Calculate biological rhythms online. The influence of biorhythms on human life

We all experience the effects of cycles associated with the movement of planets, although we treat this as something quite ordinary. However, paying attention to our individual biorhythms can have a beneficial effect on our health, make our lives much easier and make our actions more effective.

The Japanese, for example, are big fans of the theory of biorhythms, and in Japanese plants and factories each employee has tables of his biorhythms. On critical days, they wear armbands warning of their temporary increased vulnerability, and until the end of the unfavorable period they are not allowed to work associated with increased risk.

Now you can use special programs to create an individual biorhythm chart, but if you don’t have such a program at hand and want to create a personal schedule, I’ll tell you how to do it the old fashioned way, using arithmetic.
How to calculate your position in a loop

To calculate your biorhythms, you need to carry out certain calculations. First of all, you need to establish your “base number” for today, the very starting point on the basis of which all further calculations are carried out.

1. Multiply your age by 365

Example: 56 x 365 = 20440

2. Look at the table below and count the number of leap years that have passed since the year you were born. Add this number to the resulting product.


Example: year of birth 1956; 14 leap years passed between 1956 and 2013.
20440 + 14 = 20454

3. Calculate the number of days that have passed from your last birthday to the day of calculation (including both the start and end days).

My birthday is September 17th, and today is February 6th. This means I need to add up 16 days of September, 31 days of October, 30 days of November, 31 days of December, 31 days of January and 6 days of February.
16 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 6 = 145

4. Add this amount to the number obtained in step 2 - this will be your base number.

Example: 20454 + 145 = 20599

5. Now divide this same number by 23 to obtain the physical biorhythm number. Remainder means the day number for your physical cycle. This is what you will plot on the graph.
Then divide the base number by 28, and the resulting value will become the number of your emotional biorhythm. The remainder will indicate the serial number of the day of the emotional cycle.
Dividing the base number by 33, you will get your intellectual biorhythm number, and the remainder, as you might guess, will indicate what day of your intellectual cycle it is.

20599: 23 = 895 (remainder 14) – i.e. Now I am on the 895th cycle, but this information in this case is not important to us, the main thing for us is the remainder, which means that today is the 14th day of my physical cycle. I will explain what this means below.
20599: 28 = 735 (remainder 19) – i.e. today is day 19 of my emotional cycle
20599: 33 = 624 (remainder 7) – i.e. Today is day 7 of my intellectual cycle.
Cycle graphs

If these calculations seemed too complicated to you, then I can reassure you that you need to do them only once to find the beginning of a given cycle, and then just count a certain number of days for each cycle: 23 for physical, 28 for emotional and 33 – for intellectual.

On the graphs, today is marked with a red dot, and knowing what it is in each cycle, I easily calculated the beginning and end of each cycle.



I already foresee the question: “What do these stupid graphs actually mean, what’s the point?” - I'll explain now.
Cycle phases

The physical cycle lasts 23 days. The first half of the cycle - positive - lasts 11.5 days; on the chart this is the area above the horizontal line and is marked with a + sign. At this time, especially in the first 6 days, when the curve on the graph goes up, we experience a surge of energy, are in optimal physical condition, can withstand stress perfectly, have an increased ability to work, and are least susceptible to diseases.

Finding ourselves in a negative phase (in the graph, the area below the horizontal line is marked with a - sign), we seem to restore energy, “charge the batteries.” During this period, on the contrary, we experience physical weakness, are less active, get tired easily, and are more susceptible to illness. The negative phase should not be perceived as something obviously bad. It’s just a period of increased passivity, respite, and gain of strength.

Another thing is the so-called “critical days” - the 1st and 12th, when we move from the negative to the positive phase and vice versa (on the graph - when the curve crosses the horizontal line, denoted C). Our biorhythm on such days is unstable, and increased caution is required.

The emotional cycle lasts 28 days: 14 in the positive and 14 in the negative phase. This cycle is most under our control because it is built on a two-week basis, starting from the day we are born. If you were born, for example, on Thursday, then every second Thursday until the very end of your life will be your critical point emotionally.
The positive two-week phase of each emotional cycle is marked by a positive outlook on the world. We are sociable, friendly, ready for cooperation and creative activity.

If you find yourself in a negative phase, you should be alert. Recharging our emotional batteries can lead to outbursts of bad mood and uncooperative behavior.

The intellectual cycle lasts 33 days, and both the positive and negative phases consist of 16.5 days. Being in the positive phase, we gain acute perception, tenacity of memory, quick ingenuity, and clarity of logical thinking. We are great at absorbing information. Our plans for self-improvement have an excellent chance of bearing fruit as soon as we begin to implement them while in an intellectually positive phase.

The transition to the negative phase is reflected by the extinction of curiosity, the person gets tired easily, becomes lethargic and indifferent. On critical days, it is better not to make important decisions.

Using the above formula, you can always determine which stage of each cycle you are in on any given day.

The following article provides an interpretation of the combination of cycles that will help you quickly determine your condition in terms of biorhythms on any day that interests you.

From the day of birth, a person is in different biological rhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual, intuitive. At the moment of birth, all curves leave the zero point and change throughout life. As a rule, only three cycles are considered (physical, emotional, intellectual). However, there are opinions that there is also an intuitive cycle. The physical cycle is 23 days. It determines a person’s energy, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. The emotional cycle is 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood. The intellectual cycle (33 days) determines the creative abilities of the individual. The intuitive cycle (37 days) affects the perception of beauty, creative inspiration, unconscious impulses, i.e. actually intuition.


Enter data for calculation:

Day Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year

biorhythm interpretation

Phase is a characteristic of the sign of the biorhythm sinusoid.

The active phase corresponds to positive values ​​of the sinusoid, the passive phase to negative ones. The specific value of the biorhythm sine wave is displayed in the “Level” column as a percentage of the maximum (+) or minimum value (-). The critical phase corresponds to days when the value of the biorhythm sine wave (level) is close to or equal to zero.

Direction - the current direction of the biorhythm change.

Rising - the sinusoid of the biorhythm is on the rise.

Recession - decline in the sinusoid of the biorhythm. Peak - the maximum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to 100%). Yama - the minimum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to -100%). After the peak, the decline begins, after the hole, the rise begins.

Interpretation of biorhythm phases

Any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles, positive (active) and negative (passive). Biorhythms are usually depicted as a sinusoid. The theory is silent about what the real shape of the biorhythm curve is and how it can be transformed as a result of the action of certain factors. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the active period corresponds to positive values ​​of the sine wave, and the passive period corresponds to negative values.

During the first half of the physical cycle, a person is energetic and achieves better results in his activities; in the second half of the cycle, energy gives way to laziness.

In the first half of the emotional cycle, a person is cheerful, aggressive, optimistic, overestimates his capabilities, in the second half he is irritable, easily excitable, underestimates his capabilities, pessimistic, and critically analyzes everything.

The first half of the intellectual cycle is characterized by creative activity, a person is accompanied by luck and success; in the second half there is a creative decline.

The moment the sinusoid crosses the zero mark of the biorhythm means a critical day: on this day a person is at risk of emotional, physical, intellectual or intuitive “catastrophe”. On the day when all three curves pass through zero, it is better to refrain from working on important projects.

Since only the emotional cycle reaches the “exact” zero value when calculating the sinusoids of biorhythms by day, when calculating the indicators given on the website for other biorhythms, two days are considered critical - when the sinusoid of the biorhythm (level) is closest to zero.

Interpretation of maxima and minima of biorhythms

The sinusoid of the biorhythm in the first days of the cycle increases (rise), reaches a maximum (peak), decreases (decline) down to a minimum (trough) and then increases again (rise).

It is believed that maximums (peaks) give a person the opportunity to realize and realize their abilities and talents. This is a period of hard work. On the contrary, on days when biorhythms reach minimums (holes), a person can make wrong decisions, make mistakes, and suffer all sorts of failures.

Physical maximum: the body is full of energy, work does not tire, sexual activity is high. You can play sports, go to the sauna or indulge in lovemaking.

An emotional maximum gives a feeling of fullness of life, elation, a desire to act, create, and love. Heightened senses react sharply to disharmony and alienation.

Intellectual maximum allows you to solve the most complex issues and even create something new. This time is good for making decisions, negotiating, signing contracts.

The physical minimum leads to a decrease in physical and sexual activity, fatigue, and an increased likelihood of illness. Physical activity and alcohol consumption should be reduced or eliminated.

The intuitive maximum is the best period for communicating with God. Intuition works on the verge of clairvoyance, which allows you to make the right decisions. Heaven gives inspiration to man.

An emotional minimum brings a decline in mental strength, desires, lethargy, apathy, and irritability. This is especially true for women. The worst day for creative people is when there are not enough feelings and emotions to work. This period is also unfavorable for lovers.

The intellectual minimum is characterized by a decrease in mental activity and memory deterioration. On this day it is recommended to perform simple mechanical work or rest. You should not negotiate, sign contracts, or make important decisions. New thoughts and ideas need to be written down and... forgotten.

Intuitive minimum: “separation from God.” Decisions made intuitively may turn out to be wrong. Lack of inspiration, especially for creative work.

Interpretation of combinations of peaks and pits of biorhythms

It is believed that when several minimums coincide, “dark days” occur, and when several maximums (peaks) coincide, “bright” streaks occur when everything works out. There are approximately six days in a year when the initial phases of two cycles coincide - these are difficult days. And about once a year all three cycles are at zero or very close to it - this is also a very bad day.

Three minimums. This period can be called “dark days” or “a streak of bad luck.” Nature requires rest: you need to slow down or even lie low. Important matters are not resolved at this time; at best, they are postponed until better times. It is almost impossible to start a business successfully, to catch and hold on to your chance. True, after a week or two a streak of maximums sets in and everything falls into place.

Three maximums. At this time, it is advisable to take stock of a certain period (six months or a year) or even your entire life. We objectively evaluate ourselves and the world; we best sense hidden reserves. This makes it possible to determine the future and draw up strategic plans. Over time, such tasks may seem unrealistic, but they act as a lighthouse in the troubled sea of ​​life. It is believed that three maximums are the best time to conceive high-quality offspring.

Intellectual maximum and emotional minimum. This situation is stressful for women - the personality seems to split into two: clarity of thought, a clear understanding of certain life phenomena and processes, wonderful plans cannot be realized due to lack of desire and energy.

Emotional maximum and intellectual minimum. The situation is the opposite of the previous one, critical for men. The emotional maximum pushes a person to active actions, a certain pressure in behavior, but the intellectual minimum does not allow him to objectively assess the situation and make the optimal decision, especially in new, non-standard situations.

Funny stories:
Summer, Crimea, small grocery store.
I’m standing in a small, but leisurely southern queue. Two forty-year-old paunchy vacationers in short pants enter. In their manners they are clearly mediocre bosses, but in their dialect they are Westerners. Most likely from Lvov.
One fat man turns to a miniature saleswoman:
- Please, lady, is your svizhe pacific?
- So I ask sir, svizhenke, tilky yesterday, please.
and turning to someone in the back room, she shouted:
- Sveta, please grab a box of cookies!
One of the fat guys mimicked:
- Why did you switch to Russian? You live on the territory of Ukraine, so you should speak Ukrainian, not Muscovite...
The first fat guy supported his friend:
- Crimea is not Russia, and you are all citizens of Ukraine, whether you like it or not...
There was an indecent silence in the store; about five local residents looked in surprise at the pot-bellied Westerners...
And then the little saleswoman spoke up:
- Please, sir, do you know that if you asked all the residents of Crimea, 99 percent would want to secede from Ukraine?
- So what? You never know what you want? There will never be such a referendum anyway...
- So, it turns out, sir, that Ukraine holds Crimea only by force? So?
- Well, so, so what?
- And if so, then you personally must now either shut up, or force me to speak Ukrainian, but only with the help of force...
The voices of local buyers were heard in discord all around:
- And me too...
- And dare to force me...
- and me too, if you don’t piss...

The brave bellies had everything deflated (except their bellies). They looked like two sad Germans who went into the forest for boletus mushrooms, returned with full baskets to the village and were surrounded by stern local residents... But only the valiant units of the Wehrmacht, abandoning their mushroom pickers, hastily retreated to the west the next morning...

You can't buy boletus mushrooms here...

Horoscopes for 2017

Rhythmic movement is characteristic of all living nature; all living organisms experience periods of flourishing and intensification of vital activity and periods of its decline and extinction. Scientists around the world are showing great interest in the study and calculation of biorhythms, and the results of research allow us to make the most of this science.

By calculating your biological rhythms for the next day or week (month, year) in advance, you can make adjustments to your plans in order to use your body’s capabilities to the maximum, and also not miss a good time for rest when biorhythms are not conducive to active activity. The program is very simple to use, and the calculation takes only a few seconds - this is the time to enter the date of birth.

What are biorhythms

Biological rhythms are the body’s reflection of cyclical natural phenomena. They can be depicted graphically in the form of a curve that will show the ability to perform a certain type of work in an estimated time.

Physiological processes in the body are associated with the alternation of day and night, the least activity is at 3-5 o'clock in the morning, and high performance is observed at 10-12 o'clock and in the evening at 16-18 o'clock.

During a person’s life, there are 3 main types of biorhythms:

physical(the cycle is 23 days). As activity increases, endurance and energy increase, and coordination of movements improves. When a decline begins, there may be health problems, a person begins to get tired quickly, and a loss of strength appears. It is better to devote the last days of the phase to rest.

emotional(28 days). Show mood swings and nervous system conditions. During a recession, mental confusion is observed, the desire to conflict intensifies, and various fears and pessimism appear.

intellectual(33 days). As one grows older, creative activity increases; a person is lucky in everything. In the phase of decreased biorhythm activity, intellectual activity slows down, reaction speed changes, and the ability to assimilate material decreases.

How to calculate biorhythms for every day

There are special programs for calculating biorhythms (can be downloaded for free from the link below), but you can calculate the day of the biological cycle yourself:

The number of years lived excluding leap years must be multiplied by 365;
- then count the number of leap days (every 4th year) and multiply it by 366;
- the amount received will show the number of days lived. Dividing it by 23 days (physical cycle) we get a number with a remainder. For example, if the remainder is 18, then it is the 18th day of the physical biorhythm cycle. In the same way, you can determine the day of the emotional and intellectual cycles.

There are 6 days in a year when the beginning of two cycles coincides. These days will be quite difficult, and on 1 day of the year the beginnings of all three biorhythm cycles coincide, this day will be especially difficult.

During a person's life there are periods of highest biorhythm activity; these years are called acme. For men, they repeat every 3 years, starting from 15-16 years, for women - every 2. Based on these periods, you can make a calculation and find out the gender of the unborn child. If both parents are in the 2nd year after acme, for example, then a boy will probably be born. If it's a year after acme, it's a girl.

A birthday is considered a turning point from troubles to joy, and the first month after the birthday is the most favorable. The 5th and 9th (10) months will also be favorable. The 2nd and 12th (especially) months after your birthday will be unfavorable.

Free program for calculating human biorhythms

To make the task easier, a program has been developed that allows you to calculate your biorhythms for every day; the program is free and can be downloaded. It does not require installation, works on any version of Windows, and working with the program is very simple - enter your date of birth and get the result of calculating biorhythms for today. To find out the results for any other day, you need to enter the desired date in the appropriate field. All. So simple.

The archive with the program contains instructions and a link to the developer’s website. You can run the program directly from the archive without unpacking it.

So, why is the calculation of biorhythms on In-contri more accurate, or coincides with other reliable sources? Because the calculation uses all 7 biorhythms corresponding to the 7 chakras, and the values ​​are refined to 4-6 decimal places. These clarifications do not have such a noticeable effect on daily analysis, but if you are calculating compatibility between people whose ages differ by 3, 5 or even 10 years, then the exact periods play a significant role in the result. Here are the calculation periods that are used on In-contri:

Physical - 23.6884 days - corresponds to the lower Muladhara chakra

Emotional - 28.426125 days - second chakra of Svadhistan

Intellectual - 33.163812 days - third chakra of Manipura

Heart - 37.901499 days - fourth chakra Anahata

Creative - 42.6392 days - fifth chakra Vishuddha

Intuitive - 47.3769 days - sixth chakra Ajna

Highest chakra - 52.1146 days - seventh chakra Sahasrara

There is an immediate difference from all other approaches: we will not have values ​​​​from -1 to 1, which the biorhythm sinusoid takes. All values ​​will be positive. Only our scale is from 0% to 100%. Later you will also understand why this is so.

For those who want to know now: from experience, we will say that it is psychologically difficult to constantly see “cons” in your schedule. Some even became depressed because of this. Therefore, to maintain sanity, it is better to let everything be in percentages.

We just ask you not to be too fanatical when studying the result of calculating your biorhythms. The fact is that I had to deal with people who “calculated” their every step according to their biorhythms so much that it was not they who began to use this truly useful tool, but he who started using them. Although this is not the purpose of biorhythms at all. If you use them wisely, as, by the way, even some professional athletes do, calculating their physical biorhythm, then you can get good results and avoid obvious mistakes in actions.

A Brief History of Biorhythm Research

The history of the appearance of biorhythms does not contain anything mystical. Three medical scientists independently observed rhythms of activity in certain areas (physical, emotional and intellectual) in their patients, recorded them, compared them with each other, with the date of birth of each patient, and analytically arrived at... different periods. Actually, it was on these differing data that the first programs on biorhythms were built in the 70-80s, and a real boom in passion for this not at all trivial theory began. The situation is similar to that in astrology: there were a lot of charlatans and “online calculators”, everyone’s results were different, and there was no understanding of how it works. Perhaps the most offensive thing is that at the dawn of the twentieth century, it was our compatriots who were the pioneers in the study of biorhythms, and many years later, already at the end of the century in our country after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the influx of magician-astrologers in the fifth generation, the topic of biorhythms was just as trampled into the mud as professional astrology. One of the last nails in the coffin of biorhythms in RuNet was the well-known program “Biorhythms Online” with a yellow smiley icon. The massive popularity of its first erroneous version did its job: people entered their dates of birth, the dates of birth of their partners, received awkward results and abandoned this topic because it simply did not work. On that moment.

However, in the West, this fascinating theory, which once began from mere hypotheses and approximate experimental results, has found a second life. In particular, they have long since drawn a parallel between biorhythms and chakras and derived a formula for biorhythms through the number Pi, thanks to which everything fell into place. There are no more disputes about what to call this or that rhythm, when everything is already known about the 7 chakras, there are no longer periods of 28 or 27 days, but there are exact period values ​​that are used in all calculations on the In-contri website.

Disputes over periods of biorhythms now resemble disputes about the lunar cycle, which is not 27 or 28 days, as they even write in some books, but 27.32166 days.

Therefore, friends, anticipating your questions in the spirit of “why is it so here and so there,” we answer: where the results are the same, the periods are correct, and where the results are different, the periods are not correct. The most interesting thing is that in the second version of the popular calculator “Biorhythms Online 2.0” 10 years ago there was an attempt to rehabilitate itself for the first version - they still included updated periods. It's a shame that this didn't save the program.

Our life is measured in years. The year is the most important solar cycle in our lives. But what is important for us is not the year that begins on January 1, but the one that begins with our birthday. Each person has his own individual New Year, and it lasts from his birthday to the next birthday. Now, dividing this year into 12 months, we get the numbering of our biological months. It is easiest for those who were born on January 1, and for those whose date of birth does not coincide with the start date of the calendar year, months should be counted according to the scheme below.

If you were born on March 15, then the first month will be from March 15 to April 14, the second from April 15 to May 14, and so on. It is interesting that each of our personal biological months has its own face, its own characteristics, its own emotional coloring, which are repeated from year to year. Naturally, the events will be different, but our overall impressions of this month are strikingly the same. Some biomonths fly by like birds, while others drag on like rubber, hard and joyless.

Our body lives its biological year in a certain rhythm - ups alternate with downs. When we are up, we are energetic, cheerful and therefore lucky. And during recessions, we are lethargic, irritable, passive and commit many unsuccessful, often even stupid, actions. Moreover, if you go against biorhythms and by overcoming yourself to work hard in the “bad” months, there is a risk of developing depression and even becoming seriously ill.

The best is 1 month from birthday, good months are 9 and 10. The 2nd and 12th months of our individual year are considered the most difficult. In the 19th century, when medicine was not yet developed, most people died in their “due time”, and in most cases they occurred between 2 and 12 months. Now the picture has changed, thanks to doctors and the increased consciousness of people who use various spiritual practices to maintain their health. But even now the largest number of heart attacks occurs in the 2nd and 12th biological months.

How to use this information? There is such a rule in nature - “If you want to help, don’t interfere!” Unload your body during these months, give it rest and peace, and it will cope with this difficult period on its own. What are we doing? Our body is in complete decline before the birthday, and we invite guests, so it takes several days to prepare, then celebrate with a good load of delicious food and alcoholic drinks. And when the next day comes, if it does, how do we feel? Of course, this does not happen for everyone, but in most cases it is so. Many continue the celebration for several more days, straining an already oppressed system.

But the body has begun a new year, the first successful month, and it needs to be lived as easily as possible, especially for the first 12 days. It is in the first 12 days that the foundation of the whole year is laid. Each day sets the stage for the events of the entire month. The first day is the first month, the second day is the second month, and so on for all 12 days and months. Try to keep a diary, recording the events and emotional background of each day out of 12. Then compare and see that if on the fifth day you quarreled with someone, then the fifth month will be a conflict month. This is the law of the Universe - a particle of the whole reflects the whole, and what is above is below.

If the first day after our birthday we have a hangover, we walk around gloomy and irritated, then we have committed a terrible act - we have ruined the entire first month for ourselves, which is favorable for us and should help us get through the difficult second month more easily. It's like sledding: you roll down a hill at speed and easily overcome small potholes. And if the speed is low, then you can get stuck in this pothole, turn over, then crawl out of there, or you may not crawl out. Therefore, a good astrologer, when analyzing the cause of death, will always ask what the person did on his birthday. And the best way to harmonize next year would be a vacation with a trip to a sanatorium, boarding house, or just to the country for all these 12 days.

That is why it is advisable not to celebrate your birthday on this day, let your body come to its senses, recover, and invite guests on the 4th day after your birthday.

Calculation of biorhythms by date of birth (online)

In this program, you can easily calculate a person’s physical, emotional and intellectual biorhythms for each month and determine influence of biorhythms on human life.
Enter your date of birth, click on the button Set and the program will build graphs of your biorhythms. Changing data in a graph Period, you can see your biorhythms for any time of interest.

The higher the line on the graph, the better the corresponding characteristic ( see below) and vice versa.
Zero - central, horizontal line - critical, when the biorhythm crosses it, its influence is unpredictable - these days are unfavorable, special attention to them.

The vertical blue bar is the day for which the biorhythms were calculated.

Green color of the field- favorable background,

Pink field color- unfavorable background.

Lines on the graph: green- physical state, blue- intellectual state, red- emotional condition.

Characteristics of biorhythms of the day

Critical days(When biorhythm crosses the central, horizontal line) last 24 - 48 hours, mainly accompanied by a decrease in the ability to perceive, loss of strength, inappropriate behavior, etc. According to statistics, a large number of accidents occur on these days. But they can also be successful.

Physical biorhythm- lasts 23 days:
This biorhythm applies to all physical indicators of a person and characterizes: strength, endurance, reaction speed; it affects the physiological processes of the body: immunity, metabolism, digestion... . It is especially worth paying attention to it for those who are involved in physical activity: athletes, massage therapists, etc. those who do physical labor feel it better.

Positive phase: there is a good physical and physiological condition, endurance, increased strength, better results in sports.
Critical days: decreased “attention”, risk of injury, there is a danger of being behind the wheel of a car.
Negative phase: There is a decrease in immunity, the risk of colds and infectious diseases increases, fatigue increases, and heavy physical activity is more difficult for the body to accept. During this phase, you need to pay close attention to your health and reduce physical activity.
Useful: everyone - to predict physical well-being on certain days; for an athlete - will tell you the best time for a good result; sick person - will give recommendations on time to achieve effective treatment.

Emotional (mental) biorhythm- lasts 28 days:
This biorhythm is also called the “cycle of receptivity”; first of all, it concerns our mood and sensitivity, worldview, and behavior in society. Its influence extends to those whose professions involve communication and group work.
Positive phase: characterized by improved mood, optimism, and a calmer reaction to emotional stimuli than at other times.
Critical days: can be expressed acutely, at this time psychological “breakdowns” most often occur, danger while driving a vehicle.
Negative phase: Pessimistic moods, apathy and lethargy are more common.
Useful: for everyone - to predict the mood: your own, your boss’s, your partner’s...

Intellectual biorhythm- lasts 33 days:
Biorhythm controls intellectual (mental) abilities: common sense, prudence, acuity of perception. Well visible among teachers, economists, lawyers...
Positive phase: The flow of information is easily absorbed, mental abilities are at maximum, and creative uplift is felt.
Critical days: There is confusion in your head, you should be careful when making important decisions.
Negative phase: Concentration worsens, intellectual abilities decrease, and mental fatigue increases.
Useful: everyone - to control the time (date) of making important decisions and actions, responsible actions; for students - an excellent reference point for passing tests, coursework, ..., and for working with information (an hour of studying in the positive phase will give better results than several hours in the negative phase); For schoolchildren and their parents, forcing yourself or a student to prepare intensively when your or his biorhythms are in a negative phase or on critical days is not effective.

Human biorhythms- a real opportunity to increase your abilities, capabilities, and effectiveness of your actions, thanks to a predetermined line of behavior.

I will give a small daily schedule of biorhythms for our organs.

Visit to the doctor– the skin is least sensitive to injections in 9 hours;

Physical training– muscles work with greatest efficiency in 13:30 ;

Love- the greatest secretion of the genital organs in 8 hours;

Digestion – most of the digestive juice is formed in 13 hours, even if the person has not eaten anything;

Immunity– the immune system protects against infection most effectively in 22 hours;

Birth– most children are born between 4 and 5 for hours;

Lethargy– lowest blood pressure between 4 and 5 for hours;

Alcohol– the liver most effectively breaks down alcohol between 18 and 20 for hours;

Sense organs – the sense of taste, hearing and smell are heightened between 17 and 19 for hours;

Height– hair and nails grow fastest between 16 and 18 for hours;

Creation– the brain works most actively between 10 and 12 for hours;

Communication- Loneliness is the hardest to bear between 20 and 22 for hours;

beauty– the skin is most permeable to cosmetics between 18 and 20 for hours.

All these parameters apply adjusted for winter and summer time.