Prologue. knowledge of existence or what is the smallest particle in the universe? The smallest penis in the world

This world is strange: some people strive to create something monumental and gigantic in order to become famous throughout the world and go down in history, while others create minimalist copies of ordinary things and amaze the world with them no less. This review contains the smallest objects that exist in the world and at the same time are no less functional than their full-size counterparts.

1. SwissMiniGun pistol

The SwissMiniGun is no larger than a regular wrench, but it is capable of firing tiny bullets that fly out of the barrel at speeds in excess of 430 km/h. This is more than enough to kill a person at close range.

2. Peel 50 car

Weighing just 69kg, the Peel 50 is the smallest car ever approved for road use. This three-wheeled Pepelats can reach a speed of 16 km/h.

3. Kalou School

UNESCO recognized Iran's Kalou School as the smallest in the world. There are only 3 students and former soldier Abdul-Muhammad Sherani, who works as a teacher.

4. Teapot weighing 1.4 grams

It was created by ceramic master Wu Ruishen. Although this teapot weighs only 1.4 grams and fits on your fingertip, you can brew tea in it.

5. Sark Prison

Sark Prison was built in the Channel Islands in 1856. There was room for only 2 prisoners, who were in very cramped conditions.

6. Tumbleweed

This house was called "Perakati Field" (Tumbleweed). It was built by Jay Schafer from San Francisco. Although the house is smaller than some people's closets (it's only 9 square meters), it has a work space, a bedroom and a bath with shower and toilet.

7. Mills End Park

Mills End Park in Portland is the smallest park in the world. Its diameter is only... 60 centimeters. At the same time, the park has a swimming pool for butterflies, a miniature Ferris wheel and tiny statues.

8. Edward Niño Hernandez

Edward Niño Hernandez from Colombia is only 68 centimeters tall. The Guinness Book of Records recognized him as the smallest man in the world.

9. Police Station in a Phone Booth

In essence, it is no bigger than a telephone booth. But it was actually a functioning police station in Carabella, Florida.

10. Sculptures by Willard Wigan

British sculptor Willard Wigan, who suffered from dyslexia and poor school performance, found solace in creating miniature works of art. His sculptures are barely visible to the naked eye.

11. Mycoplasma Genitalium bacterium

Although there is still debate about what is considered "living" and what is not, most biologists do not classify a virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or does not have metabolism. A virus, however, can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single-stranded DNA virus called porcine circovirus. Its size is only 17 nanometers.

13. Amoeba

The smallest object visible to the naked eye is approximately 1 millimeter in size. This means that under certain conditions a person can see an amoeba, a slipper ciliate, and even a human egg.

14. Quarks, leptons and antimatter...

Over the past century, scientists have made great strides in understanding the vastness of space and the microscopic "building blocks" that make it up. When it came to figuring out what the smallest observable particle in the universe was, people encountered some difficulties. At one point they thought it was an atom. Scientists then discovered a proton, a neutron and an electron.

But it didn't end there. Today, everyone knows that when you smash these particles into each other in places like the Large Hadron Collider, they can be broken down into even smaller particles like quarks, leptons, and even antimatter. The problem is that it is impossible to determine what is smallest, since size becomes irrelevant at the quantum level, and all the usual rules of physics do not apply (some particles have no mass, while others even have negative mass).

15. Vibrating strings of subatomic particles

Considering what was said above regarding the concept of size having no meaning at the quantum level, one might think of string theory. This is a slightly controversial theory that suggests that all subatomic particles are made of vibrating strings that interact to create things like mass and energy. Thus, since these strings technically have no physical size, it can be argued that they are in some sense the "smallest" objects in the Universe.

The answer to the ongoing question: what is the smallest particle in the Universe that evolved with humanity.

People once thought that grains of sand were the building blocks of what we see around us. The atom was then discovered and thought to be indivisible until it was split to reveal the protons, neutrons and electrons within. They also did not turn out to be the smallest particles in the Universe, since scientists discovered that protons and neutrons consist of three quarks each.

So far, scientists have not been able to see any evidence that there is anything inside the quarks and that the most fundamental layer of matter or the smallest particle in the Universe has been reached.

And even if quarks and electrons are indivisible, scientists don't know if they are the smallest bits of matter in existence or if the Universe contains objects that are even smaller.

The smallest particles in the Universe

They come in different flavors and sizes, some have amazing connections, others essentially evaporate each other, many of them have fantastic names: quarks made up of baryons and mesons, neutrons and protons, nucleons, hyperons, mesons, baryons, nucleons, photons, etc. .d.

The Higgs boson is a particle so important to science that it is called the “God particle.” It is believed that it determines the mass of all others. The element was first theorized in 1964 when scientists wondered why some particles were more massive than others.

The Higgs boson is associated with the so-called Higgs field, which is believed to fill the Universe. Two elements (the Higgs field quantum and the Higgs boson) are responsible for giving the others mass. Named after the Scottish scientist Peter Higgs. With the help of March 14, 2013, the confirmation of the existence of the Higgs Boson was officially announced.

Many scientists argue that the Higgs mechanism has solved the missing piece of the puzzle to complete the existing "standard model" of physics, which describes known particles.

The Higgs boson fundamentally determined the mass of everything that exists in the Universe.


Quarks (meaning quarks) are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. They are never alone, existing only in groups. Apparently, the force that binds quarks together increases with distance, so the further you go, the more difficult it will be to separate them. Therefore, free quarks never exist in nature.

Quarks are fundamental particles are structureless, pointy approximately 10−16 cm in size.

For example, protons and neutrons are made up of three quarks, with protons containing two identical quarks, while neutrons have two different ones.


It is known that the fundamental “building blocks” of matter, fermions, are quarks and leptons, and the guardians of the force, bosons, are photons and gluons. The theory of supersymmetry says that fermions and bosons can transform into each other.

The predicted theory states that for every particle we know, there is a related one that we have not yet discovered. For example, for an electron it is a selectron, a quark is a squark, a photon is a photino, and a higgs is a higgsino.

Why don't we observe this supersymmetry in the Universe now? Scientists believe they are much heavier than their regular cousins ​​and the heavier they are, the shorter their lifespan. In fact, they begin to collapse as soon as they arise. Creating supersymmetry requires quite a large amount of energy, which only existed shortly after the big bang and could possibly be created in large accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider.

As for why the symmetry arose, physicists theorize that the symmetry may have been broken in some hidden sector of the Universe that we cannot see or touch, but can only feel gravitationally.


Neutrinos are light subatomic particles that whistle everywhere at close to the speed of light. In fact, trillions of neutrinos are flowing through your body at any moment, although they rarely interact with normal matter.

Some originate from the sun, while others come from cosmic rays interacting with Earth's atmosphere and astronomical sources such as exploding stars in the Milky Way and other distant galaxies.


All normal particles are thought to have antimatter with the same mass but opposite charge. When matter meets, they destroy each other. For example, the antimatter particle of a proton is an antiproton, while the antimatter partner of an electron is called a positron. Antimatter is one of the most expensive substances in the world that people have been able to identify.


In the field of quantum mechanics, all fundamental forces are transmitted by particles. For example, light is made up of massless particles called photons, which carry an electromagnetic force. Likewise, the graviton is a theoretical particle that carries the force of gravity. Scientists have yet to detect gravitons, which are difficult to find because they interact so weakly with matter.

Threads of Energy

In experiments, tiny particles such as quarks and electrons act as single points of matter with no spatial distribution. But point objects complicate the laws of physics. Since it is impossible to approach infinitely close to a point, since the acting forces can become infinitely large.

An idea called superstring theory could solve this problem. The theory states that all particles, instead of being pointlike, are actually small threads of energy. That is, all objects in our world consist of vibrating threads and membranes of energy. Nothing can be infinitely close to the thread, because one part will always be a little closer than the other. This loophole appears to solve some of the problems with infinity, making the idea attractive to physicists. However, scientists still have no experimental evidence that string theory is correct.

Another way of solving the point problem is to say that space itself is not continuous and smooth, but is actually made up of discrete pixels or grains, sometimes called space-time structure. In this case, the two particles will not be able to approach each other indefinitely, because they must always be separated by a minimum grain size of space.

Black hole point

Another contender for the title of smallest particle in the Universe is the singularity (a single point) at the center of a black hole. Black holes form when matter condenses into a space small enough that gravity grabs, causing matter to be pulled inward, eventually condensing into a single point of infinite density. At least according to the current laws of physics.

But most experts don't think black holes are truly infinitely dense. They believe that this infinity is the result of an internal conflict between two current theories - general relativity and quantum mechanics. They suggest that when the theory of quantum gravity can be formulated, the true nature of black holes will be revealed.

Planck length

Threads of energy and even the smallest particle in the Universe can be the size of a “planck length.”

The length of the bar is 1.6 x 10 -35 meters (the number 16 is preceded by 34 zeros and a decimal point) - an incomprehensibly small scale that is associated with various aspects of physics.

The Planck length is a “natural unit” of length that was proposed by the German physicist Max Planck.

Planck's length is too short for any instrument to measure, but beyond this, it is believed to represent the theoretical limit of the shortest measurable length. According to the uncertainty principle, no instrument should ever be able to measure anything less, because in this range the universe is probabilistic and uncertain.

This scale is also considered the dividing line between general relativity and quantum mechanics.

The Planck length corresponds to the distance where the gravitational field is so strong that it can begin to make black holes from the energy of the field.

Apparently now, the smallest particle in the Universe is approximately the size of a plank: 1.6 x 10 −35 meters


From school it was known that the smallest particle in the Universe, the electron, has a negative charge and a very small mass, equal to 9.109 x 10 - 31 kg, and the classical radius of the electron is 2.82 x 10 -15 m.

However, physicists are already operating with the smallest particles in the Universe, the Planck size which is approximately 1.6 x 10 −35 meters.

Incredible facts

People tend to pay attention to large objects that immediately attract our attention.

On the contrary, small things may go unnoticed, although this does not make them any less important.

Some of them we can see with the naked eye, others only with the help of a microscope, and there are those that can only be imagined theoretically.

Here's a collection of the world's smallest things, ranging from tiny toys, miniature animals and people to a hypothetical subatomic particle.

The smallest pistol in the world

The smallest revolver in the world SwissMiniGun it looks no bigger than a door key. However, looks can be deceiving, and the pistol, which is only 5.5 cm long and weighs just under 20 grams, can shoot at a speed of 122 m per second. This is enough to kill at close range.

The smallest bodybuilder in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records Aditya "Romeo" Dev(Aditya “Romeo” Dev) from India was the smallest bodybuilder in the world. At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9 kg, he could lift 1.5 kg dumbbells and spent a lot of time improving his body. Unfortunately, he died in September 2012 due to a ruptured brain aneurysm.

The smallest lizard in the world

Kharaguan sphero ( Sphaerodactylus ariasae) is the smallest reptile in the world. Its length is only 16-18 mm and its weight is 0.2 grams. It lives in the Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic.

The smallest car in the world

At 59 kg, the Peel 50 is the smallest production car in the world. About 50 of these cars were produced in the early 1960s, and now only a few models remain. The car has two wheels in front and one in the back, and reaches a speed of 16 km per hour.

The smallest horse in the world

The smallest horse in the world named Einstein born in 2010 in Barnstead, New Hampshire, UK. At birth, she weighed less than a newborn baby (2.7 kg). Her height was 35 cm. Einstein does not suffer from dwarfism, but belongs to the Pinto horse breed.

Smallest country in the world

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world. This is a small state with an area of ​​only 0.44 square meters. km and a population of 836 people who are not permanent residents. The tiny country surrounds St. Peter's Basilica, the spiritual center of Roman Catholics. The Vatican itself is surrounded by Rome and Italy.

The smallest school in the world

Kalou School in Iran has been recognized by UNESCO as the smallest school in the world. In the village where the school is located, only 7 families live, with four children: two boys and two girls, who attend the school.

The smallest teapot in the world

The smallest teapot in the world was created by a famous ceramicist Wu Ruishen(Wu Ruishen) and it weighs only 1.4 grams.

The smallest mobile phone in the world

The Modu phone is considered the smallest mobile phone in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. With a thickness of 76 millimeters, it weighs only 39 grams. Its dimensions are 72 mm x 37 mm x 7.8 mm. Despite its tiny size, you can make calls, send SMS messages, play MP3s and take photos.

The smallest prison in the world

Sark Prison in the Channel Islands was built in 1856 and accommodates one cell for two prisoners.

The smallest monkey in the world

Pygmy marmosets, which live in the tropical rainforests of South America, are considered the tiniest monkeys in the world. An adult monkey weighs 110-140 grams and reaches a length of 15 cm. Although they have fairly sharp teeth and claws, they are relatively docile and popular as exotic pets.

The smallest post office in the world

The smallest postal service, WSPS (World's Smallest Postal Service) in San Francisco, USA, translates your letters into miniature form, so the recipient will have to read it with a magnifying glass.

The smallest frog in the world

frog species Paedophryne amauensis at 7.7 millimeters long, it is found only in Papua New Guinea, and is the tiniest frog and smallest vertebrate in the world.

The smallest house in the world

The smallest house in the world of an American company Tumbleweed by architect Jay Shafer is smaller than some people's toilets. Although this house is only 9 square meters. meters looks tiny, it fits everything you need: a workplace, a bedroom, a bathroom with shower and toilet.

The smallest dog in the world

In terms of height, the smallest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records is the dog Boo Boo– Chihuahua height 10.16 cm and weight 900 grams. She lives in Kentucky, USA.

In addition, it claims to be the smallest dog in the world. Maisie- a terrier from Poland with a height of only 7 cm and a length of 12 cm.

The smallest park in the world

Mill Ends Park in the city of Portland, Oregon, USA - this is the smallest park in the world with a diameter of only 60 cm. In a small circle located at the intersection of roads there is a butterfly pool, a small Ferris wheel and miniature statues.

The smallest fish in the world

Fish species Paedocypris progenetica from the carp family, found in peat bogs, grows to only 7.9 millimeters in length.

The smallest man in the world

72 year old Nepalese man Chandra Bahadur Dangi(Chandra Bahadur Dangi) with a height of 54.6 cm was recognized as the shortest person and man in the world.

The smallest woman in the world

The shortest woman in the world is Yoti Amge(Jyoti Amge) from India. On her 18th birthday, the girl, with a height of 62.8 cm, became the smallest woman in the world.

Smallest police station

This small phone booth in Carabella, Florida, USA is considered the smallest working police station.

The smallest baby in the world

In 2004 Rumaisa Rahman(Rumaisa Rahman) became the smallest newborn child. She was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 244 grams and was 24 cm tall. Her twin sister Hiba weighed almost twice as much - 566 grams and was 30 cm tall. Their mother suffered from severe pre-eclampsia, which can lead to giving birth to smaller children.

The smallest sculptures in the world

British sculptor Ullard Wigan(Willard Wigan), who suffered from dyslexia, did not excel academically and found solace in creating miniature works of art that are invisible to the naked eye. His sculptures are placed in the eye of a needle, reaching dimensions of 0.05 mm. His recent works, which are called nothing less than “the eighth wonder of the world,” do not exceed the size of a human blood cell.

The smallest teddy bear in the world

Mini Pooh Bear created by a German sculptor Bettina Kaminski(Bettina Kaminski) became the tiniest hand-sewn teddy bear with movable legs measuring just 5 mm.

The smallest bacterium

The smallest virus

Although there is still debate among scientists about what is considered “living” and what is not, most biologists do not classify viruses as living organisms because they cannot reproduce and are not capable of exchange outside the cell. However, a virus can be smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest single-stranded DNA virus is porcine cirocovirus ( Porcine circovirus). The diameter of its shell is only 17 nanometers.

The smallest objects visible to the naked eye

The smallest object visible to the naked eye is 1 millimeter in size. This means that, under the right conditions, you can see a common amoeba, a slipper ciliate, and even a human egg.

The smallest particle in the Universe

Over the last century, science has made huge strides towards understanding the vastness of the Universe and its microscopic building materials. However, when it comes to the smallest observable particle in the Universe, some difficulties arise.

At one time, the smallest particle was considered to be an atom. Then scientists discovered the proton, neutron and electron. Now we know that by smashing particles together (as in the Large Hadron Collider), they can be broken down into even more particles, such as quarks, leptons and even antimatter. The problem is only in determining what is less.

But at the quantum level, size becomes irrelevant, since the laws of physics to which we are accustomed do not apply. So some particles have no mass, some have negative mass. The solution to this question is the same as dividing by zero, that is, it is impossible.

The smallest hypothetical object in the Universe

Considering what was said above that the concept of size is inapplicable at the quantum level, we can turn to the well-known string theory in physics.

Although this is a rather controversial theory, it suggests that subatomic particles are composed of vibrating strings, which interact to create things like mass and energy. And although such strings do not have physical parameters, the human tendency to justify everything leads us to the conclusion that these are the smallest objects in the Universe.

What do you think is the smallest animal on Earth?

It is logical to say that one of the smallest animals on Earth is the mosquito; it is also one of the most dangerous animals, according to statistics, due to the fact that it carries many diseases.

Animals (from Wikipedia):

“In the scientific sense, animals, in addition to mammals, reptiles and amphibians, include a huge variety of other organisms: fish, birds, insects, arachnids, mollusks, starfish, all kinds of worms, etc.”

A mosquito is one of the smallest creatures, but by no means the smallest, however, all sorts of midges and insects are not of particular interest to ordinary people.

Let's look at the smallest interesting animals, by species, for example - the smallest dog, cat, monkey, frog, snake.

Pictured is a Pudu reindeer

The smallest deer

The northern pudu is a deer the size of a small dog. The height at the withers is only 30-40 cm; such a compact animal is found in the south of Chile and the island of Chilos. Leads a secretive lifestyle.

In the photo there is a biruang bear

The smallest bear

Biruang is miniature but ferocious, in the West it is considered one of the most dangerous bears in the world (especially angry females feeding cubs), however, in Asia it is called the sun bear and is sometimes even kept as a pet. In addition to being the smallest bear, it is also the rarest bear on the planet. The height is usually no more than one and a half meters, weight 25-65 kg.

Pictured is Yorkshire Terrier Millie

Pictured is a Chihuahua

In the photo there is a chihuahua Tuddy

The smallest dog

Until 2001, one of the representatives of the dwarf Yorkshire terrier rightfully held the title of the smallest dog: its height was only about 62 mm. Until recently, the smallest living chihuahua was Boo-Boo - her height is 100 mm. Nowadays, several representatives of miniature breeds, or rather their owners, are fighting for the right to have the title of the smallest dog and to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Pictured is Pibbles the cat.

The smallest cat

Peebles the cat, weighing 1350 grams and 15.5 cm long, lives with his owner in Illinois. It looks like just a kitten, but with the experience of an experienced cat, capricious, playful. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Everywhere the weight parameters indicated are 1.5 kg, but there are versions that this is some kind of confusion; in my opinion, a 15-centimeter cat cannot weigh 1.5 kg.

In the photo there is a cow of the Vechur breed

The smallest cow

In India, dwarf cow breeds have been bred - Vechur. Animal height is up to 90 cm, weight is up to 100 kg. The milk yield is minimal - up to 3 liters per day (however, this is quite normal for many if you keep a cow for yourself), the meat is stringy and tough.

In India, where they were bred more than a hundred years ago, cow meat is not eaten - there the cow is a sacred animal. However, keeping such a mini animal is less expensive than a large cow, and besides, vechurs can become wonderful friends for humans.

The 83 cm tall cow is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

The smallest horse in the photo is Tumbelina

The smallest horse

Tumbelina lives in the USA, her weight is 27 kg, height is 43 kg. According to the owners, he is a very friendly, gentle horse. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

In the photo, the smallest fox in Russia is the corsac fox.

The smallest fox in Russia

The corsac (the smallest breed of fox) is 50 cm long, 30 cm tall at the shoulders, lives in Tatarstan, the European part to Volgograd.

Pictured is a dwarf shrew

One of the smallest mammals in Russia is the dwarf shrew, its length is 3-4.5 cm, its weight is less than 2 grams. It looks like a shrew, a mouse, is considered a predator, destroys insect pests - worms and everything in sight. He hardly sleeps - he eats all the time, his heart rate is 1300 beats per minute.

Pictured is a red-headed wren

One of the smallest birds in Russia is the red-headed wren: its weight is 5 grams, its size does not exceed 9 cm.

Pictured is a hummingbird

The smallest bird in the world

Hummingbird - weight 1.6 grams, length up to 5.7 cm. It hums like a bee when it flies, as it makes 80-100 wing beats per second, the number of heartbeats is 350 beats per minute, the body temperature is 40 degrees. Flight speed - 80 km/h. They feed on flower nectar and insects.

Lives only in Cuba. Is an endangered species. Also one of the most beautiful birds.

In the photo there are marmosets

The smallest monkeys

Marmosets do not grow longer than 15 cm and weigh up to 150 grams. Marmosets live in hot countries: Bolivia, Peru, South America, Brazil, they are also kept in captivity, they are considered the cutest creatures.

“Pygmy marmosets compete with dwarf mouse lemurs for the title of smallest primate. Their size is only from 11 to 15 cm, not counting the tail, which is 17 to 22 cm long. The weight of dwarf marmosets is from 100 to 150 g. Their fur is thick and long and is colored golden brown on the upper side. The underside is white or orange."

The photo shows the smallest hamster

The smallest hamster

His name is PeeWee. Its height is six times smaller than that of ordinary hamsters - 25 mm, it is the size of a ten-ruble coin.

The photo shows the smallest chameleon

The smallest chameleon

Miniature Brookesia is a species of dwarf chameleon - slightly larger than a match head, only about 2 mm. Lives in the tropical forests of Madagascar. Often disguised as fallen leaves. It has two rows of spines along the ridge, jagged growths above the eyes, and a slightly curled tail.

The mini-chameleon is so tiny that it is not even really known what it eats, because all the beetles and insects that most of its larger relatives feed on are simply larger than the chameleon itself.

Due to deforestation and lack of knowledge, the species is in a state of survival threat.

The photo shows the smallest fish

The smallest fish

“The title of smallest fish was shared between Stout infantfish and Paedocypris progenetica.

There were two winners, because... one of them is freshwater, and the other is marine. Paedocypris progenetica lives in peat bogs on the island of Sumatra and, despite its close relationship with carp, reaches only 10 millimeters (for males) or 7-8 millimeters (for females).

The Great Barrier Reef in turn became home to Stout infantfish, which grow to 7-8 millimeters.”

The photo shows the smallest lizard

The smallest lizard

The Kharaguan sphero rarely reaches a length of more than 1.6 cm. It can easily fit on a one-ruble coin.

Miniature lizards are now in fashion; the most modest prices for such specimens start from 10 thousand rubles; it is difficult to find information on prices for the above-mentioned specimen. It’s true that it’s very problematic to keep the Haragua sphero...

The species was discovered only in 2001, but even now, like the miniature chameleon, it is on the verge of extinction due to deforestation.

The photo shows the smallest snake

The smallest snake

The Carla species of miniature snake lives on the island of Barbados and feeds on ant eggs and termites. The length of the snake is only 100 mm, that is, 10 cm, which allows it to remain invisible to people and potential food.

It looks like an earthworm, only nimble and shiny. The species is listed in the Red Book as endangered.

Pictured is a pig-nosed bumblebee bat.

The smallest bat

The pig-nosed bat, belonging to the order Chiroptera (also called the bumblebee mouse), weighs up to 2 grams, length up to 3 cm. It is smaller than many insects. The mouse was called the pig-bearing mouse because of its snout-like nose. She lives in Thailand, Myanmar, in limestone caves, stays in groups, hunts insects at night. Their numbers are declining and are listed in the Red Book as one of the top ten rare species.

In the photo there is an Irukandji jellyfish

The smallest jellyfish

The Irukandji jellyfish belongs to the order Box jellyfish and resembles a transparent white bell. Its dimensions are 25 by 12 mm, but the tentacles can be from one mm to... one meter. Despite its tiny size, this is a very dangerous creature, the poison can kill a person or cause paralysis, lives in the Pacific Ocean, the waters of Australia, “discovered” in 1952 by academician Hugo Flecker, named after the Australian tribe.

The box jellyfish releases venom not with its entire body, but with its tentacle, which is not taken seriously by tourists, because it looks like a mosquito bite; many do not immediately notice and understand what happened.

The academician himself tested the effect of the poison on himself and described its symptoms. He survived, but there were deaths. Paralytic effects begin with unbearable headaches, spasms throughout the body, muscle pain, pulmonary edema, tachycardia, hypertension. This complex of manifestations is even called Irukandji syndrome. In fatal cases, horrific pain throughout the body lasts about a day.

Interesting fact: “According to recent studies, global warming, including warming of ocean waters, is leading to the gradual spread of irukandji in the waters of the world’s oceans.”

The photo shows the smallest frog Paedophryne amanuensis

The smallest frog

Frog Paedophryne amanuensis, body length from 7.7 mm to 11.3, females are larger than males. Frogs are brown in color, which allows them to be well camouflaged on the ground. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle, jumping at disturbances 30 times the size of her body.

They live in the southeast of Papua, New Guinea at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, and were recently discovered.

It is considered, according to some scientists, to be the smallest land creature (animal).

The photo shows the smallest seahorse

The smallest seahorse

Denis's seahorse (lat. Hippocampus denise) is a very miniature inhabitant of the deep sea, its length is only 10-14 mm. Leads a lonely lifestyle. A beautiful, unusual creature. Found in tropical waters off the coasts of southern Japan, Indonesia, Northern Australia and New Caledonia, its natural habitat is coral reefs.

Pictured is a pygmy hippopotamus

Pygmy hippopotamus (Pygmy Hippopotamus)

Pygmy hippopotamus - “a herbivorous mammal from the hippopotamus family. Lives in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire." They live in the forest of Upper Guinea in Africa, where they are protected as an endangered species.

In weight it reaches only a tenth of the size of its large relatives.

grows only to 1/10 the weight of its larger counterparts. They are solitary creatures, elusive, prefer to lead a secretive, nocturnal lifestyle, staying apart rather than in packs like their larger relatives.

Deforestation and pollution of the biosphere have led to the fact that this species is on the verge of extinction.

These are very touching, charming creatures, similar to large guinea pigs.

And finally about the second species of the smallest monkeys.

Pictured is a dwarf mouse lemur

Dwarf mouse lemurs

Madame Bertha's dwarf lemur - “the smallest of the mouse lemurs and one of the smallest primates (the main competitor for this title is the pygmy marmoset). Weight is about 50 grams, body length is about 20 centimeters, of which 10 are in the tail.”

That is, an adult animal is only 5 cm (excluding the tail). It lives in Madagascar, but those who want something exotic regularly try to tame the monkey for home life. However, it is difficult to accustom the animal to handling - it is quite aggressive, docile individuals are rare.

Nature made such animals small or is this the result of evolution with a restructuring for survival, because many species “mutated” and changed in order to be less noticeable, more tenacious - it is unknown, but such tiny individuals are undoubtedly a mystery of nature. Perhaps these are one of the most unexplored species of animals, fraught with not only good but bad, such as, for example, the smallest box jellyfish.

Measuring the length of your “weapon of love” is a popular and very ancient men’s pastime. According to legends, even divine beings willingly participated in it. Let us remember the same Priapus - the ancient Greek god of fields and gardens, who measured the length of his penis with the donkey of Dionysus, and won (although there is a version that he lost, got angry and killed the winner). And during the Renaissance, codpieces came into fashion - richly decorated pouches for the male organ. This main decoration of the costume was proudly displayed for all to see, to the envy of his rivals.

Many men believe that how good they can be in bed depends solely on the size of their penis. And there is indeed a grain of truth in this, because several things related to sex depend on the size of the penis, including a woman’s likelihood of achieving orgasm.

The average length of an erect phallus is in the range 12.9-15 cm. But a penis in an adult less than 7 cm long is referred to in medicine as a “micropenis”.

After studying statistics from Wikipedia and other sources, we found out in which countries the men with the smallest penises live and who has not just a “micro”, but almost a “nanopenis” in the world.

Countries where men with the smallest penises live

Here is a picture that shows the size of manhood depending on the country of residence. These data, provided by the Australian National Health and Welfare Agency, are the result of both online surveys (in which many probably added a couple of extra centimeters) and measurements from the tip of the erect penis to the pubic bone.

  • The title of men with the smallest penis in the world (on average 10 cm) goes to Koreans. However, there are other studies conducted in South Korea. The first of these (published in 1970) involved 702 men aged 21 to 31 years, and the average length of the erect penis among the subjects was 12.70 cm. In another study (from 1998), scientists with rulers at the ready studied 150 Korean men, and the average length of the penis this time was 13.42 cm. But a third study (published in 1999) involving 279 Korean men showed that the average length of the penis in the homeland of LG and Hyundai was 12.66 cm So guess what: either the rulers dry out over time, or something else.
  • But men with the largest average penis size can be found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (18 cm in the “fighting position”).
  • There is a “folk superstition” that the larger the leg size, the larger the man’s penis. But no. Researchers found no statistically significant correlation between penis size and the size of other body parts. One study by Siminoski and Bain (1988) found a weak correlation between penile size and nasal size and height; however, it was too small to be used as a practical estimate.
  • But a connection between anomalies of the genitals and human limbs may exist. The development of the penis in the embryo is controlled in part by the same genes that control the development of the limbs. Mutations of some genes that control the growth of limbs also cause deviations in the development of genitalia.

Men may well underestimate the size of their penis compared to others. Surveys of sexologists show that many men who thought their penis was too small actually had average-sized penises. And marketers long ago learned to play on the fears of the stronger half of humanity, offering creams, ointments, potency products and other “one hundred percent reliable” means for penis enlargement. This is despite the fact that there is no consensus in the scientific community on a non-surgical method that can permanently increase either the thickness or length of the phallus.

Owner of the smallest penis in the world

Miami resident Mike Carson was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the smallest male penis. According to Carson and his doctors, his fully functioning penis measures just 0.15 centimeters. For comparison: the length (not erect) is 48 centimeters.

Carson said that in his youth he was teased by his peers, and most of his classmates believed that he was actually a girl.

“For a long time I felt so bad (about the bullying) that I thought I was really a girl. The guys laughed at me and told me that it was my clitoris that was so big.”, Carson said.

However, now the American is even proud of his reputation as the owner of the smallest penis, and has no desire to undergo surgery to enlarge the phallus. Mike assures that since he gained fame, the ladies have not given him a pass, wanting to give his “baby” a test drive. This is where the adage that size doesn't matter has definitely gone wrong.

Carson's closest competitor is Pole Lee Przyzbylovich. His erect penis is only 4 cm long. If you look at the photograph of this man's genitals, it is difficult to believe that it belongs to an adult and not a child.

The smallest penises in animals

Reykjavik resident Sigurdur Hjartarson knows exactly which animal has the smallest penis. He didn’t have to study photos and video materials for this. After all, Hjartarson has all the exhibits at hand, one might say. In his museum of mammal penises.

This strange collection, which the Icelander collected for about 15 years, contains the genitals of all animals living in the country, and many species from different parts of the Earth. In total, the phallological museum houses preserved penises of 95 species of mammals.

The largest exhibit is the penis of a blue whale, 170 centimeters long and weighing 70 kg. And this is not the whole thing, otherwise it would be 12 meters long and weigh about a ton.

But the owner of the smallest penis among animals is a hamster. The length of its penis is only 2 mm, while the body varies in length from 5 to 34 cm.To examine such a tiny organ, you need to use a magnifying glass.

The museum also contains a human penis belonging to a fascist who died at the age of 95.