The problem of people's indifference to other people's misfortunes. The problem of indifference to people

Unfortunately, many people live by the proverb: “My house is on the edge - I don’t know anything.”

Additional material for arguments:

1) G. Troepolsky. "White Bim Black Ear"

Bim meets different people - good, evil, indifferent. People like Tolik, Matryona, Dasha help the dog. There are also people who betray, poison, and kill. Bim suffers because of human anger.

Ivan Ivanovich instilled in Bima kindness and faith in people. When the owner was taken to the hospital, the dog was faithfully waiting for him. The two felt responsible for each other because they were “tamed.” Remembering the owner’s attitude towards him, Bim trustingly goes to people when Ivan Ivanovich is taken to the hospital.

2) V. Zheleznikov. "Scarecrow."

Moral lessons of the story: do not be cruel to people, animals and plants - to all living things on earth; protect your human dignity, never allow anyone to trample on it; you need to learn to understand people, because disappointment hurts the soul.

Lena Bessoltseva, in the difficult trials that befell her adolescence, saw her grandfather next to her all the time, felt the strength of his character, leaned on his shoulder. Nikolai Nikolaevich helped her to stand and not break. Lena appreciated this. Yes, we need to take care of old people, listen to their advice, value their experience and willingness to share the misfortune of a loved one. This is a lesson for all of us.

The theme of teenagers' cruelty towards their peers, who are not like everyone else. Lena Bessoltseva became the object of ridicule in the class. Her classmates boycotted her, and then committed a terrible act: they burned an effigy of the girl at the stake. Iron Button, Red, Shaggy and other peers of Lena, who gave the girl difficult tests, I think, received a lesson for life.

The heroine of the story says to her classmates: “Honestly, I feel sorry for you. Poor you, poor people." What did Lena Bessoltseva mean and was she right? Yes, she’s right: her peers are poor not only in their lifestyle (lack of interests, empty pastime, primitive entertainment), but also in their spiritual qualities (rude, indifferent to the misfortune of others, envious, cruel).

3) A. Platonov. "Unknown flower"

This story is about a flower that grew among stones and clay. He worked hard, overcame a lot of obstacles to shine with living fire. The flower really wanted to live. It took great willpower and tireless stubbornness to survive.

A. Platonov in his fairy tale states that one must work hard in order to live and not die, in order to shine with a bright fire for others and call to oneself the joys of life with a silent voice.

“Really, adults are very strange people,” we can repeat after the Little Prince. Often adults do not understand their children at all. Were they not little themselves? Why don’t they always answer children’s questions and listen to their child?

The little prince lived alone on a very small planet with only volcanoes. Every morning the hero cleaned his volcanoes and weeded the ground so that baobabs would not grow. And people, instead of maintaining order on their planet, cultivating their garden, decorating their home, wage wars and insult the beauty of life with their greed. The little prince claims that it is necessary to restore order on your planet and work every day.

The little prince goes traveling. He finds himself on planets where a king and an ambitious man, a drunkard and a business man, a lamplighter and a geographer live. The hero does not dwell on any of them, because he sees the vices, but does not understand and does not accept them. Lust for power and ambition, drunkenness and greed, fatalism and ignorance - all this interferes with people’s lives. Only on Earth, having met a snake, a flower and a fox, does the Little Prince learn the wisdom: “Only the heart is vigilant.” The hero returns to his planet, to Rose, whom he has already managed to tame.

This fairy tale teaches us to be “responsible for those who have been tamed,” that love can only be felt with the heart, that a person is threatened with loneliness among the crowd, that those who have no roots are doomed to loneliness.

5) Sasha Cherny. The story "On a Moonlit Night".

This story is about home, loneliness and happiness. All heroes, except children, are homeless and rootless. They lack happiness. And everyone needs it so much, because life is given to a person for happiness. The gardener dreams of buying back the house in which he was born. Lydia Pavlovna, sitting by the sea, remembers the last time she was madly and simply happy. But happiness is always nearby, you just need to be able to find it. The author leads readers to this conclusion.

The idea of ​​the story is the desire for happiness, the ability to be happy in the world under the sun and moon with other people and nature.

6) K. Paustovsky. "Telegram".

“Be human,” says Paustovsky. “Repay good for good!” We must not forget about the closest, dearest people who need your attention, care, warmth, kind words, otherwise it may be too late. This happened to the main character of the story, Nastya, who, due to the eternal bustle and lack of time to write and come, did not see her mother for three years. And Katerina Petrovna was waiting for her only daughter, but she never received it. Fellow villagers saw off the old woman on her last journey, but her daughter was late for the funeral, cried all night and left the village early (she was ashamed in front of people). Nastya did not have time to ask her mother for forgiveness.

7) A. Green. "Green lamp"

The story is that a person must build his own destiny, overcoming difficulties, and not passively wait for luck, and not turn into another person’s “toy.” John Eve becomes a doctor at the end of the story. He managed to maintain his dignity and fulfilled his dream. Yes, a person is not a plaything of fate, but its creator, if he has the desire and will to achieve something, if he works and believes in himself and his strength.

Part 4 (Book by V.N. Alexandrov and O.I. Alexandrova “Encyclopedia of Arguments”)

By creating this book, we wanted to help students successfully pass the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. In the process of preparing for the essay, a strange circumstance emerged at first glance: many high school students cannot substantiate this or that thesis with any examples. Television, books, newspapers, information from school textbooks, all this powerful flow of information should seem to provide the student with the necessary material. Why does the hand of the writer of an essay freeze helplessly at the place where it is necessary to argue for a personal position?

The problems that a student experiences when he tries to substantiate this or that statement are caused rather not by the fact that he does not know some information, but by the fact that he cannot properly apply the information he knows. There are no arguments “from birth”; a statement acquires the function of an argument when it proves or refutes the truth or falsity of the thesis. An argument in an essay on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language acts as a certain semantic part that follows after a certain statement (everyone knows the logic of any proof: theorem - justification - conclusion),

In the narrow sense, in relation to an essay on the Unified State Exam, an argument should be considered an example that is designed in a certain way and occupies an appropriate place in the composition of the text.

An example is a fact or special case used as a starting point for a subsequent generalization or to reinforce a generalization made.

The example is not just a fact, but typical fact, that is, a fact that reveals a certain trend, serving as the basis for a certain generalization. The typing function of an example explains its widespread use in argumentation processes.

In order for an example to be perceived not as an isolated statement representing some information, but as an argument, it must be arrange compositionally: it must occupy a subordinate position in the semantic hierarchy in relation to what is being asserted, and serve as material for deduced provisions.

Our encyclopedia of arguments contains several thematic headings, each of which is divided into the following sections:

1. Problems

2. Affirmative theses that need to be substantiated

3. Quotes (they can be used both to expand the introduction and to create the final part of the essay)

4. Examples that can be used to argue the general thesis.

Perhaps someone will be confused by the obvious identity of arguments from different thematic headings. But any social problem ultimately comes down to a naked confrontation between good and evil, life and death, and these universal categories draw into their orbit the entire diversity of human manifestations. Therefore, speaking, for example, about the need to protect nature, we must talk about love for the motherland and the moral qualities of a person.

Indifference is spiritual deafness. An indifferent person is deaf, indifferent to the troubles and joys of other people, unable to come to the rescue or empathize. Indifference is like a disease that affects a person’s soul. It is dangerous because a person who falls into its power loses the ability to love, make friends, value the feelings of other people, their lives and his own. Indifference is dangerous both for the one who shows it and for the one to whom it is shown. It destroys faith in yourself and in other people.

In the literature we find many examples of indifference and what it can lead to. Indifference to others and to oneself leads to the moral death of a person, causing harm not only to oneself, but also to those around him.

The main character of Lermontov's novel “A Hero of Our Time,” Pechorin, succumbed to the influence of a lazy, corrupt secular society and began to live according to its laws. He suppressed all sincere feelings and began wearing masks. Despite all his talents, he could not find a worthy use for them in society. Not finding a goal in life, he lost interest in it and grew cold. Pechorin's indifference led him to lose faith in people. The hero believed that friendship does not exist: one is always the slave of the other, does not believe in love and does not know how to love. Indifferent to the feelings of other people, he committed cruel, selfish acts. Because of his indifference, Bela and Grushnitsky died, Princess Mary broke her character and withdrew into herself, Vera suffered. He treated me coldly when meeting with Maxim Maksimovich. Pechorin's indifference brought suffering to those around him. Pechorin himself says that he is not capable of sacrifice and calls himself a moral cripple. Only once do real feelings awaken in him. When Pechorin realized that he could lose Vera, she became dearer to him than anything in the world, but he realized this too late, he was no longer destined to become happy. Having missed his happiness, Pechorin becomes completely disillusioned with life and becomes indifferent to himself. Often unjustifiably risks his own life. At the end we learn that the hero dies on the way to Persia. Thus, Pechorin's indifference slowly killed him and harmed those around him.

The hero of Pushkin's novel of the same name, Evgeny Onegin, is also indifferent to everything in the world and sees no meaning in anything. Eugene Onegin, a young nobleman, received a typical secular upbringing and led an idle, empty life. In the end, the monotonous social life made him indifferent to everything. He tries to get out of this state: he moves to the village, takes care of the affairs of the estate, meets the Larins, makes friends with Lensky - but all in vain. Onegin quickly became bored with the village landscape and began to appear less often at the Larins’. His coldness and indifference do not allow the manifestation of sincere feelings; he rejects Tatyana’s love. The hero flirts with Olga without caring about Lensky's feelings, and this leads to tragic consequences. Because of his selfishness, Onegin accepts the challenge to a duel. The murder of Lensky sobers him up, awakens human feelings, because he indifferently allowed it to happen. This event contributed to changes in his character and lifestyle. Onegin wandered for several years. Having met Tatyana again, his feelings awaken. The hero is no longer indifferent, he repents. The loss of a friend, love, the opportunity to be happy with Tatyana - he paid a high price, but these sacrifices led him to spiritual rebirth.

Thus, indifference leads to the suppression of sincere feelings, an indifferent attitude to what is happening, harms the person himself and others, and makes a person unhappy. Indifference to human life corrupts the soul and leads to spiritual death.


  • Indifference is an indifferent attitude towards other people, their problems and troubles. This is an unwillingness to help them even a little, to ease their pain and suffering. An indifferent person will not extend a helping hand to someone in need; he can calmly pass by.
  • Indifference is also an indifferent, passive attitude towards everything that happens. An indifferent person is not interested in what is happening around him. He lives in his own world, with his own problems, concerns, and everything that interests and worries his contemporaries, people living with him in the same country, city, working in the same team - all this is indifferent to him.
  • Indifference is a human character trait that leads him to spiritual emptiness, unwillingness to respond to the feelings and emotions of others, to anger and even cruelty. An indifferent person does not feel sorry for anything or anyone, he loses shame and conscience.
  • Indifference is sometimes the result of a tired soul, when a person has experienced so much in his life that he tries to protect himself from new troubles with indifference. Such indifference can pass over time, the soul will gradually begin to warm up, returning to its previous state, when a person can again sympathize with others. But such a process may not occur, then the person will remain completely indifferent to everything around him.
  • Indifference is one of the evil vices of man. With the tacit consent of indifferent people, the most disgusting things can be done.
  • Indifference is a person’s loss of the ability to love, make friends, appreciate anything in life, the inability to enjoy the beauty around them, because those who are indifferent don’t care. Indifference makes the person himself unhappy and brings a lot of trouble and even misfortune to those around him.

Synonyms for the word “indifference”:

- coldness

- impartiality

- indifference

- insensitivity

- indifference

- apathy

- phlegmatic


  • Responsiveness is one of the positive personality traits, which manifests itself in the desire to help another, sympathize with him, be there, and provide assistance.
  • Responsiveness is associated with humanism, with love for people, the desire to be needed by them, especially in difficult moments.
  • Responsiveness is also verbal support of another when it is necessary to reassure, or simply listen. These are specific deeds and actions, which are expressed in the fact that a person, leaving his problems in the background, first of all helps those who need this help. Therefore, a selfish, narcissistic person is unlikely to be responsive to someone else’s misfortune, because for him, his problems are most important.
  • A responsive person is sensitive to the state of another, he can predict that he needs help and support, without waiting to hear about it. Responsiveness is the result of tact, attentiveness, and sincerity towards others. This is a trait of strong and well-mannered people.
  • Responsiveness is adjacent to selflessness, because it does not require praise or reward. This is a state of mind when a person simply cannot live differently, passing by people and all living things who need help.

Synonyms for the word "responsiveness":

- attention

- participation

- sympathy

- good nature

- humanity

- sensitivity

- attentiveness

- sincerity

- compassion

Indifference and indifference are the worst vices of today's life. Lately we have been faced with this so often that for us this behavior of people, unfortunately, has become the norm. Almost every day you can see people's indifference. Have you ever thought about where it comes from?

Reasons for indifference

Often, indifference is a way of protecting a person, an attempt to close himself off from cruel reality. For example, if a person has often been humiliated or hurt by offensive phrases, he will try to avoid and will not make contact with others. That is why a person will unconsciously try to show an indifferent appearance so as not to be touched.

But over time, the following tendency may develop: a person will have a problem with human indifference, because indifference will become his internal state, not only in relation to himself, but also towards others.

It is not hatred that kills us, but human indifference.

Why does indifference kill?

Indifference kills every living thing in a person; it is callousness of heart and lack of sincerity. At the same time, a person is not responsible for such behavior, and this is perhaps the worst thing.

Indifference is dangerous because it can gradually develop even into a mental illness. The reasons for indifferent behavior may be long-term use of psychotropic drugs, mental illness, drug and alcohol use. Also, a feeling of indifference can occur after severe stress or shock - for example, the loss of a loved one. In adolescents, cruelty and indifference can develop due to lack of parental attention, lack of love, or due to family violence.

In psychology, the term used is obsessive human behavior. Such people cannot understand their emotions, and they are indifferent to the feelings and experiences of other people. They do not know what pity and compassion are. Alexithymia can be either a congenital diagnosis or a consequence of psychological trauma. Scientists say that indifference cannot be cured.

There are a great many examples of indifference. From a conversation with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Innokenty Ivanovich Kuklin: “I once walked through the center of Irkutsk. Suddenly I suddenly felt bad, and I fell right in the middle of the street.. Everyone avoided me for a long time, throwing phrases “here’s my grandfather, he got drunk in the middle of the day...”. But I fought for these people. Terrible time."

We can talk endlessly about indifference, and this hurts us especially strongly when questions concern our loved ones. Then the pain becomes incredibly acute.

Indifference leads to the destruction of personality and interferes with a person’s harmonious existence. This is why it is so important to raise your children and your younger brothers and sisters correctly. It is necessary to teach children responsiveness and kindness from childhood so that they can empathize and support others.

It is always important to remember that sometimes the life of another person may depend on your behavior, and it does not matter who you are - a doctor, a driver, or just a person passing by.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of “Indifference and Responsiveness.”

Why is indifference dangerous? Can caring for people save lives?

Indifference can cause a person mental pain, indifference can even kill. The indifference of people caused the death of the little girl, the heroine of the Christmas story by H.K. Andersen. Barefoot and hungry, she wandered the streets in the hope of selling matches and bringing money home, but it was New Year's Eve, and people had absolutely no time for buying matches, much less a beggar girl hanging around the houses. No one asked her why she was wandering alone in the cold, no one offered her food, a passing boy even stole her shoe, which was too big and fell off her small foot. The girl dreamed only of a warm place, where there was no fear and pain, of home-cooked food, the aromas of which came from every window. She was afraid to return home, and the attic could hardly be called home. In desperation, she began to burn matches that she was supposed to sell. Each burned match gave her wonderful images, she even saw her dead grandmother. The mirage was so clear that the girl believed in it, she asked her grandmother to take her with her. They ascended high into the heavens with joy on their faces. In the morning, people found a little dead girl with a smile on her lips and an almost empty box of matches in her hands. It was not cold and poverty that killed her, but human indifference to the troubles of the people around her.

Should we learn empathy?

Empathy can and should be learned. The main character of J. Boyne's novel "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" Bruno is a striking example that confirms my position. His father, a German military officer, hires a tutor for the children, who should teach them to understand modern history, to understand what is right and what is wrong. But Bruno is not at all interested in what the teacher says, he loves adventures and does not understand at all how some people differ from others. In search of friends, the boy goes to “explore” the territory near his home and stumbles upon a concentration camp, where he meets his peer, a Jewish boy, Shmuel. Bruno knows that he should not be friends with Shmuel, so he carefully hides his meetings. He brings food to the prisoner, plays with him and talks through the barbed wire. Neither propaganda nor his father can make him hate the camp prisoners. On the day of his departure, Bruno again goes to a new friend, he decides to help him find his father, puts on a striped robe and sneaks into the camp. The ending of this story is sad, the children are sent to the gas chamber, and only by the remains of their clothes Bruno’s parents understand what happened. This story teaches that empathy needs to be cultivated in oneself. Perhaps we need to learn to look at the world the way the main character does, then people will not repeat terrible mistakes.

Partial (indifferent) attitude towards nature

One of the main characters of the novel B.L. Vasilyeva “Don’t shoot white swans” Egor Polushkin is a man who does not stay in one job for long. The reason for this is the inability to work “without a heart.” He loves the forest very much and takes care of it. That’s why he is appointed as a forester, while firing the dishonest Buryanov. It was then that Egor showed himself as a true fighter for nature conservation. He bravely enters the fight against poachers who set fire to the forest and killed the swans. This man serves as an example of how to treat nature. Thanks to people like Yegor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this earth. Goodness in the person of caring “polushkins” must always act against Buryanov’s cruelty.

"The Man Who Planted Trees" is an allegorical story. At the center of the story is the shepherd Elzéar Bouffier, who single-handedly decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert area. For four decades, Bouffier planted trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became like a Garden of Eden. The authorities perceived this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received official state protection. After some time, about 10,000 people moved to this area. All these people owe their happiness to Bouffier. Elzeard Bouffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens in readers a love for the world around them. Man can not only destroy, he is also capable of creating. Human resources are inexhaustible; determination can create life where there is none. This story was translated into 13 languages, it influenced society and authorities so much that after reading it, hundreds of thousands of hectares of forest were restored.

A caring attitude towards nature.

The story "" touches on the problem of attitude towards nature. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha discovers a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day she brings a whole detachment of pioneers, and together they fertilize the ground around the flower. A year later, we see the consequences of such indifference. The wasteland is unrecognizable: it was “overgrown with herbs and flowers,” and “birds and butterflies flew over it.” Caring for nature does not always require titanic efforts from a person, but it always brings such important results. By spending an hour of their time, each person can save or “give life” to a new flower. And every flower in this world counts.

Indifference to art.

The main character of the novel I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" Evgeny Bazarov is completely devoid of interest in art. He denies it, recognizing only “the art of making money.” He considers a decent chemist more important than any poet, and calls poetry “nonsense.” The painter Raphael, in his opinion, “is not worth a penny.” Even music is not a “serious” activity. Evgeniy is proud of the “lack of artistic sense” in his nature, although he himself is quite familiar with works of art. The denial of generally accepted values ​​is most important to him. For him, the idea of ​​“need” should prevail in everything: if he does not see practical benefits in something, then it is not very important. His profession should be taken into account. He is a doctor, and therefore a zealous materialist. Everything that is subject to reason is of interest to him, but what is in the sphere of feelings and does not have a rational justification is tantamount to danger for him. What he cannot understand scares him the most. And as we know, art is something that cannot be explained in terms, it can only be felt with the heart. That is why Bazarov shows deliberate indifference to art, he simply does not understand it. Because if he understands, he will have to give up everything he believes in. This means admitting that you are wrong, “betraying your principles,” and appearing before all your followers as a person who says one thing and does another. And how could he abandon his ideas after he defended them, bringing the boiling point in the dispute to the maximum.
His profession also played an important role. It is difficult for a person who knows the anatomical structure of the body to believe in the existence of the soul. It is difficult for a doctor who sees death, denies miracles and believes in the power of medicine to imagine that the soul also needs medicine - and this is art.

Another example illustrating indifference to art is Doctor Dymov from the story “” by A.P. Chekhov. His wife Olga Ivanovna blames him for one shortcoming, namely a lack of interest in art. To which Dymov replies that he does not deny art, but simply does not understand it, he studied medicine all his life, and he had no time. Osip argues that if some smart people devote their entire lives to art, and other smart people pay huge amounts of money for their works, then that means they are needed. Partly, the indifference to art is due to his activities, partly to the fact that he had to work several jobs so that Olga Ivanovna could afford to “live in the world of art” and move in the company of “exalted” people. Perhaps Dymov did not understand precisely the false art, the love for which Olga tried so hard to instill in him. Pretense, flattery, and snobbery were the companions of the people of art who attended Olga Ivanovna’s receptions. We can say that Dymov was indifferent not to genuine art, but to false art, because the sad motives that his friend played on the piano touched his heart.

What does indifference lead to? Why is indifference dangerous?

For Onegin, indifference turned out to be a poison that destroyed him over the years. His inability to have strong feelings played a cruel joke on him. When Tatyana confessed her love to Evgeniy, he turned deaf to her impulses. At that stage of his life, he simply could not do otherwise. It took him years to develop the ability to feel. Unfortunately, fate did not give him a second chance. However, Tatyana’s confession can be considered an important victory, an awakening for Eugene.
A person’s attitude towards parents, indifference towards loved ones. What does indifference to loved ones lead to? Do you agree with Shaw’s statement: “The worst sin towards one’s neighbor is not hatred, but indifference, this is truly the pinnacle of inhumanity.” Do you agree with the statement: An ungrateful son is worse than a stranger: he is a criminal, since a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother.”

Indifferent attitude towards loved ones.

Very often children forget about their parents, immersed in their own worries and affairs. So, for example, in the story by K.G. Paustovsky's "" shows the daughter's attitude towards her aged mother. Katerina Petrovna lived alone in the village, while her daughter was busy with her career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya saw her mother was 3 years ago, she wrote letters extremely rarely, and sent her 200 rubles every two or three months. This money didn’t bother Katerina Petrovna much; she re-read a few lines that her daughter wrote along with the translation (about not only not having time to come, but also to write a normal letter). Katerina Petrovna missed her daughter very much and listened to every rustle. When she felt really bad, she asked her daughter to come to see her before she died, but Nastya didn’t have time. There was a lot to do, she didn’t take her mother’s words seriously. This letter was followed by a telegram that her mother was dying. Only then did Nastya realize that “no one loved her as much as this decrepit old woman abandoned by everyone.” She realized too late that there had never been anyone dearer than her mother in her life and never would be. Nastya went to the village to see her mother for the last time in her life, to ask for forgiveness and say the most important words, but she didn’t have time. Katerina Petrovna died. Nastya didn’t even have time to say goodbye to her and left with the awareness of “irreparable guilt and unbearable heaviness.”

Why is indifference dangerous? How are the concepts of indifference and selfishness related? What kind of person can be called indifferent? How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How painful is indifference to oneself?”

Indifference is a feeling that can manifest itself not only in relation to other people, but also to life in general. , the central character of “A Hero of Our Time”, is shown by M.Yu. Lermontov as a person who does not see the joys of life. He is bored all the time, he quickly loses interest in people and places, so the main goal of his life is to search for “adventures”. His life is an endless attempt to feel something. According to the famous literary critic Belinsky, Pechorin “frantically chases life, looking for it everywhere.” His indifference reaches the point of absurdity, turning into indifference to himself. According to Pechorin himself, his life “becomes emptier day by day.” He sacrifices his life in vain, embarks on adventures that do not benefit anyone. Using the example of this hero, you can see that indifference spreads in the human soul like a dangerous disease. It leads to sad consequences and broken destinies of both those around them and the most indifferent person. An indifferent person cannot be happy because his heart is not capable of loving people.

Caring attitude towards the profession.

The role of a teacher in a person’s life is difficult to overestimate. A teacher is someone who is able to open a wonderful world, reveal a person’s potential, and help determine the choice of life path. A teacher is not only someone who imparts knowledge, it is, first of all, a moral guide. Thus, the main character of M. Gelprin’s story “Andrei Petrovich” is a teacher with a capital T. This is a man who remained faithful to his profession even in the most difficult times. In a world where spirituality has faded into the background, Andrei Petrovich continued to defend eternal values. He did not agree to betray his ideals despite his poor financial situation. The reason for this behavior lies in the fact that for him the meaning of life is to transmit and share knowledge. Andrei Petrovich was ready to teach anyone who knocked on his door. A caring attitude towards the profession is the key to happiness. Only such people can make the world a better place.

What kind of person can be called indifferent? Why is indifference dangerous? What does indifference lead to? Can indifference hurt? How are the concepts of indifference and selfishness related? Can an indifferent person be called selfish?

What can indifference lead to?

The theme of indifference is also reflected in fiction. Thus, E. Zamyatin in the novel “We” shows us a certain model of life, as well as the consequences of the tacit consent of both individuals and society as a whole. A terrifying picture appears before the reader’s eyes: a totalitarian state in which people are deprived not only of individuality, their own opinion, but also of morality. But if you try to understand the reasons for what is happening, you come to the conclusion: every society receives the leader it deserves, and the inhabitants of the United State themselves allow the bloodthirsty dictator to rule them. They themselves join the “orderly ranks” of the robot-like ones, and on their own feet they undergo an operation to “remove fantasy,” thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to live fully.
However, there were a few who were able to say “no” to this system. For example, the main character of the novel I-33, who understands the absurdity of this world. She created a coalition of resistance because she firmly knew that no one has the right to deprive a person of freedom. She could have lived immersed in comfortable hypocrisy, but she chose protest. A great responsibility fell on her shoulders not only for herself, but also for many people who did not understand the horror happening in the state.
D-503 did exactly the same. This hero was treated kindly by the authorities, held a high position, and lived in a calm, indifferent, mechanical state. But meeting I changed his life. He realized that the ban on feelings is immoral in nature. No one dares to take away from a person what life has given him. After he experienced love, he could no longer remain indifferent. His struggle did not bring results, since the state deprived him of his soul, destroying his ability to feel, but his “awakening” cannot be called in vain. Because the world is able to change for the better only thanks to the brave and caring.

What is the danger of indifference? Do you agree with the statement: “Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but it is with their silent consent that betrayal and murder exist on earth”?

In the novel "Cloud Atlas" David Mitchell We come across examples of indifferent attitude towards people. The novel takes place in the dystopian state of Ni-So-Kopros, which developed on the territory of modern Korea. In this state, society is divided into two groups: purebreds (people born naturally) and fabricators (clone people raised artificially as slaves). Slaves are not considered people; they are destroyed like broken equipment. The author focuses on the heroine Sonmi-451, who by chance finds herself involved in the fight against the state. When she learns the terrible truth about how the world really works, Sunmi can no longer remain silent and begins to fight for justice. This becomes possible only thanks to caring “purebreds” who understand the injustice of such a division. In a fierce battle, her comrades and her loved one are killed, and Sunmi is sentenced to death, but before her death she manages to tell her story to the “archivist.” This is the only person who heard her confession, but it was he who later changed the world. The moral of this part of the novel is that as long as there is at least one caring person, hope for a just world will not fade.

What kind of person can be called responsive? Are there people unworthy of sympathy?

A sympathetic person can be called one who thinks about others more than about himself, is always ready to help those in need, and also takes other people’s experiences to heart. The hero of the novel by F.M. can be called truly responsive. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot" by Prince Lev Nikolaevich Myshkin. Prince Myshkin is a representative of a noble family, orphaned early, who spent 4 years abroad due to a nervous illness. He seems like a strange but interesting person to those around him. He amazes people with the depth of his thoughts, but at the same time shocks with his straightforwardness. However, everyone notes his openness and kindness.
Her responsiveness begins to appear soon after meeting the main characters. He finds himself in the midst of a family scandal: Ganya’s sister Ivolgina, in protest against his marriage, spits in his face. Prince Myshkin stands up for her, for which he receives a slap in the face from Ganya. Only instead of getting angry, he feels sorry for Ivolgin. Myshkin understands that Gana will be very ashamed of her behavior.
Lev Nikolaevich also believes in the best in people, so he turns to Nastasya Filippovna, claiming that she is better than she tries to seem. The ability to compassion, like a magnet, attracts people around Myshkin. Nastasya Filippovna and, later, Aglaya fall in love with him...
Myshkin’s distinctive feature is pity for people. He does not approve of their bad actions, but he always empathizes and understands their pain. Having fallen in love with Aglaya, he cannot marry her because he feels sorry for Nastasya Flipovna and cannot leave her.
He even feels sorry for the robber Rogozhkin, who subsequently kills Nastasya.
Lev Myshkin's compassion does not divide people into good and bad, worthy and unworthy. It is aimed at all humanity, it is unconditional.

How do you understand Suvorov’s words: “How painful is indifference to oneself”?

Indifference to oneself is a heavy burden that pulls a person to the very bottom of life. An example confirming the above is the hero of the novel of the same name by I.A. Goncharova Ilya. His whole life is a geometric progression of indifference to himself. It starts small: with his appearance, to which Ilya Ilyich does not attach any importance. He wears an old, worn-out robe and slippers. These things lack individuality and beauty. Everything in his room is broken and dusty. His financial affairs are in ruins. But most of all, Oblomov’s refusal of the idea of ​​​​happiness with Olga can be considered a manifestation of indifference in himself. He is so indifferent to himself that he deprives himself of the opportunity to live fully. This leads him to get together with a woman he doesn't love, just because it's convenient.