Project for the construction of the South-East Expressway. Public hearings

This fall, the North-Eastern and North-Western Expressways in Moscow will be connected by a turning overpass on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street. First Deputy Head of the Construction Department Pyotr Aksenov told reporters about this after visiting one of the sections of the North-East Expressway under construction.

As RG has already written, the capital’s chords in terms of the scale of construction and the impact on city traffic can be compared with the Moscow Ring Road or the Third Ring Road. They will save Muscovites from tens of kilometers of re-runs, which they are now forced to do in order to get to the neighboring area. The chords will allow you to cross through the city without entering the historical center. Moreover, both highways will be free.

In particular, the SZH will run from the Dmitrovskoye to Skolkovskoye highways, and the TSW will run from the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road to the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy interchange. After the highways are fully launched, the load on the outbound routes, according to calculations by the Research and Design Institute of the General Plan of Moscow, will decrease by 20-25 percent.

Some sections of the chords are already in use by motorists, and some of their elements are still being completed. For example, the connection between Festivalnaya Street and Dmitrovskoe Highway. It is almost 11 km long, and half of this route goes over bridges and overpasses. Artificial structures were specially designed so that they go as far as possible from houses and do not cause inconvenience to their residents. Nevertheless, just in case, in high-rise buildings in the northeast, builders replaced 6 thousand windows with silent ones. However, construction is already ending. Visually, the overpasses are almost ready; a few things remain to be completed on the engineering side.

We have actually completed 90 percent of the work,” Aksenov said. - But there was a slight delay. On one of the sites there is a Khovrinskaya pumping station, at which communications need to be relocated. In winter, this could not be done without harming the 3.5 thousand local residents whose houses are powered by it.

It turned out that it was possible to turn off the station only on May 15. According to Aksenov’s estimates, the northern section of the expressway can realistically be launched by City Day in September. This will complete the work along almost the entire length of the temporary storage warehouse. Construction is still ongoing on the section between Shchelkovskoye and Otkrytoye highways.

Infographics "RG" / Alexander Chistov / Sergey Babkin

In the near future, in the southwest of the city, the North-Eastern passage will connect with the North-Western one. In the area of ​​Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, the construction of several connecting overpasses is planned. The first of them, the turnaround, will be completed in October of this year. It allows you to drive from one chord track to another without wasting time on a detour along Dmitrovskoe Highway. Let me note that the Moscow authorities expect to complete construction of both chords by 2020-2021.

The diagrams were also placed for review on the ground floor of the Sviblovo district government building. And the public hearings themselves are scheduled for August 20. There will be a large-scale reconstruction of a huge area of ​​the north-east of the city, and information about this will be useful not only for cyclists, but also for pedestrians and, of course, motorists.
Here are just a few proposed changes: near the Sviblovo metro station, all surface pedestrian crossings will be removed and a circular car traffic system will be made, the street Amundsen want to continue to New Beringov right across the square(!), at the crossroads Yenisei And Pilot Babushkin There will also be a roundabout for cars, and a huge six-lane overpass (that same expressway) will become a new transit highway in our district. Now let's talk about everything in order.

Let us say right away that there is nothing in the presented materials about cycling infrastructure. In addition to the indicator of bicycle parking near the transport hub on one of the diagrams, the designer could not answer where exactly they would be located. Actually, it's expected. Nevertheless, let's try to analyze the information that has already been published.

TPU "Sviblovo"

01. This is what the picture of what they are going to build looks like.

02. Although there are a lot of documents and various schematic images on TPU, it’s not easy to figure out what’s what.
This is what the plan of the entire area to be reconstructed looks like

03. The most important document in materials on TPU "Sviblovo" this one: “PROJECT PLANNING OF THE TERRITORY OF THE TRANSPORTATION JOINT (TPU) SVIBLOVO State Unitary Enterprise “MOSCOW METROPOLITAN”.
The text is placed inside the file "Approved part. Corrected".

The very essence of what is planned to be done is in the Explanatory Note and it is written in a more or less understandable language.

We will publish this “note” in full:

Explanatory note

on planning organization of territory and construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects. The territory allocated for the formation of a transport hub is located on multifunctional public areas and sections of the road network in the area of ​​the Sviblovo metro station.

The development area of ​​the planning project is 10.23 hectares.

The territory of the transport hub, allocated within the boundaries of the planning project, is 8.27 hectares.

The land survey area of ​​the transport hub is 10.23 hectares. The formation of a transport hub in the area of ​​the Sviblovo metro station provides for:

  • construction of an underground-overground complex with service facilities with access to bus stops and an entrance to the metro station;

  • construction of stop pavilions with service facilities connected to the metro station lobby;

- construction of a hotel with accommodation on the ground floor of an interdistrict multifunctional center.

The transport solution of the transport hub project includes the reorganization of the street and road network with a reduction in controlled intersections due to the arrangement of a roundabout at the intersection of Kolskaya, Novy Beringova Proezd, Amundsen and Raduzhnaya streets in accordance with the established red lines. For the convenience of passenger movement, the planning project proposes the organization of canopies over the metro and stop pavilions to ensure comfortable communication between the stops of ground urban passenger transport and the entrances to the metro. At the ground level in the areas where transport hubs are planned to be located, 11 dimensions of buildings and structures are determined.

The project provides for changing the boundaries of the PK object (No. 99-SVAO “Square at the intersection of Snezhnaya and Kola streets”) in accordance with the established red lines. The reduction in area is fully compensated by the inclusion in the PC of plots No. 10, No. 11 and No. 14 with a total area of ​​0.40 hectares.

04. What is written in this text? Perhaps the most important news is the loss of the park near the metro. StreetAmundsenThe park will be “cut” and traffic will be turned into a circular route. There will be little left of the green zone. The designer's representative convinced us at the Administration that the road "will go between the trees." Somewhere here...

05. And here too there will be a road

06. Or maybe you can successfully “build in” automobile traffic here!? In general, it seems that the park will no longer exist. It's a pity.

07. Here is an interesting “diagram” from presentation materials that “seems to” talk about the problems of pedestrians in this place.
It is not very clear who from the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs follows this arrow. Quite the contrary, they move more on the other side, around Sviblovo shopping center. But the main thing here is more red. Like “everything is bad here, but it will be good.”

08. Another important topic is pedestrian crossings. This is what human flows look like in the designers' documents.
The scheme is, in principle, correct. But the desire to drive pedestrians “underground” is not the best option.

According to the project, all pedestrian overpasses near the Sviblovo metro station will be converted into underground ones!!!

09. These land crossings will not exist

10. This pedestrian crossing will not exist either.

11. This won't happen either.

12. And this land crossing will disappear. Everything is underground!
Car enthusiasts might probably like this. Well, what will pedestrians, cyclists, and people with strollers say?

13. Everything looks great in the pictures at the office. There are escalators to the street, navigation, and even GROUND CROSSINGS with a zebra crossing and a traffic light (look at the middle photo below)! Strange right?! According to the plan, only underground passages, but in the picture they showed a normal crossing and a zebra crossing! In response to our remark, the designer’s representative threw up his hands: “There are errors in the materials, that’s true... On our map, the name of the street was mixed up... Sorry.”
Although it would be more correct to cross out this photo with a zebra with a big red marker.

14. There is also a presentation at the council about green spaces. It is unclear where exactly this bench will be placed.

15. Probably on the spot Square A few trees will be left, and they will find a place for a bench there.
The fact is that several years ago two shopping centers were built near the Sviblovo metro station. It is clear that now they will not demolish them, but will widen roads and build facilities TPU Now it is possible only at the expense of the last green territory, that is, at the expense of the Square.
This is what the “public space” near the metro looks like now. Continuous shopping malls...

16. Whether the famous “stop with a pine tree” will survive after all this construction “mix” is also unknown...

In general, here it is TPU "Sviblovo" will build. It is important to have time to make comments and make suggestions. There are many questions: the fence of house 28 Snezhnaya(something needs to be done with it), hotel, parking, location of OT stops, etc.

Northeast chord

17. All information materials can be viewed.It is almost impossible to make out anything on the maps.

But if you download this file to your computer, you will receive a very detailed map of our area and the places where the chord will go. You can look at the map itself and the objects marked on it for a long time: magnification allows you to see some details...

18. For example, a new type of street crossing has been discovered Yeniseiskaya And Pilot Babushkin.
They want to organize a roundabout for cars here.

19. Cyclists, of course, are interested in how intersections with the chord will be organized at popular intersections: with Serebryakova passing through, With Agricultural Street, with the street Wilhelm Pieck, with the street Snezhnaya etc. By the way, the construction of such large highways always entails the reconstruction of adjacent streets.
For example, 1st Botanichesky passage According to the planning project for the new residential area, it will become a 4-lane highway...

20. For example, now many cyclists and pedestrians use these ground crossings near the 1st Botanichesky passage. What will happen after the construction of the chord is unclear.

21. The further cycling route to the side is also important VDNH: under the canvas Moscow Ring Railway and along the construction site Chinese Business Center. Nowadays there are few pedestrians and it is convenient to travel by bicycle. How will bicycle and pedestrian flows be organized in this section after such a large-scale construction of the highway and TPU "Botanical Garden" not reported yet.

Questions about how car traffic, bicycle traffic and pedestrian passage will be organized need to be asked to designers now. Within the framework of Public Hearings, including. And taking into account also the plans of the city authorities to build several huge residential areas in the north-east of the capital (you can read about this also), it can be assumed that in the coming years, car traffic, bicycle routes and the existing pedestrian infrastructure in these areas of the city can greatly change. We'll see in which direction very soon.

For those who are not on vacation), we provide details on the Public Hearings:

Meetings participants of public hearings will take place on August 20, 2015 at 19:00 at the following addresses:

According to the project for planning the territory of a linear road network object: a section of the North-Eastern Expressway from the Otkrytoe Highway to the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow Railway, including the reconstruction of the Bogorodsky overpass.

In 2019, Muscovites will be able to travel along the North-Eastern Expressway. The 35-kilometer-long highway will run from the new M11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway to the Kosinskaya overpass (the interchange at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway).

The chord will connect major highways of the city - MKAD, Entuziastov Highway, Izmailovskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Otkrytoye, Yaroslavskoye, Altufevskoye and Dmitrovskoye highways. That is, the north, east and southeast of the capital and the nearest cities of the Moscow region will be able to travel to each other without turning into the center. For example, it will be possible to get from Lyubertsy to Yaroslavskoye Highway without traffic lights in just 15 minutes.

By the end of this year, one of the most difficult sections of the highway will be launched - from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway. It has been under construction since 2008. Drivers are already driving here on the section from Perovskaya Street to Izmailovskoye Highway. In addition, there are exits on the Entuziastov Highway towards the center and towards the region.

To ensure normal traffic flow, 15 overpasses with a total length of almost 10 kilometers will have to be built at the interchange of the North-Eastern Expressway with Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said during a recent inspection of the construction site. - I hope that by the end of the year the main work will be completed. Construction equipment will leave Entuziastov Highway and Budyonny Avenue.

The route of the section will run along the tracks of the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) and cross the Entuziastov Highway in the area of ​​the metro station of the same name. Now construction and reconstruction are taking place not only on the highway itself, but also on neighboring Perovskaya Street, Anosova Street, Elektrodny Proezd and local driveways. Five overpasses are already ready. By the end of this year, five more overpasses, five pedestrian crossings, and 7.3 km of tram tracks will appear.

After the launch of this section, Izmailovskoye and Shchelkovskoye highways, Entuziastov highway and Budyonny Avenue will be unloaded. At the same time, transit traffic will open from Perovskaya Street to the North-Eastern Expressway and further to the Sokolinaya Gora, Preobrazhenskoye, Vostochnoye and Northern Izmailovo districts. As a result, it will become easier to drive on the Enthusiast Highway.

The North-Eastern Expressway was divided into seven sections (see diagram). Two of them are already ready - from the Businovskaya transport interchange to Festivalnaya Street, from Izmailovskoye to Shchelkovskoye Highway (except for the tunnel under Shchelkovskoye Highway). Three more sections are currently under construction - from the Moscow Ring Road to Entuziastov Highway, from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway, from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Shosse.

At the end of 2018, they plan to open a 5-kilometer section from Festivalnaya Street to Dmitrovskoye Highway. Four overpasses, five kilometers of ramps from them, an overpass over the railway and a bridge over the Likhoborka River will be built here. The road will have 3 - 4 lanes for traffic in each direction. As a result, it will become more convenient for residents of the northern districts of Moscow - Golovinsky, Koptevsky and Timiryazevsky.

In the future, in the north of the capital, the North-Eastern Expressway will be connected to the North-Western Expressway (will run from Skolkovskoe to Yaroslavskoe highway). For this purpose, a turning overpass will be built on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, ramps and side passages along the Oktyabrskaya Railway. The main major roads for connecting different districts of the city are going to be completed in the next year or two.

In 2018, we will complete the North-Western Expressway, which will actually cross the entire city from north to west,” said Deputy Mayor of Moscow Marat Khusnullin. - By the beginning of 2019, in addition to one or two sections, we will build the North-Eastern Expressway. At the same time, we will complete the construction of the Southern Road. This is an extension of Rublevskoye Highway, a connection with Proletarsky Prospekt and then access to the Moscow Ring Road. These three key roads should replace the fourth transport ring.


The North-Eastern Expressway will stretch from the Businovskaya interchange to Festivalnaya Street, Dmitrovskoye and Yaroslavskoye Highways. Then it will cross Otkrytoye, Shchelkovskoye, Izmailovskoye highways and enter the section of the fourth transport ring under construction from Izmailovskoye highway to Entuziastov highway.

From the Entuziastov Highway the chord will go to the MKAD interchange with the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy highway, then to the borders with the region to connect with the Moscow-Noginsk-Kazan federal highway.

In Moscow, they finally abandoned the construction of the fourth transport ring and decided to build chords - highways that will run from the Moscow Ring Road to the Moscow Ring Road, bypassing the city center and the third transport ring. Cars are slowly being squeezed out of the center, horizontal connections between districts with the help of the metro and the MCC have gradually been established, and now they have begun to streamline traffic flows.

What’s interesting is that the idea of ​​​​creating such highways is not new —>

We live in interesting times: in the Soviet Union there were no problems with traffic jams and parking, there weren’t so many cars. There was no problem in the 1990s, but since the mid-2000s, as cars became more accessible and loans began to be distributed left and right (in Moscow, a very large percentage of cars were purchased on credit), the problem of parking and traffic jams we had to face it very quickly and in a much more acute form than many other countries.

All the imperfections and unfinished construction of the Soviet era immediately came to the surface, as a result of which all the “bottlenecks” immediately became visible on the city map. Interestingly, a similar development of events was already foreseen (maybe just not in such an acute form) back in 1971, when a new master plan for the development of the city was presented. Let's take a look at this diagram:

Here we see many highways that penetrate the peripheral areas of the city. It’s interesting that the current toll M11 (“new Leningrad”) to Sheremetyevo was drawn already then.

The same diagram shows that the groundwork for the planned chords was also made back in the 1970s, some of these streets formed the Third Transport Ring, but what is most interesting is that the most severe traffic jams on the Third Transport Ring now form exactly where there should not have been a ring and its sharp turns, and where the highway had to independently go towards the Moscow Ring Road.

Anyone who even drives along the Third Transport Ring during rush hour or anything else has ever been stuck in these traffic jams.

By the way, the same diagram clearly shows that the eternal traffic jam at the turn from Svoboda Street to Volokolamsk Highway should not have happened; according to the plan, the street was extended further and went independently to the west of the city.

The main problem is also that traffic, if it does not go to the Moscow Ring Road, then, in any case, is forced to go to the Third Transport Ring and, having squeezed along narrow exits there, is often directed not towards the center, but to the next exit and to another area cities. The new chords, it seems, will help relieve congestion on the Third Transport Ring and, of course, the center, making it even more comfortable for pedestrians.

The idea of ​​building chord highways was born in the city more than forty years ago, but its implementation came only now, when it became finally clear that there are not enough roads between the districts, and there is nothing for transit traffic to do in the center.

Specialists from Mosinzhproekt JSC are working on a large-scale project of chords, which, in general, is not surprising, because this organization was created in 1958 to solve such problems.

Then, at the dawn of the era of mass housing construction, when not even blocks, but entire residential areas were put into operation, when Moscow began to sharply expand to the Moscow Ring Road, the city needed a large design organization that could carry out similar projects and create infrastructure almost “from scratch” , and there were no such organizations in the country at that time. When building new districts, we had to learn a lot and slowly build a new organization.

Since there are no other similar organizations in the country, Mosinzhproekt was chosen for the construction of new highways. Particularly because when creating chords, many problems in the adjacent territories will have to be solved
Thus, the section of the North-Eastern Expressway, passing from the northern side of the Ryazan direction of the Moscow Railway, from the Veshnyaki-Lyubertsy MKAD interchange to the interchange on the 4th transport ring, affects such Moscow streets as Kosinskaya, Anosova, Plyushcheva, Masterovaya and Pervaya Mayovka Alley. At the same time, according to the designers, these streets are being reconstructed, their road infrastructure is being improved and expanded. The Pervaya Mayovka Alley will be modernized, which will become a 1st class city-wide highway; Anosova Street will be expanded to four lanes (two in each direction). New exits, U-turns and overpasses will radically change the transport situation in the Veshnyaki area.

A similar approach will be used during the construction of the North-West Expressway. Thus, when designing its fourth section, connecting Marshal Zhukov Avenue and Rublevskoye Highway, there is also a need to resolve a number of local issues, including the construction of two road bridges across the Moscow River.

This is being done taking into account the interests of residents of the surrounding areas, as in the section “Leningradskoye Shosse – Marshal Zhukov Avenue”, the construction of which will be completed this year, 2016.
By the way, the design and construction process is carried out in parallel. Many sections of the chords are already under construction, while others are still being worked on by designers. That is, the full design is not done first, and then construction, but all work is divided into stages and done simultaneously: the final stage is just being designed, and the first is already being built in full swing.

The capital authorities intend to complete the construction of the section of the North-Eastern Expressway, which will connect Entuziastov Highway and Izmailovskoye Highway, a year ahead of schedule - by the end of the first half of 2016. This was the statement made by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin after visiting the construction site. The 4 km long overpass will consist of eight lanes - four in each direction, and traffic along it will be carried out in a traffic lightless mode.

The North-Eastern Expressway itself should connect the M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg highways under construction within the Moscow Ring Road and up to the new interchange on the Moscow Ring Road at the intersection with the Veshnyaki - Lyubertsy highway.

Thus, the new road will connect major highways in the north-east of the city: Dmitrovskoye, Altufevskoye, Yaroslavskoye, Shchelkovskoye, Entuziastov highway and Otkrytoe highway. According to the project, the length of the chord will be about 25 km. According to officials, the highway, which is not planned to be made toll, should reduce the traffic load on the Moscow Ring Road, the Third Transport Ring, outbound highways, as well as on the center of Moscow.

The capital's mayor noted that the construction of the section from Entuziastov Highway to Izmailovskoye Highway is comparable in complexity of work and cost to the notorious Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel.

“At one time this was intended for the fourth transport ring, but the project would have been technically impossible. And this huge volume of construction would simply be wasted. Therefore, today we are trying to integrate it into the North-Eastern Expressway. By the end of the year, we must leave Entuziastov Highway with these overpasses and so on, give full speed to the avenue,” Sobyanin said about the prospects. —

Construction of the site is ahead of schedule. Although we have a contract period of 2017, we still need to try to finish it in 2016.”

The mayor's office believes that with the advent of this overpass, transport accessibility to the Sokolinaya Gora, Izmailovo and Preobrazhenskoye districts, located in the east of the city, will improve. “As a result, we will have completed three sections of the North-East Expressway, and then the task will be to connect these sections with each other, giving a complete new city highway,” the mayor added.

Let us recall that construction of the first section of the North-East Expressway began in 2008. As of today, traffic is open on the section Businovskaya interchange - Festivalnaya Street, at the Kosinskaya interchange and the intersection of the chord with Entuziastov Highway before turning onto 2nd Street of Izmailovsky Menagerie.

It is worth noting that the construction of the chord caused discontent among residents of the areas through which it passes.

Among the main claims to officials - the location of the route in close proximity to residential buildings (50-60 m), the massive demolition of garages (about 2 thousand boxes), the cutting down of part of the territory (according to the land survey plan, about 10 hectares) of the historical estate of the Sheremetev family “Kuskovo”, and There is also a risk of failure of the largest sewer in Moscow, through which approximately 40% of all wastewater in the city passes.

Experts say that soil vibrations from traffic flow can damage the collector, which will result in an environmental disaster for the city.

“We are in no way against the construction of the chord. The area is choked by congestion, it requires good transport infrastructure, but during construction it is necessary to take into account the interests of the residents under whose windows the highway will pass,” say the townspeople who signed the petition against the road construction project.

Expert opinions on the North-East Expressway

“Any construction brings inconvenience to local citizens and causes dissatisfaction among residents, be it the construction of a large highway or the replacement of pipes in the courtyard of a residential building,” Alexey Tuzov, first vice-president of the AvtoSpetsTsentr Group of Companies, told Gazeta.Ru. “In this case, I believe that temporary inconveniences, such as cutting down trees or demolishing garages, are justified. In addition, after completion of construction work, it is planned to carry out landscaping of the areas adjacent to the chord, including planting lawns, trees and shrubs and creating additional parking spaces.”

The head of the research and design department of transport and roads, Mikhail Chrestmain, believes that it is correct that one of the first operating sections of the future highway will be the overpass between Izmailovskoye Highway and Entuziastov Highway. “This is the most problematic place in the eastern sector of the city - there are practically no cross-connections between highways and districts,” Crestmain told Gazeta.Ru.

The interlocutor noted that since there are many large parks in the east of Moscow, all residents of the city are interested in this section of the chord.

“Of course, the city needs expressways, even if they cause traffic jams,” says Crestmain. — So we can say that the Third Transport Ring was not worth building. But imagine what it would be like in Moscow now if all the cars from the Third Ring were taken down. In recent years, we have been mainly involved in the reconstruction of highways - for example, Kashirskoye and Varshavskoye highways. Now, large-scale construction of new roads has finally begun, which have enormous efficiency indicators, since they provide cross connections and are laid bypassing the city center.”

Oleg Skvortsov, president of the association of road research organizations RODOS, also supports the idea of ​​​​creating chord systems in Moscow. “We see that the ring roads that were built under Luzhkov do not solve transport problems,” Skvortsov told Gazeta.Ru. —

The chord, unlike the ring, has exits outside the city. In addition, if several chords are laid, they can end up forming the same ring. Another advantage is that a relatively straight road is shorter than a curve, which means it’s cheaper to build.”

North-Western Expressway

No less controversy and disagreement arises construction in Moscow and another chord - North-Western. One of its sections, the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel, caused criticism from experts and discontent from local residents.

For the construction of the tunnel, about 800 trees and almost 1.5 thousand bushes were cut down on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street alone. The volume of compensatory landscaping turned out to be several times less. At the same time, the area hasn’t really gone anywhere yet.

“In 2014, compared to 2010 and 2011, there was a significant deterioration in the average speed of traffic,” says the Traffic Jam report. — This deterioration following the opening of the Alabyano-Baltic Tunnel in the direction from Alabyana Street to Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street can be explained by the redistribution of transport demand from bypass highways to the section of the North-Western Expressway, noting the presence of a gross design error, consisting in the inadequately low capacity of the highway under construction. As a result of a mistake by the designers, from the moment it was put into operation, the new highway was overloaded with chronic congestion.”

In June of this year, a scandal broke out again around the construction of a section of the highway in the Shchukino district, related to the authorities’ decision to close the through passage on the section of Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street from the intersection with Marshal Vershinin Street to the intersection with Marshal Tukhachevsky Street. Under People's Militia Street there will be a so-called Winchester tunnel, where oncoming traffic flows will not move in parallel, but above each other.

In the first days after the closure, many kilometers of traffic jams formed in the area. Only residents of 13 houses located directly on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street in the blocking zone were given passes and allowed to move through this area. All other motorists are forced to make a detour, driving around the construction site. According to Moscow officials, this measure will reduce the construction time of the tunnel by one year.

Let us remember that the authorities first thought about the construction of the North-Western Expressway back in 1971. However, the highway project was postponed, and officials returned to this idea only in 2011.

Construction of the route is planned to be completed in 2017. The length of the entire chord will be approximately 29 km - it will stretch from Skolkovskoye to Yaroslavskoye highway. According to the project, two bridges, seven tunnels, 16 overpasses and 47 pedestrian crossings will be built along the entire road.

In addition to the two mentioned expressways, it is also planned to build a Southern Road in Moscow, which will run from Rublevskoye Highway to Borisovskie Prudy Street.

All these highways have become an alternative to the fourth transport ring, the construction of which was abandoned by city officials in December 2010 due to the prohibitive cost of the project - about 1 trillion rubles.