Psychosomatics in children: finding the underlying causes of the disease. Psychological causes of cancer

A person wants to be healthy, live a bright and rich life. And, as the ancients prayed: a healthy mind in a healthy body. The converse is also true. Our illnesses directly depend on our psyche, on our personal characteristics. Psychosomatic problems have worried people for a long time. Psychosomatics of diseases - what does our body want to tell us?

So, psychosomatics: table of diseases: how to treat certain disorders, taking into account their psychosomatic nature? Many psychologists have asked themselves this question. And they presented stunning data. In turn, people say it more simply: all diseases are caused by nerves.

In a healthy body healthy mind!

So, psychosomatics of diseases. How to treat disorders, focusing on their psychosomatic nature. What is an allergy? Psychosomatics notes that a person prone to allergies is intolerant of his surroundings, perhaps of some person; he has difficulty adapting and accepting the world around him.

How to get rid of the disease? Try to recognize that those around you do not have to meet your requirements, take things more simply, love yourself and others, and be tolerant of their shortcomings. So, psychosomatics, table of diseases. Psychosomatics of diseases: how to treat psychosomatics of the back?

First, you should find out what problems with a particular part of the spine mean.
As a rule, psychosomatics of the neck can be characterized as follows: problems with the cervical spine are caused by the fact that a person experiences fear, anxiety, and is overcome by excessive responsibility for what is happening. Here well-known popular expressions will come to the rescue: he squeezed his head into his shoulders, the weight of responsibility fell on his shoulders. Stiff neck muscles, constant tension – this is also a lack of flexibility.

Yogis say that the neck symbolizes the feminine essence, and those who always suffer from the inability to turn their neck, turn around, have problems either in relationships with women or with their inner femininity. By the way, when it is difficult for you to turn around to such an extent that you have to turn your torso, most likely there is something in your past that you are afraid to look at. Thoracic osteochondrosis, problems with this department indicate that a person is dissatisfied with the cardiac sphere of his life, relationships with others and people close to him.

The person probably does not know how to express his emotions, he is tense, withdrawn, he is stifled by an emotion that cannot be expressed. It is also appropriate here to recall the so-called angina pectoris.

Problems with the lumbar region relate to uncertainty in the material sphere of your life. The sacrum symbolizes independence, the desire for freedom, and sexual energy. If there are problems in this area, the sacrum responds with pain.

What the body will tell you

Many psychologists have studied psychosomatics in adults: Sinelnikov, Louise Hay. As you know, problems can start in early childhood. But the older a person gets, the greater the burden of grievances and disappointments, sorrows and sorrows falls on his shoulders and is put aside. The body and muscles become rigid, as the person shrinks and twists. Blood circulation in this area of ​​the body deteriorates. Over time, twisting to one side, a person earns osteochondrosis. The teachings of psychosomatics confidently state that absolutely any illness can be caused by negative experiences, the inability to work with one’s feelings, and live in harmony with oneself and the world. For example, some believe that even difficult terminal cancer experiences are caused by mental problems. They can be caused by the accumulation of negative emotions that destroy the body over the years. Stomach problems are the inability to “digest” life’s difficulties, eye diseases are the unwillingness to see the problem. One of the books on psychosomatics describes a case when a mother-in-law said to her daughter-in-law for a long time in her hearts: “My eyes wouldn’t see you!” As a result, she could not understand why her vision had suddenly deteriorated. But nothing surprising. Her body heard Jenkins' peculiar command and responded accordingly.

Unfortunately, parents often push their children into psychosomatic problems. For example, if mom and dad constantly quarrel in front of the child, the baby may even develop otitis media - ear inflammation. The child seems to want to close himself off, not to hear the scolding of his family. It is known that cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension are characteristic of unrestrained, very excitable people. But asthenia, loss of strength, is a disease that occurs in a quiet, sometimes weak-willed person. A man's wrong attitude towards women can lead to impotence. Stress causes heart attacks in people. And such a terrible tragedy in a woman’s life as infertility is caused by a woman’s psychological state.

Do not cough!

The psychosomatics of cough is interesting. A cough that torments a person, which is not caused by bronchitis or other physical illnesses, means the patient’s subconscious need to attract attention.

Also, a cough may indicate that a person wants to express his disagreement with the words of his interlocutor, but does not dare to openly enter into conflict.

Such a person should treat his surroundings more simply and pacify his inner critic. Also remember the colds that a child developed when he did not want to attend school. An adult can also get sick at the very moment when he has to perform an unpleasant task.

Consciously, a person cannot afford to shirk his responsibilities, but the subconscious is a cunning ally that helps you avoid difficulties in case of illness in time.

The psychosomatics of teeth is also described in textbooks. Liz Burbo, in her famous book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!””, reports on the probable metaphysical causes of dental disease.

Teeth chew food and process it. Problems with them indicate that the person is not willing to fire and process the information. The teaching of psychosomatics Liz Burbo also lies in considering our teeth as a kind of protection, because with teeth you can bite and win in a fight. A person with numerous dental problems most likely feels very helpless.

There is also a well-known saying: to have a grudge against someone. How to overcome these problems, how to break the vicious circle of mental and physical ill health? When it comes to teeth, the body eloquently declares to its owner: it’s time to act!

Headache? Become sincere!

Sinelnikov: the psychosomatics of headaches, for example, lies in hypocrisy. He believes that those who forcefully smile and communicate nicely while harboring a grudge are forced to suffer from headaches. Those who experience migraines are often extremely self-critical and keep a tight rein on themselves. They, like no one else, need to relax in time!

The psychosomatics of the stomach, according to experts, is very interesting. When your stomach hurts, psychosomatics, the following folk sayings come to mind: “sucks in the pit of the stomach,” “stomach cramps.”

Some sensitive, stressed people experience vomiting, heartburn, and so on. This is how the body reacts to fear, anxiety, and nervous exhaustion.

Gastritis is a disease of people who are in a state of uncertainty; heartburn expresses hidden aggression.

A stomach ulcer, in turn, is fraught with the following causes:

  • inferiority complex;
  • conflict between the desire for freedom and the need for care;
  • tendency to envy people;
  • perfectionism;
  • excessive anxiety.

Psychosomatics of the abdomen says: learn to “digest” problems, correctly understand your motives and the jealousy of other people, do not be afraid to act, work through your emotions.

They say that if you have dental disease, it means that you are a person who is ossified in his views. Time to change!

So, where can you get information on psychosomatics: the books of Burbo, Hay and Sinelnikov will provide you with complete information. Child psychosomatics is notable for the fact that the baby cannot perceive the environment around him. Mom and dad, close relatives determine his fate. Therefore, parents need to be very delicate and sensitive when raising their child.

However, if you are no longer a little person, but a wise adult, stop blaming your parents for your troubles. The human psyche is plastic. And any trouble can be overcome. An adult is able to understand the reasons for his dressing and draw appropriate conclusions. For example, someone who has developed heart problems must realize what the role of the heart sphere is in his life, what his expectations are from a partner, relationships with loved ones, and so on.

By harmonizing family ties, a person can regain mental and physical health. In case of diseases of the spine, one should understand that our spine is the core, the basis of everything. A person who cannot stand firmly on his feet, seeks support not in himself, but in someone else, can already acquire a number of unpleasant diseases. Meditation techniques and prayers will help relieve physical and

For Nerone, tension, a correct, calm and wise look at the world will help you see the problem in a new way and solve it. As psychosomatics says, the treatment of any disease lies in understanding its causes.

Even cancer can be cured!

The psychosomatics of cancer is complex, and at the same time, the disease, oddly enough, can be corrected. Science knows cases of miraculous healing of cancer patients. Of course, medicine has moved forward. But a person does not need to give up his internal reserves. A tumor is like a clot of negative emotions, an intricacy of all grievances, hidden claims to the world. By unraveling the tangle, you can, as they say in the teachings of psychosomatics, reduce the physical component of the disease.

If we are talking about cystitis, psychosomatics are clearly expressed here. Even animals have a reflex: when they are afraid, they urinate. Many people are familiar with this desire to visit the toilet at a time of stress. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by frequent urination and pain in the perineal area.

Chronic cystitis often happens to those who harbor a grudge, hush up their sorrows and pout in the hope that the offender will see and come to his senses.

Also, cystitis will overtake those who shift responsibility for themselves to another person. There is only one way out - to take your life into your own hands.

Acute cystitis indicates that you are on the verge of great difficulties, experiencing an acute period of adversity. Fortunately, any trouble can be overcome. As you know, a personally mature person who is not afraid to take responsibility, who knows how to build relationships with people around him and live in harmony with the world is much less susceptible to psychosomatic illnesses.

The psychosomatics of the skin is manifested in the fact that a person who is afraid of others, for example, suffers from sociology, may become covered in rashes. His body seems to be signaling: don’t come near me! Such a man or woman should learn to build relationships and not be afraid of contacts with people.

Do you want to lose weight?

Psychologists describe the following psychosomatics of weight: bulimia, anorexia, excessive and unworthy weight is always accompanied by corresponding psychological difficulties! A person can eat up stress, become bigger, more impressive, as if wanting to isolate himself from others. And a technical person may feel helpless, fragile, as if embarrassed to take up a lot of space. Such a man or woman could have been oppressed as children; they grew up without feeling the right to life, pleasure, or happiness.

According to psychosomatics, inflammation of an organ indicates that a person is hiding feelings (negative), but they are breaking out. What's the way out? Do not get irritated, do not get overly angry, having correctly analyzed the situation. And then look for a solution to the problem thoughtfully and wisely, without making unnecessary claims to the world and others and relying on yourself.

When you have a runny nose, psychosomatics will also suggest a solution: cry your tears. After all, a runny nose is our desire to cry for life, which lies hidden under the weight of problems.

Keep it simple and hypertension will go away

Psychosomatics explains high blood pressure by excessive demands on life and health, increased irritability, and anger. And low blood pressure accompanies apathy, unwillingness to live, work and fight.

Psychosomatics of joints according to Torsunov lies in the following:

  1. Hope helps joints function well
  2. Despair contributes to severe tenderness and pain in the joints
  3. Frustration Causes Degenerative Changes
  4. Touchiness affects the occurrence of inflammation

The psychosomatics of the intestine is as follows:

  1. A person clings to old ideas, is not open to new things, and does not know how to think globally.
  2. When a woman has a cyst, psychosomatics explains it this way: the woman strives to combine motherhood and career, the desire for gender equality. The conflict between these two spheres is reflected in the body.
  3. Psychosomatics of the ears is manifested by inflammation and otitis. It is solved by accepting the situation, willingness to hear and listen. Psychosomatics of headaches: unpleasant sensations are eliminated by refusing to depict emotions that you do not experience, by restraining yourself. Psychosomatics of the spine: you need to live with self-reliance, grow your inner core and the ability to interact with others.

So, the psychosomatics of diseases according to Louise Hay says: depression speaks of pent-up anger. A sick heart reveals hidden emotional problems. Varicose veins indicate an overload of the body. Psychosomatics: Louise Hay's table of diseases reveals to us many causes of diseases, which means we can eliminate them and gain health!

The main question that concerns every parent: why do children get sick? Psychosomatics is called upon to give an answer: because upbringing shapes the child’s personality, and if parents cope with the task to the end, the child may experience psychological difficulties. And they, in turn, lead to physical illnesses. The psychosomatics of Louise Hay, as well as Liz Burbo, Sinelnikov and many others, says: you can cure the body only by curing the soul. We wish you success.

Since childhood, a person has felt internal, constant and total loneliness. He's always lonely no matter who I'm with.

At some point, he has very close relationships (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, merges, and on the other hand, it’s too good to be true. The feeling that all good things will end. It's too good to last forever.

The relationship is broken.

Since this object had the meaning of life, a person does not see the further meaning of existence, if this is not there, then I don’t need everything else. And the person chooses to die.

Theme of betrayal.

* Any “deadly disease,” in particular cancer, is a message from our inner self (soul, if you like, self, unconscious, God, Universe): “You will not live the way you were. The old personality inevitably dies. You can die psychologically as an old person and be reborn as a new person. Or die along with your principles and old life.”

Key points about the mechanism of the onset of the disease:

1. A person who has felt inner loneliness (constant and total) since childhood. "I'm always lonely no matter who I'm with."

2. At some point, he has very close relationships (person, organization, idea), he identifies with them, to the level of merger, they become the meaning of his life. On the other hand, he is gnawed by the thought - “this is too good to be true.” The feeling that all good things will end. "It's too good to last forever."

3. Relationships are broken.

4. Since this object contained the meaning of life, the person does not see the further meaning of existence - “if this is not there, then I don’t need everything else.” And internally, on an unconscious level, a person makes the decision to die.

5. The theme of betrayal is always present. Or the feeling that he was betrayed. Or in the case of loss (of an idea, person, organization), the main idea is “to live on means to betray this bright past/relationship. The loss is not always physical, often it is a psychological loss, a subjective feeling.

The self-destruction mechanism starts quite quickly. Cases of late diagnosis are common. Since these people are used to being alone - they are from the series of “strong and persistent”, very heroic people, they never ask for help and do not share their experiences. It seems to them that being strong always adds bonuses to their lives, because they are valued that way. They "don't want to burden anyone." They ignore their experiences - they endure and remain silent. Servants. The mortality lies in the fact that a person cannot overcome this “loss”. To live, he needs to become different, change his beliefs, start believing in something else.

The more a person follows “his own rightness, his super-valuable ideas, ideals, principles,” the faster the tumor grows and he dies. Clear dynamics. This happens when an idea is more valuable than life.

1. It is extremely important for a sick person to find out that he is terminally ill. But everyone pretends that everything is fine. This is very harmful. The very “mortality” of the disease is the door to recovery. The sooner a person finds out, the greater the chance of staying alive.

2. The diagnosis itself is therapeutic - it gives the right to change the rules of the game, the rules become less important.

3. Old principles inevitably eat up (metastasis). If a person chooses to live, everything can be fine. Sometimes “imaginary funerals” help with the symbolic beginning of a new life.

Features of therapy:

1. Changing beliefs (working with values).

2. Separately study the topic of the future, what he should live for, setting goals. Goal setting (the meaning of life) for which you want to live. A goal in which he wants to invest entirely.

3. Working with the fear of death. Increasing the psychological resistance of the body. So that fear activates energy, not weakens it.

4. Legitimizing emotional needs. Make it clear that despite “coolness,” they, like all people, may need both support and intimacy - it is important to learn to ask for and receive it.

A disease that is considered one of the most terrible today, cancer, is as old as the world. Paleontologists have identified the remains of tumors on the bones of animals that lived several million years ago. In the sixteenth century, a case of cancer was first described. At the beginning of the last century, one in thirty people suffered from cancer. Today, every fifth person on Earth is diagnosed with cancer.

What is cancer and why does it occur?

Oncological disease appears due to a defect in the cellular apparatus. At the same time, the structure of organs and tissues of the human body changes. This happens because the cell affected by the disease begins to divide too rapidly. It is not surprising that in our time, oncopathology has become such a common diagnosis. After all, the environmental situation in the world is extremely unfavorable. The development of cancer is also influenced by factors such as infectious diseases, smoking, alcohol abuse and junk food (fast food, sweets, products containing dyes and food additives). Many types of tumors (eg, breast, intestinal) are caused by obesity. In some cases, cancer is caused by a hereditary predisposition or disruption of the endocrine glands. There are situations where constant mechanical damage or regular interaction with hazardous chemicals can be factors that provoke tumors.

However, not so long ago, such a concept as the psychosomatics of cancer appeared. What does this phenomenon mean?

Psychological causes of cancer

Of course, an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits, as well as an unfavorable environmental situation, are the mechanisms that trigger the development of cancer.

However, relatively recently, a theory has emerged that tumors appear as a result of psychological causes. Studies were conducted in the USA, which revealed that almost all patients who were diagnosed with cancer, shortly before its onset, experienced a traumatic event and constantly felt anger, despair, sadness and loneliness. Scientists have concluded that the occurrence of tumors is associated with psychosomatics (the science of the connection between mental state and physical well-being). It turns out that personal problems have a strong impact on human health, and this fact cannot be underestimated.

The relationship between soul and body

The psychosomatics of cancer does not at all relate to something supernatural and inexplicable. Defective cells appear in everyone's body from time to time. But the immune system actively fights them and ultimately destroys them. Stressful situations provoke vascular dysfunction. This leads to insufficient supply of necessary substances to the organs and tissues of the human body.

As a result, immunity decreases and the body cannot cope with the modified cells. Their active division occurs, and then oncopathology appears. Defective cells interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. They release toxins that poison the body and interfere with its full functioning. As the disease progresses, metastases appear in other organs - new foci of malignant tumors. The patient becomes weakened and exhausted and eventually dies.

Experts in the field of psychotherapy can explain the occurrence of cancer of a particular organ by the presence of certain personal characteristics and difficulties in a person. Some traits and problems lead to one type of disease, while others cause tumors of completely different organs and systems. For example, the psychosomatics of lung cancer is characterized by a lack of desire to lead a fulfilling life, a loss of the meaning of one’s existence. Tumors of the female and male genital organs are associated with a negative attitude towards one’s gender and resentment towards partners or spouses, which a person cannot let go of. A brain tumor can be caused by denial of the need to change one's behavior, stubbornness, or self-centeredness. In stomach cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by a person’s reluctance to adapt to any circumstances and to be more loyal in communicating with others.

More details about the connection between cancer and mental problems can be found in the table of psychosomatics of diseases.

A new approach to explaining the causes of cancer. What can help you heal?

Louise Hay, a specialist in the field of psychology, wrote many books and even became the founder of a popular literature publishing company. The table, which was also authored by this woman, clearly demonstrates how important it is to take into account the relationship between psychological attitudes and a person’s physical well-being. In the seventies, Louise Hay was diagnosed with cancer.

She reflected on her life and decided that her emotions, such as anger and despair, were the main factor that triggered the development of the tumor. Louise decided to put an end to her negative feelings forever, let go of unpleasant experiences, and accept the personality of her parents and their actions. She also consulted a doctor who prescribed her a detox diet to get rid of accumulated toxins in her body. Louise ate exclusively vegetables, attended acupuncture procedures and cleansed the intestines, spent a lot of time walking, and read prayers. Six months passed, and the doctor informed Hay that she had fully recovered.

If, against the background of a serious pathology, a person feels depressed in his life, the table of psychosomatic diseases will help him understand his feelings. Perhaps she will also suggest the hidden causes of the disease.

It is also important to understand what events in life are associated with negative experiences that destroy health. Scientists have found that often the trigger for the development of cancer is prolonged stress or a one-time, but severe mental shock or loss.

Stomach cancer: psychosomatics

The digestive organs are responsible for processing and assimilation of essential nutrients that a person receives from foods. Psychologically, the stomach and problems with it are related to relationships and tolerance towards others. This organ can also make itself felt at times of stress and tension.

What causes stomach cancer according to psychosomatics? First of all, it appears in those who reject others, their society, and Sometimes oncopathology is associated with the patient’s interaction with those people whom he refuses to accept and does not want to adapt to their demands or desires. anger, psychological fatigue and mental shock can also provoke tumors.

The psychosomatics of cancer is different in that the patient’s body seems to require attention to him as an individual, and also points out to the person difficulties that he, for some reason, cannot cope with. These problems in patients with cancer have already gone too far, and this is what caused such a negative reaction from the body.

Psychological causes of liver cancer

Residents of Asian and African countries are most susceptible to damage to this organ. In liver cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of anxiety in a person about the lack of something. For example, the child’s mother and father constantly talk about the lack of money in the family. A son or daughter may take these words too personally. As an adult, this person may feel threatened by hunger and poverty, although his fear may be unfounded. If someone is struggling with money, they may feel anxious about not having enough to eat. Also, liver problems (including cancer pathologies) occur in people who were force-fed in childhood. Because this organ works to break down nutrients, it can malfunction if it needs to process something that a person doesn't like.

You need to listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs. The intuitive nutrition system is based on this principle.

Liver dysfunction also appears as a result of a feeling of lack of love and recognition. This organ tends to accumulate not only substances, but also experiences. When there are too many negative emotions, the liver does not have time to “process” these “toxins” and they remain inside it.

Throat cancer: psychosomatics

Every day a person interacts with others through communication. Sometimes, for certain reasons, he does not say something, hides something, cannot find words to express his thoughts. This causes deep internal experiences that can lead to serious throat pathologies.

On the contrary, if someone has revealed an unpleasant secret, said something rude and cannot forgive himself for it, he, too, may be susceptible to diseases of this organ. The constant presence in life of those events that are associated with increased responsibility and cause panic is also a factor in the development of this type of cancer. And, although it is believed that the largest percentage of patients with a throat tumor are smokers, if this pathology is present, you still need to pay attention to problems with communication.

Causes of kidney cancer

This organ ensures the elimination of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

Psychosomatics is associated with negative emotions, which, like toxins, harm the life and well-being of the patient. This can be strong fear, sadness that a person tries to hide and contain. Also, kidney pathologies mean that a person cannot let go of an insult or an unpleasant situation, and does not find the strength to live without remembering negative experiences. Sometimes these diseases affect people who, due to their emotionality, sympathize with others too much, but are not able to take care of themselves, make the right choice or make an informed decision. They rely on anything but their own strength.

Why does blood cancer occur?

This type of illness is associated with unpleasant experiences that “get stuck” in a person’s soul. Perhaps these are childhood grievances, a feeling of uselessness and loneliness.

In case of blood cancer, psychosomatics involves a feeling of hostility or anger towards relatives. Perhaps the person did not find the words to express his resentment, and it seemed to spread through his veins. Instead of joy, benefit and energy, his blood carries those negative experiences that have accumulated in his soul.

Psychological causes of intestinal tumors

Anyone who suffers from diseases of this organ cannot wean himself from his usual way of life or beliefs, and wants to preserve them at all costs. The psychosomatics of intestinal cancer is characterized by the desire to fight for something that does not bring benefit or joy. Such patients have no desire to absorb anything positive from their lives. They tend to focus on failures. In case of rectal cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of increased excitability and anxiety in a person.

This is a disease of people who tend to exaggerate their problems and the shortcomings of others. The disease is also provoked by such character traits as aggression and criticism, nagging, excessive attention to little things, especially unpleasant ones, avoidance of changes in one’s life, and the desire to leave everything as it is.

Skin cancer: psychosomatics

The disease of this organ indicates a desire to distance oneself from communication, to close oneself in one’s own world. Also, skin pathologies, including cancer, are signs of a person’s desire to change himself. He may experience complexes and embarrassment, and also have difficulty establishing contacts with the opposite sex. A person with a serious skin disease seems to justify his imaginary inferiority and unattractiveness, as if making himself inaccessible to others. He feels lonely and does not accept himself as he is. Oncopathology of the skin is a signal that the patient is a vulnerable or anxious person, he is unsure of himself, and has a low level of self-esteem.

Psychological causes of lung cancer

The respiratory organs supply the body with oxygen, that is, they ensure existence.

In lung cancer, psychosomatics is associated with a lack of positive emotions. At the same time, the person seems to lose his desire for life. Perhaps he is oppressed by some difficult or unpleasant circumstances. Also, the cause of lung disease can be fear, which leads to inaction.

One of the most important factors influencing the possibility of curing cancer is the desire to live. Scientists say that the most favorable prognosis is for those patients who find the strength to fight the disease and can explain the meaning of their existence on this earth. They give reasons why they absolutely need to continue living. This could be a favorite job, caring for children, creative aspirations. Such patients clearly set goals for themselves. They mobilize all the physical and mental reserves of their body to overcome the disease and achieve what they want. Only a positive attitude and sincere and deep confidence in the significance and meaningfulness of one’s existence can help one regain health.

What causes a brain tumor?

There are more than a hundred of this organ. Many scientists believe that the cause of such a tumor is a severe nervous shock that disrupts the functioning of blood vessels and the supply of nutrients to cells. In brain cancer, psychosomatics can be caused by excessive persistence, the desire to change other people, and confidence in the lack of justice in life. Often such patients are touchy and aggressive. Sometimes a brain tumor is caused by selfishness, the desire to attract attention to one’s personality and force people to love oneself at all costs. Envy, anger and malice, which a person constantly scrolls through his thoughts, also negatively affect his condition.

Psychosomatics of uterine cancer

Neoplasms of this organ can be provoked by negative emotions associated with sexual life. If a woman does not accept that she belongs to the weaker sex and is dissatisfied with her body, she may become a victim of uterine cancer. Sometimes illnesses of this organ indicate a feeling of guilt about your children or relationships with your husband. In some cases, these diseases affect those who have sex with a person to whom they feel neither attraction nor love. Then the tumor can become a kind of excuse for refusing sexual activity, rejecting and avoiding a partner. When diseases of the uterus become an obstacle to childbearing, this may mean that a woman subconsciously wants to have a child, but is afraid to admit it to herself, and her body seems to “turn off” the fertile function.

Another factor that can contribute to the development of a pathology such as uterine cancer is concern for the lives of children, experiencing their failures as their own. For example, a mother who learns that her daughter has been abandoned by a friend or fired from her job may suffer so much that she risks poor health. Often, tumors of the reproductive system occur in women who sacrifice all their time, strength and energy for the sake of children, while forgetting about their needs and their own well-being.


Having considered the factors that provoke cancer, psychosomatics, and the causes of this disease, we can say with confidence that the state of mind plays an important role in the development of pathology. Long-term observations of scientists over the condition of cancer patients allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. In childhood and adolescence, these people often felt rejected, unhappy and unnecessary. They found it difficult to establish close relationships with their relatives. They often felt sad and apathetic. Many patients lost loved ones early on. Some had dysfunctional families.
  2. As adults, these patients invested too much effort and energy into work or personal relationships. They often completely ignored their own needs and interests for the sake of others.
  3. After severe mental trauma (death of loved ones, dismissal from a favorite job, moving of a son or daughter, divorce), these people seemed to have lost the meaning of their existence, lost the desire to live. It turns out that many of them have childish character traits and dependence on others. They are prone to depression and feelings of despair, and do not know how to forgive and let go of grievances and grief.
  4. Often cancer patients are secretive individuals. They harbor unresolved problems and refuse to acknowledge or voice them. They are real perfectionists, they want to correspond to some ideal, they fit themselves into a mold.

So, self-education and positive thinking play an important role. It is necessary to work on these negative character traits so as not to damage your health:

  1. Negative thoughts and memories.
  2. Psychological dependence.
  3. Rejection of one's individuality and constant striving for an unattainable ideal.
  4. Helplessness, despair.
  5. Depression, loss of meaning in life, apathy.

To get rid of such a serious illness as cancer, of course, it is not enough just to work on yourself. You should definitely follow your doctor’s recommendations, take prescribed medications, and undergo regular examinations. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish. Don't forget about physical exercise and meditation. You definitely need to give up bad habits.

When treating cancer, it is important not to lose courage and fight for life and health. Of course, this is a severe pathology, accompanied by severe pain and extremely poor physical well-being. Treatment is also a burden on the body, leading to fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and many other side effects. And only the strong in spirit can walk this path. By directing thinking in the right direction, a person stimulates his immune system, and it, in turn, becomes stronger. Thanks to treatment, the body destroys defective cells. Positive attitudes and a positive attitude can be developed through psychotherapy sessions. A specialist will help identify problems that bother the patient and provoke serious pathologies. Then it will be possible to develop ways to deal with psychological difficulties and the disease itself.

Quite often, parents are faced with the fact that neither doctors nor diagnosticians are able to establish the true cause of the child’s illness. Another situation is long-term treatment that does not lead to recovery. Doctors say that “this is chronic” and write out another prescription for pills or injections. Psychosomatic medicine can break the vicious circle, which will allow us to establish the true underlying causes of the disease and tell us how to cure the child.

What it is?

Psychosomatics is a direction in medicine that examines the connection between soul and body, the influence of mental and psychological factors on the development of certain diseases. Many great physicians have described this connection, arguing that every physical ailment has a psychological root cause. Even today, many practicing doctors are confident that the recovery process, for example, after surgery, is directly influenced by the patient’s mood, his belief in a better outcome, and his state of mind.

This connection began to be studied most actively by doctors at the beginning of the 19th century; doctors from the USA, Russia, and Israel made a great contribution to this study in the middle of the 20th century. Today, doctors talk about a psychosomatic illness if a detailed examination of the child does not show any physical causes that could contribute to the development of his illness. There are no reasons, but the disease is there. From a psychosomatic point of view, ineffective treatment is also considered. If all doctor’s orders are followed, medications are taken, and the disease does not subside, then this may also be evidence of its psychosomatic origin.

Psychosomatic specialists consider any illness, even an acute one, from the point of view of a direct connection between soul and body. They believe that a person has everything necessary to recover; the main thing is to understand the underlying causes of the illness and take measures to eliminate them. If you express this thought in one phrase, you get a statement familiar to everyone - “All diseases come from nerves.”


Psychosomatics is based on several important principles that parents must know if they decide to look for the true reasons for your child’s illness:

  • Negative thoughts, anxiety, depression, fears, if they are quite long-lasting or deeply “hidden”, always lead to the occurrence of certain physical diseases. If you change your way of thinking and attitudes, then the disease that did not “respond” to medications will go away.
  • If the cause is found correctly, then the cure will not be difficult.
  • The human body as a whole, like each of its cells, has the ability to self-heal and regenerate. If you allow the body to do this, the healing process will be faster.
  • Any illness in a child indicates that the child cannot be himself, that he is experiencing an internal conflict. If the situation is resolved, the disease will recede.

Who is most susceptible to psychosomatic illnesses?

The answer to this question is clear - any child of any age and gender. However, most often diseases have psychosomatic causes in children who are in periods of age-related crises (1 year old, 3 years old, 7 years old, 13-17 years old). The imagination of all children is very vivid and realistic; sometimes in children the line between fictional and real is blurred. Which parent has not at least once noticed that a child who really doesn’t want to go to kindergarten in the morning gets sick more often? And all because he creates the disease himself, he needs it in order not to do what he really doesn’t want - not to go to kindergarten.

Illness is needed as a way to attract attention, if little attention is paid to it in the family, because they communicate with a sick child more than with a healthy one, they surround him with care and even gifts. Illness in children is often a protective mechanism in frightening and uncertain situations, as well as a way to express protest if the family has been in an environment for a long time in which the baby is uncomfortable. Many parents who have gone through a divorce know very well that at the peak of worries and family drama, the child began to get sick “at just the wrong time.” All of these are just the most elementary examples of the action of psychosomatics. There are also more complex, deep-seated reasons hidden far in the child’s subconscious.

Before looking for them, you need to pay attention to the child’s individual qualities, his character, and the manner in which he reacts to stressful situations.

The most serious and chronic diseases occur in children who:

  • do not know how to cope with stress;
  • communicate little with parents and others about their personal problems and experiences;
  • are in a pessimistic mood, always waiting for an unpleasant situation or a trick;
  • are under the influence of total and constant parental control;
  • they do not know how to rejoice, they do not know how to prepare surprises and gifts for others, or give joy to others;
  • they are afraid of not meeting the high demands that parents and teachers or educators place on them;
  • cannot maintain a daily routine, do not get enough sleep or eat poorly;
  • painfully and strongly take other people’s opinions into account;
  • they don’t like to part with the past, throw away old broken toys, make new friends, or move to a new place of residence;
  • prone to frequent depression.

It is clear that individually each of the listed factors happens from time to time to every person. The development of the disease is influenced by the duration of the emotion or experience, and therefore long-term depression is dangerous, not one-time apathy; long-term fear is dangerous, not a momentary state. Any negative emotion or attitude, if it lasts long enough, can cause a certain disease.

How to find the reason?

All diseases, without exception, according to the world's famous psychosomatists (Louise Hay, Lise Burbo and others), are based on five basic vivid emotions:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • sadness;
  • interest;
  • joy.

They need to be considered in three perspectives - how the child sees himself (self-esteem), how the child sees the world around him (attitude to events, phenomena, values), how the child interacts with other people (the presence of conflicts, including hidden ones). You need to establish a trusting relationship with the child, try to find out with him what worries and worries him, what upsets him, are there people he doesn’t like, what is he afraid of. Child psychologists and psychotherapists can help with this. As soon as the approximate circle of the child’s emotions is outlined, you can begin to work through the underlying causes.

Some popular authors (the same Louise Hay) compiled psychosomatic tables, to make the task easier. They indicate diseases and the most common causes of their occurrence. However, you cannot blindly trust such tables, because they are quite average, often compiled by observing a small group of people with similar symptoms and emotional experiences.

Tables do not take into account your child's personality and personality, and this is a very important point. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the tables, but it is better to analyze the situation yourself or contact a specialist in the field of psychosomatics - now there are such people.

It should be understood that if the disease has already manifested itself, it is obvious, then a very long path has been covered - from thought to emotion, from the creation of erroneous attitudes to the transformation of these attitudes into an incorrect way of thinking. Therefore, the search process can be quite long. After the cause is found, you will have to work on all the changes that it caused in the body - this will be the treatment process. The fact that the cause has been found correctly and the healing process has begun will be indicated by an improvement in the general condition and a decrease in symptoms. Parents will almost immediately notice positive changes in the baby’s well-being.

Development of the disease

You need to understand that the thought itself does not cause an attack of appendicitis or allergies. But thought gives an impulse to muscle contraction. This connection is clear to everyone - the brain gives commands to the muscles, setting them in motion. If a child has an internal conflict, then one thought will tell him “act” and the muscles will be alert. And the other (conflicting) emotion will say “don’t do that” and the muscle will freeze in a state of readiness, not making a movement, but not returning to its original calm state.

This mechanism, quite primitively, can explain why the disease develops. We are talking not only about the muscles of the arms, legs, back, but also about the small and deep muscles of the internal organs. At the cellular level, with such a long-term spasm, which is practically not felt, metabolic changes begin. Gradually, the tension is transferred to neighboring muscles, tendons, ligaments, and with sufficient accumulation, a moment comes when the weakest organ cannot stand it and stops functioning as it should.

The brain “signals” not only to the muscles, but also to the endocrine glands. It is known that fear or sudden joy causes an increase in the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. In the same way, other emotions affect the balance of hormones and secretory fluids in the body. When there is an imbalance, which is inevitable with prolonged exposure to a certain organ, disease begins.

If a child does not know how to “reset” emotions, but only accumulates them, without expressing them, without sharing his thoughts with others, hiding his real experiences from them, fearing being misunderstood, punished, condemned, then the tension reaches a certain point and is released in the form illness, because energy output is needed in any form. This argument looks very convincing - two children who live in the same city, in the same ecological environment, who eat the same, have the same gender and age, do not have congenital diseases, but for some reason get sick differently. One will get sick with ARVI up to ten times during the season, while the other will not get sick even once.

Thus, the influence of ecology, lifestyle, nutrition, and immune status is not the only thing that affects the incidence of disease. A child with psychological problems will get sick several times a year, but a child without such problems will never get sick.

The psychosomatic picture is not yet entirely obvious to researchers congenital diseases. But most specialists in the field of psychosomatics consider such ailments as a consequence of a woman’s incorrect attitudes and thoughts during pregnancy and even long before its onset. First of all, it is important to understand exactly how the woman perceived her children before pregnancy, what emotions the fetus evoked in her during pregnancy, and also how she felt about the child’s father at that time.

In harmonious couples who mutually love and are expecting their baby, children suffer from congenital diseases much less often than in families where the mother experienced rejection of the father’s words and actions, if she regularly thought that it was not worth getting pregnant at all. Few mothers raising disabled children, children with severe congenital illnesses are ready to admit even to themselves that there were negative thoughts, hidden conflicts, fears, and rejection of the fetus at some moments, maybe even thoughts about abortion. It is doubly difficult to later realize that the child is sick because of the mistakes of adults. But the mother can still help alleviate his condition and improve the quality of life if she has the courage to work through the underlying causes of the baby’s illness.

Possible causes of some diseases

As already mentioned, the reasons should be considered only taking into account the character and characteristics of this particular child, his family environment, the relationship between parents and the baby, and other factors that may influence the psyche and emotional state of the child. We will present only a few diagnoses that have been most studied by the psychosomatic direction of medicine with possible causes of their occurrence: (data from several diagnostic tables were used for the description - L. Hay, V. Sinelnikova, V. Zhikarentsev):


Quite often, adenoiditis develops in children who feel unwanted (subconsciously). Mom should remember whether she felt the desire to have an abortion, whether there was disappointment after childbirth, or postpartum depression. With adenoids, the child “asks” for love and attention, and also calls on parents to abandon conflicts and quarrels. To help a child, you need to change your attitude towards him, satisfy his needs for love, and resolve conflicts with his other half.

Treatment attitude: “My baby is desired, loved, we have always needed him.”


The most likely cause of autism is considered to be a defensive reaction that the baby turned on at some point in order to “shut off” from scandal, screaming, insults, and beatings. Researchers believe that the risk of developing autism is higher if a child witnesses strong parental scandals with possible violence before the age of 8-10 months. Congenital autism, which doctors associate with a gene mutation, from a psychosomatic point of view, is a long-term feeling of danger in the mother, possibly from her very childhood, fears during pregnancy.

Atopic dermatitis

Like most diseases that are related in one way or another to allergies, atopic dermatitis is an aversion to something. The more a child does not want to take someone or something, the stronger the manifestations of an allergic reaction. In a baby, atopic dermatitis can be a signal that the touch of an adult is unpleasant for him (if he is picked up with too cold or wet hands, if the person emanates a sharp and unpleasant odor to the baby). The baby thus asks not to touch him. Treatment setting: “The baby is safe, he is not in danger. All the people around wish him well and health. He feels comfortable with people."

The same installation can be used for other types of allergies. The situation requires eliminating the unpleasant physical impact.

Asthma, bronchial asthma

These illnesses, like some other diseases associated with the occurrence of respiratory failure, occur more often in children who are pathologically strongly attached to their mother. Their love is literally “suffocating.” Another option is the severity of parents when raising a son or daughter. If a child is taught from a very early age that it is forbidden to cry, laughing loudly is indecent, and jumping and running in the street is the height of bad form, then the child grows up afraid to express his true needs. They gradually begin to “strangle” him from the inside. New Attitudes: “My child is safe and loved deeply and unconditionally. He can express his emotions perfectly, he sincerely cries and rejoices.” Mandatory measures are to eliminate pedagogical “excesses”.


The illness may indicate a child’s fear of saying something, asking for something very important to him. Sometimes children are afraid to raise their voice in their own defense. Sore throat is more common in timid and indecisive children, quiet and shy. By the way, similar underlying causes may lie in children suffering from laryngitis or laryngotracheitis. New attitudes: “My child has the right to vote. He was born with this right. He can openly and boldly say everything he thinks!” To the standard treatment of sore throat or chronic tonsillitis, you should definitely add role-playing story games or a visit to a psychologist’s office so that the child can realize his right to be heard.


Bronchitis, especially chronic, is very necessary for a child in order to reconcile his parents or other relatives with whom he lives together or to defuse the tense situation in the family. When a baby is choked by a cough, adults automatically fall silent (pay attention on occasion - this is really true!). New attitudes: “My child lives in harmony and peace, he likes to communicate with everyone, he enjoys listening to everything around him, because he hears only good things.” Mandatory parental actions are urgent measures to eliminate conflicts, and it is necessary to remove not only their “loudness,” but also the very fact of their existence.


The causes of myopia, like most vision problems, are the reluctance to see something. Moreover, this reluctance is conscious and decisive. A child can become nearsighted at the age of 3-4 due to the fact that from birth he sees something in his family that frightens him and forces him to close his eyes. This can be a difficult relationship between parents, physical violence, and even the daily visit of a nanny whom the child does not like (in this case, the child often develops an allergy to something in parallel).

At an older age (in school and adolescence), diagnosed myopia may indicate a child’s lack of goals, plans for the future, unwillingness to see beyond today, fear of responsibility for decisions made independently. In general, many problems with the organs of vision are associated with these reasons (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, and in case of anger - stye). New attitude: “My child clearly sees his future and himself in it. He likes this beautiful, interesting world, he sees all its colors and details.” At a younger age, it is necessary to correct relationships in the family and review the child’s social circle. As a teenager, a child needs help with career guidance, communication and cooperation with adults, and carrying out their responsible assignments.


We are not talking about a single diarrhea, but about a problem that is protracted or diarrhea that recurs with enviable frequency. Children tend to react with loose stools to severe fear and expressed anxiety. Diarrhea is an escape from something that cannot be comprehended by a child. These can be mystical experiences (fear of Babai, zombies) and very real fears (fear of the dark, spiders, cramped spaces, and so on). It is necessary to identify the cause of fear and eliminate it. If this does not work at home, you should definitely seek help from a psychologist.

New attitude: “My baby is not afraid of anyone. He is brave and strong. He lives in a safe space where he is not in danger."


A tendency to constipation is common in greedy children, as well as in adults. Constipation can also indicate a child’s reluctance to part with something. Sometimes constipation begins to torment a child precisely at a time when he is experiencing serious life changes - moving, transferring to a new school or kindergarten. The child does not want to part with old friends, with the old apartment, where everything is clear and familiar to him. Problems with stool begin. Constipation in a baby may be associated with his subconscious desire to return back to the familiar and protected environment of the mother's womb.

New treatment setting: “My child easily parts with everything that he no longer needs. He is ready to accept everything new.” In practice, confidential communication is required, frequent discussion of the merits of a new kindergarten or a new apartment.


Quite often, a child who does not feel safe for quite a long time begins to stutter. This speech defect is also typical for children who are strictly forbidden to cry. Children who stutter deep down suffer greatly from the inability to express themselves. It should be understood that this opportunity disappeared earlier than normal speech, and in many ways its disappearance was the cause of the problem.

New attitude: “My child has great opportunities to show the world his talents. He's not afraid to express his feelings." In practice, it is good for a stutterer to engage in creativity, drawing and music, but best of all, singing. Categorical prohibitions on crying are the path to illness and problems.

Runny nose

Prolonged rhinitis may indicate that the child has low self-esteem, that he urgently needs to understand his true value in this world, to recognize his abilities and merits. If a child feels that the world does not understand him and does not appreciate him and this condition drags on, sinusitis may be diagnosed. Treatment attitude: “My child is the best. He is happy and very loved. I just need him." Additionally, you need to work with the child’s assessment of himself, praise him more often, and encourage him.


Like any other hearing diseases, otitis media can be caused by negative words, swearing, and obscenities, which the child is forced to listen to from adults. Not wanting to listen to something, the child deliberately limits his hearing abilities. The mechanism of development of sensorineural hearing loss and deafness is more complex. In the case of such problems, the child categorically refuses to listen to someone or something that greatly hurts him, insults him, and degrades his dignity. In adolescents, hearing problems are associated with a reluctance to listen to parental instructions. Treatment attitudes: “My child is obedient. He hears well, he likes to listen and hear every detail of this world.”

In fact, you need to reduce excessive parental control, talk with your child about topics that are pleasant and interesting to him, and get rid of the habit of “reading morals.”

Increased temperature, fever

Unreasonable fever, an elevated temperature that persists for no apparent reason during normal tests, may indicate internal anger that has accumulated in the child. A child can become angry at any age, and the inability to express anger comes out in the form of fever. The younger the child, the more difficult it is for him to express his feelings in words, the higher his temperature. New attitudes: “My child is positive, he doesn’t get angry, he knows how to let go of negativity, doesn’t accumulate it and doesn’t hold grudges against people.” In fact, you should set your child up for something good. The baby’s attention needs to be switched to a beautiful toy with kind eyes. You definitely need to talk to your big child and find out what conflict situations he has recently had and who he holds a grudge against. After talking through the problem, the child will feel much better, and the temperature will begin to decrease.


This disease often develops in children who are forced to do something other than their own. Mom wants her son to become a hockey player, so the child is forced to attend the sports section, while he himself is closer to playing the guitar or drawing landscapes with wax crayons. Such a child with suppressed emotions and desires is the optimal candidate for the role of a patient of a nephrologist. New attitude: “My child is doing what he loves and is interesting, he is talented and has a great future.” In practice, you need to allow the child to choose something he likes, and if hockey has not been a joy for a long time, you need to part with the section without regrets and go to the music school where he is so eager.


The main reason for this unpleasant nighttime phenomenon is most often fear and even horror. Moreover, most often, according to experts in the field of psychosomatics, the child’s feeling of fear is somehow connected with the father - with his personality, behavior, the father’s educational methods, his attitude towards the child and his mother. New attitudes: “The child is healthy and not afraid of anything. His dad loves and respects him and wishes him well.” In fact, sometimes quite extensive psychological work with parents is required.


Vomiting, cystitis, pneumonia, epilepsy, frequent ARVI, stomatitis, diabetes, psoriasis and even lice - each diagnosis has its own psychosomatic cause. The main rule of psychosomatics is not to replace traditional medicine. Therefore, searching for causes and eliminating them at a psychological and deeper level should be done in parallel with the prescribed treatment. Thus, the likelihood of recovery increases significantly, and the risk of relapse is noticeably reduced, because a psychological problem found and solved correctly is one disease minus.

See the following video for all about the psychosomatic causes of childhood illnesses.

  • Psychosomatics
  • In children
  • Books