Various tests for men online. What type of woman suits you best?

Do you know women? "What a question!" - almost every man will exclaim. And this is natural. But what's stopping you from checking? own self-esteem? Especially alone with yourself. Read the questions carefully and choose the answers that are closest to your views.

What kind of husband are you?

Husbands are not born. Learn to love and care for those around you - a lot of work. Answer the test questions and you will find out whether you are really capable of taking responsibility and acting as the head of the family. From the proposed answers, choose the one that suits you.

How attractive are you to women?

You, dear men, are offered several questions to which you only have to answer “Yes” or “No”. This test will help you determine how attractive women find you.

What type of woman suits you best?

In this test you are given a series of life situations and several options for solving them. You are required to choose only the option that suits you best.

Inferiority complex

Historically, a woman expects strength, will, courage and determination from a man in a variety of life manifestations. She doesn’t mind a man at home being soft, gentle, and dependent. But in harsh everyday life, in public, in important, difficult periods of life, she wants to see a knight, a protector, a reliable strong wall next to her. And if a man, in any case, is neither fish nor fowl and acts as if under anesthesia, the woman cannot stand it and throws him offensive words. However, it is possible that women have not given you such “compliments”, but at the same time, your masculine courage and determination are a big question. Let's use the test to remove the questions and dot the i's.

Can you be irresistible?

Psychologists believe that it is enough to talk with a person for one and a half minutes to create a stable opinion about him. Are you able to charm your interlocutor during this time? Determine this using the proposed test.

Who are you really: a man or a boy?

We are all children at heart, but women admit this more readily than men. Who are you really: a grown man or a little boy? Answer the test questions and find out the answer to this question.

How strong the will is, the more fruitful our work and studies are usually. We offer short test, which will allow you to determine what your will is. Try to answer the 15 questions as honestly as possible.

Are you cunning?

There are people for whom hopeless situations does not exist. The cunning man knows a thousand ways to achieve his goal. And you? To answer this question, you only need to answer the questions in our test.

“The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general,” says folk wisdom. However, there are many people who should never be leaders. Do you have any character traits that indicate your aptitude for leadership work?

The inability to deal with stress and its artificial creation (yes, don’t be surprised, we often invent non-existent problems for ourselves and create troubles that can easily be avoided) can negatively affect both our health and our attitude towards work. How to learn not to push yourself critical situations and what errors can lead to nervous breakdowns, most often committed by people, you can find out from this test.

This is an important question. People's indecisiveness sometimes leads to very serious problems. So, are you determined? Take our test and we hope you will get to know yourself even better.

Does your partner get along well with her own mother? Or do quarrels often break out between them due to differences in opinions? Is your partner really to blame for these arguments, as her mother claims? Or maybe she herself is no less to blame for this? Is everything good in your relationship with your partner or, if you don’t want to lose her, do you need to urgently take some action? This test will help you get answers to your questions.

Everyone lies. Most people lie when they first meet to make themselves look better. Most often our lies are absolutely white. Lies allow us to coexist with each other without hatred and aggression. And for the sake of this, you can go to a slight distortion of the truth, instead of sticking to the bare facts.

When you lied to last time? Never? Once you decide not to believe you. Think carefully and be honest with yourself. Okay, maybe you didn't explicitly lie, but just allowed the person to do wrong assumption, based on what you said or didn’t say, or maybe you decided to remain silent so as not to hurt other people’s feelings. Maybe you still allow yourself white lies?

If you told everyone around you the absolute truth, you would hardly have any friends? And where would you be now? In the hospital? Or maybe in prison? If you said everything you think, how would people react to your words? One thing is certain: you would be lonely and unemployed.

But what is truth? Why not sometimes allow yourself a white lie - for the sake of everyone's convenience, and not at all in order to harm someone or expose yourself to better light? Or do you take the truth very seriously and believe that you simply have to tell everyone around you the honest truth? To find out, mark those statements with which you agree in the test below. If the questions concern representatives of the other sex, imagine how you would behave in their place.

Our test will help you evaluate how much you can resist pressure. You will find out whether it is easy for you to cope with the stress that will inevitably arise in your personal relationships.

Tests for guys and men

Test passed: 6,661 times

Are you and your significant other suitable for each other? How much of a family is this to you? The family compatibility test will help answer your questions.

Test passed: 2,323 times

After passing this test you can either Once again make sure you are perfect, or fall flat on your face with a crash!

Test passed: 2,219 times

Using our test, you can determine how successful your marriage is and understand where problems in relationships come from.

Test passed: 2,457 times

Some men prefer to be a captain on a ship family life, others are quite happy with the role of boatswain, while others and above are not designated as cabin boys. Who do you think should be in charge in a relationship between a man and a woman? This test will help you figure it out.

Test passed: 10,712 times

All football fans think to themselves that they know all the rules and can confidently tell any referee to go to hell. Is it so? Test your knowledge of football rules! The head referee conducts a test to test his knowledge of some of the nuances of football rules.

Test passed: 2,360 times

We hope you know that all people are different, and precisely for this reason, every single one of them is wonderful. Maybe you also know what kind of person you are? This is by no means an idle question. It depends on who we are, what kind of people we like best, and with whom it is easiest for us to build relationships. After all, our habits and outlook on life, like our appearance, help win sympathy. So quickly answer the questions of our test, and you will find out whether you are a gentleman, or perhaps a “cowboy” or even an “artist”...

Test passed: 41,825 times

This test allows you to understand how familiar you are with the world of football, not only from the perspective of spending time watching TV, but also from your in-depth knowledge. The test questions start with the simplest ones, which every man, even those who are not interested in football, must answer. Next, you should strain your memory a little or think about it, as the questions become more complicated. At the end of the test there are questions for sophisticated football fans. But everyone needs to go through it in order to understand their level of passion for this sport, and not necessarily men. You can, for example, find out whether your wife is also watching this sport with you enthusiastically or is just killing time waiting for the end of the match and the start of the series.

Test passed: 3,087 times

Guys your age often act like they don't care what members of the opposite sex think of them. But this is not at all true! And if you liked one of their number, then you are just terribly curious whether she likes you? And since fortune telling using coffee grounds is not in fashion today, we suggest answering the questions in the following test.