Guide to Russia. Vyshny Volochek

) to the river Tsne, a lot again loaded onto the ships and went to Novgorod by water. The village of V. Volochek lay on the bank of the river. Prices; the time of its foundation is unknown; in the city there were “73 tax yards, 13 church yards and 9 empty ones.” The city of V. Volochek is named in the city of V. V. was built on the site of a former swamp, from which pp. once originated. Tvertsa and Msta. The surrounding area of ​​V. Volochok is also swampy. The climate is damp and extremely unhealthy. Cholera, having visited the Tver province several times this century, has never passed Vyshny Volochok. The city's mortality rate exceeds its birth rate. In the period from to year, the natural income of the population was only for 12 years, while the remaining 29 years showed a decline; for all 41 years, the natural population decline is 3204 people. Despite this, the population of the city is actually growing: there were 3909 inhabitants in the city, 7247 in the city, and 15881 in the city (7931 m and 7950 women); The population especially grew rapidly during the prosperity of the V.-Volotsk water system. Currently, V. Volochek is one of the most populous and comfortable cities in Tver lips. Its canals and sluices, surrounded by gardens and boulevards regularly maintained by the Department of Transport, are painted a lot. There are 2641 houses (326 stones, 2315 villages). Trade establishments 436, factories and factories 15 (production 1600 tr., workers 2189); Of these, the most significant are 2 paper spinning and weaving factories (production 1500 thousand rubles, workers about 2000). July 8th fair, trade of which is insignificant; the fair has significance only for the city and its environs. With the decline of traffic along the V.-Volotsk system and with the formation of new shopping centers at railway stations (Bologoe and Spirovo), the commercial importance of Vyshny Volochek greatly declined. In the city there is a department of the III district of railways, with a conductor school (81 students); Ermakov city public bank, almshouse br. Ermakovs (140 children), a zemstvo hospital with 40 beds, primary schools: 4 urban, zemstvo 1 (pupils 204 boys and 128 girls). City land 4345 des. (convenient 2881 dess.); The land is partly leased, partly for urban pasture and forest. City budget (): income 41,743 rubles. (RUB 20,422 from real estate); expenses are 41,466 rubles, including for city government - 8,967 rubles, for the educational part - 3,957 rubles, for the medical part - 635 rubles.

Vyshnevolotsk district

V.-Volotsk district belongs to the northern districts of Tver lips. During the prosperity of Novgorod the Great, most of the district belonged to the latter; Here also lay the border of the Novgorod possessions from the lands that first belonged to the Tver principality, and later to Moscow. The remains of this border (earthen fortresses and guard mounds) are still found along the banks of the river. Msta. There are many mounds in the district; During the excavation of some of them (along the Volchina River and on the shore of Lake Ilovets), human bones, jewelry, tools, dishes and coins of prehistoric times were found. Among the historical places, it should be noted the village. Mlevo (see this next). According to zemstvo research () in V.-Volotsky district. 8148.9 sq. versts (843,810 des.), which is a sixth of the entire Tver province; In terms of area, V.-Volotsky district ranks first among the districts of the province. The surface is hilly; the spurs of the Valdai Mountains cut the district along its entire length and serve as a watershed for the Volga and Baltic basins; the highest point of these spurs in the county reaches 240 m (800"; the village of Fomin, Yasenovskaya volost). There are up to 23 thousand dessiatines of swamps in the county; the most extensive of them are located along the line of the Nikolaevskaya railway (between the stations of Spirovo and Volochkoy) These swamps are peat. Peat is of high quality and is 1 fathom thick, but due to the cheapness of wood fuel, it has not yet been developed in the district of 202; the most important of them are: Kaftino (most of which is located). in Novgorod province), Mstino (850 des.), which is part of the V.-Volotsk water system, Pesvo and Udomlya (des.), Navolok (970 des.), The shores of most lakes are inhabited. Fishing is significant in Lake Navolok. and Mstina (Mstinsky smelts). There are many rivers in the district; they are of great economic importance as waterways and serve for rafting of timber; along the banks of many of them there are good floodplains. The most significant rivers of the Volga basin are: Tvertsa - originates in the city of V. Volochka, part of the V.-Volotsk system, navigable all summer; a tributary of the Tvertsa, Poveda (timber rafting and floodplain meadows); Mologa (see Tikhvin water system) with Volchina in the east of the county (timber rafting and the best floodplains in the county). Belonging to the Baltic basin: Msta with Tsnoya and Shlina are part of the V.-Volotsk system (the most significant timber rafting); Sezha, a tributary of the Uveri, which flows into Msta (in Novgorod province); Along Syezzha there are good floodplains, timber rafting and fishing.

- The soil The county is very diverse. The predominant soils are loamy and sandy loam, the latter being suitable for arable farming; in the eastern part of the county there is marl, characterized by grain production; in the western and northern parts of the county there is a lot of podzolic low-fertility soil. Up to 15% of the entire surface of the county is covered with stone (boulders). According to zemstvo studies, half of the district in terms of soil is in conditions that are not favorable for agriculture, 1/7 are in bearable conditions and more than 1/3 are in good conditions. In addition to peat, the district has a lot of limestone, white sand (sold to glass factories), pottery clay (the best in the 12th century in the south of the city of V. Volochka, near the village of Fedova), and hard coal was also discovered in the city ( 18 ver. south from the city of V. Volochka). According to research carried out in the city, coal seams, from 2 f. up to 5 in. thick, lie at a depth of 1 - 5 fathoms. in the form of soot and dense pieces. According to the researcher’s calculations, in the surveyed area there should be up to 37 1/2 million poods of coal, but its development is not yet profitable (“Materials for the Geology of Russia”, vol. III, ed. mineral society, St. Petersburg,). V.-Volotsk district is wooded; predominant species: pine, spruce, birch; There are especially many forests in the west. and north-eastern parts of the county. There are many wild animals: bears, moose, wild goats and lynxes (in the western part); Deer also run in (in the north-eastern part).

- Climate severe: winter here sets in a week earlier, and the snow also lasts 7 to 10 days longer than in the southern districts of the province.

- Settlements in the district there are 1574, including 1 city, 11 villages at the station. zhel. dor., 5 monasteries (2 men, 1 woman, with 2 women’s communities), 54 villages, 14 graveyards, villages and settlements and 436 others. settlements (estates, guardhouses, etc.). The largest villages (excluding the city of V. Volochek): st. Spirovo (residential) and the village of Kolomna (formerly Yam on St. Petersburg - Moscow highway), with residential.

- Residents in the district (excluding the city of V. Volochek) in the year there were 156,910 (75,465 men and 81,445 women). Velikorusov 124857, Korel 31660, other nationalities. 393, including 244 Estonians, who began to settle in the western part of the county in the city. 98.7% of the population are Orthodox. There are 151,852 peasants in the district, of which 45,870 were former state peasants, 88,787 former landowners, 17,195 former appanage peasants (mostly appanage peasants are Korels). The average annual population growth for 103 years (1783-1886) is 1.27%; out of 56 years (1830-85), mortality exceeded the birth rate in 1833, 66 and 68. (and 68 had a bad harvest, and 66 had cholera).

- Convenient land in the V. Volotsky district there are 794,609 des., including 177,551 des. (22.1%), under the fodder area is 290,375 des. (36.5%), under forest 326,683 des. (41.4%). The land belongs to: peasants in allotment 283 thousand dessiatinas, peasants in personal ownership 148 thousand, hereditary nobles - 109 thousand, merchant class - 107 thousand, treasury - 59 thousand, appanage - 43 thousand dessiatinas, the rest - to individuals other classes and various institutions. Peasant personal land ownership is growing rapidly (by 91% over 10 years), while noble ownership is decreasing (by 41% over 10 years). Of the peasants, the former state-owned peasants are most well off with allotment land, 18.3 dessiatines, while the former appanages own 13.1 dessiatines, and the former landowners own 11.8 dessiatines. to the yard. Allotment land is owned by community law, but land is purchased as personal property. Most of all, peasants buy land from the most fertile and agricultural areas (Udomelsko-Ryadskaya and Luginenskaya volosts, in the eastern part of the county), where the number of peasant owners reaches 94%, while in general in the county a third of all peasant farms in the county own purchased land. The average selling price of land has doubled over the last 20 years: over 5 years (1881-86) it is equal to 21 rubles. 13 kopecks per tenth Average rent 1 rub. 78 k. per dec.; the tenants are exclusively local peasants, renting mainly mowing and pastures. The privately owned economy is in decline: in the city there were 24 thousand dessiatines of economic (economic) plowing, in the city - only 7684 dessiatines. There are few properly organized farms. The predominant cropping system is three-field. Income from a privately owned farm can be considered income from cattle breeding, received by selling butter (mainly high grades, to St. Petersburg and Moscow); There is only one cheese factory in the county, a small one. Proper forestry is only in state-owned dachas. Due to the convenience of rafting and selling timber on railways, before the forest conservation law was issued, the forest was heavily destroyed. Peasant agriculture does not provide food for the population everywhere; per year, the average rye harvest is not enough for up to 55 thousand quarters (26% of the total required amount). The predominant crops are rye and oats; The last one comes true for the railway for St. Petersburg. Average yield (excluding seeds) per 1 dessiatine on lands: privately owned, for 5 years (1881-85) rye 37 measures, oats 47 measures; peasants for 8 years (1879-86) rye 27 measures, oats 33 measures. In the wooded areas of the county, there is also a slash-and-burn farm. Gardening for industrial purposes exists in the villages of Zaborovskaya volost (600 orchards, 1000 apple trees, 5000 cherry trees), Cattle in the county of heads:

from private
among the peasants: Total:
horses 1593 31925 33518
foals 277 3785 4062
cows and bulls 4917 44212 47129
heifers and bulls 1034 11294 12327
etc. small 2744 67896 70640

Trade in the county is concentrated at railway stations. dor. Spirovskaya and Troitskaya and in the village. Spas-Yasenovichakh. Fairs 53; the most significant are at Nikola-Tereben, in cc. Spas-Yasenovichi and Kotlovan. Goods brought to fairs are used exclusively for the needs of local residents. In the city of V.-Volotsk district there were 480 industrial and 388 commercial establishments; of which 1 is a paper fabric factory (working hours, thousand rubles of production), 13 factories (chemical, glass, sawmills), 17 warehouses for various goods, 5 wholesale wineries, the rest are small shops and establishments. The following types of leave of absence were issued in the city: 15,926 passports, 7,704 for a 30-verst distance. Passports used to go mainly to St. Petersburg and Kronstadt: cab drivers, shipbuilders, bridge builders, carpenters, glaziers, janitors and laborers; in the provinces of St. Petersburg, Novgorod and Pskov - tailors and women for garden work. According to plans for a 30-verst absence, they go exclusively to the railways, factories and factories of the district and the city of Vyshny Volochok. Local trades: sawing and hauling timber to the railway and rafting sites, fishing, hunting; handicraft: cooperage (Yasenovskaya volost, 727 families, for 60 thousand rubles), pottery (Fedovsky parish, 200 families, for 15 thousand rubles), tar (in the north-eastern part of the county, up to 150 people for 37 thousand roubles.). In addition to waterways, the district is crossed by the Nikolaevskaya and Rybinsko-Bologovskaya railways, the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway and the postal route in the city of Ostashkov. Literacy in the county varies greatly (in individual volosts it varies between 56 and 11 per 100 residents over 8 years of age), in general 27% of the population is literate. Schools in 1888-89: 1 two-grade school. ministries of the people. education, 39 zemstvo, 14 parish, 136 literacy schools; students: 3901 boys. and 628 girls, which is 39% for boys. and 6% for girls. school age (8 - 14 years). There are 14 teachers and 85 female teachers teaching in zemstvo schools. There is only one hospital, with 20 beds, 3 hospitals and 8 paramedic stations are maintained by the zemstvo. On the shore of the lake Mstino - Vladimir-Mariinsky shelter Imp. the Academy of Arts, which serves as a summer residence for insufficient academic students; arranged at the expense of V. A. Kokorev. Two rural banks; their turnover is negligible. Zemstvo budget for the city: income - 105,210 rubles. 66 kopecks, including 77,655 rubles from land. 65 k.; expense - 105,214 rubles 85 kopecks, including management 9,556 rubles. 05 kopecks, for public education - 12625, for the medical unit - 26150 rubles, on the road - 4050 rubles. (“Collection of statistics. information about the Tver province.", vol. III, "V.-Volotsky district", publication of the Tver provincial zemstvo, Tver (see), built on the route where ships traveling from Novgorod the Great to the upper Volga were transported.

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Verkhny Volochek gained city status in 1770. Now it is part of the Tver region. Population - 48.177 thousand people. as of 2016. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the city further from the article.

How to get there?

Every guest or resident of the capital will benefit from visiting Verkhniy Volochek. How to get there from Moscow? Trains, buses and electric trains operate. The journey along the shortest route by public transport will take about 3-4 hours, depending on the departure time. Departures on the route Moscow - Verkhniy Volochek are carried out from Leningradsky Station every 20-25 minutes.

The settlement was founded in 1471, but it acquired its current status several centuries later. It is worth saying a few words about the monument depicting the founder of the city. Verkhny Volochek was decorated with a bronze monument to Catherine II in September 2007. It was installed near the Vanchakova line. Opposite is the drama theater. The height of the monument is 2.8 m. Weight is 1.7 tons. Under the statue there is a granite pedestal. The author of the project is Y. Zlodi. In the right hand of the empress there is a scepter, and in the left there is a wreath. Verkhny Volochek owes its foundation and acquisition of city status to her.

Magistrate's Building

The city has a large number of interesting sights and skillful architectural ensembles. One of them is the Magistrate's building. To see it, people go down to Fire Embankment. The construction dates back to the period from 1777 to 1780. Architect - P. R. Nikitin. The style of construction is 18th century classicism. At first the distance between the buildings was equal. In the 19th century, a brick house was built between the two buildings. There is a fire tower of great height. The decor follows the style characteristic of other elements of the composition. A reconstruction was carried out, as a result of which the tower became the center of the architectural ensemble. The original layout was kept unchanged. Only the introduction of partitions somewhat distorted the historical truth.

Kazansky prospect

Verkhniy Volok (Vyshny Volochek) can delight visitors with many interesting points. It is recommended to take a walk along Kazansky Prospekt. It is the main street in the city.

It originates near the train station and intersects with a large number of streets. The end is on Tverskaya Embankment. The name is derived from the cathedral of the same name. During the USSR era, the place was called st. Lenin.

In the central part, near this street, Verkhny Volochek concentrated the main educational and cultural institutions of the city - a college, a medical school, a drama theater, a local history museum complex, a large number of memorial monuments, entertainment establishments and shops.

Trade buildings

It would be a good idea to visit the shopping center on the street. Moscow. To do this, you should go to the territory located between Kazansky Prospekt and the Tsna River. The first of the two buildings of the center was built in 1937. The second building appeared in 1854. It consisted of 116 counters. Architect - F. Lvov.

Three large-scale fairs were held annually. In the summer, many goods were brought on sea ships. They were successfully sold here. They bought cloth, high-quality linens and tobacco, salted fish of various types, honey, and hemp. People acquired furs, wax, glassware and clay, and other household items. Now there is only one building left, which is used for its intended purpose. It was restored and retail outlets were installed here. The second building is dilapidated and is not currently in use.


Water resources harmoniously decorate Upper Volochek. Photos of natural landscapes and bodies of water are clear proof of this. One of the oldest systems in the country was created artificially. It is connected by the Tvertsa River and the Baltic Sea.

Parts of the watershed section are the Siversov and Vishersky canals and storage facilities, the river. Msta. In the 19th century, transit ships sailed here towards St. Petersburg, which stopped in the 1890s. During the Soviet era, transport also rarely passed here. The locks were rebuilt. Because of this, transit became impossible.

In modern realities there is no shipping here on a regular basis. Inland waterways include 2 sections: a reservoir in the village of Zdesheva-Pererva and a dam on the Msta River. the city is divided into two sections. The river originates on the Tsninskaya hill. The end of the reservoir is the lake. Mstino.

Its banks are picturesque. Between the channels there are a large number of small islands. People cross bridges to cross them. At the Tveretskoy Canal, the river goes around a loop that forms the Tsninsky Canal, characterized by narrowness, tortuosity and beauty. Passes parks and ancient buildings.

It will be very interesting to visit

A beautiful place is Venetsianovsky Square, located in the city center. It is interesting to look at ancient buildings. First of all, this concerns the Drama Theater. It is the oldest in the entire territory of the former Tver province. It was founded in 1896.

In the center of the square there is a monument to the Russian artist who founded everyday painting, A. G. Venetsianov. It was opened in the 1980s in honor of the 200th anniversary of the master. There is also a stage for organizing concerts and performances on holidays.

One of the unique places is considered to be a museum dedicated to glass called “Red May”. It was founded in 1968. It is the largest in all of Russia at the moment. There are products created in different periods, starting from the end of the 19th century. Located in the building of the plant of the same name. Production has now been suspended. The exhibitions are full of interesting technical and artistic products. In total, more than 4 thousand exhibits are collected here.

It’s interesting to see the creative works firsthand. The materials used are often rare and unusual. For example, it served as raw material for the manufacture of Kremlin stars. The museum complex welcomes visitors on weekdays from 9:00 to 14:00. Ticket price at the entrance is 30 rubles.

Where to stay?

The local nature deserves attention. There is a tourist base near the reservoir. Many city dwellers who dream of outdoor recreation go to Verkhniy Volochek. A savage holiday, as life in a cottage or right in the open air, in a tent, is called, is good because it allows a person to come into contact with nature.

The local tourist base “Zdeshevo” has a sauna and parking for visitors. The rooms have sofas, microwave ovens, kettles, plasma TVs. Such a vacation can be called not so wild. It is characterized by both a high level of comfort and interaction with an environmentally friendly environment. Clients of the institution refresh their strength in a cozy bar or restaurant. BBQ is available upon request.

Entertainment options include windsurfing, kiting, wakeboarding, cycling, and fishing. You definitely won't be bored here. Visit here and see for yourself.

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Vyshny Volochyok belong to?

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is part of the federal district: Central.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Vyshny Volochyok located?

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is part of the Tver region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region.

The Tver region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city of Vyshny Volochyok.

The population of the city of Vyshny Volochyok is 47,732 people.

Year of foundation of Vyshny Volochyok.

Year of foundation of the city of Vyshny Volochyok: 1471.

What time zone is the city of Vyshny Volochyok located in?

The city of Vyshny Volochyok is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+4. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Vyshny Volochyok, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Vyshny Volochyok

The telephone code of the city of Vyshny Volochyok is: +7 48233. In order to call the city of Vyshny Volochyok from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 48233 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Vyshny Volochyok.

Website of the city of Vyshny Volochek, official website of the city of Vyshny Volochek, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Vyshny Volochek”:

Since the mid-fifteenth century, Vyshny Volochek has been famous as a connecting point between Moscow and Novgorod on the great Volga route. At this point, merchant and cargo ships had to be pulled out of Tvertsa and dragged ten miles overland to Tsna. This is where the city got its name.

After the construction of the canals, ships were no longer dragged, but the name remained, just as the ancient buildings and monuments of the city remained in their original form.

It’s not for nothing that the city is called Tver (or Northern) Venice. There are many bridges and man-made canals connecting natural reservoirs. It is convenient to combine a trip here with a visit to nearby and.

The first shipping canal in Vyshny Volochyok was built by the Dutch, invited by Peter the Great. It connected the Tvertsa and Tsna rivers. Due to the lack of water in the canal and Tvertsa, ships often ran aground.
Merchant Mikhail Serdyukov presented an original watering project, which included raising the water level through the construction of a dam and reservoir. Peter the Great accepted the proposed option and entrusted the self-taught engineer with supervising the work. The first hydraulic system with dams and locks appeared in Russia. For his efforts, the Tsar granted Mikhail two gold rings. Some of the structures of the talented hydraulic engineer have survived to this day.


Attractions marked on the city map:

Address: The dam is located in a picturesque location near Turgenevsky Lane. You can also approach it from Razin Street along Komsomolsky Lane.

This two-span passable dam was built in 1720 to maintain the required water level for ships to pass along the Tsna. The beishlot was reconstructed many times, but its appearance remained almost unchanged. The water discharge system is still in use.


- TO Tveretsky Canal exit from Kazansky Prospekt through a construction site and an abandoned bathhouse.
- Tsninsky kana l is easy to find if you go down from the Petersburg Bridge or walk from the city center from Karl Marx, Uritsky streets to the Vanchakov line.

The water network includes two canals: Tveretsky and Tsninsky. Both of them are in disrepair. An embankment that has not been restored for a long time runs along the Tsninsky Canal, which causes a depressing impression. The only thing pleasing to the eye is the canal bed, lined with granite slabs.

Old center

The highway from the capital to St. Petersburg passes through the center of Vyshny Volochyok. Drivers and passengers of the car have a view of the buildings of the historical center, parks, and monuments. Many buildings in the architectural ensemble have been preserved, but have fallen into disrepair.

Address: Ostashkovskaya street, 3/7

The architectural complex of three two-story stone buildings on the embankment of the Tsninsky Canal was built in 1783. The travel palace was intended for stopping and resting for members of the imperial family on the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back. In 1785, Catherine the Second lived here for several days. She came to Vyshny Volochyok to inspect the water system. On this occasion, a magnificent celebration was held in the city.

In subsequent years, the building was repurposed several times. For a long time there was a conductor's school here, then a railway construction school, a teachers' institute, and a boarding school.

Today, only one of the three buildings remains. It houses the 6th comprehensive school. In the interior of the building, little remains of the original version, but the facade has not lost the architect’s intentions.

The oldest Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord at the Pyatnitskoye cemetery of Vyshny Volochok was built in honor of St. George the Victorious and the Great Martyr Barbara. Until 1947, services were still held there. Then the church was closed.

Today the building is dilapidated and looted by vandals. Dozens of canonized saints are buried near the walls of the temple; some highly artistic monuments, forged fences, and crosses have been preserved.

Address: st. Moskovskaya, between Kazansky Prospekt and Tsninskaya embankment

Built in the mid-19th century to host annual fairs. Consisted of two buildings. The busiest trade took place in both buildings after the arrival of the summer caravan of ships.

Currently, only one building is used for its intended purpose; retail outlets have been created in it. The second building is dilapidated and requires restoration.

Address: st. Ostashkovskaya, 2.
Free admission

The main operating temple of Vyshny Volochok was built in 1866 in the very center of the city on an island between Tsna and the Obvodny Canal. The cathedral is made of brick, plastered, painted white. In the early 30s of the 20th century it was closed and used as a warehouse. Re-opened in 1945.

Currently, services are held here every day. The temple is open from early morning until late evening.

Address: Red town, Siversova street.

The monastery appeared in 1872. The ascetic care of St. John of Kronstadt was great in the creation of the monastery. The central part of the architectural composition is the Kazan Cathedral. The monastery complex also includes the Andronikov Church, the house church of Sirin and Neonila, the chapel of Faith, Hope, Love, outbuildings, a refectory, and cells.


OKATO code: 28414
Based: 1471
City from: 1770 City of regional subordination
Center: Vyshnevolotsky district Deviation from Moscow time, hours: 0
Geographic latitude: 57°35"
Geographical longitude: 34°34"
Height above sea level, meters: 160
Sunrise and sunset times in Vyshny Volochyok


Vyshny Volochyok: photo from space (Google Maps)
Vyshny Volochyok: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)
Vyshny Volochyok. Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction.
By hyperlink in the column distance you can get the route (information kindly provided by the AutoTransInfo website)
1 Krasnomaysky9 () NW
2 Spirovo31 (48) SE
3 42 (51) NE
4 45 (54) NW
5 Firovo52 () Z
6 Ozerny60 () NW
7 65 (124) YU
8 65 (74) YU
9 74 (109) SE
10 Maksatikha81 (92) IN
11 88 (90) NW
12 Frames92 (152) IN
13 Lesnoye96 (172) NE
14 98 (139) NW
15 100 (200) SW
16 Moshenskoye (Novgorod region)102 (192) WITH
17 Selizharovo105 (247) SW
18 113 (132) SE
19 115 (176) NW
20 120 (136) YU

a brief description of

Located on the northeastern edge of the Valdai Upland, on the river. Tsna, 119 km northwest of Tver.

Pier on the Vyshnevolotsk reservoir. Railway station.

Territory (sq. km): 54

Information about the city of Vyshny Volochyok on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

It arose as a settlement on the trade route from Novgorod to Moscow - a portage between the rivers Msta (the basin of Lake Ilmen) and Tvertsa (the left tributary of the Volga), known since 1471. Portage (diminished volochok) - a land section of the waterway on which ships using simple devices (skating rinks, gates) or simply by muscular force were transported across the watershed from one river to another. The definition “vyshny” (i.e. “upper”) contrasted it with the Lower Volochok, located downstream of the river. Msta (they walked along the Msta rapids).

Goods lifted on small ships to the Nikolo-Stolbenskaya pier were unloaded and transported by tug to the river. Tsna, where Vyshny Volochyok was located.

In the 16th century a large craft village was called Nikolsky Pogost or Pogost on Vyshny Volochok.

In 1703-1722. By order of Peter I, under the leadership of Dutch craftsmen, a canal was built near Vyshny Volochok - the first artificial waterway connecting the river basin. Volga with St. Petersburg. The route through Msta and Tvertsa to the Volga was one of the important routes of communication between Western countries and the countries of Southeast Asia.

From the 18th century sawmills, mills, and forges began to appear in Vyshny Volochyok and its environs, and shipbuilding developed. But the main occupation of the city’s population was servicing ships passing through the Vyshnevolotsk water system.

Since 1770, Vyshny Volochyok has been a city in the Novgorod province. Since 1775, the district city of the Tver governorship (since 1796 - Tver province).

In the second half of the 19th century. Vyshny Volochyok is a major center of the textile industry. It was one of the most comfortable cities in the Tver province. It was decorated with canals and locks, surrounded by gardens and boulevards.

With the reduction of traffic along the Vyshnevolotsk water system and the formation of new shopping centers near the railway (Bologoye, Spirovo), the economic importance of the city fell sharply.

In 1856, in the district town of Vyshny Volochyok, Tver province, there were 5 churches, 1671 houses, 226 shops.

Until 1917, Vyshny Volochyok was a place of political exile. Here she was served by V.G. Korolenko, V.P. Obnorsky.

Municipal indicators

Index 2001
Number of births, per 1000 population7.9
Number of deaths, per 1000 population25.2
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-17.3
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.2185
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.23
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.19
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people1.5
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.17
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people7.2
Number of doctors, people.276
Number of nursing staff, people.931
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.4
Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.9
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.6
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.0.8
Number of registered crimes, pcs.1950
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.1213
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.1166
Volume of work performed by type of activity "Construction" (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.77.3
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area3.1
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments26
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.9
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.21.3
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.7.1
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.900.9
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.10032
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.12.1
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.186.4
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.2076
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.18.3
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.204
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.74.5
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %7.3

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


Cotton and paper mill. Spinning, weaving, knitting factories. Experimental glass and woodworking factories.

Factory "Piano" (production of pianos, guitars), mirror-baguette, etc. Food industry enterprises.

In the Vyshnevolotsky district, in the village of Krasnoarmeysky, there is a glass factory; in the village of Zelenogorsk there is a plant for enzyme preparations.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Vyshnevolotsk Furniture DOK"
171110, Tver region, Vyshny Volochyok, st. Lesozavodskaya, 3
Offers: Chipboard, furniture, wood resin, texture paper


JSC "Glass factory "Red May""
171110, Tver region, Vyshny Volochyok, Krasny May village
Offers: building glass, glassware


JSC "Bolshevichka"
171110, Tver region, Vyshny Volochyok, yard of the Bread Factory
Offers: cotton fabrics, gray fabrics, gauze

Culture, science, education