Tutor Evgenia Pavlovna Benenson. Personal, meta-subject and subject results

Lesson 1

Subject: Information (what we know about it).

The purpose of the lesson:

    Repeat grade 2 material on the topic “Information around us” and safety rules;

    continue to develop the communication skills of younger schoolchildren and independent work skills.

Computer program: Text encoding.

Textbook material: Theory on p. 4; tasks 1, 2, 3, 4.

Homework: Task 4.




Motivation for educational activities (1 minute)

Unravel the word hidden in the honeycomb. The numbers in the table cells will help you select the letters you need.

Answer: information

Updating knowledge (2 minutes)

Well done! The word information is actually encrypted here.

Guys, what can you call the objects shown in Figure 1:

4) means of encoding information

What are these objects called:

    1) means of storing information;

    2) means of information transmission;

    3) means of information transformation;

The objects shown in Figure 3 are called:

1) means of storing information;

2) means of information transmission;

3) means of information transformation;

4) means of encoding information.

The objects shown in Figure 1 can be called: information transmission media

The objects shown in Figure 2 can be called: information storage facilities.

The objects shown in Figure 3 can be called: information encoding means.

Setting a lesson goal (2 minutes)

Guys, how many of you guessed what our lesson topic is today?

That's right, the topic of the lesson is “Information”.

What do you think we should learn about information today?

That's right, today we'll talk about:

Tom what is information?

What can you do with the information?

How do you get it? How is it processed? How is it transmitted? How is it stored?


What is information?

What can you do with the information?

How do you get it?

How is it processed?

How is it transmitted?

How is it stored?


(7 minutes)

What is Information?

How does a person perceive information from the world around him?

In order to remember which sense organs help us perceive information, we will perform the following task:


Sense organ

Information type

I see a red traffic light.



I hear the bell for class.



I feel that the soup is not salty.



I smell smoke from the street.



I feel like it's freezing outside.



Very often we receive information in encoded form. For example, seeing a certain color of a traffic light, you and I translate the visual information received and understand how to proceed further.

In a computer, all input information is also encoded in a language that is understandable to it. When you and I enter letters, numbers, pictures in the form that is familiar to us, the computer turns it all into 2 characters...

Who remembers what these symbols are?

That's right, these are the numbers 0 and 1, which are called binary code.

In order to understand how this happens, let's open page 4 and read how it happens.

For example, this is how it turns letters into binary code:

 10111100  10111100  10111100

It encodes each letter with a set of 8 zeros and ones, and then places each letter in 1 cell of RAM.

We have an example of a code of 3 letters: M, Y, U.

Let's try to encrypt the word MIND. What letters do we need for this?

Correct U, M.

Which letter should we write the binary code in the first eight cells?

That's right U!

What does the binary code of the letter Y look like in a computer?

Right. Let's write it down in a notebook. U - 11000011

The binary code of which letter should we write in the next eight cells?

That's right M!

What does the binary code for the letter M look like in a computer?

Right. Let's write it down in a notebook.

Now let's read how a computer converts images into binary code.

Reading page 4. (to make a binary code for a drawing, it is divided into small squares. The color of each square is indicated by zeros and ones. For a black and white drawing, 1 represents a black square, and 0 represents a white square.)

Information is information about the world around us.

Using the senses.


U - 11000011

M - 10111100

Phys. just a minute


(4 minutes)

Completing task 3. page 6

Guys, look at the picture. Who is depicted on it?

What do you think the dog is saying?

What does the cat say?

1. Which letter is encoded by the first 8 digits in the word WOOF-WOOF?

2. What letter is encoded after the letter G in the word WOOF-WOOF?

Let's sign it above the code.

3. What letter is encoded after the letter A in the word WOOF-WOOF?

Let's sign it above the code.

4. Sign the remaining letters in the word WOOF-WOOF in the same way. And in the word MEOW.

Now remember how we encoded the word MIND, and in the same way, encode the word YAMA.

The binary code of which letter do we need to find first?

In what word will we find it?

What is the code for the letter I in the word MEOW?

What does the binary code of the letter Z look like?

Let's write it down in the first 8 cells.

Encode the last 2 letters M and A yourself.

Dog and cat

the dog “says” WOOF-WOOF,

kitten “says” - MEOW

first letter G

the letter a

letter B

Letters I

In the word MEOW

its code is 11001111

Independent work

(7 minutes)

code the following words in a squared notebook..

MAMA - 1011 1100 1011 0000 1011 1100 1011 0000

GAMMA - 1011 0011 1011 0000 1011 1100 1011 1100 1011 0000

MAG - 1011 1100 1011 0000 1011 0011

JAVA - 1100 1111 1011 0010 1011 0000

YAGA - 1100 1111 1011 0011 1011 0000


(4 minutes)

P.6 No.4

A binary code for a four-color pattern and a color code table are given. Reconstruct the drawing using its binary code.

Let us recall the principles of binary coding of color drawings. To compose the binary code of a picture, it is divided into squares. Each square is painted with one color. The color of each square is indicated by zeros and ones. In a color drawing, each square is coded with a set of several zeros and ones.

Each color is encoded with its own set of zeros and ones.

- How many different colors are used in the drawing of task 4, which must be reconstructed from its binary code?

What colors are these?

To encode each color in a four-color pattern, two numbers are enough. The squares need to be painted line by line. The first pair of digits of the first row determines the color of the first square of the first row

What is the code for the first square?

What colour is he?

- What color will the squares be in the first line of the picture?

- Take a red pencil and color the cells in the first row.

Is it clear how the task is performed?

Finish it at home.

White, black, red and blue.


6 white and 2 red


Practical work

(15 minutes)

Before sitting down at the computer, let's remember how to behave when working at a computer? And task No. 2 on page 5 will help us with this

a. Only one child sits correctly at the computer (sits upright, back straight, eyes opposite the middle of the screen).

b. Violating the rules of behavior in the computer class:

    a child with a sandwich (the crumbs can eventually get into the computer devices, ruining it);

    a child who pulls out wires (violates safety regulations - it is dangerous for his life and health - and can disrupt the operation of the network);

    a child who runs around the office (disturbs the work of others; in addition, he can touch the wires and disrupt the operation of the network).

    It is important that children explain what is wrong with the behavior of the students they marked with a red pen.

Today we will work in the “Text Coding” program.

Let's remember how to run the program? Right.

Start\ all programs\ computer science 3rd grade\ text coding.

Reflection 2min

What was our lesson topic? What did we remember about the information? Have we learned any new information?

Lesson marks

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Ploskovskaya basic secondary school"

303331, Oryol region, Sverdlovsk district, Ploskoe village


by decision of the pedagogical council

dated August 31, 2016, protocol No. 2

Head teacher

Polikarova G. M.



Level of education (grade): Federal State Educational Standard of Education 2 - 4 grades

Number of hours: 2nd grade – 34 hours, 3rd grade – 34 hours, 4th grade – 34 hours.

Teacher – Pashkova Olga Viktorovna

The work program in computer science for grades 2-4 is compiled on the basis of the author’s course program for elementary school “Informatics” E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova, included in the “Russian School” kit

2016 – 2017 academic year

The work program in computer science for grades 2-4 is compiled on the basis of the author’s course program for elementary school “Informatics” E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova, included in the “School of Russia” kit, taking into account the requirements of the following regulatory documents: Law of the Russian Federation “ On Education" No. 122-FZ as last amended as of December 1, 2007 No. 313-FZ; Federal State General Education Standard for Primary General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 (as amended from November 26, 2010, September 22, 2011); Federal List of Textbooks recommended (approved) by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in general educational institutions; Federal basic curriculum for educational institutions implementing general education programs (Order of the Ministry of Education dated 03/09/2004 No. 1312).

Planned results of studying the training course

At the first stage of schooling, during the development of subject content, conditions are provided for students to achieve the following personal, meta-subject and subject results. This course is aimed at developing the following universal learning activities:

Personal UUD

Rules of conduct in a computer class and ethical standards for working with collective information and student personal information. Formation of skills to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, highlight the moral aspect of behavior when working with any information and when using computer technology for collective use.

Moral and ethical assessment

Mastering the main content of the sections “Ethical standards for working with information, personal information security”, creating various information objects using a computer. Compliance with the rules for working with files on the corporate network, rules of conduct in the computer class, the purpose of which is to preserve school property and the health of classmates.

Self-determination and meaning formation

Formation of stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning, the ability to find answers to the questions: “What is the meaning of learning for me?” The use of special training programs in the course “Informatics” that form an attitude towards the computer as a tool that allows you to learn independently.

A system of tasks illustrating the place of information technologies in modern society, the professional use of information technologies, promoting awareness of their practical significance.

Regulatory UUD

A system of tasks, the purpose of which is to develop in students the ability to set educational goals; use an external plan to solve a given problem; plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; carry out final and step-by-step control; compare the result with the standard (goal); make adjustments to actions if the result of solving a problem diverges from the previously set goal.

Planning and goal setting

A system of tasks directly related to determining the sequence of actions when solving a problem or achieving a goal, with the formation of independent goal setting, and the analysis of several heterogeneous information objects in order to isolate the necessary information.

Control and correction

A system of tasks like “Create an algorithm and execute it” as the creation of an information environment for drawing up an action plan for the formal executors of algorithms for the transition from the initial state to the final state. Comparison of methods of action and its results. Making corrections to the algorithm if deviations from the method of action and its result from a given standard are detected. Creation of information objects as independent planning of work on a computer, comparison of information objects created on a computer with a standard, making changes if necessary.


The system of tasks from the “Your successes” section, as well as all tasks that you need to use to complete them yourselfmaterial studied over the past six months.

Cognitive UUD

General educational universal actions

Searching and highlighting the necessary information in the reference section of textbooks (excerpts from reference books, encyclopedias, Internet sites indicating sources of information, including site addresses), in hypertext documents included in the methodological kit, as well as in other sources of information;

Sign-symbolic modeling:

  • drawing up sign-symbolic models, spatial-graphic models of real objects;
  • use of ready-made graphical process models to solve problems;
  • tabular models;
  • supporting notes – sign-symbolic models.

Meaningful reading:

  • analysis of short literary texts and graphic objects, selection of necessary text and graphic information;
  • working with various reference information sources.

Choice the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions: drawing up algorithms for formal performers.

Staging and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative nature: creation of various information objects using office computer programs, congratulatory cardspostcards, presentations, robot construction.

Logical UUD

  • Analysis objects in order to highlight features: performing tasks related to the development of semantic reading.
  • Selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects: solving tasks for creating algorithms for ordering objects.
  • Synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts in the form of a diagram, in the form of a three-dimensional layout made of paper, using a computer program.
  • Drawing up algorithms for the artist “Artist”, the purpose of which is to assemble architectural structures of Russian wooden architecture from structural elements.
  • Creation of information objects on a computer using ready-made files with pictures and texts, as well as adding elements that are missing according to the student’s plan.
  • Building a logical chain of reasoning:
  • introduction and mastery of the concepts of “True” and “False” statements;
  • complex statements;
  • assignments for compilinglogical chain of reasoning.

Communicative UUD

  • Completing practical assignments that involve working in pairs, laboratory work that involves group work.
  • Activities of students in extracurricular activities.

Requirements for the level of student preparation for the “Informatics” course

by the end of the first year of study (end of 2nd grade)

  • what is information;
  • how a person perceives information;
  • that a computer is a universal machine designed to process information;
  • names and purposes of the main devices of a personal computer (processor, monitor, keyboard, mouse, memory);
  • that a computer processes information according to rules that people have determined, and a computer program is a set of such rules;
  • that an algorithm is a sequence of steps aimed at achieving a goal;
  • that information in computer memory is stored as a set of zeros and ones;
  • rules of behavior in the computer class.

Be able to:

  • give examples of information sources;
  • give examples of working with information;
  • give examples of technical devices designed to work with information (telephone, TV, radio, computer, tape recorder);
  • give examples of useful and useless information;
  • run programs from the desktop (if you have the equipment);
  • select the desired menu items using the mouse (if equipment is available);
  • use the arrow keys, the Energ key, enter numbers from the keyboard (if equipped);
  • compose and execute linear algorithms for familiar formal performers;
  • with the help of the teacher, set educational tasks and create linear algorithms for solving the assigned problems;
  • determine the truth of a simple statement written as a declarative sentence in the Russian language.
  • selecting from texts and pictures the information necessary to achieve the goal;
  • safe work on the computer;

by the end of the second year of study (end of 3rd grade)

Students should know/understand:

  • table structure (rows, columns, cells);
  • what is a variable, its name and value;
  • what is branching;
  • what is an object;
  • what is an object class.

Students should be able to:

  • record the collected information in the form of a list;
  • organize short lists alphabetically;
  • record information in the form of a table, the structure of which is proposed by the teacher;
  • the necessary information in the table;
  • find the necessary information in sources suggested by the teacher;
  • find the information you need in short hypertext documents;
  • find branching and linear sections in ready-made algorithms;
  • execute branching algorithms for familiar formal executors;
  • give examples of objects and their properties;
  • find an object with specified properties among the data;
  • highlight properties common to different objects;
  • combine objects into classes based on the commonality of their properties;
  • determine the truth of complex statements;
  • on a checkered field, find a square with a given address;
  • on a checkered field, determine the address of the indicated cell.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  • working with lists and tables;
  • working with electronic reference books based on hypertexts.

by the end of the third year of study (end of 4th grade)

Students should know/understand:

  • types of information (text, graphic, numerical);
  • the name of one program for processing information of each type;
  • what is a tree and what is its structure;
  • what is a file (if equipment is available);
  • user rights to change and copy the file (if equipment is available);
  • what is a loop in an algorithm;
  • what is the action of an object.

Be able to:

  • give examples of different types of information and name technical means for working with each type of information;
  • find paths in a tree from the root to the specified vertex;
  • create a small graphic document using a computer and save it as a file in the current directory (if equipment is available);
  • create a small text document using a computer and write it as a file in the current directory (if equipment is available);
  • launch programs from the Start menu (if available);
  • write the file to a personal folder with a little help from the teacher (if equipment is available);
  • give examples of using computers to solve various problems;
  • use simple cyclic algorithms to plan human activities;
  • execute simple algorithms containing linear, conditional and cyclic algorithmic structures for familiar formal performers;
  • give examples of actions of objects of the specified class.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  • searching in texts, pictures, lists, tables and trees for information necessary to solve the problem;
  • recording information collected through observations, surveys, obtained from books;
  • planning everyday and educational activities;
  • safe work at the computer;
  • creating creative works (mini-essays, drawings, etc.) on the computer.

Description of the place of the educational subject “Informatics and ICT”

In accordance with the federal basic curriculum, the course “Informatics and ICT” is studied with 2nd to 4th grade one hour in Week. The total amount of teaching time is 105 hours.

Table of thematic distribution of hours.

According to the approximate program:

102 hours = 34 hours (2 cells) + 34 hours (3 cells) + 34 hours (4 cells)

According to the work program: 105 h = 35 h + 35 h + 35 h


Sections, topics.

Number of hours

Sample program

Working programm

Work program by class

1 class

2 classes

3 grades

4 grades

Information picture of the world

The computer is a universal information processing machine.

Algorithms and executors

Objects and their properties

Ethical standards when working with information and information security

Summarizing the material covered for the entire academic year


2nd grade

Information picture of the world (10 hours)

Information concept

Information as information about the world around us. Human perception of information using the senses.

Sources of information (books, media, nature, communication with other people). Working with information (collecting, transmitting, receiving, storing, processing information).

Useful and useless information. Selection of information depending on the problem being solved.

Data processing

Human information processing. Comparison of text and graphic information.

Computer processing of information. Black box. Input and output information (data).

Encoding information

Substitution and permutation ciphers. Using different alphabets in substitution ciphers.

The principle of binary coding. Binary coding of text information. Binary encoding of a black and white image.

Computer - a universal machine for processing information (10 hours)

The idea of ​​a computer as a universal machine for processing information.

Computer device. Names and purposes of the main computer devices. Motherboard, processor, RAM, input and output devices (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner, disk drives), external memory devices (floppy, hard, laser disks).

Preparing to become familiar with the monitor's coordinate system. The address of the cell on the checkered field. Determining the address of a given cell. Search for a cell at a specified address.

The concept of a graphical interface. Launch the program from the desktop, close the program.

Selecting a menu item using the mouse. Use the arrow keys, number keys, and the Enter key.

An algorithm as a step-by-step description of purposeful activity. Formality of algorithm execution. The influence of the sequence of steps on the result of the algorithm execution.

Formal executor of the algorithm, system of executor commands. Creation and execution of linear algorithms for formal executors. Management of formal executors (if a computer is available).

Planning human activities using linear algorithms. Massive nature of the algorithm.

Methods for writing algorithms. Recording algorithms using verbal instructions and drawings.

Preparing to study branching algorithms: true and false statements. Determining the truth of simple statements written in narrative sentences of the Russian language, including statements containing negation, the construction “if, ... then”, the words “all”, “some”, “none”, “everyone”.

Determining the truth of statements written in the form of equalities or inequalities.

Objects and their properties (2 hours)

Objects and their properties. A characteristic common to a set of objects.

A feature common to all items from the set except one. Search for an extra item.

Identifying patterns in sequences. Continuation of the sequence taking into account the identified pattern. Description of items. Search for objects by their description.

Ethical standards when working with information and information security (1 hour)

Computer class as an information system for collective use. Formation of a careful attitude towards computer class equipment. Rules of conduct in the computer class.

3rd grade

Information picture of the world (9 hours)

Organize information in list form. Organizing lists according to various criteria (alphabetically, ascending or descending numerical characteristics).

Gathering information through observation. Recording the collected information in the form of a list.

Organizing information in the form of simple (not containing merged cells) tables. The structure of a simple table (rows, columns, cells), row and column headings. Recording information obtained as a result of search or observation in a table proposed by the teacher. Recording solutions to logical problems in the form of tables. Creation of various tables.

Computer - a universal machine for processing information (3 hours)

Fundamental computer knowledge:

The computer as an executor of algorithms.

Preparing to become familiar with the coordinate system associated with the monitor (continued).

Hygienic standards for working at a computer.

Practical work on the computer

Using the Drag-and-Drop method.

Finding the necessary information in a hypertext document.

Typing text using the keyboard (including capital letters, punctuation marks, numbers).

Practical work on a computer is carried out while studying all sections of the course. Time for it is taken into account in all sections of the course.

Algorithms and executors (11 hours)

Algorithms with variables

Variable name and value. Assigning a value to a variable during the execution of algorithms.

Commands with parameters.

A brief record of the formal executor's commands.

Branching Algorithms

Selecting an action in an algorithm with branches depending on the fulfillment of a condition. Using simple and complex statements as conditions.

Recording the algorithm using flowcharts.

Creation and execution of branching algorithms for formal executors. Planning human activities using branching algorithms.

Creating algorithms using the sequential refinement method

Creation of enlarged algorithms for formal executors and for planning human activities.

Detailing the steps of the enlarged algorithm.

Objects and their properties (10 hours) Objects

Object and its properties. The name and value of the property.

Search for an object specified by its properties. Designing an object based on its properties. Description of an object using its properties as an information static model of the object. Comparison of objects.

The concept of an object class

The concept of an object class. Examples of object classes. Splitting a set of objects into two or more classes.

Media for collective use

Library books, magazines, CDs, floppy disks, computer hard drives as storage media for collective use.

Rules for handling various media. Formation of a responsible attitude towards the safety of collectively used information media.

4th grade

Information picture of the world (11 hours)

Types of information

Text, numerical, graphic, audio information.

Technical means of transmitting, storing and processing information of various types (telephone, radio, TV, computer, calculator, camera).

Collection of various types of information necessary to solve a problem through observation, measurements, and interviewing. Reliability of the information received. Searching and selecting the necessary information in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, catalogs suggested by the teacher.

Ways to organize information

Organization of information in the form of a tree. Creating trees of different structures manually or using a computer (concept division tree, directory tree).

Computer - a universal machine for processing information (7 hours)

Fundamental computer knowledge

Computer professions. Programs for processing text, graphic and numerical information and their areas of application. Computers and society.

The coordinate system associated with the monitor. Object coordinates.

Hygienic standards for working on a computer.

Practical work on a computer (if equipment is available)

Launch programs from the Start menu.

Storing information on external media in the form of files.

File tree structure. Finding a path to a file in a file tree. Writing files to a personal directory.

Create text and graphic documents and save them as files. Drawing tools (circle, rectangle, pencil, brush, fill).

Algorithms and executors (8 hours)

Round robin algorithm

Cyclic processes in nature and in human activity.

Repeating actions in the algorithm. Cyclic algorithm with postcondition. Using variables in the body of a loop. Algorithms for ordering in ascending or descending order of the numerical characteristics of objects. Creation and execution of cyclic algorithms for formal executors. Planning human activities using cyclic algorithms.

Auxiliary algorithm

Main and auxiliary algorithms. The name of the auxiliary algorithm. Calling the auxiliary algorithm.

Objects and their properties (7 hours)

Changing the value of an object's properties

Actions performed by or on an object. Action as an attribute of an object. Actions of objects of the same class.

Actions that change the values ​​of object properties. An algorithm that changes the properties of an object, like a dynamic information model of an object. Development of algorithms that change the properties of an object for formal performers and humans.

Ethical standards when working with information and information security (1 hour)

Actions on files (creating, changing, copying, deleting). User rights to change, delete and copy the file.

Material and technical support

  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.: Computer Science: 2nd grade. Textbook-notebook in two parts (second year of study). – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015;
  • Pautova A.G. Informatics: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 2nd grade: methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. - M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2015. – 100 pp.:ill.+1CD
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.: Computer Science: 3rd grade. Textbook-notebook in two parts (second year of study). – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015;
  • Pautova A.G. Computer Science: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 3rd grade: methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. - M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2015. – 100 pp.:ill.+1CD
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science [Text]: 3rd grade: Methodological manual (Second year of study) / E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015. - 231 p.
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science. 4th grade: Textbook-notebook. At 2 o'clock - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015.
  • Benenson E.P. Computer Science and ICT [Text]: 4th grade: Methodological manual (Third year of study)/E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova - Ed. 3rd ed. - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2016. - 256 p.

Technical training aids

  • Double student tables with a set of chairs
  • Teacher's desk with cabinet
  • Cabinets for storing textbooks, teaching materials, manuals.
  • Wall boards
  • Book stands, chart and table holders
  • Chalkboard with a set of devices for fastening tables.
  • Magnetic board.

List of ICT tools required for program implementation


  • Computer
  • Projector
  • Printer
  • Modem
  • Audio information output devices - headphones for individual work with audio information
  • Devices for manually entering text information and manipulating screen objects - keyboard and mouse.
  • Devices for recording (inputting) visual and audio information: scanner; camera; camcorder; voice recorder, microphone.


  • Program “Into the forest for information.”
  • Text Coding program.
  • Program "Binary coding of drawings"
  • Black Box program
  • Program "Computer Device"
  • Program "Who Lives Where"
  • "Entik's Walks" program
  • Aquarium program
  • Program "Mouse-Artist"
  • Program "Peremeshayka"
  • Program "Binary Coding".
  • Program "In store 1".
  • Program "The Most"
  • Program “At the Station”
  • Floral Flowers Program
  • Program "In the store 2"
  • Logic program
  • Natural Areas Program
  • Program "Count"
  • Program “Story in which you can choose to continue”
  • Program "Draftsman"
  • Firefighter program
  • Laboratory program
  • Traveler program
  • Artist program
  • Paint Graphics Editor program
  • MS Word Word Processor Program
  • Calculator program
  • Computer Valley program

Teaching aids for students:

  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.: Computer Science: 2nd grade. Textbook-notebook in two parts (second year of study). – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2016;
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G.: Computer Science: 3rd grade. Textbook-notebook in two parts (second year of study). – M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2016;
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science. 4th grade: Textbook-notebook. At 2 o'clock - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2016.

Teaching aids for teachers

  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science: 2nd grade: Methodological manual (First year of study) / E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015;
  • Pautova A.G. Informatics: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 2nd grade: Methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. - M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2015. – 100 pp.:ill.+1CD
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science: 3rd grade: Methodological manual (Second year of study) / E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015;
  • Pautova A.G. Computer Science: A set of computer programs for the textbook: 3rd grade: Methodological manual / A.G. Pautova. - M.: Academbook/Textbook, 2015. – 100 pp.:ill.+1CD
  • Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science. 4th grade: Teacher's manual for the textbook-notebook. - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015.
  • Pautova A.G. Computer science. 4th grade: A set of computer programs. Methodological manual + CD. - M.: Akademkniga/Textbook, 2015.

Special prize for invaluable contribution to the development of private tutoring (2010).
Winner in the special category “For active participation in the life of the forum” (2012).
Winner in the “Keeper of Traditions” nomination, “Tutor of the Year” award (2013).
Winner of the intellectual tournament for tutors in 2015.
The teacher is recommended by the company “Your Tutor”.
Hello. My name is Benenson Evgenia Pavlovna.

Candidate of Technical Sciences. For many years I was engaged in programming in different languages; of those being studied today is in Pascal. I always loved working with trainees and young specialists and taught many people how to program.

Since 1992, my main work has been writing textbooks for children in mathematics and computer science, as well as teaching aids for teachers. Conducted classes with teachers and methodologists at advanced training courses. I enjoy teaching children (previously - electives and clubs in mathematics and programming, in recent years - tutoring).

The main motto in relation to children both when creating teaching aids and when teaching children(I often start classes with teachers with it) - these are the words of Maxim Gorky: “If work is pleasure, life is good”.

At first there was a series of four notebooks “Mathematics for Kids” - for children from 4 to 8 years old. Notebooks have been published for many years. Millions of kids used them to prepare for school or study in first grade.

At the same time, a series of six notebooks began to be created and published to introduce geometry (at a visual level) and develop spatial imagination. I believe that these books are interesting and useful both for elementary school students (the first two are quite accessible to second-graders) and for fifth- and sixth-graders (children of different ages and backgrounds can study them - at different rates of learning the material, with varying degrees of independence, etc. .).

Then many years of work began for the elementary school according to the developmental system of L.V. Zankova.

Since 2002, my colleague and I have come up with a set of computer science textbooks for primary schools (second to fourth grades). Very serious in content, but largely playful in form, propaedeutics of computer science and information technology using interesting material from different subject areas. With tasks that develop erudition and logical thinking.

I conduct tutoring classes in mathematics with two categories of students:

  1. With schoolchildren from first to seventh grade (with continuation, if necessary, for subsequent school years).
      closing gaps
      transition to a higher level of knowledge, mathematical thinking, attitude towards mathematics
      preparation for transfer to another school (to a stronger one or working on a different program)
      development of logical (including algorithmic) thinking and spatial imagination.
  2. With preschoolers
      preparation for school
      development of logical thinking
Along with mathematics, I can give computer science lessons or include computer science as an element of teaching.
Along with mathematics, I also work with preschoolers on general development.

Characteristic features of classes:

  1. Individual approach.
  2. Use of additional (extracurricular) materials.
  3. Game techniques (the proportion of which in the lesson and the nature depend on the age and individual characteristics of the student).
  4. Adjustment of the lesson plan taking into account the situation.
  5. Discussion with the student what he should do independently for the next lesson. When teaching a preschooler, the task is discussed simultaneously with the mother.
  6. Ahead of the school curriculum (if appropriate).
  7. Leaving the school curriculum for a more interesting one, prepared for a specific student, if parents want it (with a switch to help in preparing for school if necessary).
  8. Own curriculum for preschoolers, tailored to the student.

Requirements for parents

Buy what children will need during classes and in preparation for classes. We usually discuss things as we go along.

Requirements for the student

Student! I invite you on a journey through the great country of Mathematics, a very, very ancient and incredibly interesting country. Many important and joyful discoveries await you. But the path to them will not be easy. Take with you fantasy, imagination, attention, observation and perseverance. And boldly forward - through the wonderful country of Mathematics, about which the storyteller and mathematician Lewis Carroll said: “The land of wonders meets us, the land of imagination.”

I conduct training for tutors in mathematics:

Some of my books:

Prices and lesson options

Lesson duration

- // -

Lesson 90 min.

3500 rub. / 90 min.
except preparing for school

Lesson 60 min.

2500 rub. / 60 min.
2500 rub. / h
2500 rub. / h
2500 rub. / h
2500 rub. / h
2500 rub. / h
entrance to lyceums, gymnasiums, mathematics classes
2500 rub. / h
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1 E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova COMPUTER SCIENCE and ICT 4th GRADE Methodical manual Moscow Academic book/Textbook 2012

2 UDC BBK B46 When reading this teaching manual, pay attention to the icons: 2 additional information for the teacher; 8 only for those who use a computer with computer support programs for the textbook in lessons; r only for those who do not use a computer in class. B46 Benenson E.P. Computer science and ICT [Text]: 4 classes. : Methodological manual (Third year of study) / E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova. M.: Academic book/Textbook, p. ISBN Methodological manual for teachers on computer science and information and communication technologies (“Informatics and ICT”) (grade 4) of the educational and methodological set “Prospective Primary School” was developed based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education (second generation standard) and the program in academic subjects, taking into account the specifics of the didactic support of the course. The methodological manual for the computer science textbook for grade 4 contains: the course program for grade 4, an approximate thematic plan for each semester, detailed recommendations for conducting lessons, comments on all tasks in the textbook. The manual is intended for primary school teachers and computer science teachers. UDC BBK ISBN Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G., 2011 Design. LLC Publishing House "Akademkniga/Textbook", 2012

3 COURSE PROGRAM “INFORMATICS AND ICT” EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of studying computer science in primary school is to form initial ideas about information and its properties, as well as to develop skills in working with information (both with and without the use of computers). The main objectives of the course: to teach students to search, select, organize and use information to solve the problems they face; to develop initial skills in planning targeted educational activities; give an initial understanding of computers and modern information technologies and develop basic computer skills; prepare students for independent mastery of new computer programs based on an understanding of the object structure of modern software; give an idea of ​​the ethical standards of working with information, information security of the individual and the state. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBJECT The general characteristics of the academic subject “Informatics and ICT” are revealed through a description of the main content lines: Information picture of the world. The computer is a universal information processing machine. Algorithms and executors. Objects and their properties. 3

4 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. Grade 4 Ethical standards when working with information and information security. Information picture of the world In the information society, the center of gravity of the educational process moves from memorizing facts and theories to developing the readiness and ability to independently acquire new knowledge. This leads to the first objective of the computer science and ICT course: to teach students to search, select, organize and use information to achieve their goals. This problem is solved throughout the entire period of teaching computer science in elementary school within all sections of the course. Training begins with the introduction in grade 2 of the following concepts: information, sources of information, search, transmission, storage and processing of information. The concept of “information” is considered from the point of view of the semantic theory of information, that is, taking into account its content and meaning. Attention is drawn to the usefulness or uselessness of information for a person from the point of view of the tasks he solves. Information is understood as information about the world around us, as a message about the processes occurring in it. When studying ways of working with information (collection, storage, transmission, processing, use), the main attention is paid to those information processes in which a person is directly involved. In this context, a computer is seen as a machine that exchanges information with a person. First of all, the basic devices of a computer are studied. Devices that receive information are called (input devices: keyboard, mouse, scanner); process it (processor); store (RAM and external memory); transmitted to a person (output devices: monitor, printer). In grade 3, information is considered in the context of the concept of “object”. The set of properties of an object is understood as a static information model of the object, and algorithms for changing the value of properties are understood as a dynamic information model of the process. In grades 3 and 4, various ways of organizing information are discussed: list, table (grade 3); tree, hypertext (4th grade). In parallel with the gradual accumulation of the conceptual apparatus, students perform practical tasks related to: 4

5 Course program “Informatics and ICT” with collecting information through observation, recording the collected information and organizing it in various ways; searching for information in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books and selecting the information necessary to solve the problem; processing information according to formal rules and heuristically. Practical tasks are completed both with and without the use of a computer. In content, these tasks are related to various subjects of the school course and to the life experiences of students. In grades 3 and 4, much attention is paid to tasks of collecting information through direct observation of natural objects and phenomena in the process of communicating with people around them (surveys, interviews, conversations). Primary importance is given to collecting information in the family, in the classroom, and at the school site. The collected information is recorded in writing and organized in the form of lists, tables, trees with or without the help of a computer. The search and selection of information at the initial stages of education (2nd grade) is based primarily on plot drawings, short literary stories, diagrams placed directly in the computer science and ICT textbook. If equipment is available, computer programs that are part of the methodological complex can be used for the same purpose. In grades 3 and 4, textbooks on other subjects, children's encyclopedias, dictionaries, and reference books are also used for this purpose. If equipment is available, multimedia encyclopedias and hypertext documents can be used. Information processing according to formal rules is considered mainly within the framework of the section “Algorithms and Executors”. In the process of executing algorithms (created for formal performers), students form educational actions to use the information contained in the plan developed by other people. By composing such algorithms, students learn to independently formulate goals and draw up a plan for achieving these goals based on information about the initial and final state of the performer. The computer is a universal information processing machine. The widespread use of computer technologies in work activities poses the task of developing practical skills in using various computer technologies. 5

6 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. Grade 4 In this regard, the computer science course in elementary school is tasked with giving an initial understanding of the computer and modern information technologies, as well as developing primary computer skills. This problem is solved in the section “Computer is a universal machine for processing information.” All material is divided into two subsections: fundamental knowledge about the computer and practical work on the computer. The material included in the subsection “Fundamental knowledge of computers” is studied both with and without the necessary equipment. The material in the subsection “Practical work on a computer” is studied only if the necessary computer equipment is available. Fundamental knowledge about a computer includes: the idea of ​​a computer as a universal machine for processing information; name and purpose of the main computer devices; idea of ​​binary coding of information; understanding of computer software control; idea of ​​computer professions. The idea of ​​a computer as a machine for processing information and binary coding of text information and black and white drawings in a computer is formed in grade 2 in parallel with the study of ways to work with information. The storage of information with and without the use of a computer, information processing by humans and computers are compared. Time is also allocated for studying the structure of a computer in 2nd grade. Some computer devices (monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, scanner) are available for monitoring. Therefore, discussing these devices and their purpose is not difficult. Other devices (disk drives, processor, motherboard) are hidden in the case and, due to the design features, are difficult to see. At the same time, it is the understanding of the operating features of RAM and external disk memory that is of practical importance for the formation of computer skills. The study of these devices, as well as the formation at a visual level of an idea of ​​​​the open architecture of a computer, is based on schematic drawings illustrating the process of assembling a computer from individual devices, a computer program that simulates the process of assembling a computer, as well as making a mock-up of a computer from paper. In textbook 6

7 Course program “Informatics and ICT” there are blanks for the layout and an algorithm for its production. Work on creating a layout can be carried out in computer science lessons. However, it is preferable to organize this work in technology lessons or in extracurricular activities. The idea of ​​program control of a computer is gradually formed in grades 2 and 3. In grade 2, the concept of a program as an instruction for processing information is introduced, and in grade 3 (based on the experience acquired by students in the process of studying the section “Algorithms and Executors”) the idea of ​​a program as an algorithm written in a language understandable to a computer is discussed. In grade 4 (based on the experience with various programs that students acquired during their studies), the topic “Computer Professions” is discussed. Programs for processing text and graphic information, programs for solving computational problems and areas of their application in life are discussed. If the school does not have the necessary equipment and students do not have experience working with a computer, a discussion of this topic is carried out based on the material in the textbook and, if possible, on excursions to places where computers are used (savings banks, railway ticket offices, shops, etc.) . The same subsection of textbooks for grades 2–4 includes hygienic standards for working at a computer. For practical work on a computer, it is recommended to use the software package included in the educational and methodological complex. In grades 3 and 4, various graphic and text editors, keyboard simulators without an imposed rhythm, and a calculator from a set of standard Windows applications can be additionally used. Algorithms and executors The success of the professional activity of a modern person is largely based on the ability to set goals, find alternative ways to achieve goals and choose the optimal one among them. In this regard, the second task of the computer science course in elementary school is to form the initial skills of planning purposeful human activities, including educational activities. Acquaintance with the techniques of activity planning is carried out mainly within the framework of the section “Algorithms and Executors”. 7

8 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. Grade 4 The compilation and execution of algorithms proceeds in two directions: planning human activities and managing formal executors. When compiling algorithms for human activity, much attention is paid to the planning and organization of students’ educational activities, which has a positive impact on the formation of useful general educational skills. The study of various formal performers solves a twofold problem. Firstly, the execution of algorithms created for formal performers contributes to the development of the mental function of accepting an external plan. This is of paramount importance for practical mastery of a computer, since the use of computer information technologies is associated with the formal execution of complex sequences of technological actions (when saving and opening electronic documents, when launching programs, etc.). Therefore, it is important that at the first stage of mastering computer information technologies, the student is able to formally carry out the algorithms proposed by the teacher. Secondly, independent compilation of such algorithms stimulates the active development of algorithmic thinking, which is the basis for the study of almost all disciplines of the school course. If you have the necessary equipment, you can use computer programs that allow, using a system of performer commands, to control the performer in an interactive mode. In this case, in parallel with the skill of composing algorithms, practical skills in working with a keyboard and mouse are formed. Acquaintance with the techniques of activity planning begins in 2nd grade. The concept of an algorithm is introduced as a plan for achieving a goal or solving a problem, consisting of discrete steps. The following features are inherent in mastering educational material at this stage: only linear algorithmic structures are considered; Students are not tasked with independently formulating the goal of the algorithm; it is defined in the statement of each task; initial information for performing practical tasks on drawing up algorithms of human activity for students 8

9 The course syllabus “Informatics and ICT” is derived from a textbook on computer science, observations of the activities of other people and from personal practical experience. Based on the experience of composing algorithms accumulated by the student, the influence on the result of executing algorithms of both the set of instructions and the order of their occurrence in the algorithm is discussed. In grade 3, a more complex algorithmic design, branching, is considered. This makes it possible to complicate the compiled algorithms of human activity. At this stage, students compose algorithms for solving educational problems from various subjects of the school course, which makes it possible to use textbooks in all subjects as sources of information necessary for compiling algorithms. The process of searching and selecting the necessary information is integrated with the process of setting goals and drawing up algorithms for achieving these goals. In grade 3, within the section “Objects and their properties,” students are introduced to concepts such as object, object class, object properties. Mastering the object approach allows you to approach in 4th grade the compilation of algorithms for the functioning of systems consisting of several similar executors. Students create algorithms that change the properties of objects. In this context, the object approach is considered as a means of planning the activities of systems consisting of many executors. In grade 4, algorithmic structures become even more complex. Here we consider loops with preconditions as a means of scheduling cyclically repeated actions. Cyclic processes in nature and in the activities of students are discussed. The use of cyclic algorithms allows you to plan activities for conducting natural science experiments, which allows for the integration of the courses “Informatics” and “The World Around You”. At the same stage, another way of planning complex actions is considered: identifying main and auxiliary algorithms. When identifying the main and auxiliary algorithms in a problem, the method of sequential detailing is used, which students became familiar with in 3rd grade. Objects and their properties Modern office programs, desktop publishing systems, graphic editors and other software have an object structure. As a result, the formation of a university

10 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. Class 4 of greasy educational actions (selecting information objects, determining their structure and sets of essential properties, changing the value of the properties of an object in order to change its appearance or behavior) is a necessary condition for the successful development of modern information and communication technologies. The study of the content area “Objects and their properties” begins in the 3rd grade. The concept of an object and its properties is introduced. Objects of various natures are considered: objects of living and inanimate nature, abstract objects (logical statements, geometric figures), information objects (text documents, tabular models, images). In this case, the concepts “object property name” and “object property value” are distinguished. Based on the commonality of properties of various objects, the concept of a class and subclasses of objects is introduced. The logical conclusion of this content line is the study of the object structure of text and graphic documents and, on this basis, quickly mastering the skills of working in a word processor, graphic editor and presentation editor in the 4th grade. Ethical standards for working with information, personal information security The creation and widespread use of local, corporate and global computer networks poses an acute challenge to ethical standards of behavior on the network. However, discussion of these problems is accessible to elementary school students only if they have practical experience working on the Internet. Within the framework of this section, those aspects of the problem that are based on the personal experience of students are discussed, namely: rules of conduct in the computer class (grade 2); rules for the use of collective storage media (grades 3 and 4); rules for citing literary sources (grade 4). One should return to the content of this material constantly, seeking not only knowledge of these rules, but also their conscious implementation. From the first lesson in computer science, it is important to develop a caring attitude toward computer class equipment and an awareness of the value of both shared information and the student’s personal information. Students must adopt conscious self-restraints when deleting and modifying files. 10

11 Course program “Informatics and ICT” PLACE OF THE SUBJECT IN THE CURRICULUM. VALUES OF EDUCATIONAL CONTENT In accordance with the Model Curriculum for educational institutions using the educational complex “Prospective Primary School”, the academic subject “Computer Science and ICT” is presented in the subject area “Mathematics and Computer Science”, studied from grades 2 to 4 for one hour per week (in 4th grade with a 5-day school week 0.5 hours). Additional opportunities for studying the subject are presented in “Technology” and in “Mathematics” (topic: “Working with data”). The recommended amount of study time for studying the subject is 102 hours. The value guidelines of the educational subject “Computer Science and ICT” are associated with: the development of logical, algorithmic and systems thinking, the creation of prerequisites for the formation of competence in areas related to computer science, the orientation of students towards the formation of self-esteem and an emotionally positive attitude towards others; moral and ethical behavior and assessment, which assumes that the student knows and applies the rules of behavior in the computer class and ethical standards for working with public information and personal information; highlights the moral aspect of behavior when working with information; the ability to understand the value, significance of information in the modern world and its appropriate use, the role of information and communication technologies in the development of the individual and society. PERSONAL, META-SUBJECT AND SUBJECT RESULTS OF MASTERING A SUBJECT Personal results Moral and ethical assessment. An elementary school graduate will know and apply the rules of conduct in a computer class and ethical standards for working with public information and student personal information. The student will be able to highlight the moral aspect of behavior when working with any information and when using computer equipment for collective use. eleven

12 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th grade The student will learn to independently follow the rules for working with files on the corporate network, the rules of behavior in the computer class, the purpose of which is to preserve school property and the health of classmates. Self-determination and meaning formation. The student will be able to find answers to the questions: “What is the meaning of the teaching for me? What is the point of using modern information technologies in the learning process at school and in self-education? He will develop an attitude towards the computer as a tool that allows him to learn independently. A primary school graduate will gain an understanding of the place of information technologies in modern society, the professional use of information technologies, and will understand their practical significance. Meta-subject results of educational activities In the process of studying a course in computer science and ICT, REGULATORY LEARNING ACTIONS are formed (planning and goal setting, control and correction, assessment). Planning and goal setting. A primary school graduate will have the skills to: set educational goals; use an external plan to solve a given problem; plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation. Control and correction. Students will develop the skills to: carry out final and step-by-step control of the implementation of an educational task for the transition of an information learning environment from the initial state to the final state; compare the result of actions with a standard (goal); make adjustments to actions if the result of solving a problem diverges from the previously set goal. Assessment. The student will be able to evaluate the result of his work using test computer programs, as well as independently identify gaps in mastering the course material using special tasks in the textbook. By the end of primary school, in the process of studying a course in computer science and ICT, the student will have formed a number of COGNITIVE LEARNING ACTIONS. 12

13 Course program “Informatics and ICT” General educational universal actions: searching and highlighting the necessary information in the reference section of textbooks, Internet sites indicating sources of information, including site addresses, in hypertext documents included in the methodological kit, as well as in others sources of information; drawing up sign-symbolic models (in the topic “Information Coding”), spatial-graphical models of real objects (in the topics “Computer Design”, “Algorithms and Performers”); use of ready-made graphical process models to solve problems; compiling and using tabular models to solve problems (for recording conditions and solving a logical problem, describing a group of objects of animate and inanimate nature and objects created by man, etc.); using reference notes on the rules for working with unfamiliar computer programs; simultaneous analysis of several heterogeneous information objects (drawing, text, table, diagram) in order to isolate the information necessary to solve a learning task; choosing the most effective ways to solve a learning task depending on specific conditions (drawing algorithms for formal performers); setting and formulating a problem, independently creating activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative nature: creating various information objects using office computer programs, greeting cards, presentations, designing robots. Logical universal educational activities: analysis of objects in order to isolate features with the designation of the name and value of the properties of objects (topics “Objects and their properties”, “Actions of objects”); selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects (solving tasks like “Continue the sequence ...”, topics “Classes of objects”, “Tables”, “Order of records in a table”, “Organization of information in the form of a tree”, “Tree” division 13

14 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th grade into subclasses”, “Cyclic algorithms” tasks for creating algorithms for ordering objects); synthesis as the composition of a whole from parts (topics “Computer structure”, computer programs “Assembling a computer Kid”, “Artist”. Creation of information objects on a computer using ready-made files with pictures and texts, as well as adding elements that are missing according to the student’s plan); building a logical chain of reasoning. Upon completion of the course “Informatics and ICT”, the graduate will learn to: search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, including hypertext ones; collect information through observation, survey, experiment and record the collected information, organizing it in the form of lists, tables, trees; use symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve problems; the basics of semantic reading with the selection of information necessary to solve an educational problem from texts, tables, diagrams; carry out analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features; choose grounds and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects; establish analogies; build a logical chain of reasoning; carry out summarization of concepts based on object recognition, identification of essential features and their synthesis; generalize, that is, identify commonality for a whole series or class of individual objects based on identifying an essential connection; carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: to select the most effective ways to solve problems; consciously master general problem solving techniques; 14

15 Course program “Informatics and ICT” formulate problems, independently create activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and search nature. The subject results of studying the course “Informatics and ICT” are presented in the “Course Contents” section. Planned results of mastering the curriculum in the subject “Informatics and ICT” by the end of the 4th year of study. The graduate should have an idea of: the reliability of information; the value of information for solving a given problem; directions of computer use; the concept of “tree” and its structure; the concept of “file” (if equipment is available); file tree structure (if equipment is available); cyclical repetition of actions; action as an attribute of an object class; coordinate system associated with the monitor. The graduate will learn: to use the rules for citing literary works; give examples of different types of information and name technical means for working with each type of information; find paths in a tree from the root to the specified vertex; create a small graphic or text document using a computer and write it as a file to the current directory (if equipment is available); launch programs from the Start menu (if available); write the file to a personal folder with the help of a teacher (if equipment is available); give examples of using a computer to solve various problems; use simple cyclic algorithms to plan human activities; compose and execute simple algorithms containing linear, conditional and cyclic algorithmic structures for familiar formal performers; 15

16 Computer science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th grade give examples of different algorithms with the same result; give examples of actions of objects of the specified class. The graduate will have the opportunity to learn: create a graphic or text document using a computer and write it as a file in the current directory; write the file to a personal folder; use a computer to solve various problems; use cyclic algorithms to plan human activities; compose and execute algorithms containing linear, conditional and cyclic algorithmic structures for familiar formal performers; give examples of different algorithms with the same result; give examples of actions of objects of the specified class. CONTENT AND THEMATIC PLANNING OF THE COURSE Grade 4 (34 hours) Information picture of the world (11 hours) Types of information Text, numerical, graphic, audio information. Technical means of transmitting, storing and processing information of various types (telephone, radio, TV, computer, calculator, camera). Collection of various types of information necessary to solve a problem through observation, measurements, and interviewing. Reliability of the information received. Searching and selecting the necessary information in textbooks, encyclopedias, reference books, catalogs suggested by the teacher. The value of information for solving a given problem. Methods of organizing information Organizing information in the form of a tree. Creating trees of different structures manually or using a computer (concept division tree, directory tree). Decision tree. Recording a decision tree for simple games. 16

17 Course program “Informatics and ICT” Computer is a universal machine for processing information (7 hours) Fundamental knowledge about computer Computer professions. Programs for processing text, graphic and numerical information, creating multimedia presentations and their areas of application. Computers and society. The coordinate system associated with the monitor. Coordinates of the object on the monitor in symbolic and graphic mode. Hygienic standards for working on a computer. Practical work on a computer (if equipment is available) Launching programs from the Start menu. Storing information on external media in the form of files. File tree structure. Finding a path to a file in a file tree. Writing files to a personal directory. Create text and graphic documents and save them as files. Drawing tools (circle, rectangle, pencil, brush, fill). Algorithms and executors (8 hours) Cyclic algorithm Cyclic processes in nature and in human activity. Repeating actions in the algorithm. Cyclic algorithm with postcondition. Using variables in the body of a loop. Algorithms for ordering in ascending or descending order of the numerical characteristics of objects. Creation and execution of cyclic algorithms for formal executors. Planning human activities using cyclic algorithms. Auxiliary algorithm Main and auxiliary algorithms. The name of the auxiliary algorithm. Calling the auxiliary algorithm. Objects and their properties (7 hours) Changing the value of object properties Actions performed by an object or on an object. Action as an attribute of an object. Actions of objects of the same class. Actions that change the values ​​of properties of objects. An algorithm that changes the properties of an object, like a dynamic information model of an object. Razra- 17

18 Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit. Class 4 of a bot of algorithms that change the properties of an object, for formal performers and humans. Ethical standards when working with information and information security (1 hour) Actions on files (creation, modification, copying, deletion). User rights to change, delete and copy the file. Rules for citing literary sources. MAIN TYPES OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS The program presents the types of educational activities of students when mastering the main content lines of the course. Information picture of the world: searching for information in the reference section of a textbook, in the reference section of computer programs, in hypertext documents, etc.; selection of information necessary to solve a learning task from a text, an ordered list, a table, a tree, a picture, a diagram; collecting information necessary to solve a problem through observation, measurements, and interviewing. Recording the collected information; searching for patterns in the collected information; drawing up sign-symbolic models; creating ordered lists of objects; creating tables (describing a class of objects, recording the results of a computer experiment, solving logical problems); creation of information objects using computer programs (text documents, drawings, presentations). A computer is a universal information processing machine: working with computer programs included in the methodological kit in order to develop the ability to use a keyboard, mouse, and graphical computer interface; passing computer mini-tests; entering information into the program using multiple choice buttons and radio buttons; 18

19 Course program “Informatics and ICT” creating information objects on a computer, saving files to a personal directory; searching for files in the computer file system and opening files; independent mastery of previously unfamiliar computer programs; performing a computer experiment. Recording the results of the experiment. Analysis of the experimental results and formulation of conclusions. Algorithms and executors: execution of formal executor algorithms; execution of algorithms for organizing student educational activities; drawing up algorithms for transferring the learning information environment from the initial state to the final state; creating algorithms for performing a creative task; drawing up algorithms for formal performers; debugging of algorithms (comparing the results of algorithm execution in order to detect discrepancies and changes in the algorithm); determining the truth of simple and complex logical statements; compiling simple and complex logical statements to select the continuation of actions in conditional and cyclic algorithms; performing laboratory work in accordance with this algorithm; drawing up algorithms for performing laboratory work; creating a graphical model of a sequence of actions on a computer. Objects and their properties: analysis of objects in the surrounding world in order to identify their properties; searching for an object by describing its properties; ordering the list of objects in descending or ascending order of property value; dividing a set of objects into classes based on common properties. Creating a tree of division into subclasses; 19

20 Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th class division of an information object into the objects of which it consists (determination of the structure of the information object); using the object structure of an information object to master new computer programs. Ethical standards when working with information and information security: compliance with hygienic standards for working at a computer, rules of behavior in a computer class, rules for working with public and personal files; compiling a list of information sources used in the project. SYSTEM OF TASKS ORIENTED ON THE FORMATION OF UUD Personal UUD Ethical standards for working with collective information and personal information of the student. Formation of skills to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, highlight the moral aspect of behavior when working with any information and when using computer technology for collective use. Moral and ethical assessment Mastering the main content of the sections “Ethical standards for working with information, personal information security”, creating various information objects using a computer. Compliance with the rules for working with files on the corporate network, rules of conduct in the computer class, the purpose of which is to preserve school property and the health of classmates. Self-determination and meaning formation Formation of stable educational and cognitive motivation for learning, the ability to find answers to the questions: “What meaning does learning have for me? What is the point of using modern information technologies in the learning process at school and in self-education? The use of special training programs in the Computer Science course that form an attitude towards the computer as a tool that allows you to learn independently. 20

21 Course program “Informatics and ICT” A system of tasks illustrating the place of information technologies in modern society, the professional use of information technologies, promoting awareness of their practical significance. Regulatory UUD System of tasks, the purpose of which is to develop in students the ability to set educational goals; use an external plan to solve a given problem; plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; carry out final and step-by-step control; compare the result with the standard (goal); make adjustments to actions if the result of solving a problem deviates from the previously set goal, etc. Planning and goal setting A system of tasks directly related to the formation of actions for independent goal setting, analysis of several heterogeneous information objects (drawing, text, table, diagram), in order highlighting the necessary information. Control and correction A system of tasks like “Create an algorithm and execute it” as the creation of an information environment for drawing up an action plan for the formal executors of algorithms for the transition from the initial state to the final state. Comparison of the method of action and its result (compliance of the final state of the performer with the goal set in the task). Making corrections to the algorithm if deviations from the method of action and its result from a given standard are detected. Creation of information objects as independent planning of work on a computer, comparison of information objects created on a computer with a standard, making changes if necessary. Assessment A system of tasks from the “Your Successes” section, as well as all tasks for which you need to use the material studied over the past six months to complete independently. Cognitive UUD General educational universal actions 1. Search and highlight the necessary information in the reference section of textbooks (excerpts from reference books, encyclopedias, Internet sites indicating sources of information, including website addresses - 21

22 Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th class comrade), in hypertext documents included in the methodological kit, as well as in other sources of information. 2. Sign-symbolic modeling: tabular models (for recording conditions and solving a logical problem, describing a group of objects of living and inanimate nature and objects created by man); supporting notes, sign-symbolic models. 3. Meaningful reading: working with various reference information sources. 4. Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms for solving problems of a creative nature: creation of various information objects using office computer programs, greeting cards, presentations, design of robots. Logical UUD 1. Selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects: topics “Organization of information in the form of a tree”, “Tree of division into subclasses” and “Cyclic algorithms” tasks for creating algorithms for ordering objects. 2. Creating information objects on a computer using ready-made files with pictures and texts, as well as adding elements that are missing according to the student’s plan. Construction of a logical chain of reasoning. Communicative UUD 1. Completing practical tasks involving work in pairs, laboratory work involving group work. 2. Activities of students in extracurricular activities (children's computer festival, team competitions). MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Conceptual and theoretical foundations of the educational complex “Prospective Primary School” Churakova R.G. The space of tension of meaning in the educational methodological set “Prospective Primary School” (Conceptual foundations of a personality-oriented post-developmental system of education and training). M.: Academic book/Textbook. 22

23 Course program “Informatics and ICT” Churakova R.G. Technology and aspect analysis of a modern lesson in primary school. M.: Academic book/Textbook. Design of the main educational program of an educational institution / Ed. R.G. Churakova M.: Academic book/Textbook. Educational and methodological literature 4th grade Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer Science and ICT. 4th grade: Textbook in 2 hours. M.: Academic book/Textbook. Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer Science and ICT. 4th grade: Methodological manual for teachers. M.: Academic book/Textbook. Pautova A.G. Computer Science and ICT. Grade 4: A set of computer programs and tasks. Methodological manual + SD. M.: Academic book/Textbook. In order to fully ensure the planned results of studying a course in computer science and ICT, the educational process must be provided with: computers, educational computer programs included in the methodological set of the authors Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G., programs for processing information of various types (text processor, graphics editor, presentation editor, calculator). When dividing the class into groups, 13 computers are required. The training programs of the methodological kit work with the following operating systems: Windows 98/200/XP/Vista/7, MacOS X, Linux. In the absence of a sufficient number of computers, you can use the methodological kit for computer-free teaching of the course. The textbook contains practical tasks that replace computer work. At the same time, personal, regulatory, cognitive universal educational actions will be formed that are not directly related to the use of a computer.

24 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS structure of the completed subject line The completed subject line includes: a textbook in two parts; this methodological manual; methodological guide for the joint use of a computer science textbook and textbooks on the surrounding world and mathematics; 8 disk containing computer support programs for the textbook (for IBM compatible computers, Windows 98/2000/XP and for Macintosh computers, OC X and older), as well as tasks for working in the Paint graphic editor and the MS Word word processor; 8 methodological guide to the disk with computer support programs for the textbook. Computer support programs are necessary to acquire practical computer skills while mastering current material. The textbook provides tasks that can be completed both in a textbook and/or a squared notebook, and on a computer (working with a computer support program), which is usually preferable. The teacher can also organize a combined task, partly in a textbook and/or a squared notebook, partly on a computer. Structure of the textbook The textbook consists of two parts. Each part is designed for six months. It contains: main section; section YOUR SUCCESSES, designed for monitoring and self-control of mastering the material of the first half of the year; 24

25 General recommendations and explanations section ADDITIONAL TASKS; REFERENCE section. Additional tasks in the first part of the textbook are devoted to the same goals as the main tasks, but are usually presented slightly differently and have different levels of difficulty (usually higher than the main tasks, but there are also tasks of the same or lower level). These, like the large variety of activities on the textbook's computer support disk, help vary instruction depending on grade level, individual students, and the actual time that can be allocated to computer science. Additional tasks in the second part of the textbook are divided into two sections: “Parade of Algorithm Performers” and “Ways of Organizing Information.” These sections contain tasks necessary to summarize and repeat the material of the entire course on two main topics (“Algorithms and executors”, “Organization of information in the form of lists, tables, trees”). These tasks can be used, on the one hand, to vary the complexity and implement an individual approach to students and the class as a whole. On the other hand, they can act as the main material for non-computer learning of computer science. The reference section, in addition to the information the student needs to complete a number of tasks, contains background notes on the topics “Working with files in the Windows environment,” “Microsoft Word word processor,” and “Microsoft Paint graphic editor.” In each lesson, four tasks are expected to be completed, of which the third can be completed on a computer. Such a task is marked with a special sign, next to which the name of the program is written. 8 All the necessary information about the programs, their use in lessons, the purposes of each practical work on the computer is given in the methodological manual on the disk with computer support programs for the textbook. The fourth task is recommended as homework. Sometimes homework can be done in lessons in other subjects (art, labor, the world around us). Each new topic in the main section begins with theoretical material; then follow the tasks, some of which also contain 25

26 Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit. 4th grade explanation. It is recommended to present theoretical material in the form of a conversation. The teacher presents theoretical material and along the way asks the children questions or gives small tasks proposed in the theoretical part of the section. These questions and assignments are marked in the textbook with a blue question mark. At the beginning of the textbook (on the second page of the cover) there are “helper signs” familiar to children from textbooks in grades 2 and 3. The textbook also uses signs that are not listed in the list of assistant signs due to the obviousness of their purpose. These are: a blue question mark at the beginning of a paragraph, a symbol of a question asked of children, or a small task in the theoretical part that begins a section of the textbook; the line separating the tasks from the theoretical part; a line separating two groups of tasks in the “Your successes” section. The main topics of the first part of the textbook The first part of the textbook contains theoretical material and assignments on the following topics: algorithms and executors; organizing information in the form of a tree; coordinate system associated with the monitor. Topic “Algorithms and Executors” This topic continues familiarization with various algorithmic designs. The theoretical material of the second lesson introduces the concept of a cycle. The textbook discusses only one type of loop with a postcondition, since this type of loop relates to basic algorithmic constructions. The main focus is on developing skills in executing ready-made cyclic algorithms and filling in gaps in algorithms. Many cyclic algorithms are associated with the implementation of such laboratory work as “Searching for the lightest object using scales without weights”, “Determining the angle of inclination of a cannon barrel at which the cannonball’s flight range is greatest”, etc. These laboratory works can be carried out virtually, then eat using specially developed programs, or actually using laboratory equipment (scales, water container, gun model, etc.). Some lessons on creating mock-ups and conducting laboratory work can be integrated with lessons on work and the surrounding world. 26

27 General recommendations and explanations In Lesson 10, the concept of an auxiliary algorithm is introduced. Tasks related to the identification of an auxiliary algorithm prepare students for the perception of the material of the second quarter on the topic “The Artist of Algorithms”, as well as the material of the fourth quarter on the topics “Actions of an Object”, “The Influence of the Actions of an Object on the Value of Properties”. Topic “Organizing information in the form of a tree” In the seventh lesson, the concept of a tree is introduced as a way of organizing information about the connections between objects. Various examples of trees are considered, including a family tree, a tree of dividing objects into subclasses, and a tree of object structure. The file system of a modern computer has a tree structure. Recording information on external media and searching for previously recorded files require students to be able to navigate tree structures. Completing tasks on this topic prepares students for practical work with the computer file system when writing text and graphic files created in text and graphic editors to disk (III quarter). Topic “Coordinate system associated with the monitor” In the 12th lesson of the first half of the year, the concept of a rectangular coordinate system associated with the monitor is introduced. In the same lesson, students become acquainted with the algorithm executor, the Artist; auxiliary algorithms are given for it, the parameters of which are the coordinates of the monitor points. Completing tasks on this topic prepares students to study a number of sections of the mathematics course in primary school, develops spatial imagination and creative abilities. The main topics of the second part of the textbook The second part of the textbook contains theoretical material and assignments on the following topics: types of information; computer professions; processing text, graphic and numerical information on a computer; actions of objects and actions on objects. Topic “Types of information” The first lesson of the third quarter examines various types of information, identified according to two different criteria: 27

28 Computer Science and ICT. Toolkit. Class 4: human sensory organs that perceive information (visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, taste information); methods of encoding information stored in computer memory (text, graphic, sound, numerical information). This topic includes tasks that repeat material from grades 2 and 3 on binary coding of text and graphic information. In addition, the concept of binary coding of numerical information is given. However, tasks related to binary coding of numerical information can only be performed using a computer or an engineering calculator. Topic “Computer professions. Processing text, graphic and numerical information on a computer” The study of the topic takes up the entire third quarter and requires the mandatory use of computers. Students become familiar with the programs Paint, MS Word, and Calculator, and also learn to save files to a personal folder and open files from a folder with a given name. The figures illustrating the graphical interface of the operating system are based on Windows 98 and Windows OS. If Windows XP is used on school computers, you should choose the classic screen design. In this case, the monitor screen and the textbook drawings on this topic will correspond to each other. The textbook assumes that a folder named “Students” has been created on the computers of the computer class, in which there are folders for each class with the names “4a”, “4b”, etc. In the class folder, students create personal folders, which they call by their last names. Students will save text documents and drawings that they create in personal folders. The Students folder also contains an Assignments folder, which contains pictures and text files needed to complete the assignments in the textbook. Each student is assigned to a specific computer on which his personal folder is located. Auxiliary topics of the textbook In addition to the main topics, the textbook contains tasks related to organizing information in the form of tables, as well as tasks to assess the validity of reasoning of various structures. 28

GBOU State Capital Gymnasium Order from “I Approve” Director of the GBOU GHA Patrikeeva I.D. Work program of additional education “Entertaining computer science” Age of students: 10-11 years.

EXPLANATORY NOTE Goals and objectives of the course The goal of studying computer science in elementary school is to develop initial ideas about information and its properties, as well as skills in working with information

The program is provided by: Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer Science and ICT. 3rd grade. Second generation standards; Textbook in 2 parts; Academic book/Textbook, 2012. Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. Computer science. 3rd grade;


Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 68" (MBOU "School 68") Accepted and recommended for use by the pedagogical council of MBOU "School 68" dated "08/29/2016".

Municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary school 5 with in-depth study of chemistry and biology”, Staraya Russa, Novgorod region CONSIDERED at a meeting of the MC on August 28, 2015 AGREED

Working curriculum in computer science Authors Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. for the educational complex of the “Prospective Primary School” system 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is compiled on the basis of the program and textbook

Program in the subject “Informatics and information and communication technologies (ICT)” E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova (102 hours) EXPLANATORY NOTE The purpose of studying computer science in primary school is to form

Contents Explanatory note... 3 General characteristics of the training course... 5 Place of the training course in the curriculum.. 13 Value guidelines for the content of the training course... 13 Personal, meta-subject

Abstract to work programs in computer science and ICT grades 3-4 Program in computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) E.P. Benenson, A.G. Pautova This program “Informatics and ICT”

1. Explanatory note The work program for the academic subject “Informatics” for primary school was developed and compiled in accordance with the federal state educational standard of the second

Shtelmakh E.D. GOU Secondary School 306 Formation of universal educational activities in computer science lessons in primary school In the process of studying computer science and information technology in primary school, the

E.P. BENENSON, A.G. PAUTOVA INFORMATICS and ICT 2nd GRADE Methodical manual Moscow Academbook/Textbook 2012 UDC 373.167.1 BBK 74.263.2 b46 When reading this methodological manual, pay attention to the icons:

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 77" I APPROVED: The program is recommended by the Director of the MBOU "Secondary for work by the pedagogical general education council

Working curriculum in computer science Authors Benenson E.P., Pautova A.G. for the educational complex of the “Prospective Primary School” system 1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is compiled on the basis of an example program

Program in Computer Science and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) H.E. Benenson, A.G. Pautova EXPLANATORY NOTE Given that the “Informatics and ICT” program for 3rd grade students is different based on approximate

Work program for primary education in computer science and ICT, grades 2-4. Work program for computer science and ICT is compiled on the basis of an approximate author's program for computer science, grade 2-4, E.P. Benenson,

Explanatory note Program: Programs of a four-year elementary school “Prospective Elementary School” / R.G. Churakova, M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, A.L. Chekin, G.V. Trafimova, L.A. Tsareva, I.B. Mylova,

WORK PROGRAM IN INFORMATICS UMK "HARMONY" for the level of primary education for the 2016-2017 academic year The program was compiled by: Puzach V.S. Osipova A.I. Talaeva S.G. Tyutlyaeva E.B. Abdrakhmanova N.B. Sivkova

1 Explanatory note During the transition to the information society, one of the most important aspects of human activity is the ability to quickly and efficiently work with information, involving

MBOU Lyceum 73 of Penza “Lyceum of Information Systems and Technologies” Considered at a meeting of the Moscow Educational Institution for teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science, protocol 1 dated 08.29.2016 and recommended for consideration at the pedagogical

Appendix to the order of the director of MBOU "School 68" L.I. Starchenko dated 07/01/2012 141 Recommended for use at the pedagogical council dated June 26, 2012. 14 Agreed: Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management I.F. Fleck

Approved by the Director of the Municipal Educational Institution “Shumilovskaya Secondary School” E.A. Toropova 206. Reviewed by Deputy. Director for Water Resources Management O.Yu. Skripnichenko 206 Considered at the school methodological association of mathematics teachers Head

Municipal government educational institution "Secondary school of the village of Primalkinsky" Prokhladnensky district of the Kabardino-Balkaria WORKING PROGRAM IN COMPUTER SCIENCE FOR 3 CLASSES MCOU "Secondary school of the village of Primalkinsky"

State budgetary educational institution secondary school 182 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg REVIEWED AGREED APPROVED at a meeting of the Moscow Region Deputy Director

Work program for extracurricular activities (club) “Informatics” for 4th grade. Explanatory note. The work program was developed on the basis of the following regulatory documents and methodological recommendations:

I. Planned results of mastering the work program Expected result 1. Upon completion of training, students must demonstrate developed skills and abilities to work on a computer and apply them in practical work

Abstract to the work program in computer science for grades 5-7 The study of computer science and ICT in grades 5-7 is aimed at achieving the following goals: the formation of general educational skills based on means

MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "TECHNICAL LYCEUM OF VLADIVOSTOK" WORK PROGRAM for the academic subject "Informatics" for grade 0 for the 206-207 academic year COMPLIED BY: Plotitsyn

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 4 in Baltiysk Work program of the educational subject “Informatics and ICT” 7th grade Baltiysk 2017 Explanatory note

Contents 1. Explanatory note... 3 2. General characteristics of the course of extracurricular activities...... 6 3. Description of the place of the course in terms of extracurricular activities... 15 4. Personal, meta-subject and subject

EXPLANATORY NOTE The work program is compiled in accordance with the main provisions of the federal state educational standard for basic general education, the author's program of L.L.

I. Explanatory note The work program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education, an approximate primary program

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE to the work program in the subject "Informatics and ICT" in 8 correspondence classes for the 2016-2017 academic year Informatics is the science of the patterns of information processes in systems

Secondary school with in-depth study of a foreign language at the Russian Embassy in the UK AGREED at the meeting of the MS (Zubov S.Yu.) September 10, 2014 APPROVED by the school director

N. K. Natelauri COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ICT Course program Lesson-thematic planning Grade 2 The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education and is provided with textbooks

I APPROVED Acting Director of GBOU Secondary School 892 M.A. Kadashova September 01, 2014 Work program of extracurricular activities in the general intellectual direction “Entertaining computer science” For 3rd grade students Deadline

Explanatory note The work program for extracurricular activities “My friend the computer” is developed based on the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education,

Abstract to the work program in computer science. 5th grade. 1. The computer science program for primary school is compiled in accordance with: the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

MUNICIPAL STATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL MKOU "Sredneikoretskaya Secondary School" Considered Agreed Approved at a meeting of the methodological deputy director for

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Abstract to the work program “Informatics and ICT” Status of the document The work program in computer science for grades 7-10 was created on the basis of the teaching materials of L.L. Bosova. "Computer science. Program for primary school: 5-6 grades.

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Explanatory note This work program is compiled for 6 classes based on an example program in computer science and ICT (system information concept). St. Petersburg: Peter, 2009. 128 p. edited by

Planned results of mastering the academic subject “Informatics” Personal results: 6th grade, the presence of ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the individual, state, and society;

Methodological materials for lesson analysis in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO Leading aspects of lesson analysis Leading aspects of lesson analysis Didactic task of the lesson (brief evaluative analysis) Contents

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Working curriculum in COMPUTER SCIENCE for 7th grade students for the 206/207 academic year Compiled by: Olga Yuryevna Monakhova, computer science teacher of the first qualification category Explanatory note