Schedule of magnetic storms from mid-August to early September. Magnetic storms – schedule for August

Every good thing has a downside. As for our Sun, this is the best example. Magnetic storms on Earth are a consequence of powerful emissions of energy from the Sun.

Magnetic storms bring the greatest health problems to weather-sensitive people and those with chronic diseases. To avoid damage, you should check storm forecasts frequently for the coming days. This will save you from the element of surprise.

1. Sun activity in August

Astronomers say that until August 15 the Sun will be as calm as possible. It is very rare for our star to remain calm for such a long period. True, on the 15th there may be a one-time increase in activity and the release of charged particles into space. This means that in about two days, that is, on August 17, a short-term storm may begin. There is a possibility that the matter will be limited to a simple jump in magnetic activity.

The Sun may also throw up an unpleasant surprise at the very end of the month - August 28 or 29. These days, prolonged emissions of particles are possible, which will reach the Earth at the very end of the month - August 31.

Astronomers argue that neither the first nor the second solar wind will be dangerous, because their strength is unlikely to be enough to swing the Earth’s magnetic field even to the level of strong excitation. However, try not to push yourself too hard at work and in the gym these days.

2. How to protect yourself from problems on August 17 and 31

On the 17th and 31st of this month, you can simply distribute your efforts correctly according to plans. If you doubt that everything is under control, then conspiracies for good health can protect you from problems. Despite the fact that meteorologists and astronomers do not predict big troubles these days, it is advisable to remain cautious and prudent in everything.

Experts from the site advise weather-sensitive people these days to spend more time in the fresh air, but not in the open sun, and not to be constrained by worries or bad mood. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Do calm and measured things.

Get rid of negative attitudes these days. To do this, try turning to your inner voice for help. If you cannot solve a problem, then there is no need to waste time and nerves thinking about it. A free mind and lack of worry is the key to success for everyone during periods of storms and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and


It is impossible to completely avoid the influence of a weather strike. Proper nutrition will help improve your well-being. Nutritionists advise eating vegetable salads and drinking more water. It is also necessary to give up alcohol and drink less coffee. Fatty foods and sweets can also only increase discomfort, especially in overweight people. Getting enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours in a row, will help you feel better, and your physical condition will help you to rest more and be calm.

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Magnetic storms are dangerous primarily for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. These days, as a rule, the number is increasing heart attacks and strokes. Magnetic storms also cause headaches, insomnia, pressure changes, and reduce vitality.

Magnetic storms in August 2018 schedule by days and hours. Fresh material as of 08/29/2018

During magnetic storms, sensitive people may experience health problems. Magnetic weather shocks are most dangerous for older people and children, as well as those who suffer from hypertension, heart disease and endocrine disorders. Weather-dependent people experience headaches, dizziness, problems with blood pressure, heart and sleep.

Scientists' forecast for August 2018 looks optimistic. No long-term magnetic storms are expected in the coming month. On the 20th, a weak magnetic storm of G1 intensity is predicted in Ukraine, as well as disturbances magnetic fields of the Earth.

The strongest magnetic storms are expected from August 16 to 20. During this period, disruptions in the operation of mobile communications and some equipment are possible. In addition, weather-dependent people may experience health problems.

On these days, try to be as careful as possible on the roads and in crowded places. Do not overload yourself, as this may result in depression.

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, as well as mood swings, stress and depression.

According to Irina Chueva, weather-dependent people may experience headaches, tachycardia, sleep disturbances and increased irritability. It's also possible fluctuations in blood pressure and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

These days, weather-sensitive people should definitely stock up on medications as carefully as possible on the roads and in crowded places.

A person is able to independently determine that it is necessary to reduce the load and give himself a rest due to the fact that a magnetic storm has begun. A real warning about an impending attack from the Sun will be headaches, depressive mood, insomnia, and exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia. A good marker that the geomagnetic situation has worsened is emotional instability, when you make decisions not under the influence of logic, but guided by momentary impulses.

By tradition, we publish important information about magnetic storms. To prepare as much as possible for this event, which affects almost everyone, see the schedule of magnetic storms in August later in the material.

Magnetic storms today. Latest details.

August will be rich in geomagnetic disturbances; almost all magnetic storms will be of medium strength. So, fluctuations will happen in the next days.

However, keep in mind that the forecast for magnetic storms can be variable. Geomagnetic disturbances on our planet periodically occur due to solar flares, during which plasma particles burst into outer space at high speed, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere. So all sensitive people should be on alert so that magnetic changes do not take them by surprise and spoil their health during the summer holidays and vacations.

The first magnetic storms of weak strength are expected: August 2, 3, 10, 13, 14. They will be felt mainly only by those who have heart problems. In some cases, sudden mood swings are also possible.

Thus, astronomers warn that the first storms will occur on August 2-3, when people will feel mood swings. In addition, a magnetic storm will also occur on August 10, but it will not be strong.

What days to expect magnetic storms in August 2018? How will they affect our well-being? How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of magnetic fields? These questions are asked by every weather-dependent person on the planet. To help you protect your body from the adverse effects of solar flares, the STB.UA website has compiled a schedule of magnetic storms for August 2018! In addition, psychologist-consultant of the project “I’m losing my body” Irina Chueva told how she felt unwell. More details in the material.

But from August 16 to August 22, 2018, strong magnetic storms are expected. These days there will be high air temperatures. The thermometer shows 35 degrees. At this time, there are health problems, increased nervousness, migraines, tachycardia, joint pain, sudden changes in blood pressure, as well as unstable satellite and mobile communications.

We remind you that during periods of magnetic storms, it is better for weather-dependent people to refrain from physical overload. For people with a weak nervous system, it is better to drink mint tea and take sedatives. You should also be extremely careful on the roads, in places with large crowds of people, and not take everything that happens during this period to heart. Doctors also advise weather-sensitive people to stock up on essential medications.

The flow of mega-ionized particles reaches the Earth, reaching our planet, interacting with its magnetic field, causing phenomena such as magnetic storms and aurora borealis (aurora borealis and aurora australis).

Doctors strongly advise people who are meteorologically sensitive to study the schedule of magnetic storms for tomorrow. Of course, the ideal option would be to track the forecast several weeks in advance, since sudden changes in meteorological parameters have a direct impact on the functionality of the body. Increases in blood pressure are considered the most dangerous reaction to magnetic storms. After all, this condition can cause cerebral hemorrhage. Those who do not suffer from serious illnesses should not worry. People with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system are at risk.

On August 29, as scientists said, there may be a moderate magnetic storm. Weather-dependent people should refrain from physical overload. And people with a weak nervous system would do well to take sedatives or mint tea. You should not take criticism and comments to heart.

Unfavorable days are the subject of eternal disputes between scientists, in which the winner has not yet been determined. So far, debates about the impact on the well-being and psyche of weather-sensitive people still occupy the pages of scientific publications, and no definite conclusions have been obtained.

Weather dependents themselves have a hard time withstanding magnetic storms and take certain measures to feel relatively normal.

Weather sensitive people

Difficult days for people dependent on natural phenomena

The influence of the environment and the diverse activity of celestial bodies on the human body is beyond doubt for a sane person who has the ability to draw conclusions based on the facts he sees. Those who, during the days of magnetic storms, suffer from ailments caused by the activity of the magnetic field, endure them as a monthly objective reality. People who depend on meteorological conditions carefully study monthly forecasts.

July turned out to be relatively easy for them, but in August 2018, for those who depend on the weather, several difficult days are expected.

By studying the table below of unfavorable days in August 2018, you can to some extent prepare for the next upcoming tests and find out on which days you should not take initiatives and decisive actions.

Difficult days for weather-sensitive people in August 2018

Unfavorable days, category Date in August

Year 2018

Expected complications Preventative measures for weather-sensitive people
Weakly felt, but unpleasant magnetic storms. August 2-3;The appearance of irritability and aggressiveness.

Sleep disorders.

Headache and dizziness.

Taking herbal decoctions with a calming effect:

Drink plenty of fluids.

Moderate in intensity, but manifested in well-being. August 10, 13 and 14Signs characteristic of weak storms, in addition to them, are the activation of chronic diseases and nausea. Refusal to drive a vehicle.

Herbal decoctions; refusal to consume harmful drinks and foods.

Blood pressure measurement.

Very noticeable magnetic storms with strong impacts. August 7, 15, 22, 29;Your health may deteriorate to such an extent that medical attention is required. Blood pressure control, sedative and preventive medications, medical monitoring of well-being.
Unfavorable for health and endeavors due to magnetic fluctuations. August 16,Consequences of moderate intensity MGs. do not provide the opportunity to realize existing potential. Lack of initiative at work, calmness, balance, all active actions are transferred to favorable days.

Precautionary and preventive measures

Millions of people around the globe complain of negative health during magnetic storms. The influence of weather on a person’s well-being is undeniable, it’s just that some categories of weather-sensitive people depend on the magnetic field, while others depend on low atmospheric pressure, temperature changes, or simply a sharp change in weather conditions.

Unfavorable days for any of these people depend on the weather or space activity. They can lead to the development of severe complications, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, fainting and loss of consciousness.

To avoid such troubles, it is enough to carefully monitor the information posted specifically for them.

Those days in August that may pose a known danger to these people have long been tracked and determined using high-precision measuring equipment, space satellites and atmospheric probes. You can familiarize yourself with the data obtained on information portals, in detailed weather forecasts, on sites dedicated to health and good emotional state.

Knowing about upcoming unfavorable days that are potentially dangerous to health, on these days you can:

  • prepare soothing tea for work in a thermos;
  • give up certain food components.
  • take a tonometer with you if you tend to increase or decrease blood pressure and check it repeatedly;
  • be less exposed to solar ultraviolet radiation;
  • avoid scandals, unrest, showdowns, conflicts;
  • If you experience negative feelings, consult a doctor.

On days of magnetic storms, it is better to try to spend more time in a calm environment, without significant crowds of people, loud sounds and other factors that can provoke a headache.

Careful monitoring of unfavorable days will help weather-dependent people cope with this phenomenon more easily, especially if the person himself is interested in preventing them, is concerned about obtaining information and has taken preventive measures.

Every good thing has a downside. As for our Sun, this is the best example. Magnetic storms on Earth are a consequence of powerful emissions of energy from the Sun.

Magnetic storms bring the greatest health problems to weather-sensitive people and those with chronic diseases. To avoid damage, you should check storm forecasts frequently for the coming days. This will save you from the element of surprise.

Sun activity in August

Astronomers say that until August 15 the Sun will be as calm as possible. It is very rare for our star to remain calm for such a long period. True, on the 15th there may be a one-time increase in activity and the release of charged particles into space. This means that in about two days, that is, on August 17, a short-term storm may begin. There is a possibility that the matter will be limited to a simple jump in magnetic activity.

The Sun may also throw up an unpleasant surprise at the very end of the month - August 28 or 29. These days, prolonged emissions of particles are possible, which will reach the Earth at the very end of the month - August 31.

Astronomers argue that neither the first nor the second solar wind will be dangerous, because their strength is unlikely to be enough to swing the Earth’s magnetic field even to the level of strong excitation. However, try not to push yourself too hard at work and in the gym these days.

How to protect yourself from problems on August 17 and 31

On the 17th and 31st of this month, you can simply distribute your efforts correctly according to plans. If you doubt that everything is under control, then conspiracies for good health can protect you from problems. Despite the fact that meteorologists and astronomers do not predict big troubles these days, it is advisable to remain cautious and prudent in everything.

For weather-sensitive people, the site's experts advise these days to spend more time in the fresh air, but not in the open sun, and not to be constrained by worries or a bad mood. Surround yourself with people who inspire you. Do calm and measured things.

Get rid of negative attitudes these days. To do this, try turning to your inner voice for help. If you cannot solve a problem, then there is no need to waste time and nerves thinking about it. A free mind and lack of worries are the key to success for everyone during periods of storms and disturbances in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.07.2018 07:47

Luck in love, money and health is not always needed equally, but its presence is necessary...

The sun does not always have the same activity indicator. This is evidenced not only by magnetic storms. On the...

We all sometimes witness causeless poor health, both among children and the elderly, and among middle-aged people. The cause of poor health is solar activity and magnetic storms.

Table of days of magnetic storms in November 2018

  • Table of days of magnetic storms in November 2018
  • Magnetic storm schedule for early November: preliminary forecast
  • Magnetic storm schedule for early November: negative impact
  • Schedule of magnetic storms for the beginning of November: exacerbation of diseases
  • Magnetic storm schedule for early November: preliminary forecast

    Every person on planet Earth has heard about magnetic storms and their effect on the human body. No one can cancel magnetic storms, but it is quite possible to prepare for them in advance.

    The beginning of October will pass without magnetic storms. But already on October 7 and 8, strong magnetic storms of categories G1 and G2 are expected.

    The next magnetic storm will take place on October 10, and on the 11th strong fluctuations in the magnetosphere are expected.

    The next magnetic storm is expected on October 19, but noticeable geomagnetic fluctuations will begin on October 18 and end on October 20. After this there will be a long lull, which will last until November.

    On November 3rd and 4th there will be a strong magnetic storm of level G1, which will reduce the impact of the 5th and 6th. Then, until November 23, no magnetic storms are expected.

    Magnetic storm schedule for early November: negative impact

    We have all at one time or another witnessed unexplained poor health, both among children and the elderly, as well as among middle-aged people. Sometimes these are pressure surges, causeless headaches, the body’s reaction to weather changes. Sometimes the reason for poor health lies in solar activity and magnetic storms.

    The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the reason for a person’s poor health may be his current state of health. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.

    In addition, on these days the reaction may be dulled, so on “magnetic” days there is a high level of accidents on the roads.

    Schedule of magnetic storms for the beginning of November: exacerbation of diseases

    There is no clear opinion among scientists about how this natural phenomenon affects people and animals. Some of them even believe that magnetic storms have a positive effect on health because they help adapt to difficult environmental conditions. Others believe that there is no connection between a magnetic storm and a heart attack or headache. The thing is that there are still no major studies on this topic.

    “In order to conduct a study of the influence of a magnetic storm on human health and condition, it is necessary to have clear criteria that can be measured,” says Alexey Struminsky, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - Headache or tachycardia is not a criterion; such symptoms can be caused by a host of other reasons, such as a change in weather, for example, a change in atmospheric pressure. But a magnetic storm does not affect atmospheric pressure.”

    On days of magnetic storms, people with hypertension need to drink more water and reduce salt intake, because salt retains fluid in the body and leads to increased blood pressure. And those with hypotension can take a tonic tincture of eleutherococcus or schisandra.

    During magnetic storms, it is also important for weather-sensitive people to get a good night's sleep and avoid increased stress, sports, tiring shopping trips or gardening work in the country.