Role-playing games at parent-teacher meetings. Parent meeting in the form of a quest Parent meeting in the form of a role-playing game

Form of conduct: round table

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of play activities in children


To form parents’ concept of the possibility of play as a means for the development of intellectual and cognitive activity.

Stimulate parents' interest in joint play activities with their own child.

Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in kindergarten and family settings; about the advantages and disadvantages of toys.

Participants: teachers, parents

Preparatory work:

reminders for parents (Annex 1),

game reminder (Appendix 2),

adviсe (Appendix 3),

materials for creative work (Appendix 4),

group design, musical accompaniment.


The tables are arranged in a circle;

A selection of educational games.

On a separate table there are cards and equipment for parents’ creative work;

TsOR: “Our games in kindergarten”

Progress of the event

The teacher's opening speech, he opens the parent meeting, announces the agenda, and introduces the procedure for holding it.

1. Introductory part

– Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. Today we will talk to you about children's games, toys, their significance in understanding the world around us, and their impact on the development of our children. Many of us still remember our favorite toys and games. They preserved memories of our childhood games and fun; we “return” many years ago, to our childhood. In many families, toys are passed down from generation to generation; these toys have a certain value - pleasant, good childhood memories.

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, I suggest you fill out a business card. On a business card, write your name, patronymic and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

Psychological warm-up “Smile”

I want to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words when they meet? How to communicate your good mood without words? Of course, with a smile. Smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor on the left. A smile can warm you with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood. And now:

Ball game.

Please answer questions honestly and frankly.

1.What game did you play with your child recently?

2. If a child asks to play with him, your actions.

3.What games does your child play most often?

4.When choosing a new toy, what do you take into account, what are you guided by?

5.What games were played in childhood, do you tell your child?

6.If a toy breaks, what do you do in such cases?

7.Where does your child play at home? What conditions have been created?

8. What are your child’s favorite toys?

9.Who plays with the child more often: mom or dad?

« And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View presentation)

Didactic games– specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and develop observation, memory, attention, and logical thinking.

Outdoor games- varied in concept, rules, and nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it.

Construction games– with sand, cubes, special building materials, they develop children’s constructive abilities, serving as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills;

Role-playing games– games in which children imitate the household, work and social activities of adults, for example, games kindergarten, hospital, daughter-mother, store, railway. Story-based games, in addition to their cognitive purpose, develop children's initiative, creativity, and observation.

Musical toys- rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child? Musical toys promote the development of speech breathing and hearing.

Theater toys- bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys? (parents' answers)

These toys develop speech, imagination, and teach the child to take on a role.

In play, a child acquires new knowledge and refines existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, and the ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him. In play, a child depicts what he has seen and experienced; he masters the experience of human activity. The game develops an attitude towards people and life; a positive attitude in games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children.


I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-assessment. If you do as stated, then you place a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

    Every evening I spend time playing with the children.

    I talk about my games as a child

    If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child.

    Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for the game.

    Listening to a child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten

    I don’t punish a child with games, toys, etc. I don’t deprive him of games or toys for a while

    I often give my child a game or toy.

If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.

Games in the kitchen

Now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. We have prepared questions for you. (There are pieces of paper with questions in the vase.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do using the following materials? (parents pull notes from the vase)

(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the vase is answers. Those who wish can complete the answer.)

1. "Egg Shell"

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Lay out fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, studying shapes and colors along the way.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Transfer the peas from one cup to another. Sort: peas, beans

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find it.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw pictures with grains. For very small children, use a spoon to pour the cereal from a bowl into a bowl.

9. "Disposable cups"

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of different heights.

10. “Breakfast cereal rings”

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

Creative work of parents(Appendix 4).

We are now convinced that you can play with your child in the kitchen too. I suggest you make your own artistic applique from plasticine and various cereals, so that you can do this at home with your kids. Go to the table and take all the materials you need for work (parents perform appliqué while listening to music).

Be sure to show your work to the kids at home and make it even better with them!

Final part.

The meeting is coming to an end. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your participation and for taking the time to come to our round table meeting. I think that now each of you will be able to answer the question from our meeting: “The role of play in a child’s life.”


1. Impressions from the parent meeting.

2.What conclusions did you draw (parents’ statements).

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength. The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development. The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow strong, strong, agile and healthy. The game develops children's intelligence and imagination. By playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, and take care of their comrades.

And in conclusion, I want to tell you: Let's play with our children as often as possible. Remember, play is an excellent source of strengthening a child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Discover the world with your child! See you again!

Annex 1.

Memo for parents.

Types of toys.

1. Toys that reflect real life - dolls, animal figurines, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - various types of transport, various types of construction sets.

3. Toys are fun. Funny figures of animals, animals, people. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or a galloping cockerel.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various gurneys, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

8. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

Appendix 2.

Game memo

What does a child learn through play?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into the complex social world of adults.

2. Experience other people's life situations as your own.

3. Realize your real place among other people.

4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of other people do not always coincide with mine.

5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

6. Rely on your own strength when faced with problems.

7. Freely express your feelings.

8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.

9. Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

10. Make a choice.

Appendix 3.

Advice for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with your children as often as possible!

2. Welcome all feelings, but not all behavior.

4. Pay special attention to children who are not playing.

Playing with a child will teach us:

Talk to the child in his language;

Overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, your authoritarian position (and therefore egocentrism);

Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;

Discover a way of learning through imitation of models, through emotional feeling, experience;

Love children as they are!

Appendix 4.

Materials for creative work of parents.

1. Egg shells.

2. Pasta.

3. Semolina and beans.

5. Hercules.

6. Various small cereals.

7. Breakfast cereals “Rings”, etc.

8. Plasticine.

9. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)

Shumova Natalya Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MADOU "Kindergarten No. 8"
Locality: Perm region P. Pashiya
Name of material: Card index
Subject:"Games and exercises for parents at parent-teacher meetings"
Publication date: 28.10.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Card index

for use at parent meetings Compiled by teacher Shumova N.V. 2016

The concept of “game technologies” includes a wide range of game situations, individual game techniques and exercises that can be used when working with parents in the Parents Club, as well as teachers, educators and specialists working with families. The gaming technologies presented in the manual are aimed at developing a variety of skills and abilities: social, communicative, thinking, artistic, and organizational. They make it possible to teach parents to express their thoughts and feelings, analyze the experience of behavior and interaction lived in the game, and contribute to the recognition of someone else’s and their own “I” as values ​​of the highest significance. Play, as the most attractive and natural type of activity, makes it possible to correct the mental processes, ethical ideas, behavior and value orientations of the “risk group” not edifyingly, but by updating his own reserves for self-improvement.
Interaction between professionals working with families and families

- a purposeful process that results in the creation of









more successful

are being decided

problems of raising children.

Seven mandatory rules:







Give thanks

Unite the parent team through
: Develop good relationships between parents. Expanding contact between teachers and parents. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

“Why did you decide to come here?”

Aimed at identifying and updating a particular problem,
promotes the mood for productive work. Participants briefly state
your problems. The presenter emphasizes the diversity of problems and their commonality.
“Parents, what are they like?”

Aimed at reflecting the personal qualities of the parent
. Everyone takes a sheet of paper and within 2 minutes writes a definition for the phrase: “Parents, what they are...” At the end of the work, the texts are read out, the participants draw up a portrait of the parent (often idealized and multifaceted) Exchange of opinions.
Exercise “Child, what is he like?”

Aimed at reflecting the perception of personal characteristics
child. It is carried out similarly to the previous one (usually for a parent, his child is unique and inimitable). Opinion exchange.

Aimed at reflecting parental feelings towards the child.
Participants are invited to say the name, affectionate words used to call the child in the family, while rolling the ball to each other. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. Actualization of feelings.
“Why I love myself, why I scold myself”

Aimed at reflecting one's own feelings,
reflection of the relationship itself. Divide the sheet into two halves. And within 2-3 minutes, write approving and condemning statements into the columns. At the end of the exercise, analyze which column has more statements and which has fewer. Actualization of feelings. Discussion.
“What saddens me about my child is...”






child’s behavior and actualization of feelings.
The exercise is performed similarly to the previous one. Discussion.
“What I like about my child is...”

Aimed at reflecting a positive attitude towards the child’s personality and

reflection of parental feelings.

Within 2 minutes, participants write down the positive qualities that the child has. At the end of the exercise, what was written is read out. Participants share their feelings and experiences.
"The Kite and the Lamb" (Position Selection)
The opportunity to feel and understand the emotional state of the parent and child in each role. Divided in pairs, the participants take turns in the “kite” and “lamb” positions. “Kite” is standing, and “lamb” is sitting. Any arbitrary topic is discussed. At the end of the exercise, the questions are discussed: “What does the “lamb” feel and what does the “kite” feel? “Which position is preferable?”, “Which position is the child most often in, which parent?”
“What makes you happy?”

Reflection on the positive emotional state of the parent
, child and updating the state of general emotional uplift. Reflection of parental feelings and feelings of the child. Participants are asked to answer the questions: “What makes you happy?”, “What makes your children happy?” To do this, divide a sheet of paper in half for each nomination. The exercise is performed for 5 minutes. Further, analyzing the coincidence of moments of happiness of children and parents, each participant answers the question: “Is common happiness possible?” Exchange of opinions and impressions.

Reflection on the nature of the relationship with the child.
Participants are asked to sketch associative images for the 10 words read: thunderstorm, joy, spring day, happiness, holiday, child, separation, grief, trouble, illness. Everyone pays attention to sharp lines in figures 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and rounded, smooth lines in figures 2, 3, 4, 5. Particular attention to the 6th drawing - the shape of the lines indicates the attitude towards the child. Sometimes this nonverbal signal makes you think and, perhaps, discover something new about yourself and the nature of your relationship with your child. What is psychologically approved and accepted is expressed in smooth lines, what is disapproved and not accepted is expressed in sharp, angular lines.
"It is forbidden"

Reflection of the child’s feelings on parental prohibitions on the child’s needs

in knowledge of the surrounding world.
One of the participants - the “child” - sits on a chair in the center of the circle. The presenter, speaking about the stages of development of the child and his cognitive needs, alternately connects
with a scarf the hands (“you can’t touch”), the legs (“you can’t go there”), then the ears (“don’t listen, this is not for your ears”) and finally the eyes (“don’t look, this is not for children to watch”). . We often say: “Shut up!” (gagged). The presenter asks the “tied” how he feels. The statements of the parent - “child” allow other participants to understand, realize and empathize with all the negativity of parental prohibitions. Opinion exchange.
"Family Sculpture"

Reflection on family relationships
own feelings and emotional state. Acquiring emotional and sensory experience. Each participant is asked to create a sculpture of a family. Who do other participants help? Any number of characters significant to the “sculptor” can participate in the “sculpture”. The presenter sketches a diagram of the “sculpture” and designates each specific character, called a “sculptor”. Through questions: “Why did you put this or that character in this place?”, “What feelings do you experience in connection with this?” etc., it is possible to create conditions for the participant to feel and understand his attitude towards family members.
"The Ideal Parent"

Reflection on your own feelings and the feelings of the child.
By choice, one parent is the “parent” and the other is the “child.” Since the “ideal parent” is such a huge thing, he should be on a pedestal. The “parent” stands on a chair. Any situation can be played out. For example, a child comes home having received a bad grade. A dialogue between “parent” and “child” begins. The group and the leader not only follow their conversation, but also pay attention to non-verbal signs: posture, gestures, body movements, facial expressions. After finishing the exercise, the participants in the dialogue answer the question: “What did everyone feel while in their role?”, “What experiences did you experience?”, “What did you think?” Discussion.
"Feel like a child"


of the past




Sit comfortably, close your eyes, remember your childhood: what it was like, what pleased you most, what offended you most. The exercise is performed for 3 minutes. After this, participants are asked to reflect on their feelings.




Exercise in pairs. Participants are asked to conduct a dialogue for 4 minutes, changing positions according to
signal. 1 min: standing with your back to each other; 1 min: one participant sits, the other stands; 1 min: participants change places: 1 min: participants sit opposite each other. After completion, participants analyze their state depending on the position of communication.

Reflection of feelings, development of communication skills.
One participant is the “parent”, the other is the “child”. There is a dialogue about the fact that the child does not clean his room or often offends his brother (sister). Try to conduct a conversation starting a phrase not with “you”, but with “I”. Participants change places. There may be other topics of conversation. Discussion.
"Golden mean"

Reflection of the dominant
, or leading, principle (background) in the relationship with the child. Each participant lists in writing his requirements and prohibitions in relation to the child: 1st: “I forbid the child...” 2nd: “I allow, but I set conditions...” 3rd: “I do not allow, but sometimes I give in...” 4th: “I allow...” Participants analyze what dominates: prohibitions, restrictions, concessions or permissions.





The technique of paraphrasing. Performed by a presenter with an assistant. The following situation is presented (this or any other): the daughter goes to a disco. Daughter: “I’m going. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” Mother: “Did you go to the disco?” Daughter: “Yes.” Mother: “Do you know when you’ll come?” Daughter: “I don’t know, well, when it’s over, then I’ll come.” Mother: “Okay, I’ll worry,” etc. The essence: returning in an affirmative form what the child told you through the “I-sense” message. Group discussion: “What’s going on 7”, “What contributed to effective communication?” Suggest repeating this technique in pairs. Exchange of impressions.
"Automatic reactions"

Reflection on habitual responses.
Rhea group is participating. A situation is proposed. The girl comes home and says: “Tanya doesn’t want to be friends with me anymore. Today she played and laughed
with another girl, but they didn’t even look at me.” Participants are encouraged to express their reaction to this situation in writing or orally. Each response is analyzed and relates to one or another automatic reaction (12 types).
"Listen no differently"





The group is offered several dialogues. Daughter: “I’ll never go to the dentist again!” I. Mother: Don’t make things up, we have a coupon for tomorrow, we need to finish treating your tooth. Daughter: “I can’t stand it anymore. Do you know how painful it was!” 2. Mother: “She’s not dead. In life you often have to endure. If you don’t treat, you’ll be left without teeth.” Daughter: “It’s good for you to talk. You weren't drilled like that! And in general, you don’t love me!” Mother: “Don’t be stupid.” Son: “Imagine, I missed the last two training sessions, and the coach kept me on the bench today.” 3. Mother: “Well, it’s okay, someone else needs to sit there too, and it’s his own fault.” Son: “Let someone else sit there, but I don’t want to.” This is unfair: Petrov is weaker than me, and he was put in to play!”
"Tete-a-tete." "Preferred outcome"
Acquiring new emotional and sensory experiences. Reflection of feelings with techniques and ways out of conflict situations. One of the participants is a “child”, the other five are “adults” (parents). "Child" in the room. “Parents” (adults) leave the room and receive instructions from the presenter about the method of verbal communication in a conflict situation with the “child.” The problem could be anything. For example, a child has not cleaned his room, a parent talks to him about this topic. The “parent” can conduct the conversation in a different strategy (position). “Child” answers him accordingly. Each of the five “parents” is given a specific position: a) Position of aggression (authoritarian style) For example, “parent”: “Why didn’t you clean it up? Be silent when your elder speaks to you. While I sing, feed you, dress you, be so kind as to tidy up!” b) . “0-position” is a position of indifference and alienation (“It’s your business, do what you want. You’re on your own, I’m on your own. These are your problems”) c). “Bribery” involves manipulation with the provision of certain benefits. For example, “If you..., then...” d). “Compromise” presupposes an agreement on mutual promises like “Let’s agree, I’ll do..., and you...”. D) “I-approach” involves a personal interest in a person with the use of “I-statements.” For example, “I feel like something is happening to you. How can I help"." I'm worry
for you". Participants play out these methods of communication in a conflict situation. After completing the exercise, each participant talks about the feelings, experiences, sensations that they experienced in their role. The group chooses the most constructive communication style from the five presented. The presenter briefly characterizes the communication style, naming it, and also describes the child’s possible reaction to the presentation of a particular position.
These games are necessary for the presenter to keep the participants in working order. They are held at those moments when the participants are tired of sitting or the group work is carried out in lecture form and requires great concentration and attention. Typically these exercises include a lot of active movements: jumping, moving the head, arms, legs, etc. In these exercises, the leader usually demonstrates certain movements or pronounces words. The participants' task is to repeat everything after the leader.
activate, “warm up” group members, create a certain emotional mood in them, relieve tension that may arise in the initial stages of the group’s work. When interacting with parents of students, relaxation exercises are used during:  individual consultations;  parent meetings or other events;

relieving emotional stress.
Close your eyes. Imagine that there is a screen in front of you. On the screen you see a rainbow - the colors that you like. Each color has its own mood and feeling.

- blue. Blue can be soft and calming, like flowing water. Blue pleasantly caresses the eye in the heat. It refreshes you like swimming in a lake. What do you see when you think of blue? The next color is red. Red gives us energy and warmth. It's good to look at when it's cold. Sometimes there's too much red for us
angry. Sometimes he reminds us of love. What do you think when you look at the color red? Yellow color brings us joy. It warms like the sun and makes us smile. If we are sad and lonely, it cheers us up. What do you think when you look at the color yellow? Green is the color of nature. If we are sick or uneasy, green helps us feel better. What do you think when you look at it? Do you notice how different colors affect your mood and even your well-being? Try to see other colors too. Questions to analyze the state after the exercise:  What were your feelings during this exercise?  Which color most effectively affected your well-being and mood? In addition to special exercises, instructions are created for parents, which offer possible ways to self-regulate their emotional state. The need for relaxation exercises with parents is due to the importance of harmonizing parent-child relationships, and therefore it is necessary to: teach parents to communicate with children, taking into account the individual characteristics of each; to develop in them the ability to manage their emotions and feelings at critical moments. And this is difficult to achieve with the high workload of adults and their chronic fatigue. The teacher’s task is to teach parents to relax so as not to transfer their irritation associated with problems at work or with other people onto their relationship with the child.
Material for creating a memo for parents

How to help yourself?

Step one.

The most effective method of acquiring relaxation skills is autogenic training, i.e. relaxing the muscles of the body, regulating cardiac activity, influencing the rhythm of breathing, etc. Take the “coachman’s pose”: sit on a chair, relax, tilt your head slightly forward, put your elbows on your knees, legs apart. Say the following text: “I am completely calm. The heart beats steadily. Thoughts flow smoothly and slowly. I'm resting. I'm completely calm. Relax, calm down, rest. Let thoughts leave your head. Let your neck, chest and arms rest. Listen to yourself: warmth and light are already in you. They take away sorrows and bad moods. Listen to the silence. She is silent and tells you to rest.”
Step two.
After general relaxation, you can perform the following exercises. “Breathing” 1. Take a deep breath, slowly raise your arms up through your sides. 2. Exhale with an open strong sound “A-A-A”. 3. Inhale, arms up to shoulder level. 4. Exhale with a strong sound “0-0-0” (hug yourself by the shoulders, lower your head to your chest). Slow, deep breath. 6. Slow, deep exhalation with the sound “U-U-U” (put your hands down). “Fingers into a fist” Clench your fingers into a fist, thumb inside. Exhale calmly, at this time clench your fist. Then, releasing the compression, inhale. The exercise is performed simultaneously with both hands (5 times).
"The Scent of Roses"
Imagine a bouquet of roses and inhale the aroma of imaginary flowers, enjoying their scent.
Imagine that your body is slowly “embracing” a warm ray of sunshine. It warms the head, face, neck, arms, legs. The beam moves, and wrinkles are smoothed out, tension in the back of the head, neck, and back disappears. You become calm and satisfied with life.
Step three.
We relieve headaches, if any.
Imagine that you forgot your umbrella at home. It started to rain. Warm, calm, pleasant. You feel good in the rain. Light drops fall on your head and shoulders. Feel the raindrops on yourself, while using your fingertips to gently touch your head, face, neck - either slowing down or speeding up the pace.

Step four

Down with unpleasant thoughts! "Drawing"
Take colored pencils and, without thinking, draw abstract lines with your left hand. Take a closer look at what you have, try to find the outlines of one or more objects among the lines. Color them and admire what you have created.
Step five

“Ears on top of your head!”
Physiological scientists have proven that there are many points on the ears that are connected to the internal organs. By influencing them, a person is able to relieve physical pain, normalize the functioning of internal organs, and activate the body’s reserves for the body. aktivnyh life activity. Perform the following steps: with the index fingers of both hands, simultaneously pull the ears, starting from the top edge and gradually going down to the earlobes; Massage your earlobes first and then your entire ear. Finally, rub your ears with your hands.
Each member of the group must imagine themselves as some kind of animal, and then walk in an imaginary enclosure, trying to imitate the habits of this animal.
"Granny from Brazil"
All participants stand in a circle (facing the center of the circle). The presenter shows certain movements: jumping, movements with arms, legs, head, which are accompanied by the phrases “I have a grandmother in Brazil”, “She has such a leg”, “She has such an arm and her head on the side”, “She jumps and shouts: “I am the most beautiful grandmother in the world,” etc. Then all participants repeat these movements and words.
"Empty Chair"
Participants are divided into first and second. Participants numbered “one” sit in a circle, participants numbered “two” stand behind their chairs. One chair must remain free. The task of the participant standing behind the chair is to invite someone sitting to his chair with his gaze. A participant who notices that he is being invited must run to an empty chair. The task of the partner behind him is to detain him.
Participants sit in a circle, the leader goes to the center of the circle and invites everyone who has a certain characteristic (white
shirt, teeth brushed in the morning, black eyes, etc.). Moreover, if a participant has the named characteristic, he must change his place or become the leader. The presenter names only the characteristic that he currently possesses. When participants change places, he must take someone else's place. The participant left without a chair becomes the leader. If a participant cannot sit in a circle for a long time, he can say “Hurricane”, and then everyone sitting in the circle must change places
"Molecules" or "Brownian motion"
All participants gather in a tight group around the leader, close their eyes and begin to move chaotically in different directions and buzz: J-J-J. After some time, the presenter gives one signal, which means “silence and freeze”, two signals - “line up in a circle with your eyes closed”, and three signals - “open your eyes and look at the resulting figure.”
There is another version of the game.
All participants move freely to the music. At any moment, the leader can give a signal: “Gather in groups of 5 people (3, 7...)!” Participants need to quickly organize such groups by standing in a circle and holding hands. And so on several times, changing the number of people in groups (the number of atoms in a molecule). Participants form two circles (outer and inner), stand facing each other. The presenter asks: “Have you ever seen how deer say hello? Do you want to know how they do it?” This is a whole ritual: you rub your right ear against your partner’s right ear, then your left ear against your partner’s left ear, and at the end of the greeting you need to stomp your feet! After this, the outer circle moves by 1 person and the ceremony is repeated. The movement continues until all participants “greet” each other like deer and take their starting position.





familiar group, because people who don’t know him well may find it unpleasant

body contact.

"Kabuki Theater"
Participants are divided into 2 teams. The teams agree on who they will portray: a princess, a dragon or a samurai. The presenter shows the teams characteristic movements for a princess, dragon, samurai. Princess: curtsies flirtatiously; dragon: with a terrifying look, raising his hands up, he steps forward; samurai: makes a saber swinging motion. After the teams have chosen their role, the facilitator says:
“The princess enchants the samurai. Samurai kills the dragon. The dragon eats the princess." Then the teams line up in 2 lines opposite each other and, at the command of the leader, show the role they have chosen with a characteristic movement. The team whose role turns out to be the most advantageous receives one point. For example: Princess and samurai (the princess gets 1 point because she charms him). Samurai and Dragon (the samurai gets 1 point because he kills him). Dragon and Princess (the dragon gets 1 point because it eats the princess). Princess and Princess, Dragon and Dragon, Samurai and Samurai (no one gets a point). The team that scores the most points wins.
"Terribly beautiful drawing"
The group is divided into 2 subgroups. Each group is given a sheet of paper and one marker. It is suggested to draw a “beautiful picture”. After this, the drawing is passed on to the neighbor on the right, and he makes a “terrible drawing” from the received drawing within 30 seconds and passes it on to the next one. The next participant makes a “beautiful drawing.” This is how the whole circle goes. The drawing is returned to the owner. Discussion.
The presenter raises and lowers his hands. The higher (lower) the hands are, the louder (quieter) the participants clap their palms.
"Up the Rainbow"
“Participants are asked to stand up, close their eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that together with this inhalation they are climbing up the rainbow and exhaling, sliding down it like a slide. Repeated 3 times. After this, those who wish to share their impressions, then the exercise is repeated again with open eyes and the number of repetitions increases to seven times. Participants are told the purpose of this exercise is to regulate their own emotional state.
"Who grows faster"
Images of a baby, child, teenager, youth, and adult are shown. Participants, divided into 5 groups, describe
physical and mental changes occurring in a person. During the discussion, the attention of the participants is drawn to the fact that changes in a person’s physical appearance occur gradually, and only in adolescence does the process of a person’s physical growth sharply accelerate.
Participants are asked to take a comfortable position and relax, remember a real situation that caused a feeling of joy. Then reproduce it in your imagination in great detail, remember the feelings that arose. Connect your thumb and index finger tightly. Repeat several times. The presenter explains that in the future, by squeezing their fingers into a ring, participants will be able to voluntarily evoke a feeling of joy and upliftment.

"Collect a phrase"
Each micro group receives a set of cards with parts of the phrase. It is necessary to restore the author's statement by reconstructing its meaning. The group then discusses the validity of the phrase and selects a member to speak at the meeting about the outcome of the discussion. Let us give some statements as an example. 1) “The art of being wise is the ability to know what not to pay attention to.” (W. James.) 2) “Independence is not received as a gift; in this capacity it is affirmed, and above all by actions, deeds, inveterate in duality.” (A. Markusha.) 3) “He who knows how to live can endure any HOW.” (Nietzsche.) 4) “There is no problem in which there would not be an invaluable gift for you. You create problems for yourself, because these gifts are extremely necessary for you” (R. Bach.) 5) “If your happiness depends on that. what someone else does or doesn’t do, then I guess you still have a problem.” (R. Bach.) 6) “There are no less miracles: a smile, fun, forgiveness - and the right word spoken at the right time. To own this is to own everything.” (A. Green.) 7) “If you don’t know where to sail, then no wind will be favorable.” (Seneca.)
“Finish the sentence.”

Each micro group receives sheets of paper with the beginning of the phrase. After consulting, you need to come up with your own version of its ending. Then the options are discussed and compared with the original. Examples of statements: “Being rude means...” [forgetting your own dignity|. N.G. Chernyshevsky. “Two forces most successfully contribute to the education of a cultured person...” (art and science). Are both forces united in... (book). M. Gorky.
"Switch places."
All participants sit on chairs placed in a semicircle. The presenter is standing. He says: “Change places, those who...” (options: loves his parents, loves his children, praises his child several times a day, thanks his child or parent several times a day; sometimes grumbles, etc.) . While the players change places, the leader tries to take an empty seat.
"I know 5 names"
(a variant of the children's "ball game "I know 5 names of boys, 5 names of girls..."). Parents should name (or write down): a). 5 names of their son's (daughter's) friends; b). 5 favorite activities of their son ( daughter); c). 5 least favorite activities of their son (daughter); d). 5 trips that aroused the greatest interest in their child. A similar task can be created for teenagers.
"Funny ball"
The players, sitting in a circle, pass the ball, saying the rhyme: “Here is a funny ball running, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has a funny ball will tell us something.” Each player who receives the ball tells everyone: - an instructive story from his life; - about a happy day; - about who helped him; - about what could not be; - about your favorite pastime.

Participants stand in a circle. That. whoever has the ball in his hands says to someone. one of the game participants compliments him and throws him the ball. The second woman thanks him and then gives a compliment to someone else, a compliment. Moreover, a compliment is not only about appearance, but also about deeds. After the game, you need to find out which compliment you liked more than others.
"A cap

Each participant throws a note into the “hat” with two different types of questions (based on a text read, a movie watched, or personal impressions): a question for which I myself don’t know the answer, but would like to know; a question to find out the opinion of another about the text read, an event to compare it with your own. Everyone present answers the questions, approaching the “hat” one by one and taking out a note with a question. You can answer immediately or after some thought. During the task, the concept of “interesting” and “uninteresting” question and answer is well revealed.
"Answer Header"
The presenter asks a question (for example: “What is the most difficult thing in communication between children and parents?”), and everyone writes the answer on pieces of paper (you don’t have to sign it) and puts it in the “hat.” After this, the facilitator takes out the notes with the answers, reads them out, and the discussion begins.
"Recipe for Happiness"
Participants gather at tables in groups of four and come up with a “recipe for happiness.” After 5-10 minutes. players exchange “recipes”, discuss “recipes” proposed by others (during the discussion, they can adjust their own). After this there is a discussion of the results of the game. For example, the presenter can read the original “recipe for happiness” from Irina Belyaeva: “Take a cup of patience, pour a full heart of love into it, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, sprinkle in a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix it all well. Smear it on a piece of your allotted life and offer it to everyone who meets on your way.”

develop solidarity and understanding, create an atmosphere of trust among participants and unite the group.
paper and markers.
H o d

: Invite participants to think for a few minutes about how each of them sees their future. Then exchange thoughts about your dreams or even draw them on paper. Next, let each participant determine which three specific things, actions, people can help, and which three will prevent him from achieving his dream, and what a person needs to do to make the dream come true. Note: This exercise works very well if you are creative in sharing your dreams. If it is difficult for participants to tell or draw their dream, then you can offer to depict the dream in the form of a sketch. Let the participants imagine how they can depict their dream. Any means of expression in a creative approach are preferable to spoken or written text.
"Circle of acquaintances"

to unite and liberate the training participants.
not required.
H o d i g r s:
participants stand in a circle. One of the players takes a step into the center of the circle, says his name, shows some movement or gesture, characteristic of him or invented, then returns to the circle again. All players repeat his movements, intonation, and facial expressions as accurately as possible. Thus, each of the participants will demonstrate their movement or gesture.
“Line up according to your height!”

overcoming barriers in communication between participants and their emancipation.
: not required.
H o d i g r s:
Participants become a tight circle and close their eyes. Their task is to line up with their eyes closed according to their height. After all participants find their place, give the command to open their eyes and see what happened. After the exercise, you can discuss whether it was difficult to complete this task (how the participants felt) or not. Note: This game has several variations. You can give the task to build by eye color (from the lightest to the darkest - naturally, without closing your eyes), by hair color, by the warmth of your hands, etc.

increase the tone of the group and unite the participants.
H o d i g r s:
participants stand in a circle and extend their right hand towards the center of the circle. At the signal from the host, each player finds a “handshake partner.” The number of players must be even. Then all participants extend their left hand and also find a “handshake partner” (it is very important that this is not the same person). And now the task of the participants is to unravel, that is, to line up again in a circle without separating their hands. The task can be complicated by prohibiting all verbal communication
"My couple"

: determine the indicator of group cohesion.
H o d

: all group members must silently, with their eyes, find a mate. The presenter gives about half a minute for this, and then says: “Hand!” All participants must immediately point their hand at the person who is pairing with them. If it turns out that several group members are pointing at the same person, and other participants do not have a partner, or someone cannot find a partner, the experiment is repeated. What is important is not so much the result itself, when all participants unite in coordinated pairs, as the process: the group’s reaction to the “dropout” of one or more participants who were not chosen by anyone or who did not choose anyone; the reaction of the participants who thought that they had agreed with their partner on a mutual choice, and that partner chose someone else, etc. The highest indicator of group cohesion is its instant reaction to elimination, the exclusion of some members from its ranks and its sensitivity to emerging training participants felt alienated from the group.
The first person in the circle (and this is the teacher) calls his name in the same way and with the intonation that he would like the rest of the participants to address him. The second repeats the name of the first and calls himself, the third repeats all the previous ones and adds his name, and so on. The teacher ends the game by repeating the names of all participants. At the same time, we can add that by calling each other by name, we do something nice to each other. Dale Carnegie states that "there is nothing more pleasant to a man than the sound of his own name"
"Name in gestures"
Participants stand in a circle. Everyone must say their name, accompanying each syllable with some kind of gesture (dance, greeting, physical education, etc.). Everyone together repeats each person’s name and gestures.

"Name and quality"
Participants take turns saying not only their name, but adding some quality that characterizes their personality as a whole or their mood at the moment. Quality must begin with the first letter of the name. For example: “I am Tatyana, I am creative (or hardworking, or quiet, or patient).” Participants can show their creative side, approach the task with humor and give a more complex definition of quality, for example: “I am Tatyana, I have difficulty waking up in the morning (or I am anxious and suspicious).”
"Names in the Air"
Participants take turns writing their name in the air with their hand. Everyone repeats the spelling of the name, but with the other hand. You can ask to write the name with both hands at the same time.
"Business card"
Each participant writes his name on a piece of paper and “deciphers” it by letter, for example: Serious Active Playful Artistic
"My portrait".
Each participant depicts his “individual portrait” on paper, which may include the following components: - Name and its “decoding” by letter; - "My appearance"; - "I love…"; - “My abilities”; - "My desires". You can draw your features, describe them in words, or create a collage. The rubrics for the “portrait” are the same. When the participants complete the task, it is advisable to place all the “portraits” on the board, and then it will be very clear to see how diverse and unique the representations in the portraits turned out to be. It is advisable not to decipher the content of the rubrics for participants. Practice shows that if the presenter gives examples of the content of the rubrics, then the participants repeat the proposed semantic series. For example, the teacher explained: “In the “I love...” section, you can write people dear to you, favorite activities.” After that, everyone limited themselves to only listing loved ones and favorite activities. No preliminary
With the explanations of the presenter, the content of the sections becomes more spontaneous, diverse, and even more interestingly reflects the individuality of each person.
"Free microphone"
One by one, the participants talk about themselves (first name, last name, where I work, interests, hobbies, life plans, anything else I would like to say about myself). You can use an object as a “microphone” and pass it to each other. You can pass the word to someone else by throwing the ball.
"Mutual Introduction" ("Tell Me About Another")
Participants pair up. For 1 minute in each pair, the guys take turns telling each other about themselves. Then each participant introduces his partner to everyone.
Each participant traces the outline of their palm on a piece of paper. In the center he writes a name and on each drawn finger - its own distinctive quality, character trait. Then he passes the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right, and he writes some wish or compliment on the piece of paper around the drawn palm. So each piece of paper is passed around and returned to the owner with numerous inscriptions and wishes addressed to him.
"Finish the sentence"
Participants in a circle talk about themselves, continuing the sentence: “What distinguishes me is...”. In order for the guys to be attentive to each other, everyone must first repeat the statement of their neighbor on the right and only after that add their own proposal. For example: “Irina believes that her distinctive quality is her cheerful, cheerful character, but I believe that what distinguishes me is ...”
"I never …"
Participants sit in a circle with their hands on their knees. Everyone should say one phrase about themselves, starting with the words “I have never...”, for example, “I have never jumped with a parachute,” or “I have never hunted a bear,” “I have never tortured animals,” etc. . If one of the participants did not do this either, then he must bend one finger. When someone has 5 fingers bent, he puts one hand behind his back. If 10 fingers are bent, the participant quits the game. The one who has at least one uncurled finger wins. The main condition is to tell the truth.
You can stipulate some additional conditions, for example, not to name actions associated with gender or age differences, for example, “I never wore bows,” “I never babysat my grandchildren.” During the game, we expand our understanding of each other and get to know each other’s life experiences. At the same time, the game requires resourcefulness, flexibility of thinking, imagination, and ingenuity - after all, you need to come up with new types of activities without repeating the ones mentioned.
Participants stand in a circle. Everyone should look to find a mate. At the signal from the leader, the pairs change places. This way almost everything will change. All actions take place in complete silence. After some time, you can add one more condition: when moving from place to place, participants in pairs in the center of the circle must greet each other. The game promotes group cohesion and closer acquaintance thanks to the optimization of such a means of communication as eye contact.
“Personal associations” 1 option
Participants imagine themselves using associations: “If I were... a flower, then this would be...”, “If I were a weather condition, then this would be...”, “If I were a cartoon character, then it would be...” You can use one associative series (flowers, trees, vegetables, pieces of furniture, dishes, etc.), or you can invite the participant to choose any association himself.
“Personal associations” option 2
One participant becomes the leader. He goes out the door. Participants make a wish for someone from the group. The presenter must guess the name of the person the participants guessed. To do this, he asks association questions: - “If this were a book, what kind?” - “If it were music, what kind would it be?” etc. Participants respond by choosing associations. This game situation can be quite difficult for the leader, so you can “lead” in pairs.

Participants must silently break into groups according to the seasons according to their date of birth. Then each pantomimic group depicts its own season, the task of the rest is to guess which one. The game not only deepens familiarity and group cohesion, but also trains non-verbal communication skills.
"Wishing Well"
Participants sit in a circle. The host suggests imagining that they are at a wishing well. Each participant in turn expresses his desire, ending the sentence: - “If I were..., then I would..., because...”
All participants are “sleuths”. Each person draws by lot the name of a group member. This is the “suspect”. The task for the “detectives”: to create a verbal portrait of the “suspect” according to the plan: 1. Appearance. 2. Expressive behavioral features (gestures, gait, facial expressions). 3. Character traits with confirmation of the manifestation of at least some traits in typical situations. Over the course of several days, participants observe their “suspects,” but do so quietly. At the next lesson, the teacher first finds out who noticed the observations of “his detective.” Since this “detective” did not cope with his task - to be inconspicuous and unobtrusive, his “verbal portrait” is not heard. And the rest take turns reading out their “portraits”. The group guesses who they are talking about. This game develops attentiveness to each other, as well as observation, the ability to clearly and expressively describe the details of appearance and behavior.
"Good stream"
Participants stand in two ranks facing each other, as if playing trickle, but they do not have to hold hands. One participant walks between these rows from one end to the other. Each of the ranks of the “stream” must say something good to this participant or non-verbally demonstrate to him their good disposition, sympathy, or approval.
This game can be made into a kind of ritual to complete the event, since at one time no more than two or three people will be able to pass through the “good trickle,” and it is important that everyone experiences the sympathy of the “trickle.”
"Rose and Thistle"
The presenter picks up any flower (“This will be a rose”) and some prickly object - a broom, thorn or cactus (“This will be a thistle”). Participants pass these objects around in a circle, accompanying this with the following words: “I give you a rose because you (should be a compliment), and I give you a thistle so that you never (should be a warning against anything bad, bad).”
"Give a gift"
Everyone gives their neighbor on the left an imaginary gift. He depicts this object with facial expressions, pantomime, and gestures. The recipient of the gift must guess what he received and thank him. Next, he comes up with and “passes on” his gift to the next participant.

Praise your friends" ("On the best side")
Participants write on separate pieces of paper in black their complaints about the behavior and feelings of people significant to them. For example, “I’m dissatisfied that …”, “I don’t like that …” and the like. When the list of grievances has been exhausted, you need to take any piece of paper and try to “transform” the complaint into praise, or at least find an excuse for your friend. Write the new wording in red on the other side of the piece of paper. For example, if it was: “I’m unhappy that the teacher gives me bad marks” (“I don’t like that Olya rarely comes to visit”), then on the back it appeared: “It’s good that the teacher is demanding, I’m forced to study more” (“ How good, Olya lives such a full and interesting life that she doesn’t even find time to come to me.”) When each card has become double, you need to stick all the small leaves on a sheet of paper with red on top. Now you can re-read them and rejoice in the virtues of your loved ones. Kindness allows you to see any situation in the best light!
Games “Tie the Tie” or “Joyful Song”.
Participants in a circle. A ball of thread is passed around in a circle. The leader wraps the edge of the thread around his finger and passes the ball to the next participant, greeting
with his joyful song: “I’m very glad that Katya is in our group...”. The next participant winds the thread around his finger and sings a song to the neighbor on the right.
“Applause” or Exercise “Salute”.
Participants in a circle. Each participant in turn goes into the circle, says his name, if there is a participant with the same name, then he also goes into the circle. Everyone else greets them with a "salute" of applause. "Compliments." Looking into your neighbor's eyes, you need to say a few words to him, praise him for something, wish him something good. The exercise is carried out in a circle.

The presenter announces: “I want to show you magic glasses. The one who puts them on sees only the good in others, even what the person hides from everyone. Now I’ll try on these glasses... Oh, how beautiful, funny, smart you all are!” Approaching each participant, the presenter names one of his advantages. “And now I would like each of you to try on these glasses and take a good look at your neighbor. Maybe you’ll notice something you didn’t notice before.”

Participants take turns choosing a pictogram depicting their mood. They talk about him. Game "Gift in a circle". A basket with small souvenirs is passed around the circle; each participant must greet his neighbor on the right, express his joy at meeting him and give a gift with his wishes.
"Magic Chair"
One participant sits on a chair, the rest compliment him.
"Creating a drawing in a circle."
Participants draw a picture on a piece of paper. On command, drawing stops, and the drawing is transferred to the neighbor on the right, who continues drawing further. This continues until the drawings go around the circle.
"I'm just like you"
The leader has the ball in his hands. The one who gets it throws it to anyone and, calling him by name, explains why he is the same: I am the same as you, because...” The one to whom the ball was thrown expresses agreement or disagreement and turns to the other participant.

Exercise "Pleasure"
Training participants are given sheets of paper and asked to write down 10 types of daily activities that bring pleasure. Then it is proposed to rank them according to the degree of pleasure. Then explain to the participants that this is a resource that can be used as an “ambulance” to restore strength. (Psycho-gymnastics) Goal: relieving stress and fatigue, creating an atmosphere of psychological and communicative comfort. For example: Participants in a circle. - If you are happy to meet us, smile at your neighbor. - If you liked it with us, then clap your hands. - If you often get angry, close your eyes. - If you express anger by slamming your fist on the table, shake your head; - If you believe that your mood depends on the mood of others, wink; - If you think you are in a good mood right now, spin around.
Pantomime warm-up. "Find a Pair"
- I will give you cards with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says “elephant,” know that someone else has a card that also says “elephant.” - Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find a match. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you just can’t say anything and “make the characteristic sounds of your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently. When you find your match, stay close, but remain silent, do not talk over each other. Only when all the pairs have been formed will we check what you have done.
“Touch to...”
- I will tell you what needs to be touched, and you will do it. - Touch someone who has blond hair, who has blue eyes, who has earrings. Touch the one who has red on his dress, who has a beautiful hairstyle...
"Traffic light".
All participants stand in a column one at a time, holding the torso of the person in front, with their hands clasped. At the leader’s command, everyone simultaneously takes a step or a small jump in accordance with the color:
Yellow – right Green – forward Red – backward.
“Yes or not?”
The players stand in a circle and join hands, with the leader in the center. He explains the task: if they agree with the statement, they raise their hands up and shout “Yes,” if they disagree, they lower their hands and shout “No!”  Are there fireflies in the field?  Are there any fish in the sea?  Does the calf have wings?  Does the piglet have a beak?  Does the mountain have a ridge?  Are there doors to the hole?  Does the rooster have a tail?  Does the violin have a key?  Does the verse rhyme?  Are there any errors in it?
Warm-up "Vegetables"
1 I suddenly wanted to cry, made me shed tears (onion) 2. Quickly pick red-cheeked (radish) into a bowl 3. Finally found a green one (cucumber) 4. Dig a little under a bush, it will come out into the light (potato) 5. A couch potato fell on its side ( zucchini) 6. Is the garden empty if (cabbage) grows there 7. Dark-skinned (eggplant) surprises the townspeople 8.3 and the tops, like a rope, can be pulled out (carrots) 9. Who, guys, are not familiar with white-toothed (garlic) 10 .Holds onto the ground tightly, does not want to get out (turnip.)
"The Connecting Thread"
Participants stand and pass a ball of thread around in a circle so that everyone takes hold of the thread. The handing over of the ball is accompanied by statements about what their impression of the meeting is and what they may wish for. When the ball returns to the leader, the participants pull the thread. The presenter draws attention to the fact that the sincerity of the answers and the friendly attitude of everyone made this meeting interesting and informative.
Leadership games.
During the organizational period of the group, it is necessary to identify leaders in order to subsequently facilitate the elections of parental self-government bodies.







of people. Foreign objects cannot be used. In











to whom

others listen, who chooses what “roles” in the carriage.

The fact is that each “role” speaks of certain qualities

 The roof is people who are ready to support at any moment in a difficult situation;  Doors - they are usually people who have good communication skills (who know how to speak and interact with others):  Seats - these are people who are not very active, calm;  Riders – those who know how to travel at someone else’s expense, are not very hardworking and responsible;  Horses are hard workers, ready to “carry” any work;  Coachman is usually a leader who knows how to lead; If a participant chooses the role of a servant who opens the door or rides behind the carriage, such people also have leadership qualities, but do not want (can’t) show them, they are more ready to provide rear support (or they are the so-called “gray cardinals”). After the carriage is ready, the participants sit in a circle, discuss how the games went, whether everyone found a place during the construction of the carriage, whether everyone felt comfortable, and then the leader explains to them the meaning of the “roles” that they chose. Note: if the group is led and assigned roles by one person, then the values ​​​​mentioned above will not reflect the qualities of these people.
The players stand in a wider circle and are invited to take a step forward, but not everyone, but only 5 of all those standing. Then only 5, 3, 1. Believe that leaders - organizers and emotional leaders are immediately well identified.
It is suggested that the players imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to take a photo together for the family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange for the whole family to be photographed. “Grandfather” is the first to be chosen from the family; he can also
participate in the arrangement of “family” members. No more instructions are given; the players must decide for themselves who should be who and where to stand. And you stop and watch this entertaining picture. The roles of “photographer” and “grandfathers” are usually taken on by people striving for leadership. But, however, elements of management and other “family members” cannot be excluded. It will be very interesting for you to observe the distribution of roles, activity and passivity in choosing a location. After assigning roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of three! Everyone shouts “cheese” in unison and very loudly and clap their hands at the same time.
The participants sit in a circle, a teacher sits with them and suggests the conditions for the game: “You all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS "and I will show a certain number of fingers on outstretched arms. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from the chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the players. Most often, more than one gets up sociable people striving for leadership. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less decisive. There are also those who first get up and then sit down. They make up the “happy” group. The group that does not get up at all is lacking initiative. Recommended repeat the game 4-5 times.
Unity games.
Promotes team unity and develops trust.
Children and adults stand one after another and hold on to the waist of the person in front. In this position they must:  Get up and get off the chair  Walk like a snake  Walk around a wide lake  Make their way through a dense forest
 Hide from wild animals. Throughout the game, participants should not detach from their partner.
To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children and parents walk in a circle, following the signal “Onlookers!” Everyone should clap their hands, turn around, hold hands and continue moving in a circle.
Children and parents sit on the floor and hold hands. You need to stand up smoothly. At the same time, without letting go of your hands. After which the “flower” begins to bloom (they lean back, holding each other’s hands tightly) and sway in the wind.
Children and adults stand in a circle, while inhaling, raise both hands up, connecting them in the shape of a bell as they inhale. Then. On the exhale. They throw it down synchronously, saying “Bom.”
Participants are given threads 30–40 cm long. Parents tie their threads if they have something in common. This could be a professional aspect, a family aspect, an external characteristic, a favorite color, number of children, etc. As a result, one common thread is formed. Next, everyone talks about what united them into a common system.
The presenter, together with the children, chooses a children's song familiar to everyone. Then, in a circle, everyone sings their line. The last verse is sung by everyone in chorus.
The required number of players is 5-6 people. Everyone stands in a circle, presses their legs and shoulders tightly against each other and hugs their waists - this is a “mousetrap” (or net). The driver is in a circle. His task is to get out of the “mousetrap” in every possible way: to find a “hole”, to persuade someone to move the players apart, to find other ways of acting, but to get out of the current situation.
Warning: 1. An adult makes sure that the mousetrap’s legs do not kick or hurt the mouse. 2. If an adult notices that the “mouse” is sad and cannot get out, he regulates the situation, for example: “Let’s all help the “mouse” together, relax our legs, arms, and feel sorry for him.”
Participants stand up and perform actions based on the leader’s words: Together we are one family: me, you, he, she. We can't be sad together. (to these words, participants walk in a circle) Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left. Together we are one family, together we cannot be bored. Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left. Together we are one family, together we cannot be bored. Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left... The pace gradually accelerates and new actions are invented.
Participants stand one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the presenter explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar should, for example, show how it sleeps; how he eats; how to wash; how to do exercises; whatever comes to mind.
All players stand in a circle, holding each other’s hands tightly in a “lock”. There is a rope with tied ends hanging between the first and second participants. The second participant, without separating his hands from the first, must thread the rope through himself like a hoop. The rope is now between the second and third participants, then the third repeats the actions of the second, etc. round. The main thing: while passing the rope through themselves, participants should not separate their hands. Rope length – 1 m.
You need a strong rope, the ends of which are tied together (you get a ring). Participants take hold of the rope with their hands, distributing themselves evenly throughout the circle. Then they begin to carefully lean back, stretching to the sides
as long as they can keep their balance. Next, you can invite the participants:  everyone to sit down and then stand up;  release one hand;  send a wave along the rope (swing the rope). At the end of the game there is a discussion: did the participants feel each other’s support; did you try to help your neighbors? how careful they were; was there a feeling of safety (or, on the contrary, fear that you might fall), etc.

"Writing on a T-shirt"
Everyone knows that now everyone can choose a T-shirt to suit their taste and color. Some people, for example, with the help of information placed on a T-shirt, try to tell others about their life credo, their principles or hobbies. If a person takes off his T-shirt, will the inscription disappear along with it? Of course not. No matter what he is wearing, a person “broadcasts” this inscription with his entire appearance, style of communication, and attitude towards others. 1) Task for 3-4 small groups: Look carefully at the members of the group closest clockwise. “Read” and discuss the inscription on the chest of each of them, remembering, first of all, his
best quality, make a “copy” on a separate strip of paper. In this case, you do not need to sign who owns this plate. 2) Plates with “inscriptions on a T-shirt” are transferred to the group of “owners” of the inscriptions. Now the groups must decide which of their members each inscription is intended for. Participants take turns “introducing themselves” by reading their inscriptions and explaining why they chose this sign for themselves. 3) Participants are given the task to break groups and split into new ones, in which the “inscriptions on the T-shirts” of their members would be close in meaning. The number and composition of new groups is not limited. 4) Next, each newly formed group creates its own business card in a creative form, using its own inscriptions. 5) Collective analysis of the game. The content of the conversation becomes the feelings and emotions of the participants, the new things they learned about themselves and each other during the game.
"Building a house"
The lesson begins with an individual task: everyone draws on a piece of paper the house in which they would like to live. The “foundation of the house” necessarily contains “bricks” on which the basic life principles of the residents of the house are written. When everyone has drawn their own house, students form small groups. Members of one group are invited to “build” one house for everyone by cutting out the necessary parts from different drawings and pasting them onto one sheet. And finally, the groups are invited to “build” one house for everyone using the same principles. When the task is completed, the final project is presented, then all participants discuss whether they are satisfied with this project, whether their ideas were taken into account, and if not, why. Required materials: sheets of paper

preparing a schematic image of the house, colored markers, scissors (for each group), glue (for each group).
"The tree of Life"
We invite each participant to draw a tree of their life according to the following diagram:  The root is the purpose and meaning of your life;  The trunk is your idea of ​​yourself today;  Branches - directions of self-improvement, self-development, what you want to change in yourself;  Fruits - qualities that you would like to have; desires that you want to realize. It is better if the trees are drawn on large sheets of paper (this can be the back of the wallpaper). Then, based on the results of the work, the “trees” are hung on the walls, and each participant “introduces” their tree. It turns out to be a “magic grove”. You can discuss with the guys the question: “What
did it turn out to be our grove? (cheerful, sad, kind, varied or monotonous). Each participant selects his own definition and substantiates it. If the teacher wishes, you can continue working with the “magic grove”. In order for the grove to develop in favorable conditions, certain rules can be established on the territory of this grove. After all, there are road signs: permitting, prohibiting, warning. What similar signs can be proposed to ensure that the humane rules of good neighborliness and mutual respect are observed, contributing to the prosperity of every tree in our grove? Assignments for participants: draw or explain in words possible versions of such signs: permitting, prohibiting, warning. You can create posters or rules of behavior “in the grove.” Thus, during class time, you can move from the individual stage of work to the collective one.


Warm-up exercise “Associations”

to actualize the emotional layer of parents’ experience associated with conflicts, and thus prepare them for the role-playing game “Through the Looking Glass.”
“Please select verbal (verbal) and figurative associations for the word conflict. Write and draw them on a flip chart.”
Parents Associations:
Thunder and lightning; anger, rage, resentment; noise in the bee hive, cats scratching; explosion (2), fall; divergence of principles, heavy aftertaste, heaviness in the soul, broken heart.

Role-playing game “Through the Looking Glass”

Purpose of the game:
expand parents' awareness of their own contribution to the development of the conflict situation and develop a deeper, empathic understanding of the experiences of the other party involved in the conflict.


Please select a typical conflict situation with students at your school, for which you would like to find a more constructive solution (teachers choose). We will try to play it out in a role-playing game and look for other solutions to it. Tell us who is participating in it, when and where, what the conflict revolves around, what is the sequence of events (one of the teachers offers his story).” The teacher describes the situation and lists the characters in this story. The trainer addresses the group with the question: “Who would like to be participants in this role-playing game?” Several people respond. The teacher, who plays out his story, distributes roles between them, taking into account the wishes of the participants. Then the actual role-playing game begins.
“Tell Mishka good words”
Let's try to name the good qualities of people. (Kindness, generosity, politeness, honesty, cheerfulness, intelligence, mutual assistance, sociability). Let's come up with some good words for our Bear. You are kind…. Then everyone in turn “turns into a bear,” and the rest of the participants say kind words to him in the role of the bear. Now think about what good qualities you have. We'll have a braggart competition. Everyone in turn should say as much good things as possible about themselves. -Who found it easy to name their good qualities? -Who found it difficult?

let's get up


let's take it


let's say:


good ones!" - first in a whisper, then in a normal voice and shout.

"Pump and Ball"
One of the participants becomes a pump, the others become balls. “Balls” stand with their whole body limp, on half-bent legs. The body is tilted forward, the head is lowered. When the “pump” begins to inflate the balls, accompanying its actions with sound, the children begin to slowly straighten up, puff out their cheeks, and raise their arms. The balls are inflated. The presenter pulls out the pump hose and the children
Making the sound “sh-sh-sh”, they return to their original position. Can be repeated several times.
“Where do my feelings live?”
All our feelings live inside us. Feelings live in us: joy, sadness, interest, fear, anger, love. Each feeling lives in its own home. Before you is the silhouette of a human figure. We will now try to determine exactly where your feelings live. Imagine that you are now very angry with someone or something. Try to feel your anger with your whole body. Feel where your anger is located in your body? How do you feel about it? Maybe she's like a fire in her belly? Or do your fists itch? Use a red pencil to shade the area where you felt angry. Imagine that you are afraid of something. What might scare you? Introduced? Where is your fear? Shade this area with a black pencil. Now remember why you are sad? Where is your sadness? Take a blue pencil and color in this area. Imagine that you are now very happy about something, you feel at ease and have fun. Where does your joy live? Shade this area with a yellow pencil. Remember those you love? How does this make you feel? Where did you feel love, where does it live in you? Take a green pencil and shade this area. Let's see what we got. All figures are different. Why? Conclusion: we are all very different and feel differently too.


each participant receives a set of sheets in a quantity that is one less than the total number of participants; pencil. All members of the group anonymously give each other imaginary gifts, as if the giver's capabilities were unlimited. Everyone writes the names, names, designations, characteristics and quantities of those things, objects, objects, phenomena that they want to give to this particular participant. Gifts are not signed by the giver. Then the presenter collects the gifts and puts them in separate sets, not handing them over to the recipients until the gifts for everyone have been collected. Then the gift baskets are distributed. Participants study the contents of the notes for some time.
Discussion of the results can result in a free exchange of impressions. The participants make their own conclusions, guesses, and considerations related to the nature of the gift given to each other.
"Envelopes for good wishes"

: sheets of paper and markers for each participant. Ask participants to write their initials in the upper right corner of the paper (you will sign yours too). Each participant writes a short line with which the poem will begin, passes his piece of paper to his neighbor on the left, and he writes his own line that continues the poem. After everyone writes one line on all sheets of paper, the completed poem is returned to the author of the first line. After all the poems have been written, read yours. Then ask who else wants to read their poem.


"Feel the Baby"
Parents are invited to feel the moments of his various experiences in everyday communication with the child and name them when addressing the child. For example: “You are upset...”, “You are happy...”
“What do the children owe us?”
Notice how many times the word “should” was said during a conversation with the child. Feel how the child reacts to the word “should” - try to replace this word with another, note the reaction.
“How accepting are you of your child?”
Over the course of 2-3 days, count how many times you addressed your child with emotionally positive statements (joy,
welcome, approval, support) and how many - with negative ones (reproaches, remarks, criticism, accusation, etc.) If the number of positive ones is equal to or greater than negative ones, then everything is fine with communication.
"Joyful Meeting"
Imagine you are meeting your best friend. How do you show that he is near and dear to you? Now imagine that this is your child coming home from school, and you show him that you are happy to see him. Now this must actually be done before all other words and questions. It would be good to continue this meeting in the same spirit for a few minutes.
Try speaking in first person. Report about yourself, about your experience, rather than characterizing the child and his behavior.
"You are dear to me"
Hug your child at least 4 times a day (the usual morning greeting and goodnight kiss do not count). It’s a good idea to do the same for adult family members. Pay attention to your child's reactions and your own.
List of used literature
1. Borzova L.P. Games for history lessons. M.Izd. VLADOS-PRESS.2001. 2. Vakulenko V.A., Ukolova I.E. Interactive learning in law lessons. // Methodological manual on interactive methods of teaching law at school. M. Ed. house "New textbook". 2002.S. 4- 122. 3. Raising a difficult child. Children with deviant behavior. Educational and methodological manual. /Ed. M.I. Rozhkova. M. VLADOS. 2001. 4. Erokhina M.S. Didactic material for the course "Man and Society" (8th grade). Pskov. Ed. POIPKRO, 1994. 5. Education of individuality: Educational and methodological manual / Ed. E.N. Stepanova. M. Sphere shopping center. 2005. 6. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. 50 lessons about the meaning of life (For classes with middle-aged and older children) M. Amrita-Rus. 2003.
7. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. 600 creative games for big and small.) M. Amrita-Rus. 2004. 8. Human rights education. Practical guide for primary and secondary schools. M.1990; UN, New York, 1998. 9. Furmanov I.A. Psychology of children with behavioral disorders. M. VLADOS. 2004. 10. Shchurkova N.E. Classroom guide: game techniques. M. 2004. 11. Shchurkova N.E. Applied pedagogy of education. St. Petersburg Peter.2005.

The idea of ​​holding a lesson arose a long time ago and was related to the specifics of the topic “Family Education” in the pedagogy course. We have always considered the problem of family education in two aspects: on the one hand, students are future teachers, on the other, family creators and parents.

Therefore, discussing theoretical issues at seminars, analyzing publications, and writing laboratory and practical work on this topic was clearly insufficient. In addition, this material is extremely beneficial for the formation of beliefs and views on the organization of the pedagogical process, the strength of which is guaranteed by the depth of emotional experiences.

The content itself provides the opportunity for role-playing, which is useful for the development of communication skills and general intellectual skills. The material contains great integrative possibilities, because within the framework of the topic of family education, one can discuss the problems of choosing methods and means of education and the specifics of their use, the functions and activities of the teacher, age-related characteristics of children’s development, etc.

And since the most traditional and obsolete form of interaction between teachers and parents due to improper organization is the parent meeting, we wanted to rehabilitate this form and show what it can and should be. The experience of conducting classes convinces us that the proposed ideas are used by practicing teachers.

Preparation and equipment of the office

1. Design of two stands: “Family album” with photographs of children and adults and children’s drawings of a family, “Portrait of an “ideal” family”, a multimedia projector and screen (for dialogue between children and parents), survey forms “Type of family”, questionnaire “Do you know” Are you your child?”, presentation “Adolescent Psychology”, sheets of analysts and experts.

2. Tables and chairs are arranged in accordance with the allocated groups: teachers, experts, parents, analysts, guests.

3. During the game, previously trained technical personnel are required to demonstrate illustrative material, conduct and analyze surveys.

Progress of the game

Joining the efforts of family and school is an important pedagogical problem. The relationship between teacher and parents does not always work out as we would like. “They learn from those they love” (I. Goethe) is the epigraph of the lesson. And I really want them to learn from both their parents and teachers.

In this regard, the first contact between them is important. How to hold the first parent meeting, what to devote? It is these questions that we will try to answer.

2. Main part

Students are divided into 4 groups:

1. Teachers and psychologists(3 couples): they will offer 3 options for holding a parent meeting on 1 topic “How to love a child?” (prepared in advance).

Option 1:

The “psychologist” analyzes children’s drawings obtained as a result of the projective “Family Drawing” technique in kindergartens and primary schools, pays attention to the system of relationships in families, the quality of the psychological climate. “Teacher,” continuing the theme of comfort and mutual understanding, presents various typologies of families (according to I.P. Podlasy and M.L. Klemantovich) and proposes, based on their content characteristics, to determine what type the families of the class participants belong to. The data obtained are analyzed and discussed from the point of view of the educational capabilities of families of different types.

Option 2:

“Teacher” and “Psychologist” present the results of research by American psychologists S. Chess and A. Thomas, who analyzed the relationship between temperament, type of maternal (paternal) care and behavioral disorders in children. The 9 types of temperament they identified determine how educational a child can be. This, in turn, influences how parents treat their child. In order to navigate this two-way street, class participants were asked to analyze the questions in the “Do you know your child?” questionnaire.

Option 3:

The “teacher” stated the initial desire to define the topic of the meeting as follows: “What should a parent whose child is in the 4th grade know?”, and about the need, in this regard, to analyze the characteristics of adolescence. While the teacher is presenting the material, assistants work with a screen where the roles of “parents” and “children” are designated and a dialogue between two generations arises. “Psychologist” talks about the characteristics of a teenager’s imagination and the formation of his self-awareness. The main attention is paid to the fact that parental support feeds one of the elements of the teenager’s imaginary idea of ​​himself - his subjective feeling of his omnipotence, which is positive, making the teenager active, effective, and efficient.

2. Parents participate in all versions of parent meetings, come up with situations and questions in accordance with the topic and content of each.

3. Experts analyze the activities of “teachers” and “psychologists”, draw conclusions about the value and appropriateness of the materials presented.

3. Summing up in a free form

Author: Tatyana Yuryevna Skibo, associate professor of the department of pedagogy, psychology and vocational education at the Voronezh Institute of High Technologies, work experience - 14 years. About myself: I strive not to stand still, which is why my interests, interests and hobbies are diverse. This is my first time participating in the competition. In case it comes in handy for someone. Photo by the author

By influencing the child every day, the family has almost unlimited possibilities for shaping his personal qualities. That is why it is so important to use and involve them in cooperation at various levels.

The educational environment in general educational institutions that meets the requirements of federal state educational standards for primary and basic general education includes the creation of conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

One of the most accessible and effective forms of work in this direction is role-playing game.

Current now:

Parent meetings, games with parents at the parent meeting are needed:

To quickly obtain a variety of information about children;
. as orientation, instructive meetings in case of changes in the life and activities of the children's team, its operating mode, etc.;
. to familiarize parents with diagnostic results, the results of medical examinations, etc.;
. as a system of psychological and pedagogical education, carried out in various forms: meetings-lectures, psychological trainings, parent meetings on role-playing games on various topics and problems of education and training.

A parent meeting is the main form of joint work between parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues in the life of the children’s community and the education of students in educational institutions and at home. Its main purpose is to harmonize, coordinate and unite the efforts of public organizations and families in creating conditions for the development of a spiritually rich, morally pure and physically healthy child’s personality. Parent meetings are also held in order to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, intensify their role in the life of the children's team, and increase responsibility for the upbringing of their children.

Currently, interactive forms of work have proven their effectiveness and are in demand; one of these forms is holding a parent meeting on a role-playing game.

Rules for parent meetings on role-playing games

We propose to conduct the game according to the scenario of the parent meeting, the rules of which correspond to the rules of the television program “Own Game”. A game with parents at a parent-teacher meeting can be carried out with parents of children from 6 to 14 years old - the situations presented, requiring parents to make the right pedagogical decision, can arise with a child at different ages.

The presenter is the class teacher.

As a rule, a role-playing game at a parent meeting is held in a classroom, where desks are in rows, and the participants in the game are automatically divided into three teams. Another division into teams is possible, depending on the goals of the leader.

Participants are offered 4 nominations, each with 4 questions of different difficulty categories (depending on the difficulty, points are assigned - from 100 to 400). The team independently chooses the nomination and level of the question. Time is given to think, the team proposes a solution, and other participants can also express their opinions. Only after listening to all opinions does the class teacher pronounce the correct answer.

Nominations for games with parents at the parent meeting:

"Bad habits"— the most common bad habits of children are described.

“Education Issues in Pictures”— pictures-images are presented, decoding which, the participants formulate the basic principles of education (fundamental ideas or value foundations of human upbringing).

"Life Situations"- life situations are described. Participants figure out how to act correctly in them.

"Blitz questions"— answers to questions in this nomination should be brief and reasoned.

Teams choose a nomination, a question and answer. The presenter gives his comments. The team that gets the most points wins.

1. Nomination of the game at the parent meeting “Bad Habits”

100 points
What to do if a child tells a lie?

Presenter's comment:

try to understand the child, no matter what situation he finds himself in; eliminate harsh punishments, including for lying; Show your child your love, not educational principles, as often as possible; try yourself, especially in front of children, not to refer to an imaginary illness, being too busy, etc., in order to avoid fulfilling responsibilities that are burdensome for you. If your child follows your example, it will be difficult to explain to him that lying is wrong.

200 points
What to do if your child is lying?

Presenter's comment:
Already in elementary school, children develop their first serious friendships with peers, but the habit of sneaking does not at all contribute to good communication with the team. The reasons why children tell lies lie in their relationships with adults. Perhaps the child lacks attention and communication. Therefore, he wants to appear better, to earn the praise of his parents, teachers and children.

What to do:

stop such actions or, in any case, do not encourage them; Explain to your child why you don’t like sneaks; Explain that complaining and snitching are not the same as telling adults about something dangerous or threatening.

300 points
What should you do if you notice that your child is taking other people's things?

Presenter's comment:
Stealing is not always just a habit. Young children may simply not know that things are foreign. And in the theft of schoolchildren there often lies a desire to attract the attention of adults. However, if a person steals other people's things, not paying attention to his surroundings and circumstances, and if the situation does not change with age, then this is no longer an act, but a disease. However, more often children steal for other reasons. Usually petty thefts are committed by children from dysfunctional families, where they do not feel cared for and loved. Attention to them is shown only when something extraordinary happens. And a child deprived of attention is happy even with punishment or scandal.

What to do:

Never physically punish children. Limit yourself to talking about your own and other people's property. Try to explain to your child that, even if he really needs something, stealing is not a way to solve the problem; don't judge publicly. Dealing with a bad reputation is more difficult than simply correcting an ugly behavior; do not make negative predictions about the future of your child and do not voice them to him; Do not constantly remind about the offense and do not pay too much attention to it.

400 points
What to do if you notice that your child smokes?

Presenter's comment:
What prompts our children to start smoking early? Some kids start smoking early, in imitation of their school and yard friends. Others, because of the desire for unusualness, mystery: after all, you need to get cigarettes and matches or a lighter, hide in a secluded place. It's like a little adventure, with more and more people joining in. Then the children grow up and become independent. More than a quarter of the guys surveyed said that they started smoking to appear more respectable. And many continued out of habit. Over the years, guys begin to forget the reasons that pushed them to smoke.

In the spread of this bad habit, a kind of coercion plays a role. Smoking comrades consider non-smoking children to have not left the care of their parents, to have failed, to be insolvent. The desire to get rid of this opinion is achieved with the help of the first cigarette. Then the desire to smoke, inhale the aroma of a cigarette and take a drag comes unnoticed and becomes increasingly stronger.
In order for a child to resist this, a whole range of preventive measures is necessary.

What to do:

Teach your child to clearly formulate your arguments for and against smoking. To do this, voice clear information about the dangers of smoking, play out role-playing situations that help you give up your first experience of smoking; offer several ways to quit smoking in real life situations (“51 ways to say no”, “Ways to quit smoking”, “Facts of the harm of smoking”); to convince your child to quit smoking, you need not put up with it, but fight. And first, if you have the same bad habit, try to start with yourself.

2. Nomination of the game at the parent meeting “Education Issues in Pictures”

100 points
What principle of education does the metaphorical drawing “Sponge” represent?

Presenter's comment:
Answer: the principle of education based on the personal example of an adult.

The word “education” is derived from the words “nutrition”, “absorption”. A child in childhood, like a sponge, absorbs everything that his parents “pour” into him. You can spend a long time convincing a child that smoking is harmful and punishing him for a bad habit. It makes no sense if a child sees with what pleasure his father or mother, older brother or other people around him smoke. He will most likely “absorb” the example of older and significant people to him.

200 points
What principle of education is determined by the metaphorical drawings “Lock” and “Keys”?

Presenter's comment:
Answer: the principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

It is necessary to approach each individual individually, to know the psychological patterns of child development and methods of education (your child is a bright individuality, and in order to correctly select the key to him, you need not only to know him well, but also to understand, accept, and respect his characteristics).

Each lock has its own key. The lock is a child, and the keys are methods of influencing him (forms and methods of interaction). In order for a child to open up, it is necessary to choose the right key, i.e., the method of interaction.

Is it possible to open the lock in another way without using keys? Of course yes. For example, using a hacksaw, a crowbar, an ax, or a clever master key. These methods can be classified as barbaric, since their use necessarily leads to damage to the lock. The same thing happens to a child, his psyche, when incorrect, barbaric methods of education and influence are used against him.

300 points
What principle of education is affected by the drawing-metaphor “Egg”

Presenter's comment:
Answer: the principle of education is taking into account the child’s age-related crises (excluding excessive parental care, a personal approach to education).

Constant parental care for a child is just a shell. He feels warm, cozy and safe under her. It is necessary up to a certain point. But the child grows, changing from within, and the day comes when he realizes that the shell is beginning to interfere with growth. Therefore, the child begins to resist previous conditions, to destroy this shell in order to continue his further development.

400 points
What two types of families can the metaphorical drawings “Swan, Crayfish and Pike” and “Three Horses” be compared with?

Presenter's comment:
Answer: the principle of education is the unity of educational influences (the problem addressed is the lack of consistency in upbringing, unity of requirements for the child).

The first picture resembles a family in which everyone is raising a child, based on their own principles and desires. In such a situation, family members often present contradictory demands to the child, and also show inconsistency in upbringing: today they demand one thing from the child, tomorrow - another, the day after tomorrow - a third. In such a family, the child learns to manipulate his family and becomes nervous.

The second picture resembles a family acting in the process of upbringing harmoniously, together, moving towards one goal - the harmonious development of the child. The main principle of upbringing is observed—coordinated, consistent presentation of demands. In such a family, the child feels comfortable, confident in himself, and does not worry about trifles, because he always knows what his parents will do.

3. Nomination of the game at the parent meeting “Life Situations”

100 points

Volodya, out of breath, ran home and turned to his father:
- Dad, today a Sunday is being held in our yard. Vitya and his dad are already working there. We will go?
“No,” the father answered dryly, “you see, I’m busy.” And he continued reading the newspaper.
Volodya left the house depressed. The boy's vivacity and enthusiasm gave way to bitterness. Seeing him, classmate Vitya, who worked with his father, asked:
- Well, is your dad coming?
“No,” Volodya answered in a timid voice, “he has no time.”

What consequences can such parental behavior lead to?

Parent meeting in the form of the game “Lucky Chance”

Target: creating conditions for interaction and cooperation with parents by including them in interactive gaming activities


· hold a parent meeting in a non-traditional form - the form of a game;

· give parents simple questions to ask their children;

· Encourage parents to create and play with their own children using material from this collection;

· develop a sense of collectivism and cooperation among the parents;

· identify leaders among parents for subsequent coordination of work with the parent community;

· create a joyful atmosphere and cheer up parents;

· Strengthen the connection between parents and kindergarten staff.

Equipment: the name of the game from individual letters is “Lucky Accident”; team names and emblems; watercolor paints, brushes; cut pictures; cards with words; bell tokens.

Progress of the meeting

1. Opening remarks

- Dear parents! We are glad to see you again here and now. Today we have an unusual meeting. We will conduct it in a playful way. Let's remember the good fairy tales of our childhood together. Will take part in the game two teams, each must choose a captain. The game consists of six competitions in which you will have to show your erudition, resourcefulness and ingenuity, and also earn winning points for your team. So, let's start our competition. I think that time will fly by, fun and beneficial for all of us.

2. Playing the game

Icompetition "Greetings"

Host: Our game begins with a greeting. So, the first “Greeting” competition.

You must collectively come up with a motto for your team and unanimously greet the opposing team.

The first team "Knowledge". For example, “We want to know everything.”

The second team is “Umniki”. For example, “The fact that we are here today is because of interest.”

(Greetings from the teams)

Host: Thanks to our teams. And now we move on to the next competition.

IIcompetition "Warm-up"

Presenter: Team captains are invited.

So that life doesn't seem sweet to you,

I'll tell you riddles!

He's floating on the sheet

Like a boat on the wave.

He is a good friend to housewives

Electric…. (IRON)

He's big, like a football

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy,

How pleasant it tastes

And his name is... (WATERMELON)

Leaned over the river

Their agreement is this:

The river will exchange for her

Perch on a worm... (FISHING ROD)

There's not a bird on the branch

The animal is small

The fur is warm like a hot water bottle

Who is this... (SQUIRREL)

Poor dolls are beaten and tormented,

He is looking for a magic key,

He looks terrible

This. (Doctor Aibolit - KARABAS-BARABAS)

He was on the road for many days

To find your wife,

And the ball helped the mind,

His name was... (Kolobok - IVAN TSAREVICH)

He is a big naughty man and a comedian,

He has a house on the roof,

Braggart and arrogant

And his name is... (Dunno - CARLSON)

He lived in Prostokvashino

And he was friends with Matroskin

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name was... (Totoshka - BALL)

This beast sleeps in winter,

He looks awkward

Loves berries and honey

And it's called... (hippopotamus - BEAR)

Daughters and sons

Teaches you to grunt... (ant - PIG)

He sleeps in a hole during the long winter,

But the sun will start to warm up a little,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departs... (BEAR)

He somehow lost his tail,

But the guests returned him.

He's grumpy like an old man

This sad... (Piglet – Donkey Eeyore)

Who flashes in the dense forest,

Does it have a red fur coat?

He knows a lot about chickens!

This beast is called (WOLF - FOX)

He walked through the forest boldly,

But the fox ate the hero.

The poor thing sang goodbye.

His name was... (Cheburashka - KOLOBOK)

Both beautiful and sweet

It's just too small!

Slender figure

And the name is .... (Snegurochka - ThUMbelina)

Host: Have a seat, dear captains, and we are starting the next competition.

IIIcompetition "Proverbs about friendship"

Each team receives a package with cut proverbs, which must be assembled into sentences.

Team #1:

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

Team #2:

All for one, one for all.

Friendship is not a mushroom, you won’t find it in the forest.

Presenter: Well done! We completed the task.

And now the floor is given to our jury to sum up the results of the first three competitions.

(Jury speech)

Host: Well, let's continue our game. The fourth competition is ahead, and all team members are participating.

IVcontest « Quiz about fairy boys and girls»

Host: In order to answer the quiz questions, you need to remember the heroes of fairy tales (questions are asked to the teams one by one).

Who defeated Koshchei the Immortal? (Ivan Tsarevich)

Which girl was born from a flower? (Thumbelina)

Who is the most “interesting man in his prime” with a propeller behind his back? (Carlson)

Which girl has blue hair? (Malvina)

Who lost the glass slipper at the ball? (Cinderella)

Which fairy-tale character likes to ride on the stove? (Emelya)

What is the name of the girl from the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”? (Gerda)

Who hired the priest for a job that paid three clicks on the forehead a year? (Bolda)

Who visited the Land of Lilliputians? (Gulliver)

Who visited the three bears? (Mashenka)

Who can ride a cannonball? (Baron Munchausen)

Which princess is the most tender princess in the world? (Princess on the Pea)

What boy lives in a flower town and wears a big blue hat? (Dunno)

What is the name of the kindest doctor? (Dr. Aibolit)

What is the onion boy's name? (Cipollino)

Who was held captive by Koschey the Immortal? (To Vasilisa the Wise)

Host: Thank you, dear parents!

Vcompetition "Draw"

And now we will draw together with you. The bravest mothers are invited to participate in the fifth competition. You will have to draw a cat blindfolded, following the description that I will read.

Draw a big circle

It's small at the top.

On the top of the head there are two ears,

This will be the head.

Draw for beauty

Give him a fuller mustache.

Here the fluffy tail is ready,

You are the most beautiful of all cats.

And now, dear parents, come up with a description of your cat, choosing the most tender and affectionate words.

(protection of drawings)

VIcompetition “Collect a picture”

Presenter: Preschoolers love to put together puzzles. Let's see if mothers can collect cut-out pictures. The task is performed collectively, at speed.

3. Summing up

Leading: Before the jury sums up the results, we would like to thank everyone for participating in our game. It doesn't matter who won. And please, do not keep secret the knowledge that you received from your grandparents, fathers and mothers, from teachers at school, the knowledge that you acquired on your life’s journey - give it to your children so that they love their Motherland, loved and preserved its culture.
The jury is given the floor to sum up the results and announce the winners.

After summing up the results of the event, a collective tea party with pies is organized.