The gingerbread house is short but clear. Fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm

Jean and Marie's family was poor. The children had to work tirelessly. Sometimes the family didn’t even have a piece of bread, so the brother and sister went to bed hungry, dreaming of goodies. In search of food, the heroes went into the forest and saw a real gingerbread house on their way. But its owner was an evil witch...

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Fairy tale Gingerbread house read

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister, Jean and Marie. Their parents were very poor, and they lived in an old house on the edge of the forest. The children worked from morning to night, helping their father, the woodcutter. Often they returned home so tired that they did not even have the strength to eat dinner. However, it often happened that they had no dinner at all, and the whole family went to bed hungry.

“Marie,” Jean sometimes said, when, hungry, they lay in a dark room and could not sleep, “I really want chocolate gingerbread.”

“Sleep, Jean,” answered Marie, who was older and smarter than her brother.

– Oh, how I want to eat a big chocolate gingerbread with raisins! – Jean sighed loudly.

But chocolate gingerbread with raisins did not grow on trees, and Marie and Jean's parents did not have the money to go to the city and buy them for their children. Only Sundays were joyful for children. Then Jean and Marie took baskets and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

“Don’t go too far,” my mother always reminded me.

“Nothing will happen to them,” her father reassured her. “Every tree in the forest is familiar to them.”

One Sunday, the children, while picking mushrooms and berries, were so carried away that they did not notice how evening had come.

The sun quickly disappeared behind dark clouds, and the branches of the fir trees rustled ominously. Marie and Jean looked around in fear. The forest no longer seemed so familiar to them.

“Marie, I’m scared,” Jean said in a whisper.

“Me too,” Marie answered. - It seems we are lost.

Large, unfamiliar trees looked like silent giants with broad shoulders. Here and there in the thicket, lights sparkled - someone’s predatory eyes.

“Marie, I’m afraid,” Jean whispered again.

It became completely dark. The children, shivering from the cold, huddled together. Somewhere nearby an owl hooted, and from afar came the howl of a hungry wolf. Scary night lasted forever. The children, listening to the ominous voices, never slept a wink. Finally, the sun flashed between the thick crowns of trees, and gradually the forest ceased to seem gloomy and scary. Jean and Marie got up and went to look for their way home.

They walked and walked through unfamiliar places. Huge mushrooms grew all around, much larger than those they usually collected. And in general everything was somehow unusual and strange. When the sun was already high, Marie and Jean came out into a clearing in the middle of which stood a house. Unusual house. Its roof was made of chocolate gingerbread, its walls were made of pink marzipan, and its fence was made of large almonds. There was a garden around it, and colorful candies grew in it, and large raisins hung on small trees. Jean couldn't believe his own eyes. He looked at Marie, swallowing his saliva.

- Gingerbread house! – he exclaimed joyfully.

- Garden of candy! – Marie echoed him.

Without wasting a minute, the hungry children rushed to the wonderful house. Jean broke off a piece of gingerbread from the roof and began to eat it. Marie went into the kindergarten and began to feast on marzipan carrots, almonds from the fence, and raisins from the tree.

– What a delicious roof! – Jean was happy.

“Try a piece of the fence, Jean,” Marie suggested to him.

When the children had eaten their fill of unusual delicacies, they became thirsty. Fortunately, in the middle of the garden there was a fountain in which the water gurgled, shimmering with all the colors. Jean took a sip from the fountain and exclaimed in surprise:

- Yes, this is lemonade!

The delighted children greedily drank lemonade, when suddenly a hunched old woman appeared from around the corner of the gingerbread house. She had a stick in her hand, and very thick glasses sat on her nose.

– Delicious house, isn’t it, kids? – she asked.

The children were silent. Frightened Marie stammered:

– We were lost in the forest... we were so hungry...

The old lady didn't seem angry at all.

- Don’t be afraid, guys. Enter the house. I will give you tastier treats than these.

As soon as the door of the house slammed behind Marie and Jean, the old woman changed beyond recognition. From being kind and friendly, she turned into an evil witch.

- So you got caught! – she wheezed, shaking her stick. – Is it good to have someone else’s house? You will pay me for this!

The children trembled and clung to each other in fear.

-What will you do to us for this? Perhaps you will tell our parents everything? – Marie asked in fear.

The witch laughed.

- Well, not that! I like children very much. Very!

And before Marie came to her senses, the witch grabbed Jean, pushed him into a dark closet and closed the heavy oak door behind him.

- Marie, Marie! – the boy’s exclamations were heard. - I'm scared!

- Sit quietly, you scoundrel! – the witch shouted. “You ate my house, now I’ll eat you!” But first I need to fatten you up a little, otherwise you are too thin.

Jean and Marie cried loudly. Now they were ready to give all the gingerbread in the world to again find themselves in a poor but dear house. But home and parents were far away, and no one could come to their aid.

Then the evil mistress of the gingerbread house approached the closet.

“Hey, boy, put your finger through the crack in the door,” she ordered.

Jean obediently stuck his thinnest finger through the crack. The witch touched him and said displeasedly:

- Yes, just bones. It’s okay, in a week I’ll have you plump and plump.

And the witch began to feed Jean intensively. Every day she prepared delicious dishes for him, bringing armfuls of marzipan, chocolate and honey treats from the kindergarten. And in the evening she ordered him to stick his finger into the crack and felt it.

“Oh, my dear, you’re getting fat right before our eyes.”

And indeed, Jean quickly gained weight. But one day Marie came up with this.

“Jean, next time, show her this wand,” she said and stuck a thin wand into the closet.

In the evening, the witch, as usual, turned to Jean:

- Come on, show me your finger, my sweetie.

Jean stuck out the wand that his sister gave him. The old woman touched it and jumped back as if scalded:

- Again, just bones! I’m not feeding you, you parasite, so that you’ll be as thin as a stick!

The next day, when Jean stuck his wand in again, the witch became seriously angry.

“You can’t still be that skinny!” Show me your finger again.

And Jean stuck his wand in again. The old woman touched it and suddenly pulled it with all her might. The wand remained in her hand.

- What is this? What is this? – she shouted in rage. - Stick! Oh, you worthless deceiver! Well, now your song is over!

She opened the closet and pulled out the frightened Jean, who had grown fat and became like a barrel.

“Well, my dear,” the old woman gloated. – I see that you will make an excellent roast!

The children were numb with horror. And the witch lit the stove, and a minute later it was already on fire. The heat was radiating from her.

– Do you see this apple? - asked the old woman Jean. She took a ripe, juicy apple from the table and threw it into the oven. The apple hissed in the fire, shriveled, and then disappeared completely. - The same will happen to you!

The witch grabbed a large wooden shovel, on which bread is usually placed in the oven, put plump Jean on it and stuck it into it. However, the boy became so fat that he could not fit into the stove, no matter how the witch tried to push him there.

- Well, get down! - the old woman ordered. - Let's try differently. Lie down on the shovel.

“But I don’t know how to lie down,” Jean whined.

- What a fool! - the witch muttered. - I'll show you!

And she lay down on the shovel. That's all Marie needed. At that very moment she grabbed a shovel and shoved the witch straight into the oven. Then she quickly closed the iron door and, grabbing her frightened brother by the hand, shouted:

- Let's run, quickly!

The children ran out of the gingerbread house and rushed without looking back towards the dark forest.

Without making out the road, they ran through the forest for a long time and slowed down only when the first stars appeared in the sky and the forest gradually began to thin out.

Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed a faint flickering light.

- This is our house! - shouted the out of breath Jean.

Indeed, it was their old, rickety house. Concerned parents stood on his threshold and peered into the darkness with anxiety and hope. How happy they were when they saw the children running towards them - Marie and Jean! And no one else heard about the evil witch who lived in the deep forest. She probably burned in her stove, and her fairy-tale house fell apart into thousands of gingerbread and marzipan crumbs, which were eaten by forest birds.

Gingerbread house: summary

Sunday is Jean and Marie's favorite day of the week. It is on this day that you can walk through the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, and take a little rest from the exhausting daily work, because the children’s family is very poor. One Sunday, the children got lost in the forest and had to spend the night in the middle of nowhere. They didn't sleep all night and barely endured the terrible fear, because in the forest at night it is very, very scary for small children.

In the morning they began to look for the way home, and came across someone’s house. And what a surprise! A gingerbread house, an almond fence, raisins on the trees and a lemonade stream. The children ate their fill of sweets, but then the mistress of the house returned. At first she seemed to them kind old lady, but as soon as they entered the house at her invitation, the old woman turned into a witch. She locked Jean up and decided to fatten him up and eat him. Every day she prepared all sorts of goodies for him, and the boy gained weight right before his eyes.

Marie decided to deceive the old woman and gave her brother a thin stick so that he would show it to the witch instead of his fat finger. But the old woman could not be fooled; she decided to eat the boy that same day. Then Marie organized everything so that the witch herself sat on the shovel, showed exactly how she would cook the boy, and then took it and stuck it in the oven. The children ran. They wandered through the forest for a long, long time and then they saw the light of their home. Their parents were already waiting for them there.

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Summary: In popular and a cautionary tale Gingerbread house, the author of which is the popular and talented poet and storyteller Charles Perrault. It tells the story of a poor, impoverished family of a woodcutter and his children. Throughout the week, from the very morning until the very late evening, the entire family of poor people worked, sparing no effort, to earn food for the family and not go hungry. A little brother and his sister, like all children, always dream of tasty and sweet food and various tasty delicacies. When Sunday came, the whole family went out into the forest every time to pick mushrooms and berries. One of these days, the children got lost in the forest. They walked through the forest for a long time until a beautiful gingerbread house appeared on their way. The never-before-seen structure was also delicious. The roof was made of sweet chocolate, the walls were made of caramel and marzipan. The garden consisted of various delicious sweets. Even the fence that surrounded the house was made of delicious almonds. The happy guys ate everything delicious and washed it down from the lemonade fountain. From unprecedented happiness and pleasure from delicious food, Delhi did not notice how they unwittingly found themselves in captivity of the witch, who was the mistress of this fabulous delicious house. The evil and insidious witch began to intensively feed the children, so that later she could prepare delicious gourmet food from them for dinner. Smart children were able to outsmart the insidious villain. They planted her shovel and sent it into the oven where she wanted to send the children for her dinner. What a joy it was for the children to return to their poor and impoverished home again, even without such beauty and all the delicacies of chocolate, caramel and marzipan. The moral of this popular tale remains very relevant in our modern society. The meaning is that nothing in life comes easy to us; there is always a price to pay for any action. Most often, temptation can only be offered dangerous people, which are distinguished by great cruelty. You can read the fairy tale The Gingerbread House online for free here. You can also listen to the tale in audio recording on our website. Don't forget to leave your feedback about the fairy tale story you read.

Text of the fairy tale Gingerbread House

Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister, Jean and Marie. Their parents were very poor, and they lived in an old house on the edge of the forest. The children worked from morning to night, helping their father, the woodcutter. Often they returned home so tired that they did not even have the strength to eat dinner. However, it often happened that they had no dinner at all, and the whole family went to bed hungry. “Marie,” Jean sometimes said, when, hungry, they lay in a dark room and could not sleep, “I really want chocolate gingerbread.” “Sleep, Jean,” answered Marie, who was older and smarter than her brother. – Oh, how I want to eat a big chocolate gingerbread with raisins! – Jean sighed loudly. But chocolate gingerbread with raisins did not grow on trees, and Marie and Jean's parents did not have the money to go to the city and buy them for their children. Only Sundays were joyful for children. Then Jean and Marie took baskets and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. “Don’t go too far,” my mother always reminded me. “Nothing will happen to them,” her father reassured her. “Every tree in the forest is familiar to them.” One Sunday, the children, while picking mushrooms and berries, were so carried away that they did not notice how evening had come. The sun quickly disappeared behind dark clouds, and the branches of the fir trees rustled ominously. Marie and Jean looked around in fear. The forest no longer seemed so familiar to them. “Marie, I’m scared,” Jean said in a whisper. “Me too,” Marie answered. - It seems we are lost. Large, unfamiliar trees looked like silent giants with broad shoulders. Here and there in the thicket, lights sparkled - someone’s predatory eyes. “Marie, I’m afraid,” Jean whispered again. It became completely dark. The children, shivering from the cold, huddled together. Somewhere nearby an owl hooted, and from afar came the howl of a hungry wolf. The terrible night lasted endlessly. The children, listening to the ominous voices, never slept a wink. Finally, the sun flashed between the thick crowns of trees, and gradually the forest ceased to seem gloomy and scary. Jean and Marie got up and went to look for their way home. They walked and walked through unfamiliar places. Huge mushrooms grew all around, much larger than those they usually collected. And in general everything was somehow unusual and strange. When the sun was already high, Marie and Jean came out into a clearing in the middle of which stood a house. Unusual house. Its roof was made of chocolate gingerbread, its walls were made of pink marzipan, and its fence was made of large almonds. There was a garden around it, and colorful candies grew in it, and large raisins hung on small trees. Jean couldn't believe his own eyes. He looked at Marie, swallowing his saliva. - Gingerbread house! – he exclaimed joyfully. - Garden of candy! – Marie echoed him. Without wasting a minute, the hungry children rushed to the wonderful house. Jean broke off a piece of gingerbread from the roof and began to eat it. Marie went into the kindergarten and began to feast on marzipan carrots, almonds from the fence, and raisins from the tree. – What a delicious roof! – Jean was happy. “Try a piece of the fence, Jean,” Marie suggested to him. When the children had eaten their fill of unusual delicacies, they became thirsty. Fortunately, in the middle of the garden there was a fountain in which the water gurgled, shimmering with all the colors. Jean took a sip from the fountain and exclaimed in surprise: “Yes, this is lemonade!” The delighted children greedily drank lemonade, when suddenly a hunched old woman appeared from around the corner of the gingerbread house. She had a stick in her hand, and very thick glasses sat on her nose. – Delicious house, isn’t it, kids? – she asked. The children were silent. Frightened Marie stammered: “We are lost in the forest... we are so hungry... The old woman did not seem angry at all.” - Don’t be afraid, guys. Enter the house. I will give you tastier treats than these. As soon as the door of the house slammed behind Marie and Jean, the old woman changed beyond recognition. From being kind and friendly, she turned into an evil witch. - So you got caught! – she wheezed, shaking her stick. – Is it good to have someone else’s house? You will pay me for this! The children trembled and clung to each other in fear. -What will you do to us for this? Perhaps you will tell our parents everything? – Marie asked in fear. The witch laughed. - Well, not that! I like children very much. Very! And before Marie came to her senses, the witch grabbed Jean, pushed him into a dark closet and closed the heavy oak door behind him. - Marie, Marie! – the boy’s exclamations were heard. - I'm scared! - Sit quietly, you scoundrel! – the witch shouted. “You ate my house, now I’ll eat you!” But first I need to fatten you up a little, otherwise you are too thin. Jean and Marie cried loudly. Now they were ready to give all the gingerbread in the world to again find themselves in a poor but dear house. But home and parents were far away, and no one could come to their aid. Then the evil mistress of the gingerbread house approached the closet. “Hey, boy, put your finger through the crack in the door,” she ordered. Jean obediently stuck his thinnest finger through the crack. The witch touched it and said displeasedly: “Yes, just bones.” It’s okay, in a week I’ll have you plump and plump. And the witch began to feed Jean intensively. Every day she prepared delicious dishes for him, bringing armfuls of marzipan, chocolate and honey treats from the kindergarten. And in the evening she ordered him to stick his finger into the crack and felt it. “Oh, my dear, you’re getting fat right before our eyes.” And indeed, Jean quickly gained weight. But one day Marie came up with this. “Jean, next time, show her this wand,” she said and stuck a thin wand into the closet. In the evening, the witch, as usual, turned to Jean: “Come on, show me your finger, my sweetie.” Jean stuck out the wand that his sister gave him. The old woman touched it and jumped back as if scalded: “Again, just bones!” I’m not feeding you, you parasite, so that you’ll be as thin as a stick! The next day, when Jean stuck his wand in again, the witch became seriously angry. “You can’t still be that skinny!” Show me your finger again. And Jean stuck his wand in again. The old woman touched it and suddenly pulled it with all her might. The wand remained in her hand. - What is this? What is this? – she shouted in rage. - Stick! Oh, you worthless deceiver! Well, now your song is over! She opened the closet and pulled out the frightened Jean, who had grown fat and became like a barrel. “Well, my dear,” the old woman gloated. – I see that you will make an excellent roast! The children were numb with horror. And the witch lit the stove, and a minute later it was already on fire. The heat was radiating from her. – Do you see this apple? - asked the old woman Jean. She took a ripe, juicy apple from the table and threw it into the oven. The apple hissed in the fire, shriveled, and then disappeared completely. - The same will happen to you! The witch grabbed a large wooden shovel, on which bread is usually placed in the oven, put plump Jean on it and stuck it into it. However, the boy became so fat that he could not fit into the stove, no matter how the witch tried to push him there. - Well, get down! - the old woman ordered. - Let's try differently. Lie down on the shovel. “But I don’t know how to lie down,” Jean whined. - What a fool! - the witch muttered. - I'll show you! And she lay down on the shovel. That's all Marie needed. At that very moment she grabbed a shovel and shoved the witch straight into the oven. Then she quickly closed the iron door and, grabbing her frightened brother by the hand, shouted: “Let’s run, quickly!” The children ran out of the gingerbread house and rushed without looking back towards the dark forest. Without making out the road, they ran through the forest for a long time and slowed down only when the first stars appeared in the sky and the forest gradually began to thin out. Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed a faint flickering light. - This is our house! - shouted the out of breath Jean. Indeed, it was their old, rickety house. Concerned parents stood on his threshold and peered into the darkness with anxiety and hope. How happy they were when they saw the children running towards them - Marie and Jean! And no one else heard about the evil witch who lived in the deep forest. She probably burned in her stove, and her fairy-tale house fell apart into thousands of gingerbread and marzipan crumbs, which were eaten by forest birds.

Watch the fairy tale The Gingerbread House listen online

The Gingerbread House is a fairy tale about brother and sister Jean and Marie. The children's parents were very poor, and they and the children worked all day long until they were exhausted. Sometimes I didn’t even have enough strength for dinner, and even if I had enough, there was often nothing to eat for dinner. The children dreamed of something sweet at night, especially the youngest Jean. Once they went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries, got lost and wandered into the very thicket, and there - a miracle. The children couldn't believe their eyes. Gingerbread house and candy garden, lemonade stream and other sweets. The children ate their fill, but then the owner of the house returned - an evil witch...

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Gingerbread house: summary

Sunday is Jean and Marie's favorite day of the week. It is on this day that you can walk through the forest, pick mushrooms and berries, and take a little rest from the exhausting daily work, because the children’s family is very poor. One Sunday, the children got lost in the forest and had to spend the night in the middle of nowhere. They didn't sleep all night and barely endured the terrible fear, because in the forest at night it is very, very scary for small children.

In the morning they began to look for the way home, and came across someone’s house. And what a surprise! A gingerbread house, an almond fence, raisins on the trees and a lemonade stream. The children ate their fill of sweets, but then the owner of the house returned. At first she seemed to them like a kind old woman, but as soon as they entered the house at her invitation, the old woman turned into a witch. She locked Jean up and decided to fatten him up and eat him. Every day she prepared all sorts of goodies for him, and the boy gained weight right before his eyes.

Marie decided to deceive the old woman and gave her brother a thin stick so that he would show it to the witch instead of his fat finger. But the old woman could not be fooled; she decided to eat the boy that same day. Then Marie organized everything so that the witch herself sat on the shovel, showed exactly how she would cook the boy, and then took it and stuck it in the oven. The children ran. They wandered through the forest for a long, long time and then they saw the light of their home. Their parents were already waiting for them there.

Charles Perrault
Gingerbread house
One Sunday, children from very poor family got lost in the forest and came across a gingerbread house with a candy garden and a lemonade fountain. While enjoying themselves, they did not notice the mistress of the house - the witch. She grabbed the children, but before eating, she decided to fatten up skinny Jean. For a time they managed to deceive the witch with the help of a thin stick, which Jean stuck out when the witch asked to show his finger; When the deception was revealed, the old woman decided to immediately cook the fat boy in the oven, but she could not get him into the oven. Then the witch sat down on the shovel to show how to sit on it, and Marie pushed the old woman into the fire. The children returned home, but the witch was never heard of again.

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Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister, Jean and Marie. Their parents were very poor, and they lived in an old house on the edge of the forest. The children worked from morning to night, helping their father, the woodcutter. Often they returned home so tired that they did not even have the strength to eat dinner. However, it often happened that they had no dinner at all, and the whole family went to bed hungry.

“Marie,” Jean sometimes said, when, hungry, they lay in a dark room and could not sleep, “I really want chocolate gingerbread.”

“Sleep, Jean,” answered Marie, who was older and smarter than her brother.

– Oh, how I want to eat a big chocolate gingerbread with raisins! – Jean sighed loudly.

But chocolate gingerbread with raisins did not grow on trees, and Marie and Jean's parents did not have the money to go to the city and buy them for their children. Only Sundays were joyful for children. Then Jean and Marie took baskets and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

“Don’t go too far,” my mother always reminded me.

“Nothing will happen to them,” her father reassured her. “Every tree in the forest is familiar to them.”

One Sunday, the children, while picking mushrooms and berries, were so carried away that they did not notice how evening had come.

The sun quickly disappeared behind dark clouds, and the branches of the fir trees rustled ominously. Marie and Jean looked around in fear. The forest no longer seemed so familiar to them.

“Marie, I’m scared,” Jean said in a whisper.

“Me too,” Marie answered. - It seems we are lost.

Large, unfamiliar trees looked like silent giants with broad shoulders. Here and there in the thicket, lights sparkled - someone’s predatory eyes.

“Marie, I’m afraid,” Jean whispered again.

It became completely dark. The children, shivering from the cold, huddled together. Somewhere nearby an owl hooted, and from afar came the howl of a hungry wolf. The terrible night lasted endlessly. The children, listening to the ominous voices, never slept a wink. Finally, the sun flashed between the thick crowns of trees, and gradually the forest ceased to seem gloomy and scary. Jean and Marie got up and went to look for their way home.

They walked and walked through unfamiliar places. Huge mushrooms grew all around, much larger than those they usually collected. And in general everything was somehow unusual and strange. When the sun was already high, Marie and Jean came out into a clearing in the middle of which stood a house. Unusual house. Its roof was made of chocolate gingerbread, its walls were made of pink marzipan, and its fence was made of large almonds. There was a garden around it, and colorful candies grew in it, and large raisins hung on small trees. Jean couldn't believe his own eyes. He looked at Marie, swallowing his saliva.

- Gingerbread house! – he exclaimed joyfully.

- Garden of candy! – Marie echoed him.

Without wasting a minute, the hungry children rushed to the wonderful house. Jean broke off a piece of gingerbread from the roof and began to eat it. Marie went into the kindergarten and began to feast on marzipan carrots, almonds from the fence, and raisins from the tree.

– What a delicious roof! – Jean was happy.

“Try a piece of the fence, Jean,” Marie suggested to him.

When the children had eaten their fill of unusual delicacies, they became thirsty. Fortunately, in the middle of the garden there was a fountain in which the water gurgled, shimmering with all the colors. Jean took a sip from the fountain and exclaimed in surprise:

- Yes, this is lemonade!

The delighted children greedily drank lemonade, when suddenly a hunched old woman appeared from around the corner of the gingerbread house. She had a stick in her hand, and very thick glasses sat on her nose.

– Delicious house, isn’t it, kids? – she asked.

The children were silent. Frightened Marie stammered:

– We were lost in the forest... we were so hungry...

The old lady didn't seem angry at all.

- Don’t be afraid, guys. Enter the house. I will give you tastier treats than these.

As soon as the door of the house slammed behind Marie and Jean, the old woman changed beyond recognition. From being kind and friendly, she turned into an evil witch.

- So you got caught! – she wheezed, shaking her stick. – Is it good to have someone else’s house? You will pay me for this!

The children trembled and clung to each other in fear.

-What will you do to us for this? Perhaps you will tell our parents everything? – Marie asked in fear.

The witch laughed.

- Well, not that! I like children very much. Very!

And before Marie came to her senses, the witch grabbed Jean, pushed him into a dark closet and closed the heavy oak door behind him.

- Marie, Marie! – the boy’s exclamations were heard. - I'm scared!

- Sit quietly, you scoundrel! – the witch shouted. “You ate my house, now I’ll eat you!” But first I need to fatten you up a little, otherwise you are too thin.

Jean and Marie cried loudly. Now they were ready to give all the gingerbread in the world to again find themselves in a poor but dear house. But home and parents were far away, and no one could come to their aid.

Then the evil mistress of the gingerbread house approached the closet.

“Hey, boy, put your finger through the crack in the door,” she ordered.

Jean obediently stuck his thinnest finger through the crack. The witch touched him and said displeasedly:

- Yes, just bones. It’s okay, in a week I’ll have you plump and plump.

And the witch began to feed Jean intensively. Every day she prepared delicious dishes for him, bringing armfuls of marzipan, chocolate and honey treats from the kindergarten. And in the evening she ordered him to stick his finger into the crack and felt it.

“Oh, my dear, you’re getting fat right before our eyes.”

And indeed, Jean quickly gained weight. But one day Marie came up with this.

“Jean, next time, show her this wand,” she said and stuck a thin wand into the closet.

In the evening, the witch, as usual, turned to Jean:

- Come on, show me your finger, my sweetie.

Jean stuck out the wand that his sister gave him. The old woman touched it and jumped back as if scalded:

- Again, just bones! I’m not feeding you, you parasite, so that you’ll be as thin as a stick!

The next day, when Jean stuck his wand in again, the witch became seriously angry.

“You can’t still be that skinny!” Show me your finger again.

And Jean stuck his wand in again. The old woman touched it and suddenly pulled it with all her might. The wand remained in her hand.

- What is this? What is this? – she shouted in rage. - Stick! Oh, you worthless deceiver! Well, now your song is over!

She opened the closet and pulled out the frightened Jean, who had grown fat and became like a barrel.

“Well, my dear,” the old woman gloated. – I see that you will make an excellent roast!

The children were numb with horror. And the witch lit the stove, and a minute later it was already on fire. The heat was radiating from her.

– Do you see this apple? - asked the old woman Jean. She took a ripe, juicy apple from the table and threw it into the oven. The apple hissed in the fire, shriveled, and then disappeared completely. - The same will happen to you!

The witch grabbed a large wooden shovel, on which bread is usually placed in the oven, put plump Jean on it and stuck it into it. However, the boy became so fat that he could not fit into the stove, no matter how the witch tried to push him there.

- Well, get down! - the old woman ordered. - Let's try differently. Lie down on the shovel.

“But I don’t know how to lie down,” Jean whined.

- What a fool! - the witch muttered. - I'll show you!

And she lay down on the shovel. That's all Marie needed. At that very moment she grabbed a shovel and shoved the witch straight into the oven. Then she quickly closed the iron door and, grabbing her frightened brother by the hand, shouted:

- Let's run, quickly!

The children ran out of the gingerbread house and rushed without looking back towards the dark forest.

Without making out the road, they ran through the forest for a long time and slowed down only when the first stars appeared in the sky and the forest gradually began to thin out.

Suddenly, in the distance, they noticed a faint flickering light.

- This is our house! - shouted the out of breath Jean.

Indeed, it was their old, rickety house. Concerned parents stood on his threshold and peered into the darkness with anxiety and hope. How happy they were when they saw the children running towards them - Marie and Jean! And no one else heard about the evil witch who lived in the deep forest. She probably burned in her stove, and her fairy-tale house fell apart into thousands of gingerbread and marzipan crumbs, which were eaten by forest birds.