Professional competencies of a teacher psychologist in kindergarten. Textbook: Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activities

Competence (or competency) literally translated from Latin means “relating, corresponding.” Usually this term refers to the terms of reference of a person or institution (TSB, vol. 22, p. 292). The principle of professional competence is one of the main ethical principles of the work of a teacher-psychologist (Section 4.3 of this chapter will be devoted to a detailed analysis of professional psychological ethics). It is understood that the specialist is aware of the degree of his competence and the limited means of studying the student and influencing him. He does not interfere in those areas in which he has insufficient knowledge, leaving this to more qualified specialists. For example, no teacher would think of performing an operation if a child has an attack of appendicitis, but for some reason some teachers consider themselves entitled to diagnose a student’s abilities and level of mental development without taking any measurements. Thus, they act unprofessionally and violate the boundaries of their competence. The result of such unprofessional judgments can be a student’s doubt about the teacher’s professional qualities (in the best case) or his lack of confidence in his own abilities, a decrease in self-esteem (in more serious cases).

How can the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist be demonstrated?

1. An educational psychologist has the right to use only tests that correspond to the level of his qualifications. If the technique requires a higher level of qualification, then it is necessary to replace the test with one that is easier to process or undergo special training. The instructions for some methods (mostly Western) indicate the requirements for the user: A - the method has no restrictions for use, B - the method can only be used by specialists with higher psychological education, C - the method can be used by specialist psychologists subject to additional training.

To conduct, process and interpret the results of some techniques (for example, projective ones), even a higher psychological education is not enough. To correctly administer most personality and intelligence tests, one or two practice tests during college are not enough. Long-term (at least several weeks or months) training in their interpretation and careful adherence to the conditions are required.

In the process of training under the guidance of a person who has been skillfully using the methodology for several years, one can learn to avoid subjectivity in assessment, relate the results obtained to the theoretical concepts adhered to by the developer, and interpret the results as objectively as possible. In addition, training will provide the opportunity to extract as much information as possible from the results of the technique.

2. Exactly the same requirement applies to consulting work. An educational psychologist does not have the right to use advisory approaches and techniques if he or she is not sufficiently skilled in them. There are several theoretical approaches to consultation. Achieving results depends on how professionally the psychologist applies the theory and techniques developed on its basis in his work.

When studying at a university, students receive knowledge sufficient to independently carry out all types of activities of a teacher-psychologist: diagnostics, training, individual and group counseling, including mastering methods based on various theories, but the knowledge gained is predominantly theoretical in nature. It takes time to adapt existing knowledge to the practice of working in a specific school, with specific groups of students. A novice psychologist usually spends two to three years on such adaptation. Only after this can we talk about primary professional experience. This process can be accelerated, for example, by constantly working with a mentor, observing the work of more experienced colleagues, or regularly engaging in reflection.

They say that the advisory work of an educational psychologist is never based on one theoretical approach. Indeed, in counseling, most psychologists are eclectic. But even with an eclectic approach, a professionally competent specialist will differ significantly from an incompetent one. The first will select the most effective methods for working on a specific case, i.e. those that give the most reliable result at a minimum cost. The second one will choose to work what he knows best or what he remembered first.

3. Competence will also be demonstrated if the educational psychologist refuses to conduct research or consultation in an area of ​​psychology that has not been sufficiently studied by him. Psychology is very vast; it is impossible to know all branches of it equally well. Just as in education, it is rare that a teacher can teach physics and literature equally well. It's the same in psychology. A person specializing, for example, in the field of career guidance, may have little understanding of medical or forensic psychology, a professional in the field of social psychology may have little knowledge of pathopsychology, etc. An educational psychologist who is able to admit that he is not an expert in this or that field has genuine pedagogical tact and should under no circumstances be ashamed of his ignorance.

The main areas of work of an educational psychologist have been described above. Let us remind you that among them there are correctional, developmental, socio-pedagogical, managerial, and a number of others. Sometimes they require completely different personality traits from a person. For example, it has been proven that long-term individual correctional or developmental work is better performed by introverts (people characterized by being inward-looking), while cultural, educational or social-pedagogical work often requires the opposite quality - extraversion (outward-facing). A competent specialist is proficient in all types of activities, some at a high level, others at a lower level. The professionalism of an educational psychologist also lies in the fact that he knows his strengths, but refuses to perform types of work in which he does not feel fully competent (or performs them only after appropriate training).

4. The principle of competence assumes that an educational psychologist will use psychodiagnostic techniques or advisory techniques only after a preliminary check. Not all methods “measure” exactly what is indicated in their instructions, i.e. it is possible that the result will be false. For example, many of the so-called intelligence tests actually measure a child's level of knowledge in school subjects, so using such a technique can only tell at what level the child has mastered the school curriculum, and not what his level of intelligence is.

Not all methods and tests are psychometrically tested. In order to prove that the technique measures exactly this quality (for example, IQ, long-term memory, temperament, etc.), a special, lengthy and complex test is carried out. It is called psychometric (the word is derived from two Latin roots: “psyche” - soul and “metros” - to measure). Psychometric testing shows how stable the results of the technique are to the influence of extraneous factors (for example, how much the result of a test for diagnosing attention depends on a person’s fatigue at the time of testing), how accurate the measurements are, for which groups of people the technique is intended, how stable its results are when repeated, will the result obtained during repeated testing depend on random factors or will it show a person’s progress in developing this quality, and a number of other indicators. Since these measurements are complex and require a large number of subjects and a long time, not all teachers carry them out. If the manual for the methodology that the educational psychologist is going to use does not indicate the results of a psychometric test, or such guidance is missing, it is advisable to replace the methodology with another, more reliable one, or conduct the test yourself.

The same applies to consulting techniques and methods that help solve the problem facing a psychologist in one case, and lead him to failure in another. In order to avoid mistakes and failures associated with the incorrect use of work methods and techniques, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test of them (on yourself, friends, familiar children, etc.).

5. Another result of adhering to this principle is the absence of fear in the educational psychologist of making a mistake and the quick correction of mistakes made. All people make mistakes, even professionally competent ones. But a good specialist differs from a bad one in that, firstly, he notices his mistakes faster, since he uses reflection more often in his work, and, secondly, he will not persist in his mistake and will find ways to correct it, even if this threatens at some point with a decrease in his authority.

6. In addition to general competence, socio-psychological competence, or competence in communication, is also important in the work of a teacher-psychologist. It manifests itself in the fact that a specialist psychologist quickly navigates various communication situations, chooses the right tone and style of conversation with a small child, a teacher, parents, and administration, finds the right words to support and encourage , and in order to scold or explain something. His focus is based on knowledge, intuition and experience. The ability to equally successfully interact with others is acquired by an educational psychologist due to the fact that he knows his own characteristics, is confident in himself and is able to quickly understand communication partners - their manner of conversation, characteristics of temperament and character, communication style, which helps him find convincing arguments for them . The basis of competence in communication is social sensitivity, the general level of a person’s culture, his knowledge of the ideological and moral rules and patterns of social life.

Knowledge of the world cultural heritage (literature, painting, music) helps to form stable moral standards of behavior and attitude towards the world and people, i.e. true communication competence. In addition, this knowledge helps to quickly understand the individual characteristics of students, and therefore find a common language with them, observing norms of behavior. An educational psychologist must be aware of modern ideological trends and the moral code of the society in which he lives, and about world ideologies. In this case, he will be able not only to reasonably decide for himself which ideological and moral principles to adhere to, but also to advise students when solving ideological issues and thereby gain lasting authority and respect on their part. Social life includes not only the structure of national and local (regional, city) authorities, although the teacher’s knowledge of their fundamentals is also important, but also the characteristics of relationships in various social strata and groups (in production teams, families, between relatives, friends, in the service sector , leisure, etc.). A specialist who understands the structure of formal and the intricacies of informal relationships can also provide significant assistance.

Both general and communicative competence can increase with experience and can decrease if a person has stopped in his development and uses only previously accumulated knowledge and ideas.

The professional competence of a teacher is determined by a complex set of skills - he must master his subject perfectly and improve his knowledge and skills at the level of the latest scientific achievements.

There is a huge amount of research on the problem of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers, for example, in the works of psychologists B. G. Ananyev, K. K. Platonov, S. L. Rubinshtein, the basics of the psychological and pedagogical competence of a teacher are revealed in detail, and the research of V. S. Avanesov revealed various methods and means of diagnosing the level of professional competence of a teacher.

Despite the variety of existing research in this area, in the education system there is still a problem of the existence of a low level of psychological competence of teachers who, in their teaching activities, do not take into account the psychological states of students, their unique behavior, motives for learning and interpersonal relationships in the team, which gives rise to negative phenomena in the education system.

Therefore, the need to increase the level of professionalism of educators and develop their psychological competence is a fairly pressing problem. This problem can be successfully solved if we identify psychological and pedagogical conditions that contribute to increasing the level of psychological competence of the teacher.

The professionalism of a teacher includes a whole system of personal and professional standards that guide the teacher towards the effective performance of his teaching activities.

A significant component of a professional teacher is his pedagogical and psychological competence. The activity of a teacher belongs to the “person-to-person” type and of particular importance in its effective implementation belongs to the psychological competence of the teacher, which presupposes knowledge of the age characteristics of schoolchildren, methods of effective interaction, patterns of student behavior, etc. The teacher must be psychologically educated and have knowledge about the age-related psychological characteristics of students, because he is engaged in professional activities directly related to children. Besides. The teacher must have psychological competence, that is, he must be able to effectively use psychological education in practice.

Conditions for the formation and development of a teacher’s psychological competence

We believe that in order to increase the level of psychological competence, the teacher needs to know the conditions that contribute to the development and formation of the level of development of psychological and pedagogical competence.

In increasing the level of psychological competence of a teacher, self-education and the help of a psychologist in difficult situations play a huge role.

In addition, the study and analysis of theoretical and methodological material in this area allowed us to identify and formulate the main conditions for the formation and development of a teacher’s psychological competence:

1. Pedagogical tact- this is the mandatory observance by the teacher of the principle of moderation in communicating with children in educational activities, which implies respect for students, attentiveness and trust, reasonableness in the requirements for completing educational tasks, and much more.

2. The ability to find the right approach to students and know their individual and psychological-age characteristics.

3. Ability and desire to work with children.

4. Interest in results of their professional activities.

5. When planning and organizing the educational process take into account the level of motivation of students and the completeness of their knowledge of the educational material.

6. The teacher must have the skills and abilities of organizational abilities.

7. Master your speech- it should be simple, clear and convincing in communication with students.

8. Be able to manage the mental state of students in the classroom. To do this, it is necessary to create a comfortable learning environment in the classroom and be able to see and distinguish the mental state of children.

9. “Empathy” of the teacher, that is, the ability to feel the emotional state of the student, be able to empathize and respond to the child’s problem. The main thing here for the teacher is to understand the child’s condition and look at the situation from his position in order to find ways to solve the child’s problem.

And we would also like to especially mention such an important condition as teacher's ability to cooperate. That is, to increase the level of psychological competence of a teacher, it is necessary to be able to formulate one’s point of view, and to hear and listen to others. In addition, the ability to cooperate also lies in resolving disagreements using logical argumentation, without transferring disagreements into the plane of personal relationships.

It is also important teacher's external attractiveness, that is, the ability to win over students with their appearance and demeanor, because students receive information not only from the teacher’s speech, but also visually - they pay attention to the expression of feelings in the teacher’s facial and pantomimic movements. In addition, the teacher’s pleasant demeanor facilitates quick adaptation to any environment and facilitates the establishment of communication connections, which increases the level of impact on students.

We believe that compliance with the above conditions helps to increase the level of psychological competence of the teacher.

A highly competent teacher is a teacher with a special kind of worldview, capable of constructing predictive models of behavior, able to accept and assimilate the requirements of modern social reality, as well as reflect on the development of social reality. The psychological competence of a teacher lies in the ability to realize the level of one’s own activity, one’s abilities, to know ways of professional self-improvement, to be able to see the reasons for shortcomings in one’s work, in oneself, and to desire self-improvement.

If the teacher makes it a rule to take into account and apply all the above conditions, then we believe that the teacher’s psychological competence will be formed quickly enough and it will be easier for him in his professional activities.

The identified and formulated conditions for increasing the level of psychological competence of a teacher can be applied by teachers and psychologists in their professional activities.


1. Lukyanova N.I. Psychological and pedagogical competence of the teacher. Developmental diagnostics. M., 2004.
2. Lazarenko L.A. Psychological competence of a teacher as a factor of professionalization // Modern high-tech technologies. - 2008. - No. 1 - P. 67-68
3. Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies as a result-target basis of a competency-based approach in education. Author's version. - M.: Research Center for Problems of Quality of Training of Specialists, 2004. - 27 p.
4. Terpigoreva S.V. Practical seminars for teachers / Psychological competence of educators. Issue 2. Publishing house: Uchitel, 2011. - 143 p.

Photo: Galina Voronko.

Course work

Competencies of educational psychologists according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the third generation


1. Description of the competence of OK-4

2. Description of the competence of OPK-2

3. Description of the competence of OPK-11

4. Description of the competence of SKPP-8

6. Description of the competence of PKD-1



professional bachelor education teacher


The concepts of “competency-based approach” and “key competencies” have become widespread relatively recently in connection with discussions about the problems and ways of modernizing Russian education. Appeal to these concepts is associated with the desire to determine the necessary changes in education, including in higher education, caused by changes occurring in society.

The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor" consists of 7 points:

Application area

Abbreviations used

Characteristics of the direction of training

Characteristics of professional activities of bachelors

Requirements for the results of mastering basic undergraduate educational programs.

Requirements for the structure of basic undergraduate educational programs.

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of basic undergraduate educational programs.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the specific competencies of the educational standard in the direction of "Psychological and pedagogical education" qualification "bachelor".

Object - Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor".

Subject - specific analyzed competencies of the standard: OK-4, OPK-2, OPK-11, PKPP-8, PKSPP-6, PKD-1, PKNO-4.

Reveal the essence of each analyzed competency.

Describe the significance of a specific competency in obtaining education in the profile "Educational Psychologist".

According to the bachelor's training plan, consider which academic disciplines can be used to develop a specific competency, and how many total hours are devoted to studying this discipline.

Reveal the structure of each competency under consideration.

Present the planned levels of competence development - at a threshold level and at an advanced level.

The course work consists of an introduction, seven chapters, each of which is devoted to a specific competency, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. Description of the competence of OK-4

The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 050400 “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” qualification “Bachelor” stipulates that the graduate must have certain general cultural competencies (GC).

In general, general cultural competencies mean a person’s ability to navigate the space of culture; it includes a knowledge component: an idea of ​​the scientific picture of the world, knowledge of basic scientific achievements, an idea of ​​artistic values.

General cultural competence OK-4 provides that the graduate is ready to use the basic principles and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems.

By the competence of OK-2 “ready to use the basic principles and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems” we mean the ability to carry out professional activities aimed at transferring the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for acquiring a repertoire of personal, social and professionals of competencies that ensure individualization, socialization and professionalization of the individual in the world of people and professions.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by: the need to prepare graduates to solve professional problems and typical social and professional tasks that arise in real situations of professional activity.

Competence structure “ready to use the basic principles and methods of social, humanities and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems”:

Bachelor knows

The range of social and professional tasks of a teacher-psychologist, the structure of a professional task, the algorithm for solving a social and professional problem, the stages of constructing and solving a social and professional problem, criteria for assessing the process of constructing and solving a social and professional problem.

Integrate knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences, structure a problem situation, use an algorithm for solving a social and professional problem for a teacher-psychologist.

Personal experience in integrating knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences, skills in solving the social and professional problems of a teacher-psychologist, skills in reflecting on the success of solving a pedagogical situation.

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - knows the range of social and professional tasks of a teacher-psychologist and their structure; - owns an algorithm for solving social and professional problems; - understands the stages of designing and solving a social and professional problem, criteria for evaluating the design process; - able to solve social and professional problems. Advanced level - able to integrate knowledge of the humanities, social and economic sciences in solving social and professional problems; - can successfully solve social and professional problems of a specific educational level and a specific educational institution, in the relevant subject area; - knows how to analyze their activities when solving social and professional problems.

Competence OK-4, according to the curriculum of bachelors of educational psychologists, is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of the cycle B.1, B.2 and B.3, namely such disciplines as:

history (total 108 hours);

philosophy (total 108 hours);

Russian language and speech culture (total 108 hours);

economics (total 108 hours);

conflictology (72 hours in total);

modern information technologies (total 72 hours);

anatomy and age-related physiology (72 hours in total);

basics of pediatrics and hygiene (total 108 hours);

workshop on modern information technologies (total 72 hours);

theory of training and education (total 108 hours);

history of pedagogy and education (total 72 hours);

multicultural education (total 72 hours);

Introduction to psychological and pedagogical activities (total 108 hours);

history of psychology (total 108 hours);

pedagogy (total 108 hours);

organization of children's recreation (72 hours in total);

psychological and pedagogical support of developmental educational programs (total 108 hours).

Thus, the OK-4 competence is formed by bachelors of educational psychologists throughout their entire study time while studying the 22 above-mentioned disciplines.

In conclusion of the consideration of general cultural competence OK-4, we note that it is general cultural competence that determines a person’s active life, his ability to navigate in various spheres of social and professional life, and harmonizes the inner world and relationships with society.

Description of the competence of OPK-2

The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the field of training 050400 "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor" stipulates that the graduate must have certain professional competencies common to all types of professional activities (OPC).

Professional competence is the ability of an employee to perform work in accordance with the requirements of the position, and the requirements of the position are the tasks and standards for their implementation accepted in the organization or industry.

General professional competence is aimed at forming the foundations of professional excellence, while the subjectivity of professional thinking is laid, here the individual is introduced to the spiritual and value context of the profession, she develops an orientation towards the profession, clear motivational needs in obtaining it.

The general professional competence of GPC-2 provides that the graduate is ready to apply qualitative and quantitative methods in psychological and pedagogical research. This competency refers to the ability of students to apply theoretical and experimental research methods to achieve and construct scientific knowledge. This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the following circumstances:

the requirement to develop among university graduates the ability to work with large flows of information, to apply methods of mathematical processing of information when conducting experimental research.

OPK-2 competence structure:

Bachelor knows

Basic methods of mathematical information processing;

methods of empirical and theoretical research;

Able to interpret information presented in the form of diagrams, charts, graphs, graphs, formulas, tables;

Use empirical and theoretical research methods; methods for processing experimental data;

Methods of mathematical information processing;

Skills in using empirical and theoretical research methods in research and professional activities.

Planned levels of development of OPK-2 competence:

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - knows methods of mathematical processing of information; - is able to reveal the essence of methods of mathematical information processing; - knows how to interpret information presented in the form of diagrams, diagrams, graphs, graphs, tables - knows methods of theoretical and experimental research; - knows methods of processing experimental dataAdvanced level - can justify the use of this method of mathematical processing of information in a specific situation; - knows how to determine the type of mathematical model for solving practical problems, including those from the sphere of professional problems; - knows the method of mathematical modeling - knows the main stages of theoretical and experimental research methods; - can justify the use of this method of scientific research in a specific situation, including in professional activities; - has experience in using scientific research methods in professional activities

This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B3:

course work on PC (total 108 hours);

developmental psychology (total 108 hours);

psychology of children of primary school age (72 hours in total);

psychology of adolescence (total 72 hours);

educational psychology (total 108 hours);

introduction to psychological and pedagogical activities (total 108 hours);

logopsychology with the basics of speech therapy (total 72 hours);

psychological and pedagogical diagnostics (total 108 hours);

age-related psychological counseling (total 108 hours);

psychological service in education (total 108 hours);

psychological and pedagogical diagnostic technologies and staffing of correctional educational institutions (72 hours in total);

psychological and pedagogical support for persons with developmental disorders at an early age (72 hours in total);

Thus, the competence of OPK-2 is formed in bachelor-educational psychologists throughout the entire study period while studying the 17 above-mentioned disciplines.

Description of the competence of OPK-11

The competence of GPC-11 is understood as the graduate’s readiness to apply in professional activities the main international and domestic documents on the rights of the child and the rights of people with disabilities.

By this competence we mean the formation of legal knowledge in students, for their further application, both in professional activities and in everyday life / readiness to make choices and forms of behavior and actions that comply with the law in typical life situations regulated by law; ways to realize rights and freedoms, as well as protect violated rights; make decisions and take actions in strict accordance with the law; apply legal norms regulating public relations in the field of relations between the state and the individual, property and personal non-property ties, labor activity, criminal legal protection of the individual, etc.; to perform civic duties; critical ability to evaluate events and phenomena of social life and the position of law and law; be responsible for the results of their actions and the quality of completed tasks.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to train graduates with the skills to correctly interpret laws and other regulatory international and domestic legal acts; legally correct qualification of facts and circumstances; orientation in special legal literature; a clear understanding of the essence, nature and interaction of legal phenomena.

Competence structure “ready to apply in professional activities the main international and domestic documents on the rights of the child and the rights of persons with disabilities”:

Bachelor knows

Legal norms regulating public relations in the field of relations between the state and the individual, property and personal non-property ties, labor activity, criminal legal protection of the individual, etc.;

correctly interpret international and domestic laws and other regulatory legal acts;

The mechanism for applying normative legal documents in its activities to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen of the Russian Federation.

Planned levels of development of OPK-11 competence among university graduates:

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - know the basic concepts of state and law, determine their role in the life of society; - know the main provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; - know the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Russian Federation; - know the mechanisms for protecting human rights and freedoms in the Russian Federation; - have an idea of ​​the relationship between state and law, their role in the life of modern society; - demonstrates attention and respect for other people; - determine methods and means of activity, modes of behavior based on one’s own knowledge and ideas; - apply the acquired knowledge when working with specific regulations; - search for the necessary information to replenish legal knowledge; - master the methods and means of communication in a team, social adaptation; - apply theoretical foundations within the scope of the course being studied; - express your own opinion; Advanced level - know the subject and method of the main branches of international and Russian law; - have an idea of ​​the legal force of various sources of law and the mechanism of their action; - concepts of the rule of law and normative legal acts; - have an idea of ​​the main branches of Russian law; - have an idea of ​​the content of fundamental human rights and freedoms; - interpret and use legal information; - be able to use sources of law - analyze the texts of legislative acts, rules of law from the point of view of specific conditions for their implementation; - present and argue your own opinions about current events and phenomena from the point of view of law; - carry out educational research and projects on legal topics; - resolve conflicts legally; - participate in the use and preparation of draft legal acts related to future activities; - apply practical skills and techniques necessary to participate in professional activities.

psychology of preschool age (72 hours in total);

educational programs for preschool children (72 hours in total);

psychology of children of primary school age (72 hours in total);

educational programs of primary school (total 72 hours);

psychology of adolescence (total 72 hours);

qualitative and quantitative methods of psychological and pedagogical research (total 108 hours);

psychological and pedagogical interaction of participants in the educational process (72 hours in total);

professional ethics in psychological and pedagogical activities (total 72 hours);

psychology of children with sensory impairments (total 144 hours);

psychology of development of children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior (total 108 hours);

psychological and pedagogical correction (72 hours in total);

educational and industrial practice.

Thus, the competence of OPK-11 is formed among bachelors of educational psychologists throughout the entire study period while studying the 12 above-mentioned disciplines.

Description of the competence of PKPP-8

The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in activities related to psychological and pedagogical support of preschool, general, additional and vocational education (PCPP).

The competence of PKPP-8 is defined as “capable of forming the psychological readiness of a future specialist for professional activity.”

By this competence we mean awareness of the importance of the psychological profession / the ability to carry out self-knowledge and self-education in personal and professional growth / ready to promote the importance of the psychological profession.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the following circumstances:

the need to develop an understanding of the social significance of the work of a psychologist;

value foundations of professional activity.

Competence structure of SCP-8:

Bachelor knows

the importance of psychological and pedagogical education and scientific research conducted in the field of educational psychology;

knows theories of motivation;

carry out professional self-education and personal growth, designing a further educational route and professional career;

create and implement a model of professional activity;

Ways to promote the importance of professional activity.

Planned levels of competence development among university graduates:

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - knows the importance of psychological and pedagogical education; - knows the value foundations of professional activity in the field of educational psychology; - understands the need to participate in social and professional discussions; - knows the psychological and pedagogical foundations of motivation for professional activity. Increased level - is able to carry out self-knowledge and self-education in personal and professional growth; - knows how to systematically analyze and select psychological and educational concepts; - can solve various problems during the educational process; - is able to master various methods of promoting the importance of the psychological and pedagogical profession for society; - owns technologies for designing and modeling professional activities.

This competence is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B.3:

self-determination and professional guidance of students (total 72 hours).

Thus, the competence of PKPP-8 is formed among bachelors of educational psychologists while studying one discipline.

5. Description of the competence of PKSPP-6

The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in the field of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in correctional and inclusive education (PCSE).

The competence of PKSPP-6 is defined as “able to effectively interact with teachers of a correctional educational institution and other specialists on student development in communicative, gaming and educational activities.”

By this competency we understand building interpersonal relationships, correlating personal and group values/interests, working in a team, performing certain roles and responsibility for the overall result.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to prepare graduates who have the skills to work in a team (help, support, approval of each other’s efforts); possessing the necessary social skills (leadership, communication, conflict management); able to bear individual responsibility for working in a team.

Competence structure of PKSPP-6:

Bachelor knows

Basics of organizing work in a team (team work);

Establish and maintain constructive relationships with colleagues, correlate personal and group interests, show tolerance for other views and points of view;

Experience working in a team (in a team), controlling skills (evaluating teamwork, clarifying further actions, etc.).

Planned levels of competence development among university graduates

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - knows the basics of organizing work in a team (team work); - knows the basics of conflict theory; - has experience working in a team; - understands the need for joint activities in interaction with others; - demonstrates attention and respect for other people. Increased level - able to organize the work of a team (team); - knows how to identify causes and take measures to resolve conflicts; - may be responsible for the results of joint work; - is able to make a tangible contribution to the work of the team, even if his personal interests are not taken into account

This competence, according to the curriculum of bachelors of educational psychologists, is formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B.3, namely such disciplines as:

pathopsychology (total 108 hours).

Thus, the competence of PKSPP-6 is formed by bachelors of educational psychologists while studying one discipline.

6. Description of the competence of PKD-1

The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in educational activities in preschool education (PKD).

The competence of PKD-1 is defined as “able to organize playful and productive activities for preschool children.”

By this competence we mean a university graduate’s mastery of technologies and methods for solving pedagogical problems in the training, education and personal development of preschool children, taking into account the specifics of the field of subject knowledge and the type of educational institution.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to form and develop the student’s professional competence in the field of practical teaching activities.

PKD-1 competency structure:

Bachelor knows

The essence of modern methods and technologies;

criteria for assessing the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution;

features of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution;

analyze information from the perspective of the problem being studied;

Technologies for ensuring the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution.

Planned levels of competence development among university graduates

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - knows the theoretical and methodological foundations of training and education; - knows the essence of modern methods and technologies; - knows how to analyze information from the perspective of the problem being studied. Advanced level - knows the criteria for assessing the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution; features of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution; - knows how to use modern methods and technologies at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution; - owns technologies for ensuring the quality of the educational process at a specific educational level of a specific educational institution

This competency is not prescribed in the curriculum of bachelors of educational psychologists, but we assume that it can be formed when studying disciplines of cycle B.3, namely in such disciplines as

Psychology of preschool age (total 72 hours);

educational programs for preschool children (total 72 hours).

Thus, the competence of PKD-1 can be developed by bachelors of educational psychologists while studying two disciplines.

7. Description of the competence of PKNO-4

The federal educational standard stipulates that a graduate must have professional competencies in educational activities at the initial stage of general education (PKNO).

The competence of PKNO-4 is defined as “ready to create conditions that facilitate children’s adaptation to the educational process at the initial stage of schooling.”

By the competence of PKNO-4 we understand the ability to create conditions that will facilitate the adaptation of children of primary school age when starting school.

This competence is mandatory according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education "Psychological and Pedagogical Education". Its significance is determined by the need to train graduates with the following skills:

facilitating the process of adaptation of schoolchildren to learning in primary school;

forecasting further developments in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren.

Competence structure of PKNO-4:

Bachelor knows

The theory of training and education, the theory of diagnosing the achievements of students and pupils;

Check and evaluate the level of training and education of schoolchildren;

predict further developments in the education and upbringing of children;

Skills of checking, assessing the level of training and education of schoolchildren;

skills of forecasting further developments in the education and upbringing of children.

Planned levels of competence development of PKNO-4:

Levels of competence development Main features of the level Threshold level - has an idea of ​​the theory of training and education, of diagnosing the achievements of students and pupils; - knows how to select methods for checking and assessing the level of training and education of schoolchildren, statistically process and analyze data; - is able to envision ways to solve a child’s individual life problems. Advanced level - knows the theory of teaching and upbringing, the theory of diagnosing the achievements of students and pupils; - knows how to apply appropriate methods to check and assess the level of training and education of schoolchildren, statistically process and analyze data; identify dynamics and trends, predict further developments in the education and upbringing of children; - is able to outline and implement effective ways to solve the child’s individual life problems.

This competence is not prescribed in the curriculum of bachelors of educational psychologists, but we assume that it can be formed in the process of studying the disciplines of cycle B.3, namely such disciplines as:

developmental psychology (total 108 hours);

Psychology of children of primary school age (total 72 hours);

educational programs of primary school (total 72 hours).

Thus, the competence of PKNO-4 is formed by bachelors of educational psychologists when studying the three above-mentioned disciplines.

8. Experience of teachers in applying competencies in work

In this chapter, we will consider how teachers apply the competencies analyzed in this course work in their professional activities.

Competence OK-4: ready to use the basic principles and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences when solving social and professional problems.

We believe that in his professional activities, every educational psychologist uses the basic principles and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences when solving social and professional problems.

For example, the article “On a trip around the world: plot training for fifth-graders” in the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 4, 2009 talks about the content and methods of conducting a special psychological training “On a trip around the world,” which is carried out with all fifth-graders of the school to adapt to the transition children from primary to secondary school.

When conducting training, the psychologist uses knowledge from the humanities, in particular from psychology, geography, sociology and pedagogy.

OPK-2 competence: ready to apply qualitative and quantitative methods in psychological and pedagogical research.

This competency is well discussed in the article “Poster for diagnosis” from the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 7, 2009. In the article, the author Yu. Pavlyuk shares his experience in creating a special diagnostic package for diagnosing psychological problems of schoolchildren: anxiety, aggressiveness, problems in the sphere of communication, etc. At the same time, when talking about each diagnosis, the author dwells in detail on the qualitative and quantitative methods used in a specific diagnostic technique.

Competence of GPC-11: ready to apply in professional activities the main international and domestic documents on the rights of the child and the rights of people with disabilities.

Work experience in the application of this competence is described in the article “Family conflicts and ways to resolve them” in the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 10, 2008. The article examines family relationships and family conflicts: “Examples of relationships in the family for many students in a auxiliary school turn out to be negative ", therefore, it is necessary, without infringing on the feelings of children, to show them the possibility of the existence of other relationships. This may attract their attention to moral ways of building their relationships in their own future family." The author of the article, when analyzing family conflicts, dwells separately on legal acts from the Family Code of the Russian Federation, which can be applied in practice when resolving family conflicts.

Competence of PKPP-8: capable of forming the psychological readiness of a future specialist for professional activities.

We read about this competence in the article “Students at School” in the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 24, 2008, where the author talks about how it is necessary to competently formulate the readiness of future specialists for professional activities: “You can find an approach to any student. At our first school meeting, we tell students what kind of work we will give them the opportunity to try themselves in. This could be:

preparation, conduct and processing of diagnostic results;

preparation of visual materials for individual correctional classes and for psychology classes (they are held with us in elementary, middle and high schools);

individual lessons with the child (prevention of school failure);

conducting research (for a student - an essay or coursework, for a school - an understanding of the processes occurring in a particular group);

holding large educational and play events, such as “Geographical Journey”, “Farewell to the ABC”, “Robinsonade”, etc., in which children, parents and teachers participate.

We listen to students' suggestions and find the best solution for everyone. The main thing for us psychologists is the motivation of students, then their heads work well, they have a lot of enthusiasm, and the work is done faster and with better quality.”

Competence of PKSPP-6: able to effectively interact with teachers of a correctional educational institution and other specialists on issues of student development in communicative, gaming and educational activities.

The experience of psychologists using this competency is discussed in the article “Is it easy to be a young... specialist” in the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 19, 2005. The author A. Shadura talks about how “many graduates want to work in consulting institutions, shying away from "field" activities at the forefront of education. But, of course, it is not easy to get straight into such an institution, since they need experienced people, and university graduates cannot yet be classified in this category. And if you suddenly have such an opportunity , do not rush to take advantage of it: the fate of young people in the center is often "dirty" work. Prepare for the fact that you will be sent with papers to the department, to schools for meetings, you will sit at the reception desk, replacing a sick registrar, etc. "

According to the author of the article A. Shadur, you still need to start your career in the “field”, where you have the opportunity to independently build your professional path, focusing on the microenvironment in which you find yourself. And there is no need to be afraid of the apparent futility of your efforts. Firstly, although not all good grains germinate, and secondly, remember that the task of a novice specialist is to accumulate experience. After college, practical vocational training is just beginning, and this is universal for any sphere of human activity.

Then the author talks in more detail about how an aspiring educational psychologist needs to properly interact with teachers of a correctional educational institution and other specialists on various issues of student development.

Competence of PKD-1: able to organize playful and productive activities for preschool children.

In the article “Development of Attention in Preschool Children” on the website of the journal “Psychology: Mental Processes, Personal Development,” the author describes his many years of experience in developing attention in preschoolers by involving them in play activities, and presents methods and various options for games for preschoolers.

Competence of PKNO-4: ready to create conditions that facilitate children’s adaptation to the educational process at the initial stage of schooling.

This competence is written about in the article “Become a Flower” in the magazine “School Psychologist” No. 22, 2006, in which the author Irina Tuzovskaya, an educational psychologist from the Kemerovo region, gives various options for games that facilitate the adaptation of children of primary school age to learning in school, for example, games such as: “Flower”, “Two Drawings”, “City”, etc.


The course work examined in detail seven competencies that are mandatory for students to develop in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the third generation. Those academic disciplines in which these competencies can be developed throughout the entire period of study for a bachelor’s degree in educational psychology were also spelled out.

The new philosophy of higher professional education is distinguished by its focus on ensuring high quality of specialist training and developing his competence. In modern world educational practice, the concept of competence acts as a central, “nodal” concept, since competence, firstly, combines the intellectual and skill components of education; secondly, the concept of “competence” contains the ideology of interpreting the content of education, formed “from the result” (“output standard”); thirdly, competence has an integrative nature, incorporating a number of homogeneous skills and knowledge related to broad areas of culture and activity (professional, informational, legal, etc.

The substantive vectors of this approach emphasize the practice-oriented orientation of higher education educational programs. Competence is actionable. In addition to the system of theoretical and applied knowledge, it includes cognitive and operational-technological components. In other words, competence is a body (system) of knowledge in action. The acquisition, transformation and use of knowledge are active processes, therefore the structure of competence also includes emotional-volitional and motivational components. Consequently, an indispensable and obligatory condition for the student to acquire competence as a result of professional education requires his active (subjective) position in the educational process.

The purpose of the course work - to analyze the specific competencies of the educational standard in the direction of "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" qualification "Bachelor" - was achieved.

The tasks set in the work have been completed.


Federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 050400 "Psychological and pedagogical education" qualification "bachelor".

Curriculum of direction 050400 "Psychological and pedagogical education", profile "Educational Psychology", graduate qualification - "bachelor".

Barannikov A.V. Contents of general education. Competence-based approach - M., State University Higher School of Economics, 2009. - 182 p.

Baskaev R.M. On trends in changes in education and the transition to a competency-based approach // Innovations in education. - 2007. - No. 1. - P.23-27.

Zeer E.F., Pavlova A.M., Symanyuk E.E. Modernization of vocational education: competency-based approach: Textbook. - M., 2005.

Zimnyaya I.A. Key competencies - a new paradigm for educational results // Higher education today. - 2003. - No. 5. - P.41-44.

Ignatieva E.A. General cultural competencies as a result-target basis of the competency-based approach in higher education // Access mode:

Competencies in education: design experience: collection of scientific papers. tr. / ed. A.V. Khutorskoy. - M.: Scientific and implementation enterprise "INEK", 2007. - 327 p.

Competence-based approach in teacher education / Ed. V.A. Kozyreva, N.F. Radionova - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 164 p.

Morozova O.M. Formation of key competencies of students // Access mode:

Modern approaches to competency-based education: Seminar materials / Ed. A.V. Velikanova. - Samara, 2010.

Chernyavskaya A.P. Competent approach to the professional development of teachers // Bulletin of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasova. - 2011. - No. 4. - P.32-34.


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1 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 Criteria for the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist A. A. Margolis*, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Professor, First Vice-Rector of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University I. V. Konovalova**, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Center educational and methodological support for young specialists of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University. The article discusses the problem of assessing the professional competence of a teacher-psychologist. The authors identified criteria for assessing the activities of a teacher-psychologist. Particular attention is paid to working with young psychologists; a form of their certification is proposed using criteria for analyzing activities according to the degree of readiness of a young specialist teacher-psychologist for independent work. The article may be useful primarily to methodologists in psychology, heads of educational institutions, university teachers who train psychologists, as well as psychologists themselves who strive for professional self-development. Key words: professional competence, professionalism of a teacher-psychologist, performance effectiveness, criterion positions of a teacher-psychologist, professional adaptation, internship, mentoring, portfolio, certification, performance analysis, competence criteria. The work of a psychologist, belonging to the sphere of “person-person”, is one of the creative professions, therefore the effectiveness of this activity is difficult to unify and evaluate. The lack of standard criteria for assessing the activities of an educational psychologist determines the inadequacy of expectations regarding his work in education * ** 13

2 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova calling institution and is a problem that often leads to disappointment in this profession. On the other hand, it is known that the work of a teacher-psychologist includes a number of components such as: diagnostic, developmental, therapeutic, correctional, advisory, as well as what relates to the analytical, control and evaluation components of professional activity. These elements are presented in the work of the psychologist in various combinations and variations. This depends both on the request of a particular educational institution with its specific tasks, and on the individual characteristics of the psychologist and his personal qualities. The effectiveness of a specialist’s activities ultimately depends on the level of his professionalism. The latter is interpreted in different contexts. When they say “this work requires professionalism,” they mean the regulatory requirements of the profession for a person’s personality. Professionalism is a high level of readiness to perform the tasks of a given activity, which makes it possible to achieve high-quality results at lower physical and mental costs based on the rational use of skills and abilities. The concept of “competence”, the degree of compliance with the requirements of the profession, is defined as a combination of mental qualities that allows one to act independently and responsibly (effective competence), as a person’s possession of the ability and ability to perform certain job functions. Factors of competence and incompetence are: level of professional training, adaptation in the workplace, personal states, including emotional stability or instability, good or poor health, etc. Each employee is competent to the extent that the work he performs meets the requirements for the final result of this professional activity. Assessing or measuring the end result is the only way to determine competence. It is wrong to judge competence by what goes into achieving a result, for example, by a person’s efforts. A number of authors studying the problems of professionalism use the concept of “professiogram” - an analytical description of a person in a profession, revealing generalized normative and morphological indicators of the professional structure. The construction of a professiogram is easier to carry out where the result and composition of professional actions are strictly defined (for example, in engineering professions), but in creative professions, “with a floating result,” which includes psychological ones, it is difficult to compare evaluation criteria and activities. In developed countries of Europe, striving to form a unified educational space, the Russian term “qualification characteristics” is identical to the concept of “International Competence Baseline”. They present the requirements for knowledge (Knowledge), experience (Experience) and personal qualities (Personal Attitude) that form the basis of certification programs. They have adopted a three-phase system of training and issuance of professional diplomas and supplements to them (bachelor's, master's and postgraduate practical training). The same structure of higher education operates in the United States. The third phase (postgraduate practical training) helps to increase the effectiveness of the professional activity of a young specialist and is, in our opinion, a decisive criterion for the quality of higher education. How can one find out how effectively an educational psychologist works and what evaluation criteria to apply? Young specialists, educational psychologists, who begin independent activities after graduation, have to a large extent only theoretical training, so it is often difficult for them to avoid disappointment when, due to lack of experience, they are unable, due to lack of experience, to carry out activities that would attract recognition 14

3 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 surrounding. In this situation, for faster professional development, an important point is certification, that is, official confirmation of not only knowledge, but also practical skills in specific types of activities. Receiving a certificate will indicate a fairly high special qualification of a specialist and this will be a kind of pass to the world of professionals. Over a certain amount of time (2-3 years), a psychologist can accumulate materials by which one can assess the level of his professional readiness for independent and productive activity, the actual level of professionalism. We believe that it is quite possible to make the collection of these materials systematic and structured, so that their assessment is more objective. A new method of certification for the primary level of readiness of a specialist educational psychologist for independent activity is an individual cumulative assessment of professional achievements. Structuring the collection of assessed material makes it possible to identify clearer criteria for assessing the professional competencies of a psychologist, which in this case is our goal. An example of foreign experience in using a similar approach to assessing a specialist’s professionalism is the issuance of a professional career passport “portfolio” (Portfolio/Career Passport). It is issued to graduates of universities in the United States and is an individual “portfolio” of official documents reflecting the graduate’s knowledge, skills and abilities that may be in demand in the labor market. The main purpose of a portfolio is to help graduates make the transition from study to work and to provide employers with information about the qualifications of young specialists. It should be especially noted that attention in the portfolio is paid to the assessment of the so-called “Employability Skills”, which are common to all professions and represent the general labor and socio-psychological characteristics of the graduate. Psychologists and university graduates must demonstrate a high level of knowledge and skills in the following competencies. 1. Diagnostic assessment of the need for psychological activity in the institution. Knowledge of group and individual diagnostic methods and the ability to competently interpret the received diagnostic materials that determine the need for certain psychological activities in an educational institution. Compliance of the setting of goals and objectives of the specialist’s activities with the needs of the institution. The ability to analyze conditions and factors in the problems being solved, draw appropriate conclusions, determine an action plan, optimize your activities, highlighting the main and secondary. Theoretically scientifically based selection of methods and programs. 2. Interpersonal communication, cooperation, deliberation, defining the boundaries of competence. Ability to establish effective relationships with teaching staff, parents, and children. Demand for psychological services among participants in the educational process. The ability to determine the boundaries of one’s competence, adequately assess opportunities and interact with specialists in related professions (defectologist, social educator, doctor, etc.). 3. Psychological and educational principles, organization of the systemic structure of psychological activity in an educational institution. Confident knowledge of the key provisions of the development of the child’s body in normal and pathological conditions, social and psychological influences on children’s behavior, understanding of the theory of learning and the structure of educational activities. Organization of systemic psychological assistance at all levels of the educational process. Competent use of applied methods and technologies in accordance with set goals and objectives. 4. Preventive and corrective interventions that help improve the psychological and social competence of children. Obo- 15

4 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova careful selection and confident application of preventive and corrective programs and technologies in accordance with the age, problem, and individual characteristics of students. Providing timely and high-quality advisory assistance to students experiencing difficulties in learning, behavior, adaptation, etc. 5. Reflection and evaluation of activities. Constructive attitude towards one's own activities. The ability to evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing psychological activities, mastery of statistical methods, self-analysis, and self-correction. Having a professional and personal position, a desire to grow and develop personally and professionally. 6. Knowledge of special terminology, logic, speech, formulation of recommendations. Developed speech, a high level of logical thinking, the ability to analyze and summarize information, and draw appropriate conclusions. Adequate use of special terminology, formulation of psychological recommendations in accessible and understandable language, taking into account the client’s characteristics. 7. Compliance with legal and ethical principles. Knowledge and application of all necessary legal documents regulating the activities of a psychologist. Strict adherence to ethical principles in work and confidentiality in working with information. Building work on respect for the client’s personality, regardless of the client’s age, status, social status, nationality, religion and other characteristics. These competencies represent a conglomerate of standards, requirements for the level of training of educational psychologists and the practical activities they carry out. Although they are listed separately, these competencies are closely intertwined during the professional training of a psychologist and in his practical activities. It is assumed that educational psychologists starting their activities already have the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of modern technologies necessary to perform their professional duties, and are able to use modern technologies to ensure their activities and carry them out at the proper level. At the same time, for high marks in these competencies, the educational psychologist needs to have some practice and it is better if this practice takes place under the guidance of an experienced mentor-supervisor. At the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, a system of primary advanced training for young specialists has been successfully tested. It includes three years of training in practical skills under the guidance of a mentor and a systematic approach to collecting methodological material for a young specialist’s portfolio. The portfolio includes both formal documents (copies of a professional diploma, work book, certificates of advanced training courses, diplomas of participation in competitions, etc.), and a collection of works of a young specialist demonstrating his efforts, progress or achievements in a certain field, namely a set of cases (descriptions of work situations and their professional solutions). As illustrations, video materials on individual work activities (diagnostics, consultation, correctional and developmental classes) can be attached to the described work situations. The video materials are accompanied by comments that demonstrate the ability to analyze work and reflect facts about the effectiveness of the work being carried out. To evaluate the presented material, criteria have been identified, evaluation sheets and evaluation rules have been created. In this regard, we are solving the problem of creating a comprehensive model of primary certification in the form of certain tasks, the solution of which will make it possible to judge the level of professional competence of a specialist. For such an assessment, we propose three levels of specialist activity that determine his professional development: 1) conducting a separate psychological event (counseling session);

5 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 research or correctional and developmental classes); 2) description and analysis of a working psychological situation that is being solved by a specialist over a period of time (the situation is selected based on a real case from the specialist’s practice); 3) analysis of the organization of the system of psychological activity in an educational institution. Let us take a closer look at these three components for assessing (examination) the activities of a teacher-psychologist. We propose an algorithmic approach for assessing the result of a specialist solving problems presented in the form of problematic psychological situations, the content of which is a brief description of a case from the practice of an educational psychologist. To do this, the main stages of the activity of a teacher-psychologist in the process of solving a situation are highlighted: 1) setting a hypothesis for solving the problem; 2) studying the problem, clarifying the hypothesis; 3) choice of psychological assistance program; 4) implementation of a psychological assistance program; 5) reflection on the work of a specialist in the process of providing psychological assistance; 6) formulating recommendations for further work. The content of the working psychological situation may vary depending on the nature of the problem. The objects here can be a group of children, a family or a class, etc. The description is carried out according to a certain algorithm for the most objective assessment of the stages of a specialist’s work. For each stage, the most important criteria of competence are identified, for example, the correctness of setting goals and objectives, the adequacy of the use of practical techniques, the ability to interpret received materials, highlight performance indicators, give recommendations in an accessible way, etc. The level of proficiency in terminology, completeness descriptions and its logic, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions, respect for the boundaries of competence, etc. Identifying and formulating the problem of a work situation includes a professionally competent “translation” of the primary request into the actual content of the psychological problem and the construction of hypotheses. Studying the problem, i.e. clarifying it using additional procedures, includes the selection of tools, to assess the adequacy of which we ask the specialist to justify the choice made, as well as describe how these methods were used (conditions, features, etc.). Also at this stage, the specialist must indicate the diagnostic results. Here attention is drawn to such a parameter as collecting information from different sources. When describing this stage, the specialist needs to summarize the data obtained and draw appropriate conclusions to justify the choice of a correctional development program. As an example of the ability to maintain professional documentation, it is necessary to attach psychological reports for 1 2 children. The problem-solving program can be short or long, depending on the problem being solved and the goals and objectives set. It can be built both on the basis of ready-made known technologies, and using proprietary techniques. If the technologies are known, then it is enough to indicate them. If the program is built for an individual case, it is necessary to describe the techniques used and justify their need. In any case, you need to submit outline plans for 1 2 standard classes and specify the conditions for their conduct. In the process of conducting correctional developmental classes, it is important for the educational psychologist to monitor the dynamics of the manifestation of the problem. Intermediate diagnostic procedures are possible, which need to be described and the result indicated. Based on the diagnosis, it is possible to correct the 17

6 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova programs. Then these changes should be made to the description and compared with the initial goals and objectives. The evaluation criteria also include what characterizes the final stage of a specialist’s work: performance indicators; his ability to reflect on his own activities, that is, to analyze not only the changes that occurred in the process of working with the problem, but also an internal analysis of professional activity, showing the ability to see the reasons for success and difficulties in work; the nature of recommendations for further constructive interaction of the social environment (teachers, parents, peers) with the child, group, class (in particular, clarity in their presentation, accessibility for use by the client, etc.). The psychological event is presented as an illustration of the general description of the specialist’s activities in the institution to determine his professional readiness. It is advisable that the open event presented be part of working with the problem described in the “work situation”. The specialist himself determines the topic and age of the event participants. The analysis of the event and its evaluation is carried out by a methodologist or mentor who is directly present at the lesson or through video recording. An open event can be presented: a correctional and developmental lesson with children; psychological consultation session; lesson with a group of parents and teachers. The outline of the event should reflect the following points: 1) the topic of the event and the date of its holding; 2) the number of participants in this event; 3) goals and objectives of the event and their rationale; 4) event plan; 5) methods and techniques used in preparing and conducting the event; 6) description of results (planned or obtained). In the process of reflecting on the event, it is necessary to assess the levels of competence of the young specialist in various aspects: communicative, organizational, analytical and others. Communication skills include active listening, establishing rapport, being interested in receiving feedback and responding appropriately to it. Organizational: ability to create motivation, interest, favorable psychological climate; the ability to navigate in time (planning and observing the length of the main stages), flexible behavior in a non-standard situation. Analytical skills include: the ability to critically comprehend the results of one’s activities (see advantages and disadvantages, determine their causes and outline possible ways for further work); the ability to competently, freely and clearly formulate one’s thoughts, draw conclusions and generalizations. The use of the proposed criteria for analyzing activities when certifying young specialists shows that they experience the greatest difficulties in carrying out analytical and forecasting activities, interpreting the data received, and reflecting on their own activities (the ability to identify performance indicators, self-analysis and self-correction). The next most difficult aspect is carrying out group correctional and developmental work, which, as a rule, is associated with insufficient skill in using practical techniques and inability to manage a children's team. There are often difficulties in conducting consultations with adults: parents and teachers, which is also explained by the lack of proper experience. Descriptions of professional cases, plans for demonstration classes and 18

7 Psychological Science and Education, 2010, 1 analytical annual reports show the advancement of a young specialist through the levels of professional excellence. All teaching materials are stored in a “Portfolio” folder, which is given to the young specialist at the end of the internship. Creating this product requires a specialist to be methodical and time-consuming, but this promotes a conscious attitude towards his professional development. A young educational psychologist will feel confident much faster, since he will have evidence of his professional competence. These materials confirm the specialist’s self-image as a necessary and capable person. They show that some life plans have been successfully implemented, and there are also things worth striving for in the future. Consequently, the very fact of having such a methodological folder is an incentive for the self-development of a specialist and his professional competencies in various fields of activity. As a rule, having sufficient methodological knowledge, in this case a portfolio, a specialist can submit a request for an increase in qualification category, counting on higher wages. Literature 1. Borisova E. M., Loginova G. P. Individuality and profession. M., Dubrovina I.V. Psychological service of education. Scientific foundations, goals, means // Psychological science and education Ivanova E. M. Fundamentals of the psychological study of professional activity. M., Karandashev V.N. Introduction to the profession of educational psychologist. M., Klimov E. A. Psychology of a professional. M.-Voronezh, EuroPSY European Diploma in Psychology // 7. Handbook for a graduate of the Faculty of Psychology and Counseling at the University of Central Arkansas (USA). University of Central Arkansas (USA),

8 A. A. Margolis, I. V. Konovalova Professional Competence Criteria of Educational Psychologists A. A. Margolis, PhD in Psychology, First Vice-Rector of the Moscow State University of Psychology and Education I. V. Konovalova, PhD in Psychology, Head of the Center of Educational and Methodical Support for Young Specialists, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education The problem of assessment of an educational psychologist s professional competence is discussed in the article. The authors outline criteria-based positions of an educational psychologist s activity assessment. Particular attention is paid to the work with young specialists. The certification form applying criteria for analysis of activity and revealing level of a novice educational psychologist s readiness for self-contained practice was proposed. The article is of practical significance for education content specialists, educational institutions administration, lecturers of higher educational institutions as well as for practicing psychologists striving for professional development. Keywords: professional competence, an educational psychologist's professionalism, effectiveness of activity, criteria-based positions of an educational psychologist, professional adaptation, traineeship, mentoring, portfolio, certification, analysis of activity, competence criteria. References 1. Borisova E. M., Loginova G. P. Individual "nost" i profession. M., Dubrovina I. V. Psihologicheskaya sluzhba obrazovaniya. Nauchnye osnovaniya, celi, sredstva // Psihologicheskaya nauka i obrazovanie Ivanova E. M. Osnovy psihologicheskogo izucheniya professional"noi deyatel"nosti. M., Karandashev V. N. Vvedenie v professiyu pedagog-psiholog. M., Klimov E. A. Psychologiya professionala. M.- Voronezh, EuroPSY Evropeiskii diplom po psihologii 7. Reference vypusknika fakul"teta psihologii i konsul"tirovaniya Universiteta Central"nogo Arkanzasa (SShA). Universitet Central"nogo Arkanzasa (SShA),

Organization of the postgraduate education system for psychologists in Europe and the United States of America 1 I. V. Konovalova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Support

UDC 159.9 Psychological sciences DEVELOPMENTAL WORK OF A PSYCHOLOGIST IN INTERACTION WITH SUBJECTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS P.V. Sabanin, Institute of Psychology of Sociology and Social Relations (IPSSO) Moscow

1. Designing a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The fundamental difference between the modern approach to a lesson is the orientation of all teacher activities towards results

Appendix 3. Annotations of work programs for practices of the main educational program of higher professional education Direction of training 37.03.01 “Psychology” Training profile “Developmental psychology”

State educational institution of higher professional education "Togliatti State University" Faculty of Pedagogy Department of "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology" Department

1. General provisions 1.1. This provision defines the requirements for the Portfolio of a teaching worker MKDOU d/s 395 as a way of recording and presenting various materials, documents, and other evidence


ABSTRACT of the academic discipline: “Social and pedagogical activities for the development of children and adolescents, taking into account their social and psychological development” Direction of training: 050400.62 “Psychological and pedagogical


State budgetary special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities special (correctional) general education school

1. General provisions 1.1. The socio-psychological support service is a structural unit of the State Educational Institution “Irkutsk College of Economics, Service and Tourism” (hereinafter referred to as the college) and provides effective

MOSCOW CITY PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY Approximate basic educational program of higher professional education Direction of training 050400.68 Psychological and pedagogical education

(“Introduction to the Profession”, etc.), make a reflective description of one of the samples you saw (your choice), discuss your essay with the group and with the practice leader, edit it, prepare a project

Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated 20. PROFESSIONAL STANDARD OF A SPECIALIST IN THE FIELD OF PEDAGOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (ACTIVITIES IN PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL

Methodological work of an educational institution as a condition for increasing the professionalism of teachers in the context of the transition to new educational standards. Activities of the gymnasium staff in this direction.

52 A. N. Kivalov A. N. Kivalov Identification of professional difficulties of teaching staff as a resource for independent assessment of the quality of education Identifying of professional difficulties of the teaching

AGREED Approved at a meeting of the pedagogical council by order of the director of the Lyceum Municipal Educational Institution 16 protocol dated “_28_”_08 2014 _1 dated “_28_”_08 2014 REGULATIONS on the system for assessing the results of mastering the basic

EXPLANATORY NOTE Direction of higher education preparation: 03/44/02 Psychological and pedagogical education Focus (profile): Sports psychology Graduate qualification: Bachelor CHARACTERISTICS

Non-state educational institution of higher professional education of the Central Union of the Russian Federation SIBERIAN UNIVERSITY OF CONSUMER COOPERATION APPROVED by the Rector of the University V.V. STEPANOV

Section 5. Organization of interaction between participants in the educational process. Basics of activities of a distance learning tutor. 5.2. Tutor in the distance learning system: tasks and functions, methods


3.2.2. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education Standard requirements for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of basic educational

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Abstract of the working curriculum of discipline B.3. B.01. “Introduction to the profession” 030300 Psychology 1. The purpose of studying the discipline. The purpose of the academic discipline is to develop students’ knowledge about the subject

Criteria for assessing the portfolio of an educational psychologist. Professional status.. Full name.2. Available category.. Declared category.4. Teaching experience.5. The name of the position in accordance with the labor

Work plan for primary school teachers' secondary education for the 2016-2017 school year. Methodological topic: “Improving the efficiency and quality of education in primary schools in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education.” Goal: Improvement

1.4. System for assessing the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic general education program of primary general education The assessment system should: 1. Record the goals of the assessment activity: a)

Adopted by the pedagogical council, MBOU Kutulik Secondary School, protocol 6 of 08/27/2013. Agreed by: J h Chairman h T Pll- Manager Korolev A.P. 08/27/2013 Regulations on the education quality assessment system

1. General provisions 1.1. The socio-psychological service is a structural unit of the technical school, subordinate to the director of the educational institution. 1.2. In its activities, socio-psychological


3.2.2 Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of OOP LLC. The requirements of the Standard for the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of basic general education are

1 DRAFT Professional standard “Preschool education and upbringing” (pedagogical and methodological activities)” 1. General provisions 1. Professional standard “Preschool education and upbringing” (pedagogical

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT FOR CHILDREN WITH LIMITED HEALTH CAPABILITIES Istomina I.A., Savvidi M.I. Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasus Federal University", Institute of Education and Social

GENERAL ISSUES OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE UMO This section publishes administrative and regulatory documents of the Russian education system that fall within the competence of Educational and Methodological Associations, as well as

“Diagnostics and assessment of the professional skills of teachers of the Center as a means of improving the quality of education” (monitoring the implementation of the project: “Methodological support of the educational process as

Contents 1. General provisions... 4 1.1. Determination of the main professional educational program. 4 1.2. Regulatory documents for the development of the basic professional educational program...

ANNUAL WORK PLAN for teacher-psychologist N.M. Evlashkina for the 0-0 academic year Goal: creating conditions for the harmonious development of children in the process of schooling, psychological and pedagogical support for the child

1. General provisions 1.1. The psychological service of the college is one of the structural divisions of the college and was created to provide comprehensive psychological and pedagogical assistance to students, advisory

ADOPTED by the pedagogical council on August 28, 2014, protocol 1 APPROVED and put into effect by order dated September 02, 2014 240 REGULATIONS on the Center for Social and Psychological Support of MAOU Education Center

Kirov regional state educational budgetary institution of secondary vocational education "Omutninsky College of Pedagogy, Economics and Law" Omutninsk, Kirov Region APPROVED

Regulations on the social-psychological-pedagogical service (SPPS) of the MBOU of the city of Irkutsk gymnasium 3 1. General provisions. 1.1. The Social-Psychological-Pedagogical Support Service (hereinafter referred to as the SPPS Service) is

Municipal autonomous educational institution secondary school 186 "Author's Academic School" city of Nizhny Novgorod REGULATIONS on the “portfolio” of a student of NAASH 1. General provisions APPROVED

BU "NIZHNEVARTOVSK POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE" ORDER 09/01/2015 255-A On the organization of the work of the School of Young Teachers in the 2015/2016 academic year In order to implement the project of the Development Program of the BU "Nizhnevartovsk

I. General provisions 1.1. This regulation determines the organizational structure and management procedure for the psychological and pedagogical service "AOTSRT" and is the legal and organizational methodological basis


Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region Regional state budgetary educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, boarding school for orphans and children,

Series “Education Management” G.V. Yakovleva, G.N. Lavrova Control of correctional development work in a preschool educational institution Moscow 2013 BBK 74.104 Ya46 Reviewers: Trofimova Yu.V., candidate

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Ministry of Education of the Saratov Region State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution of the Saratov Region "Balakovo Industrial and Transport College" Regulations on psychological

APPROVED by the Director of the municipal autonomous educational institution “Gymnasium 13 “Academ” L.P. Yudina Order 1/66-p dated September 02, 2013 REGULATIONS on the internal system for assessing the quality of education

REGULATIONS on the psychological service of MBDOU Krasnoyarsk 2014 1. General provisions 1.1. These Regulations have been developed for the municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 321

1. General provisions The purpose of the graduate student’s research work is to master all types of research activities in the field of psychological sciences that meet the criteria established for

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Consultations for educators SEMINAR “Methodological support for MBDOU teachers during the inter-certification period” Certification of teachers is an assessment of not only the level of their professional competence, but also

VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. M., 2012. pp. 323-330. 7. Khutorskoy A.V. Key competencies and educational standards [Electronic resource] / A.V. Khutorskoy // Internet magazine “Eidos”.

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "GYMNASIUM 11" Approved by the scientific and methodological council of the gymnasium Protocol 3 of 03/19/2015 COMPLEX-TARGET PROGRAM "PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT

QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Regulations on the psychological-medical-pedagogical council of the municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 115" Krasnoyarsk, 2015 Version 1.0 Page 1 of 6

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type 5" in the city of Leninogorsk, municipal formation "Leninogorsk municipal district" of the Republic of Tatarstan Appendix

1 determine (adjust) the program and class of education for students over 18 years of age, based on the results of a comprehensive examination by school PMPK specialists; promptly identify and comprehensively examine

1.3. System for assessing the achievements of the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education MAOU "Economic Lyceum" System for assessing the achievements of the planned results

Project topic: “Educational consulting as a model of tutor support for a teacher’s individual professional career.” 1. Name of institution: Municipal educational institution

Methodological activities of the municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children, children and youth center of Zmeinogorsk district. The activities of the educational institution are located

Educational training program 03/44/02 Bachelor's degree in psychology) Focus (profiles) - Pedagogical activities in preschool education; Pedagogical activities at the primary level of general

The program of the academic discipline “FUNDAMENTALS OF PERSONAL CULTURE OF A MODERN WORKER (SPECIALIST)” was developed on the basis of: - Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”; - Federal State Educational Standard

“Methodological work to improve the professional competencies of teachers of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education” Professional competence of teachers (material of the methodological office) In the Federal

Prekina E.G., Director of the MBU “IMC in the system of additional vocational training (PC) GMR” Construction of the practice of tutor support for professional development of teachers in the system of additional professional education My experience

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2014 No. 761n “On approval of the Unified Qualification

Section 2 UDC 378.146 Assessment of the development of professional competencies of graduates in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education Kuzmenko Irina Vasilievna Kuzmenko Irina Ivanovo State University, Shuisky

Competence is the ability to apply knowledge, skills, and act successfully on the basis of practical experience in solving general problems, also in a certain broad area.

Professional competence is the ability to successfully act on the basis of practical experience, skills and knowledge in solving problems of a professional activity.

Competence is understood as a set of personal qualities, as well as professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

Competencies are the requirements of the external and internal environment of an organization, formulated taking into account the needs (expectations) of society and employers for specialists with a certain set of characteristics. And competence is a complex of already formed competencies, manifested in a specialist’s ability to solve problems and readiness to fulfill his role in a particular field of activity.

Competence: awareness, experience, ability to make informed decisions in some area of ​​activity.

Professional competence is a quality, property or state of a specialist that ensures, together or separately, his physical, mental and spiritual compliance with the needs, requirements, requirements of a certain profession, specialty, specialization, qualification standards, occupied or performed official position.

Consequently, the concepts of “competence” and “competence” are in a relationship in which competence is ensured by a certain set of competencies.

Professional competence is an integral characteristic that allows one to judge the level of preparedness of a psychologist and his ability to perform job functions.

A professional specialist is a person who has achieved a high level of performance of his duties in the main area of ​​functioning of the institution in which he works. Thus, professionalism is a special property of people to systematically, effectively and reliably perform complex activities in a wide variety of conditions. Having understood the essence of the professional competence of a practical psychologist and his professionalism, we can move on to the question of how to achieve its desired level?

To solve this problem, the authors propose an approach, for the implementation of which one should use the acmeogram of a practical psychologist. The developed acmeogram is a model of a practical psychologist as a professional and reflects the system of requirements placed on him, compliance with which ensures the productive performance of his functions in real conditions, and also contributes to the constant development and realization of his creative potential.??????

The acmeogram of a practical psychologist presents objective and subjective characteristics of his work. Objective characteristics include goals and objectives. To implement them, it is objectively necessary to perform certain functions. Consequently, functions also refer to the objective characteristics of a psychologist’s work. The subjective side of this work is presented in the acmeogram through knowledge, skills, professional positions, psychological qualities and acmeological invariants. Let's look at the subjective characteristics in more detail.

Professional knowledge how objectively necessary information about all aspects of the work of a practical psychologist is made up of general and specific components required by practice. They form the basis for the formation of a psychological and pedagogical culture and directly the technology for achieving the desired results of work by a psychologist. Knowledge by a practical psychologist of the general features, features and specifics of his professional activity, its structure, content and practice is a necessary prerequisite for its successful implementation.

Professional skills represent the actions and methods of work of a psychologist used by him to implement responsibilities and functions in the process of activity. He needs to be able to objectively and comprehensively analyze the real conditions and factors, goals and objectives of the client’s work and life; plan and effectively carry out socio-psychological work in accordance with scientific recommendations, laws and interests of an individual, group, society; systematically study and objectively evaluate the results of socio-psychological activities, as well as implement measures to optimize them. It is equally important to have the ability to effectively implement primarily those activities that play a decisive role in achieving the intended goal. At the same time, it is very important to acquire skills of an increasingly higher order.

The basic components for developing skills are skills. Among the important skills are the ability to regulate one’s mental activity and mental states, to mobilize capabilities and psychological resources, to carry out the entire complex of activity elements that form an integral technology for the productive professional work of a psychologist.

The psychological qualities of a practical psychologist are a set of active elements of a psychological resource, each of which is uniquely manifested in his activities. They cover the features of professional thinking and consciousness, reflection and self-esteem, goal setting and motivational sphere, interconnections, relationships and practical actions. The most significant psychological qualities of a practical psychologist are: analytical-constructive way of thinking and independence of judgment; sensitivity and insight; emotional-volitional stability and patience; resistance to stress and the ability to adapt to various conditions and factors in performing duties both in the single context of the client’s work and life, and when conducting independent targeted activities; empathy and reflection; general psychophysical activity.

The professional position of a psychologist determines his orientation, place and role in the process of his assigned activity. As a stable system of relationships, it expresses his self-esteem, level of professional aspirations, motivation for activity and understanding of his purpose. This general side is complemented by specific situational elements that are preferable when performing activity functions of a diagnostic, developmental, therapeutic, corrective, consulting, analytical, control-evaluative and other nature.

The acmeological invariants of a practical psychologist are constant involvement in the decision-making process, foresight, insight, personal aspirations, achievement motivation, self-regulation and other previously unclaimed professionally important qualities and individual characteristics.

It should be noted that the use of the acmeogram as the most complete systematic description of the professional competence of a practical psychologist allows not only to highlight its desired components, but also to identify those that interfere with productive activity.

Thus, analysis of professional activity using acmeogram indicators allows us to obtain a comprehensive assessment of his professional competence.

It is quite obvious that professional competence is a core component of specific activities and work in general. It is this that is the determining factor in achieving the desired results.

A teacher-psychologist, as a specialist, is presented with a number of requirements that he must meet. A teacher-psychologist must be prepared to:

1. Carrying out professional activities aimed at psychological support of the educational process, personal and social development of students;

2. Promote socialization and the formation of a common culture of the individual, conscious choice and mastery of educational programs;

3. Promote the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

4. Contribute to the harmonization of the social sphere of the educational institution;

5. Implement measures to form the psychological culture of students, teaching staff and parents;

6. Develop correctional and developmental programs taking into account personality characteristics;

7. Conduct psychological diagnostics of various profiles and purposes and the necessary psychological and pedagogical correction;

8. Provide psychological support for creatively gifted students.

In addition, the educational psychologist must know:

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2. Laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and educational authorities on educational issues.

4. Convention on the Rights of the Child.

5. Regulatory documents regulating issues of labor protection, health care, career guidance, employment of students and their social protection.

6. General, educational psychology, general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child, developmental, social, psychology, pathopsychology, basics of psychotherapy, career guidance, vocational studies and occupational psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling, MASPO, etc.

It is important for an educational psychologist to observe ethical principles in his work.

Professional ethics is a set of norms and rules (principles) governing the behavior and communication of people in a certain area of ​​professional activity.

The following most general professional and ethical principles can be identified:

1. The principle of professional competence - an educational psychologist must solve only those issues in which he is professionally knowledgeable, for which he is theoretically and practically prepared;

2. The principle of consumer well-being – protecting the rights of those who resort to psychological services;

3. The principle of confidentiality - information obtained by a teacher-psychologist in the course of work must remain confidential and not be passed on to other people without the consent of the person concerned, unless the information does not pose any threat to another person;

4. The principle of necessity and sufficiency of the information provided – providing only that information that is necessary and sufficient to solve certain problems;

5. The principle of scientific validity and objectivity lies in the use of only valid and reliable methods and techniques;

6. The principle of responsibility - the educational psychologist is responsible for the organization, progress and results of a psychological examination, for any decision made regarding the client;

7. The principle of ensuring the sovereign rights of the individual – voluntary participation in a psychological examination, the right to know the results of the examination;

8. The principle of attitude and respect towards the client is accepting the client as he is;

9. The principle of no harm to a person (do no harm!) - the activities of an educational psychologist should not harm the client’s personality.