Professional ditties for March 8th. Musical congratulations "Parade of Stars"

Ditties for March 8th for beloved mothers and grandmothers from school or kindergarten children. 25 naughty little ditties for the most precious women in the world!

Ditties for March 8th for mothers and grandmothers

1. I bring flowers to mommy,
And candy for grandma.
So that you may rejoice,
They could treat me!

2. I’ll hug my mom tightly,
I love her very much.
And I love grandma
She always forgives everything.

3. My mommy can’t sleep,
My mother is a craftswoman.
Sewing and knitting and cooking,
And he even drives a car!

4. I’ll tell grandma a secret:
There is no kinder woman in the world,
That's why they adore
All children are their grandmothers!

5. My mother and grandmother,
The most beloved!
Today you are simply class,
Most beautiful!

Ditties for March 8th for mom

6. I am for my mom
Brought friends to visit
Sparrow and hamster,
And a shaggy puppy!

7. Mom is baking a cake today,
I walk from room to room.
I probably can't wait
I'm going crazy from the smell!

8. I help my dear mother,
I clean everything at home.
I even cleaned the room
So that mom can rest!

9. On March 8th for mom
I'll give you a balloon
For mom to fly
To look at the countries!

10. My mommy in the world
The most beautiful,
Queen of beauty
You are my beloved one!

Ditties for March 8th for mommy

11. I will give a gift,
Made by hand
The best on earth
And to my beloved mother!

12. My mother is the best
Kind and brave
I follow her example
I will grow up skillful.

14. I tried all day,
I was cleaning the house,
Well, mommy, get some sleep,
You're so tired!

15. The best friend in the world -
This is our mother!
And he will help and advise
It's all free!

Ditties for March 8th for grandmothers

16. I am for my grandmother
I've been drawing all day
Cake, picture, plane,
And it turned out to be a hippopotamus!

17. I hug my granny
I know all her wrinkles
If he smiles,
Everything is already forgiven for me!

18. Grandmother, grandmother,
Stay close to me!
Sing me your song
I love her very much!

19. Grandma tells me bedtime stories
Will definitely tell you
I'm from grandma's caress
I'm falling asleep sweetly!

20. Pies, cheesecakes,
All the old ladies bake.
And my granny
He bakes buns with poppy seeds!

Ditties on March 8th for grandma

21. Grandmother, beloved,
The most beautiful.
Kind-hearted, like a fairy,
Hug me quickly.

22. Holiday of grandmothers and mothers
We say thank you.
We don’t know how to live without you,
But sometimes we get upset.

23. I’ll tell my grandmother a ditty
I'll sing a beautiful song,
Be healthy, honey,
Be always happy.

24. Grandma is looking for glasses,
I went around the whole apartment.
Her granddaughter's naughty
They hid it so she wouldn't leave.

25. Who puts out the dough in the morning?
Well, of course grandma
So that we eat for breakfast
Delicious pancakes!

There is a bright holiday at our school
The long-awaited Women's Day.
And congratulate the teachers
We, friends, are not lazy at all.

We need to start now
Celebrate Women's Day together,
We have time to congratulate everyone
And sing ditties for the ladies!

We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

Sing ditties to our ladies -
To the best teachers,
Smart and attentive
And super charming!

We read poems to you,
Let's sing good songs.
We sincerely congratulate you
Happy March 8, Women's Day!

On a wonderful and spring day
Dear teachers
We'll lift your spirits
We send our best wishes to you.

You are not just teachers,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts,
Only a smooth road for you
And live up to a hundred years!

Prepared for you
A surprise, no doubt.
And let at school on this day
Fun reigns.

On this day March 8
Let's tell all the teachers.
You don't need to be excited
You dedicated your life to us.

And therefore, dear ones,
We want to wish you.
Know no sorrows from now on,
Never lose heart.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he's not swearing.

To the school director

There is perhaps no more difficult share,
How to be a school principal
Your fate, oh, is difficult -
You are one for us all!

Our director is all about business,
It's not easy to run a school,
These are not ditties for you
Perform at a concert!

Ditties for the chemistry teacher

We put something in the flasks,
Almost half the school was blown up,
Invented active
We are a reactive mixture!

periodic table
We often dream at night,
If necessary - ain moment,
Let's remember each element!

We study acids.
Everyone went on break.
I don’t know what I added to what,
But there was a terrible explosion!

Biology teacher

About natural selection
We'll keep the conversation going
With what "kind" and "class" mean,
You introduced us!

Anatomy, science,–
Just for fun:
We treated the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

We are in biology
Learned a lot
From call to call
We study DNA.

I couldn't learn
Natural science again.
Where can I get a skeleton?
To complete the task?

Geography teachers

We love to learn from you,
We know the capitals of all countries,
We study not in vain
Mountains, rivers and seas!

We certainly wish
So that the sea is up to your knees,
Shoulder-deep, so without a doubt,
There were all the mountains in the world!

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You'll mix it up a little
A crocodile might eat it.

I want to go on vacation
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day now
Science Geography!

Chatushki for the teacher of Russian language and literature

We have a passion for Russian,
We read our classics,
We learn the rules together
Everyone needs to know Russian!

This is the subject of literature,
To understand its meaning,
We need it in the library
Take a book every day!

We are in Russian
Yesterday we wrote a dictation,
And today the whole lesson
Bugs have been corrected!

We were in physics
And we looked at the textbooks...
What do they write in this book?
We don't understand those secrets!

Math teacher

Math is hard -
Everyone knows her.
Let's think and guess
How can we solve problems?

We can do all the tasks:
And we divide and multiply,
We will add a poem to the bouquet,
And we congratulate you on spring!

Life safety teacher

We studied life safety
We are already from A to Z,
Our children know for sure -
The nail should not be put into sockets,

They know how to behave
How to grow healthy
Where to cross the road
How to deal with fire!

We will wink at you together -
Let all evil burn with fire,
So that you live safely,
Well, it’s great to celebrate March!

Physical education teacher

Wider stride, straighter back -
This is how we warm up
We don't mess around a bit,
So, let's exercise as it should!

We radiate strength and agility,
Let's pump up the abdominal muscles,
We always look up to you
And we are changing for the better!

We wish you not to let us down -
Meet March in great shape,
Be cheerful and active
And super athletic!

To the singing teacher

No more patience
At a singing lesson
Give me the accordion,
I'll play it myself now!

For a teacher at work

I'm not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!

All the girls are at work
They embroider together.
Well, what about the poor boys?
They carry heavy things.

At a labor lesson
Everyone took a broom with them,
Everyone went out to the school yard,
Sweep away unnecessary rubbish.

Physics teacher

I know the laws of physics -
I'll tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

We were in physics
And we looked at the textbooks...
What do they write in this book?
We don't understand those secrets!

Ditties for the computer science teacher

My favorite lesson -
This is computer science
We go through the lesson
Game practice!

The teacher teaches us everything,
Having found out about the new products,
Our computer scientist, he is the best,
Let's be honest, no praise.

Computer Science subject
We need
Is there internet in the classroom?
And the teacher is wonderful!

Well, why do you need a notebook?
Why grammar?
Word rules everything for us again
Computer science rules!!!

In the world of new technologies
Computer Science subject
There are no secrets for us in it.

And our teacher is an example
And we wish him
Masses of innovations and discoveries,
Happiness, joy, love.

To the history teacher

Let's go to history -
Everything is shaking for the guys,
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

English teacher

In English
I forgot my native speech
And in Russian your name
I couldn't read it!

On this glorious women's holiday,
We'll sing a verse again
And give it to a cool mom
Delightful bouquet!
(S. Pavlova)

You, our teachers,
In the world everyone is smarter and more beautiful,
With ardor, feeling and excitement
Happy March to all of you!

All the flowers in our city
They sell out quickly.
All clear. Women's holiday
Coming soon.

Under the spring sound of drops
We sang ditties for you,
They tried to surprise you,
Pay attention to everyone!

We sang ditties for you,
Everyone they wanted.
Like it, don't like it,
It's time for us to take our leave!

Not a single festive event or feast is complete without cheerful and playful ditties. After all, ditties can amuse even the most serious guest. The holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day - is a spring and bright holiday, a holiday of mood and happiness. It is simply impossible to imagine a scenario for celebrating Women's Day that would not include ditties for March 8th.

Oh, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give everyone your freckles,
Well, we'll sing ditties!

Brooks gurgle in the spring,
The girls' holiday is coming soon!
Oh, March 8th will come
And the boys will get hot!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
There is leapfrog in our class,
For the boys' gifts
They ran away in all directions!

Let's dress up for the holiday
And we will show a master class:
Sing, dance non-stop
We can definitely do it for an hour!

Oh! Great I'm learning
And I won’t lose count!
At myself and at my friend's
I'll count all the freckles!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
The holiday will disappear without a trace,
But the presented bouquet
My water will come alive!

You, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give love and friendship,
So that they don't have time to sleep!

On Women's Day March 8
Misha cooked dinner himself,
And, I'll tell you a secret,
He did a lot of trouble.

The soup and porridge were burnt,
He poured salt into the compote,
How Misha's mother returned,
She had a lot of trouble.

Mother's Day, March Eighth!. .
Let's help mom! .
We'll spend as much energy as we can.
Tomorrow we will rest...

There are girls in our class
Smart girls, beauties!
And we'll tell you a secret
We love it!

We promise you today
to pay compliments,
And as soon as you grow up
We will give you flowers

You, dear girls
Happy Women's Day
And funny ditties
We will sing for you now!

Vova polished the floor to a shine,
Prepared a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking for what to do:
There is no work!

Our dear mothers,
We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations on March 8
And hello hot helmet.

Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day.
We'll dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

Whose birthday is it today?
Who is the pie baked for?
For whom did spring bloom?
First March flower?
For whom? For whom?
Guess for yourself!
And the pie and the flower
We'll give it to...Mom!

Women's Day - that's the reason
Why are we singing here?
Allow us men
Congratulations on Women's Day.

My brother and I helped mom together.
They praised us and then gave us candy.
Helping is such a trifle. There is no better deal.
We are good for this, not for the candy.

All day March 8
Lena chalked the floor with excitement,
And on the ninth
I didn’t pick up the broom.

New ribbons in braids
Our sisters will braid!
Well, what a delicious pie
Granny will bake for us.
Even the stump is blooming
On this holiday - Women's Day!

Let's sing a song to the girls
We are starting this song,
We congratulate our girls.
We would sing separately for each one,
We just eat very poorly.
If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed.
And not out of anger, but out of habit
We often pull your pigtails.

It’s as if a miracle suddenly happened:
All around, wherever you look -
Flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere
They burn with spring flames.
I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
And would scatter it over the entire planet,
The sisters will receive them and smile -
And immediately summer will come everywhere.

Why are we dancing today?
Why are we singing here?
To all the mothers in the world today
Happy Women's Day!

Girls, oh, girls,
The boys gave you a hard time,
But even if everything went wrong,
We fought bravely for you.

The streams are ringing, sparkling,
They make noise here and there,
The spring holiday has arrived
Our lovely ladies.

We brought you flowers
Their leaves whisper to us:
We opened up today
For your lovely ladies

There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus:
- This is the holiday of our mothers!
[ABOUT. Vysotskaya]

You are our dear ladies,
Happy Women's Day!
We are warming you today
We are the warmth of our soul!

All day March 8
Lena chalked the floor with excitement,
And on the ninth
I didn’t pick up the broom.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy one:
“Mommy, I’m still little.”

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus:
- This is the holiday of our mothers!
We sang ditties for you
And we also want to say:

We give our word girls
protect everywhere and everywhere!

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Listen to them always, in everything -
Morning, evening and afternoon.

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Listen to them always, in everything -
Morning, evening and afternoon.

Not a single festive event or feast is complete without cheerful and playful ditties. After all, ditties can amuse even the most serious guest. The holiday of March 8 - International Women's Day - is a spring and bright holiday, a holiday of mood and happiness. It is simply impossible to imagine a scenario for celebrating Women's Day that would not include ditties for March 8th.

Oh, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give everyone your freckles,
Well, we'll sing ditties!

Brooks gurgle in the spring,
The girls' holiday is coming soon!
Oh, March 8th will come
And the boys will get hot!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
There is leapfrog in our class,
For the boys' gifts
They ran away in all directions!

Let's dress up for the holiday
And we will show a master class:
Sing, dance non-stop
We can definitely do it for an hour!

Oh! Great I'm learning
And I won’t lose count!
At myself and at my friend's
I'll count all the freckles!

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!
The holiday will disappear without a trace,
But the presented bouquet
My water will come alive!

You, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give love and friendship,
So that they don't have time to sleep!

On Women's Day March 8
Misha cooked dinner himself,
And, I'll tell you a secret,
He did a lot of trouble.

The soup and porridge were burnt,
He poured salt into the compote,
How Misha's mother returned,
She had a lot of trouble.

Mother's Day, March Eighth!. .
Let's help mom! .
We'll spend as much energy as we can.
Tomorrow we will rest...

There are girls in our class
Smart girls, beauties!
And we'll tell you a secret
We love it!

We promise you today
to pay compliments,
And as soon as you grow up
We will give you flowers

You, dear girls
Happy Women's Day
And funny ditties
We will sing for you now!

Vova polished the floor to a shine,
Prepared a vinaigrette.
Mom is looking for what to do:
There is no work!

Our dear mothers,
We'll sing ditties for you.
Congratulations on March 8
And hello hot helmet.

Our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day.
We'll dance for you now
And we'll sing ditties.

Whose birthday is it today?
Who is the pie baked for?
For whom did spring bloom?
First March flower?
For whom? For whom?
Guess for yourself!
And the pie and the flower
We'll give it to...Mom!

Women's Day - that's the reason
Why are we singing here?
Allow us men
Congratulations on Women's Day.

My brother and I helped mom together.
They praised us and then gave us candy.
Helping is such a trifle. There is no better deal.
We are good for this, not for the candy.

All day March 8
Lena chalked the floor with excitement,
And on the ninth
I didn’t pick up the broom.

New ribbons in braids
Our sisters will braid!
Well, what a delicious pie
Granny will bake for us.
Even the stump is blooming
On this holiday - Women's Day!

Let's sing a song to the girls
We are starting this song,
We congratulate our girls.
We would sing separately for each one,
We just eat very poorly.
If we teased you offensively,
Honestly, we are very ashamed.
And not out of anger, but out of habit
We often pull your pigtails.

It’s as if a miracle suddenly happened:
All around, wherever you look -
Flowers, flowers, flowers everywhere
They burn with spring flames.
I would take flowers - a billion bouquets -
And would scatter it over the entire planet,
The sisters will receive them and smile -
And immediately summer will come everywhere.

Why are we dancing today?
Why are we singing here?
To all the mothers in the world today
Happy Women's Day!

Girls, oh, girls,
The boys gave you a hard time,
But even if everything went wrong,
We fought bravely for you.

The streams are ringing, sparkling,
They make noise here and there,
The spring holiday has arrived
Our lovely ladies.

We brought you flowers
Their leaves whisper to us:
We opened up today
For your lovely ladies

There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus:
- This is the holiday of our mothers!
[ABOUT. Vysotskaya]

You are our dear ladies,
Happy Women's Day!
We are warming you today
We are the warmth of our soul!

All day March 8
Lena chalked the floor with excitement,
And on the ninth
I didn’t pick up the broom.

The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy one:
“Mommy, I’m still little.”

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus:
- This is the holiday of our mothers!
We sang ditties for you
And we also want to say:

We give our word girls
protect everywhere and everywhere!

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Listen to them always, in everything -
Morning, evening and afternoon.

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Listen to them always, in everything -
Morning, evening and afternoon.

Ditties on March 8 for girls from boys, as well as funny ditties with girls' names will help make your holiday at school and kindergarten fun and memorable.

You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we are ditties for you
Let's sing it very loud!

We promise you today
Speak compliments
And you'll grow up a little
We will give you flowers!

We're groovy guys
Unprecedented steepness
Congratulations, girls,
Happy Women's Spring Day!

March 8th is coming soon,
The boys will be hot.
They need to keep their word:
You can't offend girls!

We congratulate the girls
On this day, like princesses.
We choose gifts for them,
Oh, it's not an easy process.

You are always beautiful:
"Ponytails", braids
We sometimes pull for them,
Just out of habit!

Ditties for March 8 with girls' names

Ditties with the names of girls are merrily sung, when a funny quatrain is sung about each student in the class, emphasizing the character or behavior of someone.

Katya is a kind soul
Everyone is pleased and good.
Loves school, loves work.
And a true friend to everyone in the class.

As soon as I see Nastya,
I don't care about others
Both in fact and in fact
You couldn't find Nastya better.

Our Lena is not a quiet person,
Even though it seems like that.
If necessary, he will hit you boldly,
He won't even blink an eye.

Am I a gentleman or who?
He helped Karina take off her coat.
The briefcase was brought to her desk,
Today is March 8th!

Didn't answer about fairy tales
To Alenka's question.
And they put it in her diary
The ugly duckling!

Katya flew to school like that,
I didn't wear my uniform to school.
The whole lesson was done by Katya
I have polka dots on my robe.

Polina is very exotic,
But sometimes she is self-critical.
And the unfortunate men
They love Polya for no reason.

They say there is nothing more beautiful
And wiser than Angelina,
Everyone will agree with this
Our lovely men

Painstaking in everything
Darina decorates the house.
The only companion is pride,
Oh, it bothers her in everything.

Look at Natasha -
She has thorns around her
She looks so arrogant
And she has flowers in her soul!

If you've been looking for a long time
You are a leader
Choose Alina -
Your savior!

Don't judge Anya harshly
For her beautiful appearance.
Inadvertently our Anya
She will make all men fall in love with her.

Galya loves books since childhood,
I read “Moidodyr”,
And now she's dreaming
Read it all the way through.

Tanya and Lena are like magpies
On the edge of the forest,
Discussing who has
More beautiful than freckles.

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note,
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.

If you need order,
Choose Yulia as your wife,
Only give her gifts
Never forget.

If you are looking for a quiet one,
You can't find something more modest
Such a rare name -
Ksyusha, how can I find you?

Our Tanya in class
Writes messages to everyone.
Who will receive the telegram?
Suffering punishment.

Why, tell me, children,
Are there books?
So that our Zhenya beats
All the boys with them.

Like our Verochka
Head is spinning,
Doesn't see anyone around
Spinning like a top.

I want to tell Lera,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And you never know about anything.

There is Olesya - the soul will perk up,
Olesya is gone - she looks sad,
I'm so drawn to Olesya
An impressive magnet of feelings.

Who has a lot of A's?
And the ward is crazy.
Yana knows everything in the world,
Even about a shovel.

We sit in class
And we look at the girls:
And beautiful and smart -
It's simply not better to find.
There is a magazine on the table,
Well, it has A's.
Because in our class
Smart girls.

I tried so hard all day
I didn't look at the girls.
I could barely resist -
I wanted to pull the braid.

We won't hide it from the girls
Let's tell them straight away:
Before your beauty
Melting like a snowman!

Everything around is noisy, singing,
Women's holiday is coming.
We must decide quickly
What to give to girls.

There is a nice day in March
To congratulate the girls.
We promise, our little ones,
We won't offend you!

On a bright day, March 8
Women must be respected.
On this day, we will not have you,
Tease, tug and push!

Our girls are offended
We won't give it today
Not even anyone else's
We won't let them get close to them.

It's a holiday in our school today
Women's Day! Flowers and laughter!
To all teachers at once
Let's say: you are the most beautiful of all!

On Women's Day March 8
Dad cooked dinner himself
And, I'll tell you a secret,
He did a lot of trouble.

The soup and porridge were burnt,
He poured salt into the compote,
How our mother returned,
She had a lot of trouble.

We envy the girls
They love to play
And for this, guys,
I need to buy dolls.

On Women's Day March 8
Petya cooked dinner himself,
Crumbled candy into the salad
Did a lot of trouble!

We stop singing ditties,
We promise our mothers:
Let's grow kind
To behave.

We dressed up for the holiday,
We will show you a master class.
Sing, dance non-stop
We can do it for you for an hour.