learn to give a report.
  4. Set a personal record for books read.
  5. Improve writing skills: write 5 articles.
  6. Improve your understanding of statistics: Read The Black Swan.
  7. Learn to draw emoticons by hand.
  8. Raise your level of foreign language proficiency.
  9. Learn to drive a scooter.
  10. Make personal time management a habit.

10 goals for women, men, families

  1. Reduce the need to control everything.
  2. Read the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
  3. Respect your partner more.
  4. Have a fun and romantic picnic.
  5. Take the course “Natural childbirth”.
  6. Give your companion a handmade piece of jewelry.
  7. Prepare breakfast for lovers.
  8. Be aware of when you are not listening carefully.
  9. Have a family dinner by candlelight.
  10. Speak words of support and care more often.

The time is approaching to take stock and make New Year's Resolutions: make promises to yourself for the next year and make plans that, as you know from experience, will not work.

What happens when you make New Year's Resolutions to yourself?

“Drink more water”, “walk”, “talk to friends”, “run in the morning” and what else happens there?

In the first week of January you give up on them, right? After all, it's the holidays.

And then you forget about them.

In the best case, you remember somewhere in the fall and then you begin to be tormented by a feeling of shame that for some reason you haven’t been able to pull yourself together for many years and all that. So?

At worst, I fulfill 90% of what I planned and promised :)

I'll tell you how I manage to do this.

"Stodnevka" is an environment for development. By immersing yourself in it, in 100 days you can not only achieve your goal, but also understand yourself, clarify your values, learn to enjoy life here and now, and not someday, when your desires come true.

You don't have to put in extra effort. The rule of small steps helps you move towards your goals calmly and continuously.

  • The author and presenter of the course is.
  • The course takes place in a closed social network in a team of like-minded people.
  • At the moment, 2259 people have already taken part in the project, most of them more than once.
  • Hundred day tools - freewriting, working with a daily plan, habit tracking and much more.
  • Having paid for the course once, you get the right to take the hundred-day course as many times as you like.
  • You can find out more details, ask questions and sign up for the course at http://stodnevka.ru.

You can download several course letters for free.

With new plans and desires. We will not convince you: dream, change, become better! And to prevent this from becoming empty chatter, advice from the best motivational books will help you set goals and achieve them.

Instead of goals, think about feelings

How do you usually set goals? Write in a notepad what you want to achieve? Try it differently - go not from action, but from feelings.

First, decide how you want to feel (happy, calm, determined, in harmony), and then plan your days, weeks and months based on your imagined good state. It turns out that you select a goal that matches the feelings that you have planned for yourself. Let's say that in order to feel joy every day, it is vital for you to do charity work - visit children in a shelter, be a volunteer and care for homeless animals.

First of all, feelings move us forward.

All people are different. It may happen that you don’t need a three-room apartment at all, which you are going to take out a mortgage and then wait another 30 years to pay back the money. Maybe a house 10 minutes from the city is enough for you - and you will be no less happy. The point is to listen carefully to yourself, and not to chase the goals that society imposes. In fact, we strive not for any specific goal, but for the feelings that will arise when it is achieved: sincere joy, genuine pride in ourselves, peaceful calm, a sense of self-worth, unshakable self-confidence.

That's what people want. This is where we are all heading, albeit unconsciously.

Extrinsic motivation

Travis himself does not hide the fact that he participates in racing not only because it fills him with joy. The prize fund is one of the reasons that gets him up early in the morning and brings him to the track.

Just write down an external incentive (money, fame - whatever!) for each goal you want to achieve in the new year. When your internal motivation dries up, this will help you stay on your toes.

Never miss two times in a row

If achieving a goal requires regular action (going to the gym, taking an English class), work on creating a habit. The main thing is to maintain consistency. Remember the rule: never miss two times in a row. Otherwise, there is a great chance of breaking the habit once and for all. If you skip one day, it will reduce the chances of a long-term stable result by about 5%, double absence reduces them by 40%. Three days - and you can start all over again, because you missed your chance and created conditions for unpunished “absenteeism” in the future.

It seems that this is not true. It’s easier to be optimistic and believe that a couple of missed days means nothing in the overall operation and that tomorrow you will catch up with everything. But if you do this once with this attitude, and then again, then you will no longer be able to trust your judgment.

If this has happened to you, then taking the missed action next time should be your priority. You must do this at any cost. Do it perfectly if you can, or do it poorly if that's all you can do.

"4:30 am rule"

Professional ultramarathon runner Travis Macy suggests following the “4:30 a.m. rule” to achieve your goals: it’s not just about getting up early to get more done in the day. This rule also has a deeper meaning. Briefly, if you make a firm decision in advance, then when the time comes to act, you are no longer distracted by thoughts about whether you want to do it or not.

The rule is this: when the alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m., you have to get up and get to work, even if—and especially if—what you want most in the world is to roll over and sleep some more. But this rule should not be taken literally; waking up at 4:30 am is just an example of the strong will you need to have to achieve success. For you, this rule may sound a little different or mean doing different things at certain times of the day or week. The point is that you are making a commitment in advance and thereby giving up any further choice on the matter.

A strong internal commitment - to a training program, to a project, to a job, to a relationship, to raising a child - is the most important thing you can do in life. This is where it all begins. By adopting the 4:30 a.m. rule, literally or figuratively, you give up any alternatives. Getting up while most people are still asleep can be the first step toward achieving your goal.

Getting up early can be practiced once a week.

It can be assumed that there are not very many people who want to “wake up and sing” at such an early hour. But the “4:30 a.m. rule” doesn’t really apply to them at all. Most people love to sleep, and you're probably no exception. This is the whole point: if you have adopted such a rule for yourself, you get up in any situation.

This psychological attitude cuts off any deviations from the goal.

The key idea is to cancel the possibility of giving up for yourself, because the decision has already been made in advance. Make a plan in advance so that the 4:30 a.m. rule comes into play when the time comes.

Lifehacks for setting goals and achieving them

Here are some more tips from books on goal setting.

  • Break long-term goals into short-term ones.
  • Make extra efforts to become better.
  • Think about global questions (“Am I living right?”) more than once a year.
  • Set the most daring goals that “ignite” you.
  • Introduce changes gradually. For example, once a week.

Be confident in yourself and you will succeed! Happy New Year!

Every year we gather at the festive table with family or friends, see off the passing year, remembering what was good and bad about it, and as the chimes strike, we make our most cherished wish, hoping with all our hearts that it will come true.

We do not know for sure whether there are any higher powers that will hear this desire and bring it to life in an instant, but each of us must understand that, first of all, he himself is the arbiter of his own destiny and it depends only on us whether they will come true life bold plans and cherished dreams.

It’s not enough to promise yourself: “I’ll lose weight next year,” - in order to lose weight, you need to start taking action. But for some reason, almost everyone who wants to achieve an ideal figure stops at formulating their goal, without even moving on to the achievement stage.

Perhaps we are afraid of the difficulties that will certainly appear on our way, or we simply do not want to strain at least a little and make an effort on ourselves, but the fact remains: 90% of the goals we set are never realized.

The same applies to plans to learn a foreign language, achieve a promotion and go on vacation abroad. Of course, winning the lottery may fall on your head, and then you won’t have to scrupulously save money for a long-awaited trip, but the likelihood of such a gift of fate, unfortunately, is too small. So you will have to act on your own and finally achieve what seems so desirable.


You know, people say: “Without a piece of paper, you are a bug.” It's the same with goals. When a goal exists only in your head, it is too ephemeral and, to be honest, unrealistic. The easiest way to make an eternal thing out of something is to write down what you want on paper, first clearly articulating what you want to get as a result. It’s better if you write not “I want to lose 10 kilograms,” but “I weigh this much, I’m beautiful, slim and confident.” First, phrase everything in the present tense, as if you have already achieved what you want. And secondly, describe the emotions you experience when you achieve your goal. Thus, you will be one step closer to achieving your plans.


It’s not enough to say: “I want to lose weight because I want to be thin,” there is not the slightest explanation of the reasons for getting what you want. In this case, you begin to think: “Do I really need it?” It’s another matter if you realize that losing weight will make you self-confident, allow you to buy varied and beautiful clothes in smaller sizes, and solve some health problems. When you realize why you need it, you will want to go towards the goal even more.


In order to reach the final destination, you need to at least walk, that is, take one step after another. Now you need to clearly understand what steps you will take. For example, you want to save up for a trip to Europe in a year. An approximate scheme for achieving the goal will look like this: 1. Calculate the cost of the trip. 2. Set aside a certain amount of money every month. 3. Study information about the country (or countries) that I am going to visit. 4. Book your hotel and flights. 5. Prepare all the necessary documents and obtain a visa. 6. Go on a trip.


Agree, it is much easier to save up for a trip in December, starting to save money in January, rather than in June. Especially provided that you can deny yourself unnecessary expenses such as the tenth tube of lipstick or the twentieth T-shirt of the same type. Your plans have almost no chance of being implemented if you do not set a time frame for them. You can calculate the cost of the trip as much as you like and make it until April, or you can decide that for this stage you set aside the first half of January, talk to knowledgeable people, go to a travel agency and, having an idea of ​​the amount, calculate how much you need to save monthly.


You should always keep before your eyes the example of those who have already achieved what you just want to achieve. Let it be a friend who lost 20 kilograms, or a friend who managed to save up for a down payment to buy an apartment with a mortgage. Whoever it is, he should inspire you, demonstrating the reality of all your desires, even the most daring ones. It is much harder to dream about something unrealistic and sincerely believe that only a lucky chance can help you.