The leadership of the USPU and its rector commented on the situation with the sports complex.

Since yesterday, the Institute of Physical Culture, where Olympic champions were trained, has been closed at USPU. For example, synchronized swimmer Anzhelika Timanina, speed skater Yulia Skokova and other famous athletes graduated from it.

By order of the rector, the Institute was reorganized into a faculty. As university employee Anna told E1.RU, one of the reasons for the reorganization was the long-standing conflict between the rector Alevtina Simonova and the director of the Institute of Physical Culture Alexei Terentyev.

In general, the situation began to develop a long time ago, when rector Alevtina Simonova was elected for her first term, then Terentyev was also going to be elected rector, but did not get elected because he is not a doctor of sciences. Then there was a scandal at the university, the war continued for several years, but quietly, until a new scandal began with the sports complex, the teacher said.

According to her, due to the fact that the educational and sports complex was in disrepair, the director of the then Institute of Physical Culture banned classes there, fearing for the lives of students and staff.

Alexei Terentyev has repeatedly said that the walls are cracking and it is impossible to conduct classes there. The students also sounded the alarm; they were afraid that due to the fact that the sports complex was closed, they would not be able to take tests and would lose their scholarships. Classes were conducted in rented premises, but this did not suit the students. There was a meeting of the rector and students, where they were told that they were behaving unpatriotically and washing dirty linen in public. They promised that the renovations would take place in February-March, but to this day they have not started,” shared a university employee.

After the reorganization of the Institute, as Anna says, the former director will become a simple teacher.

But due to a conflict with the rector, he will not even be given the position of associate professor. They think he will just leave. He did a lot for the university. Thanks to him, USPU became a platform for preparing for passing the GTO standards; he trained specialists who can take them. If he leaves, I don’t know who will do this,” the woman said. - In general, this year funding was sharply cut with the wording that “no funding - close the specialty.” At the same time, our administrative staff is developing, and teachers are leaving in batches.

As the press service of the USPU commented to E1.RU, the reorganization of the Institute of Physical Culture was carried out absolutely legally.

All employees and teachers remained at their positions and salaries. The university has a charter, in accordance with which the rector acts. After the reorganization of the institute into a faculty, nothing will change for students, they explained.

Regarding the conflict with Alexey Terentyev, the press service reported that yesterday, March 2, a court hearing was held, which he lost.

The director of the Institute of Physical Culture, A.E. Terentyev, was reprimanded twice by the rector for not fulfilling his official duties in full. He considered them illegal and went to court. The court found them legal, they emphasized.

As for the indoor sports complex, the university has already developed design documentation for its renovation, and local estimates have been drawn up.

Renovation of the educational and sports building has not begun. Because all procedures must be followed - preparing project documentation and estimates takes time. A letter to the founder on this issue has already been sent. Currently, no work can be carried out because the project states that this is only possible at above-zero temperatures, for example, strengthening the foundation. Both employees and students of the Institute of Physical Culture were informed about this, the press service reported. - Venues for physical education meet all necessary requirements. This has been confirmed by examination. A commission worked at USPU that assessed the suitability of the halls for physical education.

The small and large halls of the Izumrud sports complex with the appropriate equipment were rented on Stachek Street, 3. A swimming pool was also rented there for eighty hours of classes for the Institute of Physical Culture and other educational departments of the USPU. Halls are available for physical education in the dormitories on Kosmonavtov Avenue and the educational building on Karl Liebknecht Street, the press service said.

However, according to the director of the Institute of Physical Culture, Alexei Terentyev, renting third-party sites does not at all cover the needs of the university.

Students have still lost since November last year. The question is not even in the reorganization, but in the situation itself. The educational and sports building, where all physical education and sports classes were held, had been in disrepair since May; on September 5, we received an expert opinion that it was impossible to practice there due to the threat of collapse. And from then on we started having problems with the location of the classes. In September, our rent was paid, in October we were paid partially, and in November we were asked to vacate the premises due to the fact that the university did not pay the rent,” he said.

According to him, since November 2016, the university has not conducted physical education classes at all institutes and faculties, and, accordingly, all sports disciplines.

After we contacted the prosecutor’s office in December, they partially rented it to us, but we still didn’t block half of the sports disciplines. The last time we came to the rector, all she offered us was to study in classrooms and on the street. But how to do this in 30-degree frost, three pairs at a time? We refused. And then she decided to reorganize the Institute of Physical Culture, explaining that I couldn’t fire your director any other way. They are now looking for someone to review the curriculum and be more flexible with the situation,” he said.

Alexey Terentyev is sure that reorganization is not a way to solve the problem, but rather a desire to hide it and remove him from his position.

They told us they wouldn’t repair the building, we needed 20 million rubles, but they didn’t have it. And there is no money for rent either. The reorganization itself is illegitimate. It should take place according to the decision of the academic council, but this issue was not raised at it,” he said.

Photo: Artyom USTYUZHANIN / E1.RU

Students of one of the leading universities in Yekaterinburg - the Ural State Pedagogical University - have been deprived of the normal opportunity to engage in physical education since May last year. At the same time, about five hundred people, students of the Institute of Physical Culture, were deprived of competitive practice due to the fault of the university management.

Roof leak

The Institute of Physical Culture of the Pedagogical University in the Middle Urals is considered a cult place. It became the alma mater for many outstanding Ural athletes. At different times, skier Klavdiya Boyarskikh, basketball player Olga Korosteleva, volleyball players Valentina Ogienko and Lidiya Loginova, and speed skater Igor Malkov studied here.

The Institute of Physical Culture is a structural unit of USPU, which provides physical training to students at the university. IFC is the only educational institution in the Sverdlovsk region that has been training physical education teachers since 1963. In addition, since 2014, IFC has been the regional operator for coordinating the phased implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense.”

Currently studying at the university are the Olympic champion of the Games in London, synchronized swimmer Anzhelika Timanina, world champion and record holder, medalist of the Olympic Games in Beijing and London, swimmer Danila Izotov, and medalist of the Olympic Games in Sochi, speed skater Yulia Skokova. However, last year, future teachers, and perhaps even sports stars, were deprived of the opportunity to practice and improve their skills.

As one of the university teachers told AiF-Ural on March 3, the educational and sports building, which is located at 26a Kosmonavtov Avenue, has been in disrepair since the spring of 2016 due to the threat of the building’s roof collapsing. The reason is trivial - roof leaks and constant cases of basement flooding. The renovation of the educational and sports building has not been carried out for several years, despite constant appeals to the rector of the USPU Alevtina Simonova from the director of the Institute of Physical Culture Alexey Terentyev.

“In September last year, sports facilities were rented for students, but the rector refused to pay,” the teachers complain. - Therefore, since November, physical education classes have stopped for all university students. Only after Terentyev contacted the prosecutor’s office and received an order, the rector began to partially pay the rent, but still half of the institutes and faculties of the USPU do not conduct classes in a number of sports disciplines.”

In particular, according to university staff, there are now no classes in football, basketball, athletics and gymnastics, which were provided for in the bachelor’s curriculum. As of today, “practice” in physical education for students at the Institutes of Foreign Languages, Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology, and Special Education has been cancelled. Classes at the Institute of Music and Art Education, Philology, Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication, and Social Education are not fully conducted. There are no conditions to hold the USPU Spartakiad, which has been held for the past 18 years in 11 sports. They do not pay organizational fees for the participation of USPU students in the Universiade of universities in the Sverdlovsk region.

“At a meeting with employees of the Institute of Physical Culture, the rector said that he could not repair the educational and sports building, since about 20 million rubles were needed (the consolidated budget of the USPU is about 800 million), and it was very expensive to pay rent and suggested conducting classes on the street and in classrooms, teachers say. “Terentyev refused this proposal, after which the rector essentially liquidated the IFC, removing the student sports club, the physical education department, and the educational and sports building from its structure without a decision from the Academic Council of the USPU.”

Jobs will be saved

The university itself asks not to exaggerate. As the press service of the Ural State Pedagogical University reported to AiF-Ural, the Institute of Physical Culture is simply turning into a faculty, while all jobs for employees will be retained (salaries and functionality will not change), all students will continue their studies. The transformation of the institute into a faculty will not affect them in any way.

“The only changes are that the faculty will report to the vice-rector for academic affairs and a new head of the faculty will be elected - the dean, this is an elective position,” said AiF-Ural. Head of the press service of the USPU Yulia Afanasyeva. - Premises for physical education are provided to students in full. These are the USPU halls on Kosmonavtov Avenue and Karl Liebknecht Street and rented halls on Stachek, 3. Basketball, mini-football, and gymnastics are available at the Izumrud sports complex, where a site was specially rented. By the way, the heads of the Institute of Physical Culture were offered to purchase skis for winter classes, but there was no reaction.”

Despite such statements, a number of university employees are still afraid of dismissal. The teachers ask the prosecutor's office to intervene in the controversial situation and resolve the conflict. AiF-Ural will monitor developments.

Rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University from 2014 to 2018.

Alevtina Aleksandrovna was born on April 25 in the Tavdinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. She graduated from secondary school No. 45 of the Kirov district of Sverdlovsk with a silver medal.

After graduating from the Sverdlovsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in secondary school physics teacher (1972), he worked at school No. 19 in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky until 1980. Having gained extensive practical experience, he returns to his home university (SGPI) as an assistant in the department of pedagogy. In 1990 he defended his Ph.D. thesis “Collective technical activity as a factor in the formation of the creative individuality of adolescents.” He goes from an assistant to the head of the department, vice-rector for academic affairs, and is engaged in scientific work in the field of education management, educational process management, education quality management, quality management system, pedagogical and innovation management, and organizational change management. Alevtina Aleksandrovna published 4 monographs, 12 educational and methodological manuals, 107 scientific articles and abstracts of reports. Total - 123 publications.

In 2012, Alevtina Aleksandrovna was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (dissertation topic: “Innovation-oriented preparation for pedagogical management in continuing professional education”).

In 2002, he worked as vice-rector for academic affairs at the Ural State Pedagogical University, organizing work with territories, continuous professional education, pre-university training, interaction with the education department of Yekaterinburg, etc.

Under her leadership, the quality management system based on the ISO-9001:2008 standard has been successfully functioning at USPU for 12 years, in 2013. was created and certified on its basis? integrated management system (IMS), by introducing the requirements of international standards IQNet SR-10 “Social responsibility management systems. Requirements" and BS OHSAS 18001:2007 "Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Requirements" into the current quality management system (QMS).

Continuous professional development in the field of quality management allowed A.?A.?Simonova to obtain the status of an expert in the field of education (Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science. Certificate of accreditation of an expert in the field of education No. 121-07 dated June 24, 2011), manager for quality (EOQ RegNo: 53089 dated 09/11/2013) and a quality auditor with the right to assess the quality systems of organizations (EOQ RegNo: 53095 dated 09/11/2013).

In 2013, Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova was elected rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University, the first woman in the highest leadership position of the university.

As the rector of USPU, A.?A.?Simonova promotes cooperation and academic interaction, the development of various forms of distance learning, expanding the range of international relations of USPU, and participation in the federal project for the modernization of teacher education.

For her professional activities, Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova was awarded state and departmental awards:

Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation (2011),?

Laureate? medals? named after K.D. Ushinsky of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Education for significant achievements in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences (2015).

Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation

Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation" (2005),

Corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Teacher Education, member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Laureate of the Prize of the Head of Yekaterinburg named after V.N. Tatishchev and G.V. de Genin in the field of education for the scientific leadership of the project “Pedagogical readings of Ekaterinburg educators” (2010).?

Dear students! Lately there have been a lot of rumors and speculation about the situation with USC. The official response from the USPU administration has been published today!
Please read and do not believe the speculation!

In recent days, starting from Friday, November 25, the leadership of the USPU and its rector have been subjected to a real information attack. Information about the non-functioning educational and sports complex and the alleged failure to conduct physical education classes was published on several information portals. Of course, all statements are anonymous and allegedly written on behalf of students. Perhaps the question just arises: where do students get the numbers and dates of orders and instructions that regulate the relationship between the university management and the management of the Institute of Physical Culture? I think there is no need to explain to adults, however, we asked the rector of the USPU, Alevtina Simonov, to comment.

– Alevtina Aleksandrovna, you are accused of violating the rights of students

It's not fair. Our university is created for students. None of the university management has any intention of violating their rights in any way. The interests of students are primary for us. But, unfortunately, our IFC students showed a complete lack of patriotism towards the university. They did not come to me with questions, nor to the students’ trade union committee, nor to the council of public organizations. And they started right away by going to the media, to some peripheral portals where distorted information was posted. For example, the portal “Interesting Yekaterinburg” posted a photograph of some barn, but not the hall of our USC; we were not lazy and found on the Internet that this was a photograph of the hall of one of the schools in Pripyat. Why manipulate the facts like that? If you want to know the truth, then you must wage an honest fight for this truth.

- Let's go back to the history of the issue with USK

In this situation, I was counting on a higher level of qualifications for the IFC director. There were and are opportunities for a decent way out of the situation, but A.E. Terentyev, instead of resolving issues, decided to incite students to riot.

This spring A.E. Terentyev informed me that a crash could be heard in the USC and stated that the building was in disrepair. An examination was carried out by the relevant organization, which recognized that there was some potential danger, and that, most likely, it was necessary to strengthen the foundation.

The university announced a competition, and design work has already begun to eliminate the shortcomings. The complex is planned to be put into operation by the end of March. Maybe it will work out faster, it depends on many components, including the competitive situation. If small funds are needed, this is one procedure; if large funds are needed, an auction must be announced.

The USC premises were opened in 2006, it is not old. The problem is different. It turned out that there was water in the basement for a long time due to a burst pipe, and Terentyev, who was the director of the USC for many years, did not take any measures to pump out the water. This summer the pipe was replaced, the basement dried out, after which, apparently, the foundation was damaged.

The management of USPU and IFC took measures to transfer practical classes to other sites. A schedule was drawn up, space was rented, the payment for which for September amounted to about 350 thousand rubles for two halls, and we could conclude an agreement without announcing a competition with a single supplier. This was the Uralmash arena and the second hall called “Going to the Sun”.

At the end of September, we received an expert opinion, and it became clear that we needed to strengthen the foundation of the building. Terentyev was asked to prepare contracts and consider the options that are possible for us, always taking into account the financial capabilities of the university.

However, he submitted the contracts only at the end of October, and for a large amount - 610,500 rubles. for two premises in one month. If for the period from September 5 to October 10 we paid 309,000 rubles, then in October Terentyev showed “independence” and submitted documents for October after the fact. From a legal point of view, he had no right to admit students to those halls that were not legally rented. But by resorting to legal violations, Terentyev brought USPU to fines for violations of the contract system, and this is all money for the entire university, including students.

In addition, the director of the IFC refused to draw up a schedule and organize classes in the areas available at the USPU. The organization of the educational process, according to the Charter of the USPU, is entirely the task of the head of the unit, which Alexey Evgenievich Terentyev failed to cope with. The educational and methodological department under the leadership of Elena Petrovna Antipova made a schedule, we tried to rebuild the curriculum. Now it is possible to strengthen theoretical classes, use small gyms at the university - dormitories and other buildings. They are workers, classes have always been and are held there (see top photo). Previously, we even had conflicts between the IFC and student clubs, since they laid claim to the same areas. In November, some of the laboratory classes were carried out in these areas, the rest were postponed to the second half of the year.

In their letters, anonymous students express concern that they may lose their scholarships due to a lack of credit in physical education.

This is out of the question. We have a very good system of social protection for students, a serious trade union organization that guards the interests of students, and student government bodies.

We also turned to the head of the legal support department, Svetlana Kardashina, for comment.

– Providing contracts to the university rector after the fact is a legal violation. The decision of the IFC director raises the most questions in connection with the difference in prices for the same premises, which are completely unjustified. The point is this: if Terentyev had contacted us in advance, we would have held a competition procedure, and it is not a fact that these two enterprises, which offered us halls at such a high price, would have won. We could have lowered prices, and we would have had a real possibility of renting, but for some reason, he himself chose these buildings and presented everyone with a fait accompli. According to the law, we cannot pay for services after the fact, because this is a violation of the law, and we are a state university. And now, on Terentyev’s initiative, we are forced to resolve the issue of payment with these organizations through the courts. Judicial procedure is a necessary measure, however, it prevents the situation with fines. Now we are working through the claims procedure in order to pay this money in the future based on a court decision. It won't work any other way. For us, this is an unpleasant situation, dictated, again, by the unprofessional actions of director A.E. Terentyeva.

At the end of the publication I would like to add. Lately, people have begun to use words more freely. Secondary media outlets take anonymous statements in order to create a scandal and attract the attention of the audience. It’s not fashionable to check facts: what if they don’t turn out to be true? It's fashionable to lie. And the worst thing is that it becomes moral to lie. I feel sorry for the students who have become hostages of an immoral situation. But I really want to believe that this can serve as a lesson for them. For the future…

You must be responsible for your words. And don't hide behind anonymity.

On December 17, the Ural State Pedagogical University hosted a Conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students to elect the rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

The conference was opened by the Chairman of the Commission for the Election of the Rector of the USPU - Rector of the USPU Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev. He presented the strategic results of USPU activities from 2010 to 2013, after which he noted that he was leaving the position of rector with a sense of accomplishment. The main value of the university, according to Boris Mikhailovich, is the people who work and study here. The rector of the USPU expressed gratitude to the close-knit team of teaching staff and wished good luck to the candidates for the post of rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University.

In his report on the results of the university’s activities over the past 3 years, Boris Mikhailovich listed 10 main positions, including:

1. Obtaining the status of “Effective University” in 2012 based on the results of monitoring by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

1a. Obtaining the status of “Effective University” in 2013 based on the results of monitoring by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. Only 9 pedagogical universities out of 33 in the Russian Federation received the status of effective twice. Consequence: maintaining the independence of USPU as a separate institution of higher professional education.

2. Obtaining a perpetual license to conduct educational activities and undergoing public and state accreditation with obtaining the right to issue a state diploma and “University” status.

3. Achieving the highest qualification level of the university teaching staff and the activities of scientific schools and scientific directions of the USPU.

4. Victory in the competition of universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia for the best quality management system (2010)

5. Ensuring the financial stability of USPU; obtaining the status of budget-efficient customers; achieving third place among 33 pedagogical universities in Russia in terms of wages in relation to the average wage in the regional economy (139.04%).

6. High level of implementation of USPU social programs: 100% implementation of the Collective Agreement with employees and the Agreement with students in 2010–2013.

7. Victories in numerous and varied international, all-Russian, regional professional, creative and other competitions for students, graduate students, teachers and graduates of USPU.

8. Victory in the 2013 competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on information policy “News of an educational institution.” Achieving a high popularity rating for USPU in the media and Internet resources.

9. Victory in the competition and confirmation of the status of the base platform of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for civic and patriotic education (the most important indicator of USPU in terms of the level of development of a student’s personality).

10. Achieving the level of Strategic Partner of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region and other regional departments and organizations.

To summarize, Boris Mikhailovich noted that in his life there was and remains only one university. The current rector of USPU expressed his desire to be professionally useful to the university and noted that regardless of personnel changes, USPU should adhere to only one course - continuous movement forward.

The conference participants expressed interest in preserving and developing the best traditions of USPU and thanked Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev for his highly productive work. As a sign of respect, the audience gave a standing ovation.

Let us remind you that the Certification Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation agreed on three candidates (in alphabetical order) as candidates for the position of rector of USPU:

Minyurova Svetlana Aligarevna, director of the Institute of Psychology, USPU, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, professor;

Simonova Alevtina Aleksandrovna, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, USPU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;

Sinyakova Marina Gennadievna, director of the Institute of Personnel Development and Management of the USPU, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Over the past 19 years, elections for the rector of USPU were held for the first time on an alternative basis.

Each of the candidates for the position of rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University addressed the delegates with their election program.

Svetlana Aligarevna Minyurova noted that for 25 years USPU has been a space for her professional development and personal development. The director of the Institute of Psychology of the USPU expressed a desire to create the present and future together with the Ural State Pedagogical University.

Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova noted that as rector she will continue the university’s strategic course laid down in the USPU development program, developed under the leadership of the USPU rector Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev. Alevtina Aleksandrovna also emphasized that the rector is, first of all, a manager, and the implementation of the set goals should be of interest to the entire USPU team.

Marina Gennadievna Sinyakova turned to the history of the university and noted that the Ural State Pedagogical University has replaced 13 rectors over its more than 80-year history. In 1931, URIPI - USPU was headed by the only female leader, Anna Nikolaevna Bychkova. Despite the short period of her leadership of the pedagogical university (only 10 months), Anna Nikolaevna managed to do a lot for the benefit of the development of the institute. In 2014, the 14th rector of USPU will be a woman.

Honorary guests of the conference:
- Vadim Rudolfovich Dubichev, first deputy head of the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, member of the Academic Council of the USPU, professor of the USPU;
- Alexey Alexandrovich Pakhomov, First Deputy Minister of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region;
- Oleg Lvovich Lefton, head of the Administration of the Ordzhonikidze district of Yekaterinburg, member of the Academic Council of the USPU, candidate of technical sciences;
- Igor Rudolfovich Morokov, Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region.

Vadim Rudolfovich Dubichev emphasized that regardless of the results of the conference, the Administration of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region will cooperate fruitfully with the new rector of the Ural State Pedagogical University. All candidates, in his opinion, are worthy candidates for a responsible post.

Alexey Aleksandrovich Pakhomov noted that USPU is always in the focus of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region. Alexey Alexandrovich called the main task of the new rector of the university “increasing the prestige of education and teachers.” A.A. Pakhomov also thanked the current rector of the university, Boris Mikhailovich Igoshev, and wished the staff that “those qualities and the colossal experience that Boris Mikhailovich has continue to serve for the benefit of the university.” Alexey Alexandrovich noted that the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region will continue to work with Boris Mikhailovich and sees him as the head of the Public Education Council being formed under the ministry.

The guests of the Conference on the election of the rector of USPU included outstanding students and graduates of the university:
- Igor Olegovich Rodobolsky, Hero of Russia, holder of seven military orders, master’s student at the Institute of Personnel Development and Management of the USPU;
- Anna Aleksandrovna Aleksandrova, master of sports in synchronized swimming, champion of the Ural Federal District, prize-winner of the Russian championship in synchronized swimming, student of the Institute of Physical Culture of the USPU;
- Anastasia Aleksandrovna Stepanova, winner of the intra-university competition “Best Student 2013”, winner of the competition of innovative ideas “Minute of Technoslavy”, established by the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Evgeny Vladimirovich Kuyvashev and held as part of the International Industrial Exhibition “INNOPROM-2013”, graduate student of the Institute of Personnel Development and Management USPU;
- Yulia Aleksandrovna Grigorova, winner of the All-Russian competition “Best employee of a social service institution”, master’s student at the Institute of Special Education of the USPU;
- Yulia Leonidovna Semenova, laureate of the All-Russian competition “Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2013”, graduate of USPU;
- Oleg Aleksandrovich Skotnikov, winner of the All-Russian competition of professional excellence “Teacher of the Year in Russia-2013”, graduate of USPU.

Voting for candidates for the position of rector of USPU took place in two stages. Based on the results of the first stage, Svetlana Aligarevna Minyurova and Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova advanced to the second round. In the second round, 41% of the votes were given to Svetlana Aligarevna, and 58.6% to Alevtina Aleksandrovna.

Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova addressed the USPU team with words of deep gratitude.

Alevtina Alexandrovna:

Currently, the documents of the rector Alevtina Aleksandrovna Simonova, elected by the conference of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ural State Pedagogical University", are being prepared for approval by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.