Passing grade in chemistry for medical school. Rating of the best medical universities in Russia

Summer is an important, defining time for many young people who decide to enroll in educational institutions in various fields, including medical ones. There are plenty of educational institutions for future doctors - you can master a specialty in your city or take a risk and go to a prestigious institution located in a large populated area.

The applicant has a high choice, but each institution has different admission rules and passing scores. The number of points scored ultimately determines the fate of the applicant, giving him the right to study at a university or depriving him of it.

How can the passing score for medical university be calculated? Presumably, 100 applications were submitted to the conditional medical university, but there are only 25 places in the specialty. The sum of Unified State Examination points and the average certificate will be strictly individual for each applicant. Thus, those with the highest scores will be among the twenty-five enrolled.

Passing score for budget in medical

To figure out what the approximate passing score for medical school could be on a budget, you need to make a simple calculation. For example, out of 25 applicants, only five apply for budget places. All applicants are ranked according to the number of points scored. For example, the highest score is 300, the second is 290, and the fifth is 190. Thus, the applicant who takes fifth place in the ranking is the last to qualify for a budget place, and the sum of his points becomes a passing indicator for the university. There is also a separate calculation of the passing score for budget places for the target group of beneficiaries. A separate competition is possible for this category.

Passing marks 2017 medical

A passing grade at a medical university in 2017 is the minimum indicator that is required of an applicant in order to get a place. This score is formed during the entrance campaign and becomes known after the results have already been received. An applicant who receives a high passing grade can apply for a more prestigious specialty at a medical university if he beats his competitors in the ranking.

The strongest medical universities set their own rules. For example, at Sechenov Medical University the passing scores are slightly above average. This is done in order to increase the level of applicants and not waste time processing applications from people who do not meet the reputation of the institution. If you were unable to get into a prestigious university, you should not despair; you can apply to an institution of a simpler level. There is another option: you can continue to prepare for another year and try to enroll again.

Of course, for a medical university, the results of the Unified State Exam in a specialized subject are of great importance. Depending on the educational institution, this subject may be Physics, Chemistry or Biology. Results in a core subject are very important for admission, and you need to prepare especially carefully for passing this test. The highest coefficient is assigned to the specialized subject.

Passing scores for medical 2017 are formed according to the following criteria:

  • how many people decided to come to the institution for this specialty;
  • what is the total score on the Unified State Examination for the subjects included in the examination program;
  • what is the number of applicants who brought original documents;
  • what is the number of beneficiaries who submitted applications?

Passing scores for the budget in medical universities in 2017 can now only be determined on the day of enrollment. This indicator means the total number of points earned, which is located at the lower limit of the list of those enrolled in this direction. A separate competition is always held for a special target group, and individual beneficiaries are enrolled outside of it.

In 2017, admissions committees at medical universities are recommended to set the passing scores for medical school in a core subject at the level of 45-50. Thus, the selection committee will not count the results of the Unified State Exam if they do not meet these requirements.

Medical passing score 2016

In 2016, some educational institutions established the following passing scores for medical institutes:

  • Sechenov passing scores - from 220 to 270;
  • medical academy passing score - from 230 to 260;
  • medical Moscow passing score - from 220 to 270;
  • Ryazan medical passing score - 185 to 230.

From the results of the last year it is clear that in the prestigious educational institution named after Sechenov the passing total score is above average. At the Ryazan Medical Center this figure is below average. But you should still focus on average indicators.

When applying to a medical university, it is not recommended to completely rely on last year’s passing scores. Information about previous entry campaigns is useful as a guide, but conditions are constantly changing. For example, the number of applicants or the number of places paid from the budget. First of all, you need to hope for a high-quality passing of the Unified State Exam and prepare in advance, much earlier than a month. Preparation should be carried out in every lesson, and preferably in additional courses.

You might be interested.

Medicine consistently leads the list of “dream professions.” The most responsible school graduates strive to spend most of their lives in a white coat. Sociological studies show that a consistently high demand for medical specialties is not evident in all regions of the country. Among graduates from Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, there are fewer people wishing to make a career in the doctoral field, while stability is observed within the professional community of doctors in these cities.

The regions are another matter: provincial youth still have a great desire to get one of the doctoral professions. And if there is a sufficient amount of knowledge for this or an emphasis is placed on paid education, then one question remains on the agenda - which university or academy to apply to.

Perhaps, initially thinking about entering a medical university, boys and girls are more obsessed with the idea of ​​​​being enrolled in the 1st year. Nevertheless, the fundamental factor in evaluating an educational institution should be the quality of education. People who understand this try to enter prestigious universities - of course, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The winners of the All-Russian and International Olympiads and other “golden” contingent who have the right to enter without competition also come here.

Reference: healthcare is the only area of ​​non-humanitarian education where the average Unified State Exam score exceeds “70”. In Russia, more than 75 universities of the Ministry of Health place excessive demands on the quality of basic knowledge of applicants. This indicates the undiminished prestige of the medical profession.

In the field of paid education, places were distributed as follows:

  • 32 thousand applicants in 2016 preferred economic specialties;
  • 20 thousand people leaned towards management;
  • 15.5 thousand are future doctors.

Composition of the Russian Higher Medical School

In 2019, 89 higher educational institutions and faculties of the Ministry of Health are accepting applicants in the Russian Federation - of which:

  • 48 main government agencies;
  • 4 branches of state universities;
  • 7 non-state accredited educational institutions;
  • 2 branches of non-state universities.

Among them, 23 leading medical universities passed the full accreditation procedure in 2015.

What do medical universities look like against the background of the overall rating from Expert RA?

The application of fundamental principles of methodological research and impartiality in assessment are two good reasons to consider the ratings of medical universities RAEX (Expert RA) as one of the most reliable. The opinion about educational institutions in the healthcare sector consisted of 3 characteristics:

  • quality of education;
  • research work;
  • demand by employers.

The group of respondents among whom the survey was conducted included graduates, students, teachers representing the scientific and academic board, and employers.

At the end of 2016, the top 100 included 16 best medical universities. As a result, the 2019 rating of medical universities in Russia based on the quality of education and other criteria is as follows:

No. No. in the rating University
1 22 First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov)
2 23 St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova (PSB State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov)
3 27 Russian National Research Medical University named after. N. I. Pirogov (Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov)
4 32 Kazan State Medical University (KSMU).
5 34 Siberian State Medical University (Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk)
6 46 Northwestern State Medical

University named after I. I. Mechnikova (Northwestern State Medical University, St. Petersburg)

7 49 Voronezh State Medical

Academy named after N. N. Burdenko (VSMA).

8 51 Samara State Medical University (SAMMU).
9 62 Ural State Medical Academy
10 70 Omsk State Medical Academy
11 73 Volgograd State Medical

University (VolgSMU).

12 79 Ryazan State Medical University

them. Academician I.P. Pavlova (Ryazan State Medical University).

13 81 Kursk State Medical University
14 83 Altai State Medical University
15 87 Saratov State Medical

University named after V. I. Razumovsky

16 95 Tyumen State Medical Academy

Judging by the results of ratings compiled by the Expert RA agency over the past 4 years, the quality of education in medical universities has improved slightly, but has improved. In 2014, for example, in the TOP-100 there were 11 institutions producing certified doctors, and 2 years later the list of leaders was replenished with four new names.

What specialties are taught in the best medical universities in the state and what is the cost of education received on a commercial basis - we present information on the first five leaders:

No. 1: First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov

No. 2: PSPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova

No. 3: RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov

No. 4: KSMU (Kazan)

No. 5: Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)

Budget or commerce – will determine Unified State Exam scores

The points scored based on the results of the Unified State Exam are still the criterion that determines the quality of the applicant’s knowledge. The cherished numbers are taken as the very threshold value, crossing which means officially stepping outside the threshold of the chosen university on September 1st. Candidates who do not receive the required “points” will have to choose between paid education at the same institution, enrollment in another university with a more flexible points policy, or make another attempt to enroll in the “dream university”, but in a year.

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov
  2. RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov.
  3. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.
  4. St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova
  5. NSMU, Novosibirsk.
  6. Ryaz State Medical University.
  7. VolgSMU.
  8. Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
  9. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk.
  10. Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don.

The best among paid medical universities

The highest level of education is shown by educational healthcare institutions in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, and Tver. In these cities, the medical profession is taught for a fee, and even applicants with the highest Unified State Exam scores get into “commerce.” The information was obtained as a result of monitoring conducted at the initiative of the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency and the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

We present the top ten universities whose paid departments are difficult to get into due to inflated competitive scores:

  1. PSPbSMU named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  2. VSMA named after. Burdenko.
  3. MGMSU named after. A.I. Evdokimov.
  4. KSMU.
  5. St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.
  6. KubSMU, Krasnodar.
  7. First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
  8. SamSMU.
  9. TSMU, Tver.
  10. Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod.

By tradition, the most popular specialties with corresponding competition are:

  • dentistry
  • medicine
  • pediatrics
  • pharmacy.

It is impossible to become a doctor in absentia. In Russian universities there are a number of faculties where this form of training is acceptable, but, firstly, their number is gradually reduced to zero, and secondly, they train here not future therapists and dentists, but specialists with a conditionally medical profile - for example, nursing with an emphasis on management.

How highly valued is a diploma from a Russian medical university abroad?

Today, no body in the world has the authority to award international qualifications in the field of medicine. Considering this fact, the low status of a Russian university diploma and its inconvertibility should be accepted as a false and unsubstantiated judgment. Earlier, in Soviet times, government officials and interested structures tried to block the road to the West for qualified specialists with a similar myth.

It is not entirely correct to judge the quality of education in higher education institutions, as well as the prestige of the institution itself, by the awards and regalia awarded. The most objective evaluative factor is the practicing graduates - their work, career and achievements. Maintaining a high status is possible only with a constant presence in the market and progress in all areas, including research work and cooperation with “foreign countries”.

US legislation, for example, allows the employment of doctors with university degrees registered with WHO and the IMED-FAIMER agency (a body authorized by the state). Employers should not care which institution the applicant graduated from - Harvard or State Medical University in Krasnodar. The focus is not on the place of obtaining the diploma, but on professionalism and personal abilities. If the name of the institution is not on the WHO list, you should not count on the vacancy. Specifically, the name of the medical university should be mentioned in the Avicenna catalog (contains an extensive list of educational institutions in the world working in healthcare and other areas of activity) and in the WHO WorldDirectory of Medical-Schools.

An institution for education should be chosen based on the same criteria: if its name is not listed in the WHO catalogs, it loses its attractiveness among applicants and cannot claim prestige.

Registration of medical universities with WHO is carried out on the basis of an application submitted by a government body competent in resolving such issues. In Russia, this authority is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The registration procedure itself is carried out automatically, but this process is sometimes artificially delayed for reasons known to the representatives of the international organization themselves. An example of this is the Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University: the year of its foundation is 1995, but it officially appeared on the WHO lists only in 2003, and in 2006, after a request from the administration, it was included in the IMED list.

Medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at a university, but also at a college after completing 9 years of study in a secondary school. How to become a student at a secondary specialized educational organization, from which specialties you can choose - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enroll in medical school. college after 9th grade. They have to be sorted out.

Honey. college after 9th grade: specialties, choice of future profession

If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on your specialty. For applicants who have completed 9 grades in a comprehensive school, secondary specialized educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:

  • "Nursing"
  • "Midwifery."


Many applicants upon admission to medical school. College after 9th grade choose the direction of training “Nursing”. During their first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have studied in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, fundamentals of nursing). In the final years, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).

Graduates of "Nursing" receive the qualification or medical brother. After receiving a diploma, young specialists are employed in clinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, and private medical centers.


A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is the midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All educational institutions have a training direction “Midwifery”.

In this specialty in all universities, the educational process is structured according to lectures and seminars. Students undergo practical training several times during their studies. It is carried out in antenatal clinics. Students also visit regular hospitals and oncology clinics.

Other areas of training

Specialties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary specialized educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this depends on the university. Some educational organizations do not have a wide range of specialties, so this is worth taking into account. What additional specialties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:

Entrance tests and passing scores

A few years ago it was quite difficult to get into any school. It was necessary to take biology and Russian. Now the conditions for admission to educational institutions have changed. There are no entrance tests for general education subjects (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that must be met before entering medical college after 9th grade is to pass a written psychological test. It allows you to find out whether applicants have the physical and psychological qualities that are simply necessary in medicine.

What traits should be present in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:

  • affectionateness;
  • tenderness;
  • mercy;
  • compassion;
  • politeness;
  • responsibility;
  • limitless patience.

Collection of necessary documents

When a specialty has been chosen and all questions regarding admission have been clarified, you should begin collecting documents. For admission to medical school. College after 9th grade required:

  • photo cards measuring 3 by 4 cm;
  • an application addressed to the director indicating a specific specialty;
  • original or copy of passport;
  • original or copy of the certificate;
  • certificate of completion of a mandatory medical examination.

Before you persistently and stubbornly strive to enter a medical school, you need to learn more about the specifics of studying at this educational institution, as well as about the difficulties and joys of your future profession.

You need to study at a medical university longer - up to six years, and only on a full-time, full-time basis. Then the graduate undergoes internship training - one year, clinical residency - two years. After this, if you wish, you can enroll in graduate school.

The doctor bears enormous responsibility for the decisions made. But on the other hand, all specialists with higher education have the same responsibility. Can you imagine what will happen if an ignoramus takes the place of an engineer, architect, pilot, etc. That's why they study at higher educational institutions, so that they can predict the consequences of decisions made and bear responsibility for them.

Still, the child is adamant and insists on continuing his studies at a medical school? Then we think about what to do.

The surest, but not for all schoolchildren pleasant and familiar way is to study as best as possible. Naturally, special attention should be paid to subjects for which the Unified State Exam scores are passing. There are only three of them, so you can master it if you put in the effort, multiplied by a passionate desire to enter a medical school. The passing scores are quite high. For example, at a medical university named after I.I. Mechnikov, you need to have at least fifty points in the Russian language, chemistry, and biology. Otherwise, the documents will not be accepted. Even if forty-eight points. And it won’t even qualify for paid training. This is such a strict selection. And there is nothing to be offended by and no one but yourself. For eleven years, parents and teachers persuaded me to study, forced me, convinced me, shamed me, and described what the future awaited depending on my academic success. Is not it? The time has come to collect the “harvest”, to see what the child can do with the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that he has acquired over such a long time of education. As they say, there will be a hat for Senka.

Yes, chemistry and biology are difficult subjects, but there are also advantages to choosing a medical university when taking the Unified State Exam: mathematics is not a competitive subject, and therefore it is enough to successfully pass it at a basic level.

The child’s meaningful, purposeful study of subjects at school is of great importance. A clear understanding that he is studying not for his parents, but for himself, his future, to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor.

It is important to further study chemistry and biology on your own. However, you may miss some sections. Therefore, it is better to study under the guidance of experienced teachers. Where can you find teachers who will really prepare you for successfully passing the Unified State Exam, and how not to make a mistake in their competence? It is most reliable to contact additional education organizations that have a good reputation and extensive experience in preparing schoolchildren to take the Unified State Exam. There, classes are held in accordance with the developed approved plan, which means that all the necessary topics are thoroughly studied in the format of the upcoming exam. Moreover, you can study both in a group and individually. But in any case, parents are confident that no topic is left unattended.

What should I do if my child cannot attend such courses for some reason? Use the services of tutors. But here, too, not everything is so simple. It is best to find a teacher from a medical school, as he knows what you need to know to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in biology and chemistry, as well as to successfully study at the university, especially the difficult first year.

At the same time, you should not miss the opportunity to participate in ongoing Olympiads at various levels. Winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, members of national teams that took part in international Olympiads, have the right to admission without entrance tests.

The competitive score is the sum of the scores for subjects and for individual achievements. Therefore, it makes sense to work on acquiring these individual achievements. For example, if you graduated from school with a gold or silver medal, you can add five and four points, respectively. The exact list of individual achievements taken into account at a particular university, and the equivalent of each in points, can be found on the website of the selected university in the section “Information on the procedure for recording the individual achievements of applicants.”

Each university determines which categories have special rights and advantages for admission (again, see the list of such on the website of the selected university). For example, citizens who have completed conscription military service and provided recommendations from their commander have special rights. If you have this opportunity, don't miss it.

Targeted recruitment is becoming increasingly popular. However, you need to remember that taking advantage of the target direction is a big responsibility for the future student. He takes upon himself the obligation to study well, and under no circumstances leave the university, even if he gets tired of it, it’s hard.

When applicants receive the same scores, the higher score in subjects is taken into account in the following order: chemistry, biology, Russian language.

If you didn’t enroll in budget-funded education, try paid tuition. But it is very expensive. However, there is a way out: you can take out an educational loan, thanks to which you can pay for education and the expenses necessary for its successful implementation.

What should those who have not reached the coveted number set by the university in some passing subject do? Study them with tenfold diligence and zeal and retake them on the days established for this.

So what can we conclude? It is possible to enter a medical school without cronyism. You just need to have a great desire, willpower and determination.

Good luck! Be talented, smart doctors!