Psychological assistance to drug addicts and their relatives. Help for drug addicts

Drug addiction is a disease whose treatment requires an integrated approach. Psychological assistance to drug addicts is an integral component of this process. The positive outcome of recovery largely depends on the patient’s desire to change his life. However, doing this alone is almost impossible. The help of psychologists is aimed at motivating the patient at all stages of treatment and supporting him during periods of crisis. Quite often, relatives of the drug addict also need support.

Psychological support during the withdrawal period

The first stage of full treatment is in a hospital or at home. During this period, the patient is under the influence of medications, so productive communication with specialists cannot be expected. However, psychological help for a drug addict is still necessary for two main reasons:

  • Motivation for further recovery. When the physical withdrawal subsides, the patient falls into the illusion that he will no longer return to drug use. He forgets about psychological dependence, which sooner or later will manifest itself and force him to break his promise to himself.
  • Help not aimed at preventing relapse. During detoxification, there are times when the patient wants to give up on everything and lose control. In most cases, they are short-term, and during this time it is extremely important to be close to the drug addict and provide him with psychological help. Experience shows that sometimes even a short conversation with a professional is enough to restore lost sanity to the patient.

After physical withdrawal is lifted, the support of a psychologist becomes an urgent need for the drug addict. It is at this moment that a vitally important thing happens - the patient either agrees to continue treatment (work with a psychologist, etc.), or refuses help, which subsequently leads to another breakdown. Only a good specialist can guide a drug addict on the right path.

Help from psychologists in the rehabilitation of drug addicts

If a drug addict agrees to rehabilitation, this is already half the success. Only a sincere desire to stop using is the key to success. However, during the rehabilitation period, drug addicts also cannot do without psychological help. Relieving withdrawal symptoms is only the first stage of addiction treatment. It's no secret that psychological dependence is a much more terrible enemy. To rid a drug addict of the obsession with using - this is the task that psychologists at rehabilitation centers set themselves.

During rehabilitation, intensive psychological work is carried out with patients. Crisis periods such as the post-acute withdrawal phase and the wall phase are especially dangerous for a drug addict. At these moments, the support of professionals plays a paramount role. After some time has passed after the last use, the patient falls into euphoria and it seems to him that he has already been healed. This dangerous period also requires the help of professionals who can “ground” the patient.

Psychological assistance to drug addicts can be provided not only in a hospital or in rehabilitation. If a person does not want to go to the center, he can regularly visit a specialist or in crisis situations. Psychologists help the addict work through all the childhood traumas that provoke an escape from reality with the help of mind-altering substances. Employees of the RusNarcologist medical center are always ready to support a drug addict at any stage of recovery. We work around the clock and seven days a week!

    Review from a drug addict


    I'm 19 years old and I tried drugs for the first time at school. My first reaction was fear, I felt very bad. But something prompted me to get high again the next time. In 2 years I was in intensive care 3 times. And no amount of parental persuasion helped. I either sent them or just slammed the door, left and didn’t spend the night at home for weeks. I am ashamed that I caused my family so much grief. And I want to thank my mom for sending me to the Phoenix Center. Yes, it was difficult for me at first. Several times I was planning to go home, but those employees at the rehabilitation center who paid attention to me convinced me to stay. I am grateful to Phoenix and his staff who helped me complete the course of treatment!

    Review from an alcoholic


    I worked as a doctor in a private clinic and alcohol was an integral part of my, so to speak, gifts from grateful clients. I drank in the evenings. But over time, I began to understand that something was wrong. Either have a drink at work or before work. And then he completely missed his work shifts. The management, seeing my condition, tactfully began to hint about the encoding. Fortunately, I was in good standing at the clinic. The decision was made independently, spontaneously and very clearly. I went through rehabilitation at the Phoenix center - all 6 months. And I decided to change my field of activity and get into drug addiction. Now I am getting my 2nd higher education and thanks to Phoenix, my work brings me sober pleasure. Thanks for the changes!

    Mom's review


    My son used to be a drug addict. Our story began at the age of 17; for 12 long years we fought against this infection. Until I called the Phoenix center. You know, even being in a hopeless state, I felt some kind of care and compassion for our problem. We completed the entire 1 year program. Yes, it was difficult and several times he was planning to leave the center. But each time, thanks to the experience of psychologists, I remained. I want to say thank you to every employee who took care of my son! We have been sober for 2 years now and this is a huge victory, I think! Thank you very much to the Phoenix Center for helping our family gain freedom!

    Wife's review

    Nizhny Novgorod

    I knew my husband since childhood, walked in the same yard, and got married right after school. 12 years passed and I realized that he drinks, does not pay attention to me and my daughter, and misses work. We tried to code my husband several times, but without success. I was kicked out of work and started drinking even more. Luckily we found the Phoenix RC. The husband did not agree to treatment for a long time. But when I said that my daughter and I would leave him, he got scared and agreed. Now my husband is already 5 months old. is located in Phoenix. And I hear changes in his voice, I hear that confidence in him and feel the reliable support that was in him for 13 years. back. Thank you Phoenix Center!

    Feedback from a graduate


    I'm Olga. I'm 28 years old and I'm a drug addict. In 11th grade I became addicted to amphetamine. The years passed, and I woke up at 30 years old. in a drug den, emaciated, without a single vein in her arm. The entrance to the house was closed, dad didn’t want to know me. By some miracle, once again, my mother persuaded me to go to the hospital on an IV. Psychologists came to see me there, as I later learned from the Phoenix center. At that moment they chose exactly those words that I so lacked. They gave me hope that I could still do something. Today I am 35, I have been clean and sober for more than 4 years thanks to the treatment center Phoenix and its staff. I have a little daughter and a husband. Dad finally started talking to me. I myself feel like a phoenix and I’m living again! Thank you!

“There is great grief in the family. A brother who had been using drugs for several years died. Mom, who struggled with his addiction, could not bear the loss, and left for him. The father did not find any other way out of grief and started drinking. If we had known earlier who and where provides assistance to people with drug addiction (it turns out that a drug addict or alcoholic can undergo rehabilitation for free), the terrible disaster would not have happened. Now we need to save our father. He wants to live."

Take your chance today! Tomorrow may be too late...

Center for assistance to drug addicts and alcoholics “New Beginning”

In the Moscow region (Pushkinsky district) there is a help center for alcohol and drug addicts “New Beginning”, where social and psychological assistance is provided anonymously and completely free of charge to alcohol and drug addicted women and men who want to live soberly.

The center will help men and women of different ages get rid of alcohol and drug addiction free of charge, who really want, but cannot free themselves from the destructive habit.

The recovery period lasts for nine to twelve months.

An addicted person will receive real help and return to a full, sober life filled with happiness and meaning.

Each story has its own trauma and pain, experiences and losses. After getting rid of addiction to destructive tendencies, joy appears in the lives of these people. Many begin a new wonderful life, filled with meaning and free from drug addiction. A life where you want to love and create; raise children and enjoy every day you live.

It is also important to know:

What it is?

Help for alcohol and drug addicts in Korolev, Mytishchi, Balashikha, Ramenskoye, Shchelkovo, Zheleznodorozhny

We pay special attention to those alcohol and drug addicts who need help in our region. These are the northern and northeastern regions of the Moscow region. Ramenskoye, Korolev, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi, Balashikha, Zheleznodorozhny, Fryazino, Pushkino, Reutov, Ivanteevka, Sergiev Posad - this is not a complete list of places where we are ready to meet with families of addicted people and help motivate them to undergo rehabilitation.

If you live in the Moscow region, then our free help is most accessible to you!

Psychological assistance in the treatment of drug addiction

In the treatment of any type of addiction, and especially drug addiction, one cannot do without the help of a psychologist.

Of all types of pathological addictions, drug addiction is the most terrible in terms of transience and destructiveness. Drug use destroys not only a person’s body, but also his soul. If the more common alcoholism develops on average 10 - 15 years and does not necessarily end in the terminal stage with complete destruction of the personality, organs and tissues, then drug addiction leads to fatal consequences within a period of one to 4 - 5 years.

It all depends on the type of drug, the intensity of its use and the sanitary and hygienic conditions in which the drug was taken. Of course, a wealthy drug addict injecting a drug from a trusted dealer with a sterile syringe in the toilet of a nightclub or in a private apartment has a much lower chance of contracting AIDS or hepatitis C, as well as dying from an overdose, gangrene or thrombophlebitis, than the guys and girls who are relieving withdrawal symptoms in in a dirty basement with freshly brewed desomorphine, nicknamed “crocodile” for its murderous qualities.

But the essence of the matter does not change depending on social status: the concept of “experienced drug addict”, when it comes to hard drugs, is as absurd as a “merry tragedy” - drug addicts do not live long. The only way to save your life is to get rid of your addiction once and for all.

Getting rid of drug addiction on your own - is it realistic?

The mechanism of addiction to most modern drugs - both opiates and amphetamine-type substances - develops very quickly. The reason for this is simple - our body has its own opiates, which are responsible for reactions of excitation and inhibition in the centers of the senses and psycho-emotional sphere. If the body receives much stronger substitutes from the outside, a psychological dependence will arise, such euphoria that the person will no longer be able to resist the temptation to repeat moments of bliss over and over again.

As a result, addicted people turn to crime in search of funds for the next dose. At first, their victims become their relatives and friends - money, household appliances, jewelry and other valuables gradually disappear from the house. When home sources dry up, the addict switches to friends and acquaintances, and then to strangers. Depending on his physical capabilities and intelligence (until his intelligence is exhausted), he trades in theft, fraud or banal robbery. The strong rob everyone, the weak rob children, women, defenseless pensioners.

At the same time, he tries to convince himself and those around him that this is the last time. Alas, it is almost impossible to get rid of the disease on your own, without psychological help for drug addiction. In some cases, this was possible for people who smoked marijuana or took mild stimulant pills. In the case of the use of stronger drugs, especially those administered intravenously, the chemical hook turns out to be too strong to jump off on its own, by sheer force of will.

So is there a way out? How to break out of the vicious circle when all efforts are aimed at achieving a single goal - finding money for the next dose? Employees and former clients of Exodus rehabilitation centers answer this question in the affirmative.

Getting rid of psychological and physical addiction in the network of Exodus centers

In the network of Exodus centers, already opened in dozens of cities in our country, experienced specialists provide spiritual, medical and psychological assistance for drug addiction to people suffering from it. An important condition for the work of the centers is absolute voluntariness; drug addicts come here of their own free will, sincerely wanting to get rid of their addiction. The only condition for entering the therapeutic community of Exodus is a kind of quarantine - a newcomer must spend three days under the supervision of a mentor, completely abstaining from taking any psychoactive substances (drugs, alcohol, nicotine). This measure becomes a confirmation of a person’s firm intention to overcome his illness and the mental weakness that led to it.

We place psychological treatment of drug addiction and work with the inner world of patients on the same level as purely medical measures - detoxification of the body, treatment of dystrophy, which affects almost all drug addicts, elimination of inflammatory processes on the skin, trophic ulcers, infectious diseases to which drug addicts are especially vulnerable.

The principle of our center is physical and spiritual rehabilitation through the adoption of faith in God, since He is the power that can cure the most hopeless illness.

Psychological treatment and getting rid of drugs is not a quick process, we immediately warn you: you cannot get rid of drug addiction in one or two months, as some scammer healers promise. The process of inpatient treatment alone in a therapeutic community takes at least six months. Depending on the type of drugs taken, the duration of addiction, and the presence of acquired diseases, the period of therapy can last 9 months or a year. All this time, experienced psychologists of the center teach a person to live in new conditions, focusing on spiritual rebirth, the desire for creation and self-development.

Inpatient treatment is carried out in strict isolation within the therapeutic community. This is a necessary measure, since a few weeks after the start of treatment, the withdrawal syndrome in drug addicts ends and the only factor that can lead them astray from the right path is communication with antisocial elements from their previous environment. Our main task is to prevent such contacts and ensure stable treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

Modern methods of treating psychological addiction

Doctors, psychologists, junior medical staff, mentors of our wards, who themselves were once patients of the Exodus centers, are doing everything possible to provide the fastest and most effective assistance to drug addicts. We have at our disposal modern diagnostic and physiotherapeutic equipment, the latest medications, opportunities for organizing occupational therapy and good leisure time. If a drug addict has a family, we try to get in touch with them in order to ensure social rehabilitation of the person after completion of inpatient treatment. Sometimes family members of our patients also need help from a psychologist - we are always ready to provide it.

Anyone who needs psychological help in the treatment of drug addiction and other types of dependence on psychoactive substances can contact the network of rehabilitation centers Exodus using a single toll-free number 8-800-33-09-81 or call a consultant in your city (a list of telephone numbers is available in the section “ Contacts"). Our accounts and communities are on all popular social networks.

Drug addiction is a terrible diagnosis. But faith in God and a person’s own strengths can work miracles. And the staff and mentors of the Exodus network will always help those suffering with healing and revival.

There are situations that seem hopeless. But even in them, trusting in divine Providence, one can find a successful Outcome.

Drug addiction not only causes terrible diseases and high mortality, but also provokes a huge number of family tragedies, serious crimes and social vices. No one doubts that in drug treatment centers, anonymous assistance to drug addicts in Moscow remains an extremely important and sought-after task: in difficult times of crisis, drug treatment specialists can provide the necessary psychological support to both the addict himself, in need of medical treatment, and his loved ones.

Current state of the problem

It must be admitted that the appearance of a modern drug addict has undergone significant changes compared to the era of the 90s. Now drug addicts are no longer those “lost people” who gradually lose their decent appearance and irrevocably sink to the social bottom. Today, any medical drug treatment center can confirm that drug addicts in the early stages of addiction are no different from ordinary people. They have a higher degree of social responsibility and are aware of the destructive consequences of their addictions; for example, consulting a narcologist in Moscow is no longer something reprehensible.

Just as the approach to providing medical care in the treatment of drug addiction has changed. Including, during rehabilitation, the patient’s psychological problems and his state of mind come to the fore. These factors most often become the cause of alcohol and drug addiction. Internal conflicts, first of all, need to be resolved to achieve the desired result.

Another achievement of modern medicine is anonymous treatment of drug addiction. As practice shows, most patients avoid seeing a doctor precisely because they are afraid of publicity. Today, most specialized centers offer anonymous assistance from a narcologist to drug addicts, which is legally supported. The doctor and the drug addict sign a special agreement under which the patient’s personal data does not go beyond the boundaries of his office.

Description of our services

The medical center for the treatment of drug addiction “Doctor Isaev’s Clinic” offers you timely professional support in matters of addiction recovery and rehabilitation. Our specialists fight not only the physical manifestations and consequences of addictions, but also help stabilize the patient’s internal state and work with his family members. Here you will find the following services:

  • first aid for drug addicts;
  • symptom relief, detoxification;
  • Anonymous addiction counseling;
  • inpatient and outpatient treatment;
  • providing psychological assistance to drug addicts in Moscow;
  • rehabilitation programs;
  • support groups for family members of addicts;
  • lawyer consulting.

We urge you to remember that qualified addiction recovery at home is almost impossible, especially in times of crisis. It’s better not to hesitate and turn to specialists: first aid services in the drug treatment center are provided to drug addicts around the clock and professionally. This reduces the likelihood of death and severe consequences.

And after the first support in treatment has been provided and the patient’s stable condition has been achieved, treatment measures can begin to get rid of drug addiction. These include both a complex of physiological procedures for detoxifying the body, and psychological assistance for drug addicts in the narcology center: an individually selected set of psychotherapeutic tasks and exercises.

They give our clients the opportunity to understand all the negative consequences of drug use, as well as the need for voluntary anonymous treatment and medical supervision by a narcologist. We are confident that good will in this matter, combined with the support of the addict’s family and friends, are one of the most powerful factors in recovery.

You can get free detailed information about the disease by phone or by leaving a request for a call back on the website.