Calculation and graphic design work. Drawing survey justification points on the plan

The explanatory note is drawn up on standard A4 sheets.


1. General requirements

Page fields:

left margin – 20…30 mm;

right margin - 10 mm;

top margin - 20 mm;

bottom margin - 15 mm.

Font and Paragraph Options for body text:

 font name - Times New Roman;

 font size - 14;

line spacing – one and a half;

alignment - width;

The first line indent is 1.27 cm.

2. Page numbering

Page numbering must be continuous. Page numbers are placed at the top center of the page. The first page is the title page, which is not numbered. Font size - 12.

3. Headings

Each new chapter of the document begins on a new page. The same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work: introduction, conclusion, bibliography, appendices.

IN It is recommended to use headings of different levels in the text (chapter, chapter section, subsection), no more than three levels. Their appearance is set automatically and predetermined by the appropriate style. For thematic headings, you must enter numbering; headings of general structural parts (introduction, conclusion, bibliography, appendices) are NOT NUMBED.

IN There is no period at the end of the title. Underlining and hyphenating words in the title is not allowed.

Headings of chapters, sections, and subsections are separated from the text above and below by additional spacing.

4. Illustrations

All illustrations (drawings, photographs, diagrams, drawings, etc.) are called drawings. Drawings are numbered sequentially within a section Arabic numerals. The figure number consists of the section number and the serial number of the figure in the section. Next is the name of the picture. Each figure can have explanatory text, which is located in the caption.

It is recommended to place pictures on separate pages immediately after reference to them in the text so that they can be conveniently viewed without rotating the note or turning it clockwise. If the size is small, it is allowed to place two or more pictures on the page.

An example of the design of the drawing is given in Appendix 1.

5. Tables

Tables are numbered in within the section Arabic numerals. Above the upper right corner of the table is the inscription ‘Table’ indicating the number. If the table is the only one in the note, it is not numbered.

The table name is placed in the center of the table below the numbered line and begins with a capital letter.

The table is placed after the first mention of it in the text. A table with a large number of lines can be moved to the next page, while in the upper right corner the inscription ‘Continuation of the table’ is placed indicating the number.

An example of table design is given in Appendix 2.

6. Formulas

Formulas are numbered within a section using Arabic numerals. The numbers are placed in parentheses at the right edge of the page in the continuation of the formula line.

If the formula requires deciphering the letter designations of quantities (explication), then a comma is placed after the formula, then the word 'where' is written on a new line (without a colon after it), followed by the designation of the first quantity and its decoding, each subsequent designation with decoding is written with a new one lines or in one line, transcripts are separated from each other by a semicolon. The letter designations of the right and left parts of the formula are deciphered.


where a i is the i-th element of the array; n – number of array elements.

7. Bibliography

IN In the bibliography, sources are indicated in random order. Information about the book includes the author's surname and initials, title

books, place of publication, publisher and year of publication, volume in pages. Information about an article from a periodical includes last name and

Internet source information includes the Internet address and subject of the information from that source.

Vakhrin, P. Methodology for the preparation and procedure for defending theses in financial and economic specialties: Textbook / P. Vakhrin. - M.: Marketing, 2000. - 135 p.

Tyagunov, S. I. Logic as the art of thinking: Textbook. allowance / S. I. Tyagunov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 2000. - 107 p.

Mokalskaya, M.L. Self-instruction manual on accounting: Managers, entrepreneurs, shareholders, accountants, students, students of accounting courses / M.L. Mokalskaya, A.Yu. Denisov. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 1993. - 245 p.

Bulatov, A.S. Economics: Textbook. for universities / A.S. Bulatov, I.I. Bolshakova, V.V. Vinogradov; Ed. A.S. Bulatova. - M.: Yurist, 1999. - 894 p.

Eckhouse, R.H. Minicomputer systems. Organization, programming and application / R.H. Eckhouse, H.R. Morris. - New York, 1999. - 491 p.

Production management / S.D. Ilyenkova, A.V. Bandurin, G.A. Gorbovtsov; Ed. S.D. Ilyenkova. - M.: UNITY, 2000. - 583 p.

4. Description of collections

St. Petersburg in numbers, 1999 / St. Petersburg. com. state statistics. - St. Petersburg: Petersburgkomstat, 1999. - 21 p.

Problems of economic development: Sat. scientific tr. / St. Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house of St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Economics, 1998. - 105 p.

5. Description of articles from newspapers, magazines and collections

Fedorov, V.N. Control of electric drives of forging and pressing equipment/V.N. Fedorov // Sat. scientific tr. Institute/VoSTU. T. 1. - Vologda, 1997. - P. 65-72.

Zinenko, V.I. Nature conservation in the city / V.I. Zinenko // Knowledge is power. - 2002 .- No. 3. - P. 6-14.

Senatorov, A. Japan: coalition choice of liberal democrats / A. Senatorov, I. Tsvetov // Problems of the Far East. - 2000. - No. 1. - P.30-

Balabanov, I.T. Analysis of calculation of product profitability / I.T.Balabanov, V.N. Stepanov, E.V. Eischbitz // Accounting. - 1996. - No. 3. - P.30-34.

Investment bank: the modest charm of the big bourgeoisie / D. Grishankov, S. Lokotkova, D. Sivakov and others // Expert. - 1996. - No. 14. - P.4052.

Insurance organizations in the USA // Insurance business. - 1996. - No. 4. - P.49-56.

6. Description of regulations

ABOUT state forensic activity in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of May 31, 2001 N 73-F3 // Gazette of the Federal Collection of the Russian Federation. - 2001. - N 17. - P. 11-28.

ABOUT Some issues of the Federal Tax Police: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2000 No. 433 // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2000.

- No. 9. - Art. 1024.

ABOUT fight against international terrorism: State Decree. Federal Duma. 20 Sep. 2001 N 1865 // Collection. Russian legislation Federation. - 2001. - N 40. - S. 8541-8543.

GOST 12.1.003-76. Noise. General safety requirements - Instead of GOST 12.1.003-68; Enter. 01/01/77. - M.: Publishing house of standards, 1982. - 9 p.

Building codes and regulations: Aluminum structures: SNiP 2.03.06-85 /Gosstroy of the USSR. Enter. 01/01/87. - M., 2001. - 47 p.

investment process: Dis. Ph.D. econ. Sciences: 05.13.10 / G. V. Danilov. St. Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance. -SPb., 1999. - 138s.

Danilov, G.V. Regulation of interactions between subjects of the investment process: Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. econ. Sciences: 05.13.10/G.V.Danilov. St. Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance. - St. Petersburg,

Vikulina, T.D. Transformation of population income and their state regulation in a transition economy / T.D. Vikulina, S.V. Dneprova; S.-Petersburg state University of Economics and Finance. - St. Petersburg, 1998. - 214 p. - Dep. In INION RAS 06.10.98, N 53913.

8. Optical disks and floppy disks, other local access resources

Internet step by step: Textbook.-Electron. Dan. and program - St. Petersburg: PiterKom, 1997. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM).

Tsvetkov, V.Ya. Computer graphics: working program / V.Ya. Tsvetkov.-M.:MIIGAiK, 1999.-1 floppy disk.

9. When using Internet resources, remember that the description of the electronic resource must include a detailed electronic

Sidyganov, V.U. Model of Moscow: electronic map of Moscow and Moscow region / V.U. Sidyganov, S.Yu. Tolmachev, Yu.E. Tsygankov.- M.:

FORMOZA, 1998.- Access mode: http//

8. Applications

An appendix is ​​a part of an explanatory note that has reference value. The form and content of the application are determined by the author. The application is located at the end of the explanatory note. If there is more than one application, then they form a section with the heading ‘Applications’, in which each application is numbered in order in Arabic numerals. It is recommended to give the application a thematic title.

Annex 1

Example of drawing design

Fig.1.1. General view of the installation

Appendix 2

Example of table design

Table 2.1

Values ​​of calculated coefficients



Sakun M.A SA-22

Department of Information Technologies

Calculation and graphic work

in the discipline "Informatics"

“Using MathCAD and MS Excel packages to perform calculations”

Gomel, 2013

Assignment for calculation and graphic work


Educational institution "Belarusian State University of Transport"

Department of Information Technologies

Assignment for calculation and graphic work

Student Sakun Mikhail Aleksandrovich _Group__SA – 22 Option 15

Calculation and graphic work in the discipline “Informatics” for second-year students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering consists of four main sections:

Section 1

Task №1 Process tabular data in the Microsoft Excel environment, using the built-in functions and graphical capabilities of this spreadsheet processor. (Make calculations and present the results in formula display mode

Solve problem No. 2 using the Search for a solution method. Use only car types

and gondola cars provided according to the option

Task No. 2

Form a train with a length of 250±5 m with the greatest total carrying capacity.

Section 2

Task No. 1 Process tabular data (see above) in a mathematical calculation package Mathcad,

using math toolbar operators and built-in functions Mathcad.

Solve problem No. 2 in the package of mathematical calculations Mathcad using physical formulas,

corresponding to the task, symbolic processor capabilities and dimensions (units of measurement).

Task No. 2 A train of maximum permissible gross mass starts moving from the station. On a section of track 1 km long, it develops a constant traction force F = 4∙105 N, and its speed increases from 10 to 20 km/h. Determine the coefficient of friction.

Section 3

Solve a problem using a programming language Pascal

Task Minimum internal length

Section 4 Creating a presentation by RGR using MSPowerPoint.

Calculation and graphic work assignment 1

Introduction 4

Setting objectives 6

1 Section 1 8

1.1 Condition of task No. 1 8

1.2 Solving problem No. 1 in the Microsoft Excel 9 spreadsheet environment

1.3 Condition of task No. 2 10

1.4 Solution to problem No. 2 11

2 Section 2 13

2.1 Condition of task No. 1 13

2.2 Solution of problem No. 1 in the MathCAD 13 package

2.3 Solution of problem No. 2 in the MathCAD 15 package

3 Section 3 17

3.1 Executing a task in Pascal 17

3.2 Problem condition: 17

3.3 Solving the problem in Pascal 17

3.4 Results of task 17

4 Section 4 18

1.1Description of presentation 18

Conclusion 19

References 20


In calculation and graphic work we will calculate characteristics, operational indicators, traffic indicators of freight railway transport and solve other problems in a spreadsheet processor MSExcel, package Mathcad and on the tongue Pascal. As initial data for calculations, we will use the characteristics of the rolling stock units presented in Appendix B. According to our option, we select the diesel locomotive model, types of covered cars and gondola cars, and initial characteristics.

Option 15 record book number 12040024 Date of Birth April 1, 1995

Setting goals

Diesel locomotive model

Types of covered wagons

Types of gondola cars


Car tare weight

Height (internal)

Loading hatch length

Length (inner)

Overall width

Estimated indicators of level I

Estimated indicators of level II

Number of rolling stock units

Max. tare weight of a wagon in a moving wagon

Maximum internal height of rolling stock units

Wed. arithm. loading hatch length value

Wed. arithm. length value of rolling stock units

Overall width of the train

Maximum area of ​​the loading hatch in the composition

Maximum possible volume of placed cargo

1 Section 1

Characteristics of rolling stock units

Diesel locomotive model and types of cars

Number of rolling stock units

Car tare weight, t

Height (internal), m

Loading hatch length, m

Length (internal), m

Overall width, m

Load capacity

According to individual instructions, we will composetable of rolling stock characteristics andwe will formalize it inMS Word ;

Running a job in a spreadsheet environmentMicrosoftExcel

1.1 Condition of task No. 1

6. Overall width of the train

1.2 Solving problem No. 1 in a table processor environment Microsoft Excel

Let's imagine the calculations in the formula display mode: We use standard calculation formulas as well as skills in working with MSExcel

1.3 Condition of task No. 2

Form a train with a length of 250±5 m with the greatest total carrying capacity

Solution of problem No. 2 in the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet environment

We copy the data from the table of characteristics of railway transport units into MS Excel.

We get the table:

Let's imagine the calculations in formula display mode:

1.4 Solution to problem No. 2

We solve the problem using the solution search method.

Call the “search for solution” command. In the window that appears, configure the parameters:

We optimize the objective function.

Select minimum search

We set restrictions: the length of the cars must be positive, an integer, and the total length must be less than or equal to 250m.

Changing the column with the length of cars

In formula display mode:

Results report:

2 Section 2

2.1 Condition of task No. 1

1. Number of rolling stock units

2. Max. tare weight of a wagon in a moving wagon

3. Maximum internal height of rolling stock units

4. Wed. arithm. loading hatch length value

5. Wed. arithm. length value of rolling stock units

6. Overall width of the train

7. Maximum area of ​​the loading hatch in the composition

8. Maximum possible volume of placed cargo

2.2 Solution to problem No. 1 in the package MathCAD

IN MS Word in the table created according to the task, select the numeric values ​​and convert the table into text


2.3 Solution to problem No. 2 in the package MathCAD

A train of maximum permissible gross mass starts moving from the station. On a section of track 1 km long, it develops a constant traction force F = 4∙10 5 N, and its speed increases from 10 to 20 km/h. Determine the coefficient of friction.

3 Section 3

3.1 Running a task in the environmentPascal

3.2 Condition of the problem :

Find the minimum inner length

3.3 Solving a problem in language Pascal

3.4 Results of the task

4 Section 4

    1. Description of the presentation

This presentation will present the progress of the work, as well as its content.

« Document MS Power Point »


During the execution of the RGR, the characteristics of the rolling stock were calculated. Thanks to this work, we generalized our knowledge and skills in working with MathCad, MSExcel, MSWord packages, and also learned how to systematize and present the obtained data in the form of a presentation.


    N.I. Gurin. Working in a Windows environment with Excel and Word programs//Tutorial-Mn. : BSTU, 1997.

    A.P. Lashchenko, T.P. Brusentsova, L.S. Moroz, I.G. Sukhorukova. Informatics and computer graphics. - Mn.: BSTU, 2004.

3. N.N. Pustovalova, I.G. Sukhorukova, D.V. Zanko. Computer graphics.



Settlement and graphic work is drawn up in accordance with the ESKD, introduced on July 1, 1996, and is performed on standard white A4 paper on one side in one of the following ways:

    handwritten - in drawing font according to GOST 2.304 with the height of letters and numbers not less than 2.5 mm. Numbers and letters must be written clearly with a blue or black ballpoint (gel) pen;

    using printing and graphic computer output devices, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.004.

Each sheet of RGR is decorated with a frame (on the left - 20 mm, on the other three sides - 5 mm), made using one of the above recommended methods.

The text of the RGR must be placed in accordance with the following requirements:

    the distance from the form frame to the text boundaries at the beginning and end of the lines must be at least 3 mm;

    the distance from the top or bottom line of text to the top or bottom frame must be at least 10 mm;

    paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to 5 typewriter strokes (15–17 mm);

    the distance between headings and text when formatting text material by machine should be equal to 3 or 4 intervals, and when formatting by hand - 15 mm;

    the distance between section and subsection headings (if there is no text) should be the same as between lines of text - 2 spaces, and when handwritten - 8 mm;

    the distance between the text and the subsequent heading should be 3–5 intervals (15–30 mm).

The text of the explanatory note on the computer must be written in Times New Roman font size 14 pt.

Indices present in the symbol designation must be written in a 10 pt font.

Typos, clerical errors and graphic inaccuracies discovered during the execution of the document may be corrected by erasing or painting over with white paint (corrector) and applying the corrected text in the same place in blue or black ink, handwritten. Their number can be no more than 5% of the amount of information on the sheet.

The RGR should include:

    title page;

    task to complete the work (drawn up in accordance with the code);

    sections representing tasks in accordance with the assignment;

    list of references used;

Title page is the first sheet of the document - an explanatory note. It is performed on A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301, the form of which is given in Appendix A.

Exercise on the RGR is compiled on an A4 sheet in accordance with the received code.

When preparing the RGR, we must not forget that the title page, task and content are included in the total number of its sheets. Sheet numbers are not indicated on the title page and assignment sheets. Numbering begins on the contents sheet. The final number of sheets of the RGR is entered in column 5 of the main inscription located on the first sheet of contents, made in accordance with GOST 2.104-68, while the numbering of the pages of the note must be continuous (numbering of the title page and assignment is implied).

IN list literature All sources used are included in alphabetical order. In accordance with GOST 7.1-84, the list contains: source number (Arabic numeral), its full name and output data.

The explanatory note must be bound together.

The text of the work is written in the third person in the indicative mood or in an indefinite form, for example, “the chains are counting.” In the explanatory note of the RGR it is not allowed to use:

– abbreviations of words, except those established by spelling rules, relevant state standards, and also in this document;

– abbreviation of the designations of SI units, if they are used without numbers, with the exception of SI units in the rows and columns of tables, and in the decoding of letter designations included in formulas and figures.


When calculating an electrical circuit in formulas, the designations established by the relevant state standards and the International System of Units (SI), including the dimensions of quantities, should be used as symbols. When preparing the RGR, it is necessary to substitute numerical values ​​of quantities into the formulas. The final result is given with an indication of the dimension without intermediate calculations.

Calculations that follow one another and are not separated by text are separated by a semicolon. For example:

Numerical values ​​of quantities in calculations should be indicated with an accuracy level of up to thousandths.


The text part of the calculation and graphic work is supplemented with diagrams sufficient for explanation. The diagrams are located at the beginning of each new electrical circuit calculation. The construction of diagrams is carried out using drawing accessories, in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Schemes should be numbered with Arabic numerals and continuous numbering. For example, Figure 1 – Design diagram of an electrical circuit.

The diagrams in the text are placed in such a way that they can be viewed without turning the sheet or turning it clockwise.

Diagrams are constructed on graph paper using drawing supplies.

The values ​​of variables in the diagrams are shown in the form of scales on an arbitrary scale accepted for construction and are distinguished by dividing strokes on the axes or coordinate grid. In this case, the dimension is indicated between the last and penultimate values ​​of the quantity.

It is rational to choose the scales along the coordinate axes of the graphs so that the curves depicted on them sufficiently fill the graph field.

Inscriptions and designations on diagrams, diagrams, title pages of calculation and graphic works are carried out in drawing font in accordance with GOST 2.304-81.

The forms of the main inscriptions are developed on the basis of GOST 2.104-68 and GOST 21.103-78. Only those graphs that are never executed are removed. The inscriptions of individual columns have been slightly changed.

The form of the main inscription presented in Figure 1 shows the form of the inscription for the first sheet of the explanatory note, and in Figure 2 - for the second and subsequent sheets of the note.

In the columns of the main inscriptions indicate:

    in column 1 – name of the product or document. In the title block of the first sheet, in column 1, you should write the title of the work. For example: RGR in the discipline "Electrical engineering and fundamentals of electronics".

    in column 2 - designation of the document. In the title block of the first sheet in column 2 you should write “ MV - 21 111 RGR No. 1" This designation contains the following information: MV - 21 – training group; 111 – student assignment code; RGR – type of work performed (RGR – calculation and graphic work); No. 1 – number of calculation and graphic work;

    in column 3 - designation of the design stage: U– educational work (calculation and graphic).

    in column 4 - the serial number of the sheet;

    in column 5 - the total number of sheets (the column is filled out only on the first sheet);

    in column 6 – abbreviated name of the organization (university and department);

    in the lines of column 7 indicate: completed, checked;

    in the lines of column 8 - the names of the persons who signed the document;

    in the lines of column 9 - signatures of persons whose surnames are indicated in column 8;

Figure 1 – Sample 40 mm frame.

Figure 2 – Sample 15 mm frame.

Figure 3 – Sample title page design

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

Educational institution



Department of Electrical Engineering


by discipline

"Electrical engineering and power supply"

Completed Checked

student of group SP-21 assistant

Ivanov I.I. Gatalskaya I. A.

« Drawing up a foreign trade contract and settlement

customs payments"

Calculation and graphic work (CGW) is provided for in the curriculum for full-time students.

The RGR provides for the student to work out the terms of a foreign trade contract. Contracts can be for both export and import of goods.

To complete the RGR, the student is given an individual task, consisting of the following conditions: name of the product, its price and basic delivery conditions. All these conditions are included in the contract, but in addition to them, a number of contract clauses must be determined.

To write this section of the RGR, the student must familiarize himself with the contents of the foreign trade contract using the lecture materials and these methodological instructions (section 5). When writing a work, the student must provide a justification for each of the 16 listed points based on the characteristics of the product, the term of the contract, the selected counterparty, its geographical location, currency, etc.

For each item, it is required to select any of the options for its wording that is suitable for the type of exported or imported product and does not contradict the basic conditions of delivery, and justify the use of this particular option.

In particular, it is necessary to determine the quantity of the product and the method for determining its quality. Set the delivery date or period, the method of fixing the price, the possibility of applying and conditions for providing discounts on the price of the goods.

The basic terms of delivery are provided for in the assignment issued, but when performing the work, the student is required to formulate, according to INCOTERMS 2000, the responsibilities of the party for whom he is drawing up the contract, i.e. if the contract is for export, then the obligations of the seller should be described, and if it is an import contract, the obligations of the buyer should be described.

Then the payment procedure is determined, according to which you should select the payment currency, its term, method, form of payment and justify your choice.

The exporter (or importer) company and its counterparty should be invented independently.

Based on the developed conditions, the student draws up a foreign trade contract and calculates customs payments: customs clearance fees, customs duties, excise taxes, value added taxes. The methodology for calculating the listed payments is given in sections 6.1 – 6.4. methodological instructions.

In the final part of the RGR, the student must determine how much customs payments are in total and per unit of goods, how much the cost of the goods will be after making all customs payments, and by what percentage or how many times the cost of the goods increases after these payments.

Composition and volume of the explanatory note of the calculation and graphic work:

1. Task for performing RGR.

2. Elaboration of the terms of the foreign trade contract.

3. Drawed up foreign trade contract.

4. Calculation of customs duties.

5. Determination of the cost of a unit of goods, taking into account customs duties paid and calculation of the increase in the cost of goods after their payment.

The total volume of the PP is 8 - 10 pages. The design must comply with the rules.

The test is provided for in the curriculum for part-time and part-time students.

In addition, according to the conditions of the control work, an installment plan was provided for the payment of customs duties on the security of the goods, which at this time are registered in a temporary storage warehouse (TSW). The student must calculate the interest on the installment plan (see section 6.5) and determine the amounts to be paid to repay the installment plan, including interest.

The result of the control work is the calculation of the amount of all payments and the cost of a unit of goods, taking into account customs duties and interest on installments.

To complete the test, the student is given an individual assignment, consisting of the following conditions: name of the product, its price, basic delivery conditions, payments for which installments are provided, installment period, payment terms.

The test work includes:

1. Assignment to complete the test.

17.02.2015 17:29

Calculation and graphic work is independent research, which was created to substantiate theoretical material on the main topics of the course and develop practical skills performing technical and economic calculations.

Essence calculation and graphic work consists of doing the most typical calculations which are carried out by the manager during the feasibility study of the decisions he makes.

When organizing work, you must adhere to the following regulations:

1. Presentation of material from each calculation and graphic work tasks should be carried out in the following frequency:

Theoretical justification of the issue being considered;

Mathematical calculations;

Analysis and summary of the results obtained, conclusions.

2. Calculation part of the work do according to options. The choice of option is carried out according to the final number of the grade book;

3. All data is tabulated;

4. Initial data and calculation results are given indicating units of measurement;

5. Calculations are carried out with an accuracy of one tenth;

6. The amount of explanatory note is 30-50 pages of handwritten text (or 15-25 pages of computer printing) in A4 format;

7. Design calculation and graphic work occurs in relation to the current rules for writing scientific, methodological and technical documentation (DSTU 3008-95: System of standards for information, library and publishing).

IN conclusions of the RGR the results of all the issues covered are summed up, and the main problems and ways of their possible solution are identified.

Target calculation and graphic work- consolidation of theoretical knowledge in the discipline, formation of practical skills in determining the optimal option for organizing interaction.

An individual task for each student is calculation and graphic work.

Calculation and graphic work (CGR) is student's personal research. Carrying out RGR, student enriches the knowledge and skills acquired during the study of the subject, namely: defining a goal, highlighting tasks, formulating problems and finding ways to solve them.

Student working on RGR forms skills and abilities that will be important in the future when solving more complex problems (thesis, dissertation, scientific research, etc.).

Students working on the topic of individual work under the guidance of a teacher. Every student gets a separate option calculation and graphic control work, which contains one problem from each topic. Total RGR contains 12 practical problems from various sections of the program.

Option number RGR tasks corresponds to the student’s serial number in the group list.

For example, the first student on the list completes option No. 1, the second - option No. 2, etc. Execution option RGR, which does not correspond to the student’s serial number in the group is not allowed.

Assessment for independent (individual) work is given at the end of all practical classes. The number of points that a student can receive ranges from 0 to 12 points, depending on the volume and quality of the work performed. This grade is taken into account when determining the final grade for the entire course.

The purpose of writing the RGR are:

Systematization, consolidation and expansion of the student’s theoretical knowledge and practical skills;

Gaining experience in working with literature and other sources of information, the ability to summarize and analyze scientific information, and develop one’s own attitude to the problem;

Developing the ability to use information and computer technologies to solve applied medical problems;

Development of skills in mastering specialized software;

Conducting a detailed analysis of the results of your own research and forming meaningful conclusions regarding the quality of the results obtained.

Submitted only in electronic form. Files with the electronic version and presentation in MS Office 2003 or MS Office 2007 format are supplied on a USB flash drive.

Volume of work - 10-15 pages of text (including the list of information sources and applications).

To defense calculation and graphic work A presentation is being prepared for a three-minute presentation of the work.

There are two options calculation and graphic work:


Search engine.

In the first option, the task is performed according to the standard methodology, which is set out in these Guidelines.

Topic calculation and graphic work (CGR) determined by its leader. When determining RGR topics wishes can be taken into account student.

When defining a topic student must be guided by these Methodological Instructions, take into account their theoretical knowledge and experience, and methods of collecting information material. For students, having excellent success, ability for scientific work and showing initiative, topics of work with scientific research or methodological inclinations may be proposed.

After defining the topic, the leader RGR issues the student an assignment of the established form.

Becoming to implementation of RGR, The student is obliged to assimilate these Methodological Instructions and discuss any problems that arise with the teacher.

Throughout the semester, the teacher holds meetings and discussions on decision of the RGR.

The student must go to counseling. During which the teacher corrects the work, names the amount and depth of the material performed.

With stroke control method execution of RGR 4 current control dates are established from the moment the teacher issues the assignment for practical work.

Labor intensity RGR for students is 6-8 hours per week for 8-10 weeks. After the end of the specified period RGR must be fully completed and submitted to the manager for review.

It is done by the student personally, during independent preparation, outside the academic schedule. The student has personal responsibility for deciding on a specific work schedule, the quality and completeness of the development of the issue, the validity of the decisions made, compliance with DSTU in the design, and for the timely protection of the RGR.

Completed in full RGR must have:

An explanatory note (EP) of up to 40 pages in A4 format, including sketches, explanatory calculations and illustrations;

Applications in the form of graphic material, made on a PC using graphics packages;

Drawings of technological equipment for the manufacture of skins and elements of the power set of the forward section of the fuselage;

Drawings of devices for assembling the forward fuselage.

On individual instructions from the manager RGR the list of graphic material may be changed.

Mechanical copying and (or) copying of texts from educational, scientific, technical and flight technical documentation into an explanatory note is unacceptable.

So, as we see calculation and graphic form The work is very popular today, especially in mathematics universities.

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Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!