Next to the moon is the bright star May.

In May 2017, 4 planets, 4 asteroids brighter than +10 magnitude* and three comets will be available for observation.

Moon Today, May 3, enters the first quarter phase, the 11th is the full moon, the 19th is the last quarter, and the 25th is the new moon. On May 8, the Moon will pass close to Jupiter (see image).

Mercury not visible due to its low position above the horizon.

Venus visible in the morning before sunrise as a very bright white star in the east in the constellation Pisces. The planet's visibility period is gradually increasing. The planet's brightness is -4.4.

Mars visible at the beginning of the month low in the northwest for a short time after sunset.

Jupiter can be observed all night as a bright yellow star in the constellation Virgo in the southeast, south, southwest. Already through binoculars, the Galilean satellites are visible near Jupiter: Ganymede, Callisto, Europa and Io. Gloss -2.3. On May 8, the Moon will pass near the planet (see image).

Saturn at the beginning of the month it is visible after midnight, after that - almost all night in the southeast, south as a fairly bright star near the border of the constellations Sagittarius and Ophiuchus. The planet's brightness is +0.2. Through binoculars and a small telescope, the satellite Titan is visible near the planet. On May 14, the Moon will pass near Saturn.

Uranus not visible due to its proximity to the Sun.

Neptune not visible due to its low position in the twilight morning sky. On May 20, the Moon will pass near the planet.

In May, 4 asteroids have a magnitude greater than +10: Vesta(constellation Cancer, +8.0), Ceres(constellation Taurus, +8.8), Hebe(constellation Serpens, +9.7) and Hygeia(constellation Sagittarius, +10). To find all asteroids you need binoculars, often a telescope and a star map. Any asteroid in a telescope looks like an ordinary star, which moves among the stars day by day.

Comets available for observation will be: Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresaka(magnitude +7.7...+11.0; constellations Lyra and Hercules), Johnson(magnitude +7.4...+6.7; constellation Bootes), PANSTARRS(magnitude +11.5...+11.9; constellation Pisces). To find all the mentioned comets you need a telescope and a star chart. Comets in a telescope are visible as gray hazy spots of varying brightness and size. The presence of a tail is optional.

Image: Stellarium

* The “magnitude” or “stellar magnitude” of a celestial object is a measure of its brightness. The lower the magnitude, the brighter the celestial object. Accordingly, if we say “brilliance increases,” then its numerical value decreases. Thus, the Sun has a magnitude of -26, the full Moon -12, the stars of the Ursa Major bucket on average +2. A person in urban areas sees stars up to magnitude +4, in rural areas up to +6. The limit of binoculars (in the absence of sky illumination) is +8...+10, of a small telescope (in the absence of sky illumination) +12..+13.

The general forecast for the month is a description of the current transit situation without reference to a specific horoscope, so this forecast is of a general nature. You can learn about the impact this period has on you personally during a consultation on an individual horoscope. But regardless of your personal horoscope, these recommendations will help you use the planetary energies of the month more effectively.

Retrograde planets (R) in May 2017

Background aspects of the month:

Mercury/Uranus trine to Saturn May 01-16
T-square: Venus-Jupiter-Pluto May 18-27

Saturn trine Uranus all month until the end of 2017

Periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon

During periods when the Moon has already made its​​ the last major aspect, but has not yet moved into the next sign, you need to avoid launching new projects and any other things designed for the future and development. These are the so-called periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon. The best strategy at this time is to do nothing, leave everything as it is until the Moon enters the next sign. You can learn more about how you can use this time for your benefit. See the “Moon Without a Course” schedule for 2017. And below is a table for the month - the dates and times of the periods of the “Moon without a course”:

01.05.2017 20:24 - 02.05.2017 04:13

04.05.2017 04:36 - 04.05.2017 09:48

06.05.2017 12:43 - 06.05.2017 18:21

08.05.2017 23:00 - 09.05.2017 05:02

10.05.2017 21:44 - 11.05.2017 17:01

14.05.2017 02:15 - 14.05.2017 05:39

16.05.2017 10:23 - 16.05.2017 17:51

19.05.2017 00:34 - 19.05.2017 03:53

21.05.2017 03:40 - 21.05.2017 10:12

23.05.2017 07:00 - 23.05.2017 12:34

24.05.2017 19:09 - 25.05.2017 12:16

27.05.2017 06:19 - 27.05.2017 11:26

29.05.2017 07:00 - 29.05.2017 12:13

31.05.2017 11:15 - 31.05.2017 16:17

Main astro events of the month




Phases, degrees


12°52" Leo ù

Mercury direct


24°17" Aries SD

Sun sextile Neptune



Mars in opposition to the Black Moon


Sun trine Pluto


Mercury conjunct Uranus



20°24" Scorpio

Mars square Neptune


Mercury trine Saturn


Mars trine Jupiter


Moon conjunct the Black Moon


08°48" ¼ Antares

Venus trine the Black Moon



Jupiter in quincunx with Neptune



28°14" Aquarius û

Saturn trine Uranus


Venus in opposition to Jupiter



Venus square Pluto



04°47" Gemini ø

Mercury sextile Neptune


Mars opposite Saturn


Mars sextile Uranus


Mercury trine Pluto


Greenwich time is GMT. For Kyiv we add +3, for Moscow also +3.

Background aspects and specifics of the month

After retro periods of fast planets and difficult background aspects in the first months of the year, May promises to be more constructive. By May 4, Mercury becomes direct and certainty will gradually come in affairs, plans, relationships that were the cause of complications and problems. In the information, ideas, guesses, and even conjectures of April and the first days of May, everything will fall into place, the wheat can be separated from the chaff, and in the period after May 3, it will be possible to make decisions, having the missing pieces of the puzzle at your disposal.

May 2017 is notable for the constructive energies of Uranus. This month there will be an exact trine between Uranus and Saturn; until May 16, Uranus will be in a protracted duet with Mercury, and after May 20, Uranus sextile to Mars and in conjunction with Venus will open the Mars-Saturn opposition.

May is a favorable time for renewal, reform, innovation, the use of progressive technologies, replacing old outdated forms with new ones in business, in the organization of government structures, in the principles of communications, in creativity and other areas of life. The Saturn-Uranus trine supports controlled renewal, allowing you to benefit from the positive effects of transformation. It favors change based on thoughtful strategy. During this period, new forces, more progressive and unbiased, may join political life. This is an opportunity to make changes without breaking traditions, to achieve progress without undermining foundations, when existing structures will be modernized under the influence of time so as not to be destroyed. As one Sicilian mafioso said during the crisis: “a lot will have to change for everything to remain the same.” :) But the trine of Saturn and Uranus is an aspect of the year, it is most active in May and June, and its second exact contact will be in November.

May - uh it is a month of new ideas that are ahead of their time, new scientific discoveries. A good period for new projects in the field of computer science, media, software development, IT business, science and technology, astrophysics, astrology, astronomy, and astronautics. This is a good time for startups and other new endeavors in many areas (but only after May 3).

Not everything will be cloudless in the May sky, but this May brings opportunities for transformation. Although it will take time, patience and flexibility to implement beneficial changes.

On May 04-15, the stellium in Aries against the backdrop of the Taurus Sun favors the start of well-prepared projects designed for a quick start, new business connections and initiatives, increased trade, and the start of new educational projects and programs, including using the Internet - webinars. This is an excellent period for modernizing production. A good time for new products in the field of communications, communications, and presentation of new technical developments. In social life, new information, facts or ideas can stir up society, shocking news, and cause active discussion in the media. This is the time of information surprises.

In the second half of May, the sextile of Venus and Mars provides a favorable period for the development of creative projects. This is a good period for people in art, show business, gallery business, and designers. Concert and gallery life may become more active. This is a good period for social activities.

At the same time, on May 18-27 a tau square will form: Venus-Jupiter-Pluto. This is a time of diplomatic and legal conflicts, aggravation of problems in international relations, and instability in financial markets.And in the last week of May, the opposition of Mars and Saturn will increase tension and confrontation, and intensify military conflicts. There are likely to be further bans, sanctions or legal measures that could be a tool of pressure in resolving geopolitical issues. But there will also be an opportunity to resolve any contradictions by negotiating and pursuing a flexible policy. This time provides acceptable options for solving problems; you just need to be able or want to use them.

Another important transit of the month - May 09, 2017 will enter Leo and will be in this sign until November 06, 2018. In the next two years, until the spring of 2019, eclipses will move along the Leo-Aquarius axis, bringing the themes of these signs to the fore. This is a time of self-determination and self-discovery, when the task is to reveal your creative abilities and your identity. An important psychological side of this period will be the ability to listen to yourself, trust yourself; find a balance between personal and social life. This attitude will be the key to solving problems that will arise during this time. If we make ourselves dependent on the approval of a reference group or collective, we may lose personal initiative, and with it new opportunities and the respect of the group on which we are accustomed to depend. At this time b O Your own opinion and position is of greater value than following the opinion of the majority. Of course, everyone has this, but the general trend will continue - the ability not to lose yourself, to live according to your own internal code, not to follow the dictates of the crowd. And if your views really coincide with the opinion of the team and life requires you to take leadership in some situation, do not shy away.

Read more about the periods and aspects of May

May 01-03 the period of Mercury's stay on Uranus before its entry into direct motion by the end of May 03. These days can bring difficulties with communication, problems with transport, breakdowns of communication equipment at the most inopportune moment, difficulties in traveling, and flight delays. There is a high probability of accidents, activation of extremist forces, and terrorist attacks. If you are forced to travel during this time, coordinate all the details, make sure you understand everything correctly and that you are understood correctly. These days, news, offers, ideas may or may not be an important part of the future, but to find out you need to wait for more information. Don’t rush to grab new ideas and proposals, take a break. In the period after May 4, the circumstances will become clearer and it will be possible to decide what to discard and what to deal with.

May 01The Moon from Cancer will complete the Grand Cross to the planets in cardinal signs. On this day and on the night of March 2, excesses and force majeure are possible. There is likely to be tension in relationships, it is difficult to achieve harmony and agreement, there are likely to be conflicts, tension, extortion of emotional support or jealousy due to information received. But information may be distorted, and the assessment of the situation may be incorrect, so if something like this arises, do not rush to conclusions and decisions. Emotions will interfere with mutual understanding, so it is better not to sort things out so as not to spoil them. Domestic problems are likely, you need to be careful with electricity, when driving, on the road. You should not spend this holiday in unfamiliar company. New acquaintances are unfavorable, and problems in the company of strangers are likely. It's better to spend time with loved ones and family.

May 03 on stationary to the directivity of Mercury. At this time, shortcomings in plans and plans may make themselves felt. Take them into account, and things that need to be adjusted will appear in order to get the desired result later. New themes, ideas and initiatives at the end of April may require solutions, but what is needed now is caution, not enthusiasm. Excessively inflated plans may not justify themselves. On May 2-3, you should devote more time to your children and loved ones. Joint visits to concerts and museums will be useful not only for satisfying aesthetic needs, but also for bringing each other together. This is a good time for creativity, finalizing projects, and analyzing shortcomings.

May 04-17– the most constructive period of the month, which is facilitated by the Mercury-Uranus conjunction in trine to Saturn and the trine of Mars with Jupiter. A good time to start new projects, collaborations, endeavors and initiatives in many areas of life. This is the time to act. It can be used for new initiatives, any changes in affairs, business and everyday life, including moving, repair, refurbishment of housing or office.

May 04 –The Sun is sextile Neptune. The aspect's validity period is May 01-07. These energies make it possible to better hear your intuition and inner voice. Understanding other people is more subtle and accurate, psychological barriers are removed, which helps resolve disagreements without leading to conflict. At this time, especially near the exact aspect, people tend to avoid confrontation for the sake of peace. These days appears in And perspective, so it’s good to devote them to creative ideas and making plans, especially after May 3. Insights and discoveries are possible. Individual facts will form a complete concept. This is a favorable time to participate in charitable activities or volunteer work. A good period for conceiving. New romantic acquaintances are likely, but those that happen after May 03 are favorable.

May 09– The Sun is in trine with Pluto. The aspect's validity period is May 05-15. The aspect becomes accurate near the full moon. His energies help concentrate strength and will, do things in which you need to take on the role of a leader, and work with a team. A favorable period for meetings and solving common problems with partners. At this time, superficial explanations are not satisfactory; there is a desire and opportunity to get to the bottom of things, to understand the true reasons for what is happening. A suitable period to contact the authorities to resolve financial issues and receive subsidies. An effective time to simplify your life by getting rid of what you don't need. It is useful to change the style and methods of work, refurbishment, and replace everything that is outdated: equipment, furniture, ideas and projects, service relationships.

May 10– conjunction of Mercury with Uranus, period of activity May 1-16. In the general part of the forecast, I have already touched on this aspect, I will only add. This is a time of creativity, original and progressive ideas. The energies of the aspect accelerate the work of the mind, intuition, the ability to gain insight, and increase ingenuity. At this time, contacts, correspondence, and exchange of information are activated. This is a time of discovery, a new look at problems and a path traveled that provides unconventional solutions. A favorable period for starting to learn something new, acquiring unusual knowledge, mastering and using new computer programs. Unexpected trips, business trips, and meetings with unusual people are likely. New business contacts and acquaintances are favorable. Business communication can become friendly. Communication with friends will be useful and can give a new direction to our thoughts and deeds. A productive period for intellectual work, which requires a fresh look at things and new approaches. This is a time of unexpected visits, news that can unsettle you. But in any situation, look for advantages, something new, albeit unusual, that points a new path. The downside of this aspect is that it increases nervousness, reactivity, and temper. There may be sudden complications when working with documents and in negotiations; receiving unpleasant news, violation of business agreements. Surprises are possible when traveling. On May 08-12, you need to be careful when using electrical appliances and when driving; it is better not to go on trips associated with risk.

May 10- at 20°24" Scorpio. Financial relations, security issues, topics of the family budget, debts, corporatization in business, distribution of profits and placement of joint capital, taxes or insurance may come to the fore. By the day of this full moon, situations will be maximally manifested. If information will surface that someone is acting inappropriately, dishonestly, do not brush aside the inconvenient truth. You need to pay attention to the circumstances that arise in business. Now you can see what was previously hidden and protect yourself by responding in a timely manner. and miscalculations that need to be taken into account and eliminated so that they do not cause problems in the future. Some topics, proposals and projects will show flaws and changes need to be made in connection with new information and new conditions. turn out to be unsuitable. Unpleasant consequences of past actions may appear. On days near this full moon, unexpected events and an unpleasant turn in relationships with business partners or loved ones are likely. Beware of making rash decisions and rash actions.

May 11– two aspects become accurate: Mars square Neptune and Mercury trine Saturn. But the Moon will be without a course during the day and until the evening. On this day you should not start anything important; any endeavors will not be effective. It is better to postpone important visits from which you expect resolution of issues.

May 11– Mars in square with Neptune, active period May 8-14. This aspect calls for vigilance. Near May 11, you may encounter deception, forgery, and fraud. You should not trust new people who offer ideas, services or cooperation. Theft and loss are possible, so you need to be careful, take care of your account and wallet. Secrets, unpleasant facts, and unpleasant information may be revealed. This aspect can weaken the will and act demoralizing, since direct solutions may be closed, and by acting secretly and in roundabout ways, one can create problems or solve nothing. But it may also be that the lack of clear motivation will lead to an inability to act and a lack of confidence in one’s abilities. Do not get involved in intrigues and dubious deals. During this period, caution is needed when taking sea or river walks. When taking medications, you need to strictly follow the dosage and check the expiration date. Food and drug poisoning are possible, so caution is needed. This is not the right time to accept offers and advice; they may be unprofitable or deceptive. On this day you should not negotiate, make decisions or make promises.

May 11– Mercury in trine with Saturn. This is an important aspect of the month, its period is May 01-16. The energy of this aspect helps to maintain a realistic outlook on things and partly compensates for the problematic aspects of the first half of May. This is a good time to obtain permits from official authorities, obtain visas, and documents. Visits to superiors, influential people, and official bodies go well. The aspect is favorable for business planning, negotiations, drawing up and signing important documents, concluding long-term contracts, starting cooperation, starting studies, including abroad, for business trips and trips. A good time for any intellectual work, both oral and written. Saturn helps you think more clearly and realistically, which allows you to minimize misunderstandings in communication, negotiations and in assessing circumstances. This is a good time to carefully study contracts, documents, invoices, and estimates. By following this path, you can avoid mistakes and spot the deception in time. Listen to the advice of those who are older in age or position, to the opinion of experienced specialists. A good period for scientific studies and research.

12 May– Mars is in exact trine with Jupiter. Action 04-17 May. The aspect of business activity, productive efforts, actions aimed at realizing important long-term goals. This is a good time to start new projects, ventures and undertakings for the future. Projects started at this time can be successful if there are no contraindications in personal prognosis for this period. A favorable time for resolving legal issues, obtaining advice, cooperation, partnerships, creating alliances and associations, negotiating and concluding long-term contracts. Successful trips and business trips, connections and trade relations with foreign partners. A good time to travel, resolve financial issues, and receive material support.

But on May 12– The Moon in conjunction with the Black Moon on Antares will complete the tau square to Neptune and Mars. On this day it is better not to enter into important agreements; you should not schedule negotiations, believe promises or make promises. Misunderstandings, conflicts on ideological grounds, deceptions, and scams are likely. It is better to reduce business activity and not make important decisions. You need to be careful when driving and traveling. There is a possibility of poisoning; caution is needed with alcohol, food, and medications. On this day, the likelihood of accidents, disasters, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters increases.

May 19– coincides with the exact trine of Saturn and Uranus, and the opposition of Venus with Jupiter. This is the time to evaluate what was undertaken and done in the previous three weeks: how effective the actions were, whether the ideas were justified, whether the financial and energy costs were worth it. Now we need to make a critical assessment, make adjustments, or begin preparing to complete projects that have not justified themselves. If your steps have been right, the days around May 19th will be a period of reward for your efforts. If you have been avoiding obligations and responsibilities, this is the time to pay financial and moral bills.

May 18-27a tau square will form: Venus-Jupiter-Pluto. Exact aspects on May 19 and 25. Problems may appear in important relationships. This applies to both business partnerships and romantic and family relationships. There are likely disagreements on financial issues or on the basis of selfishness and unwillingness to take into account the position of the partner. Tensions will increase as we approach May 25th. And now there is an opportunity to soften the conflict in order to prevent an unwanted break in relations. If the relationship becomes tense, try to maintain restraint and do not succumb to emotional provocations. May 21-23days of increased nervousness, accident rates, caution is needed on the road and while driving. Now let's talk more about the aspects within the tau square.

May 19– Venus in opposition to Jupiter. Valid from May 15-27. In business there may be difficulties in dealings with foreign and distant partners, in financesbudget overrun. Complications may arise in relationships with management or influential people. At the same time, for some, this may also be a period of significant profit. Do not forget that it is important to take into account the influence of current aspects on the natal chart. This period encourages impulse spending, extravagance, regardless of common sense. It is especially important to remember this on May 19, 21-23. Necessary expenses, debt payments or extravagance can be painful for the budget. Purchases will be overpriced or may soon lose their appeal. You should not take on financial obligations, and it is not recommended to make investments. Inflated expectations create the risk of financial miscalculations. So before you spend large sums, make sure that your plans are realistic, that things are not out of your control, and that you know what you are overpaying for. On the plus side, this aspect provides an inspiring time when you can please your loved ones with gifts, grand gestures, and spending on vacations and trips. But when traveling in a foreign country, try to be aware of local customs so as not to find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Another important point is that during this period there may be a lack of discipline in nutrition, there is a tendency to indulge in all sorts of goodies and gain weight. Watch your figure - summer is just around the corner. :)

May 25– Venus squares Pluto. This is another important aspect that will be in effect on May 18-27. Issues of power and control in business and personal relationships will be an important topic these days. Feelings will be intense, and relationships will be far from the desired harmony. Jealousy can run high. You may encounter problems of emotional manipulation or blackmail, “forced love.” This is a critical period for unstable relationships. It is important to keep emotions under control, it is better not to sort things out, not to put forward categorical demands, since there is a high probability of a breakup. The emerging trine of Saturn to Venus will help restrain unnecessary impulses, but this requires our conscious inclusion. But this aspect also has another scenario. This is the time for romantic acquaintances, but relationships started on May 21-25 do not bring stability and reliability. If you start a new relationship at this time, you need to be very careful, as it could be a "fatal attraction" that will end badly. During these daysDon't risk old relationships for new ones. Psychologically, at this time there will be a desire to defend one’s own value system. But while protecting your interests, do not ignore others. Don't forget that others also have the right to their views and opinions. This simple thought will help avoid unnecessary conflicts. The May tau square will have a greater impact on the personal affairs of those who have planets or angles at 12°-14° and 18°-20° in their natal natal chart for Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer.

May 25– at 04°47" Gemini gives an incentive to travel, travel, study new disciplines, education. The New Moon gives a charge to the entire lunar month. The focus of this period will be the importance of information, and how you deal with facts. You can receive an important message that will be the required piece of the puzzle and will help you make the right choice and decision. Circumstances may prompt you to set new goals. But the new moon comes late in the evening, so new things need to be planned for the period after May 25.

During this May new moon, one of the difficult aspects of the month is emerging - the opposition between Mars and Saturn, but these energies will be softened by harmonious aspects, providing a constructive way out of difficulties. This is the time when problems can become opportunities if you don't be led by emotions, be more flexible and soberly assess the facts. This is also a time of new romantic acquaintances, unusual hobbies, original creative ideas, non-standard solutions in business, relationships and business. Romantic interests can arise on the basis of friendships and business connections. Romances can be exciting, but for them to last, they require a certain level of freedom for each partner and common interests.

May 28– Mercury in sextile with Neptune, period of action May 25-31. These energies stimulate creative thinking, the ability to see the essence of things, take into account details and see the big picture. The subconscious can give us clues, and unusual incidents can be “signs along the way.” Therefore, it is important to keep an open mind and not allow prejudice to blind you to inconvenient facts or new possibilities. The downside of this aspect is the activity of the imagination, so you should not give it free rein - you should beware of illusions. At this time, you can get useful secret information. This is a fruitful period for people of creative professions, poets, musicians, writers, artists, designers.

May 29– Mars in opposition to Saturn, active time May 24-June 02. During this period, you may encounter obstacles and troubles in business. Deadlines may not be met, and there may be delays in receiving goods and information. Initiatives can be blocked by circumstances, the will of other people, prohibitions and various kinds of obstacles from official bodies. Possible legal delays. Bureaucratic formalities can slow things down, disrupt plans and deadlines. Conflicts with superiors and official bodies are possible, especially on days near the exact aspect. Anger and irritation can flare up faster than usual, so it's best to keep your emotions in check so that the situation doesn't get out of control and something said in the heat of the moment doesn't turn into a problem. This is a period of increased injuries and fractures, so you need to dose out physical activity and not engage in extreme sports. These days, and especially May 27-29, you need to be careful in transport, while driving, when using machinery, or sharp objects. On the road, during trips, transport may fail, car and communication equipment may break down. This aspect will have a greater impact on the personal affairs of those who have planets or angles at 24°-26° Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgo in their natal chart.

At the same time, the Mars-Saturn opposition will be opened by Uranus and Venus, which provide the opportunity for successful decisions and a sudden favorable turn of events.

May 31– Mars sextile Uranus, valid from May 24 to June 4. A good period for asserting independence in professional activities, as well as the independence of your business or project. This is a time of unexpected luck. But, as you know, water does not flow under a lying stone. You can achieve considerable progress in business, but thanks to ingenuity, initiative, flexibility and the ability to move away from the template. A good time to communicate with friends, thanks to friendly connections, you can get new interesting offers or opportunities. Contacts with public organizations, groups representing certain interests, and participation in collective projects are favorable.

May 31– Mercury in trine with Pluto, the duration of the aspect is May 27-June 2. The energy of the aspect enhances concentration, intuition and insight, promotes intense involvement in the topic and helps to deeply understand confusing issues and get to the bottom of things. A good period for solving complex intellectual problems, research and investigation of secrets, important finds. Secret information and unusual news may be received. It is favorable to resolve issues of profit distribution, taxes, duties, and insurance. A good period for working with documents, for negotiations, presenting and defending your position. New useful connections, a favorable turn in relationships with colleagues and partners, and a way out of difficulties are possible.

Good luck, friends, with any transits!

And as always, at the end of the forecast - a bonus for the most persistent. :)

Today we celebrate the birthday of Johannes Brahms, who was born on May 07, 1833.

We listen to “Intermezzo” by J. Brahms op.117 (n 2-3-1) and “Rhapsody” op.79 n1, beautifully performed by Ivo Pogorelich (Croatia).Brahms is one of those composers who needs to be “discovered.” Performing art is co-creation, and co-creation with Brahms is not easy. It is not given to everyone, at least in piano music. Not all pianists manage to play Brahms's piano works, capturing the listener's attention,penetrating his musical space- pick up the “key” to it.
But I. Pogorelich and I. Brahms are okay, he is definitely in an astral connection with him. :) Enjoy.

The sky in the coming year will, as before, delight and delight us with the most interesting astronomical phenomena: there will be celestial performances, and the occultation of some luminaries by others, and unusual comets will appear, and mysterious meteorites will fly by, and other events will happen, including those which are impossible to predict.

But what you won’t be able to observe this year, unfortunately, are eclipses: the first pair of them will take place on February 11 (penumbral lunar, in the Southern Hemisphere) and February 26 (solar, in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans), the second pair - as usual, in 177-178 days - August 7, lunar and August 21, solar will also be visible outside Russia.

Where and how can you observe planets?

MERCURY is best observed in the predawn sky in May - June (in Aries - Taurus) and in September (in Leo), when its brightness will reach a record minus first magnitude. The rest of the year it will appear low above the horizon, and observations will be quite problematic.

Mercury is full of mysteries, especially in motion. Suffice it to say that, having made two revolutions around the Sun (i.e. in two of its years - 176 of our days), it will turn around its axis exactly three times. Moreover, his day lasts exactly the same amount of time. What would it be like for us if night on Earth lasted 365 days? And the same day? Moreover, if at the same time the heat during the day was +450 degrees, and at night it was super cold - minus 180 degrees! These are exactly the “hellish” conditions on Mercury. Here it must be said that it was not in vain that the Almighty awarded him such long days: 88 of our days are day, 88 days are night. With our day (24 hours), it would not last even a year next to the Sun - it would fall apart from cyclic thermal deformations.

And further. It is almost magically connected with our Earth and with its neighbor Venus: the synodic period of Mercury (the time during which it overtakes the Earth by one revolution - 176 days) is exactly equal to a day on Venus (!) and exactly equal to two revolutions around its axis , and this one revolution is 10 times less than the synodic period of Venus (586.7: 58.67 = 10)! That's where the miracles are! Real! Not horoscopes.

VENUS - the planet is perfectly visible all year, except for the second half of March, when it will pass between the Sun and the Earth (on March 25 it is in inferior conjunction) and then will show off in the morning sky as the brightest luminary (up to minus 4.6 magnitude), visiting everything constellations from Pisces to Sagittarius in December.

Venus recently surprised us by showing for the first time a strange sideways smile, a bright arc in its atmosphere almost from pole to pole. What does this focus mean? Astrophysicists are still speculating on this matter.

The planet's atmosphere is unique in the solar system. Firstly, it consists of 96% carbon dioxide with drops of hydrochloric, sulfuric and hydrofluoric acids, i.e. terribly aggressive; secondly, it rotates furiously around the planet - 60 times faster than the surface! There are 10 thousand lightning strikes every second, which is 100 times more than on Earth. Due to the greenhouse effect, the rocky surface heats up to 500 degrees! And this is at a pressure of 95 atmospheres. Pure hell!

MARS is being capricious this year. In February - May, it appears in the evenings in Pisces, Aries and Taurus, and then in the predawn sky in Leo, Virgo and Libra, but its disk will be very tiny, no more than 6 arc seconds - not every amateur will see something.

But on September 12, you will be able to contemplate a real celestial spectacle: on the morning of this day, Mars and Mercury will converge in the sky! They will be separated by only 6 arc minutes - at one moment they will simply seem to touch each other. A rare sight!

JUPITER sparkles in Virgo, having a magnitude of about minus 2.2 magnitude. It is best to watch it all night in the first half of the year. On September 7, it will be in conjunction with the Sun and then move into morning visibility.

SATURN will be clearly visible in Ophiuchus (0.5 magnitude brightness) all year except the last week of December. Its rings are open and visible in full glory. By the way, these days the American Cassini spacecraft periodically dives into them, studying the composition and structure of the rings.

By the way, Saturn and Jupiter are also connected by their resonance: when the first makes two revolutions around the Sun, the second makes exactly five!

URANUS (in Pisces) and NEPTUNE (in Aquarius) are accessible for observation only by owners of reputable telescopes, since their magnitudes are about 5.5 and 7.8 magnitudes, respectively.

Planetary conjunctions

In addition to the mentioned performance of Mars and Mercury, Jupiter and Mercury will converge very closely (about one degree) in the sky on October 18, with Venus on November 13: the two brightest planets are a fantastic sight!


This year the Moon will cover Mercury twice - on July 25 and September 19, and on September 18 both Venus and Mars in one morning (in Leo).

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus will have to wait 3-5 years for occultations.


Of the 60 shaggy stars approaching the Sun this year, comets will be the best visible, even with binoculars:

Encke in the spring will pass over the stars Gamma, Iota, Omega of the constellation Pisces and then sharply turn south. The comet is not just extraordinary, but even strange: not only is it the fastest - it takes only 40 months to fly around the Sun (a record!), but it also moves in an incomprehensible way - in shocks, ignoring all the laws of celestial mechanics. Perhaps she's tripping over her own tail?

Johnson in March - June will fly through the constellations Hercules, Bootes and Virgo.

Panstars in May will have a maximum magnitude of 10 magnitude.

Giacobini-Kresaka on April 13 will pass 22 million km from Earth. Her path runs through the Big Dipper and the Dragon.

Of the meteor showers, the most impressive will be the Perseids on August 13 (Perseus) and the Leonids (Leo) on November 17.

Clear skies and successful observations everyone!

Alexander LESOVOY, methodologist, head of the astronomical circle of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity

The last month of calendar spring is characterized by a further increase in daylight hours. And from the beginning of the month in the middle latitudes of Russia, the period of white nights begins, which will last until August. This means that the evening navigational twilight smoothly turns into the morning, and the sky does not completely darken. But even in such conditions, amateur astronomers, including beginners, have something to observe in the sky. For example, in May 2018, in the evenings in the western part of the sky it will be possible to observe bright Venus, and at night three bright planets will be visible at once - Jupiter, Saturn and Mars (listed in order of increasing sunrise time). On May 9, Jupiter will be in opposition to the Sun!

Before we talk in detail about what the most noticeable astronomical phenomena await us in May 2018, we will inform our readers about them in brief form. Please note that Here (and further in the review) Universal Time (UT) is given. T Moscow = UT + 3 hours. :

May 04 – The Moon will pass north of Saturn (+0.3 mag.). In Russia, the phenomenon is visible on the night of May 4-5
May 05 – Maximum of the η–Aquarids meteor shower
May 06 – Moon at apogee (distance to Earth 404,458 km) at 00:35
May 06 – The Moon will pass north of Mars (–0.5 mag.). The phenomenon is visible in the 2nd half of the night until dawn
May 08 – Moon in last quarter phase at 02:09
May 09 – Jupiter in opposition to the Sun!
May 15 – New Moon at 11:48
May 17 – The Moon will pass south of Venus (–3.9 mag.)
May 17 – Moon at perigee (distance to Earth 363,777 km) at 21:06
May 22 – Moon near Regulus (α Leo)
May 22 – Moon in first quarter phase at 03:49
May 27 – The Moon will pass north of Jupiter (–2.5 mag.)
May 29 – Full Moon at 14:20

Our main star is the Sun

At the beginning of May, the Sun moves through the constellation Aries, and from the 14th it moves into the constellation Taurus, in which on June 21 the Sun will reach its northernmost declination and the summer solstice will begin. And exactly a month before this event, our daylight will pass to the southeast, which can still be observed in the evening sky in early May.

As the declination of the sun increases, the length of daylight hours also increases. At the latitude of Moscow it will increase from 15:22 on May 1 to 17:09 on the 31st.

In recent months, solar activity remains at a very low level, which characterizes the final phase of the outgoing 24th eleven-year cycle of solar activity. Therefore, the formation of sunspots on the solar disk has already become rare. And the appearance of large sunspots accessible to observation by amateur means is a completely rare event. At the time of preparation of this review, the last time such spots passed across the solar disk was on February 5–16.

Our natural satellite is the Moon

Moon phases in May 2018: last quarter - May 8 (at 02:09), new moon - May 15 (at 11:48), first quarter - May 22 (at 03:49), full moon - May 29 (at 14: 20).


The main planet of May 2018 will, of course, be Jupiter, since on May 9 this giant planet will be in opposition to the Sun. And, despite the fact that in middle and especially northern latitudes Jupiter will be visible low above the horizon, due to its high brightness (–2.3 mag.) it is difficult not to notice it. This bright planet will shine throughout the night in the southern sky against the background of the constellation Libra as a very bright yellow star. Get to know this largest planet in the solar system already on the first evening in May, looking to the southeast after 22:00 local time. There, on May 1st, a bright full Moon will be located low above the horizon, and to the right of it you will notice a bright yellow star. This is Jupiter. And an even closer approach of the Moon in the sky with Jupiter will occur at the end of the month - on the evening of May 27. The Full Moon will pass north of this bright planet at an angular distance of about 3°.

If you look at Jupiter through binoculars, you can see its four brightest satellites (moons): Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. By sketching their positions every hour or two, you will notice changes in the position of each satellite in relation to each other, as well as to the bright disk of the planet.

At the same time, owners of even small telescopes will be able to observe the setting of Jupiter’s satellites behind the planet’s shadow and their appearance from behind its disk. And the most experienced observers, at high magnification, can observe the shadows of satellites cast on the planet’s disk as they pass against its background.

Even with small telescopes, one or two thin dark stripes in the cloud layer of the planet, parallel to its equator, are visible on the disk of Jupiter. In larger telescopes, other features of the planet's atmosphere are also visible - fainter cloud bands, a large red spot.

Bands and zones of Jupiter for observations in amateur telescopes.

In addition to Jupiter, in May 2018, budding astronomy enthusiasts will also be able to get acquainted with such bright planets as Venus, Mars and Saturn. And if Venus can be found on May evenings after sunset in the northwestern part of the sky against the background of the evening dawn, then acquaintance with Saturn and Mars will have to be “postponed” until the second half of the night, since both planets in May of this year are best visible at night .

So, during May, Venus will move through the constellation Taurus, and from May 20 – through Gemini. Venus is the brightest planet in the earth's sky. Its brightness will be –3.9 mag. And if, about an hour after sunset, you look into the western - northwestern part of the sky, then not high above the horizon you will see a luminary that looks like a very bright yellowish star. Venus is in front of you!

In the first days of May, to the right of Venus it will be possible to find a very beautiful one, consisting of a compact group of 6 stars, visible to the naked eye in the form of a tiny bucket. And to the left and below Venus, let’s pay attention to the bright orange star Aldebaran (α Tauri) with a group of fainter stars, forming together with it a figure similar to a house with a sharp roof leaning towards the horizon. These stars, with the exception of Aldebaran, belong to another bright open star cluster called . The Pleiades, Hyades, and Aldebaran are part of the constellation Taurus.

Moving east, Venus will move away in the sky from Aldebaran and the Pleiades every day, moving towards the constellation Gemini. And in the early evening of May 17, the Moon will pass south of Venus.

On the evening of May 21, Venus will pass slightly north of the open star cluster M35 in Gemini, but binoculars will be needed to observe it.

On May 31, Venus will be in the central part of the constellation Gemini. Above Venus, notice two bright stars. The one that is highest is Castor (α Gemini), and the one that is brighter, to the left and slightly lower is Pollux (β Gemini).

Now let's talk about the visibility conditions of Mars and Saturn. At the beginning of May, both planets will be visiting the constellation Sagittarius, the southernmost of the zodiac constellations. Therefore, both Mars and Saturn in middle and especially northern latitudes will be visible low above the horizon. And the rising time of both planets is still after midnight. Saturn is located west of Mars, so it rises a little earlier. And during the night hours of May 5, the waning Moon will pass north of Saturn in the phase between the full moon and the last quarter. And if you look at the Moon that night, a bright matte white star just below and to the right of the bright lunar disk is the planet Saturn.

The brightness of Saturn is +0.3 mag, so it competes in the sky in brilliance with the brightest stars. And if we move our gaze to the left of the Moon, here we will find an even brighter luminary, similar to a reddish star. This is Mars. Its brightness has already reached a negative value and is –0.5 mag. Therefore, during the May night, it is second in brilliance only to the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon will pass close to Mars on the night of May 6th. And on May 16, Mars will move into the constellation Capricorn. By the end of the month, its brightness will increase to -1.6 mag, which will make Mars clearly visible in the sky. Well, there’s very little left – a little less than two months.

If you look at Saturn through a small telescope or powerful binoculars (for example, 15X70), you will notice a wide ring around the planet's disk. But with binoculars it is impossible to see any additional detail in the rings, while even with a small telescope you can see the thin, dark Cassini gap - the gap between Saturn's outer rings. You can also see the planet's shadow cast on the planet's rings. The largest satellite of Saturn, Titan, can be observed with a small telescope or binoculars. It is the second largest planetary satellite in the Solar System after Jupiter's moon Ganymede. And both of these large satellites are accessible to observation with binoculars!

It is worth noting that this year, as well as in the next few years, the rings of Saturn are deployed at a large angle in relation to the earthly observer, which makes their observations extremely favorable. But this angle is constantly changing and in some years we see Saturn as if “edge-on”, which makes the rings invisible.

Meteor showers

On May 5, the maximum of the η-Aquarids meteor shower will occur, which can be observed from the end of April. The zenith hour number (i.e., how many meteors with a brightness of up to +6.5 mag we could observe with the radiant position at the zenith) of this shower associated with Halley’s comet is 65 meteors per hour. The famous Perseids, for example, have a zenith hour number of 100. Moreover, the η-Aquarid radiant is located near the star η Aquarius, which determined the name of the meteor shower. But the constellation Aquarius rises in the early morning in early May, so this meteor shower is best observed in the predawn hours. In addition, observations in 2018 will be hampered by the bright Moon in the phase between the full moon and the last quarter.

starry sky

Interactive map of the evening starry sky in mid-May 2018 at the latitude of Moscow (controlled with the mouse). Developer: Stuart Lowe

If you look at the starry sky around 23:00 local time, you will notice that the bucket is located high above your head - near the zenith. The two outermost stars of his handle will point to the constellation Bootes with the bright star Arcturus (α Bootes). This spring constellation is located high in the southern part of the sky. And much lower than Arcturus, your attention in May 2018 will be attracted by a luminary that looks like a very bright yellow star. But this is not a star at all, but a planet - Jupiter, which on May 9 will be in opposition to the Sun. This means that in May there will be the most favorable conditions for observing this largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is visiting the constellation Libra. And just to the right of Jupiter, pay attention to the asterisk +2.7 mag. Zuben Elgenubi (α Libra). If we look at it through binoculars, we will see that the main blue star at an angular distance of about 5’ has a yellowish satellite +5.2 mag. Both stars have similar proper motions, but the very large distance between them still gives reason to doubt the physical connection of these stars. But, in any case, this is a very beautiful star pair when observed through binoculars.

There will be plenty of bright changes and controversial events in 2017. In the first half of the year, disputes and conflicts are expected, but from May to early autumn everything returns to normal.


Location of the Lunar Nodes in 2017

The Ascending Node is in Virgo, and the Descending Node is in Pisces until May 9, 2017, after Leo - Aquarius.

A successful period for the implementation of scientific projects and ideas, technical inventions and experiments in various fields. In 2017, employees who are punctual, adhere to discipline, and have a professional approach to their duties will be especially valued.

Under the influence of the planet, creative tasks and everything that helps to develop externally and spiritually will be paramount. If the Ascending Node is in Leo, then you need to communicate more with children, participate in holidays and corporate events. If a person has a creative streak, then at this time he should show it. The state task in 2017 is to increase the birth rate of the population, educate the younger generation, and organize cultural and sports events.

The location of the planet Saturn in 2017

The planet Saturn will remain in the sign of Sagittarius throughout 2017. This will entail the imposition of a ban on traveling abroad, migration and labor sanctions, as well as strict control over any movements. The state, under the influence of the planet Saturn, will make its own adjustments to the program. Numerous checks of the educational system and careful preparation for exams and dissertations are expected. Saturn will move into Capricorn on December 20, which will affect political aspects and individuals in leadership positions. Experienced strategists will appear in the public sphere who will competently manage the state and will emerge and become world leaders.

The location of the planet Jupiter in 2017

Until October 10, the planet Jupiter will be “visiting” Libra. Thanks to this, peace and harmony will be restored in society and in individual families. Diplomats and lawyers will do especially well during the planetary movement in 2017. All innovations and legislation will lead to favorable consequences. Creative personalities, as well as actors, musicians and designers, will become famous and receive public recognition. The planet Jupiter will move into the sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017. Many traditions change dramatically, which will affect a person’s worldview and view of familiar things. In December, a reassessment of values ​​and prioritization is possible.

Location of the Black Moon in 2017

Until February 13, 2017, the Black Moon will remain in the sign of Scorpio. The manifestation of the most negative human qualities, criminal showdowns and increased crime is possible. Actions can be aimed at debauchery and sexual perversion. Under the influence of the planet Black Moon, magicians and sorcerers become more active and release negative energy. Although, such work with “vampires” is far from safe at this time. The Black Moon comes to “visit” Sagittarius on February 14, 2017. Ideological principles are beginning to change, not for the better. Adventures are possible and
fraud, as well as meetings with false teachers and sectarians.

At this time, it is recommended to limit yourself in travel, communication with energetically “heavy” individuals and cancel your move for permanent residence abroad. Close relationships and correspondence with foreigners will bring a lot of disappointments.

The planet Black Moon will move into Capricorn on November 9, 2017. Leaders of major campaigns and government officials can become too assertive, aggressive and even cruel towards the people. The emergence of a military dictatorship during this period is not excluded.

Location of the White Moon in 2017

Until June 16, 2017, the White Moon will remain in the sign of Taurus. The influence of the planet on individuals and entire states is very positive. Many will become kinder, more generous and help not only themselves, but also other people to strengthen their financial situation. The economic situation in the world stabilizes from January to July. People will feel more calm, confident and independent of material values.
After June 16, 2017, the planet White Moon will “visit” Gemini. A favorable time for dating, establishing business contacts and collaborating with the media. You can go study, improve your skills and collect new information.

The location of the planet Uranus in 2017

The movement of the planet in 2017 Uranus will be in Aries. This is fraught with many changes and problems, both in the political and public spheres. Natural disasters and conflicts at the military level are possible. But during this period, many will feel independent and rush to new relationships. Conflicts, aggression, demonstrations, explosions and natural disasters cannot be ruled out. Uranus will be in the destructive degree of Aries from February 27 to March 18. At this time, you need to be extremely careful in all areas of life.

The location of the planet Neptune in 2017

During the period when the planet Neptune is in Pisces, you will be crowned with numerous successes and spiritual growth. Changes in religious views are possible, as well as confidence in the future. Until May 9, 2017, the Descending Node is in the sign of Pisces, it is necessary to put moral character, morality and internal transformation to the fore. All this will help strengthen both your professional base and your personal life. The influence of the planet Neptune is felt during the management of interpersonal relationships and the pursuit of favorite hobbies.

The location of the planet Pluto in 2017

Dramatic political changes will occur during the period when the planet Pluto will be in Capricorn in 2017. Re-election campaigns, conflicts between heads of state and new appointments to leadership positions are possible. Although, some changes will improve the situation in the country. Pluto will be in negative Capricorn from February 2 to March 11. Serious disasters will occur and the situation in the political sphere will heat up to the limit.

Dance of the planets September 18, 2017

There will be many unusual events happening in 2017, and one of them will happen on September 18th. At this time, the Moon will cover 4 planets: Regulus, Venus, Mercury and Mars. In Russia (on the European part) it will be possible to observe the original “dance of the planets” in the sky - a rare and beautiful sight. Of course, in terms of scale, this stellar phenomenon is not akin to the Parade of Planets, but it also makes an indelible impression.

Starfall January 18, 2017

The best way to observe this phenomenon is outside the city - in open areas and under a clear starry sky. In this case, the light of comets and meteorites will not be hidden behind the lighting of city streets. One of the brightest in 2017 will be the light from the asteroid Vesta on January 18th. It can be seen in the sign of Cancer.
In December 2017, the light from Ceres, which is in the sign of Leo, will be especially bright and visible. You can also observe the heavenly shine of Lips, Metis, Eunomius and Irene.
The Lyrid meteorite can be observed in April, in October - the Orionid meteorite, in November - the Leonid meteorite, and in December 2017 - the Geminid meteorite.

A popular sign is to make a wish on a “falling” star; it is always relevant in any weather. Therefore, in 2017 - spring and autumn, do not be afraid to get caught in the shower of stars and send your innermost dream into outer space.

How they move and what the movement of the planets entails in 2017 in each month. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury - configurations and retrograde periods in the year of the Fire Rooster according to zodiac signs by month.

Sun: January 2017
The Sun is at the very center of the system, and in January 2017 it will be present in Capricorn. This sign imparts diligence in work and coolness in relationships with people. From January 20 (midnight) the Sun will move into Aquarius. At 09:44 - January 7, 2017 it will connect with the planet Pluto.

Mercury: January 2017
At the beginning of the month, Mercury does not stay in Sagittarius for long, but for the main part of January this planet moves through Capricorn:
- January 12 - 17:03;
- January 29 - 23:21 - Pluto conjunct Mercury

Venus: January 2017
Venus is considered the planet of Beauty and Love:
- from January 1 to January 2 - resides in Aquarius;
- from January 3 - 10:46 the movement of the planet in 2017 is observed in Pisces;
- January 13 - 00:53 - Venus conjuncts Neptune

Mars: January 2017
Mars is in the same place as Venus this month and then moves into Aries:
- January 28 - 08:38;
- on New Year and January 1 at 09:52 - Mars conjuncts Neptune

Jupiter: January 2017
Throughout the month, Jupiter, the planet of Happiness, will remain in Libra. It can only be seen clearly in the sky early in the morning.

Saturn: January 2017
The planet moves through Sagittarius in January 2017

Planetary movements in 2017: February

Sun: February 2017
This month the Sun will spend most of its time in Aquarius - an original and creative sign:
- February 18 - 14:31 - moves to Pisces

Eclipses expected in February 2017:
- Sunny: February 26 - at 14:53 (Moscow time). It can be seen in South America, Chile, Angola, Argentina and over the Atlantic Ocean. The eclipse cannot be seen in Russia.
- Lunar: located in Leo. Observed on February 11 - at 03:35 in Moscow and the European part of our country

Mercury: February 2017
Only on February 7 at 12:35 Mercury will move into Aquarius, and until that time the planet’s movement in 2017 occurs in the sign of Capricorn:
- end of February - 02:26 moves into Pisces

Mars: February 2017
The merger of two planets - Mars and Uranus, will occur in February on the 27th at 03:19:
- on the same day - 17:24 - conjunction with Jupiter;
- Mars is in Aries for most of February

Venus: February 2017
On February 1 and 2, 2017, the beautiful Venus is in Pisces:
- from the 3rd - 18:50 - entry into the sign of Aries until the end of February, immediately after the vernal equinox

Saturn and Jupiter: February 2017
Saturn will be in Sagittarius, and Jupiter will be in the sign of Libra in February 2017

Sun: March 2017
The Sun will remain in the mysterious sign of Pisces for the main part of March:
- 20th - 13:28 - Day of the vernal equinox, which opens the next calendar year. The transition of the Sun into Aries occurs;
- March 2 - 05:43 - The Sun in the planet Neptune

Mercury: March 2017
At the beginning of the month, Mercury's 2017 planetary movement occurs in Pisces and then moves into Aries (March 14 at midnight), immediately after the vernal equinox. Mercury will be in this sign until March 31st:
- March 4 - 14:09 - influence occurs with Neptune;
- March 18 - 15:26 - moves to Venus;
- March 24 - 15:44 - being in Aries, Mercury creates opposition with Jupiter;
- March 26 - 18:05 - conjunction with Uranus

Venus: March 2017
Venus will begin moving through Aries in early March 2017. On March 5, an interesting sight will be observed when the planet of Beauty and Love begins its procession between the Sun and the earth. It seems that Venus is moving backwards. In fact, this is the planet's retrograde motion in 2017 in Aries until the end of March:
- March 25 - 13:16 - the lower merger of Venus with the Sun and Earth will occur

Mars: March 2017
Mars will not be retrograde this month. He feels great in his “native abode” and in the company of Aries:
- March 10 - 03:33 - conjunction with Taurus

Jupiter: March 2017
Back in February 2017, Jupiter went retrograde and is in Libra in March. It can be seen at night:
- March 3 - 04:15 - a confrontation between Jupiter and Uranus will take place;
- March 30 - 21:19 - conjunction with Pluto at right angles

Saturn: March 2017
This planet will move through Sagittarius all month

Sun: April 2017
The Sun will remain in the sign of Aries for the main part of April:
- April 20 - 00:27 - connection with Taurus;
- April 14 - 08:30 - planetary movement in 2017 with Uranus

Mercury: April 2017
Mercury, the planet of trade, will be in the sign of Taurus from the beginning of April:
- April 10 - retrograde movement between the Sun and Earth;
- April 20 - 20:36 - connection with the sign of Aries;
- April 20 - 08:53 - lower merger of Mercury with the Sun

Venus: April 2017
Venus will be retrograde in the first days of the month:
- April 3 - 03:25 - connection with Pisces;
- from April 9, Venus will significantly bypass the Earth, and on the 16th it will begin its direct path and stop in Pisces;
- April 28 - 16:13 - Day of the vernal equinox and merger with Aries;
- April 17 - 04:26 - close conjunction of the planet with Mars

Mars: April 2017
Until the middle of the month, the planet’s movement in 2017 will be in Taurus:
- April 21 - 13:31 - confluence of Mars with Gemini

Jupiter: April 2017
This month there is a confrontation between Jupiter and the Sun - the night of April 8 - 00:39. You can observe Jupiter at sunset and at night. He will walk through Libra

Saturn: April 2017
The Earth will bypass Saturn in early April 2017:
- April 6 - the planet becomes retrograde and moves into Sagittarius

Sun: May 2017
For the main part of May 2017, the Sun is in practical Taurus:
- May 20 - 23:31 - there will be a conjunction of the Sun with Gemini

Mercury: May 2017

In early May, Mercury calmly but confidently moves the planets in 2017:
- May 4 - becomes retrograde;
- May 16 - 07:06 - Mercury merges with Taurus until the last day of the month

Venus: May 2017
Venus will be in the sign of Aries at the end of the month. It becomes active and retrograde, but does not change its “partner” for a long time:
- May 19 -17:11 - Venus is in opposition to Jupiter

Mars: May 2017
Throughout May 2017, Mars is “visiting” Gemini:
- May 29 - at 09:54 - opposition to the planet Saturn

Jupiter: May 2017
Jupiter can be seen in the sky late in the evening and on dark nights. He slows down in May 2017 in Libra

Saturn: May 2017
Saturn is clearly visible in May 2017 in the southern part at night. This planet transits Sagittarius throughout the month.

Sun: June 2017
The Sun will remain in sociable and energetic Gemini for almost the entire month of June 2017:
- June 21 - 07:24 - Summer Solstice, conjunction with Cancer

Mercury: June 2017
In early May 2017, Mercury will be in Taurus:
- June 7 - 01:15 - the movement of the planet in 2017 passes through Gemini until the end of the Solstice;
- June 21 - 12:57 - Mercury connects with Cancer;
- June 18 - 22:07 - opposition to the planet Saturn;
- June 28 - 22:50 - merger with Mars;
- June 30 - 03:35 - Mercury will enter into opposition with Pluto

Venus: June 2017
At the beginning of June, Venus will be in Aries:
- June 6 - 10:26 - connection with the planet Taurus;
- June 3 - 10:31 - confluence of Venus with Uranus;
- June 9 -18:40 - harmonious conjunction with powerful Mars

Mars: June 2017
At the beginning of June 2017, Mars will border the Summer Solstice point. At the end of the month he “visits” in Gemini:
- June 4 - 19:15 - Mars conjuncts Cancer

Jupiter: June 2017
In June, Jupiter is clearly visible in the evening sky. True, if the day is long, then it is difficult to observe this planet. Jupiter is far from the Earth, which has overtaken it by a great distance:
- June 10 - stop and merger with Libra, and the movement of the planet in 2017 through outer space

Saturn: June 2017
During a short night in June 2017, Saturn is clearly visible in the sky. He is in the sign of Sagittarius:
- June 15 - 13:17 - opposition of Saturn to the Sun

Sun: July 2017
The Sun will remain in the mysterious and sensitive Cancer for almost the entire month of July 2017:
- July 22 - 18:14 - the Sun will merge with Leo;
- July 10 - 07:35 - opposition to Pluto

Mercury: July 2017
In early July 2017, Mercury will visit Cancer. This planet will move forward from the Sun:
- July 6 - 03:45 - Mercury will connect with Leo and will be visible in the evening in the west;
- July 26 - 02:41 - the planet will merge with Virgo

Venus: July 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 in early July will be under the constellation Algol and in conjunction with Taurus;
- July 5 - 03:11 - the merger of Venus with Gemini will occur through the star Pleiades;
- July 31 - 17:53 - is in Cancer and affects the Summer Solstice;
- July 24 - 17:53 - merger with the planet Saturn

Mars: July 2017
The first two weeks of July 2017, Mars is in Cancer:
- July 20 - 15:19 - is in Leo;
- July 27 - 03:56 - Mars can be observed from the Sun;
- July 2 - 15:01 - opposition to Pluto

Jupiter: July 2017
This planet can be seen in the July sky at the beginning of the night. Then the movement of the planet begins in 2017, Jupiter, which gradually connects with Libra.

Saturn: July 2017
Saturn is in Sagittarius and visible in the sky during the short night.

Planetary movements in 2017: August

Sun: August 2017
The Sun stays in Leo at the beginning of the month, and then goes to visit Virgo - August 23 at 01:20. The solar eclipse in 2017 is observed in midsummer - August 21. It can be clearly seen in the West - in America, more precisely, between Seattle and Portland. The August 2017 solar eclipse passes through Missouri, Idaho, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kentucky, and then smoothly moves into the Atlantic Ocean after North Carolina.

Moon: August 2017
The moon will “stay” in each zodiac sign for 2 days, so it will have time to visit everyone in 27 days of August 2017. The lunar eclipse was observed on August 7, 2017. It is clearly visible in Siberia, the Far East and the Urals. In Moscow, the lunar eclipse will coincide with its rising, so it will be faintly visible in the central regions of Russia.

Mercury: August 2017
In early August, the planet's movement in 2017 Mercury will allow this planet to move east of the Sun. You can observe this planet in the west in the late evening. Mercury stays in Virgo until the end of August:
- August 13 - retrograde “journey” of Mercury;
- August 31 - 18:26 - Mercury will connect with Leo;
- August 26 - 23:42 - lower passage and merger between the Sun and Earth

Venus: August 2017
At the beginning of August 2017, Venus will “visit” Cancer:
- August 26 - 07:29 - will connect with Leo;
- August 15 - 14:16 - opposition of Venus to Pleto

Mars: August 2017
Throughout August 2017, Mars will bathe in the rays of the hot Sun, and then obediently follow the imperious Leo until the end of the month

Jupiter: August 2017
Jupiter in August 2017 is poorly visible in the sky, and then moves into Libra:
- August 5 - is at right angles to Pluto

Saturn: August 2017
In the evening, Saturn, which is in Sagittarius, is especially clearly visible in the sky

Sun: September 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 in September is in Virgo. The autumn equinox begins on September 22 - 23:01, when the Sun comes to visit Libra:
- September 5 - 08:28 - opposition to Neptune

Mercury: September 2017
In September 2017, Mercury's retrograde motion begins in Leo. On September 5, the planet takes a short “break” on its journey and moves on. Mercury is clearly visible in the early morning sky in the southwest:
- September 10 - 05:51 - connection with Virgo;
- September 30 - 03:42 - point of the Autumn equinox and merger with Libra;
- September 3 - 12:37 - retrograde conjunction of Mars and Mercury;
- September 16 - 22:01 - Mercury catches up with militant Mars;
- September 20 - 06:49 - opposition to Neptune

Venus: September 2017
In early September 2017, Venus will be in Leo. It is clearly visible at early dawn in the east, and then in the evening in the southeast:
- September 20 - 03:15 - merger with the sign of Virgo;
- September 30 - 03:11 - opposition to Neptune

Mars: September 2017
Mars is “in friendship” with Leo at the beginning of September:
- the movement of the planet in 2017 on September 5 at 12:34 occurs already in the company of Virgo
- September 24 - 22:49 - opposition to Neptune

Saturn and Jupiter: September 2017
The planet Jupiter will remain in the sign of Libra until the end of September 2017. The planet is clearly visible at the beginning of the night:
- September 28 - 07:24 - opposition of Jupiter to Uranus, when the planet will “visit” in Sagittarius

Sun: October 2017
At the beginning of October, the Sun will be in the company of calm and friendly Libra:
- October 23 - 08:26 - connection with the mysterious Scorpio;
- October 19 - 20:34 - opposition of the Sun to Uranus

Mercury: October 2017
On September 30, Mercury will connect with Libra and will rapidly approach the Sun in the early dawn:
- October 9 - Mercury will cover the Sun, so the upper merger will occur;
- October 17 - 10:58 - conjunction with Scorpio until the end of October 2017:
- October 15 - 10:51 - opposition with Uranus;
- October 18 - 11:54 - movement of the planet in 2017 Mercury, which will be in company with Scorpio along with Jupiter

Venus: October 2017
Early in the morning, the planet Venus is clearly visible in the southeast and east. Venus is in the Virgo zodiac sign, and Mars is visible to the left of her:
- October 5 - 19:52 - Day of Love, when Mars and Venus connect;
- October 14 - 13:10 - confluence of Venus with Libra and the highest point of the Autumn Equinox

Mars: October 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 continues in the company of Virgo. Mars is clearly visible in the sky early in the morning:
- October 22 - 21:29 - Autumn equinox and Mars will go to meet Libra

Saturn and Jupiter: October 2017
An important astronomical event is expected in October 2017, in which Saturn and Jupiter will take part:
- October 10 - at 16:19 - Jupiter will leave Libra and take its place next to Scorpio;
- October 26 - 21:09 - Jupiter will cover the Sun, with which it will merge, and Saturn will continue its march in the company of Sagittarius

Sun: November 2017
Temperamental Scorpio will follow on the heels of the bright Sun:
- November 22 - 06:04 - conjunction of the Sun with Sagittarius

Mercury: November 2017
The planet is confidently moving forward with Scorpio. The Sun remains behind these planets:
- November 5 - 22:18 - the movement of the planet in 2017 will occur together with Sagittarius;
- November 3 - Mercury will turn its face to the sun and continue its retrograde motion;
- November 28 - 09:58 - merger with Saturn

Venus: November 2017
The Planet of Love and Beauty is visible in the southeast and east in the early morning. She is in the sign of Libra:
- November 7 - 14:38 - the merger of Venus with temperamental Scorpio will occur throughout November;
- from December 1 - Venus connects with Sagittarius;
- November 4 - 08:02 - confrontation with Uranus;
- November 13 - 11:15 - happy and rare merger of two planets Venus and Jupiter

Mars: November 2017
In November 2017, the movement of the planet in 2017 Mars will begin along with Libra. This planet is clearly visible early in the morning in the southeast and east. The opposition of Mars and Libra will be observed throughout November 2017 - a good sign.

Jupiter: November 2017
Back in October, Jupiter “became friends” with Scorpio, so throughout November 2017 it will continue its orbit with this sign.

Saturn: November 2017
Saturn will be in the company of Sagittarius:
- November 11 - 12:44 - the planet will favor Uranus and form a favorable angle with this planet

Sun: December 2017
Active and cheerful Sagittarius will accompany the Sun in December 2017:
- December 21 - 19:27 - Winter Solstice, after which the planet will connect with Capricorn

Mercury: December 2017
Mercury is in Sagittarius, and on December 3, the planet’s retrograde movement in 2017 towards the Sun continues until the 22nd:
- December 6 - 15:05 - conjunction of Mercury with Saturn;
- December 13 - passage between the Sun and Earth;
- December 13 - 04:48 - conjunction (lower) of Mercury, the Sun and the Earth;
- December 15 - 17:08 - “love” merger of Mercury with Venus

Venus: December 2017
In early December, Venus will conjunct Sagittarius. It is poorly visible, as it is covered by the sun's rays:
- December 25 - 08:25 - Winter Solstice, and then the transition of Venus into the sign of Capricorn;
- December 25 - 20:54 - merger of the beautiful planet with Saturn

Mars: December 2017
In early December 2017, Mars is in the power of Libra. It is clearly visible early in the morning in the southeast and east:
- December 9 - 11:59 - conjunction of Mars with Scorpio;
- December 1 - 13:05 - opposition with Uranus

Jupiter: December 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 can be observed in the company of passionate Scorpio. Jupiter is clearly visible in the morning sky - in the southeast:
- December 3 - 05:19 - successful merger of Jupiter with Neptune;

Saturn: December 2017
Together with the Sun - on December 20, 2017, Saturn will reach the highest point of the Winter Solstice - a rare and important astronomical event:
- December 20 - 07:48 - merger with Capricorn;
- December 22 - 00:08 - conjunction of Saturn with the Sun