Rehabilitation program 12 steps. Steps to getting rid of codependency

And the most effective program in getting rid of any type of addiction. However, knowing the program and personally experiencing its effectiveness, some addicted people still break down and return to using. Why does this happen? We will try to analyze this by comparing two types of breakdowns - before the addict came to the program, and after the alcoholic or drug addict tried the program on himself.

Relapse in addicts before the 12 step program

Many, both alcoholics and drug addicts, often and many times try to quit using on their own - without any outside help. At first it seems to them that they will succeed. But very little time passes, and the addict finds himself again using drugs; as they say, he has “relapsed.”

Reasons for relapse in addicts before the 12-step program

  1. Formed addiction: alcoholism, drug addiction, in which the sense of control is completely absent. At the same time, dependent behavior in a person with a developed certain degree of dependence can be eliminated only in the process of treatment.
  2. Ignorance of the 12-step program, with detailed study and acquisition of the skills of which, the addict acquires healthy behavior as a result of the ability to regulate his own emotions, thoughts and resolve internal conflicts.
  3. Lack of motivation, especially in the later stages of addiction.

That is, to sum up the reasons for a breakdown in an addict who has never sought help in treatment and does not know what the 12-step program is, we can say the following: even a strong desire for an alcoholic or drug addict to quit using most often cannot stop him. Since any type of addiction is a disease, mainly of a psychological nature, that needs to be cured.

Failure in addicts who know and have personally experienced the effectiveness of the 12-step program

It doesn't happen often, but it does happen when people, after going through a 12-step program and living a healthy lifestyle for many years, relapse. Moreover, breakdowns can occur with different frequency - for some it is one or several days of use and then again sobriety lasting from a month to many years, for others it is more serious binges, sometimes ending in death.

It would seem that a person has completed a comprehensive treatment program and knows that the 12-step program helps him stay sober and happy without alcohol or drugs, but one day he again returns to his previous life - using. For many relatives of addicts and the most addicted, this factor remains completely incomprehensible - why a person with a good foundation of sobriety again finds himself in a breakdown.

Causes of relapse in addicts who have completed 12-step treatment

  1. One of the reasons is that the addict’s understanding of the 12-step program and the application of all its principles in all his affairs is not good enough. At first, an addict who has just come to the program, under the influence of euphoria from several days of sobriety, strives to make up for lost time, and begins to actively “live”, while not attaching much importance to the very principles and rules of the program. He seems to be participating in the program, but without the full degree of its awareness. Then, over time, he goes through life sober, but with a minimum amount of knowledge and the fundamental principles of the 12-step program. And, if in the future the recovering addict does not begin to work through the steps of the program in more detail and apply them on himself, and even more so stops attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups, he may relapse. It's like a house built without a foundation that will collapse one day. Therefore, an unconscious approach to studying the 12 step program is one of the first causes of relapse.
  2. Overconfidence in your sobriety. A person who has been sober for some time, perhaps for a long time, often ceases to pay due attention to maintaining his sobriety - this is: participation in AA, NA meetings, relapse prevention and other rules prescribed in the program. Thus, confident that he is no longer in danger, that he knows the program and that he will not break under any circumstances, oddly enough, he may not be able to withstand the emotional stress of everyday life and end up in use.

People who are convinced of the effectiveness of the program and find themselves in a breakdown may behave differently. As mentioned above, some people can drink and stop, and this is the merit of the 12 steps. At the same time, they may never take up a glass again, or they may, with varying frequency, find themselves in one-day breakdowns. Others may, knowing the program, drink for a long time, and what is most sad, never get out of it again. They know that there is a 12-step program, that there are a lot of ways to stop - go to a rehabilitation center for re-treatment, start attending AA, NA meetings again..., but they don’t do it. Why? - They do not want to!

As we have said more than once in our articles: the desire to change your life is the very first rule for an addicted person! And it depends only on him whether his life will be sober and happy or will fade away like a match.

If you or your dependent relative know and have experienced the 12-step program yourself, do not forget about the need for periodic but systematic prevention of relapse, visiting AA and NA groups. After all, you know: recovery from addiction is the rest of your life! And this is the only way to stay sober and happy!

How not to drink Oleg Viktorovich Stetsenko

Chapter 11. Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step Program

When starting a description of the “12 Steps” program, the author must immediately determine that he is not a representative, leader or authority of the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous due to the fact that there cannot be such people according to the traditions of this community. However, it would be a huge remiss not to describe this phenomenon in a book dedicated to addiction treatment.

Unfortunately, in practice one often encounters the fact that patients have some fragmentary and, often, erroneous information about the program. It’s worth mentioning that, they say, there are some kind of “Intimate alcoholics”, “Secret alcoholics” or even “Autonomous alcoholics”. As a rule, patients are of the opinion that this is either a religious sect, or a club for moderate drug users, or some kind of elite clinic for actors and artists.

One of the AA traditions is that their activities are based on the appeal of ideas, not on propaganda. This chapter will describe the author's own understanding of these ideas, without pretense of evaluation.

From a clinical point of view, this program produces quite significant results. All over the world, the “12 steps” are considered the most civilized way to solve a problem. One gets the impression that “this horse” pulled out more than one, but is this correct or not from a scientific point of view? As a practicing doctor, I try not to ask such questions, especially since the opinions of scientists regarding the effectiveness of such programs are very diverse. Sometimes it’s diametrically opposite...

The main thing to understand is that the 12 Steps are a program for spiritual growth. This is not clinical detoxification, not employment, not communication training, but a place where a person can understand himself. Other members of the community can help him with this, but everything he does or misses will be done by himself. No one will manage him or take on his responsibility. After all, this is the concept of freedom: do what you want, don’t bother anyone and bear responsibility for what you do.

Depending on the translation into Russian, the steps in different editions are slightly different, but the main idea is the same everywhere.

First step : They admitted that they were powerless over alcohol and came to the conclusion that they were not in control of their lives.

Many, upon hearing this at an AA meeting, immediately felt negative denial: “I thought I could gain strength from them, but they are powerless!” The idea is that only by admitting powerlessness can a person give up continuing to try to do what he has always done.

Powerlessness is not weakness. Weakness is partial, it humiliates a person, powerlessness is absolute, it exalts. Admitting powerlessness is an adult decision, only by knowing what I am capable of can I develop, otherwise I will have to continue to test the world's strength by learning what I cannot yet do. Powerlessness is a wonderful thing because it removes the need for prohibition. A person does not need to forbid himself to lie down on the rails in front of a train, since he recognizes his powerlessness in front of the locomotive. If he views this as weakness, he will have to prohibit himself from such actions every time until he deceives himself and still tries to commit an insane act. Recognition of powerlessness is a victory over temptation, not a struggle that draws you into excitement and anger, but an opportunity to pass by. In fact, admitting complete powerlessness will allow a person to avoid the curse of Sisyphus. If this ancient hero had admitted his powerlessness over the stone, he would have gone to the mountain without it.

Third step the program is considered by many to be the cornerstone, the “capstone”. It consists in the fact that we surrendered our will to a higher power as we understood it.

I often saw people who, after these words, literally jumped up and ran away from the meeting, believing that they had ended up at some kind of sectarian sermon. Many decorously explained that I was an atheist, an agnostic, and, in general, if I wanted to talk about God, I would go to church. Firstly, this is the third step, not everyone started with it, in addition, some, having started with the search for God, immediately became religious fanatics. There is a position in the community: “First come to the group, then come to your senses, and then to God.” In any case, the 12 steps are not a sect, and everything is done to avoid becoming a sect. There will be no sermons; you really need to go to church for this.

An alcoholic is a mentally ill person, and therefore it is quite natural that this is a program for spiritual growth. Trying to save the soul, and without thinking about the Almighty, a person risks losing it again.

Alcoholics Anonymous is not a religious program: it is not recommended to mention the name of God at a meeting - everyone has their own ideas. There are people for whom the Higher Power is generally not represented in the form of the God who is usually mentioned in traditional faiths. People believe in Universal Justice, in the Wisdom of Nature, in the Purposefulness of existence. It doesn't matter. The important thing is that these people have a meaning in life, not earthly, momentary, which can be viewed differently depending on the situation or mood, but comprehensive, independent of circumstances and the opinions of others.

Many people said that before the third step, there was a feeling that you were trying to get out of an icy pit, but the walls were slippery, and no matter how quickly you moved your feet, you still slipped down. And only after I managed to take on something unshakable, the situation began to truly change.

8th and 9th step : made a list of people who were harmed and tried to compensate for it if it did not interfere with anyone.

Debts need to be distributed. These “tails” of the disease will not allow a person to go further, but this is the 8th and 9th step. There is no need to start with this. Debts must be repaid by a person who can no longer borrow. Only when an alcoholic has already acquired the skills to protect himself from addiction can he begin to do something for others, realizing what he can do. It is not always possible to repay debts. Not all people to whom you owe something are ready to accept an apology from you. There is no need to demand, the main thing is your readiness and determination.

Step 12 : tried to convey the meaning of our ideas to other alcoholics- final. Many began their sobriety with the “struggle against alcohol.” They literally attacked a drunk neighbor, dragged a relative by the hand to a group or to a doctor, met a drug addict, and then spent all their time and money on her treatment. As a rule, this “battle” ended with the breakdown of the agitator himself. It was bad for the patient and terrible for his charges. Can you imagine the thoughts that appeared in people who seemed to be starting to believe, and suddenly they saw him drunk.

There is an Alcoholics Anonymous prayer. The program members themselves do not claim authorship. I often heard “offended” people who found the “historical truth” and claimed that the author of these words was someone else, and you, they say, attribute them to yourself, or incorrectly indicate the author. I would not be surprised to learn that these words were inscribed on the walls of Babylon, and people have been repeating them ever since.

These are the words:

God give me the intelligence and peace of mind to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

From the book ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS author Alcoholics Anonymous

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12 Step Program

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Chapter 2. My program

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Chapter 3 My recovery program Rehabilitation Center of what was then Leningrad. I'm his patient. I was lucky with the doctor. I went to see a female cardiologist, a very experienced specialist and a kind person. She became my intelligent interlocutor and active assistant. We have established

Treatment for drug addiction can be truly effective if you use a 12-step program. Of course, this is not a quick way. But all over the world this program was recognized not only as effective, but also as the most civilized.

About the program

The 12-step treatment program has been used since 1939 and has not been modified since then. That is, it is well structured and designed in accordance with the psychological model of life. It should also be noted that it is very versatile, as it is used to treat various forms of addiction.

Drug addiction is a disease characterized by persistent psychological dependence. This disease can now be successfully treated using the 12 step program. Narcotics Anonymous groups, when working with addicts, are based on the principles of this program. It is also designed to work with loved ones of drug addicts, since they are codependent and this is also a problem.

The Narcotics Anonymous community appeared somewhat later than the Alcoholics Anonymous community, but the principles and traditions of work were the same. Today these groups exist in all big cities. These meetings may be attended by drug addicts or people who believe they are developing a drug problem. Relatives and friends are only allowed to attend open meetings. They usually take place once a week.


In our centers we use the world program “12 steps”. We have been working since 1996 throughout Russia. The technique was recognized as the best by the country's chief narcologist E.A. Brun


Psychological rehabilitation is a long-term stage. It is better that it lasts at least 6 months, this period is very important. Since statistics say that 87% of rehabilitators stopped using drugs after being in a rehabilitation center for 6 months or more.

Psychological rehabilitation involves specialists working with drug addicts. The specialists include psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors, some of whom have used drugs themselves and have remained sober for a long time. These people help a person recognize his addiction to the fullest extent. And then they help the drug addict change his habits, lifestyle, and acquire new skills and hobbies.

Verified rehabilitation centers. The most effective treatment method

It is important to understand that no one is dictated to or forced to do anything, the drug addict is simply helped and stimulated to act.

For your information:

During the time spent in a rehabilitation center, a person misses something, gains something new for himself, but in any case, all this has a good effect on him.

One of the main objectives of this program is to fill the spiritual and moral spheres of a person’s personality, since during drug use they are completely exhausted.

After treatment program

Social rehabilitation is the third stage of recovery. It is also very important, since a person stays in a rehabilitation center for quite a long time and gets used to that environment. And when he returns home, he is faced with a completely different reality.

The addict experiences fears of society and does not yet know how to join it as a new person. A psychologist, whom he needs to visit after the rehabilitation center, will help him adapt. Such meetings can be group meetings, that is, 5 people each. As a rule, you need to visit a psychologist 2-3 times a week. The duration of such therapy can be from 2 to 6 months, it all depends on how quickly the person adapts.

At the same time, you can attend Narcotics Anonymous groups. They also work according to the 12 step program. People with different experiences and different periods of sobriety gather there and exchange information. There, the addict will receive additional motivation to continue on his path to recovery. Namely, when in a group people tell their stories who have not used for 10 years and live happily. This is the support and motivation that a person needs at this stage. It is also important to help other addicts, for example, those who have recently quit using and are still struggling with their desires. This also encourages you not to stop and helps you realize your achievements in recovery.

Affordable rehabilitation

Today, the most accessible and effective centers are those that are members of the “Association of Accessible Rehabilitation Centers” in Russia. These centers practice the 12 step program. At the same time, assistance is provided not only during the period of rehabilitation, but also in the post-rehabilitation period when restoring the social status of the dependent. Also, the centers included in the Association provide psychological assistance to loved ones and relatives of drug addicts.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.

The 12 STEPS program is truly one of the greatest inventions of the 20th century. This is a universal program for the treatment of all types of addictions associated with the use of chemicals and more. Here: drug addiction, alcoholism, dependence on medications (tranquilizers, inhibitors, sedatives), as well as various types of addictions not caused by the use of chemicals. The program works wonders that are not possible with traditional therapy with all its abundance of modern equipment, medicines and qualified personnel. Although, in certain cases, all this is quite productively combined with 12 step program.

The program was created in the first half of the last century by two alcoholics from the USA and their followers. After some time, drug addicts also adopted it, having seen the results of the “12 STEPS” program on countless brothers. And by the mid-50s, the whole world had adopted this simple but very effective program. Here one can describe at length and eloquently the merits of “our panacea.” But, before delving into the principles of its action, it is fair to mention the main problems of chemically dependent people; about the concept of the disease and aspects of life of the victims of the “green snake” who fall under the attack of this insidious disease.

nothing more than a disease

- this is a person’s inability to experience difficult moments and cope with problems without changing consciousness by introducing chemicals in order to overcome the so-called “negative feelings” (fear, pain, anger, uncertainty). In the vast majority of drug addicts and alcoholics, the disease is inherited. That is, a person is genetically predisposed to a constant feeling of discomfort, and everything connected with it, due to a lack of the “hormone of happiness” (endogenous opiates). And this person will always strive to fill this deficit artificially. It doesn’t matter for what reason the addict tries drugs or alcohol for the first time. The important thing is that he will do it again and again because he will like the feeling of extraordinary lightness and confidence. And it’s not his fault! This person has simply never felt anything like this, and will again strive to reproduce this state. At first, use will be occasional, to relieve tension, or to feel euphoria. Over time, things will change: tolerance to alcohol/drugs will increase; there will be a feeling of superiority over those who do not use; use will become systemic, requiring increasingly larger doses. The next stage will be loss of control over use; the extraction of substances and their use will become an end in itself. Further, the circle of interests narrows (our patient has not communicated with old friends for a long time, he is only interested in those who are also “crazy”). Later, the sober state becomes unbearable. The addict no longer uses for in order to get pleasure (he has not experienced euphoria from taking chemicals for a long time), but to alleviate the physical and mental suffering associated with the consequences of its use (hangover, problems with the law, tense family situations, endless feelings of guilt, etc. .d.). And then it only gets worse: paranoia, madness, suicide attempts... But the good news is that there is a cure. And it really works! Proof of this is the millions of people recovering around the world who have been helped. 12 step program.

not a drug program...

The program is not medicinal, but spiritual. Therefore, it cannot be considered as a recipe that is the same for everyone. Each person in recovery requires an individual approach, but the principles practiced by the 12 steps are mandatory for all participants in the healing process. Yes, recovery is a process, not an event. And don’t let the following statement scare you, but chemical dependence is an incurable disease. The same as progressive and fatal. And it leaves an imprint on all areas of activity of a person suffering from it: on the physical state, psychological, emotional; affects the spiritual side of the personality (the desire to satisfy only one’s needs, indifference, egocentrism, immoral actions). The social aspect suffers no less: the addict is only interested in drugs and the people associated with them; all other “characters” become useless. And the person stops communicating with "normal" people, except when it comes to his personal interests. So this one program teaches a person to honestly look at his life, internal and external; take responsibility for his actions and, most importantly, do not harm himself or the people around him. This is a primitive formulation, slightly exaggerated. But those who have actually encountered the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism will understand what we are talking about.

12 step program

Let's look at the basic principles of our main weapon in the fight for sobriety. This is one of the important aspects in 12 step program.

FIRST STEP: We accepted that we were powerless over our addiction. We admitted that our lives had become unmanageable.

No one could convince us that we were addicts. Now we need to make this admission ourselves. We need to realize that we are sick and that illness has serious consequences.

SECOND STEP:We have come to believe that only a force greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity.

We have already admitted that the issue is not in the objects of our addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling), but in our illness. Now, in search of an opportunity to start a new life, we need to turn to a power greater than ourselves for help (principles of the program, spiritual director, God, other addicts with extensive sobriety experience, etc.), since we have already seen that our own willpower is not enough for us.

THIRD STEP: We made the decision to turn our wills and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

We learn to trust. We try to let events take their course, rather than trying to control everyone and everything for the sake of our dependence, as we did before, relying only on our egoism. We learn to be willing to accept responsibility for our decisions and actions.

FOURTH STEP: We examined ourselves deeply and fearlessly from a moral point of view.

The purpose of careful and fearless exploration is to understand the intricacies and contradictions of our lives in order to find out who we really are. For the first time, we look at ourselves honestly, trying to explore our weaknesses and strengths.

FIFTH STEP: We have admitted to God, to ourselves, and to some other person the true nature of our errors.

In this step, we gain the freedom to honestly look at our past, share our most intimate things with a loved one, and admit it to God as we understand him. For many years we refused to accept the truth about ourselves. Now things are starting to change.

SIXTH STEP:We are fully prepared for God to deliver us from all these character defects.

Readiness for action is what we strive for in this step. We already know that drugs/alcohol are not the cause of our troubles. These are our character defects and weaknesses that we discovered and acknowledged in the 4th and 5th steps. Now we want to get rid of everything that weighs us down, but first we need to prepare for this so that we can step towards something new and unknown without fear, abandoning our usual pain and suffering.

SEVENTH STEP:We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.

We realize that we are not perfect. And without being too harsh on ourselves, guided by the willingness to change received in step 6, we move on to action. Drawing on the experience of our friends who have already taken this step, and the support of a power greater than ourselves, we gain the courage, strength and hope to overcome our shortcomings.

EIGHT STEP: We made a list of all the people we had wronged, and were filled with the desire to make amends to them all.

In order to move to the next stage of recovery, we need to learn to forgive other people, ourselves and ask for forgiveness for the harm caused to others. In this step, we make a list of all the people who were harmed during our active addiction and prepare ourselves to make amends to them all.

STEP NINE: We personally compensated these people whenever possible, except in cases where it might harm them or someone else.

We correct the mistakes of the past, getting rid of the oppressive feelings of guilt and remorse. In this way we demonstrate our desire to live in a new way.

STEP TEN: We continued to introspect and when we made mistakes, we immediately admitted it.

To avoid falling into the trap of the same destructive way of thinking, we continue to analyze our feelings, thoughts and behavior. We need to learn to immediately admit our mistakes and correct them.

STEP ELEVEN: Through prayer and reflection we sought to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us to do and for the power to do it.

Throughout recovery, as we follow steps 1 through 10, we gain an understanding of God as a force greater than ourselves. Program " 12 STEPS “not religious, but spiritual. And we definitely need to improve our conscious contact with God, as we understand him, in order to continue to develop our spiritual essence.

STEP TWELVE:Having achieved a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we sought to carry the message to other addicts and apply these principles in all our affairs.

Our main task is to start a fundamentally new life. By working on the previous steps, we received the tools for recovery. The time has come to finally and unconditionally let these miracles into all areas of our activities. Thanks to 12 In this step, we begin to live a new life, bringing the message of recovery to those addicts who are still suffering, thereby reinforcing our belief that we are on the right path.

All these steps are worked out systematically, one after another. But in essence, the addict begins to learn to use all these principles as soon as he begins recovery under this program.

– rehabilitation.

You can “pull” the patient out of the binge by sending him to the hospital or calling a doctor home. Thereby saving his health from complete destruction.

You can code the patient by “forbidding” him to drink alcohol.

You can treat it with a therapist and other specialists. They will help restore the functions of organs exposed to ethyl alcohol.

BUT. The main problem still remains. The patient, as before, has an addiction. He is “somehow uncomfortable,” and it seems that a small drink could solve this problem. Well, just one, what’s so scary about that! There are still many problems in a person’s head, and he simply does not know how to cope with them, does not know what to do.

The 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous program was created specifically to solve these problems. It helps to cope with psychological dependence on ethyl alcohol and find your place in society.

The Origins of the 12 Step Program for Alcoholics

The 12 Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous was developed in the USA in 1932.

It all started with the famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung. One day he was visited by a patient named Ronald H. with a very interesting story. Ronald suffered from alcoholism. More recently, he believed that he had perfectly mastered self-control techniques and got rid of the disease without anyone’s help. He felt like the absolute master of his fate...though not for long, because very soon he lost his temper and began drinking even more desperately.

Jung instilled in Ronaldo the idea that the addict himself was powerless. He must admit that he needs outside help.

Ronald changes his worldview and joins the famous “Oxford Group” - the first “society of anonymous alcoholics”. He gets rid of his addiction, begins to help others and soon meets another enterprising person, Edwin T. Together they develop new principles for the rehabilitation of patients. This is how the 12-step treatment plan for alcoholism is born. Today it is recognized as one of the most effective. And it is used with great success in our center.

12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous: Program


“We recognize that we are powerless over alcohol addiction. We can't control our lives."

This is the most important confession that a patient must make to himself. There is great danger in the idea that “I can stop drinking on my own and I can keep everything under control.” Any smoker will tell you that he can quit, just “as long as he wants to indulge some more.” And everyone knows that this is a big lie and self-deception. The 12 steps for alcoholism begin with being honest with yourself.


“We understand that only an outside Power that surpasses our own will help us regain sanity.”

So, a person is ready to change his life. But he understands that he cannot do this on his own. This means you need to accept outside help and trust it.


“We have firmly decided to entrust our lives and will to God, the one in whom we believe.”

A person will not be able to trust an impersonal Power that he does not understand. It needs personification. This may be something different for everyone. Any deity and any powerful entity in which he believes. Thus, personality transformation occurs through the superego.


“We have fearlessly and deeply introspected from a moral perspective.”

Man places the super-essence inside himself. He begins to look at his past and his painful addiction more objectively, critically. He sees his guilt. But it cannot be left inside a person, so the next step is:


“We acknowledge to ourselves, to God and to those around us the causes and origins of our past errors.”

The man admitted his guilt, and he must leave it in the past. Now he understands why everything happened this way. Once the root of wrong behavior is discovered, you can begin to get rid of it.


“We are absolutely ready for God to remove our defects of character.”

The success of any endeavor depends on how prepared a person is for it. The patient already knows where he is coming from, to what and for what purpose. This is an important point in the work of any psychotherapist.


“We humbly ask God to deliver us from our vices.”

Now the patient and God know perfectly well what needs to be corrected. They have nothing to hide from each other. There's nothing to be ashamed of. There are no omissions and no falsehood. Only mutual desire and trust. It's time to start “whitening your self.”


“We understand that we have committed injustices against others in the past. Now we want to list these people and compensate them for damages.”

At this stage, a stable desire to correct one’s guilt should be developed. A person, as it were, “repays his debt” to the outside world under the guidance of his higher self, thereby destroying his guilt.


“We corrected those unfair, wrong actions that we committed towards others, where possible, except in cases where it could bring harm to a person.”

Guilt is one of the biggest problems of an alcoholic at the rehabilitation stage. It can lead to a breakdown and resumption of addiction, aggression directed against oneself and other people.


“Now we always do introspection. We try to immediately admit and make amends for our guilt.”

At this stage, a person learns to transform feelings of guilt into aggression, and aggression into helping other people.


“We reflect and pray to our God because we want to better know his will, to understand our purpose in this world.”

In fact, a person begins to understand himself and listen to his superego. It is very important that all positive instructions from the new inner voice are transformed into actions as quickly as possible.


“By following these steps, we became better people and awakened to a new, happy life. This is possible for any alcoholic! We need to bring this great news to everyone who has not yet gotten rid of addiction, and use these principles in any business.”

alcoholism rehabilitation