Examples from the literature on the topic goal. Sample essays in the direction of "goals and means"

Essay preparation lesson on “Courage and Cowardice”

Essay topic: What qualities should a brave person have?

Lesson plan:

Conversation on the topic of the essay :

    How can we explain the lexical meaning of the words “courage” and “cowardice”?

    Courage and cowardice are a person’s moral choice.

    In what situations is courage and cowardice manifested?

    What traits of a person allow him to show courage?


    Analysis of specific literary arguments.

    Write differentoptions introduction to this topic.

    Writeoptions for the main part of the essay on this topic (each group draws up its own version of the work).

    Writeconclusion options on this topic.

    Checking and discussing essays.

Outline for an essay

Courage Cowardice

Working materials for the essay .

Courage is the ability to soberly assess the situation and oneself in it, it is the ability to overcome fear and emotions.

Courage is not the absence of fear, it is power over it.

Courage is the ability to be stronger than fear.

Courage is the opposite of cowardice.

Courage is the basis for respect.

Courage bound with the ability to face fear

Courage is not the absence of fear, but the understanding that there is something more important than fear.

Fear is the enemy's first assistant.

Sometimes a person lacks a little courage, but it can change his life.

A coward cannot be called a worthy person, since in any situation he can betray, abandon, saving himself.

The ability to control oneself in the face of fear is the main characteristic of a courageous person.

Cowardice is human behavior expressed by refusal to take any action due to fear.

Option for the final essay in the direction of “Courage and Cowardice”

T ema - What qualities should a brave person have?

1.Introduction .

Courage and cowardice... Each of us approaches this in our own way, each of us is responsible for our own actions and actions... There are people who overcome the difficulties that arise in life without much effort. And there are those for whom courage is overcoming fear in everyday life or in extreme situations. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the power over it. This means that showing courage or being cowardly is a person’s moral choice.What qualities are inherent in a brave person? Why does one become strong and courageous, while the other shows cowardice? What does this depend on?Answers to these questions can be found in works of literature.

2-a. Main part. The first literary argument.

Thus, the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “The Captain’s Daughter” Pyotr Grinev, finding himself in the Belogorsk fortress, from the very first days falls in love with Captain Mironov’s daughter Masha. But Grinev immediately had to experience another feeling. He had to fight for his love, overcome hostility on the part of Shvabrin, who experiences not love for the girl, but passion, and it is passion that is the reason for Shvabrin’s base actions. Rivalry is a rather complex phenomenon in life. Shvabrin challenged Grinev to a duel. Peter quicklydecided to fight , because I thoughtit is our duty to show courage in this situation : after all, he fought for his love!

We see how Pushkin’s hero showed courage at another difficult moment in his life. When Pugachev and his troops burst into the fortress, Grinev, seeing the severity of the current situation, understood that going over to the enemy’s side could save his life,but honor, duty, loyalty, dignity, determination, courage and self-respect did not allow the hero to become a traitor. And Shvabrin, having gone over to Pugachev’s side, turned out to be a coward.

Grinev alonesaves his beloved from the enemy's camp. From a neighboring fortress, where Peter wanted to enlist support, he alone galloped through all the obstacles to save Masha Mironova.

This is how it manifested itselfcourage hero Pushkinin different situations ! We are convinced that Pyotr Grinev knows how to weigh the situation and himself in it, and boldly confronts cowardice. All these actions and deeds are valued very highly in life.

2-b. Main part. Second literary argument.

And Vasil Bykov’s story “Obelisk” tells about a modest rural teacher Ales Ivanovich Moroz, for whom it was not the knowledge of his students, but what his students would become that was most important. The struggle for children's souls continued during the occupation. Disciples of Ales Moroz staged sabotage on the road with the aim of killing a local policeman. The Nazis promised to leave the children alive provided their teacher appeared. Frost understood the whole situation. He was a worthy man, so he could not abandon his students to save himself. AND,showing determination, courage, self-respect and courage , Ales Ivanovich left the partisan detachment at night to share their terrible fate with his students.This is the most difficult situation in which the teacher’s true courage was demonstrated!

3. Conclusion (conclusion)

What conclusion did this reasoning lead me to? A brave person is one who respects himself and his choices, finds courage in a difficult situation, gathers his strength and believes in victory over fear. Pyotr Grinev and teacher Ales Ivanovich Moroz showed the ability to control themselves in the face of fear, and this is a distinctive quality of a brave person. Such people deserve true respect! Courage is the greatest virtue in the world! You can’t do without her in life. Therefore, I really want to hope that courage will actively work in our lives today. Then our world will become kinder, cleaner, brighter!

I feel the unspoken question: were you afraid? Of course I was afraid. Maybe sometimes he was a coward. But, generally speaking, there are many fears in war, and they are all very different. Fear of the Germans - they could be captured or shot; fear of enemy fire, especially artillery raids and bombings. If the gaps are nearby, the body itself - without the participation of the mind - falls to the ground, and the heart is ready to burst from painful forebodings. But there was also another fear, coming, so to speak, from behind - from the authorities, from all those punitive bodies, of which there were no less during the war than in peacetime. Maybe even more. When the commander threatens to shoot you if you do not take the abandoned farm, height or trench (and this threat was quite real), then it is not yet known who you will be more afraid of - the Germans or the commander. Enemies may miss. And their own - the commanders (or the tribunal, if it comes to it) - these will not allow mistakes. Everything here is definite and categorical.
Vasil Bykov. Memoirs

Stupid courage will not give you victory. But if you mix it with military cunning, then it can be called the art of war.
Alexander Suvorov

To become a man, it’s not enough for them to be born,
How to become iron - it is not enough to be ore.
You must melt down. To crash.
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.
How difficult it is to walk in boots in July.
But you are a soldier and you can accept everything:
From a woman's kiss to a bullet,
And learn not to retreat in battle.
Willingness to die is also a weapon,
And you will use it once...
Men die if necessary
And that is why they live for centuries.
Mikhail Lvov

Captain Grivtsov, this is cowardice and betrayal, he told himself. You should be stripped of your shoulder straps and shot by a field tribunal. Yes? Let those who shoot first drink their war with me. Let fate give them five minutes of standing in the rain with the woman they love, so that they can then take her to almost certain death. How do you know what they drank and what fate gave? Everyone has favorite women, everyone has war. Is it better for those who don’t have loved ones? Easier. But no better. And for those who no longer have them? They don't care. Still, it would be best if they didn’t find those fires today. And your conscience will be clear. But the point is not that you want to save Katya. You still can't save it. Tomorrow you will take it and drop it off yourself. You just want to stay with her for a day.
And Grivtsov realized that by morning they would return with their chilled native Katya in the bomb bay and hug, and the understanding Nikodimych would run up with a flask, and the whole day, from morning to night, would be theirs. And for the next day like this, we can fight for another two years. And then I realized that everyone understood this. And Pasha, lying in the tail with a machine gun, and Sashka in his plexiglass cap on top, and even the regiment commander probably understands this too. And everyone even sympathizes. And no one will dare to reproach with the slightest suspicion. And the entire regiment will understand perfectly well that the commander of the second squadron, Captain Grivtsov, spat on the combat mission in order to spend the day with the woman. And you won't dig it. He was sweating. He still has to send crews to their deaths many times. And they will look at him with understanding eyes: “You yourself, of course, played a great role once, but well, you’re a commander...” Worse than that. Even if they couldn't actually find the fires, no one would believe him. Sewn with white thread. Like, we know, we understand, we believe, we remain silent. You're in trouble, Captain Grivtsov. It’s both bad and bad. Eh, Grivtsov said to himself and ran his eyes over the dashboard. We will carry out the task conscientiously. What can you do, Katenka...
Mikhail Weller. Ballad of a bomber.

Courage and cowardice are two opposite traits of human character. Philosophers, psychologists, writers and poets have been thinking about this topic for centuries.

Being brave means being able to control your emotions, thereby actively resisting your fears. A brave person is, first of all, a self-confident person who is not afraid to face problems, looks for a way out to solve them, does not deviate from his plans and goes to the end, until his goal is fulfilled.

A brave person must also have a huge amount of patience, be purposeful, enterprising, and have willpower. It is very important that such a character trait as courage be given to a kind and sympathetic person for good purposes. It is worth noting that courage in a person can also manifest itself with a negative connotation, such as arrogance, excitement and fatalism, which can become dangerous for himself, like an inappropriate feeling of courage.

In cowardice, just like in courage, there are also positive and negative aspects of the manifestation of the human “I”. Cowardice can manifest itself as a protective reflex that saves a person from a threat - it is fearfulness and timidity. Negative traits include: cowardice, hesitation, such a person is the complete opposite of a brave person, he is afraid of any problems and avoids them in every possible way.

I believe that cowardice is a common weakness of willpower, an unwillingness to take control of one’s emotions and direct them in the right direction. A cowardly person may also have a goal, but he can easily give up on it if a small obstacle arises on the way. There are many examples of human cowardice and courage in literature; this clearly shows that cowardice, it would seem, is a trifle, but in fact it can be criminal. Because of this character trait, a person can commit both moral and legal crimes. Therefore, I believe that every person is obliged to educate himself morally, learn to balance his emotions, believe in his strength, pull himself together and not let the feeling of fear overcome him, but also, of course, know in moderation in everything.

Essay 2

When talking about such subtle qualities as courage and cowardice, we must always take into account the circumstances in which this or that person finds himself. The manifestation of courage, as such, is considered only when you showed it consciously, taking the first, unimposed step to help. There are many examples of courage and not every one of them will be appropriate from a logical and human point of view, because we have different manifestations of courage. One should feel this fine line between fanaticism and heroism in their pure manifestation. In addition, excessive demonstration of your courage may not lead to universal recognition, but will only aggravate your situation, so from here we can conclude that every person can and should show courage, but in no way mean echoes of madness by this.

And now we can touch on the complete opposite of courage, cowardice. Let's start by not confusing the natural defensive reflex, namely fear, the manifestation of which is often associated with a real danger factor, and excessive timidity in the face of any difficulties along the way. I think it’s fair to say that cowardice has no excuse, and the people themselves who had such weakness are not too happy about it. What prevents them from believing in their inner strengths and not giving in to panic? This question is difficult to answer, but some come to the same conclusion that a person is hindered by nothing more than his own fear. That very feeling, like a snake, enveloping us from top to toe, forcing us to believe in something that simply does not exist, in our imagination, which does not allow us to function normally and assess the situation sensibly. Perhaps you can get rid of this by slowly overcoming your internal fears and complexes, but unfortunately this is all only in the hands of the person himself, and the environment can only create a favorable environment for overcoming mental difficulties.

Finally, when we have figured out what courage and cowardice are and answered some important questions that ordinary people sometimes ask, we can judge which is better? Show cowardice and stay alive, or, on the contrary, show your courage and not denigrate your reputation, dignity and honor. Of course, the choice will ultimately remain only with the person himself, but still, from the point of view of morality and ethics, a person must help, must show courage in cases of injustice, otherwise we will simply cease to exist. No one wants to become an example of self-sacrifice, but everyone needs heroes so that in a difficult moment of life, no matter what, they believe in the best, believe in themselves.

Sample 3

Most often, the feeling of courage is attributed to men, while the feeling of cowardice, on the contrary, is considered more feminine. However, such a classification is arbitrary and in reality these feelings are universal and are inherent in representatives of any gender. Every person can develop both.

If you look at it superficially, then courage and cowardice are understandable qualities. However, if you look a little deeper, it becomes not entirely clear what the differences are between courage and stupidity, between cowardice and caution, when to be bold and when even to be cowardly.

When the situation is viewed more prosaically, it is possible to see some very interesting facts. For example, take war, which, oddly enough, is a typical state of affairs for humanity. People have regularly organized wars throughout almost their entire history.

Who returns after the war? As a rule, they are considered heroes. However, in fact, the bulk of the heroes remain on the battlefield, since the function of the hero as such is often not only to perform heroic deeds, but also to die heroically.

For the most part, cowards return from war. For the most part, cowards survive, and if we take the factor of evolutionary selection, then, probably, it was cowards, and not daredevils, who could avoid predators and not eat some poisonous berries. Often cowardice prevailed over curiosity and it was this factor that allowed people to survive.

Thus, a significant part of modern humanity is the descendants of cowards, and not daredevils. This raises the question of what behavior is generally more reasonable and appropriate and whether people often confuse courage with stupidity, and cowardice with caution.

In my opinion, there really is courage and true courage, which is an independently developed internal quality that is significantly related to the self-education of the individual and a deep understanding of the world. On the other hand, there is absurd cowardice, which can only be a sign of an undeveloped personality and stupidity. However, in order to understand all these aspects, you need to deeply understand yourself and this world.

Unified State Exam. 350 words

The novel is rich in diverse characters, both main and secondary. One of these characters is Sokov Andrei Fokich. He was criticized by Woland for the poor quality of food served in the buffet of the Variety Theater.

My life is at the price of low white and black darks. My future will no longer be a mystery to me, or until the end of the century. What will happen in the future? You always want to think about it too seriously, you want to let it go, die, or not do anything at all.

Trust, but verify - so says the popular proverb. We are talking about the general most appropriate attitude towards other people, that is, you need to generally express a certain positive attitude

(381 words) Man is a multifaceted creature. It rarely contains only positive or only negative sides. More and more halftones, smooth transitions from one state of mind to another. Some character traits appear only in extreme situations and serve as excellent indicators of true personality traits. These traits can easily be called courage and cowardice. In a difficult situation, a person is capable of either decisively taking matters into his own hands and going ahead, or running away with his tail between his legs, leaving only a question mark behind him.

A similar opposition is described by L.N. Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace”. Here the courage of individual heroes closely borders on heroism. Tushin, setting an example for his soldiers, himself stands at the gun with full readiness to give his life for his native Fatherland, and Prince Bolkonsky supports the fighting spirit of his comrades, proudly carrying the banner forward and suppressing the enemy morally. On the other side are characters such as Zherkov and Dolokhov. The first experiences terrible fear when carrying out Bagration's order and is cowardly in the face of danger, like a boy, and Dolokhov, having killed the Frenchman, expects indispensable praise, as if he had accomplished an outstanding feat. But the whole point is that such feats were performed by soldiers every minute, and they, caring for their Motherland with all their souls, did not seek recognition. This was their courage, which manifested itself in an extreme situation, when it was most difficult to fight the fear for their lives.

B.L. also spoke about the true heroes in his story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” Vasiliev. The heroism of Sergeant Major Vaskov and his girls under his charge is truly amazing. These desperate people were heading towards certain death and were fully aware of their actions, but they didn’t even think about retreating or saving their own skins: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap... No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...”. They were driven forward by patriotism and holy faith in victory. And for the sake of such a great goal, without regret they are ready to give up the most precious thing they had. In a situation where even men sometimes left their combat posts, Vasiliev’s heroines showed true courage and did not retreat. Their valor has been tested by mortal risk, so no one can doubt its authenticity.

Ultimately, true courage is a trait that manifests itself in circumstances that pose a real threat to life. If a person is capable of a feat, obscurity and fear of death will not stop him. A coward, in any case, will shirk responsibility and find a more comfortable place for himself, where nothing will disturb him, even if this means betraying what is smart, bright, eternal and going over to the side of the enemy.

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From a very early age we begin to understand what courage is and what cowardice is, that being brave is good and being cowardly is bad, that courage means a person’s ability to take decisive action in any situation, and cowardice is avoiding these actions .

Re-reading Russian literature, one can come across many examples of the brave actions of heroes, and vice versa, the actions of those who showed themselves to be real cowards. In the famous novel by M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” one of the heroes is the young cadet Grushnitsky. In Pechorin’s description, Grushnitsky appears as a man who demonstrates a kind of courage that is not ours: “I saw him in action: he waves a saber, shouts and rushes forward, closing his eyes. This is something not Russian courage!” Grushnitsky has the St. George Cross, but Pechorin considers him a coward. Is he right? I remember the scene of the quarrel between Grushnitsky and Pechorin, when the former cadet slandered the princess in order to take revenge, and Pechorin demanded an apology. It was easier for Grushnitsky to lie than to admit in front of everyone that he had actually slandered the girl. He was afraid of the vile water society, ready to slander anyone, just to look like a hero in the eyes of others. Grushnitsky has not changed, even standing in the face of death, he “wraps himself in pompous phrases,” proclaiming nonsense: “There is no place for the two of us on earth...”. However, real courage is alien to him. If he had been brave, he would have admitted his cowardice, the fear of appearing pathetic in front of a pompous society proclaiming false values. But Grushnitsky is simply not capable of this.

I also remember Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” in which Nikolai Rostov considers himself a brave man. And indeed it is. Yes, in the first battle near Shengraben, he did not open fire on the French; instead, he threw down the pistol and, like a hare, took to his heels. But this was his first fight. Then Rostov became a real officer, not only in battle, but also in life. When he lost a serious amount to Dolokhov, he confessed to himself the crime he had committed and vowed never to sit down at the card table and to make up for the entire loss to his family. And when fate brought him together with Princess Bolkonskaya, he quickly restored order among the rebellious serfs, putting them in their place.

Courage is an invaluable quality that develops over time. Only truly kind and strong people can do brave things. Only brave people can make the world a little better and kinder, change it for the better.

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