Work program OD.02.04. Folk artistic culture

Appendix 13



specialty vocational education 51.02.01 Folk art (choreographic creativity)

Tolyatti, 2015


The academic discipline program was developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in specialty 51.02.01 Folk art (by type)

methodological unification

teachers of general education disciplines

Protocol No. ___ dated “_____” 2015


Deputy Director for MMR

_______________ / ON THE. Goncharova

___________________ / I.I. Ureneva

Internal expertise:

Technical expertise:

ON THE. Goncharova, Head of the service for methodological support and development of OPOP

A.K. Stolyarova, teacher of the highest qualification category

External expertise:






1.1. Scope of application

The program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program for the training of mid-level specialists (hereinafter referred to as PPSSZ) in the specialty of secondary vocational education 51.02.01 Folk artistic creativity (choreographic creativity) of in-depth training, which is part of the enlarged group of specialties of secondary vocational education 51.00.00 CULTURAL STUDIES AND SOCIO-CULTURAL PROJECTS .

The program of the academic discipline “Folk artistic culture” was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 27, 2014 No. 1382 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in specialty 51.02.01 Folk art (by type)”;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education” as amended on December 29, 2014, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1645;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated June 14, 2013. No. 464 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education” as amended on December 15, 2014, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1580;

    Recommendations for organizing the acquisition of secondary general education within the framework of mastering secondary vocational education programs on the basis of basic general education, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the acquired profession or specialty of secondary vocational education (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 17, 2015 No. 06-259).

The program of the academic discipline “Folk artistic culture” is focused on the implementation of the federal state educational standard (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) of secondary general education at a basic level within the framework of mastering the PPSSZ, taking into account the profile of the professional education received, providing general educational and general cultural training to the student for the purpose of further successful professional training or professional activity.

This program is designed for specialties related to the humanitarian profile.

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: The discipline is included in the general education cycle (profile academic disciplines).

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements for the results of mastering the main professional educational program in the specialty vocational education 51.02.01 Folk artistic creativity (choreographic creativity).

The implementation of the program is aimed at developing the following general competencies:

    OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

    OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development.

    OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

    OK 11. Use the skills and knowledge of specialized academic disciplines of the federal state educational standard of secondary general education in professional activities.

The requirements for the level of training set a system of final learning outcomes, the achievement of which is a prerequisite for positive certification in the academic discipline “Folk Artistic Culture”. These requirements are structured into two components: “know”, “be able”.


    foundations of the theory of folk artistic culture, historical stages of development of folk artistic culture;

    types, genres of folk artistic culture;

    forms of existence, carriers of folk artistic culture;

    traditional rituals, customs, holidays, games and fun;

    regional features of folk artistic culture;

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must be able to:

    collect, study and systematize works of folk art;

    use types of traditional culture, works of folk art in artistic, creative and pedagogical work;

    PC 1.3. Develop, prepare and implement repertoire and script plans, artistic programs and productions.

    PC 1.4. Analyze and use works of folk art in work with amateur creative teams.

    PC 1.5. Systematically work to find the best examples of folk art, accumulate the repertoire necessary for the performing activities of an amateur creative team and its individual participants.

    PC 2.1. Use knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, special disciplines in teaching.

1.5.Number of hours to master the discipline program: The maximum academic load for a student is 114 hours, including:

    mandatory classroom teaching load for a student - 76 hours;

    independent work of the student - 38 hours.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

    homework topics;

    individual project;

Final certification in the form exam

2.2 Thematic plan

Name of the training module, topic

number of hours

independent work

Mandatory classroom teaching load:


incl. LR and PZ

3rd semester

Theoretical and historical aspects of the development of folk artistic culture

Formation of the concept of "folk artistic culture"

Historical dynamics of the development of folk artistic culture.

The essence and functions of folk artistic culture.

Mythological origins of folk artistic culture.

4th semester

Folklore in the system of folk artistic culture

Oral-poetic and play folklore

People's Theater

Folk instrumental music and dance creativity

Folk fine arts and arts and crafts

Festive and ritual culture

Calendar folk holidays and rituals in Rus'

Artistic elements of winter calendar holidays and rituals.

Artistic elements of spring calendar holidays and rituals.

Artistic elements of summer calendar holidays and rituals.

Autumn calendar holidays and rituals.

Artistic elements of family and everyday rites and rituals.



The relevance of the problems of preservation, popularization and development of folk artistic culture in modern conditions. Federal and regional programs for the preservation and development of domestic cultural, historical and national cultural heritage. Legislative acts aimed at preserving and developing folk artistic culture. The diversity and inconsistency of interpretations of the concept of “folk artistic culture” by various authors. Attempts to identify folk artistic culture with folklore, folk art, folk art, traditional folk culture, etc. The prevalence of ideas about folk artistic culture as a phenomenon only of peasant, “common” life, the creativity of the lower, exploited classes and layers of the population. Folk artistic culture through the eyes of an ethnographer, art critic, historian, psychologist, philologist, folklorist, philosopher, sociologist.

Possible principles for the formation of the concept of “folk artistic culture”. The principle of ethnicity, which allows us to identify the ethnic (and not class) nature of the artistic culture of a particular people (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc.). The principle of integrity, which helps to represent the people. artistic culture in the totality of its diverse forms, methods and mechanisms of creation, preservation, dissemination, development and transformation. The principle of artistic and aesthetic originality, on the basis of which the most characteristic features and features of a particular folk artistic culture, its specific role in the world artistic process. The principle of an interdisciplinary approach.

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Compiling a summary on the topic: Formation of the concept of “folk artistic culture” (lecture series “Folk artistic culture” by A.S. Kargin)

Topic 1.2. Historical dynamics of the development of folk artistic culture


Problems of cultural-historical typology of ethnic artistic cultures in the context of various morphological approaches to culture. Closed and open types of ethnic cultures. Evolutionary and “explosive” processes, linear and cyclical periods of development in the history of folk artistic culture. Yu. M. Lotman's concept of two types of historical dynamics of culture is the basis for understanding folk artistic culture as a polysemantic and contradictory phenomenon, as a complex self-developing system.

The historical process of “stratification” of ancient Russian artistic culture. The commonality of forms of “artistic life” in patriarchal Rus'. The emergence and development of class artistic subcultures. The originality of the artistic life of the Russian nobility, merchants, clergy and other classes. Multi-ethnic artistic space of modern Russia, problems of preserving mono-ethnic elements of artistic cultures of different peoples in it. Factors in the dynamics of folk artistic culture. The determining role of global biosphere and anthropospheric processes in the emergence, development and collapse of various ethnic groups and their artistic cultures. Religious factors in the dynamics of folk artistic culture.

Doctrines about the sociodynamics of culture and their significance for the analysis of the processes of development of folk artistic culture. The influence of socio-political, socio-economic and socio-psychological factors on the development of folk artistic culture. Global geopolitical processes and problems of preserving the national and cultural values ​​of various peoples of the world. Folk artistic culture in the modern global information and cultural space. Modern processes of development of international cultural cooperation based on the preservation and development of the original traditions of ethnic cultures of the peoples of the world.

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Watching video lectures by Yu. Lotman “Conversations about Russian culture”, writing abstracts

Topic 1.3. The essence and functions of folk artistic culture


Folk artistic culture as an independent system of production, distribution and consumption of values. Priority approaches in the interpretation of the functions of folk artistic culture. (V.E. Gusev, P.G. Bogatyrev). Functions of folk artistic culture in relation to society: preserving the foundations of the cultural potential of the nation, organizing and optimizing free time, forming the aesthetic and moral potential of the individual. Functions of folk artistic culture in relation to the individual: moral-aesthetic, pedagogical, recreational, emotional-compensatory (A.S. Kargin). Functional field of folk artistic culture.

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Compiling notes on the textbook “Folk Artistic Culture” by A.S. Kargin

Topic 1.4. Mythological origins of folk artistic culture


The concept of myth, mythology, mythologem. Mythological picture of the world. Myths as the most ancient layer of ethnic cultures. The role of myths in the formation and development of religion, science, and art. Myth as a verbal narrative text. Myth as a system of ideas about the world, as a special type of thinking. Macrocosm and microcosm in myth (nature and man).

Classification of myths: cosmogonic, solar, anthropogonic, about the origin of cultural objects (invention of crafts, tools, introduction of rules of behavior, etc.), twin. Mythological concept of time - eschalogical myths. Mythological consciousness is a special form of human consciousness. Studies of ancient Slavic mythology. Works of A.N. Afanasyeva, E.V. Anichkova, GA. Glinka, D.K. Zelenin, A.S. Kaisarov, M.I. Kastorsky, N.I. Kostomarov, L. Leger, V.A. Rybakov, D.O. Shepping and others as the basis for studying the mythological origins of traditional Russian folk art.

Images of ancient Slavic mythology. Ancient Slavic mythology as the embodiment of the pagan picture of the world. Deification and personification of natural elements, the cult of ancestral spirits and totem animals, cosmism in the myths of the ancient Slavs.

Myths about the most ancient non-personified gods of the Slavs - Rod and women in labor. Images of these gods on ancient vessels. Images of Rod and women in labor in works of arts and crafts.

Myths about non-personified deities - beregins and ghouls, personifying the spirits of good and evil ancestors. Beregini as guardians of the house and various natural places. House spirits: brownie, kutny god, grandfather, ergot and haste, nap, bayunok, etc. Forest spirits - goblin, their varieties: forester, woodsman, hinny, wild man, devils, shishigi, werewolves, miracle Yudo, dashing one-eyed and etc. The mermaid as the oldest species of coastline that lived in the water. A special type of beregins are birds with a female face (Sirin, Phoenix, Stratim, Firebird, swan girls). Mythical half-animals, half-people (chimeras): Polkan, Little Humpbacked Horse, Sivka-Burka and others. Supreme personified gods of various Slavic tribes: Svarog, Yarilo, Yarovit and others. Myths about the gods of heaven ("high-minded"), earthly and underground (underworld ): Belbog and Chernobog, Perun, Svyatovit, Dazhbog, Stribog, Kolyada, Veles, Kupala, Mokoshi and others. Lada and Lel. Mother Earth and Mother Red Sun. Myths about heroes (demigods) - volots, etc.

Images of ancient Slavic mythology in folk art and works of Russian classical art (for example, in I. F. Stravinsky’s ballets “The Rite of Spring” and “The Firebird”, in A. Lyadov’s symphonic miniatures “Baba Yaga”, “Kikimora”, “Kolyada-Malyada” , in the operas of N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 1 Analysis of images of ancient Slavic mythology (film-ballet by F. Stravinsky “The Firebird”, individual parts of the opera by N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov “The Snow Maiden”)

Independentstudent work:

Prepare information about the cult significance of Slavic Gods, Deities, spirits and mythological heroes.

Describe the characters from Slavic demonology.

Search for examples of ancient Slavic pagan Gods and Deities in folk art, in the works of Russian composers, artists, writers and

Topic 1.5. The subject world of Russian folk art culture


Constants of Russian culture. The space of the home in Russian folk culture. House structure (internal space of the home and technologies for its construction). The stove as a key part of the house in folk culture. Symbolism of housing in folk culture. Traditional household utensils: utilitarian and artistic (appearance, manufacturing methods, use, decor). Traditional cuisine.

Folk costume and its role in culture. Classification of Russian folk costume: regional, ethnolocal, gender and age, social and everyday. Practical significance. Essential elements. Symbolism of folk clothing The main complexes are South Russian and North Russian. Reflection of socio-economic and other changes in the elements of the costume.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 2 Description and detailed analysis of Russian folk costume (at the student’s choice)

Independentstudent work:

Preparation of a report on the results of an excursion to the Museum of Local Lore

Topic 1.6. Features of the culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga region


Peoples of the Middle Volga region: Mordva, Chuvash, Tatars, Bashkirs. Features of material culture: traditional housing, clothing, cuisine. Folklore: characteristics of existing rituals, musical, dance forms of folklore.

Features of the culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga region

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Collection and analysis of information from various sources, including Internet resources, to protect the abstract.

UM 2.Folklore in the folk system

artistic culture

Topic 2.1 . Folklore as an element of folk culture


Folklore as the oldest component of folk artistic culture.

A variety of interpretations of the concept “folklore”. Folklore in the narrow and broad sense: as oral folk art and as the totality of all types of folk art in the context of folk life.

Development of the concept of “folklore” in domestic science. Concepts of traditional and modern, peasant and urban folklore. Folklore is authentic, stage, stylized.

Features of folklore identified by various researchers: syncretism, variability, improvisation, collectivity, etc.

Functions of folklore. Religious-mythological, ceremonial and ritual, economic-aesthetic, pedagogical, communicative-informational, social-psychological, etc.

Problems of revival and preservation of folklore traditions. The problem of “authorship” in folklore. Bearers of folklore.

Collective and individual in folklore Folklore and amateur performances.

Folklore and professional art

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Compiling a summary on the topic: "Folklore as an element of folk culture"


Oral-poetic folklore. Its definition is as a type of folk art, a set of various genres of verbal texts, as oral or folk poetry, oral or folk literature. Prerequisites for the emergence of different genres of oral folk art. Ritual and non-ritual poetry. Ritual poetry: calendar (winter, spring, etc.) and family and everyday (wedding, funeral, etc.) cycles; epic genres (fairy tales, legends, epics, historical songs); lyrical genres, as well as dramatic texts and actions (mummers, games, round dances, dances). Genres: proverbs, sayings, riddles; tribal legends, conspiracies, fairy tales, archaic forms of epic; ditties, workers' folklore, etc. The most outstanding masters are folklore storytellers (T.G., I.T. Ryabin, V.P. Zhegolenko, I.A. Kasyanov, I.A. Fedosova, etc.).

Epics, their origin and classification. Epics of the Kyiv and Novgorod cycles, heroic and novelistic epics, epics about Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko and others. Reflection of the images of epic heroes in Russian classical art (in the paintings of V. Vasnetsov, in the “Bogatyr Symphony” by A.P. Borodin, etc.). Tales, traditions and legends: genre features, the relationship between reality and fiction in their content.

The concepts of “game”, “game activity”, “game culture”. A game is a type of activity or transaction (E. Bern). Psychological foundations of the game (according to D. B. Elkonin and others). The nature and functions of play activities. Classification of games. The concept of a folk game. The origin and evolution of folk games, their connection with ancient games and mysteries. Reflection in folk games of the psychology of the people, the traditional forms of their life. Game as an element of traditional folk holidays and rituals. Russian collectors and researchers of traditional folk games (E.A. Pokrovsky, G.S. Vinogradov, etc.). Folk art and games. Modern concepts of the playful nature of art. Folk song-games, dance games, round dance games, folk skit games, game plots in folk art and decorative arts.

Ancient children's folk games: outdoor games, games with dolls and other toys. Children's skit games, games with songs and dance movements. Traditional youth games.

The role of traditional folk games in modern culture.

Traditional folk games in the formation and development of the personality of children and adolescents.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 4 Staging a folk game (optional)

Independentstudent work:

The study of epics, legends, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings in specialized and additional literature.

Development of a children's story-based entertainment program using children's folklore and children's folk games.

Topic 2.3. People's theater


The concept of "folklore theater". Folklore theater and laughter folk culture. Buffoon "fun" and "games" Parsley Theater: history of origin, existence and development in Russia. Traditional plots of performances at the Petrushka Theater. Petrushka Theater at Russian fairs. Preservation and development of the traditions of the Petrushka Theater in modern conditions.

Raek as a type of folk theater; traditional Novgorod, St. Petersburg and Moscow districts.

Nativity scenes. Jokes of booths and carousel "grandfathers". Bear fun.

Russian folk theater of the 17th - 19th centuries. Types of folk dramas: Russian comedies of the 18th century. (“The Comedy about Tsar Maximilian” and others), dramatic works of a heroic nature (“Boat”, “Boat”, “How the Frenchman Took Moscow”) and accusatory works (“About the Brave Warrior Anika”, “Tsar Herod” and others). Staging folk dramas, the role of the “boss” in staging folk dramas.

Features of preparing and conducting folk theater performances in the old days.

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Retelling of folk drama or comedy (optional)


Folk song creativity: concept and type - genre structure. The connection between folk songs and nature. Calls. Calendar folk songs.

Songs of family rituals (maternity, wedding, funeral, etc.). The connection of folk song creativity with all stages of human life, with agricultural and military labor, with folk gaming culture. Lullabies, games, dances, round dances, labor and wedding folk songs. Recruitment songs and lamentations Russian folk instrumental music. Ancient musical instruments: wind instruments (pipe, zhaleika, kugikly, horn and others), percussion (rattles, rubel, spoons, tambourine and others) and strings (wing-shaped and helmet-shaped harps, gudok, domra, wheeled lyre, balalaika and others). Harmonica in Russia. The role of folk musical instruments in folk life and in festive ritual culture. The influence of folk songwriting on Russian church singing art. Famous modern amateur musical groups in Russia.

Ancient origins of folk dances. Dance elements in ancient cults, rites and rituals. Dances of buffoons. Ancient pandemonium.

Russian folk dances: origin, artistic and aesthetic features, traditional images and forms of existence. Round dances, their main types (ornamental, playful and others), role and place in traditional folk culture. Dances (singles, pairs, re-dancing, Russian quadrille). Musical accompaniment of folk dances (dance tunes on folk musical instruments).

Folk dances in the repertoire of amateur and professional choreographic groups. Folk dance and classical art ("Kamarinskaya" by M.I. Glinka).

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 5 Seminar “Regional traditions in musical and choreographic creativity”

Independentstudent work:

Preparation of a report on modern folk groups and performers in Tolyatti and the Samara region.

Analysis of the texts of folk songs (including analysis of the musical text) from collections of Russian folk songs by M.A. Balakireva, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov


Elements of visual activity in syncretic forms of primitive culture. Magical, protective and informational functions of the visual activities of the ancient Slavs. Fine symbolism of ancient Slavic rituals. Ancient Slavic symbols of natural elements, images of ancient Slavic deities, birds and animals on household items. Russian hand-drawn popular print as a unique genre of fine art.

Regional and national characteristics: techniques, technologies, color combinations. The main types of decorative arts: pottery, carving, painting, casting, forging, weaving, embroidery, knitting, weaving.

The concepts of “craft” and “trade”. Developed fishing centers: Nizhny Novgorod region - Khokhloma, Gorodets, Polkhov-Maidan, Palekh; Moscow region - Zhostovo, Gzhel, Vologda; Arkhangelsk; Kirov - Dymkovo.

Folk toys: types, material, manufacturing technique. Artistic and aesthetic features, multifunctionality.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 6 Creation of an art quiz on the topic: “Arts and crafts.”

Independentstudent work: Preparation for an art quiz on the topic: “Arts and crafts.”

UM 3. Festive and ritual culture

Topic 3.1. Calendar folk holidays and rituals in Rus'


Analysis of the initial concepts “holiday”, “rite”, “ritual”, “custom”. Types and types of ancient calendars. Julian and Gregorian calendars, church and folk calendar in Rus'. The connection of calendar folk holidays with the winter and summer solstice, with the pagan and Christian foundations of the folk faith. Orthodox holidays in Rus'. Folk customs of celebrating church holidays: signs, fortune telling, games, etc. The socio-psychological significance of ancient folk calendar holidays, their role in the preservation and transmission from generation to generation of the most significant spiritual and moral values ​​and ethnic stereotypes of behavior, proven over centuries.

Topic 3.2. Artistic elements of winter calendar holidays and rituals


Winter Christmastide:

musical elements of the holiday - folk calendar songs (carols, avseni, grapes, shchedrovki), sub-course songs in the rite of fortune-telling, Christmas church chants; dance elements of the holiday - Christmas round dances; visual elements - the production of “Bethlehem stars”, nativity scenes, masks, mummers, stuffed animals. The connection of the artistic elements of the holiday with the ancient ritual-magical and ritual forms of the Slavs’ appeal to nature.


musical elements - Maslenitsa, Gorka and Vyunishnya songs; dance elements - round dances; visual elements - making stuffed Maslenitsa, costumes and “masks” of mummers. Traditional names of each day of the Maslenitsa week.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 7 Development of a scenario plan for the traditional Maslenitsa holiday

Independentstudent work:

Development of an episode of the traditional Maslenitsa holiday using amulets, spells, signs, proverbs

Topic 3.3. Artistic elements of spring calendar holidays and rituals


Easter as the most important Orthodox holiday. Determining its date according to Easter. Old Testament and New Testament meanings of Easter. The biblical story of the resurrection of Christ. Easter church hymns and bell ringing.

Artistic elements of Easter folk festivities, games, entertainment. Setting up swings, shows, rolling Easter eggs. Easter eggs “krashenki” and “pysanka”. Traditions of making and lighting Easter cakes, eggs and Easter in the church. Great day folk songs with instrumental accompaniment, “walking” songs, rolling of Easter eggs, revival of the traditions of the national celebration of Easter in modern conditions.

The originality of the holiday "Red Hill" (Starts with Fomin Sunday). Welcoming spring, walking through the streets singing songs, singing spring flowers, leading round dances, and getting married.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 8 Development of a scenario plan for the traditional holiday Red Hill

Independentstudent work:

Development of an episode of the traditional holiday Krasnaya Gorka using amulets, conspiracies, signs, proverbs

Work with industry periodicals “Folk Creativity”, “Traditional Culture” to study classical and expeditionary material about traditional festive ritual culture

Artistic elements of summer calendar holidays and ritual V.


Semik - the end of spring and the beginning of summer. Trinity. The origin of the holiday, its archaic roots and Christian meaning. Trinity folk festivals. Features of the rituals of curling birch trees, maiden fortune telling with wreaths, folk Trinity Games.

Artistic elements of the holiday: musical elements - Trinity folk songs, tunes; dance elements - maiden and mixed round dances, street processions with a birch tree; visual elements - making mummers' costumes, birch trees, straw dolls. Reflection in the traditions of celebrating the Trinity of the ancient cult of plants and fertility. Ivan Kupala. Pagan and Christian meaning of the holiday. Ancient customs and rituals of the holiday associated with fire, water and plants.

Artistic elements of the holiday (folk Kupala songs, jumping over a fire, searching for a fern flower, etc.) Features of the celebration of the summer Spas

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 9 Development of a scenario plan for the traditional holiday of Ivan Kupala

Independentstudent work:

Development of an episode of the script for the traditional holiday of Trinity using amulets, spells, signs, proverbs

Work with industry periodicals “Folk Creativity”, “Traditional Culture” to study classical and expeditionary material about traditional festive ritual culture.


Reflection of ancient beliefs associated with the “Beard Curling” holiday. Reaping ritual - game elements and song creativity. Ritual poetry. Autumn. Cabbages. Features of the celebration. Veil - the boundary between autumn and winter, specific features of the celebration. Signs and customs associated with the autumn holidays.

Practical lessons:

PZ No. 10 Development of a scenario plan for the traditional Autumn holiday

Independentstudent work:

Development of an episode of the script for the traditional holiday of Autumn using amulets, spells, omens, and proverbs.

Work with printed publications “Folk Creativity”, “Traditional Culture” to study classical and expeditionary material about traditional festive ritual culture.

Artistic elements of family and household rites and rituals


The meaning of family cycle rituals in folk culture. Structure of rituals Artistic elements of family and everyday rites and rituals. The artistic context of human life from birth to death, its magical, protective, artistic, aesthetic, playful, utilitarian functions. Ritual folklore at homelands and christenings, the sacrament of baptism. "Granny's porridge."

The ancient custom of “playing a wedding”, the traditional “scenario” of a Russian wedding, elements of theatricalization of the main episodes of the wedding cycle (matchmaking, bridesmaid party, bachelorette party, morning of the wedding day, wedding feast). Funeral rituals in Rus' (pagan and Christian), funeral and memorial laments. Presentation of the creative research project “Calendar folk holidays and rituals in Rus'”

Practical lessons:

Independentstudent work:

Watch the video lecture by V. Trekhlebov “Basic concepts of faith.”

Preparation for the presentation: selection and analysis of information from various sources, work in groups to carry out the presentation.



3 .1. Requirements for organizing the educational process:

The educational process is organized in accordance with the academic calendar of educational activities and the road map for the specialty.

Mastering an academic discipline occurs through the organization of the following types of classes: lectures, practical classes, extracurricular independent work.

The lecture includes an overview of the main theoretical material of the training module and gives students general guidelines for independent mastery of the theory of the training module. The lecture is the basis for the successful organization of students’ independent work. The lecture, as a rule, is explanatory in nature, preferably using demonstration material. The teacher summarizes modern ideas about the object being studied, focuses students’ attention on existing problems, expresses his own point of view, and gives a scientific forecast regarding the further development of the field of knowledge being studied.

Practical classes are a method of reproductive learning that provides a connection between theory and practice, facilitating the development in students of skills and abilities to apply the knowledge acquired at the lecture, during the organization of workshops and extracurricular independent work. During a practical lesson, each student should have the opportunity to “open up” and demonstrate their abilities; each student should develop a certain professional approach.

Practical classes are conducted using appropriate educational, methodological and software. When preparing practical assignments, real situations are modeled, and the assignment includes an analysis of the results and conclusions.

In the educational process, there are two types of independent work: classroom and extracurricular. In-class independent work is carried out during training sessions under the direct supervision of the teacher and on his instructions. Extracurricular independent work is performed by the student on the instructions of the teacher, but without his direct participation. Types of tasks are: search and analysis of information in various sources, compilation of notes, watching video lectures, description and detailed analysis of Russian folk costume, study of epics, legends, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings in specialized and additional literature, development of a children's story-based entertainment program using children's folklore and children's folk games, retelling of folk drama or comedy, preparation of reports on modern folklore groups, analysis of the texts of folk songs (including analysis of the musical text), development of an episode of a traditional holiday, preparation for the presentation of a creative research project. The tasks are variable and differentiated and take into account the individual characteristics of students. The result of independent work is controlled by the teacher.

In the process of studying the discipline, ongoing monitoring of students’ knowledge acquisition is carried out in the form of surveys, checking notes, and creative assignments.

Forms of consultation: group.

An individual educational route is carried out in accordance with the road map, taking into account the speed at which the student masters the modules. Students who have a free schedule for attending classes or have missed classes for a valid reason are also trained in accordance with the road map, but according to an individual program.

3.2. Minimum logistics requirements:

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of an office on Folk Art .

Classroom equipment:

  • seating according to the number of students;

    teacher's workplace;

    set of educational visual aids

    musical instrument (piano);

Technical training aids:

    multimedia projector;

    computer with licensed software;

3.3. Information support for training

main sources

    Russian folk calendar / O.V. Tretyakova, N.V. Tveritinova. - M.: Metafora, 2006. - 608 p.

    Russian oral folk art: a textbook-workshop: textbook. aid for students Philol. higher faculties textbook establishments/ [I.N. Raikova, S.N. Travnikov, L.A. Olshevskaya, E.G. Iyulskaya]; under general ed. S. A. Dzhanumova - M.: "Academy", 2007. - 400 p.

    Clients A.E. Folk crafts. - M.: White City, 2006. - 300 p.

    Shafranskaya E.F. Oral folk art: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / E. F. Shafranskaya. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2008. - 352 p.

Additional sources

    Anikin V.P. Russian oral folk art: Textbook for universities. - M.: “Higher School”, 2004.- 320 p.

    Afanasyev A.N. Russian folk tales. -M., 1957. - 560 p.

    Baklanova T.I., Streltsova E.Yu. Folk artistic culture: Textbook for universities. - M.: MGUKI, 2000.- 380 p.

    Kamaev A.F., Kamaeva T.Yu. Folk musical creativity: Textbook for universities. - M.: "Academy", 2005. - 325 p.

    Klimov A.A. Basics of Russian folk dance. - M.: MGUKI, 2004. - 380 p.

    TkachenkoT. Folk dance. - M., 1966. - 460 p.

    Dance culture of the Kostroma region / Comp. L.P. Bakina - Yaroslavl, 1990.

    Ustinova T.A. Folklore dances of the Tver land. - Tver, 2002. - 180 p.

    Ustinova T.A. Selected Russian folk dances [Text]/ T.A. Ustinova – M.: Art. – 1996. – 592 p.

    Shevchuk L.I. Children and folk art. - M.: Education, 1985.- 200 p.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Artist / Comp. N.I. Platonova, V.D. Sinyukov. - M., Pedagogy, 1983. - 460 p.

    Children's choreographic magazine "Studio Five-Pa"

    Popular science magazine "Folk Creativity"


Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline is carried out by the teacher in the process of conducting practical classes, as well as students completing individual assignments, projects, and research.


    preserve folk artistic culture, restore folk traditions;

Practical lesson

PZ No. 1 Analysis of images of ancient Slavic mythology

PZ No. 2 Description and detailed analysis of Russian folk costume

PZ No. 3 National images of the world: traditional culture of the peoples of the Middle Volga region (presentation of abstracts followed by discussion)


fundamentals of the theory of folk artistic culture;

    historical stages of development of folk artistic culture

    regional features of folk artistic culture;

Extracurricular independent work

Taking notes


By order of the MDOU No. 4

No. ______ dated “___”__________20__

Head of preschool educational institution No. 4



preschool educational

institution - kindergarten

combined type No. 4

Work program for the inclusion of children

to the origins of Russian folk culture "Gornitsa"

Accepted by the teaching council

No. 4 dated 01/01/2001

For children of senior preschool age 5-7 years

Program implementation period: up to 2 years

Program Compiler

– teacher of preschool educational institution No. 4

2005 year

1. Explanatory note 5-7

2. Thematic planning of work with children 5-6 years old 7-9

3. Thematic planning of work with children 6-7 years old 10-13

4. Structure of a lesson in decorative and applied arts 14

5. Methodological support 15-75

6. Diagnostic criteria for assessing knowledge on mastering the program 76

7. Bibliography 77-78

Work program for getting back to the roots

Russian folk culture


(for children of senior preschool age)

Explanatory note

“Through the beautiful to the humane -

This is the pattern of upbringing"

The work program “Gornitsa” is a comprehensive program to familiarize children with the life, way of life and creativity of the Russian people, focused on the moral, patriotic and artistic and aesthetic education of children.

This work program is based on the program “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” and the work program of the arts and crafts circle of Nina Vasilievna Ermolaeva, teacher of the preschool educational institution “Swallow” in Khanty-Mansiysk. In addition, the “Gornitsa” program is significantly complemented by classes in design from natural materials and integrated classes in decorative and applied arts. This work program "Upper Room" is a specialized program of aesthetic education for preschool children, effectively promoting spiritual and intellectual development, aimed at introducing children to the best traditions of arts and crafts, developing children's creative abilities, and introducing them to the history of folk art. This program is based on the concept of aesthetic education and the development of artistic and creative abilities of children, which are based on the principles of nationality and the integrated use of different types of arts. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growth of children's creative capabilities. The program is valuable because by getting acquainted with decorative and applied arts, designing from natural materials, and participating in calendar holidays, it is easier for children to understand and imagine how people lived in Rus'. The child becomes more widely and deeply acquainted with the life and way of life of the Russian people, and this carries with it inexhaustible opportunities for the development of artistic creativity in preschoolers.

The structure of the program provides for a gradual introduction of children to arts and crafts. The educational material provided by the program is distributed in a certain sequence, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. The program contains the topics of the classes, their program content, and a list of materials necessary for classes to teach children arts and crafts. The material is grouped in separate blocks for each type of folk craft (Gzhel, Dymka, Khokhloma, Gorodets). Classes are arranged from simple to complex. The appendix contains brief information about the crafts themselves, their history and development, poems, riddles, and fairy tales about them. Technical teaching aids are used when working with children.

The program is designed for children from 5 to 7 years old. The program is built on the aesthetic education of preschoolers, combining reliance on cultural tradition and innovative focus.

The program provides for introducing preschoolers to the folk crafts of Russia and includes familiarization with the customs, traditions, work of the Russian people according to the folk calendar, and poetic folk art. To cultivate interest in folk culture, oral folk art, folk music, folk games and crafts.

This program is aimed at developing children's creative abilities and aesthetic education of children.

Relevance. The problem of developing children's creativity is currently one of the most pressing in both theoretical and practical terms: after all, we are talking about the most important condition for the formation of an individual’s uniqueness already in the first stages of its formation. Many scientists (and others) have written about the role and significance of folk decorative art in raising children. They noted that art awakens the first bright, imaginative ideas about the Motherland, its culture, contributes to the education of a sense of beauty, and develops the creative abilities of children.

Our difficult times are a time of social change. Political storms and upheavals. They literally burst into the lives of each of us. Folk games, amusements and toys are being replaced by commercialized spectacles, and television screens are flooded with cruelty. In essence, this is alien to the nature of a child, the nature of a growing person. Raising a citizen and patriot who knows and loves his homeland is a particularly urgent task today cannot be successfully solved without a deep knowledge of the spiritual wealth of one’s people and the development of folk culture.

The process of cognition and assimilation must begin as early as possible, as our people figuratively say: “With mother’s milk,” a child must absorb the culture of his people through lullabies, nurseries, nursery rhymes, fun games, riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, decorative works. applied arts. Only in this case will folk art - this unclouded source of beauty - leave a deep imprint in the child’s soul and arouse lasting interest. The beauty of their native nature, the peculiarities of the life of the Russian people, their all-round talent, hard work, and optimism appear before children vividly and directly in the works of folk artists. It is impossible to imagine the culture of Russia without folk art, which reveals the original sources of the spiritual life of the Russian people, clearly demonstrates their moral, aesthetic values, artistic tastes and is part of their history.

Experience is of great importance for the spiritual development of preschool children, their aesthetic education, and familiarity with the art of folk craftsmen. Folk art raises themes of great civic content and has a deep ideological influence on children. It helps children look at familiar things and phenomena in a new way, and see the beauty of the world around them. The teacher is predetermined by a high mission - to bring all moral values ​​into the world of childhood, to help the child discover this world in all the richness and diversity of decorative and applied arts. This means that any activity, meeting with a toy, creative activity, conversation is subordinated to a single goal: to comprehensively develop the child’s personality, because all children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, fantasy and creativity.

Novelty The program is that it shows developmental functions?????? decorative and applied arts of the peoples of Russia, as an integral ethnic, cultural-historical and social-pedagogical phenomenon. That these functions in their integrated form are aimed at ensuring the personal growth of children. Based on this, the Program is built on the aesthetic education of preschoolers, combining reliance on cultural tradition and innovative orientation.

Expediency. We live where it is not possible to see the direct technological process of making artistic dishes, household items and toys. And the children do not have the opportunity to come into contact with decorative and applied arts - to hold in their hands products from Gorodets painting, a Dymkovo toy, objects with Gzhel painting, etc. Therefore, I set myself the goal of giving children the joy of creativity, introducing them to the history of folk art. For this purpose, a program was developed to introduce children to Russian folk arts and crafts.

In my classes, I help children master not only the secrets of craftsmanship, but also find new original combinations of traditions and styles with a modern plastic image solution that meets the aesthetics of our days.

Distinctive feature of this Program is that children work on it for two years; artistic design classes provide an opportunity to become more deeply acquainted with folk crafts. In Russian decorative and applied art there is traditionality, innovation, creativity, and determination for the future of development do not exclude, but presuppose each other. Thus, the symbolism of Russian decorative and applied art carries inexhaustible opportunities for the development of artistic creativity among preschoolers.

The program for introducing a child to the basics of Russian folk culture is based on principles of construction general didactics:

connection with life, systematicity, realism, activity, controllability, consistency, individual approach in teaching and artistic development of children, accessibility of material, its repetition, construction of program material from simple to complex, clarity.

The purpose of this program is:

acquaintance with the life and way of life of the Russian people and the development of the foundations of a child’s artistic culture through folk arts and crafts.


· Involving children in artistic and creative activities;

· Development of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia through memorable dates of the folk calendar;

· Acquaintance with the customs and traditions of ritual holidays;

· Introducing to aesthetic culture;

· Formation of spiritual qualities and aesthetic taste in children;

· Develop artistic and creative abilities in children, the habit of bringing elements of beauty into life;

· Awaken children's imagination, set them up to create new unusual painting compositions;

· Enrich children's vocabulary.


1. Acquaintance with the life and way of life of the Russian people.

Expanded familiarization of children with folk arts and crafts. Children's independent creation of decorative items.

Forms of work with children to familiarize themselves with Russian folk culture:

    Conversations; Classes based on the integration method; Examination of authentic folk art products, illustrations, albums, postcards, tables; Exhibitions in the mini-museum of Russian decorative and applied arts; Exhibitions of children's works in decorative and applied arts in kindergarten and in the city; Excursions; Didactic games; Experimenting with different art materials; Entertainment, folklore festivals, gatherings; Learning rhymes, chants, jokes, fables, nursery rhymes, poems, Russian folk songs; The use of folk games, including round dances.

The work uses various methods and techniques: simultaneity (ensures children’s independent creative exploration through means of expressiveness); method of examination, visualization (examination of authentic products, illustrations, albums, postcards, tables, videos and other visual aids); verbal (conversation, use of literary words, instructions, explanations); practical (children independently make decorative items, use various tools and materials for images); heuristic (development of resourcefulness and activity); partially search; problem-motivational (stimulates children’s activity by including a problem situation in the course of the lesson); co-creation; motivational (persuasion, encouragement)..

Forms of classes: group, individual, subgroup, integrated.

· The program is designed for children 5-7 years old. Classes are conducted in subgroups of 8-10 people. The class is held once a week, in the afternoon. 36 classes are held per year. Duration 20-30 minutes (depending on the age of the children).

Implementation period: up to 2 years.

Summing up form– diagnostic examination of children on mastering the program, for which control and individual conversations and diagnostic criteria have been developed.

Expected result:

    The formation of a sustainable interest in children will appear in the history and culture of our people; Children have an understanding of folk crafts and the ability to distinguish between products of different folk crafts; Acquisition by children of practical skills in working with various visual materials; Development of children's creative abilities and formation of respect for historical heritage.

Methods for assessing program effectiveness:

    Tracking the result (observation, diagnosis); Results of children's productive activities.

Individual work, in order to:

    To identify the approximate level of development of children’s visual activities, the child’s attitude towards activities and arts and crafts. Taking into account the individual abilities of children. Determine possible promising robots with a child (tasks, content, forms, methods). Plan work aimed at developing creative abilities.

Individual work is carried out systematically. The performance of the task, the quality of children's work, and attitude to the activity are analyzed.

Working with parents.

Various forms of work are used:

    Club for parents “Interlocutor”; Individual consultations on Russian folk culture; Conversations; Production of folders on folk arts and crafts;

The result of children's activities exhibitions of children's creativity in kindergartens and in the city can serve; participation of children in folklore entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to national holidays

Thematic planning for the year for working with children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old).

Lesson number

Lesson topic

Opening of the "Upper Room" circle.

Introduce children to Marya the Artisan and work in the “Upper Room” circle. Learn the song “Guests”. Consider the "Upper Room". Introductory conversation about how people lived in Rus'. Looking at illustrations.

yes, take a closer look"

A story about the first autumn month, its signs. Didactic game “Which tree are the children from?” (fruits, leaves). Learning the singing song “Vosenushka-autumn”

“Bread is the head of everything”

Conversation with children “Where did the bread come from?” Acquaintance with ancient tools. - with a flail and sickle. Proverbs and sayings about bread. Learning round dance games “Sit, sit, Yasha.” Singing the stubble song “Go away the storm cloud”

"October smells like cabbage"

A conversation about natural phenomena characteristic of October, folk customs and holidays (Pokrov, St. Sergius Day). Acquaintance with household items - a wooden trough, a hoe. Repetition of the song “Vosenushka - autumn”. Learning the folk game “Vesya cabbage”.

Russian doll

A story about the creation of a toy. Viewing authentic toys and illustrations. Reading poems about the Russian nesting doll. Listening to the work “Matryoshka” by B. Mokrousov.

Russian doll

Russian nesting doll drawing, silhouette coloring. Exhibition of finished children's works.

Pottery artisans

Didactic game “What is it called?” A story about pottery. Getting to know the fairy tale “The Fox and the Jug” Learning a nursery rhyme song about a fox.

Kargopol toy

Kargopo legends. Poems about the Kargopol toy. Watch video materials about the Kargopol toy.

An artistic word about the Gzhel toy. Drawing based on Gzhel painting

Dymkovo toy

A story about the creation of a toy. Viewing authentic toys and illustrations. Reading poetry. Learning the game with singing “Zainka” in arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov

Drawing based on Dymkovo painting.

“We meet autumn - we celebrate name days”

“Hello, winter-winter!”

A conversation about the characteristic features of December using appropriate proverbs and sayings. Learning the chant “You are Frost, Frost, Frost.” Learning the song “New Year’s Round Dance” by music. Shaidar.

"The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter"

Making riddles about winter. Repeating the chant “You are Frost, Frost, Frost.” Introduction to the fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman of Winter.” Learning the Russian folk song “Like thin ice” in arr. Scar.

“The carol has come - open the gates”

A story about Christmas holidays and caroling. Learning chant songs. Singing carols “I sow, I winnow, I sow”, “Like Vanka’s curls”, “My little ring”.

"Christmas time - carols"

Folklore festival for older children

Vologda lace

A story about the history of the creation of Vologda lace.

Creation of a sketch of Vologda lace, exhibition of children's works

"The good city of Gorodets"

A story about the city of Gorodets and Gorodets painting. Learning the Russian folk song “Raven”

Gorodets painting

Continuation of the story about Gorodets painting. Making patterns from ready-made shapes. Repetition of proverbs and sayings about mastery. Drawing based on Gorodets painting.

A story about the creation of a fishery. An artistic word about Khokhloma. Musical and folklore game

"Gingerbread Board".

Drawing Khokhloma pattern in stripes

Drawing a Khokhloma pattern in a circle.

A fairy tale for Kuzi. Letter to Nathan

Independent storytelling by children. Word game "Ayushki" Children writing a letter to Nathan - brownie Kuzi. Learning the Russian folk song “Oh, I got up early”

“Oh, Maslenitsa!”

Introduction to ritual songs dedicated to Maslenitsa. A story about Maslenitsa. Listening to songs

“And spring has come to us,” “Willow Whip.” Singing ritual songs and calls about spring. Learning the game round dance “In a circle around us.”


Folklore festival for older children.

“Happiness suits the wise”

Introduction to the fairy tale "Seven Years Old". Making riddles. Singing the comic “Mother had 12 daughters.” Learning the ornamental round dance “Oh, you winds.”

“Take a walk and take a closer look”

“Spring, spring, come here!”

A conversation about the characteristic signs of the beginning of spring. Learning and singing calls about spring “Larks, come” round dance. Verbal exercise “What colors are needed in spring and why”

Getting to know funny folklore. Children write a funny story. Making riddles about spring phenomena

"Magic Shred"

Introduction to the technique of patchwork sewing and the history of its origin. The story of the "magic blanket".

"Magic Shred"

Practical lesson on creating products from scraps. Exhibition of children's works.

"Red hill"

Acquaintance with the traditions of folk festivities during Easter week. Word games. Singing ditties

Learning Ukrainian adv. songs "Vesnyanka" arr. G. Litvaka

"Spring is red with flowers"

Repetition of chants, songs, proverbs about spring. Guessing the riddle. Acquaintance with N. Pavlova’s fairy tale “Under the Bush”. Musical and folklore game “Golden Gate”.

“Victory does not come in the air, but is achieved with your hands”

About Russian epic heroes. A story about warriors - defenders of the Fatherland. Listening to “Epics about Evpatiy Kolovrat”

"Gifts of the White-trunked Beauty"

An artistic word about Russian birch (story, poetry). Learning a round dance with singing “There was a birch tree in the field.”

“To make a joke is to make people laugh.”

“Fairy tales in faces, incredibleness”

Getting to know funny folklore. Children write a funny story. Making riddles about spring phenomena.

Getting to know Russian folk tales. Children independently inventing fables

Farewell to the "hut"

Verbal folk games. Telling boring tales. Singing ditties

Thematic planning for the year for working with children of senior preschool age (6-7 years old)


Program content

Opening of the "Upper Room" circle.

Introduce children to the features of the work of the “Upper Room” circle. Learn to organize your workplace. Strengthen skills in working with a variety of art materials. To form an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality through various types of fine art. Remember the song “Guests” with the children.

“What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.”

Conversation about summer. Repetition of proverbs, poems, sayings about summer. Looking at illustrations about haymaking. Acquaintance with ancient tools. Activate your vocabulary using words: scythe, pitchfork, rake, haystack, haystack.

“Vosenushka-Autumn – we mow the last sheaf.”

A conversation about the first autumn month, its features and signs. Repetition of the call “Vosenushka-Autumn”. Learning the song “Autumn, autumn, we ask you to visit us...” Getting acquainted with the game: “Harrowed the harrow...”

Expand children's understanding of the variety of folk arts and crafts products. Continue to learn to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of products of various crafts. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people. To form positive emotional responsiveness when perceiving the works of folk artists. Show the relationship between oral, visual and musical folk art.

“Bread is the head of everything!”

Examination of spikelets of rye and wheat. A conversation about ancient ways of harvesting bread. Introduction to millstones and their use. Introducing the game "Aunt Arina". Learning the game with singing “The girls sowed” in arr. I. Kishko.

“You can’t put your mind on a thin head”

A conversation about intelligence and stupidity. Introduction to the fairy tale “About Filya”. Word game "Fil and Ulya."

Learning the Russian folk song “In Gorenka, in Novaya.”

“October - the muddy one loves neither the wheel nor the runner.”

A conversation about the characteristic signs of October. A story about the national holiday Intercession. Musical and folklore game "Autumn - Autumn". Listening to the Russian folk song “Zhito Pozhali.”

"Titmouse's Day"

Final conversation about autumn. A story about the holidays Sinichkin Day and Kuzminki. Learning the ornamental round dance “I sow, I blow the dew.”

“We meet autumn and celebrate name days”

Folklore festival dedicated to the harvest.

Integrated lesson on decorative drawing together with an art teacher on the topic: “Fun Fair”

Give children an idea of ​​the fair. Continue introducing children to Dymkovo products and their artistic features; continue to develop teamwork skills (the ability to negotiate, distribute work, help each other). To instill in children love and respect for the work of craftsmen who created beautiful things, to see beauty.

“Winter - not summer - dressed in a fur coat”

Conversation about the characteristic features of winter. Performance and performance of the Russian folk song “Like thin ice.” Musical and folklore game “Dudar”.

Vologda lace Design from threads on the theme: “Winter patterns”

Getting to know the creativity of Vologda lacemakers. An artistic word about Vologda lace. To instill in children love and respect for the work of craftsmen who created beautiful things, to see the beauty of lace in the contrasting combination of dense parts of the pattern with a light airy mesh, to teach how to carefully “weave” lace - to draw a pattern from familiar shapes.

Designing from threads on the theme: “Winter patterns”

Drawing with threads on adhesive paper. Learn to carefully weave lace using threads of different structures and adhesive paper for drawing. Develop creativity and imagination.

“It shines, but does not warm”

Conversation about different lighting sources. Shadow theater show. Learning the round dance “Will I go out to the river” Russian. adv. song in arr. V. Ivannikova.

Integrated lesson on decorative drawing together with an arts teacher on the topic: “Beautiful Gzhel”

Acquaintance with Gzhel artistic craft. Listening to “Forget-me-not Gzhel” music. Yu. Chichkova Sat. "Chamomile Rus'". Learn to recognize the products of Gzhel craftsmen, name the characteristic differences. Strengthen the ability to conceive and compose a composition from familiar elements of Gzhel painting; the ability to paint with the bristles of the entire brush and the tip, and to correctly apply paint to the brush. Develop children's creative abilities and independence.

“Kolyada Came on Christmas Eve”

Conversation about Christmas holidays, Christmas fortune-telling. Singing carols. Learning Russian folk songs “Zimushka-sudarushka”,

Decorative drawing “Gorodets patterns - what a joy for the eyes” (Gorodets pattern on the kitchen board).

Expand children’s understanding that identical products can be decorated in different ways, teach them to choose one of the proposed composition options for an image, or independently come up with a pattern and its location on the board; consolidate the ability to draw straight and rounded flower garlands from independently selected elements in compliance with the characteristic color combinations of Gorodets painting; introduce children to decorating leaves with black thin rounded strokes and white dots.

"The master's work is afraid"

Introduction to the fairy tale “Seven Simeons”. Didactic game “Who needs what for work.” Repetition of proverbs about labor and skill. Musical and folklore game “And we sowed millet.”

“A song lives among the people”

Conversation about Russian folk song. Introduction to proverbs and sayings about the song. Listening and learning the Russian folk song “I walk with the vine.”

“Glory flows to the hero”

A story about Russian heroes. Introduction to epics as a form of Russian folk art.

Learning the song “Because of the forest, because of the mountains.”


Praskoveika, we welcome you well!”

Conversation about Maslenitsa.

Learning a Russian folk song with singing “Oh, I got up early.”

Musical and folklore game "Kite".

“We celebrate Maslenitsa”

A folklore festival dedicated to seeing off winter and welcoming spring.

"A mother's heart is better than the sun"

An ethical conversation about mothers, including folk proverbs and sayings about family. Listening to the Russian folk song “Oh, you’re my dear mother.” Game round dance “The king is walking.”

Russian doll

A story about a nesting doll about the history of the creation of this toy. Reading poems, nursery rhymes, learning ditties. To consolidate children’s knowledge about Russian nesting dolls and how to make them; the ability to see the features of painting, pattern elements, coloring of products; the ability to compose a composition of floral patterns from flowers, buds, leaves in free space. Decorate the matryoshka doll according to your wishes. Cultivate accuracy and independence in work. Develop creativity and imagination.

Integrated lesson on the topic: “A matryoshka came to visit us!”

To consolidate children's knowledge about nesting dolls from different regions of Russia (Semyonovskaya, Zagorskaya, Polkho-Maidanskaya). Improve children's working skills in drawing up patterns of one or another painting. Improve skills and techniques for working with a soft brush. Create a joyful atmosphere in class, try to make children want to paint on their own.

Poetry of folk costume

A story about folk costume. Listening to Russian folk songs (recorded). Showing video materials on Russian folk costume.

Integrated lesson on the topic: “Let’s decorate Praskovei’s sundress!”

Continue to introduce children to Russian folk culture. Give an idea of ​​the history and features of the Russian national costume. To develop the ability to decorate clothes with details of Russian costume.

“The Rook on the Mountain - Spring is Outside”

A conversation about Russian customs of welcoming spring. Singing chants about spring. Learning the Russian folk song “Like a viburnum in a field.” Musical and folklore game “Burn, Burn Clear.”

“To make a joke is to make people laugh”

A conversation about folk humor (boring fairy tales, tongue twisters, teasers). Word game "Confusion".

Travel through folk crafts

Expand children's understanding of the variety of folk arts and crafts products. Continue to learn to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of products of various crafts. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people. To form positive emotional responsiveness when perceiving the works of folk artists. Show the relationship between oral, visual and musical folk art.

"Red hill"

A story about Easter. Verbal folk games “Gardener”, “Spillikins”.

Learning the Russian folk song “Summer is bright in a red shirt.”

“Easter is coming!”

Folklore festival for older children

"Journey on the Golden Mane"

miracle three"

Introducing children to the image of a horse in Russian folk arts and crafts (Gorodets, Palekh, Khokhloma painting). A story about the masters of Palekh. Listening to folk songs praising the Russian troika (recorded)

Listening to "Palekh" music. Yu. Chichkova Sat. "Chamomile Rus'".

Decorative drawing “Zhostovo flowers”.

Introduction to Zhostovo painting. Strengthen children's ability to paint “trays” (cut out of colored paper of various shapes) based on Zhostovo painting. Learn to place the pattern not only in the center, but in the corners and on the sides. Cultivate an interest in arts and crafts.

Design from natural material on the topic: “Birch bark jewelry.”

Introduce children to wonderful natural materials. Talk about the properties of birch bark. View finished products. Teach children to make birch bark beads.

Drawing “Golden Herbs of Khokhloma” (collective panel).

Listening to "Our Khokhloma" music. Yu. Chichkova Sat. "Chamomile Rus'". Based on knowledge about Khokhloma craft, consolidate the ability to create an independent composition, conveying the floral character of the ornament and festiveness. The solemnity of the color of Golden Khokhloma. To develop in children the desire for creativity.

“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.”

Final conversation about the past of our native land and our fellow countrymen. Watching videos. Final collective work on the topic “My small homeland.”

Travel through folk crafts

Expand children's understanding of the variety of folk arts and crafts products. Continue to learn to notice and highlight the main means of expressiveness of products of various crafts. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of folk craftsmen, national pride in the skill of the Russian people. To form positive emotional responsiveness when perceiving the works of folk artists. Show the relationship between oral, visual and musical folk art.

Legend “Where did the signs in drawing come from”

(Acquaintance with the signs of folk ornaments)

I option. Educator. Listen to what an interesting story my great-great-grandfather told me.

It was a long time ago, so long ago that the oldest people know about it only by hearsay from their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Where cities now stand, there used to be forests, so dense and dense that you could get lost. And in those forests lived all sorts of monsters. Whoever left the house and drove along the road through the forest, terrible things always happened to him.

Main Directorate of Education and Youth Policy of the Altai Territory

KGBPEU "Biysk Pedagogical College"


folk art culture

The work program of the academic discipline was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard (hereinafter - FGOS) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (hereinafter SPO) 51.02.01 Folk art

Developer organization: Biysk Pedagogical College

Developer: Chub N.A. teacher of special disciplines




  1. conditions for the implementation of the work program of the academic discipline

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering the academic discipline

1. passport of the approximate EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE PROGRAM

Folk artistic culture

1.1. Scope of application

The work program of the academic discipline is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialty vocational education 51.02.01 Folk art.

1.2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program:

General education cycle: specialized disciplines 02/51/01 Folk art.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The work program is focused on achieving the following goals:

    to acquaint students with the theoretical and historical foundations of the preservation and development of traditions of folk artistic culture;

    to acquaint students with the role and place of folk art in the cultural system of society;

    contribute to the development of students’ interest in independent study and understanding of folk artistic culture.

The basis of the work program is content consistent with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level.

The peculiarity of the study of folk artistic culture as a specialized academic discipline is to increase the depth of consideration of topics included in the basic content, to increase the share of independent work of students of various forms of creative work (preparation and defense of abstracts, projects).

The purpose of studying folk artistic culture is for students to assimilate a system of ideas about folk artistic culture as a body of knowledge, values, norms, and patterns of human activity that appeared and developed under the influence of socio-historical conditions.

The program is focused on acquiring a systematic understanding of the history and patterns of development of culture as a whole, as well as forming an idea of ​​the unique quality of national Russian culture.

The content of the program is aimed at mastering the most significant phenomena of Russian folk artistic culture as carriers of the cultural values ​​of the Russian people and representatives of the national worldview, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities that allow the student to become familiar with the cultural and civilizational values ​​of modern Russian society and acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for successful professional activity.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must


    foundations of the theory of folk artistic culture,

    historical stages of development of folk artistic culture;

    types, genres of folk artistic culture;

    forms of existence, carriers of folk artistic culture;

    traditional rituals, customs, holidays, games and fun;

    regional features of folk artistic culture

be able to:

    preserve folk artistic culture, restore folk traditions;

    collect, study and systematize works of folk art;

    use types of traditional culture, works of folk art in artistic, creative and pedagogical work;

    choosing the paths of your cultural development;

    organizing personal and collective leisure;

    expressing one’s own judgment about the modern scientific worldview on the problems of the relationship between artistic culture and civilization at the individual and social level

    independent artistic creativity.

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it;

OK 2. Organize your own activities, determine methods and means of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 4. Search, analyze and evaluate information necessary for setting and solving professional problems, professional and personal development;

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, and consciously plan professional development.

OK 12.Use the skills and knowledge of specialized disciplines of the federal component of secondary (complete) general education in professional activities.

PC 1.3. Develop, prepare and implement repertoire and script plans, artistic programs and productions.

PC 1.4. Analyze and use works of folk art in work with amateur creative teams.

PC 1.5. Systematically work to find the best examples of folk art, accumulate the repertoire necessary for the performing activities of an amateur creative team and its individual participants.

PC 2.1. Use knowledge in the field of psychology and pedagogy, special disciplines in teaching.

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

    to broaden your horizons, form your own cultural environment .

    determining one’s own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life, based on their historical conditionality;

    using the skills of historical analysis with a critical perception of social information received from outside;

    correlating one’s actions and those around them with historically emerged forms of social behavior;

    awareness of oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethnocultural, religious community, a citizen of Russia.

maximum academic load per student 135 hours, including:

student's mandatory classroom teaching load 90 hours;

independent work for a student 45 hours.

02/51/01 Folk art.


2.1. Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Mandatory classroom teaching load (total)


practical lessons

theoretical classes

Independent work of the student (total)


preparation of reports, messages, abstracts

preparation of presentations, video materials

drawing up diagrams, tables

analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups

development of lesson notes and extracurricular activities

Final certification in the form of an exam

by discipline

2.2. Approximate thematic plan and content of the academic discipline

Folk artistic culture

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1. Theoretical foundations of folk artistic culture

3rd semester

Topic 1.1. The essence and functions of folk artistic culture

The concept of “culture” as a phenomenon of human development. Folk culture as the embodiment of spiritual and moral images of the world (G. Grachev and others) and “archetypes of the collective unconscious” (K. G. Jung). Causes of origin, genesis and development of culture (dynamics, modernization). Interaction of culture with nature, individual and society.

Independent work:

Compilation of a terminological dictionary

Topic 1. 2. Structure of culture

Establishing an idea of ​​the core and periphery of culture, a picture of the world. Identification of cultural institutions (myth, religion, science, art) and their relationship.

Practical lesson:

Compiling a text table: “Types of culture - spiritual, material, world, national”

Independent work:

Preparing messages: “Science”, “Art”, “Myth”

Topic 1.3. Typology of culture

Acquaintance with the distinctive features of cultural typology and classification. Signs of the division of culture into types. Consideration of the genesis and main features, interaction of social types of culture: mass, elite, folk, professional.

Practical lesson: Working with documentary and educational sources of information: Typology of the culture of famous cultural scientists such as M. Weber, P. Sorokin, Y. Lotman.

Independent work:

Preparation of messages: Correlation of the concepts “folk art”, “folklore”, “folklorism”, “neo-folklore”, “amateur art”.

Topic 1.4. Types and genres of folk art culture

The concept of "folklore". The emergence and development of folklore, its specific characteristics. Main genres of folklore. Folk poetic, oral, verbal creativity, musical folklore, folk theater,

Practical lesson:

1. Musical folklore. 2. People's Theater

Independent work:

Compilation of a terminological dictionary

Section 2.

Folk artistic culture of Russia

Topic 2.1. Historical dynamics of folk artistic culture

Ancient Slavic origins of Russian folk artistic culture. The influence of Russia's adoption of Christianity on folk artistic culture.

Practical lesson:

Compiling a text table: Reforms of Peter I and folk artistic culture.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups of the 19th – 21st centuries

Topic 2.2. The main genres of Russian folklore.

Practical lesson:

Comparative analysis of Russian folklore genres.

1. “Epic genres - songs, ballads.” 2. “Prose genres - fairy tales”

Independent work:

Development of extracurricular activities: Russian folk tales.

Topic 2.3. Festive and ritual culture

Practical lesson:

Russian calendar holidays: a synthesis of paganism and Christianity in Russian holiday culture. Easter. Trinity. Christmas time.

Independent work:

Preparation of reports, abstracts.

1. Sacrificial rituals. 2. Positive and negative rituals.

The origins of Russian decorative and applied art. Genetic basis of Russian decorative and applied art. System of visual elements. Traditional types, materials of Russian decorative and applied art. Wooden architecture.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

Wooden architecture. Artistic ceramics. Wood carving.

Independent work:

Development of extracurricular arts and crafts activities

Topic 2.5. Folk artistic culture Adygea and Kalmykia

The originality of the artistic culture of Adygea and Kalmykia. Folk architecture, fine and decorative arts.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

National Costume. Artistic crafts of Adygea and Kalmykia.

Independent work:

Preparation of reports. Creativity of poets and musicians of Adygea and Kalmykia.

Topic 2.6. Dance traditions of Adygea and Kalmykia

Dance traditions of groups of Adygea and Kalmykia.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

Dance traditions of the peoples of Adygea and Kalmykia.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

Dance groups of Adygea and Kalmykia.

Topic 2.7. Folk artistic culture of Karelia and Komi

The originality of the artistic culture of the north of Russia. Folk architecture. Religion, traditions, epic, national costume, folk dance, music of Karelia and Komi.

Practical lesson:

Drawing up a comparative table: “ Fine and decorative arts, arts and crafts"

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

National costume of Karelia and Komi.

Topic 2.8. Dance traditions of Karelia and Komi

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

Dance traditions of Karelia and Komi.

Independent work:

Preparation of video materials. Dance groups of Karelia and Komi.

Topic 2.9. Folk art culture of the Volga region

The originality of the artistic culture of the Volga region of Russia. Folk architecture, fine and decorative arts. national costume, folk dance, music, artistic crafts of Vyatka, Bashkortostan, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Chuvashia.

Practical lesson:

Folk dance of Bashkortostan. Folk dance of Mordovia. Folk dance of Tatarstan.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Folk architecture of Bashkortostan. Fine and decorative arts of Mordovia. National costume of Tatarstan.

Theme 3.0. Folk artistic culture of the Caucasus.

The originality of the artistic culture of the Caucasus. Dance traditions, folk architecture, fine and decorative arts. national costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Chechnya.

Practical lesson:

Drawing up a comparative table. Fine and decorative arts, artistic crafts of the Caucasus.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Chechnya.

Section 3.

Folk artistic culture of Siberia and the Far East

Topic 3.1. Folk art culture of Altai

The originality of the artistic culture of Altai.. Dance traditions, folk architecture, fine and decorative arts, national costume, folk dance, artistic crafts, music of Altai.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Folk dance. Art crafts of Altai. Folk architecture.

Independent work:

Preparation of video materials. Dance groups of Biysk.

Topic 3.2. Folk artistic culture of the Far East

The originality of the artistic culture of the Far East. Dance traditions, folk architecture, fine and decorative arts. National costume, folk dance, arts and crafts, music Yakutia, Khakassia, Tyva.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Fine and decorative arts of Yakutia. National costume of Tuva.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Artistic crafts of Khakassia. Folk dance of Tuva.

4th semester

Section 4. Folk artistic culture of Europe

Topic 4.1. Folk artistic culture of Ukraine

Ancient Slavic origins of folk artistic culture of Ukraine. Dance traditions, folk architecture, national costume, artistic crafts of Ukraine. Music.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of Ukrainian choreographic groups.

Topic 4.2. Folk art culture of Moldova

Ancient Slavic origins of the folk artistic culture of Moldova. National costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of Moldova.

Practical lesson:

Drawing up a comparative table. Fine and decorative arts, artistic crafts of Moldova.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Topic 4.3. Folk art culture of Bulgaria

Ancient Slavic origins of folk artistic culture in Bulgaria. National costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of Bulgaria. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Viewing video materials and analyzing musical works from Bulgaria. .

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point

Artistic crafts of Bulgaria. Architecture and sculpture of Bulgaria.

Topic 4.4. Folk art culture of Romania

Ancient Slavic origins of the folk artistic culture of Romania. National costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of Romania. Architecture and sculpture. Music and poetry.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances of Romania.

Independent work:

Preparation of reports. Works of Romanian poets. Works of Romanian poets.

Topic 4.5. Austrian folk art culture

Austria. National costume, Architecture and sculpture.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Folk dance. Artistic crafts of Austria.

Topic 4.6. Folk art culture of Germany

The originality of German folk art culture. Folk dance.

Music and poetry.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point

Architecture of Germany. Sculpture of Germany.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups in Germany.

Topic 4.7. Irish folk art culture

The originality of artistic culture Ireland. Folk dance. Architecture and Sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Ireland.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point.

National Costume. Arts and Crafts of Ireland.

Topic 4.8. Folk art culture of France

National costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of France.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Architecture and sculpture of France. Music of France.

Independent work:

Development of lesson notes and extracurricular activities on French folk dances

Topic 4.9. Finnish folk art culture

The originality of artistic culture Finland. National costume, folk dance. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Drawing up a table. Architecture and sculpture of Finland.

Independent work:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. Artistic crafts of Finland.

Theme 5.0. Folk art culture of Italy

The originality of artistic culture. Art crafts of Italy. Architecture and sculpture.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Italy.

Independent work:

Development of lesson notes and extracurricular activities. National costume of Italy.

Section 5. Folk art culture of Asia

Topic 5.1. Folk artistic culture of Azerbaijan

The originality of artistic culture. National costume, artistic crafts of Azerbaijan. Music of Azerbaijan.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Azerbaijan.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Topic 5.2. Folk artistic culture of Armenia

The originality of artistic culture. National costume, folk dance, artistic crafts of Armenia. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Architecture of Armenia. Sculpture of Armenia..

Independent work:

Preparation of video materials. Folk dance of Armenia.

Topic 5.3. Folk artistic culture of Georgia

The originality of artistic culture. Folk dance, artistic crafts of Georgia. Music. National Costume.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Georgia.

Independent work:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. Architecture and sculpture of Georgia.

Topic 5.4. Folk art culture of Kyrgyzstan

The originality of artistic culture. National costume, folk dance. Music.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Artistic crafts of Kyrgyzstan.

Independent work:

Preparation of video materials. Architecture and sculpture of Kyrgyzstan.

Topic 5.5. Folk art culture of Kazakhstan

The originality of artistic culture. National costume, folk dance, Music. Architecture and sculpture of Kazakhstan.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Kazakhstan.

Independent work:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. Artistic crafts of Kazakhstan.

Topic 5.6. Folk art culture of Tajikistan

The originality of artistic culture. Artistic crafts of Tajikistan. Music.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. National costume of Tajikistan. Folk dance of Tajikistan.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Architecture and sculpture of Tajikistan.

Section 6. Folk artistic culture of the East

Topic 6.1. Folk art culture of Vietnam

The originality of artistic culture.

Practical lesson:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Artistic crafts of Vietnam.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups in Vietnam.

Topic 6.2. Folk art culture of Korea

The originality of artistic culture. Folk dance, artistic crafts of Korea. Music.

Practical lesson:

Viewing video materials and analyzing national costumes.

Independent work:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. Architecture and sculpture of Korea.

Topic 6.3. Japanese folk art culture

The originality of artistic culture. National Costume. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Japan.

Independent work:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. Artistic crafts of Japan.

Topic 6.4. Folk art culture of Mongolia

The originality of artistic culture. Folk dance. Architecture and sculpture. Music.

Practical lesson:

Drawing up diagrams and filling out tables. National Costume.

Independent work:

Development of educational presentations in Ms Power Point. Artistic crafts of Mongolia.

Topic 6.5. Folk art culture of Singapore

The originality of artistic culture. National costume, artistic crafts of Singapore. Architecture and sculpture.

Practical lesson:

Video viewing and analysis folk dances Singapore.

Independent work:

Analysis of the creativity of choreographic groups in Singapore.

Protecting presentations in Ms Power Point

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1 State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow City University of Management of the Government of Moscow" Faculty of Personnel Management and Socio-Cultural Communications Department of Management of Socio-Cultural Development APPROVED Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Demidov I.F. 20. Work program of the academic discipline “Folk artistic culture” for students in the direction of training “Socio-cultural activities” of full-time study Moscow 2012

2 The discipline program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the University’s Educational and Methodological Council Minutes of the meeting dated 20. Chairman of the Council Demidov I.F. (signature) The discipline program was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department of management of socio-cultural development Minutes of the meeting 9 dated October 24, 2012 Head of the department K.I. Vaissero (signature) 2

3 The discipline program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training Social and Cultural Activities (qualification (degree) “Bachelor”). SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1. The place of the discipline in the educational program “Folk artistic culture” is an independent discipline that serves as an integral part of the educational program in the direction of training “Socio-cultural activities” and belongs to the variable part of the disciplines of the general cultural and socio-cultural cycle of the working curriculum. Goals of the discipline The main goal of the discipline is achieving the following educational results: The student must: know: - the history of development and theory of folk artistic culture; - main phenomena of folk artistic culture; - ways of using folk artistic culture in socio-cultural activities; - the diversity of cultural heritage, types and genres of folk artistic culture and the possibility of their use in organizing socio-cultural activities to meet the spiritual needs of various groups of the capital’s population in modern conditions; - a regulatory framework regulating the specifics of using the achievements of folk artistic culture when organizing social and cultural events in Russia and in the city of Moscow; - the social significance of folk art to be able to: - effectively implement the current tasks of state cultural policy in the process of organizing socio-cultural activities based on the promotion of national socio-cultural values ​​and the best examples of folk art culture; - use masterpieces of folk artistic culture in technologies of socio-cultural activities when carrying out information and educational work, organizing leisure time for the population, providing conditions for the implementation of socio-cultural initiatives of the population, for the purpose of patriotic education, preservation and promotion of works of folk artistic culture; - organize, prepare and conduct socio-cultural events using various types and genres of folk art; possess the skills of: - studying and using the historical and cultural heritage of folk 3

4 artistic culture in order to satisfy the spiritual needs and interests of various groups of the population in the process of cultural and educational activities; - conducting information and educational work on various scales from state to individual family, providing methodological support for organized cultural and leisure activities and amateur creativity; - organizing the creative and production activities of employees of cultural institutions based on the use and promotion of works of folk artistic culture, taking into account the characteristics of the national culture of Moscow, cultural autonomies of Russia and foreign countries and relying on them in the development of socio-cultural projects. Competencies formed As a result of studying the discipline “Folk artistic culture" the student must have developed the following competencies: general cultural: OK-2B - knows the norms of the modern Russian literary language, masters professionally significant genres of written and oral speech, has an understanding of the communicative, cognitive, aesthetic capabilities of the language, knows the basics of speech etiquette and oratory skill; OK-5V knows the regulatory framework regulating socio-cultural activities in the country and the world, the basics of planning, design, implementation and provision of cultural life of the state and society, understands the basics of Russian cultural policy in the field of protection of cultural heritage, support of cultural, educational and cultural and leisure institutions, in the field of education and promotion of national socio-cultural values. professional: PK-3P is ready to conduct mass, group and individual socio-cultural events abroad, including in a foreign language, taking into account the cultural and religious characteristics of the local population, preserve and promote folk artistic culture; PK-8P is able to develop leisure programs in cultural and leisure institutions for the population of all age categories, taking into account gender, national and religious characteristics, is able to create methodological manuals and recommendations for the retraining of managers of socio-cultural activities, complies with the ethics of professional activities; PK-14 is capable of artistic management of a club institution, a recreation park, a scientific and methodological center, a leisure center and other similar organizations; PK-16P is capable of promoting the activities of social and cultural institutions in Moscow at the regional, all-Russian and international levels, interacting with representatives of regional socio-cultural institutions to implement projects on a federal scale, maintaining the traditions of social and cultural life in Russia in modern conditions. Discipline control. Final control To control the mastery of this discipline, the curriculum provides for an exam, which is conducted orally. 4

5 Intermediate and current control Course topics are grouped in two sections. The first section is devoted to the history and theory of folk art. The second section studies the sociocultural aspects of folk art. The first section ends with a test, the second section ends with a differentiated test in the form of a public defense of the results of the course work development and an exam based on the results of studying the entire academic discipline. In the process of studying the discipline, 3 tests are performed, 14 forms of intermediate and current control in the form of analytical reports on specific topics and their presentations, 2 speeches during seminar classes. Completion of all assignments is mandatory for all students, unless otherwise provided by the work program of the academic discipline. SECTION 2. CONTENT OF DISCIPLINE 2.1. Organizational and methodological data of the discipline The total labor intensity of the discipline is 6 credits, 216 academic hours. Types of work “Folk artistic culture” Labor intensity in credit units Total labor intensity in hours Total classroom load Lectures Practical classes Including interactive forms Seminars Independent work Independent work Test work on topics 1 (essay), 3, 8. Coursework in the discipline “Folk artistic culture” Extracurricular independent work on conducting analytical research on topics 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18. Self-preparation (independent study of lecture material and material textbooks, preparation for practical classes, preparation for interactive forms, current control, etc.) Types of current control (list) test 3 test 1 course work 1 Type of final control exam 1 5

6 2.2. Thematic plan of the discipline Numbers and names of sections and topics Total hours Classroom hours Lectures Of which by type of training sessions Practical classes Including, in interactive forms Seminars Report form (exam, test) Independent work I semester Section I. History and theory of folklore artistic culture Topic 1. The essence, genesis and dynamics of the development of folk art Topic 2. The evolution of the main types and genres of folk art Topic 3. Ethnopsychological aspects and problems of folk art Topic 4. Fundamentals of the theory and history of mythology Topic 5. Methods of preparing coursework on the problems of folk art artistic Topic 6. Folk games as an integral part of traditional folk Topic 7. Essence, origins and evolution of folk holidays. Topic 8. Folklore and folkloristics Topic 9. Oral folk art Topic 10. Folk song creativity Topic 11. Current problems of the theory and history of folk art Total in 1st semester: Form of final control Total in 1st semester: Pass

7 II semester Section II. Socio-cultural aspects of folk art Topic 12. Organization and scientific and methodological management of folk art. Topic 13. Amateur direction in the system of folk art Topic 14. Technological foundations of working with an amateur artistic group Topic 15. Decorative and applied art as a special type of folk art. Topic 16. Folk art and professional art. Topic 17. Main types of art in modern folk artistic culture. Topic 18. Folk artistic culture in the modern educational space. Topic 19. Social and cultural content of folk art. Total in the 2nd semester: Form of final control Exam TOTAL in the discipline: Contents of the discipline Section I. History and theory of folk artistic culture Topic 1. Essence, genesis and dynamics of development of folk art Concept of folk art Basic concepts of folk art Typology of folk art Folk culture as a means of preservation and transfer of social and pedagogical experience of people. Folk artistic culture as part of the artistic culture of society. Specifics and distinctive features of folk artistic culture in the system of folk culture of society. Genesis of folk art Historical roots of folk art culture as a social phenomenon. Origins, conditions and factors 7

8 the origins of folk artistic culture during the Stone Age. The transition of tribes to a sedentary lifestyle and farming as the basis for the formation of a folk art system. The emergence of the main types and genres of folk art culture among the Eastern Slavs and their further development in the 10th - 17th centuries. Cultural and artistic activities of various classes of Russian society in the 18th - 20th centuries. Specific features of the development of folk artistic culture and methods of its social organization in Russia from the moment of the emergence of the state to the present day. Historical dynamics of the development of folk art Reflection in folk art culture of national cultural traditions and customs of people. Folk artistic culture as a culture of everyday life. The relationship between folk artistic culture and religion. Folk art and classical art. Form of delivery: lecture. Topic 2. Evolution of the main types and genres of folk art. The main types and genres of folk art. The origins of the Russian artistic tradition. The difference between ancient Russian pagan art and the art of antiquity. The cult of nature, love for mother earth as stable iconic signs of national artistic thinking. The ascent of Russian artistic culture from pagan imagery to the Christian picture of the universe. Byzantine influence on the artistic culture of Rus'. The Tatar-Mongol invasion and its significance in the development of Russian art. Family-household and calendar-holiday rituals in the Middle Ages. Strengthening the role of Moscow, unifying and liberating motives in Russian artistic culture. The significance of the “Moscow the Third Rome” theory for the development of a unified all-Russian artistic style. The Moscow kingdom as a cultural era. The transition from ancient Russian culture to classical culture (XVIII-XIX centuries). The idea of ​​statehood in the development of folk art. Appeal to the roots of folk culture in the 19th century. Folk artistic culture in the 20th century. Ideologization of folk art Return of the “village theme” to artistic culture. The evolution of folk artistic culture at the beginning of the 21st century. Main trends and directions of development of traditions of folk artistic culture in modern society. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 3. Ethnopsychological aspects and problems of folk art. General characteristics of ethnopsychology, its types and historical forms. Historical features of the formation and development of ethnopsychology in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The nature of the disagreements between Slavophiles and Westerners about the origin and historical fate of the Russian people and state. Domestic ethnic psychology in the period of the 30s of the 20th and early 21st centuries. Basic concepts of ethnopsychology. Basic (modal) personality, “structure of basic personality”, “national character”, “mentality”, “ethnic 8

9 identity" and "ethnic self-awareness", national special "I", the attitude "I am others", the concept of "we they", ethnocentrism, cultural distance, culture shock. Diversity of ethnic cultures and culturally determined human behavior. Psychology of ethnic relations. Ethnic stereotypes of behavior in different cultures. Mechanisms of intergroup perception in interethnic relations. The role of folk artistic culture in the process of formation and transformation of ethnic identity. Form of delivery: lecture. Topic 4. Fundamentals of the theory and history of mythology. Sociocultural concept of myth and mythology. Myth as a central concept in history and theory Myth as the original form of human spiritual culture. The theory of myth by J. Vico. Views on the myth of E. Taylor and G. Spencer. Collective unconscious in folk artistic culture (C. Lévi-Strauss). Psychological understanding of myth (L. Levy-Bruhl, Z. Freud). The concept of archetype according to K.-G. Jung. Socio-anthropological explanation of myth (B. Malinovsky). History and essence of mythology according to A.F. Losev and B.A. Rybakov. Worldview, the content of mythology, artistic creativity, the form of manifestation. Myths are a product of collective creativity. The place of myth in the picture of the world of primitive man. Sources of ancient Slavic mythology. The cult of nature in the myths of the ancient Slavs. The relationship between myth and ritual. Cult myths. Myths and beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Ethnographic monuments as a reflection of the mythological ideas of the ancient Slavs. Myths of the peoples of foreign countries of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient India, Ancient China, German-Scandinavian myths, the peoples of Japan. The value nature of the myth. The place of myth in the cultural tradition of the people. Psychology of myth. External and internal perception of myth. Relationship between myth and tradition. The meaning of myth for folklore. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 5. Methods for preparing coursework on problems of folk art. Student coursework and general requirements for writing a coursework. Requirements for the content and design of the work. Choosing a topic for course work. Algorithm for preparing coursework and time distribution. Collection of theoretical and empirical material. Material processing. The structure of the course work and its volume. The main provisions that require disclosure in the introduction, sections revealing the basics of the problem being studied. Analysis of the effectiveness of socio-cultural activities in the context of the problem under study and development of proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the activities of professionals in the field of socio-cultural activities and cultural institutions in solving the problem under study, conclusion, list of references, applications. The procedure for preparing a student’s course work, the culture of its execution. The relationship and interaction of the supervisor and the student in the process of writing and preparing for the defense of the course work. The procedure for consultation, control and acceptance of the course work report. The procedure for defending coursework. Coursework defense 9

10 work, characteristics of the main elements of its protection and evaluation criteria. Form of conduct: practical lesson. Topic 6. Folk games as an integral part of traditional folk Folk games as an integral part of the spiritual potential of the people. The essence and substantive characteristics of the concept of “game”. Sphere of gaming activity. Ethnography of folk games. Game culture of the peoples of the world. Folk games in the Ancient World. Russian folk games. Folk games of small peoples of Russia. Classification and systematization of folk games. Basic functions of folk games. The main components of a folk game are symbols, game terms, texts, traditional and game plots. General methodological principles for organizing folk games. Folklore basis for game design. Game space, principles of competition, adherence to established rules of symbolism, behavior in game interaction. Methodological techniques for presenting the game and involving people in gaming activities, creating the effect of direct participation in the game (participant and viewer). Features of the development of children's play activity. Traditions and innovations in folk games. Revival of traditions of folk games in modern conditions. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (game design and role-playing game on the theme of folk games). Topic 7. The essence, origins and evolution of folk holidays. Holidays are a universal phenomenon for people all over the world. The history of the emergence of folk holiday traditions. Festive and ritual culture as an integral part of folk art. The cult significance of the holiday. Religious and everyday aspect of the festive ritual Concepts of “holiday”, “rite”, “custom”, “tradition”. The essence and features of folk holidays and rituals. Festive ritual action. Holidays as the original form of human leisure activity. Holidays as the earliest way of collective leisure time. Main functions of the holiday. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of folk festive and ritual traditions. Folklore and ethnographic texts as objects of reconstruction in folk artistic culture. The figurative and symbolic nature of the texts of folk calendar and family holidays. Classification of folk holidays and rituals. Russian folk holidays and rituals of the autumn, winter, spring and summer cycles. Autumn holidays: spiritual holidays, wedding ceremonies, weddings. Winter holidays: Christmas, Christmastide, Epiphany. Spring holidays: Maslenitsa, Easter, Yegoryev's Games. Summer holidays: Semik, Trinity, Midsummer. The essence of festive ritual culture and the problems of its development. Characteristics of traditional holiday culture of various age, gender, professional and other groups of the population. Interaction of holiday traditions with modern forms of leisure. Spectacular and game forms of festive and ritual Recreation of festive and ritual traditions in modern Russia. Restoration of old and emergence of new folk holidays, rites and rituals: humor, April Fool's Day, sports and tourism holidays, Russian holidays 10

11 tea, city holidays, etc. Enrichment of competitive, game and artistic entertainment folklore programs with the traditions of folk holidays and rituals. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 8. Folklore and folkloristics. The emergence and development of folklore. The connection of folklore with the socio-historical life of the people, with their work activity and way of life. The main features and genre diversity of folklore. Semantics and functions of folklore. Specific features of folklore. Collectivity, anonymity, variability, stereotyping of folklore. Syncretism of oral folk. Conditionality of folklore by social reality. “Passive-collective” and “active-collective” forms of folklore. Improvisation and traditionality of folklore. The relationship between folklore and other forms of folk art. Functional conditionality of folklore genres. Main folklore genres. Concept and characteristics of the main folklore genres. Characteristic types and genres of Russian folklore. Origin, existence and modification of the genre, mythological and ritual origins of earlier genres. Folklore tradition. Folklore typology. Archaic folklore. Classic folklore. Folk urban culture of modern times. Folklore and ethnography. Folkloristics is the science of oral folk art, folklore. The birth of scientific folkloristics. The main stages of the development of folkloristics. Romantic period. Evolutionism. Diffusionism. Psychoanalytic concepts. Structuralism. The role and place of folklore in the modern cultural process. Multifaceted activities of leading folklore organizations: All-Russian State House of Folk Art, All-Russian Center of Russian Folklore, Russian Folklore Academy "Karagod", State Music Museum Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (master class by leading specialists of the State Center of Russian Folklore of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation). Topic 9. Oral folk art. The concept of “oral folk art”. The main types and genres of oral folk art. Aesthetic perfection of works of oral folk art. Large folklore genres and their features. Russian folk epic as one of the main types of poetry. Tale, legend, tale, legend, ballad, song, epic are the most ancient genres in folklore. Basic functions and genre characteristics. Spiritual poems as a reflection of the characteristics of folk faith and biblical images and themes. Living environment, poetics and repertoire of spiritual poems. Small genres of oral folk art and their characteristics. Folk wisdom of small genres of oral folk art. Laconism, accuracy, accuracy, brevity and expressiveness as the main properties of small genres of oral folk art. Riddles, ditties, counting rhymes, proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, petes, jokes, shifters, teasers - small genres of folk lyrics. A brief description of conspiracies, tongue twisters, legends, parables and lamentations. Sound formulas of the main folklore genres. Thematic (content) stability as the basis of a folklore motif. eleven

12 Stylistic clichés in folklore texts of each genre. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (master class by leading artists of the Moscow State Historical and Ethnographic Theater). Topic 10. Folk song creativity. Folk song creativity as the most important sphere of artistic activity of mankind, a significant area of ​​folk art. The main stages of the evolution of folk song creativity. The relationship between types of folk art - folk instrumental art, folk choreography, oral poetry, arts and crafts, etc. Traditional folk song art. Type-genre structure of folk song creativity: calendar-agricultural cycle; family and household cycle; ritual and non-ritual musical and poetic folklore; archaic, traditional, modern musical folklore; children's musical folklore; musical accompaniment, choreography, theatrical acting, costume and dressing in folk songwriting. Musical theoretical analysis of folk songs. The thematic diversity of Russian folklore: chant songs, calendar and ritual songs, game songs, round dance songs, dance songs, comic songs, majestic and korilki songs, spell songs. General features of Russian song folklore. Specifics of the existence of Russian folk songs. Russian folk song as an original, vibrant national creativity. Unique originality of the musical and poetic language: types of melodic development, variety of original Russian modes and tempo rhythms, forms of chanting structure, system of musical and poetic images, etc. Special performing style: a capella singing, vocal techniques, dialect variety of dialects, improvisational and variable character performance, timbre multicolor, features of phrasing development, etc. Folk song creativity as a polysocial phenomenon. Utilitarian, sacred and magical purpose of song creativity. Functions of folk song, its role and significance in the process of socialization, education and personal development. Educational, cognitive, aesthetic, recreational, motivational and other functions of folk song. Contemporary folk songwriting. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (master class by leading artists of the State Musical Theater of Folklore “Russian Song”). Topic 11. Current problems of the theory and history of folk art. Genesis and evolution of folk art. Ethnographic features of folk art culture in the city. Moscow. The essence of folk art Mythological roots of folk art Historical dynamics of the development of folk art Folklore and folkloristics. The main stages of the development of folkloristics. Main folklore genres. Folk games as an integral part of traditional folk Ethnography of folk games. Game culture of the peoples of the world in cultural and historical development 12

13 civilizations. Theoretical and psychological-pedagogical foundations of the folk game. The essence, origins and evolution of folk holidays. National holiday as a pedagogical system. Problems of development of folk holiday ritual culture in modern conditions. Autumn holidays: spiritual holidays, wedding ceremonies, weddings. Winter holidays: Christmas, Christmastide, Epiphany. Spring holidays: Maslenitsa, Easter, Yegoryev's Games. Summer holidays: Semik, Trinity, Midsummer. The main types and genres of oral folk art. Small genres of oral folk art and their characteristics. Genesis and main stages of the evolution of folk song creativity. Type-genre structure of folk song creativity. Current problems of the development of folk artistic culture in the conditions of a modern metropolis. Form of delivery: seminar. Pass. Section II. Socio-cultural aspects of folk art Topic 12. Organization and scientific and methodological management of folk art. System of guidance and scientific and methodological support of folk art. Regional, federal and international programs for the preservation and development of national culture and art. Processes of preservation and development of artistic, educational and national cultural traditions. Scientific and methodological support for the research and revival of original phenomena of folk art. Introducing the population to folklore, masterpieces of classical and modern art. Development of mass forms of artistic education, education and creativity. Interethnic and international cultural cooperation in the field of studying, preserving and transmitting into the modern world cultural and information space the values ​​of folk art and the artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (invitation of an expert from a leading specialist of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation). Topic 13. Amateur direction in the system of folk art The concept of amateur artistic creativity. Signs and features of amateurism in folk artistic culture. Characteristics of amateurism in the main genres of folk art Organization and management of amateur (amateur) artistic creativity. Independent folk art groups and club formations. Individual amateur artistic creativity. Conducting festivals, shows and competitions of amateur artistic skills. System of training specialists for amateur art groups. 13

14 Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (work in small creative groups). Topic 14. Technological foundations of working with an amateur artistic group. Technologies, methods and forms of socio-cultural activities of amateur artistic groups. Forms of organization of groups (club, studio, ensemble, theater, etc.). Pedagogical principles of working with an amateur artistic group. Pedagogical principles of collective artistic creativity (visuality, accessibility, consistency, strength of knowledge). Basic principles of organizing the work of an amateur artistic group. Planning educational work in a team. Methods and forms of working with team members. Methodology for preparing and conducting events. Formation of the team's repertoire. Concert activities of the group and development prospects. The personality of the leader of an amateur art group and the requirements for him. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (master class - meeting with the leader of an amateur artistic group, attending a rehearsal of an amateur artistic group). Topic 15. Decorative and applied arts as a special type of folk art. Concept and spheres of decorative and applied art. Features of decorative and applied art. Practical purpose in public and private life. Artistic processing of utilitarian objects. The concept and types of folk crafts and decorative arts. Processing wood, bone, metal, stone. Jewelry and blacksmithing art. Artistic enamel. Lacquer miniature. Painting. Ceramics, porcelain and faience. Glassmaking. Embroidery, lace, weaving, carpet weaving, knitting and artistic textiles. Landscape art. Decorative sculpture. Florism. The skill of making stuffed animals. Furniture art. The connection between decorative and applied arts and artistic crafts, the artistic industry, artistic design, and the activities of professional artists and folk craftsmen. Famous centers of decorative and applied arts in Russia. Galleries and museums of decorative and applied arts in Moscow. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson in an interactive form (excursion to the All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Arts). Topic 16. Folk art and professional art. The concept of professionalism in folk art. Types of professional activities in the field of folk art. Artistic-creative, pedagogical, scientific-methodological, organizational-managerial, expert-consulting, scientific-research activities of professional creative teams and performers. Organization and holding of events with the participation of artists of professional creative groups. Creation and functioning of concert educational groups, creative laboratories, art schools. Conducting festivals and professional art competitions 14

15 advanced skill. Individual concert performances by professional performers. Professional and creative support for the activities of theaters, television, public holidays, show programs. Management of the activities of professional folk and pop orchestras, folk and academic choirs, arts and crafts enterprises. System of training and retraining of personnel for cultural and art institutions, general, additional and professional art education. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 17. Main types of art in modern folk artistic culture. Features of modern folk art Characteristics of modern oral poetic folk art. A modern complex of verbal-musical, game (dramatic) and musical-choreographic types of folk art. Contemporary fine and decorative arts. Academic and folk choir. Amateur theater. Choreography. Orchestras of wind instruments. Masterpieces and monuments of folk, church, classical art (fine, musical, theatrical, etc.). Famous art and ethnographic museums, theaters, concert halls. The fate of oral folk culture in the modern city. Urban folklore. The main features of modern urban folklore: sociocultural polycentricity, functional marginality, focus on literary and cultural examples and their folklorization, highlighting non-ritual and entertainment forms. The phenomenon of primitive art. Folklore and literary connections and interaction of various types of art. Modern processes of creation, existence and transmission of folklore in Russia. Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 18. Folk artistic culture in the modern educational space. Theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of education in the field of folk art. World trends in the artistic education of people. Modern scientific concepts of the content of folk art. Main trends in the development of the educational environment of folk art in Russia. The influence of modern information technologies on education in the field of folk art The system of higher, secondary, additional professional and general art education in Russia. Scientific and methodological centers of culture and advanced training in Moscow. Scientific research in the field of folk art Activities of the UMO on education in the field of folk art culture, socio-cultural activities and information resources (Moscow State University of Culture and Arts). Form of delivery: lecture, practical lesson. Topic 19. Social and cultural content of folk art. 15

16 The role and socio-cultural significance of folk art in the life and activities of society. Science and education in the field of folk art Evolution of the socio-cultural content of the main types and genres of folk art. Folk art as a set of artistic works of various types and genres. Interrelation and mutual influence of types of folk art: oral, instrumental, choreographic, theatrical, arts and crafts, etc. Characteristics of amateurism in the main genres of folk art. Origins, concept, essence and main types of amateur art. Technologies for organizing amateur artistic creativity and organizing amateur associations. Implementation of creative technologies in the practice of cultural institutions in Moscow. Types and features of folk crafts of Moscow and the Moscow region. Galleries, museums and famous centers of decorative and applied arts in Russia and Moscow. Independent folk art groups and club formations. Festivals, shows and competitions of amateur artistic skills in Russia and Moscow. Folk art and professional art. Organization and scientific and methodological management of folk art. Theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of education in the field of folk art The system of higher, secondary, additional professional and general art education in Russia. Personnel retraining system for cultural and art institutions, general, additional and professional art education. System of training specialists for amateur art groups. Scientific and methodological centers of culture and advanced training in Moscow. The influence of modern information technologies on education in the field of folk art. Features of professional activity as the leader of a folk art group. Form of delivery: seminar. Test with assessment (defense of course work). Exam. SECTION 3. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF STUDENTS' INDEPENDENT WORK IN THE DISCIPLINE 3.1. Recommended topics for essays, term papers, projects, etc. Essays Methodological instructions for completing essays Students in the direction of “Socio-cultural activities” are asked to write professional essays on the issues of this academic discipline. Essay writing is carried out through hours of independent work by students. 16

17 Requirements for the content and format of the essay are determined by these guidelines. The volume of the essay is no more than 5 and no less than 3 pages of the main text, as well as appendices, the volume of which is not regulated. Applications may be submitted electronically. Essay structure: 1. Title page. 2. Contents indicating the names and page numbers of each section. 3. Main text. 4. Bibliographic list of used literature. 5. Applications. The main text consists of the following elements: 1. Introduction (no more than half a page), reflecting the relevance and cognitive tasks solved by the student during the disclosure of the topic. 2. Two sections. The first section should contain a theoretical analysis of the problem under consideration. The second section is an analysis of the practical aspects of the problem under consideration. The recommended volume of the second section is about 30% of the volume of the main text of the abstract. The material of each section must be presented in its entirety. Each section, as its name suggests, should end with a brief conclusion. 3. Conclusion (no more than half a page), in which the student formulates general conclusions, his attitude to the problem and the prospects for its implementation in future professional activities. 4. The bibliographic list of used literature should contain a list of literary sources (Internet resources) that the student used when writing the essay - no more than five. The main text of the essay must contain links to all sources indicated in the bibliography. The timing and form of presentation of the essay is determined by the teacher. Approximate topic of the essay 1. Folk culture in modern conditions. 2. The concept of folk songwriting. 3. Genre variety of Russian folk songs. 4. Outstanding collectors and performers of Russian folk songs. 5. The influence of folk music on modern musical art. 6. Problematic aspects in the modern science of children's folklore. 7. Children's folklore as a tool of folk pedagogy. 8. Multifunctionality of children's folklore. 9. Functions and methods of transmitting children's folklore. 10. Classification of children's folklore. 11. Ritual and ritual origins of folk theater. 12. Genre originality of folk theater. 13. Varieties of folk dramas. 14. The difference between folk theater and professional theater. 15. Current state and development trends of amateur theaters and studios. 16. Characteristic features of Russian folk dances. 17

18 17. Dance elements in ancient cults, rites and rituals. 18. Classification of Russian folk dances. 19. Regional features of dance 20. Modern folk choreographic groups. 21. Basic elements and methods of decorating a traditional costume. 22. Features of the colorist for everyday and festive clothes. 23. Artistic and constructive functions and traditional motifs of folk costume ornaments. 24. Artistic and magical functions of the costume. 25. The role of domestic ethnographic researchers in the study of folk costume. 26. The main functions of decorative and applied arts. 27. Semiotic foundations of applied art. 28. Concept and classification of amateur performances. 29. Traditional types and genres of amateur creativity. 30. Pedagogical potential of folk art 31. Modern concepts and models of education based on traditional folk art Tests Guidelines for students’ independent work in preparing for tests, for doing homework When preparing for tests, in previous classes, guide students on test questions , as well as on the use of didactic materials, diagrams, slides in preparation for work. Provide students with a list of recommended literature for preparation. Provide assistance to students in working with literary sources Sample tasks for the test 1. The connection of folk artistic culture with classical and modern genres of national art. 2. Concept by Yu.M. Lotman on two types of historical dynamics 3. Factors in the dynamics of folk art 4. Folk art culture in the modern world information and cultural space. 5. Modern processes of development of international cultural cooperation based on the preservation and development of the original traditions of ethnic cultures of the peoples of the world. 6. Pagan, Orthodox and atheistic traditions of creativity of the Russian people, their coexistence in modern conditions. 7. Formation and development of domestic folkloristics. 8. Modern domestic schools of folklore. 9. Amateur direction in the system of folk art 10. The influence of oral folk art on classical and modern art. 11. The role of folk musical instruments in folk life and in festive ritual culture. 12. Folk dances in the repertoire of amateur and professional choreographic groups. 18

19 13. Ritual and ritual origins of folk theater. 14. Basic elements and methods of decorating a traditional folk costume. 15. Aesthetic and didactic potential of traditional folk toys. 16. Pedagogical potential of folk art 17. Modern concepts and models of education based on traditional art 18. The role and place of folk art culture in the content of modern general humanitarian education. 19. History, current state and prospects for training specialists in folk artistic culture in Russian universities. 20. Foreign experience and models for training specialists to manage the development of folk art in foreign countries. 21. Formation and development of the system of methodological guidance of folk art in Russia. 22. The essence and structure of the professional skills of the head of an artistic group. 23. Calendar folk holidays and rituals in Rus'. 24. Activities of clubs to introduce new holidays and rituals (using the example of a specific region). 25. The sphere of leisure and optimization of forms and methods of studying the cultural and leisure needs of the population. 26. Specifics and problems of the activities of creative groups in cultural and leisure institutions. 27. The leisure industry and problems of its development (using the example of a specific region). 28. National traditions of leisure forms (using the example of a specific region). 29. Specifics and technology of patriotic education in cultural and leisure institutions. 30. The role of patronage in the development of folk art Exercises for independent work Exercises to consolidate acquired theoretical knowledge and develop skills and abilities to carry out analytical work in a specific area of ​​future professional activity are carried out by students in the form of carrying out research work at the expense of hours of independent work of students Subjects of exercises for independent work 1. Research work to identify the features of the emergence and development of mythology, its roots and origins, the place of myth in the picture of the world of primitive man. 2. Research work to conduct a comparative analysis of theoretical views on the essence and nature of the emergence of myth by J. Vico, E. Taylor, G. Spencer, L. Lévy-Bruhl, Z. Freud, C. Lévi-Strauss, C. G. Jung, B. Malinovsky, A.F. Loseva. 3. Research work on the study of the genesis, evolution and historical dynamics of the development of folk art 4. Research work on the study of the emergence and development of folklore. 5. Research work on the study of one of the genres of oral folk art. 19

20 6. Research work on the study of modern verbal, musical, gaming, choreographic and visual types of folk art. 7. Research work to study the system of management and scientific and methodological support of folk art. 8. Research work on the study of modern types of professional activities in the field of folk art. 9. Research work to study the characteristics of amateur artistic creativity. 10. Research work on the study of the festive and ritual culture of the population of Moscow. 11. Research work to study the history and current state of decorative and applied arts. 12. Research work on the study of modern methods and forms of socio-cultural activities of amateur artistic groups. 13. Research work on the study of the educational environment of folk art in Russia and Moscow. Course work. Methodological instructions for completing course work. In the course of studying the academic discipline, students complete course work. Coursework is a type of independent study. It should be based on theoretical and analytical research conducted by the student independently. In order to provide scientific and methodological assistance to the student in the development of course work, a head of the department is appointed from among the teaching staff of the department. The purpose of the course work is to systematize, consolidate, and deepen students' acquired theoretical knowledge, develop skills and abilities of analysis, assess socio-economic processes, develop reasonable ways and means of solving specific problems to improve Moscow city management systems. The course work must contain: title page, content, introduction, main part, consisting of 2 3 sections, conclusion and list of references and sources used. The volume of the course work, printed on a computer with one and a half line spacing, is pages. Course work is carried out in accordance with the “Unified requirements for the preparation and execution of final qualifying work, course work, course project, final certification work, final work, abstract”, published in MSUUPM Approximate topics of course work 1. Socio-cultural content and significance of folk art creativity. 2. Typology and basic concepts of folk art 3. Genesis and historical dynamics of the development of folk art 4. Mythological roots of folk art 5. Historical dynamics of the development of folk art 6. Modern processes of creation, existence and transmission of folklore in Russia. 7. Scientific and methodological support for the research and revival of original phenomena of folk art. 8. Ethnographic features of folk art culture of Moscow. 20

21 9. Current problems of the theory and history of folk art 10. Study of modern types of professional activities in the field of folk art. 11. Technological foundations of working with an amateur artistic group. 12. Technologies, methods and forms of socio-cultural activities of amateur artistic groups. 13. Modern scientific concepts of the content of folk art 14. Theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of education in the field of folk art 15. Amateur artistic creativity as a phenomenon of folk art 16. The personality of the leader of an amateur art group and its role in its life. 17. Folk artistic culture as a culture of everyday life. 18. Folk choral singing as a cultural phenomenon. 19. Basic concepts and concepts of folk art 20. The significance of the “Moscow the Third Rome” theory for the development of a unified all-Russian artistic style. 21. Folk urban culture of modern times. 22. Cultural phenomenon of ritual and ceremonial activities of the people. 23. The main types of art in modern folk artistic culture. 24. The relationship between folklore and other forms of folk art 25. Trends in the development of folk art culture at the present time. 26. Culture of the ancient Slavs and Kievan Rus. 27. Folk artistic culture during the formation of a centralized state. 28. Peter’s reforms and their influence on folk artistic culture. 29. Folk artistic culture of the second half of the 18th century. 30. The main stages in the development of domestic folkloristics. 31. Features of the development of folk artistic culture in the Soviet period. 32. The spiritual and moral potential of folk art 33. The patriotic pathos of folk art 34. The main types and genres of oral folk art. 35. Small genres of oral folk art. 36. Social and cultural meaning of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.” 37. The folk-historical meaning of A. Rublev’s creativity. 38. “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”: folk art aspect. 39. “Lives of Saints” as the spiritual and social heritage of Russia. 40. Theoretical and methodological foundations of folk playing 41. Formation and evolution of folk musical and instrumental culture in Russia. 42. Folk arts and crafts as a special type of artistic creativity. 43. Images of epic heroes in the artistic culture of Russia. 44. Lubok as part of folk art 21

Federal Agency for Education Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF INDEPENDENT

Abstract of the work program of discipline B3.B10 Russian oral folk art Direction of training 032700.62 “Philology” profile “Domestic philology (Russian language and Russian literature)” full-time

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University"

Appendix 1 I APPROVED the Order of the Education Department of the Tambov District Administration dated 10.27.2015 313 ​​Regulations on holding the municipal stage of the All-Russian Folklore Festival “Round Dance of Traditions”

Final state certification of graduates in the field of study 071500.62 “Folk artistic culture” Final state certification of graduates includes the defense of the final qualification

The work program of the extracurricular activity course “Music Box” is developed on the basis of the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education (or basic

Abstract of the work program of discipline B 1.V.DV.1.1 Culturology Direction of training 46.03.02 Documentation and archival science, [Documentation and documentation support for management] 1. Objectives

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for Extracurricular Activities" "Approved" Director of the MBUDO "Center for Extracurricular Activities" /T.A. Bocharova/ Work program of an additional teacher

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE Goals of mastering the discipline (module) The goals of mastering the discipline History of Decorative and Applied Arts are to familiarize students with the stages of development of decorative and applied arts

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION “SOCIAL PEDAGOGICAL INSTITUTE” Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Fund of assessment tools for intermediate certification of students

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 10" CONSIDERED: ACCEPTED: Attached to the order at the meeting of the MS at the pedagogical council of the MBOU "School 10" dated "24" August 2016.

DISCIPLINE “Psychology and pedagogy of gaming activity” Direction: pedagogical education Qualification (degree) bachelor Volume of labor intensity 9 credits (credit units), (324 hours, of which: 134

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Belgorod State National

Municipal autonomous educational institution of the city of Kaliningrad secondary school 38 CONSIDERED at the meeting of the Moscow Region, protocol 1 “29” August 2016 “AGREED” at the meeting of the PS protocol

1 METHODOLOGICAL MATERIALS FOR THE DISCIPLINE “METHODOLOGY OF ORGANIZING CULTURAL AND LEISURE ACTIVITIES” The discipline “Methodology of organizing cultural and leisure activities” occupies one of the leading places in training




SECTION 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL 1.1 Change registration sheet Information on changes made to the minutes of the department meeting Date of introduction Signature Deadline for putting changes into effect 1.2. External

APPROVED by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2017 - p CONCEPT for teaching the subject area “Art” in the Russian Federation 1. General provisions This Concept represents

MUNICIPAL PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION KINDERGARTEN "RODNICHOK" YUZHI Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture (senior group teacher Sokolova N.I.) Patriotism is a feeling

State budgetary educational institution Novorossiysk Cossack Cadet Corps of the Krasnodar Territory (full name of the educational institution) WORK PROGRAM for the circle Traditional

2 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The goal of studying the discipline “Psychology of Artistic Perception” is to develop in students the ability to carry out project activities through a scientific understanding of the processes

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts" Faculty of Artistic Creativity Department of Theory

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky Faculty of Philosophy Work program of the discipline (module) Anthropological foundations

DISCIPLINE Ethnopedagogy Direction: psychological and pedagogical education Qualification (degree): bachelor Volume of labor: credit (1 hour, of which 3 hours of classroom work, 10 hours of independent

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE Goals: The goals of mastering the discipline History of the Art of the Medieval East are to familiarize students with the stages of development of the art of the East of the period under consideration

Direction of training 51.06.01 Culturology Focus (profile) Theory and history of culture ANNOTATIONS OF DISCIPLINES Block 1. Disciplines (modules) Basic part B1.B.1 History and philosophy of science Course goal:

Music grades 5-6 Results of mastering the academic subject Music Subject results of studying music reflect the experience of students in musical and creative activities: grade 5 formation of the foundations of musical culture,


Regional state budgetary educational institution Education Center for children with special educational needs of Smolensk History project Russian folk songs of Smolensk

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education Krasnoyarsk, Mira Ave., 44 e-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation State educational institution of higher professional education “Slavic-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute” “I approve”

EXPLANATORY NOTE The relevance of creating a program for the folk music ensemble “Polyanka” is determined by the need to equip students with knowledge of national folk art. folk song

Appendix 10 of the Basic General Education Program of the educational program of basic general education, approved by Order 80 of October 28, 2016 Work program of the subject “Music” 5 9th grade

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Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District "Novooskolsky District" ORDER "17" February 2017 124 On the conduct of the municipal (correspondence) stage of the XVI All-Russian Creative Assembly "Address

Abstract to the work program of the academic discipline PM.02 Organization of extracurricular activities and communication of younger schoolchildren in primary classes and primary classes of compensatory and correctional development

The working curriculum for music for grade 6 provides 35 hours, 1 hour per week. Distribution of educational material across quarters, taking into account the academic calendar and lesson schedule. Calendar-thematic

Description of the pedagogical experience of Svetlana Nikolaevna Grishina, teacher of the painting and primary departments of the MBUDO “Children’s Art School 1 named after. P.F. Ryabov" Theme of pedagogical experience. Communion


ABSTRACT of the work program for the discipline DIRECTING THEATRICAL PERFORMANCES AND HOLIDAYS Main professional educational program of higher education undergraduate programs in the field

Annotations to the programs of academic disciplines, internships under the additional professional professional retraining program "Pedagogical activities in additional education of children and adults

Federal Agency for Education Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Siberian Federal University" TRAINING MANUAL FOR PRACTICAL EXERCISES


RUSSIAN FEDERATION Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies APPROVED by: Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies Program

Educational institution “Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin" I APPROVED I. O. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Moscow State Pedagogical University named after. I.P. Shamyakina N. A. Lebedev “22” 06 2010 Registration

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE The goal of mastering the discipline “Specific Features of Directing Variety Performances” is for students to master specific techniques and ways of creating artistic

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Abstract to the work program of the discipline as part of the educational program 510303 Socio-cultural activity B5B2 Educational (production and technological) practice Goals of mastering the discipline Goal


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MBOU "Novomazinskaya basic secondary school" of the Menzelinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan ANNOTATION FOR THE WORK PROGRAM in art (fine arts), GRADE 6 Name of the Program Basic


Abstract of the work program of the discipline Direction of training: 02.03.02 “Fundamental computer science and information technology” Type of educational program: academic bachelor's degree Focus

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum named after. Academician B.N. Petrov" of the city of Smolensk AGREED Deputy Director Zabelina S.Ya. “29_” 08_ 206 ADOPTED at a meeting of the pedagogical

I QUARTER EXPLANATORY NOTE Calendar and thematic planning for the subject Art 8th grade is compiled in the amount of an hour per week, 34 hours per year in accordance with the school curriculum. Program:, authors




Name of discipline: Pedagogy of folk art

Code and name of the area of ​​training

(bachelor, master, specialist) 03/51/02. Folk artistic culture

Training profile: Management of an arts and crafts studio; Management of a film, photo and video studio

Graduate qualification (degree)

in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard: bachelor

Faculty of DPI

Full-time form of education

The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education

Compilers of the work program

Art. teacher, candidate philological sciences _________

(position, academic title, degree) (full name) (signature)

The work program was approved at a meeting of the Department of Petroleum Chemicals

“____”__________ 20_____protocol No. _______

Head department________

Krasnoyarsk 2014

1. The purpose of mastering the discipline

The goals of mastering the discipline “Pedagogy of folk artistic creativity” are:

Formation of students’ knowledge and skills in the field of pedagogy of folk art,

Professional theoretical and general methodological preparation of students for pedagogical management of folk art in modern conditions.

At the theoretical level, the discipline is a system of concepts, provisions, conclusions relating to the essence, content, means and methods of organizing the educational process in the study of folk art based on modern requirements for the formation of the teacher’s personality as a subject of training and education.

At the methodological level, the technological foundations of folk art in the system of socio-cultural activities of modern education are studied.

The NHT pedagogy course is designed to promote spiritual and moral education, the growth of national self-awareness based on universal human values, and the improvement of professional and pedagogical training of students for active participation in the subsequent development of all spheres of national culture.

Course objectives:

To form in students an idea of ​​the essence, subject, goals and objectives of folk art pedagogy, and the role of interdisciplinary connections in the development of this branch of pedagogical science.

To acquaint students with the historical foundations of folk art pedagogy.

To reveal the role and place of folk art pedagogy in the system of professional training of specialists and their future professional activities.

To introduce the theoretical and scientific-methodological foundations of folk art pedagogy.

To form among students a system of professional knowledge in the field of organization and pedagogical management of amateur artistic and creative groups.

To reveal prospects for improving the pedagogical management of folk art based on modern pedagogical ideas and technologies.

2. The place of the discipline in the structure of undergraduate education

Pedagogy of folk artistic creativity is included in the block of pedagogical disciplines and is a logical continuation of the disciplines “History of Education and Pedagogical Thought” and “Comparative / Age-Related Pedagogy”. In parallel, “Pedagogy of folk artistic creativity”, “Theory and history of folk artistic culture”, “Sociocultural activity” should be studied. The continuation of the discipline can be “Traditional culture of the peoples of Russia”, “Mythology”, “Oral folk art”.

3. Students’ competencies formed as a result of mastering the discipline

    mastery of a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, set a goal and choose ways to achieve it (OK-1) readiness to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team (OK-3) the ability to use normative legal documents in one’s activities, strive for self-development, improvement their qualifications and skill (OK-6); awareness of the social significance of one’s future profession, having high motivation to perform professional activities (OK-8); use the basic principles and methods of social, humanities and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems (OK-9); readiness for a respectful and careful attitude towards historical heritage and cultural traditions, tolerantly perceive cultural differences (OK-10); possession of a systematic understanding of folk artistic culture, the specifics of Russian folk artistic culture, forms and methods of ethnocultural education (PK-2); the ability to create favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful personal and professional development of students (PC-3); be able to implement software and methodological support for the educational process (PC – 4); readiness to plan and organize the educational process based on a systematic approach (PC-5); be motivated to systematically improve the level of their professional qualifications (PC - 9); ability to perform the functions of artistic director of an ethnocultural center and other cultural institutions (PK-10); willingness to participate in organizational and methodological support, preparation and conduct of festivals, shows, competitions, master classes, etc. (PC-16) to be able to exercise strategic and tactical management of small teams, to find organizational and managerial solutions in non-standard situations, to bear responsibility for them responsibility (PC-18): to be able to cooperate with the media in their activities to promote spiritual and moral values ​​and ideals of traditional national culture, national and cultural traditions of the peoples of Russia, achievements in the field of amateur arts and crafts, cinema, photo and video creativity (PC -23).

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

    the subject and methods of folk art pedagogy and its place in the system of branches of pedagogical science; main sections of NHT pedagogy; features of the pedagogical process in the NHT team; possibilities of NCT in socialization, social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical correction of personality; requirements for the professional and personal qualities of a modern leader of an amateur art group.
    be able to:
    connect pedagogical knowledge with professional practice; use NHT tools in the educational process; organize the work process in the NHT team; classify folk art groups.
    pedagogical methods of instilling a value-based attitude towards NHT; methods of scientific and methodological support for folk art groups; skills of working with primary sources on the problems of folk artistic culture, folk art and decorative arts; methods of analysis and annotation of primary sources.

4. Structure and content of the discipline

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 6 credit units, or 216 academic hours.

Discipline structure

Table 1

table 2

(didactic units)

Subject and objectives of the course. Pedagogy of NHT as one of the areas of modern pedagogical science. Interdisciplinary nature of NHT pedagogy

Pedagogical potential of NHT

Fostering a value attitude towards the heritage of folk culture; Pedagogical methods of instilling a value-based attitude towards NHT; Patriotic education within the framework of folk pedagogy and NHT; Pedagogical aspects of ethnic identity; Possibilities of NCT in socialization, social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical personality correction

Amateur artistic creativity in Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries, forms of its management; The development of folk art groups in the Russian Federation from the 90s to the present. Modern types of club formations

The concept of “pedagogical process”. Types of artistic creative activity. Purpose and objectives of training. Forms of the artistic and creative process. Specifics of pedagogical management of group forms of artistic and creative activity of the team.

The concept of “NHT collective”, classification of folk art groups, functions of the head of the NHT collective (educational, educational, artistic and creative, socio-psychological, organizational).

The importance of the activities of the leader of a folk art group. Team leadership styles. Requirements for the professional and personal qualities of a modern leader of an amateur art group. Psychological and pedagogical features of team management.

Formation and development of the system of methodological guidance of folk art in Russia. Methodological foundations of team management. Main types of methodological activities. Regulatory documentation and didactic tools of NHT collectives. Model standard for the activities of a municipal club-type cultural institution in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The concept of "children's team". Psychophysical characteristics of childhood. Organization of the learning process in a children's team. The formation and development of the spiritual and moral culture of students as the most important part of the pedagogical process.

Forms of managerial relations in a team.

Key concepts and definitions. Position, role, team, group. Mechanistic and innovative management: differences and essential characteristics. Basic types of managerial relationships. Hierarchy of governing bodies in the sociocultural sphere. Professional management culture.

4th semester

Section name

Classroom work

Self-sufficient. Job

Theoretical foundations of NHT pedagogy

Pedagogical potential of NHT

Historical foundations of NHT pedagogy

Features of the pedagogical process in a folk art group

Classification of artistic folk art groups

Reporting: test

5th semester

5. Educational technologies.

In the process of mastering the subject, they use

Traditional educational technologies: informational lectures;

Interactive educational technologies: lecture-conversation, practical development of NHT pedagogy tools (games to relieve tension, establish trusting relationships, games with elements of youth evening culture, etc.).

Information and communication educational technologies: lecture-visualization.

6. Independent work

Table 3

Name of the discipline section

Type of independent work

Labor intensity

(in academic hours)

Theoretical foundations of NHT pedagogy

Study and analysis of theoretical material

Pedagogical potential of NHT

Historical foundations of NHT pedagogy

Studying theoretical material

Features of the pedagogical process in a folk art group

Studying theoretical material

Classification of artistic folk art groups

Studying theoretical material

Getting to know the work of teams and correlating them with the classification

The role and importance of the leader of a folk art group

Studying theoretical material

Writing a report

Scientific and methodological support for folk art groups

Studying theoretical material

Introduction to the types of teaching materials developed by practicing specialists

Abstracting of primary sources

Writing a report

Features of leading a children's art group

Studying theoretical material

Introduction to the practice of children's art group work

Introduction to the types of teaching materials used in practice

Abstracting of primary sources

Writing a report

Personnel management technologies in socio-cultural institutions

Studying theoretical material

Abstracting of primary sources

Writing a report/abstract

7. Competency-based assessment tools

Table 4

Name of the discipline section

Monitoring tools

Theoretical foundations of NHT pedagogy


Pedagogical potential of NHT


Historical foundations of NHT pedagogy


Features of the pedagogical process in a folk art group


Classification of artistic folk art groups


The role and importance of the leader of a folk art group

Preparation of a report/abstract

Scientific and methodological support for folk art groups

Preparation of a report/abstract

Features of leading a children's art group

Preparation of a report/abstract

Compiling reviews of primary sources

Personnel management technologies with sociocultural institutions

Preparation of a report/abstract

Compiling reviews of primary sources

List of questions for self-checking the quality of mastering the discipline

Elements of artistic creativity in primitive society.

Amateur performing arts. Reforms of Peter I. The emergence of leaders of artistic groups.

Introduction to classical art and secular forms of artistic creativity in educational institutions. The emergence of amateur orchestras, academic choirs, theater groups and other forms of amateur artistic creativity.

The revolutionary ideological and educational orientation of amateur art in the 1917–1930s.

Features of amateur performances during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic orientation of the repertoire.

Amateur artistic activity in the first post-war years: themes of the struggle for peace and friendship of peoples. Amateur artistic performance in the USSR in the 60–80s, its functions in the ideological, political, patriotic, moral, aesthetic education of the broad masses.

Formation of the art education system.

The concept of "team". Classification of groups by type of organization, by type of art, genre, by form of activity, by age characteristics of participants, by time of existence.

Pedagogy of folk art as one of the areas of modern pedagogical science. Ethnocultural and sociocultural definitions of folk art pedagogy. Subject and tasks of NHT pedagogy.

The formation and development of the spiritual and moral culture of participants as the most important goal of the pedagogical process.

The concept of “pedagogical process”. Purpose and objectives of training. Specificity of pedagogical principles, methods of teaching and education in a folk art group. Forms of pedagogical control.

Specifics of pedagogical management of group forms of artistic and creative activity of the team.

The concept of "team". Preparatory stage. Stage of pedagogical design. The stage of developing a model of the activities of the future team. Project implementation stage. Taking into account in the process of organizing a team the national-cultural and cultural-historical traditions of the region, real artistic interests and needs.

Definition of “motive of activity”. Motivation for joining, participating in activities and leaving the team of representatives of various age and socio-demographic groups of the population.

Characteristics of creative abilities. Criteria for giftedness of team members. Purpose of diagnosis.

Team leadership styles. Requirements for the professional and personal qualities of a modern leader of an amateur art group.

Repertoire as the most important factor in the creative growth of a team. Basic pedagogical principles for selecting repertoire.

Taking into account individual and age characteristics, as well as personal problems of participants when selecting the repertoire. The positive influence of the repertoire on the formation and development of the creative potential of the individual, his spiritual abilities.

Main types of methodological activities, methodological and scientific-methodological publications for creative teams.

Regulatory documentation and didactic tools of NHT collectives.

The concept of "children's team". Psychophysiological characteristics of childhood. Organization of the learning process in a children's team. The formation and development of the spiritual and moral culture of participants as the most important goal of the pedagogical process. Setting educational, educational and developmental goals for the team’s activities.

The final form of control is an exam

The assessment of the completed task is carried out according to the following criteria:

    “Excellent” rating is given when:

demonstration of a sufficient amount of knowledge, including additional literature;

timely and complete completion of each task;

complete and accurate solution of assigned tasks.

    “Good” rating is given when:

demonstrating sufficient knowledge;

presentation of the full scope of work;

timely completion of each task;

    “Satisfactory” rating is given when:

demonstrating a sufficient amount of knowledge, but without additional information;

untimely completion of tasks;

incomplete or inaccurate solution of assigned tasks.

    “Unsatisfactory” grade is given when:


presentation of an incomplete scope of work;

incomplete or inaccurate solution of assigned tasks.

Questions for the exam

List of questions for the exam

Pedagogy of folk art as a science. The structure of folk art pedagogy. The main components of folk art. The formation and development of the spiritual and moral culture of the individual as the most important goal of the pedagogical process. The concept of “value” and “value attitude”. Pedagogical methods of instilling a value-based attitude towards folk art. Possibilities of folk artistic creativity in the patriotic education of the individual. Possibilities of folk art in socialization, social adaptation and psychological and pedagogical correction of personality. Amateur artistic creativity in Russia in the 19th – early 20th centuries, forms of their management. Development of folk art groups in the USSR (until the beginning of the 90s). Features of amateur performances in the USSR in the 1917-1930s. Features of amateur performances in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The development of folk art groups in the Russian Federation from the 90s to the present. Changes in the spiritual needs and leisure structure of the Russian population. The concept of “pedagogical process”. The structure of the pedagogical process. Artistic creative activity as the basis of the pedagogical process, its main types. Specificity of pedagogical principles and techniques, methods of teaching and education in a folk art group. Forms of the artistic and creative process. Specifics of pedagogical management of group forms of artistic and creative activity of the team. The importance of the activities of a team leader. Functions of the leader of a folk art group. The concept of "team". Classification of folk art groups. Requirements for the professional and personal qualities of a modern leader of an amateur art group. Main types of methodological activities, methodological and scientific-methodological publications for creative teams. Regulatory documentation and didactic means of folk art groups. Drawing up a plan and program for the team’s work. The concept of "Children's team". Psychophysical characteristics of childhood. Organization of the learning process in a children's team. The formation and development of the spiritual and moral culture of students as the most important part of the pedagogical process. Technologies of personnel management in a sociocultural institution.

8. Educational, methodological and information support of the discipline


Kukushin in pedagogical activity: textbook. manual / .- 3rd ed., rev. and additional - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2010. – 256 p. The world of art and the world of childhood: integration in modern art education for children / etc.; edited by .- M.: Russian Word, 2010. – 175 p. Pedagogy: textbook for universities: third generation standard / ed. .- St. Petersburg: Peter, 2014. – 304 p. Folk artistic culture. M., 1997. Photocopy. Nemensky, art: Seeing, knowing and creating: book. for teaching general education institutions/ .- M.: Education, 2012. – 240 p. Panfilova, A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning: textbook. manual for universities/. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2013. – 192 p. Galyamov, teaching technology: a textbook for universities/, .- M.: Academy, 2014. – 176 p., 8 p. color ill.: ill.-(Bachelor's degree) Kashlev, teaching methods: educational method. manual/ .- Minsk: TetraSystems, 2013. – 224 p.


    , Shpikalov, development of ethnocultural education in the Russian Federation // Bulletin of MGUKI. M., 2005. Spirina, artistic culture: theory and practice in modern society. URL: severberesta. ru›articles/332-2010-08-17-20-40…

Internet sources on the legal framework of multicultural education

Education: national project. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. growth. ru/projects/education/education_main. shtml

Russian educational forum. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. schoolexpo. ru/

State educational institution Center for the development of the system of additional education for children of the Russian Federation. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. dod. miem. edu. ru

Portal “Additional education for children”. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://vidod. edu. ru/

Center "Pedagogical Search". [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. ppoisk. ru

Periodicals websites

Official documents in education. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. bulletin. boom. ru

Bulletin of Education. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. vestnik. edu. ru

Pedagogical diagnostics. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http:///ur_rus/index. htm

Scientific publishing house "Industry of INTELLIGENCE". [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. atlas-center. org

Social Information Agency. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. asi. org. ru

Out-of-school student -Ya. [Electronic resource].- URL: *****@***edu. yar. ru

Materials for counselors. [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www. vozhatyi. ru/

9. Material and technical support of discipline

Audience for course classes

Computer and multimedia equipment (computer with video projector and speakers for playing audio applications

Free space to complete practical tasks