Correct visualization of desires. Visualization of desires: how to do it

3 031 0 Hello, our dear readers! In this article we will tell you how you can make your dreams come true using visualization of desires. Let's figure out how it works.

Visualization of desires - what it is and how it works

The visualization technique is discussed in detail in the film “The Secret”. It was released in 2006 and gained enormous popularity. The heroes talk about what they managed to achieve using this simple technique.

Thought visualization is a method of attracting what you want into your life using the power of thought.

By closing your eyes and imagining your dreams, you are getting closer to them every day. In other words, if you dream of a red BMW, you need to think about it, imagine yourself driving on the road. Sooner or later thoughts materialize.

There are two types of thought visualization:

  1. Directed to the outside world– this is the recreation of the desired images in drawings, pictures, photographs. Wish card.
  2. Internal- imagination in your head.

Imagination is the main component of success. The brighter and more truthful the pictures in your head look, the greater the likelihood of success.

Psychologists often refer to the “power of thought.” When a person constantly thinks about bad things, for example: “I have no money”, “I’m a loser”, – negative thinking is transformed into reality. And indeed, nothing works out for him; he faces various problems, including financial difficulties. Thoughts in a positive way contribute to the speedy occurrence of the events you dream about.

Don't confuse dreams and visualization. The latter should have a goal and a specific direction of what you want to achieve.

By “living” your dreams in your head over and over again, you give your subconscious a certain impetus. It begins to imperceptibly influence actions, to suggest which way to get to your goal faster.

You can't just start thinking about how you shine your red BMW. For a successful result, you need to understand how to visualize correctly.

  1. The main thing is to believe. This is the main secret of visualization. A skeptical attitude will not help you achieve your goal. If you believe in this technique, then it will believe in you.
  2. Precise and correct wording. When imagining a desire, it is important to formulate it correctly.
  • You cannot use “not” particles; they create a negative impulse. Incorrect: “I am not in poverty.” Right: “I always have.”
  • More specifics. The more accurate the picture, the faster the result.
  • Use only the present tense for wording. Incorrect: “I will have a car.” Right:"I have a car".
  1. Connect your emotions. Your feelings are the faithful companion of visualization. Include your sense of smell, touch, taste, hearing, etc. If you want to dine in a beautiful and expensive restaurant, imagine everything down to the smallest detail: how barely audible music plays, the aroma of a freshly cooked steak is felt, you feel with your hands what expensive wood the tables are made of.
  2. I see a goal - I go towards it! The desire must be extremely precise. There is no need to imagine how you are moving towards your goal. You must be sure that it is already in your hands. For example, you really want to lose weight. Then imagine how slim and beautiful you are standing in front of the mirror. If you contemplate yourself on the treadmill in the gym, it is unlikely that the goal will ever be achieved.
  3. Movies are more interesting than pictures. Make an interesting movie about your dream. The difference between a picture and a film is obvious. The picture is not alive, but by imagining a video, you put all your emotions into it - how you rejoice, have fun, clap your hands, laugh.
  4. Become the main actor. In all actions you must be the main character. After all, this is just your dream. You should not involve friends or acquaintances. Look at yourself not from the outside, but, for example, in the mirror. Being inside your film is important.
  5. Freeze! The frame is the most memorable and happiest moment. Record it in your memory or describe it briefly on a piece of paper. It is needed to quickly evoke your movie of desires in your consciousness.
  6. Choose the right time. The best moment is in the morning, after waking up. You are cheerful, full of strength, and no one has yet managed to spoil you. Positive thinking when you are in a bad mood or tired does not always work.
  7. From day to day. Just like the habit of brushing your teeth or drinking coffee in the morning, visualization should become part of your life. Secure this ritual, repeat it daily, preferably at the same time.
  8. Save. Don't expect results instantly. Every dream has its own time of fulfillment. Let go and enjoy life, remembering to visualize every day.

If there is no result for a long time, you need to figure out why. Perhaps your doubts are getting in the way. Sometimes you can change the interpretation of a desire a little - and everything will work out.

Techniques and methods of visualization

There are several methods and techniques for practicing visualization. But first, you need to decide on your desires. Take a piece of paper, or better yet, a beautiful notebook (so that it gives you pleasant associations), and write down everything you dream about. These should be both big and small goals. Material and intangible.

Once you have made your list, re-read it carefully. Perhaps, even just skimming it once, you will cross out a few lines. Separate your personal goals from those imposed by someone else. For example, you want a dog. Because a dog is man’s friend, it needs to be looked after, fed and walked at 6 in the morning? Or because you like your neighbor’s Rottweiler, and how important the neighbor is when he walks with him?

So, having decided on your desires, you can start with the simplest techniques:

  1. Sit back and relax. Close your eyes and breathe calmly. Music to visualize desires will help you relax your soul, brain and body. For some it is the sound of rain, for others it is classical or jazz. Choose what truly brings you peace of mind.
  2. Sit for 5-10 minutes and start with memories. Remember something kind and good. Feel those emotions and sensations. Outline all the details of the memory in your head.
  3. Now make the picture realistic. Perhaps flashes of light flash in front of you with your eyes closed? Transform them into the images you want to see. Imagine your dream in all its colors. Emotions should be bright and joyful. Having created a specific story, the voice in your head should say: “This is what I want!”

To achieve a good result you will have to practice a little.

Exercises to develop visualization skills

  1. Think about what your kitchen stove looks like. Her image should pop up in your head. This is a kind of training of consciousness to visualize memories.
  2. For deeper visualization, connect your senses. Imagine turning on the burner, feeling the plastic handle with your hand. You open the oven and smell the fresh pie. You feel the warmth of the switched-on burner. This is visualization.
  3. In moments of relaxation and meditation, think about what you really want. For example, you live in a rented apartment and have been saving for a private house for a long time. Imagine that you open the door of your house with your key, enter and hang your coat on the coat rack. You feel like this is your home. Perhaps after such visualization you will begin to save more often and save more money for your dream.

How to make external visualization of desires? You can make a dream collage, a board or wish card, a notebook of goals. It is not only effective, but also very interesting.

To visually represent your desires, you can make a board or collage. To do this, you need to find specific pictures of what you want. For example, if you dream of a cottage, cut out a photo of the desired house from a magazine and attach it to the board. Are you dreaming of a promotion? A photo of the boss in a respectable chair is your option.

The vision board should be made of thick cardboard, plywood or whatman paper. Images are attached to it with buttons or tape. A special feature of the board is that the pictures can be changed. If a wish is fulfilled or becomes irrelevant, the photo is removed and replaced with a new one. The main thing is that it does not just stand in the corner of the room, but helps you visualize.

The difference from the board is that the visualization map of desires does not change over time. When it becomes irrelevant, it is simply replaced with a new one. The special feature of the map is 9 sectors according to Feng Shui. To achieve a greater effect, it should be done during the waxing moon.

Be sure to place your photo in the center of the card. And not the kind where you are sad or lost in thought. The photo should be bright, lively and cheerful.

Wish card diagram




















What does each square of the map mean:

  • The center is a health zone. This is where your photo is placed.
  • Above the health zone is the glory zone. Pictures of successful people receiving awards and encouragement.
  • Under the health zone is a career. Your promotion, success at work.
  • In the upper left corner is the zone. Money, money and more money.
  • Below the wealth zone is family. Photo .
  • The lower left corner is the zone of knowledge and wisdom. For example, photos of students receiving diplomas are posted.
  • The upper right corner is the love zone. Photos of loved ones or pictures of lovers are attached here.
  • Under the love zone is the creativity sector. What would you like to do outside of work?
  • Lower right corner – travel, assistants. Photos of countries and cities where you would like to visit. You can also place photos of patron saints here.

Work on the size of the card. The more pictures you have, the more efficiently it will work. For dreams to turn into reality, you need to visualize using a map at least 2 times a day. Ideally in the morning and evening. Or during your lunch break. Don't forget to thank the Universe for making your wish come true. Just like a board or card.

Notebook of wishes

For this method you will need a beautiful notepad and pen that evoke pleasant emotions. It is advisable not to use the pen for other purposes, but to store it only with a notepad. Put them in a secluded place so that your household will not find them, because these are only your desires.

To activate the notebook, write down a simple, easily fulfilled wish in it. For example, “I’m eating Napoleon cake.”

Have you written? Go to the candy store, buy it and eat it. Your wish is granted. Now you need to cross it out and write below: “I thank the Universe for fulfilling my wish! Let it be so! For me and for the benefit of everyone!” You can use your own personal wording, but gratitude must be there.

In return for a fulfilled wish, you need to write two more. Start with not very serious ones, gradually moving to larger ones. Express your thoughts briefly and clearly. Don’t forget to write two more wishes and gratitude after each wish fulfilled.

How to use affirmations

Affirmations are short statements in a positive way. They need to be spoken during meditation, when you visualize. It is advisable to do this at the end, as if to summarize.

Several principles for composing the right affirmations:

  1. Short statements are more effective.
  2. Positive attitude. Without using the particle “not”.
  3. Naturalness of the statement. Phrases that are unnatural for your character and temperament are not needed.
  4. Convince yourself that your statement is true. Doubts will destroy everything.
  5. Use affirmations to create new things. For example, your spouse does not understand you. You create an affirmation: “My wife understands me in everything,” but it’s better to give an impetus: “My wife reads books about understanding in the family.”
  6. Mention the great ones in your statements (God, Buddha, Universe, etc.)

Statements must be repeated with meaning and awareness. You can do this not only during visualization, but also in the morning, looking in the mirror. Paste stickers with the necessary affirmations on it and, smiling at yourself, read it out loud.

Examples of successful affirmations:

  • I'm beautiful and slim.
  • Everyone loves me.
  • I love myself the way I am.
  • I'm in a great mood today.
  • My work brings me excellent income and happiness.

There is a French proverb: “Beware of your wishes, they may come true.” Think carefully about your dreams. Is this really what you need? If you have decided, choose any of the desire visualization techniques described above and proceed to it. Your dreams will definitely come true!

Film "The Secret" - Our success is in the power of thought

Useful articles:

In life you have to see and hear unpleasant, difficult, even scary things. There's nothing you can do, that's life. It is impossible to cover your ears and close your eyes, although, to be honest, impressionable adults do this sometimes - during a scary movie. Or they quickly switch the channel. And in life there is no switch button. And we voluntarily listen to people's sad and tragic stories. Friends, acquaintances, relatives... Or the complaints of patients, we listen and sympathize. We see their suffering. Or we learn about a tragic incident from the media and become imbued with sympathy. We are people. It's normal to hear, see, know, participate.

But my soul feels so bad afterwards! We constantly think about what we have learned. This affects our mood and ultimately our health. What could happen is this: a similar story will happen to us. Illness, accident, injury... Why? But because we subconsciously became involved in someone else’s scenario. We kind of said to ourselves: “this can happen to anyone! No one is safe. Life is unpredictable!". Actually, sympathy occurs because we imagine ourselves in the place of another. And from the idea to the actual implementation of the event, there is only one step. Especially if you are an impressionable person.

We need to help and sympathize. But there is still a “magic button” for switching channels. Even the children know her. There is a children's saying: when you see a dead dove, for example, you must quickly say: “pah-pah-pah three times, not my infection!” Funny? A little funny. But this is a moment of mental hygiene. We realize that this is not our situation. Not our destiny. What happened has nothing to do with us. This is not our story, this is the sad story of another person. It doesn't belong to us.

We will provide assistance if needed. If necessary, we will express indignation or support. We will take all possible participation if necessary. But sometimes nothing depends on us at all, we saw something unpleasant, scary on the Internet or on TV... And we must immediately, as quickly as possible, realize: this is not our story. We have our own destiny. Your life path. We do not take this unpleasant story for ourselves and do not imprint it in the subconscious. To capture means to seal. Accept. But there is no need to do this.

So tell yourself mentally: “this is not my story. Alien. I don’t take it for myself!” And this is quite enough to protect a vulnerable soul. And save your energy for active help if you need it. A doctor cannot think about every patient for 24 hours; he will lose his ability to work. And the doctor is obliged to apply safety measures against infection. So it is with a kind, impressionable person. We need to switch to constructive activities. And continue to live and work. And the switching “button” is easy to press. “This is not mine!” - give yourself a mental order and clarification. This is enough for self-preservation.

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The great Caruso was once booed at the premiere. And the famous Puccini was not just booed; the audience meowed, squeaked, and laughed in the most tragic places... They shouted offensive words at both Pavarotti and Strauss. They disrupted performances with the participation of great actresses... And then they cried in the dressing room - the public didn’t like it! People criticized the performance, expressed contempt and dissatisfaction. We must leave the stage!

No need. First you need to understand who booed you and why; “criticized,” as one failed writer said. This writer went to dinner with famous and successful colleagues. And then he said in a satisfied voice: they say, he went to visit, ate the bourgeoisie, and at the same time thoroughly criticized everything there! My soul felt lighter! Much easier…

Even if depreciating and “critical” reviews are numerous, do not rush to despair and doubt what you are doing. You may be booed on purpose; There are such people - clackers. They were hired to destroy the reputation of the author of a play or an actor; humiliate and deprive one of self-confidence, drive one into a state of despair. Clackers were hired by envious people and ill-wishers. Or extortionists - they offered to pay money so that the singer, actress or author would not be booed and pelted with rotten tomatoes.

Such extortionists also came to Chaliapin. They say, give us the money, otherwise we will publicly boo you and “criticize” you during your speech. We will destroy your career and reputation! Chaliapin immediately contacted the newspaper and made the case public. Like, some robbers are extorting money from me. I won't pay! He was a man with character. And he did the right thing - he didn’t pay a penny. He went and sang his arias. He knew his worth.

So it may well be that you are being criticized out of envy. Or they are trying to put pressure on you and get something. To force you to capitulate and give something to the clacker-critics: a position, money, an excellent project, respect from management... There are always several clackers. This group. But they agreed in advance how they would devalue and criticize you. There are usually two or three of them. Sometimes they are relatives, sometimes they are colleagues... As soon as you go on stage, so to speak, they start saying bad things. Whistling and throwing tomatoes...

This has nothing to do with you, that's what's important to remember. The task of the clackers is to instill in you uncertainty, to force you to abandon your goal. And give what you have - pay them. Humiliate yourself before them, start currying favor, trembling... Firstly, you don’t need to believe their “criticism” - these are rotten tomatoes that they brought in advance. We haven’t watched the play yet, but we’ve already arrived with tomatoes in our bosoms. Secondly, we must act like Chaliapin. Openly say that you understand the reason for the attacks. This one whistles because he is jealous. And this one meows because he wants to take away this and that. And this one grunts because that is his true nature. All he can do is grunt.

Clackers can ruin your reputation and mood; but only temporarily. Pavarotti and Caruso are world famous. They still succeeded. Because the main thing is to do something that normal people will appreciate. And they are the majority. Although at first it seems that the whole public is against you! But that's not true. Take a closer look - the same people are making toxic criticism. And you shouldn’t throw beads in front of them, sing arias or invite them to dinner...

Anna Kiryanova

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


Often practitioners of Transurfing set the intention for wealth and abundance and begin to actively work with it: perform practices, rebuild their thinking, increase the level of personal energy... But for some reason, everything does not always work out exactly the way they want. For example, money comes, but not in the same quantity or not so quickly.

Check yourself - are you doing everything correctly? Or are you missing something? In order for the Transurfing and Tufte techniques in the field of money to work for you 100%, you need to follow a number of rules and take into account all the nuances. We offer you a checklist that will allow you to check in 5 minutes whether you are on the right path, moving towards wealth and success!


One of the basic principles of Transurfing in the financial field is: “Money is an attribute of a goal.” And it’s best if this goal is related to your mission and purpose. As Vadim Zeland repeatedly emphasizes in his newsletters, “Money doesn’t just fall from the sky.” But they are automatically applied to your goal. If you find your uniqueness, which you are called to bring into this World, and begin to move along your true path, then money comes on its own along this path. Therefore, you need to focus not on money as such, but on what you share with the surrounding reality, what purpose you are realizing.

Ask yourself: what do I do perfectly? Or at least what am I going to be good at once I develop my skill? It can be anything: oil paintings, accounting reports, negotiations with partners, car repairs, interior design... The main thing is that this goal really “ignites” and inspires you. Having found such a goal, broadcast thought forms: “I am a highly paid specialist”, “I create real masterpieces”, “My work benefits people”, “People like my work and are willing to pay for it”, “I brilliantly manage projects and make deals ", "I am a brilliant manager." There can be many options here - choose what resonates most strongly in your Soul and inspires you.


Money doesn’t come just like that, but it comes for specific things. Ask yourself: what will you do when you get the amount of money you want? Buy a country house and a car? Are you going on a trip around the world? Will you open your own business? Get an education in a new specialty? Sit down and write it down, even if you have at least 10 or 20 points - the more the better, allow yourself to dream a little. And then, thinking about money, transfer your attention from specific amounts to these things that you desire.

Remember: for the Universe your request “I want a lot of money!” does not mean anything. But the intention to become the owner of a country house on the shore of a lake is a more “working” option. The whole point is that money is energy, and energy must be in motion all the time: you receive it and immediately put it into circulation, invest it in some specific business or thing, and use it to realize what you really want. The question here is not how much money you have, but what you are going to spend it on.


Intention in the sphere of money is formulated in the same way as in other areas: in 5-6 sentences you describe the final image of the result, what you want to get in the end. Write only in the present tense, in the affirmative form, without particles “not”. Try to write as specifically, succinctly and to the point as possible. Do not go into a detailed listing of all the details and nuances; show only the essence.

To make it clearer, let’s look at several common mistakes that are often found in intentions for money. First example: “I receive 20 million rubles and buy an apartment in the city center.” What's wrong here? The fact is that the focus is on money, not on goals. It would be more correct to write it like this: “I live in my own 3-room apartment in the city center.”

Second example: “I earn from 300,000 rubles a month.” The error here is that your mission is not displayed. It’s better to formulate this way: “I find a job I love and reveal my talents, I generate and implement brilliant ideas and get paid from 300,000 rubles a month for this.”

Third example: “I receive a large inheritance, make a contribution and live on the interest, without denying myself anything.” This intention is not very effective since there are no specific things that require money. “Without denying yourself anything” is a phrase too vague and vague for the Universe. It would be more correct to write this: “I travel 6 times a year and relax at popular resorts, dine in expensive restaurants, dress in clothes from world brands.” In addition, the error here is that a specific way of realizing the intention is indicated: “I receive an inheritance.” And, according to the principles of Transurfing, you should not think through ways of implementation, you need to focus only on the goal itself.


From childhood we are told: “Money is evil!”, “All the rich steal,” “It is impossible to be an honest businessman,” “The main thing is to have enough to live on,” and so on. Gradually, these negative attitudes and stereotypes, like anchors, dig into our consciousness and slow us down on the path to success. Often we don’t even notice them, but they can become a serious reason that prevents us from truly getting rich.

It turns out that very rarely people think about money in a positive way, even those who have already achieved some success in their career or business. But our world is an endless space of options, in which there is enough money for everyone. You are not limited in resources if you do not force yourself into limits. Free yourself from stereotypes - and you will see how wealth and abundance enter and fill your life!


It’s not enough to just write down your intention and forget about it – you need to work with it regularly. You can use absolutely any Transurfing and Tufte techniques: “Intention Generator”, “Glass of Water”, “Two Notepads”, “Doors”, working with a braid of intentions. But one of the most effective tools that works most powerfully in the money sphere is the target slide.

Re-read your intention, close your eyes, imagine that it has already come true and for a few minutes immerse yourself in this picture from the future. Where are you at? What do you do? Who is around you? What do you feel? Visualize everything in great detail. If your intention is to become a successful businessman, visualize your office in every detail. What kind of chair do you have: expensive, with a high back, made of black genuine leather? What suit are you wearing: from a famous world brand? What kind of paintings are hanging on the walls: from a prestigious exhibition of contemporary art or classics, or perhaps diplomas and company awards? What kind of view opens from the office window: of the city center, of busy avenues, of a park or a river? How do you feel when your partner agrees to a deal that is profitable for you: joy, satisfaction, excitement? Stay in this slide for a while and return to your current reality.


Importance is all your unbalanced feelings and emotions: anger, impatience, lust, fears. This is the hook that the pendulums constantly catch you on, subordinating you to their will and turning you into a puppet. By lowering your importance, you become invulnerable. But this is especially difficult to do when it comes to reducing importance in financial matters! We are often asked: “How can you not worry when bank collectors call every day?” Or: “How to cope with impatience if the business still can’t pay off, but you want to turn a profit?”

Reducing your importance regarding money begins with the realization that if you rush things, doubt, strive to control everything and fall into anxiety, nothing will change, it will only get worse. By overestimating the importance, you create excess potentials and squeeze the energy of External Intention. And instead of starting the transition to a new line of life, full of wealth and abundance, you only move away from it or even start moving in the opposite direction.


Only by acting from a place of richness can you achieve true success. And, since the world, according to the principles of Transurfing, is a dual mirror that reacts with a slight delay, you must first acquire the state, thinking and psychology of a rich person, and then become one in material reality. In other words, you need to “pretend” that you live in luxury and abundance, and act accordingly. Don’t worry when it comes to money, look for new opportunities and sources of income, increase your level of permission, for example, drink coffee in expensive restaurants or buy accessories from famous brands.

Follow the rules that all rich people follow and which will help you gradually change your thinking. Firstly, have a positive attitude towards money and luxury, do not condemn those who, in your opinion, “waste money”, do not consider yourself “above all this”, do not say that money is evil. Secondly, expand your comfort zone, love yourself and allow yourself what the Soul asks for. If there are not many options yet, you can start with the little things: drinking coffee from an expensive porcelain set, and not from a cheap Ikea mug; eat fresh fruits and farm products, not processed foods from the nearest store.

Switch from thinking that you don’t have enough money again to thinking: “How can I earn more? What else can I do? Where to invest your energy and talents? What sources of income should I find, what should I learn, what skills should I get, what opportunity should I use?” This is exactly how a rich and successful person thinks. He looks not for obstacles, but for opportunities. Focuses not on problems, but on prospects. He thinks not about the fact that there is no money, but about how to increase the amount of money. He does not blame the state/boss/competitors, but takes responsibility for his financial situation into his own hands. He declares to the Universe: “I deserve the best.” And this best comes to him on its own - in the shortest and least resource-intensive way!


Fragment of the live broadcast "Transurfing and money"

The live broadcast with Tatyana Samarina, which recently took place at the Transurfing Center, caused widespread excitement. More than 4,000 people have already watched the recording and heard answers to the questions: what Transurfing and Tufte techniques for increasing income work most effectively in the conditions of the New Time? How to enter the state for which money is “used”? How to achieve financial freedom?

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

The human brain thinks all the time and enjoys it. He was created for thinking, and therefore he has no reason to stop.

“The habit of thinking all the time kills us. Slowly but surely we are approaching our end. We think and think and think, but the human mind still cannot be trusted. And it’s a deadly vicious circle.” - Anthony Hopkins.

I know it's easier said than done, but if you can harness your mind, you will increase and improve your concentration while maintaining a clear head. Get rid of this bad habit and your life will change dramatically.

Below are 11 inspiring quotes that can help you overcome your urge to ruminate:

1. You will never feel free while you are locked in the cage of your faulty reasoning.

2. Listen and then speak. Think about it and then act. Wait and then criticize. Forgive and then pray. Try and only then give up.

3. Stop worrying about possible failure. Be optimistic about what you want to succeed at.

4. Thinking too much means creating problems out of nowhere.

5. There is nothing in this world that could cause you as much trouble as your thoughts can cause.

6. What do rocking chairs and anxiety have in common? When you move, you don't move from your place.

7. Stop thinking so much. You can't control everything and everyone. What must happen cannot be avoided.

8. Dear brain, please be quiet and switch off until the morning. I can't stand it anymore and I need to sleep.

9. The main reason for dissatisfaction is what occupies all your thoughts.

10. Don’t ruin your whole day with thoughts about yesterday. Let go of your past.

11. Great minds listen to their inner voice, despite fear.

12. If you are powerless in something, then it is not worth your worries.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019

Not everyone in this world believes in the Law of Attraction. And I will try to explain why many people fail to use this rule in practice.

When we create attraction in our true self, the Universe begins to work to fulfill our desire, which is proof that the Law of Attraction really exists. But it is important that you use this law correctly.

If the desire comes not from our heart, but from the ego, then we will not succeed. You just shouldn’t treat the Universe like a magical fairy that fulfills our every whim.

Let's just say that if you're like a child making wish lists of all the different things you want to have, the places you want to visit, and the people you want to be close to, it means that you don't really understand why The Law of Attraction works.

Living by the “I want to get” principle, we stop experiencing happiness and satisfaction from what we have, who we are and the kind of life we ​​live. Which forces us to constantly be in search of something bigger, better or newer.

It makes more sense to try a different approach. For example, allowing the Universe to choose, rather than making demands on it. Let her lead and show you the way.

By taming our ego and trusting, we give ourselves the chance to live our unique destiny. All we need to do is simply listen to the Universe. Go in the direction she points you.

It is foolish to think that now that we are adults, we know better what we need, compared to those times when we were children and made lists of gifts for the New Year and birthdays. In fact, our desires have changed little. Now, instead of toys, we dream of money, high social status, an expensive car, trips to fashionable resorts. Only the form has changed, not the context.

Satisfaction with a new car disappears within a year, after a new model appears - a more improved one.

We begin to ask the Universe to send us another other half, since the previous partner did not live up to expectations. Here we meet a new person, but very little time passes, and we are already trying to change him, because this again is not what we need.

Money... There is no need to even talk about how dependent we are on it.

Our constant thirst for possessing something new is simply not capable of making us truly happy.

Why don't we stop asking altogether? Instead, start paying attention to the signs that the Universe gives us that show us our true path in life.

Begin to be guided in your actions by your true desires. Our destiny is attracted by who we really are.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


A wise Chinese proverb says: “A green reed shaking in the wind is stronger than a mighty oak breaking in a storm.”

Strong people are responsible not only for themselves or their loved ones. They are responsible for the whole world present in their lives.

Strong people cannot be called more resilient and healthier than everyone else. But they realize that they cannot afford to simply lie among the sick and dying while someone else's fate depends on them.

Even during a heart attack, such individuals still find the strength to rush into the water to save a drowning child, carry him out of the water and make sure that his life is no longer in danger. Perhaps after this they will feel their own pain. Doctors have witnessed such miracles more than once.

And strong people suffer greatly from loneliness. And it's not that they can't be in the company. It's all about their strength! Let's be honest - few of us would ever think that a strong person suffers from loneliness, is depressed, or has his own needs and problems.

They stand their ground, pay their bills on time, encourage other people, share their positive vibrations with others, and generally keep silent about their own difficulties. It’s always easy to work with them, they are very consistent and reliable, although sometimes communication with such individuals is not comfortable or pleasant.

Sometimes strong people find themselves locked in their own vicious superhero cycle, trying to save everyone around them while losing their own self.

Therefore, whenever possible, try to remind a strong person that he also needs care.

After all, as in films, such people are the first to come to the rescue at the most difficult moment. And you never know for sure when you will need their help again.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


You should ask yourself one simple question right now: how to stop absorbing the negative energy of other people?

Empathy is the ability to recognize and feel the feelings and emotions of other people. Sympathy is the ability to feel empathy for other people.

Empathy is usually a good thing, it's what makes us human, but sometimes having too much empathy means you're absorbing too much of the pain and suffering around you. This can ultimately affect your ability to work and even your ability to live a full life.

If you've ever been in the same room with a negative person, you know how toxic their energy, and even their very presence, feels. Considering that the world around us is chock full of negative people, it is very important to learn not to absorb the negative energy emitted by them like a sponge. Here are five ways to help you stop doing it:

1. Remember once and for all – you won’t be able to please everyone around you.

If someone doesn't like you, constantly complains about you, or shuns you, don't make it your life's work to convince that person that you are worthy of love, friendship, or even decent treatment. This will only drag you deeper into his field of attraction and make you dependent on his opinion of you.

Not everyone in this world will treat you well - whether you like it or not, but this is a fact. Every person comes to earth for a purpose, and these goals may differ radically from yours. Try first of all to love not someone else, but yourself - this will create a kind of force field that will prevent you from becoming dependent on other people’s opinions, like a drug addict.

Also remember that you cannot change everyone. Believe me, in most cases you are not destined to melt the icy heart of such people and make them even a little kinder. The best thing you can do when faced with them is to simply stay away from them and the negative energy they give off.

2. Take a close look at those you let into your life.

Your body, mind and personal space are your temple. Think about who you are letting into this temple, and are you doing this voluntarily? Do you force your guests to at least wipe their feet at the threshold or, thanks to your connivance, do they leave dirty marks all over your soul?

In the Brazilian dialect of Portuguese there is a slang word "folgado". It is used to mean “freeloader.” In our language there is no exact equivalent to it because it is not even a lifestyle, but a special mentality.

There are people who, figuratively speaking, are ready to sit on your head and dangle your legs if you show kindness towards them. If you give such a person a piece of bread, tomorrow he will ask you for two. If you let him stay at your place for the weekend, he will try to stay with you for a week (or even two).

I once thought that my wife's interactions with some of our neighbors were unnecessarily cold and unfriendly. But over time, I realized that she simply respected herself, her home and her personal space, and began to behave exactly the same.

Kindness and generosity are, of course, good, but when showing them, you must be very careful so that those whom you are trying to help out of the kindness of your heart do not wipe their feet on you. Because it will most likely prevent you from helping those who really need your help. Learn to say “no” and not feel remorse about it.

3. Stop paying attention to toxic people.

Some people simply empty the drain tanks of their soul in you and move on with their business, getting rid of the negativity. It is, of course, good that you are always ready to listen to even a complete stranger and sympathize with his troubles, but there is a line that should not be crossed if only you value your inner peace and peace of mind.

Each of us, at some stage, became a person’s “favorite ears,” constantly splashing out on us their irritation about work issues, relationship problems, and so on. All these other people's emotions can exhaust you in their own way, and force you to measure your life by someone else's standards - which is completely unproductive.

Love yourself enough to drown out their annoying buzzing, tell them you're not interested. Or at least say that you don’t have time for this right now. Believe me, this is not rude or callous if you simply do not want to be a reservoir for someone else's toxic energy.

4. Breathe in nature.

Go into nature, meditate, relax and take a deep breath. Purify the air and water within yourself, engage in beneficial physical activity and surrender to the will of the flow. Like a butterfly, glide gently through the air... gently, but with incredible speed.

First of all, pay attention to your own breathing. Proper breathing improves blood circulation throughout the body and helps reduce the absorption of negative energy from those around you.

Walk through life with confidence, walk with your head held high, and don't let anyone make you feel less or less than them.

The caterpillar only crawls and eats everything around, it is chained to the ground. In order for a beautiful butterfly to soar into the sky, it must first find lightness.

5. Take full responsibility for your thoughts and emotions.

How you feel depends not only and not so much on the people around you, but only on you – 100%. The Universe sends people into our lives for a reason, but in order to put us to the test. How we perceive ourselves is much stronger and more important than how other people perceive us.

You are not a victim at all, and no one has more power over you than yourself. Think about the fact that it was your thoughts and expectations that could bring to life most of the situations that caused and cause you inconvenience. What if it's because of your level of patience, irritability, or over-empathy?

If you don't bother to stop at least for a second to look into your own soul, you will continue to consider yourself a victim of the whole world, even if in reality this is not at all the case.

Once you accept full responsibility for how you feel and how you react to external stimuli, you will begin to understand yourself better and more deeply. And when you begin to understand yourself better, it will not be so easy to throw you off balance.

Try as often as possible to place yourself in situations that increase your level of internal energy, rather than decrease it.

When communicating with a person, think about whether you feel good in his presence, and whether he feels good in yours. Believe me, you deserve the best, and it’s time for you to understand this.

In order to learn to protect yourself from other people's negative energy, you must first learn to love yourself. So always remember that you are worthy of happiness and peace, that saying “no” is okay, and that you create your own energetic state.

Publisher: Gaya - March 19, 2019


We all find ourselves in such a situation from time to time - we cannot (do not want) to fulfill a request, take on obligations, accept an offer, or meet halfway.

Some don’t see this as a problem and resolutely refuse, without thinking about how their word will be responded to. Others, with their awkward refusal, close the necessary door for themselves.

Still others are tormented by doubts, afraid of offending, cloud the true state of affairs and say “yes”, meaning “no”, and thereby confuse the relationship even more.

Everyone has the right to refuse, but how to do it and what will be the penalty? There is a simple and effective way. It allows you to avoid burning bridges, preserve relationships and prospects, and at the same time it is completely unambiguous and does not create a false impression on the other side.

And it’s called the “Sandwich Principle,” which consists of four successive layers (for example, a situation is considered when the management of a studio/club offers a novice yoga teacher with no experience to lead a large group for all levels of training):

  • YES. Positive at the beginning: expression of understanding, recognition of the importance of the task (request), gratitude for the request, trust, compliment, etc. “Thank you for your trust, this is very interesting and responsible for me, and I, of course, would like to lead large groups”...
  • NO. Polite refusal... “And yet, today the optimal number for me is 6-7 people”...
  • WHY NOT. Explaining the reason, giving arguments... in view of my limited teaching experience so far and to ensure the necessary quality of practice”...
  • YES. Positive at the end: offering a reasonable alternative, offering other help, once again understanding, gratitude... “In the next two to three months of regular practice, I hope to gain the necessary experience and be able to lead a large group. Thanks again for the offer"

Greetings, dear readers! Reading this post will most likely help you change your life. You will be able to visualize your desires and how to correctly make your dream come true. This is a controversial and sometimes dangerous practice. But at the same time, it is fully worth the time, effort and risk that the mind takes to achieve its goals, leaving the “comfort zone.”

What is visualization and where did it come from?

Surely sparks of memories of phrases from childhood periodically flicker in your life:

  • “If you want, you don’t want to”;
  • “If you really want to, but you can’t, then you can”;
  • “If you really want something, it will definitely come true.”

These phrases were spoken by your parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, who were also once children and heard similar expressions in their childhood.

These expressions are folk wisdom, the essence of which is true, but there is no clear methodology for their application. In other words, how exactly do you need to want or not want something to actually happen or cease to exist?!

History is silent about this. But when the source of ancient wisdom is not generous in illuminating the details, the theory and practice of scientific research come to the rescue.

Visualization is the process of achieving a goal by changing the state of consciousness without the use of drugs. More succinctly, it is a change in mindset. Man is capable of the “impossible.”

Mental visualization depends on the power of our imagination. The human brain interprets image words by reading them as images. Each of these involves subconscious emotional interpretation and behavioral responses.

Theories about types of visualization of desires

Currently, there are two main types of visualization of desires:

  1. Internationalization.
  2. Open to the outside environment.

Internationalization is the creation of images within the mind. A person cooks up pictures on a mental screen. In this case, the eyes can be either open or closed.

Open to the external environment - visualization of drawings, photographs that are physically located outside of us. Eyes must be open.

Where and how to visualize?

Creating a kind of treasure map will make your dreams come true. This is the power, releasing which a person materializes images, getting what he wants to have. It is possible to use photographs, drawings and paintings, which are placed on the board and used daily for subject visualization. We'll talk about this later.

There is a good and convenient way to visualize while walking outdoors or while doing your daily activities, taking a bath, brushing your teeth, drinking tea or coffee. It is necessary to pay attention to how to turn on the setting or design the dream board in the mind.

There is also receptive visualization, which is activated while watching a performance within the mind, and we act as its director. The process is controlled by us and can be used to resolve various problems.

Student Research

A statistical study of groups of future 3rd year artists showed that those who actively used visualization showed better results in intermediate exams.

Visualization has a beneficial effect on unlocking potential not only in art, but also in other areas of human activity, such as:

  • sport,
  • personnel Management,
  • management of organizations at various levels,
  • teaching,
  • software development and many others.

Goal setting techniques

The ability to set a clear goal is one of the most important stages on the path to mastering the method of shaping events by visualizing dreams. Let's look at some of them:

  • SMART technology by D. Dourden.

The peculiarity of this approach is that goals are set specifically, realistically, with deadlines for achievement. For example, if we work with the dream of “becoming a millionaire,” then the SMART goal will be positioned as follows: “Have a million dollars in open access (liquid funds) by N – date, N – month, N – year.”

  • Mark Allen's goal setting technique.

The first step is to create a one-page description of an ideal happy life. Reread and update this script until your thoughts on paper coincide 100% with your idea of ​​an ideal life. Then you choose up to ten goals that need to be achieved for the dream to materialize. Here is a simple setup for achieving goals, brilliant in its simplicity and high efficiency. Read this installation every day – and the result will not be long in coming.

Risks and Consequences of Improper Use of Imaging Techniques

First of all, visualizing desires is dangerous because dreams come true.

At first glance, this is exactly what you would want. But your thoughts are a potentially dangerous force, the use of which will most likely take you out of your comfort zone.

Moreover, the sequence of events will line up independently. And when a hidden event has formed on the subtle plane, in most cases the process is irreversible until you get what you wanted.

How can a dream come true be dangerous? This can happen in the most unexpected way.

Let's look at examples

  • The desire to receive a large amount of money through uncontrolled expansion (if the method is used incorrectly) will come true in the form of the death of a relative and the receipt of an inheritance.
  • A woman’s dream of becoming more desirable to her man can materialize in a break in relations with her husband, divorce, loss of property, or depression. Then will come the stage of awareness and acceptance, spiritual growth and finding new relationships in which the woman will feel most desirable.

The application of this technique to improve quality of life should be carried out in a controlled environment after careful theoretical training and, if possible, with an experienced specialist.

To know how to use wish visualization to achieve your goals, you need to be aware of the risks. Aware means armed.

List of possible problems

Mistrust. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that the impossible is possible, even if the difference between the first and second is the strength of desire or faith.

  • Insufficient detail of desire. This skill can be improved by gaining practical experience.
  • Split attention. Working on your concentration will help solve this problem.
  • Substitution of concepts. The goals you set earlier have now lost their relevance. Visualization of thoughts that takes place only at the level of consciousness, but not at the subconscious level of desires, is doomed to failure.


Thank you for taking the time to read this review article on visualizing desires. If the information was interesting for you, share it with your friends on social media. networks (buttons for adding an article to your social networks are located below). This article can help change their lives for the better.

I wish you all the best! Bye bye.

Visualization of desires is a well-known technique for materializing what you want in your life. It became popular back in 2006, immediately after the publication of the sensational esoteric book, revealing the secrets of the Law of Attraction.

Visualization– this is in And vision, that is, a mental representation of the desired object or event in the form of an image or picture on the “inner screen”.

Inner screen- this is what we see when we close our eyes and begin to mentally imagine something.

An important tool in “technology in And Denia" is imagination.

Imagination is EVERYTHING! This is a preview of upcoming events in life.

Albert Einstein

The more developed your imagination is, the brighter and clearer you can see the picture of what you want on your mental screen, the faster your desire will come true.

That is why people with a rich imagination quickly achieve their cherished goals.

Well, what about those who have problems with imagination?

You need to train. What Nature did not give, you can and should acquire yourself. Below are the rules and recommendations for successfully visualizing the desired event in your life.

Visualization of desires. Secret rules

These tips will help you learn how to successfully visualize the desired events, objects or people that you would like to see appear in your life.

Rule No. 1 “Formulate correctly”

A correctly formulated desire will be quickly heard by the Universe and accepted for fulfillment. If the goal is vague and imprecise, the chances of its implementation are reduced to zero.

You must know exactly what you want. Formulate your desire right now. Please adhere to the following rules:

  • the desire must be in the present tense
  • do not contain negation and the words “I want”
  • be very specific

Example: “I am receiving a gold ring with a diamond as a gift!”

“I receive” is the present tense (not “received” or “will receive”). The ring is “gold”, not silver or something else, with a “diamond”, not a ruby, etc., that is, specifically, with all the details.

Rule #2: “Visualize the end goal”

Your task is to focus on the final result, that is, on the moment when the desire has ALREADY been fulfilled, the goal has ALREADY been achieved, the dream has ALREADY come true. This is the point.

It is not important to know how and in what way what you dream of will come true. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and the Universe is abundant and omnipotent. From above, as they say, it is clearer - exactly how and when to make your desire come true.

Don't limit the Universe! By concentrating only on the final stage, you are saying that you completely trust the Higher Powers.

Fixation on an already completed event activates the Law of Attraction, according to which everything we are currently focused on is attracted to us.

Rule #3 “Be inside, not outside”

An important condition in the visualization technique is to be inside your mental picture. That is, you need to imagine yourself on the internal screen not from the outside, but to be a direct participant in the events.

Remember - your place is on the stage, not in the auditorium. You need to let all your sensations pass through yourself, experience it all in your own body, here and now.

For example, your desire sounds like this: “I have healthy, young and elastic skin!” (if you want to get rid of, say, cellulite).

In this case, you should see your skin without the “orange peel”, feel it on yourself, and touch the smooth surface with your hands. Don't look at yourself from the outside, but be yourself in your own And denia and see the world around you.

Rule No. 4 “A video is stronger than a picture”

Imaginary mental images are divided into 2 categories - photos and videos.

That is, you can imagine the final goal either as a fixed picture on your mental screen, or as a mini-movie or video.

Fact - the picture works much worse than the video

Your task is to edit a short video clip in your head in which your wish has already been fulfilled. Think of your goal as having been achieved. What will you do, how will you behave? Jump for joy, scream with pleasure or something else?

Give free rein to your imagination; to do this, think about your dream in peace and quiet. It just came true. What would you DO about this? Where are you at? Is there anyone near you? Who will you tell the good news to first?

Include all your ACTIONS in a video about your dream come true. Create a short video called “A Dream Come True!”

Rule #5 “Turn on all your senses”

It requires energy. Everything around us consists of energy, including our desires. In order for what we have planned to “manifest” in the physical world, we need to expend a certain amount of energy.

In other words, you have to pay for your dream. Pay with your energy.

Nothing increases energy levels like emotions! Emotions are the strongest catalyst for the fulfillment of our desires.

When visualizing desires, turn on your emotions to the fullest. Goal achieved! Dream come true! Rejoice, have fun, sing, dance, enjoy! Experience the full range of your emotions!

To do this, connect all your senses. Let your vision, taste, touch, smell and hearing work to realize your intentions.

If the goal is material, touch it in your video. If you can smell it, do it. Look at it up close if possible. Taste it in your imagination.

Turn on the sound in your mini-movie, make it as real as possible and similar to everyday reality.

Then the emotions will “swell” on their own and you won’t have to artificially evoke them. By filling your video with emotions of joy and happiness from the realization of your dreams, saturating it with them, you will significantly bring your long-awaited moment closer.

Rule No. 6 “Repetition is the mother of learning”

Doing visualization a couple of times is not the best way to fulfill your dream. Visualizing desires is a useful habit that you need to acquire or develop. And habits, as we know, are acquired through repetition.

Any action repeated 21 to 40 times automatically becomes a habit

If you want to achieve your dreams, make visualizing your dreams a healthy habit. To do this, scroll through your mental video as often as possible throughout the day, at least twice – in the morning and in the evening.

Morning is the best time to study. We still have a lot of strength, energy and emotions.

In the evening we are already tired, we don’t have the same strength, but just before we go to sleep, our subconscious opens up as much as possible, and we can easily and effortlessly put into it “a story about a wish come true.”

Practice visualization throughout the day – whenever possible. She will never be redundant, that's for sure. Remember, the more complex and unrealistic the goal, the more visualizations you will need.

Rule No. 7 “Anchor – Hitch”

To quickly turn on the visualization process, create a special anchor-beacon for your consciousness. To do this, capture one frame from your mini-film. Take a freeze frame like this, the most vivid and memorable one. You can even come up with a name for it.

And at any opportunity, evoke it in your imagination. It starts the process in And Denia" automatically.

This anchor in the form of a separate picture is an easy way to distract yourself and return to a positive mood if you suddenly feel sad or overwhelmed with negativity. We remembered the anchor - automatic visualization began - positive emotions began - the mood rose - the dream came closer!

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a short excerpt (min.) from the film “The Secret”, which clearly shows how to visualize.

Visualization of wish fulfillment. Video

Friends, visualize your dreams, imagine them fulfilled, experience emotions of joy and happiness from their realization!

remember, that visualization of desires- this is a technique for fulfilling desires. Powerful, effective, irreplaceable, but just a step. One of several things you need to do to make your dream come true as soon as possible!

Alena Golovina


Visualization is one of the most effective techniques for fulfilling desires. However, this method has special rules, compliance with which will increase its effectiveness and help you realize your cherished dream in the shortest possible time.

It is not for nothing that psychologists and bioenergetics specialists so often mention the power of thought. Constantly thinking about a situation really contributes to the embodiment of this event, and precisely because the “obsessive” thought settles in our subconscious. And if you learn to manage this process, you can get what you want as quickly as possible. Knowing the five basic principles of visualization will help with this.

Principle one: formulate the desire correctly

Thoughts need a verbal shell. Before imagining a desire, it must be formulated, and this must be done correctly - otherwise the chances of making your dream come true will seriously decrease. There are three important rules regarding the formulation of desire:

  • you should not use negative particles;
  • when formulating a thought, use the present tense;
  • Avoid abstract language.

A desire like “I don’t want problems with money” is unlikely to be heard by the Universe: particles “not” and “no” create a corresponding impulse that reduces your chances of success. The same goes for vague wording. Remember: the more specific the picture that your imagination draws during the visualization process, the faster you will get what you want. How can you imagine something specific if the desire is formulated generally?

So, let's say you want to find a better paying and more promising job. It is better to formulate the desire as follows: “I get a new job, and with it a high income and career prospects.”

Principle two: present the final result

The path to any goal is most often thorny and complicated, and absolutely every person encounters obstacles. But there is no need to visualize this: our goal is to present our dream as if it had already come true. If you want to become richer, imagine yourself with a large sum in your hands or making a long-awaited purchase. The surge of positive emotions that will occur will fulfill two good purposes at once: it will configure your subconscious so that it guides you towards this goal, and will give you an energetic impulse for active action. Surely you yourself have noticed that work is much more productive if you are in a good mood?

Principle three: total immersion

When visualizing a dream, do not put yourself in the position of an outside observer: you must be a direct participant in the events being imagined. In other words, an outside view is not permissible: you must be inside the situation, and the imagined world must surround you, like the real one. Only in this case will visualization be effective.

Try to imagine the picture of your success in as much detail as possible. Visualize even the smallest details. If there are other people in the situation that you have imagined, “draw” in detail the elements of their clothing - right down to the bracelet on a woman’s hand. The situation must look real - and then it will really come true.

Try to connect all your senses: try to imagine not only the “picture”, but even the smells, tastes, and weather conditions. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the situation as much as possible, and visualization will be much more effective.

Principle Four: Add Speakers

Another important point is that the more dynamic what you present, the better. A static picture will not evoke the same vivid emotions as a replayed situation. Let's say your desire is related to a love relationship. Make two visualization options: first, imagine a static situation, like a photograph - you are in the arms of a loved one. Now imagine something more dynamic - for example, how your prospective soulmate confesses his love to you. Surely the latter will cause a greater emotional outburst. This means it will have a greater effect.

Principle Five: Visualize at the Right Time

Many practitioners claim that the most productive time for visualization is the moment before going to bed and after waking up. Before falling asleep and in the process of transition from sleep to wakefulness, the line between consciousness and subconsciousness becomes thinner, so it is easiest to “program” yourself to get what you want at this time. In addition, at night you will provide yourself with wonderful dreams, and starting with visualization in the morning will give yourself a charge of beneficial positive energy for the whole day.

Visualization performed once will not give any effect. For a wish to come true, it is necessary to visualize systematically, approaching the goal over and over again. For some, the desire is fulfilled already 21 days after the start of a cycle of such exercises - this is exactly the time needed to develop a habit or tune your body to a wave of changes. We wish you the fulfillment of all your hopes, and do not forget to press the buttons and