Speech warm-ups for elementary school children. Speech warm-ups during literary reading lessons in elementary school

1. Speech warm-up

Target speech warm-up is to set children up for work, so that children realize the range of their voices, to instill a certain culture of using the speech apparatus, to instill in students a sense of responsibility for both what they say and how they pronounce speech, so that children learn to pay attention to the performing side of their own and others’ speech. Speech technique exercises are necessary for almost all students: for some they help correct speech deficiencies, for others not to lose previously acquired skills, for everyone they allow them to tune in to the lesson and prepare their speech apparatus for speaking.

Speech warm-up is aimed at solving several problems: improving the clarity of pronunciation, developing diction, and proper breathing; In addition, it contributes to the formation of expressive speech and the development of basic techniques of expressive reading.

Speech warm-up includes several stages:

First stage speech warm-up breathing exercises, since proper speech breathing is the basis of speech. This stage of the warm-up solves the following problems: teach to distinguish the elements of speech breathing (inhalation, exhalation, holding the breath, drawing in air); develop the ability to take the correct breath (through the nose); teach how to “increase lung capacity” through properly distributed air; develop the ability to exhale correctly.

Second phase speech warm-ups are articulation exercises, the purpose of which is to “warm up” the muscles of the tongue, cheeks, lips, which will provide them with the greatest mobility when speaking (“delicious jam”, “let’s brush your teeth”, “horse”, etc.)

At the third stage speech warm-up, we call it “Don’t get lost in sounds!”, you need to demonstrate the semantic-discriminating function of clear articulation of sounds, achieve clear pronunciation of words or groups of words that are similar in sound composition, and be able to hear articulatory defects in your own and others’ speech.

At the fourth stage, we call it “Don’t break your tongue”, we are working on pronouncing different combinations of sounds; We demonstrate examples of clear pronunciation of tongue twisters at any pace. We start with short, easy texts. The main task: to teach how to pronounce each sound clearly, pay attention to the work of the lips, the position of the tongue, and proper breathing.

2. Breathing warm-up

Breathing warm-up is an effective method of kinesiotherapy, it increases the volume of exhaled and inhaled air, followed by localization of the output, trains its depth, rhythm, in every possible way promoting the establishment of diaphragmatic-speech breathing, necessary for the correction of various speech anomalies.

2.1. Breathing exercises


The child is invited to blow on cotton wool, small pieces of paper, and fluff, and thereby turn an ordinary room into a snow-covered forest. The child's lips should be rounded and slightly extended forward. It is advisable not to puff out your cheeks when performing this exercise.

"Magic Bubbles"

Invite your child to play with soap bubbles. He can blow soap bubbles himself, but if he can’t blow or doesn’t want to practice, then you blow the bubbles, directing them at the child. This encourages the baby to blow on the bubbles to prevent them from hitting him.


Invite your child to stick out his narrow tongue forward, lightly touching the glass vial with the tip of his tongue. Blow air onto the tip of your tongue so that the bubble whistles like a pipe.

"Flower shop"

Invite your child to take a deep, slow breath through his nose, smelling an imaginary flower, to choose the most fragrant flower for his grandmother or mother. You can use various scented sachets for this game, but they should not have strong odors, should not be dusty and should not be brought too close to the nose.


This exercise can be performed to the sounds of a march: on the weak beat of the melody, inhale and “move the scythe” to the side, on the strong beat, exhale and “swing the scythe.”

"Snow and Wind"

Small pieces of cotton wool are rolled into small balls - “snow” - and laid out on the table. The child is asked to blow on the “snow” like a cold winter wind. In this case, the “clumps of snow” should slowly move to the opposite edge of the table.

"Who's hiding?"

On an object picture the size of a quarter of a landscape sheet, we glue corrugated paper cut with fringe on one edge. It turns out that the picture is under thin strips of corrugated paper. The child is asked to blow on the paper fringe until it rises and the picture becomes visible.


This is an exercise with a piece of cotton wool, which prepares you for pronouncing the sound [r]. The cotton wool is placed on the tip of the nose. The child is asked to stretch out his tongue, bend its tip up and blow on the cotton wool to blow it off his nose.


The child is asked to blow on the flame of a burning candle so as not to blow it out, but only to slightly deflect the flame. You need to blow for a long time, carefully, slowly.


The exercise is similar to the exercise “Who is hiding?” Visual material in the form of trees is made of corrugated paper (crown of a tree), onto which it is proposed to blow.

"Warming our hands"

The child is asked to control the exhalation with his palms - we blow on his palms. We use the same exercise when producing whistling and hissing sounds. The child uses his palm to control the correctness of his pronunciation. If the “breeze” is cold, “winter,” then the sound [s] is pronounced correctly. When pronouncing the sound [w], the “breeze” is warm, “summer”, the palms warm up.

Wind and leaves"

Inhale as you exhale, swaying with your arms raised, pronounce “F” for a long time, then on one exhalation, pronounce the sound “P” step by step and gradually lower your hands down (leaves fall).


Inflate the bubble, inflate big, but be careful not to burst... Burst: sh-sh-sh-sh (arms spread to the sides, clap)


Count as you exhale from 1 to 5 and back; get air - count to 5; get air from 5 to 1.


The cat was inflating the balloon, and the kitten was stopping her: He came up and pawed - stomp! And the cat has a ball - pop! Sh-Sh-Sh...


Take a deep breath - as you exhale, count loudly until the air runs out

Once upon a time a bee made honey
Brought to the hive (deep breath) once by a bee, twice by a bee...

"Bear Cubs"

Imagine that the children are little bear cubs and ask the mother bear for food. Words must be pronounced in a drawn-out, bass voice, clearly pronouncing the sound “M”.

Mom, I wish we could.
Mom, could we have some milk?
Mom, could we have some raspberries, etc.


Roll up a cotton ball and place two cubes as gates. The child must blow on the ball and drive it into the gate.

"Spray your laundry with water"(in one step, three, five)

Take a deep breath and simulate splashing water on your laundry.

"Leaf Fall"

Cut out various autumn leaves from colored paper and explain to your child what leaf fall is. Invite your child to blow on the leaves so that they fly. Along the way, you can tell which leaves fell from which tree.


Cut out butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Invite the child to blow on the butterfly so that it flies (while making sure that the child makes a long, smooth exhalation).

2.2. Exercises according to the method of A.N. Strelnikova

Rules for performing breathing exercises according to the method

1. Think about breathing through your nose, train it. Inhale sharply, short (like clapping your hands).
2. Exhalation leaves after inhalation on its own through the mouth. Do not hold and push out the exhalation. Inhalation is extremely active (through the nose), exhalation is absolutely passive (through the mouth).
3. Inhalation is done simultaneously with the movements. In Strelnikov breathing exercises there is no inhalation without movement, and no movement without inhalation.
4. All breaths are taken at the pace of the drill (everyone has seen how the soldiers march).
5. Counting in Strelnikov breathing gymnastics does not go by 5 and 10, as in traditional, but only by 8. Count mentally, not out loud.

The first exercise is “Palms”. I. p.: straight, bend your elbows (elbows down) and “in the palm of the viewer” - “psychic pose.” Take noisy, short, rhythmic breaths through your nose and at the same time clench your palms into fists (grasping movements)
Make sure that your shoulders do not rise as you inhale. Take 4 sharp, rhythmic breaths through your nose (that is, “sniff” 4 times). Then lower your arms, rest for 3-4 seconds - pause. Take 4 short breaths, pause again. Remember! Active inhalation through the nose and passive exhalation through the mouth. Normal: “sniff” your nose 24 times, 4 times.

Second exercise - “Epaulettes.” I. p.: straight. Clench your hands into fists and press them to your belt. At the moment of inhalation, push your fists down towards the floor, as if doing push-ups from it (shoulders tense, arms straight reaching towards the floor). Then return your hands to their original position at waist level. The shoulders are relaxed - the breath is gone. Do not raise your hands above your waist. Do not 4 inhalation-movements in a row, but 8. Then rest for 3-4 seconds and again 8 inhalation-movements. Norm: “follow” with your nose 12 times 8 times.

Third exercise – “Pump”(inflating the tire). I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width. Make a slight lean forward (reach your hands towards the floor, but do not touch it) and at the same time take a sharp and short breath through your nose in the second half of the lean. The inhalation should end with the bending. Raise yourself slightly, but do not straighten, and bend down again with a short, noisy inhalation. Take a rolled up newspaper (stick) in your hands and imitate inflating a car tire.
Do the bends rhythmically and easily, do not bow low, bending at the waist is quite enough. The back is round, not straight, the head is lowered.
Remember! You need to “inflate the tire” at the pace of a marching march. Do not do 8 inhalations-movements in a row, but 16. Then rest for 3-4 seconds and again 16 inhalations-movements. The exhalation leaves after each inhalation independently (passively) through the mouth.

Fourth exercise – “Cat”(squat with rotation). I. p.: stand straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart (the soles of your feet in this exercise should not come off the floor). Do a light dancing squat and at the same time as you squat, turn your torso to the right - take a sharp, short breath. Then the same squat with a turn to the left, and also a short, noisy breath in through the nose. Right-left, inhale on the right - inhale on the left.
Exhalations go away on their own between inhalations. Bend your knees slightly and straighten (the squat is light, springy, do not squat deeply). Make grasping movements with your hands on the right and left at waist level. The back is absolutely straight, turning only at the waist. Do not 16 inhalations-movements in a row, but 32. Then rest for 3-4 seconds and again 32 inhalations-movements. Norm: do 3 times 32 inhalations-movements (32 + 32 + 32 = 96 – 1 Strelnikov “hundred”).

Fifth exercise – “Hug your shoulders”(inhale while compressing the chest). I. p.: Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Throw your arms towards each other all the way, as if hugging yourself by the shoulders, and at the same time with each “hug” sharply “sniff” your nose. At the moment of the “hug,” your hands go parallel to each other (and not crosswise), do not change them under any circumstances! them (it doesn’t matter which hand is on top - right or left)! Don’t spread it wide apart and don’t strain it.
Having mastered this exercise, you can slightly tilt your head back at the moment of counter movement of your arms (inhale from the ceiling). Normal: take 3 times 32 breaths-movements. Rest after each “thirty” (32 breaths-movements) – 3 – 4 seconds.

Sixth exercise – “Big Pendulum”(“Pump” + “Hug your shoulders”). I. p.: stand straight, feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. Bend forward - arms reach towards the floor (inhale). And immediately, without stopping (slightly! bending at the waist), bend back - arms hug shoulders. And also inhale. Bow forward - lean back, inhale from the floor - inhale from the ceiling. The exhalation goes out on its own in the interval between inhalations (do not hold or push out the exhalation).

3. Articulation gymnastics

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs involved in the speech process.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds.

Articulatory gymnastics includes exercises similar to those of regular gymnastics, only they are intended for the organs of articulation.

The mobility and accuracy of the organs of articulation: tongue, lips, small uvula (velum palatine) is one of the main conditions for the correct sound of vowels and consonants. The most mobile organ of articulation, on which the quality of pronunciation of sounds depends, is the tongue. Most of the exercises in articulatory gymnastics relate specifically to the tongue as the most working organ.

The tip of the tongue can fall behind the lower teeth (as with the sounds [s, z, ts]), can rise behind the upper teeth (sounds [t, d, n]), can press against the alveoli (sound [l]), can vibrate under the pressure of the exhaled stream of air (sound [r]).

The front part of the back of the tongue, without the participation of the tip of the tongue, can rise to the alveoli, forming a gap with them (sounds [s, z, ts]), can rise to the palate along with the tip of the tongue and form a gap with it (sounds [sh, zh, sch] ).

The middle part of the tongue is not as mobile. Without moving the front or back of the tongue, it can only rise towards the hard palate, this movement is necessary when pronouncing the sound [th] and all soft sounds.

The back of the tongue can rise and close with the palate (sounds [k, g]), or form a gap with it when producing the sound [x].

The lateral edges of the tongue can rise, pressing against the inner surface of the molars, and not allow an outgoing stream of air to pass into the side (sounds [s, z, ts, sh, zh, sch, ch, r]), they can lower and allow a stream of air to pass through (sound [l]).

Lip mobility also plays a significant role in the formation of sounds. The lips can stretch into a tube (sound [u]), they can be rounded (sound [o]), stretch into a smile (sounds [i, ы]). When pronouncing sounds [s, z, ts, l] and others, the lips should slightly expose the upper and lower teeth and move slightly forward when pronouncing the sounds [sh, z]. But the lower lip has the greatest mobility; it is active when we pronounce the sounds [p, b, m, v, f].

The lower jaw can be lowered and raised, this is important for the distinct sound of vowels.

  • At first, the exercises must be performed slowly. It is useful to ask your child leading questions. For example: what do lips do? What does the tongue do? Where is it located (up or down)?
  • Then the pace of the exercises can be increased and performed countingly. But at the same time, make sure that the exercises are performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise the exercises are meaningless.
  • When working with children, you need to make sure that they master the basic movements.
  • The requirements are increasing: movements must be clear and smooth, without twitching.
  • Children, performing exercises at a fast pace, are able to hold the tongue position for some time without changes.
  • If during exercise the child’s tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side and the baby cannot maintain the desired position even for a short time, you need to choose easier exercises to relax muscle tone.

3.2. Articulation exercises


Opening your mouth wide means it's hot.
Close your mouth - “cold”.

"Kneading the dough"

Smile, slap your tongue between your lips - “five-five-five-five-five...”.
Bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements).


Open your mouth wide.
Stick out your wide tongue and give it a “cup” shape (i.e. slightly raise the tip of the tongue).


Pull your lips forward with tension (teeth closed)


Smile, exposing your closed teeth with tension.


Lips in a smile.
Open your mouth slightly.
Use the tip of your tongue to stroke ("paint") the palate.


Lips in a smile, mouth open.
The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth.
Curl your tongue, resting the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth.

"Let's catch the mouse"

Lips in a smile.
Open your mouth slightly.
Say “ah-ah” and bite the wide tip of your tongue (catch the mouse by the tail).


Extend your lips.
Open your mouth slightly.
Click with a “narrow” tongue (like a horse’s hooves click).

"The steamer is humming"

Lips in a smile, open mouth.
With tension, say a long “y-y-y...”.

"The elephant drinks"

Stretching your lips forward like a tube, form an “elephant’s trunk.”
“Get some water,” while smacking your lips slightly.

"Turkeys are chatting"

Move your tongue quickly along the upper lip - “ba-ba-ba-ba...”.


Mouth closed.
The tip of the tongue with tension alternately rests on the cheeks.
Hard balls called “nuts” form on the cheeks.


Open your mouth.
The tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.
The tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.


Smile, open your mouth.
Move the tip of the tongue (like a clockwise direction) from one corner of the mouth to the other.


Open your mouth slightly.
Place your wide tongue on your lower lip.


Make a “mushroom” (i.e. suck your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth).
Without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth (do not close your teeth).


Open your mouth.
The tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth - “de-de-de...”.


Place a cotton swab on the tip of your nose.
With a wide tongue, in the shape of a “cup”, pressed to the upper lip, blow the cotton wool up from the nose.

"Put the ball into the goal"

“Push” a wide tongue between your lips (as if you are driving a ball into a goal).
Blow with your tongue pressed between your lips (do not puff out your cheeks).

4. Reading blocks

This stage is aimed mainly at systematic training of the child’s speech apparatus, at early detection of speech defects, as well as at developing the skill of reading whole words. The material for the exercises is the most common paired letter combinations in the Russian language and words with such letter combinations. It is distributed into groups in such a way as to strictly consistently observe the basic principle of learning from simple to complex. The volume of material for the lesson is 20-25 letter combinations and increases according to the increase in the size of the letter combinations themselves (2, 3, 4, 5, etc.). Letter combinations or blocks are written on the board in a column or row. Various placement options on the board help train the eye muscles and develop voluntary attention.

First group of blocks

Integrated reading of two letters standing next to each other.

As you read through these blocks, it is helpful to begin teaching the concept of stress, the stressed syllable. For example, invite children to read the letter combination ga-ga-ga! First, with emphasis on the first syllable, then on the second and on the third. Similar work can be done with the phrase ha-ha-ha! Yes Yes Yes!

These tasks develop the ability to pronounce a word with stress on any given syllable, as well as the skill of determining by ear which syllable is stressed.

Aa wa au ia ee iya ao yaya yay her she
Ey hell ay ay am ap ah! She ate, I ate
Ed ezh izh ik il im if ikh oh!
Om he os from oh osh zhum us uh! Hey!
Eh! South yuz yum yun poison yak yal Yan yar.

Ba-e-e-wo! You're right for it
Ka li lu la mi mu-u-u we me-e-e na
No no but well po ra re si su ta te
That's it! Fu fu! Behind! Heh! Che, chu sha!
Cabbage soup brrr kshsh... tshshsh... shhh...

Ay-ay oh-oh yok-yok oh-oh! Whoa!
Ga-ha-ha yes-yes-yes! Hey Hey!

Second group of blocks.

Reading three-letter combinations and words.

The words of this group are required reading. In the process of reading blocks, not only reading skills are developed and consolidated, but also training of the corresponding parts of the speech apparatus is ensured.

Yeah, bye the ball itself smelled
Out base bull ber won
Vyya dar house bey ate
I'm already sowing the hall for him
Willow teak hill winter top
Tikh biya kar lich hatch
Blooper myth mule cape mer
We have no beggars but wildebeest
Boy crowbar dream ost lot
Osi soup this body that

This rear is the mind of the husband
Godfather Rus spirit Ufa Ufa
Ear ear check chub step
Shield echo of the south tyuz yumu

Third group of blocks

Reading letter combinations with a combination of several consonants at the end of a word.

Boxing board borsch top wolf
Gong drive Yeysk south travel
Louvre backlash clang match brain
Nepr port court punch ridget
Fact feint pound shurf generous

Phrases to read

The walrus was cold, but crawled.
Michael ate borscht and cake.
There was a bolt on the side.

Fourth group of blocks

Reading single-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word.

Block plaques bark glance whack whack
The doctor got into trouble and harmed the college

Where is the stupid count rook vulture
Jazz days days bustard friend waited
Priest ringing evil sign heat bite

Phrases to read

Her cloak was bad.
The class stood at their desks.
My friend is generous.

Fifth group of blocks

Reading the most difficult one-syllable words.

Up swing contribution soared contribution
Gvalt tract Dnepr Dniester drozd
Monster finger motley item warehouse

The meaning of sports pillar experience crackling
Tail Holmes stamp assault

Sixth group of blocks

Reading two-syllable words.

When reading the material of this group of exercises, the recommendations remain in force when reading each syllable: strictly focus on the syllabic vowel that comes after the consonants, but taking into account the fact that the volume of visual perception should be brought to the maximum possible, that is, cover 3-4 and even 5 letters at the same time. The skill of identifying a stressed syllable in any word by auditory perception is also of particular importance. Therefore, in words whose meaning has not yet been clarified, indicate the stress and divide into syllables with a vertical line, for example: ab/surd.

Abbot of the poor I command you to bravo
Absurdity without headlights briquette wreaths
Agan white bronze return

Phrases for reading.

I was carrying bread up.
The Reaper was waiting.
Bad house.
A rook landed on our house.

Seventh group of blocks

Reading words with hard and soft consonants.

When reading the words of this group, it is necessary to once again recall the functional meaning of the solid sign. It is useful to note that the two words sat down and ate are read the same, but mean different actions. To finally clarify the meaning of the words and clarify the reading, the following poem can be suggested.

We were sad, seeing from the spruce tree,
How others sat down below
And our reserves were eaten.

Sat down - ate reception - volume
Shooting - I'm filming - I'm moving in
Arrival - congress took - seized

Phrases for reading.

He led his horse, then rode into the palace.
Our footage of the property was confiscated.

Words with a soft sign at the end.

Life - to be eats - there is a stench - out
Guest – GOST chalk – chalk dal – dal
Ate - spruce let - empty blood - shelter
Raft – flesh touch – throne rice – lynx

Phrases for reading.

Don't go into the depths - there is dirt there.
We walked through the fire, through the dust.

Babe - woman's seed - family
Kolya - stakes of what - whose
I give - Daria abuse - lies

Eighth group of blocks

Reading words and phrases up to three syllables.

There are no special features in practicing this group of words. By this time, the skill of reading words with two syllables is already available. The teacher just needs to be very attentive to the dosage and selection of educational material.

Hell of a Danish homemade
Promotion of money artist
Role dibazol assorted
Knowledge of water freemen
Fever freeze bishop
Rime swing horse

Phrases for reading.

Horsetail, valuable horsetail.
There's not a cloud in the sky - it's hot.

Ninth group of blocks

Reading words, phrases and phrases without limiting possible speech difficulties.

April Lomonosov half width
Basalt common essence
Mirror stepdaughter surname
Transparencies revolution enthusiasm


  1. Primary school plus before and after. No. 7 2010.
  2. Primary school plus before and after. No. 6 2009.
  3. Primary school plus before and after. No. 11 2008.
  4. Primary school plus before and after. No. 11 2007.
  5. Primary school plus before and after. No. 8 2007.
  6. Elementary School. No. 6 2001.
  7. Non-traditional methods in correctional pedagogy / M.A. Povalyaeva. – Rostov-n-D: Phoenix, 2006. – 349 P.
  8. Pavlova N.N.“Just learning to read” / Ill. In Zatselyapina, N. Melnikova. – M.: Publishing House Library of Ilya Reznik; Eksmo Publishing House, 2006. – 64 p., ill.
  9. Reading lessons in 3rd grade. G.M. Guseva, E.N. Morgacheva. M. “Enlightenment”, 2007. – 140 P.
  10. How to overcome difficulties in learning to read. S.N. Kostromina, L.G. Nagaeva. – M.: Axis – 89, 1999.

Card 1.

on - on - on - a pine tree grows in the yard;

but - but - but - tomorrow we will go to the cinema;

an - an - an - pack your suitcase;

in - in - in - did you go to the store?

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Sonya brought raspberries to Zine in a basket.

3.Restore the text.

Posh__ Mu__ na ba__

And buy__self__:

Come__ cockroach__

I'll treat you to tea!

Card 2.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

ta - ta - ta - our house is clean;

you - you - you - all the cats ate the sour cream;

ti - ti - ti - ate almost all the porridge:

te - te - te - we put off sewing;

then - then - then - we started playing lotto;

at - at - at - we take a scooter with us.

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

3.Restore the text.

Va__, Va___ - just__

I bought lo____ without tail___.

Sat down at___ on____

And I went to __________.

Card 3.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

ra - ra - ra - It's time for Katya to sleep;

ro - ro - ro - there is a bucket on the floor;

ry - ry - ry - mosquitoes fly;

or - or - or - we swept the yard;

ar - ar - ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Roma was afraid of thunder,

He roared louder than thunder.

3.Restore the text.

I knocked___ off my feet today -

I have more____ more____.

For two hours he called____

I've been waiting for him for two hours___.

Card 4.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

ri-ra, ra-rya, ru-ryu, ir-er, ar-or-ur.

trry-trra-trre, trro-trru-trry,

Drri-drr-drr, drro-dru-drr.

2. Read the words quickly.

Rod - relatives - native.

Yard - janitor - yard.

Grass - grass - grass.

3. Read the rhyme clearly and clearly.

Taras - bars


At Varvara's

Chickens are old!

4. Read the tongue twister quickly

make no mistake.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Card 5.

1.Read in whole words.

2. Read quickly, finish the word.

...And the pan screamed as it ran......:

“I’m running, ....., ......, I can’t resist ...!”

And behind it are forks, glasses and……. ,

The cups yes…….. are jumping on…….. .

3. Read the whole words at a faster pace.

Card 6.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Sa - sa - sa - _______ is running in the forest;

So – so – so – Vova ____________;

wasps - wasps - wasps - there are a lot of ____ in the clearing;

Su - su - su - it was cold in _____;

Us - Us - Us - ___ is grazing in the meadow.

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

3.Restore the text.

We need, we need minds____________

In the morning______ and evening________,

And the unclean labor ____________

Shame and ________!

S________ and shame!

Card 7.

1.Read in whole words.

2. Read tongue twisters quickly

make no mistake.

The mouse sat in the corner,

I ate a piece of bagel.

Senya carries hay in the canopy.

Senya will sleep on the hay.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.

Sleigh - jump - Senya - off your feet,

Sanya - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead.

Everything is in a snowdrift - bang!

Card 8.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

For - for - for - go home goat.

Zu - zu - zu - we wash Katya in the basin.

Zok - zok - zok - we'll sing one more time.

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

2. Make up a complete sentence.

About a goat.

For-for-for, for-for-for - there is a goat tied here.

Zy-zy-zy, zy-zy-zy…………………….

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu……………………….

For-for-for, for-for-for………………………. .

Card 9.

Son - dream - dirty linen - catfish - himself.

Cat - porridge - helmet - pussy.

Bowl - bear - midge.

2. Say quickly:

The badger was carrying the branch.

3.Restore the text.

The cat caught mice and _________.

Rabbit cabbage leaf ________

Card 10.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Lo – lo – lo - it’s warm outside.

Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.

St – st – st – our chair broke.

Ol - ol - ol - we bought salt.

3.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Lara and Valya are playing the piano.

4.Restore the text.

Boats by sea __________,

People with oars ___________.

Card 11.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

OH – OH – OH – is this your eraser?

AY - AY - AY - warm May has arrived.

HEY – HER – HER – come quickly.

2.Say clearly,





2. Read the tongue twister quickly,

make no mistake.





Card 12.

1.Who is the most attentive?

Read the words in pairs. Who read it better?

2. Read the chains of words.

Tell me who it is.

Siskin - crossbill - tit - swift - magpie.

Rhinoceros-monkey-kangaroo - crocodile.

Puppy – calf – lamb – chick – duckling – foal.

3. Read fluently.

Snow - snowman - snowfall - snowy.

Winter - winterer - winterer - winterer.

Forest - forester - forester - lumberjack - forest

Sea - seafarer - marine - sailor.

Card 13.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Va-va-va - that's tall grass.

You-you-you are even in over your head.

Ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.

Woo-woo-woo - cornflower bouquet to Narva.

Wee-wee-wee - just don’t tear them too much.

2. Read the counting rhyme slowly,

then a little faster

then quickly.

Zealous horse


Jumps across the field

The cornfield is jumping.

He'll catch him

He plays tag with us.

Card 14.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Ka-ku-ko-we should go……. .

Kry – kru – kra – continues…….

2. Read fluently.

Frame – class – put – roller – blade.

Bite - maple - mite - mite - mite.

Mole - circle - cool - rod.

3. Read and pronounce quickly.

Like on a typewriter

Two cute pigs:



And they knock

And they grunt:



cuckoo cuckoo

I bought a hood.

Put on the cuckoo's hood,

How funny he is in the hood!

Card 15.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Ma - ma - ma - I’m at home myself.

Mu - mu - mu - milk for anyone?

Mo - mo - mo - eating popsicle.

We - we - we - we read.

Mi - mi - mi - sing the note "mi".

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

The bear found honey in the forest,

Little honey, many bees.

3.Restore the text.

N-sh- T-n- gr-mk- pl-h-t.

R-n-l- in r-chk-m-ch-k.

D-m- s-v-l- in b-g-z:

d-v-n, h-m-d-n, s-q--zh,

k-rt-n-, k-rz-n-, k-rt-nk-


Card 16.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Du - do - yes - the wires are humming.

Dok-dok-dok - we love to eat honey.

Water - water - water - Aunt Luda is a gardener.

2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Grandfather Dodon played the pipe,

Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

3. Speak – take your time and

look - don't be mistaken.

From a nearby well

Water flows all day long.

In December, in December!

All trees are in silver.

Card 17.

    Read the columns of words.

Make no mistake!

Once every G Aloshu village Horse

And she said: “I am G horse,

On G itare, on G armoshka

I will do it too G O - G Osh!

3. Read in whole words.

What words are these?

Eye - eye - socket - peephole - eye - glazed.


Book - book - book lover - bookseller.

Card 18.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

cha – cha – cha – it’s burning in the room ________;

chu - chu - chu - with a hammer I _________;

och - och - och - came ________.

2.Exercises for intonation:

Watchmaker squinting his eye

He fixes the watch for us.

    Say it with a feeling of joy.

    Say with a feeling of sadness.

    Say it with a feeling of resentment.

3. Read without mistakes.

Say it quickly.

The student learned his lessons,

His cheeks are inky.

Card 19.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Zhu - zhu - zhu - we'll give milk _______;

Zha – zha – zha – ________ has needles;

Zhi – zhi – zhi – _________ live here;

Well - well - it started raining ________;

Jo-jo-jo-meadow, cottage cheese,


2.Read without errors.

Say it quickly.

Siskins, grass snakes, hedgehogs, swifts,

Giraffes, mice and walruses,

Rose hips, tires, reeds,

Cars and pencils.

3. Speak – take your time and

look - don't be mistaken.

Snakes don’t live where hedgehogs live.

Card 20.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Sha - sha - sha - the mother washes the baby.

Shu - shu - shu - I’m writing a letter.

Ash - ash - ash - Marina has a pencil.

2. Read loudly, speak clearly.

3 . Exercises for intonation:

Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat.

Read with a feeling of joy,

with a feeling of sadness,

with surprise.

Card 21.

1. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Shcha - shcha - shcha - we are bringing home bream,

Asch - asch - asch - we hope for a raincoat.

Shield-shield-shit- the chick squeaks in the nest.

Shchik-schik-schik-box, inventor, detective.

2. Speak – take your time and

look - don't be mistaken.

The puppy squeaks pitifully

He is carrying a heavy shield.

Two puppies cheek to cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Yes, at the broom

There is a stick above your head.

Stick snap the puppies off the shoulder!

The two puppies left grumbling.

(S. Mikhalkov)

Card 22.

1.Read the words carefully.

Make no mistake.

    Read tongue twisters in whole words,

say them quickly:

Slava ate lard

Yes, there was not enough lard.

There's a cartload of oats,

There is a sheep near the cart.

Osa's feet are barefoot and without a belt.

Card 23.

1.Read in whole words.

2. What do these words mean?

Put them in order.

May, January, March, June, July, April, August,

February, September, December, October, November.

3. Determine what the objects have in common?

Hammer and rake, crucian carp and pike, goose and swallow.

A fur coat and mittens, a bowl and a mug, oak and spruce, a spinning top and a cube.

Ax and needle, chicken and tit, sorrel and chamomile.

Card 24.

1. Read fluently. Mark the words that name the berries.

Strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, lemon,

plum, pear, cranberry, raspberry, lingonberry, watermelon.

2. Read the rhymes quickly, don’t make a mistake.

One two three four five,

We'll play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -

You go now

The counting begins:

A jackdaw sat on a birch tree,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, a nightingale.

Speech warm-ups

1. Breathing

Exercise diagram:

Inhale the air completely. Don't breathe for a few seconds. Then fill your lungs with air, but not in one breath, but in several short active breaths. After each of these breaths, pause briefly without inhaling or exhaling. When the lungs are full, hold the air, making sure that the chest is fully expanded. After this, take a calm breath.

a) Say a proverb and a tongue twister - first evenly, then gradually strengthening your voice towards the end, on the contrary, weakening it.


The air is for the birds, the sea is for the fish, and the homeland is dearest to man above all else.

3. Diction




Syllables with more complex combinations of sounds:

A)beep beep



bo-bo-bop etc.


lyr-ler-lar-lor-lyr etc.

4. Orthoepia

- Determine the place of stress in the words:

goats - goats, organ - organ, coal - coal, on horseback - on horseback, smell - smell, fill up - fill up, run - run, already - already, trim - trim, huts - huts, drive - drive, from afar - from afar, otherwise - otherwise, Cossacks are Cossacks.

1. Breathing

A)"Candle". Take a narrow strip of paper and, imagining that it is a candle, blow on it. The exhaled stream of air should be without sharp fluctuations - the piece of paper controls the evenness of the exhalation. A variation of this exercise: blow out 3, 5,...10 imaginary candles on one exhalation or exhaling slowly on each candle.

b) Inhale, take in as much air as you can, and talk until you have enough air.

Like on a hill, on a hill

Thirty-three Egorkas cost:

Once Yegorka,

Two Egorki,

Three Egorki...

Compete with your friends to see who can count the longest without taking a breath.

A)"Jump into the water". When pronouncing the lines of a poem, you “run” from a low tone to a high one and back again.

Here's a turnover!

I'm taking off. And

Like a bird I'm down

Bounce! arrow

I run up. I'm hiding

I'm easy fast

On a tower under water.

b) Hush, toads! Quietly, in a warning tone (you canuse-

No way -callgesture - finger to lips)

A heron walksQuiet (in a scared tone)

So that there is no trouble,Very quiet (whisper)

Take some water into your mouth.

3. Diction

a) Jokes - pure talk:

Rya-rya-rya- blue seas;ryu-ryu-ryu— I’m cooking turnips;ar-ar-ar- new primer;ri-ri-ri— the lights are on; re-re-re - sled on the mountain;Oar-or-or- Andryusha has a horse;ra-ra-ra- high mountain;ro-ro-ro- new pen;ru-ru-ru— the goat gnaws the bark;ry-ry-ry- mosquitoes are flying; ar-ar-ar - a mosquito flies; or-or-or - Roma has an axe;ur-ur-ur- does not chase chickens etc.

4. Orthoepia

A) Parallel use of two types of reading: orthographic and orthoepic. It is suggested to read the sentence twice: first as we write, the second time as we say:

Seeinghis best friend, he began to laugh joyfully.

b) When reading I. Tokmakova’s poem “Bear”, pay attention to G(snack).

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill there is snow, snow,

And on the Christmas tree - snow, snow

And under the tree there is snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise!

1. Breathing

a) “Punctured ball”. Imagine that you have a large rubber ball at chest level. It's pierced. If you press it, you can hear air coming out. Imitate the sound with an imitative “sssss...”. Press the “ball” with your palms lightly, without effort, the release should be smooth, energetic, and not weakening towards the end.

b) "Catch a mosquito." Hands move apart - inhale; gradually move forward with palms facing each other - exhale. There is a mosquito at arm's length, you need to catch it, but so as not to scare it away. The teacher tells the students: “Slowly, slowly bring your hands together (do not scare away the mosquito), make a continuous sound “z-z-z”, swat the mosquito, quickly spread your arms to the sides, an automatic inhalation will occur.”

A) There was silence, silence, silence...

(quietly, slowly)

Suddenly it was replaced by a roar of thunder!

(louder, faster)

And now it’s raining quietly - do you hear?


It dribbled, it dripped, it dribbled across the roof...

(quietly, faster)

He'll probably start drumming now...

(quietly: listening)

It's already drumming! It's already drumming!

(loud, fun)

b) Sit down, turn your shoulders, keep your head straight. Taking a deep breath, pronounce smoothly and drawn-out consonant sounds alternately m, l, n:Mmmlllnnn Then to consonants m, l,n add vowels one by one and, uh, a, oh, y,s and say smoothly and drawlingly:

mmi, mmm, mma, mmo, mmu, mmm;

lly, lle, llla, lol, llu, llly;

nny, nne, Nna, but, nnu, nny;

Sounds can be replaced by counting from 1 to 10. These exercises are done with a gradual strengthening of the voice: first quietly, then louder, louder, and vice versa, with a gradual weakening of the voice: louder, quieter, quieter.

3. Diction

Lo-ol-or- Roma has an axe;lo-lo-ro- I have a pen;al-al-ar- steam in the sauna;al-ar-al- dark basement;ri-ri-ri- bought crackers; li-li-li - we swept the street; re-re-re - snowstorm in January;le-le-le- rode ondonkey.

4. Orthoepia

Analog, pamper, belief, dispensary, contract, call, catalogue, quarter, prettier, means, carpenter, notify.

1. Breathing

The following exercises can be used as breathing exercises before starting a teacher's working day. They help warm up the speech-voice apparatus and set it up for long-term work.

A) I.p. - sitting on a chair, legs slightly spread. Bend your torso, touching your chest to your knees, arms hanging down - active, quick inhalation. Hold your breath for a few minutes. Slowly straighten up, raising your arms up - exhale at the sound “sh”. Pause. Repeat the exercise several times.

b) I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Turn your torso to the left - to the right - take an active breath, then return to the i.p. - exhale on the sound “m” with your mouth closed.

V) I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms spread to the sides at shoulder level and pulled back as far as possible, fingers spread. 1 - moving your arms forward, quickly cross your arms under your chest so that your elbows are under your chin and your hands hit your shoulder blades hard (exhale); 2 - repeat inhalation, returning to the position. (push out your stomach with a slow diaphragmatic inhalation).

G) Walking in place, counting to yourself - inhale for a count of 1 - 5, pause for a count of 1 - 3, exhale for the sound “fff”.

d) Imagine that your hands are frozen - warm them with your breathing (make sure that your breathing is costal-diaphragmatic).

e) Extinguish several imaginary burning candles with active intermittent exhalation.

Read a short poem. Which lines will you read loudly and which lines will you read quietly?

Thunder and silence

Thunder rumbles - boom! fuck! —

It's like he's destroying mountains.

Silence in fear - ah! —

Covers his ears...

3. Diction

Read the poem by K.I. Chukovsky at a medium tempo, rhythmically, emphasizing syllables marked with stress with his voice. Make sure you pronounce each sound clearly.

Like on a typewriter

Two cute pigs:



And they nod

And they grunt and nod:



4. Orthoepia

Engineers, accountants, editors, designers, drivers, rectors, lecturers, inspectors, professors, conductors.

Materials for speech warm-ups

I. Breathing exercises

The following tasks need to be solved:

1) teach to distinguish between the elements of speech breathing (inhalation, exhalation, holding the breath, drawing in air), as well as different types of exhalation (continuous and intermittent);

2) develop the ability to take the correct breath (through the nose);

3) increase lung volume;

4) develop the ability to exhale correctly;

5) teach how to properly add air, etc.

1. Take a deep breath to the count of “one.” Make sure that the air does not stop in the chest, but passes to the diaphragm, to the middle part of the body. Hold your breath for “one-two-three”, then exhale slowly, counting to yourself. Remember which account will use up all the air. As you repeat the exercise, try to prolong your breathing.

2. Imagine that a piece of fluff is spinning and falling next to you. And you wanted to play with it, preventing it from falling with the help of vigorously exhaled air, which “throws” the fluff up again.

3. Change the work on the exhale: instead of counting, pronounce the sounds “s” - “z” out loud alternately.

4. “Let’s count Egorok.” Say the tongue twister: “Like on a hill, on a hillock there are 33 Egorki,” then exhale the rest of the air, take a new deep breath and count Egorki without bowing the name. For example, “One Yegorka, two Yegorkas...” As soon as the air runs out, the exercise stops. When repeating the exercise, try to improve your result.

5. “The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, shch.” Imagine how the train picks up speed. Try to pronounce the tongue twister “The train is rushing along, grinding: w, h, w, sch; f, h, w, sch; zh, ch, sh, sch;”, gradually increasing the tempo while repeating the listed sounds.

6. “Let’s take the elevator.” Take a breath and begin announcing the floors loudly and clearly:

First floor!

Second floor!

Third floor!

List the floors from the first to the fifth, and then start counting backwards without adding air. Try taking the elevator of a twelve-story building. You can perform the exercise by raising and lowering the timbre of your voice.

7. Account for attention. The leader of the warm-up begins to count out loud, from time to time smoothly or sharply change the volume from a whisper to almost a scream or vice versa. The task of the rest is to repeat after the leader and monitor the change in volume.

8. “Exhale through a straw.” Imagine that you have a thin straw in your hands. Bring it to your mouth and, after inhaling, try to exhale all the air from your lungs through the small hole in this imaginary straw. Try to exhale as long as possible.

9. Count from 1 to 10 with a gradual increase in tempo. Like that:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

10. Count from 1 to 10, gradually slowing down. Like that:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

11. "Slide". Count to 10, gradually increasing the volume, and after 5, decreasing it.

12. Try to list the letters of the alphabet in one breath.

13. Breath distribution exercise. Read the text from A. Milne’s fairy tale “Bink the Pooh and All-All-All”, correctly distributing pauses and intoning sentences. Repeat the text until you manage to get air only two times.

“Imagine how happy Piglet was when he finally saw the ship. Then, for many years later, he liked to think that he was in very great danger during this terrible flood, but the only danger that threatened him was in the last half hour of his imprisonment, when the Owl sat down on a branch and, in order to support him morally, began to tell him a long story. a story about his Aunt, who once laid a goose egg by mistake; and this story dragged on and on, just like this phrase, until Piglet, who was listening to the Owl, leaning out of the window, having lost hope of salvation, began to fall asleep and, naturally, began to little by little fall out of the window; but, fortunately, at that moment, when he was holding on only with the hooves of his hind legs, the Owl screamed loudly, imitating the horror of his Aunt and her voice when she (Aunt) discovered that the egg was really a goose, Piglet woke up and just in time to scurry back and say: “Oh, how interesting this is!” - in a word, you can imagine his joy when he saw the glorious ship that was sailing to his rescue... Well, this story essentially ends here, and I’m so tired of this last phrase that I wouldn’t mind ending it too...”

II Articulation exercises

Necessary for “warming up” the muscles of the tongue, lips and cheeks to ensure their greatest mobility when speaking; help remove the psychological “barrier of silence.”

For the tongue.

1. "Ring". Bend the tip of your tongue so that it “looks” into your larynx. Hold your tongue in this position for 2 - 3 seconds, and then relax.

2. “The tongue of the snake.” Stick out your tongue and make 2-3 up and down movements with its tip. When repeating this exercise, remember that you need to stick your tongue out very quickly and remove it even faster.

3. "Curl". Bend the tip of your tongue so that it touches the frenulum of the tongue. Hold your tongue in this position for 2 - 3 seconds, and then relax.

4. “The longest tongue.” Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of your nose. And now the tip of the chin. Next the left ear, then the right. Repeat the exercise.

5. "Tube". Show that your tongue is listening to you: lift it from the sides so that it “curls into a tube” along its entire length. Relax, repeat the exercise, increasing the pace.

6. "Strut". Not everyone succeeds in the exercise. You need to place your tongue perpendicular to the teeth “on the edge” as a spacer in the mouth, and then turn it over to the other “rib”.

7. “Puncture your cheek.” Tighten the tip of your tongue and press it against the inside of your cheek. Repeat, alternately “piercing” the right and left cheek. (for tongue and cheeks)

8. “Proboscis.” With all your might, squeeze your lips into a circle so that there is a small space between them, and stick them forward. Move the “proboscis” left, right, up, down, in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

9. “Whose lips are redder?” Gently bite your lips until they turn red. Do not overdo it.

10. “Show your teeth.” Push your lips out so that your gums are exposed. Alternately stick out your upper lip and then your lower lip.

11. “Sad - fun.” First, imagine that you are sad and offended; Purse your lips tightly (fold your lips into a bow). Suddenly someone makes you laugh, and your mouth stretches into a smile. Continue pursing and stretching your lips 3 to 4 times, gradually increasing the pace. (for lips and cheeks)

12. “Hedgehog”. Puff, as a hurrying hedgehog does: “Puff-puff-puff...” Do this exercise as long as you have enough air. (For lips and breath)

Yawning exercises (performed with a mirror).

1. Open your mouth, look at the throat cavity and yawn.

2. Mouth closed, nostrils widened, yawn with your mouth closed.

3. Say the sounds [k], [g], [k-g], [g-k] several times. They strengthen the muscles of the pharynx.

4. pronounce [a-o-u], trying to open wider not the mouth, but the cavity of the pharynx.

III Diction exercises

It is necessary: ​​1) to demonstrate the semantic-distinguishing function of clear articulation

2) teach to hear articulation defects in your own and others’ speech;

3) achieve clear pronunciation of words with similar sound composition.

1. “Yawning.”

We move our straight arms down and back, stretch with taste, open our mouth wide, press strongly from the inside with our tongue on the lower jaw, say “Ahh” - fix it and hold it for 1 second.

Then we close our mouth, pull our lips forward, squeeze them forcefully into a dissatisfied old rosette and hum “Mmm” - fix it and hold it for 1 second. 5-6 times.

2. "Corkscrew".

We turn the tongue in the mouth vertically - we place it “on the edge” left and right alternately. The jaw is slightly lowered, the mouth can not be opened. 6 times in each direction.

3. "Fold".

Folding the tongue in half, we place its tip in the middle of the tongue closer to the base and, pressing firmly, “wipe” the middle with the tip, moving it forward towards the teeth. 5-6 times.

4. "Circles".

Place the tip of the tongue between the upper teeth and upper lip. With a tense tongue, we make wide energetic circles under tense lips in a clockwise direction 6 times, then in the opposite direction 6 times

5. "Injection with an umbrella."

The jaw is slightly lowered, with a tense tongue we press from the inside on the tense cheek - hold for 1 second. Then to another. 6 times in each direction.

6. "Massage".

Gently, carefully knead and bite the tongue with your teeth.

7. “Pressing.”

We press strongly with the tip of the tongue on the front closed teeth, as if trying to push them forward - hold for 1 second. Relax - 1 sec. 5-6 times.

8. "Kitty."

We forcefully press the entire plane of the tongue against the palate - hold for 1 second. Then press down with force - hold for 1 second. - 6 times in each direction.

9. "Brush".

Using the extended tip of the tongue, pressing forcefully, as if with a brush, we “paint” the palate with smooth, slow movements from the teeth to the larynx and back. 6 times in each direction.

10. “Tube”.

We lift the edges of the tongue, stick the resulting tube forward and forcefully blow air through it. 5-6 times.

11. "Lion Pose"- yogis know)).

We pull the tongue forward and down and reach the chin with the tip of the tongue. To do this better, lift the root of the tongue forward and upward. 5-6 times.

A very useful exercise at the onset of a cold and any hoarseness in the throat - better than any pharmacy lollipops and fizzy drinks. It is also strongly recommended to use it instead of traditional “throat clearings” (“cough-cough”), which scratch the throat like sandpaper and are therefore very harmful.

12. “Tiger Pose”- I already added this on my own behalf, don’t look for it in yoga))

We pull the tongue forward and upward and reach the tip of the nose with the tip of the tongue. If you have difficulty, you can help with your hand)). 5-6 times.

13. "Horse".

Everything is very simple here - without opening your mouth, we exhale the air forcefully so that your relaxed lips snort, like a horse’s. This exercise relaxes tired muscles and can be used as a rest in between other exercises.

Adjust the number of exercises according to how you feel; you can choose five or six of your favorite ones to start with. In just seven to ten days you will easily overcome the entire complex - and even with ten to twelve repetitions instead of five or six.

As you noticed, friends, exercises 2-12 are mainly aimed at warming up the tongue. The second part of this wonderful gymnastics helps to prepare your lips well for work - we will learn it next time. Now it's time to practice!

on - on - on - a pine tree grows in the yard;

but - but - but - tomorrow we will go to the cinema;

an - an - an - pack your suitcase;

in - in - in - did you go to the store?

ta - ta - ta - our house is clean;

you - you - you - all the cats ate the sour cream;

ti - ti - ti - ate almost all the porridge:

te - te - te - we put off sewing;

then - then - then - we started playing lotto;

at - at - at - we take a scooter with us.

ra - ra - ra - It's time for Katya to sleep;

ro - ro - ro - there is a bucket on the floor;

ry - ry - ry - mosquitoes fly;

or - or - or - we swept the yard;

ar - ar - ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.

ri-ra, ra-rya, ru-ryu, ir-er, ar-or-ur

trry-trra-trre, trro-trru-trry

Drri-drr-drr, drro-dru-drr

Sa - sa - sa - _______ is running in the forest;

So – so – so – Vova ____________;

wasps - wasps - wasps - there are a lot of ____ in the clearing;

Su - su - su - it was cold in _____;

Us - Us - Us - ___ is grazing in the meadow.

Read without mistakes. Say it quickly.

Sonya brought raspberries to Zine in a basket.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

Roma was afraid of thunder,

He roared louder than thunder.

Rod - relatives - native.

Yard - janitor - yard.

Grass - grass - grass.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

The mouse sat in the corner,

I ate a piece of bagel.

Senya carries hay in the canopy.

Senya will sleep on the hay.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.

Sleigh - jump - Senya - off your feet,

Sanya - in the side, Sonya - in the forehead.

Everything is in a snowdrift - bang!

Restore the text.

Posh__ Mu__ na ba__

And buy__self__:

Come__ cockroach__

I'll treat you to tea!

We need, we need minds____________

In the morning______ and evening________,

And the unclean labor ____________

Shame and ________!

S________ and shame!

Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

OH – OH – OH – is this your eraser?

AY - AY - AY - warm May has arrived.

HEY – HER – HER – come quickly.

mai-lai - barn

stop - run - jump

bunny - snake - husky

harvest - yogurt - mystery

Read the tongue twister quickly, don’t make mistakes.

Avdey was dragging a bag of nails,

Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms.

Avdey gave Gordey some nails.

Gordey gave Avdey milk mushrooms.

Who is the most attentive? Read the words in pairs.

drop - heron

focus - ficus

helmet - paint

firebox - trail

roof - rat

sky - palate

cheek - sliver

foam - pencil case

wig - greenhouse

Read the strings of words. Tell me who it is.

Siskin - crossbill - tit - swift - magpie.

Rhinoceros-monkey-kangaroo - crocodile.

Puppy – calf – lamb – chick – duckling – foal.

Read quickly.

Snow - snowman - snowfall - snowy.

Winter - winterer - winterer - winterer.

Forest - forester - forester - lumberjack - forest

Sea - seafarer - marine - sailor.

Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Va-va-va - that's tall grass.

You-you-you are even in over your head.

Ve-ve-ve - cornflowers are visible in the grass.

Woo-woo-woo - cornflower bouquet to Narva.

Wee-wee-wee - just don’t tear them too much.

Read the rhyme slowly, then a little faster, then quickly.

Zealous horse


Jumps across the field

The cornfield is jumping.

He'll catch him

He plays tag with us.

Learn to pronounce sounds clearly.

Ka-ku-ko-we should go……. .

Kry – kru – kra – continues…….

Read quickly.

Frame – class – put – roller – blade.

Bite - maple - mite - mite - mite.

Mole - circle - cool - rod.

Read and pronounce quickly.

Like on a typewriter

Two cute pigs:



And they knock

And they grunt:

