Conversational English aids. Spoken English

M.: 201 4 . - 2 88s.

This have not happened before! The author uses an innovative technique that allows, without studying grammar in full and without cramming, to teach a person to completely independently construct the English phrases he needs. This technique ensures strong memorization of the most necessary words and expressions. The presentation of the material is based on a principle that has not been used anywhere before: a language template is proposed, which must be practically mastered and immediately obtain results. Visual charts and cheat sheets of the most necessary rules for reading and pronouncing English words are provided, as well as many exercises to reinforce these rules. The publication is designed for beginners to learn English, for those who are going on a trip abroad and who urgently need to learn to speak English.

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1.1. Why know the rules of reading and how we will study them 9
1.2. Types of sounds and letters 10
1.3. English alphabet 11
1.4. An easy way to remember anything, including the English alphabet 12
1.5. Reading consonants 13
1.6. Reading vowels 27
1.6.1. Template reading of vowels 27
1.6.2. Unconventional reading of vowels: coding sounds with letter combinations 30
1.7. The most useful words from examples and exercises on reading rules 64
- your training regime
2.1. PATTERN 1 “I...” 75
- what you need to learn first of all
- the required minimum to construct an affirmative sentence
- the main English verbs used in this book
- Template 1 “I am...” “I...” and what to put in this template
- proper name,
- numeral,
- adjective,
- adverb,
- noun,
- pretext,
- participle I
- participle II
- passive voice
- circumstance,
- how to tell how old you are, that you are sick, that you are hungry, that you are bleeding, that you are lost, that you were robbed, what is your name, where are you, what are you doing, what is your profession, what is wrong with you in order
- major possible health problems
2.1.1. Where are you at. Details 81
- you are on the street (square)
- you are in / near / not far from
- concept of articles a and the
- you are near an object with some name
- definitions before nouns in English
- the principle of distinguishing questions from affirmative sentences in English
- concept of a general issue
- answers “yes” and “no”
- concept of a special issue
- concept of a question word
- structure of a special question
- features of answers to questions regarding personal pronouns
- personal pronouns and forms of the verb to be
- how to find out the whereabouts of various persons
- details of your location
2.1.2. What condition are you in 96
2.1.3. How would you describe yourself 98
2.1.4. Your age, phone number and cardinal numbers 99
- statements about objects not expressed by personal pronouns - both in the singular and in the plural
- how to tell that your luggage is lost, stolen, that your money is stolen
- what is most likely to be stolen or lost
- use of the conjunction and and
- how to say age, phone number, number of some object (house, apartment, office, etc.)
2.1.5. How to provide your phone number and other necessary information about yourself, relatives and friends 109
- possessive pronouns
- how to provide your name, phone number, address, bank account number, bank name, hotel name, who your relatives, friends, lawyer, doctor and information about them are,
- someone’s location in relation to an object with a number

2.2. TEMPLATE 2 “I act...” 118
2.2.1. Template 2.1. “I see...” 118
- indicating your location by various means Object case of pronouns 123
- how to say that you see an object in a certain place
- circumstance of place
- your location relative to the object, in particular, expressed by a personal pronoun
- who or what you see next to the object
2.2.2. A general approach to constructing English affirmative sentences: a detailed diagram taking into account the circumstances of the place... 130
- main and secondary members of the sentence (subject, predicate, object and circumstance)
2.3.1. How to formulate desire and need 131
- What is the easiest way to explain yourself in a stressful situation?
- “I want” template
- “I need” template
2.3.2 Basic necessities 133
- hygiene items
- medications
- purposes of taking medications (symptoms)
- pain, illness and illness
- how to ask for and purchase medicine
- drug release forms
- how to ask for and purchase medicine in a certain form
- first aid supplies
- how to ask for and purchase first aid supplies
- how to ask for a container and water to wash down the medicine
2.3.3. Money and monetary units 140
- how to express how much you need
- how to express that you just need money,
- how to express that you need a certain amount of something
- how to express exactly how much of something you need
- how to ask for money, make it clear that you need money
2.3.4. How to ask for help 144
- how to ask for help in general
- how to ask someone for help
- how to make it clear whose subject it is - the use of possessive pronouns
- how to express the need for rest, a walk and other short-term activities
- how to order a taxi
2.3.5. How to use words to attract attention 146
2.3.6. How to Express the Desire of Others 147
- verb forms for various characters
- patterns for verbs expressing desire and need, in the third person singular - reading the letter s at the end of verbs and plural nouns
- infinitive form of the verb and how to use it to express your desires
- expression of desire (need) to do something
2.3.7. Your desire to communicate with someone 151
- how to express the desire to talk to someone
- how to express the desire to call someone
2.3.8. How to contact a person 152
- appeals
2.3.9. Whom you may need to contact when traveling abroad 153
- representatives of what professions you might need first and how to express the desire and need to talk and meet with them
2.EVIL. Features of verbs in the third person singular using the example of the verb see see 155
- formulation of proposals for various actors
2.3.11. How to find out where an object is 156
- how to say you need a doctor or lawyer
- objects in the city that may be needed
- how to find out where the nearest object you need is located
- objects at the airport and how to find them
2.3.12. What to do if you need industrial goods, household items and technical devices 161
- how to find the products you need and express your desire to buy them
- the most necessary household items and technical devices
- the most necessary utensils
- the most necessary clothes
- the most necessary shoes
- containers for carrying things
2.3.13. What to do if you want to eat or drink 166
- in a cafe or restaurant - names of dishes, drinks, order
- in stores - names of basic food products and language means for purchasing them
- containers, portions, as well as measures of volume and mass in which products can be sold
- some features of the formation of the plural of nouns
- how to say that you need a certain portion (measure) of a product (good)
- the most popular products (products) in portions
- the most popular products in weight and volume measures
- how to say that you need several servings (measures) of a product (product)
- features of the formation of the plural of nouns ending with the letter f
2.3.14. Determiners before nouns. How to say you need a certain object 180
- you want exactly this packaging (can, box, pack, bottle, etc.) of the product
- demonstrative pronouns
- buying shoes in pairs
- how to talk about the desires of others
2.3.15. How to communicate an important characteristic of the item you need 188
- purchasing products with certain properties
- most commonly used adjectives
- buying clothes with certain properties
- colors
- sizes (clothes, shoes)
- purchasing shoes of a certain color
- purchasing certain hygiene items
- purchase of certain household items and technical devices
- purchasing certain containers for carrying things
2.3.16. How to find out the cost of an item 202
- how to find out the cost of anything
- how to find out the cost of one item
- how to find out the cost of several items
- how to find out the cost of a medicine
- how to find out the cost of first aid equipment
- how to find out the cost of hygiene items
- how to find out the cost of medications in certain forms (tablets, drops, powder, ointment)
- how to find out the cost of items you may need to take your medicine
- how to find out the cost of household items and technical devices that may be useful to you
- how to find out the cost of clothing items
- how to find out the cost of shoes
- how to find out the cost of a container for carrying things
- how to find out the cost of a portion (measure) of a product
- how to find out the cost of products
2.4. TEMPLATE 4 “I HAVE...” 214
2.4.1. Type of template “I have”21496
2.4.2. How to say that you have a loved one and how to contact him 215
2.4.3. How to Tell You Have a Health Condition 218
- the most common and dangerous health conditions and how to report them
- the most necessary words to complain about pain
2.4.4. How to tell that you have lost something 220
- use of the verb have as an auxiliary
- basic things that can be lost
- who can be lost
- “I lost...” template
- translation of the word "your" into English
2.4.5. How to politely ask for an item 224
- modal verb can be able, able and its use for making requests 2.4.6. How to politely ask to see, show you something 224
- strong and weak verbs
- semantic and auxiliary verbs
- detailed diagram of constructing an English question
- what are imperative sentences
- infinitive
- please help
- how to ask to see a product in a store
- how to ask for directions
- how to ask to write down or draw / draw for you
2.4.7. How to ask permission for something, in particular, to talk to the person you need 232
2.4.8. The principle of building questions to the left 234
- how to construct questions on various topics
- how to express a polite request to do something for you
- how to politely ask permission for yourself to do something
- general and special questions
2.4.9. Template “Where can I...” 237
- how to find out where you can perform this or that action
- how to find out where you can buy or get the item you need
2.4.10. Template “How can I...” 239
- find out how you can take the action you need
- find out how you can get to the object you need
- find out how you can book a ticket somewhere
- learn how you can call someone or summon someone
2.4 11. Construction of negative sentences 242
- the principle of constructing negation
- features of constructing negative sentences with the verbs do, can and to be
- how to say that you don’t understand, you can’t do something, you’re not in some state and in some place, you’re not someone
3.1. Template for a short request to do something for you 246
3.2. Requests to resolve something 246
- how to ask permission to do something for yourself
- how to invite a group of people to do something
- how to express a wish (suggestion) for someone to do something
- how to offer to buy something, call someone, call someone, find something, go somewhere
3.3. Please give something 251
3.4. Possible responses to requests and appeals 252
3.5. Template for a short request to do something for someone 252
- how to ask someone to give or show something
3.6. Complete structure of imperative sentence 254
3.7. How to indicate the time of action 254
- how to order a taxi for a specific time
3.8. Please call (call) 258
- who (what) can be called (called)
- who/where to call
3.9. Expressions of politeness 261
EVIL. Means of attracting attention and appeal 262
- skill training ask to call someone
3.11. Greetings 264
- how to say hello and goodbye
- greetings on the phone
- overview translation of “main emergency situations”
- how to prepare for a trip so that in any situation you can explain yourself and get what you need
- the most necessary places in the city
- the most necessary items
- the most necessary people
- the most necessary phrases and words for organizing communication
- just the most necessary phrases
- how to order a taxi
- the most necessary phrase templates
- the most necessary actions
- the most useful question words
- just the most necessary words
- the most common and dangerous health complaints
- what could be lost or stolen
- the most necessary phrases about yourself

If you are going to choose a textbook on the English language, then you should focus on the best publishers. We mean Pearson Longman, Oxford University Press, Express Publishing or Macmillan. Of course, in order to improve spoken English, one textbook is not enough. It takes practice. But before you are ready to receive this practice, it is important to master the theory. We offer you an overview of one of the high-quality textbooks on spoken English. These are not games for children. This is a serious, well-structured publication that will help you learn spoken English.

Teaching English includes both learning grammar and expanding your vocabulary. Speaking skills are affected by both aspects. If you know a lot of words, that’s good, but it won’t help you much if you can’t construct even the simplest sentences. If you know the grammatical rules, but lack vocabulary, the result will be disastrous: you certainly won’t make a pleasant conversationalist.

Learning English should also not turn into studying a textbook. But a good textbook will always help you lay the foundation of theoretical knowledge. And a good foundation is the key to success. We recommend that you pay attention to the textbook.

General characteristics of the textbook

  • by Frances Eales, JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare, Steve Oakes
  • publisher: Pearson Longman
  • year of last edition: 2012

This textbook is one of the best for developing competent and fluent oral speech. Grammar topics are presented in combination with speaking exercises. Because the manual was created in collaboration with the BBC, you will find many videos that complement the textbook. These are interviews with people on the streets, excerpts from English-language TV series and films. Such content demonstrates the richness and diversity of the English language and helps improve spoken language.

Learning English with this textbook, using all the audio and video materials that complement the text of the textbook, can turn into an exciting process. You can also find more BBC podcasts on the site. There are manual options for all levels of English, so even those who are learning English from scratch will choose material for themselves. For example, a textbook marked “Starter” is suitable for beginners.

Benefit structure

Each allowance consists of 10 units. It’s not as scary as in Murphy’s grammar, where there are about two hundred units, which can’t help but frighten, especially for beginners. Each Speakout unit includes:

  • 2 mini-lessons (although the number may vary depending on the level)
  • Function is a lesson that helps you understand how the learned material can be used in practice. Such lessons are included in each unit
  • Lesson from the BBC: mini-article, video material from the BBC website (watch online) and assignments for them
  • Lookback – you can guess from the name that this part of the unit is a repetition of the material covered.

Additional Content

Spoken English cannot be learned without learning new vocabulary. That's why at the end of the textbook you will find the Vocabulary bank - a treasure trove of new vocabulary. In addition, you will also be able to see Grammar practice - one of the final parts, which presents the basic grammatical rules. And of course – Communication bank – exercises to ensure that your speaking is always at its best.

Other English textbooks

There are several other quality textbooks worth checking out. These guides will help you improve your English, although they do not focus on developing your English speaking skills. But you can certainly learn English grammar or vocabulary using these manuals.

  • , Oxford University Press
  • , Pearson Longman
  • , Express Publishing

You can learn English by understanding the basics on your own or by choosing English courses. But if you decide to dive into the world of spoken English on your own, you will definitely need a good textbook. It is impossible to speak English quickly without language practice. You will have to look for options to improve your spoken language, but you also need a high-quality theory.

Choosing a textbook is not an easy task; it requires special concentration and developed intuition, as well as a lot of secret knowledge and magical rituals. This is why English language learners are usually not allowed to take on such a serious task.

This is all a joke, of course, but students really rarely have the opportunity to choose a textbook. Typically, schools have a developed methodology for teaching English and a set of textbooks with which they work.

The same applies to private teachers; they usually choose textbooks according to the “pike’s will, at my command,” that is, according to the level and needs of the student.

But if you decide to learn English on your own, or want to make a diagnosis using your avatar, i.e. check the selection of your school's textbook/courses/teacher, you are welcome. Because today we will talk about the top 10 English textbooks from English publishers.

If you still remember boring textbooks that tell us about the delights of developed socialism and the achievements of working people, you will be pleasantly surprised - modern English textbooks are colorful and contain interesting and useful information.

Usually they not only teach English, but also provide you with a variety of interesting facts about the lives of celebrities, about the culture and customs of different countries, and much more!

1. New Cutting Edge, Longman

For whom: adults
The level is designed for: 120-150 hours of training

Each textbook comes with a “Mini-dictionary”. One level consists of 15 modules. The course is designed mainly for the development of speaking skills; accordingly, there is an abundance of various “Speaking” tasks. New vocabulary is always accompanied by speaking tasks.

In addition, it is worth noting an important section found in each module called “Real life”, which discusses life situations and useful phrases for such situations.

One of the advantages of the course is a set of listening exercises, since in it you will find many tracks recorded not only by BBC announcers, but also by foreigners with their own pronunciation features, so that students learn to understand not only the ideal “Queen's English”, but English in everything its diversity. The grammar in the book is also accompanied by oral and written tasks, most of them are of a creative nature.

This course is perfect for people who want to improve their speaking skills and break down language barriers.

2. Enterprise, Express Publishing

Structure: 4 levels, from Beginner to Intermediate
For whom: adults
The level is designed for 80-120 hours of training

The Enterprise course consists of a Student’s Book, Workbook and Grammar book. Each level consists of 4 large thematic modules, divided into several parts. It has a very clear structure.

It starts with a short introduction to the topic (“Lead-in”), then a “Reading” section, followed by a “Vocabulary Section”, in which words found in the text are worked out.

The development of speaking skills in the course itself is quite limited, but there are very good written assignments with very detailed explanations of how to correctly write diverse essays, letters, etc.

3. New Total English, Longman

Structure: 6 levels, from Starter to Advanced
For whom: adults
The level is designed for 120-150 academic hours

This course consists of a Student's book and a Workbook. This is a relatively new textbook, appearing later than the aforementioned Cutting Edge and Enterprise, but has a number of advantages. 1st - this textbook is accompanied by a DVD with a video for each module, as well as tasks for the film watched. The plot of the film is related to the theme of a particular module.

Ideal for use in courses, since after each module it has a page with explanations of grammar, and students who have been on a spree with independent work skills will be able to familiarize themselves with and learn a new grammar topic on their own.

The textbook contains modern vocabulary and helps to harmoniously develop all four skills.

4. New English File, Oxford

Structure: Beginner - Advanced
For whom: adults
Designed for 60-120 hours

Standardly consists of Student’s book and Workbook. The publishers themselves position it as a textbook for those who learn English for themselves.

Allows you to systematically work on all skills, has a pretty good dictionary, all words and phrases are listed at the end of the book.

The advantage of this textbook is the system of cross-references and symbols, which makes it easy to navigate through the textbook.

5. New Headway, Oxford

Structure: from Beginner to Advanced
For whom: adults
Rated for: 120 hours

One of the most important advantages of this textbook is that attention is paid to both spoken English grammar and spoken language in general, which, as you know, is slightly different from the traditional one presented in textbooks.

In addition, Headway is considered a kind of classic for teaching English. Overall the course is good, but there are some disadvantages. It is not suitable for independent work, since it does not have a general structure or theme. Also the grammar is very fragmented.

The textbook itself is a bit academic, so some may find it boring, especially compared to Cutting Edge or Total English.

6. New Hotline, Oxford

Structure: from Beginner to Intermediate
For whom: for teenagers

A high-quality 4-level course designed for teenagers. The entire course is based on a photo story about the life of British teenagers who live on the same street. Each module begins with a photo sequence, which also introduces new vocabulary and grammar.

In addition, each module includes a “Culture Spot” section, which introduces teenagers to the socio-cultural phenomena of Great Britain. There is a “Grammar Reference” section that contains a clear and well-presented explanation of the grammar covered.

A very good course for working with teenagers, as they are really interested in it. The conditions for grammar practice are slightly limited, so it makes sense to additionally include a grammar textbook.

7. Face 2 face, Cambridge

Structure: from Starter to Advanced
For whom: adults

A relatively new, quite good English language course. Aimed at adults. Quite a lot of attention is paid to both grammar and vocabulary, general and thematic, dedicated to life situations.

The textbook is quite dynamic and interesting, the grammar is presented quite competently and coherently. Enough attention is paid to communication tasks, especially communication in situations close to life (section “Real World”). The Help with Listening section helps develop listening skills and understand spoken English.

8. New Opportunities, Longman

Structure: from Beginners to Upper-Intermediate
For whom: for teenagers

A good five-level course designed for teenagers who are seriously studying English. Good grammar and vocabulary base. Contains cultural information, the course also has a video called “Opportunities in Britain”, documentary stories telling about life in Great Britain.

The textbook is quite heavy, both in vocabulary and grammar. Good for preliminary preparation before taking exams.

9. Oxford Team

Structure: from Elementary to Intermediate
For whom: for children: 10-13 years old

A solid three-level course based on communicative methods of language teaching, with much attention paid to language in real situations. The grammar is discussed in detail. Oxford Team consists of 12 sections.

Among the features of the textbook's structure, it is worth noting that each section begins with a story about the journey of two children. Each section is united by one topic and contains corresponding vocabulary and texts.

The development of writing skills begins with a model text, which should initially be analyzed, and only then proceed to independent writing of the text. The sections end with a song that is in tune with the theme of the section.

10. Solutions

Structure: from Elementary to Advanced
For whom: for teenagers

A five-level course designed for teenagers. Convenient to use, since each page of the textbook is one 45-minute lesson. Good for working on grammar and vocabulary, but academic and dry, with adult topics, provides a good foundation, but is only suitable for very motivated students.

This is what a great 10 English textbooks looks like. And any of them will teach you English, if you just want to.

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Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Speaking Guide for average classes of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of English. Book, to present time, has undergone many reprints, but also to the proposed edition audio completely suitable. Amazing, but against the backdrop of wonderful music study became more interesting.

Year: 1998

Publisher: Publishing house "KARO", St. Petersburg
Format: PDF
Size : 5,4 Mb

Spoken English. A guide to speaking. Yu. Golitsynsky

2. Answer the following questions.
1. Do you live in a five-storey building?
nine twelve
2. What floor is your flat on?
3. Is there a lift in the house you live in?
4. Is your flat large or small?
5. How many rooms are there in your flat?
6. Is there a mirror in the hall of your flat?
7. Is there a hall-stand in your hall?
3. Practice reading the following words and words
combinations. Learn them by heart.
furniture [‘fa:mtla] furniture
a square table
a round table
a writing-desk

A manual on oral speech for secondary classes of gymnasiums and schools with in-depth study of the English language

a coffee table
a cupboard cabinet, buffet
a sideboard [‘saldbo:d] sideboard
a wardrobe [‘wo:droub] wardrobe
a bookcase
a bookshelf bookshelf
a cozy sofa
a thick carpet [‘thik’ka:pit] thick carpet
a cushion sofa cushion
and ceiling [‘si:lm] ceiling
a curtain
a bedside table
a dressing table
a wall lamp sconce
and floor lamp (standard lamp) floor lamp
a wall-unit [‘w:o:l-junit] wall /furniture/
a piano [‘pjenou] piano

The book has now undergone many reprints.

10. Read the text.
Tom Brown Speaks about his Flat

Our flat is on the sixth floor of a big twelve-storey building. In our flat we have three rooms, a kitchen, a hall, a bathroom and a toilet. The first place you get to when you enter our flat is the hall. It is rather large. To the left of the entrance door there is a hall-stand, where we hang our overcoats and put our hats when we take them off. To the right of the entrance door there is a large mirror with a little table under it.

Our living-room is large. The floor of our livingroom is yellow, the ceiling is white, the walls are blue. The curtains on the windows are brown. There is a large brown sideboard in our living-room. It is at the wall to the right of the door. In the sideboard there are many plates, cups and glasses. There are some fine vases in the sideboard, too.

English spoken language, Practical guide to the development of oral speech, Milovidov V.A.

This publication is a practical guide to the development of oral speech. The book includes serious and funny texts that provide useful information of both a linguistic and economic nature.
Each text is accompanied by a dictionary, as well as a minimum number of exercises aimed at better understanding and remembering information. At the end of the book there is a dictionary and a general list of phrases that have terminological status.
The book can be used both in English classes in a group and when studying “business English” on your own.

Capitalism is a term to define the system of economic individualism, based on the assumption that people\"s pursuit of self-interest and the right to own private property are legally legitimate and morally defensible. In this case the state exists to protect individual rights Restricted by law and custom to a certain extend, people as individuals are free to decide where to invest, what to produce or sell, and what prices to charge Their efforts in terms of assets, sales and profits, or the number of customers. , employees, and investors, or whether they operate in local, regional, national, or international markets, are not limited in any natural way.

In the nineteenth century, even capitalism's defenders did not understand its nature. It was believed that the perfect economic system was that of “pure” competition, where all firms are small scale, products in each industry are homogeneous, buyers are perfectly informed about what is for sale and at what price, and all sellers have to “take” the market price, being unable to charge a higher one for their goods.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English spoken language, A practical guide to the development of oral speech, Milovidov V.A. -, fast and free download.

  • All the rules of the English language in diagrams and tables, Milovidov V.A., 2013 - A complete grammar reference book contains information on all the rules of phonetics, spelling, morphology and syntax of the English language. All rules are illustrated with examples... Books on English
  • English language, Grammar, Collection of exercises and keys to them, Milovidov V.A., 2015 - The collection includes exercises for all main sections of English grammar in secondary school (gymnasium, lyceum), as well as non-linguistic ... Books on English
  • English for the Grown-up, English for adults, 100 jokes and funny stories with lexical and grammatical commentary, a system of exercises and a dictionary, Milovidov V.A., 2003 - A textbook aimed at those improving their ability to learn English, based on modern English-speaking jokes and funny stories. While studying with benefits,... Books on English
  • English language, The simplest self-instruction manual, Milovidov V.A., 2016 - A compact and reliable self-instruction manual consists of 20 lessons, which present the main topics of grammar and useful vocabulary needed in everyday life... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • English for technical specialties, Golubev A.P., Korzhavyi A.P., Smirnova I.B., 2016 - The textbook was created in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education in technical specialties, OGSE.03 Foreign language. IN … Books on English
  • I speak English fluently, Chernikhovskaya N.O., Blaine Taylor, 2012 - This manual will help you master lively spoken English. Each section of the book is devoted to one of the ways to make language richer and more imaginative. ... Books on English
  • English without an accent, Pronunciation training, Brovkin S. - You speak English and catch yourself thinking that with such pronunciation you can easily voice Russian villains in ... Books on English
  • How to learn English on your own, Non-standard self-learning techniques, Bodrov N.V. - In this book, the author offers his energetic and largely unconventional approach to learning foreign languages. He describes a whole range of... Books on English

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