Presentation on the topic "mathematical kaleidoscope". A three-digit number consists of

MBOU secondary school No. 67

Extracurricular activity in mathematics
in grades 5-6

"Mathematical Kaleidoscope"


mathematic teacher

Samoilova Nadezhda Prokopyevna

Irkutsk, 2015

Objectives of the event:

    supplementing students' knowledge in mathematics;

    development of logical thinking, attention, intelligence, memory;

    fostering a sense of responsibility in decision making; ability to work in groups.

The game involves two teams of 7 people, the rest of the students are spectators.

Progress of the event:


Dear guys, we are starting our unusual meeting. Today we will talk about mathematics, about mathematicians, solve interesting comic problems, learn interesting episodes from the lives of great mathematicians, and try to identify the most erudite mathematicians.

Qualifying round(the one who answers the question correctly becomes a member of one of the teams).

    What is abacus? (abacus)

    What is the smallest two-digit number? (10)

    Zero's rival? (cross)

    Largest natural number? (No)

    10 posts were placed along the fence every 2 meters. What is the length of the fence? (18 m)

    How many kids did a goat with many children have? (7)

    What is one fourth of an hour? (15 minutes)

    Seven people exchanged photographs. How many photographs were distributed? (42)

    Chocolate costs 10 rubles. And another half of the chocolate. How much does a chocolate bar cost? (20 rub.)

    Three horses were running. Each ran 5km. How many kilometers did the driver travel? (5 km)

    How many cuts do you need to make to cut a log into 12 pieces? (eleven)

    The table cover has 4 corners. One of them was sawed off. How many angles are there? (5)

    The science of numbers, their properties and operations on them. (Arithmetic)

    How many plays are in “The Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky? (12)

The teams have been assembled and meetings and tests await you.

1st round
Our first guest is an ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras of Samos. Pythagoras believed that “Everything is a number.” According to his philosophical worldview, numbers control not only measure and weight, but also all phenomena occurring in nature, and are the essence of harmony reigning in the world, the soul of the cosmos. The first four numbers - 1, 2, 3, 4 - meant: fire, earth, water and air. The sum of these numbers -10- represented the whole world. He divided numbers into even and odd, simple and complex.
“When mathematical problems are solved easily, this serves as the best proof that the powers that mathematics was supposed to develop have already been developed,” said the scientist Jung D. Here we are now, and let’s check whether this power has developed in you guys. You have to decide problems in verse.

    In the poultry yard, children fed the geese, and entire families took them out. There were 5 goose families in total, each family had 12 children. Dad and mom, grandmother and grandfather. How many geese gathered for dinner? (70)

    Hares ran through the forest, wolf tracks along the road were counted. A large pack of wolves passed here, each of their paws in the snow was visible. The wolves left 120 tracks. How many wolves, tell me, were there here? (thirty)

2nd round
Famous scientist Archimedes. Using his knowledge of geometry, Archimedes built huge mirrors and used them to burn Roman ships. The famous law of Archimedes states: a body immersed in a liquid loses as much weight as the displaced liquid weighs. Archimedes lived in the small city of Syracuse on the island of Sicily. He invented many military machines of the time and died in 212 BC.
I offer you a series of questions for quick response. In these tasks, simplicity and clarity

Questions for 1 team:

    The smallest natural number. (1)

    How to find an unknown divisor?

    Can division result in zero? (Yes)

    How many times a year does the sun rise? (365)

    One corner of the rectangle was cut off. How many corners are left? (5)

    A device for measuring angles? (Protractor)

    What is the result of addition called? (Sum)

    Can a triangle have two obtuse angles? (No)

    Why is the stop valve on the train red, but on the plane blue? (There is no stop valve on the plane)

    There are 10 fingers on two hands. How many fingers are there on 10 hands? (50)

Questions for team 2:

    Give the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle with sides a and c.

    How to find an unknown dividend?

    Can multiplication result in zero? (Yes)

    What is the result of subtraction called? (Difference)

    What is 1 pud equal to? (16 kg)

    Name the smallest two-digit number. (10)

    There were 6 birds sitting on a tree. The hunter shot and shot down one bird. How many birds are left on the tree? (None)

    Find a quarter of a hundred. (25)

    Name a device for constructing a circle? (Compass)

    How many years did Ilya Muromets sleep? (33)

3rd round"Princess of Science" - Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya (1850-1891)
"My duty is to serve science." Russian mathematician, writer, first Russian woman - professor. The main scientific works are devoted to mathematical analysis, mechanics and astronomy. She continued Laplace's research on the structure of Saturn's rings.

This is not an easy task.
Subtract, divide and multiply.
Put pluses, as well as parentheses.
You will be the first to reach the finish line!

5 5 5 5 =3
5 5 5 5 =4
5 5 5 5 =5
Teams are given time to solve the task. At this time, a game is played with the audience (joke).

I will prove that for a whole year you have almost no time to study at school. There are 365 days in a year. Of these, 52 are Sundays and at least 10 other days of rest, so 62 days are eliminated. Summer and winter holidays last for at least 100 days. Therefore, it is already 162 days. They don't go to school at night, and nights make up half of the year, which means another 182 days are missing. There are 20 days left, but school classes do not last the whole day, but not more than a quarter of the day, so another 15 days are eliminated. There are only 5 days left. Is there much to learn here?

4th round
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky(1792-1856). At the age of 15, after graduating from high school, he entered Kazan University. At the age of 22, he began teaching at the university: he lectured on mathematics, physics, astronomy, headed the observatory, and headed the library. At the age of 24 he was awarded the title of professor of mathematics.
Competition "Who is the most attentive"

A preschooler often knows what a triangle is,
How could you not know?
But it’s a completely different matter, quickly, accurately and skillfully
Count triangles.
For example, in this figure, how many different
Consider. Examine everything carefully
Both on the edge and inside.

Game with fans.

I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases
I'll just say word three
Take the prize immediately.
One day we caught a pike
Gutted, and inside
We saw small fish
And not just one, but whole….two.
A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start
And wait for the command: one, two... march.
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And to yourself, repeat them
Once, twice, but better... five.
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait three hours
Well, friends, you didn't take the prize.
When there was an opportunity to take it.

5th round Leonard Euler. He had a phenomenal memory and was able to work anywhere, under any conditions. He had 13 children, and he could write his works, holding one of them on his lap, while the rest played nearby. The Paris Academy awarded him the prize 12 times. He died at the age of 77. Overexertion led to an illness that left him blind in his right eye. Being blind, he continued to work, thanks to his memory, he kept calculations in his mind, and his sons and students wrote his works. A few minutes before his death, he sketched out calculations for the orbit of the newly discovered planet Uranus.

Competition “Getting ready for a math lesson”

In one minute, each team must come up with the names of the items the student needs in a math lesson. Name the items one by one, starting with the team with the fewest points. The last team to name the item gets a point.

Playing with spectators. Guys, I’ll now prove to you that you don’t know how to count to ten. So listen carefully. One day I was riding a bus and decided to count the passengers, there were 5 of them, at the first stop 3 more got on, at the next stop 2 got off and 3 got on, at the next stop 4 got off and no one got on, and then at the stop one citizen got on with a whole bunch of new things. How many stops were there? (Guys most often count passengers)

6th round Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. Outstanding Russian scientist-encyclopedist, educator, poet, founder of Moscow University. The mineral lomonosovite is named in his honor. .

Competition “Without Words”

Teams are invited to show proverbs and sayings containing numbers using facial expressions and gestures.

Two bears do not get along in the same den.

Where there are more than two, they speak out loud.

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Seven times measure cut once.

Seven do not wait for one.

The first pancake is always lumpy.

Playing with the audience.

Among the following words: mamus, considered, shkoka, nusim eliminate the unnecessary.
Answer: shkoka (cat).

The game is over
It's time to find out the result.
Who did the best job?
And did you excel in the tournament?

Result of the game, rewarding

Competition program evaluation sheet
"Mathematical Kaleidoscope"


Competition name

Team name



“Problems in verse” (5 points)

“Questions for the team” (1 point per answer)

“The Magic of Numbers” (1 point per example)

“Who is the most attentive” (5 points)

“Getting ready for a math lesson” (1 point)

“Without Words” (3 points for 1 pantomime)

Inzenskaya secondary school No. 1
Considered: Agreed: Approve:___________ ____________ Head teacher______/Voronova E.N./ Extracurricular activities program "Mathematical Kaleidoscope" Implementation period: 4 yearsAge category of students: 7-10 years

Ivanova Albina Iladimirovna

primary school teacher

MBOU Inzenskaya Secondary School No. 1named after Yu.T. Alasheev Inza

Explanatory note

The work program of the course “Mathematical Kaleidoscope” is based on:
    Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education of the Second Generation; Author's program “Entertaining Mathematics” by E.E. Kochurova, 2011;
    Collection of extracurricular activities programs: grades 1-4 / ed. N. F. Vinogradova. – M.: Ventana Graf, 2011. Grigoriev D.V., Stepanov P.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical designer. Teacher's manual. – M.: Education, 2010; instructive and methodological letter “On the main directions of development of education in educational institutions of the region within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the 2013-2014 academic year”

Program « Mathematical Kaleidoscope” is aimed at developing mental activity and a culture of mental work in schoolchildren; development of the qualities of thinking necessary for an educated person to function fully in modern society. A feature of the course is the entertaining nature of the material offered, the wider use of game forms of conducting classes and elements of competition in them. In classes, during logical exercises, children practically learn to compare objects, perform the simplest types of analysis and synthesis, establish connections between concepts; the proposed logical exercises force children to make correct judgments and provide simple proofs. The exercises are entertaining in nature, so they contribute to the emergence of children’s interest in mental activity.

Purpose of the program : develop logical thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, observation, consistency of reasoning and its evidence.

Program objectives :

    expand students' horizons in various areas of elementary mathematics;

    development of brevity of speech;

    skillful use of symbolism;

    correct use of mathematical terminology;

    the ability to distract from all qualitative aspects of objects and phenomena, focusing only on quantitative ones;

    the ability to make accessible conclusions and generalizations;

    justify your thoughts.

Basic methods:

1. Verbal method:

    Story (specifics of the activities of scientists, mathematicians, physicists), conversation, discussion (of information sources, ready-made collections); verbal assessments (lesson work, training and test work).
2. Visualization method:
    Visual aids and illustrations.
3.Practical method:
    Training exercises; practical work.
4. Explanatory and illustrative:
    Communication of ready information.
5.Partial search method:
    Completing partial tasks to achieve the main goal.

Form of classes. The predominant forms of classes are group and individual.
The forms of classes for junior schoolchildren are very diverse: these are thematic classes, game lessons, competitions, quizzes, and competitions. Non-traditional and traditional forms are used: travel games, excursions to collect numerical material, tasks based on statistical data for the city, fairy tales on mathematical topics, newspaper and poster competitions. Collections of numerical material are being developed together with parents. The thinking of younger schoolchildren is mainly concrete, imaginative, therefore, in the club classes, the use of visualization is a prerequisite. Depending on the characteristics of the exercises, drawings, drawings, brief conditions of tasks, and records of terms and concepts are used for clarity.

The participation of children in extracurricular activities contributes to the development of their social activity, which is expressed in the organization and conduct of excursions, in the organization and design of a mathematical newspaper or corner in a newspaper, in the creation of a mathematical corner in the classroom, participation in competitions, quizzes and olympiads.

When implementing the content of this program, the knowledge acquired by children while studying the Russian language, fine arts, literature, the surrounding world, labor, etc. is expanded.

In conditions of partner communication between students and teachers, real opportunities open up for self-affirmation in overcoming problems that arise in the process of the activities of people who are passionate about a common cause.

The program is designed to conduct theoretical and practical classes with children aged 7–10 years over 4 years of study and is intended for primary school students.

The widespread use of audiovisual and computer technology can significantly increase the efficiency of children’s independent work in the process of search and research work.

Watching videos containing information about great scientists, mathematicians, physicists of Russia and Europe forms a stable interest in mathematics.

A significant number of classes are aimed at practical activities - independent creative search, joint activities of students and teachers, parents. By taking an active part, the student thereby reveals his abilities, expresses himself and realizes himself in socially useful and personally significant forms of activity.

Value guidelines The contents of this are:

developing the ability to reason as a component of logical literacy;

mastering heuristic reasoning techniques;

formation of intellectual skills related to the choice of solution strategy, situation analysis, data comparison;

development of cognitive activity and independence of students;

developing the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find the simplest patterns, use guesswork, build and test the simplest hypotheses;

formation of spatial concepts and spatial imagination; – involving students in the exchange of information during free communication in the classroom.

Math games. “Funny Counting” is a competition game; games with dice. Games “Whose sum is greater?”, “Best boatman”, “Russian Lotto”, “Mathematical domino”, “I won’t go astray!”, “Think of a number”, “Guess the thought of a number”, “Guess the date and month of birth”.Games “Magic wand”, “Best counter”, “Don’t let your friend down”, “Day and night”, “Lucky chance”, “Fruit picking”, “Umbrella racing”, “Shop”, “Which row is friendlier?”Ball games: “On the contrary”, “Don’t drop the ball”.Games with a set of “Counting cards” (sorbonki) are double-sided cards: on one side there is a task, on the other there is an answer.Mathematical pyramids: “Addition within 10; 20; 100", "Subtraction within 10; 20; 100", "Multiplication", "Division".Working with a palette - a basis with colored chips and a set of tasks for the palette on the topics: “Addition and subtraction up to 100”, etc.Games “Tic-tac-toe”, “Tic-tac-toe on an endless board”, Battleship”, etc., construction sets “Clock”, “Scales” from the electronic textbook “Mathematics and Design”.

Numbers. Arithmetic operations. Quantities

Names and sequence of numbers from 1 to 20. Counting the number on the top faces of the rolled dice.

Numbers from 1 to 100. Solving and composing puzzles containing numbers. Adding and subtracting numbers within 100. Single-digit multiplication tables and corresponding division cases.

Number puzzles: connecting numbers with action signs so that the answer turns out to be a given number, etc. Search for several solutions. Restoring examples: searching for a hidden number. Consistent execution of arithmetic operations: guessing the intended numbers.

Completing number crosswords.

Numbers from 1 to 1000. Adding and subtracting numbers within 1000.

A world of entertaining challenges. Problems that can be solved in several ways. Problems with insufficient, incorrect data, and redundant conditions.Sequence of “steps” (algorithm) for solving a problem.Problems with multiple solutions. Inverse problems and assignments.Orientation in the text of the problem, highlighting the conditions and questions, data and required numbers (quantities).Selecting the necessary information contained in the text of the problem, in the picture or in the table, to answer the questions asked.Ancient problems. Logic problems. Transfusion tasks. Preparation of similar tasks and assignments.Non-standard tasks. Using sign-symbolic means to model situations described in tasks.Problems solved by brute force. “Open” tasks and assignments.Tasks and assignments to check ready-made solutions, including incorrect ones. Analysis and evaluation of ready-made solutions to the problem, selection of the right solutions.Proof tasks, for example, to find the digital value of letters in the conventional notation: LAUGHTER + THUNDER = THUNDER, etc. Justification of the actions performed and completed.Reproduction of a method for solving a problem. Choosing the most effective solutions.Geometric mosaic. Spatial representations. The concepts of “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”. Travel route. Start point of movement; number, arrow 1→ 1↓, indicating the direction of movement. Drawing a line along a given route (algorithm): travel of a point (on a sheet of paper in a square). Construction of your own route (drawing) and its description.Geometric patterns. Regularities in patterns. Symmetry. Figures that have one or more axes of symmetry.The location of the details of the figure in the original design (triangles, tans, corners, matches). Parts of the figure. Place of a given figure in a structure. Location of parts. Selection of parts in accordance with the given design contour. Search for several possible solutions. Drawing up and sketching figures according to your own plans.Cutting and composing shapes. Dividing a given figure into parts of equal area. Search for specified figures in figures of complex configuration. Solving problems that form geometric observation.Recognizing (finding) a circle on an ornament. Drawing up (drawing) an ornament using a compass (based on a model, according to one’s own design).Working with designers. Modeling figures from identical triangles and corners.

Tangram: An ancient Chinese puzzle. "Fold a square." "Match" constructor. LEGO constructors. Set "Geometric bodies". Constructors “Tangram”, “Matches”, “Polyminos”, “Cubes”, “Parquets and mosaics”, “Installer”, “Builder”, etc. from the electronic textbook. “Mathematics and design.

Planned results of studying the course.

As a result of mastering the “Mathematical Kaleidoscope” course program, the following universal educational activities are formed that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO:

Personal results :

 Development of curiosity and intelligence when performing various tasks of a problematic and heuristic nature.

 Developing attentiveness, perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties - qualities that are very important in the practical activities of any person.

 Fostering a sense of justice and responsibility.

 Development of independent judgment, independence and non-standard thinking.

Meta-subject results :

 Compare different methods of action, choose convenient ways to complete a specific task.

 Simulate in the process of joint discussion, an algorithm for solving a numerical crossword puzzle;use it during independent work.

 Apply studied methods of educational work and calculation techniques for working with number puzzles.

 Analyze rules of the game.

 Act in accordance with given rules.

 Turn on into group work.

 Argue your position in communication,consider different opinions,use criteria for justifying your judgment.

 Compare

 Control its activities: detect and correct errors.

 Analyze text of the problem: navigate the text, highlight the condition and question, data and required numbers (values).

 Search and choose the necessary information contained in the text of the problem, in the figure or in the table, to answer the questions asked.

 Simulate the situation described in the text of the problem.

 Use appropriate sign-symbolic means for modeling the situation.

 Designed b sequence of “steps” (algorithm) for solving a problem.

 Explain (justify) actions performed and completed.

 Reproduce way to solve the problem.

 Compare the result obtained with a given condition.

 Analyze proposed options for solving the problem, choose the correct ones.

 Choose the most effective way to solve the problem.

 Evaluate presented ready-made solution to the problem (true, false).

 Participate in an educational dialogue, evaluate the search process and the result of solving the problem.

 Design simple tasks.

 Get your bearings in terms of “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”.

 Get your bearings to the starting point of movement, to numbers and arrows 1→ 1↓, etc., indicating the direction of movement.

 Conduct lines along a given route (algorithm).

 Highlight a figure of a given shape in a complex drawing.

 Analyze arrangement of parts (tans, triangles, corners, matches) in the original design.

 Compose figures from parts.Define the place of a given part in the design.

 Reveal patterns in the arrangement of parts; compose parts in accordance with the given design contour.

 Compare the obtained (intermediate, final) result with a given condition.

 Explain selection of details or method of action under a given condition.

 Analyze suggested possible options for the correct solution.

 Simulate three-dimensional figures from various materials (wire, plasticine, etc.) and from developments.

 Realize Detailed control and self-control actions:compare constructed structure with a sample.

Subject results reflected in the content of the program (section “Main content”)

Expected results of the program implementation.

As a result of the implementation of the extracurricular activity program, children should:- learn to easily solve entertaining problems, puzzles, riddles, and tasks of increased difficulty;- solve logic exercises;-participate in class, school and city quizzes, Olympiads;- be able to communicate with people;- keep research notes,- systematize and generalize the knowledge gained, draw conclusions and justify your thoughts,-be able to compose puzzles and riddles, a mathematical newspaper, conduct search and research work.Location of the program
    Collective publication of a mathematical newspaper. Mathematical KVN. Design and guessing of puzzles.
Place of the course in the curriculum. The program course is designed for students in grades 1-4. The program lasts 4 years. Classes are held once a week.In grades 2-4 there are only 34 hours per year, in grade 1 - 33 hours per year.

Calendar and thematic planning. 1 class.

2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

Educational, methodological and logistical support for the program.

Teacher materials:

Garina S. E., Kutyavina N. A., Toporkiva I. G., Shcherbinina S. V. Developing attention. Workbook. – M.: ROSMEN-PRESS, 2004

Garina S. E., Kutyavina N. A., Toporkiva I. G., Shcherbinina S. V. Developing thinking. Workbook. – M.: ROSMEN-PRESS, 2005

Garina S. E., Kutyavina N. A., Toporkiva I. G., Shcherbinina S. V. Developing memory. Workbook. – M.: ROSMEN-PRESS, 2004

Graphic dictations: 1st grade / Golub V. T. - M.: VAKO, 2010

Extended day group: lesson notes, event scenarios. 1-2 grades / L. I. Gaidina, A. V. Kochergina. – M.: VAKO, 2007

Extended day group: lesson notes, event scenarios. 3-4 grades / L. I. Gaidina, A. V. Kochergina. – M.: VAKO, 2008

Zhiltsova T.V., Obukhova L.A. Lesson developments in visual geometry. - M.: VAKO, 2004

Intellectual marathon: grades 1-4 / Maksimova T. N. - M.: VAKO, 2011

Kolesnikova E. V. Geometric figures. Workbook for children 5-7 years old. – M.: Creative Center, 2006

Logics. We learn to think, compare, and reason independently. M.: EKSMO, 2003

Non-standard problems in mathematics: grades 1-4 / Kerova G.V. - M.: VAKO, 2011

Olehnik S.N., Nesterenko Yu.V., Potapov M.K. Ancient entertaining problems. - M.: Nauka, Main editorial office of physical and mathematical literature, 1988

Developmental tasks: tests, games, exercises: 1st grade / E. V. Yazykanova. – M.: Exam, 2012

Developmental tasks: tests, games, exercises: 2nd grade / E. V. Yazykanova. – M.: Exam, 2012.Kerova G.V. Non-standard tasks: 1-4 grades.-M.: VAKO, 2011.Developmental tasks: tests, games, exercises: 2nd grade /compiled by E.V.Yazykanova.-M.: Examination Publishing House, 2012. Bykova T.P. Non-standard problems in mathematics: 2nd grade / T.P. Bykova. - 4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2012. Chernova L.I. Methodology for developing computational skills in junior schoolchildren: educational and methodological manual for teachers / L.I. Chernova. - Magnitogorsk: MaSU, 2007..

All numbers are equal.

The proof of this incredible statement is based on the very common method of mathematical induction. Here is the proof. If we have only one number, then it is obviously equal to itself. Let's denote this one number by the letter n. Let us now assume (as incredible as it may seem) that any n numbers are equal to each other. And based on this arbitrary assumption, we will prove that n + 1 any numbers will be equal to each other.

Let us have three arbitrary numbers, which, according to our (incredible!) assumption, are equal to each other. Let us prove that 4 numbers will be equal to each other, for example, A, B, C and D.
Let's divide these numbers into two groups:
ABC and BVG.

Since each of these groups consists of three numbers, by assumption they must be equal to each other. And since the numbers “B” and “C” are repeated in each group, then, obviously, D = A = B = C, which is what needed to be proven. In a similar way, we can prove the validity of our assumption that all numbers are equal when moving from 4 to 5, from 5 to 6, and so on. What is the secret of such a paradoxical conclusion about the equality of all numbers?

The mathematics of impact.

Do not hit with a hammer, but only press it on the half-drilled nail. Push with all your might, lean with all your weight. The force will reach tens of kilograms, but the nail may not give in one iota. And with hammer blows you will hammer it to capacity!

With the pressure of your gravity, you will not be able to deform the head of, for example, an iron rivet. And with hammer blows it is easy to rivet it beyond recognition. Place a piece of wire between two steel tiles and sit on them. You will not notice any pressure marks on the wire. And under the blows of the hammer it will be flattened into a sheet! The strength of bone and stone is enormous. And the hammer crushes them. The incredible power of the blow is truly mysterious! What is the secret of his power?

Now you hit a solid body with a hammer. To do this, you applied some force to the hammer, giving it a certain speed. He moved for some time, then fell on the body and his speed was extinguished. But let’s assume that the hammer did not hit an obstacle, but flew freely into space at the speed it acquired. This speed could be absorbed within the same period of time by applying the same force to the hammer in the opposite direction. And to extinguish this speed several times faster, it would be necessary to apply an equal amount of force.

When the speed of a body is dampened by an obstacle, the force of the moving body is thereby applied to this obstacle. And the greater this force turns out to be, the faster the speed is extinguished. The speed of the hammer when hitting a solid body is extinguished in an instant of the order of ten-thousandths of a second. And it turns out that the force with which the hammer hits a solid body is thousands of times greater than the force applied by the hand to the hammer.

So, the “secret” of the blow is its short duration. If we take the contact area of ​​the hammer with a body, for example, with a rivet, to be equal to 10 square millimeters, then the specific pressure of the hammer at the moment of impact will be tens of thousands of atmospheres...

P.S. What else do British scientists think about: And all these mathematical subtleties often make mathematicians the most forgetful and absent-minded scientists. But, however, all this is such a problem when there is a free diary program with reminders that will help all absent-minded scientists, always immersed in numbers and formulas, not to forget about important things.

When is Pi Day celebrated?
Pi has two unofficial holidays. The first one is March 14th because
this day in America is written as 3.14. The second is July 22, which is
in European format 22/7 is written, and the value of such a fraction is
a fairly popular approximate value of Pi.
What kind of drill can be used to drill a square hole?
The Reuleaux triangle is a geometric figure formed by the intersection
three equal circles of radius a with centers at the vertices of an equilateral
triangle with side a. A drill made on the basis of a Reuleaux triangle,
allows you to drill square holes (with an accuracy of 2%).
Who solved a difficult math problem by treating it as homework?

American mathematician George Danzig, while a graduate student at the university,
I was late for class one day and mistook the equations written on the board for homework.
exercise. It seemed more difficult to him than usual, but after a few days he was able
execute it. It turned out that he solved two “unsolvable” problems in
statistics that many scientists have struggled with.
What mathematician learned the basics of science from the wallpaper in his room?
Sofya Kovalevskaya became acquainted with mathematics in early childhood, when she
the room did not have enough wallpaper, instead of which sheets of lectures were pasted
Ostrogradsky on differential and integral calculus.
Where did they try to legally round the number Pi?
In Indiana in 1897, a bill was passed that legislated
setting the value of Pi to 3.2. This bill did not become law
thanks to the timely intervention of a university professor.

Rene Descartes (15961650)
French mathematician and philosopher. At the beginning of the Thirteen Years' War
served in the army. Later he settled in the Netherlands and, in solitude, began
science. At the invitation of the Swedish Queen he moved to Stockholm.
Laid the foundations of analytical geometry, gave the concept of force impulse, derived
law of conservation of momentum, created the coordinate method
(Cartesian coordinates). Descartes' curved ovals are known. At the heart of it
philosophy dualism of soul and body.
Blaise Pascal (16231662)
French mathematician, physicist, philosopher, writer. Born into a lawyer's family,
doing mathematics. He showed mathematical abilities early.
He has a treatise “An Experience on Conic Sections. Designed a summing
car. Has works on number theory, arithmetic, and probability theory.
I found a general algorithm for finding signs of divisibility of numbers. It has
treatise on the Arithmetic Triangle.
Leonhard Euler (17071783)

The greatest mathematician of the 18th century. Born in Switzerland. Lived for many years
and worked in Russia, member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Enormous scientific
Euler's legacy includes brilliant results related to
mathematical analysis, geometry, number theory, variational
calculus, mechanics and other applications of mathematics.
They say
what in a three year old
his father with
10 years old) teacher
While he was dictating
task, from Gauss
written: 101*50=5050
Carl Gauss (17771855)
Mathematical talent manifested itself already in childhood.
age, he surprised those around him by correcting his calculations
masons. Once at school (Gauss was at that time
asked the class to add up all the numbers from one to one hundred.
the answer was already ready. On his slate was
Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya
There was not enough wallpaper to cover the rooms, so the walls of the room were covered with sheets
lithographed lectures by M. V. Ostrogradsky on mathematical analysis.
Subsequently, she became the first woman mathematician, Ph.D. To her
belongs to the novel "Nihilist".
Parallelogram brother,
I'm called Square,
Rhombu is a close relative,
All areas are owned by the owner.
Triangle needs
"Pythagorean pants"
They are not knitted or sewn,
They make up of squares!
The circle is round, so what?!
Doesn't he look like me?
Only the area you will take
You will find a square in the formula!
Forward! Back! And not a step to the side
This is the most important principle of Direct.
Directness is needed here, courage is needed,
So as not to suddenly change yourself.
Every small schoolchild knows me
It was not in vain that this verse was composed,
After all, any polygon consists
From my little pieces.
Here is a bisector, a ray, a segment, a chord,
Diagonals... you can’t count them all.
My rays, segments... I know for sure
That my directness is definitely in them!
And if you, even for a moment,
You'll make me lose my head
If you want to change my direction...
I will become broken, but not crooked!

Everyone knows these lines.
Keeping the direction
They run away together
To infinity from me.
We meet them often
It is impossible to name everything:
A pair of rails near the tram,
There are as many as five in the staff...
Even if there are many lines,
Do not mix one with the other:
They are very strict
Distance between each other.
Parallel Direct
Nice, polite people:
None of them are others
Will never cross it out.
We just find the angle
Here you just need a ruler.
We set a point, we move the beam away
That's it, the side is ready.
And now this line
Turn around at the top
And from that peak of the meta
Extend the second ray.
It's very easy to use a protractor
We will measure your angle.
It is unfolded and sharp,
Convex, straight, blunt...
Having assessed Angle's nature,
We'll tell everyone a secret,
What's on the plane of a figure
It couldn't have been simpler.