The categories of numerals are functionally semantic features. Types of numerals by structure

Numeral-- an independent part of speech denoting the number, quantity and order of objects. Answers the questions: how much? which?

Numerals are divided into three lexico-grammatical categories: quantitative (two, fifty, two hundred, three hundred fifty one) And collective (both, two, five) - answer the question How many?, ordinal-- answer the question which? (first, second, hundredth).

The composition of cardinal numerals includes definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals. The first ones denote a certain number of units ( two, four, fifteen, one and a half hundred, two hundred), the second - an indefinite number of units; these include words few, a lot, a lot of, A little, as well as pronominal numerals some, How many, for some time, How many.

Cardinal number-- a numeral that answers the question “how many?”, “how many?”, “how many?” and so on.

Cardinal numbers have two meanings.

  • 1. Both definite-quantitative and indefinite-quantitative numerals have a quantitative-numerical meaning, represented by two particular meanings --
  • quantitative (quantity as a sign of an object: five goals, three chairs, ten days, some years) And
  • · numerical (abstract quantity, or number: four is divisible by two without a remainder, three times ten --thirty; some-- this is not any indefinite quantity: it can be three, five,ten, not much at all; oral speech).
  • 2. Only definite cardinal numerals have a countable ordinal meaning: they name the ordinal place of an object, which, when counting stops, turns out to be the last in a series of homogeneous ones: house three(house, third in a row of houses, when counting is stopped, limited to the number of three); car eight, place thirty-five(place, last in a row, when counting is stopped, limited to 35 places).
  • 3. A numeral is an independent full-valued part of the language, which means an abstract mathematical number or the number of objects or their order when counting. Numerals answer the question how many? how many? which? which one? which? etc. For example: 1. "Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language" includes the verbal wealth of the Russian literary language from I. Kotlyarevsky to the present day, it contains about one hundred thirty-six thousand words(3 magazines). 2. And on a clear evening I stared at four blue eyes(V. Sosyura). S. Nine is divided by three.
  • 4. Numerals express their lexical meaning in the grammatical category of case, that is, they change according to cases (this is their constant morphological feature). By numbers, only the numeral one-one changes. Most numerals denoting an abstract or specific number of objects do not have a grammatical gender, except for numerals: one, one, one, two - two, both - both.
  • 5. Numerals, indicating the order of objects when counting, change according to cases, numbers and genders.
  • 6. In the sentence, numerals perform various functions. When combined with nouns, in the form of the nominative case they play the role of the subject, and in the indirect case - the role of the determiner: Through levadas and vegetable gardens, two godfathers walked from the wedding to the house (L. Glebov). The city stood at a crossroads under the seven winds(3 magazines). In the first sentence of the message, two kuma acts as the subject, in the second the numeral seven is the definition of the noun winds. A numeral can serve as a nominal part of a compound predicate: Two times seven is fourteen.
  • 7. Places of numerals by value
  • 8. Based on their meaning and grammatical characteristics, numerals are divided into two categories: quantitative and ordinal.
  • 9. are cardinal numerals, denoting an abstract mathematical number or number of objects and answer the question how many?: two, three, ten, thirty-four, n "five, one second etc.
  • 10. Cardinal numerals are divided into several groups: actual quantitative, quantitative-fractional, quantitative-combined and undefined quantitative.
  • 11. Actually cardinal numbers name a precisely defined quantity in whole units: five hectares, twenty notebooks, two hundred and fifty days.
  • 12. Quantitative-prefabricated (or simply prefabricated) designate a certain quantity as an indivisible, unmembered collection of objects. Prefabricated numbers include numbers from two to twenty And thirty, and both, both, both.
  • 13. Collective numerals are combined with other words to a limited extent; in particular, they are used:
  • 14. * plural nouns: four gates, five sleighs, two scissors;
  • 15. * masculine and general nouns to designate creatures: three friends, thirty Cossacks, two passengers, and five orphans.
  • 16. o neuter nouns - names of things: two doors, four windows;
  • 17. o neuter nouns - names of small creatures: four foals, puppies, ducklings.
  • 18. Quantitative-fractional (or simply fractional) numerals name an exactly fixed number of parts from the whole: three n "yatih, two thirds. Each fractional number consists of a cardinal number (in the numerator) and an ordinal number (in the denominator). Fractional numerals can be combined with quantitative numbers themselves, denoting the number of whole units: one point three p "yatih, six point one third. The numerals one and a half, one and a half, and one and a half hundred are also considered fractions.
  • 19. Undefined cardinal numerals indicate an indefinite, unfixed quantity: a lot (a little), a little (a lot), a lot, a few, a few, a few, a few, a few, as much as.
  • 20. Insignificant numerals a little, a lot, a lot are consonant with adverbs, and numerals as many as with pronouns. their belonging to one or another part of speech is determined based on the context: I read a lot (adverb); Many birds flew in (numeral).
  • 21. Ordinal numbers mean the order of objects when counting and answer the question which?: eighth, sixty-seventh, two thousand and six.
  • 22. When combined with a noun, ordinal numbers agree with them in gender, number and case.

1) quantitative;

2) ordinal;

  • - ".....

    Official terminology

  • - 1...
  • A reference book on spelling and style

  • - 1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them: a) eight - eight; also: eighty - eighty, eight hundred - eight hundred...

    A reference book on spelling and style

  • A reference book on spelling and style

  • - 1. The collective numerals two, three, four are combined: 1) with masculine and general nouns that name persons: two friends, three orphans...

    A reference book on spelling and style

  • - see numeral name...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms

  • - Categories that arise as a result of the contact of grammatical categories and lexical groupings of words: categories of abstractness, materiality, animation of nouns, mode of action of verbs,...
  • - 1) concrete nouns; 2) real nouns; 3) abstract nouns; 4) collective nouns...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - 1) quality; 2) relative adjectives; 3) possessive adjectives...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - simple, complex, compound...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - 1) personal; 2) returnable; 3) possessive; 4) interrogative; 5) relative; 6) exclamation marks; 7) negative; 8) uncertain; 9) definitive; 10) index fingers...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - In modern Russian, the following subtypes of declensions are distinguished: 1) one, one, one in them. and wine.p. have short endings, in oblique cases - full ones...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Means of anaphora, references to components of the previous text: 1) personal demonstrative pronouns; 2) demonstrative pronouns; 3) possessive pronouns...

    Syntax: Dictionary

  • - In modern Russian, they have a category of gender and change according to gender: 1) several simple basic numerals: one, one, one; two, two; 2) compound numerals ending in the words one, two...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

"basic lexical and grammatical categories of numerals" in books


From the book Russian Language under the Soviets author Fesenko Andrey


From the book How to Speak Correctly: Notes on the Culture of Russian Speech author Golovin Boris Nikolaevich

“STABILITY” OF NUMERAL NAMES From school textbooks of the Russian language, we know well that numerals (both simple, complex, and composite) are supposed to be declined, that is, to change according to cases. But the textbooks do not warn us that these names are beginning to show "stubbornness"

X. Spelling of numerals

author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

X. Spelling of numerals § 45. Quantitative, ordinal, fractional numerals 1. Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numerals are written together, for example: eighteen, eighty, eight hundred.2. Compounds (consisting of several words)

XXXVIII. Forms of numerals

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XXXVIII. Forms of numerals § 164. Combinations of numerals with nouns 1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them: a) eight - eight (the second form has a bookish character and a connotation of obsolescence); Also:

§ 164. Combinations of numerals with nouns

From the book Handbook of Spelling and Stylistics author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

§ 164. Combinations of numerals with nouns 1. There are variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them: a) eight - eight (the second form has a bookish character and a connotation of obsolescence); also: eighty - eighty,


author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

X. SPELLING OF NUMERAL NAMES § 44. Quantitative, ordinal, fractional numerals 1. Complex (consisting of two bases) cardinal numerals are written together, for example: eighty, eight hundred.2. Compound (consisting of several words) quantitative


From the book Handbook of Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Dietmar Elyashevich

XXXVIII. FORMS OF NUMERAL NAMES § 166. Combinations of numerals with nouns 1. Variant forms of the instrumental case of simple and complex numerals and combinations with them are equal: eight - eight, eighty - eighty, eight hundred - eight hundred.

6.1. Grammatical categories and meanings. Grammatical word classes

author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.1. Grammatical categories and meanings. Grammatical classes of words Morphology is an integral part of grammar. The object of consideration in morphology is the word in all its diversity. When a word is used in a specific situation, it is already customary to call it

6.2. Grammatical categories, grammatical meanings and grammatical forms

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.2. Grammatical categories, grammatical meanings and grammatical forms A grammatical category appears in the modern understanding as a generalization of grammatical meanings. One word can have several grammatical categories. The best thing

6.4. Parts of speech as the main lexical and grammatical categories of words

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.4. Parts of speech as the main lexical and grammatical categories of words In any language, all words are distributed into certain groups. Such groupings of words are usually called parts of speech. The distribution of words into parts of speech occurs according to three principles: 1) semantic; 2)

6.6. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns by meaning

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.6. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns by meaning Depending on the lexical-semantic and partly grammatical (morphological) features, nouns are divided into several lexico-grammatical categories: 1) common and proper nouns; 2)

6.7. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.7. Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns Category of animateness/inanimateness. The animate/inanimate nature of nouns is lexically manifested in the fact that animate nouns denote primarily living beings

6.15. Classifications of adjectives by meaning and grammatical properties (qualitative, relative, possessive)

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.15. Classifications of adjectives by meaning and grammatical properties (qualitative, relative, possessive) Adjectives are heterogeneous in their grammatical and semantic properties. The school textbook traditionally distinguishes three main categories

6.16 Lexico-grammatical features of qualitative adjectives

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

6.16 Lexico-grammatical features of qualitative adjectives Qualitative adjectives denote a property inherent in the object itself, one that can be characterized by varying degrees of intensity: gray - grayer, kind - kinder. Basically this category

7.2. Lexico-grammatical types of phrases

From the book Modern Russian Language. Practical guide author Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

7.2. Lexico-grammatical types of phrases Depending on the feature underlying the classification, it is customary to distinguish the following types of phrases: 1) types of phrases by structure: a) simple phrases consisting of two significant words, for example.


§ 52. Semantic, morphological
and syntactic features of numerals

Numerals as a part of speech combine words with quantitative
numerical value. They are the names of numbers (two, ten, one hundred
five, thousand, million
etc.), express the count (one two three four,
five, six pencils)
and indicate the number of items counted
comrade (one orange, two pears, three apples). Ability of numerals
to be the name of such an abstract entity as a number is sufficient
precise semantic basis for distinguishing them into a special class of le-
xem. In this class, units (referring to integers) form associations
citation series and occupy a strictly defined place in it, since
each of them differs by the same seme (one) from the previous one
next and next: five is one more than four and less than six
ti, six is ​​one more than five and less than seven, etc. 61. However, not
it is correct to think that this is the only thing that makes the unique meaning of the number
tel. The numeral cannot be adequately characterized without taking into account
explaining its role in the expression of quantitative relationships.

Combination of two semantic components, quantitative
and numerical, is a specific feature of the semantics of numerals
as parts of speech. It is this syncretism that separates numerals from su-
nouns that can also have a quantitative meaning
(a pair of gloves, three horses, a dozen napkins, a hundred Cossacks, five
a current of eggs, a dozen onions, a copper penny, a brand new ten),
but at
this is not indicated by numbers. Quantitative-numerical value of number
telny as parts of speech is based on their morphological design.

Morphologically, numerals are consistently characterized

Cm. M. F. Lukin. On the question of the lexico-grammatical status of numerals in the modern Russian language // Questions of linguistics, 1987, No. 6. P. 43-51. 105

When expressing quantitative relations, the case of the numeral
differs from the noun case in its asemanticism: it does not
expresses neither subject nor object. Numerals by themselves, outside of co-
combinations with nouns are neither subject nor object
eat: Two birch trees grew under the window(subject - two birches).

Note. In cases like Two went into the forest the numeral is substantivized: it expresses the idea not only of quantity, but also of the subject (two here it means “two people”).

When denoting numbers, the numeral is the name of the definite
digital sign and cannot be combined with nouns, the case is numeral
the literal is not functionally opposed to the case
nouns: in sentence structure it turns out to be the same
component, which is the case of a noun. See, for example,
Four is more than three Where four - subject, and three - addition.

As we see, where the numeral is semantically separated from the noun
opposite (denotation of number), grammatically it is not opposed to it
delivered. It is distinguished from nouns precisely when expressed
understanding quantitative relationships.

Morphological number (except for the word one, and also a noun
numerals), numerals do not have. Genus in number
literals are presented inconsistently, and also inconsistently
reflected in the numerals the animateness/inanimateness of a being
nouns with which they are combined: I see two pine trees, 1 two girls,
But I see five pines 1 five girls.

Syntactically, numerals are similar to pronouns
This is due to the fact that they do not have their own function as a member of the sentence, which is
makes their grammatical syntactic structure vulnerable
(numerals as a part of speech are not identified by all linguists. But
normative grammars recognize them).

The syntactic form of numerals is manifested in the way
without their grammatical connection with nouns in quantitative sub-
stative phrases. The peculiarity of these phrases (originally
lure - constructions with the word one) is that in them there is
nominatives cannot have the forms I. and V. cases. In syntactic terms
in the positions of these cases, the numeral predetermines the form of the noun
telnoe (R.p.) or, as they say, controls the noun-
nom: here are three apples(but not apple or apples), I see five pensils
(but not pencils). In other cases, the numeral agrees with the su-
noun: told about two meetings.

As a result, when a subject or object is expressed in quantity
qualitative-substantive phrase, numeral case introduced
dit (does not express!) into a sentence a semantic subject or semantic

ical object. Neither the case of the noun has such a syntactic role.
nouns, nor in the case of adjectives.

The numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenishment
class of words - although any number can be designated -
which is due to the peculiarities of their word-formation structure,
with an agglutinative method of their formation. The original lexemes, according to
the means by which numerical values ​​are expressed are few, and they
strictly limited. These are the words: one (one, one), two (two), three, four-
re, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eight
seventeen nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, six
hundred, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four
thousand, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred, thousand,
million, billion.
Moreover, the last three words (they are actually
more - trillion etc.) can also be nouns, and the word
one It also has pronominal adjectival use.

Numerals as parts of speech are not typically combined with adjectives.
negative. Setting up a consistent definition for quantitative
a given word can be a sign of its substantive function, for example,
study for round five; in the diary it was difficult to distinguish
erased two.
In combination one thousand rubles word thousand is su-
noun (profanity to say *one thousand rubles).

Lexico-grammatical categories of numerals

Numerals primarily describe two lexico-grammatical
logical category: cardinal and collective numerals.

In school practice (and in many textbooks) there are also
row numerals, which are formed from quantitative suf-
in a fixed way, including the zero suffix: third, fourth
th, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh
th, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixth
eleventh, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth,
thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eight-
mid-tenth, ninetieth, hundredth, two hundredth, three hundredth, four hundredth,
five hundredth, six hundredth, seven hundredth, eight hundredth, nine hundredth, you-
thousandth, millionth, billionth. TO
word one ordinal numerator-
new - first, by the way two - second. When forming an ordinal
numeral from a compound cardinal numeral of origin
change the last components: one hundred twenty one -> one hundred twenty
first, seven hundred and ninety-six -> seven hundred and ninety-six.

Ordinal numbers indicate the ordinal number of an object
when counting. They are syntactic derivatives of quantitative

numerals. By the nature of its transpositional meaning and by
morphological categories, as already noted, ordinal numbers
adjectives are the same as relative adjectives.

In addition to ordinal ones, there is also a special category of quantitative
numerals - fractional numerals: two and a half (percent)
ta), two fifths, three sixths, one tenth.
Their selection is motivated
but by what they call fractions, that is, special numbers. However, from the point
From a morphological point of view, this distinction is not justified. Fractional numerator-
nye are rather a special type of quantitative phrases. Order-
the numerals in them are substantivized (two thirds of the plot =
two thirds of the plot). M.F. Lukin (see the mentioned article), describes
Reflecting on the sign function of fractional combinations, he proposed to call
in their special words. It is very difficult to agree with this, since the word
and the phrase, in principle, cannot be separated on the basis of sign-
howl role.

In addition to specialized combinations, fractional numerals
represented by words one and a half hundred And one and a half These two words should
considered in morphology. But due to the fact that there are only two of them,
concept of lexical-grammatical category to fractional number at-

Based on semantics and grammatical properties, it is customary to distinguish the following categories of numerals:

1) quantitative ( four, nine, fifteen, thirty, forty, seventy, two hundred, five hundred, thousand, eighty two, eight hundred twenty one);

2) ordinal ( first, sixteenth, seventieth, hundredth, ninety-ninth, four hundred and seventy-eighth);

3) fractional ( one second, seven tenths);

4) collective ( two, three, ten);

5) indefinitely quantitative ( many, how many, so many, several).

Cardinal numbers denote the number of whole units or a certain number of objects counted in whole units. According to their structure, cardinal numbers are divided into:

1) simple, or non-derivatives (names of units of the first ten, as well as forty, one hundred, thousand);

2) complex or derivatives, historically consisting of two bases with an element – on– or without it: twelve, thirty, fifty, three hundred, seven hundred;

3) composite, which are combinations of two or more numerals ( twenty-five, four hundred eighty-seven, fifty-two thousand seven hundred and forty-eight).

Numeral one (one, one) preserves gender differences in modern Russian language (one table, one girl, one window) and its old declension on the model of pronouns and full adjectives ( one, alone etc.) Word one may have other meanings: There is safety in numbers(used as a noun); They served in the same regiment(i.e. in the same thing); The action takes place in a Volga city(i.e. in some way) - acts as various pronouns; I was the only one who knew about it(only, only) - plays the role of a restrictive part.

Form alone has a formal plural indicator (ending -And), but, of course, does not express the meaning of plurality, since this contradicts the very meaning of the word one. Form alone has a numerical value only when combined: a) with nouns that do not have a unit. numbers: some glasses, some pitchforks; b) with nouns denoting paired objects: some shoes(a pair). In all other cases the form alone used in the meaning of other parts of speech. For example: were in the group alone girls(excretory particle); they talked about it alone our good friends(indefinite pronoun), etc.

Numeral two three four had a common fate in the history of the Russian language and now have the same declension: I. two (two), three, four, R. two, three, four; D. two, three, four; IN. two (two), (two), three, four (three, four); T. two, three, four; P. two, three, four. At the same time the word two retained generic differences ( two boys, two villages, two girls), numerals three four they were lost.

In the Old Russian language the word two had dual forms ( dva, dvh; two; davhma). Later (apparently under the influence of the nominal declension) the form began to be used in the genitive and locative cases two, and then two(under the influence of non-personal pronouns and words three four). We find these three forms in modern complex: adjectives cousin(and second cousin), two-sided, double-sided, double-breasted, two-story, two-month and so on.)

After numerals two three four in the nominative (as well as in the accusative) case, the nouns were in the genitive singular form, which contradicts the meaning. Source of this form –– -them. – wine pad. dual number of masculine nouns table, fruit (two tables, two fruits), which, after the loss of the category of the dual number, began to be perceived precisely as the genitive case of the singular. In the future, the forms gen. pad. began to be used for other names ( two villages) and after numerals three, four (three tables, four tables), replacing here the regular forms of the plural ( three tables, four tables etc.).

In oblique cases, numerals two three four agree with nouns ( two, three, four tables, two, three, four tables etc.)

Numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, having lost gender, the category of number and the ability to be defined by adjectives, they retained their declension according to the type of nouns. They change according to the third declension, like names bone, night, square.

The numerals from 11 to 19 were formed from a combination of the names of the numbers of the first ten + a preposition on+ local case of the word ten: one-by-ten (one over ten), five-by-ten etc., with each part of the declension having its own stress. However, these combinations began to be perceived as a single whole, as one word with an emphasis on the first part, as a result of which the second component underwent a strong reduction with the loss of vowels and assimilation. This is how the element arose - twenty, writing a letter d in which we remind you of the word that was once here ten.

Similar changes occurred in the history of numerals twenty thirty, which were originally word additions two And three with appropriate forms of the nominative case (dual or plural), words ten. The name of the number 40 was formed in the same way in ancient times.

Numerals fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty go back to combinations of the corresponding names of numbers five six etc. with the genitive plural form of the former noun ten. In the same way, the word denoting nine tens was formed in the Old Russian language ( nine ten).

In the history of the Russian language, the old names for the numbers 40 and 90 were supplanted by other words: the noun fourty, which originally meant a bag that contained four dozen skins and the word ninety(probably, nine to one hundred). Words forty, ninety, and one hundred declined as nouns ( forty, ninety, one hundred; forty, ninety, one hundred etc.), however, most of the forms of these numerals have been lost, and in modern Russian only two forms are contrasted: forty, ninety, one hundred - forty, ninety, hundred(common to all indirect cases).

In works of Russian literature of the 19th century. Archaic forms of oblique cases of these numerals are often found: People visit them a hundred times a day(I. A. Krylov); In the village of Mostakh (one hundred and forty versts from Samara) there was a fire near the hut where Pugachev spent the night(A.S. Pushkin); The colonel starved all his horses, walking forty miles every day from Stepanchikovo to the city(F. M. Dostoevsky).

The names of hundreds are formed similarly to the numerals denoting tens. They arose from combinations of words from one before nine with different forms of the former noun so: 200 - nominative case of the dual number ( d'vh s'th; two hundred), 300, 400 - with the nominative plural ( three hundred, four hundred > three hundred, four hundred), from 500 to 900 - with genitive plural ( five hundred, six hundred and so on.; > five hundred, six hundred¼nine hundred).

Numerals from eleven before nineteen, and twenty thirty bow as one word third type of declension of nouns. According to the same type, but with a change in both parts, the words also decline fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. When declension, the name of hundreds also changes both components: in oblique cases, the first part receives the endings characteristic of the corresponding names of numbers from one before ten, the second part is the word one hundred, similar to the plural forms of neuter nouns village: two hundred, three hundred, two hundred, three hundred, two hundred, four hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred, seven hundred, five hundred, nine hundred, six hundred, eight hundred, seven hundred, nine hundred. This fact once again reminds us of the former affiliation of the word one hundred to the category of nouns.

Cardinal numbers in oblique cases agree with nouns ( five boys, ten students, about seventeen books, two hundred rubles etc.). But the word thousand, preserving the characteristics of a noun and declining according to the type of noun to – a (earth, candle), can be combined with nouns in indirect cases and according to the method of control ( to a thousand students And to a thousand students). Words million, billion, trillion, used in modern Russian as numerals, control the noun in all case forms: a million rubles, a million rubles, a million rubles, a million rubles and about a million rubles).

Composite numerals are formed by sequentially adding smaller numbers to larger ones, while each word included in their composition is declined: two hundred thirty four, two hundred thirty four etc.

Ordinals mean the order of objects when counting ( fourth hour, seventh year, three hundred and twenty-first page and so on.). They are formed from the corresponding cardinal numbers ( five - fifth, one hundred - hundredth, thousand - thousandth), and when forming words first second a different base is used.

Such words are included in the category of numerals conditionally, in accordance with the traditions of school teaching of the Russian language. In their grammatical properties, they are no different from adjectives: they change in gender, number and case, consistent with the noun ( second table, second week, second window, second numbers), are declined like adjectives ( first, first, first, third, third, third, third, third), in a sentence acts as an agreed definition. Therefore, ordinal numbers are usually considered as one of the varieties of relative adjectives.

Fractional numbers denote fractional quantities, i.e. the number of equal parts of a unit. They are combinations, the first part of which is a cardinal number, and the second is an ordinal number, taking the form of either the nominative singular feminine or the genitive plural: one eighth, two thirds, four tenths and so on.

In the Old Russian language there was an original way of designating numbers like 1.5; 3.5; 45; 550, etc., representing the number of units of any category and half a unit of the same category. For the same purpose, the noun combination was used floor (half) with the genitive case of the singular of a short ordinal number, formed from a word denoting the number of whole units, but one unit more: half a heel (4,5), half a hundred(550), etc. From this old system of designating similar quantities in the Russian language, only the words remained one and a half, one and a half(from half-second) And half a century (pol – vtora – s’ta), which, after the loss of reduced vowels, underwent a simplification of the consonant group l to t. Currently the numeral one and a half (one and a half) preserves generic differences: one and a half pieces, one and a half logs, one and a half weeks.

Collective numberstwo, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten in modern Russian it forms a small group that does not go beyond the top ten. But back in the 17th century, their circle was practically unlimited: in the monuments there are writings osmnatsater plows, twenty two sleighs, magpie bast shoes and under.

Collective numbers are formed from quantitative numbers using suffixes - j(e): two, three or –er(o): four, five etc. They are declined as impersonal pronouns or full adjectives (words two, three- soft, the rest - hard).

In the nominative-accusative cases they control nouns that are in the genitive plural form, in other cases they agree with them: four students - four students. However, the forms of oblique cases are rarely used and are usually replaced by forms of cardinal numbers: four students.

The stylistic validity of collective numerals is their predominantly use in colloquial speech.

In numerals, first of all, two lexico-grammatical categories are described: quantitative and collective numerals.

In school practice (and in many textbooks), ordinal numbers are also distinguished, which are formed from quantitative ones in a suffix way, including the zero suffix: third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, thirtieth, fortieth, fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth, ninetieth, hundredth, two hundredth, three hundredth, four hundredth, five hundredth, six hundredth, seven hundredth, eight hundredth, nine hundredth, thousandth, millionth, billionth. TO word one ordinal number - first, by the way two - second. When forming an ordinal number from a compound cardinal number, the last components are exchanged: one hundred twenty-one → one hundred and twenty-first, seven hundred and ninety-six → seven hundred and ninety-six.

Ordinal numbers indicate the ordinal number of an object

when counting. They are syntactic derivatives of cardinal numerals. By the nature of their transpositional meaning and by morphological categories, as already noted, ordinal numbers coincide with relative adjectives.

In addition to ordinal numbers, there is also a special category of cardinal numbers – fractional numbers: two and a half (percent), two fifths, three sixths, one tenth. Their selection is motivated by the fact that they call fractions, i.e. special numbers. However, from a morphological point of view, this distinction is not justified. Fractional numbers are rather a special type of quantitative phrases. Ordinal numbers in them are substantivized (two thirds of the plot= two thirds of the plot).

In addition to specialized combinations, fractional numbers are represented by words one and a half hundred And one and a half These two words should be considered in morphology. But due to the fact that there are only two of them, the concept of lexical-grammatical category fractional number conditionally applicable.

Cardinal numbers

The grammatical core of a part of speech is cardinal numerals. Everything that has been said about the features of the numeral as a separate class of words primarily concerns cardinal numerals.

Cardinal numbers are divided into definite-quantitative And indefinite-quantitative. The first ones correspond to the digital designations of quantity (two, one hundred, thousand). The latter express the idea of ​​an indefinite quantity and relate to numerals not so much by semantics as by grammatical features: as numerals proper, they have the property of controlling the genitive case of a noun and introducing semantic subject and object into a sentence. The following lexemes are indefinite quantitative numerals: a lot, a little, a little, a lot, as much, as much as, a few, some, some.

These words denote an indefinite number of objects only when combined with nouns (So ​​many birds! Many days: few friends). Unlike definite quantitative words, they can be combined with nouns that do not name discrete objects (a lot of grief, little joy).

In the R., D., T. and P. cases, i.e. where the numeral agrees with the noun, indeclinable indefinite numerals are not delimited from adjectives. But in the nominative and accusative cases, combinations with indefinite numerals and adjectives do not coincide: one can say How many sparrows! a lot of cats but no combinations *how many sparrows or * how many sparrows; *many cat. There is a combination many cats, but its meaning does not coincide with a lot of cats.

In combinations with verbs, indefinite numerals pass into the category of adverbs and lose (if they are changeable, that is, all but unchangeable few And a lot) ability to bend ( how much he sleeps, how much he works, how much he eats).

Note. Some linguists insist that indefinite words should be classified not as numerals, but as adverbs, since they are devoid of numerical meaning. Undoubtedly, the actual numeral and indefinite-quantitative words are semantically significantly different. But the fact is that these words, when they express the idea of ​​an indefinite quantity, that is, when combined with nouns, are grammatically, as well as

semantically do not coincide with adverbs. The attribution of indefinite-quantitative words to numerals as parts of speech (in the same way to adverbs) to a certain extent turns out to be conditional.