Presentation of the native language is the soul of the people. Mother tongue is the soul of the people

Goals: Development of students’ abilities to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of behavior, rules of etiquette, developed and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on class topics;
prevention of controversial situations among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of behavior at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, in order to then more consciously adhere to all this.

Task: Development of students' communication abilities.

Equipment and equipment:

    Tables with chairs for groups

    Tasks for groups to discuss one topic

    Hints for each topic (common to all)

    Paper and markers for writing

    Multimedia projector

    interactive board

Form of conduct: work of students in groups to develop rules of behavior at school, school etiquette, as well as developing the responsibilities of the duty class.

The class is divided by the class teacher into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The guys sit down at their tables. The class teacher brings the students up to date: informs them of the topic of the class hour and tells them in what form it will take place.

Class progress

Before the teacher starts speaking, B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim!” is played. The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the class, a connection is sought with the theme of the class hour.

Teacher's introduction

A person lives among people from his very birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the “I” of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where everyone’s “I” turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary for each individual “I” to feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. To do this, it is necessary to have certain rules of behavior that would give each “I” the opportunity to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet every day. At home we communicate with our relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It's hard to count how many people you see in one day; You’ll just say hello to some, you’ll talk to others, you’ll play with others, you’ll answer a question with others, you’ll turn to someone yourself with a request. Every person is in constant communication with familiar and unfamiliar people at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that another person’s behavior, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often, a person’s good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly and kind when communicating with him, and how offensive it can be from inattention, rudeness, or an evil word. You and I spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as about moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which grievances arise. As a rule, the grievances are mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adhere to the rules of politeness, friendliness, and delicacy. We need to think about our mistakes in behavior. An even, friendly tone, attention to each other, and mutual support strengthen relationships. And vice versa, unceremoniousness or rude treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully and sharply worsen your well-being. Some people think that all these are trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It’s not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “One word can lead to a quarrel forever”, “The razor scrapes, but the word hurts”, “A kind word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word “polite” (observing the rules of decency) means?

So, I suggest you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively act out scenes of typical situations of observing or violating the norms of cultural behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street,” “How we object to adults, parents,” etc.

Independent work in groups.

Presentations from groups and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation.


A little man is drawn on the interactive board in front of you. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the man in different directions and students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

The personality traits of a well-mannered person are discussed. Rules of behavior are developed.


    Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in relationships are mutual. Develop such qualities in yourself.

    Do not allow quarrels, fights, swearing, shouting, threats. This humiliates a person.

    Treasure your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from doing bad things.

    Help the younger, the vulnerable, be fair.

    Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

Treasury of folk wisdom"

The interactive whiteboard contains a table with two columns. The beginnings of popular sayings are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side into the corresponding lines.

Compose two parts of a proverb about the culture of behavior:

The meaning of each statement is discussed.

Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing assignments from the teacher.


    School etiquette (appearance, speech within school walls, politeness)

    Rules of behavior at school

    Duties of the Duty Class


    Changeable hairstyle or second shoes

    Greeting students and adults

    Addressing each other




  • Players and cell phones

    Everyday speech at school

    Communication style

    Other people's things

    Behavior in the dining room

    Behavior during lines and events

    Arrival at school

    Skipping lessons

    School property

    Compliance with safety rules

    Caring for the younger and weaker

    Resolving controversial issues

    Smoking at school

    Behavior in class

    Behavior during recess

    Using obscene language

    Responsibilities of the senior school officer

    Duties of the Duty Class

    Behavior at school parties and discos


The topic is discussed for 15-20 minutes, proposals and recommendations are made, and their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the paper provided. Students then select the most important points. From the selected material, students prepare a presentation, which they defend in front of the class, defending their work and proving the necessity of this or that point. 25 minutes are allotted for preparing and defending presentations.

At the end of class, a decision is made.


Make a proposal to other classes to hold similar class hours with the same topics to develop such rules of behavior at school so that all students in the school follow them.


Final word.

How to learn “knowledge”

Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in the Russian language, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. To learn “knowledge” there are several techniques.


The reception is complicated. It's like you need to split into two. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time you observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal for yourself. For example, today – “manners”. Another time the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I behave when visiting? Note not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, and habits.


You must not only take care of yourself, but also give an honest assessment, without any discounts. In the evening, when you go to bed, you can remember how the day went, what you noticed about yourself and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful with this, reflecting thoughts about yourself, about the people around you, and assessments of yourself.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake; much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others also helps. One ancient eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” “The ill-mannered ones,” he answered, “I avoided doing what they do.”

So, the first condition for good manners is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; second, practice practicing correct behavior; third - strong and stable habits of behavior.

Authors: Galyudkina Oksana Maksutovna, Nefyodova Lidiya Vasilievna, Sheludko Svetlana Ivanovna, KSU "Maikainskaya secondary school No. 2 of the education department of the Bayanaul district", primary school teachers, Pavlodar region, Maikain village

Target: developing skills of cultural behavior in public places;

nurturing respect for others through mastering the rules of cultural behavior in society.

First class hour - mastering the rules of cultural behavior

Target: mastering the rules of cultural behavior in public places, developing communication skills.

Method used: Rivin's technique.

I. Brainstorming (work in groups).

Who is a well-mannered person? What qualities does he have?

Children discuss issues in groups and express their opinions. The group commander organizes the work so that each group member expresses his opinion: each group member names only one quality of a well-mannered person or one judgment about him.

II. The teacher summarizes the students’ answers, presenting the image of a well-mannered person. Then he encourages the children to express their opinion about the well-mannered person, and whether they would like to make the same impression on people. Leads to the conclusion that being a well-mannered person means observing certain rules of behavior in society. Communicates the goal that follows from this conversation - mastering the rules of cultural behavior in public places.

III. Instruction on the procedure for working at this class hour: mastering the rules will take place in shift pairs according to Rivin’s method; The result of the work should be questions about texts and knowledge of the rules. It is advisable that by this class hour the children are already familiar with Rivin’s methodology, so that their attention is focused on the content of the rules, and not on the order of work.

Algorithm of work according to Rivin’s method:

1. Get the text.

2. Find a partner.

3. Agree on who will start work first.

4. Read the first rule out loud.

5. Put together a question for the first rule.

6. Write this question in your notebook. Write your partner's name next to it.

7. Switch roles.

8. Do the same work with the partner rule.

9. Find another partner.

10. Show him the worked out rule.

11. Work according to the algorithm from point No. 3.

If you strictly follow the algorithm presented above, while one student writes down a question, the second one is simply waiting for it at this time. To avoid wasting time, another option seems more appropriate: first, students discuss both paragraphs and formulate questions, and then simultaneously begin to write down these questions.

IV. After mastering one text, the student works with the next partner using the method of mutual testing and mutual training: they check each other, refine each of their texts and then exchange texts. For this work, questions drawn up during the development of the rules according to Rivin’s method are used. Then they continue to work according to the same scheme: Rivin’s methodology, mutual verification, mutual training and exchange of texts.

Texts with rules for working according to the Rivin method

"On the street"

1. Go out neatly dressed so as not to offend others with your appearance.

2. Try to move only on the sidewalk, so as not to create a threat to your life and an emergency situation on the road.

3. It is indecent to talk loudly on the street, laugh, quarrel, sing or whistle, so as not to disturb others.

4. People don’t eat on the street because it’s not hygienic and you can get yourself and others dirty.

5. Paper and other garbage should be thrown into trash bins to avoid polluting the environment.

"In the school cafeteria"

1. Enter the dining room calmly, slowly, so as not to attract the attention of others.

2. Walk between tables carefully so as not to disturb others or touch the dishes.

3. In the canteen, strictly adhere to the queue so as not to create confusion.

4. Sit carefully at the table, do not put your elbows on the table, do not talk, as this is not accepted by the rules of etiquette during meals.

5. Remove dirty dishes from the table to make the work of the staff easier.

"At school"

1. Don’t be late, come to school on time so as not to interfere with the teacher’s lesson and the class’s work.

2. Respect your teacher and comrades, as this is the norm of behavior for a well-mannered person.

3. Do not run during recess, so as not to harm your health and the health of others.

4. Don’t chat in class so as not to distract your classmates from their work.

5. Take care of school property, because the work of other people has been invested in it.

"In the theatre"

1. Dress nicely and cleanly for the theater - this will show respect for the artists and spectators.

2. Don’t forget to undress in the wardrobe so that your clothes do not interfere with you and those around you.

3. Enter the hall on time, no later than the third bell, so as not to distract the audience or disturb the artists.

4. During the performance, behave in a mannered manner, as this is accepted by the norms of behavior.

5. After the end of the performance, thank the actors for the performance, because they tried their best for you.


1. Do not come to visit without an invitation, as you may disrupt the plans of your friends.

2. Don’t be late for the appointed time, so as not to let your hosts down.

3. Do not bring friends with you if they were not invited, as this may put the hosts in an awkward position.

4. When visiting, get to know everyone, try to keep up the conversation so that you feel comfortable and do not create problems for the people around you.

5. Don’t stay at a party for too long, so as not to seem intrusive or tire your hosts.

As a result of working with texts, children have questions about the texts, which are used for mutual testing and mutual training.

"On the street"

1. How should you dress when you go out?

2. Which part of the street should you move along?

3. What is indecent to do on the street?

4. Why can’t you eat on the street?

5. Where should you throw garbage?

"In the school cafeteria"

1. How should you enter the dining room?

2. How should you walk between tables?

3. What rules of behavior must be observed in the dining room?

4. How should you sit at the table?

5. What should you do after eating?

"At school"

1. When should I come to school?

2. How should you treat your comrades and teacher?

3. How should you behave during recess?

4. What should you not do in class?

5. How should we treat school property?

"In the theatre"

1. How should you dress for the theater?

2. Where should you undress?

3. When should I enter the hall?

4. How should you behave during the performance?

5. What needs to be done after the end of the performance?


1. Why should you not come to visit without an invitation?

2. Is it possible to be late for a visit?

3. Is it possible to take friends with you if they were not invited?

4. How to behave at a party in relation to other guests?

5. How long should you stay at a party?

At the end of the class hour, teams are created and given the task of preparing for the tournament.

Second class hour - tournament (application of the rules in practice)

Target: using the mastered rules in practice, fostering mutual responsibility, developing the ability to work in a team, developing student creativity, student self-government, analytical and evaluative skills.

Methodology used : WHO modification.

Preparation for this class hour begins immediately after the first class hour of this cycle and continues throughout the week: children prepare questions, skits, drawings aimed at identifying the team that has best mastered the rules of cultural behavior. Students consult with the class teacher or other people at their own discretion. A continuity-based approach to working on rules of cultural behavior increases the effectiveness of this work.

Class progress

To conduct a tournament, a jury of several people is created, whose duty is, firstly, to determine the responding team (by observing the players, to determine who raised their hand first); secondly, make sure that all team members are responsible in turn; thirdly, keep score of the tournament.

At the beginning of the tournament, the jury communicates the criteria for evaluating teams. It is important that the criteria, along with the correctness and completeness of answers, and artistry, include the activity of all team members and the consistency of their actions.

I. Preparation for the tournament: teams talk through the rules of behavior in order to check their readiness for the tournament (2-3 minutes).

II. Job View: Teams take turns presenting tasks. The jury gives the right to answer to the team that first signaled its readiness to answer (by raising its hand, signal card or some other conventional sign). It is important to ensure that teams follow the following order: each team member can answer again only after all other team members have answered once. If the team has difficulties (students who have not yet answered do not know the answer), knowledge is transferred from the team members who have already answered in the form of reporting answers to the task.

Tasks for the tournament may represent situations of incorrect behavior of people in society that need to be analyzed and the correct option voiced.

These could be skits in which it will also be necessary to evaluate the behavior (actions) of people from the perspective of the rules of cultural behavior.

The tournament may include tasks for artistry and resourcefulness: invite teams to depict a certain situation: for example, a scene of meeting someone at a party.

Third class hour - collecting and discussing opinions on the methodology

Target: children's awareness of the need and importance of observing etiquette and the benefits that correct behavior in society gives a person; development of student self-government, communication and information skills.

Method used: reverse Rivina.

The number of groups is determined by the number of questions on which children collect the opinions of classmates. The optimal number of questions is 4-5. If there are a large number of questions, the survey will drag on, collecting opinions will take a lot of time, and the main thing for which the information was collected (discussion, conclusions) will be done in a hurry and of poor quality.

Groups are tasked with collecting the opinions of their classmates on one of the questions. In groups, commanders discuss with group members who will interview whom. Spontaneous movement around the classroom will waste time.

Sample questions on the topic

1. Do you consider it obligatory to comply with the rules of cultural behavior?

2. Who has an easier life, cultured or uncultured people? Why?

3. What does cultural behavior in society give a person?

Having found out the opinion of their classmates on a given question, students again gather in groups and process the collected information, supplementing it with the own opinion of each group member. The result of information processing should be a brief communication of the main ideas to the class. The teacher unobtrusively corrects opinions, organizing, if necessary, a discussion of positions (opinions, messages) and leading the children to the desired conclusion.

Fourth class hourmeeting with parents

(can be combined with a parent meeting on the topic “Formation of cultural behavior skills in the family”)

Target: strengthening the connection between family and school, managing the upbringing of children in the family through developing a unity of values ​​and approaches to raising children, creating conditions for children to demonstrate achievements, increasing children’s self-esteem, and developing self-esteem.

Method used: modification of VPT.

Class progress

During this class hour, you can use materials from the tournament (second class hour) or prepare new ones of a similar nature.

1. Parents are divided into small groups to which students are assigned. Using knowledge of the rules and questions to texts, students teach parents.

2. The next stage repeats the tournament scheme. Teams present their assignments, but parents answer them. Children act as experts and comment, supplement or correct their parents’ answers. They can show the correct answer in the form of a skit.

Another option for this stage is to show dramatizations of how one should and should not behave. Parents comment on what they see, children complement and correct their answers.

Class hour

"About the culture of behavior at school"

Goals : Development of students’ abilities to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of behavior, rules of etiquette, developed and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on class topics;
prevention of controversial situations among students, prevention of conflict situations between teachers and students.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of behavior at school and school etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, in order to then more consciously adhere to all this.

Task : Development of students' communication abilities.

Equipment and equipment:

  • Tables with chairs for groups
  • Tasks for groups to discuss one topic
  • Hints for each topic (common to all)
  • Paper and markers for writing
  • Multimedia projector
  • interactive board

Form of conduct: work of students in groups to develop rules of behavior at school, school etiquette, as well as developing the responsibilities of the duty class.

The class is divided by the class teacher into 3 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The guys sit down at their tables. The class teacher brings students up to date: informs them about the topic of the class hour and introduces them to the goals of the event.

Class progress

Before the teacher starts speaking, B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim!” is played. The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the class, a connection is sought with the theme of the class hour.

Teacher's introduction

A person lives among people from his very birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the “I” of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where everyone’s “I” turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary for each individual “I” to feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the “I” of each does not suppress the “I” of his neighbor. To do this, it is necessary to have certain rules of behavior that would give each “I” the opportunity to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet every day. At home we communicate with our relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It's hard to count how many people you see in one day; You’ll just say hello to some, you’ll talk to others, you’ll play with others, you’ll answer a question with others, you’ll turn to someone yourself with a request. Every person is in constant communication with familiar and unfamiliar people at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that another person’s behavior, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often, a person’s good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly and kind when communicating with him, and how offensive it can be from inattention, rudeness, or an evil word. You and I spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as about moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which grievances arise. As a rule, the grievances are mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adhere to the rules of politeness, friendliness, and delicacy. We need to think about our mistakes in behavior. An even, friendly tone, attention to each other, and mutual support strengthen relationships. And vice versa, unceremoniousness or rude treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully and sharply worsen your well-being. Some people think that all these are trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It’s not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships:“One word can lead to a quarrel forever”, “The razor scrapes, but the word hurts”, “A kind word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word “polite” (observing the rules of decency) means?

So, I suggest you do the following work in groups: within 5 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively act out scenes of typical situations of observing or violating the norms of cultural behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street,” “How we object to adults, parents,” etc.

Independent work in groups.

Presentations from groups and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation.


A little man is drawn on the interactive board in front of you. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the man in different directions and students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

The personality traits of a well-mannered person are discussed. Rules of behavior are developed.


  • Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in relationships are mutual. Develop such qualities in yourself.
  • Do not allow quarrels, fights, swearing, shouting, threats. This humiliates a person.
  • Treasure your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from doing bad things.
  • Help the younger, the vulnerable, be fair.
  • Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

“Treasury of Folk Wisdom”

The interactive whiteboard contains a table with two columns. The beginnings of popular sayings are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side into the corresponding lines.

Compose two parts of a proverb about the culture of behavior:

The meaning of each statement is discussed.

Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing assignments from the teacher.

Themes :

  1. School etiquette (appearance, speech within school walls, politeness)
  2. Rules of behavior at school
  3. Duties of the Duty Class


  • Form
  • Changeable hairstyle or second shoes
  • Greeting students and adults
  • Addressing each other
  • Garbage
  • Thrift
  • Politeness
  • Lateness
  • Truancy
  • Players and cell phones
  • Everyday speech at school
  • Communication style
  • Other people's things
  • Behavior in the dining room
  • Behavior during lines and events
  • Arrival at school
  • Skipping lessons
  • School property
  • Compliance with safety rules
  • Caring for the younger and weaker
  • Resolving controversial issues
  • Smoking at school
  • Behavior in class
  • Behavior during recess
  • Using obscene language
  • Responsibilities of the senior school officer
  • Duties of the Duty Class
  • Behavior at school parties and discos


The topic is discussed for 15-20 minutes, proposals and recommendations are made, and their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the paper provided. Students then select the most important points. From the selected material, students prepare a presentation, which they defend in front of the class, defending their work and proving the necessity of this or that point. 25 minutes are allotted for preparing and defending presentations.

At the end of class, a decision is made.


Make a proposal to other classes to hold similar class hours with the same topics to develop such rules of behavior at school so that all students in the school follow them.


Teacher: I suggest you now take an exam on the rules of conduct. The best person to complete the tasks will be awarded the “Super Politeness” medal.

Final word.

How to learn “knowledge”

Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in the Russian language, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. To learn “knowledge” there are several techniques.


The reception is complicated. It's like you need to split into two. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time you observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal for yourself. For example, today – “manners”. Another time the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I behave when visiting? Note not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, and habits.


You must not only take care of yourself, but also give an honest assessment, without any discounts. In the evening, when you go to bed, you can remember how the day went, what you noticed about yourself and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful with this, reflecting thoughts about yourself, about the people around you, and assessments of yourself.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake; much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others helps. One ancient eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” “The ill-mannered ones,” he answered, “I avoided doing what they do.”

So, the first condition for good manners is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior; second, practice practicing correct behavior; third - strong and stable habits of behavior.

Class: 10

Target: acquaintance of students with the importance of their native language, state language and foreign language in the life of society.



  • introduce students to the history of International Mother Language Day;
  • increase cognitive interest in the Russian language and literature; foreign language, native land;


  • develop love and interest in native and foreign languages;
  • learn to respect the language and culture of other peoples;
  • work to develop a tolerant attitude towards representatives of different nationalities.


  • Development of students' intellectual abilities.

Equipment: multimedia presentation “We speak different languages.” See APPENDIX 11. Draft leaves for the teams.

Progress of the event

1. Introductory words from the presenter:

“International Mother Language Day has been celebrated since 2000 (February 21) at the initiative of UNESCO with the aim of preserving and developing endangered languages, promoting linguistic diversity, and raising awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions. Our meeting today has the same goal. Representatives of different nationalities and different regions study at our educational institution. We are now learning how well our pupils and students know their native language and culture of the region. I will ask the team representatives to come up to the stage.

2. Explanation of the rules of the game:

Leading:“Our intellectual game is conducted in the form of a quiz. In several stages. The team that scores the fewest points at each stage is eliminated. If a controversial situation arises, the teams receive an additional task and the loser is eliminated. If a similar situation arises in the finals, both teams are asked to take a quick poll. We ask the audience to remain calm; points will be deducted from the teams for hints. And now, it’s time to introduce the jury that will judge the work of our teams today: ... "

3. Working with a multimedia presentation "We speak different languages"

Quiz questions

Part 1 Russian language

Russian language: The Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about that,” wrote Belinsky; The Russian language reflects the rich and glorious history of the Russian people: both oral creativity and the great work of Russian writers left their mark on it.

Competition “From a word - a word, but different”

Anagram- this is a new word made up of all the same letters of a given word.

Exercise: Create new words by rearranging letters and syllables. Each correctly found word is worth 1 point. Time - 1.5-2 minutes..

Total - maximum points -6.

Attention to the slide. Make up new words from the given ones:

Glass, caprice, orange, holster, chamomile, coat.

Correct answer:

Wineglass - ( flask), Caprice – ( order), Orange - ( spaniel), Holster – ( cleaning), Chamomile - ( midge), Coat – ( bast shoes)

Competition “Find the mistake”

On the slides you will see the names of countries, languages ​​and representatives of countries where this language is spoken. But there are mistakes and errors here. Which team will find the error faster raises its hand, names and explains What is wrong with this or that word - gets 1 point for the correct answer. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition. See APPENDIX 1

  • Turka - wrong, right - Turkish
  • Korean - wrong, right - Korean
  • Canada – language – English – incorrect answer, since in Canada they speak 2 languages: English and French
  • Chinese - wrong, right - Chinese
  • Buckwheat - wrong, right - Greek
  • Turkey - wrong, right - Indian

Competition "Homonyms"

First of all, let's remember what it is Homonym.

These are words that have the same spelling and sound, but have completely different meanings.

Exercise: We continue the topic of nationalities. Here is a list of words. Some of them are homonyms. Among this group of words, find:

  1. Heating device
  2. Dance
  3. Headdress
  4. Type of shoes
  5. Tool
  6. Knife (correct answer – 1 point). Time to work - 2 minutes. Use blank leaves. See APPENDIX 2

In total, you can get 6 points in this competition.

Competition No. 4 “Borrowing”

Leading: In our language, along with native Russian vocabulary, there are words borrowed from other languages.

Exercise: Teams will receive pieces of paper with words. Each piece of paper contains 5 borrowed words. freelancer - freelancer (example on slide)

Each correct word is worth 1 point. In total, you can score 6 points in this competition. Time to complete – 3 minutes!

Leading: In the meantime, the teams are working, we are playing with spectators. Let's listen to the question. We raise our hand. We give the answer. We get for rights. the answer is a sweet prize.

Competition No. 5 “Grammar”

Leading: Some of the most common errors in the Russian language are grammatical ones, related to the formation of the form of a word, as well as the structure of a phrase or sentence. Many people make such mistakes, sometimes even announcers and television hosts.

Summing up the 1st part - Russian language. The team with the fewest points is eliminated. The jury counts the points - Musical break. Despacito in Udmurt | KVN team "Second Wind" | With soul | Push Cullen But

Part 2 (Local history)

Leading: We live in the Udmurt Republic and many of the words that we use without thinking are not familiar to residents of other regions. These words are called Regionalisms.

Regionalisms are different territorial variants of the Russian language (regionalisms are used by all residents of the region, in contrast to dialect words, which are more often used by the population of rural areas). I can remind you of a few: ladom, vekhotka, pirozhenka, fufyrik, etc.

So, attention, competition tasks, for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition No. 1 Numerals of “regional” significance

On the slide you will see a number of numbers. Find among these words the word regionalism, which Izhevsk residents love to use:

Correct answer: Maka is a compliment to a sweet and pleasant person (regardless of age)

Competition No. 3 Local expressions (2)

Leading: Some regional words are directly related to the languages ​​of the peoples living in a given area. For example, the word let's go in meaning went(used everywhere in the Volga region) comes from Tatar.

On the slide you see a word that is also used quite often in our region. Name what language it came from and what it means. Select from the options provided.

Correct answer - beautiful, bright - from the Udmurt word - cheber - beautiful.

Competition No. 4 “A fellow countryman will see a fellow countryman from afar”

Leading: The Russian language is rich and powerful. This is facilitated by many regional words, which not only enrich our everyday speech, but sometimes even allow us to identify our fellow countrymen.

Here is a slide with the names of containers, highlight the word regionalism:

Correct answer: one and a half liters (and oddly enough, it doesn’t matter whether it’s 1 liter or 2.5),

Competition No. 5 “Our grandmothers say”

Presenter: And the last competition in the Local History Section

Many words and expressions that we use in our area without thinking can confuse residents of neighboring regions. By the way, they often came to us from neighboring regions, for example from the Kirov region or Perm region. On the slide you see typical local expressions. Side by side, naturally, in disjointed order, are their literary equivalents. Teams have 2 minutes. Use drafts. Match the pairs: a typical local expression and its literary equivalent:

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points in this competition is 7 points . See APPENDIX 6

In the meantime, the teams are working - a musical break (Video sequence: Buranovsky grandmothers. Song “Partyforeverybodydance”)

Summing up the 2nd part – Local history. The team with the fewest points is eliminated.

While the jury is working - Musical break (Video sequence: Nadezhda Utkina and her song Lullaby in Udmurt language from Youtube)

! If there is a controversial situation, add. contest:

Match the pairs: a typical local expression and its literary equivalent: See APPENDIX 7

Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum number of points in this competition is 4 points . 1 minute is given.

Part 3 (English)

Leading: As you know, English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world, spoken by 1.5 billion people in 70 countries and another 1 billion people studying it, it is the language of international communication, one of the main working languages ​​of the UN. Many words that we use without thinking in everyday life were borrowed at one time or another from the English language.

First of all, this is - international words that have meaning in both languages same meaning and pronunciation . And our first competition is dedicated to them.

Competition No. 1 International words

There are a number of words on the slide, find and name 5 international words among them. 1 correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition.

Correct answer:
complex, manager, president, motor, metal. These international words have the same meaning and pronunciation in both English and Russian

Competition No. 2 Popular Borrowings

Leading: The penetration of words from one language into another is a common phenomenon. First of all, they penetrate into the youth environment and even form a certain slang, sometimes completely incomprehensible to those who, as they say, “are not in the know.” And there are a lot of such words. And so, the next competition is dedicated to just such expressions.

Choose an English expression and its Russian equivalent. You have 1 minute to complete the task. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition. So, we raise our hand.

Correct answer:

Competition No. 3 Youth slang

Leading: Continuing the theme of youth slang, we bring to your attention the following competition. In front of you on the slide will be phrases filled with an explosive mixture of English borrowings. Try to “translate” them into literary Russian. This competition values ​​quick reactions. 1 - correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 5 points in this competition.

Correct answer: Olga Buzova has 10 million subscribers on Instagram and 2 million people who hate her!

Correct answer: Let's go for a walk, stop being angry!

Correct answer: Can I overtake him? Pfft, easy!

Correct answer: Where is the world coming to! In the USA, a girl started broadcasting on Facebook how her boyfriend was dying.

Correct answer: Put down the calculator! Use your brain!

Competition No. 4 Rhymes

Leading: English is the most popular language in the world and the most in demand as a foreign language. Although it is not easy to study. Even English linguists admit that English is the most difficult language to learn to read. Linguistic flair is of great importance here. Unfortunately, it either exists or it doesn’t. One way or another, now let’s check whether the teams have a sense of language.

So, the competition:

Select from 2 groups of words - rhymes. The ability to read and pronounce words correctly is important here! Example : Cat-rat, box-fox.

We're not wasting time. We read, we think, we raise our hands. The task is, in fact, about speed. One correct answer - 1 point. The maximum number of points is 5.

geese, car, flower, mouse, pen name, bag, cut, day

hen, star, game, our, house, flag, chute, hat, moose

Correct answer:

Car-star, flower-our, mouse-house, name-game, hen-ten

Competition No. 5 “Mutually beneficial exchange”

Leading: In turn, the English language has borrowed some words from other languages. Look at the slide and determine from which countries these words came into English. Teams have 2 minutes. Use blank leaves. 1 - correct answer – 1 point. In total, you can get 8 points in this competition. See: APPENDIX 8)

Well, while the teams are working, this is another opportunity for the audience to express themselves and show their knowledge. We listen to the question and raise our hand. We receive a prize for the correct answer. See Game with spectators (APPENDIX 9)

Summing up the 3rd part - English language. The teams that took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places are determined.

While the jury is working there is a musical break (Twenty one pilots video: STRESSED OUT from Youtube).

Additional competition (in case of a controversial situation)

Information sources

  3. answer
  6. borrowings in Russian

Prepared by: 11th grade student of KSU "Kirov Secondary School", Nura district, Karaganda region Sagintaev Sagingazy

Supervisor: Arngold A.V.

The greatest value of a people is the language in which they speak and think. The entire conscious life, the entire history of a people passes through language.

If you listen to a person, to the way he speaks, you will understand a lot about this person. D.S. Likhachev wrote: “A person’s language is his worldview and his behavior.”

Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Likhachev D.S.

Research topic relevant, because recently there has been a sharp decline in the general speech culture, which causes concern not only among some specialists in the field of language. Problems of language have long gone beyond the scope of philology and are aligned with other general spiritual problems of society; speech becomes not only a means of communication, but also a powerful energy charge that has a hidden impact on the human psyche and the entire world around us.

  • analyze available sources on the problem of preserving the purity and lexical richness of the Russian language, identify the significance of the concept of “Russian literary language”, “language norm” for the development of the speech culture of native speakers, and promote compliance with speech norms.
  • analyze available sources on the problem of preserving the purity and lexical richness of the Russian language,
  • to identify the significance of the concept of “Russian literary language”, “language norm” for the development of the speech culture of native speakers,
  • to promote compliance with speech norms.

Language norm(literary norm) - these are the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of the literary language, i.e. rules of pronunciation, word usage, use of traditionally established grammatical, stylistic and other linguistic means accepted in social and linguistic practice. This is a uniform, exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).

Many borrowings have become completely Russified and have no equivalents, being the only names for the corresponding realities (remember Pushkin’s: But trousers, tailcoat, vest - all these words are not in Russian ...).

In different periods of the development of the Russian literary language, the assessment of the penetration of foreign language elements into it was ambiguous. In addition, with the intensification of the process of lexical borrowing, the resistance to it usually intensifies. Thus, Peter I demanded that his contemporaries write “as intelligibly as possible,” without abusing non-Russian words.

Peter I

M.V. Lomonosov in his “theory of three calms,” highlighting words of various groups in the Russian vocabulary, did not leave room for borrowings from non-Slavic languages. And when creating Russian scientific terminology, Lomonosov consistently sought to find equivalents in the language to replace foreign language terms, sometimes artificially transferring such formations into the language of science.

M.V. Lomonosov

Both A.P. Sumarokov and N.I. Novikov spoke out against the contamination of the Russian language with French words that were fashionable at that time.

A.P. Sumarokov

N.I. Novikov

However, in the 19th century. the emphasis has shifted. Representatives of the Karamzin school, young poets led by Pushkin were forced to fight for the use of lexical borrowings on Russian soil, since they reflected the advanced ideas of the French Enlightenment. It is no coincidence that the tsarist censorship erased such borrowed words from the language as revolution, progress.

N.M. Karamzin

A.S. Pushkin

Nowadays, the question of the appropriateness of using borrowings is associated with the assignment of lexical means to certain functional styles of speech.

There is a real influx of Anglicisms and often their misuse.

Language norms – historical phenomenon. Changes in literary norms are due to the constant development of language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-20 years ago may become a deviation from it today.

A linguistic norm is a set of linguistic means and rules for their use, adopted in a given society in a given era. It is uniform and universally binding for all speakers of a given language; it is conservative and aimed at preserving the means and rules for their use accumulated in a given society by previous generations. But at the same time, it is not static, but variable over time.

Not all members of society perceived these reforms positively. Many people spoke in favor of preserving traditional language norms that are part of the national culture.