Russian people and a famous saying. Kurilovo-razvodilovo

I don’t know anything, I don’t care, it’s all the same, it’s all the same, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter what it is, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter, the drum, it’s none of my business, it’s all the same, to the lantern, to... ... Synonym dictionary

Adverb, number of synonyms: 36 no difference (64) indifferent (119) all one (58) ... Synonym dictionary

My business side. My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything. See YOUR SOMEONE else's... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Wed. My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything, that’s the motto of every Molchalin. Saltykov. Mr. Molchalin. 1. Wed. They talk a lot, a lot... What am I doing? Of course: my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Pisemsky. A thousand souls. 2,… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

My (yours, his, etc.) house is on the edge- My (yours, his, etc.) HUT IS ON THE EDGE. Razg. Has no relation; not relevant at all. The majority were silent both because it is not beneficial to spoil relations with the all-powerful owner of electricity, and also because my house was on the edge of the issue... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Wed. My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything, that’s the motto of every Molchalin. Saltykov. Mr. Molchalin. 1. Wed. They talk a lot, a lot... What am I doing? Of course: my hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything. Pisemsky. A thousand souls. 2, 8. Wed. My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything, answered... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

hut- My hut is on the edge (colloquial) it doesn’t concern me, it’s a silent matter, I don’t want to deal with anything. Let the one who is to blame answer, my house is on the edge... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Female, southern, western hut, hut; khatina, nka, khatishka; huts; hut, little house, shack; The hut can be: turluchnaya or wicker, reed, mud hut, broken, earthen and lympachnaya, log, made of wild stone. | Hut, Vyat. upper room, room. | hard hut... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

HUT, huts, women. 1. Peasant house (log or hut) in a Ukrainian and South Russian village. “I stopped in front of the door of a hut lined with low cherry trees.” Gogol. 2. used in the names of some rural institutions (neol.).... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

A broken house. Jarg. corner. A thieves' den or safe house discovered by the police. TSUZH, 20; BBI, 28. Thieves' house. Jarg. corner. Thieves' den or safe house. BBI, 29; Bykov, 198. Big hut. Jarg. school School. VMN 2003, 144. The dog had... Large dictionary of Russian sayings


In the modern understanding, this proverb is perceived as follows: a person is trying to stay away from current events, is not going to interfere, does not want to delve into something, or take responsibility for himself. He doesn’t care what events are happening around him and doesn’t want to take part in them, it doesn’t concern him, and in general, it’s none of his business.

There are several versions of the origin:

  • Confirms the very meaning of the expression.
All the most significant events of the settlement, all gatherings took place in the center, on the square. Laws were adopted there, decrees were issued, and trials were held. And those who lived on the outskirts naturally received all the news last. And the proverb here can be interpreted in a literal sense - I don’t know anything, because I live on the edge.
  • But there is a completely different version of the origin.
The bravest people settled on the outskirts, since they were the first to meet the enemy and fight a forest fire. They stood, as it were, in defense of the entire village.

The place of proverbs in our lives

People with such a position in life have always been condemned, but lately we ourselves have not noticed how this philosophy is gradually conquering us. Our personal space in the world is expanding, and we are less and less interested in the problems of even those who live on the same landing with us. Why, neighbors and relatives are extremely uninteresting to us.
We are content with the principle - Everything is fine with me, but I don’t care how others are doing.

But if “your house is on the edge,” then this is very dangerous. Of course, it is possible and very convenient to pretend that we do not hear that someone is in trouble, but when you yourself need help, you may not be heard either. Do not forget that the outermost hut is always the most convenient for attack, and the person living in it is the weakest.

Well, of course, we’re not talking about huts here at all, it’s rather an analogy with the place we choose in life.

Enough has already been said and retold about the hut on the edge, which all residents of South-Western Rus' have, and especially about the fact that they all, as one, will certainly “later shoot us in the back”...

Well, gentlemen Svidomo with the burgundy crust of your passport, the time has come to dot all the “e”s in our ideological dispute. Don’t renounce a house on the edge, especially when you live in it yourself. Mannerheim board? We are in the house on the edge. Monument to Krasnov? We're right there. Board to Kolchak? You know where to look for us. Don't pay salaries? We're in a house on the edge, it doesn't matter. Are they increasing fees? Our hut is in the same place and so on, so on...

But in the house on the outskirts nothing is known about this. And this, dear compatriots, despite the fact that you don’t have volunteer battalions in your cities, they don’t kill anyone for the wrong point of view, let alone terror. You didn’t have the House of Trade Unions, there was no massacre like Mariupol, they don’t hammer you every day from the Minsk truce, raining down hundreds of mines and shells on your heads. You have peace, freedom, democracy. You got up from your knees. True, straight to the hut. On the very edge. And it is right. The main thing is to keep your head down. And then...

By the way, so what? Well, not the SBU, not the PS with Dung? Why do you need to sit there? Let's go for a walk. They would set an example, so to speak, for the hackers. Because when you’re in the hut on the edge, it’s not far from Rosenberg’s board. He was also born here, or studied here, in short, from here. From the edge of the hut.

If it’s offensive, then good, and if not, then even better. In the first case there is hope, but in the second there is no longer any pity. But you’re used to looking for specks in someone else’s eyes, aren’t you? They would first take it out of their log. In general, if you want to see a real “hataskraynik/Svidomo”, go to the magic glass that will certainly hang in your boudoir or in the restroom. And it has a very interesting name: mirror.

And yes, the outermost hut always burns first. Only when the fire starts will it be too late.

*Extremist and terrorist organizations banned in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, Right Sector, Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Islamic State (IS, ISIS, Daesh), Jabhat Fatah al-Sham", "Jabhat al-Nusra", "Al-Qaeda", "UNA-UNSO", "Taliban", "Majlis of the Crimean Tatar People", "Misanthropic Division", "Brotherhood" of Korchinsky, "Trident named after. Stepan Bandera", "Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists" (OUN)

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Previously, the saying “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything” had an extremely condemning connotation. She talked about the antisocial personality, making fun of it. This phrase referred to a person who took the position “it’s none of my business, it doesn’t concern me.” Dictionaries interpret the meaning of the proverb: it’s not my business to leave, my business is small, my hut is on the edge, to distance myself, my business is a side. Such a position was not accepted by society, and therefore was ridiculed in the proverb. However, times are changing, and a person’s personal space has expanded so much that the position of isolation of one person from the problems of other individuals has reached such proportions that pretending that nothing in this world concerns you has now become a very popular position. I cannot agree with this state of affairs.

Civil, social, public and other activities are our duty. Here it is worth citing an interesting historical fact: initially in Rus', where this proverb was born, the hut on the edge, in the literal sense of the word, was occupied by the strongest and bravest resident of the village. Because this was the weak point from which the enemy could penetrate into the populated area. Therefore, when they chose who should live where, the outermost dwelling went to the most heroic person. However, unfortunately, this fact did not give rise to the saying.

In life, it is better to take an extreme position because it is the most dangerous, than because from there it is worse to hear what is happening with other people, and therefore you can pretend that you simply did not know that someone was in trouble and someone was calling for help. help. Because if your house is on the edge, then when you yourself need the participation of others in your life, then you may not be heard either.

Therefore, it can be argued that an isolated position only at first glance seems strong and safe. The outermost hut is still the most convenient for attack, and the isolated individual is still the weakest. The advantage of her position is valid only as long as the attack is not on her and at a distance from her - there is a chance to join the winners and convince them of her usefulness. A shameful and cowardly, but sometimes saving situation. I'm sure it's very unpleasant to live as a coward.

Are we talking about huts and villages now? Of course not. This is an analogy for our life and the place we choose for ourselves in it. A small example: when we pass by garbage lying on the road, we are the same inhabitant of the hut on the edge. After all, we pretend that we didn’t notice him. Or that it’s not our business to raise it. Or what... either way we act like it doesn't concern us. Because even if we think that picking it up is not our task, being socially active and socially useful individuals, we must make efforts to ensure that the one who is obliged to pick it up does so, and the one who should not throw it does not. quit. That is, you need to behave in such a way that this changes, one way or another, but your street is clean. It's the same with a poor, needy, elderly person. It’s the same with a bribe-taking official, a thief leader, a desperate sinner neighbor, and so on.

You have to make an effort, invest yourself in this world, and then the world will respond to you with changes. “We shouldn’t bend under a changing world, let it bend under us,” is the motto of strong people who are capable of making positive changes in the lives around them. Well, unfortunately, not only positive ones, but even more so you need to understand that destructive enemies do not lead a passive lifestyle and do not take a cowardly position. They go and take over this world while we pretend that it doesn’t concern us. The drug addict in our yard doesn't concern us, the pedophile who lives in the next door doesn't concern us, the teacher who teaches children about sexual immorality doesn't concern us... It doesn't concern us as long as it's not about our children.

But when we have children or our children have children, then it will be too late. Look at the countries where it's already late! There were also people living there who were not affected by this. It seemed to them that pedophilia, alcoholism, drug addiction, and sexual perversions would never enter their clean, comfortable and morally healthy homes. Their hut was on the edge... Now they are trying to protest, but it’s too late. I hope that if they change and do not give up their positions, their world will again become morally and morally pure. But they have been weak for too long.

Countries where “residents of the outskirts” predominate can simply be destroyed, conquered, enslaved. Because there are no heroes, and if there are, no one supports them. Why were heroes needed, and why did having a hero decide the outcome of the battle? Because he alone could defeat everyone? No, because his courage, determination, courage infected others, giving them a powerful incentive to surpass themselves. But people who profess the principle “I don’t see anything, I don’t hear anything, I’m generally busy” cannot be charged, they don’t want to, they turn their backs on both the fight and the hero, just so that they don’t have to change anything in themselves. Until it's too late.

Here it is appropriate to recall one parable.

One day the mouse noticed that the farm owner had set a mousetrap. She told the chicken, the sheep and the cow about this. But they all answered: “The mousetrap is your problem, it has nothing to do with us!”

A little later, a snake fell into the mousetrap and bit the farmer’s wife. In an attempt to heal her, they prepared chicken soup for my wife. Then they slaughtered a sheep to feed everyone who came to visit the sick woman. And finally, they slaughtered a cow to adequately feed the guests at the funeral.

And all this time the mouse watched what was happening through a hole in the wall and thought about things that “have nothing to do with anyone”!

The moral is simple: if something doesn't directly affect you, don't assume that it won't hit you over the head.

The hut on the edge is not only a weak position in the end. She is shameful and unworthy and she is not suitable for a believer.

Russian folk sayings hide a lot of interesting things. Their interpretation is a fascinating activity for both specialists and non-professionals. We propose to consider in our article the famous saying: “My hut is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - its meaning and meaning.

Be afraid of the silence of indifferent people

There is a maxim that teaches that one should be afraid of indifference more than negative emotions, it seems like this: “With the tacit consent of the indifferent, all the troubles on earth happen.” We don’t exactly defend those who don’t care, but we remind them that the indifferent preach inaction and cannot, for example, commit evil. Thus, they, of course, may be to blame, but just as much as anyone else.

The saying “my house is on the edge, I don’t know anything” is haunted by the same vice.

Usually this was said by people who lived on the very edge of the village, that is, their hut was really on the edge. Then, over time, such a physical location turned into an almost metaphysical and figurative one and began to express a certain principle of life.

Russian people and a famous saying

Actually, as N.A. wrote. Berdyaev: “The soul of a Russian person is of a collective nature, and the soul of a European is of an individual nature.” And remember the peasant communities, the Soviet Union, when people were almost forcibly tied to the collective and turned inside out and presented to the public even the most intimate and hidden events of their personal lives. There was, for example, such a concept as “comrades’ court.” Its main meaning is to make some moral assessment of a person’s behavior, even his personal, private life. Then many would probably like to say: “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - but it was impossible.

Proverb and modernity

Now we have everything the other way around: people help each other only in borderline, crisis situations, when it is no longer possible not to help. Otherwise, they prefer to stay in the shadows and mind their own business. On the one hand, we can bring public censure to such representatives of our nation, but on the other hand, such an increase in individualism is justified. Firstly, because the speed of our lives leaves almost no time to solve other people’s problems, rather than cope with our own. Secondly, there is a possibility that if a person is reliable, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle, then he will simply be used whenever the opportunity arises. Therefore, sometimes it is safer to say: “My house is on the edge, I don’t know anything” - and now the time has come for unexpected literary connections.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky

Our famous humorist and satirist played on the famous saying in his work “Fenya, my wife.” There the plot is like this: a man tells in the first person how he successfully got married. When he is blamed for his indifference to almost everything, from political events to a granny who fell on the street, the hero responds in true authorial style when the reader does not understand: Michal Mikhalych is joking, or he is completely serious. It doesn't matter if it's funny or not. If the hero is asked about something, why this, why that, he says: “This is not for me, this is for Fenechka.” It all ends eloquently, with the words: “Everything is up to Fenechka!” Or it could have ended like this: “My house is on the edge!” The saying, as we see, is for all occasions. “Hut” is not stylistically suitable for Zhvanetsky in this context.

Albert Camus. "Stranger"

Now we move on to another author and genre. In his famous novel, the famous Frenchman created the image of a man indifferent to everything. The novel's refrain: "I don't care." Camus had his own tasks, he wanted to create a visual image of the man of the absurd, but only specialists know about this. The average reader sees before him only a very apathetic person.

The novel begins with the famous lines “Mom died today. Or maybe yesterday - I don’t know.” At the funeral he is tormented by the heat, and before the coffin he is dying to have coffee and a smoke, and to smoke even more. In other words, grief doesn't interest him much. Meursault is not going to shed a tear in front of strangers, and he doesn’t feel any particular loss; his relationship with his mother was cool.

It's the same story with love. Only the proximity of death brings the hero out of his existential stupor.

Thus, we hope, we were able to show that the saying “my house is on the edge” has a universal meaning. In principle, it can be used by both Russians and Frenchmen, but it is still closer to us both in spirit and style.