The "Origin of Alexandria" is the result of a genetic mutation. How to imitate the genesis of Alexandria

Karim, blue, blue. To create a certain shade of eyes or simply to emphasize their individuality, individuals use lenses of different colors. But some people don’t need to do this at all, since their eyes are naturally a rare color. Typically purple. This phenomenon is called the “origin of Alexandria.”

Genetic mutation

Some babies experience a change 6-10 months after birth that causes their eyes to take on a rare purple hue. This does not affect a person’s vision in any way, but there is an opinion that people with violet eye color have a tendency to cardiovascular diseases.

The mutation process takes a long time and continues until puberty. At this time, the eyes become a darker shade, which can even mix with blue. It remains only to figure out how the “origin of Alexandria” is connected with genetic shifts.

There are many rare diseases in the world that accompany a person throughout his life and are of genetic origin. The corresponding gene code is responsible, which also determines the shade of the hair and the presence of freckles. The Origin of Alexandria is one such rare anomaly.

Weil-Marquesani syndrome

Sometimes this disease, which is hereditary, is called Weil-Marchesani syndrome. This pathology is also manifested by the following characteristic symptoms: short stature, a defect in the shape of the head and a change in the shape of the lens of the eye.

But the main sign of the “Alexandria origin” mutation is the eyes. In addition, people susceptible to this have highly developed muscles, thick fingers and a considerable layer of subcutaneous tissue. Many patients have almost no body hair, and women do not have a menstrual cycle, but are quite capable of childbearing.


It is generally accepted that albinos lack melanin and therefore their eyes are red. But sometimes it can combine with the color blue, resulting in a purple hue. Such cases are extremely rare and are not related to the “Alexandria origin” mutation.

Interesting information

There are very few owners of violet eyes on earth. Therefore, when a child with an unusual iris color was born in 1329, his parents turned to the priest for help, deciding that this was the machinations of Satan. But the church minister assured them that their child was not from the devil, but simply belonged to a special caste of people with rare violet eyes. The famous American actress Elizabeth Taylor had extraordinary qualities that captivated her compatriots.

It is believed that the pathology is transmitted through the mother and can worsen from generation to generation. People with the genetic mutation “Alexandrian origin” were credited with long life expectancy (up to 150 years), strong immunity and the inability to sunbathe.

The eye is also quite a rare phenomenon, only 2% of the entire population of the planet can boast of it. Rare ones include both pure black eyes and red ones, which are found in albinos.

Genesis Alexandria is a fake mutation creating super people. Although it is not real, you can pretend that you have it. With this mutation, a person has violet or blue-violet eyes, black hair, pale shimmering skin that does not tan, a beautiful body, no waste, a strong immune system, slow aging and they live a very long time. Although, if you don't have all of this, you can still fake this mutation!


Part 1

Transforming your body

    Take contact lenses. It's biologically impossible to have purple eyes (although certain lighting and makeup tricks can make blue eyes look more purple), so get contact lenses. It is very easy, especially if you have vision problems and need contact lenses, and you can also order contact lenses that are sold without a prescription in specialized stores and online stores.

    Dye your hair. Most versions of Alexandria's genesis do not describe what color the hair should be, but some claim that the most common hair color is dark (black or brown). If you want you can dye your hair a darker color. You must give your hair excellent care in order for it to look beautiful. Curly black hair looks like it hasn't been brushed. Use a good shampoo and conditioner, brush your hair with the right brush for your hair type, and condition your hair to avoid split ends.

    Brighten your skin. First, take very good care of your skin to reduce acne. Wash, exfoliate and moisturize your skin daily. You can then use lemon juice or a mild bleach intended for use on the face to lighten your skin. You can also buy creams at your local pharmacy that are designed to lighten your skin.

    • Stay fit. One of the "symptoms" of Genesis Alexandria is that people who have it may not be overweight. Eat healthy and exercise to maintain your weight. Eating a balanced diet (rich in vegetables, whole grains, and protein, and low in fat and sugar) can help a lot, while keeping you healthy and feeling great!
  1. Shave or hot wax areas where you don't want hair. Those who have the Alexandria Genesis should have no hair on their body except on their head. To reduce razor bumps, use salt or sugar scrubs before, after, and periodically between shaves. If you want, then you can remove the hair using hot wax, but it is painful. Use lotions that heal your skin, such as Bag Balm, to keep your skin healthy since shaving is irritating to your skin.

    Part 2

    Changing Your Actions
    1. Manage your menstrual cycle. Try to make your menstrual cycle less noticeable by being careful when you need to change your pad or tampon. You can also actually get rid of your menstrual cycle by getting a hormonal IUD or taking birth control pills and skipping placebos.

      Stay healthy. Being healthy in general strengthens the immune system. Get the injections and become germ-free so you will never get sick. Eat plenty of fruit or take supplements to ensure your body receives and absorbs vitamins C and D, use zinc drops if you feel you might get sick, and use hand sanitizer when you're in public to avoid contracting illnesses.

      Get old. Stay healthy and fit, unharmed, get medical checkups, cure diseases, do everything to live longer. Try to live the past hundred years. If there is a miracle pill in the future that will extend your life and is proven to work, take it!

      Appear old. You may also lie about your age, making it seem like you are much older than you really are. Study the history and culture of yesteryear and speak as if you were there. You can also listen to music, study fashion...even buy some antiques and swear to everyone that you bought it new!

      Avoid relieving yourself when other people are around. Since you can't help but produce waste, just don't do it in public. Only in the privacy of your home can you pass gas, go to the toilet, or urinate. Of course, if you really need to go to the toilet, don't strain yourself. Just apologize and say that you need to "touch up your lipstick" or something else that requires the bathroom.

    Part 3

    Understanding the Genesis of Alexandria

      Find out the origins of the Genesis of Alexandria. Now, legend has it that the Genesis of Alexandria began with a light shining in the skies over Egypt thousands of years ago. But in reality, Genesis of Alexandria was created when a young woman named Cameron Miquelon wrote a comic book (a story written by an amateur for an existing medium) for MTV for a 1990s TV show called "Daria."

    1. Understand the “symptoms” of the condition. Symptoms include:

      • White skin that doesn't tan
      • Purple eyes
      • Sometimes dark hair, and lack of hair on the body except the head
      • Absence of menstruation, but preservation of fertility
      • Life expectancy over 150 years and immunity from disease
      • No weight gain
      • No digestive waste
    2. Understand why these symptoms cannot exist. The genesis of Alexandria is supposedly a genetic mutation. However, the genes that affect these different parts of the body are not in the same area. So many symptoms, some of which may not even be possible, can be caused by just a few mutations. Fertility without menstruation is physically impossible, and no one has been recorded to live more than 150 years.

      • As for the reports that people like Elizabeth Taylor were born with purple eyes, those are all lies. There are many photographs and films that show that Elizabeth's eyes are blue. The images with purple eyes were all made in Photoshop.

Alexandria’s Genesis is an internet myth about perfect human beings whose eyes turn purple during infancy. According to Snopes, a popular fact-checking site, rumors about this so-called rare genetic mutation have been circulating the internet since at least as far back as 2005. Learn how to spot fake health stories.

The myth of Alexandria’s Genesis, which has several odd origin stories, claims that people with this condition are born with purple eyes or have eyes that turn purple shortly after birth. They also have pale skin and well-proportioned bodies that don’t gain weight. These perfect humans supposedly live to be well over 100 years old and produce very little bodily waste.

Alexandria’s Genesis is not a real medical condition. But there are several real-life conditions that can affect eye color. Read on to learn more about these conditions.

Eye color refers to the color of the iris, the colorful ring around the pupil that controls how much light enters the eye. Iris color, like hair and skin color, depends on the presence of a protein called melanin.

Special cells called melanocytes secrete melanin in your body wherever it’s needed. Melanocytes respond to light (which explains your summer tan). The melanocytes in the eyes of newborns have never been exposed to light, so they haven’t become fully active.

Most babies will be born with brown eyes, regardless of their race. But many Caucasian babies are born with blue or gray eyes. As the melanocytes are activated by light over an infant’s first year of life, eye color may change. Typically, this means turning from a blue/gray (low melanin) to hazel/green (medium melanin), or to brown (high melanin).

In people with heterochromia, the iris of one eye is different than the iris of another. For example, you might have one blue eye and one brown eye. It’s also possible for small segments of the same iris to be different colors. For example, half of your left eye could be blue and half could be brown.

Most cases of heterochromia are not associated with any other medical symptoms or causes. It’s caused by a combination of genetic factors, like normal eye color. Rarely, heterochromia can be a sign of a congenital (present from birth) condition or the result of an injury or illness.

Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that affects the optic nerve and can cause vision loss and blindness. In the front of your eye, there is a tiny chamber. Fluid moves in and out of this chamber, nourishing the tissue there. This fluid flows out of the eye through a spongy meshwork that acts like a drain.

In open-angle glaucoma (the most common type), the fluid drains too slowly. This allows pressure to build up in the eye, which can damage the optic nerve. Optic nerve damage can mean vision loss or blindness.

In pigmentary glaucoma, the colorful pigment from the eye sheds off in tiny granules, causing a blockage that slows fluid drainage and increases pressure. Eye color doesn't disappear entirely, but there can be changes to the iris.

The symptoms of pigmentary glaucoma are like those of other types of glaucoma. The primary symptom is peripheral vision loss. This makes it hard to see things out of the side of your eye.

Glaucoma requires careful management by an ophthalmologist or optometrist (eye doctor). There are treatments and medications that can reduce the chance of vision loss.

Horner syndrome is a group of symptoms caused by the disruption of a nerve pathway that leads from the brain to the face and eye on one side of the body. Horner syndrome is typically caused by another medical problem, such as a stroke, spinal injury, or tumor.

Symptoms of Horner syndrome include a decrease in pupil size (the black part of the eye), a drooping eyelid, and decreased sweating on one side of the face. There is currently no specific treatment for this condition.

The iris is the colored part of the eye. Tumors can grow both within and behind the iris. Most iris tumors are cysts or pigmented growths (like moles), but some are malignant melanomas (a form of aggressive, life-threatening cancer).

Most people with iris tumors don’t have any symptoms. Sometimes, though, changes in the eye’s appearance can be seen. Thick, pigmented spots called nevi can change, grow larger, or pull the pupil in a different direction.

If you suspect an eye tumor, consult with an eye cancer specialist to rule out melanoma or begin cancer treatment. Treatment may involve radiation or surgery.

Some glaucoma medications can affect eye color. Prostaglandin analogs such as latanoprost (Xalatan) work to increase fluid drainage from the eye and reduce pressure buildup. They don’t have a lot of systemic side effects, but they’re associated with changes in eye appearance. People using these glaucoma eye drops may experience eye color change.

Prostaglandin analogs are also marketed as eyelash enhancers such as bimatoprost (Latisse). According to information filed with the

This story began for me with a post in the “Overheard” community. On August 20, 2013, a certain user published a rather interesting, but incredibly ignorant post. I quote it verbatim:

« I have Alexandria Origin, in other words, purple eyes. because of genetics. mutations hair grows only on the head, there are eyebrows and eyelashes. I don’t need to shave, I have a perfectly smooth body. no periods. many girls will probably start to envy. BUT! I'm infertile. I don’t despair, I’ll go to the orphanage.”

This is how I first learned about such a phenomenon as the Origin of Alexandria as a wonderful genetic mutation - nature’s mockery of man. I began to explore the Internet in an attempt to find out what kind of “purple eyes” these are and came across the following information.

People with this rare mutation have very developed muscles. They have thick fingers and a large layer of subcutaneous tissue. Also, the “heirs of Alexandria” have hair only growing on their heads, not on their bodies. And to top it all off, there is a very controversial phenomenon - girls with this mutation do not have a menstrual cycle. And here the opinions of the “eyewitness” differ from the “medical” conclusions - supposedly, even though girls do not have periods, they are capable of childbearing. Not only this, but articles vying with each other to claim that among the stars there is one “heiress”. And this is none other than Elizabeth Taylor, the famous American actress. This mutation also has a history. According to experts, this mutation was first noticed in ancient Egypt after a mysterious flash in the sky. This mutation was first registered in 1329 in a girl named Alexandria, after whom the disease was named.

Honestly, I believed it. I believed in this story exactly until I tried to find more information about it and at least some medical justification. To be honest, I was alarmed by the fact that I didn’t have my period. I knew a little about albinism then - also a complex, multifaceted and rather romantic mutation (at first glance) - but unlike albinism, there was no information about the Heritage of Alexandria on any serious, trustworthy website.

A small note on Wikipedia finally destroyed my faith in this beautiful, but rather awkward fairy tale:


The rarest color. There is an opinion that the actress Elizabeth Taylor had purple eyes (according to one version, she had only one purple eye), but in reality this color is found only in albinism.

So, now the true story of Alexandria's Legacy.

In the 1990s, the animated series “Daria” was shown on MTV. He was quite popular back then and had a large number of fans. So, 15-year-old Cameron Miquellon decided to write fan fiction based on her favorite TV series. The main character of this work was a typical Mary Sue - a girl ideal in everything, whom the author endowed with a rare disease called “Genesis of Alexandria”. Many believe that it was this event and the widespread dissemination of this fan work that led to the creation of this popular Internet myth. However, it is not. He also had a second push.

Already in the 2000s, Stephen Woodward wrote his book Through Violet Eyes, quite possibly inspired by The Legacy of Alexandria. In the book, people with purple eyes could see the spirits of the dead and talk to them.

Finally, I would like to add that the story turned out to be really funny. People quite often wishful thinking, and when what you want looks so tempting and romantic, it’s simply impossible to resist. This legend is also direct proof that data from the Internet is not always worth believing.

Our soul. And each of us has a different “mirror”: blue, brown, green or gray, and sometimes amber and black. And sometimes you can even see purple eyes. Some people do not believe this and believe that the corresponding photographs on the network were not without the intervention of Photoshop, but the facts say that this is not the case. Purple eye color actually occurs in nature, thereby causing delight, surprise and interest. How is the shade of the “mirror of the soul” conveyed? What versions of the appearance of violet color exist? This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

Inheritance of eye color

According to biology, the shade of the iris depends on the amount of pigment, on the type and degree of its distribution on its mesodermal and ectodermal layers, as well as on the vessels and fibers of the iris itself. And genetic studies have found that all this is controlled by six different genes. It is their interaction that determines what eye color the child will have. It was noted that the dark shade usually dominates the light one. Expectant mothers and those who have just had a baby can, with a high degree of probability, use a genetic calculator to determine the future color of the iris. Most often it is brown, blue, green, or the result of a combination of these. How then do you get purple eyes? Anyone who still believes that this is a myth can take a closer look at the numerous photographs of the famous Elizabeth Taylor. Although some attribute the appearance of the lilac tint to the effects of lighting on the set, many sources claim that the eyes of the famous actress were indeed a rare purple color.

Origin of Alexandria

According to one old legend, several centuries ago, residents of a small Egyptian settlement noticed a bright flash of unknown origin in the sky. Soon after this, children began to be born in the village who had incredibly beautiful violet eyes. One of the first was a girl named Alexandria, born in 1329. Six months after her appearance, the baby’s eye color turned from blue to purple. And much later, when she had four daughters, it turned out that each of them also had violet-colored eyes. In honor of this girl, doctors named this pathology “The Origin of Alexandria.” However, until today, no subsequent cases of such a disease have been registered, which gives reason to consider this story a myth, although who knows how it really happened...

Marchesani syndrome

There is another version: the violet tint of the iris can be caused by a disease such as Marchesani syndrome. However, among his symptoms there is no mention of this rare pathology. Those who suffer from Marchesani syndrome are characterized by underdeveloped limbs, short stature and vision problems. However, there is evidence that it is ophthalmological diseases that can occasionally affect the pigmentation of the iris.


Finally, the third possible reason why purple eyes appear is gene mutations. Sometimes, as a result of such disorders, a disease called albinism occurs, due to which the body lacks melanin, which is responsible for the colors and shades of the skin, hair and iris. Therefore, from birth, albinos have blood vessels visible through the iris, and their eyes appear red. Sometimes their blue collagen reflects more than usual, and therefore it seems that such people have purple eyes. However, more often the violet color is explained by the increased photosensitivity of people who have this disease. One way or another, lilac eyes are always unusual, mysterious and beautiful. And if so, then it does not matter at all what caused their appearance: gene mutations or an unusual gift from aliens from other galaxies.