Natural conditions of the Trans-Baikal region. Transbaikal region, history and geography

General information about the region. Population of the region

Transbaikal Territory is a region of Russia remote from the capital, located in the east of Transbaikalia.

This Russian entity is included in the Siberian Federal District, and also economically belongs to the East Siberian region.

The area of ​​the Trans-Baikal Territory is 432 thousand square kilometers.

The population in 2017 was 1079 thousand people. National composition of the region: Russians - 90%, Buryats - 6.8%, Ukrainians - 0.6%, Tatars - 0.5%, Armenians - 0.3%, Azerbaijanis - 0.3%, Belarusians - 0.2% , Kyrgyz - 0.2%.

The climate of the region is predominantly sharply continental, which causes a small amount of precipitation throughout the year.

Winters in the region are long and cold, with mostly sunny weather. Average temperatures in winter range from -18 to -38 degrees.

Summer is mostly dry and warm. The average temperature in summer is from 13 to 21 degrees.

In this subject of the Russian Federation, Yakut time is in effect. The difference with Moscow time is + 6 hours msk+6.

The following minerals are mined in the Trans-Baikal Territory: brown coal, silver, copper, tungsten, tin, antimony, lithium, germanium, uranium.

Main industrial enterprises: Ant upholstered furniture factory, Chita machine tool plant, Aviation repair plant, Armored repair plant, Zhiphegen crushed stone plant, Novoorlovsky mining and processing plant, Zhirekensky mining and processing plant.

Districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Aginsky district Akshinsky district Alexandrovo-Zavodsky district
Baleysky district Borzinsky district Gazimuro-Zavodsky district
Duldurginsky district Zabaikalsky district Kalarsky district
Kalgansky district Karymsky district Krasnokamensky district
Krasnochikoisky district Kyrinsky district Mogoituysky district
Mogochinsky district Nerchinsky district Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district
Olovyannisky district Ononsky district Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district
Priargunsky district Sretensky district Tungiro-Olyokminsky district
Tungochensky district Uletovo district Khiloksky district
Chernyshevsky district Chita district Shelopuginsky district
Shilkinsky district

Detailed map of the Trans-Baikal Territory using the Yandex Maps service

Our website presents a public map of the Trans-Baikal Territory.

Here you can easily view the cities and towns of the region, as well as find out the exact location of the region on the map of Russia.


1. Daursky Nature Reserve.

2.Great source.

3.National Park "Kodar".

4. Glaciers of Kodar.

5.Chara Sands.

6.Alkhanay National Park.

7.Lake Arey.

8.Baikal-Amur Mainline.

9. Aginsky datsan.

10.Heatei Caves.

11. Transbaikal Botanical Garden.

12. Chita datsan.

13.Lake Arakhlei.

14. Lake Shakshinskoye.

15. Sokhondinsky Nature Reserve.

16.Chikoy National Park.

Cities of Trans-Baikal Territory

Major settlements in the region are represented here.

Coat of arms City

FAR EASTERN Federal District. Transbaikal region. Area 431.9 thousand sq. km. Formed on March 1, 2008.
Administrative center of the federal district - Chita city.

Cities of Trans-Baikal Territory:

Transbaikal region- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District, located east of Lake Baikal. Permafrost is widespread.

Transbaikal region is part of the East Siberian economic region of Russia. Main types of industrial production activities: mining; production and distribution of electricity, gas and water; manufacturing industries: production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco; textile and clothing production; production of leather, leather goods and footwear; wood processing and production of wood products; pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities; chemical production; production of other non-metallic mineral products; metallurgical production and production of finished metal products; production of machinery and equipment; production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment; production of vehicles and equipment. The region is developing deposits of lead, silver, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, fluorite, gold, etc. There are known deposits of limestone, clay, perlite, granite and more than 200 deposits of sand, building stone, brick and bentonite clays, zeolites, more than 50 have been explored groundwater deposits.
The main branches of agriculture are livestock breeding (fine and semi-fine wool sheep breeding; cattle). In the north there is reindeer husbandry and fur farming. Cereal crops: wheat, oats, barley.

Transbaikal region was formed on March 1, 2008 as a result of the merger of the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. (Chita region was formed on September 26, 1937).
By Decree of the President of Russia No. 632 of November 3, 2018, the Republic of Buryatia and the Trans-Baikal Territory were excluded from the Siberian Federal District, and these territories were transferred to the Far Eastern Federal District.

Cities and districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory

Cities of Trans-Baikal Territory: Baley, Borzya, Krasnokamensk, Mogocha, Nerchinsk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Sretensk, Khilok, Shilka.

Urban districts of the Trans-Baikal Territory:"Chita city"; "City of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky"; "ZATO Poselok Gorny"; "Village Aginskoye".

Municipal districts: Aginsky district, Akshinsky district, Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky district, Baleysky district, Borzinsky district, Gazimuro-Zavodsky district, Krasnokamensk city and Krasnokamensky district, Duldurginsky district, Zabaikalsky district, Kalarsky district, Kalgansky district, Karymsky district, Krasnochikoysky district, Kyrinsky district, Mogoituysky district, Mogochinsky district, Nerchinsky district, Nerchinsko-Zavodsky district, Olovyanninsky district, Ononsky district, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district, Priargunsky district, Sretensky district, Tungiro-Olekminsky district, Tungokochensky district, Uletovsky district, Khiloksky district, Chernyshevsky district, Chita district, Shelopuginsky district, Shilkinsky district.

Distinctive features. Trans-Baikal Territory is the youngest region of Russia. It was created in 2007 by merging the Chita region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. At the same time, this is one of the most problematic regions of the Russian Federation. There is a high unemployment rate, the highest crime rate, and relatively low wages.

To some extent, these shortcomings are compensated by the nature of the Trans-Baikal region and its wealth - forests, waters, minerals. In the Trans-Baikal Territory there is the largest copper deposit in the country - Udokan, as well as the largest uranium deposit in Krasnokamensk. In addition to copper and uranium, there are large deposits of silver, gold, molybdenum, tin, tantalum, and polymetallic ores. Also in the Trans-Baikal Territory there are rich reserves of forests, chernozem soils, and huge untapped reserves of hydro resources. However, the Trans-Baikal Territory is a very poor region, where industry is already on its last legs.

Krasnokamensk Photo by nikolay-zhukov2012 (

The development of the territories of the Trans-Baikal Territory by Russian pioneers began in the middle of the 17th century. Fortresses appeared here, and after some time - mines. But since there was no one to work in the mines, these lands became a place of exile and hard labor. After the December uprising of 1825, many Decembrists were exiled here, to Nerchinsk. Perhaps the Trans-Baikal Territory owes its development to the Decembrists.

Monument to the Decembrists in Chita. Photo by mr.Vlad (

Geographical location. The Trans-Baikal Territory is located in the south of Eastern Siberia and, as its name suggests, beyond Lake Baikal. The neighbors of the region are: the Republic of Buryatia - in the west, the Republic of Yakutia and the Irkutsk region - in the north, and the Amur region in the east. The state border with China and Mongolia runs along the southern borders of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Trans-Baikal Territory is part of the Siberian Federal District.

The Transbaikal region is distinguished by mountainous terrain. There are many ridges and depressions here. The highest points are about 3 km above sea level. There is also a unique place here - Mount Pallas, the watershed point of the basins of the three great rivers of Eurasia - the Yenisei, Lena and Amur.

Population. As of the beginning of 2013, 1,090,419 people live in the Trans-Baikal Territory. Two thirds of them live in cities. The northern regions of the region are the least populated.

What can be noted as positive in the demographic statistics of the Trans-Baikal Territory is the excess of the birth rate over the death rate (+3.1 people per 1000 inhabitants). However, the population of the region is declining every year. People are fleeing from here, fleeing devastation and lack of prospects.

In terms of ethnic composition, the Russian population predominates in the region (90%). In second place are the Buryats (6%). The Tungus-Evenks also live here among the indigenous population, but there are very few of them.

Crime. Trans-Baikal Territory is the most criminal region of Russia (first place in the ranking of regions in terms of the number of crimes committed). Thus, in the first half of 2011, the crime rate in the Trans-Baikal Territory was 14.67 crimes per 1000 inhabitants. The reasons are obvious - unemployment, drunkenness, lack of prospects.

In addition, the most important transport routes pass through the Trans-Baikal region, the infrastructure of which is of interest to mafia structures. Gold and silver mining in the region also stimulates an increase in crime. Theft flourishes here - of government and private property, including by senior officials.

Unemployment rate in the Trans-Baikal Territory is also one of the highest in Russia - 10.59% (74th place). Indeed, there is very little work here. There is practically no industry, many enterprises are closed. Only mining and agriculture are developed. The average salary in the Trans-Baikal Territory is only 24,119 rubles, which is not so much compared to other regions of Siberia and the Far East. However, there are many industries here where the average monthly income exceeds 30 thousand rubles. These are mining (both fuel and other), transport, financial activities, scientific research and some others.

Property value. In the Trans-Baikal Territory, prices for one-room apartments start from 1.5 million rubles, and two-room apartments are offered from 2 million rubles. and higher. In general, real estate is not very expensive, but given the low incomes of the population and other economic problems, not everyone among the local residents can afford this.

Climate Trans-Baikal Territory is sharply continental. The geographical features of the region also leave an imprint on its climate. The distance from the sea coast leads to a lack of precipitation. On the other hand, this leads to a large number of sunny hours per year - 2797 (more than in Sochi). The coldest month is January with an average temperature of −19°C. It's quite cold here in summer. The average temperature in July is +13°C. The average annual precipitation is 450 mm. At the same time, in the south they fall less, in the north - more.

Cities of Trans-Baikal Territory

Uranium quarry in Krasnokamensk. Photo by Leonid Kazarin (

Borzya(30,308 people) - This city was founded in 1899 in the center of an agricultural region. 24 km from it there is a unique Borzinskoe salt lake, where salt production existed for a long time. Also not far from Borzi is the Daursky Nature Reserve, which is a UNESCO biosphere reserve. The city's economy is based on the food industry, plus the Kharanorsky open-pit mine is located nearby, where brown coal is mined.

Aginskoe- a village, the former center of the Aginsko-Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Founded by Buryat settlers in 1811. Today it is the center of Buryat culture. It has its own datsan (monastery), St. Nicholas Christian Church, and many monuments. The economy is based on agriculture, mainly cattle breeding. In the early 90s, a serious economic recession began. It was possible to stop it through the development of processing industries and mining in the region.

Nerchinsk- an ancient city founded by the Cossacks of Beketov, like Chita, in 1653. It was here that the Decembrists served their exile. Since ancient times, the economy of Nerchinsk has been associated with the development of mines. Now the importance of this city has noticeably decreased. Only the monument to the Decembrists and the Butin Palace remind of its former greatness.



The Trans-Baikal Territory, which united the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug in 2008, is a subject of the Russian Federation of a new qualitative level with an increased potential of natural and mineral resources. The region is one of the largest administrative-territorial units of Russia (Figure 1.1.1). The total length of the borders of the Trans-Baikal Territory is 4,770 kilometers. In the south, the region borders on Mongolia and China. The length of the state border with these countries is 800 and 850 kilometers, respectively. The length of the border with the Republic of Buryatia is 1,700 kilometers, Sakha (Yakutia) - 200 kilometers, Irkutsk and Amur regions - 520 and 700 kilometers.

Transbaikal region is located in the temperate zone. Its extreme points are located in the north at 58º27" north latitude, in the south - at 49º08" north latitude, in the west at 107º45" east longitude and in the east - at 112º10" east longitude.

The area of ​​the Trans-Baikal Territory is 431.5 thousand square kilometers, which exceeds the area of ​​a number of European countries. The length of the region from west to east is more than 800 kilometers, from north to south – almost 1000 kilometers, the elevation difference reaches 2781 meters.

The region occupies an inland position, but its distance from the oceans varies. The Pacific Ocean seas - Okhotsk and Yellow - are 850-1000 kilometers away from the Trans-Baikal Territory. The closest of the seas of the Arctic Ocean, the Laptev Sea, is 1,700 kilometers away from the edge.

The Transbaikal region is the eastern part of the vast Central Asian world watershed of the Pacific and Arctic oceans. The upstream sources of the main water arteries of Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia originate here. These are the sources of the Amur, Lena and Yenisei. The western part of the region belongs to the Lake Baikal basin, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1996. The lake contains more than 20% of the world's purest fresh water. The north of the region - Stanovoye Highland - is located in the Baikal rift zone, characterized by high tectonic activity. The extreme south of the region belongs to the Torey endorheic basin.

The climate of the Trans-Baikal Territory is sharply continental with an uneven distribution of precipitation throughout the year and significant annual and daily fluctuations in air temperature. Winter is long and cold. During this period there is little rainfall. Summer is short but relatively warm. The bulk of the annual precipitation falls precisely during this period, as a result of which a series of floods, often catastrophic, form on the rivers.

The continental climate of the region is much more pronounced than at the same latitudes of Western Siberia, the Far East or Europe. Although the middle part of the Trans-Baikal Territory is located at the same latitude as Minsk, Moscow, Voronezh, and the southern part is at the latitude of Kiev, in terms of the severity of the climate, the territory of the region is partly close to Yakutia.

The uniqueness of the climate lies in the contrast of the factors that determine it, which include a long duration of sunshine and a large intake of solar radiation in combination with lower air temperatures. Low cloudiness and high transparency of the atmosphere over the territory of Transbaikalia also influence the large amount of solar radiation. In terms of duration of sunshine, Eastern Transbaikalia exceeds even the famous resorts of the Caucasus

Rice. 1.1.1 Territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory

However, the high elevation of Eastern Transbaikalia and intense radiation cooling during the cold period of the year form a harsh continental climate, much more severe than in other territories of the same latitudes, and in the basins and valleys of the northern regions not just a continental, but a sharply continental climate is formed.

Winter in the region is long and harsh, with little snow and stable, clear, dry weather. It is characterized by calm, severe frosts, and sudden temperature changes during the day. Summer is short and warm, hot in some years. Spring is short, clear and dry. Spring and autumn are characterized by late and early frosts. The average January temperature is -20°C in the south and -37°C in the north. The absolute minimum is -64°C. The average temperature in July is +15°C; in the north up to + 21°C in the south, absolute maximum +42°C.

Precipitation ranges from 300 (in the south) to 600 millimeters (in the north) per year, most of it falls in summer and autumn

The large extent of the region, the complex topography of the territory, and a wide range of climate-forming factors determined the formation of various natural territorial complexes. Most of the territory of the region is occupied by the mountain taiga zone. In fact, it stretches from the western borders of the region to the eastern and from the southern borders in the Khentei-Chikoy Highlands, to the northern tip in the Stanovoy Highlands. Taiga plays a significant water-regulating role: it retains moisture, which is why the mountain taiga has a well-developed river network.

The mountain-taiga natural zone in the middle zone of the region, in the south and southwest along the southern slopes of the mountain ranges, gives way to forest-steppe. It is most widespread in the river basins of Chikoya, Khilka, Ingoda, Onon, Nerch, and Argun. A sufficient amount of moisture and a moderate amount of heat contribute to the development of an extensive hydrographic network.

In the southeast of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the forest-steppe turns into a steppe natural zone, which is the northern edge of the Mongolian steppes. The steppe zone is characterized by a lack of moisture, as a result of which the river network here is more sparse than in previous natural complexes. In the steppe zone there are often drainage basins in which lakes with high salt mineralization, the so-called salty and bitter-salty lakes, are formed.

In the mountainous regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory (Stanovoye Highlands and Olekminsky Stanovik in the north, Khentey-Chikoysky Highlands in the southwest, etc.) an azonal mountain complex is distinguished, associated with the latest tectonic movements, which led to the formation of high (more than 2.5 kilometers above sea level) ) mountains

Within the Central and Eastern Transbaikalia, both mountain and lowland morphostructures are common, with a clear predominance of the former. On generally accepted orographic diagrams, 50 ridges are distinguished, some of which are part of the Khentei-Chikoysky, Stanovoy, Patomsky and Olekmo-Charsky highlands, while most of them are part of the Transbaikal midlands. Most of the ridges and depressions of the Transbaikal type extend from southwest to northeast.

Rivers flow through the lowest parts of the depressions or the depressions are filled with lakes. The latter includes the Beklemishevskaya depression, located in depressions that represent the preserved remains of an ancient leveling surface. Along the bottom of the Beklemishevskaya depression there is a system of large Ivano-Arakhlei lakes, which are favorite vacation spots for Transbaikal residents.

Depressions of the Transbaikal type, occupied by river systems, are much more common than depressions occupied by lake systems. The largest river systems are the Chita-Ingodinskaya, Sredneononskaya, Argunsko-Urulyunguiskaya, Verkhneshilkinskaya, Verkhneborzinskaya, Kalakanskaya, Gazimurovskaya, Chikoyskaya and other systems.

The peculiarities of the Trans-Baikal Territory include a significant number of anthropogenic landforms, which is associated with the predominant development of the mining industry in the region. Huge quarries and pits, failures and waste heaps, slag fields and dumps are common in areas of intensive development of the mining industry. Many quarries, pits and sinkholes are filled with water and are of recreational interest.


As of January 1, 2014, the Trans-Baikal Territory includes 31 districts: Aginsky, Akshinsky, Aleksandrovo-Zavodsky, Baleysky, Borzinsky, Gazimuro-Zavodsky, Duldurginsky, Transbaikalsky, Kalarsky, Kalgansky, Karymsky, Krasnokamensky, Krasnochikoysky, Kyrinsky, Mogoituysky, Mogochinsky , Nerchinsky, Nerchinsko-Zavodsky, Olovyanninsky, Ononsky, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Priargunsky, Sretensky, Tungiro-Olekminsky, Tungokochensky, Uletovsky, Khiloksky, Chernyshevsky, Chitinsky, Shelopuginsky, Shilkinsky; 10 cities: Chita, Baley, Borzya, Krasnokamensk, Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Mogocha, Nerchinsk, Khilok, Sretensk, Shilka; 41 urban-type settlements, 750 rural settlements and the Aginsky Buryat Okrug - an administrative-territorial unit with a special status.

The administrative center of the Trans-Baikal Territory is the city of Chita. The area of ​​the Trans-Baikal Territory is 431.9 thousand km², including the city of Chita – 534.0 km². The distance from the city of Chita to the city of Moscow is 6074 km. The population of the Trans-Baikal Territory as of January 1, 2014 is 1090.4 thousand people, including the city of Chita - 336.2 thousand people.

Resources. Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the richest mineral and raw material regions of the country. The depths of the region contain 87% of the proven uranium reserves of the Russian Federation, 42% of fluorspar, 36% of zirconium, 30% of molybdenum, 25% of copper, 23% of titanium, 16% of tungsten, 13% of silver, 9% of lead, 9% of gold, 6 % tin, 3% zinc, 2% iron ores and 1.3% coal.

Socio-economic development. In 2013, macroeconomic indicators in the Trans-Baikal Territory had multidirectional dynamics. There was an increase in production volumes by type of activity: industrial production, retail trade turnover, public catering turnover, volume of paid services to the population. The monetary income of the population and the average monthly accrued wages have increased.

At the same time, there was a decrease in types of activities - manufacturing, transport and communications. The situation by type of activity – agriculture and construction – remained at the level of the previous year.

Gross regional product. In 2013, gross regional product production was estimated to be 257.9 billion rubles, which is 3.4% more than in 2012.

Industry. In 2013, the volume of shipped goods of own production, work and services performed in-house for mining, manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water amounted to 87,754.9 million rubles or 106.5% of the 2012 level . In terms of industrial production growth, the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2013 took 3rd place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District.

In the structure of industrial production, the largest share is occupied by mining - 48.8%, manufacturing industries account for 23.4%, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 27.8%.

The increase in the growth rate of industrial production was facilitated by stable work in the areas of mining (110%) and the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (106.8%).

The production of fuel and energy minerals increased by 11.9% compared to the previous year (the share in the total volume of mineral production is 65.5%).

Coal production increased by 5.6%, while the production of brown coal increased significantly - by 11.4% (due to increased production by JSC Razrez Kharanorsky, LLC Chitaugol, Open-pit mine Urtuysky (JSC PIMCU), in due to increased consumer demand), coal mining - by 2.2% (Arctic Developments LLC).

The production of minerals, except fuel and energy, increased by 7.4% compared to the level of the corresponding period of the previous year (share - 34.5%), while the production of metal ores increased by 7.5%. This was facilitated by: an increase in gold mining volumes (by 12.7%) of the PC "Artel of Prospectors "Dauria", OJSC "Mine "Ust-Kara", LLC "Gazimur", LLC "GRE-324", LLC "Artel of Prospectors "Baldzha" , ZK Uryum LLC, Darasunsky Mine LLC; increase in the production volume of lead (by 12.3%) and zinc (1.5 times) concentrates by Novo-Shirokinsky Mine OJSC.

There was a decrease in production volumes of molybdenum (by 34.3%) and copper (by 15.6%) concentrates by Zhireken Ferromolybdenum Plant LLC due to a drop in the price of molybdenum.

Due to the unfavorable situation on the ferromolybdenum market, which has led to the fact that the cost of production of the products of JSC Zhirekensky GOK and LLC Zhirekensky Ferromolybdenum Plant significantly exceeds the possible price of its sale, there was a need for a temporary suspension of production activities with subsequent mothballing of the enterprises . From October 1, 2013, these enterprises stopped mining and processing ore.

In 2013, the downward trend in volumes in the following areas of activity was not overcome: manufacturing, transport and communications.

Of the 12 types of manufacturing industries in 2013, there was a decrease in 10 types (the decline in production was 21.9%).

By the end of the year, the decline in volumes was overcome only in wood processing and production of wood products, as well as in the production of uranium concentrate.

In the field of activity “production of electricity, gas and water”, production growth amounted to 6.8% compared to the previous year. In 2013, electricity was produced in the amount of 7614.9 million kWh (109.3% compared to the previous year), heat energy - 8663.6 thousand Gcal (96.6%). The increase in electricity output volumes is due to an increase in the volumes of own electricity generation at the Kharanorskaya State District Power Plant in connection with the commissioning of the III power unit, as well as due to an increase in the electricity generation of JSC TGC-14.

Agriculture. In 2013, the volume of gross agricultural output in current prices in all categories of farms amounted to 17,789.0 million rubles, or 100.1% in a comparable estimate to the level of 2012.

In 2013, 393.8 million rubles were allocated from the regional budget and 352.6 million rubles from the federal budget to implement measures to support agricultural production.

In the structure of agricultural production, the population accounted for 79.1% of the volume of production, agricultural organizations – 12.3%, peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs – 8.6%.

Construction. The volume of work performed in the “Construction” type of activity in 2013 amounted to 24,609.0 million rubles, or 100.1% of the 2012 level.

Organizations of all forms of ownership and the population built 4,210 apartments with a total area of ​​290.2 thousand m² (95.8% of the previous year), including for residents of urban areas 245.2 thousand m² (93.0%), rural areas - 45.0 thousand m² (114.5%).

The population of the region, using their own and borrowed funds, built 1,112 residential buildings with a total area of ​​111.9 thousand m² (38.6% of the total volume of housing commissioned in the region).

The average market price of 1 square meter of total housing area was 43,944 thousand rubles on the primary market, and 47,308 thousand rubles on the secondary market.

Investments. In 2013, the development and implementation of measures aimed at creating a favorable investment climate and stimulating investment activity continued.

52,946.5 million rubles of investment in fixed assets were allocated for the development of the economy and social sphere, which in comparable prices is 74.4% of the 2012 level.

In 2013, in the structure of investments in fixed capital by type of economic activity, the largest share was occupied by “transport and communications,” “mining,” “production and distribution of electricity, gas and water,” and “construction.”

Of the total investment, almost 90% was used for the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of production facilities.

The following investment projects were implemented: “Creation of transport infrastructure for the development of mineral resources in the southeast of the Trans-Baikal Territory (stages I and II)”; “Comprehensive reconstruction of the Karymskaya – Zabaikalsk section of the Transbaikal Railway”; “Development of the Udokan copper deposit”; “Development of the Berezovsky iron ore deposit”; “Development of the Noyon-Tologoi polymetallic deposit”; “Development of the Chineyskoye deposit of titanium-magnetite ores”; “Development of the Apsat coal deposit”; “Creation of the timber industry complex LLC TsPK “Polyarnaya” in the north-eastern regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory.”

Foreign investment. In 2013, the volume of foreign investment amounted to 150.0 million US dollars, or 69.7% of the 2012 level. The decrease occurred as a result of a decrease in investments in the implementation of the investment project for the development of the Berezovsky iron ore deposit.

Foreign investments were received for the implementation of investment projects for the creation of the timber processing complex of LLC TsPK "Polyarnaya" in the north-eastern regions of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the development of the Noyon-Tologoi polymetallic deposit, the Berezovsky iron ore deposit and for other types of activities.

Transport. The transport network of the Trans-Baikal Territory is represented by railway, road, aviation, and to a small extent water (river) transport.

In 2013, the volume of cargo transportation (shipments) by rail as a whole along the Trans-Baikal Railway decreased by 38.6% compared to last year, which is mainly due to a reduction in the transportation of coal and timber cargo; road transport – by 3.2%.

The volume of freight turnover by all modes of transport increased by 0.7%.

The volume of passenger turnover on the Trans-Baikal Railway decreased by 15.4% compared to last year, which is due to a decrease in the number of passengers on both long-distance and suburban routes.

Connection. Currently, basically the entire range of existing information and telecommunication services is provided on the territory of the region, which indicates the formation of a full-fledged communications market in the region.

In 2013, revenues from communication services amounted to an estimated 9584.9 million rubles, or 99.3% of the 2012 level, including for the population – 5193.2 million rubles, or 96.4%.

The decrease is due to a reduction in the provision of long-distance and international communication services due to the replacement of traditional communications with alternative means of communication (cellular communications and IP telephony).

Communication services in the Trans-Baikal Territory are provided by 78 telecom operators under 141 licenses. Approximately 65% ​​of the total volume of communication services provided is provided by mobile operators. In addition, communication services in the Trans-Baikal Territory are represented by local telephone communications, long-distance and international, postal, documentary telecommunications, wire broadcasting, radio broadcasting, and television.

Foreign trade (turnover), including export and import. Foreign trade turnover of the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2013 amounted to 718.3 million US dollars and decreased by 2.2% compared to 2012. The volume of export transactions amounted to 186.6 million US dollars (86.0% compared to the previous year), import transactions – 531.6 million US dollars (102.8%). The trade balance was negative and amounted to 345.0 million US dollars. The ratio of exports and imports was as follows: exports – 26.0%, imports – 74.0%. The bulk of trade turnover falls on non-CIS countries (98.9%).

The structure of exports by product groups in 2013 remained largely unchanged. The main exported product groups were: mechanical engineering products (the share in export operations was 32.9%), coal and brown coal - 17.2%, ferrous metals - 15.8%, processed timber - 18.1%.

The main imported product groups were: food products and agricultural raw materials (the share of imports was 48.7%), engineering products - 22.0%.

The structure of imports by country has not undergone significant changes; China remains the main partner.

Small and medium businesses.

In 2013, the estimated number of small and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 5,768 units, or 104.9% of the previous year. The largest share in the structure of small and medium-sized enterprises in the region is occupied by wholesale and retail trade enterprises, repair of household products and personal items (40.3%). The share of small and medium-sized enterprises operating in construction was 11.8%, industry - 8.8%. The number of small enterprises per 1 thousand people in the Trans-Baikal Territory was 5 units.

The average number of employees of small and medium-sized enterprises amounted to 51.6 thousand people (106.4% compared to the previous year). The share of the average number of employees (without external part-time workers) of small and medium-sized enterprises in the average number of employees (without external part-time workers) of all enterprises and organizations in 2013 increased to 16.0% (in 2012 - 15.2%).

The turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises in 2013 was estimated to be 81.2 billion rubles, or 107.8% of the 2012 level.

The share of products produced by small enterprises in the total volume of gross regional product in 2013 was estimated to be 9.0%, which is 0.5 percentage points higher than the level of 2012.

In 2013, the activities of the regional long-term target programs “Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2010–2013”, “Development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Trans-Baikal Territory for 2013–2015” were implemented, the amount of funding for which amounted to 403, 2 million rubles (in 2012 - 287.2 million rubles), including from the federal budget - 314.9 million rubles, the regional budget - 88.3 million rubles.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory, the regional infrastructure for supporting small and medium-sized businesses functions effectively. It includes 14 municipal funds for supporting small businesses, 2 business incubators, 2 leasing companies, 80 credit cooperatives operating primarily in the field of rural small businesses, the Small Business Development Fund of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Investment Development Fund of the Trans-Baikal Territory, the Trans-Baikal Microfinance Center, a guarantee fund Trans-Baikal Territory, 35 municipal entrepreneurship support centers.

In order to provide access to credit resources to small and medium-sized businesses that do not have sufficient collateral, LLC "Guarantee Fund of the Trans-Baikal Territory" provided support in the form of guarantees to 90 small and medium-sized businesses for a total amount of 349.2 million rubles. A guarantee is provided up to 70% of the required collateral.

To ensure real access to financial resources for entrepreneurs, there are three organizations that provide loans: the Fund for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises of the Trans-Baikal Territory, OJSC Investment Development Fund of the Trans-Baikal Territory and LLC Trans-Baikal Microfinance Center. These organizations issued 473 microloans to small businesses for a total amount of 258.0 million rubles.

Labor market. The economically active population in 2013 was 537.6 thousand people.

The overall unemployment rate (according to the methodology of the International Labor Organization) in 2013 was 10.5%. The number of registered unemployed as of January 1, 2014 was 10.2 thousand people (1.9% of the economically active population).

The coefficient of tension in the labor market (the number of citizens not engaged in labor activity per one declared vacancy) amounted to 2 people per job in December 2013 (in December 2012 - 3 people).

In order to stabilize the situation on the labor market, in 2013, the regional long-term target program “Promoting employment of the population of the Trans-Baikal Territory (2013-2015)” and the regional target program “Additional measures in the labor market of the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2013” ​​were implemented. These programs were aimed at preserving the staff of employees of organizations, as well as stimulating the transition of unemployed citizens to the status of individual entrepreneurs by promoting self-employment, through advanced training of workers, and their retraining.

Mass media. The media of the Trans-Baikal Territory are represented by several dozen regional and regional newspapers. Federal and local TV channels and radio stations broadcast in the region.